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Sample Paper of General Awareness Related to Banking

1) Bank Rate implies the rate of Interest -

1) Paid by the reserve Bank of India on the deposit of Commercial Banks
2) Charged by Banks on Loan and dvances
!) Payable on Banks
") t #hich the Reserve Bank of India disco$nts the bill of %&change'
2) (hich bank in India performs the d$ties of Central Bank )
1) Central Bank of India
2) *tate Bank of India
!) Reserve Bank of India
") bove +a) and +c)
3) RBI #as ,ationali-ed in -
4) 1ne R$pee note in India is *igned by
1) RBI 2overnor
2) 3nion 4inance 5inister
!) *ecretary 6 4inance 5inistry
") *ecretary 6 Commerce 5inistry
5) 7he 8ead9$arters of sian :evelopment Bank+:B) is at -
1) *ingapore
2) 5anila
!) 8ong ;ong
6) Che9$e #hich is crossed can be encashed only -
1) 7hro$gh Reserve Bank of India
2) 7hro$gh the Payee
!) 7hro$gh any Bank
"),one of these
7) 7he 8ead 9$arter of RBI is in -
1) :elhi
2) ;anp$r
!) 5$mbai
") ,asik
) 7he ,ationali-ation of 1" 5a<or commercial bank took place -
1) 1."0
2) 1./=
!) 1.=.
") 1.>?
!) (hich of the 4ollo#ing *tatement is 7r$e )
1) Banks Cannot ccept demand and time deposit from p$blic'
2) Banks Can accept only demand deposits from p$blic
!) Banks Can accept only 7ime deposits from p$blic
")Banks Can accept demand and time deposits only from 2ovt'
1") (hich of the 4ollo#ing *tatement is Correct *tatement )
1) *tate Bank of India is the sole $thority to iss$e and manage c$rrency in India
2) nationali-ed bank is the sole $thority to iss$e and manage c$rrency in India
!) Cooperative Bank is the sole $thority to iss$e and manage c$rrency in India
") RBI is the sole $thority to iss$e and manage c$rrency in India
/) ,one of 7hese
11) Interest payable on *aving Bank acco$nts is
1) not reg$lated by RBI
2) reg$lated by *tate 2ovt'
!) reg$lated by Central 2ovt
") reg$lated by RBI
/) reg$lated by 4inance 5inister
12) 7he 3s$al deposit acco$nt of bank are
1) C$rrent acco$nt 6 %lectricity acco$nt and Ins$rance Premi$m cco$nt'
2) C$rrent acco$nt 6 Post 1ffice *aving Bank acco$nts and term deposit acco$nts'
!) Loan acco$nts 6 *aving bank acco$nts and term deposit acco$nts'
") C$rrent acco$nts 6 *avings bank acco$nts and term deposit acco$nt'
/) C$rrent Bill acco$nts and term deposit acco$nt'
13) 4i&ed :eposits and rec$rring deposits are
1) Repayable after an agreed period
2) Repayable on demand
!) not Repayable
") Repayable after death of depositors
/) Repayable on demand or after an agreed period as per bank choice
14) cco$nts are allo#ed to be operated by che9$es in respect of
1) Both *avings bank acco$nt and fi&ed deposit acco$nt'
2) *avings bank acco$nt and c$rrent acco$nts'
!) Both *avings bank acco$nt and Loan acco$nt'
") Both *avings bank acco$nt and Cash acco$nt
/) Both c$rrent acco$nts and fi&ed deposit acco$nt'
15) 5ortgage is a -------
1) *ec$rity on movable property for a loan given by the bank'
2) *ec$rity on immovable property for a loan given by the bank'
!)Concession on immovable property for a loan given by the bank'
") 4acility on immovable property for a loan given by the bank'
/) *ec$rity on immovable property for a deposit received by a bank'
16) Banks in o$r Co$ntry normally p$blicise that additional interest rate is allo#ed on retail domestic term
deposit of
1) 5inors
2) 5arried (omen
!) *enior Citi-ens
") 2ovt' %mployees'
/) R$ral residents
17) (hich of the follo#ing is the cross selling by banks )
a) *ale of :ebit Card to a Credit Card holder
b) *ale of Ins$rance Policy to a :epositor
c) Iss$ance of Cash against che9$e presented by the third party
1) 1nly 1
2) 1nly 2
!) 1nly !
") Both 1 @ !
/) ll 16 2 @ !
1) (hen a bank ret$rns a che9$e $npaid6 it is called
1) Payment of the che9$e
2) :ra#ing of the che9$e
!) Cancelling of the che9$e
") :ishonor of the che9$e
/) 7aking of the che9$e
1!) (hich of the follo#ing type of acco$nt are kno#n as the A:ematA cco$ntA )
1) cco$nts #hich are -ero balance acco$nt'
2) cco$nt #hich are opened to facilitate repayment of a loan taken from the bank',o other b$siness can
be cond$cted from there'
!) cco$nts in #hich shares of vario$s companies are traded in electronic form'
") cco$nts #hich are operated thro$gh internet banking facility'
/) ,one of these'
2" ) ,%47 means
1) ,ational electronic f$nds transfer system
2) ,egotiated efficient f$nd transfer sol$tion'
!) ,ational efficient f$nd transfer system'
") ,on effective f$nd transfer system
/) ,egotiated electronic foreign transfer system'
21) Interest on savings bank acco$nt is no# calc$lated by banks on -
1) 5inim$m balance d$ring the month'
2) 5inim$m balance from 0th to last day of month'
!) 5inim$m balance from 1?th to last day of month'
") 5inim$m balance d$ring the month'
/) :aily prod$ct basis
1) " 11) " 21) /
2) ! 12) "
3) " 13) 2
4) ! 14) 2
5) 2 15) 2
6) ! 16) !
7) ! 17) 2
) ! 1) "
!) 2 1!) !
1") " 2") 1

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