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What are Asian Handicaps?

Asian Handicaps are a relatively new type of bet which are offered on
football matches.
The Asian Handicap is created so that in theory, each team has a roughly
equal chance of winning.
In Asian Handicap betting, effectively the draw is taken out of play and a
competitive market formed. So rather than deciding between home, draw
and away, you simply decide which team you think is the best bet on the
Asian Handicap they have been given or that they receive. The handicap
is epressed in terms of goal!s or part of a goal start or deficit.
Different Types of Asian Handicaps
The main reason Asian Handicaps may appear complicated at first is that
they are epressed in many different ways.
The 0.5 Asian Handicap
1.95 AC Milan (-0.5) v Liverpool (0.5) 1.95 The first figure ".#$ is the
odds available and the figure in brackets is the handicap.
This means that %iverpool receive an imaginary half a goal lead at the
start of the match.
If you bet on A& 'ilan who start half a goal down, they have to win the
match for your bet to win.
If you bet on %iverpool, you win if they win the match or if they draw.
The 0 Asian Handicap
This occurs when the likelihood of either team winning is fairy level. Here
you are really betting without the draw being an option. (ou win if your
selected team wins. If it is a draw, your stake is returned.
The 1 Asian Handicap
If you choose the )" handicapped selection, your team needs to win by at
least * clear goals for your bet to win. If your team only wins by one goal
then the stake is refunded.
If you select the team who has a one goal lead +,"- then you win if they
win or draw. If your team lose by .ust one goal then stake is refunded.
This is a good bet if you fancy an underdog to get a result. /ven if you are
wrong, if they can limit the defeat to .ust one goal then you don0t lose.
The 1.5 Asian Handicap
Here, if you bet the )".$ handicapped team you win if the team wins the
match by two or more goals.
If you select the team which has a start +,".$- then you win if the team
wins or draws. (ou also win if it loses by one goal1
The Double Asian Handicap Explained
In double handicap betting the wager is split in two.
Luton (-1/2,-1) v Watford (+1/2,+1)
In this eample half the stake money is placed on %uton minus half a
goal and the other half on %uton minus " goal. The result of the bet is
worked out using the methods described above.
2ften the double Asian handicaps are epressed as decimals. The figure
being the mid point between the two handicaps. In this eample you
might there for see )3.4$ %uton v 5atford ,3.4$.
Double Handicap 0 0.5
This is also known as the level half Asian handicap and could be referred
to as )3.*$ +3,)3.$-and ,3.*$ +3,3.$-.
If you bet on the team which is 3, )3.$ on the handicap then you win if
the team wins by one goal or more. If it draws you lose $3 per cent of
your stake. The other half of the stake is returned. 6eturning of the stake
when your bet or part of your bet equals the handicap is also known as a
If you select the opposition 3, ,3.$ then you win if the team wins the
match. If it draws, half your stake is returned and half is a winner at the
odds taken.
The Double Asian Handicap 0.5 1
If you select the +)3.$, )"- handicapped team, also could be referred to as
)3.4$ then you win if the team wins the match by two or more goals. If it
wins by one goal, half your stake is returned and half is a winner at the
odds taken. If you select the opposition +,3.$, ,"- team, could also be
known as ,3.4$ then you win if the team wins or draws the match. If it
loses by one goal, you lose $3 per cent of the amount staked.
!oo"ma"ers #dds $or Asian Handicap !ets
In handicaps without a draw option, bookmakers vary in the odds set and
the advantage that they take in terms of the over)round. 7ut generally,
the amount of profit that bookmaker take on these bets is lower than
what they would take on a full time or #3 minutes match bet which
includes the draw. 7ookmakers will typically pay out on Asian Handicap
bets between #38 and "338 of what they take, normally towards the top
end of this., making very low percentage profits on the bets.
This is one reason why Asian Handicap bets can be great value bets.
Asian handicap 0:0 (Level ball Draw no bet DNB)
Here the game starts 0-0. No advance is given to any team. Draw option is
eliminated and the rules are simple.
Example : Chelsea vs Liverpool H ! 0:0
Home "dds ! #.$0 % way "dds ! #.$&
' (ou )et #00* on Chelsea to win 0:0 H at #.$0 odds. +o win your coupon% you
need Chelsea to win the game% simply to win. ,- Chelsea wins% you win #00* . #.$0 /
#$0*. (our pro-it is #$0* ! #00 / $0*. ,- a possi)le draw occurs% you get your sta0e
1#00*2 )ac0. No wager% no )et. ,- Chelsea loses the game% you lose your )et too.
' ,t is the same with Liverpool 0:0 H. (ou need Liverpool to win the game% and i- a
draw occurs% you get your money )ac0. No 3ager% no )et. ,- Liverpool loses% you
lose your )et too.
(ou may see some )oo0ies o--er something li0e DN4% Draw no )et% or Level )all. ,t
is the same with 0:0 H.
Asian handicap 0.25
Here the game starts 0-#56. +he underdog team is advanced with a 7uarter goal
)e-ore the 0ic0 o--. Draw option is eliminated. ,t is more complicated -rom hal- H.
(ou win% win hal-% lose or lose hal- sta0e o- your )et. Lets examine it )y the example
Example : 8onaco vs Lyon H ! 0:#56
Home "dds ! 9.00 % way "dds ! #.$0
' (ou )et #00* on 8onaco to win -#56 H. +o win your coupon% you need 8onaco to
win the game. ,- 8onaco wins% you win #00* . 9.00 / 900*. ,t means you ma0e
900* ! #00* / #00* pro-it. ,- a draw occurs% you lose hal- o- your sta0e 1&0*2 and the
other hal- 1&0*2 is )ac0. ,- Lyon wins the game% you lose your all sta0e.
' (ou )et #00* on Lyon to win :#56 H. +o win your coupon% you need Lyon to win
the game. ,- Lyon wins the game% you win #00* . #.$0 / #$0*. ,t means you ma0e
#$0* ! #00* / $0* pro-it. ,- a draw occurs% you get hal- o- your sta0e 1&0*2 )ac0 and
win the other hal- 1&0*2 at #.$0. ,t means% you win &0* 1)ac02 : $&* 1&0* . #.$02 /
#6&*. (our pro-it is #6&* ! #00* / 6&*.
Asian handicap 0.5
Here the game starts 0-#59. +he underdog team is advanced with a hal- goal )e-ore
the 0ic0 o--. Draw option is eliminated. ,n addition% there is no money )ac0 in any
case. (ou will win or lose your money.
Example : ;orto vs 4en-ica H ! 0:#59
Home "dds ! #.<& % way "dds ! 9.00
' (ou )et #00* on ;orto to win -#59 H 1we use minus 1-2 i- the team is -avored )y
H2. +o win your coupon% you need ;orto to win. ,n any other cases% you lose your
money. ,- ;orto wins% you win #00* . #.<& / #<&*. ,t means you ma0e #<&* ! #00*
/ <&* pro-it. ,- 4en-ica wins or the game ends tie% you lose your money.
' (ou )et #00* on 4en-ica to win :#59 H 1we use plus 1:2 i- the team is advanced
)y H2. +o win your coupon% you need 4en-ica to win or tie the game at the end o-
$0 minute-time. ,- one o- these occurs% you win #00* . 9.00 / 900*. ,t means you
ma0e 900* ! #00* / #00* pro-it. ,- ;orto wins the game% you lose your money.
;orto wins and ;orto -#59 H is the same things in sian handicap )etting.
Asian handicap 0.75
Here the game starts 0-=56. +he underdog team is advanced with a 7uarter goal
)e-ore the 0ic0 o--. Draw option is eliminated. ,t is di--erent -rom #56 H )y a slight
Example : 4etis vs >eal 8adrid H ! =56:0
Home "dds ! #.$0% way "dds ! #.$0
' (ou )et #00* on 4etis to win :=56 H. 1Here the home team is underdog? as a
result o- it% 4etis is advanced )y the H2. +o win your coupon% you need 4etis to win
or tie the game. ,- 4etis wins or ties the game% you win #00* . #.$0 / #$0*. (our
pro-it is #$0* ! #00* / $0*. Consider that the game ends )y >eal 8adrid win )y #
10-#% #-9% 9-=2. +hus% you lose your hal- sta0e 1&0*2 and the other hal- 1&0*2 returns.
,- >eal 8adrid wins the game )y 9 or more goals 10-9% #-=% 0-=2% you lose your all
' (ou )et #00* on >eal 8adrid to win -=56 H. +o win your coupon% you need >eal
8adrid to win )y 9 or more goals 10-9% 0-=% #-=2. ,- >eal 8adrid wins the game )y 9
or more goals% you win #00* . #.$0 / #$0*. (our pro-it is #$0* ! #00* / $0*. ,- >eal
8adrid wins )y # goal 10-#% #-9% 9-=2% you get your hal- sta0e 1&0*2 and win the other
hal- 1&0* . #.$02. (ou win &0* 1)ac02 : $& 1&0* . #.$02 / #6&*. (our pro-it is #6&* !
#00* / 6&*. ,- the game ends tied or 4etis wins% you lose your all sta0e.
Asian handicap !
Here the game starts 0-#. "ne goal advance is given to underdog team. Draw option
is eliminated again.
Example : @uventus vs 4ologna H ! 0:#
Home "dds ! #.<0% way "dds ! 9.0&
' (ou )et #00* on @uventus to win -# H. +o win your coupon% you need @uventus to
win )y 9 or more goals 19-0% =-0% =-#2. ,- @uventus wins )y 9 or more goals% you win
#00* . #.<0 / #<0*. (ou pro-it is #<0* ! #00* / <0*. ,- @uventus wins )y # goal 1#-0%
9-#% =-9..2% you get your money )ac0. No wager. ,- the game ties or 4ologna wins%
you lose all your sta0e.
' (ou )et #00* on 4ologna to win :# H. +o win your coupon% you need 4ologna to
win% or a draw. ,- the game ends drawn or 4ologna wins% you win #00* . 9.0& /
90&*. (our pro-it is 90&*-#00* / #0&*. ,- 4ologna lose )y # 1#-0% 9-#% =-92% you get
your money )ac0. No 3ager. However% any @uventus win )y 9 or more% ma0e you
lose your )et.
;ersonally% we pre-er sian handicap )etting instead o- standard )etting due to more
winning possi)ilities. +he rules may loo0 di--icult with the -irst point o- view% )ut in the
end you will -ind it so easy. 4est o- luc0A
What is Asian %ine Handicap !ettin&?
Asian Line bets are placed on either the favoured team to overcome a handicap (-goals) or on the opposing team
receiving a handicap on top of their actual score (+goals).
For two equally matched teams the handicap line is ! or "level". #f either team wins by any margin they (the
winning team) are to be settled as the winning selection. #n the event of a draw all bets are void and sta$es are
For unequal contests the favoured team will be given a handicap (-goals). #n Asian betting goal handicaps are
$nown as "balls".
%here are two types of Asian &andicap Line'
'imple Handicap (sometimes called 'in&le Handicap)
(ets placed on )imple (whole unit) &andicap Lines (e.g. !*+ ball) can either win on the stated return lose or
have their sta$e returned should the result be a draw on the basis of the handicap.
$or Example
Handicap line 1 ball
%eam giving a full ball start'

,in by + or more - All bets on this selection are winners.

,in by e-actly * - All bets on this selection are void and refunded to the customer.

.raw or lose - All bets on this selection are losers.

%eam receiving a full ball start'

,in by any score or draw - All bets on this selection are winners.

Lose by e-actly * - All bets on this selection are void and refunded to the customer.

Lose by + or more - All bets on this selection are losers.

(ets placed on )imple (non-whole unit) &andicap Lines (e.g. !./*./+./ ball) can only win or lose as a draw will
not occur.
$or Example
Handicap line 0.5 ball
%eam giving a !./ ball start'

,in by any score - All bets on this selection are winners.

.raw - All bets on this selection are losers.

Lose by any score - All bets on this selection are losers.

%eam receiving a !./ ball start'

,in by any score - All bets on this selection are winners.

.raw - All bets on this selection are winners.

Lose by any score - All bets on this selection are losers.

'plit Handicap (sometimes called Double or T*in Handicap)
A bet on a )plit &andicap Line is split into two parts - one part of the bet is on a whole unit line and one part on a
non-whole unit line. #f the &andicap line was * and *./ ball half the bet would be struc$ at * and the other half at
$or Example
Handicap line 0+ 0.5 ball
%eam giving a !0 !./ ball start'

,in by any score - All bets on this selection are winners.

.raw - &alf the sta$es are refunded on this selection. %he other half of the sta$e is classed as a loser.

Lose by any score - All bets on the selection are losers.

%eam receiving !0 !./ ball start'

,in by any score - All bets on this selection are winners.

.raw - &alf the sta$e is settled at the price of the chosen selection. %he other half is refunded to the

Lose by any score - All bets on the selection are losers.

Handicap line 0.5+ 1 ball
%eam giving a !./0 * ball start'

,in by + or more - All bets on this selection are winners.

,in by e-actly * - &alf the sta$e is settled at the price of the chosen selection. %he other half is
refunded to the customer.

.raw or lose by any score - All bets on this selection are losers.
%eam receiving a !./0 * ball start'

.raw or win by any score - All bets on this selection are winners.

Lose by e-actly * - &alf the sta$e is refunded to the customer. %he other half is classed as a loser.

Lose by + or more - All bets on this selection are losers.

Asian Handicaps Explained , Table
$a-ourite .nderdo&
Handicap /esult 0ayout Handicap /esult 0ayout
1o bet
1o bet
0 ,0.5
Lose &alf
0 20.5
,in &alf
.raw or Lose
,in or .raw
,0.5 ,1
,in by + or more
,in by *
.raw or Lose
,in &alf
20.5 21
,in or .raw
Lose by *
Lose by + or more
Lose &alf
,in by + or more
,in by *
.raw or Lose
1o bet
,in or .raw
Lose by *
Lose by + or more
1o bet
,1 ,1.5
,in by + or more
,in by *
.raw or Lose
Lose &alf
21 21.5
,in or .raw
Lose by *
Lose by + or more
,in &alf
,in by + or more
,in by * .raw or Lose
,in .raw or Lose by *
Lose by + or more
,1.5 ,1
,in by 2 or more
,in by +
,in by * .raw or Lose
,in &alf
21.5 21
,in .raw or Lose by *
Lose by +
Lose by 2 or more
Lose &alf
,in by 2 or more
,in by +
,in by * .raw or Lose
1o bet
,in .raw or Lose by *
Lose by +
Lose by 2 or more
1o bet
,1 ,1.5
,in by 2 or more
,in by +
,in by * .raw or Lose
Lose &alf
21 21.5
,in .raw or Lose by *
Lose by +
Lose by 2 or more
,in &alf
,in by 2 or more
,in by + * .raw or Lose
,in .raw Lose by * or +
Lose by 2 or more
Win4 3ou win your sta$e miltiplied by the price.
Win Half4 3ou win half your sta$e multiplied by the price. &alf your sta$e is returned.
5o bet4 %he bet is void. 3our sta$e is returned.
%ose Half4 3ou lose half your sta$e. &alf is returned.
%ose4 3ou lose your sta$e.

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