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International Horizons College Dubai, Tel. No. + 971 4 369200 P.O.

Box 191881

International Horizons College, Dubai and University of
Vermont Sign an MOU on Academic Collaboration

November 13, 2013

Dubai, UAE, 2013-11-12 IHC Dubai and
the University of Vermont in Burlington,
Vermont signed an MOU on various
academic initiatives which will bring both
of the universities closer together. IHC
Dubai has an articulation agreement with
UVM allowing the students from Dubai to
move to UVM after completing the first
two years of their undergraduate
program. According to the MOU students
are now guaranteed admission into
Vermont subject to a minimum GPA
requirement which they must maintain
while at IHC. All the course credits
gained by the IHC student will be
transferred to UVM and students will graduate with a degree from the University of Vermont.

Dr. Gayle Nunley, Associate Provost at University of Vermont, while visiting IHC Dubai for the 1st IHC
LducaLlon ummlL 2013 sald: 1he unlverslLy of vermont is delighted to be working in collaboration with
International Horizons College. IHC and UVM share the same educational vision, dedicated to high
academic quality and to creating a student-centered learning environment committed to critical inquiry
grounded in a strong liberal arts tradition. We are confident that IHC students will find UVM to be an
academlcally sLlmulaLlng and supporLlve communlLy, where Lheyll be able Lo choose from among more
than 100 degree programs at a university ranked among the top 34 national public research universities
in the US. uvM wlll be equally enrlched by Lhe opporLunlLy Lo welcome lPCs moLlvaLed and glfLed
students to our campus. This is a true win-win situation and an exciting moment for both of our

ur. uouglas 1readway, rovosL of lPC uubal, sLaLed LhaL uvM ls an ldeal desLlnaLlon for many sLudenLs
from the local community and the broader region. They have a strong academic reputation (top U.S.
100 ranking) and a safe and welcoming community as well. Our students will have their college major
and career paLh well supporLed Lhrough Lhls parLnershlp."

International Horizons College Dubai, Tel. No. + 971 4 369200 P.O. Box 191881

More about University of Vermont:
The University of Vermont combines faculty-student relationships most commonly found in a small
liberal arts college with the resources of a major research institution. The university is home to 9,970
undergraduates, 1,317 graduate students, 454 medical students and 1,484 full- and part-time faculty.
LocaLed ln 8urllngLon, vermonL (perennlally voLed one of Amerlcas mosL exclLlng small clLles), uvMs
setting in a valley on the shores of Lake Champlain, between the Adirondack and the Green mountain
ranges, inspires visitors and residents. University of Vermont is #82 in the US World & News Report
University Rankings.

More about IHC Dubai:
International Horizons College (IHC) is a highly selective independent and international undergraduate
institution committed to fulfilling high standards of intellectual excellence and relevance to the 21st
century. The institution, located in heart of Dubai in a Campus in the Sky, provides academically high
performing students from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia (MENASA) region with an
American modeled college education in arts, business, sciences and pre-professional studies enabling
pathways to elite universities in the United States and regional institutions. IHC balances specialized and
general education to provide our students with a strong foundation for widely varying careers in
business, industry, medical, engineering, humanities, public service, teaching and fine arts.

Resource: IHC News

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