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Broj / No. 3, 2014.

besplatni primerak / complimentary copy

Tema broja / Main topic






uvodna re / introductory word

Moj grad
Roena sam u Beogradu i ivim za ritam
i budunost ovog grada. To je metropola na
sudaru reka, kultura, ukusa, energija, karaktera,
grad beskrajno ljubaznih ljudi irokog osmeha i
Usudite se i budite Beograani bar na kratko,
jer Beograd je domain hrabrih, kreativnih i
nesputanih ljudi... Grad budunosti i bogate
prolosti! Beograd je mesto kome uvek pripada
ako se samo jednom usudi da ga doivi.
Dobrodoli u moj grad!

My city
I was born in Belgrade and I live for the
rhythm and future of this city. It is a metropolis,
in the collision of rivers, cultures, tastes, energies,
characters, the city of infinitely friendly people
with wide smiles and hearts!
Dare and be Belgradians at least for a while,
because Belgrade is the host to the brave, creative
and unrestrained people...The city of future and
rich past! Belgrade is a place where you always
belong if only once you dare to experience it.
Welcome to my city!

Tijana Maljkovi
pomonik sekretara / assistant secretary
Sekretarijat za privredu / Secretariat of Economy
Gradska uprava grada Beograda /
City Administration of the City of Belgrade

Urednik / Editor
Saa Marjanovi
Saradnici / Editorial Contributors
Turistika organizacija Beograda /
Tourist organisation of Belgrade
DTP / Layout
Ivan Petrovi
Fotografije / Photos
BG Info Box, Arhiva TOB-a
Autorska prava / Copyright notice
Tekst i fotografije su vlasnitvo Belgrade Info
Guide-a. Sva prava zadana. Ni jedan deo
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za potrebe pregleda, bez prethodne pismene
saglasnosti vlasnika autorskih prava.
Text and photos copyright Belgrade Info Guide.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced in any form, except brief
extracts for the purpose of review, without
written permission from the publisher and
copyright owner.
Belgrade Info Guide je nezavistan od
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The editorial content of Belgrade Info Guide
is independent from paid advertising.
CIP - Ktlogizcij u publikciji
Nrodn bibliotek Srbije, Beogrd
BELGRADE info guide / urednik Saa
Marjanovi. - 2014, br. 3-. - Beograd :
Bg Info Box, 2014- (Beograd : Politika). - 21
Tromeseno. - Paralelni tekst na srp. i engl.
ISSN 2334-8445 = Belgrade Info Guide
COBISS.SR-ID 199244812

tamparija / Printed by Politika A.D.

Tira/ Print run 20000
Vodi se publikuje 4 puta godinje /
Printed 4 times per year
Kontakt / Contact
Bg Info Box d.o.o., Ulofa Palmea 2a,
+381 11 4140965,,
Marketing / Marketing
Boba Markovi
Belgrade Info Guide

sadraj / content

Beograd pamti veliki rat /

Belgrade remembers Great War

Intervju /
BITCO 2014 /
BITCO 2014


Top 10 atrakcija /
Top 10 attractions


Dogaaji /
Mapa grada /
City map


Prevoz /
Umetnost /
Razgledanja /
Gde se smestiti /
Where to stay
Gde jesti /
Where to eat


Where to shop


Osnovne informacije /
Basic Info

Belgrade Info Guide


Gde se zabavljati /
Where to party



Belgrade Info Guide

tema broja / main topic

etnja gradom...

A walking tour...

Ako krenete turistikim stazama u obilazak naeg grada otkriete istorijske stope Prvog svetskog rata vidljive u nazivima ulica, spomenicima,
zadubinama i spomen tablama postavljenim na
mnogim beogradskim zdanjima. Iz potovanja prema onima, koji su u ovom periodu istorije nesebino dali sebe Beogradu i zaduili nas na raznim poljima herojskim podvizima, ueem medicinskih i
humanitarnih misija, materijalnom i finansijskom
pomoi, kao i osnivanjem zadubina, Beograd
je sauvao seanje na njihov ogroman doprinos.
Linosti koje pamtimo su: Dr Aribald Rajs, Mabel Danlop Gordon Gruji, Don Frotingem i Jelena Lozani, Mama Gruji, Dr Elsi Ingli, Roman
Sondermajer, Milan Kakai, Ledi Pedet, Mis Flora
Sends, Oliv King.

If you go on the tourist trail tour of our city, you

will discover numerous historical traces of the
First World War visible in the street names, memorials, endowments and memorial plates mounted on a number of Belgrades buildings. Out of
respect for those who selflessly gave themselves to
Belgrade during this period of history and those
who sacrificed in various other ways - heroic feats,
medical and humanitarian missions, material and
financial assistance, as well as the establishment of
endowments - Belgrade has preserved the memory
of their huge contributions. Some of the figures
that we remember are: Dr Archibald Reiss, Mabel
Dunlop Gordon Gruji, John Frotingem and Jelena Lozanic, Mama Gruji, Dr Elsie Inglis, Roman
Sondermajer, Milan Kakai, Lady Padget, Miss Flora Sands and Olive King.

Beograd nekada

Beograd uva
seanje na prvi
svetski rat

preserves the
WWI memory

U znaku obeleavanja stogodinjice

od poetka Prvog svetskog rata,
tokom cele 2014. godine u Beogradu
se organizuju mnoge tematske ture
razgledanja, izlobe i manifestacije,
kako bi se obogatila naa znanja o
dirljivim herojstvima, podsetili se na
humanost bez granica i u ratno vreme,
i istovremeno ukazali na mir kao
tenju svih prosveenih civilizacija kroz

During the whole of 2014, Belgrade will

be commemorating the centenary of the
outbreak of the First World War with the
organization of many themed tours, exhibitions and other events. The aim of these
activities is to enrich the public knowledge on the touching heroism of humanity without borders during the time of war,
and at the same time to point towards
peace as the aspiration of all enlightened
civilizations throughout history.

Belgrade Info Guide

Sto godina unazad, Beograd je bio 20 puta manjiimao je oko sto hiljada stanovnika. Uprkos tome,
do leta 1914. godine, Beograd je bio veseo, iv grad
u kome se divno ivelo. Njegova arija je bila bogata, njegovi trgovi puni zivota. Korzo je bio ila
kucavica Beograda. Poslednjih letnjih dana uoi
rata korzo je opusteo kao i sam Beograd. Trogodinji period austrijske okupacije je poeo
Beograd je slobodu doekao poruen, zaputen,
mraan i pust, bez osvetljenja i saobraaja, sa malo
stanovnitva, beogradsko pristanite bilo je zamrlo
bez brodova , putnika i robe. Gvozdena konstrukcija eleznickog mosta leala je u Savi. Veliki broj
beogradskih kua, skoro itavi kvartovi, bili su u
ruevinama a ulice izrivene granatama. Pa ipak,
sloboda je bila u vazduhu.
Za herojsko dranje u Prvom svetskom ratu Beograd je nagraen najviim francuskim odlikovanjem Vitekim krstom Legije asti. Dokument o
dodeli odlikovanja potpisao je predsednik Republike Francuske nakon ega je Pozorina ulica preimenovana u Francusku ulicu.

Belgrade once upon a time...

One hundred years ago, Belgrade was 20 times
smaller than it is today, with only about one hundred thousand inhabitants. But despite its size, in
the summer of 1914 Belgrade was a cheerful, lively
town with a high quality of life. Its bazaar was rich,
its squares full of life, and the promenade was the
lifeblood of Belgrade. However, during the last days
of summer it was the eve of war, the promenade
was deserted and Belgrade was alone. So began the
three-year period of Austrian occupation.
Belgrade had its liberty destroyed, it was an abandoned, dark and empty place, without lights or
traffic, and few people remained. The Port of
Belgrade ceased to operate, without ships, passengers and goods, while the iron structure of the
railway bridge lay in the river. A large number of
Belgrades homes, even entire neighbourhoods,
lay in ruins, and the streets were filled with holes.
However, freedom was in the air. For heroic conduct during the war, Belgrade was awarded the

Belgrade Info Guide

tema broja / main topic

svetskog rata karakterie podizanje mnogih objekata, spomenika i memorijalnih zdanja podignutih u
znak seanja na stradanja, a uz finansijsku pomo
ljudi ija imena nikada nee biti zaboravljena.
Spomenik neznanom junaku nalazi se na Avali.
Podigli su ga 1922. godine stanovnici okolnih sela
na mestu palog nepoznatog ratnika. 1934. godine
kralj Aleksandar I Karaorevi zapoeo je izgradnju spomenika dok je autor dananjeg spomenika
vajar Ivan Metrovi.

Memorials of the First World War

Spomenik Braniocima Beograda iz 1915. nalazi
se na Dorolu i podignut je 1988. godine.
Spomen-kosturnica branilaca Beograda nalazi
se na Novom groblju .Tu su pohranjene kosti 5000
branilaca Beograda zajedno sa njihovim komandantom Dragutinom Gavriloviem. Ovaj monumentalni spomenik podignut je 1931. godine.

After a century, our intention is to, at least partially, shed light on this period of history and the
traces of it, which have been embedded within the
image of a city that has been built, destroyed and
rebuilt so many times. The period that followed
the First World War was characterized by the
construction of many buildings, monuments and
memorials in memory of those who lost their lives, with the financial assistance of people whose
names will never be forgotten.

Nazivi ulica koji nas podseaju

highest French medal - the Knights Cross of the

Legion of Honour. After the official signing of the
etajui se beogradskim ulicama, setite se svih
document presenting the honour by the President
onih zagonetnih imena vezanih za prolost i usof the French Republic, Belgrades Theatre Street
pomene iz Prvog svetskog rata. Zbirka raznih ljudwas renamed the French Street.
skih sudbina znaajnih za nau zemlju ili ceo svet,
okupljena je udesnim putevima krtavanja nizova
zgrada, dvorita i trgova . Tragom Prvog svetskog
Street names that remind us...
rata gosti Beograda mogu da
proetaju ulicama AdmiraWalking through the streets
la Geprata, Gavrila Principa,
of Belgrade, remember all of
Aribalda Rajsa, Albanske
those cryptic names related
spomenicekao i bulevarima
to the history and memories
Ture razgledanja /
vojvode Bojovia, vojvode iof World War I. A collection
Sightseeing tours
vojina Miia, vojvode Putniof various human destinies
ka, bulevarom Frane dEperea
important for both our counU organizaciji Turistike organizacije
i bulevarom vojvode Stepe
try and the world is gathered
Beograda tokom cele godine bie priStepanovia.
along wonderful roads ins a
premane brojne manifestacije i izlobe
series of buildings, courtyarsa temom Prvog svetskog rata sa ciljem
ds and squares. Tracing WWI
da se taj deo nae istorije priblii kako
Spomenici Prvog
visitors to Belgrade can walk
stranim posetiocima tako i samim Besvetskog rata
along the streets of Admiral
Geprata, Gavrilo Princip, ArThroughout the year, numerous events
Nakon jednog veka posetiocichibald Reiss, Albanian meand exhibitions on the theme of the
ma naeg grada osvetljuju se ,
morial, as well as the bouleFirst World War will be prepared by
makar delimino, tragovi ovog
vards of Duke Bojovia, Duke
the Tourist Organization of Belgrade,
dela istorije Beograda koji su
ivojin Mii, Duke Putnik,
with the aim of bringing this period
utisnuti u sliku grada, koji je
Franchet dEpere and Duke
of Serbian history closer to both fotoliko puta graen, ruen, pa
Stepa Stepanovi.
reign visitors as well as the citizens of
ponovo izgraivan. Razdoblje
koje je usledilo posle Prvog

Belgrade Info Guide

Belgrade Info Guide

tema broja / main topic

The Monument of the Unknown Hero is located
on Mt Avala, and was first built in 1922 by inhabitants of the surrounding villages in the place where
unknown soldiers had fallen. In 1934, King Alexander I of Yugoslavia commissioned the construction
of the much larger present-day monument, which
is the work of sculptor Ivan Metrovi.
The Monument to the Defenders of Belgrade in
1915 is located in Dorol and was built in 1988.
The Memorial Chapel to the Defenders of
Belgrade is located in the new cemetery. The remains of 5000 defenders of Belgrade together with
their commander Dragutin Gavrilovi are kept
within the chapel, which was was erected in 1931.

Spomenik zahvalnosti Francuskoj. U znak zahvalnosti Francuskoj, koja je u Prvom svetskom

ratu srpskoj vojsci pruila ogromnu pomo, od dobrotvornih priloga podignut je ovaj spomenik 1930.
godine na Kalemegdanu. Autor je Ivan Metrovi.

The Monument of Gratitude to France was built to honour the French nation and its soldiers,
who provided significant assistance to the Serbian Army during WWI. Located in Kalemegdan, it
was designed by Ivan Metrovi and built in 1930
with charitable donations.

Spomenik vojvodi ivojinu Miiu. Spomenik

ovom istaknutom vojskovoi u Prvom svetskom
ratu podignut je 1988.godine na platou ispred Beogradskog sajma.
Spomenik vojvodi Stepi Stepanoviu. U centru
beogradskog naselja Kumodra podignut je ispred
rodne kue vojvode Stepe Stepanovia spomenik
ovom velikom vojskovoi.
Spomenik Frane dEpereu, maralu Francuske
koji je komandovao saveznikom vojskom na Solunskom frontu,podignut je 1936.godine spomenik
na platou u bulevaru Osloboenja.
Spomenik Aribaldu Rajsu, publicisti, profesoru univerziteta u Lozani, poznatom kriminologu,
1931. godine podignut je spomenik u Topiderskom parku.
Spomenik vojvodi Petru Bojoviu. U malom parku, u blizini Kalenieve pijace, bista vojvode Bojovia podsea Beogradjane na ovog odvanog vojvodu
koji je oslobodio Beograd.

The Monument to Duke Stepa Stepanovi is

located in the centre of the Belgrade suburb of Kumodra, more specifically, it sits directly in front of
the birth house of the great leader.

Spomenik vojnicima iz Prvog svetskog rata u

Koutnjaku. Na uzviici u Koutnjaku poginulo je
39 srpskih vojnika, uz jednog francuskog i dva britanska, koji su dva dana i noi odolevali napadima
brojnih trupa Augusta von Mekenzena koje su nadirale sa Ade Ciganlije ka Banovom brdu, dok nisu
poginuli do poslednjeg. Nemaki vojskovoa je naredio da se podigne spomenik koji postoji i danas.
Bista Milutina Bojia. Na uglu istoimene ulice i
Palmotieve postavljena je bista Milutina Bojia.
Iako je iveo samo 25 godina, ostavio je neizbrisiv
trag u srpskoj knjievnosti. U svojoj najupeatljivijoj pesmi Plava grobnica opevao je patnje i stradanja srpskog naroda kroz tragino povlaenje preko

The Monument to Franchet dEsprey, a marshal

of the French army who commanded the allied
forces on the Salonika Front, was erected in 1936.
on an elevated area where the boulevard bearing
his name meets the Boulevard of Liberation.

The Monument to the Soldiers of the First

World War is located on Koutnjak Hill, where
39 Serbian soldiers, along with one French and
two British, were killed. For two days and nights
they resisted numerous attacks by the troops of
German general August von Mackensen, who
attacked from Ada Ciganlija to Ban Hill. After his
victory, Von Mackensen ordered the building a
small monument to the valiant soldiers, which still
exists today.
The Bust Milutin Boji is located at the corner
of the street that bears his name and Palmoti
street. Although he only lived 25 years, he left an
indelible mark on Serbian literature, with his most
famous poem Blue Tomb, topic of which is the
suffering of Serbian people during their tragic retreat through Albania.

Belgrade Info Guide

The Monument to Duke ivojin Mii was erected in 1988 in front of the Belgrade Fair to honour
the prominent military leader from WWI.

Spomenik Nadedi Petrovi. Slikarka, intelektualka, osniva Kola srpskih sestara, bolniarka, prva
ena ratni fotograf. Mermernu skulpturu Nadede
Petrovi u Pionirskom parku u Beogradu izradila je
vajarka Angelina Gatalica.
Na Novom groblju nalaze se spomenici ratnim velikanima generalu Pavlu Juriiu turmu i vojvodi
Petru Bojoviu kao i vojnika groblja (rusko i italijansko).

The Monument to Archibald Reiss, a publicist,

famous criminologist and professor at the University of Lausanne, was erected in 1931. in Topider
Monument to Duke Peter Bojovi is located in a
small park near Kalini market. The bust of Duke
Bojovi reminds people of this bold and courageous leader who liberated Belgrade.
The Monument to Nadeda Petrovi, a painter,
intellectual, nurse, founder of the Serbian Sisters
society and first female war photographer, can be
found at Pioneer Park. The marble sculpture is the
work of Angelina Gatalica.
At the New Cemetery there are monuments to the
general Pavel Jurii turm and duke Peter Bojovi, as well as the military cemeteries of Russian
and Italian soldiers.
Belgrade Info Guide

tema broja / main topic

Zgrade koje uvaju uspomenu
Vila Dobro Polje. U Bulevaru vojvode Miia br
73. nalazi se Vila Dobro Polje. Nju je, na placu beogradske optine a po nacrtu Lazara Lackovia,
1921. godine. podigao Dr Aribald Rajs.
Rodna kua vojvode Stepe Stepanovia. U beogradskom naselju Kumodra nalazi se rodna kua
poznatog srpskog vojskovoe iz prvog svetskog
rata, vojvode Stepe Stepanovia. U kui se nalazi
stalna postavka Vojnog muzeja sa eksponatima iz
Prvog svetskog rata.

Buildings that preserve the memories...

Dobro Polje Villa can be found on the Boulevard
of duke Mii, located at No. 73. The villa was designed by Lazarus Lackovi in 1921 and built for
Archibald Reiss on the land of the municipality of

eleznika Bolnica. Posle smrti Dr Elsi Inglis, Odbor kotskih ena iz Edinburga i Londona odluio je
da podigne memorijal u Srbiji. Spomen bolnica za
ene i decu, danas poznata kao eleznicka bolnica,
podignuta je na Dedinju, na placu koji je poklonio
industrijalac ordje Vajfert.

Dobrovoljci i stranci u odbrani


The birth house of duke Stepa Stepanovi is

located in the Belgrade suburb of Kumodra. The
duke was one of the the famous Serbian military
leaders from World War I, and nowadays the house is used as a Military Museum with permanent
exhibits from the war.

Biblioteka Svetozar Markovi. 1926. godine izgradnju Univerzitetske biblioteke Svetozar Markovi finansirala je Karnegijeva fondacija za mir a sve
po zasluzi Mabel Gordon Gruji i njenog supruga
Slavka Grujia.
Englesko srpska deija bolnica. Dr Ketrin Makfejl
je tokom 1915. godine radila na infektivnom odeljenju Vojne bolnice u Beogradu a posle rata ostala je
u naem gradu. 1921. godine podigla je ovu bolnicu
u Viegradskoj ulici broj 20.

Beograd su nesebino i bez straha branili svi oni

koji su voleli ovu zemlju: vojnici iz regularnih pukova srpske vojske, ene, mladii, deca. Istaknuta uloga u odbrani naeg grada pripada i brojnim borcima saveznikih armija Rusije, Francuske i Engleske,
zatim nekim Maarima, Austrijancima, esima,
Poljacma i Italijanima.

Belgrade Info Guide

English Serbian Childrens Hospital was built

at No. 20 Viegrad Street in 1921 in honour of Dr
Catherine Macphail, who worked in infectious
department of the Military Hospital in Belgrade
during the way.

Volunteers and parties in the defence of Belgrade

Originally known as the Memorial Hospital for

Women and Children, eleznicka Hospital was
built to honour Dr Elsie Inglis, who served in
Serbia during the First World War. It was built
in Belgrades Dedinje neighbourhood at the behest of the Committee of Scottish Women from
Edinburgh and London, with land donated by the
industrialist George Weifert.

Belgrade was selflessly and fearlessly defended by

all those who loved the country: soldiers from regiments of regular Serbian army, women, youth and
even children. A prominent role in the defence of
the city was also played by many fighters from the
allied armies of Russia, France and England, and
then later by some Hungarians, Austrians, Czechs,
Poles and Italians.

Da se ne zaboravi
Obeleavanje stogodinjice od poetka Prvog svetskog rata, obavezuje dananje generacije da sauvaju od zaborava mnoge pojedinosti iz ovog razdoblja
vanog za srpsku i svetsku istoriju. Pisani izvori o
ovom etvorogodinjem periodu istorije nalaze se
u beogradskim arhivima, bibliotekama i muzejima,
a potomci ratnika Srbije uvaju u svojim linim
kolekcijama pisma, dnevnike i izbledele fotografije
svojih predaka.


The Svetozar Markovi University Library was

built in 1926 with funds from the Carnegie Endowment for Peace and with the help of Mabel
Gordon Gruji and her husband Slavko Gruji.

Do not forget...
Marking the centenary of the outbreak of the First
World War obliges the present generation to preserve from oblivion the many details from this period that are important for both Serbian and world
history. Written sources of this four-year period of
history are located in Belgrades archives, libraries
and museums, and are also held by the descendants of soldiers who kept personal collections of
letters, diaries and faded photos of their ancestors.
Belgrade Info Guide


intervju / interview

U Beogradu
kao kod kue /
In Belgrade like
at home

Mosque. I always like to spend a day with my family

at the Avala Naitonal Park, Ada Lake or taking a walk
across the Ada Bridge.

Belgrade Info Guide u svom novom izdanju

imao je ast da ugosti gospodina Jubazlan
Hadi Jusofa, otpravnika poslova ambasade
Malezije u Srbiji .
Belgrade Info Guide had the honor and
pleasure to interview Mr. Yubazlan Haji
Yusof, head of mission of the Malaysian embassy in Serbia.
Recite nam neto o Vaoj karijeri ovde u Beogradu?
Pristupio sam kancelariji u decembru 2011. godine,
tako da je ovo ve trea godina kako sam u Beogradu.
Kao ef malezijske diplomatske misije u Srbiji, moja
primarna uloga jeste fokusiranje na unapreenje bilateralnih odnosa nae dve zemlje. Prva godina mog
angaovanja u Beogradu obeleena je poveanim naporima da se promovie Malezija u Srbiji i srpska javnost upozna sa naom kulturom i tradicijom, nainom
ivota i poslovanja.
Tokom druge i tree godine pokuavamo da stavimo
akcenat na razvoj ekonomske, kulturne, obrazovne,
naune i sportske saradnje.
Takoe, ulaemo velike napore u predstavljanje turistike ponude Malezije.
ta Vam se dopada u Beogradu i ta biste Vi preporuili Malezijskim turistima da posete u naem
Najbolja stvar u Beogradu su definitivno ljudi koji u
njemu ive. Oni su otvoreni, prijateljski raspoloeni,
srdani, ljubazni i komunikativni. Maleani su, u tom
smislu, veoma slini Srbima, pa se moja porodica i ja,
iako smo stranci, ovde oseamo kao kod kue. Takoe, jako mi se dopada vaa hrana. Kao to je sluaj
sa Malezijom, gde je nacionalna kuhinja nastala pod
uticajem malezijskih, kineskih i indijskih specijaliteta
i srpska nacionalna kuhinja predstavlja jedinstvenu i
uzbudljivu meavinu zapadnih i istonih uticaja i definitivno je neto u emu strani turista treba da uiva.
Uticaj razliitih kultura odslikava se u srpskom nacionalnom i kulturnom nasleu, to se moe primetiti u
arhitekturi grada, koja je za mene fascinantna i moe


Belgrade Info Guide

Please tell us something about your career here in

I assumed the office in December 2011, which makes
this year my third year in Belgrade. As the head of
Malaysian diplomatic mission to Serbia, my role here
is primarily focused on making sure that the bilateral
relations between the two countries to be stepped
up. The first year of my assignment in Belgrade was
marked by the increased efforts to promote Malaysia
in Serbia and to acquaint the Serbian public with our
culture and tradition, way of living and doing business. The second and the third year we are trying to put
an accent on fostering the economic, cultural, educational, and scientific and sports cooperation We also
make efforts to present Malaysian tourism offer.
What do you like about Belgrade and what would
you recommend to Malaysian tourists to visit?
The best thing about Belgrade would definitely be
its people. They are open, friendly, warm, kind and
communicative. Malaysian people are very similar in
those regards and my family and I, though being foreigners, are really feeling at home here. I also like the
local food very much. Like in case of Malaysia, where
national cuisine was formed under the influence of
Malay, a Chinese and Indian specialty, the Serbian national cuisine represent a unique and exciting mixture
of western and eastern influences and definitely is something any foreigner could enjoy. Also, the influence
of different cultures reflects in the Serbian national and
cultural heritage, which can be noticed in Belgrades
architecture, which I find rather fascinating and can
be experienced by visiting Knez Mihajlova Street, the
Kalemegdan fortress, St. Sava Church and Bajrakli

se doiveti obilaskom Knez Mihajlove ulice, Kalemegdanske tvrave, Hrama Svetog Save i Bajrakli damije.
Volim da provedem dan na Avali sa svojom porodicom, na Adi Ciganliji ili etajui preko Mosta na Adi.
Koji su glavni izazovi sa kojima oekujete da se
susretnete u Srbiji i kako planirate da ojaate kulturne i poslovne veze?
Glavni izazov svakako je rad na zbliavanju malezijskog i srpskog naroda. Da bismo dostigli postavljeni
cilj, potrebno je da radimo na odnosima izmeu naih
vlada, naeg poslovanja i naih ljudi.
Prevazilaenje jezike barijere najvei je izazov.
Na polju poslovnih veza, primetan je pomak koji je
ostvaren osnivanjem Srpsko-malezijskog drutvenog
i poslovnog Foruma prole godine, koje je praeno
formiranjem Malezijsko-srpskog poslovnog saveta
ove godine.
Recite nam neto u vezi humanitarnog bazara koji
Ambasada Malezije organizuje svake godine?
Malezijski humanitarni bazar je deo javnih diplomatskih aktivnosti, kada Ambasada otvara svoja vrata
srpskoj javnosti sa ciljem pribliavanja dva naroda i
okupljanja oko plemenitog cilja da se pomogne unesreenima.
Prvi Malezijski humanitarni bazar bio je 2012. godine
kada smo pomagali deci iz Doma za decu bez roditeljskog staranja Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj, dok su sredstva
prikupljena naredne godine prosleena porodilitima
u Aleksincu i Knjaevcu.
Ove godine, Ambasada Malezije odluila je da Humanitarni Bazar posveti pomoi kolama u nerazvijenim
podrujima. Organizovan kao celodnevni dogadjaj
za celu porodicu, koji se odrava u ambasadi svake
godine u maju, Malezijski humanitarni Bazar imae i
Kutak za decu, dobrotvorne nagradne igre sa atraktivnim nagradama i celodnevni kulturni program koji
vode domae javne linosti.

What are the main challenges you expect to face

in Serbia and how do you plan to strengthen cultural and business ties?
The main challenge would definitely be to bring the
Malaysian and Serbian people closer together by
putting more substance to otherwise good relations
between our two countries, which is far from being
an easy task to accomplish. In order to achieve that
goal, we have to work on all three levels of relations
between the countries: Government-to-Government
(G2G), Business-to-Business (B2B) and People-to-People (P2P).
I would say that the biggest challenge in fostering People-to-People relations is the language barrier.
In the aspect of Business-to-Business relations there
was a noticeable progress that came with the foundation of the Serbia-Malaysia Social and Business Forum
last year, which was followed by the establishment of
the Malaysia-Serbia Business Council this year.
Could you tell us something about the Charity
Bazaar, which is yearly organized by the Embassy
of Malaysia?
Malaysian Charity Bazaar is a part of our public diplomacy activities, when the Embassy opens its doors to
the Serbian public with the aim of bringing our Malaysian and Serbian people closer together
The first Malaysian Charity Bazaar took place in 2012
with the goal of helping the children of the Home
for the Children Without Parental Care while the
following year, the proceeds from the bazaar were
channeled to the maternity wards of the Aleksinac and
Knjazevac Health Centers.
This year, the Embassy of Malaysia decided to dedicate
the Malaysian Charity Bazaar to help schools in underdeveloped areas with mixed ethic composition of
students, to promote the values of national integration
Organized as a whole-day event for the entire family
and held annually on the last Saturday in May at the
Embassy the event also features the Kid Corner, a charity raffle with attractive prizes and all-day rich cultural
program hosted by local celebrities.

Belgrade Info Guide


BITCO 2014

Za Srbiju je tematski turizam ansa /

Thematic Tourism in Serbia
Srbija, budui da nema morska podruja, mora da se osloni na razvoj tematskog turizma koji je,
inae, savremeni trend u toj industriji, ocenjeno je na Drugoj Beogradskoj meunarodnoj turistikoj
konferenciji - BITCO 2014, u organizaciji Visoke turistike kole (VT).
Due to the fact that it has no marine areas, Serbia must rely on the development of thematic tourism,
which is also the trend in the modern tourism industry, as was agreed at the Second Belgrade International Tourism Conference (BITCO 2014), organized by the School of Tourism (VT).

Direktor Turistike organizacije Beograda Miodrag

Popovi je pozdravljajui uesnike, izrazio oekivanje da e razmena miljenja na BITCO 2014, biti
podsticaj za nove turistike sadraje u glavnom gradu
Srbije. Poslednjih godina turizam u Beogradu, koji
ini 60 odsto onog u Srbiji, raste po prosenoj stopi
od 15-20 odsto, najbre u Evropi. U planu da bude
etabliran moto Beograd je u modi, a nove ideje e
doi i sa BITCO 2014, poruio je direktor Popovi.
Posebnu vrednost Konferenciji dali su uvodniari nadahnutim izlaganjima i prezentacijama.
Dr Don Trajb, profesor i ef katedre za turizam na
Univerzitetu u Sariju (Velika Britanija), je govorio o
teorijskim aspektima turizma. Profesor Univerziteta
u Lankiru (Velika Britanija) Dr Riard arpli, je izlagao na temu mrani turizam.
Dr Dimitrios Buhalis, profesor i direktor istraivakog centra na Univerzitetu u Burnmautu (Velika Britanija) je konstatovao da su visoke tehnologije revolucionisale industriju turizma, a to e ubudue initi
jo vie. Profesor na Univerzitetu Midlseks (Velika
Britanija) dr Konstantinos Andriotis je govorio o primeni koncepta smanjivanja rasta u industriji turizma.

Na dvodnevnoj konferenciji koja je krajem marta

odrana pod nazivom Tematski turizam u globalnom okruenju: prednosti, izazovi i budui razvoj
uesnici su se sloili da turizam ne treba posmatrati
samo sa komercijalnog aspekta ve i u sklopu humanog razvoja.
U podnetih 65 radova, 100 autora i koautora iz 17
zemalja ukljuujui i Srbiju, razmatrana su, meu
ostalima, pitanja odnosa tematskog turizma, globalizacije i odrivosti; ekoturizma, ruralnog i agroturizma; kulturnog i kreativnog turizma; religioznog
i duhovnog; sportskog i avanturitikog; gastronomskog i vinskog; manifestacionog turizma; zdravstvenog i velnes turizma; lovnog, kao i tzv. mranog


Belgrade Info Guide

The two-day conference was held in late March

under the title Thematic Tourism in the global
environment: benefits, challenges and future developments, and participants came to the conclusion
that tourism should not only be viewed from the
commercial point of view, but also within the larger
framework of human development.
The 65 papers submitted by 100 authors and coauthors from 17 countries, including Serbia, addressed a range of diverse topics, including: questions
about the relationship between thematic tourism,
globalization and sustainability; ecotourism, rural
and agro-tourism; cultural and creative tourism; religious and spiritual tourism; sports and adventure
tourism; culinary and wine tourism; event tourism;
health and wellness tourism; hunting and the socalled dark tourism.

The director of the Tourist Organization of

Belgrade, Miodrag Popovi, welcomed the participants and expressed the hope that the exchange
of opinions at BITCO 2014 would be an incentive for new tourist facilities in the capital of Serbia. In recent years, tourism in Belgrade, which
forms 60 per cent of all tourism in Serbia, has
been growing at an average annual rate of 15-20
per cent, the fastest in Europe. We plan to make
the motto Belgrade is in fashion well-established, and implement other new ideas that will
come from BITCO 2014, said director Popovi.
Conference speakers gave inspiring speeches and
presentations, adding further special value to the
Dr John Tribe, professor and head of the Department of Tourism at the University of Surrey
(UK), spoke about the theoretical aspects of tourism, while Dr Richard Sharpe, professor at the
University of Lancashire (UK), spoke about socalled dark tourism.
Dr Dimitrios Buhalis, professor and director of
the Research Centre at the University of Bournemouth (UK), noted that advanced technology
has revolutionized the travel industry, and will
continue to do even more. Dr Konstantinos Andriotis, professor at Middlesex University (UK),
talked about the concept of reducing growth in
the tourism industry.
Concluding the conference, Director of VT Milan Skakun expressed his wish for participants to
meet again in late March 2016 for the 3rd BITCO

Zakljuujui konferenciju, direktor VT dr Milan

Skakun je poeleo da se uesnici ponovo sretnu krajem marta 2016. godine na Treoj BITCO konferenciji.


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Belgrade Info Guide


top 10
Beogradska tvrava /
Belgrade fortress
Beogradska tvrava podignuta je na grebenu iznad
ua Save u Dunav u razdoblju od 1. do 18. veka
kao kompleks odbrambenog karaktera. Celinu ine
sama tvrava, podeljena na Gornji grad (Despotova
kapija, Sahat kula, Rimski bunar, Statua pobednika),
Donji grad (Kula Neboja, Amam tursko kupatilo,
Kapija Karla VI) i park Kalemegdan. Na Kalemegdanu se nalazi i Beogardski zooloki vrt, odnosno Vrt
dobre nade, koji obuhvata povrinu od oko
est hektara, a moe se
videti 200 ivotinjskih
Belgrade Fortress was
built for defensive
purposes on a ridge
overlooking the confluence of the Sava and
Danube rivers in many
phases between the
1st to 18th centuries.
The complex consists of the main Fortress, which
is divided into the Upper Town (including Despots
Gate, Clock Tower, Roman well, Victory Monument) and the Lower Town (Nebojas Tower, Turkish Baths, the Gate of Carl VI), and Kalemegdan
Park. Belgrade Zoo, also known as the Garden of
Good Hope, is located at Kalemegdan Park, covering an area of about six hectares and it is home to
about 200 animal species.

Trg Republike /
Republic square

Trg Republike je centralni gradski trg i glavno sastajalite u gradu. Dananji trg je formiran nakon
ruenja uvene Stambol kapije (1866.) i podizanja
Narodnog pozorita (1869.) i spomenika Knezu Mihailu (1882.). Na trgu se nalaze Narodno pozorite,
Narodni muzej, Spomenik knezu Mihailu
Obrenoviu i Spomenik Branislavu Nuiu.
Republic Square is the
citys central public
space and main meeting point. The squares
was created after the
demolition of the Istanbul Gate (1866) and construction of the National Theatre (1869) and the
monument of Prince Mihajlo (1882). The National
Theater, National Museum, and the monuments to
Prince Mihailo Obrenovic and Branislav Nui are
all found on the square.


Belgrade Info Guide

Dvorski kompleks na Dedinju /

Royal compound
in Dedinje

TOP 10 beogradskih
Knez Mihailova /
Knez Mihailova Street

Peaka zona i trgovaki centar Knez Mihailova ulica

zakonom je zatiena kao jedan od najstarijih i najvrednijih gradskih ambijentalnih celina, sa nizom reprezentativnih zgrada i kua nastalih krajem 1870-ih. Smatra se da je
jo u vreme Rimljana ovde bio centar naselja Singidunum,
a nakon izrade regulacionog plana Beograda, 1867. godine, ulica je dobila svoju dananju fizionomiju. U njoj se
grade kue i nastanjuju najuticajnije porodice Beograda.
Godine 1870. Uprava grada je i zvanino krstila ulicu dajui joj ime Ulica kneza
Pedestrian zone and
commercial center Knez Mihailova Street
is protected by law since
is one of the oldest and
most important urban
multiple representative
buildings and houses constructed in the end of 1870s.
It is thought the center of the of old Singidunum from
Roman times. After the elaboration of the Regulation
of Urban Planning in 1867, the street acquired its current physiognomy. It is in this street where influential
people of Belgrade got their houses built. In 1870, the
Administrative Office of the City gave the street the current name Prince Mihailos Street.

TOP 10 Belgrade

Trg Terazije / Terazije Square

Svoje ime Terazije su dobile po kulama za razvoenje vode sa visokog nivoa, koje su Turci zvali terazije
(vaga) za vodu. 1860. godine na mestu nekadanje
vodovodne kule postavljena je Terazijska esma, po
nalogu kneza Miloa. 1911. i 1912. godine Terazije su
potpuno preureene postavljeni su cvetni skverovi
i izgraena je velika fontana. Na ovom trgu se nalaze hotel Moskva, Palata Anker i kua Krsmanovia
podignuta 1885. godine (u njoj je 1. decembra 1918.
godine proglaeno ujedinjenje Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca).
The square was named after the Turkish word (terazije) for the towers that were once used to control
water distribution in
the city. In 1860, on the
site of the former water towers, Terazijska
Fountain was erected
by the orders of Prince
Milos. In 1912 the
square was remodeled,
with flower beds added
and another large fountain built. Some of the sights on
the square include Hotel Moscow, Anker Palace and
Krsmanovis House. The latter was built in 1885, and
on 1 December 1918 Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and
Slovenes was declared in this here.

Dvorski kompleks nalazi

se na Dedinju, zauzima
povrinu od 135 hektara,
a u okviru njega se nalaze
Kraljevski dvor (Stari dvor),
Beli dvor i crkva Svetog
Apostola Andreja Prvozvanog. Kraljevski dvor je izgraen u periodu od 1924.
do 1929. godine, kao zvanina kraljevska rezidencija
(danas je to dom prestolonaslednika Aleksandra II i
njegove porodice). To je vila od belog kamena izgraena u srpsko-vizantijskom stilu. Zgrada Belog dvora
sagraena je kao rezidencija prestolonaslednika. U
prizemlju ove klasicistike zgrade nalazi se veliki Sveani hol i niz salona, dvorska biblioteka koja je imala
oko 35.000 knjiga i Sveana trpezarija.
The royal compound located in Dedinje covers an
area of 135ha, and consists of the Royal Palace (also
known as the Old Palace), the White Palace and
the Royal Chapel of the Holy Apostle. The Royal
Palace, which is a white stone villa in the SerbianByzantine style, was built between 1924-1929 as the
official royal residence
and now serves as the
home of Crown Prince
Alexander II and his
family. The White
Palace was built as the
residence of the king
Alexander Is sons. The
ground floor of the
classicist building there is a large hall, the formal
dining room, and a number of lounges, as well as the
royal library which once housed some 35,000 books.

Hram Svetog Save /

St Sava Temple

Najvei pravoslavni hram na Balkanu i jedna od

najveih pravoslavnih crkava na svetu se nalazi u
istonom delu Svetosavskog trga, na optini Vraar.
Hram je sagraen na mestu gde su po naredbi Sinan-pae 1594. godine, iz manastira Mileeva prenete moti prvog srpskog arhiepiskopa svetog Save
i tu spaljene. Hram ima tri horske galerije i moe da
okupi 10.000 ljudi.
The biggest Orthodox church in the Balkans and
one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world
is located on St Sava Square in Vraar. The temple
was built on the site where the relics of the first Serbian Archbishop, Saint Sava, were removed from
the Mileevo Monastery and burnt by the order
of Sinan Pasha in 1594. The temple has three choir
galleries and can hold up to 10,000 people.
Belgrade Info Guide


top 10
Skadarlija / Bohemian quarter

Zemun / Zemun

Skadarska ulica, poznatija kao Skadarlija ili boemska etvrt je nastala krajem 19. Veka i od samog poetka je predstavljala omiljeno mesto gradskih boema,
pesnika i drugih umetnika. Ulica je poznata po mnogobrojnim kafanama sa starosrpskim ambijentom,
turskoj kaldrmi i kui ure Jakia (poznatog srpskog
knjievnika i najizrazitijeg predstavnika romantizma u
srpskom slikarstvu), a svoj autentini izgled zadrala
je i do dananjih dana. Najee je porede sa pariskim
Monmartrom, kako po
izgledu, tako i po veseloj, uzavreloj umetnikoj atmosferi.
known as Skadarlija or
the Bohemian Quarter,
was built in the late
19th century, and from
the very beginning was a favorite place for urban bohemians, poets and other artists. The streets original
appearance that has been well-preserved, and nowadays it is known for its many bars and restaurants,
Turkish cobblestones and the house of ura Jaki,
a famous Serbian poet and prominent representative
of romanticism in Serbian painting. The neighborhood is frequently compared to Montmartre in Paris, not only for the way it looks, but also for its joyful,
energetic and creative atmosphere.

Zemun je, zahvaljujui odlinom poloaju na obali Dunava naseljen jo u neolitu. Nekada zaseban
grad, od 1945. je optina u sastavu grada Beograda.
Posebni dragulji Zemuna su Veliko ratno ostrvo
sa plaom Lido, oaza zelenila i rezervat ptica, kao
i Zemunska tvrava sa Milenijumskom kulom na
Gardou odakle se prua najbolji panoramski pogled na grad. Zemun ima brojne kulturno-istorijske
spomenike, ali i galerije, radnje zaboravljenih zanata ugostiteljske objekte, hotele, kafane, splavove,...
Thanks to its excellent location on the
banks of the Danube,
Zemun has been inhabited since the Neolithic period. Formerly
a separate city, in 1945
it was officially incorporated into the City of
Belgrade. Some of the special gems of Zemun are the
Great War Island with its famous Lido Beach, an oasis of greenery and an important reserve for birds, and
Zemun Fortress on Gardos with its Millennium Tower
offering the best panoramic views of the city. Zemun
also has numerous cultural and historical monuments,
as well as galleries, restaurants, accommodation, bars,
waterfront rafts, shops selling forgotten crafts, and
much more.

Ada Ciganlija /
Ada Ciganlija

Avala / Mount Avala

Na reci Savi, u neposrednoj

blizini ua u Dunav, na udaljenosti od samo 4 km od centra
Beograda, nalazi se negdanje
ostrvo, a sada poluostrvo Ada
Ciganlija. Pregradom rukavaca
reke Save 1967. godine, Beograd je dobio jezero. Zelena,
ureena, opremljena i oputena, Ada Ciganlija je omiljeno mesto Beograana
ili beogradsko more. Preko Ade je sagraen najvei
visei most na svetu sa samo jednim pilonom.
Once an island, today Ada Ciganlija is a peninsula on
the Sava River, not far from where it joins the Danube
and only 4km from the city center. Ada Lake was
formed here in 1967 when a swampy area along the
banks of the Sava was separated from the river, and is
nowadays known as the Belgrade Sea. The peninsula
is now a large green space, with sports facilities, paths
and a relaxed atmosphere, and is a favourite destination
for locals. The largest single-pylon suspension bridge
in the world stands over Ada Ciganlijas easternmost
point, opening in 2012.


Belgrade Info Guide

Planina Avala, visoka svega 511 m, udaljena je od centra

Beograda 18 km. Obrasla je listopadnom i etinarskom
umom a njen prirodni kompleks i oko 600 biljnih vrsta zatieni su od 1859. Na Avali se nalaze Spomenik
Neznanom junaku (posveen rtvama I svetskog rata),
Spomenik ruskim veteranima, Spomen-park (posveen
rtvama II svetskog rata) i Toranj na Avali, ponovo
otvoren 2010., sa koga se prua
predivan pogled na itavu umadiju.
Mount Avala, found 18km
from the city centre, is just
511m high. It is covered in deciduous and coniferous forest,
and the areas 600 plant species
have been protected since 1859.
Many monuments can also be
seen, including the Monument
of the Unknown Hero (dedicated to the victims of World War I), Monument to
Russian Veterans, Memorial Park (dedicated to the
victims of World War II) and Avala Tower, reopened
in 2010., which provides beautiful panoramic views of
the city and nearby umadija.
Belgrade Info Guide


dogaaji / events
Mixer Festival

Tango in Red Major

Topiderski park
05.06 - 08.06.2014.

Sava Centar
06.06. - 08.06.2014.

 ikser Festival 2014. Vas
poziva na regionalno takmienje u dizajniranju igrica
Virtuelni Balkan 2014: Realna utopija
 ikser festival 2014 calls for regional game
design competition Virtual Balkan 2014: Utopia

Park Ue
13.06 - 22.06.2014.
Junfest, prvi porodini festi
val muzike, gastronomije i zabave, odrae se od 13. do 22. juna u parku Ue u Beogradu. Vie od 100 uesnika na 16 scena sa razliitim
muzikim stilovima, ulice sa najboljim restoranima i
klubovima, kao i zabavni park za najmlae, ekaju na
posetioce da im se pridrue. na Uu.
Junfest, the first family festival of music, gastro
nomy and fun will be held on 13th - 22nd of June
in the Confluence Park in Belgrade. More than
100 performers on 16 stages playing diferent music genres, streets of the best restaurants and clubs
and luna park for the youngest are waiting for the
visitors to come.

Serbia Wonderland
Festival na
otvorenom /
Serbia Wonderland
Open Air Festival
Belgrade Fair
20.06 - 21.06.2014.
 oplo preporuujemo svim posetiocima da se odenu
u magine boje Zemlje Nedoije. Prisustvo svih vila
i vilenjaka, avatara, Alisa iz zemlje uda i Ludih eirdija su vie nego poeljni!
 e recommend all visitors to wear some magic,
wonderland tones. All fairies, elves, avatars, Alisas
and Mad Hatters are mostly welcome.


Belgrade Info Guide

Tango in Red Major je sa

vremeni ou sa jueranjim
ritmom i sutranjim idejama, prepun boja, lepote,
glamura i elegancije. ou predstavlja velianstvenu i
hrabru viziju tanga, nezaboravno putovanje u ovaj
umetniki, savremeni, i od strane kritike potvrdjeni
 ango in Red Major is a nowadays show with a
rhythm from yesterday and ideas from tomorrow,
full of colour, beauty, glamour and elegance. The
show is a magnificent and brave vision of Tango, it
is like a journey to this unequal and endless art, popular, incandescent and acclaimed dance.

Musicology Festival /
Musicology Festival
Teniski tereni
na Kalemegdanu
24.07. - 27.07.2014.

Beogradski Beer
Fest 2014 /
Belgrade Beer Fest
Park Ue
13.08 - 17.08.2014.
Beogradski Beer Fest je meu najveim festiva
lima piva u jugoistonoj Evropi. Za vreme 5 dana
trajanja, festival poseti 500 000 ljudi. Ovoliki broj
posetilaca je, pre svega, zahvaljujui osnovnim
principima festivala, a to su besplatan ulaz, izuzetan muziki program, kao i irok spektar stranih i
domaih brendova piva.
Belgrade Beer Fest is on average, the biggest

beer festival in Southeastern Europe. Within 5
days, over 500.000 people visit the festival. The
large number of visitors is mostly due to basic
festival principles: free entrance, an exceptional
music program, and a wide range of foreign and
domestic beer brands.

Latino maraton/
Latino Marathon
Plato savskog pristanita
Karaoreva ulica
 eogradski latino maraton je manifestacija koja
petu godinu zaredom okuplja Beograane, goste
grada, predstavnike i plesae begradskih latino
plesnih kola. Peti Latino maraton, koji organizuje Turistika Organizacija Beograda, odrae se
30-og avgusta. Posetiocima se prua prilika da se
upoznaju sa vie Latino plesova u okviru besplatne
letnje kole Latino plesa.
 elgrade Latino Marathon is an event that brings together,fifth year in a row, people thet live in
Belgrade and those who are just visiting, as well as
representatives and dancers from various Latino
dance schools. The fifth Latino marathon, organised by Tourist Organization of Belgrade, will be
held on the 30th of August. Visitors will have the
opportunity to learn different Latin dances as part
of the free open school of Latin dance.

 voga jula razbijamo monotoniju potpuno novim
festivalom u Beogradu koji e ugostiti meunarodne zvezde razliitih muzikih anrova! Uslov je
samo jedan-kvalitetna muzika! Musicology festival
e biti neka vrsta kole muzike sa jasnim i beskompromisnim ciljem buenja kreativnog miljenja i
pruanja izbora da se uje neto drugaije ali i da
se, tokom etiri festivalske noi, ujedine svi ljubitelji
dobrog zvuka! Musicology je tu da odkrine vrata
novog i sauva sliku i duh starog beograda. Svi ste
 is July, we will erase the monotony with a brand
new festival in Belgrade that will host international
stars from different musical genres! There is only
one condition quality music. Musicology festival
will also be a kind of a school of music with a clear and uncompromising idea to awake the creative
thought and provide a choice, an options to hear
something different but also to unite all lovers of
good sound during the four festival nights! Musicology is here to open the door to new and to restore
the image and feel of old Belgrade. And everybody
is welcome.

Belgrade Info Guide


dogaaji / events
Koncerti / Concerts
Tom Dons /
Tom Jones
Kombank Arena
Bul. Arsenija arnojevia 58

Ajron Mejdn /
Iron Maiden

Stiven Sigal /
Steven Seagal
Kombank Arena
Bul. Arsenija arnojevia 58
24. 6. 2013. 21h

Bili Ajdol /
Billy Idol

Hju Lori /
Hugh Laurie
Sava centar
14. 7. 2014.

Il Divo
Kombank Arena
Bul. Arsenija arnojevia 58
24. 9. 2013. 21h


Belgrade Info Guide

Sportski dogaaji /
Sport events

Legendarni umetnik Tom Dons, koji je prodao

milionske tirae, dolazi u Kombank Arenu 15.
juna na samo jedno vee!
Multi-million selling singer and legendary artist
Tom Jones is coming to Kombank Arena on
15th June for one night only!

Beogradski biciklistiki kros

Asocijacija Sport za sve Beograda
24.5. - 30.5.2014.
Trg Republike, Ue, Ada Ciganlija, Avala
Belgrade Cycle Cross
Association Sport for all Belgrade
24th-30th May 2014.
Republic Square, Confluence, Ada Ciganlija, Avala

Mejdeni e svirati na Kalemegdanu, prvi

put nakon 1981. godine, u okviru svoje velike
svetske turneje Maiden England. / Iron Maiden
performe at Kalemegdan Park as part of their
great world tour dubbed Maiden England.
It will be their first open-air show in Serbia
since 1981.!

Evropsko prevenstvo u veslanju

Veslaki savez Beograda
30.5. - 1.6.2014.
Ada Ciganlija
European Rowing Championship
Rowing Association Belgrade
30th May - 1st June
Ada Ciganlija

Legendarni ameriki glumac, filmski producent,

scenarista, reiser i majstor borilakih vetina,
dolazi u Beograd , ovoga puta kao muziar u
pratnji svog bluz benda. / A legendary American
actor, film producer, screenwriter, film director
and martial artist, is coming to Belgrade as a
musician together with his blues band!

Teniska asocijacija Beograda
9.6. - 15.6.2014.
Tennis Association Belgrade
9th - 15th June 2014.
S.C. Olimp

Veliki letnji rokenrol spektakl u Beogradu - Bili

Ajdol na turneji Calling 2014. Drutvo e
mu praviti dugogodinji partner i legenda na
ici, Stiv Stivens. / Big summer Rock & Roll
spectacle in Belgrade - Billy Idol on Calling
2014. live tour. In tow for the tour, hes got
longtime partner and legend in his own right,
Steve Stevens, on guitar.
Engleski glumac,komiar,pisac i muziar
ponovo na novoj evropskoj turneji zajedno sa
svojim Copper Bottom bendom. / English
actor, comedian, writer and musician on a
new European tour, together with his Copper
Bottom Band.
U nastavku veoma uspene nedelje koncerata
u njujorkom Markis Teatru, Il Divo nam
donosi A Musical Affair: The Greatest Songs of
Broadway Live. / Following a successful week of
concerts at New Yorks Marquis Theater, Il Divo
- the record-breaking classical crossover group will bring A Musical Affair: The Greatest Songs
Of Broadway Live

Teniska asocijacija Beograda
16.6. - 22 .6 2014.
SC Vodovac
Tennis Association Belgrade
16th - 22nd June 2014.
S. C. Vodovac
Teniska asocijacija Beograda
23.6. -29.6.2014.
Teniski centar Novak
Tennis Association Belgrade
23rd - 29th June 2014.
T.C. Novak

Beogradsko meunarodno
takmienje u vejkbordu
Wakeboard Stop IWWF
Beogradski savez skijanja na vodi i vejkbord
4.7. - 6.7.2014.
Akvakom, Ada Ciganlija
Beograd International CWWC
Wakeboard Stop bz IWWF
Belgrade Water skiing and wakeboard
4th - 6th July 2014.
Aquacom, Ada Ciganlija
54.meunarodna biciklistika trka
17.6. - 22.6.2014.
Vranje, Kruevac, Priboj, Pale, Novi Sad, Beograd
54th International Cycle Race TOUR DE SERBIE
17th - 22nd June 2014.
Vranje, Kruevac, Priboj, Pale, Novi Sad, Belgrade
Meunarodni turnir u rvanju
Serbian Open /
Rvaki klub Radniki
25.6. - 26.6.2014.
RK Radniki
International Wrestling
Tournament Serbian Open
Wrestling Club Radniki
25th - 26th July 2014.
W.C. Radniki
Svetska odbojkaska liga 2014,
Beograd /
Odbojkaka asocijacija Srbije
1.6. - 6.6 2014.
Hala Pionir
Volleyball World League 2014,
Serbia Volleyball Association
1st June - 6th July 2014.
Pionir Hall

Belgrade Info Guide




















prevoz /

5, Knez Mihailov
Monday - Saturda
transportation 10am - 3p
phone: +381 11 2
and +381 11 2635
*Access for disab

Gradski prevoz /
Public transport
Gradski prevoz se sastoji od autobusa,
tramvaja i trolejbusa. Vonja kota 72
dinara (bez obzira na vid prevoza) a
karta se moe kupiti u Turistikoinformativnom centru u Knez
Mihailovoj 5 i na kioscima sa BusPlus
oznakom. Po ulasku u prevoz, kartu
treba oitati. Karte se mogu kupiti i u
prevozu, od vozaa po ceni od 150
dinara. Graski prevoz radi od 04:00 do
00:00. Tokom noi, prevoz saobraa u
intervalima od 1h od 00:10 do 02:30.
Putnicima se nudi i opcija vremenske
karte koja omoguava neogranien
broj presedanja u roku od 75 minuta i
iznosi 100 dinara.

Central Railway
Monday - Saturda
Sunday closed
phone: +381 11 3
*Access for disab
City transport comprises buses,
trams and trolleybuses. A ride costs
72 dinars (regardless of the form of
transport) and tickets can be bought
in tourist information centre in Knez
Mihailova 5 and at kiosks marked
with BusPlus sign. You have to
validate your ticket once you get on
board. You can also buy a ticket on
board, from the driver, for 150 dinars.
Public transport runs from 04:00
to 00:00. During night time, buses
run at 1-hour intervals from 00:10
to 02:30. ravelers can also use time
ticket valid for 75 minutes, which
costs 100 dinars.

The must of Bel

City center (K
and Republic

Taksi /
Sva taksi vozila u Beogradu, na
krovu imaju i jedinstveni znak
taksista Beograda. Putnik je
obavezan da plati samo cenu taksi
prevoza po vaeem cenovniku i u
iznosu koji pokae taksimetar na
kraju putovanja. U cenu je uraunat
i prevoz linog prtljaga putnika.
Prevoz kunih ljubimaca je mogu
uz pristanak vozaa. Ne preporuuje
se dogovaranje cene taksi prevoza,
bez ukljuivanja taksimetra.
All taxi vehicles are clearly marked
by a unique sign of the taxi services
in Belgrade placed on the roof of
the vehicle. Passenger pays only the
price of taxi ride according to the
current pricelist and in the amount
displayed on the taximeter at the
end of the ride. The price includes
transport of passengers personal
luggage. Transportation of pets is
possible with the drivers consent.
Negotiating a price for taxi services,
where the taxi meter is not switched
on, is not recommended.

The Belgrade
and Kalemeg

Alo taksi / ALO taxi

tel: +381 11 3564555
Alfa taksi / Alfa taxi
tel: +381 19807
Aurora taksi / Aurora taxi
tel: +381 11 3699333
Beotaksi taksi / Beotaksi taxi
tel: +381 1970
Beogradski taksi / Beogradski taxi
tel: +381 19801
Euro gold taksi / Euro gold taxi
tel: +381 19806
uti taksi / uti taxi
tel: +381 19802
Lux taksi / Lux taxi
tel: +381 11 3033123
Maksis taksi / Maksis taxi
tel: +381 11 19804
NBA taksi / NBA taxi
tel: +381 11 3185777
Pink taksi / Pink taxi
tel: +381 19803
Plavi taksi / Plavi taxi
tel: +381 19805
Taksi Bell / Taxi Bell
tel: +381 19808

albe / Complaints: +381 11 3227000

Bohemian qu

Vraar platea
Sava Temple

Royal comple

By dialing *284 fro

fixed line number
calls from fixed ph

Thanks to cooper
Belgrade and Beo
with the public), re
telephone numbe
information in Eng
*Access for disab

umetnost / art

Umetnost / Art
Umetnost / Art
Muzeji /

Muzej Srpske
pravoslavne crkve /
Museum of the Serbian
Orthodox Church

Narodni muzej /
National Museum

Muzej Vuka i Dositeja /

Museum of Vuk and Dositej
Gospodar Jevremova 21
Tue, Wed, Fri 10:00-17:00,
Thu 12:00-20:00,
Sun 10:00-14:00,
+381 11 2625161

Galerija fresaka /
Gallery of Frescoes

Cara Uroa 20
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00-17:00,
Thu 12:00-20:00,
Sun 10:00-14:00,
+381 11 2621491

Muzej primenjene
umetnosti /
Museum of Applied Art
Vuka Karadia 18
Tue, Sat 11:00-19:00,
Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00-19:00,
Sun 10:00-14:00,
+381 11 2626494

Etnografski muzej /
Ethnographic Museum

Muzej Jovana Cvijia /

Museum of Jovan Cviji
Jelene etkovi 5
Thuesday 12:00-18:00
+381 11 3223126
Kneza Sime Markovia 5
Weekdays 9:00-16:00
+381 11 30 25 136

Manakova kua /
Manaks House

Kraljevia Marka 10
Tue-Sat 10:00-17:00,
Sun 9:00-13:00
+381 11 3036114


Belgrade Info Guide

Zbirka ikona Sekuli /

Sekuli Icon Collection
Thuesday 12:00-18:00
+381 11 3283504

Jevrejski istorijski muzej /

Jewish History Museum

Muzej nauke i tehnike /

Museum of Science and
Skenderbegova 51
TueSun 10:00-20:00
+381 11 3037850

Galerija Petra Dobrovia /

Petar Dobrovi Gallery

Konak kneginje Ljubice /

Residence of Princess

Kralja Petra 36/IV

Fri, Sat, Sun 10:00-17:00
+381 11 2622163

Kneza Sime Markovia 8

Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00-17:00,
Thu 12:00-20:00,
Sun 10:00-14:00,
+381 11 2638264

Spomen muzej
Ive Andria /
Memorial Museum
of Ivo Andri

Andriev Venac 8
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00-17:00,
Thu 12:00-20:00,
Sun 10:00-14:00,
+381 11 3238397

Muzej pozorine
umetnosti /
Museum of Theatre Arts
Gospodar Jevremova 19
Mon-Fri 9:00-15:00,
Sat 9:00-14:00
+381 11 26 26 630

Pedagoki muzej /
Museum of Pedagogy

Kralja Petra 71a/I

Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00
+381 11 2622634

Pavla Juriia turma 33

Thuesday 12:00-18:00
+381 11 3674877

Arheoloki lokalitet Vina /

Vina Archaeological
Belo brdo 17, Vina
Tue, Wed, Fri 10:00-16:00,
Thu 12:00-18:00,
Sat, Sun 10:00-18:00
+381 11 8065334

PTT muzej /
PTT Museum

Mon-Fri 10:00-15:00
+381 11 3064170

Galerija prirodnjakog
muzeja /
Gallery of the Museum of
Natural History

Address: Botieva 6
Tue-Sun 10:00-20:00
+381 11 3671485

Kua cvea /
House of Flowers

Botieva 6
Tue-Sun 10:00-20:00
+381 11 3671485

Muzej istorije Jugoslavije /

Museum of Yugoslav
Botieva 6
Tue-Sun 10:00-20:00
+381 11 3671485

Stari muzej /
Old Museum

Botieva 6
Tue-Sun 10:00-20:00
+381 11 3671485

Husinskih rudara 31a

Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00,
Sat, Sun 12:00-20:00
+381 69 2280075

Romska umetnika galerija

/ Roma Art Gallery
Ruzveltova 43
Mon-Fri 10:00-19:00,
Sat, Sun 12:00-20:00
+381 69 2280075

Arhiv Srbije /
Archive of Serbia

Muzej Nikole Tesle /

Nikola Tesla Museum

Uzun Mirkova 14
Tue-Sat 11:00-18:00
Sun 11:00-16:00
+381 11 2625621
Muzej vazduhoplovstva /
Museum of Aviation
Nikola Tesla airport, Surin
09:00-18:30 (summer),
09:00-16:00 (winter)
+381 11 2670992

Krunska 51
Tue-Fri 10:00-18:00,
Sat, Sun 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2433886
elezniki muzej /
Railway Museum

Nemanjina 6
Mon-Fri 9:00-15:00, Sat,
Sun - visits by appointment
+381 11 3610334

Muzej afrike umetnosti /

Museum of African Art
Andre Nikolia 14
+381 11 2651654
Vojni muzej /
Military Museum

Botieva 6
Tue-Sun 10:00-16:00
+381 11 3671485

Arte Galerija / Arte Gallery

Svetogorska 29
+381 11 3243996

Artget / Artget

Trg Republike 5/I

Tue-Sun 11:00-21:00
+381 11 2622926

Beograd Gallery /
Beograd Gallery

Karnegijeva 2
reading room
Mon-Fri 09:00-19:00
+381 11 33 70 781

Kalemegdan bb
Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00
+381 11 3343441

Cvijeta Zuzori umetniki

paviljon /
Cvijeta Zuzori Art Pavilion
Kalemegdan 1
Mon-Sat 10:00-20:00,
Sun 10:00-14:00
+381 11 2621585

Diplomatski klub /
Diplomatic club Gallery

Arhiv Srbije i Crne Gore /

Archive of Serbia and

Euroart / Euroart Gallery

Palmira Toljatija 1
Mon-Fri 08:00-16:00
+381 11 2606336

Vase Pelagia 33
reading room
Mon-Fri 09:00-15:00
+381 11 3690252

Muzej Narodnog pozorita

/ Museum of
the National Theater
Dositejeva 2
Mon-Fri 10:30-19:00
Sat 15:00-19:00
+381 11 3284473

Kula Neboja /
Neboja Tower

Istorijski arhiv Beograda /

Historical Archive of

Kosovska 11
open prior to film projections
+381 11 3248250

Majke Jevrosime 30
Mon-Fri 11:00-19:00
+381 11 3034625

25. maj / 25. maj Gallery

Kosaniev venac 19
Mon-Fri 09:00-19:00,
Sat 09:00-15:00
+381 11 3033923

Muzej jugoslovenske
kinoteke /
Museum of the Yugoslav
Film Archive

Muzej automobila /
Museum of Automobiles

Umetnike galerije /
Art galleries

Rakoviki put 2
Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00 (Apr-Oct),
Tue-Sun 11:00-16:00 (Oct-Apr)
+381 11 2660422

Muzej Banjkog logora /

Museum of the Camp at

Knez Mihailova 42
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun 10:0020:00,
Thu, Sat 12:0022:00,
+381 11 3283339

Knez Mihailova 46
Tue-Sun: 10:00-20:00
+381 11 3344583

Zmaj Jovina 1
(administrative building)
Weekdays 9:00-17:00
+381 11 2630462

Muzej romske kulture /

Roma Museum
Konak kneza Miloa /
Residence of Prince Milo

Muzej 25. Maj /

25th May Museum

Muzej Zepter /
Zepter Museum

Mali Kalemegdan 5
Tue-Sun 10:00-21:00 (summer),
Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00 (winter)
+381 11 32 84 317

Ue 10, Novi Beograd

The museum is closed for
+381 11 3115713

Kua legata /
Heritage House

Muzej grada Beograda /

Museum of the City of

Muzej savremene
umetnosti /
Museum of
Contemporary Art

Nikola Pasic Square 11
Tue-Sun 12:00-19:00
Administrative Building
ure Jakia 9
Weekdays 8:30-16:30
+381 11 3287242

Students Square 13
Tue-Sat 10-17h,
Sun 9:00-14:00
+381 11 3281888

Kralja Milana 21/IV

Thuesday 10:00-18:00
+381 11 3340176

Republic Square 1a
Tue, Wed, Fri 10:00-17:00,
Thu, Sat 12:00-20:00,
Sun 10:00-14:00,
+381 11 3306048

Muzej Paje Jovanovia /

Museum of Paja Jovanovi

Istorijski muzej Srbije /

Historical Museum of

Bulevar vojvode Bojovia

Tue-Sun 10:00-20:00 (Jun Sep)
Tue-Sun 10:00-18:00 (OctMay)

Bulevar osloboenja 317

+381 11 3095000.

Makedonska 30 (Eurocentar)
Mon-Fri 11:00-19:00,
Sat 11:00-15:00
+381 11 3373374

FLU / FLU Gallery

Knez Mihailova 53
Mon-Sat 10:00-19:00
+381 11 2630635
Biblioteka grada Beograda
/ Belgrade City Library

Knez Mihailova 56,

Mon-Fri 08:00-20:00,
Sat 08:00-14:00,
+381 11 2024011

Galerija 212 / Gallery 212

Vlajkovieva 25
Mon-Fri 11:00-20:00,
Sat 11:00-15:00
+381 11 3373299

Belgrade Info Guide


umetnost / art
Grafiki kolektiv /
Grafiki kolektiv

Obiliev venac 27
Mon-Fri 11:00-20:00,
Sat 10:00-16:00
+381 11 3285923
Haos / Haos

Dositejeva 3
Mon-Sat 12:00-20:00
+381 11 2627497

Galerija Zadubine Ilije

Kolarca / Ilija M. Kolarac
Foundation Gallery
Studentski trg 5
Mon-Sat 10:00-20:00
+381 11 2635073

KCB Art Galerija / KCB Art

Knez Mihailova 6
Tue-Sun 11:00-21:00
+381 11 3286487

Magacin / Magacin
Kraljevia Marka 4
New Moment /
New Moment Gallery
Hilandarska 1
+381 11 3229992
O3one / O3one Gallery
Andriev venac 12
Mon-Fri 12:00-20:00,
Sat 14:00-20:00
+381 11 3238789

Progres / Progres Gallery

Zmaj Jovina 10
Mon-Fri 10:00-21:00,
Sat 10:00-16:00
+381 11 2182626
Remont / Remont

Makedonska 5/III
Mon-Fri 12:00-19:00
+381 11 3223406

Salon Muzeja savremene

umetnosti /
Salon of the Museum of
Contemporary Art
Pariska 14
closed on Tuesdays
+381 11 2630940


Belgrade Info Guide

Galerija - Legat Milice Zori

Kulturni centri /
i Rodoljuba olakovia /
Cultural Centres
Gallery - Legacy of
Milica Zoric and Rodoljub
Rodoljuba olakovica 2, Belgrade Beogradski kulturni centar
12:00-20:00, closed on Tuesdays / Belgrade Cultural Centre

Austrian Cultural Forum

Kneza Sime Markovia 2
Confucius Institute
Studentski trg 3

+381 011 3676093

Knez Mihailova 6/I

Galerija RTS / RTS Gallery

KC Grad / European Center

for Culture and Debate

Pozorita /

Atelje 212

Beogradski centar mladih /

Belgrade Youth Centre

Takovska 10
Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00,
Sat 10:00-16:00
+381 11 3211833

Galerija SANU / SANU


Knez Mihailova 35
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00-20:00,
Thu 10:00-16:00
+381 11 3342400

Singidunum / Singidunum
Knez Mihailova 40
Mon-Fri 09:00-21:00,
Sat 11:00-20:00
+381 11 2185323

Galerija SKC / SKC Gallery

Kralja Milana 48
Mon-Fri 10:00-17:00
Sat 10:00-14:00
+381 11 2688468

Stara Kapetanija /
Stara Kapetanija Gallery
Kej osloboenja 8 (Zemun)
Tue-Fri 11:00-21:00,
Sat, Sun 11:00-14:00
+381 11 2612023


Terazije 26/II
Mon-Fri 11:00-18:00,
Sat 11:00-14:00
+381 11 2685780
ULUS / ULUS Gallery
Knez Mihailova 37
Mon-Fri 10:00- 20:00,
Sat 9:00-14:00
+381 11 262 31 28

Zvono / Zvono Gallery

Vinjieva 5
Mon-Fri 12:00-19:00,
Sat 12:00-16:00
+381 11 2625243

Brae Krsmanovi 4

Makedonska 22

Svetogorska 21

BDP (Belgrade Drama Theatre)

Mileevska 64a

Deiji kulturni centar /

Childrens Cultural Centre

Bitef (modern dance)

Skver Mire Trailovi 1

Takovska 8

Studentski kulturni centar /

Students Cultural Centre
Kralja Milana 48

Boko Buha

Trg Republike 3


American Corner

Makedonska 22

Desanke Maksimovi 6

Duko Radovi

British Council

Terazije 8

Aberdareva 1

JDP (Yugoslav Drama Theatre)

French Cultural Centre


Goethe Institute

Zmaj Jovina 11

(German Cultural Centre)

Knez Mihailova 50

Kralja Milana 50

Glavna 32 (Zemun)

Narodno pozorite /
National Theatre

Italian Cultural Institute

Kneza Miloa 56

Francuska 3


Cervantes Institute

(Spanish Cultural centre)

ika Ljubina 19
Canadian Cultural Centre
Kneza Miloa 75
+381 11 3063000

Karaoreva 9 (Zemun)


Radoslava Grujia 21

Svetog Save 16

Russian Centre for Science

and Culture

Kraljice Natalije 33


Trg Nikole Paia 3

Iranian Cultural Centre

Zvezdara Teatar

Nake Spasi 3

Milana Rakia 38

Newly opened Chinese restaurant Soul Kitchen invites you to enjoy the specialties of Chinese
cuisine. In luxurious ambience, friendly and professional staff will assist you with a wide range of
traditional Chinese dishes. We give every guest a nice gift as a remembrance of an unforgettable
dining experience in our restaurant. Come and be our guests!

Jurija Gagarina 36 b, New Belgrade

near the TC Piramida
bus: 73, 82, 89, 94, 95, 610, E1, E6

tram: 7, 9, 13

+381 11 2288801
+381 62 8895759

Belgrade Info Guide


razgledanja / sightseeing
Grad u koji dolazimo prvi put privlai nas zbog svojih ljudi, zatim bulevara i etalita, obala i vrtova,
zalazaka sunca, kafea i restorana, muzeja, ritma ivota, provoda. U Beogradu sve uvek vri, osea se
kako pulsira ivot jednog grada na granici dve civilizacije, na uu Save u Dunav, ispod Avale. arm
Beograda jednostavno je neodoljiv.
The cities we visit attract us for a variety of reasons: its people, streets, waterfront promenades and
gardens, sunsets, cafes and restaurants, museums and galleries, rhythm of life, entertainment, and
more. Belgrade is constantly boiling, one can feel the life of a city at the border of two civilizations
pulsing at the confluence of Sava and Danube rivers, under Mount Avala. The charm of Belgrade is
simply irresistible.


 etnja kroz Beogradsku varo

i Beogradsku tvravu

Upoznajte Beograd etajui se gradskim ulicama i

uivajte u interesantnoj prii vodia o istoriji grada, arhitekturi i ivotu Beograana. Kroz ovu turu
upoznaete ue jezgro grada, Beogradsku tvravu,
kao i najvei zeleni pojas Beograda, park Kalemegdan.
Organizator: Turistika organizacija Beograda
Polazak: svake subote Knez Mihailova 5
Jezik: srpski 11:00 i engleski 13:00
Trajanje: 120 min
Cena: 300 din
Informacije i karte: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
ponedeljak - subota 9:00-21:00, nedelja 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343

 tari Zemun
Polazak: svake nedelje ispred ulaza u zgradu pote,
Glavna ulica 8 u Zemunu, u 12:00
Jezik: srpski
Trajanje: 120 min
Cena: 300 din
Informacije i rezervacije: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
ponedeljak - subota 9:00-21:00, nedelja 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343


Belgrade Info Guide

 troll through Downtown
Belgrade and Belgrade Fortress
Discover Belgrade walking the city streets and
enjoy interesting guided stories about the history,
architecture and life in Belgrade. On the tour participant will get to know the heart of the city centre
and Belgrade Fortress, as well as the largest green
belt of Belgrade, Kalemegdan Park.
Organizer: Tourist Organization of Belgrade
Departure: Every Saturday, TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
Languages: Serbian - 11:00 English - 11:00
Duration: Two hours
Price: 300 din
Information and tickets: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
Monday - Saturday 9:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343

Departure: every
week in front of
the Central Post
Office, Main Street
8 in Zemun, 12h
Language: Serbian
Duration: 2 hours
Price: 300 din
Information and reservations:
TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
Monday - Saturday 9:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343

sightseeing by bus

Razgledanje grada
 azgledanje Beograda iz
otvorenog autobusa BS Toursa

Belgrades open-top sightseeing

from BS Tours

Polazak: od 11:00, 13:00 i 17:00 sa turistikog stajalita ispred Skuptine grada

Trajanje: 70 minuta
Jezik: srpski, engleski, francuski, nemaki i ruski
Cena: 500 din. odrasli i 300 din. deca do 12 godina.
Karta se moe kupiti u autobusu pre poetka razgledanja i na prodajnom mestu BS Toursa.
Minimum 10 putnika
Informacije i karte: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
ponedeljak - subota 9:00-21:00, nedelja 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343
BS Tours, Savski Trg 1/a
+381 11 7614693, +381 11 66 88448

z srca grada do Avale - Mini

izlet turistikim autobusom
Polasci Trg Nikole Paia u 10:00. Nakon 30 minuta
turistikog razgledanja, posetioci e imati zaustavljanje u Topiderskom parku
na sat vremena
i posetiti muzej
u Konaku kneza
Miloa i Crkvu sv.
Petra i Pavla.
300 din. deca,
500 din odrasli
Informacije i karte: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
ponedeljak - subota 9:00-21:00, nedelja 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622 i +381 11 2635343
Turistika agencija Lasta, Balkanska 35-39,
+381 11 3622 298, Savski Trg 1a, +381 11 6641251

Departing at 11:00,
13:00 and 17:00
from the tourist
stop in front of the
City Hall.
70 minutes
Serbian, English, French, German and Russian.
Price: 500 din for adults, 300 din for children up to
12 years old
Tickets can be purchased on the bus before the
start of the tour or from BS Tours.
Minimum 10 passengers
Information and tickets: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
Monday - Saturday 9:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343
BS Tours, Savski Trg 1/a
+381 11 7614693, +381 11 66 88448

 rom the heart of the city to

Avala - Tourist Bus Trip
Departures: Nikola Pai Square, 10:00. After a
30-minute sightseeing tour, passengers will stop at
Topider Park for 1 hour, where they can visit the
museum at the Residence of Prince Milo and the
Church of St Peter and St Paul
Ticket prices: 300 din for children, 500 din for
Information and tickets: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
Monday - Saturday 9:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-15:00
tel. 011 2635-622 and 011 2635-343
Lasta Travel Agency, Balkanska 35-39,
+381 11 3622 298, Savski Trg 1a, +381 11 6641251

Prokat Avto, Rent a car, Autovermietung, Nollegio Auto
Gospodar Jevremova 48a, Beograd

+381 11 303 65 00
+381 65 987 26 51
+381 65 987 26 52
Belgrade Info Guide


razgledanja / sightseeing
 ight Sightseeing on the Lasta
open-top bus

Nono razgledanje grada

Lastinim otvorenim autobusom
Polazak: Turistiko stajalite ispred Skuptine grada, svakog etvrtka, petka, subote i nedelje u 18:00
Trajanje: 90 minuta
Jezik: srpski, engleski, francuski, nemaki, ruski,
panski, italijanski i grki.
Cena: 500 din. odrasli i 300 din. deca do 12 godina.
Informacije i karte: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
ponedeljak - subota 9:00-21:00, nedelja 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343
SP Lasta a.d., Balkanska 35-39, TC I sprat
+381 11 3622298,

 azgledanje Beograda
Panoramsko razgledanje: ponedeljak-subota 10:50 ,
ispred hotela Balkan, ulaz iz Prizrenske ulice, br.2
Nedelja i praznici: izvriti najavu, najmanje 12 asova ranije.
Za grupe drugog govornog podruja: najava 12 sati
pre termina razgledanja
Trajanje:120 min.
Jezik: engleski
Informacije i karte: Glob Metropoliten Tours,
Mekenzijeva 26 i Andre Nikolia 7
+381 11 2430852,+381 11 2430899,+381 64 8226600,

 azgledanje grada tramvajem
Tramvaj zvani Beograd
Turistiko razgledanje tramvajem uz pratnju vodia
je besplatno
Trajanje: 60 minuta


Belgrade Info Guide

Departure: The tourist stop in front of City Hall,

every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 18:00
Duration: 90 minutes
Language: Serbian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian and Greek.
Price: 500 din for adults, 300 din for children up to 12
Information and tickets:
TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
Monday - Saturday 9:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343,
Lasta Travel Agency, Balkanska 35-39, first floor
+381 11 3622298,

 elgrade Sightseeing by minibus


Broj mesta ogranien 25 osoba

Jezik: srpski (petak u 19:00 i subota u 17:00) i
engleski (petak u 20:00 i subota u 18:00)
Prijavljivanje: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5
ponedeljak - subota 9:00-21:00, nedelja 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343

 avamala creative district

Savamala creative district promovie
posebnosti jedne od najstarijih beogradskih etvrti,
peakog je karaktera i odrava se svake subote
od 12:00 do 14:00. Polazna taka je Mikser House
(Karaoreva 46), a obilazak u pratnji licenciranog
vodia na engleskom/srpskom jeziku, traje 120
minuta. U promo periodu (do kraja septembra)
cena ulaznice je 1800 dinara,

Panoramic sightseeing tours of Belgrade by

minibus,weekdays and on Saturdays at 10:50 from
the Balkan Hotel, at Prizren Street No. 2. Tours can
also be organized on Sundays and holidays with advanced notice, at least prior to 12:00.
Duration: 2 hours
Language: English
Information and tickets:
Globe Metropolitan Tours, Mekenzijeva 26
+381 11 2430852, +381 11 2430899

Sightseeing Tours

Rezervacije i karte : TIC, Knez Mihailova 5; Mikser

House, Karaoreva 46; Glob Metropoliten Tours,
Makenzijeva 26 i Andre Nikolia 7
Rezervisati kartu do petka u 15:00
Kontakt: Tamara Markovi,,
+381 62 8040137 i Tijana Maljkovi,, +381 64 822660

 a kafi kod Kneginje Ljubice


A free guided
sightseeing tour
on the tram.
Departure: Friday
from the tram
terminus near the zoo.
Duration: 60 minutes
Language: Serbian (Fri 19:00 and Sat 17:00)
and English (Fri 20:00 and Sat 18:00)
Limited number of seats - 25 people.

Information and tickets: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5

Monday - Saturday 9:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622, +381 11 2635343

 avamala - The Creative district

Every Saturday from 12:00 to 14:00, there is a
unique tour to promote this special one of a kind
pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood. The starting
point is the Mikser House (Karaoreva 46), and
participants are accompanied by a licensed guide in
English/Serbian during the two hour tour. Until the
end of September, the promotional ticket price is
1800 din.
The Savamala - Creative district Tour has a charitable apect, as 10% of each ticket purchased goes to
a fund for the restoration of the roof of the Belgrade
Cooperative building.
Tickets: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5; Mikser House,
Karaoreva street 46; Glob Metropolitan Tours,
Makenzijeva 26, Andre Nikolia 7
Reserve your ticket by Friday at 15:00.
Contact: Tamara Markovic,,
+381 62 8040137 and Tijana Maljkovi,, +381 64 8226600

 offee at Princess Ljubicas


Posetite program u Konaku kneginje Ljubice i

saznajte neto vie o ivotu u Beogradu u vreme
vladavine dinastije Obrenovi. Kustoskinja Muzeja
grada Beograda obuena u kostim iz perioda
kneginje Ljubice doekuje posetioce
Mesto: Konak kneginje Ljubice,
Kneza Sime Markovia 8
Termin: Petak 17:00, subota u 10:00
Trajanje: 60 min.
Cena ulaznice: 350 din
Maksimalan broj posetilaca 30

Visit the Residence of Princess Ljubica and learn

more about life in Belgrade during the reign of the
Obrenovi dynasty.
Programme: Performance, refreshments (coffee
and Turkish delight), tour of the Residence
Venue: Palace of Princess Ljubica, Prince Sima
Markovi 8
Time: Friday 17:00 , Saturday 10:00
Duration: 1 hour
Ticket price: 350 din
The maximum number of participants is 30

Informacije: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5

ponedeljak - subota 9:00-21:00, nedelja 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622 , +381 11 2635-343

Information and tickets: TIC, Knez Mihailova 5

Monday - Saturday 9:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-15:00
+381 11 2635622 , +381 11 2635-343
Belgrade Info Guide


gde se smestiti? / where to stay?

Hoteli u Beogradu /
Hotels in Belgrade

Beogradski hosteli /
Hostels in Belgrade

Crowne Plaza 4

1000 Rua 3

Hyatt Regency Belgrade


Metropol 5
Square Nine 5 *
Crystal Garni 4 *
Balkan 4
Best Western M 4
President 5

Best Western umadija


Garni Hotel Evropa 4
Holiday Inn 4
IN Hotel Beograd 4 *
Life Design 4
Majestic 4 *
Moskva 4
Palace 4
Belgrde Art Hotel 4

Prestige 4

Townhouse 27 4*
Zira 4
Nevski 4
Garni Zeder 4
Prag 4
Euro Garni 4
Suevi Garni 4 *
Zlatnik 4
Queen Astoria 4

Belgrade Info Guide

Rex 3
Skala 3
Slodes 3
Srbija 3
Union 3
Excelsior 3
Babe 3
Tulip Inn Putnik 3
Balkan Garni 3
Oasis 3
Slavija III 3
Park 3

Helvecia Garni 4

Aleksandar Palas
Garni 4

Garni Hotel Srbija 4

Argo 3

Falkensteiner 4

Kneevina Garni 3

Boutique Tash Garni 3

Oraac 3

Elegance 3
Kasina 3
Jump Inn 4

Le Petit Piaf Garni 3

Belgrade City Hotel 4

+381 11 3907777 +381 63 20 40 32


Mr. President Garni 4

Beograd 2

Trim 2
Lav 2

Semlin B&B Garni 2

Royal 2

Privatni smetaj /
Private Accommodation

Inspirisani duhom moderne metropole, hosteli u

Beogradu smeteni su na najatraktivnijim lokacijama, i teko ih je pobrojati. Goste privlae originalnou, mladim osobljem i pristupanim cenama.
Od inventivnog pop-art stila kojim odie dekor
njihovih soba, do plutajuih na vodi tik do uvenih
splavova, ponuda beogradskih hostela deo je najpopularnijih globalnih booking servisa.
Inspired by the spirit of a modern metropolis, hostels in Belgrade are located in the most attractive
locations, and continually increasing number is
difficult to count. Guests are attracted by hostels
originality, young staffs and good prices. From
those with inventive Pop Art style dcor, to those floating on the water next to Belgrades famous
splavovi party boats, the citys selection of hostels
can be found on all of the popular global booking

Bilo da borave u Beogradu iz poslovnih razloga,

bilo da su inspirisani zabavom, manifestacijama
ili jednostavno eljom za otkrivanjem nove
destinacije, gosti srpske prestonice rado biraju neki
od skoro 500 privatnih smetaja da bi se, kako kau,
pre svega oseali kao kod kue! Prijatan ambijent
apartmana u strogom centru grada, stanovi de-lux
kategorije, i kue u otmenim delovima Beograda,
u ponudi su privatnog smetaja koji je jedan od
naina da se doivi beogradski lifestyle!
Whether visiting Belgrade for business, pleasure, or
simply to discover a new destination, guests in the
Serbian capital often choose to stay at one of the nearly 500 private accommodation facilities, in order
to feel at home during their trip.
From pleasant apartments in the city center to deluxe flats and houses in posh neighborhoods, private accommodation is one of the best ways to experience unique Belgrade lifestyle!

Vie informacija o smetaju u Beogradu:

More info about accommodation in Belgrade:


Bristol 2

Radmilovac 2

Nacional 2

Contact Garni 2

Villa Family 2

Dom Prosvetnih
Radnika Jugoslavije 1

Slavija I 1

Na raskrsnici Avalskog i Krunog puta nalazi se hotel Suevi.

U ovoj domainskoj kui uivaete u pruti, kulenu, tvrdim
sirevima, vrhunskom vinu i rakijama iz domae proizvodnje.
Organizujemo sve vrste proslava i promocija do 100 mesta.
Smetaj u sobama i apartmanima sa 4 zvezdice.
U sred rue vetrova izmeu Kosmaja, Avale i Dunava za
Vas petkom i subotom organizujemo ivu akustinu muziku.

Belgrade Info Guide


gde jesti? / where to eat?

Spisak restorana /
List of restaurants
Francuski /

Kralja Milutina 33
+381 11 3640625

Le Moliere

Zmaj Jovina 11
+381 11 2188161


Bld. Nikole Tesle 3

(Grand casino)
+381 11 2202822


Kajmakalanska 2
+381 11 2404142

Italijanski /

Gospodar Jevremova, Dorol

+381 11 3285007

La Piazza

Mileevska 54
+381 11 3836634

Koava Trattoria

Kralja Petra 36
+381 11 2627344


Studentski trg 10
+381 11 3286454

Pietro dell Oro

Trnska 2
+381 3447700


Belgrade Info Guide


Ue Shopping Center
Mihaila Pupina 4
Obiliev venac 29
+381 11 2854436


ika Ljubina 18-20

Azijska kuhinja /
Asian cuisine
Bizu Sushi Box

Andre Nikolia 1-3

+381 11 3692570
+381 65 2447918

Restaurant Makao
Pere Velimirovia 7
Starine Novaka 7a
afarikova 11
Stari grad

Soul Kitchen

Jurija Gagarina 36 b
+381 11 2288801

Makao i uto more

Prve pruge 8

Indijski / Indian

Ljubika 1b
+381 11 3446235

/ International
Dijagonala 2.0

Skerlieva 6
+381 11 2449099


Bld. Osloboenja 18a

+381 11 2641944

Kalemegdanska terasa
+381 11 3283011


Klub knjievnika

Ikki Sushi Bar

Lorenzo i Kakalamba



Bld. Nikola Tesla 3

+381 11 2202822
Gospodar Jovanova 46
+381 11 2184183
Vuka Karadia 2
+381 11 2181931

Sushi Bar Tokyo

umievo Sokae L19

+381 11 3248676

Francuska 7
+381 11 2627931

Cvijieva 110
+381 11 3295351
Bld. Kralja Aleksandra 43
+381 11 3231332


Biraninova 42
+381 11 2658911

Principal - Diners Club


Kafana edi

Kej Oslobodjenja bb
+381 11 3077575

Vodovodska 119
+ 381 11 2503509

Sava Mala


Ue bb
+381 11 2140467

Savski Trg 7
+381 11 6684541


Vinjieva 10
+381 11 2910942

Toro Grill

Zemunski Kej 49
+381 11 2199462

Savski nasip 7
+381 63 202513

Stara Koliba

Ue bb
+381 11 3117444


Kej Osloboenja 53
+381 11 2618235


Kralja Petra 20
+381 11 3285656

kuhinja /

Tribeca Uniqa


Milutina Milankovica 134d

+381 11 2026004

Gospodar Jevremova 36
+381 11 3284746



Dobanovaka 95
+381 11 3167511

Kej Oslobodjenja 55
+381 11 3160160


Libanski /

Latin American




Srpska Kafana

panski /

Picerije /

Cantina de Frida


El Hispano


Svetozara Markovia 49
+381 11 3621111
Sinelieva 34
+381 11 2190324
Svetogorska 25
+381 11 3247197


Bld. Kralja Aleksandra 348

+381 11 2412464

Tri eira

Skadarska 29
+381 11 7247501
+381 11 7341 593

Nebojina 6
+381 11 2441938

Karaoreva 2-4
+381 11 2181120
Obiliev Venac 27/II
+381 11 2628685

Strahinjia Bana 66a

+381 11 2623433

Skadarska 13
+381 11 3237204
Hilandarska 32
+381 11 3342897

Na oku /

Whatever @ The Corner

Beogradska 37
+381 11 3236470


Kej osloboenja bb
+381 11 3191226

Riblji / Fish

Poarevaka 51
+381 11 2447446

Guti Mora

Radnika 27
+381 11 3551268

Belgrade Info Guide


gde se zabavljati? / where to party?

Kafei / Cafes

Kej osloboenja bb
+381 11 3194971

Bistro Pastis

Strahinjia Bana 52b


unarska 1
+381 11 2612096

Grand pleasure

Vasina 3
+381 11 2627424


Nuieva 3
+381 11 3238474

Jazz Bata

Karaoreva 4
+381 11 2199462


Strahinjia Bana 48,

+381 11 2910311

Lime Caf

Obiliev Venac 1
Open 09:00-01:00h

Mamas Biscuit House

Strahinjia Bana 72a
+381 11 3283805

Barovi / Bars
Amarone Wine Bar

Bar Central

Kralja Petra 59
+381 11 2626444


Kosovska 33
+381 11 3037794


Strahinjica Bana 66a

+381 11 3283715

Jazz klub Rif

Makenzijeva bb
+381 64 2628010

Kasina Bar

Gospodar Jovanova 56
+381 60 5040455

Terazije 25
+381 63 1111211

Blowup Bar

Kontra Bar

Despota Stefana 36a

+381 63 441655

Strahinjia Bana 59
+381 64 8266438


Francuska Sobarica &

Klub Batler

Karaoreva 44
+381 69 8300770

Francuska 12

Kneza Miloa 77
+381 11 3610525

Rakia Bar


Mixer House

Sunset caffe


Dobraina 5
+381 11 3286119

Brodarska bb
+381 62 8002020

Ada Ciganlija lok. 9

+381 63 8073210

Dunavska 17a
+381 11 2628842
+381 65 30 00 909

Three Carrots Irish Pub

Gradski splav Lasta

Kneza Miloa 16
+381 11 2683748

Hercegovaka bb
Savamalski kej
+381 69 1100777

O.U.R. Bar

Hedone Lounge

Beogradska 71
+381 11 3238846

Vojvode Putnika 34
+381 62 8417287


Akademski plato 1
+381 11 3285925

Klubovi / Clubs

Dunavski kej bb
+381 66 222152



Graanika 18
+381 62 222152

orba Cafe

Karaoreva 43
+381 64 2285055

Brae Krsmanovi 3
+381 11 2622509

Bitef Art Caf 2


Skver Mire Trailovi 1

+381 63 594294


Karaoreva 9
+381 648737570


Brodarska bb
+381 65 5277337

BW Brankov

Crnogorska 12
+381 69 830 07 77


Belgrade Info Guide

Lava Bar

irila i Metodija 2
+381 64 3507388


Kneza Miloa 9
+381 65 4755115

Dom omladine

Makedonska 22
+381 3248202

Dragstor play

Ue bb
+381 62 337766

Karaoreva 46
+381 11 2626068

Office Pub

Kej Osloboenja bb
+381 63 321975


uina 7
+381 11 3245437

Red Shoes

+381 64 1103866
Ada Ciganlija
Makika strana, lokal 7

Re Sava
(Ana 4 Pitolja)

Resavska 24
+381 64 1294654
+381 11 3346168

Jazz & Blues Club

Cool Bar


Knez Mihailova 48
+381 64 1970488

Savski kej bb
+381 62 8222000
+381 62 8822111



Julian Loft




+381 62 222152
Karaoreva 2-4
+381 60 3030100
Ada Ciganlija
Makika strana, lokal 8
+381 65 3332050

Kolektiv Club

Vase Pelagia 54
+381 69 2000300


Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 73

+381 11 3218391

Terazije 1
+381 11 3226318
Svetogorska 17
+381 64 0133300
Vinjieva 9
+381 65 4755115

Teatro Bar

Sarajevska 26
+381 64 2386006


Studenski trg 15
+381 66 222152

Belgrade Info Guide


gde kupovati? / where to shop?

Ue Shopping Center

Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 4

11070 Novi Beograd
+381 11 2854505


Top quality service and
24/7 support
Half day, full day and
multi-day tours
Multilingual guides

Zira Shopping Centar

Ruzveltova 33
Ugao Cvijieve i Ruzveltove
+381 11 3314578

Delta City

Jurija Gagarina 16, Beograd

+381 11 2203624
+381 65 2203600

Jedinstvena razgledanja
S.A.B. Travel-a e
zadovoljiti sva vaa ula:


Visok kvalitet usluga i
24h podrka
Poludnevne, celodnevne
i viednevne ture
Vodii na svim jezicima

S.A.B. Travel unique

tours which satisfy
all your senses:

Veslanje Dunavom stojei na dasci

Stand Up Paddle board (SUP) Tour
Jedinstven nain da uivate u Beogradu.
Spremite se za etnju Dunavom po ceni
ve od 12 po osobi.
A unique way to enjoy Belgrade. Get ready
to walk on water from 12 per person.
Velika Beogradska avantura
The great Belgrade adventure
Upoznajte Beograd sa svih strana kroz 4
aktivnosti: etnja, vonja brodom, kajaking
i vonja biciklom. Cena ve od 19 za Va
savren dan u Beogradu.
Explore Belgrade from a different point
of view through 4 activities: walking, boat
ride, kayaking and cycling. From 19 for a
perfect day in Belgrade.

best value for money

ari ravnice i Srpske Atine

Charms of plains and Serbian Athens
Polazak iz Beograda. Istraite prelep Novi Sad,
uivajte u etnji Petrovaradinskom tvravom,
upoznajte armantne Sremske Karlovce.
Doivite ovu fascinantnu turu po ceni od 34
po osobi.
Departure from Belgrade. Explore the
fascinating city of Novi Sad, enjoy a walking
tour of Petrovaradin fortress, visit the
charming town of Sremski Karlovci. Enjoy this
wonderful tour - from 34 per person.
Stara Pazova, Svetosavska 13
Tel: +381 22 317 787

Stadion Shopping Center

Zaplanjska 32,Vodovac
+381 11 6305807


Belgrade Info Guide

Belgrade Info Guide


osnovne informacije / basic info

Lokacija /
Beograd je glavni grad Republike Srbije. Nalazi se
u jugoistonoj Evropi, na Balkanskom poluostrvu,
na raskrsnici puteva istone i zapadne Evrope.
U centru grada (Knez Mihailovoj ulici) obeleene
su koordinate Beograda: 444914 severne
geografske irine, 202744 istone geografske
duine i 116,75 m nadmorske visine.
Belgrade is the capital of the Republic of
Serbia. It is located in Southeastern Europe
on the Balkan Peninsula, at the crossroads of
Eastern and Western Europe. The coordinates
are marked in the centre of the city (on Knez
Mihailova Street): 444914 of geographic
latitude north, 202744 of geographic
longitude east and 116.75m above sea level.

Stanovnitvo /
Beograd je administrativno podeljen u 17
optina. Po popisu iz 2011. godine broj
stanovnika iznosio je 1,659,440. Zvanini
jezik je srpski, a pismo irilica i latinica. Najvei
broj stanovnika je pravoslavne religije. Ostale
vane religijske zajednice: islamska, katolika
i jevrejska.
Belgrade is the capital of the Republic of Serbia
and is administratively divided into 17 districts.
In 2011 Belgrade had 1,659,440 inhabitants.
The official language is Serbian, only European
standard language with complete synchronic
digraphia, using both Cyrillic and Latin
alphabets. The majority religion is Orthodox
Christianity, and other important religious
communities include Islam, Catholicism and

Klima /
Beogradska klima je umereno kontinentalna, sa
etiri godinja doba. Jesen je dua od prolea, sa
duim sunanim i toplim periodima. Dve nedelje
zakasnelog leta u oktobru, u kojima Beograani
posebno uivaju, zovu se miholjsko leto. Zime
nisu preterano otre. U proseku, tokom zime 21
dan belei temperaturu ispod nule. Januar je
najhladniji mesec, sa prosenom temperaturom
0,4C. Prolee je kratko i kiovito, a leto naglo
dolazi. Najtopliji meseci su juli (22,1C) i avgust
The climate in Belgrade is moderate
continental, with four distinct seasons.
Autumn lasts longer than spring, with
longer sunny and warm periods. The two
weeks of late summer in October, which are
particularly enjoyed by Belgraders, are called
St. Martins Summer (miholjsko leto). The
winters are not particularly harsh. There are
21 days on average with temperatures below
zero degrees centigrade during the winter.
January is the coldest month, with average
temperatures of 0.4C. Springs are brief and
rainy, with summer arriving suddenly. The
hottest months are July (21.1C) and August


Belgrade Info Guide

Vremenska zona /
Time Zone
Beograd i Srbija nalaze se u podruju
Centralnoevropske vremenske zone GMT +1;
odnosno GMT +2 od poslednje nedelje u treem
mesecu do subote pre poslednje nedelje u
desetom mesecu.
Belgrade and Serbia are located in the
Central European time zone region GMT
+1, or GMT +2 during Daylight saving time
(Mar - Oct).

Struja i voda /
Electricity and Water
ale Evrope, napon
Kao i u veini gradova kontinent ice su standardne
struje u Beogradu je 220V. Utin esme za pie.
evropske. U Beogradu je voda electricity
As in most cities of Europe, the trical outlets
is 220V. Elec
voltage in Belgrade
pean. Tap water in
are standard continental Euro
rade is safe to drink.

Novac /
Novana jedinica je dinar (RSD). Kovanice
dolaze u sledeim apoenima: 1, 2, 5, 10 i
20 dinara, dok su novanice od 10, 20, 50,
100, 200, 500, 1000, 2.000 i 5.000 dinara.
Novac se moe zameniti u banci ili nekoj od
menjanica u gradu (oznaenih logotipom
Narodne banke Srbije).Prenos novca iz
inostranstva putem Western Uniona se moe
podii u potama i veini banaka. Kartice
koje su prihvaene su VISA, VISA Electron,
MasterCard, Eurocard, American Express ,
Maestro, Diners Club i DinaCard.
Currency is the dinar (RSD). Coins come in
the following denominations: 1, 2, 5, 10 and
20 dinars, while the banknotes are: 10, 20,
50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 5,000
dinars. . Western Union money transfers from
abroad can be collected from the post office
and most banks. Widely accepted cards are
VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Eurocard,
American Express, Maestro, Diners Club and

Aerodrom /
Aerodrom Nikola Tesla /
Nikola Tesla Airport
+381 11 2094444
Aerodrom se nalazi na 18 km od centra
grada, u blizini Surina. Nacionalni
avioprevoznik je AIR SERBIA.
Nikola Tesla Airport is located 18km to the
west of the city centre, near Surin. Serbias
national airline is AIR SERBIA.

Autobusi /
Centralna autobuska stanica /
Central Bus Station, eleznika 4,
+381 11 2627146 (meugradski saobraaj
/ local routes), +381 11 2636299
(meunarodni saobraaj / international
Autobuska stanica Lasta /
Lasta Bus Station, eleznika 2,
+381 11 3348555,

Vozovi /
Centralna eleznika stanica /
Central Railway Station, Savski trg 2
+381 11 3602899

Osobe sa invaliditetom /
Disabled travellers
Peaki prelazi na glavnim gradskim
raskrsnicama imaju sputene trotoare, a vee
raskrsnice u gradu su opremljene sistemom
zvune signalizacije.
Pedestrian crossings on the main city arteries have
sloped kerbs and large intersections in the centre
are equipped with sound signalling systems

Parking /
Car parks
Postoje tri parking zone u centru gradu:
crvena zona (parkiranje do sat vremena),
uta zona (do dva sata) i zelena zona (do tri
sata). Parking se moe platiti ispunjavanjem
parking kupona koji se mogu kupiti na
kioscima ili slanjem SMS poruke sa brojem
registracije na 9111 za Zonu 1, 9112 za
Zonu 2 i 9113 za Zonu 3. Za parkiranje
u gradskim garaama nema vremenskog
There are three parking zones in the Old Town:
the red zone (one-hour parking limit), yellow
(two-hour) and green (three-hour). You can
pay by filling out a parking coupon available at
kiosks or by sending an SMS with the number
of your license plate to 9111 for Zone 1, 9112
for Zone 2 and 9113 for Zone 3. For parking in
a parking garage, no time limit applies.

Puenje /
i restorana, barova
Puenje je dozvoljeno u vein i na ulazu).
i klubova (svi su vidno obeleen zgradama.
Puenje je zabranjeno u javni rity of
Smoking is allowed in the majo clearly marked
and clubs (all
restaurants, bars
smoking ban is
by a sign at the entrance). A
ected in public premises.

Mobilni telefoni /
Mobile phones
Vip mobile 060 1234
064 789
063 9863.

Telefoniranje /
Making a phonecall
rada, birajte
Za pozivanje brojeva u okviru Beog , birajte
samo broj, a za zvanje van Beog brojeva u
prvo pozivni za grad. Za pozivanje (00), zatim
i kod
inostranstvu, birajte prvo izlazn za grad i tek
pozivni broj za zemlju, pozivni broj
onda broj telefona.
rade, dial the
To call a local number within Belg to another
a call
number directly and to make first. To call
area, dial the relevant area code ss code (00),
abroad, dial the international accearea code and
followed by the country code,
the phone number.

Slanje pisama /
Posting a letter
Pota 1 / Post Office 1
Takovska 2
+381 11 3243481
Mon-Fri 08:00 - 19:00, Sat 08:00 - 15:00,
Closed Sun
Pota 6 / Post Office 6
Savska 2
+381 11 3643117
Mon-Sat 08:00 - 19:00, Sun 08:00 - 15:00

Brza pota /
Express Mail

DHL, Jurija Gagarina 36v

+381 11 3105500.
Mon-Fri 08:00 - 20:00, Sat 08:00 - 15:00,
Closed Sun.
FedEx, Autoput 22
+381 11 3149075.
Mon-Fri 08:00 - 19:00, Sat 08:00 - 14:00,
Closed Sun.
Post Express, Takovska 2
+381 11 3607607
Mon-Fri 08:00 - 19:00, Sat 08:00-15:00,
Closed Sun
UPS, Nikola Tesla airport
+381 11 2286422
Mon-Fri 08:00 - 18:00, Sat 09:00 - 13:00,
Closed Sun.

Banke /
AIK banka
Knez Mihailova 10/VI, +381 11 634226
Alpha Bank
Kralja Milana 11, +381 11 3234931
Banca Intesa
Milentija Popovia 7b, +381 11 3108888
EFG Eurobank
Kolareva 3, +381 0800111144
Erste Bank
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 85b, +381 11 2015014
Findomastic banka
Kosovska 10, +381 11 3336000
KBC banka
Poeka 65b, +381 11 3050300
Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 6, +381 11 0800303303
Jubmes banka
Zorana inia Bld. 121, +381 11 2205500
Komercijalna banka
Svetog Save 14, +381 0700800900
Marfin banka
Dalmatinska 22, +381 0800330300
Meridian Bank
Kolareva 7, +381 11 3305876
NLB Continental banka
Golsvordijeva 21, +381 11 3444346
NLB LHB banka
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 165v, +381 11 2225100
OTP banka,
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 115 e, +381 11 2053301
Piraeus Bank
Kolareva 1, +381 0800000800
Potanska tedionica
Kraljice Marije 3, +381 11 3024555
Procredit Bank
Despota Stefana Bld. 68c, +381 11 2077906
Raiffeisen Bank
Zorana inia Bld. 64a, +381 11 3202100
Socit Gnrale banka Srbija
Zorana inia Bld. 50 a/b, +381 11 3011555
Srpska banka
Savska 25, +381 11 3607200
Unicredit banka
Rajieva 27-29, +381 11 3204500
Univerzal banka
Francuska 29, +381 11 3022801
Vojvoanska banka
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 111, +381 11 2228555
Mihajla Pupina Bld. 165g, +381 0700700800

Vani telefoni /
Important Phones
Policija / Police 192
Vatrogasci / Fire-fighters 193
Hitna pomo / Ambulance 194
Tano vreme / Time 195
AMSS pomo na putu /
AMSS road assistance 1987

00-24 / 00-24
Apoteke /
Sveti Sava
Nemanjina 2,
+381 11 6643170
Prvi maj
Kralja Milana 9,
+381 11 3241349
Bogdan Vujoevi
Goce Deleva 30,
+381 11 2601887
Glavna 34,
+381 11 2618582

Hitne slube /
Emergencies 00-24
Urgentni centar /
Emergency center
Pasterova 2
+381 11 3618444
Hitna pomo /
Emergency service
Bulevar Frane DEperea 5
Ambulanta za odrasle /
Adult Ambulatory Care
Bulevar Frane DEperea 5
+381 11 3615001 ext. 119

Stomatoloke slube /
Dental service
Stomatoloka sluba DZ Vraar / Dental
service DZ Vraar
Kneginje Zorke 15
+381 11 2441413
Stomatoloka sluba DZ Stari grad /
Dental service DZ Stari grad
Obiliev venac 30
+381 11 2635236

Belgrade Info Guide


osnovne informacije / basic info

Prostori /

Sava Centar / Sava Centre

Milentija Popovia 9

Kombank Arena
Arsenija arnojevia Bld 58
+381 11 2202222

Tamajdan stadion /
Tamajdan Stadium
Beogradska 71

Beogradski sajam /
Belgrade Fair
Bulevar vojvode Miia 14
Beogradska filharmonija
/ Belgrade Philharmonic
Studentski trg 11
Dom omladine / Belgrade
Youth Center
Makedonska 22

Prodaja karata /
Ticket agents
Bilet servis
Trg Republike 5
+381 11 3033311
Ugao Marka Kraljevia 12
(ulaz 1) i Gavrila Principa 7
+381 11 2030570

Hala sportova / Sports Hall

Pariske komune 20, New
+381 11 2601658
Kneza Vielava 72
+381 11 3555288
+381 11 3545585
Obrenovac Sportski i
rekreativni centar / Sports
and Recreation Centre,
Bg. Bataljona 5
+381 11 8721550,
Vojislava Kovaa 11
+381 11 2412353
+381 11 2411636,

osnovne informacije / basic info

11. april
Autoput 2, New Belgrade
+381 11 2672939
Milan Gale Mukatirovi
Tadeua Kouka 63
+381 11 2182242
Sjenika 1
+381 11 2452342

Stadioni /
FK Crvena zvezda stadion
/ FC Red Star Stadium
Ljutice Bogdana 1a
+381 11 3672060
Water Skiing, Paintball,
Sport Climbing, Bungee
jumping, Alpine Skiing and
Ada ciganlija bb
+381 63 8599986

Hipodrom /
Patrovieva 2
+381 11 3543839
Dom sindikata
Deanska 14
Expo XXI
panskih boraca 74A
Dorda Vaingtona 12

Topliin venac 19-21
+381 11 3281025

City Park 2, Zemun
+381 11 3771650

Sportski centri /
Sports Centres

arli aplina 39
+381 11 2766566

Studentski trg 5
Kulturni centar Rex / Rex
Cultural Centre
Jevrejska 16

Crnotravska 4
+381 11 2668711
+381 11 2667999

Kralja Milana


Kombank Arena
Arsenija arnojevia Bld 58
+381 11 2202222


Deligradska 27
+381 11 2658747

Belgrade Info Guide

Ilije Garaanina 26
+381 11 3233048
Ustanika 125 l
+381 11 3837556
Crnotravska 4
+381 11 2667780
+381 11 2660640

Tenis /
Balaevi - Teniska
akademija / Balaevi
Tennis Academy
Mika Kranjca 17a
+381 11 3583809
+381 11 3510920
Tennis Center Novak
Tadeua Kouka br. 63a
+381 11 3282930
Teniski klub Beograd /
Belgrade Tennis Club
Partizanski put 1b
+381 11 2754977
+381 63 7172526

Teniski klub Crvena zvezda /

Red Star Tennis Club
Mije Kovaevia 9
+381 11 2762652

Teniski klub Green Set /

Green Set Tennis Club
Drenovska br. 20
+381 11 3940414

Golf /
Teniski klub Feniks / Feniks
Tennis Club
Crnotravska 4, Banjica
+381 11 2667849
+381 64 2201257
+381 63 240994

Golf Club Belgrade

Ada Ciganlija 5
+381 11 3551559

Teniski klub Gemax /

Gemax Tennis Club
+381 11 3061813

FK Partizan stadion / FC
Partizan Stadium
Humska 1
+381 11 3227181
+381 11 3227182

Ekstremni sportovi /
Extreme sports
Autokomerc Carting Centre
1. ulica 84c, Surin
+381 11 3131591
Ue, blizina Brankovog mosta
/ Ue, near Brankos Bridge
European Martial Arts Hall
of Fame
Slavujev venac 1
Belgrade Info Guide


osnovne informacije / basic info

Strana predstavnitva /
Foreign representations

Bosna i Hercegovina /
Bosnia and Herzegovina

American Chamber of
Vlajkovieva 30
+381 11 3088132

Brazil / Brasil

Council of Europe
Sinelieva 9
+381 11 3088411

Krunska 9
+381 11 3241170
Krunska 14
+381 11 3239781

Bugarska / Bulgaria

Nemaka / Germany

Poljska / Poland

Grka / Greece

Portugal / Portugal

Velika Britanija / Great


Rumunija / Romania

Neznanog Junaka 1a
+381 11 3064300
Francuska 33
+381 11 3226523

Kneza Miloa 38
+381 11 2065301

Vladimira Gainovia 4
+381 11 2662895
Add: Uika 10
+381 11 3675772

Biraninova 26
+381 11 361 39 80

Resavska 46
+381 11 2645055

Kanada / Canada

Holandija / Holland
Simina 29
+381 11 202 39 00

Deligradska 32
Katieva 8-10
+381 11 3611323

eka Republika /
Czech Republic

Maarska / Hungary

Slovaka / Slovakia

Indija / India

Slovenija / Slovenia

Ambasade i konzulati /
Embassies and Consulates Hrvatska / Croatia

Iran / Iran

panija / Spain

Albanija / Albania
Bulevar Kneza Aleksandra
Karaorevia 25a
+381 11 3066642

Italija / Italia

vedska / Sweden

Izrael / Israel

vajcarska / Switzerland

European Agency for

Vasina 2-4
+381 11 3023400
Foreign Investors Council
Svetogorska 37
+381 11 3035550

Kneza Miloa 75
+381 11 3063000

Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 22

+381 11 3230133

Kina / China

Perside Milenkovi 9
+381 11 3693163

Alir / Algeria

Smetanina 12
+381 11 3671211

Argentina / Argentina
Knez Mihailova 24
+381 11 2622541

Australija / Australia

Vladimira Popovia 38-40

+381 11 3031956

Austrija / Austria

Kneza Sime Markovia 2

+381 11 3336500

Belorusija / Belarus
Deligradska 13
+381 11 3616938

Belgija / Belgium
Krunska 18
+381 11 3230018


Belgrade Info Guide

Kneza Miloa 62
+381 11 3610535

Kuba / Cuba

Vukovarska 3
+381 11 3692441

Kipar / Cyprus

Krunska 72
+381 11 2440472
Ljutice Bogdana 8
+381 11 2664127
Ljutice Bogdana 40
+381 11 3674360
Biraninova 11
+381 11 3066100

Rusija / Russia

Bulevar umetnosti 18
+381 11 2223800
Dositejeva 41
+381 11 3038477
Prote Mateje 45
+381 11 3440231
Ledi Pedet 2
+381 11 2069200

Diplomatska kolonija 9
+381 11 3672725

Bulevar Kneza Aleksandra

Karaorevia 47
+381 11 3643500

Danska / Denmark

Japan / Japan

Ekvador / Ecuador

Makedonija / Macedonia

Egipat / Egypt

Meksiko / Mexico
Ljutice Bogdana 5
+381 11 3674170

Bulevar kneza Aleksandra

Karaorevia 92
+381 11 7064000

Finska / Finland

Crna Gora / Montenegro

Vatikan / Vatican

Francuska / France

Norveka / Norway

Neznanog Junaka 9a
+381 11 3679500
Graniarska 8/III
+381 11 3440135
Andre Nikolia 12
+381 11 2650585
Biraninova 29
+381 11 3065400
Pariska 11
+381 11 3023500

Vladimira Popovia 6
+381 11 3012800
Gospodar Jevremova 34
+381 11 3284924

Uika 1
+381 11 2662300
Uika 43
+381 11 3670404

Biraninova 27
+381 11 3065820

Tunis / Tunisia

Vase Pelagia 19
+381 11 3691961

Turska / Turkey
Krunska 1
+381 11 3332400


Svetog Save 24
+381 11 3085356

Hotels Restaurants Cafs Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps

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Mjanmar Marsej

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cena 450 RSD



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Info Maps, Belgrade Info Guide and
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port, the hotel reception or at the Tourist
Organization of Belgrade information


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