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The Simple Essence of

Dewey B. Larsons
Reciprocal System of Physics
To give an essential overview of the Universality of this
mathematical model, without an enquirer having to wade through
volumes of heavy detailed text to see it!
by J. M. Boardman
Dewey Bernard Larson, USA, 18981990, was an extraordinary guy;
basically e was a ce!ical engineer, but e also ad detailed "nowledge o#
electrical engineering, nuclear $ysics and astro$ysics% &e ad a li#e'long
$assion to #ind a way o# ex$laining te $ysical $ro$erties o# !aterials #ro!
(ust teir ato!ic nu!bers% )n 19*9 e $ublised is #irst boo"+ ,The
Structure of the Physical Universe- wic $resented is re.olutionary ideas%
&e wrote a total o# 10 boo"s% /is considers is later writings on is
!ain teory, wic e describes as 0a revised and enlarged edition of the
Structure of the Physical Universe in three volumes1% Also included is is
co!$anion .olu!e ,Neglected Facts of Science- wic greatly el$s in
$ractical co!$reension o# is teory%
Vol I Nothing But Motion 1979
Vol II Basic Properties of Matter 1988
Vol III The Universe of Motion 1984
Copanion !oo"# Neglecte$ %acts of &cience 198'
Dewey B% Larson clai!ed is teory was a co!$lete, Uni.ersal teory
enco!$assing all $ysical $eno!ena replacing te !any disconnected
teories tat a.e e!erged witin conte!$orary $ysicsnot so!eting
added to te existing bunc% )t is a re$lace!ent o# conce$tual teory, not
ex$eri!ental e!$irical "nowledgewic in !ost cases is i!$orted directly%
2or exa!$le; 3ewton1s laws o# !otion are exactly te sa!e nu!erically
witin Larson1s #ra!ewor" as tey are witin classical $ysics and
engineeringrater it is te conce$tualising o# wat te $ysical entities
actually 0are1 tat is r e.olutionarily di##erent4
&is writings are at a ig le.el, $ri!arily s$ea"ing to $ro#essional scientists; a
#ew o# te! acce$t is argu!ents, but alas te !ainstrea! o# scientists still
do not% 5)nertia o# ideas and belie#s is ine.itably a large $art o# te $roble!
6yes even within the science community!7 toug it !ust also be said tat te
true brilliance o# te teory is its Uni.ersality; But in order to see tat+ )# a
reader as got to slowly wade troug tree ea.y .olu!es o# detailten it
does rater lose its i!$act4
So #or tis reason, tis sort 08ssence and on te :eci$rocal
Syste! as been co!$iled%
9ter $eo$le a.e seen s$iritual signi#icance in is #indings, toug Larson
i!sel# was ;uite ad.erse to suc notions 6at tat ti!e7 but in a way, tis
!a"es it e.en !ore accurate4
The Postulates
Dewey B% Larson1s teory is built'u$ #ro! two basic $ostulates or notions+
%I(&T %UN)*M+NT*, P-&TU,*T+
.The ph/sical universe is copose$ entirel/ of one coponent0 Motion0
e1isting in three $iensions0 in $iscrete units0 an$ 2ith t2o reciprocal
aspects0 space an$ tie34
&+C-N) %UN)*M+NT*, P-&TU,*T+
.The ph/sical universe confors to the relations of or$inar/ coutative
atheatics0 its priar/ agnitu$es are a!solute0 an$ its geoetr/ is
/e #irst $ostulate is an obser.ation o# natural law o# te uni.erse; te
second $ostulate is is own state!ent about ow it all
Do not dis!iss tese two $ostulates as being o.erly si!$le, tere is a
considerable a!ount said in (ust a #ew concise words4
Larson #ollowed a sort o# 0hat !f1 scenario using tese two $ostulates on
<otion; ten $roceeded to success#ully re.erse'engineer !aterial $ysics4
Scalar Motion the mathematical model of the universe
/e word ,Scalar- !eans it as !agnitude only, #or exa!$le te!$erature or
!oney% 5=e #ully !easure suc ;uantities by a!ount alone%
/is contrasts wit te word ,>ector-, wic !eans it as bot !agnitude
A3D direction% 2or exa!$le+ te !otion o# a .eicle or a $ysical #orce%
S$eed is usually regarded as a >ector, but it is not necessarily so4 =en
S$eed as bot !agnitude and direction, it is correctly called a >elocity%
&, s$eed can also be a Scalar wit !agnitude only%
Scalar <otion does actually exist in te real world% 8xa!$les are+
Dots drawn on te sur#ace o# an ex$anding or contracting balloon
?urrants relati.e to eac oter in a $udding rising in te o.en
@lastic #oa! uni#or!ly ex$anding or contracting
:ecession o# distant Aalaxies
8ac $oint as no s$eci#ic direction, eiter tey (ust !o.e outwards #ro!
eac oter, or (ust !o.e inwards towards eac oter% So wile tey don1t
a.e any s$eci#ic direction, tey do a.e a senseoutward or inward%
/e second #act to notice is; this movement of any individual point, is
completely independent of where it is in spacetey a.e teir sa!e
!o.e!ent wate.er4 52or exa!$le+ /e scalar !otion o# an ex$anding
balloon is inde$endent o# were te balloon is, or were te !otion is .iewed
#ro!e.en i# .iewed #ro! any $osition inside te balloon4 5/is #act is
extre!ely i!$ortant4 5)n e##ect, it is saying Scalar !otion as non"local
Let1s exa!ine S$eed o# <otion+ =e are all #a!iliar wit s$eed ta"en as so!e
unit o# s$ace, di.ided by so!e unit o# ti!e% 2or exa!$le+
#iles $er hour
%ilometres $er hour
#etres $er second
/o write tis #or!ally, we do it as a #raction
Dewey B% Larson1s conce$t is tat Scalar S$eed is te basic, and only
constituent o# te $ysical Uni.erse+ not 0S$ace1 or 0/i!e1, as tese cannot
exist inde$endently%
/is is a radical si#t in conce$tual tin"ing, toug e was certainly not te
#irst $erson to say it, as se.eral ins$ired <ystics a.e said si!ilar be#ore i!,
#or exa!$le+ :enB Descartes, =alter :ussell and Dion 2ortuneLarson
toug, #ollowed it troug into detailed !ate!atics%
)# <otion is te basic constituent o# te Uni.erse, it !eans tat ,S$ace- and
,/i!e- Do 3ot !a"e a container into wic all ,stu##- exists% 5/ere is no
,container- li"e tat contrary to ortodox scienti#ic tin"ing4
Starting wit no interaction between two o$$osing scalar <otions
te #irst
going outwards, te oter returning inwards% /e S$eed o# bot o# te! is
te sa!e as te s$eed o# ligt, but o# course in o$$osite senses% 6it is
a!biguous to say ,directions- because tey are Scalar7
So let1s re'write our #raction calling te s$eed o# ligt, a s$eed o# ,9ne-
=Speed =1
3or!ally we write te s$eed o# ligt as D00,000,000 !etres $er second, but
wat are 0!etres1 and wat are 0seconds1 oter tan !an'!ade unitsE
So i# tis $articular s$eed o# !otion in our !odel is te basic constituent o#
te Uni.erse, we are .ery entitled to call it ,Unity-4
/is beco!es te datu! base% 3ote; we could not coose Fero #or datu!,
because we are saying tis !otion as so!e actual s$eed%
5 6e are no2 constructing a atheatical o$el !ase$ on "no2n t/pes of otion to see if
it fits e1periental results7 so assuptions on ho2 it all cae to !e are outsi$e the scope
of this o$el8It is perfectl/ vali$ therefore to sa/ t2o opposing scalar otions are 9ust
:happening;# irrespective of Creation<
Graity and Radiation
So in our !ate!atical !odel under construction, let us identi#y tese two
o$$osing <otions wit $ysical ,stu##-%
/e outward scalar !otion is e;ui.alent to :adiation 6o# $otons etc%7
/e inward scalar !otion is e;ui.alent to Ara.ity 6aggregates o#
So!eting #lowing outwards concurrently wit so!eting #lowing inwards to
!a"e a wole4 5here have we met that conce$t &efore'
/e balance between te o$$osing #lows a$$ears stationary%
=e a.e to tin" te oter way around to wat is #a!iliar, not motion of
something, but rather motion itself is fundamental! 5#editate on it!
(ou need to em$loy your )*ight"+rain, to com$rehend this!
)t also ex$lains wy $otons, and li"ewise gra.ity go troug .acuu!4
)!agine ! con.eyor belts, but wit noting on te! yet4 /is is te
abstract nature o# te basic !otions, exce$t tey are Scalar !otions 6li-e the
trace $ath of the dots drawn on our ex$anding &alloon exam$le7%
3ow i# tis was all tere was to it, ten !atter would (ust be one big,
a!or$ous, uni#or!, rare#ied, !atrixwic it is not4 5So lets consider oter
scalar !otions su$eri!$osed on te two basic o$$osite !otions%
!ther Types of Scalar "otion
:e!e!ber; tis is a !ate!atical !odel tat is being constructed using
"nown ty$es o# !otion% /e .arious $ossible co!binations o# tese !otions
are sown by Larson to accurately re$resent te co!$lete s$an o# $ysics,
wic is un$recedented by any oter science teory4
U$ to now, we a.e discussed linear !otion; tis sort o# !otion tra.erses a
strait line e.en toug no s$eci#ic line is drawn% 2or exa!$le+ going bac" to
our original exa!$le o# a dot on an ex$anding G contracting balloon, te dot
will trace a strait line as it ! outwards, or inwards 6if the ru&&er
thic-ness and consistency is $erfectly uniform that is!7
/ere is anoter sort o# basic !otion:otary% /is as te e##ect o# tracing
s$irals and elixes% But it can still be ,scalar- !otion; so #or adding local
s$ecial e##ect to our basic two inward G outward !otions o# Ara.ity and
:adiation o# our e!erging !ate!atical !odel; rotary scalar !otion #its te
Anoter $ossible .ariable; is tat !otion could be oscillatory4 <eaning li"e
0si!$le ar!onic !otion1, or a .ibration% /is could be bot linear $ulses or
rotary li"e a watc balance'weel s$ring%
The 4 possibilities:
1% Linear Scalar <otion 6straigt outward or inward7
H% :otational Scalar <otion 6s$iralling outwards or inwards7
D% Linear 9scillations 6.ibration constant re.ersals in direction7
I% :otary 9scillations 6li"e a watc balance'weel s$ring re.ersals7
#ow "any Dimensions$
Did you notice a#ter te introduction abo.e, were Larson1s two @ostulates
were stated, tat e #igured out tere !ust be D Di!ensions o# <otion but
tis is not te sa!e ting as D di!ensions o# ,s$ace-4
9# tese D di!ensions o# !otion, only 9ne can !ani#est to our awareness
and is subdi.ided into Lengt, &eigt, =idt all di.ided by /i!e% /e oter
two ,di!ensions o# !otion- cannot be re$resented in our s$atial #ra!e o#
re#erence; toug tey .ery !uc a##ect and build our world%
)ndi.idual local alterations to te basic bac"ground !otions tus occur;
toug it can be witin one, two or all tree di!ensions o# !otion4
=ere all tree di!ensions are e!$loyed, te result is ato! building4
=ere two di!ensions are e!$loyed, te result is !agnetis!4
=ere only one di!ension is e!$loyed, te result is electrical%
Su%&'tomic Particles$
/ey don1t exist4 5Jes soc" orror4 5So wat are all tese ig $ro#ile
scientists doing wit teir Large &adron ?olliders etcE 5=at tey call
0$articles1 are actually 0$ac"ets o# !otion1, o#ten .ery transitory, but eac o#
tese 0$ac"ets o# !otion1 is insu##icient to #or! a co!$lete ato!% /ey are
not 0co!$onents1 o# ato!s, but inco!$lete ato!s4 /ere is essentially no
basic di##erence between any o# te ele!ents exce$t #or te .arying
dis$lace!ents #ro! unity s$eed witin eac o# te tree di!ensions o#
=en inde$endent scalar !otions in te gra.ity sense, are su$eri!$osed
u$on te basic out'#lowing $rogression, or radiation o# te Uni.erse, and
wen tese !otions are in all tree di!ensionsit $roduces wat we call
Ato!s% 5Because o# te no.el nature o# Unit s$eed being te datu!, rater
tan our #a!iliar Fero, Larson #or!ulated a coding syste! based u$on s$eed'
dis$lace!ent away #ro! Unity; #or exa!$le+
&eliu! H 1 0
Silicon H H I
?arbon H H I
)ron D H 8
here the first two digits refer to dis$lacement from unity in
the two magnetic dimensions, and the third digit re$resents the
electrical dis$lacement from unity. /always whole num&ers0.
!soto$es are also descri&ed, though they are slightly different.
As was stated in Larson1s @ostulates, !otion can only co!e in discrete units,
albeit extre!ely tiny% /is is te sa!e as Kuantu! teory and goes bac" to
<ax @lanc"1s blac"'body radiation were e #ound energy could only be in
discrete $ac"ets or ;uanta%
9ne ,Ato!- tere#ore, is te s!allest entity $ossible, o# any !atter%
Abo.e it was stated tat te two basic o$$osite !otions are :adiation and
Ara.ity% 5?onsider Ara.ity+ )sn1t gra.ity (ust an ex$ression on ow !uc
attracti.e in#luence is $ut onto !assE And, aren1t we saying tat !ass is (ust
co!$lex D di!ensional !otionE So, re!e!ber 3ewton1s Laws #ro! scool5
,2orce L !ass acceleration-
)# !ass is (ust co!$lex !otion 6aggregates o# ato!s7, and acceleration is
cange in s$eed o# !otion, ten surely, by tis !odel, ,2orce- is also so!e
sort o# ,!otion-tis is were ,#orce- co!es #ro!, not te oter way around
as in con.entional science teory4
But ow can tere be any ,acceleration- in a steady state s$eedE /is is
anoter o# te $eculiarities s$ecial to Scalar !otion4 5)t is te !otion o#
ex$anding or srin"ing; so as te distance outwards or inwards increases, te
e##ects are #elt by te sur#ace areaa s;uared relationsi$% /in" o# our
ex$anding balloon, as te dia!eter is doubled, te sur#ace area is
;uadru$led% 3ow as ,any- total e##ect as to be sared around te wole
area, te intensity decreases accordingly% /is is exactly te sa!e $rinci$le as
te 0)n.erse S;uare Law1 #or ligt intensity at a distance% So tis is ow a
steady Scalar !otion as an acceleration to it$ositi.e acceleration #or an
inward scalar !otion, and .ice .ersa%
Larson1s boo"s describe in detail about electric #orces, !agnetic #orces, and
also gi.e alternati.e ex$lanations to te so called nuclear #orces4
(aster than Li)ht
/e :eci$rocal Syste! teory o# $ysics $redicts tat !otion occurs tat is
#aster tan ligt, toug abo.e tis critical s$eed tere is a big cange4
@ut aside 8instein1s teory o# Aeneral :elati.ity, wic Larson and oters
a.e gra.e doubts aboutte $oint is tat tis s$eed o# ligt see!s to be te
!axi!u! ex$eri!ental s$eed $ossible% 5But consider tis; i# we are
atte!$ting to accelerate stu## using giant electro'!agnets, and tese
!agnets o$erate by !otion o# tis sa!e s$eed 6see below7, ten by tis
!eans it is i!$ossible to accelerate #aster tan ligt, regardless o# $ower4
And e.en as we a$$roac tis s$eed, we enter into di!inising returns as te
!agnets a.e less and less e##ecti.e #orce to gi.e% &, i# we #ound
anoter !eans o# acceleration, ten it is $ossible4
=e a.e cosen to use te nu!ber 1 to de#ine te s$eed o# bot o# our basic
o$$osing !otions, wic in #a!iliar ter!s is te s$eed o# ligt% But we are
considering additions o# di##erent !otions; wic include .ibratory re.ersals in
direction su$eri!$osed u$on te basic linear outward !otion% /e total net
motion tere#ore, can be eiter Slower or Faster tan Unit s$eed, but tere
is a catc4 5Abo.e Unit s$eed, it is !otion in ti!e4 /is does not !ean ti!e'
tra.el !acines; rater it !eans tat we can tra.el in ti!e relati.e to were
we started #ro!, but we will always be in a di##erent locationtat1s te rub4
<otion only occurs in discrete unitste sa!e as #or ato!s and ;uantu!
$ysics; so writing out our net's$eed #ractions #or te tree cases+
= Unit
#4T3*! 41 S35T2* 52S#! 5 S35T2*
Spaceis 1
Time is more than1
1 Spaceis more than1
Timeis 1
=e are in te 0<aterial Sector1 were !otion sows as a !o.e!ent in s$ace,
but in te 0?os!ic Sector1 were s$eeds are abo.e Unity, te
reci$rocal a$$ens and !otion sows as !o.e!ent in ti!e4 5!n the #aterial
Sector )time, flowsin the 5osmic Sector )s$ace, flows! /is is ex$lained
!ate!atically in Larson1s boo"s4 5+ut it is a&stract!
Larson described tese two o$$osing sectors as an unex$ected but !a(or
incontro.ertible conse;uence to is teory, and e also realised tere was a
continual intercange between te two, wic e en.isioned as ta"ing eons+
:adiation going out and cos!ic'rays and anti!atter co!ing in4 5&,
continued researc "nown as 0:SH1 see!s to sow tat te wole lot is #ar
!ore dyna!ic tan Larson i!sel# i!agined% )n #act te wole nature o# te
build'u$ o# ato!s !ay be dyna!ically between tese two sectors4 /is is
were an extension o# teory starts to occur% 2or tose interested in $ursing
tis, tere is a signi#icant di##erence between Larson1s boo"s and te 0:SH1
!ate!atical de.elo$!ents%
Since our basic #raction is $ut e;ual to Unity by de#inition, ten it is te sa!e
ratio way u$ it is written+
&; Larson describes in is boo"s te reci$rocal+
08lectrons1 and 08lectric'?arge1 are two di##erent tings4 Bot are one
di!ensional !otion, but di##erent as$ects o# it% /ere#ore suc a ting as an
,Uncarged'8lectron- exists wic is a rotating unit o# s$ace te #low o#
wic troug a conductor !aterial is an electric current% )t can be collected
u$ in a ca$acitor, but it is inaccurate to call it ,carged-% 55onventional
$hysics confuses 5harge and 3lectrons together6 as shown &y the
inconsistencies &etween their electrons in atoms, and in electricity!
,8lectric'?arge- is a rotational .ibration, it is a ty$e o# #orce, and ,#orce- as
sown abo.e using 3ewton1s law, is an e##ect o# certain ty$es o# !otion
=en 0carge1 is added u$, it is wat we "now as ,Static 8lectricity-%
@er!anent !agnets and 8lectro'!agnets are also two di##erent tings4 /ey
are bot H'di!ensional, but due to co!$letely di##erent ty$es o# !otion%
Permanent magnets are a two di!ensional carge!agnetostatics; li"e
electrostatics but in two di!ensions o# rotary .ibratory !otion%
Electromagnetism is di##erent; tis is linear inward scalar !otion, li"e
gra.ity but stri$$ed o# one o# te D di!ensions o# gra.ity by an electric
current% )t is te residue a#ter te electric current as re!o.ed one o# te
scalar'di!ensions% /is also ex$lains+ ,current G !otion G !agnetic'#lux- all
being at rigt angles to eac oter% 62le!ings :igt &and :ule7
/is :S teory o# Dewey B% Larson1s as no argu!ent wit ex$eri!ental
sciences, on te contrary it by it and is continuing to un#old; rater it is
conte!$orary teoretical $ysics tat is callenged; en"mass4
71arson also re8ects 9&lac- holes: and 9&ig &ang: theories!!
:S is a ,/eory- but gos it does #it te real world re!ar"ably well, and in all
de$art!ents o# $ysics4 5<uc better tan te otc$otc o# existing
teoretical'$ysics currently belie.ed in by our learned establis!ent4
/e teory continues to un#old by a #ew dedicated ad.ocates; te basic
conce$ts re!ain uncanged, but new wor" and new ideas a.e suggested
!odi#ications+ 0:SH1 6:eci$rocal Syste! H7 introduces te conce$t o# Jin and
Jang by e!$loying 0co!$lex nu!bers1 in te !ate!aticsso tat linear
!otion in te <aterial Sector is said to be ,Jang-, wile te rotary !otion is
,Jin-; but in te ?os!ic Sector teir roles re.erse4
) o$e tis sort syno$sis as el$ed $ut into $ers$ecti.e te Uni.ersal
nature o# tis teory be#ore you $roceed into te detailed $roo#s% Larson1s
boo"s are slow reading, and as one to$ic relies u$on anoter, an
will surely be o# so!e el$%
!urther "eading+ ) would suggest starting wit is sort boo"+ ,Neglected
Facts of Science-, es$ecially te #irst * ca$ters, toug ) do ;uestion te
cosen title, as it is !ore about te $ractical as$ects o# is own conce$ts%
tt$+GGrsteory%orgG as #ull in#or!ation on Dewey B% Larson1s :eci$rocal
/eory, including an on'line store, an on'line library wit down'loadable
content, and an acti.e scienti#ic #oru! ,:SH- on te latest de.elo$!ents and
ideas on te o.erall conce$ts witin abstract teoretical $ysics%
tt$+GGwww%al'ru%orgG is !y own website, and includes about ow te
:eci$rocal Syste!, togeter wit oter )nsigts, !ay #it into !aterialising a
0<ind Based Uni.erse o# Di.ided <otion%
M<B H01H
Larson ;uotes #ro!+ 03oting but <otion1
.Cosologists often !egin their anal/ses of large>scale ph/sical
processes 2ith a consi$eration of a h/pothetical .ept/4 universe0 one in
2hich no atter e1ists in the postulate$ space>tie setting3 But an ept/
universe of otion is an ipossi!ilit/3 6ithout otion there 2oul$ !e no
universe3 The ost priitive con$ition0 the situation 2hich prevails 2hen
the universe of otion e1ists0 !ut nothing at all is happening in that
universe0 is a con$ition in 2hich units of otion e1ist in$epen$entl/0 2ith
no interaction3 In this con$ition all spee$ is unit/0 one unit of space per
unit of tie0 an$ since all units of otion are ali"e8the/ have no propert/
!ut spee$0 an$ that is unit/ for all4
?page @1A
.The (eciprocal &/ste of theor/ $eals onl/ 2ith the ph/sical universe
as it no2 e1ists0 an$ reaches no conclusions as to ho2 that universe
cae into !eing0 nor as to its ultiate fate3 The theoretical s/ste is
therefore copletel/ neutral on the Buestion of creation3 It is copati!le
2ith either the h/pothesis of creation !/ soe agenc/0 or the h/pothesis
that the universe has al2a/s e1iste$34
?page 4CA

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