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Computer Applications

Operating System .......................................................................................................................................... 4
History of Operating System......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1) GM-NAA I/O: ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2) MCP (Master Control Program): ....................................................................................................... 5
1.3) DOS/360: ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4) Unix: .................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.5) CP/M (Control program monitor):..................................................................................................... 5
1.6) BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution):............................................................................................. 5
1.7) MS-DOS: ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.8) Sun OS: .............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.9) Mac OS: ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.10) OS/2: ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.11) Linux:............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.12) Sun Solaris: ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.13) Windows NT: .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.14) Windows 95: .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.15) Java OS: ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.16) Windows 98: .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.17) MacOS X Server 1.0:....................................................................................................................... 6
1.18) Windows 2000: ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.19) Windows ME: .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.20) Mac OS X Version 10.0: ................................................................................................................. 7
1.21) Windows XP:................................................................................................................................... 7
1.22) Windows Server 2003: .................................................................................................................... 7
1.23) Windows Vista: ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.24) Windows Server 2008: .................................................................................................................... 7
1.25) Windows 7: ...................................................................................................................................... 7

1.26) Windows 8: ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Types of Operating Systems ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1) Real-Time Operating System ............................................................................................................ 8
2.1.1) Introduction:............................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2) Types of Real-Time Operating Systems: ................................................................................... 8
2.1.3)Functions of RTOS: ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.4Difference between RTOS and DPOS (general purpose operating system): .............................. 12
2.1.5) Applications: ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.1.6) Examples of RTOS: .................................................................................................................. 12
2.2) Single User, Single Tasking Operating systems ............................................................................. 13
2.2.1)Introduction: .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.2) Examples: ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.3) Single User, Multi Tasking Operating System ................................................................................ 14
2.3.1)Introduction: .............................................................................................................................. 14
2.3.2) Examples: ................................................................................................................................. 14
2.4) Multi User Operating System .......................................................................................................... 15
2.4.1) Introduction: ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.4.2)Applications: .............................................................................................................................. 15
2.4.3) Examples: ................................................................................................................................. 15
2.5)Embedded Operating Systems .......................................................................................................... 16
2.5.1)Introduction: .............................................................................................................................. 16
2.5.2) Applications: ............................................................................................................................. 16
2.5.3) Examples: ................................................................................................................................. 17
References .................................................................................................................................................. 19

Operating System
Operating system is the main program of a computer system which enables users to
use a computer. It enables users to run all the programs and applications on computer. It enables
the users to operate and manage all parts of computer. It is the main application software of
computer system and without an operating system user cannot operate a computer.

History of Operating System

The evolution of operating systems has been taking place through the years. The
evolution of operating systems starts with the evolution of the computers. It defines what can be
done and what are the limitations of a computer.
There has been a strong relationship between computer architecture and operating
systems. With the developing Generations of computers i.e, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations, the
development of operating systems also enhances. Initially, the mainframe computers were
without operating systems, therefore, they had very limited scope. But with the passage of time a
large number of operating systems emerged. Some important operating systems are listed below:

1.1) GM-NAA I/O:

It was developed in 1956 by Robert L. Patrick of General motors. It was used in
IBM 704 mainframe.

1.2) MCP (Master Control Program):

It was developed in 1961 by Burroughs corporation. It was
used in B5000 mainframe.

1.3) DOS/360:
It was developed in 1966 by IBM. It was IBM's first successful operating system
which enabled IBM to lead in both hardware and operating system industry.

1.4) Unix:
Unix was developed in 1969 by AT&T lab programmers. It was written in C with
modification and portability facilities.

1.5) CP/M (Control program monitor):

It was developed in1973 by Greg Kildall. It became a
popular operating system in 1970s and it also introduced many applications like WordStar and

1.6) BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution):

It was developed in 1977 by University of California,
Berkeley. It was a Unix variant which was based on early versions of Unix.

1.7) MS-DOS:
It was developed in 1981 by Microsoft. It was developed for IBM PCs and widely
used OS for home PCs. Microsoft released a very popular operating system Microsoft Windows
in 1985.It had Graphical User Interface (GUI).

1.8) Sun OS:

It was developed in1982 by Sun Microsystems. It was very popular variant of Unix.

1.9) Mac OS:

It was developed 1984 by Apple. It was the first operating system which had build in
GUI and very easy to use.

1.10) OS/2:
It was developed in 1987 by Microsoft and IBM both. It was relatively less popular.

1.11) Linux:
It was developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux is a very popular open source
operating system. It was developed as free Unix variant.

1.12) Sun Solaris:

It was developed in 1992 by Sun Microsystems. It is a Unix variant and widely

1.13) Windows NT:

It was developed by Microsoft in 1993. It is a high end server operating system
and its code became the base of upcoming operating systems.

1.14) Windows 95:

It was also developed by Microsoft in 1995. It became tremendously popular and
it marketed across the globe. It had some iconic features like "start" button logo which is the
identity of Microsoft.

1.15) Java OS:

It was developed in 1997 by Sun Microsystems. The language used in this operating
system was Java programming language.

1.16) Windows 98:

It was developed by Microsoft in 1998. It was an extended version of

1.17) MacOS X Server 1.0:

It was developed in1999 by Apple computer Inc, it was developed for
Macintosh PC.

1.18) Windows 2000:

It was developed in 2000 by Microsoft. It was made for business oriented uses
with a different code. It was much improved than Window 98.

1.19) Windows ME:

It was developed by Microsoft in 2000. It was known as Windows Millenium. It
was released just after the Windows 2000 and remained unsuccessful.

1.20) Mac OS X Version 10.0:

It was developed Apple Computer Inc.. It changes the interface for
Macinstosh users.

1.21) Windows XP:

It was developed by Microsoft in 2001. It is used widely because of its easy
interface. Windows XP is basically an enhanced version of windows 2000.

1.22) Windows Server 2003:

It was developed by Microsoft in 2003. It is an improved version of
Windows NT.

1.23) Windows Vista:

It was developed by Microsoft in 2007 and consider as a slow window in
taking off.

1.24) Windows Server 2008:

It is an upgrade of Windows server 2003 and developed in 2008 by

1.25) Windows 7:
It was developed by Microsoft in 2009. It is currently used by 50% of internet
users. It replace Windows Vista.

1.26) Windows 8:
It was developed by Microsoft in 2012 as a replacement of Window 7.

Types of Operating Systems

Depending upon the characteristics and functions , there are a few types of operating
systems in which we can categorize them. the following are some types of operating systems:
1) Real-Time operating system
2) Single User, Single Tasking operating system
3) Single User, Multi Tasking operating system
4) Multi Tasking operating system
5) Embedded operating system

2.1) Real-Time Operating System

2.1.1) Introduction:

A Real-Time operating system is an operating system which performs the

user's request on the real time with very precise time delay and high degree of reliability.
The word real time shows the ability of an operating system to run an
application in a bounded response time. This operating system completes a task within
specified time delay and respond to the input immediately.

2.1.2) Types of Real-Time Operating Systems:

There are basically two types of RTOS. Soft RTOS:

In a soft time real operating system, the time of performing a task is not so
exact and a delay in time is acceptable.
Example: It is used in



computer games


networkin RTOS:
In Hard RTOS a task has to be performed within a time deadline,
otherwise a failure in the system can occur. It cannot tolerate delay in time and if the delay
happened than the system will fail. It requires formal verifications to meet bits deadlines.
Examples; It is used in

Air traffic control system


Nuclear power plant control system

2.1.3)Functions of RTOS:
A Real Time operating system performs the following functions; Management:

The application in progress is known as task. RTOS manage task

through the following task states as shown in the figure

Here are some important points about task management:

Each task belong to only one state

The operation of schedule only takes place on process in the ready state

At a time one single process can take place

Another function of RTOS is the scheduling of the tasks. It deals with number of ;



resources requirements


release time





Scheduling in RTOS is done in 3 ways


Clock driven scheduling


Weighted round Robin scheduling


Priority scheduling Memory Allocation:

In real time RTOS the dynamic memory allocation service is mostly

available. Tasks can borrow chunks of RAM memory to make it available for application










In some RTOS this service is not available. Handling in RTOS:

An interrupt in computer terms is a signal received to the

operating system from computer devices or programs within the computer to stop its action and
solve the problem in case of any failure.

the operation of the processor would be suspended due to interrupt

2.1.4Difference between RTOS and DPOS (general purpose operating system):

There are
some difference between Real Time operating system and General Purpose operating system;
Setting Priorities:

In Real Time operating system the programmer's priorities are followed

more strictly and the processor is doing 100% work on high priority task and zero work on other
tasks. Whereas in General purpose operating system the priority of the programmer is not always
followed strictly and processor may work on other priorities at the same time as well which
sometimes reduces the speed s well.
Interrupt Latency:

Interrupt latency of the RTOS is bounded. All the interrupts are serviced
within a specified time. Whereas in GPOS it takes a variable amount of time to response an

2.1.5) Applications:
Real Time operating systems are used in

Flight control system


Plant control


Military systems




Household applications .............. etc

2.1.6) Examples of RTOS:

Following operating systems are categorized in RTOS
Lynx OS

RT Linux
VX Works
Windows CE

2.2) Single User, Single Tasking Operating systems

It is a single user operating system which one user can operate at a time and can
run only one application at a time. It only allows a single task to be performed at a time so that
one user can perform on task effectively.

2.2.2) Examples:
The following operating systems are categorized in this category
Palm OS (used in mobile phones)

2.3) Single User, Multi Tasking Operating System

It is a single user operating system in which one user can run multiple
applications at a time. For example, while doing searching on internet we can listen the music or
can download some file at the same time. It is the most commonly used operating system and
found on most personal desktop and laptops.

2.3.2) Examples:
The following operating systems are categorized in this category;
Microsoft's windows
Apple's Mac OS X

2.4) Multi User Operating System

2.4.1) Introduction:
The multi user operating system enables more than one users to use same
operating system simultaneously. The multiple users can access a single system having on e
operating system from different computers.

It requires a very high performances multiple users has to perform different tasks
or programs. Therefore, multiple user system ensures the access of resources to multiple users so
that a problem with one user does not affect other users.
Multi user operating systems are used in






2.4.3) Examples:
The following operating systems are categorized in this category;

Windows NT

2.5)Embedded Operating Systems

An embedded operating system performs specified tasks instead of all the
tasks which other operating systems do. These are often found in standalone devices such as
ATM machines etc. These OS runs on computerized devices designed to perform specified tasks.

A difference between embedded operating system and standard operating system is that
in standard OS user and computer interact in variety of tasks whereas in embedded OS
user and computer interact in only some specified tasks.

2.5.2) Applications:
These OS are used in

ATM machines




Medical equipments






Industrial machines ............... etc

2.5.3) Examples:
the following operating systems are categorized in this category;
Embedded Linux
i OS

6) systems

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