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Urban Climatic Map and Standards for

Wind Environment - Feasibility Study



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LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... 8
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... 16
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................ 19
ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................... 21

FOR WIND ENVIRONMENT - FEASIBILITY STUDY..................................... 23

PART I: URBAN CLIMATIC MAP (UC-MAP) ............................................... 25
PART I(A): URBAN CLIMATIC MAP (UC-MAP) .......................................................... 26
PART I(A)-1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 26
1.1 DEFINITION OF UC-MAP ...................................................................................... 27
1.2 STATE-OF-THE-ART OF UC-MAP ....................................................................... 28
1.3 MODUS OPERANDI OF UC-MAP ......................................................................... 30
PART I(A)-2 DESKTOP STUDIES ..................................................................................... 33
2.1 OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 33
2.2 CASE STUDY I STUTTGART, GERMANY ....................................................... 35
2.3 CASE STUDY II KASSEL, GERMANY .............................................................. 45
2.4 CASE STUDY III TOKYO, JAPAN ..................................................................... 53

1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 64
1.2 KEY ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 85
1.3 UC-ANMAP AND PET ............................................................................................ 86
1.4 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING ........................................................... 88
1.5 LAYERS AND THE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ............................................... 89
1.6 FINAL UC-ANMAP ............................................................................................... 170
1.7 DESCRIPTIONS OF THE UC-ANMAP ................................................................ 172
1.8 CALIBRATION AND VERIFICATON OF THE UC-ANMAP ............................ 173
1.9 UPDATING OF UC-ANMAP ................................................................................ 177
1.10 UC-ANMAP IN GIS FORMAT .............................................................................. 179
1.11 FUTURE WORK ..................................................................................................... 179

HONG KONG ...................................................................................................................... 180
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PART I(C)-1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 180
1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 180
1.2 PURPOSE OF THE UC-REMAP ........................................................................... 180
1.3 STATE OF THE ART OF FORMULATING THE UC-REMAP .......................... 181
1.4 MODUS OPERANDI OF UC-REMAP FOR HONG KONG ................................ 181
PART I(C)-2 DESKTOP STUDY FOR UC-REMAP ....................................................... 183
2.1 CASE STUDY STUTTGART, GERMANY ....................................................... 183
2.2 CASE STUDY TOKYO, JAPAN ......................................................................... 186
2.3 LESSON DRAWING FROM CASE STUDIES ..................................................... 192
3.1 PROCESS AND A PARAMETRIC UNDERSTANDING .................................... 193
3.2 KEY ISSUES AND ANALYSIS ............................................................................ 206
RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................... 208
3.5 FOUR DESIGNATED AREAS .............................................................................. 215
UC-REMAP ............................................................................................................. 220
3.9 UPDATING & MANAGEMENT ........................................................................... 222
3.10 FUTURE WORK ..................................................................................................... 222

PART I(D): SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 223
1.1 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 223
1.2 DESKTOP STUDIES .............................................................................................. 223
1.3 STATE-OF-THE-ART OF UC-MAP ..................................................................... 224
1.4 UC-ANMAP FOR HONG KONG .......................................................................... 224
1.5 METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF UC-ANMAP ................................................... 225
1.6 DESKTOP STUDIES ON WIND DATA ............................................................... 226
1.7 WIND INFORMATION LAYER FOR HONG KONG ......................................... 227
RECOMMENDATION MAP ................................................................................. 231
PLANNING PARAMETERS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... 232
1.12 A COMPARISON OF RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................... 234
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1.13 THE UC-REMAP FOR HONG KONG .................................................................. 235
UC-REMAP ............................................................................................................. 238
1.16 UPDATING STRATEGY ....................................................................................... 239
1.17 FUTURE WORKS .................................................................................................. 239

PART I: APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 240
STUDY .......................................................................................................... 267
THE STUDY ................................................................................................. 268
APPENDIX 4: TWO EXAMPLES OF WIND ROSES BY HKO ......................................... 269
MM5/CALMET MODEL WIND ROSES ANNUAL .............................. 274

PART II: WIND TUNNEL BENCHMARKING STUDIES .............................. 278
................................................................................................................................................ 279
PART II(A)-1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................... 279
PART II(A)-2 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................... 279
PART II(A)-3 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................... 280
PART II(A)-4 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................... 280
4.1 CLIMATIC AND WIND PARAMETERS ............................................................. 280
4.2 TOPOGRAPHICAL AND EXPOSURES PARAMETERS ................................... 282
4.3 URBAN MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS .................................................... 283
4.4 BENCHMARKING AREA SELECTION .............................................................. 290

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PART II(B)-1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 293
1.1 THE STUDY ........................................................................................................... 293
1.2 DATA SUMMARY ................................................................................................. 295
1.3 REMARKS .............................................................................................................. 312
................................................................................................................................................ 312
2.1 CAUSEWAY BAY ................................................................................................. 312
2.2 SHEUNG WAN ....................................................................................................... 313
2.3 MONG KOK ........................................................................................................... 315
2.4 TSIM SHA TSUI ..................................................................................................... 316
2.5 TSUEN WAN .......................................................................................................... 318
2.6 SAN PO KONG ....................................................................................................... 320
2.7 TUEN MUN ............................................................................................................ 321
2.8 SHA TIN .................................................................................................................. 323
2.9 TSEUNG KWAN O ................................................................................................ 325
2.10 WONG CHUK HANG ............................................................................................ 327

................................................................................................................................................ 329
PART III(A)-1 BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE BASIS ....................................... 330
PART III(A)-2 USER THERMAL COMFORT SURVEYS ............................................. 337
THERMAL COMFORT ............................................................................ 341

PART III(B): BENCHMARK STUDIES .......................................................................... 344
PART III(B)-1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 344
PART III(B)-2 WIND TUNNEL TEST RESULTS ........................................................... 344
PART III(B)-4 POSSIBLE IMPACT OF THE MISMATCH ............................................ 366

PART III(C): WIND PERFORMANCE CRITERION ................................................... 369
PART III(C)-2 MPLICATIONS ......................................................................................... 378
PART III(C)-3 REVIEW DURATION AND MECHANISM ........................................... 380
PART III(C)-4 FURTHER STUDIES ................................................................................ 382

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PART III: APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 383
C .......................................... 387
................................................................................................................................................ 408
APPENDIX 5: ANALYSIS OF WIND SPEED DISTRIBUTION ....................................... 409

SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................ 410
PART IV(A): INTRODUCTION AND REVIEW ............................................................ 411
PART IV(A)-1 CURRENT AVA SYSTEM ...................................................................... 411
CURRENT AVAS ..................................................................................... 412
CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................... 419

PART IV(B): THE REFINED AVAS AND RATIONALE ............................................. 420
PART IV(B)-2 THE REVISED HKPSG ............................................................................ 423

PART IV(C)-1 PURPOSES ................................................................................................ 424
PART IV(C)-5 REVIEW AND MONITORING ............................................................... 428

PART IV(D): SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 429
1.1 OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................................... 429
1.2 KEY STUDY FINDINGS ....................................................................................... 429
1.3 LESSONS LEARNT FROM AN EXPERT REVIEW ........................................... 429
1.4 THE NEED OF A QUANTITATIVE YARDSTICK ............................................. 429
1.5 SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF THE AVA SYSTEM .......................................... 429
1.6 KEY REFINMENTS TO THE AVAS .................................................................... 429
1.7 NEW HKPSG CHAPTER ....................................................................................... 430
1.8 IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISM .................................................................... 430
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1.9 REVIEW AND MONITORING ............................................................................. 430

PART IV: APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 431
1/06 ON AIR VENTILATION ASSESSMENTS ........................................ 432
REGISTER AS OF SEPTEMBER 2010 ...................................................... 447
FOR AVA ..................................................................................................... 448
APPENDIX 4: REVISIONS PROPOSED FOR HKPSG ..................................................... 466
APPENDIX 5: WIND PROFILE........................................................................................... 499

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 500

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Figure I-1 UC-Map around the world................................................................................................ 29
Figure I-2 A map of OZP coverage of Hong Kong (as at 4.5.2012) ................................................. 32
Figure I-3 Desktop studies on selected international cities ............................................................... 33
Figure I-4 Air path analysis map for Munich, Germany ................................................................... 34
Figure I-5 City of Stuttgart ................................................................................................................ 36
Figure I-6 Development of Stuttgart in the last 100 years................................................................. 37
Figure I-7 German Federal Building Law ......................................................................................... 38
Figure I-8 The Team of the Department of Urban Climatology in Stuttgart ..................................... 39
Figure I-9 Thermal map of the Stuttgart city area in the evening situation (averaged) ..................... 40
Figure I-10 Average daily wind velocity for Stuttgart city area .......................................................... 40
Figure I-11 CD-ROM City climate 21 ............................................................................................. 40
Figure I-12 Climate Atlas produced by the Stuttgart Regional Federation for the territory of the
federation and the bordering parts of the Middle Neckar Region .................................... 41
Figure I-13 Example of a climate analysis map for Stuttgart city areas .............................................. 42
Figure I-14 Example map with recommendations for planning for Stuttgart city areas ..................... 43
Figure I-15 Climate Booklet for Urban Development, Reference for Zoning and Planning, by Office
for Environmental Protection, City Stuttgart .................................................................... 44
Figure I-16 Monthly average of the minimum and maximum daily temperatures (
C) for Kassel,
Germany ........................................................................................................................... 46
Figure I-17 Pictures for City of Kassel, Germany ............................................................................... 46
Figure I-18 Structures and methods for thermal comfort zoning ........................................................ 48
Figure I-19 First version of UC-AnMap of Kassel Created in 1990 by Prof. Lutz Katzschner .......... 48
Figure I-20 GIS calculations and classifications for UC-AnMap ....................................................... 49
Figure I-21 Land use map [left], thermal condition map [middle], UC-ReMap [right] ...................... 49
Figure I-22 UC-AnMap for Kassel city [left] and for southwest of Kassel [right] ............................. 50
Figure I-24 UC-ReMap for Kassel (Katzschner, 2005) ...................................................................... 51
Figure I-25 Normal temperatures in Tokyo ......................................................................................... 54
Figure I-26 Normal rainfall and relative humidity in Tokyo ............................................................... 54
Figure I-27 High density, high rise urban development in Tokyo ...................................................... 54
Figure I-28 CASBEE for new construction and CASBEE HI in Japan ........................................... 56
Figure I-29 Thermal Environment Map for Tokyo ............................................................................. 57
Figure I-30 Legends and Explanations for Thermal Environment Map .............................................. 58
Figure I-31 Tokyo Midtown Project (Roppongi) ................................................................................ 60
Figure I-32 Redevelopment of the Osaki Station West Exit A zone ................................................... 61
Figure I-33 Shinagawa ........................................................................................................................ 61
Figure I-34 Locations of HKO weather stations ................................................................................. 66
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Figure I-35 An understating of Max., Mean and Min. air temperature of Hong Kong from January to
December based on HKO data ......................................................................................... 66
Figure I-36 An example of wind roses provided by HKO .................................................................. 70
Figure I-37a An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on annual wind roses of HKO
stations with topography background ............................................................................ 74
Figure I-37b An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on summer (July) wind roses
of HKO stations with topography background .............................................................. 75
Figure I-38a An example of wind roses (MM5 simulation) provided by HKUST ............................... 77
Figure I-38b An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on annual (2004) wind roses of
HKUST MM5 simulations with topography background ............................................. 78
Figure I-38c An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on the July (2004) wind roses
of HKUST MM5 simulations with topography background ......................................... 79
Figure I-39a 3D Topography of Hong Kong......................................................................................... 80
Figure I-39b Contour of topography of Hong Kong ............................................................................. 81
Figure I-40a A typical densely built urban area in Hong Kong ............................................................ 82
Figure I-40b A part map of Building Volume understanding of urban Hong Kong based on the
building data from PlanD ................................................................................................. 83
Figure I-41 The Map of Greeneries in Hong Kong based on NVDI image ........................................ 84
Figure I-42 The relationship between PET and the urban climatic factors (Air Temperature and Wind
Speed) ............................................................................................................................... 87
Figure I-43 An Illustration of Workflow for Creating the UC-AnMap (100m x 100m raster based) . 88
Figure I-44 SVF classification of Tsim Sha Tsui ................................................................................ 94
Figure I-45 Building Volume Map ...................................................................................................... 96
Figure I-46 Topographical Height Map............................................................................................... 98
Figure I-47 Green Space Map ........................................................................................................... 101
Figure I-48a Components of Thermal Load Map ............................................................................... 102
Figure I-48b Layer of Thermal Load of the UC-AnMap .................................................................... 103
Figure I-49 Relationship between Gross Building Coverage Ratio and Wind Velocity Ratio ......... 105
Figure I-50 Creation of Ground Coverage Map using GIS ............................................................... 106
Figure I-51 Ground Coverage Map ................................................................................................... 107
Figure I-52 Natural Landscape Map .................................................................................................. 110
Figure I-53 Proximity to Waterfront Map ......................................................................................... 113
Figure I-57 Proximity to Open Space Map ....................................................................................... 115
Figure I-55 Slope Map....................................................................................................................... 117
Figure I-56 Proximity to Openness Map ........................................................................................... 118
Figure I-57a Components of Thermal Load Map ............................................................................... 119
Figure I-57b Dynamic Potential Map of the UC-AnMap .................................................................... 120

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Figure I-58: Hong Kongs location and its satellite image. 121
Figure I-59: Desktop studies on Stuttgart (Germany) and Tokyo (Japan).. 122
Figure I-60: An example of wind information as in the Guideline VDI 3787, Part1. 123
Figure I-61: The location of Stuttgart in Germany and its surrounding topography.. 124
Figure I-62: The measured wind roses in Stuttgartz... 125
Figure I-63: (a) calculation result and (b) synthetic wind roses generated with DIWIMO 126
Figure I-64: (a) the evaluated air-flow patterns in Stuttgart, Germany; (b) evaluated preserved areas
in Stuttgart for fresh cool air flowing to the city centre (Baumller et al., 1992b). 126
Figure IB-65:(a) Ventilation zone as green area in the land use plan; (b) Ventilation zone as green area
in the local development plan (Baumller, 2006) 127
Figure IB-66: (a) Ventilation zone in an aerial photo; (b) current view of the ventilation corridor in
Vaihingen; (Reuter, 2008) 128
Figure I-67: The location of Tokyo and Tokyo Metropolitans 23 wards... 128
Figure I-68 (a) Map of Wind roses at near ground level; (b) Prevailing wind directions (measured by
Japan Meteorological Agency in Aug.1998-1999)......130
Figure I-69: Example of major air paths in Minato-ku ward, Tokyo.. 131
Figure I-70: Evaluated wind information of Tokyo Metropolitan areas. 131
Figure I-71: 3 Types of Kaze-no-michi (ventilation paths) , which brings cool sea breezes into urban
areas (AIJ, 2008). 132
Figure I-72: Locations of HKO weather stations. 133
Figure I-73: Summer-July wind roses of HKO stations with topography background 135
Figure I-74: Annual wind roses of HKO stations with topography background.. 135
Figure I-75: An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on seasonal wind roses of HKO
stations with topography background (1998-2007 Jun-Aug)... 136
Figure I-76: An example of wind roses (MM5/CALMET simulation) provided by HKUST. 139
Figure I-77: Prevailing summer (2004 Jun-Aug) wind directions based on MM5/CALMET
simulation with topography background.. 139
Figure I-78: An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on summer wind roses of MM5
simulation with topography background (2004 Jun-Aug)140
Figure I-79: An understanding of Monsoon circulations in eastern and southern Asia.. 141
Figure I-80: Seasonal mean wind directions (Yan, 2007)142
Figure I-81: Wind roses of WGL (Annual and Summer) 143
Figure I-82: An understanding of the daily mechanism of Land and Sea breezes. Note the common
onset time of the sea breezes at just before noon (Simpson, 1994). 144
Figure I-83: An understanding of the Land and Sea Breezes.. 145
Figure I-84: Two scales of sea breezes 145
Figure I-85: Dominant wind direction observed at surface anemometer stations... 146
Figure I-86: Sea breeze simulation for 10 Dec 1990 (wind at 10m above terrain). 146
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Figure I-87: An expert understanding of the sea breezes at the western territory of Hong Kong on
Nov 2007 under weak background wind, after K K Yeung, 2007.................................. 147
Figure I-88: 24 hourly variation of wind field simulated by MM5-CALMET model on 28 Sep.2004,
provided by Prof. Jimmy Fung of HKUST. 148
Figure I-89: HKO stations and Land-Sea Breeze Effect in HK.......................................................... 149
Figure I-90: Wind roses of HKO stations with topography background (1998-2007, summer day
time: 11:00am-16:00pm)..... 150
Figure I-91: Wind roses of HKO stations with topography background (1998-2007, summer night
time: 01:00am-06:00am)..... 150
Figure I-92: Topography map of Hong Kong. 151
Figure I-93: Three observed channeling affecting areas in Hong Kong (including the Kai Tak old
airport areas) shown within the red circles.. 152
Figure I-94: Summer wind rose of HKO Sha Tin station 152
Figure I-95: Summer wind rose of HKO Tuen Mun station 153
Figure I-96: Summer wind rose of HKO Star Ferry (Tsim Sha Tsui) station. 153
Figure I-97: Four main topographical barriers near urban areas and another one on Lantau Island
identified.. 154
Figure I-98: Cool air and outflow analysis map of Berlin Climate Map. 155
Figure I-99: The cooling effect of the vegetated hillsides of Tuen Mun Areas... 155
Figure I-100: [Left] the profile far left is an understanding of the velocity profile of the katabatic air
movement; [right] possible velocities of downhill air movement... 156
Figure I-101: An expert evaluation of the annual wind information by Dr K K Yeung of HKO...157
Figure I-102: An early and initial expert evaluation of shielding and channeling effects by Professor
Lutz Katzschner (2006) 157
Figure I-103: Wind Information Layer Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer). 161
Figure I-104 The structure of the 6 Layers for creating the UC-AnMap (100m x 100m raster based)
.. 164
Figure I-105 Work steps for creating the UC-AnMap (Graphics used are indicative).. 164
Figure I-106a Components of Urban Climatic Analysis Map combining Thermal Load Map and
Dynamic Potential MapFigure I-106b The UC-AnMap (Classification at Table IB-28),
100 x 100m raster based, without wind information 168
Figure I-106b The UC-AnMap (Classification at Table IB-28), 100 x 100m raster based, without wind
information.. 169
Figure I-107 The UC-AnMap (Classification at Table IB-28) of Hong Kong with Wind Information
Layer - Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer).171
Figure I-108 Spot measurement in Tsim Sha Tsui and Tsuen Wan..174
Figure I-109 The Map of PET Pattern compared with UC-Map for Field Measurement on Tsim Sha
Tsui on 19 Sep 2006. 175
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Figure I-110 The Map of PET data compared with UC-Map for Field Measurement on Tsuen Wan
on 15 May 2008 ........................................................................................................... 176
Figure I-111 The relationship between PET and the classes of UC-An Map based on the result of
spot field measurement in Tsuen Wan areas on 15 May 2008 .................................... 177
Figure I-112 The differences between 2006 version and 2009 version of UC-AnMap .................... 178
Figure I-113 A map of OZP coverage of Hong Kong (as at 4.5.2012)............................................. 182
Figure I-114 Planning Recommendation Map for Stuttgart ............................................................. 184
Figure I-115 Thermal Environment Map for Tokyos 23 wards and four designated areas. 187
Figure I-116 The selected dense urban areas of Hong Kong ............................................................ 196
Figure I-117 Building Site Area Ratio of the selected dense urban areas of Hong Kong ................ 196
Figure I-118 Greening, especially tree planting, is encouraged at ground or podium level for better
cool the urban environment at the pedestrian level ..................................................... 201
Figure I-119 Global weightings for sub-design criteria .................................................................... 201
Figure I-120 Non-building areas (building set back) to reduce ground coverage is recommended.
Greening is encouraged ............................................................................................... 203
Figure I-121 Ways of creating breezeways and air paths in the urban fabric ................................... 204
Figure I-122 Ways of creating breezeways and air paths in the urban fabric ................................... 205
Figure I-123 The formualtion of UCPZa for the UC-ReMap ........................................................... 207
Figure I-124 The UC-ReMap, 100m100m raster based, with wind information - prevailing wind
directions (summer) ..................................................................................................... 210
Figure I-125 The UC-ReMap and Hong Kong Planning Framework............................................... 215
Figure I-126 Four designated areas based on the HK UC-ReMap ................................................... 216
Figure I-127 Focused areas needing care and attention based on the HK UC-ReMap ..................... 220
Figure I-128 Wind Information Layer Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer) ............................. 228
Figure I-129 The Final UC-AnMap of Hong Kong with Wind Information Layer Prevailing Wind
Directions (Summer) .................................................................................................... 230
Figure I-130 UC-ReMaps of two examples: Stuttgart and (right) Tokyo ........................................ 231
Figure I-131 The UC-ReMap, 100m100m raster based, with wind information layer prevailing
wind directions (summer) 236
Figure I-132 UC-Map and Hong Kong Planning Framework .......................................................... 238
Figure II-1 Locations of Hong Kong Observatory weather stations .............................................. 281
Figure II-2 Mean wind speed (kilometer/hour) of HKO stations 2005 .......................................... 282
Figure II-3 Wind profiles modified by the building block. ............................................................ 283
Figure II-4 Ground coverage and wind velocity ratio of 2 areas in Japan ..................................... 284
Figure II-5 Ground coverage and wind velocity ratio of Mongkok, as compared with other cities in
Japan ............................................................................................................................ 284
Figure II-6 Streets parallel to the incoming wind channels the wind through it effectively ....... 285
Figure II-7 Wind flow patterns and regimes with regular streets and irregular streets .................. 286
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Figure II-8 Diagrams showing channeling and canyon wind flows ............................................... 286
Figure II-9 Building dispositions and internal streets can create different patterns of urban
morphology even if the streets are regular ............................................................... 287
Figure II-11 Flow characteristics over urban forms ......................................................................... 289
Figure II-12 Wakes of buildings ...................................................................................................... 289
Figure II-13: Locations of test points at Causeway Bay ................................................................... 313
Figure II-14: Locations of test points at Sheung Wan ....................................................................... 314
Figure II-15: Locations of test points at Mong Kok .......................................................................... 316
Figure II-16: Locations of test points at Tsim Sha Tsui .................................................................... 318
Figure II-17: Locations of test points at Tsuen Wan ......................................................................... 319
Figure II-18: Locations of test points at San Po Kong ...................................................................... 321
Figure II-19: Locations of test points at Tuen Mun .......................................................................... 323
Figure II-20: Locations of test points at Sha Tin ............................................................................... 325
Figure II-21: Locations of test points at Tseung Kwan O ................................................................. 326
Figure II-22: Locations of test points at Wong Chuk Hang .............................................................. 328
Figure III-1 An understanding of urban thermal comfort based on CUHK researches ................... 331
Figure III-2 Cooling effect of air movement ................................................................................... 332
Figure III-3 Air Speed offered by the T ........................................................................................ 332
Figure III-4 A longitudinal study on urban thermal comfort by researchers of CUHK. ................. 333
Figure III-5 The parameters of the human heat balance .................................................................. 334
Figure III-6 PET vs. wind ................................................................................................................ 336
Figure III-7 Tmrt of HK urban conditions based on summer 2007 non-A/C data of the user survey
..................................................................................................................................... 340
Figure III-8 The Hong Kong Urban Climatic Analysis Map (2009 version) .................................. 342
Figure III-9a Summary of summer VRw .......................................................................................... 345
Figure III-9b Summary of annual VRw ............................................................................................ 346
Figure III-10a Summary of summer wind speed(Vp) ......................................................................... 347
Figure III-10b Summary of annual wind speed(Vp) ........................................................................... 348
Figure III-11 A summary of percentage of test points with median hourly mean wind speed < 1 m/s
..................................................................................................................................... 352
Figure III-12 Test Area 1-Tsim Sha Tsui .......................................................................................... 355
Figure III-13 Test Area 2-Mong Kok ................................................................................................ 356
Figure III-14 Test Area 3-Sheung Wan ............................................................................................. 357
Figure III-15 Test Area 4-Causeway Bay .......................................................................................... 358
Figure III-16 Test Area 5-Tsuen Wan ............................................................................................... 359
Figure III-17 Test Area 6-San Po Kong ............................................................................................ 360
Figure III-18 Test Area 7-Tuen Mun ................................................................................................. 361
Figure III-19 Test Area 8-Sha Tin ..................................................................................................... 362
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Figure III-20 Test Area 9-Tseung Kwan O ....................................................................................... 363
Figure III-21 Test Area 10-Wong Chuk Hang .................................................................................. 364
Figure III-22 News and recent studies on heat-stress-related mortality ............................................ 366
Figure III-23 Increasing trend of very hot days and very hot nights in Hong Kong from 1890-2000
..................................................................................................................................... 366
Figure III-24 Reduction of building ground coverage ....................................................................... 372
Figure III-25 Reduction of building ground coverage ....................................................................... 372
Figure III-26 Increasing urban permeability ..................................................................................... 373
Figure III-27 Increasing urban permeability ..................................................................................... 374
Figure III-28 Increasing urban permeability ..................................................................................... 374
Figure III-29 Improving urban greenery. .......................................................................................... 375
Figure III-30 Improving urban greenery. .......................................................................................... 375
Figure III-31 Improving urban greenery. .......................................................................................... 376
Figure III-32 Improving urban greenery. .......................................................................................... 377
Figure IV-1 Urban Heat Island Effect ............................................................................................. 468
Figure IV-2 Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map of Hong Kong ................................ 470
Figure IV-3 Benefits of Tree Planting ............................................................................................. 473
Figure IV-4 Maximise Greenery in Urban Areas ............................................................................ 474
Figure IV-5 Breezeways and Air Paths ........................................................................................... 475
Figure IV-6 Linkage of Roads, Open Spaces and Low-rise Buildings to Form Breezeways .......... 475
Figure IV-7 Orientation of Street Grids ........................................................................................... 476
Figure IV-8 Pattern of Street Grids .................................................................................................. 477
Figure IV-9 Street Widening/Building Setback ............................................................................... 477
Figure IV-10 Waterfront Buildings Should Avoid Wind Blockage .................................................. 478
Figure IV-11 Connecting the Waterfront with Vegetated Hill Backdrops ........................................ 478
Figure IV-12 Promoting Wind Connectivity ..................................................................................... 479
Figure IV-13 Varying Height Profile to Promote Air Movements .................................................... 479
Figure IV-14 Breathing Spaces within the Neighbourhood .............................................................. 480
Figure IV-15 Tall Trees with Wide and Dense Canopy in Plaza ...................................................... 481
Figure IV-16 Encourage Setbacks along Narrow Streets .................................................................. 481
Figure IV-17 Reducing Site Coverage of the Podia to Allow More Open Space at Grade ............... 482
Figure IV-18 Terraced Podium Design ............................................................................................. 482
Figure IV-19 Building Permeability and Building Separation .......................................................... 483
Figure IV-20 Gaps Between the Podium and Building Blocks to Enhance Air Permeability ........... 483
Figure IV-21 Disposition of Non-building Areas to Create Air Paths .............................................. 484
Figure IV-22 Building Gaps to Enhance Air Permeability ................................................................ 484
Figure IV-23 Disposition of Towers to Facilitate Downwash ........................................................... 485
Figure IV-24 Projecting Signboards should be Aligned Vertically instead of Horizontally ............. 485
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Figure IV-25 Stepping Height Profile to Divert Winds to Lower Levels .......................................... 485
Figure IV-26 Methodology of Formulating Urban Climatic Maps.................................................... 490
Figure IV-27 Urban Climatic Factors for Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential Analysis .............. 491
Figure IV-28 Human Heat Balance Model ........................................................................................ 491
Figure IV-29 Urban Climatic Analysis Map for Hong Kong ............................................................ 492
Figure IV-30 Wind Information Layer for Hong Kong ..................................................................... 494
Figure IV-31 Categorisation of Urban Climatic Classes into Urban Climatic Planning Zones......... 495

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Table I-1: Typical scale levels for climatic maps .............................................................................. 31
Table I-2 Regional factors per grid square (TMG, 2005b) .............................................................. 32
Table I-3 A part table example of hourly mean temperature (July) ................................................. 67
Table I-4 A part table example of hourly mean temperature (Jan) .................................................. 68
Table I-5 A part example of users thermal comfort survey result .................................................... 68
Table I-6 List of HKO weather stations ........................................................................................... 69
Table I-7 A table of wind speeds and wind directions by hour provided by HKO .......................... 71
Table I-8 A part table example of wind speeds and wind directions by month 72
Table I-9 Meta information and an expert evaluation of HKO station conditions and topographical
information ....................................................................................................................... 73
Table I-10 Overview of GIS layers for the UC-AnMap .................................................................... 89
Table I-11 T-SVF-Building Volume relation for selected points in the field measurement .............. 94
Table I-12 The Classification of Layer 1 ........................................................................................... 96
Table I-13 The Classification of Layer 2 ........................................................................................... 98
Table I-14 The Classification of Layer 3 ......................................................................................... 101
Table I-15 Estimation of wind velocity............................................................................................ 105
Table I-16 The Classification of Layer 4 ......................................................................................... 107
Table I-17 Aerodynamic properties of natural and building surfaces .............................................. 108
Table I-18 The Classification of Layer 5 ............................................................................................ 110
Table I-19 The Classification of Layer 6a ....................................................................................... 113
Table I-20 The Classification of Layer 6b ....................................................................................... 115
Table I-21 The Classification of Layer 6c ....................................................................................... 117
Table I-22: Three Wind Conditions and Their Characteristics 129
Table I-25: HKO data coded.. 134
Table I-26: MM5 Data sets 137
Table I-27: Monthly Prevailing Wind Direction and Mean Wind Speed Recorded at the Observatory
and Waglan Island between 1971 and 2000 144
Table I-28: Wind information and symbols... 162
Table I-29 An understanding of the characteristics of the 8 classifications ..................................... 165
Table I-30 Eight Classifications of the UC-AnMap ......................................................................... 170
Table I-31 Planning Advices of Stuttgart Planning Recommendation Map .................................... 184
Table I-32 Four designated areas ..................................................................................................... 187
Table I-33 Menu of Heat Island Control Measures in the Problem Areas of Tokyo ....................... 189
Table I-34 Work Process of the Hong Kong UC-Re-Map ............................................................... 193
Table I-36 Parameters and layers of UC-AnMap ............................................................................. 194
Table I-37 UC-AnMap layers and planning parameters .................................................................. 195
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Table I-38 The selected dense urban areas [designated and focused] for the calculation of TBV, BV
on BSA, BVD, GC, SGC, BSAR and FAR .................................................................... 197
Table I-39 The relationship between Building Volume Density and Floor Area Ratio ................... 199
Table I-40 The relationship between the planning parameter of Ground Coverage and Site Gound
Coverage ........................................................................................................................ 203
Table I-41 Suggestions of UC-Map vs. SDCs exercise .................................................................. 206
Table I-42 The 5 urban climatic sensitivity zones (UCPZ) of the UC-ReMap ................................ 207
Table I-43 General Recommendations for 5 UCPZs ....................................................................... 211
Table I-44 Urban Climatic Analytical Characteristics of Four designated areas ............................. 216
Table I-45 Descriptions of the layers of the UC-AnMap ................................................................. 226
Table I-46 Descriptions of the 8 urban climatic classes of the UC-AnMap .................................... 229
Table I-47 Suggestions of UC-Map vs. SDCs exercise .................................................................. 234
Table I-48 The 5 urban climatic planning zones of the UC-ReMap ................................................ 237
Table II-1a Annual VRw of the test sites .......................................................................................... 296
Table II-1b Statistical summary of the annual VRw of the test sites ................................................ 296
Table II-2a Summer VR
of the test sites ......................................................................................... 297
Table II-2b Statistical summary of the summer VRw of the test sites .............................................. 297
Table II-3a median wind speed distribution of the test sites for annual case .................................... 298
Table II-3b Statistical summary of the median annual wind speed (m/s) of the test sites ................. 298
Table II-4a median wind speed distribution of the test sites for summer case .................................. 299
Table II-4b Statistical summary of the median summer wind speed (m/s) of the test sites .............. 299
Table II-5 A generic understanding of connection between the urban morphology and the VR .... 300
Table II-6a Annual VRw of the study areas ...................................................................................... 304
Table II-6b Statistical summary of the annual VRw of the study areas ............................................ 304
Table II-7a Summer VRw of the study areas .................................................................................... 305
Table II-7b Statistical summary of the summer VRw of the study areas .......................................... 305
Table II-8a meam wind speed distribution of the study areas for annual case .................................. 306
Table II-8b Statistical summary of the median annual wind speed (m/s) of the study areas ............ 306
Table II-9a median wind speed distribution of the study areas for summer case ............................. 307
Table II-9b Statistical summary of the median summer wind speed (m/s) of the study areas .......... 307
Table II-10 A generic understanding of connection between the urban morphology and the VR .... 308
Table III-1 An Understanding of Urban Thermal Comfort from AVAs .......................................... 330
Table III-2 Parameters of thermal comfort ....................................................................................... 334
Table III-3 Selected thermal comfort indices for indoors and outdoors ........................................... 335
Table III-4 A tabulation of PET, Ta, Tmrt and v .............................................................................. 341
Table III-5 Description of the 8 urban climatic classes of the draft UC-AnMap .............................. 343
Table III-6 A parametric understanding of PET based on the HK UC-AnMap ............................... 343
Table III-7a A summary of the benchmarking study .......................................................................... 350
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Table III-7b A summary of the benchmarking study .......................................................................... 351
Table III-8 Summary of the annual median hourly mean wind speeds ............................................ 353
Table III-9 Summary of summer median hourly mean wind speeds ................................................ 354
Table III-10 The number of Very hot days can increase from 11 days to 97 days per year with an
urban heat island intensity of only 3 degree C. .............................................................. 367
Table III-11 Impact of urban temperature on energy consumption of Hong Kong ............................ 367

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Anabatic Wind is one kind of local air current that blows up a hill or mountain slope facing
the Sun.

Climatopes are spatial units which exhibit relatively homogenous urban climatic
characteristics. For example forest climatopes, water climatopes or urban climatopes. Factors
with considerable influence on the urban climate include land use and type, state of
vegetation cover, etc.

Dynamic Potential evaluates the ground roughness and therefore the availability of wind and
cold air mass exchange of particular localities of urban areas. It mainly depends on the site
coverage, availability of natural landscape on slopes, and the proximity to openness.

Environmental Lapse Rate is defined as the rate of negatively change of temperature, with
height in the atmosphere.

Katabatic Wind is a high density air flow from a higher elevation mountain down a slope
under the force of gravity.

Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) is the temperature of a reference
environment based on a heat balance model that combines various climatic and physiological
variables including air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, air movement, clothing
and metabolic rate to give a synergetic indication of human thermal comfort.

Radiative Cooling is the atmospheric condition in that an object loses more heat energy by
radiation than it gains from its surroundings.

Sky View Factor (SVF) is a measure of the degree to which the sky is obscured by the
surroundings for a given point. In urban climatology, it is mainly used to characterise the
geometry of urban canyons in urban climatology. Its value is a ratio ranging from zero to one.
When obstacles fully block the sky, the factor is zero. When the sky is completely visible, the
factor is one.

Thermal Load measures the heat load of particular localities of urban areas and it mainly
depends on the building volume (which has an impact on heat storage, and blocking the sky
view slowing the citys cooling at night), the topography and the availability of green spaces
for cooling effect.
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Urban Climatic Analysis Map (UC-AnMap) collates meteorological, planning, land use,
topography and vegetation information, based on which, their relationship and effects on
winds and thermal comfort are analysed and evaluated spatially.

Urban Climatic Map (UC-Map) is an information and evaluation tool to integrate urban
climatic factors and town planning considerations.

Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map (UC-ReMap) gives strategic and broad
town planning practical guidelines to improve the urban climate and wind environment based
on the UC-AnMap and practical constraints.

Wind information gives the background wind speed and direction information at above
urban canopy layer (UCL) level. It takes into account surrounding topography. It allows air
paths and air mass exchange to be understood.
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AVA Air Ventilation Assessment
AVAS Air Ventilation Assessment System
BD Buildings Department
BSA Building Site Area
BSAR Building Site Area Ratio
BV Building Volume
BVD Building Volume Density
CASBEE HI Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental
Efficiency- Heat Island
CFD-LES Computational Fluid Dynamics Large Eddy Simulation
CFD-RANS Computational Fluid Dynamics Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
CUHK The Chinese University of Hong Kong
DP Dynamic Potential
DEM Digital Elevation Model
EPD Environmental Protection Department
FAR Floor Area Ratio
GC Ground Coverage
GIS Geographical Information System
GroundFA Ground Floor Area
GIC Government, Institution or Community
HKO Hong Kong Observatory
H/W Building Height to Street Width Ratio
HKUST The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
HKPSG Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines
LVp Local Spatial Average Vp
LVR Local Spatial Velocity Ratio
IR Invitation for Response
LAI Leaf Area Index
MM5/CALMET Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model
MoE The Ministry of the Environment of the Japan Government
NVDI The Normalised Difference Vegetation Index
O Open Space
OZP Outline Zoning Plan
PET Physiological Equivalent Temperature
PlanD Planning Department
PNAP Practice Notes for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural
Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers
PNAP APP-151 PNAP APP-151 on Building Design to Foster a Quality and
Sustainable Built Environment by the Buildings Department
PNAP APP-152 PNAP APP-152 on Sustainable Building Design Guidelines by the
Buildings Department
PR Plot Ratio
RH Relative Humidity
RSL Roughness Sub-Layer
SVF Sky View Factor
SDC Council for Sustainable Development
Ta Air Temperature
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TL Thermal Load
TMG Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tmrt Mean Radiant Temperature
UBL Urban Wind Boundary Layer
UC-AnMap Urban Climatic Analysis Map
UC-Map Urban Climatic Map
UC-ReMap Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map
UCL Urban Canopy Layer
UCPZ Urban Climatic Planning Zone
UHI Urban Heat Island
VDI The Association of German Engineers
Vp Median Hourly Mean Pedestrian Level Wind Speed
Vavg Average Wind Speed
VRw Overall Wind Velocity Ratio
VRi Directional Wind Velocity Ratio
Vs Wind Speed at the Site Wind Availability Level
WMO World Meteorological Organization

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Hong Kong is a high density city situated in the sub-tropical climate region with hot
and humid summer months. Owing to our high density urban development, Hong
Kong is suffering from the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Our urban areas are
significantly warmer than the rural surroundings. As a result of the UHI effect, the
number of very hot days (maximum air temperature greater than 33C) and very hot
nights (minimum air temperature greater than 28C) has increased dramatically. This
leads to uncomfortable urban living, heat stress and related health problems, and
increase in energy consumption. All in all, this has resulted in poor living quality.

There is a need to optimise the planning and design of our city to facilitate more wind
penetration through the city fabric, and to attain a higher quality urban living
environment with thermal relief and reduction of heat stress, especially in the public


Based on the Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment
(AVA) System (AVAS Study) completed by the Planning Department in November
2005, a set of planning guidelines for promoting better air ventilation was added in
Chapter 11 (i.e. Urban Design Guidelines) of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and
Guidelines (HKPSG) and promulgated in August 2006. In tandem, the then Housing,
Planning and Lands Bureau and Environment, Transport and Works Bureau jointly
issued a Technical Circular No. 1/06 on Air Ventilation Assessments, setting out a
framework for AVA and requiring all major government projects to include AVA as
one of the planning and design considerations. As there is no benchmark, the AVA
System adopts an option-comparison-and-improvement approach. The AVAS Study
suggested that apart from considering the urban air ventilation environment, a more
holistic approach to reviewing Hong Kongs urban climatic conditions for better
planning decision making at the territorial and district levels should be targeted.

In July 2006, the Planning Department commissioned the consultancy on the Urban
Climatic Map and Standards for Wind Environment Feasibility Study (the Study)
to comprehensively and scientifically assess the urban climatic characteristics of
different parts of Hong Kong and to formulate holistic planning and design measures
to achieve long-term improvement of the urban living environment.


The Study provides a more scientific and objective basis for identifying climatically
valuable and sensitive areas and assessing the urban climatic and air ventilation
impacts of major development and planning proposals.

This Study has four main tasks, namely Formulation of Urban Climatic Maps of
Hong Kong; Wind Tunnel Benchmarking Studies; Establishment of a Wind
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Performance Criterion; and Refinement of the AVA System.


For easy reading and reference, the Final Report is divided into 4 parts. Each part is
dedicated to one of the four major tasks listed above. The four parts are as follows:

PART I: Urban Climatic Map;

PART II: Wind Tunnel Benchmarking Studies;

PART III: Establishment of Wind Performance Criterion; and

PART IV: Refinement of the AVA System.

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There is a general understanding that A different climate is produced by the built
environment in urban areas the urban climate. Today, the term "urban climate" also
encompasses the change in the natural composition of the air through anthropological
influences (air pollution and aerosols). Every structure has an influence upon the individual
climatic elements. Large built-up areas divorce themselves in a climatic sense from their
surrounding landscape. The significant causes contributing to the production of a separate
urban climate lie in the far-reaching alteration of the heat budget and the local wind field.
The character of a typical urban climate is first and foremost dependent upon the size of the
city, but is also influenced by the topography, urban form, and the proportion of open space.
Although there are elements of the urban climate that differentiate themselves very little based
on the location in the city (such as sunlight and precipitation), other climatic elements
affected by the heat retention capacities of buildings, by the soil capping, by altered water
budgets, and by heat discharges show substantial spatial variation (such as temperature and
wind patterns). Small spatial variations can be found in areas of buildings, streets, and green
spaces. [See Climate Booklet for Urban Development

There is a vision to design a city that is sustainable, healthy, comfortable, and a place that its
inhabitants could enjoy. To achieve this, it is necessary to factor the urban climatic
considerations holistically and strategically into the planning process. UC-Map is considered
an important information tool (Scherer et al., 1999) to present urban climate information
relevant for planning, so that planners could easily make reference to during the planning
and design process.

UC-Map is an information and evaluation tool to integrate urban climatic factors and town
planning considerations to assist planning decision. UC-Map typically has two main
components. The Urban Climatic Analysis Map (UC-AnMap) collates meteorological,
planning, land use, topography and vegetation information, based on which, their relationship
and effects on winds and thermal comfort are analysed and evaluated spatially. Secondly, the
Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map (UC-ReMap) gives strategic and broad

Climate Booklet for Urban Development, Reference for Zoning and Planning, by the Office for
Environmental Protection, City of Stuttgart. (
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practical town planning guidelines to improve the wind environment based on the UC-
AnMap and practicability constraints.

This report firstly explains the concept of UC-Map and outlines a general understanding of
the UC-AnMap through desktop studies on international examples of urban climatic mapping
in Part I(A). Secondly, in Part I(B), following the state-of-the-art knowledge of UC-AnMap
guidelines, the scientific basis of the methodology of UC-AnMap for Hong Kong is
developed and explained from Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential aspects based on Hong
Kongs unique urban morphology. Finally, based on expert evaluation and synergising the
urban climatic factors and urban planning parameters, the UC-ReMap for Hong Kong would
be presented in Part I(C).


UC-Map consists of two individual components, i.e. UC-AnMap and UC-ReMap. Their
differences are that the former map is climate-oriented while the latter map is planning-

The UC-AnMap presents a classification system of different climatopes
, based on the
climatic characteristics of Dynamic Potential
and Thermal Load
; it also contains wind, air
path and air mass exchange information. An UC-AnMap of a city displays the spatial
characteristics and classification of climatopes representing areas of distinct local climates.
Based on available information collated, the map takes into account a balanced expert
evaluation of positive and negative effects of the local climate, topography, vegetation, urban
morphology, and wind patterns.

Based on the analysis obtained from the UC-AnMap, a UC-ReMap can be created to show
the corresponding planning recommendations together with their rationales. The UC-AnMap

Climatopes are spatial units which exhibit relatively homogenous urban climatic characteristics. For
example forest climatopes, water climatopes or urban climatopes. Factors with considerable influence on
the urban climate include land use and type, state of vegetation cover, etc.

Dynamic Potential evaluates the ground roughness and therefore the availability of wind and cool air
mass exchange of particular localities of urban areas. It mainly depends on the site coverage, availability
of natural landscape on slopes, and the proximity to openness.

Thermal Load measures the heat load of particular localities of urban areas and it mainly depends on the
building volume (which has an impact on heat storage, and blocking the sky view, thus slowing the citys
cooling at night), the topography and the availability of green spaces for cooling effect.
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summaries and evaluates the scientific understanding based on the input of land use and
climatic data.

The UC-ReMap is an understanding of the UC-AnMap based on planning considerations
which results in guidelines that planners can make reference to. Based on the analysis
obtained from the UC-AnMap, similar climatopes are grouped into climatic planning zones.
The UC-ReMap can be developed to include the corresponding planning recommendations
and guidelines of each zone with the aim of mitigating the current negative situation and
protecting the positive situation. These zones are represented in different colours and symbols
to illustrate their respective recommended actions. Urban climatologist and planners must
work closely together to ensure that the climatic knowledge and evaluations of the UC-
AnMap are accurately translated into appropriate planning recommendations under the UC-


Since the 1980s, researchers in the field of urban climatology from Europe, North America,
Asia and South America have tried to develop the idea of urban climate assessment and
analysis (Figure I-1)(See Part I-Appendix 1). Among them, Germany is a leading country in
conducting urban climate analysis. After the re-unification of Germany, several cities in the
former German Democratic Republic were analysed in terms of urban climate and synthetic
climate function maps were constructed.

By introducing the concept of UC-Map, key urban climatic factors including meteorological
data for climate assessment are mapped on to the base map of land use, topography and urban
geometry. This UC-Map makes available the necessary climatic information to planners in a
comprehendible manner, which otherwise, would only be legible to scientists and climate

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Figure I-1 UC-Map around the world

In Germany, there is a strong emphasis on urban climate research that also includes human-
biometeorology. This is partly because of the legal requirement that climate issues have to be
considered in regional and urban planning projects. Guidelines VDI 3787 (Part 1), regarding
the urban climate mapping details, was published by the Association of German Engineers
(VDI) in 1997. The Guideline contains expert recommendations on methods and symbols to
be used for drawing up the UC-Maps.

Based on the VDI guideline, UC-AnMap characterises a balanced consideration of the heat
exchange including Dynamic Potential, the trans-evaporation, topographical, and the
Thermal Load. It further takes into account Wind Information
in local weather conditions
within the Urban Canopy Level
(UCL) layer. The process of making UC-AnMap is one of
expert evaluations based on the spatially mapped information of various factors. The key is to
have a synergetic approach that takes a balanced consideration of the conditions of all the
factors in an order to provide interpretation in planning terms. Scientific and mathematical
precision is typically either not possible or not necessary for the scale of operation in the
planning process. Based on the UC-AnMap, UC-ReMap could be formulated to establish the
in-principle suitability for an intended development from the urban climatic point of view.

Wind Information gives the wind speed and direction information of prevailing winds at above urban
canopy layer level. It takes into account surrounding topography. It allows air paths and air mass
exchange to be understood. For this study, MM5 simulated wind information data, summer and annual,
will be collated, evaluated and considered.

Urban Canopy Layer is the layer between the ground surface and the roof of buildings in the urban region.
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Besides Germany, the idea of UC-Map has also been developed and adopted by many
countries and researchers around the world. (PART I-Appendix 1 summaries the relevant
UC-Map studies in Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Greece, Poland, Brazil, Japan and
Thailand.) Among them, Germany and Japan are the two focused countries for desktop
research in this study.


The study provides objective urban climatic information which is useful and relevant to town
planning in Hong Kong in considering:

Land Use
Development Bulk
Building Disposition
Open Spaces
Greeneries and Landscaping

Two urban climatic factors: Wind and Thermal Load, are important for town planning and
urban design in Hong Kong. They will be the focus of the study particularly in relation to the
Thermal Comfort of the built environment.

The UC-Map usually consists of a series of individual maps (layers), which take into account
various climatic factors and geographical factors influencing urban climate. These factors
could be about solar radiation, air temperature, humidity, land use, wind, etc. Typical scales
for maps on climate-dependent planning are presented in the following Table I-1. For
regional analysis and master plan for a city (a scale from 1:50,000 to 1:100,000) and district
planning (1:5,000 to 1:7,500), UC-Map is considered a suitable tool to provide urban climatic
guidelines for town planning. Detailed microclimatic analysis may sometimes be needed at a
scale smaller than 1:500 at estate or building design levels.

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Table I-1: Typical scale levels for climatic maps

UC-Map emphasises more on district-level guidelines than site-specific guidelines. The
creation of UC-Map should be coherent with the actual planning strategies. From the
perspective of district planning, Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) is the primary land use planning
framework in Hong Kong. The OZP is a statutory plan at the district level. Figure I-2 shows
all the current OZP scheme areas in Hong Kong. OZPs are typically prepared at a scale of
1:5,000 to 1:7,500.

Based on the desktop research, and making reference to the professional planning process of
Hong Kong. It is determined that the most suitable UC-Map scale of operation for Hong
Kong is at a scale of 1:5,000 and the UC-Map will be reported at 100m x 100m grid. With
this resolution, the order of climatope patterns and Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential of
the urban morphology is at a scale suitable and necessary for district planning purposes.

Scale Planning Level Tool
1:50,000 to 1:100,000
master plan;
regional planning
1:5,000 to 1:7,500 district planning UC-Map
1:500 & smaller
estate or
building design
microclimatic analysis
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Figure I-2 A map of OZP coverage of Hong Kong (as at 4.5.2012)

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Planning strategies and policies must be tailored to suit different climatic, cultural, economic
and urban contexts. The merit of a desktop study of international experiences mainly lies in
obtaining an understanding of UC-Mapping issues that could be usefully adapted to the
context of Hong Kong.

Pioneering work in the following selected cities, Stuttgart and Kassel in Germany and Tokyo
in Japan. (Figure I-3), are useful references to understanding the basis, framework and
application of UC-Map.

Figure I-3 Desktop studies on selected international cities

The concept of UC-Map started in Germany in the early 1980s when there was intense public
opinion and political will to plan for the future in a responsible and sensitive moment, with
respect to the natural environment. In Germany, the law explicitly states that no new
development should adversely affect the natural environment. Within this context, planners,
meteorologists and scientists in Germany started to draft UC-Maps, and have attempted to
synergise climatic, topographical and urban planning parameters in order to objectively guide
the planning decision making process.

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An early Air Path Map (being a basis of the UC-AnMap) of Munich is shown below (Figure
I-4). The Air Path Map was an attempt to understand the urban air ventilation routes of the
city so that no new developments would obstruct these paths which could transfer the fresh
cool air into the central urban areas. A summary of the studies of UC-Map for other countries
is presented in PART I-Appendix 1.

Figure I-4 Air path analysis map for Munich, Germany
(Matzarakis & Mayer, 2008)
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2.2.1 Background and Context City Description

Geography: Located in southern Germany;
Total area is 207 km
Urbanised area is 49% (102 km
Forest area is 25%;

Population: Total population is about 590,000;
Population density is 2,850 /km

Topography: Lowest point is 207m above sea level; highest point is 549m
above sea level

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Stuttgarts climate is mild with an average annual temperature of about 10
C at the centre of
the city and about 8.4
C in the more elevated outskirts (City of Stuttgart, Office for
Environmental Protection, 2006).

In general, wind blows only lightly in Stuttgart, because the city centre is located in the basin
and surrounded by four surrounding mountainous regions (Black Forest, Swabian Alb,
Schurwald and Swabian-Franconian Forest) (Figure I-5). The light wind conditions are
further intensified by the small air pressure differences common to the southwest of Germany.
The average wind speed per year is about 1.5 m/s in the city centre and about 2.5 m/s in the
higher regions. This light wind condition and topographical characteristics raise the issue of
insufficient natural air ventilation and also heat island effects, especially in the city centre.

Figure I-5 City of Stuttgart Expanding of Stuttgarts Settlement Areas

Stuttgart has developed from a rural settlement (occupying 6% of the total area) with a
population of 270,000 in 1900, to a highly-urbanised city (occupying about 50% of the area)
with a population of 586,000 in 2000. Although the population has not increased much in the
past 100 years, the built-up areas including commercial and residential developments within
the city have expanded 9 times than that of 100 years ago (Figure I-6).

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Figure I-6 Development of Stuttgart in the last 100 years
(Baumller, 2006)

Therefore, the increase of urbanised area brings with it urban climatic concerns, such as UHI
effect. The intensification of urbanisation process also brings with it transportation and thus
air pollution issues. Climate as a Public Interest in Planning and Zoning

It has been recognised in Germany that intensive land uses put burden on the environment.
The government considers adopting cautious planning approach and using co-ordinated
regional and urban development planning as a means for environmental protection. This
emphasis is also enshrined in the German Constitution, which defines environmental
protection as a state goal under Article 20a.

According to Chapter 1(5) of the German Federal Building Law (Figure I-7), urban
development planning has to be sustainable, and must cater for social, economic and
ecological needs. Urban development plans have to contribute to an environment fit for
human beings by balancing the protection and use of natural resources. They also have to
develop the townscape and landscape with responsibility for future generations. A site control
plan that has been developed in accordance with the land use plan of a municipality has
binding authority to determine whether land areas are used in a manner that the environment
could justifiably accommodate.
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Figure I-7 German Federal Building Law Rise of a Need for Information-Based Maps

In order to impose proper control on new residential and commercial development,
fundamental studies of urban climate and air ventilation are gaining increasing importance in
land use planning in densely urbanised areas.

Since planning controls refer to specific areas, the use of maps as an information base is
recommended. Maps are, therefore, very useful tools for planners, and are also a convenient
means of communicating information to politicians and the public. These maps are expected
to contain spatially related cartographic data, with well-defined climatic and air ventilation
goals. Furthermore, with the assistance of climatic maps, important questions concerning
climatic aspects in urban planning could be answered, in terms of:

- Reduction of UHI effect
- Reduction of air pollution
- Ventilation for better urban climate
- Ventilation for better air quality
- Minimising shadowing on buildings

2.2.2 Methodology Responsible Researchers

A research team (shown in Figure I-8) led by Prof. Dr. J. Baumller in the Office of
Environmental Protection for the Department for Urban Climatology, in Stuttgart is
responsible for maps on urban climate, air pollution, and noise abatement planning.

This Department of Urban Climatology has been established in the municipality of Stuttgart
since the year 1938. Methodology on urban climate analysis has therefore been well
developed for the city.

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Figure I-8 The Team of the Department of Urban Climatology in Stuttgart Collection of Basic Data

The production of such climatic and air ventilation maps requires the collection of technical
measurements for individual parameters, with map scale representation as well as
simulations with statistical regression models (Gerth, 1986) or macro-scale models (Fiedler,

The collection of basic data includes two infrared aerial images taken of the entire study area.
In addition, for a period of one year, the German Weather Service carried out an extensive
field measurment programme (of temperature, humidity, and wind) and produced
cartographic representations of various climatic elements from the collected data. All together,
the important bases for producing climatic and air ventilation maps include the following

- Topographic Maps
- City Maps
- Land Use Plans
- Aerial Photographs
- Infrared Aerial Images (An example is in Figure I-9, which shows a thermal
map of the Stuttgart city area in the evening situation)
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- Meteorological base data (An example is in Figure I-10, which shows average
daily wind velocity in Stuttgart city area)
- Air ventilation information

These basic maps are incorporated into a CD Urban Climate 21 (Figure IA-11),
which includes basic materials for urban climate and for the planning, prepared by

The Office of Environmental Protection within Department of Urban Climatology of the
Stuttgart city is responsible for compiling the information, which is based on the ISY-Raum
system (a computer-based system) to present data, perform calculations and visualise results
as a planning instrument for answering urban climatic questions arising in the context of the
Stuttgart 21 Project. The CD is available for public use.

Figure I-11 CD-ROM City climate 21

Figure I-10 Average daily wind velocity in
Stuttgart city area
(Source: Nachbarschaftsverband Stuttgart, 1992).
Figure I-9 Thermal map of the Stuttgart city area in
the evening situation (averaged)
(Source: Nachbarschaftsverband Stuttgart, 1992).

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The study results, including the above information maps for each individual climatic
elements, are summarised and depicted in analysis maps of 1: 20,000 scale, which
corresponds to that of land-use plans. The methodology to derive a UC-AnMap is mainly a
classification and summary of climatopes and cold air collection areas. The symbols used in
the maps correspond largely to the VDI 3787, Section 1.

Since the microclimatic characteristics of built-up areas are determined basically by the land
use and the type of development, the climatopes are named after the dominant land-use type
or building use. These climatopes include water climatope, open land climatope, forest
climatope, greenbelt climatope, city climatope, commercial climatope, industry climatope
and the others.

The Climate Atlas (Figure I-12) produced by the Stuttgart Regional Federation for the
territory of the federation and the bordering parts of the Middle Neckar Region show how the
concerns of climate and air ventilation can be incorporated into cartographic representations
for land-use planning (Baumller et al., 1992a). Figure I-13 is one example of the climate
analysis maps depicting the local-climatic conditions in this region as a cartographic

Figure I-12 Climate Atlas produced by the Stuttgart
Regional Federation for the territory of the
federation and the bordering parts of the Middle
Neckar Region (Nachbarschaftsverband Stuttgart,

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 Production of Maps with Recommendations for Planning

Following the UC-AnMap, an UC-ReMap with recommendations for planning actions
(shown in Figure I-14) is produced. This map contains an integrated assessment of the
materials presented in the analysis map alongside spatial planning considerations. The
symbols denote the sensitivity of the subjectland areas against changes in land use, from
which climatically-based conditions and measures can be recommended for planning and
zoning purposes.

The first and foremost goal of the planning recommendations, as considered by German
researchers, is to enable the planners to give more weight to climatic considerations and
criteria (Beckrge, 1990). As such, a planning project should incorporate the guidelines of the
Planning Recommendations map. It is also suggested that planners and politicians must
objectively weigh urban climatic compatibility against other planning considerations. To
avoid negative climatic effects as far as possible, detailed appraisals and assessments in
planning are usually necessary.
Figure I-13 Example of a climate
analysis map for Stuttgart city areas

(Nachbarschaftsverband Stuttgart,
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Both UC-AnMap and UC-ReMap are not specific to the level of individual land parcels.
Tolerances can be up to 100m.

Figure I-14 Example map with recommendations for planning for Stuttgart city areas
(Baumller et al., 1992a)

2.2.3 Implementation

With the assistance of UC-AnMap and UC-ReMap, researchers suggest the following
climatically-responsive planning objectives that can be targeted when the planning actions
are undertaken:

- Improving living conditions in terms of climatic comfort
- Improving on ventilation of developments
- Supporting fresh air provision through local wind systems
- Reducing the release of air pollutants and greenhouse gases
- Properly evaluating current or expected pollution levels
- Properly reacting to polluting situations by adjusting land uses
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Furthermore, since the basic improvement measure for the urban climate is the provision of
green spaces and vegetation in the built-up areas of the city, the focus of climatically-
responsive urban planning would primarily be on the preservation and reprovision of natural

To complement the plan, all planning relevant climatic studies have been incoporated into a
Climate Booklet for Urban Development References for Zoning and Planning (Figure I-
15), released both in print and available on the Internet by the Office for Environmental
Protection of Stuttgart, under the Ministry of Economy of the Federal State. Selected topics
and concrete planning recommendations are the highlights of the booklet, in which the
planning, technical, and legal possibilities and limitations for climatically-responsive urban
development are explained. The Ministry of Economy hopes to assist all those concerned
with urban development and planning to gain further knowledge of the urban climate.

Figure I-15 Climate Booklet for Urban Development,
Reference for Zoning and Planning, by the Office for
Environmental Protection, City of Stuttgart

2.2.4 Lessons for Hong Kong

The Office for Urban Climatology in Stuttgart was established more than 70 years ago and
has been responsible for urban climate studies for the city ever since. It is demonstrated that
planners have to collaborate closely with urban climatologists over a long period of time in
order to collect and acquire climatic information useful for building up an urban climatic
understanding. Field measurement data and the urban canopy level data are particularly
important. However, such data are generally unavailable from observatories.

The public should be consulted at various stages of the planning process. Furthermore, more
comprehensive urban climatic studies can contribute to sustainable development. There is
also a call for coordinated planning effort in tackling environmental issues, including air
quality, noise, and air ventilation.
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2.3.1 Background and Context City Description

Geography: Located in central Germany;
Total area of 106.77 km

Population: Total population is 194,176;
Population density is 1,819 /km

Topography: Situated in a valley surrounded by mountains with a height
difference of 500m (lowest point is 133 m above sea level;
highest point is 615 m above sea level) within a range of 10 km

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The monthly average temperature for Kassel is lowest in January (about -0.2C) and highest
in July (about 21.9C), as measured from a weather station at the elevation of 233 m (Figure
I-16). Due to topographical characteristic, which is surrounded by relatively high mountains
(Figure I-17), the UHI intensity of Kassel is about 2C. Surrounding mountains lead to strong
thermal-induced ventilation system across the city. However, the wind condition within the
city area is still weak with a mean wind speed below 2 m/s.

Figure I-16 Monthly average of the minimum and maximum daily temperatures (
C) for Kassel,

Figure I-17 Pictures for City of Kassel, Germany Pursuing the Goal of Ideal Urban Climate
The city of Kassel is subject to German Federal Building Law, same as the city of Stuttgart.
As such, climatic issues have to be taken into consideration in urban planning. In the context
of existing climatic conditions and problems in Kassel, Professor Lutz Katzschner of the
University of Kassel proposed that the definition of ideal urban climate should be a goal for

Monthly average of
min daily temperature
Monthly average of max
daily temperature
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the city to pursue (Mayer, 1990). Ideal urban climate means an atmospheric situation
within the urban canopy layer, such that inhomogeneous thermal conditions exists for a high
variation of time and space (within a distance of 150m). The urban area should be free from
air pollution and thermal stress by means of more shadings and good air ventilation (in
tropical areas) or wind protection (in moderate and cold climates).

In early 1980s, when the city expansion plan for Kassel was under review, the local
government was aware of the adverse effects of Kassels geographical location within a
valley. The publics awareness of the problems of air pollution and thermal comfort have
been raised since. The city government thus started to consider environmental effects of new
plans and buildings before their actual construction. Subsequently, the Regional Planning
Board of Kassel decided to include clearer information of urban climatic evaluation in
regional planning and master planning. Under these circumstances, the first version of urban
climatic map was produced by Professor Lutz Katzschner in 1990 to address the problem of
thermal comfort. It was then updated in 2003, especially with new information on land use.
Within the 13 year interval, the extent of greenery and industry areas have been largely
modified. GIS is used as the main tool to produce the second version of this urban climatic

2.3.2 Methodology Purpose

UC-Maps were created as a tool to evaluate the human biometerological conditions,
because these maps could cover the detailed information of the urban climate pattern
including heat island effects and ventilation. The bioclimatic conditions were then expressed
using the thermal index of the Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET), based on the
heat balance model (Hppe, 1993, 1999). Process

The UC-AnMap was created by Professor Lutz Katzschner by classifying urban climatic
conditions into an 8-class system. The main determining parameters for thermal comfort were
the mean radiation temperature and wind velocity. The following figures (Figure I-18) show
the major study framework and steps.
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classification of
for dynamics
classification of
land use
for thermal aspects
dynamic analysis thermal anaysis
urban climate map
drawings of qualities and processes
investigation and evaluation of the existing data
air pollution
classification of the
slope and air path
analysis of problem
evaluation of climatic processes
with different classifications
urban climate advice map
with planning advices following climatic judgements

Figure I-18 Structures and methods for thermal comfort zoning Urban Climatic Map

Figure IA-19 First version of UC-AnMap of Kassel Created in 1990 by Professor Lutz

This UC-AnMap was derived based on a theoretical approach of calculating the thermal load
and dynamic potential pattern using data on land use, topography, vegetation percentages,
effective building heights, and roughness length (Figure I-19). These parameters were
combined and calculated by a GIS program on urban climatic characteristics. (See Figure I-
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20). All processing data are in the resolution of 10m x 10m. An UC-ReMap could then be
produced with eight planning classifications (Figure I-21).

Figure I-20 GIS calculations and classifications for UC-AnMap

Figure I-21 Land use map [left], thermal condition map [middle], UC-ReMap [right]

A detailed analysis map in the district of southwest Kassel was also developed (Figure I-22).
After the thermal and dynamic based climatic map was developed, the meteorological data
were then further inputed to calculate the PET value. Figure I-23 demonstrates a more in-
depth investigation carried out with measurements and calculations of the thermal index PET.

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Figure I-22 UC-AnMap for Kassel city [left] and for Southwest Kassel [right]

Figure I-23 UC-Map of the investigation area in a scale of 1: 5,000
(Katzschner, 2005) Planning Recommendation Map

Based on 8 classifications in the above UC-AnMap, an UC-ReMap was developed to provide
planning guidelines for each classification zone. (See Figure I-24). Within each zone, special
planning guidelines were provided to ensure that the urban climatic situation within that zone
will not be worsened, and possibily even improved.

Based on the strategic understanding of the UC-ReMap, planners could more objectively and
scientifically prepare the master plan of the city with strategies towards attaining the desired
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goal. The map could also aid planners to assess the impact of new development proposals
and justify requiring developers to provide further assessments for consideration.
Figure I-24 UC-ReMap for Kassel (Katzschner, 2005)

2.3.3 Implementation

The UC-ReMap serves as a piece of basic information to guide all development projects. For
each project, theUC-ReMap should be referred to and applied throughout the whole
development process. More importantly, planners have to demonstrate how they have
considered urban climatic issues.

Once the UC-ReMap was created, it was incorporated into master plan prepared by the
Regional Planning Board of Kassel. According to the UC-ReMap, critical areas in terms of
urban climate are identified for zoomed-in investigation. When these critical areas are subject
to development, each project would undergo a detailed climatic study. Based on such studies,
a detailed climatic map of larger scale of 1:2,000 for that particular area was then created by
certificated consultants. This larger-scale climatic map finally goes back to the Regional
Planning Board for the ultimate decision making.

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2.3.4 Lessons for Hong Kong

In the case of Kassel, implementation of the UC-ReMap recommendations is mainly through
prescriptive means. The UC-Map is incorporated into a master plan of a scale of 1:5,000,
which is not a performance-based guide. The UC-ReMap clearly specifies rigid restrictions
on building coverage (together with building orientation), percentage of greenery, gaps
between buildings and building height.

Regarding metrological data collection, more long-term data (i.e. solar radiation, wind,
temperature, etc.) along with the vertical wind profile within urban canopy level are needed
for a comprehensive understanding of distribution of urban climatic parameters. The
interactions between regional climate and urban structures should be better understood; hence,
a comprehensive long-term monitoring programme with data collection is essential, both to
obtain additional information, and to monitor progresses and results.

Since the UC-Map is used together with the master plan, its review should coincide with the
regular updating of master plan. The review process in Kassel is every 6 years (every 10
years in the past).

The UC-Map for Kassel has 8 classifications for the city region. But in Hong Kong, the
classifications should fit in with its more topographical characteristics. It should be noted that
Kassel has just one dominant topography, i.e. valley. The wind environment is thus more
homogeneously distributed among the city region.

Close cooperation among GIS experts and town planners in the Planning Department is also
anticipated for better data integration.
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2.4.1 Background and Context City Description

Districts: As an administrative region of Japan, it consists of 23 central
special wards and many suburban cities.

Geography: Near the center of Japan, occupying 2,187 km
in area.

Population: Total population is 13 million, which is about 10% of the total population
of Japan; Population density is 5,796 / km

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School of Architecture, CUHK Page 54 of 518 Basic Climatic Conditions

Tokyo has a generally warm and humid climate (please refer to Figure I-25 & Figure I-26).
Its yearly average temperature is 16
C, with August being the hottest and January the coldest.
There is a temperate difference of about 20
C between summer and winter. Excessive heat
in the summer months is more of a problem than severe coldness in the winter; the situation
is becoming more severe in recent years. In particular, in the summer of 2004, temperature hit
record high at 42.7
C in the centre of Tokyo. Temperatures of over 30
C had continued for
more than one month. This was partly due to global warming, but it is also caused by the UHI
effect, which is a common phenomenon in high density cities, with Tokyo being one of them
(Figure I-27).

Figure I-25 Normal temperatures in
Figure I-26 Normal rainfall and relative
humidity in Tokyo

Figure I-27 The high-density, high-rise urban development in Tokyo

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School of Architecture, CUHK Page 55 of 518 Recognition of UHI as a Key Environmental Issue

Tokyo is one of the cities in the world where energy is consumed on a massive scale. By
mitigating the UHI effect, this will not only be beneficial to the city itself, but would also
enable Tokyo to play a more important role in combating global warming.

With a recognised rising trend in energy consumption and excessive urban heats (with
increasingly intensified twin warmings, i.e. UHI phenomenon and global warming) every
year, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has implemented a policy named Tokyo
Challenge, to combat the twin warmings since 2002.

by Urban and Global Environmental Planning Section,
Bureau of the Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Impact of UHI effect

Tokyo and five other Japanese cities have seen average temperature rises of 2 3
C, much
higher than the global average of 0.6
C. As such, it could be said that the UHI effect is more
pronounced in Tokyo than the effects of global warming. Causes of the UHI effect

Regarding the causes of the UHI effect, four main factors are identified.
i) Increased anthropogenic heat release:
Heat release resulting from energy consumptions in urban areas
ii) Changes in surface cover:
Reduced surface evapotranspiration capacity due to fewer green areas;
The heat storage effect of man-made construction materials such as concrete and
iii) Urban structure:
Heat stagnation due to densely packed buildings;
Expansion of urban areas
iv) Others:
The greenhouse effects of fine-particulate air pollution in the urban atmosphere
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School of Architecture, CUHK Page 56 of 518 Mitigation Measures to UHI

Many sporadic measures to mitigate the UHI effect have been put into practice. They include:
rooftop greening
exterior wall greening
water-retentive pavement
thermo-shield pavement

As one of the proactive mitigation measures, the Comprehensive Assessment System for
Building Environmental Efficiency- Heat Island (CASBEE HI) system was developed in
2005 as a tool for evaluating the effectiveness of these mitigation measures and to assess the
overall environmental performance of buildings. (See Figure I-28). .

Figure I-28 CASBEE for new construction and CASBEE HI in Japan
(IBEC, 2006)

Moreover, where the above measures were found to be ineffective in combating the UHI
effect, regional mitigation measures are recommended in the early process of urban planning
to be implemented at the same time in order to produce satisfactory results. Intensive
environmental investigations should be carried out before urban redevelopment and renewal.

In this context, a Thermal Environment Map was produced for Tokyo, as one of the
approaches adopted by the government in combating the UHI effect.

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2.4.2 Methodology Thermal Environment Map

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government produced a Thermal Environment Map in April 2005.

Figure I-29 Thermal Environment Map for Tokyo
(TMG, 2005b)

This Thermal Environment Map, with a resolution of 500m x 500m, (Figure I-29) shows the
atmospheric impact (Thermal Load) of anthropogenic heat release and surface cover
conditions in Tokyos central 23 wards. Area Classifications

Legends and explanations for the Tokyo Thermal Environment Map is illustrated in Figure
IA-30. In particular, Type I (high density commercial areas) and Type II (high density
residential areas), whose atmospheric impacts are relatively large, are classified and
designated by different colours according to their Thermal Load.

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Figure I-30 Legends and Explanations for Thermal Environment Map
(TMG, 2005b)

Altogether, there are 17 regional factors in Table I-2 identified for the UHI phenomenon.
They are grouped into 5 classifications based on their thermal environmental characteristics
and plotted and color-coded on the map, according to their relative size of loading on the

Table I-2 Regional factors per grid square (TMG, 2005b)
Categories Item
Anthropogenic Heat
Heat radiated from buildings
Heat radiated from district cooling
Heat radiated from automobiles
Heat radiated from railways
Heat radiated from businesses
Anthropogenic heat (sensible heat)
Anthropogenic heat (latent heat)
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Ground Surface Covering
Water-area ratio
Bare land and grassland-area ratio
Vegetation-area ratio
Asphalt-area ratio
Buildings-area ratio
Shape of Building
Average building width
Average building height
Sky view factor
Building Use
Proportion of office floor space
Proportion of residential floor space

2.4.3 Implementation

The Thermal Environment Map enables the planning decision makers to appreciate the
regional distribution of factors contributing to the UHI phenomenon, and also the magnitude
of their thermal loading on the atmosphere. Four Designated Areas where special attention is needed

Based on this map, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has designated four areas as areas
for the implementation of UHI effect mitigation measures (Figure IA-29). Within them,
Central Tokyo Area and Shinjuku Area are business cluster areas; Osaki & Meguro Area is a
high-density residential area; Areas surrounding Shinagawa Station is a future development

These four Designated Areas were selected based on the following criteria:
- relatively large thermal loading according to the Thermal Environment Map
- Priority areas for redevelopment with the potential to attract environmentally friendly
development by the private sector
- areas where a wide range of development can be expected and where adequate planning
control should be systematically introduced

Efforts are now underway to implement mitigation measures designed to suit the
characteristics of each area.

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School of Architecture, CUHK Page 60 of 518 Guidelines for UHI Mitigation Measures

Furthermore, in July 2005, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government developed the Guidelines
for UHI Mitigation Measures to encourage private businesses and the Tokyo public to
implement mitigation measures according to the thermal environment in which they operate
or live in (TMG, 2005a). These guidelines comprise:

i) the Thermal Environment Map
ii) a set of area-specific mitigation measures
iii) a set of building-specific mitigation measures

With the designated areas adopted as model areas by the central government, the Tokyo
Metropolitan Government then established the UHI Mitigation Measures Designated Areas
Council to undertake concerted efforts to implement the program. This involves
collaboration with the central government and all parties concerned, including private
businesses. Examples of Initiatives in the Designated Areas

Examples of planning projects on existing environmental conditions initiated in the
designated areas are listed below:

Private-sector re-vegetation projects include a Tokyo Midtown Project in Roppongi, Tokyo
(Figure I-31). In this project, extensive planting on unoccupied public land is planned to
produce more cool air production areas.

Figure I-31 Tokyo Midtown Project (Roppongi)
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As shown in Figure I-32, the Osaki Station West Exit A zone was proposed to be redeveloped
to actively introduce greenery along boundary walls.

Figure I-32 Redevelopment of the Osaki
Station West Exit A zone

Apart from increasing vegetation areas in the city, there are also projects to address the UHI
effect from the air ventilation aspects. One of them is to examine the implementation of
wind or ventilation paths for air breezes to pass through the city, to ensure sufficient wind
paths in areas where major developments will be undertaken (including Shinagawa vicinity)
(Figure I-33).

Figure I-33 Shinagawa

2.4.4 Lessons for Hong Kong

Hong Kong shares similar climatic characteristics with Tokyo, especially in the summer
months, such as high temperatures and high humidity. In addition, fast urbanisation has led
to high density of population and urban developments in both cities. The resultant urban
climates are similar and both cities face similar problems. However, Hong Kong has a
relatively hilly terrain that Tokyo does not enjoy. This necessiates the consideration of
topography in the formulation of the Urban Climatic Map for Hong Kong.

The Thermal Environment Map of Tokyo is area-based, where climatically sensitive areas
and problematic areas are shown on the map. Area-based guidelines are then generated to
guide detailed studies. Each of these areas would mitigate UHI effect on a project-by-project
basis. This approach enables the Thermal Environmental Map to be broadbrush, but still
useful to guide urban design and planning.

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The Tokyo Environment Map does not take into account the Dynamic Potential of the city. It
is therefore a simpler version of the German examples of UC-Map.


- There is a general global trend in the heightening of public awareness towards
sustainability and environmental design of cities, with urban climatic issues becoming
increasingly topical. The public is demanding more to be done.

- Increasingly, UC-Map is being used by governments for urban planning purposes.
Based on the scientifically evaluated UC-AnMap, and the policy-based UC-ReMap,
strategic planning and development proposals could be formulated.

- UC-Map is a synthetic and evaluative, as opposed to an analytic, understanding
of the factors and parameters affecting the urban environment. It attempts to define
climatopes, and to balance, prioritise and weigh the combined effects of the
parameters appropriately in view of the nature of the planning decisions that need to
be made.

- UC-Map is useful in assisting planning decision-making, from the regional scale of
1:100,000 to the district scale of 1:5,000. UC-Map provides a holistic and strategic
understanding upon which detailed and further site specific micro-scale studies could
be identified and conducted.

- In Tokyo, the Thermal Environment Map with an emphasis on Thermal Load was
created in 2002 to highlight the 4 problem areas of the city that the Tokyo
Metropolitan Government could focus its policies, investigations and actions to
improve. In Germany, with more than 30 years of experience, the study of UC-Map
is more sophisticated and has emphasised on Dynamic Potential and Wind
Information factors.

- UC-Map should be a starting point to synergising the government and private sectors
efforts towards better urban design. The making of climatic maps is not an one-off
attempt but a continuous and long-term commitment.

- The making of UC-Map needs to call for participation of interdisciplinary experts
from, but not limited to, climatologist, meteorologist, computer experts, architects,
planners, development trade and the general public. The working of the UC-Map is
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also multi-disciplinary in nature. It works best with the concerted efforts of different
disciplines under the lead of the planning authority, and with full political backup
from the government.

- Holistic urban climatic consideration should eventually, in the intermediate term
(about 5-10 years time), be attempted by combining various environmental factors
such as air ventilation, solar radiation, noise, daylight, as well as air quality. This will
allow a more comprehensive urban planning decision making process to take place.

- Public awareness on climatic issues could be raised. A concerted effort to inform and
to educate is needed. Participation should be encouraged.

- Once the UC-Map is created, the process of improving and updating the UC-Map is
on-going in nature. It requires professional monitoring on the use and the
effectiveness of its application, as well as collecting further data as the basis of
evaluation, updating of urban morphological data and refining the scientific basis as
new knowledge develops.
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German and Japanese researchers have conducted pioneer work in the field of UC-AnMap
and provided methodologies for implementation. In particular, the German guidelines VDI-
3787-Part1 (VDI, 1997a) and Part2(VDI, 1997b) are useful references for this study. When
drafting the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong, the German experiences are evaluated and further
refined taking into consideration of Hong Kongs unique urban morphology.

For example, in Germany, land use zone is typically used as input information for analysing
building morphology and ground coverage in UC-Map. However, simply using land use
information for Hong Kong may not be sufficient due to Hong Kongs more complicated and
varied high density and high-rise urban morphology. It has been established early in the
study that there is a need for further refinement and understanding of building volume density
and ground coverage. Hence, instead of simply using land use zoning information, the UC-
AnMap includes Building Volume Layer and Ground Coverage Layer to better suit Hong
Kongs conditions.

The climatic data (from the HKO) and land use data (from the Planning Department) are key
factors for creating the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong.

The following work procedure for this study is adopted:

Collate and evaluate existing data of Hong Kong

Determining data layers of UC-AnMap

Input information into the layer structure of GIS

Evaluate classification categories of each layer

Evaluate the positive and negative effects of all the layers based on
Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential understanding to formulate
the UC-AnMap

Input Wind Information for air paths and air mass exchange

Final UC-AnMap

Refinement and Verification
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On this basis, the framework of this study is presented below:

1.1.1 Climatic Data

Air Temperature and wind data up to 2004 are provided by HKO in July 2005.

Mean temperature by hour 24 stations
Mean wind speed and direction by hour 40 stations
Mean wind speed and direction by month 40 stations
Wind roses 40 stations

In addition to the data above, the study refers also to HKOs yearly summary of
Meteorological Observation (from 1999 to 2006) and the MM5 simulation wind data by
Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map
Methodology for Urban Climatic Map
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School of Architecture, CUHK Page 66 of 518 Air Temperature

The HKO has an extensive network of weather stations around Hong Kong to collect various
weather information (Figure I-34). An example of air temperature data from January to
December based on HKO station data is shown in Figure I-35.

Figure I-34 Locations of HKO weather stations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Monthly temperature data of Hong Kong

Figure I-35 An understating of Max., Mean and Min. air temperature of Hong Kong from
January to December based on HKO data
(data from:

The following understanding is based on a set of information provided by HKO in July 2005,
containing mean temperature (by hour) for 24 stations (an example is shown in Table I-3):

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Base on an evaluation of the long term temperature data provided by HKO, it is noted that the
summer months, especially June to August, have relatively high air temperatures. Further
additional thermal (heat) load due to buildings will elevate air temperature. Moreover, the
hourly temperature data provides an understanding of daily temperature variations. In
general, urban air temperature is highest between 2 PM to 4 PM. As such, the study needs to
focus more on this timeframe when evaluating the intra-urban climatic conditions in drafting
the UC-AnMap.

Table I-3 A part table example of hourly mean temperature (July) ( HKO data)

The summer months are considered more critical for urban thermal comfort in Hong Kong,
and the summer dataset is a key focus of the UC-AnMap. In contrast, Hong Kong has
relatively mild winters (Table I-4), with January urban air temperatures of around 15 to 18.
According to the result in the user survey conducted as part of the Study, the winter neutral
PET (nPET) is lower, (at 14.6) under HK typical winter conditions. Around 70% of the
surveyed subjects would express neutral Thermal Sensation (nTS) when PET is in the range
of 14-16 . Even at PET of 13 or lower, only 42% of the surveyed subjects express
Thermal Sensation (TS)=-1 or lower (see Table I-5 for detail). For Hong Kongs typical
mean winter air temperature of 16.3 , assuming Tmrt of 17 (in shade), wind speed needs
to exceed 3 m/s to result in PET of 13 or lower. Hence, apart from some exposed
conditions in very windy days, thermal discomfort due to wind in the winter months is
unlikely to be an issue, and this is the reason why the UC-AnMap focuses on summer
condition for analysis.

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Table I-4 A part table example of hourly mean temperature (Jan) ( HKO data)

Table I-5 A part example of users thermal comfort survey result

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A. HKO Wind Data
Wind data are currently available from 40 HKO stations (Table I-6), including information on
wind roses by month, by season and annually. An example of the wind rose is shown in
Figure I-36. Two examples of winds of stations by hour and by month are shown in Table I-
7 and Table I-8.

Table I-6 List of HKO weather stations

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Figure I-36 An example of wind roses provided by HKO

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Table I-7 A table of wind speeds and wind directions by hour provided by HKO
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Table I-8 A part table example of wind speeds and wind directions by month

In addition to the weather data, reference was made to meta-files of the stations provided by
HKO. Of the 40 stations, data of 32 stations (excluding those on hilltop locations) are
considered and expertly evaluated for the purpose of the UC-Map study. The HKO data of
the 32 stations was collated spatially to gain information on:
- main wind directions (annual wind rose and summer wind rose) (Figure I-37a and I-37b)
- daily variations of wind directions

HKO stations are commonly located at exposed sites. As such, most wind roses from HKO
are useful to evaluate background and regional winds synoptically. Although they typically
represent the background conditions and not the urban climatic conditions, they can still be
expertly evaluated to gain insight on land and sea breezes, thermal air mass movements,
downhill air movements and topographical effects. The evaluation looks for characteristic
patterns of wind flows so that air paths, air mass exchange, etc. that are useful considerations
for urban climate could be assessed. The reasons for why they are enhanced or depressed by
the prevailing wind can also be noted.

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Due to varying geographic and site conditions of the HKO stations (Table I-9), the stations
should not be treated equally in a simple way. They could be used spatially to derive a set of
wind information.

Table I-9 Meta information and an expert evaluation of 38 selected HKO station conditions and
topographical information (with working note by Professor Lutz Katzschner (right column)
when evaluating the data characteristics of the station (Figure IB-1)
Station No
after map
City structure Latitude N Longitude E
Keywords of Expert Evaluation
of the station characteristics:
C = City; R = Rural, A = air
path, T = thermal circulation
B = background wind
1 Kings Park KP 64 89 Park in centre 2218'47" 11410'13" Urban park climate
2 HK Observatory HKO 31 73 City centre park 2218'13" 11410'19" Moderate city climate, does not
represent dense intra-urban
structures C
3 Int Airport HKKO 6 14 Airport 2218'34" 11355'19" Ventilation area, low roughness
4 Ta Kwu Ling TKL 12 27 Rural out territory far
2231'50" 11409'13" R
5 Lau Fau Shan LFS 34 49 out terr north 2228'14" 11358'52" Rural climate, R
6 Shek Kong SEK 16 26 Out territory after
mountain barrier (north)
2226'02" 11405'06" Represents northern territory R
7 Tai Mo Shan TMS 944 968 Mountain area north 2224'40" 11407'29" Mountain, no urban influence,
background wind, B
8 Sha Tin SHA 5 16 Racecourse 2224'11" 11412'31" Air path, land sea breeze, A
9 Tates Cairn TC 575 588 Mountain barrier
between HK and out
2221'34" 11412'55" Background wind, B
10 Sha Lo Wan SLW 58 70 Near airport island rural 2217'28" 11354'25" Dowhill air movements
11 Nei Lak Shan NLS 757 Island moutnain south 2215'48" 11354'40" Background wind, B
12 Cheng Chau CCH 71 98 Hill rural 2212'04" 11401'36" Island, no urban influence
13 Waglan Island WGL 55 82 Island reference station 2211'01" 11418'02" Island, no urban influence
Background wind, B
14 Ping Chau EPC 29 39 Small island far away 2232'54" 11425'33" Island, no urban influence
15 Tai Mei Tuk PLC 55 70 Out territory lake 2228'36" 11414'06" No urban influence
16 Tap Mun TAP 24 37 Island in very north 2228'22" 11421'29" Island, no urban influence
17 Tsak Yue Wu TYW 5 22 Roof rural 2224'11" 11419'24" Rural /valley, R
18 Tseung Kwan O JKB 32 51 City with high buildings 2218'56" 11415'20" Valley
19 Tuen Mun TUN 62 69 City out terr west 2223'32" 11358'27" City climate; valley influence,
20 Sai Kung SKG 3 30 City east near sea 2222'38" 11416'18" Land sea breeze effects
21 Ching Park House CPH 125 136 Bridge near harbour
2221'00" 11406'24" Channelling effects and thermal
winds, land and sea breeze
effects, A
22 Wong Chuk Hang HKS 5 29 South HK island 2214'54" 11410'15" Southeast sea breeze effect T
23 Shell Tsing Yi SHL 33 42 Bridge 2220'54" 11405'02" No disturbance
24 Sha Chau SC 21 31 Island out west 2220'45" 11353'28" Island, land sea breeze T
25 Kowloon Tsai KLT 90 105 City with high buildings 2220'12" 11410'57" City climate, C
26 Cheng Sha Wan CSW 20 29 City near harbour 2220'04" 11409'05" City climate with sea breeze
effects, C, T
27 Yau Yat Chuen YYC 40 64 Near city kowloon, 2220'02" 11410'13" City climate, C
28 Tai Mo To TMT 5 14 island 2219'47" 11358'00" Thermal induced circulation
pattern, T
29 Kai Tak ICT 3 16 old airport 2218'40" 11412'39" Some land sea breeze effects,
air path A, T
30 Siu Ho Wan SHW 0 14 Near road airport island 2218'21" 11358'45" Channeling effects, A
31 Star Ferry Pier SF 0 17 Sea side 2217'35" 11410'07" Land sea breeze effects
32 North Point NP 3 26 Pier HK island 2217'40" 11411'59" City climate, wind exposed C
33 Green Island GI 88 105 Island mountain 2217'12" 11406'37" Island, no urban influence
34 Star Ferry Central CEN 7 18 Pier centre 2217'08" 11409'31" Land sea breeze effects T
35 Central Plaza WCN 0 378 Tower HK island 2216'53" 11410'16" Urban overflow
36 Sham Wat SW 3 12 Sea shore near airport
2216'07" 11353'13" Influence from sea T
37 Yi Tung Shan YTS 742 752 Highest mountain on
island south airport
2215'33" 11357'51" Background wind B
38 Tai O TO 95 105 Island mountain top 2215'22" 11351'17" Influernce from sea T
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Figure I-37a An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on annual wind roses of
HKO stations with topography background
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Figure I-37b An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on summer (July) wind
roses of HKO stations with topography background
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B. MM5 Wind Data

The MM5 (i.e. Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model) is a regional mesoscale
model which is applicable to many different types of atmospheric simulations, such as real-
time regional weather forecasts, tropical cyclone prediction and climate change simulation. In
this study, the MM5 simulation has been employed for investigating wind information (wind
speed and wind direction) in Hong Kong for each and every month of the year 2004. The
MM5 computer simulation was conducted by the Institute for the Environment in the
HKUST (Yim et al., 2007). With acceptable accuracy, the grid size is 100 meters by 100
meters and the lowest level of height is 60 meters. This set of MM5 data provides a useful
reference in the consideration of the prevailing winds in Hong Kong.

An example of wind rose presentation produced by MM5 simulation data has been shown in
Figure I-38a. The wind rose has 16 directions which have finer directions compared with the
HKO 12-direction wind rose. The corresponding MM5 wind roses have been presented for
selected locations on the topographical map for the entire year of 2004 and the summer
month of 2004 (July) respectively in Figure I-38b and Figure I-38c. The selected locations
have been chosen to represent the HKO observation sites. By using the MM5 data and the
HKO field measurements of winds data and considering the characteristics of Hong Kong
climate, the prevailing wind directions will be identified and presented in this report.

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Figure I-38a An example of wind roses (MM5 simulation) provided by HKUST
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Figure I-38b An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on annual (2004) wind
roses of HKUST MM5 simulations with topography background

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Figure I-38c An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on the July (2004) wind
roses of HKUST MM5 simulations with topography background

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1.1.2 Topography, Urban Morphology and Greenery Data
Topography, greenery, building and planning data are provided by the Planning Department
(PlanD) in July 2006 and updated in 2009.

DEM of Hong Kong topography in 2m by 2m grid
Land Use information
Buildings, including podium information, 2009
Road information Topography
Hong Kong has a complex topography, which is hilly with high peaks (Figures I-39a and I-
39b). Apart from land formed by reclamation on both sides of Victoria Harbor, the only large
areas of flat lands are in the northwest of the New Territories, which is far away from the city
centre. Due to the surrounding topography, winds demonstrate differentiated patterns at
different areas. Correspondingly, the urban pedestrian wind environment is influenced by the
surrounding hills and slopes.

Most of Hong Kongs dense urban areas are located on land nearer to the sea level. Hence,
temperature differential due to altitude may not be an important and useful consideration.
Vegetated hill slopes next to urban areas can have beneficial thermal effects. Valleys can
form useful air paths into the urban fabric. They should be mapped and considered.

Figure I-39a 3D Topography of Hong Kong
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Figure I-39b Contour of topography of Hong Kong

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School of Architecture, CUHK Page 82 of 518 Urban Morphology
Local microclimate is heavily influenced by the structure of the city (Givoni, 1998).
Accordingly, the urban geometry and profile, including height, building sizes, building shape,
etc, all have an impact on the urban climate.

Hong Kong is an extremely high-density city with a population of about 7 million people
living within 1,100 square kilometres of land (Figures I-40a and 40b). In some areas of Hong
Kong, the urban density can exceed 60,000 persons per square kilometer. This compact urban
form of Hong Kong originates from its topographical constraints and shortage of land for
development. The general urban characteristics of high-rise and high-density buildings are
summarised below:

Densely packed buildings with narrow streets in between
Construction materials of very high heat storage capacity
Very high degree of impervious horizontal surface (asphalt, concrete, cement, stone
The street block geometry generally traps radiation and creates stagnation
Very tall and sharp edged buildings
Very low density of vegetation within the urban environment
High levels of heat and anthropogenic waste heat from human activities

Figure I-40a A typical densely built urban area in Hong Kong
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Figure I-40b Extract of Building Volume Map of urban Hong Kong based on the building data
from PlanD
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Figure I-41 Map of Greenery in Hong Kong based on NVDI image
(Courtesy of Prof. Janet Nichol)

Greenery area can affect the surrounding air temperature, solar exposure of pedestrians, and
the wind speed in the streets. To be precise, vegetation mitigates Thermal Load not by
cooling the air, but by warming the air less (Kurn et al., 1994). Some studies (Gmez et al.,
1998) have investigated the microclimatic effects of vegetation on mitigating the negative
Thermal Load of the urban environment. Shashua-Bar and Hoffmans study (2000) found
that the effect is not only confined within the green area, but extends beyond itself. Its
cooling effective area is perceivable up to 100m from the boundary depending on the
surrounding obstructions. Dimoudi and Nikolopoulou (2003) also confirmed the same result.

Natural greenery bordering urban areas, as well as parks and greenery within the urban fabric
need to be considered. In addition to PlanDs land use data, we have obtained a NVDI (The
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) image from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
for analysis. The NVDI image is created from an ASTER image taken at October 2005
(Figure I-41).

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For generating the UC-AnMap, three key levels of analyses are needed.

1.2.1 Thermal Load

Thermal Load measures the stored or emitted heat intensity of particular localities of urban
areas and it mainly depends on the building volume (which has an impact on heat storage,
and blocking the sky view, and slowing the citys cooling at night), the topography and the
availability of green spaces for cooling effect.

Thermal Load can be defined as the intra-urban air temperature variations due to the urban
forms and surfaces (Evans, 1996). A key problem of urbanisation is the Thermal Load it
generates due to buildings and artificial/man made surfaces. The Thermal Load is considered
to be the main reason of the intra-urban temperature rises. For Hong Kongs hot and humid
sub-tropical climatic conditions, Thermal Load adds to heat stress in the summer months.
Inhabitants of the city are less likely to feel comfortable outdoor. In addition, energy
consumption within buildings would increase.

1.2.2 Dynamic Potential

Dynamic Potential evaluates the ground roughness and therefore the availability of wind and
cold air mass exchange of particular localities of urban areas. It mainly depends on the site
coverage, availability of natural landscape on slopes, and proximity to openness.

Air Ventilation is an effective way to mitigate the adverse effects of Thermal Load as it
carries away the excessive heat of the city, replacing it with cooler ambient air (Golany, 1996;
Kuttler, 2002; Weber & Kuttler, 2003). Air movement in hot and humid summer months of
Hong Kong could also help reduce heat stress and improve human thermal comfort.

1.2.3 Wind Information

Wind Information gives the background wind speed and direction information at above urban
canopy layer (UCL) level, taking into account the surrounding topography. It allows air
paths and air mass exchange to be understood. For this study, MM5 simulated wind
information data (summer and annual) will be collated, evaluated and considered.
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The considerations of Thermal Load and Dynamics Potential are urban morphologically-
based. They depend on buildings on ground, greenery and topography etc. Wind Information
allows main air paths and air mass exchange to be identified. For preparing UC-AnMap,
researchers rely on observatory station data, as well as simulated data, if necessary.


The consideration of Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential need to be brought together to
become the draft UC-AnMap (without Wind Information). It is noted that the use of a human
urban thermal comfort indicator as a synergistic element to collate the UC-AnMap of Hong
Kong seems to be appropriate. This study uses Physiological Equivalent Temperature
(PET)(Hppe, 1993, 1999) as the said indicator. It is an index widely used to understand the
thermal comfort environment of outdoor spaces.

Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) is the temperature of a reference

environment based on a heat balance model that combines various climatic and
physiological variables including air temperature, relative humidity, solar and
environmental radiation, air movement, clothing and metabolic rate to give a
synergetic indication of human thermal comfort.

Based on the magnitude of a parameter (e.g. land use, building volume or green space) for
increasing or decreasing PET, the classification values could be defined on the UC-AnMap.
This allows a balanced and synergetic consideration in formulating the UC-AnMap when all
the parameters are collated. It is assumed that a parameter increase of the PET value by at
most 1 , would lead to the parameter being categorised as 1 class. For example, taking the
Building Volume as a parameter, the variation of Thermal Load due to different volumetric
heat capacity of the buildings can attain the PET value of up to 5, hence the parameter
would have 5 positive categories from 1 to 5.

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20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Ta (Deg C)


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Wind (m/s)



(a) PET vs. Air Temperature (b) PET vs. Wind Speed
Figure I-42 The relationship between PET and the urban climatic factors (Air Temperature and
Wind Speed)

According to the study on the relation between PET and its environmental factors, especially
air temperature and wind speed (Figure I-42), it is found that an increase of air temperature
by 1 corresponds to the PET value rising at about 1. But the PET value is inversely
proportional to the wind speed, i.e. an increase of wind speed from 0.5 to 1.5 m/s has an
effect of decreasing PET by about 2 .

Hong Kong is located in the sub-tropical climatic zone with hot summer months and mild
winter months. Based on the technical input of outdoor thermal comfort study of Hong Kong,
it is found that at a typical summer temperature of about 28, more than 75% of the people
surveyed reported a thermal sensation of warm, hot or too hot. Whereas at a typical winter
temperature of about 15, less than 21% people reported a thermal sensation of slightly cold
and only 2% reported cold. Hence, for urban thermal comfort, the problems in Hong Kong
are in the hot and humid summer months June, July and August. For this reason, a UC-
Map of summer conditions would be more important and relevant, as far as wind and urban
thermal comfort are concerned.

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The principle of the proposed methodology consists of mainly an evaluation and
classification system of the urban climatic conditions. The method is to first transform urban
climatic conditions into a 6-layer classification system, in which various parameters for
Thermal Load and Dynamical Potential are designated. With the aid of GIS, climate-relevant
land use, building and topographical data from the Planning Department are stored,
calculated, classified, and combined by using a synthetic method. With this layered structure
of information (as illustrated in Figure I-43), the model could easily be updated, added and

Figure I-43 An Illustration of Workflow for Creating the UC-AnMap (100m x 100m raster

Creation of the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong requires various meteorological data and
planning data provided by the HKO and the Planning Department respectively.
Meteorological data are used for climatic evaluation, while planning data are extensively
used in the GIS analysis.
Buildings Landuse
Building Volume Topography
Green Space Ground Coverage Natural Landscape
Thermal Load Dynamic Potential
Proximity to Openness
Draft UC-AnMap
= +
Wind Information Final UC-AnMap
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The urban climate of the city can be characterised with a balanced consideration of
negative effects, i.e. the Thermal Load (e.g. building bulks) and positive effects, i.e.
mitigation factors to reduce Thermal Load (e.g. green spaces) and promote Dynamic
Potential (e.g. air ventilation).

The layering structure of the UC-AnMap is in Table I-10.

Table I-10 Overview of GIS layers for the UC-AnMap
Physical Criterion Effect Scientific Basis Input layers
Thermal Load
Negative Building bulk
Layer 1
Building Volume Map
Altitude and Elevation
Layer 2
Topographical Height Map
Bioclimatic effects
Layer 3
Green Space Map
Dynamic Potential
Negative Urban permeability
Layer 4
Ground Coverage Map
Bioclimatic effects
- Cold air movement
Layer 5
Natural Landscape Map
Air mass exchange and
Neighbourhood effects
Layer 6
Proximity to Openness Map
Wind Information
MM5 Simulation and
HKO field
Layer 7
Wind Information Layer
Prevailing Wind Directions

A classification system of each of the respective layer is drawn up based on the UC-AnMap
and PET relationship as outlined in Section 1.3. For each layer, the characteristics of the
concerned physical criteria are classified. The classification values are basically a numerical
assignment (positively and negatively) of the factors likely physical effects to the urban

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The value is assigned according to their probable degrees of effects on increasing or
decreasing the PET values. Positive numbers are assigned when the categories would add to
the PET values. Negative numbers are assigned when the categories would lower the PET

When the classification values of all the layers are collectively considered, the UC-AnMap is
then generated. In short, six layers have been examined for determining Thermal Load and
Dynamic Potential, with Layer 6 containing three sub-layers. Layer 7 is to examine the wind
information and it does not have an effect in determining Thermal Load and Dynamic

Layer 1 Building Volume Map
Buildings store a significant amount of the solar energy received which elevates the
temperatures (surface and air) of the city, especially at night when it is released back to the
sky. A principal cause of high Thermal Load is the blocking of sky view by buildings which
reduces cooling in the night time. Buildings built close together block each others the
amount of heat energy that could be released back to the atmosphere. 6 classification values
are assigned, ranging from Very High heat capacity to No Building.

Layer 2 Topographical Height Map
In general, air temperature varies according to altitude; with higher ground being cooler than
the lower ground. 4 classification values are assigned, ranging from Low topographical
height to Very High topographical height.

Layer 3 Green Space Map
Green area can affect the ground air temperature. Vegetation has a cooling potential to the
city and thus mitigate the adverse effects of Thermal Load. 2 classification values are
assigned, No and Yes.

Layer 4 Ground Coverage Map
The amount of land occupying by buildings is known to be directly related to the wind
permeability of the location. In general, a neighborhood with higher ground coverage (by
buildings) will have lower Dynamic Potential. 3 classification values are assigned, ranging
from High to Low.

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Layer 5 Natural Landscape Map
Natural vegetation (together with slopes of the hill (Layer 6)) creates cooler air movement.
This has a cooling potential to the city. 2 classification values are assigned, Woodland and
Urban area and Grassland.

Layer 6 Proximity to Openness Map
The dynamic movement of air ventilation always mitigates the adverse effects of Thermal
Load. There are 3 sub-layers that are important in this regard.

Layer 6a Proximity to Waterfront Map
Land and sea breeze is an important consideration for coastal areas. In general,
the benefits of sea breeze depend on the locations distance from the sea. 3
classification values are assigned.

Layer 6b Proximity to Open Space Map
Urban open space can benefit its surrounding areas. 2 classification values are

Layer 6c Slope Map
Cooler air moves downhill and in general along the valleys. This cooler air is
beneficial. 2 classification values are assigned.

Layer 7 Wind Information Layer Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer)
In addition to the 6 layers above, Layer 7 is included to give key wind direction and speed
information for the prevailing winds of different parts of Hong Kong in the summer.

The UC-AnMap of Hong Kong
Based on the scientific understanding of positive and negative effects, 8 classifications
have been identified and they are collated to become the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong at a grid
resolution of 100m x 100m.

1.5.1 Thermal Load

Thermal Load has two effects which are considered to be the important factors in creating the
UC-AnMap for Hong Kong. If the site contains high heat storage such as large building bulks,
then its has positive Thermal Load, i.e. an increase in PET value, which is presented in
Layer 1. In contrast, higher altitude and greening have negative Thermal Load, i.e. a
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decrease in PET value, which mitigates the heat stress of the site. Layer 2 and Layer 3 give
the analysis of the negative Thermal Load.

Layer 1 Building Volume Map
Urban geometry has a complex influence on the microclimate of the urban environment. For
example, difference between urban geometry and building density may result in intra-urban
air temperature differences (Chandler, 1965; Eliasson, 1990-1991; Oke, 1987). High building
volume not only increases the localised heat capacity (i.e. Thermal Load), but also reduces
the Sky View Factor
(SVF) which is a major influence of slowing the radiative cooling
effect in city at night. The most important aspect of this effect is that built-up areas
predominantly obstruct the open sky and delays the cooling of the surface during clear, calm
nights (Oke, 1981). If the building volume density is high, the long-wave radiation could be
blocked and the energy would be released back into the sky more slowly. Therefore, the
cooling process within the city centre tends to be slower than its surrounding areas leading to
relatively higher temperatures.

In short, the higher the building volume density, the larger the heat capacity, which in turn, is
significant to the increase of Thermal Load. Urban density is also a major factor to determine
the urban ventilation conditions and the urban temperature. In general, an urban area having
higher density of the buildings would experience a poorer urban ventilation condition and a
stronger UHI effect (Givoni, 1998; Hui, 2001).

In warm and humid regions such as Hong Kong, these conditions would elevate the level of
thermal stress experienced by residents (Leung et al., 2008; Ng, 2009). To aggravate the
problem, the heat produced by air conditioning raises the urban air temperature yet further
and thus reinforces the Thermal Load. Since wind is one of the major driving force to
mitigate the effect of Thermal Load, the density of building blocks also significantly affects
the local micro-wind environment (Niu, 2004). As a result, high building volume is a major
contributor to Thermal Load.

For the past three decades, researchers have attempted to analyse the temperature variation in
particular to urban street canyons caused by the urban geometry, i.e. the height-to-width ratio

Sky View Factor (SVF) is a measure of the degree to which the sky is obscured by the surroundings for
a given point. In urban climatology, it is mainly used to characterize the geometry of urban canyons. Its
value is a ratio ranging from zero to one. When obstacles fully block the sky, the factor is zero. When the
sky is completely visible, the factor is one..
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(H/W) and SVF. Oke (1981) first developed a scale model to evaluate the role of building
geometry on the UHI effect. He showed that the UHI effect is directly related to the SVF, as
it controls the rate of the radiative cooling at street level within the city.

On the other hand, many studies (Barring & Mattsson, 1985; Eliasson, 1990/91; Goldreich,
1992; Montaveza et al., 2008; Svensson, 2004a; Unger, 2004; Unger, 2009; Upmanis & Chen,
1999b) have demonstrated that the relationship between H/W ratio and SVF can be employed
as a measure of urban geometry. This shows the trends and variations of air temperature in
urban and in rural areas. A longitudinal review was given in Unger (2009).

Lindberg (2007) has also demonstrated that the areal mean of SVF (r = 100 m) is highly
correlated to the intra-urban air temperature variations, but is relatively less correlated to the
SVF taken from a point source location. The usefulness of areal mean of SVF was further
proven by Gal et al (2009). It is important to apply this relationship to urban planning and
urban design in order to mitigate the UHI effect. A preliminary investigation of the
relationship between SVF and UHI in Hong Kong was given in Chen and Ng (2009; 2010).
In this study, the SVF is employed as a means to reflect the building volume information.

Input Data:
Buildings data (bldg_merge.shp; pod_merge.shp),
DEM data (hk2mgrid raster) and
Land Use data (final_2005_20060710.shp).

This layer is derived from knowledge-based processing.

The land use in Hong Kong has been considered in both Layers 1 (Building Volume Map)
and 4 (Ground Coverage Map). As discussed, building volume is a major factor of heat
capacity and temperature variation in urban areas.

Layer 1 contains the building volume information area in grid size of 100m x 100m
resolution and volume is in cubic meters. However, in the GIS model the building volume
values have to be converted to percentages of the highest volume grid which is found in the
region. 6 classification values are assigned and ranged from no buildings as 0 to more
than 25 % of maximum building volume as 5 (Table I-12).

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The linear relation between SVF and temperature variation has been adopted (Brown et al.,
2001; Eliasson, 1990-1991; Svensson, 2004b; Upmanis & Chen, 1999a; Voogt, 2007). Our
parametric model reveals a logarithmic relation between building volume (BV) and SVF, i.e.
* SVF c BV

This forms the basis for the threshold value of the classification value in Layer 1. It is noted
that the SVF is evaluated based on the method proposed by Eliasson and Svensson (2003).
The calibration of the SVF is carried out by the field measurement and SVF simulation for
the Tsim Sha Tsui area (Figure I-44). Hence, the proposed formula for the temperature
variation and the SVF is as follows:
4.18 9.09 T SVF A =

Some numerical results for the above formula are presented in Table I-11.

Table I-11 T-SVF-Building Volume relation for selected points in the field measurement
T (C) SVF Building Volume (%)
28.2 0.59 2.0
29.2 0.33 6.0
30.7 0.22 12.8
31.8 0.07 21.6
= 28 C

Figure I-44 SVF classification of Tsim Sha Tsui
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Based on Table I-11 and the SVF map above having the designated threshold values (4%,
10% and 25%), a further calibration for the building volume classification was made (Chen et
al., 2010) to further refine the building volume classification map, to be consistent with the
field measurement results.

GIS Operation Procedures:
1. Derive the correct absolute building height from the value of building top and building
base by:
a. Converting DEM file of topography height to 10mx10m shapefile
b. Spatially join the shapefile of topography height to building/podium shapefile
c. Use the resultant field as a new base and calculate the absolute building height
by setting height=top-base
1. Convert the newly joined building and podium shape file to raster file, i.e.
raster value = height of 1m x1m resolution;
2. Merge the building and podium raster file by using the mosaic function and select
maximum as the option;
3. Aggregate the resulting raster file into a 100m x100m resolution by using the sum
option, where the highest value is chosen to be 1,200,000m
= 100%, being the highest
building volume value based on 2006 dataset. This is adopted as the basis for the UC-
AnMap calibration;
4. Divide the raster by the highest value using Raster calculation;
5. Classify the result into 5 classes (0%, 0%~4%, 4%~10%, 10%~25%, and greater than
6. Use the Land Use shape file to select no building but concrete areas and convert to
raster of 100mx100m resolution;
7. Use mosaic to add the new raster to the result, choose last option;
8. Reclassify and define classification value.

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Layer 1- Building Volume Map

Figure I-45 Building Volume Map

Table I-12 The Classification of Layer 1
Thermal Load
Building volume
(percentage range) (%)
Tentative Classification
Zero 0 (no building) 0
Very low 0 (paved area only) 1
Low >0 4 2
Medium >4 10 3
High >10 25 4
Very high >25 5

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Layer 2 Topographical Height Map

The environmental lapse rate demonstrates that air temperature decreases with height at a rate
of approximately 10C per km (Golany, 1996). Being a relatively hilly city, the topography is
therefore an important factor when dealing with Thermal Load in Hong Kong.

The environmental lapse rate changes the sensible thermal load of a region. In general, the
higher the elevation, the greater the wind speeds as the magnitude of the wind in the free
atmosphere is uniform (Aronin, 1953). The upper level wind is generally not affected by
ground roughness, such as man-made structures. In her studies, Svensson and her colleagues
(2003) had recorded the highest wind speeds at the high altitude district.

The variation of air temperature depends on the characteristics of the ground surface. In Hong
Kong, the local topographical features modify the thermal load in the urban environment. The
local wind is accordingly affected by the altitude of the region.

Input Data:
DEM data (hk2mgrid raster).

This layer is derived from knowledge-based processing.

Layer 2 represents the topographical height in meters according to the Digital Elevation
Model provide by the Planning Department. Gridharan (2005) had thoroughly studied the
Hong Kong UHI and suggested that at a level of 10 m above sea level, altitude has a marginal
influence on daytime and nocturnal UHI. However, beyond the threshold level of 10 m,
altitude differences will produce rather substantial changes in both daytime and nocturnal
UHI. As such, it is reasonable to group those areas of topographical heights of less than 10 m
above sea level as one area, where UHI is more significant than higher levels.

Between 200m and 300m above sea level (which is above the urban canopy layer), the wind
profile will be less influenced by urban structures. Besides, the UC-Map for Hessen (MRD,
1996) had found that the UHI effect is much more severe in areas of lower topographical
height, so the threshold classification value is not chosen linearly. Based on expert evaluation,
4 classification values are assigned, ranging from Low topographical height to Very high
topographical height (Table I-13).

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GIS Operation
1. Aggregate DEM data to 100 m resolution, using mean option;
2. Reclassify and define classification values: assign -3 for greater than 400 mPD, -2
for >200 400mPD, -1 for >50 200mPD and 0 for 0 - 50mPD.

Layer 2- Topographical Height Map

Figure I-46 Topographical Height Map

Table I-13 The Classification of Layer 2
Topographical Height (mPD)
Tentative Classification
Very high >400 -3
High >200 400 -2
Medium >50 200 -1
Low 0 50 0

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Layer 3 Green Space Map

Green space represents well-vegetated areas covered by trees or grasses etc. The process of
evapotranspiration in plants absorbs large amount of heat from the air which cools the
surrounding air temperature. In general, vegetations absorb a substantial proportion of
infrared radiation but reflect most of the near-infrared radiation during the process of
photosynthesis. The absorbed energy by the vegetation then evaporates waters on the surface
of the leaves (Dimoudi & Nikolopoulou, 2003; Miller, 1997). Many studies have shown that
greenery is an important factor in dealing with Thermal Load (Ali-Toudert & Mayer, 2007;
Ca et al., 1998; Chudnovsky et al., 2004; Emmanuel et al., 2007; Fahmy & Sharples, 2009;
Gao, 1993; Shashua-Bar & Hoffman, 2000, 2004; Spangenberg et al., 2008; Yu & Hien,
2006). In urban areas, besides reducing the surrounding air temperature, green space also
provides shading for pedestrians on sunny days, and can affect the wind speed in the streets
(Givoni, 1998).

It is estimated that for every 100 m
of vegetation added to a park, it can effect a 1 C
decrease in air temperature (Dimoudi & Nikolopoulou, 2003). Shashua-Bar and Hoffmans
(2000) investigated that the green space effect contributes about 0.5C cooling of the air
temperature comparing to the shading effect. In Gaos model (1993), for the case of bulk
ratio 600% and road ratio 20%, 30% green area can reduce the air temperature by nearly 1
and 50% green area by nearly 2
C. Based on multi-regression analysis of all the simulation
results, out of three effects of bulk ratio, green land and artificial heat release, the coverage
ratio of ground space greatly influences the average and maximum air temperature, with
relatively weaker influences on the minimum air temperature. According to another study by
Dimoudi and Nikolopoulou (2003), doubling the size of the park can reduce air temperature
by 1
C, whilst tripling the size of a park leads to further reduction of air temperature by 1.5
C. Moreover, as the H/W ratio increases, the wake effect increases too and therefore,
mixing of air is reduced, which keeps the effect of the park relatively local. Overall, as a rule
of thumb, a 0.8
C reduction in ambient air temperature is to be expected for a 10% increase
to the ratio of green to built area, for the urban fabric under consideration in the study.

Moreover, this cooling effect can extend beyond the subject green space. According to field
measurements by Saito(1990/91) in Kumamoto, Japan, high temperature regions were found
in the dense built environment. The higher the ratio of the green area, the lower the air
temperature. Even small green areas (60mx40m) show a remarkable cooling effect. It was
found that the maximum temperature difference between the small green area and its
surroundings was 3C.
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The green space effect provide a positive mitigation for Thermal Load. Urban planning and
design should therefore seriously consider greening as a key strategy for pursuing a better
urban living environment (Shashua-Bar & Hoffman, 2000). Research work led by the US
government suggests that air ventilation can be greatly enhanced with the use of vegetation,
which can be used to redirect the air flow and create channeling effect in order to reduce the
air temperature (Hebert & Rouge, 1991).

Input Data:
NVDI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) image from ASTER image taken in 2005
October (NVDI.tiff)

This layer is derived from knowledge-based processing.

Layer 3 is about green space which is created from the NVDI dataset. The thresholds of the
NDVI image are listed below:
NDVI<=-0.1: urban/ bare soil;
NDVI>-0.1: vegetation, where
NDVI>0.6: tree
-0.1<NDVI<0.6: grass.
Vegetation data is extracted from the NVDI image where NVDI>0.1. Since the NVDI image
is in 15m resolution, the extracted vegetation dataset is aggregated to 100m grids and the
conventional threshold of 33% is used to determine whether a grid is green space or not.
Two classification values are assigned (Table I-14).

GIS Operation
1. Import the NVDI dataset into ArcGIS and convert it to raster format;
2. Reclassify the raster, NVDI<=0.1 0, NVDI>0.1 1;
3. Resample the raster in the previous step to 1m resolution;
4. Aggregate the raster in the previous step, option = SUM;
5. Reclassify the raster in the previous step, value<=3300 0, value>3300 -1.
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Layer 3 - Green Space Map

Figure I-47 Green Space Map

Table I-4 The Classification of Layer 3
Green Space
Tentative Classification
Yes - 1
No 0

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Layer TL Thermal Load Map

By adding the specific classification values of the above 3 layers (Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer
3) at each grid (Figure I-48a), the classification values for the composite layer of Thermal
Load are derived, (shown in Figure I-48b).

Input Data:
Building Volume Map (Layer 1),
Topographic Height Map (Layer 2) and
Green Space Map (Layer 3).

This layer is derived from raster-based calculation.

GIS Operation:
1. Use raster calculation to sum up Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3 and the result is in
100mx100m resolution;

Thermal Load Map

(a) Layer 1

(b) Layer 2

(c) Layer 3
Figure I-48a Components of Thermal Load Map
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Figure I-48b Layer of Thermal Load of the UC-AnMap
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1.5.2 Dynamic Potential
Apart from Thermal Load, Dynamic Potential is also an important factor that is required to be
taken into consideration for climatic effects.

Layer 4 Ground Coverage Map

The performance of air ventilation is one of the key considerations in urban planning and
building design. Oke (1987) first provided the logarithmic wind profile in a thermally neutral
atmosphere. In general, urban built-up structures can affect this wind profile by obstructing
the local wind in both horizontal and vertical sense, and also block the outlet for air
circulation (Landsberg, 1981; Murakami et al., 1999; Perry et al., 2004).

Hence, reliable evaluation of the aerodynamic characteristics of urban areas is significant to
depict and predict the urban wind behaviours (Grimmond & Oke, 1998). There are several
morphological empirical models established to estimate such aerodynamic characteristics of
urban areas (Bottema, 1996; Kutzbach, 1961; Lettau, 1967; Macdonald et al., 1998; Raupach,
1992). Coupling with a spatially continuous morphological characteristics database, such
morphological estimation models help planners and researchers to depict the surface
roughness of urban areas (Gl & Smeghu, 2007; Ratti et al., 2002).

In this layer, the amount of ground coverage is expressed in terms of a Ground Coverage
ratio of the actual ground floor areas of the buildings physically occupied in a locality. This
can be an indicator of urban permeability.

Ground Coverage ratio represents the density of built-up areas; the greater the Ground
Coverage, the lower the wind speed. Ground coverage has been adapted as a useful indicator
of the intensity of UHI and the value of wind velocity ratio (Kubota et al., 2008). Yoshie
(2006) investigated the relationship between the gross building coverage ratio (similar to
Ground Coverage) and the wind velocity ratio for cities. His findings showed an inversely
proportional relationship (Figure I-49), where low building coverage will experience a high
wind velocity ratio, and vice versa. In this subsequent study, we have utilised Yoshies (2006)
study by extrapolating additional data points (Table I-15).

The two-dimensional Ground Coverage ratio, which is readily available, can be used to
predict the area average pedestrian level urban ventilation of the city (Ng et al., 2010).

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Extensive studies have been conducted to identify the cause of air ventilation degradation by
the Ground Coverage ratio. The aim of the studies is to improve outdoor thermal
environments (Barlow & Belcher, 2002; Cook, 1978; Davenport, 1961; Jensen & Franck,

Figure I-49 Relationship between Gross Building Coverage Ratio and Wind Velocity Ratio
(Modified from Yoshie 2008)

Table I-15 Estimation of wind velocity
(Based on Yoshie (2006) analysis)
Gross Building Coverage (%) VR V (m/s)
0 - 30 ~ 0.2 ~ 2
>30 - 50 ~ 0.15 ~ 1.5
>50 <0.1 <1

Input Data:
Buildings data (bldg_merge.shp; pod_merge.shp)
DEM data (hk2mgrid raster)
Land Use data (final_2005_20060710.shp)

This layer is derived from knowledge-based processing.

To study the characteristics of the land use in Hong Kong, in addition to Layer 1 (Building
Volume Map), Layer 4 (Ground Coverage Map) has to be investigated. Layer 4 fully
integrates information on building coverage with ground roughness, by illustrating the extent
of building form within the city.

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This map is calculated from two original government data sets from, namely, building data
and podium data in vector formats. Figure I-50 shows the results of conversion from shape
file to 1mx1m raster. The raster files store information of built-up areas in matrix which are
combined to form a larger grid of 100m x100m; the built-up area within each 100m x100m
grid is then calculated. Three classification values are assigned (Table I-16).

Figure I-50 Creation of Ground Coverage Map using GIS

GIS Operation:
1. Merge building and podium shape files by using Union function;
2. Add a new field Cover of the resulting shape file and set Cover = 1;
3. Convert the shape file to a 1mx1m resolution raster file and set raster value = cover;
4. Aggregate the raster to 100mx100m resolution;
5. Use raster calculation to divide the raster value by 10,000 to get the ground coverage
percentage value;
6. Reclassify and define classification values.
A Grid
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Layer 4 - Ground Coverage Map

Figure I-51 Ground Coverage Map

Table I-16 The Classification of Layer 4
Ground Coverage
Air Ventilation
Ground Coverage
Tentative Classification
Low High 0 -30 - 2
Medium Medium >30 50 - 1
High Low >50 0

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Layer 5 Natural Landscape Map

Natural vegetation can promote and facilitate movement of cold air, which is important in
understanding Dynamic Potential. Research work have been extensively conducted to study
the differences in surface roughness in affecting the wind velocity within the urban
environment (Bowne & Ball, 1970; Brook, 1972; Landsberg, 1981; Oke, 1987, 1988).

The greenery area has lower roughness length than the built-up areas. Table I-17 shows the
aerodynamic properties of natural and building surfaces (Oke, 1987).

Table I-17 Aerodynamic properties of natural and building surfaces
(altered from (Oke, 1987) and (Landsberg, 1981))
Surface Remarks
Roughness length,
Water Still-open sea 0.000001- 0.00001
Sand, desert 0.0003
Soil 0.001- 0.01
0.02- 0.1m
0.25- 1.0m
0.003- 0.01
0.04- 0.10
1.0 - 6.0
1.0 - 6.0
Building 1.5 - 5

Input Data:
NVDI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) image from ASTER image was taken in
Oct 2005. The image of NVDI is in tiff format.

This layer is derived from knowledge-based processing.

Layer 5 is a correction of Layer 4 with regard to roughness length, because in Layer 4, trees
and grass are treated indiscriminately which overestimates the Dynamic Potential of trees.
For calculation purpose, the urban area is assigned zero value since it is not to be considered
in this layer. The following section explains the reason for the overestimation.

Oke (1987) showed that the wind profile has similar structures above city centres, woodlands
or the suburban areas. This is evident by the similar roughness lengths listed in Table I-17.
However, for land having low-roughness such as grassland, the wind profile shows some
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differences. Therefore, grassland is considered to be of higher Dynamic Potential. The
logarithm functions are:



For a conservative estimation, assume 1
Z = m, 0.1
Z = m, and the friction velocity
0.5 / V m s = , at the level of Z = 2 m, the velocity difference between grassland and woodland
is approximately 1 m/s. This is the basis of our classification.

In Layer 4, vegetation including both tree and grass has the classification value of -2, so in
Layer 5, a correctional reclassification value of +1 will be added to trees indicating lower
Dynamic Potential compared to grass. The conventional threshold of 75% is used to
determine whether a grid is woodland or not. Two classification values are also assigned
(Table I-18).

GIS Operation:
1. Refer to Green Space Map (Layer 3);
2. Reclassify NVDI raster image, NVDI<=0.6 0, NVDI>0.6 1;
3. Resample the raster in the previous step to 1m resolution;
4. Aggregate the raster in the previous step, option = SUM;
5. Reclassify the raster in the previous step, value<=7500 0, value>7500 1.
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Layer 5 - Natural Landscape Map

Figure I-52 Natural Landscape Map

Table I-18 The Classification of Layer 5
Natural Landscape
Tentative Classification
Woodland 1
Urban area and grassland 0

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Layer 6 Proximity to Openness Map

The location of buildings may affect wind penetration into a certain area. Proximity to open
sea or open land is a key factor in understanding Dynamic Potential. Field measurements
showed that there is an interaction between open landscape and urban areas due to the unique
condition of Hong Kong. Layer 6 consists of 3 Sub-layers, namely, Layer 6a: (Proximity to
Waterfront Map), Layer 6b (Proximity to Open Space Map) and Layer 6c (Slope Map).

Layer 6a Proximity to Waterfront Map

In constructing large-scale climatic maps (Svensson et al., 2003), the distance measured from
the coastline for sea breeze is a major consideration. Similar to Layer 4 (Ground Coverage
Map), differences in roughness length result in different wind conditions.

Input Data:
Land use data (final_2005_20060710.shp)
Ground Coverage Map (Layer 4).

This layer is derived from knowledge-based processing.

Sub-layer 6a shows proximity to waterfront characteristics in Hong Kong. Three
classification values are assigned (Table I-19). Seashore areas are classified and assigned the
value of -2 or -1 or 0 according to their distance to the sea. A logical function is
established using Ground Coverage information as a criterion determining whether or not to
assign the value. The logical function applied to a grid (i) of 100m x 100m resolution is as
- If Layer4(i) = -2 (Ground Coverage <= 30%):
o If D(i) < 70: raster value = -2;
o If 70<=D(i)<=140: raster value = -1;
o If D(i) > 140: raster value = 0;
- If Layer4(i) = -1 (30% < Ground Coverage <= 50%):
o If D(i) < 70: raster value = -1;
o If D(i) >= 70: raster value = 0;
- If Layer4(i) = 0 (Ground Coverage > 50%): raster value = 0.

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where Layer4(i) is the pixel value of grid (i) in Layer 4, and D(i) is the distance of pixel (i)
from the sea. This logical function is implemented as a macro embedded in ArcGIS. Large
water bodies are assigned the value of -1. Three classification values are assigned (Table I-

GIS Operation:
1. Select coastline data (Hong Kong and portion of China) from the land use data;
2. Use buffer function to buffer it twice (-70 m and -140 m) and two ring shapes will be
3. Add new field index to the two ring shapes (outer = -2, inner = -1) and this is
proximity to sea shape file;
4. Select the two lakes from land use data and buffer it with 70 m and 140 m. Add new
field index ( inner = -1, outer = -2) and this is proximity to lake shape file;
5. Union proximity to sea shape file and proximity to lake shape file. Convert the
result to 100mx100m resolution raster and set raster value = index;
6. Use the raster file together with Layer 4 to calculate the proximity to waterfront raster
based on the macro;
7. Select water body from the land use data with grid code = 91, 92, 62. Convert it to
100mx100m resolution raster and set raster value = -1;
8. Combine step 6 and step 7 using mosaic function with minimum option.

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Sub-layer 6a Proximity to Waterfront Map

Figure I-53 Proximity to Waterfront Map

Table I-19 The Classification of Layer 6a
Sea Breeze
Proximity to Waterfront
Classification Value
I High: short distance from coastline (0-70m)
with low ground coverage(<=30%)
II Medium: short distance from coastline (0-
70m) with medium ground coverage (30%-
50%) or medium distance from coastline (70-
140m) with low ground coverage(<=30%)
- 1
III Low: long distance from coastline (>140m) or
high ground coverage (>50%) or medium
distance from coastline (70-140m) with
medium ground coverage (30%-50%)

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Layer 6b Proximity to Open Space

Urban open space, such as park and open area, has a substantial effect on the urban climate
and has positive influence on the surroundings (Lo et al., 2003; SDUDB, 2008). The effect
allows strong wind penetration into the urban areas producing a long distance air path and
resulting in a cooling effect for neighboring areas (Koomena et al., 2007). Open space plays
an active role in air quality improvement (Lewis, 1996).

Input Data:
Building Volume Map (Layer 1) and
Ground Coverage Map (Layer 4).

This layer is derived from knowledge-based processing.

Sub-layer 6b shows the proximity to open space map in urban area. An area of a size of 100m
x 100m with Building Volume value smaller than 5% and Ground Coverage value smaller
than 5% is considered as open space. An open space grid has the potential to benefit its 8
neighbouring 100m x 100m grids. A logical function is established to determine whether a
neighborhood grid (n) is a beneficiary. The logical function is as follows:
- If Layer4(n) = -2 (Ground Coverage <= 30%): beneficiary;
- If Layer4(n) = -1 (30% < Ground Coverage <= 50% ): beneficiary;
- If Layer4(n) = 0 (Ground Coverage > 50%): not beneficiary.

where Layer4(n) is the pixel value of grid (n). The logical function is implemented as a
macro embedded in ArcGIS. Two classification values are assigned (Table I-20).

GIS Operation:
1. Use Building Volume Map and Ground Coverage Map of 100mx100m resolution
raster files to define open space (building volume < 5% and Ground Coverage < 5%);
2. Use Ground Coverage 100mx100m resolution raster file to define potentially
beneficiary areas (Ground Coverage <= 50%);
3. Use the raster file together with Layer 4 to calculate the proximity to openness raster
based on the macro;
4. Assign all other pixels classification value = 0.
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Layer 6b Proximity to Open Space Map

Figure I-54 Proximity to Open Space Map

Table I-20 The Classification of Layer 6b
Proximoty to Open Space
(Benefit from neighborhood open space)
Tentative Classification
Yes - 1
No 0

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Layer 6c Slope Map

The phenomenon of katabatic winds
is frequently found in long, narrow and steep valleys in
mountainous areas (Fernando et al., 2001). Local variations in topography may affect greatly
the wind conditions. Colder air generally moves downhill along the valleys. This colder air is
beneficial. The down-slope winds are only of local significance, especially for the location at
the bottom of the slopes (Lazar & Podesser, 1999). These winds originate from the
production of cold air which is a consequence of the negative balance of radiation.

Input Data:
DEM data (hk2mgrid) and

This layer is derived from knowledge-based processing.

Sub-layer 6c shows the slope map of Hong Kong. Steeper topography (>=40%) with
greenery has the potential to strengthen air circulation and wind movement around the
topography. A logical function is established to determine this benefit. Akin to Layer 3, green
space is defined by the NVDI image where NVDI>0.1 (grass and trees). When the greenery
data is aggregated to 100m x 100m grid, the conventional threshold of 75% is used to
determine whether a grid is green space or not. For a 100m x 100m grid (i), the logical
function is as follows:
- If Slope(i) >= 40% and Green(i) = 1 (green space), for any of its 8 neighborhood grids
o If Topo(i) > Topo(n): pixel (n) is a beneficiary of (i).
where Slope(i) is the slope value of the grid (i), Green(i) is whether the pixel (i) is green
space or not, and Topo(i) is the topographical height of pixel (i), and (n) likewise. The logical
function is implemented as a macro embedded in ArcGIS. Two classification values, -1 and
0 are assigned (Table I-21).

GIS Operation:
1. Use slope function to produce slope map from the DEM data and take the
percentage option, the result is 2m resolution;
2. Aggregate the result to 100m resolution, using mean option;

Katabatic Wind is a high density air flow from a higher elevation mountain down a slope under the force
of gravity.
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3. Reclassify:
slope >= 40% pixel value is 1;
slope < 40% pixel value is 0;
4. Refer to Layer 3, using 75% threshold to generate greenery raster, greenery pixel
value is 1, not greenery pixel value is 0;
5. Use the resulted 2 raster files in the previous steps to calculate slope raster based on
the macro;
6. Assign all other pixels classification value = 0.

Sub-layer 6c Slope Map

Figure I-55 Slope Map

Table I-21 The Classification of Layer 6c
Proximity to Slope
(Benefit from neighborhood slope areas)
Tentative Classification
Yes - 1
No 0
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The three sub-layers (Layer 6a, Layer 6b and Layer 6c) can now be combined to form Layer
6 (Proximity to Openness). The rule for the combination is that the Dynamic Potential values
will not be calculated redundantly. This is to say that only the maximum value will be
selected from one of the three sub-layers to represent the Dynamic Potential value for Layer 6.
For example, if Layer 6a obtained the largest Dynamic Potential value, then values for Layer
6b and Layer 6c will be ignored.

GIS Operation:
1. Use Mosaic to add Layer 6a, Layer 6b and Layer 6c , with minimum option, and the
resulted Layer 6 is in 100m x 100m resolution.

Layer 6 Proximity to Openness Map

Layer 6a

Layer 6b

Layer 6c

Figure I-54 Proximity to Openness Map
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Layer DP Dynamic Potential Map

By using simple addition of classification values for Layer 4, Layer 5 and Layer 6 at each
grid, the resultant classification value is the Dynamical Potential value. Figure I-57b
illustrates the Dynamic Potential map.

Input Data:
Ground Coverage Map (Layer 4),
Natural Landscape Map (Layer 5) and
Proximity to Openness Map (Layer 6).

This layer is derived from raster-based calculation.

GIS Operation:
1. Use raster calculation to add Layer 4, Layer 5 and Layer 6 and the result is in 100m x
100m resolution.

Dynamic Potential Map

Layer 4

Layer 5

Layer 6

Figure I-57a Components of Thermal Load Map

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Figure I-57b Dynamic Potential Map of the UC-AnMap
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1.5.3 Wind Information Layer Introduction

Hong Kong is located at the southern coast of China (Figure I-58). Although it is only about
1,100km in area, 75% of Hong Kong is characterised by mountains (with the highest peak at
957m), alongside an extensive coastline and numerous islands (Chiu & So, 1986). Thus, the
wind environment in Hong Kong is complex. .

Figure I-58: Hong Kongs location and its satellite image

For UC-AnMap, various wind data are considered. This report presents the methodology for
understanding the wind data to develop the wind information layer of the UC-AnMap for
Hong Kong.

Firstly, the report reviews related studies in Germany and Japan. We aim to understand the
methodology and the kind of wind data typically used for UC-Map studies.

Secondly, based on the observed wind data from the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) stations
and the MM5/CALMET model simulations (by researchers of HKUST), the data is coded
and mapped on to the GIS based UC-AnMap of Hong Kong providing a spatial
understanding suitable for further evaluation. The important wind data for summer months
(June-August) of Hong Kong is the main information basis of expert evaluation. Additional
information such as the annual wind data of Hong Kong is also collated for background
reference. Together with the topographical information, greenery and ground roughness
information, the wind data is evaluated and summarised to become the wind information
layer of the UC-AnMap.

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The objectives of the investigation of wind information layers are:

To desktop review what kind of wind data is typically needed for UC-Map studies,
and what kind of wind information are commonly provided;
To collate and code the wind data from HKO stations and MM5/CALMET model
simulation into the GIS based UC-AnMap of Hong Kong;
To evaluate, summarise and spatially visualise the prevailing wind directions and
patterns in the summer months (Jun-Aug) of Hong Kong; and
To create the wind information layer for the UC-AnMap of Hong Kong. Overview

Pioneering works in Stuttgart, Germany and Tokyo, Japan (Figure I-59) have been reviewed
to provide the basis and framework of utilising wind information in this Study.

Figure I-59: Desktop studies on Stuttgart (Germany) and Tokyo (Japan)

Guideline VDI 3787, Part1, Germany

In 1997, Guideline VDI3787 Part1: Environmental meteorology climate and air
pollution maps for cities and regions was published as a national standard by the working
group of the Urban Climatic Map Committee of Applied Climatology. It aimed to offer
expert advices on the methodology of creating UC-Map and also to define the micro-climatic
and meso-climatic symbols and representations used in UC-AnMap and UC-ReMap. As
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Germany is the pioneer of UC-Map studies, the Guideline became an international reference
for conducting UC-Map studies around the world.

For planning purposes, the Guideline recommends that key wind patterns (wind roses) and
the prevailing wind directions be taken into account (Figure I-60). Based on the wind
information, the air exchange relationships such as cold and fresh air corridors, and
ventilation paths useful for urban planning understanding could be expertly evaluated.

Figure I-60: An example of wind information as in the Guideline VDI 3787, Part1
(The two red boxes highlight the symbols related to wind information)

Cold Air Drainage Area: Nocturnal cold/fresh air production on open sites;

Cold Air Catchment Area: Cold air accumulation in relative depressions, cold air
transport tracks;

Stagnant Cold Air, Cold Air Pool: Cold air pool owing to buildings, embankments,
forest barrier (not available for Hong Kong).

Downslope winds: Two-dimensional cold air drainage guided by the land relief, i.e.

Mountain/Valley Breeze System: Intensive cold air flow directed downward along the
valley (not available for Hong Kong).

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Breezeway / Main Air Path

Wind Rose: The wind data from meteorological stations can be used to represent the
weather observations on the ground. i.e. observed wind direction and frequency on the
ground Case Study I-Stuttgart, Germany

Figure I-61: The location of Stuttgart in Germany and its surrounding topography

Stuttgart is an industrial city located in a basin terrain and surrounded by many hills (Figure
I-61). According to recent climatic analysis study ("Klimaanalysekarte Stuttgart," 2008) , it is
found that 38% of the area in Stuttgart region is poorly ventilated. Due to the surrounding
hills, the city suffers from extended periods of weak winds.

Since the 1930s, climatologists, city planners, landscape designers, and architects have
worked together to implement a plan to improve the urban wind environment of Stuttgart.
Based on an expertly evaluated air flow understanding, the city began to restrict development
in some key areas. An open space network system extending from the rural outskirts of the
city to its centre was also recognised.

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Wind Statistics
The basic wind statistic is the wind rose measured at the observatory stations and used by
climatologists of Stuttgart. It gives the frequency of the occurrence of individual wind
directions in percentage. Due to the complex terrain, the measured wind directions across
Stuttgart are quite different (Figure I-62).

Figure I-62: The measured wind roses in Stuttgartz

The Wind Field Model DIWIMO
For understanding of the wind field near the ground, Stuttgart researchers conducted model
simulations using the meso-scale diagnostic wind field modeling named DIWIMO (Schaedler
& Lohmeyer, 1996). It helped to quantitatively compute the influence of the orthography of
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individual points
with a resolution of 250m. The model can produce the air flow pattern
maps at near ground level above the urban canopy layer; and the synthetic wind statistics are
shown as wind roses of 16 directions (Figure I-63).

(a) (b)
Figure I-63: (a) calculation result and (b) synthetic wind roses generated with DIWIMO

Securing the Local Air Exchange

(a) (b)
Figure I-64: (a) the evaluated air-flow patterns in Stuttgart, Germany; (b) evaluated preserved
areas in Stuttgart for fresh cool air flowing to the city centre (Baumller et al., 1992b)

The orthography of individual points refers to the conversion of 3-D topographic data into 2-D information of
individual points on the map. For detailed information, please refer to section 4.3.2 of Climatic Booklet for
Urban Development.

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Based on the data and study results, climatologists evaluated the air flow pattern in Stuttgart
(Figure I-64a). For securing local air exchange, those areas relevant to the climatically
active surfaces
have been carefully preserved and improved (Figure I-64b) since the 1970s.
The whole system of cold air flows consisting of Cold Air Production, Fresh Air Supply,
Ventilation and Green Corridors and particularly the Ventilation Corridors for
transferring fresh air is strictly regulated by planners. One hundred meters is the preferred
minimum width for these air flow corridors, which are planted with grass and shrubs.

For instance, based on the wind information understanding, climatologists had identified a
potential area for a Ventilation Corridor in Vaihingen some ten years ago, which could
enhance air flow. Based on the climatologists advice, the planners defined this area as a
Ventilation Zone in the land use plan (Figure I-65a) and the local development plan (Figure I-
65b). The affected areas are demised as green areas under the plans. This area is now covered
with vegetation and is beneficial to the exchange of air mass with the neighbouring
residential communities (Figure I-66).

(a) (b)
Figure IB-65: (a) Ventilation zone as green area in the land use plan; (b) Ventilation zone as
green area in the local development plan (Baumller, 2006)

The term of climatically active surfaces" refers to both the thermal and the topographical
requirements of the local air exchange and also refers to the entire system of cold air production
areas and air flow corridors (Baumller et al., 1992b).
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(a) (b)
Figure IB-66: (a) Ventilation zone in an aerial photo; (b) current view of the ventilation corridor
in Vaihingen; (Reuter, 2008)

The Stuttgart experience is most applicable to cities with frequent low wind speeds. Other
cities in Germany and other countries have since followed Stuttgarts approach. By
harnessing air flow to ventilate the city, Stuttgart has improved poor air ventilation of the city. Case Study II-Tokyo, Japan

Wind Environment Study
Since 1999, Ministry of the Environment (MoE) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and
Transport and Tourism of Japan Government have worked actively on the study of mitigating
the UHI effect. Tokyo Metropolitans 23 wards were chosen to carry out the case study as an
example for other cities in Japan. The Eight Local Governments Action Plan (,
) of Tokyo Metropolitan Government has been carried out. In
the study, the wind environment of Tokyo Metropolitan Area has been examined and the
focus has been on the summer months.

Figure I-67: The location of Tokyo and Tokyo Metropolitans 23 wards

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Tokyo Metropolitan is a coastal city located in Tokyo Bay (Figure I-67) and most of its areas
are located on the flat Kanto Plain. Only the western part is hilly. So it is evaluated that the
wind environment of Tokyo Metropolitan consists mainly of land breeze, sea breeze, valley
wind and mountain wind, with the sea breeze being the most dominant.

The wind information for Tokyo Metropolitan Areas
In the UHI study of Tokyo (MOE, 2001), other studies on wind conditions were conducted.
Firstly, it focused on the local wind analysis based on the wind data from Japan
Meteorological Agency. The map of wind roses and prevailing wind directions are
considered as the basis for understanding (Figure I-68). Secondly, Japanese researchers
conducted ventilation analysis studies at the city level. At the ward level, the major air paths
are evaluated based on the terrain information (Figure I-69). Three kinds of wind conditions
were evaluated by experts based on an understanding of terrain and land use, including land
and sea breezes, mountain and valley wind, and air movements from parks (Table I-22 &
Figure I-70). The general descriptions focus on their scales, range, time and directions, and
are shown in Table I-22.
Table I-22: Three Wind Conditions and Their Characteristics
Kind Scale Range Time Direction Wind Speed Effect
Land & Sea
Sea Breeze
Large Metropolitan
to Night
S to SE 5 m/s
Decrease the
temp of
Medium Ward
Before to
SEE 5 m/s
Decrease the
temp of coastal
Land Breeze Medium
Prefecture to the
north part of
Tokyo city
night to
N to NW
2 m/s
Moderate the
condition of
Bottom and
hillsides area
Night to
W to NW
(no data)
around 1 m/s
Moderate the
high temp in
night time
Valley Wind Medium
The outlet areas
of valley
Daytime E to SE
(no data)
around 1 m/s
Moderate the
high temp of
the warm
slopes in day
from Parks
Downhill air
Daytime S to SE
(no data)
estimated > 1
Moderate the
temp rise in
day time
Cool air small Neighbourhood
Night to
(no data)
estimated 0.1 to
0.3 m/s
Moderate the
condition of

Translated from (, 2007; , 2005)

Nettaiya: Japanese word to express the Tropical Night when daily minimum temperature equals or exceeds 25
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Figure I-68 (a) Map of Wind roses at near ground level; (b) Prevailing wind directions
(measured by Japan Meteorological Agency in Aug.1998-1999)
(MoE of Japan Government, 2003)
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Figure I-69: Example of major air paths in Minato-ku ward, Tokyo
(MoE of Japan Government, 2003)

Figure I-70: Evaluated wind information of Tokyo Metropolitan areas
(, 2005, 2006)

National Research Project on Kaze-No-Michi (ventilation path)
Based on the strategic wind information evaluation, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport, and Tourism (the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, the
Building Research Institute, and the Geographical Survey Institute ) conducted a detailed 3-
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year research project starting in 2004 to make the best use of the cool sea breeze (AIJ, 2008).
To apply Kaze-no-michi (ventilation path) in urban planning, Japanese researchers classified
it into 3 types (Figure I-71) based on the understanding of the sea breeze condition of Tokyo.
Type 1: Kaze-no-michi created by the sea breeze that flows from the coast into the
city along the ground surface and along routes such as streets and rivers.
Type 2: Kaze-no-michi that originates from sea breeze aloft. The sea breeze is
directed to the earths surface in the city by building complexes along streets and
Type 3: Kaze-no-michi generated by sea breeze blocked by skyscrapers.

Figure I-71: 3 Types of Kaze-no-michi (ventilation paths) , which brings cool sea breezes into
urban areas (AIJ, 2008)

Japanese researchers are continuing their research to implement the study result of Kaze-no-
michi in the urban planning system of Japan. For example, incorporating Kaze-no-michi into
the UHI Countermeasures and Guidelines (AIJ, 2008). A Summary Of Gerneral Lessons Learnt

Desktop studies of German Guideline [VDI3787 Part1: Environmental meteorology-Climate
and air pollution maps for cities and regions] have been conducted. Together with case
studies of wind information used in the making of Stuttgart and Tokyo urban climatic and
Environmental map, the following key lessons have been learnt:

Wind data is typically collated from observatory data especially stations in the
city. Model simulated data can be used to supplement it.

For planning purposes, the collated wind data is expertly evaluated taking into
account topography, land use, water body and greenery understanding of the city
and its surrounding areas.

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For urban air ventilation, the background wind, localised land and sea breezes,
topography affected channeling and valley winds, cool air production, cool air
drainage and downhill air movement, whever applicable are expertly evaluated.

Key wind directions, air circulations and ventilation areas are then coded onto the
wind information layer of the Urban Climatic Analysis Map (UC-AnMap). Wind Data For Hong Kong

Based on the desktop studies, the followings are assembled and collated to be expertly
evaluated for UC-AnMap of Hong Kong:
Wind data from the Observatory
Model simulated wind data
Topography and landscape/greenery/land use information

HKO Wind Data
Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) stations provide a useful and reliable long term data source
of the wind environment in Hong Kong (Figure I-72).

Figure I-72: Locations of HKO weather stations

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For this study, a representation of wind data up to 2004 from 40 stations has been assembled
and was made available for the study by HKO in July 2005.

The July 2005 dataset was subsequently supplemented with an updated dataset to December
2007 that was made available to the study by HKO in January 2009.

The wind roses have been superimposed onto Hong Kongs topographical map. This gives an
overall spatial picture of Hong Kongs territorial wind environment taking into account the
topographical and surrounding land-sea characteristics.

The 1998-2007 dataset has been coded onto the UC-AnMap GIS layers (Table I-25, Figure I-
73 and Figure I-74). An example of the coded data is shown as Figure I-75.

Table I-25: HKO data coded
HKO Wind Data Sets
Data Format
Wind Rose
(.pdf format)
Raw Data of wind
speed and direction
(.txt format)
GIS Data of
Wind Rose
(.shp format)
Summer (Jun-Aug)
Annual (Jan-Dec)
Summer (Jun-Aug)
Day (11:00am-16:00pm)
Night (1:00am-6:00am)
Annual (Jan-Dec)

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Figure I-73: Summer-July wind roses of HKO stations with topography background

Figure I-74: Annual wind roses of HKO stations with topography background
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Figure I-75: An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on seasonal wind roses of
HKO stations with topography background (1998-2007 Jun-Aug)
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MM5 Wind Data

Mesoscale models like MM5 (Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn. State Mesoscale Model) are
commonly used by meteorologists to predict the wind field based on the regional weather
input data. Typically, wind is resolved to 1.5 km x 1.5 km grid resolution over large areas.
Scientists at HKUST further resolve this by coupling the prognostic MM5 mesoscale model
with the CALMET (California Meteorological Model) diagnostic model for producing high
resolution wind fields with resolution of 100m x 100m.

HKUST has a set of MM5/CALMET model simulated data for Hong Kong of the year 2004.
The observed horizontal wind from HKO have been used to nudge into the governing
equations for analysis nudging, and cross checking work has been conducted to ensure
quality (Yim et al., 2007; 2009) (see details in Appendix 6 and Appendix 7). The
MM5/CALMET intranet website at HKUST reports wind roses and wind frequency tables of
30m, 60m, 120m, 230m and 450m. According to the building height information from PlanD,
it could be found that the mean building height of HK is around 60m above the ground,
which could be used to define the height of urban canopy layer of HK. The MM5 data at 60m
is more appropriate to be used in this study. Thus, the MM5 data at 60m is selected for the
wind evaluation. An example of the wind rose diagram of MM5/CALMET data is shown in
Figure I-76. Wind data as summarised in Table I-26 has been extracted and referenced for
this study. A prevailing summer wind direction map is in Figure I-77 and an example of the
coded MM5 data (at 60m) is in Figure I-78.

Table I-26: MM5 Data sets
MM5 Wind Data Sets
(hourly data & daily data)
Data Format
in .pdf
Wind Rose
in .shp
Wind speed and predominant
wind direction in .shp
Summer (Jul-Aug)
Annual (Jan-Dec)
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Figure I-76: An example of wind roses (MM5/CALMET simulation) provided by HKUST
Figure I-77: Prevailing summer (2004 Jun-Aug) wind directions based on MM5/CALMET
simulation with topography background
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Figure I-78: An understanding of the territorial wind conditions based on summer wind roses of
MM5 simulation with topography background (2004 Jun-Aug)

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In line with international practice, especially the experience gained by researchers in
Germany and in Japan, for UC-AnMap studies, the collected information are expertly
evaluated based on an understanding of the:

Background wind,
Localised land and sea breezes,
Topographically influenced (channeling) winds,
Topographically influenced (downhill (katabatic)) air movements

Background Wind

Hong Kong is on the southeast coast of the Asiatic continent. Figure I-79 shows an
understanding of the Monsoon circulation in January and in July.

winter condition (Jan) summer condition (Jul)
Figure I-79: An understanding of Monsoon circulations in eastern and southern Asia
(Trewartha, 1967)

A seasonal understanding of wind in Hong Kong has been summarised (Tam, 1987; Yan,
2007) (Figure I-80).

In winter, referred to as the period from mid-October to early April, background
winds are persistently between the north and the east.
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Spring starts in mid-April and lasts till mid-May when northerly winds become
infrequent. The prevailing wind direction is mainly between the east and the
In summer, the prevailing wind comes from the southwest and the background
winds occur with much higher frequency between the west and the south.
By autumn, from mid-September to mid-October, the northerly winds return. The
background winds are mainly between the north and the east.

Figure I-80: Seasonal mean wind directions (Yan, 2007)

Among all the HKO Weather Stations, Waglan Island station (WGL) is normally regarded
as the reference station to capture the background wind condition by wind engineers (Figure
I-81). It is located on a small island southeast of Hong Kong and less affected by urban
structure, buildings or topography. Lam (2006) has found that there was no significant long-
term trend in the wind speed at WGL. Based on the WGL wind roses, the annual prevailing
wind in Hong Kong is from the northeast quadrant. The summer prevailing wind is from the
south-west (Table I-27). The key wind environment of Hong Kong is the main wind
conditions in the summer months, when the background wind at WGL is mainly from the
south quadrant. According to their homogeneous or similar prevailing wind directions, the
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key wind environment could be expertly evaluated based on the meteorological wind data,
the simulated MM5-CALMET data and an understanding of topographical, vegetation and
urban roughness information.

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Figure I-81: Wind roses of WGL (Annual and Summer)

Season Month
Waglan Island
Mean Wind
Speed (km/h)
January 070 25.4
February 070 25.1
March 070 23.5
April 070 21.2
May 080 20.2
June 230 23.3
July 230 21.9
August 240 20.0
September 090 22.8
October 080 28.7
November 080 27.9
Winter December 070 26.5
Annual 070 23.9
Table I-27: Monthly Prevailing Wind Direction and Mean Wind Speed Recorded at the
Observatory and Waglan Island between 1971 and 2000

It can be concluded that the summer background synoptic wind of Hong Kong is from the South-
West. It is also in general weaker than the winter winds.

Localised Land and Sea Breezes

Figure I-82: An understanding of the daily mechanism of Land and Sea breezes. Note the
common onset time of the sea breezes at just before noon (Simpson, 1994)

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The basic sciences of land and sea breezes is well documented (Simpson, 1994) (Figure I-82).
Land and Sea Breezes are thermally induced local circulation found in coastal regions (Oke,
1987; Wallace & Hobbs, 2005) (Figure I-83). They are driven by the different heating rates
over the sea and the land, and occur most observably when the prevailing background wind is
weak (Zhang & Zhang, 1997).

Day time Night time
Figure I-83: An understanding of the Land and Sea Breezes

Researchers have identified two scales of sea circulations. At the larger scale, sea breezes can
have a thickness of 1 to 2 kilometers vertically (Figure I-84). Oke summarises, Commonly
the sea breeze blows at 2-5 m/s, extends inland as far as 30 km, and affects the air flow up to
a height of 1 to 2 km (Oke, 1987, p.169).

For undulating coastlines, more localised land-sea air circulations can be observed (Figure I-
84). They are normally smaller in scale and height (around 50-200m), do not penetrate too
far inland, and are weaker and more turbulent. However, Oke noted, inhabitants of coastal
settlements often find the cool sea breeze to be beneficial in offsetting a hot climate (Oke,
1987, p.170).

(a) (b)
Figure I-84: Two scales of sea breezes
(a) the localised sea breezes that mainly flow perpendicular to the coastline; (b) the meso-
scale sea breeze understanding of Tokyo Bay(1996)

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Hong Kong is a coastal city, and land and sea breezes can be observed. This is well
demonstrated with studies by Dr Yeung (Figures I-85, 86 and 87); and by Prof Fung (Figure

at 8:00am at 14:00pm
Figure I-85: Dominant wind direction observed at surface anemometer stations
(Yeung, 1991)

at 8:00am at 14:00pm
Figure I-86: Sea breeze simulation for 10 Dec 1990 (wind at 10m above terrain)
(Yeung, 1991)

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Figure I-87: An expert understanding of the sea breezes at the western territory of Hong Kong
on 17 Nov 2007 under weak background wind, after K K Yeung, 2007.

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Figure I-88: 24 hourly variation of wind field simulated by MM5-CALMET model on 28
Sep.2004, provided by Prof. Jimmy Fung of HKUST
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Based on HKOs 1997-2006 data, CUHK researchers have conducted a study on the
differentials between WGL data and other HKO wind station data, and have concluded that
weak background wind conditions are responsible for noticeable localised sea breezes vs.
background wind at the stations shown in orange in Figure I-89, whereas at stations shown in
blue, the differentials are not that noticeable. The study coincides with the results of other

(a) (b)
Figure I-89: HKO stations and Land-Sea Breeze Effect in HK.
(a) (Orange) dots show the HKO station studied that is notably affected by sea breezes. (Blue)
dots show the HKO station studied that is not noticeably affected by sea breezes; (b) shows
Ching Park HouseCPH wind directions under weak background (WGL) wind conditions.
The larger differential between CPH and WGL wind directions in the afternoon can be
attributed to the effects of sea breezes.

Based on the statistical analysis of meteorological data, Zhang and Zhang (1997) show that
sea breeze occurs on an average of 69 days per year and at around 2m/s to 5m/s in Hong
Kong. It is found that usually the sea breezes start between 10:00 and 11:00 am, reaching
their maximum speeds between 13:00 and 15:00 pm, and then gradually subsiding between
15:00 and 20:00pm, after which it is replaced by the weaker land breezes at night. During the
night, land cools quickly, flow of air returns from land to sea. Their understanding of the
pattern and directions of the land and sea breezes is summarised in Appendix 5. For Hong
Kong, the sea breeze generally influences more areas than land breezes.

Taking into account the effects of sea breezes in the afternoon of the summer months of Hong
Kong, HKO summer daytime data is coded and visualised. Two examples are shown in
Figure I-90 and 91.
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Figure I-90: Wind roses of HKO stations with topography background (1998-2007, summer
day time: 11:00am-16:00pm)

Figure I-91: Wind roses of HKO stations with topography background (1998-2007, summer
night time: 01:00am-06:00am)
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Topography Influenced (Channeling) Wind

The topography of Hong Kong is characterised by extensive mountain coverage (with the
highest peak of 957m) (Figure I-92) (Chiu & So, 1986). For an understanding of the general
(territorial) wind patterns and directions as affected by the topography, the issues on
channeling wind and valley wind are examined.

Figure I-92: Topography map of Hong Kong

The channeling wind indicates that at the regional or territorial level, the winds approaching a
broad valley will be forced to flow along the valley. Based on an understanding of the
topographical conditions at the regional level of Hong Kong, it is evaluated that there are
three main channeling valleys that affect the urban areas (Figure I-93). The summer wind
roses of HKOs Sha Tin, Tuen Mun, Tsim Sha Tsui stations illustrate the channeling effects
(Figures I-94 to 96):

1) the area along Tuen Mun River Channel from Tuen Mun to Lam Tei and Hung Shui
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2) the area along Shing Mun River Channel from Shatin to Tai Wai; and
3) the seafront area of Victoria Harbour and the Kai Tak old airport areas.

Figure I-93: Three observed channeling affecting areas in Hong Kong (including the Kai Tak
old airport areas) shown within the red circles

Figure I-94: Summer wind rose of HKO Sha Tin station

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Figure I-95: Summer wind rose of HKO Tuen Mun station

Figure I-96: Summer wind rose of HKO Star Ferry (Tsim Sha Tsui) station

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Detailed theoretical, numerical and experimental understanding from studies of wind flows
over hills have been well documented (Jackson and Hunt, 1975; Mickle et al., 1988; Ross et
al., 2004; Bitsuamlak et al., 2004; Tamura, 2007; Yim et al., 2007; Loureiro, 2009). This
knowledge base is important for wind engineers working on site wind availability, as well as
detailed design of buildings near hills. Urban climatologists typically generalise the
understanding to evaluate the shielding effects to the urban areas (Xu and Taylor, 1995); it
goes hand in hand with the evaluation on channeling effect. With an understanding of the
shielding and channeling effects of hills, the changes of the prevailing wind directions of an
area could be evaluated.

Professor Lutz Katzschner has considered that 4 hill ranges are important when the wind
information of HKO and MM5/CALMET are later evaluated (Figure I-97).

Figure I-97: Four main topographical barriers near urban areas and another one on Lantau
Island identified

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Topographically Influenced (Downhill (Katabatic)) Air Movement

For UC-AnMap studies, the usefulness of the cool air production areas (forested, vegetated
and unpaved areas), and their outflow to benefit the surrounding areas can be noted (Figure I-

Figure I-98: Cool air and outflow analysis map of Berlin Climate Map

Hong Kong has a hilly topography. As established through international research, vegetated
hill slopes next to urban areas are known to bring in cool downhill air movement to relief the
warmer urban areas (Oke, 1987; Barlag & Kuttler, 1990/91; Hupfer & Kuttler, 1998; Weber
& Kuttler, 2003). Using satellite imaging for Tuen Mun, Professor Nichol has noted the
cooling effect of urban areas next to nearby vegetated slopes (Figure I-99) (Nichol, 2005).

(a) (b) (c)
Figure I-99: The cooling effect of the vegetated hillsides of Tuen Mun Areas
(a) Tuen Mun Areas (Google Image); (b) Surface Temperature from ASTER scene-corrected
image at 21:40 pm, 06 Oct 2001 (Nichol, 2005); (c) The down slope air movement according
to expert evaluation
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Researches have indicted that the thickness and the air velocity of the downhill movement
depends on a number of parameter, as in equation 1. Bergen (1969) has established that the
velocity of the down slope air movement depends on the temperature difference, the angle of
the slope and the distance the air travels (the length of the slope) (Figure I-100). Other
researches also have similar findings (Yoshino, 1984; McNider, 1984; Kondo and Sato,
( )

, R

, U
/( )

x, (1)
Um is the average air movement velocity,
the potential temperature drop down the slope,
the sine of the angle of the slope to the horizontal along the streamline,
x the downslope distance from the virtual origin of the flow measured along the streamline, and
R0 the average net radiation loss on the slope.

Figure I-100: [Left] the profile far left is an understanding of the velocity profile of the
katabatic air movement; [right] possible velocities of downhill air movement

There is no known field measurement in Hong Kong that has estimated the strength and
characteristics of the downhill air movement of slopes next to urban areas. Based on literature
review, prudently, for a vegetated slope at an angle of 5 to 15 degrees, a slope length of a few
hundred metres, and a temperature difference of 1-3

C, a down slope air movement of

around 0.5 to 1 m/s can be expected (Stull, 988; Horst and Doran, 1986) (Figure I-100). The
thickness of this gravity flow is not high, around 5 to 20m. Such a flow can easily be
dissipated by intercepting building structures and warmer paved surfaces (Barlag & Kuttler,
1990/91; Hupfer & Kuttler, 1998; Weber & Kuttler, 2003). It is not anticipated that the flow
can extend more than one building block from the bottom edge of the vegetated hill.

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Figure I-101: An expert evaluation of the annual wind information by Dr K K Yeung of HKO
(The prevailing wind directions can be noted. The channeling effects of the Victoria harbour, as
well as in Shatin and in Tuen Mun are apparent. )

Figure I-102: An early and initial expert evaluation of shielding and channeling effects by
Professor Lutz Katzschner (2006)

Expert evaluation of the territorial wind information can be conducted using wind roses of
measurement stations (Figure I-101). Professor Lutz Katzschner has also expertly evaluated
the topography of Hong Kong in terms of shielding and channeling (Figure I-102). Referring
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to the meteorological wind data of HKO stations, he has also remarked on their key
characteristics. He has attempted to understand the wind information characteristics that are
captured by the respective stations.

In Hong Kong, according to HKOs previous studies and suggestions, there is only one
station, namely Waglan Island Station (WGL) used as rural station to capture the background
wind condition, as it is largely unaffected by urban structure, buildings and topography. For
a better urban climatic understanding, it is important to have more detailed wind information
for the UC-Maps. Wind at WGL is mainly from the south quadrant in summer months.
According to their homogeneous or similar prevailing wind directions, key wind
environments could be defined based on the expert evaluation of meteorological wind data,
simulated MM5 data and topographical information.

The wind information layer gives a generic wind information understanding for the territory
of Hong Kong and provides useful results and understanding e.g. summer prevailing wind
directions, the availability of sea breeze, downhill air movements and breezeway for the site.

According to international experience on the presentation of wind arrows or wind regions, it
is noted that the arrows only symbolise different winds, and are not relative to the intensity of
wind speed or penetration power; the boundaries of the wind regions should also not be
treated as being definitive. Expert opinions on the detailed and specific information on the
boundaries of different wind regions could be sought if needed. In a nutshell, wind arrows of
the wind information layer indicate the prevailing wind directions of the area whereas the
wind regions further characterise them to include the quadrant of the key wind directions.
The information side by side shows the wind characteristics of the area.

In line with international practice as explained in the desktop study section of this report, the
collected information is evaluated. For the UC-AnMap, the evaluation has identified the
prevailing wind direction of various climatic zones, as well as a brief description of their key
characteristics. This information, when overlaid onto the Thermal Load and Dynamic
Potential information of the UC-AnMap, allows the urban morphology to be further
understood and for planning recommendations to be formulated with regards to the prevailing
and critical air ventilation of an urban area.

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School of Architecture, CUHK Page 159 of 518 Layer 7 - Wind Information Layer Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer)

For the UC-AnMap of Hong Kong, we focused on the summer months (Jun-Aug) the
annual wind has also been examined for reference. The outcome of the evaluation of wind
information for summer, the Wind Information Layer, is illustrated as Figure I-103. The
symbols are shown as Table I-28. As explained earlier, the 4 key considerations have been
factored in:

(A) Background wind,
(B) Localised land and sea breezes,
(C1) Topographically influenced (channeling) winds, and
(C2) Topographically influenced (downhill (katabatic)) air movements

(A) and (C1) are to be considered together as they are related to the background wind and the
effects of topography. (B) is localised and is time dependent. This study assumes an
afternoon condition when the sea breezes are more important to consider. (C2) is also
localised and is related to the topography, vegetation, and the cool air production areas of the

The definition of the boundaries of different wind regions is mainly based on expert
evaluation of the territorial wind information and topography information. Different wind
regions are shown in different colours in the wind information layer and denoted as C1, C2,
C3, C4, D, V, SE, E and S. In each wind region, there are one or two big black wind arrows,
which show the key wind directions. For the area of sea breeze and downhill air movements,
only those beneficial for urban areas are presented.

SE, E and S
According to the collected wind data, it could be found that the summer prevailing wind
directions are mainly from a particular quadrant due to the topographical characteristic. So,
the areas with winds mainly from the southeasterly quadrant are defined as SE areas; the
areas with winds mainly from the easterly quadrant are defined as E areas; and the areas with
winds mainly from the southerly quadrant are defined as S areas. The shielding effects and
channeling effects are taken into account to define the wind regions, e.g. the boundaries
between Area SE and Area S on Lantau Island, the boundaries between Area D and Area S
on Hong Kong Island.

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C1, C2, C3 and C4
Since the wind condition of the urban areas around Victoria Harbour and on Kowloon
Peninsular is much more complex than other areas, experts decided to give more detail
evaluation and to define the wind information of these areas as different city climates
according to the meteorological wind data, MM5 simulated wind data, and the understanding
of field measurement results in Tsim Sha Tsui East and Tsuen Wan areas. Thus, the whole
Kowloon peninsular are divided into 3 city climate regions (Area C1, C2 & C3) with
different climatic planning recommendations and also the north shore of Hong Kong Island
are defined as Area C4.

The areas of the northern hillside of Hong Kong Island is very sensitive to its surrounding
areas, especially the north shore of Hong Kong Island. As both of the downhill air
movements and summer prevailing wind come from the southerly quadrant, this area with
important downhill air movements for Hong Kong Island is defined as Area D. Experts
suggested this area be highlighted so that more attention can be given in future planning and
development to protect the downhill air movements, which could be beneficial to the leeward
urban areas, such as the highly built-up areas of Sai Ying Pun, Sheung Wan, and Wan Chai.

In Hong Kong, due to the hilly topographical condition and existing river channel systems, 3
main channeling valleys formed by their local terrain can be found in Tuen Mun River
Channel (from Tuen Mun to Lam Tei and Hung Shui Kui), Shing Mun River Channel (from
Shatin to Tai Wai) and the seafront areas of Victoria Harbour and the Kai Tak old airport
areas. The wind condition of these 3 main channeling valleys normally is affected by their
surrounding terrain and the wind direction can be observed in both directions flowed along
their central axis. Experts suggested areas of these 3 main channeling valleys should be
highlighted so that more attention can be given in future planning and development to respect
the channeling effect, which could be beneficial to the surrounding waterfront/seafront urban
areas, such as highly built-up areas of Kowloon peninsula, Tuen Mun, Shatin and Tai Wai.

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Figure I-103: Wind Information Layer Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer)
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Table I-28: Wind information and symbols
Regional Wind Pattern
Name Type Symbols
Wind Arrows
Key Wind Directions
(summer months most frequent wind direction of the areas)

Channeling Wind in Both Directions

Sea Breeze

Downhill Air Movements for Urban Areas

Wind Regions
C1 City climate, SW ventilated

C2 City climate of inland area, weakly ventilated

C3 City climate, SE ventilated

C4 City climate, various ventilation systems

D Area with important downhill air movements for HK
V Main air ventilated channels

SE Areas with winds from the southeasterly quadrant

E Areas with winds from the easterly quadrant

S Areas with winds from the southerly quadrant

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The data collation, assembly and codification, and the expert evaluation employed in this
study follow a similar methodology to that of the German experience. Various wind data is
simplified for working on urban climatic planning recommendations.

The study relies on data from existing HKO stations. Additional intra-urban observation
stations would assist a better understanding of the more localised wind environment, like the
land and sea breezes, and downhill air movements. Currently, only 2004 MM5/CALMET is
available to the study team. A multi-year (say 3-5 years) dataset would be more

The wind information layer is part of the UC-AnMap and should not be used for any other
purposes, such as site-specific AVA studies, as it only gives a generic understanding of the
wind environment in different parts of Hong Kong.

1.5.4 Steps of creating the UC-AnMap

The methodology of collating various layers of information for the UC-AnMap based on the
understanding of Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential largely follows the experiences of
Kassel, Stuttgart and Freiburg UC-Maps in Germany. Whilst the layers own classifications
are based on the parameters impact on the PET value, the eventual UC-AnMap (based on the
Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential layers) is synergetic and knowledge based in nature.

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Figure I-104 The structure of the 6 Layers for creating the UC-AnMap (100m x 100m raster

Figure I-105 Work steps for creating the UC-AnMap (Graphics used are indicative)

Buildings Landuse
Building Volume Topography Green Space Ground Coverage Natural Landscape
Thermal Load Dynamic Potential
Proximity to Openness
= +
Wind Information
Final UC-AnMap
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The procedures of making the UC-AnMap are:

Step 1
Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3 with pixel values at 100m x 100m grid are synergised through
the function of raster calculation in GIS to become the Thermal Load map. This results in 10
classes from -4 to +5.

Step 2
Layer 4, Layer 5, Layer 6a, Layer 6b and Layer 6c with pixel values at 100mx 100m grid are
synergised through the function of raster calculation in GIS to become the Dynamic Potential
map. This results in 6 classes from -5 to 0.

Step 3
The Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential pixel values at 100m x 100m grid are synergised
through the function of raster calculation in GIS. This results in 14 classes from -8 to +5.

Step 4
For the purpose of planning information needs, the 14 classes are simplified and collated,
based on knowledge interpretation, into 8 classifications.

The characteristics of the 8 classifications are assigned based on knowledge interpretation of
their likely impact on urban thermal comfort typical of Hong Kong summer conditions (T


C), from Moderately Cooling to Very Strong Warming (Table I-29). The PET interval
between each classification is in the order of about 1

C. Typically, the practice is that the

more critical mid-range values are kept whilst the two extreme ends are compressed. Class 3
(low Thermal Load and good Dynamic Potential) is evaluated to be neutral; hence Classes 1
and 2 are on the cooling side, and Classes 4 to 8 are on the warming side.

Table I-29 An understanding of the characteristics of the 8 classifications
Urban Climatic Class
Impact on Thermal
1 Moderately negative Thermal Load and
Good Dynamic Potential
2 Slightly negative Thermal Load and Good
Dynamic Potential
Slight cooling
3 Low Thermal Load and Good Dynamic
- Neutral
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Some Thermal Load and Some Dynamic
Slight warming
Moderate Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential
Moderately High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential
High Thermal Load and Low Dynamic
Very High Thermal Load and
Low Dynamic Potential
Very strong
The colour dots: denotes cooling and denotes warming.
1 moderately negative Thermal Load due to higher altitude and adiabatic cooling, and
greenery and trans-evaporative cooling
2 slightly negative Thermal Load due to greenery and trans-evaporative cooling
3 to 8 various classes of warming impact due to increasing Thermal Load and decreasing Dynamic

Impact on thermal comfort is evaluated and categorised using PET based on the intra-urban
temperature differences due to Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential. Typically, from
moderate cooling to neutral, the PET value differences are roughly 2 to 3 C; from neutral to
very strong warming, the PET value increases are approximately 3 to 5 C. All PET values
quoted here assume conditions under shade in the summer month conditions of Hong Kong.

Step 5
Field measurements have been conducted to calibrate and verify the classifications. For
example, if an area is of a Class 3 - neutral condition and the corresponding PET is 28 C,
then the PET of Class 7 - Strong Warming could be estimated to be at most 4 C higher
which is at 32 C. The higher PET in this case is mainly due to the relatively high Thermal
Load and low Dynamic Potential of the area.

The field measurements also verify that the pixel pattern of the UC-AnMap and the results of
the field measurements are in good agreement. Field measurements are presented in details in
Section 1.8.

1.5.5 The UC-AnMap
The Thermal Load and the Dynamic Potential layers (Figure I-106a) are evaluated and
combined. The UC-AnMap of Hong Kong with 8 climatic classes has resulted (Figure I-
106b). As the main objective of the map is to describe and evaluate thermal comfort, PET is
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used as a synergising index. The classification follows the thermal sensation based on the
heat balance equation under steady conditions (Table I-30).

Input Data:
Thermal Load Map
Dynamic Potential Map

This map uses raster-based calculation and reclassification.

GIS Operation:
1. Use raster calculation to add the Thermal Load Map and the Dynamic Potential
Map(Figure I-106a), the resultant map is 100mx100m resolution with 14 classification
2. Use group value function to group the 14 values into 8 classes (Figure I-106b).

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Urban Climatic Analysis Map for Hong Kong
100 x 100m resolution, raster based, without wind information

Thermal Load Map

Dynamic Potential Map

Figure I-106a Components of Urban Climatic Analysis Map combining Thermal Load Map and
Dynamic Potential Map
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Figure I-106b The UC-AnMap (Classification at Table IB-28), 100 x 100m raster based, without
wind information

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The wind information is incorporated into the final UC-AnMap. Air paths, air mass exchange
and air circulation are considered. The Final UC-AnMap comprises 8 urban climatic classes
as listed below.

Table I-30 Eight Classifications of the UC-AnMap
Class Urban Climatic Class
Approximate PET
Impact on Thermal
1 Moderately negative Thermal Load
and Good Dynamic Potential
-2 Moderate Cooling
2 Slightly negative Thermal Load and
Good Dynamic Potential
-1 Slight Cooling
3 Low Thermal Load and Good
Dynamic Potential
0 Neutral
Some Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential
+1 Slight Warming
Moderate Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential
+2 Moderate Warming
Moderately High Thermal Load and
Low Dynamic Potential
Moderately strong
High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential
+4 Strong Warming
Very High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential
+5 Very strong Warming
1 moderately negative Thermal Load due to higher altitude and adiabatic cooling, and greenery and trans-
evaporative cooling
2 slightly negative Thermal Load due to vegetated slope and trans-evaporative cooling
3 to 8 various classes of warming impact due to increasing Thermal Load and decreasing Dynamic Potentials

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Figure I-107 The UC-AnMap (Classification at Table IB-28) of Hong Kong with Wind
Information Layer - Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer)
The 8 urban climatic classes are explained below:

Moderately Negative Thermal Load and Good Dynamic Potential (Class 1)
These areas are situated on the higher altitudes of mountains and steep vegetated slopes.
Adiabatic cooling
and trans-evaporative cooling are prevalent to bring about good
dynamic potential and moderately negative thermal load. As a result, the temperature is
usually very cool. These areas are sources of cool and downhill wind. This urban climatic
class includes the summits of various mountains and peaks, e.g. Victoria Peak, Kowloon
peaks, Tai Mo Shan, Pat Sin Leng, Lantau Peak, etc.

Slightly Negative Thermal Load and Good Dynamic Potential (Class 2)
These areas are extensively covered by natural vegetation, greenery, including the hilly
slopes and natural coastal areas. Trans-evaporative cooling is prevalent to bring about good
dynamic potential and slightly negative thermal load. As a result, the temperature is
generally cooler. These areas are sources of cool and fresh air. This urban climatic class
includes many country park areas, beaches and outlying islands e.g. Plover Cove, Clear
Water Bay, Po Toi, etc.

Low Thermal Load and Good Dynamic Potential (Class 3)
These areas usually consist of more spaced out development with smaller ground coverage
and more open areas, and situated very close to the sea. As a result, the temperature is mild.
This urban climatic class includes some undeveloped coastal urban areas and many low-
density developments in the urban fringe areas or sub-urban outskirts e.g. Mui Wo, Shek O,
Tseung Kwan O South, Pak Shek Kok Science Park, etc.

Some Thermal Load and Some Dynamic Potential (Class 4)
These areas usually consist of low to medium building volumes in a developed yet more
open setting, e.g. in the sloping areas with a fair amount of open space between buildings. As
a result, the temperature is slightly warm. This urban climatic class includes areas such as
Mid-Levels on Hong Kong Island, Upper Happy Valley, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
and other hillside development areas, etc.

Moderate Thermal Load and Some Dynamic Potential (Class 5)

Adiabatic Cooling involves no heat gained or lost during the process of air cooling. For example, a rising
air parcel expands and cools as the atmospheric pressure decreases upward
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These areas usually consist of medium building volumes situated in low-lying areas further
inland from the sea or in areas fairly sheltered by natural topography. As a result, the
temperature is warm. This urban climatic class includes many medium density developed
urban areas with urban greenery, e.g. Discovery Bay, Fairview Park in Yuen Long, Hong Lok
Yuen in Tai Po, etc.

Moderately High Thermal Load and Low Dynamic Potential (Class 6)
These areas usually consist of medium to high building volumes located in low-lying
development areas with relatively less urban greenery. As a result, the temperature is very
warm. This urban climatic class includes e.g. the peripheral of the main urban area and
many development areas of new towns.

High Thermal Load and Low Dynamic Potential (Class 7)
These areas usually consist of high building volumes located in low-lying well-developed
areas with few open areas. As a result, the temperature is generally hot in these areas. Most
of the developed parts of the main urban areas in Kowloon and north shore of Hong Kong
Island and core development areas of the new towns are typical of this urban climatic class.

Very High Thermal Load and Low Dynamic Potential (Class 8)
These areas usually consist of very high and compact building volumes with very limited
open areas and permeability due to shielding by buildings. Full and large ground coverage is
prevalent and air paths are restricted from the nearby sea or hills. As a result, the temperature
is very hot in these areas. This urban climatic class includes some highly developed core
areas, e.g. Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, Lai Chi Kok, Sheung Wan, Central, Wan
Chai, Causeway Bay, North Point, etc.

Different climatic factors work synergistically to determine the urban climate of Hong Kong.
The analysis of various climatic factors in each layer of the UC-AnMap provides basic
understanding of the relationship between urban environment and urban climate of Hong
Kong and forms the basis of the classification of the UC-AnMap. This classification is further
calibrated with consideration of Hong Kongs unique urban microclimatic characteristics.

Two case studies of on field measurements are conducted in Tsim Sha Tsui and Tsuen Wan
(Figure I-108) respectively. The result of Tsim Sha Tsui measurement provides useful data to
be referenced for calibrating the classification of the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong (Figure I-
109). The results of Tsuen Wan measurement are compared against the UC-AnMap (Figure I-
Map showing areas with predominantly
class 7 to class 8 climatic zones
Map showing areas with predominantly
class 5 to class 6 climatic zones

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110) and as shown in Figure I-111, it demonstrates that the classification of the UC-AnMap
and the field measurement results are in good agreement.

Figure I-108 Spot measurement in Tsim Sha Tsui and Tsuen Wan

n W
ii m
mm S
aa T
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Figure I-109 The Map of PET Pattern compared with UC-Map
for Field Measurement on Tsim Sha Tsui on 19 Sep 2006

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Figure I-110 The Map of PET data compared with UC-Map
for Field Measurement on Tsuen Wan site on 15 May 2008
An example of the relationship between PET values calculated from the field measurements
results and the classes of the UC-AnMap in Tsuen Wan Areas is plotted to find their linear
trend (Figure I-111). It can be found that 1 level difference in UC-Map Class equals to 1
degree of PET value and the relationship is strong (R
0.74). That means the classification of
UC-AnMap and the predicted human comfort pattern in UC-AnMap are reasonable and in
good agreement with the real climatic condition on site.

Figure I-111 The relationship between PET and the classes of UC-An Map based on the result
of spot field measurement in Tsuen Wan areas on 15 May 2008


The first version of the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong was developed in GIS based on the 2006
version of buildings, land use and topography data. Since all layers and UC-AnMaps are
developed and managed in GIS, and UC-AnMaps are created in layers, it is easy to update the
layers by incorporating any new developments via GIS, especially for Layer 1 and Layer 4
which are based on the buildings data. Thus, having obtaining the 2009 version of buildings
data, the second version of UC-AnMap for Hong Kong has been developed.

Building geometry, urban morphology
Land use layer, building shapefile, podium shapefile, DEM raster files could be updated
every 5-6 years. Once they are updated, the UC-AnMap can be re-generated.
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Scientific development
Additional climatic information will become available. In addition, from time to time, there
will be new scientific understanding and/or new technology allowing a better map to be
created. On the whole, scientific updating could for instance be done every ten years.

Differences between 2006 version and 2009 version of UC-AnMap
Urban Climatic Analysis Map for Hong Kong
100m x 100m resolution, raster based, without wind information

2006 Version

2009 Version

Figure I-112 The differences between 2006 version and 2009 version of UC-AnMap
The differences between 2006 version and 2009 version of UC-AnMap could be observed
from Figure I-112. The analyses on comparison are:

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(i) Because of the new building data set (2009 version), the areas with increasing
value of urban climatic classes are mainly observed in the northern part of New
Territories, such as Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Shap Pat Heung, and Hong Kong
Airport etc.
(ii) Since the new greenery data (NVDI) with more precise vegetation information is
incorporated into Layer 3, Layer 5 and Layer 6, the values of major greenery areas
are decreased by 1 to 3 classes. For example, in 2009 version, the urban climatic
class identified for CUHK is more appropriate, since there are lots of trees on
campus as presented by new greenery data (NVDI).
(iii) New logic functions are employed into Layer 6 (refer to its detail description and
methodology part), so the values of areas covered by vegetation are decreased.


Since the UC-AnMap is mainly created, manipulated and stored in the software of ArcGIS
containing all separate layer files, they could not be included in this paper report. Therefore,
all data files for UC-AnMap have been submitted in a separate CD.


Refinement and adjustment of the UC-AnMap can be further made according to new expert
knowledge obtained. Based on the final UC-AnMap, the UC-ReMap can be prepared. This
will be explained in Part I(C).

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There is a vision to design a sustainable, healthy, and comfortable city for its inhabitants. To
achieve that, it is necessary to factor the urban climatic considerations holistically and
strategically into the planning process.

The Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map (UC-ReMap) is planning oriented.
Based on the information and analysis obtained from the Urban Climatic Analysis Map (UC-
AnMap), UC-ReMap and planning recommendations from the urban climatic point of view
can be formulated. Accordingly, the valuable areas, the problem areas, climatically sensitive
areas and air paths can be identified spatially.

Firstly, the report reviews related studies of UC-ReMap in Germany and Japan so as to draw
lessons and understand the best practices in forming a methodology of UC-ReMap and its
work process of translating urban climatic information and analysis into planning

Secondly, based on the UC-AnMap, the UC-ReMap is developed by refining the urban
climatic class into urban climatic planning zones with relevant key planning
recommendations from the urban climatic point of view. Some key parametric understanding
of UC-AnMap for planning purposes building volume, building heights, green areas,
ground coverage, and air paths etc., on an area average basis, have been incorporated in the
earlier part of the report for reference.


The UC-ReMap is an information platform and is planning oriented. With reference to the
UC-AnMap, urban climatic planning zones can be formulated. For example, in Germany,
different planning actions are recommended under various urban climatic planning zones of
the UC-ReMap. The formulation of the UC-ReMap involves the collaboration between the
planners and the urban climatologists with the UC-AnMap as their reference. The UC-
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ReMap provides the planners with general urban climatic information upon which strategic
and district planning analysis, plan-making, and development control can make reference to.


Germany is a leading country in conducting urban climatic mapping studies. Nowadays, the
methodology of formulating UC-Map used in Europe, Asia and South America is mostly
adopted from the German experience and followed the Association of German Engineers
(VDI) Guidelines on Environmental Meteorology - Climatic and air pollution maps for cities
and regions (VDI3787 Part 1). In Germany, based on the UC-AnMap and the UC-ReMap,
planning advices are formulated by urban climatologists and planners with an aim to
improving the urban climate of the city (e.g. mitigating urban thermal stress and improving
thermal comfort). The main planning recommendations focus on reducing thermal load and
improving dynamic potential through:
controlling building volumes and reducing coverage of ground surface;
preserving, maintaining and improving the existing urban ventilation paths and
network of the city, charting new air paths if necessary;
Preserving, maintaining, improving and respecting the cool air production and
drainage areas of the countryside and vegetated hillsides near urban areas;
Preserving, maintaining, improving and respecting the land-sea breezes;
Preserving, maintaining and improving urban greenery.


The UC-ReMap provides an urban climatic based planning information platform at city and
district scale of operation. When preparing the UC-ReMap for Hong Kong, due regard is
paid to the existing planning framework of the area, the pre-defined OZP boundaries (Figure
I-113) and broad groups of OZP areas with similar characteristics bearing in mind that they
may not always follow the urban climatic planning zones and urban climatic understandings.

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Figure I-113 A map of OZP coverage of in Hong Kong
(as at 4.5.2012)

Refer to OZP index at for details of the latest OZPs
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2.1.1 Background and Context

Geography: Located in southern Germany;
Total area is 207 km

Urbanised area is 49% (102 km
Forest area is 25%;
Population: Total population is 590, 000;
Population density is 2,850 /km
Topography: Lowest point is 207m above sea level; highest point is 549m above sea level

2.1.2 Planning Recommendation Maps

The planning recommendation map for Stuttgart contains an integrated assessment of the
urban climatic analysis map and the related planning concerns. The map provides
recommendations as to the sensitivity of different areas to changes or intensification in land
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use, from which climatically-based conditions and measures can be considered in the
planning context. From the urban climatic point of view, Stuttgarts Planning
Recommendation Map (Figure I-114) offered eight recommendations under three categories,
namely on open areas, built-up areas and streets with heavy air pollution (Table I-31).

The general planning advices of the UC-ReMap provide planners in Stuttgart with a generic
and strategic basis upon which further detailed analysis/discussion can be carried out together
with their in-house urban climatologists.

Figure I-114 Planning Recommendation Map for Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
Planning Recommendation Map

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Table I-31 Planning Advices of Stuttgart Planning Recommendation Map
Open Spaces

Open areas with [HIGH urban climatic importance]:
[Urban Climatically important open areas as they are directly related to the housing areas; high
urban climatic sensitivity with respect to change of land use.

Open areas with [LESS urban climatic importance]:
Little direct relationship to populated areas of activity; low urban climatic sensitivity with
respect to change of land use.

Open areas with [LOW urban climatic importance]:
No direct relationship to populated areas of activity; not urban climatically sensitive with respect
to change of land use.
Built-up Areas

Built-up areas with small relevance to climate: No appreciable sensitivity in terms of
climate/air pollution with respect to intensification of use and building agglomeration.

Built-up areas with some relevance to climate:
Low sensitivity in terms of climate/air pollution with respect to intensification of use, e.g.
consolidation, closure of gap sites etc.

Built-up areas with a significant relevance to climate:
Considerable sensitivity in terms of climate/air pollution with respect to intensification of use.

Built-up areas with disadvantages in terms of climate/air pollution:
Agglomerated settlement areas or buildings with a disturbing effect;
In need of renewal from the point of view of urban climate.

Streets with high emissions of pollutants and noise:
Pollution forecasts are required, depending on the intended use, for planning of the area affected
by the streets.

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2.2.1 Background and Context

Districts: As an administrative region of Japan, it consists of 23 central
special wards and many suburban cities.

Geography: Near the center of Japan, occupying 2,187 km
in area.

Population: Total population is 13 million, which is about 10% of the total population
of Japan; Population density is 5,796 / km

2.2.2 Investigation on the Environmental Impact of UHI by MoE
Since 1998, the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) has begun to investigate the
environmental impact of Urban Heat Island (UHI) and tried to find the possible measures for
improving the thermal environment. Tokyo Metropolitan Areas 23 wards were chosen to be
studied. UC-AnMap is one of their key efforts to analyse the urban thermal environment,
through which a number of recommendations were made.

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2.2.3 Tokyo Thermal Environment Map

In April 2005, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) produced a Tokyo Thermal
Environment Map (Figure I-115) (basically similar to an UC-AnMap although with a focus
on thermal load). It presents the effects of thermal load and the condition of ground surface
which contribute to the UHI phenomenon in Tokyos 23 wards. Based on 17 regional factors
contributing to the UHI effect, the areas of Tokyo have been grouped into five types based on
their thermal environment characteristics and land use. The map has been plotted into raster
with 500m x 500m grids and colour coded.

According to the urban climatic information and evaluation from the thermal environment
map, the recommendations enable the TMG to identify four designated areas (Urban center
district [Central Area], Shinjuku district, Osaki & Meguro Area and Area around
Shinagawa Station) (, 2005) for further study
and implementation of countermeasures against UHI for Tokyos future urban renewal (Table

Figure I-115 Thermal Environment Map for Tokyos 23 wards and four designated areas
(, 2005)
Tokyo Metropolitan Areas 23 Wards, Japan
Thermal Environmental Map

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Table I-32 Four Designated Areas
Name Area (ha) Characteristics Examples of Initiatives
The substantial heat load is
derived from artificially covered
surfaces such as office building/
asphalt paving and excessive
exhaust heat from buildings.
The temperature is high all day

Examine and
implement wind or
ventilation paths to
facilitate clear
avenues for breezes
to pass through the
Water retentive
The substantial heat load is
derived from artificially covered
surfaces such as office
buildings, houses and asphalt
paving. The temperature is high
all day long.

Water retentive
Osaki &
Substantial heat load is derived
from the ground surface, which
makes it difficult for this dense
residential zone to cool down at
night. (Area characterized by
many tropical nights)

Water to be sprayed
using a road
Extensive developments are
expected in the future and urban
development projects are to be
carried out according to the plan
with preliminary consideration
given to heat island

Examine and
implement wind or
ventilation paths
facilitating clear
avenues for breezes
to pass through the

2.2.4 Guidelines for UHI Mitigation Measures

Consequently, with further detailed parametric studies based on the thermal map and the
planning recommendations of the 4 identified key areas contained in Table I-32, in July 2005,
the Tokyo Metropolitan Government further developed the Guidelines for UHI Mitigation
Measures (Table I-33) to encourage the central government and all parties concerned
including private business to work together on improving the thermal environment for Tokyo.

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Table I-33 Menu of Heat Island Control Measures in the Problem Areas of Tokyo
Menu of Heat Island Control Measures
in the Problem Areas of Tokyo Area
Types Main areas Characteristics of each area Effective measures






Around Kanda Station,
south of Ueno Station
to around Okachimachi
around Shinbashi
Station, around Ginza
Station, around Tsukiji
Station, around Mita
Station, around
Gotanda Station,
around Shibuya
Station, Kabuki-cho,
Shinjuku Ward,
around Takadanobaba
Station, around
Ochanomizu Station
Areas where thermal loads
from the covering of the ground
surface are large day or night, and
anthropogenic waste heat (sensible
heat) generated by buildings, etc. in
the daytime is great.
The percentage of the area of
the pavements in the road is the
highest at 55% and the percentage
of the area of the artificial covering
including buildings is also the
highest at over 90%.
In the daytime, approximately
160 W/m2 of anthropogenic waste
heat (sensible heat) is released and
this figure is the second largest
among the areas in the type I.
The percentage of the area of
the refractory walls is the highest.
Main required
measures are to reduce
the artificial covering
and anthropogenic
waste heat.
Effective measures are
to prevent heat from
being stored in
buildings and the
pavements and to
reduce waste heat from
buildings, etc.
Menu of control measures*
of the
Greening of
reflectance of
Water -
Reductions in
waste heat from
buildings, etc.

Main areas Characteristics of each area Effective measures
Higashi-Ueno, Taito
Ward to Nishi-Asakusa,
Ryogoku Station to
around Oshiage Station,
around Iriya Station,
around Minowa Station,
around Kitasenju
Station, around
Kameido Station,
Okubo Station to
Shin-Okubo Station,
around Togoshi Station,
around south of
Oimachi Station,
around Shimokitazawa
Station, around
Sangenjaya Station
Areas characterised by large
thermal loads from the covering of
the ground surface, day and night.
The percentage of the area of
buildings is high and the
percentage of the area of the
artificial covering is also as high
as a little under 90%, which is the
second largest among the problem
areas in the type I.
Among the areas in the type I,
the average height of buildings is
the lowest and the width of
buildings is also the smallest, so
that the shade is hard to appear on
the ground.

Main required
measure is covering
installation and an
effective measure is to
install covering that
will not store heat in
buildings and the
Menu of control measures* ##
Greening of
the premises
Greening of
reflectance of
Water -
Reductions in
waste heat from
buildings, etc.

Main areas Characteristics of each area Effective measures
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Around Roppongi Station,
around Iidabashi Station,
around Hatchoubori
Station, around north of
Station, around south of
Omotesando Station,
around Takaido Station,
Hachimanyama, Setagaya
Ward, Yumenoshima,
Koto Ward, Keihinjima,
Ota Ward
Area characterised by large
anthropogenic waste heat (sensible heat)
from buildings, etc. day and night.

The percentage of the area of
buildings is small among areas in the
type I.
In the daytime, approximately
280 W/m
of anthropogenic waste
heat (sensible heat) is released and
approximately 160 W/m
in the
nighttime also, these figures are the
largest among the areas in the type I.

Main required
measures are to reduce
anthropogenic waste
heat, and an effective
measure is to reduce
waste heat from
buildings, etc.
Menu of control measures* ##
Greening of
the premises
Greening of
reflectance of
Water -
Reductions in
waste heat from
buildings, etc.






Main areas Characteristics of each area Effective measures
Around Nishi-Oi
Station, around
Nakanobu Station,
around west of Nishi-
Koyama Station, Nishi-
Shinagawa, Shinagawa
Ward, around south of
Asagaya Station,
around south of Koiwa
Station, around
Machiya Station,
around north of Jujo
Station, around Kasuya

Area characterised by large
thermal loads from the covering of
the ground surface in the daytime.

The percentage of the area of
buildings is the highest among the
areas in all types but the
percentage of the area of
refractory rooftops is the smallest
(the percentage of non-fireproof
buildings is large).
The percentage of
anthropogenic waste heat releases
is small.
The average size of buildings
is relatively small.

Main required
measure is to reduce
the covering and an
effective measure is to
install the covering
that do not store heat
in buildings and the
ground surface.
Menu of control measures* ##
Greening of
the premises
Greening of
reflectance of
Water -
Reductions in
waste heat from
buildings, etc.

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Main areas Characteristics of each area Effective measures
Station to around Fudo-
Mae Station, around
Hatanodai Station,
around west of Okubo
Station, Tomihisa-cho,
Shinjuku Ward to
Ichigaya Daimachi,
around south of Yutenji
Station, Shin-Nakano
Station to around
Station, around
Nishi-Sugamo Station,
around Mikawashima
Station, around Keisei
Hikifune Station,
around Ojima Station
Area characterised by large
thermal loads from the covering of
the ground surface, day and night

The percentage of the area
of buildings is high and the
percentage of refractory
rooftops is the highest among
the areas in type II.
The percentage of
anthropogenic waste heat
(sensible heat) release is small.
The average size of
buildings is relatively small.
Main required
measure is to reduce the
covering and an effective
measure is to install the
covering that do not store
heat in buildings and the
ground surface.
Measures carried out in
fireproof buildings that
store heat till night are
particularly effective.
Menu of control measures* ##
Greening of
the premises
Greening of
reflectance of
Water -
Reductions in
waste heat from
buildings, etc.

: Highly effective measures; : Effective measures; : Modestly effective measures

This menu of control measures is intended for types I and II with relatively heavy thermal loads. The
guidelines spell out control measures also for types III to V.
* This menu of control measures has been established based on the degree of the effectiveness of control
measures which are weighed by the reductions in sensible heat that have been achieved by the control
measures. The effectiveness of the control measures was estimated using the Urban Climate Simulation
System (UCSS) developed by the Ashinaga Building Research Institute.
** At the time of reviewing this simulation, greenery by planting trees on the premises is assumed to be
included in greening of the premises.

Greening of the premises, rooftop greening, greening of building walls increase trans-vaporation,
enable better sensible heat conversion to latent heat, reduce artificial covering, provide shading to surfaces
and reduce heat storage, and thus reduce the cooling loads of buildings.

Increase reflectance of rooftop reduces heat absorption and thus reduce surface temperature and reduce
the cooling loads of buildings.

Water retention pavement increase sensible heat to latent heat conversion and reduces urban air

Reductions in waste heat from buildings reduces sensible and latent heat release into the urban

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The Study has taken reference from the German Guideline VDI3787 Part1: Environmental
meteorology-Climate and air pollution maps for cities and regions. Two case studies (the
City of Stuttgart and the Metropolitan areas of Tokyo) have been conducted,which have
revealed some key lessons for preparing Hong Kongs UC-ReMap.

Urban climatic information and knowledge of the Thermal Load and Dynamic
Potential characteristics of the UC-AnMap are the basis for formulating the
recommended planning actions. The UC-ReMap provides a holistic platform of
information for planning decision making and actions.

The UC-ReMap provides an urban climatic based planning framework typically at
the city and district scale of operation. Further studies at local planning scale are
commonly needed for more detailed understanding and application.

The UC-ReMap provides planning recommendations based on an evaluation of a
number of planning parameters, including building volume, building heights,
ground coverage of buildings, greenery coverage, air paths, and breezeways.

The UC-ReMap presents a spatial evaluation of current urban climatic characteristics
and identifies problem areas and climatically sensitive areas that are in need of
strategic planning attention and improvement, for example:

a) According to the Tokyo Thermal Environment Map, the Tokyo Metropolitan
Government has identified 4 designated areas where investigations have been
done to identify appropriate improvement actions.
b) In the City of Stuttgart, the ventilation corridors are highlighted as highly
climatically sensitive areas in urban development, which should be respected and
preserved with low roughness (i.e. the area should be open or only covered by
low-rise buildings) for transfer of the fresh cool air to central urban area for
mitigating the UHI effect.

The UC-ReMap focuses on improving or preserving the existing greenery and open
space, creating or protecting the ventilation path/corridor, and reducing the thermal
load in built-up areas. They aim to mitigate the UHI effect and to improve outdoor
thermal comfort and thus living quality, for example:

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a) For the City of Stuttgart, based on the UC-ReMap, the local government can
conduct focused studies in order to update the Master Plan of Greenery. The
focused studies have identified zones that prohibit tall buildings and/ or
intensification of use, as well as for defining air paths.
b) For the 4 designated areas identified in the Metropolitan Area of Tokyo, the urban
climatic planning recommendations focus on improving building materials,
ground surface cover, greening and reducing anthropogenic heat release. In the
subsequent study of Kaze-no-michi (Ventilation Path) for one of the identified
areas, the recommendations focus on encouraging sea breeze penetration into the
inner urban areas, and enhancing greenery.

The UC-ReMap itself is not a regulatory instrument (it is only an information
platform). It however facilitates a participatory planning process by providing urban
climatic information useful for the planning process.



The evaluation on thermal comfort and relevant climatic understanding from the UC-AnMap
are translated and developed into the UC-ReMap. Five Urban Climatic Planning Zones and
relevant general urban climatic planning recommendations are formulated and explained.

The following work procedure (Table I-34) is adopted to develop the UC-ReMap and
Climatic Planning Advices for Hong Kong:

Table I-34 Work Process of the Hong Kong UC-Re-Map

Overall Approach: Translate the urban climatic information and understanding
from the UC-AnMap to UC-ReMap

Based on the UC-AnMap, the 8 urban climatic analysis classes are consolidated
into 5 Urban Climatic Planning Zones (UCPZ) according to urban climatic
characteristics and planning implications.

Based on A, key planning recommendations of the 5 UCPZs of the UC-ReMap
are formulated and elaborated.
In preparation of the UC-ReMap, references have also been made to the discussion in the
Technical Experts Engagement Workshop conducted in February 2009.

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3.1.1 Input Information for UC-ReMAP the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong

The UC-AnMap with an appreciation of the OZP boundaries of Hong Kong is the key input
information for generating the UC-ReMap. The UC-AnMap is reported at 100m x 100m grid.
With this resolution, climatopes patterns based on Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential of
the urban morphology at a scale necessary for planning could be derived. The spatial
distribution of wind information has also been included in the UC-AnMap.

3.1.2 Key generic interpretation of the urban climatic parameters for planning
The UC-AnMap takes into account various urban climatic related planning parameters as GIS
input layers. They are then synthesised based on the parameters respective thermal load and
dynamic potential impacts. Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) is used as the
consolidating indicator to measure the various parameters positive and negative effect on
urban climate (Table I-36).

Table I-36 Parameters and layers of UC-AnMap
Effect Scientific Basis Input layers
Negative Building bulk
Layer 1
Building Volume Map
0 to 5
Altitude and
Layer 2
Topographical Height Map
-3 to 0
Bioclimatic effects
Layer 3
Green Space Map
-1 to 0
Negative Urban permeability
Layer 4
Ground Coverage Map
-2 to 0
Bioclimatic effects
- Cold air movement
Layer 5
Natural Landscape Map
0 to 1
Air mass exchange
and Neighbourhood
Layer 6
Proximity to Openness
-2 to 0
MM5 Simulation and
HKO field
Layer 7
Prevailing Wind Directions

Layer 2 (topographical height) and Layer 5 (natural landscape) are largely given and
basically fixed. Layer 1 (building volume), Layer 3 (green space), Layer 4 (ground coverage)
and Layer 6 (proximity to openness) are considered to be useful parameters in formulating
appropriate planning controls and actions to address problem areas (Table I-37).

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Table I-37 UC-AnMap layers and planning parameters

Higher building volume leads
to higher PET
Building volume, building density, floor
area ratio and plot ratio
Green Space Higher green space leads to
lower PET
Greenery and tree planting, city parks
Higher ground coverage leads
to higher PET
Non building areas, building set back, open
spaces, building site coverage
Proximity to
Proximity to openness leads
to lower PET
Waterfront, hillside, large open spaces and
parks Building Volume
The planning parameter of Building Volume has an implication on Thermal Load. The
quantitative effect of Building Volume on PET values has been studied. The investigation
has selected 17 urban areas (Figure I-116) with mostly Class 4 and 5 UCPZs [site no. 1 to 17
in Table I-38], and 2 urban areas with mostly Class 3 and 4 UCPZs [site no. 18 to 19 in Table
I-38] from the UC-AnMap. The building site area ratios (BSAR), i.e. the ratio of building site
area to the total site area, of the test areas are calculated. The BSAR
is typically found to be
in the order of 50% in less dense areas like Fanling and Tai Po and at 60 to 70% in denser
areas of Hong Kong (Figure I-117 and Table I-38).

For example, for a BSAR of 60%, 40% of the area will be open area. If 50% of the building site is not
built upon (i.e. site coverage of 50%), another 30% (i.e. 60% x 50%) of the area will be open as well. The
total open area will be 40% + 30%, i.e. 70%, and the ground coverage will only be 30%

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Figure I-116 The selected dense urban areas of Hong Kong





















Building Site Area Ratio

Figure I-117 Building Site Area Ratio of the selected dense urban areas of Hong Kong
f fo or r c co om mp pa ar rs si io on n
p pu ur rp po os se e
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Table I-38 The selected dense urban areas [designated and focused] for the calculation of TBV, BV on BSA, BVD, GC, SGC, BSAR and FAR
Site No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Test area (S) (km
) 0.12 0.74 0.32 0.63 0.68 0.39 0.43 0.64 0.61 0.5 0.49 0.47 0.42 0.48 0.56 0.91 0.83 0.82 0.57 0.51
Wan &
Sai Ying
Bay &
East Wan
Shau Kei
Shui Po
To Kwa
Building Site Area
BSA (km
0.57 0.65 0.59 0.72 0.61 0.57 0.65 0.71 0.66 0.58 0.6 0.61 0.63 0.65 0.6 0.71 0.72 0.54 0.51 0.49
Total Building
Volume TBV
[(000,000) / km] (m
46 19 24 20 22 21 21 21 17 12 17 11 11 19 14 12 16 8 7 5
[( 000,000) / km]
45 17 23 20 21 20 21 20 17 11 16 11 11 18 13 12 15 7 6 5
Building Volume
Density BVD (%)
38% 15% 20% 17% 18% 17% 18% 17% 14% 10% 14% 9% 9% 16% 12% 10% 13% 6% 5% 4%
Ground Coverage
GC (%)
49% 42% 41% 49% 44% 40% 44% 43% 44% 36% 42% 40% 35% 48% 44% 31% 34% 28% 25% 26%
Site Ground
Coverage SGC (%)
86% 64% 69% 68% 72% 70% 68% 60% 66% 63% 70% 65% 56% 74% 72% 43% 47% 52% 49% 53%
Building Site Area
Ratio BSAR (%)
57% 65% 59% 72% 61% 57% 65% 71% 66% 58% 60% 61% 63% 65% 60% 71% 72% 54% 51% 49%
Floor Area Ratio FAR
( 4.0 to 3.0 m)
~20 7-9 10-13 7-9 9-11 9-12 8-11 7-9 6-8 5-6 7-9 4-6 4-6 7-10 6-7 4-6 5-7 3-4 3-4 2-3

S = Size in km of test areas of the various locations;

Building Site Area (BSA) includes all land use zones that can be built on within S
, normalised to 1 km;
Total Building Volume (TBV) = total above ground building volume in S, normalised to 1 km for cross comparative purpose among various locations;
(BV on BSA) = above ground building volume on BSA in S, normalized to 1 km for cross comparative purpose among various locations;
Building Volume Density (BVD) [For the definition of BVD, please refer to Part I],
in this case, the understanding is area averaged for S;
Ground Coverage (GC) = total built over area in S / S, in this case, the understanding is area averaged for S;
Site Ground Coverage (SGC) = GC / BSAR, in this case, the understanding is area averaged for S;
Building Site Area Ratio (BSAR) = BSA / S, the understanding is area averaged for S;
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) = [(BV on BSA) / floor height] / BSA, and the floor to floor heights ( are taken to be 4.0 to 3.0 (m), the understanding is area averaged for S;
For comparison purpose, an area of 300x400 m in Central (Site No. 0) with very high BVD is included as an illustration only
Building Site Area includes Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Government, Institution & Community Facilities, and Other Urban or Built-up Land

Building Volume Density in % (BVD) is the above ground building volume in m
of a 100m x 100m grid of land divided by a datum value of 1,217,000 m

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By assuming typical building floor heights to be 3 to 4m, the 3-dimensional building volume
understanding can be translated to the 2-dimensional floor area understanding. Since the UC-
AnMap only considers above ground building volume, only above ground floor areas are
accounted for. With the assumed building height and calculated BSAR, the threshold area
average Floor Area Ratio (FAR) can be estimated. In contrast to Plot Ratio (PR)
accounts for all above-ground floor areas including concessionary GFA, and is practically
and realistically more directly related to building volume, and hence the thermal load
understanding of the UC-AnMap. There is, however, no fixed and direct conversion between
FAR and PR. In order to estimate the PR equivalent of FAR, a range of FAR to PR ratios of
1.2 to 1.5 have been used in column 5 of Table I-39, based on a recent study by the
Development Bureau, HKSAR Government.

In the urban context of Hong Kong, given its high PR, high FAR and tall building heights, the
focus is mostly in PET categories 3 or 4 of the building volume layer of the UC-AnMap. For
planning purpose, on an area average basis, it is useful to note the threshold values of about
3, 7 and 10 FAR being the upper limit of UC-AnMap PET categories 2, 3 and 4
respectively in the dense urban areas. It may be useful to make reference to these values
when working out the allowable PR of various sites when taking into account concessionary
GFA (Column 5 of Table I-39). When determining the threshold of 3, 7 and 10 in reading
Table I-39, the principle of leniency for the less critical low density conditions and the
principle of prudence for the more critical high density conditions have been used.

In areas having wider streets and more open spaces, on an area average basis, BSAR will be
slightly lower (around 50 to 60%). It is therefore possible, if needed, to adopt a slightly
higher FAR for such areas than areas having narrow streets and few or no open spaces (i.e.
BSAR of 60 to 70%). In such areas, a threshold of FAR=8 may be used for UC-AnMap PET
categories 3 and 4. However, it may be better, urban climatically speaking, to
preserve/maintain these areas without bringing their densities up to the threshold.

Refer to the table in the Legislative Council Panel on Development (19 Dec 2008) paper titled Ranges
of GFA Concessions Granted as a Percentage over Actual GFA of Sample Buildings.
( Since 1 April 2011, the PNAP
APP-151 takes effect and imposes a cap of 10% on GFA concessions for non-mandatory/non-essential
plant rooms and services and specified green/amenity features, whilst the provision of facilities or features
eligible for GFA concessions (e.g. mandatory features or essential plant rooms) are still subject to technical
criteria laid down in relevant regulations under the Building Ordinance and/or design guidelines
promulgated by the Building Department.
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Table I-39 The relationship between Building Volume Density (%) and Floor Area Ratio

In medium/high density areas, on an area average basis, a FAR in the range of 6 to 7 can be
suggested as being reasonably optimal. To limit the increase in thermal load due to
building volume, from a planning point of view, on an area average basis, it is recommended
that FAR of 7
be adopted as the threshold from the outset, subject to consideration of other
relevant factors. FAR of 8 to 9 is occasionally possible subject to provision of effective
mitigation measures. In any case, FAR of more than 7 would demand careful design. Based
on the Hong Kong UC-AnMap thermal comfort formulation, Hot - Strong heat stress can
be experienced under category 4 (4

C) of PET increase; this should be avoided. Higher FAR,

if needed, is possible subject to mitigation measures like greening and reducing ground
coverage. As shown in Table I-38, on an area average basis, most of the concerned areas in
Hong Kong [e.g. areas in Central/ Sheung Wan, Causeway Bay, Kwun Tong, and Tusen Wan
etc.] has FAR of 8 or above. Building Volume with FAR higher than 8 in high density areas
(see Table I-39) may increase the thermal load significantly; as such, careful scrutiny of
building volume is essential, and mitigation measures must be implemented.

It is important to bear in mind that the correlation between building volume and thermal load
follows a logarithmic relationship, as evident in column 2 of Table I-39. This means that

Based on Table I-39, FAR of 7 for areas with BSAR 50%, +3 degrees in PET; for areas with BSAR
60%, +4 degrees (marginally); and for areas with BSAR 70%, +4 degrees.


volume density
(BVD) %

In UC-AnMap,
BVD= 100%, Its
value =1.217
million m3

=[(2) x 1.217
million m
oximate Floor
Area (m

floor area =
1000 m

=3 to 4m

Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
= [(3) x Approximate Floor
Area (m
)]/ [grid (m
) x BSAR]

Assume average building site area
(Building Site Area) to 100x100
grid ratio of in an 1 km
area BSAR (%)


Plot Ratio
=(4) / (FAR/PR)

Assume FAR/PR of
1.2 1.5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 and paved 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 to 4% ~ to 12-16
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
3 4 to 10% ~ to 30-40
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
4 10 to 25% ~ to 75-100
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
5 25 to 100% > 75-100
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whilst it is very effective to control building volume alone, and thus the urban thermal load in
the range of FAR of 1 to 5, it is less effective when FAR is 6 or above. Other mitigation
measures are also necessary and can be more effective in these high density areas. In the
dense urban areas of Hong Kong, unless FAR can be dramatically reduced, given the already
high FAR commonly practised, building volume control [and thus building height

plot ratio control] must be complemented with other mitigation measures such as improving
air paths, reducing ground coverage and increasing green spaces.

Overall, on an area average basis in planning terms, reducing/maintaining Building Volume
in low/medium density areas with FAR of 1 to 5 is very effective and beneficial to lowering
urban thermal load. In medium/ high density areas, FAR in the range of 6 to 7 can be
suggested as reasonably optimal when buildings are carefully designed. FAR of 8 to 9 is
occasionally permissible but would require mitigation measures. In very high density areas, a
FAR above 10 will increase the thermal load significantly, therefore careful scrutiny of
building volume is essential and mitigation measures are required. To limit the building
volume contribution to thermal load, it is recommended that FAR of 7 be adopted as a
working threshold from the outset.

With regard to building height, based on the buildings aerodynamic understanding of various
flow regimes isolated roughness flow, wake interference flow and skimming flow - it is
effective to enhance air ventilation by controlling building heights in low/medium density
areas with building height/street width ratio (H/W) of 2 and below. In general, varying
building heights is useful to enhance turbulent mixing and improve dynamic potential. For
urban areas with H/W of 2 or above, non-uniform building height bands of sufficient height
contrast would be more effective to enhance air ventilation. Other parallel measures such as
providing air paths or breezeways should be considered as well to enhance their effectiveness.

An urban area of varying building heights is typically better than one with uniform and monotonous
heights. This is because of the higher turbulence and greater sky view factor (SVF) differentials that
different heights of buildings of an urban area can create; this encourages mixing and is beneficial to
pedestrian level urban ventilation; and this also results in higher overall SVF and hence assists urban heat
dissipation. Variations of building heights do not mean a difference of a few, 10 or 20 meters. It means
building height contrast of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75H, H being the tallest building, randomly distributed and
arranged in the area. This guiding principle should be applied with care and the building height
controls/relaxations resulted should be justifiable taking into account other planning considerations.

Khan I M et al (2004) Effect of local and upstream geometry on flow dynamics in urban environment, in
Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics
Cost Action C14, Impact of Wind and Storm on City Life and Built Environment, edited by J P A J van
Beeck, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, May 2004. [ISBN 2-930389-11-7] quoted as follows:
Uniformity in height of buildings along parallel streets in an urban environment promotes shear at roof-
level, thereby trapping fluid within the canyon. On the other hand, non-uniformity in building height
and the presence of substantial upstream buildings promotes turbulence which helps in ventilation of street
canyons. the objective should be to reduce shear at roof-level and promote turbulence.
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Given the same FAR / PR, increase in floor-to-floor height will increase the building volume
and thus the thermal load. Therefore, unreasonably high floor-to-floor height is not
encouraged. Greenery

Figure I-118 Greening, especially tree planting, is encouraged at ground or podium level for
better cooling of the urban environment at the pedestrian level

Greening is beneficial to the amenity of the urban environment and also urban climate
(Figure I-118). A survey study in Hong Kong (Lo et. al., 2003) shows that microclimate is the
most important criterion for urban open space users in Hong Kong, followed by the lesser
criteria of soft landscape, seating and hard landscapes. Among the sub-criteria, planting far
outweighs the importance of the other criteria. This in turn reinforces the importance of
microclimate as planting performs most of the functions in regulating microclimate of urban
open spaces (Figure I-119).

Figure I-119 Global weightings for sub-design criteria

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In general, based on the CUHKs study of effect of the planning parameter of Green Space on
Thermal Load using Envi-Met model simulation
, an area average of 30% of greenery
coverage, with a mixture of tree planting (50%) and grass coverage (50%) in a 100mx100m
grid, would lead to a reduction in one PET (Wang & Ng, 2010). Tree planting is far more
effective than grass covering, as their canopy not only cools the air space at the pedestrian
level, but also provide shading and thus lower direct radiation from the sun. Similarly,
intensive tree planting with trees of high leaf area index
(>4 to 6, i.e. dense leaf canopy
(Brda, 2003)) is found to contribute to a reduction in 2 PET. On the other hand, grass
mainly reduces the surface temperature and thus only lowers mainly the Tmrt [Mean Radiant
Temperature] of the environment.

Pockets of green oasis, that is to say, large area (~ 70m x 70m) of tree planting, in urban areas
are useful in providing localised thermal reliefs to the urban environment (lower PET by 1 to
2 classes for the immediate vicinity). Taking into account human thermal adaptation, in high
density areas, they are extremely useful in providing thermal diversity to the built
environment, such that people can choose and experience a cooler locality in the midst of
high-rise developments. The effectiveness of these oases can be increased if air path
connectivity, as explained later, can also be implemented.

For the purpose of counting the crown area of trees, a study by Professor CY Jim has
indicated that the majority of trees in urban Hong Kong has crown diameter of less than 5m,
with the mean being around 2-3m (Jim, 1998). Ground Coverage

In Hong Kong, given the already high building density and building volume, reducing ground
coverage is a useful strategy to encourage air ventilation and therefore lowering the PET
(Table I-40). For planning purpose, in high density areas, it is useful to note the ground
coverage threshold values of around 30% and 50% being the upper limit of UC-AnMap
Ground Coverage Layer PET category -2 and -1 respectively (Table I-40). For example, in

The CUHK study finding(Wang & Ng, 2010) is in line with the Sustainable Development Units recent
engagement exercise titled Building Design to Foster Quality and Sustainable Built Environment that
recommended site greening of 20 to 25%; this is equivalent to 33 to 37% when it is normalised to the city
area average understanding of the UCMap. Japanese researcher Masakazu Moriyama has also recently
obtained similar findings with his research in greening based in Osaka.

Leaf Area Index (LAI) is the ratio of total upper leaf surface of vegetation divided by the surface area of
the land on which the vegetation grows. LAI is a dimensionless value, typically ranging from 0 for bare
ground to 6 for a dense forest(Brda, 2003).
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urban areas where streets are narrow (e.g. in Sheung Wan and Kwun Tong), and Building
Site Area Ratio (BSAR) is high i.e. 70%, it is important to consider measures such as
providing non-building areas, building set back, as well as creating more open spaces so that
the grid average ground coverage can be lowered to below 50%, with the grid average site
ground coverage below 65%. Greening should be considered for the resultant non-building
area [see the section on green space above for further information] (Figure I-120).

Figure I-120 Non-building areas (building set back) to reduce ground coverage is recommended.
Greening is encouraged

Table I-40 The relationship between the planning parameter of Ground Coverage (%)
and Site Gound Coverage (%)
Layer PET-
Grid Ground
ground area
covered (m) in
a 100m x 100m
Site Ground Coverage (SGC) (%)
Assume building site area ratio (BSAR) in a
100mx100m grid as follows:
BSAR 60 % BSAR 65 % BSAR 70 %
-2 0 to 30 % 0 to 3,000 0 to 50 % 0 to 46 % 0 to 43 %
-1 30 to 50 % 3,000 to 5,000 50 to 83 % 46 to 76 % 42 to 70 %
0 Over 50 % Over 5,000 > 82 % > 75 % > 70 %
GGC = built over area / grid area of the UC-Map 100m x 100m grid.
SGC = built over area / buildable land use zones within the grid area of UC-Map 100m x 100m grid. Proximity to Openness and Connectivity
The extensive coastline of Hong Kong is beneficial in allowing sea breezes into the urban
area. From a strategic planning perspective, it is important to utilise this air movement by
reducing ground coverage of developments near the waterfront, and create breezeways/air
paths perpendicular to the waterfront to direct sea breezes inland (Figure I-121). Major
breezeways can be around 100m in width or greater and should have very low ground
roughness. Both landscaped and water channel breezeways are considered to be very
effective in bringing cooler and cleaner air into the urban areas.

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With reference to BDs study
, for an urban area to benefit from its proximity to openness, a
site permeability of 25 to 35% is suggested. Together with an aggregate of roads leading
from the waterfront, open spaces, non-building areas, and gaps between buildings etc., this
may result in an area average ground coverage equivalent to 50%; thus improving dynamic
potential and lowering the UC-AnMap class.

Urban areas can also benefit from downhill air movement from vegetated hillsides. This
katabatic air movement is basically gravity flow that can easily be stopped or interrupted by
buildings and paved areas. It is therefore very important not to disturb the vegetation on
these slopes. It is also useful to intensify them with further tree planting. To bring the
katabatic air movement further into the urban area, it is useful to create green fingers to
facilitate the flow. The key for urban permeability is to relate it with air ventilation
connectivity; that is to say, the open spaces and air paths must be well connected.

Figure I-121 Ways of creating breezeways and air paths in the urban fabric

The free flow of air ventilation through the urban fabric (for example on the northern shore of
the Hong Kong) can be greatly assisted by connecting the waterfront with the vegetated hill
slopes through a connection of breezeways, air paths, open spaces, greeneries, green oasis
and green fingers. Various connection strategies can be considered (Figure I-122).

BDs consultancy study on Building Design that Supports Sustainable Urban Living Space in HK
[Buildings Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2009),
Consultancy Study on Building Design that Supports Sustainable Urban Living Space in HK.]

Vegetated hill slopes
Reduced thickness
increases urban
Thick urban
structure reduces
urban permeability
Water sea breezes
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Figure I-122 Ways of creating breezeways and air paths in the urban fabric

Open spaces in the urban area allow the above roof-top wind to flow into them and benefit
pedestrian air ventilation. In general, the dimensions of the open space should be no less than
twice the average height of the surrounding buildings. This would create a height to width
ratio of below 0.5. A comparison of suggestions
The Council for Sustainable Developments (SDC) public engagement exercise titled
Building Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment contains a number
of suggestions, which are compared with the findings of this study (Table I-41). While the
policy options set out by the SDC in its Invitation for Response document are more related
to individual building sites, recommendations in this UC-Map Study are district-based and
derived from a strategic and comprehensive analysis of the urban climatic conditions of Hong
Kong as a whole. However, they essentially complement one another.

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Table I-41 Suggestions of UC-Map vs. SDCs exercise

Site based measures
suggested in SDCs IR
General Planning Guidelines
Recommended under the UCM

Building Separation/
Building Setback/

Ground (Site)
20% to 33.3% building
separation & set back at street
level in narrow streets.
building separation requirement for
the middle and high assessment
zones as per PNAP APP-152
building setback;
Ground coverage of not more than

20% to 30% of the site areas.
Greenery (preferably tree planting)
of no less than 30% for sites larger
than 1 ha, and 20% for sites below 1
ha at lower levels, preferably at
grade. Sites smaller than 1,000m
are exempted.
GFA Concession
Reviewing prevailing policies
for granting GFA concessions,
including introduction of
overall / individual caps
City area average threshold FAR
values of 3 to 7 are suggested;
FAR > 7 would require some
mitigation measures;
FAR > 10 to be very carefully
scrutinised and mitigated.
Proximity to
Openness and
Building Permeability (at all
levels of the building)
equivalent to 20% to 33.3% of
total frontal area in large sites.
Air paths and green fingers
Air path connectivitiy.
Building Heights Nil
Vary building heights;
Excessive floor to floor height is
not encouraged.


In line with international practice for UC-ReMap studies, especially the experience of
German and Japanese researchers, the urban climatic analytical information are evaluated and
interpreted into urban climatic planning zones (UCPZ) with planning recommendations

The General planning guidelines recommended under the UCM Study are derived based on the urban
climatic considerations at strategic/district levels. Since they are developed using the area average 100m
100m grid understanding of the UC-Map and assuming urban homogeneity, they are intended to be
district-based measures and not supposed to explain the micro scale details. The numbers suggested must
not be directly adopted for site-based works. In determining appropriate development parameters for
individual sites, apart from these general planning guidelines, reference should also be made to all strategic
and district planning frameworks as well as individual site circumstances.
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According to the UC-AnMap information and its likely positive and negative impacts on
human urban thermal comfort, for ease of definable planning actions, it was deemed
reasonable to consolidate the 8 urban climatic (UC) classes of the UC-AnMap into 5 UCPZs
of the UC-ReMap (Figure I-123 & Table I-42) in accordance with their urban climatic
characteristics and planning implications.

UC Classes 1 and 2 covering urban climatically valuable areas with positive urban climatic
impact should basiscally be preserved, and are therefore grouped into one UCPZ. Since the
Studys thermal comfort survey had concluded that UC Classes 3 and 4 have neutral and
slight thermal comfort impact, they can reasonably be grouped into one UCPZ. UC Class 5
indicates moderate thermal comfort impact and will form a separate UCPZ. UC Classes 6
and 7 indicate moderately strong to strong thermal comfort impact and will be combined
as one UCPZ. Finally, due to the severity of UC Class 8 (with very strong thermal comfort
impact), it is considered to form a UCPZ of its own.

Figure I-123 The formulation of UCPZs for the UC-ReMap
(Graphics used are indicative)

Table I-42 The 5 UCPZs of the UC-ReMap
No Urban Climatic Class
Impact on Thermal
Urban Climatic Planning
Strategic Planning
1 Moderate negative Thermal Load
and Good Dynamic Potential

Moderate cooling

Urban climatically valuable
Some negative Thermal Load and
Good Dynamic Potential

Slight cooling
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3 Low Thermal Load and Good
Dynamic Potential
Neutral urban climatically
sensitive area
4 Some Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential

Slight warming
Moderate Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential


Moderate urban climatically
sensitive area
Some mitigation
actions encouraged
where possible
Moderately High Thermal Load and
Low Dynamic Potential

Moderately strong

High urban climatically
sensitive area
Mitigation actions
recommended and
High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential

Strong warming
Very High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential

Very strong

Very highly urban
climatically sensitive area
Mitigation actions
recommended and
cooling thermal impact warming thermal impact


The 5 Urban Climatic Planning Zones (UCPZ) are as follow:
UCPZ1: Preservation
UCPZ2: Maintenance
UCPZ3: Some mitigation actions encouraged where possible
UCPZ4: Mitigation actions recommended and necessary
UCPZ5: Mitigation actions recommended and essential

The valuable urban climatic characteristics of UCPZ 1, which are cooler areas on higher
ground and with better wind, should generally be preserved. Opportunities for mitigation
within UCPZs 3, 4 and 5, which are subject to high thermal load and low dynamic potential,
should be maximised. Hong Kongs long-term development needs may be accommodated in
UCPZ 2 subject to prudent planning and design measures so as to maintain the existing urban
climatic characteristics.

The 5 UCPZs are depicted in the UC-ReMap of Hong Kong (Figure I-124). Key planning
recommendations at a district planning level are formulated based on the analysis and
evaluation of the effects of the following planning parameters on thermal load or dynamic
potential (see Table I-43):
Breezeway and air paths
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Building volume
Ground coverage
Natural areas and Cool air production / drainage areas
Open spaces

Their understanding is based on the various layers and urban climatic parameters as analysed
in the UC-AnMap. In short, the following planning parameters can be controlled to help
create a better urban climate:

Thermal Load understanding
Layer 1 Building volume density
Layer 3 Greenery

Dynamic Potential understanding
Layer 4 Ground coverage
Layer 6 Breezeway and air paths
Natural areas, Cool air production / drainage areas
Open spaces and proximity to waterfront

It is useful for the key planning recommendations of the UCPZs to be read in conjunction
with the Wind Information Layer, which is also incorporated into the UC-ReMap. For
example, when air path is referred to in a specific planning recommendation, this can be read
with the prevailing wind direction of a particular wind region and an understanding of
minor modifications of the topography as indicated with the key wind arrows, to help
determine initially, the direction of the desirable air path. Further detailed studies can then be
based on this initial understanding.

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The Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map of Hong Kong
100m x 100m resolution, raster based

Figure I-124 The UC-ReMap, 100m100m raster based, with wind information - prevailing
wind directions (summer)

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Table I-43 General Recommendations for the 5 UCPZs
Urban Climatic
Planning Zone
Planning action
Key Planning Recommendations
valuable area

1 Preserve the urban climatic conditions
2 Natural areas at higher altitude and with fewer
obstructions to wind act as sources of cool air
production and drainage areas, which are
beneficial to other areas (e.g. vegetated hill
slopes adjacent to urban areas) and should
therefore be preserved. Sealing (covering of
ground surface) or development should be
3 In view of its urban climatic value, there is a
general presumption against major
development in this zone.
4 Small-scale and essential developments may
be allowed in areas other than in natural areas
identified in 2 above subject to:
(a) careful planning and design of these
developments to minimise any disruption
to the existing urban climatic
(b) maximising greenery and open areas; and
(c) minimising sealing.

Neutral urban
sensitive area

1 Maintain the urban climatic conditions
2 These zones are currently urban climatically
neutral in terms of urban thermal comfort.
They are mostly urban fringe or rural lowland.
It is important to maintain their climatic
3 General urban climatic characteristics such as
lower building volume, open spaces and
greenery should be maintained as far as

4 New low-density individual developments
could be allowed subject to:
(a) a low building volume and a satisfactory
disposition of buildings to align with the
prevailing wind directions and preserve
existing air paths;
(b) a low ground coverage in order not to
impede air flow; and
(c) maximisation of greenery within
development sites.
5 New comprehensive development is possible
subject to thorough urban climatic
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consideration. Prudent planning and building
design is necessary to avoid degrading the
urban climatic condition. Breezeways and air
paths must be carefully designed. Street grids
and building disposition must respect
prevailing wind directions. High building
volume and ground coverage should be

Moderate urban
sensitive area
where possible

1 Some mitigation actions encouraged where
2 These zones are currently subject to urban
climatically moderate impact in terms of
thermal comfort. They are mostly in the urban
fringe or less dense development areas.
3 Additional development is permissible subject
to :
(a) urban climatic evaluation in terms of
building volume and green coverage;
(b) dispositioning of new buildings in line
with the prevailing wind directions, to
preserve/enhance existing air paths;
(c) reduction of ground coverage in order not
to impede air movement; and
(d) maximisation of greening, particularly
tree planting within development sites and
adjoining streets.
4 Greening should be promoted in open areas as
far as practicable.

High urban
sensitive area
and necessary

1 Mitigation actions recommended and
2 These zones are already densely built up.
Thermal Load is high and dynamic potential is
low. Some strong impact on thermal
comfort is expected.
3 Air paths/breezeways, and low-rise, low-
density Government, Institution or
Community (GIC) sites should be preserved
as far as possible.
4 Greenery, particularly tree planting on streets
and open aress, should be increased.
5 Additional development should not be allowed
unless with appropriate mitigation measures,
(a) reducing ground coverage to balance
against any increase in building volume;
(b) respecting existing air paths and
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introducing new ones, if feasible;
(c) positioning buildings to align with the
prevailing wind directions; and
(d) maximising greening within development

Very highly
sensitive area
and essential
1 Mitigation actions recommended and
2 These zones are already very densely built-up.
Thermal Load is very high and dynamic
potential is low. Very strong impact on thermal
comfort is expected. Frequent occurrence of
thermal stress is anticipated.
3 Intensification of GIC sites which serve as a
relief to the existing condition should be
avoided. Additional and intensified greening
within the GIC sites is essential.
4 Additional greenery and tree planting on open
areas and streets in this zone is essential and
recommended. Intensified greening in Open
Space zones is strongly recommended.
5 The existing urban environment should be
improved by:
(a) identifying, respecting, widening and
enhancing exsiting air paths;
(b) creating new air paths;
(c) reducing ground coverage, setting back
building line alone narrow streets,
aligning the long frontage of building
with prevailing wind directions; and
(d) maximising site greening upon
6 Intensification of use, adding building volume
and/or ground coverage are not recommended
unless with strong justifications and
appropriate mitigation measures.


A unique feature of the Hong Kong UC-ReMap is the extensive UCPZ 1 areas. These areas
are natural areas and some are cool air production areas. Most of them are country parks
under stringent control from further development. It is important that the urban climatic
conditions be preserved. The UCPZ 2 areas are currently urban climatically netural in
terms of urban thermal comfort. They are mostly urban fringe or rural low land. It is
important to maintain their urban climatic conditions.
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The UCPZ 3 areas can be found in the urban fringe or low-density development areas. Their
urban climatic condition is moderately warm. As such some mitigation actions are
encouraged where possible to mitigate the slightly negative climatic effect of these areas.

Isolated clusters of UCPZ 4 areas can be found in the new towns, including Tai Po, Ma On
Shan, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai, and Tung Chung, etc. Care must be exercised to prevent
aggravation of the problem. In addition, some of these areas currently benefit from the
extensive green areas (UCPZ 1 & 2) and downhill air movements/valley winds around them.
Such green areas and natural ventilation systems should be preserved.

Clusters of UCPZ 4 areas mixed with scattered UCPZ 5 areas can be found in various areas
including Tseung Kwan O, Tuen Mun, Shatin, and Aberdeen etc. Currently, there are air
paths and breezeways dividing the development clusters within these areas. They provide
some useful air ventilation reliefs. However, some local areas may be subject to negative air
ventilation condition, e.g. the air ventilation condition of Po Lam and Hang Hau areas in
Tsuen Kwan O may be weakened due to the rather enclosed surrounding topography. At
Tuen Mun, the area benefits from the north-south channeling winds. In particular, Tuen Mun
River Channel is a useful breezeway into the town centre and it is important to maintain the
openness of the channel.

Extensive arrays of inter-mixed UCPZ 4 & 5 areas can be found in the metro areas of Hong
Kong at the northern part of the Hong Kong Island, at the Kowloon Peninsula and at Tsuen
Wan. Not only are these areas extensive, they also form a continuous barrier to the beneficial
sea breezes, particularly at the Kowloon Peninsula with its larger land masses. Therefore,
mitigation measures are recommended and essential for these areas.

As shown in Figure I-125, the Hong Kong Urban Climatic Maps provide an urban climatic
information platform and urban climatic planning framework with a comprehensive set of
planning recommendations for strategic and district planning (Table I-43). It also provides an
urban climatic context for site-level and area-wide further micro-climatic and AVA studies
which urban climatologists should be consulted as and when necessary.

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Figure I-125 The UC-ReMap and Hong Kong Planning Framework


Based on the Hong Kong UC-ReMap, 4 Designated Areas can be identified (Figure I-126
and Table I-44). The designated areas are areas with clusters of UCPZ 5 surrounded by
UCPZ 4 areas. They are areas of very high thermal load and poor dynamic potential. All the
four Designated Areas are heavily built up areas with a mixture of residential, commercial
and other land uses; and all four areas have narrow street networks, few open areas and green
spaces and with intensive human activities. It is recommended to conduct focused and
detailed studies of the 4 Designated Areas and to develop key mitigation plans for
implementation. Section 3.1.2 can be a useful reference.

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Figure I-126 Four designated areas based on the HK UC-ReMap

Table I-44 Urban Climatic Analytical Characteristics of Four designated areas
Urban Climatic Analytical characteristics

Main areas
volume density
(BVD) class
(GC) class
% class
(DP) class
Central +
Sheung Wan +
Sai Ying Pun
Area around The
4 and 5
(high thermal
(high ground
(no positive
(low DP)
Causeway Bay +
East Wan Chai
Area around
Causeway Bay MTR

4 and 5



Tsuen Wan
Area around Sha
Tsui Rd / Chung On
St intersection

4 and 5



Kwun Tong
Areas around Kwun
Tong MTR station

4 and 5




3.5.1 Breezeways and air paths
All 4 Designated Areas can benefit from breezeways (over 100m wide) and major air paths
(width not less than 1/3 to 1/4 the average building height along the path) aligned to the
prevailing winds (particularly summer wind). In Tokyo, the Kaze-no-michi (ventilation path)
study from Tokyo Station to the waterfront has been a major initiative by the TMG to try
establishing a major air path for the areas. This bold attempt requires determination and
support from stakeholders and the general public. However, this is difficult to implement in
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the Hong Kong context. As such, the focus should be on appropriately designed breezeways
and air paths of sufficient width, which can improve the dynamic potential of an area by
approximately 1 to 2 urban climatic classes, or more. This would in turn have an effect of
lowering the UCPZ by 1 category.

3.5.2 Greening
Greening has been strongly encouraged by TMG for their four designated areas in Tokyos
23 wards. In the City of Stuttgart, green corridors leading into the city are zealously guarded
and enhanced. For Hong Kong, developing a greening strategy to increase green coverage
can be effective in enhancing human thermal comfort within the urban areas. Extensive road
side tree planting, green podium, green wall and green roof, as well as water bodies and
features at the pedestrian level are useful. Creating urban green oasis and establishing
network of connected green corridors, ideally free of traffic, can provide resting points and
more thermally comforting movement routes for pedestrians. Appropriately planned tree
planting and good greenery coverage can reduce the thermal load of the urban environment
by 1 to 2 urban climatic classes, or more. This, again, has the effect of lowering the UCPZ
by 1 category.

3.5.3 Other mitigation measures anthropogenic heat
Reducing anthropogenic heat is useful, though not so effective in terms of mitigating urban
thermal discomfort at the pedestrian level. Reducing surface traffic volume, pedestrianising a
network of streets, enhanced tree planting, and adopting district cooling may contribute to
improving urban climatic conditions. These have been attempted in Tokyo and elsewhere.
TMG has adopted this mitigation measure with a more important national policy to reduce
energy consumption of buildings. Hence, these mitigation measures have been championed
mainly to support this national policy. However, it is estimated, based on recent researches in
Japan, that the benefit to pedestrian level urban thermal environment is only less than half an
urban climatic class. Nonetheless, it is still a potential minor improvement that is useful to
bear in mind in the future.

3.5.4 Other mitigation measures cool and water retentive materials
Some overseas researchers have investigated the potential benefits using cool materials or
water retention materials. Whilst this study is planning oriented and has not investigated
the effect of using cool materials in details, it is worthwhile to further investigate cool and
water retentive materials as a mitigation measure under separate studies.

3.5.5 Building Separation
In line with 3.5.1, apart from creating breezeways and air paths, it is useful to increase urban
permeability with building separations. Making reference to the Council for Sustainable
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Development's Invitation for Response Document titled Building Design to Foster a Quality
and Sustainable Built Environment under some circumstances, building separation (at all
levels) equivalent to 20% to 33.3% of the total frontage area of the building is a useful
reference and starting point in promoting air ventilation. Conducting detail AVA is also a
useful way to establish the detail the separation requirement.

3.5.6 Some working examples of mitigation measures
The following worked examples demonstrate ways to mitigate the adverse urban climatic

Example 1: A dense urban area has a very high FAR of 9 to 10, or higher. The area
average ground coverage exceeds 70% with large podia typically at 100% site coverage.
The area has little greenery. In this case, the area would fall under UCPZ 5, with very
high thermal load and very low dynamic potential. It would induce very high heat
related stress in the summer months.

Example 2: A dense urban area has a high FAR of 9 or 10. The area average site
coverage can be limited to under 70%, and the area average greenery of 30% or more
can be provided, the area would then fall under UCPZ 4. The area would have high
thermal load and some dynamic potential. It would induce high heat related stress in the
summer months of Hong Kong.

Example 3: Thus, for the two areas discussed above, it is beneficial to limit the area
average building volume to FAR=7 or lower; to limit the area average site coverage
to under 70%; and to ensure the area has an area average greenery of 30% or
more. In doing so, the area would then fall in UCPZ of 3 to 4. Coupled with the
possible benefits of the areas proximity to the waterfront, large open spaces and green
hill slopes, a level of UCPZ 3 or even UCPZ 2 could be achieved. The area would have
some thermal load and some dynamic potential. It would induce slight to moderate heat
related stress in the summer months.

Given Hong Kongs high density city structure and building morphology, Examples 1 to 3
illustrate the importance of reducing ground coverage to create air paths and greenery to
improve the urban climatic environment.

In existing dense urban areas, it is difficult to improve the urban climatic environment on an
area average basis without lowering building density of the entire area. In UCPZ 4 and 5
dominated areas, for example in Sheung Wan and Causeway Bay, it is useful to have an
area-line-point planning strategy. Urban oasis can be strategically positioned to provide
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point of relief. Selected streets and open spaces could be aligned with the points to
create lines of relief so that pedestrian has a choice to move around the city following the
network of lines. An urban area so designed will have the needed environmental diversity
important for urban thermal variations and options (Steemers & Steane, 2004).

Example 4: In suburban areas with a low FAR of 3, An area average ground coverage
of 50%, and an area average greenery of 30% or more, the area would be classified as
UCPZ 2. The area would have low/moderate thermal load and good dynamic potential.
It would induce neutral or slightly negative heat related stress in the summer months.

3.5.7 Considering Building Volume Density [BVD], Ground Coverage, Greenery and
Proximity of Openness
There is no single solution to all urban climatic issues. Many other considerations and
constraints have to be balanced before coming to a planning decision. Based on the UC-
ReMap, appropriate planning parameters such as BVD, Ground Coverage, Greenery and
Proximity to Openness could be targeted to achieve a good balance. It is important to plan
so that one stays within the threshold, which are explained above, of the respective UC-Map
categories. For instance, if there is a need for higher building volumes/floor area ratio (FAR),
then it is useful to offset it with further greenery and/or lower ground coverage.

BVD, Ground Coverage, Greenery and Proximity to Openness are first order
considerations in urban climatology. On top of that, the use of cool building materials, water
retentive ground surface covering and water bodies, as well as reducing anthropogenic heat
due to buildings and traffic can also help. Further and separate studies of these second
order benefits may be beneficial to complement the urban climatic understanding.


Apart from the 4 designated areas identified, the Hong Kong UC-ReMap also highlights other
focused areas that require care and attention. Although not as concentrated as the four
designated areas in terms of UCPZ 5 areas, they are still high in thermal load and poor in
dynamic potential with clustering of UCPZ class 4 and 5 areas (Figure I-127):

Hong Kong Island Wan Chai / North Point /
Quarry Bay and Shau Kei Wan areas

Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui / Yau Ma Tei / Mong Kok /
Sham Shui Po / Cheung Sha Wan/ Lai Chi Kok areas
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Hung Hom and To Kwa Wan / San Po Kong areas

NT Tuen Mun / Yuen Long areas

Mitigation strategies as explained in 3.5.1 to 3.5.7 above are applicable to these focused areas.

Figure I-127 Focused areas needing care and attention based on the HK UC-ReMap


The UC-ReMap should be interpreted and applied appropriately and urban climatologists
assistance may be needed. For example, bearing in mind that the analysis was conducted on
a 100m x 100m raster basis to gain an area-wide understanding of the urban climatic
characteristics, it is inappropriate to scrutinise the map pixel by pixel, or to read into the fine
boundaries of the pixels. Rather, the pattern, clustering and extent of the pixels (UCPZ)
within the UC-ReMap will provide a better overview of the general urban climatic
characteristics of an area.

For example, the extensive array of UCPZ 4 and 5 pixels in Mong Kok, Cheung Sha Wan
and Sham Shiu Po inland area means that as a whole, mitigation actions are desirable and
recommended in accordance with the planning recommendations of the UC-ReMap. Further
detailed studies are needed.
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As for the extensive belt of UCPZ 1 and 2 areas south of the built up areas from Sai Ying Pun
to Siu Sai Wan on the northern shore of Hong Kong Island, they provide an immediate buffer
that benefits the built up areas to its north. It means that areas of UCPZ 1 that are
immediately interfacing the UCPZ 4 and 5 areas are particularly important and should be
preserved and enhanced.

Improving the urban climate of Hong Kong for quality living is one of the many important
considerations towards sustainable development in Hong Kong. In planning terms, one must
attempt to balance other important considerations and as far as possible synergise needs to
achieve an optimised design.


The UC-ReMap has the following strategic planning implications:

a. Planning Standards and Guidelines on urban climatic considerations
The general urban climatic environment of Hong Kong, the identification of UCPZs
and their planning implications/ recommendations can be consolidated for inclusion
in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. This can provide an urban
climatic planning framework for Hong Kong to guide the planning and development
process, so as to ensure that appropriate urban climatic considerations are taken into

b. Guiding the planning and development process for future development areas
The UC-ReMap provides a holistic urban climatic information platform for
identifying urban climatic effects of major planning and development proposals,
such as for new development areas. The UC-ReMap also provides an urban climatic
planning framework to guide major feasibility studies.

c. Providing urban climatic based planning considerations for OZP review
The UC-AnMap and UC-ReMap have strategically and comprehensively analysed
the urban climatic conditions of Hong Kong, in forming a territorial-wide, urban
climatic information platform for planners in support of their strategic and district
level work. Appropriate planning actions could now be taken to improve the urban
climatic conditions of the territory, particularly for the sensitive areas. The
preparation and review of OZPs and the formulation of suitable planning parameters
for different land use zones should take into account the UC-ReMap
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recommendations, as appropriate. The UC-ReMap also provides a framework of
boundary conditions and background understanding to guide further detailed micro-
climatic and AVA studies for individual sites.


Taking into account the development cycle and changes in the urban structure of Hong Kong,
it is recommended that the frequency in updating the UC-ReMap can be the same as the UC-
AnMap, i.e. once every 5-6 years and scientific updating in every 10 years.


The scientific field of urban climatology is advancing rapidly, especially in view of the recent
World Climate Conference 3 at Geneva. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is
increasingly emphasising the need for further scientific understanding in urban climatology.
It is therefore prudent to treat the current work as a beginning of on-going efforts by all
parties to advance the urban climate understandings for Hong Kong. Like the Stuttgart
experience, it is highly recommended that the Hong Kong SAR Government establishes an
urban climate branch in one of its departments to continue the effort and to provide on-going
and up-to-date information to enable better planning decision making.

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There is a shared vision to design cities that are sustainable, healthy, and comfortable for its
inhabitants to enjoy. To achieve this, it is necessary to factor urban climatic considerations
holistically and strategically into the planning process. Urban Climatic Map (UC-Map) is
an information tool that presents features of urban climate relevant for planning, so that
useful urban climatic information can be identified and utilised in the planning process.

There are typically two types of UC-Map widely used in practice: the Urban Climatic
Analysis Map (UC-AnMap) and the Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map
(UC-ReMap). In short, based on expert evaluation of available data, Thermal Load,
Dynamic Potential and Wind Information are considered, synergised, and spatially mapped
using a Geographical Information System (GIS) platform to form the UC-AnMap. Based on
the analysis of useful meteorological, building, land use, topographical and vegetation
information from the UC-AnMap and taking into account relevant planning considerations,
the UC-ReMap could be developed. The UC-ReMap translates urban climatic understandings
into planning guidelines and recommendations, which in turn facilitate planning actions and
decision making.

Three case studies have been conducted on the best practices of Stuttgart and Kassel in
Germany and Tokyo in Japan. The key learning outcomes are as follow:

UC-Map is a synthetic and evaluative, as opposed to an analytic, understanding
of the factors and parameters affecting the urban environment. It attempts to define
climatopes, and to balance, prioritise and weigh the combined effects of the
parameters appropriately in view of the nature of the planning decisions that need to
be made.

UC-Map is useful in assisting planning decision-making ranging from the regional
scale of 1:100,000 to the urban scale of 1:5,000. UC-Map provides a holistic and
strategic understanding upon which detailed and further site specific micro-scale
studies could be identified and conducted.

In Tokyo, the Thermal Environmental Map with an emphasis on Thermal Load was
created in 2002 to highlight the 4 problem areas of the city that the Tokyo
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Metropolitan Government could focus its policies, investigations and improvement
actions. In Germany, with more than 30 years of experience, the study of UC-Map is
more sophisticated and emphasises more on Dynamic Potential and also on Wind
Information in evaluating wind directions and air paths.

The working of the UC-Map is multi-disciplinary in nature. It works best with the
concerted effort of different disciplines under the lead of the planning authority, and
with full political backup of the government. Public awareness on climatic issues
could be raised and participation should be encouraged.

Once the UC-Map is created, the process of improving and updating the UC-Map is
on-going in nature. Professional input is generally required to monitor the
effectiveness of the application, collect further data for evaluation, refine the scientific
basis as new knowledge develops, as well as to update the map to cope with changes
of the urban morphology.

A summary of UC-Map studies around the world is also collated in Appendix 1.

Since the concept of UC-Map is well accepted by many German cities, the most authoritative
references on the methodology for formulating UC-Map are the following German guidelines:

VDI-3787-Part 1 Environmental meteorology climate and air pollution maps for
cities and regions, 1997.
VDI-3787-Part 2 Environmental meteorology methods for the human bio-
meteorological evaluation of climate and air quality for urban and regional planning
at regional level, 1998.

These two guidelines have established the symbols, representations, standards and expert
recommendations in formulating UC-Maps. The two guidelines are widely adopted by UC-
Map studies worldwide. Thus, they are important references for guiding the methodology of
creating UC-Map for Hong Kong.

The UC-Map is set at a scale of 1:5,000 in the context of Hong Kong, as the scale meets the
requirement of the statutory Outline Zoning Plans (OZP). The UC-AnMap will be reported
at 100m x 100m grid. With this resolution, climatopes patterns based on Thermal Load and
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Dynamic Potential of the urban morphology at a scale suitable for planning purposes could be
referred to. Furthermore, appropriate wind information can also be inputed.

By focusing on intra-urban air temperature differences and air ventilation for the purpose of
human urban thermal comfort, the UC-AnMap specifically deals with two urban climatic
factors, Wind and Urban Thermal Comfort, which are particularly in relation to the Thermal
Load, Dynamic Potential and Wind Information of the urban and natural environment.

Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) as a human urban thermal comfort indicator for
synergising all relevant factors into the UC-AnMap will be used. Based on evaluation and
calculation of the parameters, e.g. land use, building volume, green space, etc., the
corresponding classification and the values of netural PET (nPET) could be defined. This
allows a balanced consideration in formulating the UC-AnMap when the parameters are
collated. In short, a 1 C rise in air temperature approximates to 1 degree rise in PET. In turn,
a 1 degree rise in PET can be mitigated by 0.5 m/s increase in wind velocity.

Hong Kong is located in the sub-tropical climatic zone with hot summer months and mild
winter months. Based on the technical input of outdoor thermal comfort study of Hong Kong,
it can be established that at the typical summer air temperature of around 28 C, over 75% of
the people surveyed will report a thermal sensation of warm, hot and too hot. Whereas at the
typical winter temperature of 15 C, less than 21% reports a thermal sensation of slightly cold
and only 2% reports cold. Hence, for urban thermal comfort, the problems in Hong Kong are
confined to the hot and humid summer months June, July and August. For this reason, a
UC-Map of summer conditions is the most important as far as wind and urban thermal
comfort is concerned.

Input data are obtained from the Planning Department and the Hong Kong Observatory. GIS
has been employed to structure the information. The software, ArcMap, is used as the
platform of the UC-AnMap study.

With reference to the Germans guideline VDI 3787 Part 1 1997 and through evaluating
Hong Kongs unique urban morphology, a refined methodology for formulating UC-Map for
Hong Kong has been established.

It is important to create the initial UC-AnMap based on a frozen timeframe, which has been
set at 2009 in this study. On this basis, future updating of the maps timeframe is relatively
easy when newer building information, becomes available.
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The urban climate of the city could be characterised by a balanced consideration of the
positive and negative effects on Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential both due to the
urban morphology and surface characteristics. To this end, a number of information layers
have been assembled (Table I-45). These layers of data form the basis for the eventual
production of the UC-AnMap. The classification values for each layer are basically a
numerical assignment (i.e. positively and negatively) of the parameters likely effects on the
PET value. When the classification values are collectively considered, the draft UC-AnMap
could be generated. The Wind Information Layer is then added to the draft UC-AnMap to
generate the final UC-AnMap. This allows air paths and air mass exchanges to be identified.
The collated and synergised information contained in the final UC-AnMap will be used for
preparing the UC-ReMap later.

Table I-45 Descriptions of the layers of the UC-AnMap
Physical Criterion Effect Scientific Basis Input layers
Thermal Load
Negative Building bulk
Layer 1
Building Volume Map
Altitude and Elevation
Layer 2
Topographical Height Map
Bioclimatic effects
Layer 3
Green Space Map
Dynamic Potential
Negative Urban permeability
Layer 4
Ground Coverage Map
Bioclimatic effects
- Cold air movement
Layer 5
Natural Landscape Map
Air mass exchange and
Neighbourhood effects
Layer 6
Proximity to Openness Map
Wind Information -
MM5 simulaiton and
HKO field measurements
Layer 7
Prevailing Wind Directions

Through desktop studies of the German Guideline [VDI3787-Part1], together with case
studies of wind information used in the making of Stuttgart UC-Map and Tokyo Thermal
Environmental Map, the following lessons have been identified:

Wind data is typically collated from observatory data especially stations in the city.
Model simulated data can be used to supplement this.

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For planning purposes, the collated wind data are expertly evaluated taking into
account topography, land use, water body and greenery understanding of the city and
its surrounding areas.

For urban air ventilation, the background wind, localised land and sea breezes,
topography-affected channeling and valley winds, cold air production, cool air
drainage and downhill air movement, where appropriate are expertly evaluated.

Key (prevailing) wind directions, air circulations and ventilation areas are then coded
onto the wind information layer of the Urban Climatic Analysis Map (UC-AnMap).

The wind information layer is part of the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong. It should not be used
for any other purposes including site specific AVA studies.

The UC-AnMap study for Hong Kong is based primarily on long term wind data of 40 HKO
stations around Hong Kong, and supplemented with HKUSTs MM5/CALMET 2004 model
wind simulations at 60m above ground level (roughly the areal average building height of
urban Hong Kong). Topography, greenery and ground roughness information are also
referred to when the data are evaluated.

The important wind data for the summer months (June-August) of is coded onto the GIS
based UC-AnMap of Hong Kong. This forms the spatial information basis of expert

Based on literature review, observatory and modelling data, the team led by Professor Lutz
Katzschner has expertly evaluated the information and summarised their findings. For Hong
Kong, different wind sources including the background wind, channeling effects due to
topography, the localised land and sea breezes, as well as the downhill air movements are
identified. Areas of similar characteristics are grouped into zones. The expertly evaluated
wind information layer (Figure I-128) is prepared.
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Figure I-128 Wind Information Layer Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer)

Based on the 6 layers and the consideration of the positive and negative effects of Thermal
Load and Dynamic Potential, 8 urban climatic zones (climatopes) can be categorised. The
description of the 8 urban climatic classes is shown in Table I-46.

Table I-46 Descriptions of the 8 urban climatic classes of the UC-AnMap
Urban Climatic Class Impact on Thermal Comfort
Moderately negative Thermal Load and
Good Dynamic Potential
Moderate Cooling
Slightly negative Thermal Load and Good
Dynamic Potential
Slight Cooling
Low Thermal Load and Good Dynamic
- Neutral
Some Thermal Load and Some Dynamic
Slight Warming
Moderate Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential
Moderate Warming
Moderately High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential
ModeratelyStrong Warming
High Thermal Load and Low Dynamic
Strong Warming
Very Highly Thermal Load and
Low Dynamic Potential
Very strong Warming

Through incorporating the Wind Information Layer, the final UC-AnMap for Hong Kong is
produced (Figure I-129).

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Figure I-129 The Final UC-AnMap of Hong Kong with Wind Information Layer
Prevailing Wind Directions (Summer)
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Based on the UC-AnMap, the UC-ReMap and key planning recommendations for its Urban
Climatic Planning Zones could be formulated. The UC-ReMap of Hong Kong is planning
action oriented. It provides an urban climatic information platform and planning framework
upon which urban climatic considerations can be taken into account at the strategic and
district planning levels.


Figure I-130 Two examples of UC-ReMaps: Stuttgart and Tokyo (right)

The German Guideline VDI3787-Part 1 has been referenced and two case studies (the City of
Stuttgart and the Metropolitan Areas of Tokyo [Figure I-130]) have been conducted. The
lessons learnt are as follow:
The UC-AnMap provides a platform of urban climatic information.
The UC-ReMap provides an urban climatic based planning framework typically at the
city and district levels.
The UC-ReMap provides planning recommendations based on an evaluation of a
number of planning parameters.
The UC-ReMap identifies problem areas and climatically sensitive areas that are in
need of attention.
The UC-ReMap focuses on improving urban climatic conditions and mitigating UHI
effect to improve outdoor thermal comfort thus living quality.
The UC-ReMap itself is not a regulatory instrument.
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There are 6 data layers in formulating the UC-AnMap, namely building volume,
topographical height, green space, ground coverage, natural landscape, and proximity to
openness. Among the six layers, while topographical height and natural landscape can be
taken as given, building volume, green space, ground coverage and proximity to openness are
useful parameters for planning considerations. The key parametric understanding of
implications of the four parameters (on an area average basis and based on the UC-AnMap
understanding), can be summarised below.

1.11.1 Building Volume:
(a) In contrast to plot ratio, the concept of Floor Area Ratio (FAR), which counts for all
above ground floor area including concessionary Ground Floor Area, is practically
and realistically more in line with building volume and hence the thermal load
understanding of the UC-AnMap. Reducing/maintaining Building Volume in
low/medium density areas with FAR
of 1 to 5 is very effective and beneficial to
lowering Thermal Load .
(b) In medium/high density areas, FAR in the range of 6 to 7 can be suggested as
reasonably optimal when developments are carefully designed. FAR of 8 to 9 is
occasionally possible subject to provision of effective mitigation measures.
(c) In very high density areas, a FAR higher than 10 will increase the Thermal Load
significantly, therefore, careful scrutiny of building volume is essential and mitigation
measures are needed.
(d) To limit the increase in thermal load due to building volume, it is recommended that
FAR of 7 be adopted as the threshold from the outset, subject to consideration of
other relevant factors.
(e) In the urban context of Hong Kong, unless FAR can be dramatically reduced, other
mitigation measures such as improving air paths, reducing ground coverage and
increasing green spaces are necessary to complement the control on building volume
and building height.
(f) With regard to building height -
- It is effective to enhance air ventilation by controlling building heights in
low/medium density areas with building height/street width ratio (H/W) of 2
and below;

Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of the Urban Climatic Map at 100m x 100m grid is the ratio between the total
above ground floor area of all the buildings over the buildable area.

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- In general, varying building heights is useful to enhance Dynamic Potential. For
urban areas with H/W of 2 or above, non-uniform building height bands of
sufficient height contrast would be more effective to enhance air ventilation.
Other parallel measures such as providing air paths should be considered as
well to enhance effectiveness;
- Increase in floor-to-floor height will increase the building volume and thus the
Thermal Load. Therefore, unreasonably high floor-to-floor height is not

1.11.2 Greenery:
(a) Based on CUHKs in-house research of model simulation parametric study using
ENVI-Met model simulation, a city area average of 30% or more greenery coverage
(at ground, podium, and low level rooftop) and preferably with tree planting, is
effective to reducing thermal load.

(b) Pockets of green oasis (large area of tree planting in urban areas) are useful in
providing localised thermal relief to the urban environment.

1.11.3 Ground Coverage:
(a) Reducing Ground Coverage
of an area is an effective way to improve wind
penetration and thus the dynamic potential. In urban areas, given that a Ground
Coverage of below 50% will result in a 1 degree decrease in PET, and assuming that
the Building Site Area
Ratio is 70%, it is recommended to reduce site ground
coverage of to 65% or less.

1.11.4 Proximity to Openness and Connectivity:
(a) Properly orientated air paths connecting to the waterfront or open spaces are effective
in bringing air ventilation into the city. Green fingers from vegetated hill slopes into
the urban areas are also useful planning features.

The CUHK study finding (Wang & Ng. 2010) is in line with Sustainable Development Councils recent
engagement exercise titled Building Design to Foster Quality and Sustainable Built Environment that
recommended site greening of 20 to 25%; this is equivalent to 33 to 37% when it is normalised to the city
area average understanding of the UCMap. Japanese researcher Professor Masakazu Moriyama has also
recently obtained similar findings with his research in greening based in Osaka.

Ground Coverage is the total footprint of buildings of a 100m x 100m UCMap grid. Hence Ground
Coverage Ratio is the ground coverage over the total area of the 100m x 100m grid.

Building Site Area includes all land use zones, including Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Government,
Institution & Community Facilities, and Other Urban or Built-up Land, that can be built upon.

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(b) A permeability of 25 to 35% is normally suggested.
This can be achieved with an
aggregate of roads leading from the waterfront, open spaces, non-building areas, and
gaps between buildings etc. The key for urban permeability is to relate it with air
ventilation connectivity, that is to say, the open spaces and air paths must be

The Council for Sustainable Developments (SDC) public engagement exercise titled
Building Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable Built Environment contains a number
of suggestions, which have been compared with the findings of this study (Table I-47).
While the policy options set out by the SDC in its Invitation for Response document are
more related to individual building sites, recommendations in this Study are area-averaged
and district-based, and derived from a strategic and comprehensive analysis of the urban
climatic conditions of Hong Kong as a whole. However, they largely complement one

Table I-47 Suggestions of UC-Map vs. SDCs exercise

Site based measures
suggested in SDCs
IR Document
General Planning Guidelines
Recommended under the UCM

Building Separation/
Building Setback

Ground Site Coverage
20% to 33.3% building
separation & set back at
street level in narrow
building separation requirement for the
middle and high assessment zones as per
building setback;
Reduce ground coverage to not more
than 65%.

20% to 30% of the site
Greenery (preferably tree planting) of no
less than 30% for sites larger than 1 ha,
and 20% for sites below 1 ha at lower
levels, preferably at grade. Sites smaller
than 1,000m are exempted.

Refer to the Final Report of Buildings Departments Study [BA/01/2006] on Building Design that
Supports Sustainable Urban Living Space in HK, Jan 2009. The study was based on CFD parametric
studies by the consultant.
The General planning guidelines recommended under the UCM Study are derived based on the urban
climatic considerations at strategic/district levels. Since they are developed using the area average 100m
100m grid understanding of the UC-Map and assuming urban homogeneity, they are intended to be
district-based measures and not supposed to explain the micro scale details. The numbers suggested are not
to be directly adopted for site-based works. In determining appropriate development parameters for
individual sites, apart from these general planning guidelines, reference should also be made to all strategic
and district planning frameworks as well as individual site circumstances.
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Volume/Capping GFA

Reviewing prevailing
policies for granting GFA
concessions, including
introduction of overall /
individual caps
City area average threshold FAR values
of 3 to 7 are suggested;
FAR > 7 needs some mitigation
FAR > 10 to be very carefully scrutinised
and mitigated.
Proximity to Openness
and Connectivity

Building permeablility (at
all levels of the building)
equivalent to 20% to
33.3% of total frontal
area in large sites.
Air paths and Green fingers;
Air path connectivity.
Building Heights
Vary building heights;
Excessive floor to floor height is not

Five urban climatic planning zones are defined within the UC-ReMap (Figure I-131). Their
respective key planning recommendations have also been formulated (Table I-48).

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The Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map of Hong Kong
100m x 100m resolution, raster based

Figure I-131 The UC-ReMap, 100m100m raster based, with wind information layer
prevailing wind directions (summer)

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Table I-48 The 5 urban climatic planning zones of the UC-ReMap
No Urban Climatic Class
Impact on Thermal
Urban Climatic Planning
Zone (UCPZ)
Strategic planning
Moderate Negative Thermal Load
and Good Dynamic Potential

Moderate cooling UCPZ 1
Urban climatically valuable
Some Negative Thermal Load and
Good Dynamic Potential

Slight cooling
Low Thermal Load and Good
Dynamic Potential
Neutral UCPZ 2
Neutral urban climatically
sensitive area
Some Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential

Slight warming
Moderate Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential

Moderate urban climatically
sensitive area
Some mitigation
encouraged where
Moderately High Thermal Load and
Low Dynamic Potential

Moderately strong
High urban climatically
sensitive area
Mitigation actions
recommended and
High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential

Strong warming
Very High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential

Very strong
Very highly urban
climatically sensitive area
Mitigation actions
recommended and
cooling thermal impact warming thermal impact

In addition to the depiction of UCPZs, a set of general recommendations that are useful for
reference in the planning process has been prepared
as part of the UC-ReMap.

The UC-Maps for Hong Kong provide information for strategic and district planning (Figure
I-132). It also provides, for reference if needed, the urban climatic contextual information for
site-/area-wide micro-climatic and AVA studies. The UC-ReMap (Figure I-131) can be
included in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines to guide the strategic and
district planning process.

As in Table I-43
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Figure I-132 UC-Map and Hong Kong Planning Framework

Urban climate is a complicated subject that is relatively new in Hong Kong. Based on
German and Japanese experience and practice, it is very important that the UC-ReMap and its
recommendations and advices be read and interpreted appropriately, and that urban
climatologists be consulted if and when necessary.

Although the UC-ReMap of Hong Kong is assembled based on a 100x100m grid, the map
should not be read pixel by pixel. Rather, the pattern, clustering and extent of the pixels
(UCPZ) give a better understanding of the general characteristics of an area/district. The map
should not be used literally for site specific reference and application.

Improving the urban climate of Hong Kong for quality living is only one of the many
considerations towards sustainable development in Hong Kong. In planning, one must
attempt to balance other important considerations and, as far as possible, synergise needs to
achieve an optimised design.

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The UC-Map created in this study has the frozen timeframe for the year 2009, however, it is
designed so that it could be conveniently updated as the map is created in GIS layer format.
Where new developments have to be taken into consideration, the up-to-date version of the
map could be easily produced by updating the specific layer.

Building geometry and urban morphology
For the sake of rapid urban developments, the files used in the Land Use Map layer
such as, building shape file and podium shape file as well as Digital Elevation Model
(DEM) raster files are advised to be updated every 5 to 6 years. Taking into account
the development cycle and the change in urban structure of Hong Kong, the
frequency of updating the UC-AnMap and UC-ReMap can be once every 5-6 years.

Scientific development
The scientific understanding and technologies in this field is constantly evolving. To
enhance the UC-Maps, it is recommended that scientific updating of the UC-AnMap
and UC-ReMap should be conducted at roughly 10 year intervals to accommodate
for new climatic knowledge in the field.

The scientific field of urban climatology is advancing rapidly, especially in view of the recent
World Climate Conference 3 at Geneva. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is
placing increasing emphasis on further scientific understanding on urban climatology. It is
therefore prudent to treat the current work as a beginning of the on-going efforts by all parties.
It is also highly recommended that the Hong Kong SAR Government establishes an urban
climate branch in one of its departments, similar to the Stuttgart counterpart, to continue the
current effort, and to provide on-going and up-to-date information to facilitate better planning
decision making.
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Evaluated Sea Breezes, after (Zhang & Zhang, 1997)

Evaluated Land Breezes, after(Zhang & Zhang, 1997)
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(Courtesy Prof Jimmy Fung, HKUST)

Also refer to:
Yim, S. H. L., J. C. H. Fung, A. K. H. Lau, & S. C. Ko (Holmer). Developing a high-resolution wind map for a complex
terrain with a coupled MM5/CALMET system. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, 1-15
Yim S. H., Fung J. C., Lau A. K. Mesoscale Simulation of Year-to-Year Variation of Wind Power Potential over Southern
China. Energies. 2009; 2(2):340-361

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(Courtesy Prof Jimmy Fung, HKUST)

Also refer to:
Yim, S. H. L., J. C. H. Fung, A. K. H. Lau, & S. C. Ko (Holmer). Developing a high-resolution wind map for a complex
terrain with a coupled MM5/CALMET system. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, 1-15
Yim S. H., Fung J. C., Lau A. K. Mesoscale Simulation of Year-to-Year Variation of Wind Power Potential over Southern
China. Energies. 2009; 2(2):340-361

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(BVD) %

100%, Its
million m3

=[(2) x
million m3
ate Floor
Area (m
e floor area
= 1000 m

Assume =3 to

Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
= [(3) x Approximate Floor Area (m
)]/ [grid
) x BSAR]

Assume average building site area (Building Site
Area) to 100x100 grid ratio of in an 1 km

urban area BSAR (%)

Plot Ratio
=(4) / (FAR/PR)






1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 and
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 to 4% ~ to 12-16
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
3 4 to 10% ~ to 30-40
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
4 10 to 25% ~ to 75-100
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
~ to
5 25 to 100% > 75-100

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The focus is to explain the methodology and rationale for site selection of benchmarking
areas of the study. The areas should give a good representation of existing pedestrian level
wind environments of urban Hong Kong. A total of 20 study areas have been selected.


For example: In Japan, research studies have
indicated that a Velocity Ratio (VR) of 0.2 to 0.4 is
achievable in wider streets, and a VR of 0.1 to 0.2 can
be expected in narrower streets. But building height to
street width ratio in Japan is much lower. What are
the ranges of VR that Hong Kongs streets and spaces
could expect?

It is important to understand the existing pedestrian wind environment so as to establish the
current situations, for instance, the range of velocity ratios and wind speeds that a high
density urban environment like Hong Kong can provide. It is also possible to pin-point the
problem areas and favourable site conditions, quantitatively, so as to facilitate better planning
and design in the future. In short, the exercise can provide the much needed quantitative data
to further advance the AVA methodology.

A key requirement of the study is to establish a pedestrian level wind standard for thermal
comfort in the urban areas of Hong Kong. An important step in any research study is to
critically examine the current condition, in other words, taking a snapshot of the existing
conditions. Through benchmarking the existing conditions, this help addresses the initial
question on the magnitudes, ranges and characteristics of wind velocity ratios (VRw) and
wind speeds that one could typically expect in urban Hong Kong. With this information on
the existing conditions, further questions could be formulated and answered. Separately,
making use of the benchmarking results, others could collate the data for their own use.

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Benchmarking is not a new concept, and it should not be confused with other studies with a
design or development purpose in mind. The core focus of benchmarking studies is to capture
the existing conditions rather than a speculation of future scenarios.

The main objective of the benchmarking studies is to establish some typical existing
representative pedestrian wind conditions of Hong Kong based on the current urban
morphology. The data generated may then be used for further studies and investigations.

For this study, benchmarking is basically a representative snapshot of Hong Kongs
pedestrian wind environment.

A number of parameters can affect the wind environment on ground level, which can be
broadly divided into the following key categories:
Climatic and wind
Topographical and Exposures
Urban Morphological

Unlike most other countries, Hong Kong is relatively small in territorial terms. Hong Kong is
within one climatic region, and for the purpose of urban design and planning, there is little
need for the study area to consider regional differences in terms of climatic conditions (e.g.

However, the topography of Hong Kong is complex. The resultant winds, taking into
account the surrounding topographies, can vary for different study areas. A good
understanding could be drawn from the Hong Kong Observatorys (HKO) station data (see
Figure II-1).

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Figure II-1 Locations of Hong Kong Observatory weather stations

The HKO reports annual wind roses of their stations in their annual summary of
meteorological observations in Hong Kong.

For the purpose of this Study (i.e. urban pedestrian wind environment), it is important to first
detect and distinguish a main wind rose characteristic, i.e. whether there is a strong
prevailing wind condition. Referring to HKOs summary data of recent years, it could be
concluded that areas in Hong Kong do exhibit the characteristics of with and without a
strong prevailing wind conditions. EPDs MM5 simulated wind data on the Planning
Departments website gives a similar impression. The differences will need to be factored
into the site selection considerations.

Secondly, it is useful to examine, again based on HKOs data, if there are strong or weak
urban wind conditions. Very few HKO stations are in the urban area and within the urban
canopy layer (UCL). (Figure II-2) (Urban canopy layer height can be defined as the mean
roof height of the urban area.) Examining the few HKO stations that are within the UCL, it
could be concluded that they are similar with a mean annual wind speed of some 2.5 m/s or
around 9 km/hr (incidentally, this is roughly a third of Waglan Islands mean wind speed
data). At the UCL level, the wind environment of different areas in Hong Kong, in terms of
wind speeds, do not differ significantly for the purpose of this Study.

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Figure II-2 Mean wind speed (kilometer/hour) of HKO stations 2005.
(The highlighted stations are HKO stations that are in the urban area and within the UCL. Left
column: prevailing wind direction of the site, in degree clockwise from north); Right column: the
10-minute-mean wind speed of the year (km/hr))

In addition, by separately examining EPDs MM5 data at V infinity level of the entire
territory of Hong Kong, in terms of wind speeds, a similar conclusion could be drawn. From
both the HKO data and the V infinity level data from EPDs MM5 simulation, it could be
noted that the wind speeds within different urban areas of Hong Kong do not differ

For the purpose of air ventilation assessment (AVA), the complicated thermal effects of wind
(including anabatic* and katabatic** wind) will not be considered. The purpose of AVA is to
guide better design and planning. It predominantly considers how the bulk of the buildings
affect the prevailing or channelled (mechanical) wind. Some considerations of how nearby
topographical features accelerate or modify the mechanical wind are useful. Areas on slope
or near hills should be considered. Currently, the AVA methodology takes the mechanical
wind as the main driving wind. The thermal induced wind is a lot more complicated to
account for without the availability of measured local wind data. Further versions of the
AVA methodology might attempt to improve the results.

* anabatic wind local air current that blows up a hill or mountain slope facing the Sun
** katabatic wind wind that blows down a topographic incline such as a hill or mountain

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There are basically two types of area exposure conditions, including areas surrounded by
other buildings, and areas with an open exposure to the sea or to large open spaces. For the
latter areas, the approaching wind profiles are typically simple and follow the log law. One
could also expect higher wind speeds, and better VRw. For area surrounded by buildings, the
approaching wind are typically weakened and lower VRs are expected. Flows are also more
turbulent (Figure II-3). The understanding provided in Figure II-3 also applies to high
topographical features.

Figure II-3 Wind profiles modified by the building block.
[left] wind profile from water or large open space typically follows the log law. [middle] buildings
modifies the profile. [right] a displacement height results to the wind profile. Wind speeds below
the displacement height are reduced. This height is generally assumed to be the mean roof height
of buildings.

For the study, the geometric and morphological parameters of the urban environment are the
most important factors to consider. Pedestrian wind is largely determined by a number of
urban features, including:
Ground Coverage
Street Grid Patterns and Orientations
Building Height to Street Width Ratio (H/W Ratio)
Building Heights and Building Height Variations
Building Geometries
Elevated Structures

4.3.1 Ground Coverage
Based on scientific results in different studies, ground coverage of buildings have a major
impact to pedestrian level wind. (Figure II-4)

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Figure II-4 Ground coverage and wind velocity ratio of 2 areas in Japan
(Case 16 has higher building ground coverage than Case 19)

It was established in the earlier Feasibility Study for Establishment of AVA System that
permeability is important at the level where the benefits are needed. For pedestrian level wind,
ground level permeability is beneficial. This means lower ground coverage. (Figure II-5)
Figure II-5 Ground coverage and wind velocity ratio of Mongkok, as compared with other cities
in Japan (Courtesy Wind Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Polytechnic University, J apan)

As such, it is useful to select the benchmarking areas in Hong Kong with a variety of building
ground coverage.
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4.3.2 Street Grid Patterns and Orientations
Streets that align within +/-30 degrees of the wind direction have significantly better wind
ventilation than streets perpendicular to it (Figure II-6). The difference could be substantially
depending on the heights of the flanking buildings. It is therefore useful to select the
benchmarking areas with streets both parallel and perpendicular to the incoming wind.

In addition, it is useful to select study areas with different street patterns, as regular street
patterns have the potential of channeling wind along the streets, whilst irregular street
patterns are more limited in this respect (Figure II-7). On the other hand, irregular streets
could have lower canyon effects as fewer streets would be perpendicular to the wind.
Depending on the wind direction and the layout of the irregular streets, there could be a
potential of a wind network.

In short, regular streets have the potentials of both stronger channeling wind and weaker
canyon winds, whereas irregular streets have lesser extremes of both.

Figure II-6 Streets parallel to the incoming wind channels the wind through it effectively

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Figure II-7 Wind flow patterns and regimes with regular streets and irregular streets

Channeling When streets are parallel to the incoming wind, the streets will channel
the wind through it. Provided the street is within +/- 30 degrees from the incoming
wind direction, the channeling is effective and there is little reduction of wind speed
along the street.

Canyon When streets are perpendicular (or more than +/- 30 degrees) to the incoming
wind and surrounded by buildings on both sides, the streets will behave like canyons.
Wind flowing through it will behave depending on the ratios of the canyon (see Figure
II-8). A H/W ratio of 1.5:1 and more could be considered as canyons (refer to Figure

Channeling Canyon
Figure II-8 Diagrams showing channeling and canyon wind flows

Street grid patterns, as defined by, say, roads and paths, do not necessarily dictate the wind
pattern. Fundamentally, it is not about how the streets are laid out, but how the buildings are
laid out as they are the tangible objects blocking and modifying the wind pattern. The layout
of internal spaces and disposition of buildings would ultimately affect pedestrian wind
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For example, there are 2 building estates with the same internal streets (Figure II-9), the
layout on the left could be regarded as having a regular development layout, whereas the
layout on the right has an irregular pattern. Therefore, they would be categorised as such for
the area selection process.

Figure II-9 Building dispositions and internal streets can create different patterns of urban
morphology even if the streets are regular

4.3.3 Building Height to Street Width Ratio (H/W Ratio)
Scientifically, there are three regimes of wind flow (Figure II-10) within the urban
environment, the characteristics of which are mostly related to the Building Height to Street
Width Ratio (H/W Ratio):
Isolated roughness flow
Wake interference flow
Skimming flow

For example (Figure II-10 [orange circle]), for a street with long terraced buildings on both
sides (where L is large), when height of buildings is 20m, and width of street is 10m, then
H/W Ratio is 2. The wind would be classified as skimming flow, as if it was a canyon
[orange circle].
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Figure II-10 Flow characteristics over urban forms
(H=height of the blocks, W=width of the gap in between the rows of blocks, L=length of the blocks)

While all three wind flow regimes could be represented in Hong Kong, most flow
characteristics in the dense urban areas will be skimming flow with vortexes inside the
street canyons. In some deep canyons, double-vortex might exist.

Isolated roughness flow could typically be found in areas with very wide streets and a H/W
Ratio of 1:2 or less. Wake interference flow could be found where H/W is around 1:1.5.
Skimming flow could be found where H/W is around 1.5:1 or more. In Hong Kong, H/W
Ratio of 3:1, 5:1, 10:1 or worse could be found. When benchmarking, various H/W ratios
will be represented in the study.

4.3.4 Building Heights and Building Height Variations
The relationship of building heights and street widths would have a bearing on wind flow as
in Figure II-11. Building height variation could potentially create differentials in wind
pressures and thus promote horizontal air movements. In addition, downwash effects are
well-known wind phenomenon. In Hong Kong the two effects are common and should be
represented. Therefore, it is useful to have study areas that include regular building height
arrays, irregular building height arrays; as well as areas with large building height differences
and areas with little differences.

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Figure II-11 Flow characteristics over urban forms

4.3.5 Building Geometries
Wind flows around various built forms are different (e.g. streamline, circular and bluff).
Most buildings in Hong Kong are point blocks or slab blocks (i.e. bluff bodies rectangular
and/or with shaped edges and corners), and this is the most important to represent.

It is useful to understand building geometries based on their impermeability to wind. The
heights and widths of buildings have determining effects on the wind flows, particularly at
the wake regions behind the buildings. In Hong Kong, most buildings are tall. The building
height effect to pedestrian level wind is therefore significant. The width of the building could
be a variable. Referring to Figure II-12, the wake area of wind of a point block could be
significantly smaller than the wake area of a long (slab) block.

Figure II-12 Wakes of buildings
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It is therefore useful to have study areas with predominantly point blocks, and study areas
with predominantly slab blocks. Streets with buildings flanking both sides could in this case
be regarded as slabs.

4.3.6 Elevated Structures
Extensive elevated structures will have an effect on the pedestrian wind environment
underneath it. This is particularly important when the structure occupies a significant portion
of the free air space above the street. An example would be the extensive footbridge network
in Mong Kok.


4.4.1 A Summary of Understanding
Summarising the above scientific understanding, the following considerations could be the
basis guiding the final area selection.

(A) Areas with OR without a strong prevailing wind wind-rose
(B) Areas near hill or on flat land, AND exposed or not exposed
(C) Areas with high, medium OR low ground coverage
(D) Areas with streets parallel OR perpendicular to the prevailing wind. Consider this
together with (A) above.
(E) Areas with regular OR irregular street pattern.
(F) Areas with different flow characteristics (different building height to street width ratios).
(G) Areas with uniform building heights AND with varying building heights (high and low
building height differences).
(H) Areas with point OR slab building blocks

In addition, in Hong Kong, there are streets with extensive elevated walkways, which could
be noted. Density could also be noted and it could be better understood in wind engineering
term as ground coverage [(C) above] and flow characteristics [(F) above]. In this study,
density refers to the bulk or volume of buildings in the area. There is no need to factor in
the population density.

A key purpose of the benchmarking test is to relate the building bulks to wind availability at
pedestrian level. Thus, the land use of the building is not relevant but will be noted for
further references.

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4.4.2 A Taxonomic Understanding With Examples
Based on the summary, the following 19 selection parameters could be identified.

(A1) Areas with a strong prevailing wind wind-rose
(A2) Areas without a strong prevailing wind wind-rose
(B1) Areas near hill
(B2) Areas on flat land
(B3) Areas exposed
(B4) Areas not exposed
(C1) Areas with high ground coverage
(C2) Areas with medium ground coverage
(C3) Areas with low ground coverage
(D1) Areas with streets parallel to the prevailing wind
(D2) Areas with streets perpendicular to the prevailing wind
(E1) Areas with regular street pattern
(E2) Areas with irregular street pattern
(F1) Areas with Isolated roughness flow characteristics
(low building height to street width ratio)
(F2) Areas with Wake interference flow characteristics
(medium building height to street width ratio)
(F3) Areas with Skimming flow characteristics
(high building height to street width ratio)
(G1) Areas with uniform building heights
(G2) Areas with varying building heights
(H1) Areas dominated by point blocks
(H2) Areas dominated by slab blocks
(I1) High density
(I2) Medium density
(I3) Low density
(J1) Presence of elevated structure
(K1) Pre-dominant land use (Industrial)
(K2) Pre-dominant land use (Commercial)
(K3) Pre-dominant land use (Residential)

The exact benchmarking areas to be studied will be worked out following the above
understanding and selection parameters.

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4.4.3 Area Selections and Positioning of Test Points
Taking into account the above scientific understandings, the procedures of area selection may
be as follow:

1. Broadly categorise Hong Kong pedestrian wind environment into 2 categories (A1)
and (A2) based on the wind data of Hong Kong Observatory, EPDs MM5 and
2. Under (1), broadly categorise urban areas near hill (B1) or on flat land (B2), and
exposed (B3) or not exposed (B4).
3. Superimpose (1) and (2) and identify key districts.
4. Broadly categorise ground coverage into high, medium and low (C1), (C2) and
(C3); and select a number of representative areas under the three coverage
5. Based on (4), identify areas with different street patterns (D1), (D2) and (E1), (E2).
Consider this with (H1) and (H2).
6. Lastly, examine building height to street width ratios for (F1), (F2), (F3), (G1),
(G2), (H1) and (H2). Typically, it is expected that within a selected area, there are
sub-areas with characteristics of (F1) to (H2). The positioning of test points goes
hand in hand with the area selection. For example, for areas with wide and
narrow streets, test points will be inserted to capture their respective

These systematic steps will ensure that all of the more representative pedestrian wind
conditions are included. Based on the above steps, the study has selected 10 pairs of areas for
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This section summarised the benchmarking studies using the wind tunnel tests for Batch 1
and Batch 2 study areas.

Batch 1 comprises the following 5 pairs (i.e. 10) study areas:
1. Tsim Sha Tsui (Kimberley Road Carnarvon Road Cameron Road Areas);
2. Tsim Sha Tsui (Granville Road Chatham Road Souths Mody Square Areas);
3. Mong Kok (Lai Chi Kok Road Prince Edward Road West Playing Field Road Portland
Street Areas);
4. Mong Kok (Nathan Road Sai Yee Street Bute Street Mong Kok Road Areas);
5. Sheung Wan (Connaught Road Central Bonham Strand Wing Wo Street Jubilee Street
6. Sheung Wan (Wellington Street Staunton Street Aberdeen Street Areas);
7. Causeway Bay (Yee Wo Street Hysan Avenue Lee Garden Road Areas);
8. Causeway Bay(Gloucester Road Great George Street Paterson Street Areas);
9. Tsuen Wan (Chung On Street Sha Tsui Road Yeung Uk Road Areas);
10. Tsuen Wan (Ma Tau Pa Road Texaco Road Wang Lung Street Areas).

Batch 2 comprises the following 5 pairs (i.e. 10) study areas:
1. San Po Kong (Tai Yau Street Sam Chuk Street Tsat Po Street Pat Tat Street);
2. San Po Kong (Yi Lun Street Shung Ling Street Fu Yuen Street);
3. Tuen Mun (Pui To Road Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road Ho Pang Street Tuen Mun
4. Tuen Mun (Pui To Road Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road Tuen Hop Street Tuen Mun
5. Sha Tin (Siu Lek Yuen Ngan Shing Street Pak Tak Street Tak Wing Street);
6. Sha Tin (Pak Tak Street Tak Po Street Tak Yi Street - Ngan Shing Street);
7. Tseung Kwan O (Po Lam Road North Po Fung Road);
8. Tseung Kwan O (Po Fung Road Mau Yim Road Mau Tai Road);
9. Wong Chuk Hang (Yip Yan Street Wong Chuk Hang Road Heung Yip Road);
10. Wong Chuk Hang ( Welfare Road Nam Long Shan Road)

The rationale of selecting the 20 study areas has been recorded in Part IIA.

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Wind tunnel model study was undertaken in accordance with current international best
practice requirements. 1:2000 site wind availability study and 1:400 air ventilation
assessment study have been conducted. This section summarises the experimental findings.

Where appropriate, the data reported here could be used later for the following studies:
- comparison with the results of CFD studies;
- validation for the drafting of urban climate map;
- understanding of the wind performance inside the urban canopy layer level; and
- cross-referencing with user survey data.

The Benchmarking Studies adopts the following technical procedures, comprising 2 parts,
namely the experimental site wind availability study and the air ventilation assessment.

Wind tunnel model tests were conducted by the CLP Power Wind/Wave Tunnel Facility
(WWTF) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The study was
undertaken in accordance with the current international best practice in wind engineering as
stipulated in the Australasian Wind Engineering Society Quality Assurance Manual, AWES-
QAM-1-2001 (2001) and the American Society of Civil Engineers Manual and Report on
Engineering Practice No. 67 for Wind Tunnel Studies of Buildings and Structures (1999).
The study was also conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning
Departments Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment System
Final Report (2005) and the Technical Guide for Air Ventilation Assessment in Hong Kong

(i) A 1:2000 scale topographical study was undertaken to determine the effects of local
topography and the surrounding urban environment on mean wind direction, mean wind
speed and turbulence intensity at a nominated study area in Causeway Bay.

(ii) A miniature pressure probe was used to take measurements of three components of wind
speed, i.e. in the longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions, at 22.5 increments for the
full 360 azimuth, i.e. for the sixteen wind directions, and at nine different heights to
determine profiles of mean wind speed and turbulence intensity above the study area
that will be used as input boundary conditions for later more detailed benchmarking
studies. The 1:2000 scale topographical model had included the surrounding area up to
a distance of approximately 10 km from the study area.

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(iii) The topographical study results were combined with WWTFs statistical model of the
Hong Kong wind climate, based on measurements of non-typhoon winds taken by HKO
at Waglan Island during the period of 1953 2000 inclusive, to determine wind roses
corresponding to annual mean wind speeds at the study area.

(i) A 1:400 scale model of the study area and surrounding areas was fabricated to represent
the state of the urban areas corresponding to the existing condition in November 2006.
The model included all known existing surrounding buildings, structures and
topographical features within a diameter of approximately 1160 m, in accordance with
plans, drawings and information supplied by The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 5
March 2007. Trees within the modelled regions were modelled with foliage and in their
mature growth state.

(ii) A 1:2000 scale site wind availability study has been undertaken previously (WWTF
Investigation Report WWTF008-2007) to determine the effects of local topography on
mean wind direction, mean wind speed and turbulence intensity of non-typhoon winds
approaching the nominated study area. The results of that study were combined with a
probabilistic model of the Hong Kong non-typhoon wind climate, based on wind speed
and direction measurements taken by HKO at Waglan Island during the period of 1953
2000 inclusive, to determine the site wind availability for the nominated study area.

(iii) Wind speeds were measured at test points within the nominated study area for 16 the
wind directions ranging from 22.5 to 360 (north) at increments of 22.5 using a multi-
channel thermal anemometer system. Directional wind velocity ratios were measured at
each individual test point and subsequently combined with the site wind availability data
to determine the overall wind velocity ratios, site wind velocity ratios and local wind
velocity ratios for three zones within the nominated study area, both on an annual basis
and, during the summer months only. Mean wind speeds corresponding to a probability
of occurrence of 50% on an annual basis and a probability of occurrence of 50% during
summer months only were also determined at each measurement location.


The wind tunnel tests data are summarised below.

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Batch 1
The following tables (Table II-1 to 4) give a summary of the findings for all the test sites in
the form of VR
and wind speed for both annual and summer cases. After reviewing the wind
tunnel test results, a generic understanding of connection between the urban morphology and
the VR is summarised in Table II-5. Detailed findings of the above studies for each site will
be reported separately in the corresponding section.

Table II-1a Annual VRw of the test sites

Table II-1b Statistical summary of the annual VRw of the test sites
Test Site VR
_min VR
_max VR
_mean VR
Causeway Bay A 0.15 0.28 0.21 0.22
Causeway Bay B 0.08 0.25 0.16 0.16
Sheung Wan A 0.06 0.32 0.18 0.18
Sheung Wan B 0.04 0.20 0.09 0.09
Mong Kok A 0.09 0.24 0.16 0.15
Mong Kok B 0.05 0.33 0.16 0.14
Tsim Sha Tsui A 0.04 0.18 0.12 0.13
Tsim Sha Tsui B 0.07 0.27 0.14 0.14
Tsuen Wan A 0.10 0.25 0.15 0.16
Tsuen Wan B 0.14 0.36 0.25 0.27

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Table II-2a Summer VR
of the test sites

Table II-2b Statistical summary of the summer VRw of the test sites
Test Site VR
_min VR
_max VR
_mean VR
Causeway Bay A 0.09 0.27 0.15 0.14
Causeway Bay B 0.08 0.26 0.15 0.15
Sheung Wan A 0.05 0.31 0.15 0.15
Sheung Wan B 0.05 0.19 0.09 0.09
Mong Kok A 0.09 0.23 0.15 0.14
Mong Kok B 0.04 0.36 0.16 0.13
Tsim Sha Tsui A 0.04 0.19 0.11 0.12
Tsim Sha Tsui B 0.06 0.23 0.13 0.12
Tsuen Wan A 0.12 0.27 0.18 0.18
Tsuen Wan B 0.15 0.34 0.25 0.26

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Table II-3a median wind speed distribution of the test sites for annual case

Table II-3b Statistical summary of the median annual wind speed (m/s) of the test sites

Test Site WS_min WS_max WS
_mean WS
Causeway Bay A 0.59 1.92 1.30 1.31
Causeway Bay B 0.51 1.63 1.02 1.03
Sheung Wan A 0.32 1.94 1.08 0.94
Sheung Wan B 0.26 1.28 0.57 0.53
Mong Kok A 0.60 1.64 1.07 1.05
Mong Kok B 0.37 2.32 1.13 0.94
Tsim Sha Tsui A 0.25 1.24 0.81 0.86
Tsim Sha Tsui B 0.45 1.54 0.96 0.99
Tsuen Wan A 0.60 1.63 0.95 0.96
Tsuen Wan B 0.81 2.35 1.63 1.72

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Table II-4a median wind speed distribution of the test sites for summer case

Table II-4b Statistical summary of the median summer wind speed (m/s) of the test sites

Test Site WS_min WS_max WS_mean WS_median
Causeway Bay A 0.16 0.76 0.36 0.35
Causeway Bay B 0.19 0.72 0.40 0.39
Sheung Wan A 0.20 1.21 0.54 0.49
Sheung Wan B 0.17 0.76 0.35 0.33
Mong Kok A 0.44 1.20 0.72 0.68
Mong Kok B 0.19 1.95 0.80 0.66
Tsim Sha Tsui A 0.17 0.90 0.52 0.54
Tsim Sha Tsui B 0.22 0.83 0.52 0.49
Tsuen Wan A 0.49 1.19 0.73 0.72
Tsuen Wan B 0.63 1.50 1.06 1.04

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Table II-5 A generic understanding of connection between the urban morphology and the VR

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Batch 2
The following tables (Tables II-6 to 9) give a summary of the findings for all the study areas
in Batch 2 in the form of VRw and wind speed for both annual and summer cases. After
reviewing the wind tunnel test results, a generic understanding of connection between the
urban morphology and the VR is summarised in Table II-10. Detailed findings of the above
studies for each study area will be reported separately in the corresponding section.

Table II-6a Annual VRw of the study areas
San Po
Kong A
San Po
Kong B
Tuen Mun
Tuen Mun
Sha Tin A
Sha Tin B
Kwan O
Kwan O B
Hang A
Hang A

Table II-6b Statistical summary of the annual VRw of the study areas
Study Areas VRw_min VRw_max VRw_mean VRw_median
San Po Kong A 0.08 0.2 0.14 0.14
San Po Kong B 0.07 0.18 0.12 0.12
Tuen Mun A 0.11 0.25 0.16 0.15
Tuen Mun B 0.11 0.26 0.19 0.19
Sha Tin A 0.12 0.29 0.21 0.2
Sha Tin B 0.14 0.24 0.2 0.2
Tseung Kwan O A 0.11 0.26 0.17 0.17
Tseung Kwan O B 0.09 0.25 0.19 0.19
Wong Chuk Hang A 0.1 0.26 0.19 0.18
Wong Chuk Hang B 0.13 0.33 0.22 0.23

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Table II-7a Summer VRw of the study areas
San Po
Kong A
San Po
Kong B
Tuen Mun A
Tuen Mun B
Sha Tin A
Sha Tin B
Kwan O A
Kwan O B
Wong Chuk
Hang A
Wong Chuk
Hang B

Table II-7b Statistical summary of the summer VRw of the study areas
Study Areas VRw_min VRw_max VRw_mean VRw_median
San Po Kong A 0.08 0.2 0.15 0.16
San Po Kong B 0.09 0.22 0.15 0.15
Tuen Mun A 0.12 0.3 0.17 0.16
Tuen Mun B 0.09 0.3 0.19 0.19
Sha Tin A 0.12 0.26 0.17 0.17
Sha Tin B 0.14 0.24 0.2 0.2
Tseung Kwan O A 0.12 0.21 0.16 0.16
Tseung Kwan O B 0.1 0.22 0.18 0.18
Wong Chuk Hang A 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.19
Wong Chuk Hang B 0.14 0.33 0.23 0.24

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Table II-8a meam wind speed distribution of the study areas for annual case
San Po
Kong A
San Po
Kong B
Tuen Mun
Tuen Mun
Sha Tin A
Sha Tin B
Kwan O A
Kwan O B
Chuk Hang
Chuk Hang
Wind velocity (m/s)

Table II-8b Statistical summary of the median annual wind speed (m/s) of the study areas
Study Areas WS_min WS _max WS _mean WS _median
San Po Kong A 0.78 2.27 1.53 1.52
San Po Kong B 0.83 1.95 1.33 1.32
Tuen Mun A 0.67 1.35 0.92 0.88
Tuen Mun B 0.67 1.67 1.15 1.12
Sha Tin A 1.05 2.41 1.72 1.69
Sha Tin B 1.07 2.13 1.64 1.66
Tseung Kwan O A 0.62 1.64 1 0.98
Tseung Kwan O B 0.55 1.47 1.15 1.17
Wong Chuk Hang A 0.65 1.69 1.22 1.24
Wong Chuk Hang B 0.88 2.16 1.47 1.5

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Table II-9a median wind speed distribution of the study areas for summer case
San Po
Kong A
San Po
Kong B
Tuen Mun
Tuen Mun
Sha Tin A
Sha Tin B
Kwan OA
Kwan OB
Wong Chuk
Hang A
Wong Chuk
Hang B
Wind velocity (m/s)

Table II-9b Statistical summary of the median summer wind speed (m/s) of the study areas
Study Areas WS_min WS _max WS _mean WS _median
San Po Kong A 0.64 1.74 1.24 1.29
San Po Kong B 0.75 1.92 1.27 1.27
Tuen Mun A 0.6 1.43 0.84 0.79
Tuen Mun B 0.47 1.53 0.96 0.94
Sha Tin A 0.91 1.94 1.23 1.21
Sha Tin B 1.04 1.91 1.54 1.54
Tseung Kwan O A 0.61 1.15 0.85 0.88
Tseung Kwan O B 0.52 1.22 0.95 0.98
Wong Chuk Hang A 0.52 1.76 1.06 1.08
Wong Chuk Hang B 0.71 1.91 1.32 1.31

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Table II-10 A generic understanding of connection between the urban morphology and the VR

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Two general remarks concerning physical model and test probes used in 1:400 testing are as

(a) The wind tunnel models were designed to represent the general building massing
and configurations to meet the objectives of the benchmarking studies. Hence,
openings in both buildings and podia were not included in the wind tunnel models.
(b) Each measurement probe of the thermal anemometer system was calibrated prior to
conducting each of the benchmarking studies. The calibrations were performed over
a range of wind speeds, extending to less than 1 m/s, and the regression coefficients
for the calibrations for each measurement probe were greater than 0.999. Therefore,
the thermal anemometer system used for the benchmarking studies was capable of
measuring wind speeds less than 1 m/s.


Detailed findings for each study area are reported below.

The annual and summer (i.e. June, July, August) prevailing wind characteristics
corresponding to strong non-typhoon winds approaching Hong Kong also occurred at a
height of 500 m above the Causeway Bay study area. However, at a height of 50 m above the
study area, winds from directions of 45 to 90, 157.5 to 180 and 247.5 were significantly
affected by the surrounding topography that caused significant changes to the wind rose at
that height. Similarly, at heights of 100 m and 200 m, winds from directions of 67.5 and
180 were also significantly affected by the surrounding topography. Winds approaching
the study area from northerly directions were the least affected due to the relatively open
exposure to Victoria Harbour in those directions.

There are in total 91 test points. In general, higher wind velocity ratios were determined at
test points located near the Victoria Park and Victoria Harbour. Test points that were located
in narrow streets such as Lee Garden Road and Pak Sha Road, away from areas with
relatively open exposure, recorded significantly lower wind velocity ratios. It was also
clearly demonstrated that the weak summer sea breezes that dominate the summer wind
climate do not significantly penetrate the urban environment in the Causeway Bay study area.
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Figure II-13: Locations of test points at Causeway Bay

The annual site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Causeway Bay study area
are 0.21, 0.17 and 0.22 respectively. The annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and
C in the Causeway Bay study area are 0.21, 0.16 and 0.20 respectively. The annual mean
wind speeds corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% for Zone A, B and C are
1.30, 1.02 and 1.23 m/s respectively.

The summer site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Causeway Bay study area
are, 0.16, 0.16 and 0.19 respectively. The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B
and C in the Causeway Bay study area are 0.15, 0.15 and 0.16 respectively. The mean wind
speeds corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% in summer for Zone A, B and C
are 0.36, 0.40 and 0.41 m/s respectively.

In general, the annual and summer (i.e. June, July, August) prevailing wind characteristics
corresponding to strong non-typhoon winds approaching Hong Kong also occurred at a

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height of 500 m above the Sheung Wan study area. However, at heights of 200 m and below,
wind conditions for a number of wind directions were significantly affected by a combination
of the mountains on Hong Kong Island and the density of the built environment in the nearby
urban areas. Winds approaching from wind directions of 45, 315 and 337.5 were the least
affected at all heights.

There are in total 95 test points. In general, the density of buildings and the narrower streets
in the southern part of the study area (Zone B), i.e. south of Queens Road Central around
Aberdeen Street, Peel Street, Graham Street and Cochrane Street, are likely to be the primary
reason for the inability of the prevailing winds to penetrate the southern parts of the Sheung
Wan study area. In contrast, the mixed building heights and relatively wide roads in closer
proximity to the ocean frontage in the northern part of the study area (Zone A) were generally
less obstructive to prevailing wind flows.

Figure II-14: Locations of test points at Sheung Wan

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The annual site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Sheung Wan study area are
0.18, 0.09 and 0.18 respectively. The summer site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C
in Sheung Wan study area are 0.15, 0.10 and 0.15 respectively.

The annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Sheung Wan study area are
0.18, 0.09 and 0.14 respectively. The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and
C in the Sheung Wan study area are 0.15, 0.09 and 0.12 respectively.

The average annual mean wind speeds corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50%
for Zone A, B and C are 1.05, 0.57 and 0.85 m/s respectively. The average summer mean
wind speeds corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% for Zone A, B and C are
0.52, 0.35 and 0.45 m/s respectively.

The annual and summer (i.e. June, July, August) prevailing wind characteristics
corresponding to strong non-typhoon winds approaching Hong Kong also occurred at a
height of 500 m above the Mong Kok study area. However, at heights of 50 m, 100 m and
200 m above the study area, winds from directions of 22.5, 67.5, 315 and 337.5 were
significantly affected by the surrounding topography that caused significant changes to the
wind roses at those heights. Significant reductions in the measured magnitudes of wind
speed are considered to be caused by the density and heights of the nearby built-up areas in
the south and west of Kowloon. Winds approaching from easterly directions were the least
affected due to the areas relatively open exposure for those directions.

There are in total 92 test points. In general, higher wind velocity ratios were determined at
test points located along Nathan Road north of Mong Kok Road, in the wider, more open
eastern part of Mong Kok Road, and south of Mong Kok Road between Nathan Road and Fa
Yuen Street. Test points that were located in secondary narrow streets, away from the main
wider roads such as Nathan Road, recorded significantly lower wind velocity ratios.

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Figure II-15: Locations of test points at Mong Kok

The annual site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Mong Kok study area are
0.15, 0.18 and 0.21 respectively. The annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C
in the Mong Kok study area are 0.16, 0.16 and 0.16 respectively. The annual mean wind
speeds corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% for Zone A, B and C are 1.07,
1.13 and 1.13 m/s respectively.

The summer site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Mong Kok study area are
0.15, 0.18 and 0.19 respectively. The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and
C in the Mong Kok study area are 0.15, 0.16 and 0.15 respectively. The mean wind speeds
corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% in summer for Zone A, B and C are 0.72,
0.80 and 0.77 m/s respectively.

The annual and summer (i.e. June, July, August) prevailing wind characteristics
corresponding to strong non-typhoon winds approaching Hong Kong also occurred at a
height of 500 m above the Tsim Sha Tsui study area. However, at a height of 50 m and 100 m

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above the study area, winds from directions of 112.5, 202.5, 247.5, 270 and 360 were
significantly affected by the surrounding topography including the mountains in the northern
parts of Kowloon, to the south of the study area on Hong Kong Island and the density and
heights of the nearby built-up areas in Kowloon. The same wind directions saw
corresponding significant reductions in the magnitudes of mean wind speed. At a height of
200 m, winds from directions 202.5 and 270 were also significantly affected by the
surrounding topography. In general, winds approaching from easterly directions were the
least affected due to the areas relatively open exposure in those directions.

There are in total 94 test points. Low magnitudes of overall wind velocity ratio were recorded
in narrower streets in Zone A (east of Chatham Road South) such as Knutsford Terrace, Hau
Fook Street and Granville Circuit. Zone B (west of Chatham Road South) is more exposed to
winds from the north and southeasterly directions and the annual average mean wind speed
corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% was approximately 19% greater for
Zone B than for Zone A. However, local wind conditions at specific test points are also
significantly affected by the immediate surroundings, such as nearby buildings, which tend to
balance out over the study area resulting in similar site wind velocity ratios and local wind
velocity ratios for both Zone A and Zone B.

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Figure II-16: Locations of test points at Tsim Sha Tsui

The annual site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Tsim Sha Tsui study area are
0.12, 0.15 and 0.16 respectively. The annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C
in the Tsim Sha Tsui study area are 0.12, 0.14 and 0.14 respectively. The annual average
mean wind speeds for Zone A, B and C are 0.81, 0.96 and 0.96 m/s respectively.

The summer site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Tsim Sha Tsui study area
are 0.11, 0.13 and 0.15 respectively. The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B
and C in the Tsim Sha Tsui study area are 0.11, 0.13 and 0.13 respectively. The mean wind
speeds corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% in summer for Zone A, B and C
are 0.52, 0.52 and 0.57 m/s respectively.

The annual and summer (i.e. June, July, August) prevailing wind characteristics
corresponding to strong non-typhoon winds approaching Hong Kong also occurred at a
height of 500 m above the Tsuen Wan study area. However, at heights of 50 m and 100 m
above the study area, winds from directions of 90, 112.5, 135, 292.5, 315 and 337.5

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were significantly affected by the topography surrounding the study area which caused
significant changes to the wind rose at those heights. Similarly, at a height of 200 m, winds
from directions of 112.5 and 315 were also significantly affected by the surrounding
topography. Winds approaching from westerly directions were the least affected due to the
areas relatively open exposure in those directions.

There are in total 85 test points. In general, stronger wind conditions were recorded in the
southern half of the Tsuen Wan study area, on both an annual basis and for summer months,
with higher recorded values of overall wind velocity ratios and average mean wind speeds
corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50%. This is attributed to the more open
exposure of the southern half of the study area to the prevailing winds from east-north-east
(annual and summer) and the south-west quadrant (summer), the greater mixture of building
heights and a potentially more favourable alignment and arrangement of streets in that area.
Significantly lower wind velocity ratios were recorded in Zone A north of the junction of
Yeung Uk Road and Luen Yan Street.

Figure II-17: Locations of test points at Tsuen Wan

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The annual site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Tsuen Wan study area are
0.16, 0.25 and 0.21 respectively. The annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C
in the Tsuen Wan study area are 0.15, 0.26 and 0.21 respectively. The average annual mean
wind speeds corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% for Zone A, B and C are
0.95, 1.67 and 1.32 m/s respectively.

The summer site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Tsuen Wan study area are
0.19, 0.26 and 0.24 respectively. The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and
C in the Tsuen Wan study area are 0.18, 0.25 and 0.23 respectively. The average summer
mean wind speeds corresponding to a probability of occurrence of 50% for Zone A, B and C
are 0.72, 1.07 and 0.94 m/s respectively.

In general, the annual prevailing wind characteristics corresponding to non-typhoon winds at
an elevation of 500 mPD above the San Po Kong Study Area were similar to the overall
characteristics of non-typhoon winds approaching the Hong Kong region, although the
magnitudes of the directional wind speeds were reduced. More significant changes were
observed in the summer prevailing wind characteristics, which is mainly due to the effects of
hilly terrain on Hong Kong Island to the south-west of the Study Area.

Significant reductions in the measured magnitudes of wind speed were mainly caused by the
mountains located to the north-west of the Study Area, such as Lion Rock, north-east of the
Study Area, such as Tates Cairn, and east of the Study Area on Kowloon, and on Hong Kong
Island. Those mountains significantly affected the directional characteristics for wind
directions of 67.5, 90, 225 and 315. Winds approaching the Study Area from 157.5 were
the least affected due to the relatively open sea exposure at the Lei Yue Mun entrance to
Victoria Harbour.

There are in total 94 test points. In general, the magnitudes of the annual overall wind
velocity ratios and annual average mean wind speeds were greater in the northern half of the
San Po Kong Study Area. This is attributed to the more open exposure of the northern half of
the Study Area to the annual prevailing winds from the north-east quadrant, the relatively
wider spaces between the buildings and the potentially more favourable alignment and
arrangement of streets in that area. On a summer basis, the overall wind velocity ratios and
average mean wind speeds corresponding to a probability of exceedance of 50% were
approximately the same for Zone A and Zone B.

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Figure II-18: Locations of test points at San Po Kong

The annual site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the San Po Kong Study Area are
0.13, 0.12 and 0.17 respectively. The annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C
in the San Po Kong Study Area are 0.14, 0.12 and 0.15 respectively. The average annual
mean wind speeds corresponding to a probability of exceedance of 50% for Zone A, B and C
are 1.53, 1.33 and 1.72 m/s respectively.

The summer site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the San Po Kong Study Area
are 0.14, 0.15 and 0.18 respectively. The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B
and C in the San Po Kong Study Area are 0.15, 0.15 and 0.17 respectively. The average
summer mean wind speeds corresponding to a probability of exceedance of 50% for Zone A,
B and C are 1.24, 1.27 and 1.46 m/s respectively.

In general, the annual and summer prevailing wind characteristics corresponding to non-
typhoon winds at a elevation of 500 m above the Tuen Mun Study Area were similar to the
overall characteristics of non-typhoon winds approaching the Hong Kong region, although
the magnitudes of the directional wind speeds were reduced.

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Significant reductions in the measured magnitudes of wind speed were caused by Kau Keng
Shan to the east of the Study Area, Castle Peak to the west of the Study Area and built-up
areas to the south of the Study Area. The valley and the river channel features at the Tuen
Mun Study Area had significant affects on the wind directions measured at the site at
elevations below 150 m for approaching wind directions of 45, 67.5, 135, 225, 247.5,
270, 292.5, 315 and 337.5. Winds approaching from the north and north-north-east were
the least affected due to the areas relatively open exposure in those directions.

There are in total 95 test points. In general, the magnitudes of the overall wind velocity ratios
were greater in the South Focus Area than the North Focus Area. This is attributed to
difference in street width, street alignment, the substantial separations between the buildings
and the effects of the taller buildings and more extensive podia in the South Focus Area.

Relatively high overall wind velocity ratios were measured at the immediate surroundings of
the committed development at Pui To Road within the Study Area and along Tuen Shun
Street. These conditions are attributed to the effects of the nearby taller buildings and podia.
Relatively low wind velocity ratios were measured at sheltered locations including areas
underneath the elevated road at Pui To Road, below the Tuen Mun West Rail Station, as well
as in the vicinity of Yan Oi Town Square which is affected by the nearby low-rise, elongated

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Figure II-19: Locations of test points at Tuen Mun

The measured annual and summer overall wind velocity ratios were within the range of 0.09 -
0.30. The annual and summer LVR for the Study Area are 0.18 and 0.19 respectively. The
annual and summer LVR for the North Focus Area are 0.16 and 0.17 and the annual and
summer LVR for the South Focus Area are 0.19 and 0.19.

The annual and summer average mean wind speeds of all test locations corresponding to a
probability of exceedance of 50% for the Tuen Mun Study Area are 1.07 and 0.94 m/s
respectively. The annual average mean wind speeds for the North and South Focus Areas are
0.92 and 1.15 m/s respectively. The summer average mean wind speeds for the North and
South Focus Areas are 0.84 and 0.96 m/s respectively.

In general, the annual prevailing wind characteristics corresponding to non-typhoon winds at
an elevation of 500 mPD above the Sha Tin Study Area were similar to the overall
characteristics of non-typhoon winds approaching the Hong Kong region, although the
magnitudes of the directional wind speeds were reduced. More significant changes were
observed at lower elevations due to the combination of buildings and mountains surrounding
the Study Area.
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The largest reductions in the measured magnitudes of wind speed were mainly caused by the
mountains to the south and south-west of the Study Area. The presence of mountains
significantly affected the directional characteristics for all wind directions with the highest
reductions for the wind directions of 180 202.5, 225 and 247.5. Winds approaching the
Study Area from 67.5 were the least affected due to the open sea exposure at Sha Tin Hoi.

There are in total 94 test points. On an annual basis, marginally higher wind conditions were
recorded in the northern part of the Sha Tin Study Area. This was attributed to the more open
exposure of the northern half of the Study Area to the annual prevailing winds from the
north-east quadrant, the proximity of the area to Shing Mun River Channel and a potentially
more favourable alignment and arrangement of streets in that area. However, these benefits
are apparently offset to a certain extent by the moderating effects of Ngan Shing Commercial
Centre and City One Plaza on pedestrian level wind speeds.

On a summer basis, pedestrian level wind conditions are likely to be better in Zone B than
Zone A. This is mainly attributed to the penetration of south-west winds into Zone B that are
also enhanced as they flow between and around the tall buildings in Zone B. In Zone A,
south-west winds are moderated by Ngan Shing Commercial Centre.

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Figure II-20: Locations of test points at Sha Tin

The annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Sha Tin Study Area are
0.21, 0.20 and 0.22 respectively. The average annual mean wind speeds corresponding to a
probability of exceedance of 50% for Zone A, B and C are 1.72, 1.64 and 1.87 m/s
respectively. The average annual spatial wind velocity ratios for the elevated test points, all
of which are located in Zones B and C, are 0.18 and 0.22 respectively.

The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Sha Tin Study Area are
0.17, 0.20 and 0.18 respectively. The average summer mean wind speeds corresponding to a
probability of exceedance of 50% for Zone A, B and C are 1.23, 1.54 and 1.26 m/s
respectively. The average summer spatial wind velocity ratios for the elevated test points in
Zones B and C are 0.20 and 0.19 respectively.

In general, the annual prevailing and summer wind characteristics corresponding to non-
typhoon winds at an elevation of 500 mPD above the Tseung Kwan O Study Area were
similar to the overall characteristics of non-typhoon winds approaching the Hong Kong
region, although the magnitudes of the directional wind speeds were slightly affected by
topographical effects.

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Significant reductions in the measured magnitudes of wind speed below an elevation of 200
mPD were mainly caused by the mountains to the southwest to northwest of the Study Area.
Those mountains significantly affected the directional characteristics for wind directions of
202.5, 225, 247.5, 270, 315 and 337.5. Winds approaching the Study Area from 90
were the least affected due to the relatively open sea exposure at Silverstrand.

There are in total 98 test points. In general, the magnitudes of the annual overall wind
velocity ratios and average mean wind speeds were smaller in the northern half of the Tseung
Kwan O Study Area. This is attributed to the narrower spaces between the buildings and the
long plan dimensions of the buildings. The relatively wide Po Hong Road and Po Fung Road,
and the park located between Tseung Kwan O Swimming Pool and King Lam Estate linking
with Mau Yip Road, allow the prevailing winds to penetrate into the southern areas of the
Study Area. The subsequent interaction with the buildings in those areas result in enhanced
pedestrian level wind speeds for a number of wind directions.

Figure II-21: Locations of test points at Tseung Kwan O

The annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B, C and D in the Tseung Kwan O Study
Area are 0.17, 0.19, 0.19 and 0.23 respectively. The average annual mean wind speeds

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corresponding to a probability of exceedance of 50% for Zone A, B, C and D are 1.00, 1.15,
1.14 and 1.32 m/s respectively.

The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B, C and D in the Tseung Kwan O Study
Area are 0.16, 0.18, 0.20 and 0.20 respectively. The average summer mean wind speeds
corresponding to a probability of exceedance of 50% for Zone A, B, C and D are 0.85, 0.95,
1.10 and 1.07 m/s respectively.

In general, the annual and summer prevailing wind characteristics corresponding to non-
typhoon winds at an elevation of 500 mPD above the Wong Chuk Hang Study Area were
similar to the overall characteristics of non-typhoon winds approaching the Hong Kong
region, although the magnitudes of the directional wind speeds were reduced.

Significant reductions in the measured magnitudes of wind speed were mainly caused by the
mountains surrounding the Study Area and nearby built-up areas. The valley and the channel
features significantly affected the directional characteristics for wind directions of 45, 135,
157.5, 180, 225, 247.5 and 337.5. Upper level winds approaching from the 157.5, 180,
247.5 and 270 i.e. directions approximately aligned with Po Chong Wan and Shek Pai Wan,
were the least affected due to the exposures to wind flow above the water channels.

There are in total 87 test points. In general, the magnitudes of the overall wind velocity ratios
were greater in Zone B than in Zone A. For annual winds, this is attributed to the generally
larger magnitudes of directional wind velocity ratios in Zone B for easterly winds. For the
summer months, winds from the south-west quadrant are able to better penetrate into Zone B
due to its closer proximity to the open water of Sham Wan. The orientation and close spacing
of buildings in Zone A generally obstruct the penetration of south to south-westerly winds.
The valley location of the Wong Chuk Hang Study Area also caused some enhancement of
pedestrian level wind speeds, particularly for winds from 22.5 to 112.5 inclusive. These
effects were enhanced locally by the arrangement of some buildings in the Study Area,
particularly those located on the east to west aligned streets in the Study Area.

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Figure II-22: Locations of test points at Wong Chuk Hang

The annual site wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Wong Chuk Hang Study
Area are 0.19, 0.24 and 0.21 respectively. The summer site wind velocity ratios for Zones A,
B and C in the Wong Chuk Hang Study Area are 0.21, 0.25 and 0.22 respectively. The
annual local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B and C in the Wong Chuk Hang Study Area
are 0.19, 0.22 and 0.21 respectively. The summer local wind velocity ratios for Zones A, B
and C in the Wong Chuk Hang Study Area are 0.20, 0.23 and 0.22 respectively.

The annual and summer average mean wind speeds of all test locations corresponding to a
probability of exceedance of 50% for the Wong Chuk Hang Study Area are 1.37 m/s and 1.25
m/s respectively. The annual average mean wind speeds for Zone A, B and C are 1.22 m/s,
1.47 m/s and 1.40 m/s respectively and the summer mean wind speeds for Zone A, B and C
are 1.06 m/s, 1.32 m/s and 1.32 m/s respectively.

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1.1.1 Background

In 2003, the Team Cleans Report on Measures to Improve Environmental
Hygiene in Hong Kong first mentioned the term Air Ventilation Assessment
(AVA). In 2003, Planning Department commissioned a study titled Feasibility
Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment System (AVAS) which included an
understanding of urban thermal comfort (Table III-1). The earlier findings were based on
literature and theoretical understanding. The understanding is further elaborated in this study
based on user survey data and the use of an outdoor human heat balance model.

Table III-1 An Understanding of Urban Thermal Comfort from AVAs
Outdoor thermal comfort could be achieved when the following factors are balanced: air
temperature, wind speed, humidity, activity, clothing and solar radiation (Figure III- 1
and 2). For designers, it is possible to design our outdoor environment to maximize
wind speed and minimize solar radiation to achieve comfort in the hot tropical summer
months of Hong Kong. Typically, the desirable environment over the pedestrians is a
balance between air temperature, solar radiation and wind speed. A higher wind speed
might be needed if a pedestrian is only partly shaded, likewise, a lower wind speed
might be desired if the air temperature is lower. Based on preliminary researches, refer
to the graph below, for example, when a pedestrian is under shade, a steady mean wind
at pedestrian level of around 1.5 m/s will be beneficial for providing thermal relief and a
comfortable outdoor urban environment in summer in Hong Kong. Factoring in the
macro wind availability of Hong Kong, it might be quoted statistically that a good
probability (50% median) of achieving this 1.5 m/s mean wind speed is desirable. The
criterion states here is not a standard but it is preliminary for head starting an
understanding of AVA. Further local studies are desirable.

Referring to Hong Kongs general macro wind availability data (from the Hong Kong
Observatory), in order to capture this mean 1.5 m/s wind over 50% of the time of a
year, it is desirable to have a city morphology that is optimised, and as much as
possible, designed to capture the incoming macro wind availability. Properly laid out
urban patterns and street widths, careful disposition of building bulks and heights, open
spaces and their configurations, breezeways and air paths, and so on are all important
design parameters. Achieving a quality outdoor thermal environment for Hong Kong is
an important planning consideration. A well designed urban wind environment will
also benefit the individual buildings and their probability of achieving indoor comfort,
as well as contributing to other benefits, like the dispersion of anthropogenic wastes.

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Figure III-1 An understanding of urban thermal comfort based on CUHK researches
[Cheng, V. and Ng, E., Thermal Comfort in Urban Open Spaces for Hong Kong, Architectural
Science Review, vol.49, no.3, Australia, 2006, pp.236-242.]

In 2006, the AVA Technical Circular
(TC) was promulgated by the HLPB and ETWB.
There was no definitive wind performance standard then, and the TC recommends a options
comparison and improvement approach.

PART III of this study investigates the feasibility of establishing a practical wind
performance criterion to create a desirable urban environment for human thermal comfort.

The ex-Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau (HPLB) and ex-Environment, Transport and Works Bureau
jointly issued the Technical Circular No. 1/06 on Air Ventilation Assessment in July 2006.
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1.1.2 Literature understanding based on experimental studies

Figure III-2 Cooling effect of air movement (Khedari et al, 2000)

Figure III-3 Air Speed offered by the T (Khedari et al, 2000).

In hot and humid climatic conditions, air movement assists body heat losses by evaporation
of latent heat (Macfarlend, 1958) (Murakami et al, 1997) (Stathopoulos, 2004) (Aynsley and
Spruill, 1990) (Nikolopoulou et al, 1998) (Nikolopoulou et al, 1999) (Nikolopoulou et al,
2001) (Nikolopoulou and Steemers, 2000) (Ahmed, 2003).

Researchers have pointed to the need for air movement for urban human thermal comfort in
hot and humid climatic conditions (Figure III-2 & 3) (Khedari et al, 2000). Khedari et al
have found that in high humidity environment typical of sub-tropical summer conditions in
Hong Kong, the T offset is in the order of 1

C per 0.5 m/s of air movement data valid

experimentally between 0.5 to 1.5 m/s. The researchers also note that the beneficial effects of
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air movement are higher at air movement of 0.5 to 1.0 m/s. Data from Khedari et al have also
been fitted into equations by Richard Aynsley as follow:

Based on Tanabes research, Givoni (1998) has also concluded the need of wind of 1 m/s at

C and 1.6 m/s at 31

In Hong Kong, urban thermal comfort studies conducted by researchers at CUHK have
indicated that air movement has a beneficial effect of T offsets in the order of 1

C per
approximately 0.4 m/s of air movement - data valid between 0.3 to 1.0 m/s (Figure III- 4)
(Cheng and Ng, 2008).

Figure III-4 A longitudinal study on urban thermal comfort by researchers of CUHK.
The average slope of the thermal responses with changes in the air temperature was 0.23 units/ C.
The difference between the average thermal responses in the wind break and no wind break
settings was 0.43 units. Therefore, it can be inferred that the effect of increasing wind speed from
0.3 m/s to 1 m/s was equivalent to about 1.9 C drop in air temperature.

1.1.3 Literature understanding based on heat balance modelling
Apart from researches that directly deal with air movement for thermal comfort, researchers
have also relied on human heat energy balance modelling (Figure III- 5) to gain an
understanding of the human comfort needs for air movement. Bio-climatically, the human
body exchanges heat with its environment. The balance of the heat exchange depends on a
number of personal and environmental factors (Table III- 2).
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Figure III-5 The parameters of the human heat balance (Houghton, 1985)

Table III-2 Parameters of thermal comfort
Parameters Personal
1. Activity level
2. Clothing
Individual Characteristics
3. Expectation
Environmental Conditions and Architectural Effects
4. Air temperature
5. Radiant temperature
6. Humidity
7. Air speed

It is possible to synthesise various parameters into a thermal index (Table III- 3).

Researcher Fazia Ali Toudert states that: (Toudert, 2005)

A rational definition relates thermal comfort to energy gains and losses and describes
the state of comfort as satisfied when the heat flows to and from the human body are in
equilibrium. This is achieved when the body data, i.e. skin temperature, sweat rate
and/or core temperature, are within a range of comfort. These data are partly governed
by the thermo-physiological regulations of a human being. Assessing the human
thermal comfort is not a recent issue and is not obvious. People have always been
concerned by their well being and looked for methods to quantify their sensation of cold
or heat). The thermal environment and its impact on a human body cannot be described
as a function of one single factor (e.g. Ta) because the body does not possess individual
sensors for each factor and consequently feels the thermal environment as a whole. A
thermal index is based on the same idea: it combines several factors (e.g. Ta, RH, v,
radiation fluxes, etc.) into a single variable which sums up their simultaneous effects on
the sensory and physiological responses of the body.

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Table III-3 Selected thermal comfort indices for indoors and outdoors
(Fanger 1970, Givoni 1976, and ASHRAE 2001a)

A large number of thermal indices exist , most of them share many common features
and can be classified in two groups: empirical or rational. These indices are well
documented and some of them are exemplarily listed in Table III- 3. The indices of the
former group, generally developed earlier, are based on measurements with subjects or
on simplified relationships that do not necessarily follow theory. These are often limited
to the estimation of the combined effect of air temperature, air humidity and air speed
on people in sedentary activity. Rational indices are more recent, promoted by the
lately development of computing techniques, and rely on the human energy balance.
Here, the heat transfer theory applies as rational starting point to describe the various
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sensible and latent radiation flux exchanges, together with some empirical expressions
describing the effects of known physiological regulatory controls.

The comfort equation proposed by Fanger is probably the most well-known application
of the human energy balance. For outdoor conditions, it is necessary to incorporate the
solar and terrestrial radiation fluxes. PET calculated by MEMI (Munich Energy
Model for Individuals) was especially developed for outdoor environments; see Table
III- 2 for definitions comparison. Theoretically, PET have the advantage on
Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) in that it takes into account the thermoregulations of a
human body and are therefore more accurate for extreme conditions (typically

Referring to Touderts description, the study adopts the use of PET (Hppe, 1999 and 2002)
(Mayer and Hoppe, 1987) as the heat balance model understanding of air movement for
human thermal comfort. The model has already been adopted when the technical note titled
Technical Input - Methodologies and Findings of Users Wind Comfort Level Survey was

Utilising the PET mathematical formulation, the beneficial effects of wind for thermal
comfort can be analysed (Figure III- 6). In short, for weak wind condition of 0.5 to 1.5 m/s, it
can be stated that the benefit is approximately 2 degrees per 1 m/s. This is in line with the
experimental results in section 1.1.2 of this report above. It should be noted that the
experimental and the model understanding of air movement for human thermal comfort is

Figure III-6 PET vs. wind

1.1.4 Wind criterion to be used

Internationally, when formulating their various thermal indices, researchers like Fangers,
Gagge, Jendritzky, Pickup, de Dear and Hppe all used mean wind speed as the basis for
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calculating the convective effects of air movement to human body energy balance , (Pickup
and de Dear, 1999) (Hppe, 1984, 1993, 1999 and 2002). Mean wind speed has been found
to be the most direct and appropriate parameter to be used.

When summarising the COST ACTION C14
study, Professor Baker noted that,

At more normal wind speed levels, pedestrian wind comfort criteria are usually
based on one or more combinations of wind speed and the associated probability of
exceedance. At the lowest level wind speeds, there is a requirement that for a certain
percentage of the time certain minimum wind velocities should be exceeded.

The view was echoed by Professor Stathopoulos (2004), as he noted that,

Pedestrian level winds can be described quite adequately in terms of mean velocities
in the presence and absence of a new building within a specific urban environment.
several major cities require only the satisfaction of certain mean (sustainable) speeds
with a specified probability of exceedance.

Therefore, the hourly mean wind speed coupled with the probability of occurrence or
exceedance is recommended to be used as the fundamental basis for the urban air ventilation
performance criterion of Hong Kong. This may be stated as:
(Fangers, 1970) (Gagge et al, 1971) (Gagge et al, 1986), (Jendritzky and Nbler, 1981)

In a specified period, for X % of the time, the hourly mean wind speed of Y m/s
is exceeded.

The Technical Input - Methodologies and Findings of Users Wind Comfort Level Survey
(User Thermal Comfort Surveys) and the findings are summarised below:

1) Urban outdoor thermal comfort is important for people using outdoor spaces. The main objectives of the
Users Wind Comfort Level Survey are i) to understand the outdoor thermal comfort requirements of Hong Kong
people and ii) to find out the range of comfortable wind environment required by them.

2) The methodology of the Users Wind Comfort Level Survey includes: i) micro-meteorological measurement
and ii) user questionnaire survey. The data were collected throughout 2006-2007 to capture a wide range of

Franke, J., Hirsch, C., Jensen, A. G., Krus, H. W., Schatzmann, P. S., Miles, S. D., Wisse, J. A. and
Wright, N. G. (2004). Recommendations on the Use of CFD in Wind Engineering. COST Action C14:
Impact of Wind and Storm on City Life and Urban Environment, Brussels.
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weather conditions of Hong Kong. 2702 completed interviews have been conducted.

3) In line with international practice, the Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) comfort model is used to
analyse the results. The model allows a synergetic understanding of human thermal comfort based on various
environmental and physiological inputs, like air temperature, radiation, humidity, clothing, and so on. The PET
value that one expresses a neutral (neither cool nor warm) thermal sensation (nTS) is known as the neutral PET

4) The summer months are considered more critical for urban thermal comfort in Hong Kong, the summer
dataset is a key focus of analysis. HKO long-term air temperature data have been used to establish the nPET
under typical HK summer condition. Based on the survey, it is established that the summer mean nPET is
28.1, and around 50% of the surveyed subjects would express nTS when PET is in the range of 27-29;
32% will express thermal sensation of too warm, 13% hot and 4% very hot. For the summer nPET = 28.1,
for example, under an air temperature of 27.9, relative humidity of 80%, and a person standing or walking
under shade in streets or urban spaces, in the summer months, a light air of 0.9-1.30 m/s, depending on the
strength of Tmrt, would be thermally comfortable.

PET = 28.1C
Ta (C) Tmrt (C) V (m/s)

28 0.2
30 0.6
32 0.9
34 1.3
36 1.8
38 2.3
40 2.9
42 3.5
44 4.1
RH=80% Clo=0.3 MET=1

Climatic requirements when neutral PET=28.1 (see also PART III-Appendix 2 for further data when
Ta = 28.)

5) Due to thermal adaptation, the winter nPET is lower, at 14.6 under HK typical winter conditions.
Around 70% of the surveyed subjects would express nTS when PET is in the range of 14-16 . Even at PET of
13 or lower, only 42% of the surveyed subjects express TS=-1 or lower. For Hong Kongs typical mean winter
air temperature of 16.3 , assume Tmrt of 17 (in shade), wind speed needs to exceed 3 m/s to result in PET
of 13 or lower. Hence, save some exposed conditions in very windy days, thermal discomfort due to wind
in the winter months is unlikely to be an issue.

6) For urban air ventilation, the survey results suggest that providing light air in summer is important and
beneficial for the hot summer months of Hong Kong. It is important that the city is planned to optimise air
ventilation. Apart from air ventilation, to further improve urban thermal comfort, it is useful i) to provide
more shading areas in the city and ii) to provide greeneries, such as planting more trees. They help to
reduce solar radiation gains and lower air temperature.

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Based on the user thermal comfort surveys, for urban air ventilation in the summer months of
Hong Kong, it is prudent to recommend light air
in the order of 0.9-1.30 m/s depending on
the strength of Tmrt.

It can be noted that Tmrt of the urban environment varies widely (Figure III-7). Within the
urban built environment in Hong Kong, surrounded by man-made materials and surfaces,
even under shading, the mean radiant temperature (Tmrt) at the pedestrian level in outdoor
spaces in the summer time can be 4 - 6C higher than the ambient air temperature. Hence,

Light air of 1 to 3 mph (0.5 to 1.3 m/s) is as defined in the Beaufort scale.

Tablada A et al (2009) conducted field studies in Havana (sub-tropical hot and humid climate) and noted that
wind has a beneficial effect to votes of human thermal comfort. When the ambient Ta is around 27.7 degree C,
Tmrt ~ Ta, the desirable wind speed is 0.5 to 0.8 m/s. In Hong Kong, Ta is around 28 degree C and Tmrt is
some 4-6 degree C above Ta, hence the desirable wind speed needed will be higher.

(0 - comfortable, 1 - comfortably warm, 2 - too warm, 3 - much too warm). Error bars represent the standard deviation.
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the study recommends that a mean wind speed 0.9 to 1.3 m/s is a reasonable performance
criterion to be considered for Hong Kongs urban wind environment when taking into
account the Tmrt.

Figure III- 7 Tmrt of HK urban conditions based on summer 2007 non-A/C data of the user

A probability of occurrence / exceedance needs to be stated. Ideally, it should be 100% of
the time, but this is not realistic under natural conditions. Some researchers on outdoor
transient based human comfort studies (Bruse, 2007) have used 70/30 (70%) as their bases;
and Murakami have suggested 50% of the time as a reasonable and convenient % to use
(Murakami and Morikawa, 1985) (Murakami et al, 1986) (Ng et al 2004). The study suggests

In the summer months of Jun Aug, the median hourly mean wind
speed should be >= 1 m/s

be the generic urban air ventilation performance criterion for urban thermal comfort in Hong
Kong. The generic criterion stated here is based on human thermal comfort of inhabitants of
Hong Kong and is therefore not location specific. This human-physiological understanding
has been the basis of the Hong Kong Urban Climatic Map and has been applied throughout
the study (based on UCAn-Map Class 3-4 urban thermal comfort condition as the basis).

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It is useful to bear in mind the parameters of human heat balance, with wind or air movement
over human body being one of four key environmental parameters. It is most important to
consider this in the hot and humid summer months of sub-tropical climate conditions. Given
the same ambient air temperature and relative humidity, the lack of wind can be somewhat
compensated with the lowering of the mean radiant temperature (Tmrt).

Equation 1 summarises the Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) formulation in
light air urban air ventilation conditions (0.5<v<1.5 m/s). In short and for 20<Ta<35 and
25<Tmrt<50, 1 degree rise of PET can be due to about 1 degree rise in air temperature, or 2
degree rise in Tmrt, and can be mitigated with 0.5 m/s increase in urban air ventilation.
PET = (1.2*Ta - 2.2*v + 0.52* [Tmrt- Ta]) + c (1)

For example, based on the understanding in Table III-4, it is possible to accept a lower wind
speed if Tmrt can be kept to 2-4 degrees (instead of 4-6 degrees) above Ta. That is to say, it
is possible to mitigate the ill-effects of areas with slightly lower wind velocity ratio and hence
lower urban air ventilation availability at the pedestrian level by extensive tree planting
(hence providing shading) and greenery over larger surface area (hence reducing sunlight

Table III-4 A tabulation of PET, Ta, Tmrt and v
PET = 28.1C
Ta (C) Tmrt (C) V (m/s)

28 0.2
30 0.6
32 0.9
34 1.3
36 1.8
38 2.3
40 2.9
42 3.5
44 4.1
RH=80% Clo=0.3 MET=1

Task 1 the urban climatic map (Figure III-8) of the study has also incorporated this key
understanding. Urban climatically speaking, Thermal Load (negative thermal comfort impact)
can be alleviated by better Dynamic Potential, which provides possible positive thermal
comfort contributions (Table III-5). Greenery is also a positive contribution amongst the
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Thermal Load factors.
It has been calculated that greenery at an district based area average
of 33.3% (1/3), especially with tree planting, may have a beneficial effect of lowering the
thermal load class of the Hong Kong UC-AnMap by 1 class, thus lowering the impact on
thermal stress.

Figure III-8 The Hong Kong Urban Climatic Analysis Map (2009 version)
It has been calibrated that Class 3 and 4 of the UCMap represent the nPET (neutral thermal
comfort) conditions under typical average Hong Kong summer conditions (Refer to Part I-
WP1 for details).

Based on the PET understanding, it can be stated that: in weak wind condition of 0.5 to 1.5 m/s the benefit of
1 m/s increase in wind speed is approximately equal to 2 degrees reduction in air temperature in terms of
human thermal sensation. In short, it is possible to balance for example the benefits of providing greening to
lower urban air temperature to compensate and mitigate the ill- effects of weak air ventilation for urban human
thermal comfort.
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Table III-5 Description of the 8 urban climatic classes of the draft UC-AnMap
Class Urban Climatic Class
PET Difference
Impact on Thermal Comfort
(When Ta is 28C)
1 Moderately negative Thermal Load
and Good Dynamic Potential
-2 Moderate cooling
2 Slightly negative Thermal Load and
Good Dynamic Potential
-1 Slight cooling
3 Low Thermal Load and Good
Dynamic Potential
0 Neutral
Some Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential
+1 Slight warming
Moderate Thermal Load and Some
Dynamic Potential
+2 Moderate warming
Moderately High Thermal Load and
Low Dynamic Potential
+3 Moderately strong warming
High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential
+4 Strong warming
Very High Thermal Load and Low
Dynamic Potential
+5 Very strong warming
1 moderately negative Thermal Load due to higher altitude and adiabatic cooling, and
greenery and trans-evaporative cooling
2 slightly negative Thermal Load due to vegetated slope and trans-evaporative cooling
3 to 8 various classes of warming impact due to increasing Thermal Load and decreasing
Dynamic Potentials

Based on the Hong Kong UC Map classification and the PET formulation, it can be resolved
that the classes can have the following parametric understanding (Table III- 6). Hence, for
example, for Class 7 areas, to improve it urban climatically, one may wish to improve air
ventilation from 0.3 m/s to 0.6 m/s or better still to 1.0 m/s so as to bring it down to Class 6
and 5 respectively. Furthermore, by further lowering the Ta from 30 degree C to 29 degree
C by introducing greening the area will have UCMap Class 5 and 4 respectively.

Table III-6 A parametric understanding of PET based on the HK UC-AnMap
PET (deg C) UCMap Class Ta (degree C) Tmrt (degree C) V (m/s)
28 3 28 Ta+4 1
29 4 29 Ta+4 1
30 5 29 Ta+4 0.6
31 6 30 Ta+4 0.6
32 7 30 Ta+4 0.3
33 8 31 Ta+4 0.3

In addition, apart from the cooling benefits of human bodies for thermal comfort, wind in the
urban environment can also have the potential to alleviate urban heat island (UHI) effect.
Researchers Kim and Baik (2002) have suggested that with a wind speed of 0.8 m/s or above,
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UHI will start to decrease. Morris et al (2001) reported that the UHI is approximately the
fourth root of both the wind speed and cloud cover. Klysik and Fortuniak (1999) also
reported a lowering of UHI during daytime when wind is around 2 m/s. Researchers of
Beijing Meteorological Office have also suggested using 1 m/s as the benchmark for the
purpose of urban pollution dispersion. (Beijing, 2004). They also use the area coverage of
weak wind regions as a criterion for assessment. Summing up the understanding outlined
above, therefore it is suggested that the desirable minimum urban wind performance
criterion be stated as follow:

Summer (1 Jun 31 Aug) median hourly mean
wind speed >= 1 m/s
Annual median hourly mean wind speed >= 1 m/s



The urban air ventilation performance criterion is desirable from a human physiological
point of view. It is important to test its applicability given the urban developed context of
Hong Kong. To achieve that, wind tunnel tests of 20 areas have been conducted. The idea is
to investigate the existing wind environment of our city and compare it with the desirable
urban wind performance.

The Study has conducted wind tunnel tests for 10 pairs of 20 areas. A summary of their VRw
and Vp (wind speed at pedestrian level) annually and in the summer months can be found in
Figure III- 9 and Figure III- 10.

A steady state solution of CFD results can be regarded as equivalent to hourly mean wind speed.

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Figure III-9a Summary of summer VRw

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Figure III-9b Summary of annual VRw
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Figure III-10a Summary of summer wind speed(Vp)

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Figure III-10b Summary of annual wind speed(Vp)

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A summary understanding of the benchmarking study is also presented in Table III-7 and 8.
The data is extracted from the benchmarking data report (see PART III-Appendix 3). For
each test area, the VRw and the corresponding Vp in summer and annually are summarised.
The percentages of test points of the test area with the median hourly mean wind speed < 1
m/s annually and in the summer months are summarised in Figure III-11. In the summer
months, only test areas that are relatively exposed and nearer to the waterfront (for example
Shatin and Sam Po Kong) would have less than 25% of its test points with the median hourly
mean wind speed less than 1 m/s. Annually, the denser inland areas of Sheung Wan,
Causeway and Tsim Sha Tsui would have more than 75% of the test points with the median
hourly mean wind speed less than 1 m/s. This indicates their relatively poor existing urban
ventilation conditions. The data of the benchmarking tests are further tabulated in Table III-
8 to 9 and shown in Figures III - 12 to 21.

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Table III-7a A summary of the benchmarking study
(ratio of Test point with median hourly mean Vp <1 m/s)

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Table III-7b A summary of the benchmarking study
(ratio of Test point with median hourly mean Vp <0.6 m/s)

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Figure III-11 A summary of percentage of test points with median hourly mean wind speed < 1
(annual situation (top) and summer situation (bottom))

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The Vp of the 10 test areas is summarised in Figure III-10. They highlight conditions where
the median hourly mean wind speed Vp > 1 m/s is difficult to achieve under the exisiting
urban morphology.

Table III-8 Summary of the annual median hourly mean wind speeds
(50% probability of exceedance) (Zone A & B)

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Table III-9 Summary of summer median hourly mean wind speeds
(50% probability of exceedance) (Zone A & B)

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Figure III-12 Test Area 1-Tsim Sha Tsui
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-13 Test Area 2-Mong Kok
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-14 Test Area 3-Sheung Wan
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-15 Test Area 4-Causeway Bay
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-16 Test Area 5-Tsuen Wan
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-17 Test Area 6-San Po Kong
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-18 Test Area 7-Tuen Mun
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-19 Test Area 8-Sha Tin
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-20 Test Area 9-Tseung Kwan O
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Figure III-21 Test Area 10-Wong Chuk Hang
(Top: Annual; Below: summer)
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Through the wind tunnel benchmarking studies, the desirable minimum urban wind
performance criterion especially in the summer months is shown to be difficult to achieve in
the urban context of Hong Kong given its existing high urban density, narrow streets, tall and
bulky buildings and large podia.

Based on the results of the wind tunnel benchmarking studies, 16 out of the 20 benchmarking
areas have a majority of the test points with wind speed below 1m/s in the summer months.
Four areas in San Po Kong, Wong Chuk Hang and Shatin have attained wind speed higher
than 1m/s for most of the test points, which is mainly attributed to lower building densities,
higher urban permeability and greater proximity to openness. In contrast, the 16 non-
compliance areas are characterised by narrow streets and developments that are high in
density, tall and bulky with large podium.

Hong Kong is actually well endowed with wind (see table below). The key is to optimise it
through better urban and building designs.

Thus, any attempt to state a desirable urban wind performance criterion to address the need
for urban human thermal comfort would be practically difficult to achieve in the short run.
For practical consideration, the desirable urban wind performance criterion can at best be
stated as a target to be achieved eventually, or as a reference towards better design at this
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When examining the results of the wind tunnel benchmarking studies, the result illustrates
that in the urban areas of Hong Kong, the existing urban wind performance is, in general,
poor except in unobstructed areas nearer to the waterfront and exposed areas. Of the 20
urban areas that we have examined, 16 of them would not be conducive to healthy living in
air ventilation terms. People may be suffering in terms of thermal discomfort and, possibly
heat stress (Figure III- 22).

Figure III-22 News and recent studies on heat-stress-related mortality
(Source: E.Y.Y. Chan, W.B. Goggins, J .J . Kim, A study of intracity variation of temperature-related mortality and
socioeconomic status among the Chinese population in Hong Kong. J ournal of Epidemiol Community Health (2010)
DOI :10.1136/jech.2008.085167 and Leung, Y. K., K. M. Yip, and K. H.Yeung (2008) Relationship between thermal index
and mortality in Hong Kong, Meteorological Applications 15: 399409.)

Figure III-23 Increasing trend of very hot days and very hot nights in Hong Kong from 1890-
(Increase of Very Hot Days and Very Hot nights over the years indicates that our urban environmental is getting hotter and
hotter due to urban heat island and lack of urban ventilation. )

Local public health researchers have found that heat stress is becoming an issue in urban
Hong Kong. Higher urban temperature and weaker urban air ventilation can cause
discomfort, thermal stress, and worse still, heat stress related mortality. In addition, the
number of very hot days (day time air temperature exceeding 33 ) and very hot nights
(night time air temperature exceeding 28 ) will increase drastically due to higher Urban
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Heat Island Intensity (Table III-10). As heat stress related mortality is directly related to
temperature elevation intensity, heat wave duration and heat wave frequency, the
problem can be severe if left unattended (Figure III-22).

Table III-10 The number of Very hot days can increase from 11 days to 97 days per year with
an urban heat island intensity of 3


In Hong Kong, some urban areas are already experiencing an UHI of 4 to 5 degrees. (Source: Ng, E., (2009) Wind and Heat
Environment in Densely Built Urban Areas in Hong Kong, (invited paper) A special issue on Wind Disaster Risk and Global
Environment Change, the Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies (AIRIES), Journal of
Global Environmental Research, Vol.13, No.2, 2009, pp169-178.)

In addition, it has been estimated that energy use of buildings can increase by 15% if the
outdoor air temperature rises by 3
C (Table III-11).

Table III-11 Impact of urban temperature on energy consumption of Hong Kong (Fung et al,
Energy 31 2623-2637,2006).

If quality of life is to be improved, a determined action is needed to reverse the trend of UHI
deterioration. In this regard, the Study has now provided scientific evidence to guide such
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actions. Business as usual is clearly not an option and current practice would need to be

All in all, it is now high time to consider the urban climatic environment of Hong Kong in a
balanced manner. The following recommendations are the minimum that needs to be done to
address the critical issue at hand.

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1.1 A practical approach
Bearing in mind the difference in terms of providing a desirable urban air ventilation
environment for Hong Kong and the practical difficulties of fully achieving it, it is suggested
that a best practice approach be adopted. This would allow projects to aspire and move in the
right direction in terms of development intensity, building height, and building disposition for
attaining better urban air ventilation. Hence, the recommended Wind Performance Criterion
comprise two limbs, i.e. the Wind Performance Requirement and the Alternative (Prescriptive)

Wind Performance Requirement:
80% of all test points inside the assessment area as defined in the
AVA Technical Circular have:
Annual median hourly mean wind speed 1 m/s
Summer median hourly mean wind speed 1 m/s
95% of all test points inside the assessment area as defined in the
AVA Technical Circular have:
Annual median hourly mean wind speed 0.6 m/s
Summer median hourly mean wind speed 0.6 m/s

When it is demonstrated that the Performance Approach cannot be reasonably and practically
achieved, due to the exisiting urban building morphology, such as high urban density, narrow
streets, exisiting bulky buildings and large podia, and hence the limited wind available, the
project proponent may be allowed to adopt the Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach.

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Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach:
mitigating design
Taking into account the Studys analysis of various factors
affecting urban climatic situation and the PNAP APP-152, an
alternative (prescriptive) approach requiring the following
mitigation design measures are formulated:
- Ground coverage of no more than 65%
- Building (tower block) permeability as per PNAP APP-152;
- Building setback requirement near narrow street as per PNAP
APP-152; and
- Greenery (preferably tree planting) of not less than 30% for
sites larger than 1 ha, and 20% for sites below 1 ha at lower
levels, prefereably at grade. Sites smaller than 1,000m are
Remarks: The stated design features are to improve the urban climatic condition by lowering the
ground coverage and increasing the airspace nearer to the ground level and by providing
greening and tree shades. They are prescriptive design requirements and not inter-tradable.

The Performance Approach basically applies the desirable outdoor thermal comfort
environment as the basis for consideration. Noting that in some cases there will be isolated
test points that cannot meet the wind performance requirement, only 95% of the test points
will, therefore, be considered. In addition, taking into account the practical consideration that
there are always some isolated wake areas behind buildings where the desirable air
ventilation performance is difficult to achieve, the Wind Performance Requirement allows a
further 15% (total 20%) of the test points to fall below the reasonably desirable wind
performance from 1 m/s to 0.6 m/s. It is advisable that project proponent can further consider
reducing the Tmrt (which related to surface temperature of the surroundings) of the areas
surrounding these test points as so to mitigate some of the possible ill-effects of thermal
discomfort. Greening on both the paved surfaces and on the vertical surfaces of buildings
near the pedestrian level are useful measures. To demonstrate the fulfilment of the Wind
Performance Requirement, an AVA detailed study has to be conducted.

The Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach is proposed to cope with circumstances (mainly in
old urban areas) where the Wind Performance Requirement has been demonstrated to be
practically impossible to achieve due to the existing building morphology.

The Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach is based on the same scientific understanding of the
UC-Map. It relies on the same area average parametric understanding that if ALL the
building sites in the area follow the same prescriptive approach, the collective and
culminated overall (thermal + dynamic) urban climatic condition would be comparable to
that under the Wind Performance Requirement by lowering the ground coverage and
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increasing the airspace nearer to the ground level and by providing greening and tree shades.
The scientific understanding is summarised in Figure III-24 to 32.

1.2 Parametric Tests

Several parametric tests had been done to evaluate the impact of the development parameters
on the urban climate and air ventilation on ar area basis. The parametric tests are documented
from Figure III - 24 to 32. Parametrically and on an area average basis, by reducing the site
ground coverage of buildings to 65%, adding tree planting at grade to 30%, and allowing
building permeability to about 25%, the synergetic effects may reduce the PET by 2 degrees.
It must be highlighted that the understanding is built on the concept that: if everyone does
their share collectively and eventually, the urban environment would improve for the better in
urban climatic terms.

The recommended design measures are prescriptive design requirements and are not inter-
tradable. Should a project proponent wishes to reduce the ground coverage to only 80%
instead of the required 65%, he/she can ONLY do so by subjecting the revised design to a
detailed AVA test to satisfy the Wind Performance Requirement.

It should be noted that the desired objectives for a better urban environment by optimising
Building Separation, Building Setback and Greenery under the Buildings Departments
newly promulgated PNAP APP-152 Sustainable Building Design Guidelines, are largely in
line and comparable with the Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach as recommended in this
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Figure III-24 Reduction of building ground coverage

Figure III-25 Reduction of building ground coverage
(Source: Ryuichiro Yoshie , Hideyuki Tanakaa and Taichi Shirasawa and Edward Ng,
Experimental Study on Air Ventilation in a Built up Area with Closely Packed High Rise
Buildings, J . Environ. Eng., AI J , Vol. 73 No. 627,661 667, May, 2008.)

ground coverage should be under 70%
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Figure III-26 Increasing urban permeability
(Source: Yim, S.H.L., Fung, J .C.H., Lau, A.K.H., &Kot, S.C.(2009). Air ventilation impacts of the
wall effect resulting from the alignment of high-rise buildings. Atmospheric Environment, 43
(32), 28942982.)

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Figure III-27 Increasing urban permeability

Figure III-28 Increasing urban permeability
(Source: Yuan, C. and Ng, E., (2012) Building Porosity for better urban Ventilation a
computational parametric study, Building and Environment, 50, 176-189.
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Figure III-29 Improving urban greenery

Figure III-30 Improving urban greenery

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Figure III-31 Improving urban greenery

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Figure III-32 Improving urban greenery
(Source: Ng, E., Liang, C., Wang, Y. N. and Yuan, C., (2011). A study on the Cooling Effects of
Greening in High Density City: an experience from Hong Kong, Building and Environment.
Online 28 J uly 2011, I SSN 0360-1323, DOI : 10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.07.014.)

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1.3 Exemption
It is acknowledged that there will be projects of special functional requirements that cannot
satisfy the above approaches. As such, the Study recommends that developments with
demonstrated functional requirements in terms of building length and/or ground coverage (e.g.
infrastructural facilities, transport terminus, sports and civic facilities) may be exempted from
implementing the prescriptive mitigating design measures under the Alternative (Prescriptive)
Approach subject to the following:

- the building separation requirement is in full compliance with other buildings on the
same site or other parts of the building that are located above such special facilities
being exempted, where applicable;
- a quantitative AVA be conducted to demonstrate that the eventual design option, with all
practicable mitigation/improvement measures, has been selected based on a comparison
of different design options; and
- greening and tree planting opportunities have been maximised within the pedestrian
zone, preferably at grade and at the part of the site not built over.

1.4 Long Term Improvement
It must be highlighted that the practical consideration of allowing an Alternative
(Prescriptive) Approach will only slowly improve the overall air ventilation performance of
the urban area. Unless most, if not all, projects could fulfil the prescriptive mitigating design
measures, the urban air ventilation performance would unlikely reach the desirable standard.

Noting the practical difficulties of the urban context of Hong Kong to attain to the desirable
urban air ventilation, the Study has recommended a Wind Performance Criterion comprising
of the Wind Performance Requirement, Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach and Exemption
Clause. This three-pronged approach is considered to be the most practical and flexible way
in achieving a better urban climate.

The Wind Performance Criterion does not, by itself, impose an impact on development
intensity. Instead of area-wide restrictions in development intensities, the remedial
mitigating design measures, including those set out in the Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach,
specifically target building disposition and design on a site-basis to promote air ventilation in
existing problem areas.

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More generally, the Wind Performance Criterion can provide a useful yardstick for the
quantitative formulation of development control parameters and to promote design
improvements in the planning process. They also provide a more solid basis for extending
the scope of application of AVA currently set out in the Technical Circular and Technical
Guide on Air Ventilation Assessment in Hong Kong.

To make good use of the Wind Performance Citerion, the administration would need to
review the various policy areas including, (i) the categories and stages of development
projects that need to undertake AVAs with different levels of detail, (ii) the factors to be
taken into account in assessing the needs of AVAs for individual projects, (iii) the suitable set
of wind availability data adopted for planning purpose, as well as (iv) the scope and
applications of different AVA and related studies (expert evaluation, initial study and detailed
study), to be adopted with respect to the latest understanding of the urban climate and wind
environment of Hong Kong. In terms of implementation, all advisory, regulatory, and
incentive approaches should be reviewed with reference to other parallel green building and
sustainable development initiatives being established in Hong Kong. Further investigation in
these areas will be carried out when looking into the implementation mechanism for the
refined AVA System in Part IV of the Report.

The Wind Performance Criterion provides a yardstick for the Hong Kong Government and
project proponents to gauge the air ventilation performance of a project proposal. To begin
with, it is recommended that the Wind Performance Criterion be implemented through the
administrative approach under exisiting developing control mechanisms. At this stage, a
legislative approach to implement the Wind Performance Criterion is premature and is not

The Study recommends the Government to:
(a) update the current Technical Circular on AVA (No. 01/06) to reflect the refined
methodology and the Wind Performance Criterion;
(b) continue the current practice of requiring all relevant public projects to conduct
AVA at the early planning and design stage and demonstrate acceptability from air
ventilation point of view; and
(c) widely promote greenery, especially tree planting, in the public realm and open
spaces so as to improve the thermal comfort of the urban environment.
The Study recommends the private sector to:
(a) incorporate appropriate building design to improve urban air ventilation; and
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(b) demonstrate air ventilation acceptability and adopt mitigating design measures in
new developments.

All in all, it must be highlighted that the city belongs to everyone in Hong Kong. As such,
both the public and the private sector must do their fair share, so that through concerted
efforts, the urban living environment in Hong Kong would gradually improve for the better
and to the benefit of our future generations.


3.1 Interim review
It is recommended that an interim review of Hong Kongs Wind Performance Criterion be
conducted 5 year after its promulgation and practical application. The key purpose is to
evaluate if the criterion is fit for purpose i.e. whether it leads to a better urban air
ventilation environment. The questions that should be asked at the review stage should
include: Is there any need to refine its understanding? Is there any loophole in implementing
the criterion? Is it difficult to use and apply? Does it allow for design flexibility and
innovative ideas? Is it yielding a desirable outcome? Is there any room for further

It is proposed that an expert committee led by the Planning Department be established for the
preliminary review. Membership of the committee should include representatives from
academia, the trade, professional organisations and government departments. The committee
can formulate its own detailed working procedure. One suggestion is as follows:

(a) Correlate the designs that have considered/applied the criterion, note the feedback from
the responsible professionals, evaluate the performance of the designs, and evaluate the
design features and mitigation measures;
(b) Conduct site visit and project specific mini-user surveys to yield representative
quantitative data; and
(c) Expertly examine the information and propose refinements, if necessary.

The Planning Department can organise a round of public consultation exercise to explain the
proposed refinements and to gauge the public response.

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3.2 Main review
Inevitably, the expectations and aspirations of the Hong Kong people change over time. It is
recommended that a major review of Hong Kongs Wind Performance Criterion be
conducted at 10-year intervals. The review is to:

(a) Factor in considerations of habitual changes, needs and aspirations of the Hong Kong
people. This can be achieved with a new round of user thermal comfort survey.
(b) Factor in new understanding of scientific knowledge. This can be achieved using the
latest human thermal comfort model and analytical techniques.
(c) Factor in new information and international standards as they become available. This can
be achieved with desktop study and literature review.
(d) Accommodate to new agendas and issues, e.g. the need to factor in climate change, new
understanding of heat waves, heat spells and other aspects of urban living. This can be
achieved by feeding in the latest climatic information to new climate change based

It is also proposed that an expert committee led by the Planning Department be established
for the main review. Membership of the committee should include representatives from
academia, the trade, professional organisations and government departments. It is desirable
to include international experts within the expert committee. The committee can formulate
its own detailed working procedure. One suggestion is as follows:

(a) Conduct a second round of expert review similar to the preliminary review.
(b) Conduct desktop literature studies and research on the latest international standards and
(c) Conduct a new round of user survey using more up to date research techniques and
models. Re-compute the desirable urban Wind Performance Criterion physiologically.
(d) Examine the information and identify the need for change and refinements.
(e) Propose a new set of urban Wind Performance Criterion as appropriate.

The Planning Department can organise a round of public consultation to explain the proposal
and to gauge the public response.

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4.1 Site Wind Availability Study
It is recommended that the Planning Department considers generating a set of site wind
availability data to standardise the information source for conducting AVA in compliance
with the Wind Performance Criterion.

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Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET)

Since the 1960s, heat balance models of the human body have become more and more
accepted in the assessment of thermal comfort. The basis for these models is the human
energy balance equation. One of the first heat balance models is the comfort equation defined
by Fanger (1972). One decade later, Jendritzky et al. (1981 & 1989) managed to make
Fangers approach applicable to outdoor conditions by assigning appropriate parameters to
adjust the model to cater for the much more complex outdoor radiation conditions. This
approach, which is also known as the Klima Michel Model, is now increasingly being
applied. Since this model was designed only to estimate an integral index for the thermal
component of the climate and not to represent a realistic description of thermal body
conditions, it is able to work without the consideration of fundamental thermo-physiological
regulatory processes. For example, in Fangers approach the mean skin temperature and
sweat rate are quantified as comfort values, being only dependent on activity and not on
climatic conditions (Hppe 1999).

More universally applicable models take into account all basic thermoregulatory processes,
like the constriction or dilation of peripheral blood vessels and the physiological sweat rate
(Hppe 1993, 1999). They enable the user to predict real values of thermal quantities of the
body, i.e. skin temperature, core temperature, sweat rate or skin wetness. The Munich
energy balance model for individuals (MEMI) (Hppe 1993) is one such example of a
thermo-physiological heat balance model. It is the basis for the calculation of the
physiologically equivalent temperature (PET). In detail the MEMI model is based on the
energy balance equation (9.1) for the human body:

Where, M is the metabolic rate (internal energy production), W is the physical work output, R
is the net radiation of the body, C is the convective heat flow, ED is the latent heat flow to
evaporate water diffusing through the skin (imperceptible perspiration), Ere is the sum of heat
flows for heating and humidifying the inspired air, ESw is the heat flow due to evaporation of
sweat, and S being the storage heat flow for heating or cooling the body mass. The individual
terms in this equation have positive signs if they result in an energy gain for the body and
negative signs in the case of an energy loss (M is always positive; W, ED and Esw are always
negative). The unit of all heat flows is in Watt (Hppe 1999).
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The individual heat flows in Eq. 9.1, are controlled by the following meteorological
parameters (VDI, 1997b; Hppe 1999):
Air temperature: C, ERe
Air humidity: ED, ERe, ESw
Wind velocity: C, ESw
Mean radiant temperature: R
Thermo-physiological parameters are required in addition:
Heat resistance of clothing (clo units)
Activity of humans (in Watt)

The human body does not have any selective sensors for the perception of individual climatic
parameters, but can only register (by thermoreceptors) and make a thermoregulatory response
to the temperature (and any changes) of the skin and blood flow passing the hypothalamus
(Hppe 1993, 1999). These temperatures, however, are influenced by the integrated effect of
all climatic parameters, which are in some kind of interrelation, i.e. affect each other. In
situations with less wind speed, for instance, the mean radiant temperature has roughly the
same importance for the heat balance of the human body as the air temperature. At days with
higher wind speeds, air temperature is more important than the mean radiant temperature
because it dominates the increased enhanced convective heat exchange. These interactions
are only quantifiable in a realistic way by means of heat balance models (VDI, 1997b; Hppe
1999). PET is defined to be equivalent to the air temperature that is required to reproduce in a
standardised indoor setting and for a standardised person the core and skin temperatures that
are observed under the conditions being assessed (VDI, 1997b; Hppe 1999). The
standardised person is characterised by a work metabolism of 80 W of light activity, in
addition to basic metabolism; and by 0.9 clo of heat resistance as a result of clothing.

The following assumptions are made for the indoor reference climate:
Mean radiant temperature equals air temperature (Tmrt = Ta).
Air velocity (wind speed) is fixed at v = 0.1 m/s.
Water vapour pressure is set to 12 hPa (approximately equivalent to a relative
humidity of 50% at Ta = 20C).

The calculation of PET includes the following steps:

Calculation of the thermal conditions of the body with MEMI for a given combination
of meteorological parameters.

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Insertion of the calculated values for mean skin temperature and core temperature into the
model MEMI and solving the energy balance equation system for the air temperature Ta
(with v = 0.1 m/s, VP = 12 hPa and Tmrt = Ta).

Finally the resulting air temperature is equivalent to PET. PET allows the evaluation of
thermal conditions in a physiologically significant manner. In this respect, Matzarakis and
Mayer (1996) transferred ranges of Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) for thermal perception and
grade of physiological stress on human beings (Fanger 1970; Mayer 1993) into corresponding
PET ranges. They are valid only for the assumed values of internal heat production and
thermal resistance of the clothing.

It is worth mentioning that the VDI-guideline 3787 part 2 methods for the human-
biometeorological evaluation of climate and air quality for urban and regional planning, part I:
climate(VDI, 1997b) recommends the application of PET for the evaluation of the thermal
component of different climates to emphasize the significance of PET further. This guideline
is edited by the German Association of Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI)).

Andreas Matzarakis and Bas Amelung, Physiological Equivalent Temperature as Indicator for Impacts of Climate
Change on Thermal Comfort of Humans, in M. C. Thomson et al. (eds.), Seasonal Forecasts, Climatic Change
and Human Health. 161 Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2008

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RayMan 1.2 2000 place: Hongkong Horizon limitation: 0.0% sky view factor: 1.000
geogr. longitude: 11411' latitude: 2215' timezone: UTC +8.0 h
personal data: height: 1.75 m weight: 75.0 kg age: 35 a sex: m clothing: 0.3 clo activity: 80W

Ta RH v Tmrt PET PET < 28
28 75 / 80 0.6 28 27
30 28


36 30.9
38 31.8
40 32.9
1.0 28 26.2 / 26.3
30 27 / 27.1

27.9 / 28

28.8 / 28.9
36 29.8 / 29.8
38 30.7 / 30.8
40 31.7 / 31.7
1.4 28 25.4
30 26.3


36 28.9
38 29.8

In sum,
Ta = 28, then Tmrt ~ 28-30, if under shade from the sun, and with plenty of trees and grass surfaces around
32-34, if under shade from the sun in an urban area with buildings around
36 or above, partially shaded to fully exposed under the sun.

Tmrt can be as high as 40-50 deg C if fully under the strong summer sun of 600-900 W/m2.

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Annual and Summer months VRw and Vp (Vp < 1m/s 50% time highlighted)
Test area 1 Tsim Sha Tsui
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 1A
0.13 0.90

0.10 0.75

0.06 0.44

0.10 0.67

0.07 0.41

0.14 0.94

0.13 0.88

0.12 0.90

0.13 0.73

0.09 0.60

0.12 0.69

0.12 0.87

0.13 0.86

0.16 1.04

0.18 1.24

0.14 0.99

0.09 0.66

0.17 1.19

0.15 0.99

0.16 1.14

0.16 1.02

0.10 0.74

0.14 0.87

0.13 0.80

0.11 0.81

0.07 0.44

0.06 0.36

0.10 0.74

0.16 0.96

0.17 1.16

0.04 0.25
Test area 1B













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Test area 1C
0.12 0.83

0.16 1.08

0.14 0.98

0.09 0.66

0.16 1.17

0.14 0.98

0.15 1.11

0.16 1.05

0.25 1.66

0.12 0.79

0.16 1.10

0.14 1.05

0.17 1.23

0.18 1.34

0.21 1.34

0.17 1.07

0.15 0.98

0.20 1.24

0.14 0.82

0.05 0.34

0.20 1.29

0.26 1.47

0.12 0.79

0.11 0.80

0.10 0.63

0.22 1.58

0.15 0.93

0.10 0.65

0.25 1.67

0.13 0.77

0.26 1.67

0.25 1.69

0.18 1.11

0.25 1.63

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Test area 2 Mong Kok
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 2A MKA01 0.21 1.00 0.24 1.56
MKA02 0.14 0.66 0.14 0.91
MKA03 0.20 0.96 0.23 1.47
MKA04 0.09 0.48 0.10 0.70
MKA05 0.17 0.89 0.17 1.17
MKA06 0.09 0.44 0.09 0.66
MKA07 0.11 0.50 0.12 0.88
MKA08 0.17 0.80 0.21 1.30
MKA09 0.13 0.66 0.12 0.81
MKA10 0.13 0.68 0.15 1.06
MKA11 0.17 0.79 0.21 1.31
MKA12 0.14 0.71 0.16 1.14
MKA13 0.23 1.20 0.22 1.64
MKA14 0.14 0.71 0.15 1.03
MKA15 0.20 1.01 0.23 1.56
MKA16 0.09 0.45 0.12 0.83
MKA17 0.14 0.67 0.14 0.98
MKA18 0.10 0.51 0.09 0.62
MKA19 0.09 0.47 0.10 0.70
MKA20 0.17 0.82 0.19 1.22
MKA21 0.15 0.66 0.20 1.26
MKA22 0.10 0.48 0.09 0.60
MKA23 0.11 0.54 0.12 0.85
MKA24 0.21 1.10 0.23 1.51
Test area 2B MKB01 0.11 0.57 0.11 0.81
MKB02 0.12 0.63 0.12 0.76
MKB03 0.13 0.57 0.14 0.87
MKB04 0.21 1.12 0.20 1.50
MKB05 0.09 0.37 0.11 0.75
MKB06 0.09 0.46 0.09 0.66
MKB07 0.12 0.60 0.12 0.90
MKB08 0.17 0.77 0.16 1.08
MKB09 0.11 0.48 0.10 0.62
MKB10 0.13 0.66 0.14 0.94
MKB11 0.15 0.82 0.15 1.06
MKB12 0.12 0.59 0.13 0.82
MKB13 0.10 0.42 0.12 0.80
MKB14 0.21 1.11 0.19 1.36
MKB15 0.13 0.68 0.14 1.01
MKB16 0.04 0.19 0.05 0.37
MKB17 0.12 0.63 0.12 0.84
MKB18 0.26 1.41 0.25 1.84
MKB19 0.11 0.53 0.13 0.93
MKB20 0.22 1.17 0.25 1.76
MKB21 0.29 1.54 0.27 1.95
MKB22 0.28 1.51 0.28 2.04
MKB23 0.17 0.85 0.17 1.06
MKB24 0.21 1.07 0.21 1.52
MKB25 0.36 1.95 0.33 2.32
MKB26 0.22 1.17 0.21 1.58
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MKB27 0.23 1.14 0.26 1.82
MKB28 0.12 0.55 0.13 0.86
MKB29 0.09 0.46 0.10 0.71
MKB30 0.08 0.33 0.11 0.71
MKB31 0.06 0.23 0.08 0.53
MKB32 0.18 0.97 0.18 1.30
MKB33 0.15 0.80 0.16 1.14
Test area 2C MKC01 0.15 0.78 0.15 1.09
MKC02 0.13 0.61 0.16 1.15
MKC03 0.13 0.66 0.13 0.95
MKC04 0.15 0.75 0.16 1.13
MKC05 0.15 0.59 0.20 1.39
MKC06 0.10 0.47 0.13 0.95
MKC07 0.18 0.92 0.19 1.40
MKC08 0.21 0.99 0.28 1.91
MKC09 0.09 0.41 0.10 0.68
MKC10 0.08 0.34 0.10 0.63
MKC11 0.30 1.60 0.30 2.16
MKC12 0.11 0.44 0.13 0.72
MKC13 0.15 0.63 0.17 1.11
MKC14 0.19 0.93 0.22 1.43
MKC15 0.18 0.90 0.17 1.23
MKC16 0.12 0.55 0.13 0.78
MKC17 0.12 0.59 0.12 0.87
MKC18 0.07 0.29 0.08 0.49
MKC19 0.14 0.73 0.14 0.99
MKC20 0.09 0.45 0.10 0.69
MKC21 0.09 0.46 0.10 0.73
MKC22 0.20 1.07 0.20 1.44
MKC23 0.07 0.32 0.07 0.48
MKC24 0.11 0.56 0.13 0.94
MKC25 0.21 0.99 0.19 1.32
MKC26 0.10 0.49 0.12 0.83
MKC27 0.12 0.66 0.12 0.89
MKC28 0.09 0.45 0.08 0.61
MKC29 0.24 1.30 0.27 1.93
MKC30 0.13 0.71 0.13 0.95
MKC31 0.28 1.46 0.31 2.21
MKC32 0.26 1.33 0.29 2.00
MKC33 0.12 0.64 0.12 0.82
MKC34 0.38 2.03 0.37 2.57
MKC35 0.28 1.46 0.27 1.99
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Test area 3 Sheung Wan
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 3A
SWA01 0.12 0.41 0.16 0.88

SWA02 0.11 0.39 0.18 0.93

SWA03 0.15 0.50 0.19 1.28

SWA04 0.12 0.42 0.15 0.86

SWA05 0.19 0.69 0.25 1.39

SWA06 0.18 0.59 0.23 1.01

SWA07 0.21 0.74 0.29 1.73

SWA08 0.22 0.78 0.30 1.89

SWA09 0.17 0.61 0.23 1.44

SWA10 0.20 0.59 0.24 1.52

SWA11 0.21 0.82 0.26 1.60

SWA12 0.15 0.48 0.22 1.40

SWA13 0.17 0.48 0.28 1.94

SWA14 0.13 0.48 0.16 0.91

SWA15 0.18 0.62 0.26 1.18

SWA16 0.16 0.58 0.23 1.45

SWA17 0.14 0.49 0.18 0.90

SWA18 0.14 0.48 0.15 0.89

SWA19 0.07 0.20 0.11 0.32

SWA20 0.16 0.65 0.16 1.00

SWA21 0.10 0.40 0.10 0.65

SWA22 0.05 0.21 0.06 0.37

SWA23 0.13 0.49 0.12 0.75

SWA24 0.19 0.77 0.19 1.25

SWA25 0.10 0.35 0.08 0.50

SWA26 0.18 0.68 0.15 0.94

SWA27 0.10 0.39 0.10 0.60

SWA28 0.15 0.56 0.19 1.01

SWA29 0.11 0.40 0.12 0.77

SWA30 0.10 0.39 0.11 0.61

SWA31 0.13 0.51 0.12 0.80

SWA32 0.13 0.49 0.15 0.90

SWA33 0.31 1.21 0.32 1.94
Test area 3B
SWB01 0.09 0.32 0.07 0.44

SWB02 0.05 0.19 0.05 0.33

SWB03 0.06 0.22 0.07 0.43

SWB04 0.07 0.27 0.06 0.37

SWB05 0.07 0.27 0.07 0.47

SWB06 0.11 0.37 0.10 0.62

SWB07 0.08 0.33 0.08 0.53

SWB08 0.10 0.39 0.10 0.64

SWB09 0.09 0.32 0.08 0.52

SWB10 0.10 0.33 0.08 0.49

SWB11 0.06 0.23 0.07 0.42

SWB12 0.08 0.30 0.08 0.49

SWB13 0.10 0.37 0.09 0.57

SWB14 0.12 0.38 0.10 0.42

SWB15 0.07 0.28 0.07 0.44

SWB16 0.07 0.25 0.06 0.39

SWB17 0.07 0.28 0.08 0.50
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SWB18 0.09 0.27 0.07 0.39

SWB19 0.10 0.38 0.10 0.61

SWB20 0.10 0.36 0.09 0.54

SWB21 0.06 0.22 0.06 0.34

SWB22 0.10 0.33 0.09 0.55

SWB23 0.19 0.76 0.20 1.28

SWB24 0.07 0.27 0.07 0.41

SWB25 0.10 0.39 0.10 0.62

SWB26 0.05 0.17 0.04 0.26

SWB27 0.08 0.27 0.06 0.38

SWB28 0.14 0.53 0.13 0.85

SWB29 0.07 0.27 0.07 0.41

SWB30 0.16 0.53 0.15 0.88

SWB31 0.14 0.55 0.14 0.92

SWB32 0.12 0.46 0.12 0.73

SWB33 0.15 0.58 0.15 0.99

SWB34 0.07 0.28 0.07 0.47

SWB35 0.11 0.44 0.12 0.75

SWB36 0.10 0.41 0.11 0.72

SWB37 0.10 0.38 0.11 0.71

SWB38 0.09 0.32 0.09 0.53

SWB39 0.12 0.48 0.13 0.82

SWB40 0.08 0.30 0.09 0.55

SWB41 0.09 0.37 0.10 0.62
Test area 3C
SWC01 0.19 0.69 0.22 1.46

SWC02 0.26 0.88 0.36 2.37

SWC03 0.20 0.68 0.25 1.61

SWC04 0.15 0.54 0.22 1.26

SWC05 0.22 0.84 0.20 1.25

SWC06 0.20 0.72 0.17 1.04

SWC07 0.21 0.79 0.24 1.63

SWC08 0.11 0.44 0.13 0.86

SWC09 0.18 0.70 0.19 1.23

SWC10 0.09 0.33 0.09 0.56

SWC11 0.12 0.45 0.12 0.82

SWC12 0.09 0.36 0.10 0.65

SWC13 0.14 0.53 0.15 0.98

SWC14 0.15 0.58 0.17 1.11

SWC15 0.16 0.64 0.16 1.01

SWC16 0.17 0.60 0.24 1.39

SWC17 0.11 0.38 0.17 1.04

SWC18 0.10 0.40 0.13 0.75

SWC19 0.09 0.34 0.10 0.67

SWC20 0.08 0.21 0.06 0.37

SWC21 0.08 0.25 0.09 0.38
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Test area 4 Causeway Bay
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 4A
CBA01 0.15 0.35 0.18 1.29

CBA02 0.16 0.36 0.24 1.61

CBA03 0.16 0.36 0.22 1.39

CBA04 0.14 0.27 0.18 0.98

CBA05 0.13 0.31 0.21 1.18

CBA06 0.14 0.30 0.20 1.39

CBA07 0.18 0.48 0.24 1.74

CBA08 0.20 0.50 0.28 1.92

CBA09 0.17 0.37 0.23 1.65

CBA10 0.16 0.42 0.22 1.57

CBA11 0.18 0.43 0.24 1.33

CBA12 0.14 0.26 0.19 1.12

CBA13 0.20 0.45 0.26 1.52

CBA14 0.14 0.35 0.22 1.26

CBA15 0.09 0.18 0.16 0.62

CBA16 0.09 0.16 0.15 0.59

CBA17 0.12 0.30 0.16 1.16

CBA18 0.10 0.23 0.16 0.98

CBA19 0.14 0.36 0.24 1.43

CBA20 0.27 0.76 0.27 1.88

CBA21 0.11 0.31 0.15 0.98

CBA22 0.12 0.35 0.16 0.95
Test area 4B
CBB01 0.14 0.38 0.18 1.22

CBB02 0.18 0.50 0.22 1.54

CBB03 0.19 0.51 0.20 1.40

CBB04 0.14 0.36 0.15 1.05

CBB05 0.13 0.34 0.17 1.06

CBB06 0.13 0.32 0.15 1.09

CBB07 0.15 0.41 0.17 1.03

CBB08 0.09 0.23 0.09 0.58

CBB09 0.09 0.23 0.10 0.63

CBB10 0.09 0.19 0.09 0.55

CBB11 0.08 0.22 0.09 0.57

CBB12 0.14 0.39 0.15 0.98

CBB13 0.14 0.38 0.14 0.96

CBB14 0.14 0.35 0.15 0.99

CBB15 0.20 0.54 0.23 1.63

CBB16 0.08 0.21 0.09 0.55

CBB17 0.19 0.49 0.21 1.34

CBB18 0.23 0.63 0.21 1.39

CBB19 0.18 0.44 0.14 0.68

CBB20 0.09 0.21 0.08 0.51

CBB21 0.11 0.24 0.12 0.67

CBB22 0.18 0.39 0.16 0.99

CBB23 0.15 0.42 0.16 1.12

CBB24 0.15 0.39 0.18 1.01

CBB25 0.19 0.52 0.21 1.16

CBB26 0.26 0.72 0.25 1.54

CBB27 0.10 0.29 0.12 0.78

CBB28 0.19 0.60 0.20 1.02
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CBB29 0.17 0.49 0.17 1.04

CBB30 0.23 0.68 0.25 1.61

CBB31 0.18 0.43 0.16 1.03
Test area 4C
CBC01 0.29 0.83 0.31 2.13

CBC02 0.16 0.47 0.17 1.12

CBC03 0.15 0.44 0.20 1.27

CBC04 0.19 0.51 0.24 1.58

CBC05 0.21 0.59 0.26 1.65

CBC06 0.15 0.42 0.23 1.51

CBC07 0.24 0.68 0.34 2.31

CBC08 0.22 0.55 0.33 2.29

CBC09 0.08 0.22 0.12 0.70

CBC10 0.24 0.62 0.32 2.04

CBC11 0.17 0.35 0.33 2.22

CBC12 0.20 0.44 0.26 1.65

CBC13 0.10 0.26 0.13 0.76

CBC14 0.14 0.37 0.17 1.16

CBC15 0.25 0.61 0.32 2.08

CBC16 0.19 0.45 0.19 1.24

CBC17 0.21 0.51 0.21 1.14

CBC18 0.15 0.33 0.17 0.81

CBC19 0.27 0.57 0.22 1.27

CBC20 0.20 0.53 0.19 1.29

CBC21 0.12 0.32 0.11 0.65

CBC22 0.19 0.48 0.18 1.07

CBC23 0.17 0.44 0.16 1.12

CBC24 0.18 0.47 0.15 0.98

CBC25 0.26 0.70 0.28 1.84

CBC26 0.14 0.29 0.15 0.68

CBC27 0.12 0.25 0.15 0.85

CBC28 0.25 0.69 0.25 1.72

CBC29 0.19 0.52 0.20 1.37

CBC30 0.11 0.23 0.19 0.76

CBC31 0.17 0.44 0.18 1.10

CBC32 0.15 0.31 0.22 1.01

CBC33 0.19 0.35 0.26 1.73

CBC34 0.15 0.27 0.20 1.07

CBC35 0.16 0.41 0.19 1.18

CBC36 0.17 0.41 0.22 1.49

CBC37 0.23 0.59 0.24 1.68

CBC38 0.18 0.36 0.18 1.21

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Test area 5 Tsuen Wan
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 5A TWA01 0.15 0.60 0.13 0.77
TWA02 0.18 0.74 0.18 1.05
TWA03 0.14 0.49 0.10 0.60
TWA04 0.18 0.80 0.18 1.15
TWA05 0.17 0.68 0.17 1.01
TWA06 0.20 0.74 0.16 0.99
TWA07 0.21 0.87 0.17 1.03
TWA08 0.21 0.83 0.18 1.08
TWA09 0.13 0.52 0.10 0.64
TWA10 0.16 0.63 0.14 0.84
TWA11 0.12 0.53 0.11 0.68
TWA12 0.20 0.73 0.15 0.78
TWA13 0.20 0.81 0.15 0.91
TWA14 0.12 0.52 0.10 0.63
TWA15 0.14 0.61 0.12 0.75
TWA16 0.15 0.66 0.14 0.90
TWA17 0.25 0.85 0.19 1.14
TWA18 0.16 0.72 0.16 1.03
TWA19 0.22 0.92 0.19 1.19
TWA20 0.21 0.82 0.16 0.93
TWA21 0.27 1.19 0.25 1.63
TWA22 0.19 0.83 0.17 1.12
TWA23 0.15 0.54 0.12 0.75
TWA24 0.17 0.71 0.17 1.09
TWA25 0.14 0.59 0.12 0.78
TWA26 0.24 1.00 0.22 1.38
Test area 5B TWB01 0.29 1.10 0.36 2.25
TWB02 0.30 1.35 0.32 2.15
TWB03 0.24 0.92 0.28 1.77
TWB04 0.22 0.93 0.26 1.66
TWB05 0.33 1.46 0.35 2.35
TWB06 0.26 1.08 0.32 2.14
TWB07 0.34 1.50 0.31 2.07
TWB08 0.18 0.75 0.16 1.02
TWB09 0.22 0.92 0.16 0.92
TWB10 0.24 0.99 0.29 1.71
TWB11 0.29 1.27 0.28 1.84
TWB12 0.20 0.87 0.19 1.24
TWB13 0.31 1.34 0.33 2.20
TWB14 0.29 1.20 0.26 1.69
TWB15 0.27 1.23 0.25 1.72
TWB16 0.23 0.95 0.27 1.77
TWB17 0.23 0.93 0.28 1.82
TWB18 0.15 0.64 0.14 0.89
TWB19 0.26 1.04 0.21 1.31
TWB20 0.27 1.16 0.24 1.53
TWB21 0.15 0.63 0.14 0.81
TWB22 0.17 0.75 0.14 0.88
TWB23 0.31 1.38 0.28 1.84
Test area 5C TWC01 0.13 0.58 0.14 0.87
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TWC02 0.26 1.01 0.19 1.01
TWC03 0.22 0.78 0.15 0.85
TWC04 0.28 1.01 0.20 1.08
TWC05 0.17 0.67 0.13 0.81
TWC06 0.19 0.75 0.17 1.02
TWC07 0.15 0.61 0.12 0.71
TWC08 0.18 0.79 0.16 1.04
TWC09 0.19 0.76 0.14 0.78
TWC10 0.25 1.09 0.22 1.36
TWC11 0.21 0.73 0.17 1.02
TWC12 0.23 0.96 0.20 1.29
TWC13 0.22 0.75 0.17 0.95
TWC14 0.27 1.11 0.31 2.04
TWC15 0.22 0.95 0.20 1.29
TWC16 0.30 1.32 0.28 1.84
TWC17 0.31 1.31 0.29 1.94
TWC18 0.25 1.03 0.22 1.42
TWC19 0.15 0.57 0.13 0.70
TWC20 0.24 1.05 0.22 1.44
TWC21 0.23 0.89 0.19 1.17
TWC22 0.22 0.96 0.21 1.24
TWC23 0.25 1.07 0.22 1.36
TWC24 0.16 0.69 0.19 1.15
TWC25 0.24 1.03 0.25 1.66
TWC26 0.25 0.99 0.25 1.51
TWC27 0.34 1.47 0.30 1.88
TWC28 0.25 0.90 0.22 1.23
TWC29 0.25 1.12 0.28 1.84
TWC30 0.38 1.77 0.36 2.22
TWC31 0.27 1.12 0.23 1.44
TWC32 0.35 1.49 0.28 1.75
TWC33 0.29 1.27 0.30 2.02
TWC34 0.32 1.42 0.35 2.34
TWC35 0.27 1.11 0.26 1.65
TWC36 0.24 0.92 0.19 1.11

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Test area 6 San Po Kong
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 6A A01 0.09 0.73 0.12 1.17
A02 0.12 1.03 0.15 1.61
A03 0.16 1.31 0.17 1.73
A04 0.16 1.40 0.15 1.75
A05 0.16 1.23 0.13 1.34
A06 0.16 1.30 0.15 1.57
A07 0.20 1.74 0.17 1.87
A08 0.19 1.74 0.18 2.06
A09 0.15 1.26 0.17 1.86
A10 0.10 0.87 0.14 1.57
A11 0.13 1.00 0.16 1.94
A12 0.17 1.44 0.20 2.27
A13 0.16 1.24 0.16 1.70
A14 0.17 1.49 0.14 1.46
A15 0.17 1.28 0.18 2.06
A16 0.16 1.40 0.12 1.11
A17 0.16 1.43 0.16 1.92
A18 0.20 1.70 0.20 2.15
A19 0.12 0.91 0.10 1.09
A20 0.13 1.11 0.11 1.26
A21 0.09 0.78 0.11 1.32
A22 0.11 0.91 0.12 1.45
A23 0.11 0.88 0.08 0.78
A24 0.08 0.64 0.08 0.87
A25 0.15 1.30 0.12 1.35
A26 0.16 1.49 0.12 1.36
A27 0.19 1.74 0.13 1.23
A28 0.17 1.30 0.10 0.93
Test area 6B B01 0.13 1.06 0.13 1.47
B02 0.12 1.04 0.11 1.27
B03 0.10 0.86 0.08 0.95
B04 0.13 1.00 0.10 1.04
B05 0.10 0.86 0.08 0.87
B06 0.09 0.75 0.07 0.83
B07 0.13 1.20 0.13 1.55
B08 0.15 1.35 0.12 1.31
B09 0.18 1.57 0.16 1.75
B10 0.17 1.49 0.12 1.31
B11 0.17 1.46 0.14 1.62
B12 0.14 1.24 0.12 1.34
B13 0.13 1.14 0.11 1.30
B14 0.14 1.27 0.12 1.42
B15 0.09 0.85 0.08 0.99
B16 0.12 1.04 0.10 1.16
B17 0.14 1.22 0.10 1.11
B18 0.18 1.52 0.13 1.40
B19 0.21 1.79 0.18 1.95
B20 0.22 1.92 0.17 1.93
B21 0.16 1.44 0.14 1.56
B22 0.15 1.27 0.10 0.92
B23 0.19 1.58 0.14 1.57
B24 0.18 1.51 0.12 1.27
B25 0.14 1.14 0.11 1.13
B26 0.13 0.99 0.10 1.08
B27 0.15 1.29 0.11 1.22
B28 0.15 1.36 0.12 1.34
B29 0.14 1.23 0.12 1.35
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B30 0.15 1.28 0.12 1.33
B31 0.22 1.81 0.16 1.71
B32 0.15 1.26 0.12 1.39
Test area 6C C01 0.09 0.74 0.10 1.10
C02 0.20 1.82 0.20 2.45
C03 0.22 2.07 0.21 2.46
C04 0.12 1.05 0.12 1.50
C05 0.12 1.07 0.12 1.49
C06 0.11 0.94 0.11 1.37
C07 0.18 1.57 0.20 2.40
C08 0.13 1.19 0.13 1.62
C09 0.17 1.51 0.19 2.09
C10 0.18 1.66 0.16 1.85
C11 0.13 1.10 0.15 1.63
C12 0.15 1.24 0.13 1.47
C13 0.09 0.77 0.08 0.86
C14 0.13 1.06 0.10 1.07
C15 0.17 1.45 0.17 1.95
C16 0.17 1.43 0.17 1.91
C17 0.16 1.32 0.17 1.91
C18 0.15 1.27 0.13 1.55
C19 0.11 0.97 0.08 0.97
C20 0.20 1.76 0.17 2.02
C21 0.24 2.21 0.19 2.11
C22 0.12 1.03 0.09 0.99
C23 0.17 1.52 0.12 1.24
C24 0.17 1.52 0.15 1.75
C25 0.12 1.11 0.10 1.17
C26 0.21 1.93 0.18 1.97
C27 0.29 2.54 0.26 2.98
C28 0.22 2.01 0.22 2.58
C29 0.24 2.10 0.18 1.91
C30 0.22 1.80 0.21 2.31
C31 0.19 1.52 0.12 1.16
C32 0.12 1.06 0.10 1.16
C33 0.19 1.69 0.16 1.87
C34 0.16 1.47 0.15 1.72

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Test area 7 Tuen Mun
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 7A N01 0.13 0.70 0.13 0.79
N02 0.14 0.66 0.15 0.90
N03 0.14 0.79 0.15 0.96
N04 0.13 0.68 0.13 0.81
N05 0.16 0.77 0.16 0.91
N06 0.14 0.76 0.14 0.85
N07 0.12 0.63 0.11 0.67
N08 0.14 0.71 0.13 0.84
N09 0.16 0.74 0.19 1.06
N10 0.14 0.74 0.13 0.80
N11 0.12 0.60 0.12 0.72
N12 0.16 0.81 0.14 0.88
N13 0.17 0.79 0.21 1.12
N14 0.21 1.05 0.21 1.23
N15 0.15 0.72 0.13 0.74
N16 0.14 0.74 0.14 0.82
N17 0.18 0.87 0.16 0.85
N18 0.16 0.84 0.19 1.07
N19 0.20 1.02 0.18 1.06
N20 0.15 0.82 0.15 0.95
N21 0.16 0.79 0.15 0.84
N22 0.20 0.97 0.17 0.95
N23 0.19 1.00 0.20 1.14
N24 0.16 0.77 0.14 0.83
N25 0.20 0.95 0.16 0.93
N26 0.16 0.79 0.14 0.81
N27 0.19 0.89 0.16 0.96
N28 0.30 1.43 0.25 1.35
N29 0.19 0.80 0.15 0.85
N30 0.22 1.00 0.17 0.99
N31 0.18 0.91 0.15 0.87
N32 0.24 1.07 0.16 0.88
Test area 7B S01 0.16 0.81 0.15 0.98
S02 0.09 0.47 0.11 0.67
S03 0.30 1.53 0.25 1.57
S04 0.16 0.82 0.17 1.08
S05 0.27 1.35 0.21 1.26
S06 0.17 0.91 0.18 1.09
S07 0.17 0.95 0.17 1.05
S08 0.21 0.97 0.19 1.14
S09 0.19 0.81 0.18 1.03
S10 0.19 0.93 0.21 1.21
S11 0.24 1.20 0.25 1.45
S12 0.15 0.75 0.16 1.02
S13 0.28 1.35 0.26 1.59
S14 0.13 0.70 0.14 0.91
S15 0.25 1.26 0.24 1.56
S16 0.21 1.05 0.19 1.21
S17 0.25 1.24 0.26 1.67
S18 0.15 0.74 0.20 1.12
S19 0.18 0.95 0.20 1.31
S20 0.12 0.63 0.15 0.96
S21 0.20 0.98 0.18 1.11
S22 0.15 0.77 0.15 0.96
S23 0.20 1.11 0.22 1.46
S24 0.21 1.07 0.19 1.21
S25 0.16 0.78 0.14 0.82
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S26 0.21 1.07 0.21 1.27
S27 0.18 0.88 0.18 1.06
S28 0.19 0.83 0.15 0.76
S29 0.19 0.73 0.14 0.73
S30 0.23 1.20 0.19 1.16
Test area 7C O01 0.16 0.74 0.15 0.82
O02 0.17 0.81 0.18 1.06
O03 0.22 1.01 0.15 0.66
O04 0.18 0.93 0.18 1.15
O05 0.16 0.87 0.16 1.02
O06 0.19 1.01 0.20 1.27
O07 0.26 1.27 0.24 1.22
O08 0.22 1.18 0.24 1.54
O09 0.20 1.08 0.21 1.28
O10 0.16 0.84 0.15 0.94
O11 0.17 0.93 0.19 1.21
O12 0.13 0.68 0.16 0.90
O13 0.11 0.54 0.11 0.67
O14 0.20 0.96 0.22 1.09
O15 0.14 0.74 0.13 0.78
O16 0.15 0.78 0.19 1.11
O17 0.30 1.50 0.25 1.51
O18 0.22 1.05 0.13 0.53
O19 0.28 1.50 0.28 1.77
O20 0.28 1.47 0.26 1.45
O21 0.26 1.39 0.29 1.85
O22 0.12 0.67 0.13 0.84
O23 0.16 0.81 0.15 0.86
O24 0.19 0.97 0.18 1.11
O25 0.20 1.00 0.18 1.08
O26 0.21 1.08 0.20 1.20
O27 0.23 1.11 0.22 1.27
O28 0.24 1.24 0.23 1.34
O29 0.21 0.98 0.17 0.93
O30 0.21 1.07 0.23 1.42
O31 0.25 1.31 0.22 1.33
O32 0.29 1.47 0.27 1.55
O33 0.17 0.80 0.14 0.79

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Test area 8 Sha Tin
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area
A01 0.18 1.20 0.22 1.79
A02 0.18 1.34 0.19 1.69
A03 0.16 1.12 0.24 2.04
A04 0.16 1.28 0.20 1.80
A05 0.13 0.95 0.18 1.57
A06 0.19 1.09 0.27 2.23
A07 0.15 1.12 0.17 1.37
A08 0.17 1.18 0.19 1.39
A09 0.17 1.22 0.20 1.72
A10 0.13 1.04 0.15 1.31
A11 0.18 1.34 0.25 2.14
A12 0.20 1.35 0.25 2.10
A13 0.16 1.15 0.18 1.63
A14 0.16 1.08 0.21 1.78
A15 0.15 1.12 0.21 1.89
A16 0.12 0.91 0.13 1.20
A17 0.20 1.53 0.26 2.28
A18 0.26 1.94 0.28 2.41
A19 0.21 1.48 0.25 2.04
A20 0.17 1.20 0.24 2.03
A21 0.19 1.21 0.26 2.30
A22 0.17 1.21 0.22 1.69
A23 0.18 1.27 0.17 1.31
A24 0.22 1.25 0.29 1.97
A25 0.13 0.94 0.18 1.51
A26 0.20 1.48 0.22 1.69
A27 0.16 1.03 0.23 1.87
A28 0.14 1.08 0.14 1.05
A29 0.16 1.21 0.19 1.62
A30 0.19 1.43 0.23 2.03
A31 0.12 0.91 0.12 1.08
A32 0.19 1.38 0.17 1.46
A33 0.18 1.43 0.17 1.52
A34 0.17 1.33 0.16 1.37
A35 0.16 1.29 0.16 1.49
Test area
B01 0.15 1.22 0.14 1.27
B02 0.17 1.34 0.19 1.71
B03 0.18 1.20 0.19 1.54
B04 0.20 1.56 0.19 1.54
B05 0.20 1.42 0.18 1.57
B06 0.22 1.73 0.22 1.86
B07 0.19 1.56 0.16 1.41
B08 0.18 1.17 0.20 1.55
B09 0.17 1.33 0.15 1.26
B10 0.19 1.38 0.19 1.59
B11 0.23 1.78 0.24 2.13
B12 0.19 1.44 0.20 1.69
B13 0.20 1.52 0.16 1.32
B14 0.23 1.88 0.21 1.85
B15 0.23 1.82 0.23 1.99
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B16 0.21 1.63 0.22 1.74
B17 0.23 1.75 0.22 1.85
B18 0.21 1.67 0.20 1.80
B19 0.19 1.43 0.21 1.77
B20 0.24 1.87 0.23 1.83
B21 0.24 1.91 0.22 1.63
B22 0.21 1.66 0.21 1.72
B23 0.21 1.67 0.21 1.84
B24 0.24 1.89 0.24 2.05
B25 0.19 1.39 0.19 1.48
B26 0.14 1.04 0.14 1.07
B27 0.17 1.39 0.15 1.21
B28 0.19 1.48 0.19 1.62
Test area
C01 0.20 1.31 0.26 2.08
C02 0.18 1.00 0.27 2.24
C03 0.21 1.30 0.27 2.13
C04 0.21 1.56 0.26 2.30
C05 0.20 1.31 0.26 2.11
C06 0.18 1.38 0.23 2.08
C07 0.19 1.08 0.27 2.22
C08 0.21 1.17 0.29 2.27
C09 0.22 1.56 0.27 2.36
C10 0.11 0.72 0.14 1.04
C11 0.14 0.93 0.21 1.71
C12 0.18 1.24 0.27 2.30
C13 0.15 0.91 0.23 1.99
C14 0.21 1.29 0.29 2.49
C15 0.18 0.97 0.24 1.95
C16 0.17 1.12 0.19 1.70
C17 0.20 1.33 0.21 1.76
C18 0.23 1.45 0.25 2.02
C19 0.18 1.22 0.21 1.79
C20 0.23 1.54 0.28 2.16
C21 0.17 1.12 0.21 1.65
C22 0.18 1.37 0.19 1.69
C23 0.16 1.00 0.20 1.59
C24 0.16 0.99 0.18 1.40
C25 0.24 1.90 0.27 2.37
C26 0.15 1.22 0.14 1.23
C27 0.22 1.78 0.20 1.71
C28 0.16 1.33 0.16 1.39
C29 0.19 1.45 0.17 1.48
C30 0.15 1.17 0.16 1.51
C31 0.17 1.29 0.14 1.19

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Test area 9 Tseung Kwan O
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 9A
A01 0.16 0.88 0.17 1.01

A02 0.18 0.99 0.20 1.14

A03 0.20 1.01 0.26 1.64

A04 0.16 0.80 0.20 1.15

A05 0.13 0.64 0.16 0.93

A06 0.18 0.99 0.17 1.07

A07 0.14 0.80 0.15 0.95

A08 0.12 0.61 0.14 0.91

A09 0.18 0.91 0.15 0.88

A10 0.14 0.69 0.11 0.62

A11 0.16 0.91 0.17 1.08

A12 0.18 1.01 0.16 0.99

A13 0.21 1.15 0.19 1.24

A14 0.16 0.89 0.15 0.87

A15 0.13 0.68 0.13 0.85

A16 0.16 0.91 0.18 1.06

A17 0.16 0.89 0.18 0.98

A18 0.15 0.84 0.15 0.87

A19 0.12 0.64 0.11 0.72

A20 0.17 0.85 0.17 0.98

A21 0.13 0.70 0.12 0.75

A22 0.17 0.87 0.18 1.10

A23 0.18 0.95 0.19 1.18
Test area 9B
B01 0.20 1.11 0.22 1.38

B02 0.12 0.68 0.13 0.85

B03 0.10 0.52 0.09 0.55

B04 0.20 0.98 0.25 1.47

B05 0.19 0.98 0.23 1.37

B06 0.14 0.77 0.15 0.93

B07 0.21 1.13 0.22 1.33

B08 0.16 0.82 0.17 1.05

B09 0.21 1.09 0.23 1.39

B10 0.20 1.07 0.21 1.28

B11 0.18 0.99 0.18 1.08

B12 0.20 1.07 0.18 1.07

B13 0.20 1.09 0.18 1.04

B14 0.18 0.97 0.21 1.28

B15 0.17 0.88 0.20 1.25

B16 0.16 0.91 0.16 1.02

B17 0.22 1.22 0.21 1.35

B18 0.18 0.98 0.17 1.07

B19 0.18 0.92 0.21 1.28

B20 0.15 0.86 0.17 1.05
Test area 9C
C01 0.16 0.92 0.15 0.91

C02 0.18 0.95 0.15 0.84

C03 0.19 1.00 0.19 1.12

C04 0.22 1.20 0.22 1.33

C05 0.19 0.94 0.17 1.00

C06 0.15 0.79 0.13 0.77

C07 0.21 1.12 0.18 1.08
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C08 0.17 0.98 0.17 1.11

C09 0.18 0.95 0.18 1.02

C10 0.19 1.04 0.20 1.24

C11 0.21 1.12 0.21 1.28

C12 0.24 1.26 0.19 1.05

C13 0.26 1.35 0.22 1.28

C14 0.25 1.39 0.26 1.66

C15 0.19 1.09 0.20 1.24

C16 0.24 1.24 0.23 1.27

C17 0.25 1.34 0.21 1.18
Test area 1C
D01 0.21 1.15 0.22 1.38

D02 0.21 1.09 0.26 1.52

D03 0.24 1.34 0.25 1.55

D04 0.22 1.05 0.28 1.72

D05 0.24 1.22 0.30 1.77

D06 0.22 1.23 0.26 1.58

D07 0.23 1.19 0.28 1.58

D08 0.19 0.66 0.28 1.39

D09 0.19 0.86 0.25 1.31

D10 0.21 1.21 0.19 1.18

D11 0.18 0.87 0.14 0.71

D12 0.19 0.98 0.16 0.95

D13 0.21 1.14 0.18 1.07

D14 0.16 0.86 0.17 1.06

D15 0.15 0.80 0.16 1.05

O01 0.20 1.13 0.22 1.43

O02 0.16 0.86 0.18 1.08

O03 0.16 0.85 0.18 1.12

O04 0.25 1.18 0.30 1.76

O05 0.23 1.15 0.28 1.65

O06 0.21 0.77 0.27 1.40

O07 0.17 0.88 0.21 1.34

O08 0.16 0.77 0.22 1.23

O09 0.20 0.99 0.26 1.53

O10 0.22 1.03 0.27 1.50

O11 0.20 0.92 0.25 1.41

O12 0.21 1.02 0.26 1.44

O13 0.18 0.96 0.19 1.17

O14 0.22 1.24 0.20 1.21

O15 0.24 1.37 0.23 1.38

O16 0.23 1.31 0.22 1.38

O17 0.15 0.85 0.14 0.76

O18 0.25 1.45 0.22 1.42

O19 0.28 1.56 0.27 1.62

O20 0.25 1.40 0.22 1.30

O21 0.20 1.10 0.18 1.05

O22 0.23 1.29 0.22 1.29

O23 0.17 0.89 0.16 0.86

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Test area 10 Wong Chuk Hang
summer Annual
Test point VRw Vpw VRw Vpw
Test area 10A
A01 0.23 1.08 0.22 1.29

A02 0.21 1.15 0.19 1.27

A03 0.11 0.62 0.11 0.71

A04 0.13 0.68 0.16 1.08

A05 0.14 0.66 0.18 1.24

A06 0.19 1.09 0.22 1.53

A07 0.16 0.79 0.22 1.49

A08 0.19 0.89 0.18 1.14

A09 0.2 1.07 0.18 1.22

A10 0.23 1.28 0.21 1.37

A11 0.25 1.23 0.18 1.07

A12 0.28 1.61 0.22 1.46

A13 0.12 0.64 0.15 0.96

A14 0.29 1.72 0.26 1.69

A15 0.15 0.72 0.13 0.84

A16 0.21 1.21 0.19 1.16

A17 0.1 0.52 0.1 0.65

A18 0.21 1.12 0.18 1.2

A19 0.19 0.88 0.2 1.25

A20 0.19 1.11 0.17 1.15

A21 0.3 1.76 0.25 1.66

A22 0.23 1.33 0.2 1.25

A23 0.25 1.35 0.24 1.47

A24 0.18 1.06 0.18 1.25

A25 0.18 0.96 0.16 0.99
Test area 10B
B01 0.26 1.49 0.26 1.69

B02 0.19 0.98 0.18 1.15

B03 0.18 1.01 0.17 1.12

B04 0.24 1.39 0.21 1.39

B05 0.25 1.48 0.24 1.55

B06 0.26 1.53 0.25 1.62

B07 0.27 1.59 0.22 1.5

B08 0.32 1.84 0.26 1.76

B09 0.27 1.54 0.25 1.65

B10 0.29 1.66 0.28 1.89

B11 0.33 1.89 0.33 2.16

B12 0.28 1.65 0.27 1.79

B13 0.19 1.04 0.2 1.3

B14 0.21 1.14 0.2 1.35

B15 0.23 1.26 0.22 1.44

B16 0.24 1.41 0.23 1.56

B17 0.24 1.27 0.24 1.5

B18 0.15 0.84 0.14 0.91

B19 0.26 1.45 0.25 1.62

B20 0.14 0.85 0.13 0.88
B21 0.21 1.17 0.2 1.3
0.16 0.93 0.16 1.03
0.18 1.01 0.17 1.18
B24 0.24 1.23 0.25 1.65
0.14 0.71 0.18 1.11
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0.31 1.76 0.27 1.78
0.18 1.05 0.18 1.2
B28 0.33 1.91 0.31 2.03
0.24 1.34 0.23 1.5
0.23 1.22 0.24 1.48
Test area 10C C01 0.24
C02 0.22
C03 0.22
C04 0.16
C05 0.19
C06 0.21
1.1 0.18 1.18
C07 0.36
2.03 0.29 1.89
C08 0.22
1.24 0.17 1.09
C09 0.25
1.42 0.24 1.69
C10 0.23
1.22 0.23 1.49
C11 0.24
1.37 0.22 1.46
C12 0.22
1.29 0.22 1.43
C13 0.22
1.22 0.23 1.46
C14 0.27
1.47 0.25 1.74
C15 0.18
0.91 0.22 1.34
C16 0.25
1.43 0.27 1.65
C17 0.23
1.3 0.22 1.45
C18 0.2
1.06 0.16 0.99
C19 0.19
0.99 0.25 0.98
C20 0.22
1.2 0.19 1.29
C21 0.21
1.24 0.17 1.13
C22 0.32
1.73 0.27 1.67
C23 0.25
1.42 0.2 1.31
C24 0.23
1.23 0.24 1.5
C25 0.2
1.1 0.18 1.17
C26 0.27
1.52 0.26 1.68
C27 0.17
1 0.16 1.05
C28 0.25
1.37 0.22 1.38
C29 0.29
1.68 0.23 1.56
C30 0.29
1.66 0.23 1.52
C31 0.32
1.83 0.29 1.9
C32 0.32
1.82 0.26 1.71
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Based on data above, it is noted that, on the whole, there is no statistical correlation between the site wind
availability (Vs) and the site mean wind (Vp) of the 20 study areas annually and in the summer months.

annual summer annual summer
Vs Vs A B A B

site mean wind apeed site mean wind apeed
TST 4.51 3.6 1.72 1.64 1.23 1.54
MK 4.43 3.69 1 1.15 0.85 0.85
CWB 3.64 2.84 1.53 1.33 1.24 1.27
SW 3.4 2.48 0.82 1.15 0.84 0.96
TW 3.82 3.26 1.22 1.47 1.06 1.32
SPK 3.08 2.95 1.53 1.33 1.24 1.27
TM 3.58 3.06 0.82 1.15 0.84 0.96
TKO 3.78 3.16 1 1.15 0.85 0.95
ShaTin 4.3 3.32 1.72 1.64 1.23 1.54
WCH 3.67 3.06 1.22 1.47 1.06 1.32
mean 3.82 3.14
sd 0.46 0.36
median 3.725 3.11
max 4.51 3.69
min 3.08 2.48
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
summer mean 50% exceedance at 150mPD



A annual B annual
A summer B summer

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Tick means that the test site satisfies Condition A when the threshold value is applied. For
example, if all (100%) of the test points need to satisfy the 1 m/s threshold value, then only 1
site (ST-8b) will comply. The cliff occurs at 80% and 95% respectively for 1 m/s and 0.6
m/s. The 60% and 50% columns are there for illustration only. We do not recommend them
to be considered.

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The current AVAS has identified an AVA methodology based on performance-based option
comparison and improvement approach and without quantitative yardsticks. It mainly
focuses on improvement of scheme options, as wind standards have yet to be established.
Given the limited urban climatic knowledge, technology and experiences at the time, the
approach of pioneering and encouraging, rather than regulating, have been adopted for
implementating the AVAS. The Government has taken the initiative to conduct AVA in
improving overall design. The current AVAS is defined by the then HPLB and ETWBs
Technical Circular and Technical Guide (Part IV Appendix 1) on AVA and the relevant
HKPSG Chapter 11.

The current AVAS is limited in its effects due to the following reasons: -
Lack of quantitative data for existing pedestrian level wind conditions to analyse
the performance, problem and issue in greater detail
Lack of a holistic understanding to aid planning and design strategically
Lack of research to develop quantitative yardsticks for wind performance
Lack of a consistent set of site wind availability data for AVA

The UCM Study is tasked to bridge some of these information gaps with a view to providing
a more scientific and objective basis for identifying climatically valuable and sensitive areas
and assessing the impacts of major developments and planning proposals on the local wind
environment. The UCM Study has produced the following technical inputs for the refined
Wind tunnel benchmarking tests had been conducted to understand the exisiting
pedestrian wind conditions of the urban areas in Hong Kong.
The Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map has been produced to aid
strategic and district planning. On top of the annual average considerations, it is
established that summer condition should be incorporated in AVA, as the summer
(June August) remains the most critical season for Hong Kong in urban climatic
The Wind Performance Criterion has been established in consideration of the
urban climatic considerations and thermal comfort.
It is recommended that site wind availability be provided by the PlanD for
ensuring consistent wind data inputs for AVAs.

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Taking into account the relevant findings of the UCM Study and the expert review of the
implementation of the current AVAs, the Study has recommended the refinements to the
AVAS, including revision to the AVA Technical Circular and Technical Guide (Part IV(B)),
and a new HKPSG chapter (Part IV(C)).


A number of projects had gone through the current AVAS including expert evaluations,
initial studies and detailed studies. An overall analysis has been conducted on the AVA
register (as at end of July 2010) (see Part IV-Appendix 2) for consideration. It was found that
AVA has been applied on both public and private sector developments with problem areas
identified and improvement measures suggested. Expertise and experience in conducting
AVAs are gradually maturing in Hong Kong, and AVAS has proven to be useful in guiding
project proponents towards a better design thus attaining better urban air ventilation
performance in general. Hence, it is considered opportune to extend the scope of application
of the AVAS to include private sector projects.

In the current AVAS, AVA is a design improvement tool and there is no quantitative
yardstick; which is useful in its own right. However, there could be disputes on the
acceptability of designs that have taken into account other design factors and forgone the
maximum air ventilation performance, and whether the resultant air ventilation performance
is still sufficient. As such, we need a quantitative benchmark as a yardstick. In-depth expert
review has also been conducted on selected projects (listed below). Lessons learnt have been
summarised in subsequent sections.

Expert Evaluation
Ho Man Tin
Wong Nai Chung
Tsim Sha Tsui
Tsz Wan Shan, Diamond Hill and San Po Kong
Yuen Long
Shau Kei Wan
Quarry Bay
Computation Fluid Dynamics
A/ST/625 Tai Wai Station AVA studies
ESF King George V School AVA studies
Taikoo Place AVA studies
Wind Tunnel Test
North Point Area (district-level study)
New Central Harbourfront (district-level study)
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Ex-North Point Estate (site-level study)
Oil Street (site-level study)
Tamar (site-level study)

2.1 Lessons Learnt from Expert Review of Expert Evaluation AVA Studies
The following summarises the important lessons learnt from the review of AVA expert

Use of Expert Evaluation
On the whole, all the Expert Evaluation reports follow a similar procedure and methodology.
Various experts have come to a similar AVA understanding of breezeway, air path, setback,
non-building area, building height differential, and podium coverage etc. This largely
coincides with the Urban Climatic Map understanding of building volume, ground coverage,
proximity to openness and topography.

Summer Condition
Summer as well as annual wind conditions are assessed. There is a consensus that urban air
ventilation is most important in the summer months in terms of human outdoor thermal
comfort in Hong Kong.

Site Wind Availability
Consultants currently use different sources of wind information, including computer
simulated wind data, Hong Kong Observatory data, and wind tunnel test data, as and when
available, for their assessments. It is useful for the PlanD to consider a unified set of data for
the purpose of improving consistency and accuracy. The current site wind availability (V
Infinity) data at about 596m above terrain level on PlanDs website (which was produced by
EPD using MM5 model) may not have the necessary resolution of wind information needed
for AVA.

Urban Climatology
The findings of the Urban Climatic Map can greatly assist the expert evaluation process by
providing information on prevailing wind directions, urban morphology, thermal load/
dynamic potential, greenery, and topographical understanding. Experts undertaking AVA by
expert evaluation for OZP review can refer to the macro level urban climatic understanding
of the Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map.

2.2 Lessons learnt from Expert Review of AVA Initial Studies
The following summarise the important lessons learnt from the review of AVA Initial Studies
by CFD:
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Need for Area and Point Assessment
The use of SVR and LVR can represent the general picture of the air ventilation performance
as a whole. However, both SVR and LVR have a drawback in that they would average out
the results. Methods like area analysis or point by point analysis are needed to identify weak
wind issues for the purpose of design optimisation. It is also useful for wind engineers to
include tabulated VRi (directional velocity ratio) in addition to VRw (weighted velocity ratio)
of test points.

Summer Condition
Currently, only annual wind VRs need to be reported. It is useful for the refined AVAS to
include a requirement to report the summer VRs which are important for human outdoor
thermal comfort.

Technical Issues
There seems to be 2 different approaches to account for the surrounding topography some
incorporate it into their models, whereas others have ignored it. This is problematic
especially when the computer simulated site wind availability on PlanDs website is used. It
is useful for PlanD to consider providing a standardised set of site wind availability data for
consistent application.

Different turbulence models are adopted in different CFD analyses. It is a common
understanding that all turbulence models have their own limitations and there are many
required parameters to be inserted to the turbulence models. As such, the accuracy of the
CFD models cannot be guaranteed unless with careful quality control. It is also important to
follow established CFD guidelines.

For better referencing and quality assurance, it is useful for the report to include full
documentation of the settings so that the quality of the simulated results can be evaluated. It
is useful to follow best practices. Results of any pre-tests and sensitivity tests should be
included. It is useful for the report to contain an appendix documenting the validation tests, if
any, that have been conducted against known and robust field or experimental data, with the
software, the turbulence model and the various settings used appropriately stated. This
applies to studies that make use of site wind availability data from other studies. In this case,
it is useful to reproduce the key information for reference. It is suggested that the
documentation should cover the key parameters as identified in the COST14 Action Report,
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VDI 3783 Part 9, and the AIJ guidebook, including the following items: (Note: The list is not
exhaustive, please refer to the text of the guidelines).
Choice of target variables
Choice of approximate equations describing the physics of the flow
Choice of geometrical representation of the obstacles
Choice of computational domain
Choice of boundary conditions
Choice of initial conditions
Choice of computational grid
Choice of time step size
Choice of numerical approximations
Choice of iterative convergence criteria

2.3 Lessons learnt from Expert Review of AVA Detailed Studies
The following summarises the important lessons learnt from the review of AVA Detailed

Need for Area and Point Assessment
Similar to the observations identified in Section 2.2.

Site Wind Availability - Resolution
Techniques have been proposed and implemented in wind tunnel studies to better
approximate the wind direction shifts at near urban canopy levels. It is useful for the PlanD
to consider to establish a standardised set of site wind availability data for consistent
application, improving accurancy and saving resources.

Summer Condition
Similar to the observations identified in Section 2.2.

For better referencing and quality assurance, it is useful for the report to include full
documentation of the settings so that the quality of the experimental results can be
independently evaluated. This applies to assessments that make use of data from other
studies; in which case, it would be useful to reproduce the key information. It is suggested
that the following be included in the documentation:
The wind profile, turbulence intensity profile and the power density spectrum must be
included. In addition, the matching according to the model scale, the eddy sizes and
longitudinal, lateral and vertical wind direction fluctuations may also be included to
improve the scientific validity of the tests. Furthermore, the wind speed used for the
wind tunnel model test should be stated. If it is pre-tested for Reynolds Number
independence before the actual test, and that similarity of flow has been ensured, then
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this should be documented. The equipment used for the measurement and the results of
their pre-test calibration, if any, should also be mentioned.

Technical Issues - Surrounding Area
Occasionally, using 2H for the surrounding area may not be enough. It may be useful to
reproduce the upstream roughness for street openings at the edge of the model. This could
avoid the possibly unrealistic parallel flow into the streets that might give optimistic results.
Wind engineers must assess the condition carefully and expertly, and add additional building
blocks beyond the 2H surrounding area that can represent the urban roughness in a more
realistic manner. If in doubt, sensitivity tests may be carried out to ensure accuracy of

The combined use of CFD and Wind Tunnel
Some consultants utilise initial AVA studies based on CFD to identify focus areas for more
in-depth analysis by detailed studies. This is a recommended strategy.

2.4 Refinements Suggested
After reviewing the AVAs carried out by expert evaluation, initial study and detailed study,
related recommendations have been drawn up as follows to improve the AVA System

Site Wind Availability (Vs)
To ensure the accuracy and consistency of the various types of AVA for planning purpose,
PlanD is strongly recommended to provide and make public a standardised set of site wind
availability data. To accommodate for Hong Kongs complex local topography and the land
and sea breeze phenomena, it is suggested that computer simulation method can be used to
provide a fine resolution site wind availability data from a low level up to 500m covering the
whole of Hong Kong.

Since AVA is about pedestrian level wind and wind directions at the lower levels are of
greater interest to planners, it is suggested that the wind rose at a height just over the urban
canopy layer (UCL) height level should be appropriate. For AVA initial and detailed studies,
this can then be further extrapolated using the appropriate Power or Log law, or by referring
to the model simulated wind profiles as mentioned in the paragraph above, when calculating
VR using V
. The area average building height of Hong Kong has been studied, it is found
to be in the range of 60 to 90m above ground level. According to literature, it is suggested
that UCL = 1.2 * building height be used, thus the UCL is about 75m to 110m in Hong Kong.
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The Vs is to be positioned on top of the roughness sub-layer
of the urban environment.
Therefore, it is suggested that Vs be set at 2 or 2.5 times UCL, or 200m to 300m above
ground (Oke, 1987, 1997; Grimmond and Oke, 1999).

Summer Condition
In addition to annual VRs, Summer VRs are recommended to be included in the refined
AVAS. This will allow better consideration of wind for urban thermal comfort in the hot and
humid summer months of Hong Kong.

Area and Point Analysis
In addition to SVR and LVR, area and point evaluation of VRs are recommended to be
included. More detailed analysis is to be made available for design decision making.
Sometimes, VRi may also be needed to examine the directional impact of a development.
As every location varies, planners are recommended to work closely with consultants and
wind engineers to see how the data can be most appropriately understood.

Technical Issues
Various technical issues are identified for different types of AVA. In Expert Evaluation for
district studies, analysis of urban climatology issues will be relevant and useful. For AVA
using CFD, the modelling methodology and input parameters will be essential for accuracy.
For wind tunnels, the extent of the surrounding area may sometimes need to be extended
beyond 2H to allow replication of the upstream roughness. These technical matters have to
be properly addressed in the AVAS.

Full Documentation
For better referencing and quality assurance, the model settings, methodology, approach, and
equipment used, etc., have to be fully documented for independent evaluation. This applies
to both CFD and wind tunnel.

Possible Design Improvements
Based on air ventilation design principles and/or analysis of AVA results, alternative design
can be drawn up for development proposals. It is useful and important to prepare and
evaluate alternative designs, in order to understand and demonstrate their effects and improve
the overall design.

Roughness Sub-layer is the layer in contact with the terrestrial surface in which the flow fields are influenced
by the characteristics of the urban strcutures.
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The key findings of the study relevant to the refinement of the AVAS - Technical Circular
No.1/06 on AVA which jointly issued by the ex-Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau (HPLB)
and ex-Environment, Transport and Works Bureau (ETWB) in July 2006 are explained below.

Wind Performance Criterion
Balancing the desirable minimium wind requirement and practical considerations of the
existing built environment, a Wind Performance Criterion comprising the Wind Performance
Requirement and the Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach with an exemption clause are
proposed. The Wind Performance Criterion should be incorporated in the AVAS to provide a
quantitative yardstick to assess the acceptability of air ventilation performance of
development projects.

Summer thermal comfort
According to the findings of the Urban Climatic Maps of Hong Kong, which took into
account the users thermal comfort survey, benchmarking studies and the findings of the
Wind Performance Criterion study, summer wind condition is shown to be more critical to
the urban climatic environment of Hong Kong than other times of the year. As such, it would
be useful to include the summer air ventilation analysis as a study requirement in the
refinement of AVAS.

Wind Velocity at Site Wind Availability Level (Vs) [formerly Wind Velocity at Infinity -
V(infinity) at 500m]
In view of Hong Kongs complicated topography and in reference to the wind information
layer of the Hong Kong Urban Climatic Maps, instead of using V(infinity), which is taken to
be at a relatively high altitude of about 500m, it is considered more accurate to adopt a wind
rose at a height level of 300m or lower (thus nearer to the urban canopy level). This will
improve the consistency and accuracy for AVA as the effects of the surrounding topography
on the wind flows can be better accounted for. It would be necessary for PlanD to create a set
of reasonable site wind availability (Vs) data nearer the urban canopy level to facilitate this

Sea breezes implication on site wind availability
It is noted that sea breeze is an important consideration especially in the western territory of
Hong Kong and on both sides of Victoria Harbour. This may not be fully accounted for if
only HKO Waglan Island data is used as inputs for assessing site wind availability. Again, it
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would be necessary for PlanD to create a set of reasonable site wind availability (Vs) data
that takes into account the sea breeze for AVA.

Sensitive locations
The intra-urban climatic condition is highly location dependent. It is useful to focus the wind
(air ventilation) consideration on important locations, for example, building entrances, open
spaces and frequently patronised streets where people congregate and pass through.
Stagnancy in these important locations will be of greater concern. Hence, it is important to
define the locations of test points with great care in order to cover relevant/appropriate
locations and assess adequately the air ventilation impact of a proposed development on the
sensitive receivers. It is also useful to have more test points closer to the boundary of the
project site, to better evaluate the impact of the project on urban air ventilation of its


(1) Code of practice for conducting AVA using wind tunnel
The two documents below remains the more authoritative references for engineers
conducting AVA using wind tunnel. Their continued use is recommended.

(a) Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 67 : Wind Tunnel Studies of
Buildings and Structures, Virginia 1999 issued by American Society of Civil Engineers.
(b) Wind Engineering Studies of Buildings, Quality Assurance Manual on Environment
Wind Studies AWES-QAM-1-2001 issued by Australasian Wind Engineering Society.

(2) Code of practice for conducting AVA using CFD
The 2006 Technical Circular has included the following paragraph on the use of CFD:

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) may be used with caution, it is more likely
admissible for the Initial Studies. There is no internationally recognised guideline or
standard for using CFD in outdoor urban scale studies. The onus is on the assessor to
demonstrate that the tool used is fit for the purpose.

Today it is possible for consultants to refer to the following 4 useful texts when configuring
the files and settings for CFD model simulation.

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(a) Architectural Institute of Japan (2007), AIJ Guidebook for Practical Applications of
CFD to Pedestrian Wind Environment around Buildings. [ISBN 978-4-8189-2665-
3] [Also read Tominaga Y et. a. (2006) ditto, Journal of Wind Engineering and
Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 96, Issues 10-11, October-November 2008,
Pages 1749-1761.]
(b) Franke J et. al. (2004), Recommendations on the Use of CFD on Predicting Pedestrian
Wind Environment <17.05.2004 version 1.0>, in Proceedings of the International
Conference on Urban Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics Cost Action
C14, Impact of Wind and Storm on City Life and Built Environment, edited by J P
A J van Beeck, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, May 2004.
(c) Michael Schatzmann, Helge Olesen and Jrg Franke, COST Action 732 Quality
Assurance and Improvement of Microscale Meteorological Models, Feb 2010.
ISBN: 3-00-018312-4.
(d) VDI, (2005) Environmental Meteorology - Prognostic Microscale Wind field Models -
Evaluation for Flow around Buildings and Obstacles, VDI/DINHandbuch
Reinhaltung der Luft. Beuth, Berlin, 53 pp. VDI 3783 part 9.

Due to the heigtening of computational power, CFD has advanced rapidly to the extent that
they may now be feasible to be used for outdoor wind environment simulation studies, but
great care is still needed as the level of accuracy of using CFD is in general not comparable to
wind tunnel tests and is more difficult to ascertain. Thus, it is suggested that CFD utilising
the appropriate RANS, DES or LES models, when used properly, be continue to be allowed
for AVA Initial Studies giving patterns and rough quantitative estimates of the wind
environment of the assessment areas.


The AVAS is defined by Technical Circular No. 1/06 on Air Ventilation Assessment and the
relevant Hong Kong Panning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG) Chapter. As such, the
Technical Circular and HKPSG are reviewed for refining the AVAS.

Scope of AVA
AVA is required for projects meeting the criteria listed in the Technical Circular No. 1/06.
Based on past experiences, such an arrangement can ensure that air ventilation would be
considered in those cases required to conduct AVA at their early planning and design stages.
Therefore, the list of categories of projects requiring AVA as set down in the Technical
Circular should be kept.
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In order to clarify the scope and requirement of AVA and impose adequate control on
elongated inland lots, the following changes are recommended:-

(a) Before there is a definitive standard for AVA, the government has been taking the
lead in carrying out AVAs for all major development proposals in the past few years.
The private sector has also been proactively undertaking AVA to improve their
scheme design. Expertise and experience in conducting AVA are gradually maturing.
There is a need to ensure that AVAs are undertaken for relevant projects to avoid
adverse impact, regardless whether it is a public or private sector project. Furthermore,
the Wind Performance Criterion now provides a quantitative yardstick and
methodological refinements to the AVAS. In view of the above, it is opportune to
recommend extending the scope of application of the refined AVAS to include private
sector projects.

(b)There is a need to distinguish district-level from site-level projects. The district-level
AVAs normally cover a relatively large area under planning and engineering
feasibility study for new development areas, comprehensive land use restructuring
scheme and area-wide plot ratio and building height control reviews, etc. Since the
design schemes put under AVA testing are hypothetical and will not necessarily be the
same as that finally implemented on site, the focus of AVA is less on the attainment of
the Wind Performance Criterion, but more on comparing the wind performance of
various development options for identifying measures to attain to a better wind
environment. Normally, these AVA studies would be undertaken by government
departments to ascertain the existing air ventilation condition and any required
measures to promote urban permeability or mitigate any air ventilation concerns
within the assessment area. The required measures shall be included in planning
layouts or serve as development guidelines to project proponents in the
implementation stage. In contrast, site-level AVAs are mainly to prove the
acceptability of specific projects in air ventilation terms and propose mitigating design
measures for improvement.

(c) Developments would normally fully maximise their lot frontage wherever possible,
particularly when there is a view to the harbour or the mountain. This may result in
extensive wake area and hence adverse air ventilation impacts. Apart from waterfront
sites, elongated inland sites may also induce similar adverse air ventilation impacts if
the layout has not adequately incorporated permeability measures into the layout and
buildings. An additional criterion to require these inland sites with lot frontage
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exceeding 140m in length is added as criterion (j) in the list of categories of projects.

Qualitative Planning and Design Guidelines
The existing AVA framework requires project proponents to carry out AVAs with a view to
promoting layout / building permeability for a better ventilated pedestrian environment.
Under the current Study, the framework is further refined and has incorporated a quantitative
Wind Performance Criterion for assessing the acceptability of a development project in air
ventilation terms.

While air ventilation is a very important factor relevant to urban climate, there are other
factors that are equally important, including green space, building volume, ground coverage,
natural landscape, topography and proximity to openness. The Urban Climatic Planning
Recommendation Map (UC-ReMap) has analysed and synthesised all these factors through
the concept of PET and set out the urban climatic characteristics of different areas in Hong
Kong. A total of 5 urban climatic planning zones and their respective strategic planning
actions are proposed. Apart from serving as a strategic information platform, the UC-ReMap
also provides the scientific context for understanding the urban climatic situation of local
areas, the interaction of various factors and the resultant thermal comfort level and hence the
recommended planning strategy for a better urban climate.

In order to provide a set of focused and systematic guidelines for urban climatic improvement,
which covers air ventilation as well as other urban climatic aspects, it is recommended that a
new chapter be incorporated into the HKPSG to spell out the territorial and district urban
climatic situations and considerations, as well as to strengthen planning and design guidelines
for promoting good planning and design practices in working towards a better urban climate.

The current Chapter 11 of the HKPSG on Urban Design Guidelines has already incorporated
a section on Air Ventilation providing qualitative guidelines in land use planning, urban
design, and planning and design of large scale developments in the early stages before any
actual undertaking of air ventilation assessment. To consolidate all relevant considerations
for a better urban climate, this Air Ventilation Section should be extracted to form part of a
new HKPSG chapter.

A review of the AVA Technical Circular has been conducted based on the findings of the
Urban Climatic Map and completed AVAs. The purpose of the refined AVAS is to better
assess the acceptability of proposed developments in air ventilation terms and identify
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necessary design improvement measures to mitigate any adverse impacts. The major
refinements include:

Policy Level Revisions
(1) The scope of application of AVA should extend to cover all public and private
developments meeting the criteria requiring AVAs.
(2) The categories of sites that require AVA should be increased to include inland
development sites with lot frontage over 140m.

Methodological Revisions
(3) The Wind Performance Criterion, which takes into account urban climatic
considerations, should be incorporated as the quantitative yardstick for assessing the
acceptability of air ventilation performance of proposed developments.
(4) In addition to the use of wind velocity ratio (VR) as an indicator, the use of the
indicator of median hourly mean wind speed (Vp) is recommended.
(5) Summer condition should be analysed for design improvement for thermal comfort.
(6) Standard Site Wind Availability Data should be provided for AVAs for consistent and
accurate application.
(7) In addition to overall assessment, area or point assessment should be conducted to
tackle the weak wind conditions at sensitive areas.
(8) Full documentation of the methodology and assumptions should be provided.
(9) Technical issues, particularly for CFD test, should be resolved to ensure its reliability
as a tool for AVA.

Appendix 3 contains the details of proposed refinements to the AVA Technical Circular and
Technical Guide.


Since 2006, the HKPSG has incorporated a section on Air Ventilation in Chapter 11 Urban
Design Guidelines providing qualitative guidelines in land use planning, urban design, and
planning and design of large scale developments in the early stages before any actual
undertaking of air ventilation assessment. Guidelines at the district level and the site levels
are included.

It is suggested that the section on Air Ventilation be extracted from Chapter 11 of the
HKPSG and combined with a new Section on Urban Climate to form a new Chapter in the
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HKPSG. This separate chapter shall provide a set of consolidated guideline on matters
related to urban climate and air ventilation (see Appendix 4)


This section reviews the approaches and experiences in implementing the current AVAS
since 2006 and outlines the refined AVAS. The implementation of the refined AVAS through
the existing development control mechanisms of the planning, land administration and
building plan regimes is recommended.


2.1 Current implementation mechanisms for AVAS
The approach of pioneering and encouraging, rather than regulating, have been adopted for
implementing the current AVAS. Applicable government projects have since taken the
initiative to conduct AVA in improving overall design.

Initiatives for pioneering AVAS
Initiatives Purposes
Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau
Technical Circular No. 1/06; Environment,
Transport and Works Bureau Technical
Circular No. 1/06 Air Ventilation

Mandating the relevant government projects to
carry out AVA and encourage the quasi-
government organisations and the private
sector to apply AVA to their projects on
voluntary and need basis.
Incorporating a set of qualitative guidelines
for promoting air ventilation into Chapter
11 of the Hong Kong Planning Standard and

Providing general qualitative design guidelines
for improving air ventilation in the preparation
of town plans and development proposals.
Consideration of air ventilation at plan
making stage

PlanD to undertake AVA to identify problem
areas for improvements on a district basis.

Planning applications, review applications,
planning appeals, rezoning, representations.
Encourage proponents to undertake AVA to
optimise the wind performance at site level.

Land administration process, including new
lease, land exchange and lease modification
Encourage proponents to undertake AVA to
optimise the wind performance at site level.

Green building labeling system Provide incentive to project proponents to
carry out AVA on a voluntary basis with
BEAM accreditation.

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2.2 Government Initiative for Pioneering AVAS
Pursuant to the AVA Technical Circular No. 1/06, the Government has conducted AVA for
major government projects.

A public web-portal has also been created, in the form of the AVA registry, in promoting the
knowledge base and transparency of the process. As of 14 September 2012, 73 government
projects have completed or were still conducting AVA studies. The government
departments/bureaux involved include Planning Department, Housing Department, Civil
Engineering and Development Department, Transport and Housing Bureau, Architectural
Services Department and Highways Department (please refer to Part IV(A)-2 of this report
for an expert review of the AVAs).

2.3 Quasi-Government and the Private Sector Conducting AVA
Quasi-government organisations and the private sector have also been actively undertaking
AVA for individual development projects where practicable, with the Urban Renewal
Authority committed to conduct AVA for any development involving more than 2 towers.
The requirement for conducting AVA is now included in study brief for planning
studies/feasibility studies which form the basis for preparation or amendment to town plans.
Besides, some outline zoning plans (OZP) also stipulate the requirements for undertaking
AVA for developments that may have significant implications on air ventilation.

Different mechanisms for implementing the refined AVAS have been assessed as follows. It
is found that legislative control would not be suitable and the existing development control
mechanisms through town planning, land administration and building plan submission is

3.1 Legislative Control
Hong Kong is one of the pioneers in researching weak urban wind conditions. Since the
establishment of the AVA framework, which is primarily intended to encourage applicants to
improve the design of their developments in terms of its permeability, there have been some
public requests to make air ventilation a mandatory requirement under legislative control.

At present, there is no such legislative regime around the world. After thorough examination,
the Study also concluded that it would not be suitable to recommend legislative control for
the wind performance criterion because:-

(a) The Wind Performance Criterion recommended is the first attempt to assess the
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acceptability of air ventilation impacts against a yardstick in Hong Kong. There are
virtually no overseas experiences that could be relied on. Experiences have to be
accumulated on the practical implementation issues for the Wind Performance

(b)Based on the benchmarking studies, there are some areas in Hong Kong that are
currently unable to achieve a wind speed of 1 m/s due to a lack of site wind
availability and the existing building morphology, e.g. Sheung Wan and Causeway
Bay etc. As such, it is likely to be controversial to legislate the Wind Performance
Criterion, which is applicable for the whole of Hong Kong.

3.2 Statutory and Administrative Control
While legislative control is not appropriate given the above, the current development control
system through town planning, land administration and building plan submission mechanisms
should be adequate to ensure air ventilation consideration be properly considered during the
planning and design process for both public and private projects listed in the Technical
Circular. Only projects that could meet the Wind Performance Criterion would be considered
as acceptable in air ventilation term.

Town Planning

The PlanD has already incorporated AVA as one of the planning considerations in OZP
review, planning studies and determination of site development parameters, particularly
the government land sale sites. Through AVA, air ventilation issues could be identified
and addressed. The recommended improvement / mitigation measures, if necessary,
would be imposed through relevant town plans and planning briefs to provide site
specific guidance to the project proponent.

If submission of planning application is required to obtain planning permission, and
AVA is required under the OZP, planning brief or the Technical Circular, the project
proponent would need to submit an AVA as part of the submission. The Town Planning
Board can also stipulate the carrying out of AVA as one of the approval conditions.

The planning control regime would ensure that planning proposals would take into
account air ventilation at the early planning and design stage. There are, however, some
development proposals that are always permitted under the OZP and need not undergo
the planning application process.

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Land Administration

In the preparation of new lease conditions, land exchange and lease modifications, any
developments having adverse implications on air ventilation, either due to the
development scheme or the site circumstances, should be subject to AVA. The findings
of the AVA shall serve as input in formulating the development parameters. This is
particularly important when site intensification or amalgamation are effected through the
land exchange or lease modification process and no planning application is required for
the proposal. Currently, all the relevant government land sale sites have already been
subject to the above arrangement. The same should be applied to private projects for
land exchange and lease modifications which have air ventilation impacts.

Building Plan Submission

Under the new PNAP APP-152 Sustainable Building Design Guidelines, the applicant
has to satisfy three pre-requisite requirements, viz building separation, building setback
and greenery in order to be granted the concessionary GFA for green and amenity
features. If the site characteristics render it difficult to achieve the full compliance of
building separation requirements, an applicant could submit an AVA justifying the
alternative design. Hence, the applicant can have an additional alternative to demonstrate
that the eventual design can meet the Wind Performance Criterion.

With the establishment of the Wind Performance Criterion and the implementation of the
revised AVAS, it is recommended that the concerned government bureaux/ departments
should continue to be responsible for conducting, overseeing and self-appraisal of their own
AVAs. AVAs for private developments shall be submitted to their respective approval
authorities, e.g. AVA submitted in support of planning applications shall be vetted by PlanD
to assist consideration by the TPB; AVA in support of building plan submission shall be
vetted by the Building Authority.

Subject to the endorsement of the study recommendations by the Government, the Wind
Performance Criterion, and the refined AVAS shall take effect through the existing
development control mechanisms. The new HKPSG Chapter on Urban Climate and Air
Ventilation shall also be promulgated to guide project proponents in attaining to more
responsive designs in urban climatic terms.

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The application of air ventilation assessment to regulate urban thermal comfort is a brand
new subject for Hong Kong. With the introduction of the Wind Performance Criterion and
the other methodological refinements, it would be useful to have regular reviews to monitor
its effectiveness and to ensure that it is scientifically up-to-date. It is suggested that a review
be conducted once every 5 years to assemble and analyse all submitted and documented
projects to guage the experience in applying the Wind Performance Criterion and the refined
AVA system, as well as take reference to relevant overseas experience in the field.
Depending on the review, the AVA Technical Circular can be updated where necessary. It is
recommended that a major scientific review of Hong Kongs Wind Performance Criterion
be conducted in 10 years time. It is proposed that an expert committee led by PlanD be
established for the review. Membership of the committee should include representatives
from academia, the trade, professional organizations and government departments.

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The refined Air Ventilation Assessment System (AVAS) is based on key findings of the
study and a review of selected completed AVAs carried out in accordance with the current
AVAS. The Study recommends ways to refine the methodology in the AVAS Technical
Circular No. 1/06, including the assessment standard, scope of application and
implementation mechanisms.

Key findings of the Study relevant to the refinement of AVAS include: (a) the need for a
Wind Performance Criterion, (b) the importance of summer thermal comfort, (c) the
importance of site wind availability including sea breezes, and (d) the importance to define
the locations of test points having regard to the impact on the sensitive receivers.

An expert review of selected, completed AVA studies under the current AVAS has been
conducted. Lessons learnt include: (a) the need for studying summer condition, (b) the need
for standardising site wind availability data, (c) the need for area and point analysis, (d) the
need to resolving technical matters, and (e) the need of full documentation.

In the current AVAS, AVA is a design improvement tool with no quantitative yardstick. This
approach is useful in its own right. With the formulation of the Wind Performance Criterion
under the Study, it is now opportune to incoporate a quantitative yardstick to evaluate the
acceptability of design options.

In the review of the implementation of the current AVAS, it is found that AVA has been
carried out by both public and private project proponents. Expertise and experience in
conducting AVAs are gradually maturing in Hong Kong. There is a need to ensure that AVA
will be undertaken for both public and private projects, in order to avoid adverse ventilation
impacts. In view of the above, it is now justified, feasible and practical to recommend
extending the scope of application of the AVAS to include private sector projects.

The following key refinements to the AVAS have been proposed, and the Technical Circular
and Technical Guide on AVA shall be revised accordingly:
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(a) Extending the scope of application of AVA to private sector development.
(b) The categories of sites that require AVA should be increased to include inland
development sites with lot frontage over 140m.
(c) Incorporating the Wind Performance Criterion as a quantitative yardstick to
determine if the proposed development is acceptable in air ventilation terms.
(d) In addition to the use of wind velocity ratio (VR), using the median hourly mean
pedestrian level wind speed (Vp) as the main indicator.
(e) Factoring the summer wind consideration into the AVAS.
(f) Recommending the provision of a set of standardised Site Wind Availability
Data by PlanD.
(g) Choosing test points carefully to cover the air performance of frequently
patronised locations and requiring more detailed area and point assessments and
(h) Full documentation of the technical assumptions, inputs and procedures of
AVAS for vetting and understanding by others.
(i) To use CFD models appropriately.

Apart from the refinements to AVAS which are to be documented in the Technical Circular
and Technical Guide on AVA, it is proposed to provide a set of qualitative planning and
design guidelines to guide project proponents in working towards better urban climate and air
ventilation. A new HKPSG chapter on Urban Climate and Air Ventilation has been
prepared to cover urban climatic and air ventilation considerations in planning. This chapter
will cover all relevant matters relating to the Urban Climatic Maps and provide general
guidelines on planning and design measures to improve urban climate and air ventilation.

The refined AVAS can be effected by the revised Technical Circular and Technical Guide on
AVA and the new HKPSG chapter on Urban Climate and Air Ventilation. It can be
implemented through the current development control mechanisms of the town planning, land
administration, and the building plan regimes. There is no need to introduce new legislation
for implementing the refined AVAS.

With the introduction of the Wind Performance Criterion, other methodological refinements
and the new HKPSG chapter, it is suggested that the AVAS be reviewed 5 years after its
implementation to cater for any necessary updates. It is recommended that a major scientific
review of Hong Kongs Wind Performance Criterion be conducted in 10 years time.
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Existing Technical Circular No. 1/06 for AVA Suggestion and Rationale

5. A framework for applying AVA is developed on the
basis of the Feasibility Study on Establishment of Air
Ventilation Assessment completed this year and
endorsed by the Committee on Planning and Land
Development on 7 June 2005. The Committee agreed that
Government will take the lead to apply AVA to all major
government projects which may have major impacts on
the macro wind environment, including public housing
projects, planning studies for new development areas and
comprehensive redevelopment areas, preparation of new
town plans and major revision to town plans. Quasi-
government organizations and the private sector are also
encouraged to apply AVA to their projects on voluntary
and need basis.

Since the promulgation of the
Technical Circular in July 2006,
both the public and private sector
have proactively undertaken air
ventilation assessments to ensure
that air ventilation issues are
properly considered in alternative
development options. These AVAs
are proven to be practical and useful
in improving designs. Expertise
and experience have been built up
in the past years. More importantly,
development proposals, no matter
public or private, may have air
ventilation impacts and should
equally be subject to AVA. As
such, it is recommended to extend
the scope of application of AVA to
private sector developments to
reflect the existing situation and
recognise the efforts of the private

Taking into account the findings of
the Urban Climatic Planning
Recommendation Map, the AVA
system should target at mitigating
the negative urban climatic
condition and hence focus on the
Urban Climatic Planning Zones
(UCPZ) 3, 4, and 5. The extensive
UCPZ1 is either urban fringe or
country parks that should be
preserved and enhanced in order not
to alter their positive urban climatic

6. Proponent departments / bureau or authorities
responsible for major government projects which may
bring about potential impact on air ventilation in the
macro wind environment are strongly advised to include
AVA in the planning and design of projects. The main
purpose of AVA is to promote the awareness of project

To further refine the AVA system,
the wind performance criterion,
which adopts a flexible
performance/prescriptive approach,
is proposed to serve as a yardstick
against which the acceptability of
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proponents to ensure that air ventilation impacts are duly
considered as one of the main criteria in the planning and
design process. The framework developed at this stage
does not provide an absolute benchmark standard against
which the air ventilation impacts can be confirmed to be
acceptable or unacceptable. The framework would
however, enable comparison of design options in external
air ventilation terms and identification of potential
problem areas for design improvements. A further study
to develop benchmark standards for AVA in Hong Kong
will be commissioned in 2006. Upon completion of the
study and gaining sufficient experience, the AVA system
may be refined.

air ventilation impacts can be
confirmed. The framework would
still allow comparison of design
options in air ventilation terms and
identification of potential problem
areas for design improvements.

Projects Requiring AVA

7. For the purpose of this Technical Circular, government
projects refer generally to projects under the policy
initiatives, support or programmes of government
departments / bureaux / authorities e.g. public housing,
government office buildings, footbridges etc.; regardless
of their ownership.

Proponent departments / bureaux or authorities should
assess the need to apply AVA to the following categories
of major government projects during the planning stage
as early as possible:

(a) Planning studies for new development areas;
(b) Comprehensive land use restructuring schemes,
including schemes that involve agglomeration of sites
together with closure and building over of existing
(c) Area-wide plot ratio and height control reviews;
(d) Developments on sites of over 2 hectares and with an
overall plot ratio of 5 or above;
(e) Development proposals with total Gross Floor Area
exceeding 100,000 square metres;
(f) Developments with podium coverage extending over
one hectare;

(g) Developments above public transport terminus;
(h) Buildings with height exceeding 15 metres within a
public open space or breezeway designated on layout
plans / outline development plans / outline zoning
plans or proposed by planning studies ;
(i) Developments on waterfront sites with lot frontage
exceeding 100 metres in length;

The listed categories of projects are
found to be adequate to cover
projects which may have
implications on air ventilation
performance. AVA should be
conducted to identify problem areas
and design improvements as well as
to confirm the projects
acceptability in air ventilation

The paragraph should also be
revised to include private sector

Apart from waterfront sites, inland
sites with elongated lot
configuration may also induce
adverse air ventilation impacts if the
layout has not been adequately
considered to incorporate
permeability into the building and
layout. It is suggested to add an
additional criterion as below:-

Developments on non-waterfront
sites with lot frontage exceeding
140 metres in length.

Rationale: A long frontage (140m)
may have adverse air ventilation
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(j) Extensive elevated structures of at least 3.5 metres
wide, which abut or partially cover a pedestrian
corridor along the entire length of a street block that
has / allows development at plot ratio 5 or above on
both sides; or which covers 30% of a public open

impacts. 140m is calculated based
on the resultant frontage of a
square-shaped site of 2 hectares,
as in (d). The frontal dimensions
and therefore the potential impact
to the wind environment for wind
coming perpendicular to them are
therefore similar in both cases.

8. The above list is not exhaustive and proponent
departments / bureaux or authorities may exercise their
discretion to include specific projects within their
jurisdiction as appropriate.

No Change

9. In assessing the need for AVAs for individual projects,
the proponent departments / bureaux or authorities should
also take into account the following factors :
(a) Whether there are existing / planned outdoor sensitive
receivers located in the vicinity of the project site
falling within the assessment area. The sensitive
receivers should include pedestrians or open space
(b) Whether there are known or reasonable assumptions
of the development parameters available at the time to
conduct the AVA;
(c) Whether alternative designs are feasible or alternative
locations are available for the project if the AVA to be
conducted would reveal major problem areas;
(d) Whether there are other overriding factors which
would prevail over air ventilation considerations in the
determination of the project design;
(e) Whether the desirable project design for better air
ventilation may compromise other important
objectives for the benefits of the public;
(f) Whether the public has raised concern on air
ventilation in the neighbourhood area of the project;
and /or
(g) Whether the project is already in advanced stage to
incorporate the AVA.

Suggested to delete point(g) as the
AVAS has already been in place for
6 years. Therefore, point(g) should
not be relevant anymore.

10. An officer of D2 rank or above of the proponent
departments/bureaux or authorities should be responsible
for deciding whether AVA is necessary for the
government project. If it is decided that the AVA shall be
waived, strong justifications should be provided and it is
necessary to obtain agreement of the respective policy

No change

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bureau. If the AVA is considered necessary but pre-
mature, a recommended timing or stage of the project for
carrying out the AVA should be indicated.

11. For government projects waived from the AVA
requirement, the proponent departments / bureaux or
authorities should, as good practice, still incorporate
appropriate qualitative design guidelines to minimize
impacts on air ventilation.
These qualitative design guidelines are available in the
Urban Design Guidelines, Chapter 11 of the Hong
Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines, downloadable
from Planning Departments (PlanD) homepage

AVA for private projects should
also be uploaded to the AVA
register and kept for 3 years, and
thereafter archived. The relevant
authority should be responsible for
co-ordinating the submission of
AVA by private parties.

Full documentation of the AVAs,
including all important model
settings, input parameters, pre-
tests, is needed to facilitate
checking and review.

Technical Guide for AVA for development
in Hong Kong
Suggestions and rationale

1. This Technical Guide assists project
proponent to undertake Air Ventilation
Assessment (AVA) to assess the impacts of
the proposal on the pedestrian wind
environment. The assessment should follow
this Technical Guide as far as possible and a
report should be submitted to the proponent
departments / bureaux or authorities on the
assessment findings

No change

2. Every site is different. The assessor is
strongly advised to approach the assessment
intellectually and discretionally taking into
account different site conditions. Working
with experienced practising wind engineers
throughout the assessment process is strongly

No change


3. Wind Velocity Ratio (VR) should be used
as an indicator of wind performance for the
AVA. It indicates how much of the wind
availability of a location could be

Annual and Summer median hourly mean
pedestrian level wind speed (Vp) should be
used as the key indicator of wind
performance for AVA. Given the general
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experienced and enjoyed by pedestrians on
ground taking into account the surrounding
buildings and topography and the proposed
development. Given the general weak wind
conditions in Hong Kong, the higher the
wind velocity ratio, the less likely would be
the impact of the proposed development on
the wind availability.

weak wind conditions in Hong Kong, the
higher the Vp, the less likely the impact of
the proposed development on air ventilation.

In addition, Wind Velocity Ratio (VR)
should also be documented and reported for
cross referencing purpose.

Rationale: this is in line with the Wind
Performance Requirement of the Wind
Performance Criterion.

4. Wind VR is defined as Vp/Vinf (V
pedestrian/V infinity). Vinf captures the wind
velocity at the top of the wind boundary layer
(typically assumed to be around 400 m to 600
m above city centre, or at a height wind is
unaffected by the urban roughness below).
Vinf is taken as the wind availability of the
site. Vp captures the wind velocity at the
pedestrian level (2 m above ground) after
taking into account the effects of buildings
and urban features.

Vp captures the wind performance at the
pedestrian level (2 m above ground) after
taking into account the effects of buildings,
urban and topographical features.

To improve accurancy, the VR can be
calculated based on the site wind availability
(Vs) of the site. Vs is the site wind
availability at the top of the urban roughness
sub-layer (RSL). It takes into account the
modification of Vinf due to surrounding

Rationale: the understanding here elaborates
on the terminologies used and is in line with
the recommended wind performance

[Remarks: VR will still be useful as a design
reference and an indicator of the
permeability of the layout, whereas the Vp
will be the key performance criterion taking
into account both the effect of site wind
availability and the layout permeability.]

Expert Evaluation / Initial Study / Detailed

5. It is always useful and cost effective for
the assessor to conduct an early round of
Expert Evaluation. This provides a
qualitative assessment to the design and/or
design options and facilitates the
identification of problems and issues. The

Expert Evaluation is particularly useful for
the following categories under projects
requiring AVA:

(a) Planning studies for new development
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Expert Evaluation is particularly useful for
large sites and/or sites with specific and
unique wind features, issues, concerns and

(b) Comprehensive land use restructuring
schemes, including schemes that involve
amalgamation of sites together with
closure and building over of existing
streets; and
(c) Area-wide plot ratio and height control

It provides strategic and district wide
understanding for planners to optimise urban
air ventilation at the district and OZP levels.

For district level planning decision making,
Expert Evaluation is more suitable in guiding
the process as, unlike AVA Initial and
Detailed Studies, it does not require any
detailed particulars of buildings at the site
level which is normally unavailable.

Based on existing literature, Expert
Evaluation employs parametric
understanding of the urban morphological
characteristics, e.g. the height to width ratios
of the street, to evaluate the resultant flow
regimes, and to make recommendations to
planners. At the district level, directionalities
of the flow regime and flow characteristics
are more important than the precise

If deemed necessary by the experts, suitable
quantitative wind flow studies and AVAs
may assist the expert evaluation exercise.

Rationale: Based on the AVA experience
gained so far as reviewed earlier.

The following tasks may be achieved with
Expert Evaluation:

(a) Identifies good design features.

(b) Identifies obvious problem areas and
propose some mitigation measures.

(c) Defines focuses and methodologies
of the Initial and/or Detailed studies.

To conduct the Expert Evaluation
systematically and methodologically, it is
necessary to undertake the following
information analyses:
(a) Analyse relevant wind data as the input
conditions to understanding the wind
environment of the study area.
(b) Analyse the topographical features of the
study area, as well as the surrounding areas.
(c) Analyse the greenery/landscape
characteristics of the study area, as well as
the surrounding areas.
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(d) Determines if further study should be
staged into Initial Study and Detailed
Study, or Detailed Study alone.

(d) Analyse the land use and built form of the
study area, as well as the surrounding areas.
(e) Estimate the characteristics of the input
wind conditions of the study area.
(f) Identify the wind flow characteristics of the
study area, and problematic areas which
warrant attention. Identify existing good
features that need to be kept or

Based on the understanding on the existing
(a) Analyze the impacts of the proposed
development on its surroundings;
(b) Highlight problem areas, good design
features if any, and recommend
improvements and mitigation measures if
(c) Identify focus areas or issues that may need
further studies. Recommend appropriate
technical methodologies for the study if

Rationale: Based on the AVA experience
gained so far as reviewed earlier.

6. In exercising expert knowledge and
experience, the assessor should refer to the
Urban Design Guidelines, Chapter 11 of
the Hong Kong Planning Standards and
Guidelines downloadable from the Planning
Departments (PlanD) website at

No change

7. The Expert Evaluation could lead to an
Initial Study or directly to a Detailed Study
depending on the nature of the development.
The Initial Study will refine and substantiate
the Expert Evaluation. The following tasks
may be achieved with the Initial Study:

(a) Initially assesses the characteristics of
the wind availability (Vinf) of the site.

(b) Gives a general pattern and a rough
quantitative estimate of wind
performance at the pedestrian level
reported using Wind VR.

Suggest changing to:

7. The Expert Evaluation could lead to an
Initial Study or directly to a Detailed Study
depending on the nature of the development.
For projects that could not meet the Wind
Performance Requirement, provided that the
non-compliance could be demonstrated as
being attributed to the topography and / or
built environment surrounding the proposed
development, the Alternative (Prescriptive)
Approach of the Wind Performance Criterion
can be adopted. Initial Study could be used
for such purpose and help optimise the
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(c) Further refines the understanding
(good design features and problem areas)
of the Expert Evaluation.

(d) Further defines the focuses,
methodologies and scope of work of the
Detailed Study.

benefits of the four prescribed mitigating
design measures through options comparison.
Under these circumstances, Detailed Study
may not be necessary. The following tasks
may be achieved with the Initial Study:

(a) Based on the wind availability of the site,
identify the key prevailing wind
directions (that represent at least 75% of
the wind directional frequency or 8 of
the 16 wind directions) of the study area.
All the wind directions identified should
be analyzed separately.
(b) Conduct the study and give a general
pattern and a rough quantitative estimate
of wind performance at the pedestrian
level reported, using Wind Vp and Wind
(c) Highlight good design features and
problem areas, if any. Recommend
practical improvements and optimizing
design mitigation measures if possible.
Re-test and re-study if necessary.
(d) Further refine the understanding (on
good design features and problem areas)
of the Expert Evaluation, if applicable.
(e) Further define the focuses,
methodologies and scope of work of the
Detailed Study if needed.

8. It is sometimes necessary to reiterate the
Initial Study so as to refine the design and/or
design options.

No change

9. With or without the Initial Study, the
Detailed Study concludes the AVA. With
the Detailed Study, the assessor could
accurately and quantitatively compare
designs so that a better one could be selected.
Detailed Study is essential for more complex
sites and developments, and where key air
ventilation concerns have been reviewed and
identified in the Expert Evaluation / Initial
Study. The following tasks may be achieved
with the Detailed Study:

(a) To assess the characteristics of the wind
availability (Vinf) of the site

The following tasks may be achieved with
the Detailed Study:

(a) Based on the Site Wind Availability of
the site, conduct a quantitative
assessment based on all the 16 wind
directional frequency to confirm if the
wind performance criterion could be met.
(b) In case the wind performance criterion
could not be met, test out alternative
design measures to improve the wind
(c) To report all the annual and summer
median hourly mean pedestrian level Vp
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in detail.

(b) To report all VR of test points. To report
Site VR (SVR) and Local VR (LVR) when
appropriate (as outlined in paras 27 to 30).
To report, if any, wind gust problems.

(c) To provide a summary of how the
identified problems, if any, have been

and VR of test points. To report Site Vp
(SVp), Local Vp (LVp), Site VR (SVR),
Local VR (LVR) when appropriate.
(d) To report any wind gust problems.
(e) To report, if any, problems identified
when examining the individual test
(f) To provide a summary of how the
identified problems, if any, have been
resolved through effective design
improvement measures.

Rationale: Based on the AVA experience
gained so far as reviewed earlier.

Site Wind Availability Data

10. It is necessary to account for the
characteristics of the natural wind availability
of the site. As far as possible, the design
should utilize and optimise the natural wind.

For AVA study, the set of Site Wind
Availability (Vs) data to be provided on
PlanDs website should be used.

Based on the data, project proponent and
their consultants may additionally wish to, if
necessary, further refine the dataset to
account for any specific features identified.
This further understanding must be properly
justified and documented.

11. For the Expert Evaluation, it is advisable
to make reference to the Hong Kong
Observatory Waglan Island wind data, as
well as reasonable wind data of nearby
weather stations. Expertly interpreted, it is
possible to qualitatively estimate the
prevailing wind directions and magnitudes of
the site necessary for the evaluation.

12. For the Initial Study, it is necessary to be
more precise. Either simulated site wind
data, or experimental site wind data, as
described in paras. 13 and 15 below,
respectively, could be used.

13. Using appropriate mathematical models
(e.g. MM5 and CALMET), it is possible to
simulate and estimate the site wind
availability data (Vinf). For the Expert

Suggest to be deleted

Rationale: as PlanD is expected to produce
a set of site wind availability data (Vs) and
refinement procedures.

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Evaluation and Initial Study, project
proponent may refer to the preliminary set of
simulated Site Wind Availability Data (Vs)
available at PlanDs website.

14. For the Detailed Study, it is necessary to
be even more precise. Experimental site
wind data, as described in para 15 below,
should be used.

15. Using large scale topographical model
(typically 1:2000 to 1:4000) tested in a
boundary layer wind tunnel, more precise
wind availability and characteristics
information in terms of wind rose, wind
profile(s) and wind turbulence intensity
profile(s) of the site could be obtained. Hong
Kong Observatory Waglan Island wind data
should be referenced to for the experimental

Suggest to be deleted

Rationale: as PlanD is expected to produce
a set of site wind availability data (Vs) and
refinement procedures.


16. Wind tunnel is recommended for both the
Initial and the Detailed Studies, and most
particularly for the Detailed Study. The
conduct of the wind tunnel test should
comply, as far as practicable, with
established international best practices, such
as, but not be limited to:

(a) Manuals and Reports on Engineering
Practice No. 67: Wind Tunnel Studies of
Buildings and Structures, Virginia 1999
issued by American Society of Civil

(b) Wind Engineering Studies of Buildings,
Quality Assurance Manual on Environment
Wind Studies AWES-QAM-1-2001 issued by
Australasian Wind Engineering Society.

No change

17. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
may be used with caution; it is more likely
admissible for the Initial Studies. There is no
internationally recognized guideline or

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) may
be allowed for AVA Initial Studies. CFD for
Initial Studies shall be used mainly for
patterns of wind environment within the
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standard for using CFD in outdoor urban
scale studies. The onus is on the assessor to
demonstrate that the tool used is fit for the

assessment areas. International best practice
such as the following should be referred to:

Franke, J., Hirsch, C., Jensen, A. G., Krus, H.
W., Schatzmann, M., Westbury, P. S.,
Miles, S. D., Wisse, J. A., Wright, N. G.,
(2004), Recommendations on the Use of
CFD in Predicting Pedestrian Wind
Environment, COST Action C14, Impact
of Wind and Storms on City Life and Built
Environment, Working Group 2 CFD
techniques 2004 version 1.0

Michael Schatzmann, Helge Olesen and Jrg
Franke, COST Action 732 Quality
Assurance and Improvement of Microscale
Meteorological Models, Feb 2010. ISBN:

VDI, (2005) Environmental Meteorology -
Prognostic Microscale Wind field Models -
Evaluation For Flow Around Buildings And
Obstacles, VDI/DINHandbuch Reinhaltung
der Luft. Beuth, Berlin, 53 pp. VDI 3783
part 9.

Tominaga, Y., Mochida, A., Yoshie, R.,
Kataoka, H., Nozu, T., Yoshikawaf, M. and
Shirasawac, T., (2008) AIJ guidelines for
practical applications of CFD to pedestrian
wind environment around buildings, Journal
of Wind Engineering and Industrial
Aerodynamics 96 (2008) 17491761.

18. Should the assessor wish to use other
forms of tool for the assessment not
described above, the onus is on the proponent
to demonstrate that the tool to be employed is
fit for the purpose. The scientific
suitability, as well as the practical merits of
the tool to be used must be demonstrated.

No change

Simplification of Wind Data for the Initial

19. In general, the characteristics of the site
wind availability data should be reported in
16 directions. This is necessary to work out
the Wind Velocity Ratio.

75% of the time typically means 8 directions
of the full 16 directions. The project
proponent must document this simplification
and produce the simplified site wind
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20. For the Initial Study, if using CFD, it may
be appropriate and cost effective, to reduce
the number of directions in the study. This is
reasonable especially for sites with only a
few incoming prevailing wind directions. The
assessor must demonstrate that the
probability of wind coming from the reduced
set of directions should exceed 75% of the
time in a typical reference year. Wind
profile(s) for the site could also be
appropriated from the Vinf data developed
from simulation models (e.g. MM5 and
CALMET) and with reference to the Power
Law or Log Law using coefficients
appropriate to the site conditions.

21. For the Detailed Study, no simplification
is allowed. Wind from all 16 directions and
their probability of occurrences must be
accounted for, and wind profiles(s) obtained
from wind tunnel experiments should be used
to conduct the study, and when calculating
the Wind Velocity Ratio.

availability data used for the Initial Study.

Project, Assessment and Surrounding

22. The testing model for the Initial and the
Detailed Studies should cover the Project, the
Assessment and the Surrounding Areas.

23. The Project Area is defined by the project
site boundaries and includes all open areas
within the project that pedestrians are likely
to access.

No change

24. A key aim of AVA is to assess a designs
impact and effects on its surroundings. The
Assessment Area of the project should
include the projects surrounding up to a
perpendicular distance H from the project
boundary, H being the height of the tallest
building on site. Occasionally, it may be
necessary to include an assessment area
larger than that defined above so that special
surrounding features and open spaces are not

The assessment area should be large enough
to capture the important ventilation effects of
the proposed development, particularly for
development surrounded by open spaces in
its vicinity, the effects of the development
will be extended beyond the open spaces and
up to the built up areas in the surrounding.

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25. For the model, it is necessary to include
areas surrounding the site. The Surrounding
Area is important as it gives a reasonable and
representative context to the Assessment
Area. It conditions the approaching wind
profiles appropriately. If the Surrounding
Area is not correctly included and modeled,
the wind performance of the Assessment
Area will likely to be wrongly estimated. The
Surrounding Area of up to a perpendicular
distance of 2H from the project boundary
must be included. Sometimes it may be
necessary to enlarge the Surrounding Area if
there are prominent features (e.g. tall
buildings or large and bulky obstructions)
immediately outside the 2H zone. Other than
the method recommended, wind engineers
can advise alternative extent of the
surroundings to be included on a case-by-
case basis, especially when there are nearby
prominent topographical features.

Other than the method recommended, wind
engineers can advise alternative extent of the
Surrounding Area to be included on a case-
by-case basis, especially when there are
nearby prominent topographical, and urban
morphological features.

Test Points
26. Test points are the locations where Wind
VRs are reported. Based on the VR of the test
points, the resultant wind environment of the
project can be assessed. As each site is
unique, it is impossible to be specific about
the number and distribution of the required
test points; but they must be carefully and
strategically located.

Three types of test points may be specified
for assessment: Perimeter, Overall and

The test points should be:

(1) Evenly distributed in publically
accessible areas.
(2) With a focus at important locations that
are frequented by pedestrians, including
streets and open spaces where people
congregate, and building entrances etc.

Three types of test points may be specified
for assessment: Perimeter, Overall and

27. Perimeter test points are positioned on the
project site boundary. They are useful to
assess the immediate effect of the project
to the Assessment Area. Test points at around
10 m to 50 m center to center (or more if
larger test site is evaluated) may be located
around the perimeters of the project site
boundary. Test points are normally not
necessary at perimeter(s) where there is no
major air ventilation issues e.g. waterfront

For a 2 ha site, typically about 30 to 50 well
spaced out and located perimeter test points
will suffice.

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area with ample sea breeze, inaccessible land
such as green belt. Tests points must be
located at the junctions of all roads leading to
the project site, at main entrances to the
project, and at corners of the project site.
This group of perimeter test points will
provide data for the Site Air Ventilation
Assessment. Typically about 30 to 50
perimeter test points well spaced out and
located will suffice.

28. Overall test points are evenly distributed
and positioned in the open spaces, on the
streets and places of the project and
Assessment Areas where pedestrians
frequently access. This group of overall test
points, together with the perimeter test
points, will provide data for the Local Air
Ventilation Assessment. For practical
reasons, around 50 to 80 test points may be
adequate for typical development sites.

Roughly 50% of all the overall test points
must be located no further than 0.5H from
the boundary of the project site within the
assessment area. This is to better capture the
impact of wind wakes nearer to the project

This group of overall test points, not
including perimeter test points, will provide
data for the Local Air Ventilation

For practical reasons, around 50 to 80 test
points may be adequate for project sites of
two hectares in size.

29. Special test points may be positioned in
areas that special localized problems are
likely to appear (e.g. wind gust problem for
exposed sites). These special test points
should not be included in the Site and Local
Air Ventilation Assessments, as they may
distort the average VRs. They independently
may provide additional information to

Should also mention Vps.

30. For the purpose of the AVA, Wind
Velocity Ratios of all test points should be
individually reported. They help to identify
problem areas.

Two ratios may also be reported, they give a
simple quantity to summarise the overall
impact on the wind environment for easy

For the purpose of AVA, Summer Vp and
VR [1 June to 31 Aug] and annual Vp and
VR of all test points should be individually
reported. The summer Vp (sVp) and the
annual Vp (aVp) reported will be used to
check against the conditions of the Hong
Kong Wind Performance Criterion, i.e. the
Summer (1 Jun - 31 Aug) and annual median
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(a) For the Site Air Ventilation
Assessment, the Site spatial average
Velocity Ratio (SVR) of all perimeter test
points (para 27 refers) may be reported.
This gives a hint of how the development
proposal impacts the wind environment
of its immediate vicinity.

(b) For the Local Air Ventilation
Assessment, the Local spatial average
velocity ratio (LVR) of all perimeter and
overall test points (paras 27 and 28,
respectively refer) may be reported. This
gives a hint of how the development
proposal impacts the wind environment
of the local area.

The local air ventilation considerations
should always take precedence over the site
specific air ventilation considerations. For
exposed sites, concerns of wind gust should
be reported.

hourly mean wind speed should be no less
than 1 m/s.

As a good practice, a table of annual and
summer Vpi and VRi of the directions tested
should also be appended to the report for
further checking when necessary.

Furthermore, for design refinement, FOUR
ratios may also be reported, they give a
simple quantity to summarise the overall
impact on the wind environment for easy

(a) For the Site Air Ventilation Assessment,
the annual and summer Site spatial average
Velocity Ratio (SVR) of all perimeter test
points may be reported. This gives a hint of
how the development proposal impacts on
the wind environment of its immediate

(b) For the Site Air Ventilation Assessment,
the annual and summer Site spatial average
Vp (aSVp and sSVp respectively) of all
perimeter test points may be reported. This
gives a hint of how the development proposal
impacts on the wind environment of its
immediate vicinity.

(c) For the Local Air Ventilation
Assessment, the annual and summer Local
spatial average velocity ratio (LVR) of all
overall test points may be reported. This
gives a hint of how the development proposal
impacts on the wind environment of the local

(d) For the Local Air Ventilation
Assessment, the annual and summer Local
spatial average Vp (aLVp and sSVp
respectively) of all overall test points may be
reported. This indicates how the development
proposal impacts on the wind environment of
the local area.

31. The AVA report should contain the
following key sections. The technical merit,

For the Initial and the Detailed Studies, A
section on the methodology, approach, input
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as well as the results of the AVA of the
project must be demonstrated:
(a) An introductory section of the details of
the project.
(b) A section on results of the Expert
Evaluation. Concerns and potential
problems should be identified. Focuses and
methodologies of further studies should be
(c) A section on the characteristics of the Site
Wind Availability to be used for Initial
Studies and Detail Studies. Methodologies
used to obtain the information must be
explained in detail.
(d) A section on the Methodology of the
Initial Study. The tool used for the studies
must be explained in detail. It is important
for the assessor to demonstrate and to justify
that the tool and work process used is
technically fit for the purpose.
(e) A section on results and key findings of
the Initial Study.
(f) A section on Methodology of the
Detailed Study. The tool used for the studies
must be explained in detail. It is important
for the assessor to demonstrate and to justify
that the tool and work process used is
technically fit for the purpose.
(g) A section on results and key findings of
the Detailed Study.
(h) A section on Evaluation and Assessment.
Summarise findings, highlight problems and
outline mitigation measures, if any.

assumptions, settings, software and
equipments should be included. For CFD
models, the domain, modelling size and
details, meshing approach, mesh size,
expansion ratio, blockage ratio, numerical
scheme, convergence factor, turbulence
model, approach wind profiles and other
relevant technical information should be
reported. For wind tunnel tests, the wind
profile, turbulence intensity profile, the
power density spectrum, wind speed, the
equipment used and the results of their pre-
test calibration should be reported. In
addition, the matching according to the
model scale, the eddy sizes and longitudinal,
lateral and vertical wind direction
fluctuations may also be included to improve
the scientific validity of the tests. If it is pre-
tested for Reynolds Number independence
before the actual test, and that similarity of
flow has been ensured, then this should be

It is important for the assessor to demonstrate
and justify that the tool and work process
used is technically fit for the purpose.
International best practice should be referred

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32. Based on the reported VR, the assessor
would compare the merits and demerits of
different design options.

The following considerations on the
reporting of SVR and LVR may be useful to

(a) In the general weak wind conditions in
Hong Kong, for the AVA, the higher the
values of the spatial average VR, the better
the design. Comparing performances of
design options using the spatial average VR
(both SVR and LVR) is recommended (para
30 refers).

(b) The Site Air Ventilation Assessment
(SVR) gives an idea of how the lower portion
of the buildings on the project site may affect
the immediate surroundings. When problems
are detected, it is likely that design changes
may be needed for the lower portion of the
development (e.g. the coverage of the
podium) (para 30(a) refers).

(c) The Local Air Ventilation Assessment
(LVR) gives an idea of how the upper portion
of the buildings on the project site may affect
the surroundings. When problems are
detected, it is likely that design changes may
be needed for the upper portion of the
development (e.g. re-orientation of blocks
and adjustment to the extent of the towers)
(para 30(b) refers).

Suggest changing to:

Based on the reported annual and summer
Vp, the project proponent should be able to
demonstrate if the proposal satisfies the Hong
Kong Wind Performance Criterion.

The following considerations on the
reporting of Vp/VR, aSVp/sSVp, aSVR/
sSVR, aLVp/sSVp and aLVR/ sSVR may be
useful to note:

(a) In the general weak wind conditions in
Hong Kong, for the purpose of AVA, the
higher the values of the spatial average Vp
and VR, the better the overall design.

(b) The Site Air Ventilation Assessment
(SVp/SVR) that includes aSVp/sSVp and
aSVR/sSVR gives an idea of how the lower
portion of the buildings on the project site
may affect the immediate surroundings.
When problems are detected, it is likely that
design changes may be needed for the lower
portion of the development (e.g. the coverage
of the podium) (para 30(a) (b) refers).

(c) The Local Air Ventilation Assessment
(LVp/LVR) that includes aLVp/sLVp and
aLVR/sLVR gives an idea of how the upper
portion of the buildings on the project site
may affect the surroundings. When problems
are detected, it is likely that design changes
may be needed for the upper portion of the
development (e.g. re-orientation of blocks
and adjustment to the extent of the towers)
(para 30(c) (d) refers).

(d) For very large sites, or for sites with
elongated or odd geometry, it
may be necessary to work out the SVR and
LVR to suit the size or geometry. For
example, say for an elongated site, it might
be useful to sub-divide the site into smaller
sub-sections to work out the spatial averages.

Suggest changing to:

(d) For large sites, or for sites with elongated
or odd geometry, it may be necessary to work
out the SVp/LVp and SVR/LVR to suit the
size or geometry. For example, for an
elongated site, it might be useful to sub-
divide the site into smaller sub-sections to
work out the spatial averages. It is possible
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It is possible that the development may have
a high VR at one end and a low VR at the
other end.

(e) It is necessary to examine VR of the
individual test points of SVR and/or LVR to
ensure that none is way below the spatial
average. When this happens, it indicates
possible stagnant zones to be avoided.

(f) On the other hand, no individual VR
should be obviously above the spatial
average SVR and/or LVR. When this
happens, it indicates wind amplification, and
the possibility of wind gust and pedestrian
safety concerns. Further assessments and
mitigation measures may be required.

(g) Where large differentials in individual
VRs are reported, the spatial average SVR
and/or LVR should be interpreted more
carefully to avoid overlooking problem areas
due to averaging of the individual VRs.

(h) In addition to SVR and LVR, and beyond
the key focus of AVA in this Technical
Guide, VR of special test points, if
positioned, may be analysed. The results
from these additional test points will identify
potential wind problems in areas of special

that the development may have a high Vp at
one end and a low Vp at the other end.

(f) High Vp indicates wind amplification, and
the possibility of wind gust and pedestrian
safety concerns.
Further assessments and
mitigation measures may be required.

(g) Where large differentials in individual Vp
and VR are reported, the spatial average SVp
and/or LVp and SVR and/or LVR should be
interpreted more carefully to avoid potential
overlooking of problem areas due to
averaging of the individual Vp/VR.

(h) In addition to SVp/LVp and SVR/LVR,
and beyond the key focus of AVA in this
Technical Guide, Vp of special test points, if
positioned, may be analysed. The results
from these additional test points will identify
potential wind problems in areas of special

For gust wind assessment, refer to: Melbourne, W.H. (1978) Criteria for Environmental Wind Conditions. Journal of
Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 3, pp 241-249, Elsevier. And Hunt, J.C.R, Poulton, E.C., Mumford, J.C. (1976) The Effects
of Wind on People; New Criteria Based on Wind Tunnel Experiments. Building and Environment. Vol, 11 pp 15-28,
Pergamon Press. And Penwarden, A.D. and Wise, A.F.E. (1975). Wind environment around buildings. Building Research
Establishment Report, HMSO, London. And Soligo, M.J., Irwin, P.A., Williams, C.J. and Schuyler, G.D. (1998) A
comprehensive assessment of pedestrian comfort including thermal effects. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial
Aerodynamics, Vol. 77/78, pp. 753-766, Elsevier.
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New Chapter on Urban Climate and Air Ventilation

Section A : Background, Scientific Understanding, Goal and
Objectives, Scope and Application
Section B: Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map
Section C: General Guidelines on Planning and Design Measures
to Improve Urban Climate and Air Ventilation, Air
Ventilation Assessment
Section D: Conclusion
Appendix : Methodology for Urban Climatic Planning
Recommendation Map

For the new section on Urban Climate, the following information may be included:

Section A: Background, Scientific Understanding, Goal and
Objectives, Scope and Application

A.1 Introduction
Hong Kong is located at a sub-tropical region with hot and humid summer months, and is one
of the most densely populated cities in the world. As a result of the dense concentration of
urban activities and development, Hong Kong is suffering from the Urban Heat Island (UHI)
effects. To target for long-term improvements to the living environment, the Planning
Department has completed the Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation
Assessment System (the AVA Study) in 2005 and the Urban Climatic Map and Standards
for Wind Environment Feasibility Study (the UCM Study) in 2012.

On the basis of the findings and recommendations of the above two Studies, an urban
climatic planning framework for Hong Kong, a set of qualitative guidelines outlining the
planning and design measures conducive to a better urban climate, and a refined Air
Ventilation Assessment (AVA) System have been formulated and outlined in this chapter to
guide planning and design of future developments.

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A.2 Background
The Team Clean Report, published in August 2003 after the severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS) outbreak, recommended to promote better layout of building blocks
through examining the stipulation of AVA as one of the considerations for all major
development or redevelopment proposals and in forward planning. Accordingly, the
Planning Department commissioned the AVA Study, which was completed in 2005, and on
the basis of its recommendations,an AVA system has since been established.

To enhance the urban wind environment, especially to the public realm, a set of qualitative
guidelines on air ventilation assessment were included in the Urban Design Guidelines (i.e.
Chapter 11 of the HKPSG) in July 2006 based on the AVA study recommendations. The
revised urban design guideline in the chapter was also a response to the Governments First
Sustainable Development Strategy promulgated in May 2005, which identified, amongst
others, the need of guidelines governing sustainable urban planning and design, with special
regard to issues such as buildings affecting view corridors or restricting airflow.

The AVA Study identified the need for a more holistic review of urban climatic conditions
for better planning decision-making at the territorial and district levels. In tandem, the
Planning Department commissioned the UCM Study to examine urban climatic conditions in
the whole territory and to identify appropriate planning and design measures to achieve long-
term improvement of the urban climate. With the objective of alleviating the UHI effect, the
UCM Study recommended, amongst others, the establishment of an Urban Climatic Planning
Recommendation Map (UC-ReMap), a set of qualitative planning and design measures to
improve the urban climate, a Wind Performance Criterion and a refined AVA System.

A.3 Scientific Understanding
Urban areas, with a high concentration of concrete buildings and other man-made structures,
have their own urban climatic conditions that differ quite considerably from rural and natural
areas. By virtue of its building morphology, thermal capacity and surface materials used in
construction, urban areas typically gain more heat during daytime than the rural surroundings.
The heat stored will elevate urban temperature. Tall buildings in the urban area block the sky
view and limit the ability of the urban area to release heat back into the atmosphere during
night time. The residual heat carries forward to the following day and the vicious circle
continues, resulting in higher urban temperature. This is known as the UHI effect. Further,
the urban area, with its tall buildings, has a higher ground roughness. Wind will flow over it
more slowly, thus weakening urban air ventilation in addressing the UHI. UHI effect
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contributes to uncomfortable urban living, heat stress, heat-related health issues and increase
in energy consumption, especially during the hot summer months. Overall, this has resulted
in poorer quality of urban living.

Figure IV-1 Urban Heat Island Effect

Human thermal comfort is the focus of planning for a better climate. It is influenced by a
number of environmental factors like air temperature, radiation, wind speed and so on.
Thermal comfort can be quantified using Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET). PET
is a widely adopted synergetic indicator of human thermal comfort based on a combination of
environmental variables and physiological inputs. The PET value that one expresses a
neutral thermal sensation, i.e. neither cool nor warm, is known as the neutral PET (nPET).
According to the UCM Studys Users Thermal Comfort Survey, the nPET for Hong Kong
under the summer conditions is 28oC. This nPET forms the benchmark for attaining urban
thermal comfort in Hong Kong.

There are many factors that could help improve thermal comfort. From planning and urban
design perspectives, wind and thermal load are the two most important factors that influence
human thermal comfort and could be addressed through planning and design in managing
urban development. Wind, which Hong Kong is well endowed with, is particularly effective
in mitigating the UHI effect. The key is to harness the wind potential through better planning
and design to achieve thermal relief and reduction of heat stress, especially in the public

A.4 Goal and Objectives
The goal of this chapter is to attain urban thermal comfort by improving the urban climate in
Hong Kong. To achieve the goal, appropriate planning and design measures at different
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spatial scales should be actively pursued, where opportunity arises, to achieve the following

Reduce thermal load: To achieve localised cooling and reduce mean radiant
temperatures within the built environment.

Promote air ventilation: To optimise urban wind in dispersing urban heat and acilitating
air exchange

A.5 Scope and Application
The following sections provide both government and private project proponents with a set of
qualitative guidelines guiding land use planning, urban design, and planning and design of
individual developments in early planning stages in order to realise a better urban climate and
hence living environment.

The qualitative guidelines in this chapter could be applied at two spatial scales, i.e. the district
and project levels, which are interdependent and of equal importance. The aim is for
individual projects to pursue progressive improvements in tandem with concurrent measures
co-ordinated at the district level, thus resulting in area-wide improvement to the urban
climate in the long-term. Concerted efforts from both the government and the private sector
are necessary to improve the urban climate. Project proponents are encouraged to incorporate
the planning and design measures into their projects as far as possible.

Urban climate is one of many important considerations in the planning and design process.
In applying the qualitative guidelines, other factors have to be considered side by side in
order to strike a balance among different planning objectives. In particular, reference should
be made to Chapter 11 of the HKPSG covering generic urban design guidelines and Chapter
4 on greening, which are both relevant to achieving a better living environment. In
determining appropriate development parameters for individual sites, reference should also
be made to relevant strategic and district planning contexts as well as individual site
circumstances, including the development intensity as permitted under the Outline Zoning
Plans (OZPs).

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Section B: Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map

The Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map (UC-ReMap) is an information and
evaluation tool to integrate urban climatic factors and town planning considerations for a
better urban climate. It is derived from the synthesis of key thermal load and dynamic
potential variables under the Urban Climatic Analysis Map (UC-AnMap) with the input of
wind information.

Figure IV-2 Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map of Hong Kong

The UC-ReMap has categorised Hong Kong into five Urban Climatic Planning Zones
(UCPZs). The UCPZ categorisation is based on the understanding that the mean radiant
temperature under shading in Hong Kongs summer is typically at 32 to 34
C, and that a 2
decrease in mean radiant temperature is approximately equivalent to 1
C drop in PET. The
UCPZs have been calibrated to reflect the PET classes and the necessary actions conducive to
attaining the nPET for Hong Kong. Detailed methodology for the formulation of the UC-
ReMap is at Appendix.

Based on the UC-ReMap, urban climatically valuable or problematic areas in need of
retention/ improvement could be identified at a district level to provide guidance in the
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preparation and review of OZPs. It also helps identify suitable locations for new
development as well as evaluate broad urban climatic effects of major planning and
development proposals.

The UC-ReMap also identifies city climate areas with different ventilation system and key
summer prevailing wind directions, channelling winds, sea breezes and downhill air
movement areas, which provide an indication as to where potential breezeways, air paths and
setbacks/non-building areas should be located and how they should be orientated and
connected at the district planning level.

The UC-ReMap is compiled from information from 100m by 100m grids with an assumption
of homogeneity. When reading the map, the emphasis should be on the pattern and clusters/
areas of similar urban climatic characteristics at district level. A pixel-by-pixel scrutiny of
particular individual developments/localities is not appropriate.

Urban Climatic Planning Zones (UCPZs)
There are five UCPZs on the UC-ReMap, for each UCPZ, broad strategic planning actions
are recommended based on an understanding of the urban climatic characteristics of the area
in relation to thermal load and dynamic potential, and the impact on human thermal comfort.

UCPZ 1 covers mostly the natural vegetation areas at higher altitude with minimal
obstructions to wind. As their cool air production capability is beneficial to adjoining urban
areas, they need to be preserved as far as practicable. The majority of this zone is currently
subject to different statutory controls such as country parks and conservation- related/ non-
development zones on statutory town plans, and hence there is a presumption against
development. Essential small-scale development is however possible subject to careful
planning and design.

UCPZ 2 covers areas which are currently urban climatically neutral in terms of urban
thermal comfort, and the general urban climatic characteristics should be maintained as far as
possible. They mostly cover urban fringe areas or rural lowland. New low-density individual
developments and comprehensive developments could be allowed subject to the
incorporation of appropriate planning and building design measures as outlined in Section 7
of this chapter, to maintain the urban climatic condition.

UCPZ 3 covers areas which are currently subject to urban climatically moderate impact in
terms of urban thermal comfort. They are mostly in the urban fringe or less dense
development areas. Some mitigation actions are encouraged where possible. Additional
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development is permissible subject to satisfactory compliance with prudent planning and
design measures.

UCPZ 4 and UCPZ 5 are the densely built-up areas, including most of the new town areas
and the metro areas at the northern part of Hong Kong Island, on Kowloon Peninsula and at
Tsuen Wan. The existing developments have already had a strong to very strong impact on
thermal comfort typified by high thermal load and low dynamic potential. Mitigation actions
are essential and recommended. Intensification of use/additional development is not
recommended unless with adequate mitigation measures.

In brief, preservation of the climatically valuable areas is the focus for UCPZ 1.
Opportunities to mitigate the high thermal load and low dynamic potential within UCPZs 3, 4
and 5 need to be maximised. With the emphasis on preservation in UCPZ 1 and on
mitigation in UCPZs 3, 4 and 5, long-term development needs may be accommodated in
UCPZ 2, in particular, on formed sites and spoiled rural areas, subject to prudent planning
and building design measures.

Section C: General Guidelines on Planning and Design Measures
to Improve Urban Climate and Air Ventilation, Air Ventilation

C.1 Planning and Design Measures to Improve Urban Climate and Air Ventilation

In examining the urban climatic conditions for Hong Kong during the preparation of the UC-
ReMap, a number of key factors affecting thermal load and dynamic potential have been
identified. Accordingly, appropriate planning and design measures are devised to provide
general guidance to tackle these factors in project planning stage. The planning and design
measures can be implemented at district and project levels under the overarching objective to
attain urban thermal comfort by reducing thermal load and promoting air ventilation.

District Level

(a) Greening

Greening helps moderate the urban climate and ameliorate the effect of air stagnation
by virtue of its cooling effect caused by evapotranspiration. In particular, from the
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urban climatic perspective, tree planting is the most beneficial and important form of
greening for the following reasons:

- trees provide shading with their leafed tree crowns, which lower solar radiation
intake at the ground surface;
- trees have lower surface temperatures, so less heat is reflected back to the
ground surface;
- trees provide cool air spaces under their crowns, which enhance air movement
and promote the dynamic potential of the ground surface; and
- trees act as pollutant filters for the street environment.

Figure IV-3 Benefits of Tree Planting

Other greenery such as grass and shrubs, though desirable, do not possess all the
above benefits. Due to the tall building height in most urban developments, rooftop
greening in the context of Hong Kong is less effective in promoting thermal comfort
at the pedestrian level in the public realm. In promoting greenery, preference should
therefore be for tree planting at grade.

In view of its dual effect in reducing thermal load and promoting air ventilation,
greenery should be preserved, maximised and promoted at the district level across all
UCPZs, but especially within the urban areas. Clearance and covering of vegetated
ground surfaces with impervious surface materials should be minimised as far as

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Figure IV-4 Maximise Greenery in Urban Areas

Greenery, particularly tree planting at grade, should be promoted/ maximised in open
spaces, Government, Institution and Community (GIC) sites, open areas and alongside
roads. Existing urban forest should be preserved and opportunities to create urban
green oases should be maximised. A network of connected green corridors and green
oases should be promoted, and preferably be within breezeways/air paths, to provide a
more climatically pleasant pedestrian environment.

Vegetated slopes can provide downhill cool air to adjoining urban areas. Vegetation
on hill slopes should be safeguarded and, where feasible, be intensified through
further tree planting to enhance the creation of cooler slope breezes. Where feasible,
connected open spaces should extend from the hill slopes to urban areas to promote
the penetration of downhill wind.

For topographically enclosed or valley areas, green spaces should be provided at
suitable locations to moderate the urban climate and promote air ventilation.

(b) Proximity to Openness and Connectivity

Breezeways and air paths facilitate air ventilation for urban areas, which in turn
moderates the urban climate. Major breezeways should be aligned primarily along
major prevailing wind directions and, as far as possible, be positioned perpendicular
to waterfronts and vegetated hill slopes, in order to channel sea/ downhill breezes and
valley winds to the built-up area.

To enhance their effectiveness, air paths intersecting the breezeways should also be
provided, preferably at right angles or at an angle to one another, and be extended
over a sufficiently long distance for continuity. Greening should be provided along
breezeways and air paths in order to promote cooler and cleaner air movements.

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Figure IV-5 Breezeways and Air Paths

Breezeways should be created by connecting major open ways, such as principal roads,
water channels, inter-linked open spaces, amenity areas, non-building areas and/or
building setbacks. Minor roads should be widened and connected to major roads as
far as practicable to form a network of ventilation corridors/ air paths to promote
permeability and hence air ventilation in urbanised areas.

Although less effective than open ways, breezeways may also be formed over areas of
low ground roughness, such as along low-rise building corridors and non-building
areas at podium level, where no better alternatives are available. Any recognised
breezeways and air paths over existing low-rise, low-density GIC sites should be
preserved as far as possible.

Figure IV-6 Linkage of Roads, Open Spaces and Low-rise Buildings to Form Breezeways

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(c) Building Volume

Large building volumes have an effect on thermal load due to its localised heat
carrying capacity and its cumulative contribution to a lower Sky View Factor, which
reduces the nighttime radiative cooling effect in cities. As a general principle, the
development intensity within UCPZs 3, 4 and 5 should not be further intensified,
unless with prudent planning and design measures incorporated as mitigation
measures. However, in determining the building volume of individual sites,
consideration must also be given to site circumstances.

Buildings with the same gross floor area may have different building volumes and
thus thermal load, due to different floor-to-floor heights. Excessive floor-to-floor
height should be avoided.

(d) Permeability of the Urban Fabric

- Site Geometry and Disposition

Sites should be divided into parcels to avoid long and linear site geometry which
could likely result in single-aspect and wall-like development not conducive to air

- Street Orientation, Pattern and Widening

An array of main streets/wide avenues should be aligned in parallel, or up to 30
degrees to the prevailing wind direction, in order to maximise the penetration of
prevailing wind through the district.

Figure IV-7 Orientation of Street Grids

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The length of street grid perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction should be as
short as possible with a view to minimising stagnant zones while maximising
breezeways across the urban area.

Figure IV-8 Pattern of Street Grids

To improve air ventilation in the urban areas, street widening along the prevailing
wind direction is highly effective. For large sites facing narrow urban canyon as
typically found in old and congested urban districts like Mong Kok, building setback
on both sides of the street should be provided upon development or redevelopment.

Figure IV-9 Street Widening/Building Setback

Land parcels should be laid out and orientated to maximise air penetration by aligning
the longer frontages parallel to the prevailing wind direction and by introducing non-
building areas and setbacks where appropriate.
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- Waterfront Sites

The extensive coastline of Hong Kong and riverfronts in some new town development
areas are of strategic importance in allowing sea breezes into the urban hinterland due
to the sea cooling effect. Special considerations should be given to the appropriate
scale, height and disposition of building blocks along the waterfront to avoid blockage
of sea/ land breezes and prevailing winds.

Figure IV-10 Waterfront Buildings Should Avoid Wind Blockage

Where appropriate, non-building areas should be designated perpendicular to the
waterfront to channel sea breezes inland. The waterfront should be connected with the
vegetated hilly backdrops through breezeways, air paths, open spaces, green oases,
landscaped pedestrian ways, and low-rise buildings etc., to enhance air ventilation.

Figure IV-11 Connecting the Waterfront with Vegetated Hill Backdrops

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Figure IV-12 Promoting Wind Connectivity

(e) Building Height Profile

A varying height profile with strategic disposition of low-rise and tall buildings in the
dense urban context can enhance air ventilation throughout the district. Certainly, this
has to be balanced with visual considerations.

In general, gradation of building heights would help wind deflection and avoid air
stagnation. Where appropriate, height variation across the district with decreasing
heights towards the direction where the prevailing wind comes from should be
adopted to promote air movements.

Figure IV-13 Varying Height Profile to Promote Air Movements

Low-rise buildings and open spaces should be located in the windward direction and
waterfront areas, and scattered within high-density neighbourhoods to create breathing
spaces and building height variation. Low-rise buildings and open spaces within
breezeways/ air paths should be maintained. The intensification of GIC uses, which
have been serving as breathing spaces in the existing environment, should be avoided.
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Figure IV-14 Breathing Spaces within the Neighbourhood

In low/medium density areas with building height-to-street width (H/W) ratio of two
or below, controlling building heights is effective in promoting air ventilation.
However, in medium/high density areas with a higher H/W ratio of three or above,
building height control alone may not be effective; other parallel measures to
encourage lateral wind flow, such as building separations, air paths, building setbacks,
greenery and reducing ground coverage, etc. would be needed.

Tall and elongated buildings forming a wall-like structure to the windward direction
of the prevailing wind or along the waterfront should be avoided. Tall buildings
within a neighbourhood should be distributed in such a way as not to cause adverse
impact on wind penetration.

Project Level

(a) Greening

For individual developments, the land area and variety of greenery should be
maximised in open spaces and open areas, supplemented with green podiums, green
walls and green roofs. To maximise pedestrian comfort, tall trees with wide and
dense canopies should be planted at grade in entrance plazas, building setback areas
and major pedestrian ways. Landscaping should also be used to segregate major
pedestrian areas from the exhaust and other nuisances arising from major roads, public
transport interchanges and refuse collection points, etc.
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Figure IV-15 Tall Trees with Wide and Dense Canopy in Plaza

To strike a balance between practicality considerations with the effectiveness of
cooling at ground level, individual developments should, in general, aim to achieve 20
- 30% greening, preferably through tree planting at grade.

(b) Ground Coverage

Smaller ground coverages are conducive to promoting air ventilation in the public
realm and should be encouraged. Compact integrated developments and podium
structures with full or large ground coverage on extensive sites are particularly
impeding on air movement in the dense urban fabric and should be avoided. The
following measures should be applied at the street level for large development/
redevelopment sites, particularly in the existing urban areas:

- provide setbacks along narrow streets and parallel to the prevailing wind

Figure IV-16 Encourage Setbacks along Narrow Streets

Ground coverage measures the actual physical ground areas occupied by building structures. The ground
coverage ratio is an indicator of urban permeability.
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- designate non-building areas to sub-divide large land parcels;
- reduce frontage area of buildings facing the prevailing wind; and/or
- reduce site coverage of the podia to allow more open space at grade.

Figure IV-17 Reducing Site Coverage of the Podia to Allow More Open Space at Grade

Where podium is unavoidable, a terraced podium design should be adopted to direct
downward airflow to the pedestrian level. Podium should be as permeable as possible
for better air ventilation.

Figure IV-18 Terraced Podium Design

(c) Building Permeability

- Building Separation
Closely-packed buildings and buildings with long frontages tend to impede airflow.
The provision of appropriate building gaps/separations can help facilitate air
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movement. Making reference to the Building Departments Practice Note for
Authorised Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical
Engineer (PNAP) APP-152 Sustainable Building Design Guidelines, building
separations that provide a permeability equivalent to 20% to 33.3% of the total
projected facades of the buildings is a good starting point in promoting air ventilation.
For prominent sites, especially those next to the waterfront or open areas, greater
permeability should be targeted.

Figure IV-19 Building Permeability and Building Separation

- Building Gap
The provision for higher permeability of building masses can be achieved by creating
gaps between building blocks, between the podium and the building blocks built atop
(i.e. a void podium deck) and within building blocks at various levels. In general,
permeability near the ground level can be of greater benefit to the pedestrian level,
which should be encouraged.

Figure IV-20 Gaps Between the Podium and Building Blocks to Enhance Air Permeability

- Building Disposition
Suitable disposition of building blocks could facilitate effective airflows around
buildings in desirable directions. Where practicable, adequately wide gaps should be
provided between building blocks to maximise the air permeability of the
development and minimise its impact on wind capturing potential of adjacent
developments. For large development sites, this may be achieved through the
designation of appropriate air paths, non-building areas and building separation.
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Figure IV-21 Disposition of Non-building Areas to Create Air Paths

The non-building areas/ building gaps for enhancing air permeability should be
positioned perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction.

Figure IV-22 Building Gaps to Enhance Air Permeability

To minimise obstruction of airflow, the axis of the building blocks should be parallel
to the prevailing wind. To allow individual building blocks to capture more wind for
better indoor natural ventilation, the angle between the axis of the building blocks and
the prevailing wind direction should be within 30 degrees.

The arrangement of the building blocks should be staggered to enable the blocks
behind to receive the wind penetrating through the gaps between the blocks in the
front row.

Where appropriate, towers should abut the podium edge that faces the main pedestrian
area/street perpendicular to the wind direction so as to enable most of the downwash
wind to reach the street level.
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Figure IV-23 Disposition of Towers to Facilitate Downwash
(d) Projecting Obstructions

- Projecting Obstruction
Projecting obstructions over breezeways/air paths should be avoided to minimise wind
blockage. Massive elevated road structures aligned by tall buildings or traversing
street canyons, which could create air stagnant spaces below, should be avoided.
Projecting signboards should be aligned vertically instead of horizontally, especially
in areas with high pedestrian activities.

Figure IV-24 Projecting Signboards should be Aligned Vertically instead of Horizontally

(d) Building Height
Stepping building height concept can help optimise the wind capturing potential of
individual developments.

Figure IV-25 Stepping Height Profile to Divert Winds to Lower Levels

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Built forms that would generate a small eddy area to allow a maximum of cooling air
to flow around and through building structures should be considered.

(e) Cool Materials
Cool materials, which are characterised by high solar reflectivity and/or high
emissivity, should be used in the construction of pavements, streets and building
faades to decrease absorption of solar radiation and urban radiant temperature. For
streets, the use of asphalt with a high percentage of white aggregates should be
considered. Cool sinks, such as trees and water bodies, should also be provided,
where appropriate.

C.2 Air Ventilation Assessment
To aid planning and design for better air ventilation through the city fabric, AVA has
to be conducted for public and private developments that may have potential air
ventilation impacts, including, but not limited to:

District Level
(a) Planning studies for new development areas;
(b) Comprehensive land use restructuring schemes, including schemes that involve
amalgamation of sites together with closure and building over of existing streets;
(c) Area-wide plot ratio and height control reviews;

Site Level
(d) Developments on sites of over 2 hectares and with an overall plot ratio of 5 or
(e) Development proposals with total Gross Floor Area exceeding 100,000 square
(f) Developments with podium coverage extending over one hectare;
(g) Developments above public transport terminus;
(h) Buildings with height exceeding 15 metres within a public open space or
breezeway designated on layout plans/ outline development plans/ OZPs or
proposed by planning studies;
(i) Developments on waterfront sites with lot frontage exceeding 100 metres in
length or non-waterfront sites with lot frontage exceeding 140 metres in length;
(j) Extensive elevated structures of at least 3.5 metres in wide, which abut or
partially cover a pedestrian corridor along the entire length of street block that
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has/ allows development at plot ratio 5 or above on both sides; or which covers
30% of a public open space.

AVA could help establish the acceptability of a development in air ventilation terms
by checking against the Wind Performance Criterion, comparing air ventilation
impacts of design options and to identify potential problem areas and mitigation
measures for design improvement. For developments requiring AVA, the following
Wind Performance Criterion, which comprises two components, shall be applicable:

The Hong Kong Wind Performance Criterion has two components:

(A) Wind Performance Requirement
(a) 80% of all test points inside the assessment area as defined in the AVA Technical
Circular have:
Annual median hourly mean wind speed 1 metre/second (m/s)
Summer median hourly mean wind speed 1 m/s


(b) 95% of all test points inside the assessment area as defined in the AVA Technical
Circular have:
Annual median hourly mean wind speed 0.6 m/s
Summer median hourly mean wind speed 0.6 m/s

(B) Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach
The Wind Performance Requirement above, especially in the summer months, may be
difficult to achieve in some areas of Hong Kong, due to the existing topography and
compact building morphology, such as high density, narrow streets, large buildings
bulk, large podia and limited site wind available in the surroundings. Subject to
demonstration that the Wind Performance Requirement, after all the possible and
practical mitigation measures have been considered and incorporated where
appropriate, cannot be practically achieved, the project proponent may be allowed to
incorporate the following four mitigating design measures into the development
proposal, as an alternative to meet the wind performance requirement:

(a) building permeability requirement for the middle and high assessment zones to
follow PNAP APP-152, including:
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20% to 33% (subject to site area and height of the tallest building) on two
projected planes for the middle and high assessment zones
the continuous projected faade length (Lp) of any building or groups of
building that abuts a street should not exceed the maximum Lp

(b) ground coverage:
not more than 65% (open areas preferably along narrow streets (circa. 15m wide)
and public areas heavily patronised by pedestrians)
sites smaller than 1,000 square metres exempted

(c) set back:
- no part of the building, up to a level of 15m above the street level, shall be
within 7.5m from the centreline of the streets as per building set back
requirement near narrow street as per PNAP APP-152

(d) green coverage:
- sites larger than 1 hectare shall provide 30% green coverage with at least half of
which at grade
- sites of 1,000 square metres to 1 hectare shall provide 20% green coverage,
preferably tree planting, with at least one half of which at grade
- sites smaller than 1,000 square metres are exempted

A quantitative AVA shall be carried out to demonstrate that the design option with the
four measures above to optimize the air ventilation performance has been selected in
comparing with different design options.

Incorporation of the above mitigating design measures could help avoid adding
adverse impact on the existing urban climate at individual development site. Through
the Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach, the combined effects of developments on
each site will result in a higher chance to ultimately achieve the wind performance
requirement in Hong Kong.

Developments with demonstrated functional requirements in terms of building length
and / or ground coverage (e.g. infrastructural facilities, transport terminus, sports and
civic facilities) may be exempted from the mitigating design measures under the
Alternative (Prescriptive) Approach, provided that the following are undertaken:

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- building separation requirement is fully complied with for other buildings on the
same site or other parts of the building that are located above such special
facilities being exempted, where applicable;

- a quantitative AVA be conducted to demonstrate that the design option with all
practicable mitigation / improvement measures has been selected in comparing
with different design options; and

- maximising greening and tree planting opportunities within the pedestrian zone,
preferably at grade and at the part of the site not built over.

The technical framework for conducting AVAs has been set out under the revised
Technical Circular No. xx/12 on AVA (with the detailed methodology set out in the
Technical Guide on AVA as an attachment), issued by the Development Bureau in
xxxx 2012. For details on the AVA technical requirements and methodology,
including the Wind Performance Criterion, reference can be made to the Technical

Section D: Conclusion
The qualitative planning and design guidelines established in this chapter are
conducive to improving the urban climate and air ventilation in the planning and
design process. The measures would not be implemented all at once or uniformly
throughout the city. However, with the concerted efforts of the public and private
sectors, the urban climatic condition and quality of the living environment in Hong
Kong would gradually improve for the better, to the benefit of our future generations.

Appendix: Methodology for Urban Climatic Planning
Recommendation Map

Urban Climatic Analysis Map
The urban climatic maps consist of two elements, the Urban Climatic Analysis Map
(UC-AnMap) and the Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map (UC-ReMap).
The formulation of the UC-AnMap for Hong Kong has taken into account
international experiences, including references to the Federal German Standard VDI-
3787-Part1: Environmental Meteorology Climate and Air Pollution Maps for Cities
and Regions, the Thermal Environmental Map studies of Japan and the unique
climatic characteristics and urban morphologies of Hong Kong. The full sequence for
the formulation of the urban climatic map is summarised below.
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Figure IV-26 Methodology of Formulating Urban Climatic Maps

On the outset, the urban climate of the city is analysed based on a balanced
consideration of Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential effects.

Thermal Load Analysis focuses on the important variables contributing to the
localised thermal loads. A major negative factor which will increase thermal load is
building volume, whilst topography and green space are positive factors contributing
to a reduced thermal load.

Dynamic Potential Analysis focuses on the important variables (ground roughness)
affecting the wind environment. A major negative factor which will decrease air
ventilation is ground coverage, whilst natural landscape and proximity to openness are
the main positive factors contributing to increased air movement.

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Figure IV-27 Urban Climatic Factors for Thermal Load and Dynamic Potential

Urban climatic and geometric data with respect to the six thermal load and dynamic
potential related factors are assembled. Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET),
as a human urban thermal comfort indicator, is used to synergise and analyse all six
factors according to their relationship and effects on wind and thermal comfort.
Positive and negative classification values are assigned corresponding to gain or loss
in thermal load and/or dynamic potential resulting from varying scales of each
parameter. The resultant value denotes the net effect of the parameters on the urban

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Figure IV-28 Human Heat Balance Model

Based on thorough analysis and evaluation of the associated factors, the urban
climatic factors are translated into eight different climatopes / classes in the form of
the UC-AnMap. The UC-AnMap is developed to capture the most critical conditions
in Hong Kong, i.e. the hot and humid summer months of June, July and August.

Figure IV-29 Urban Climatic Analysis Map for Hong Kong

The UCM Study established, through the Users Thermal Comfort Survey, that the
nPET in Hong Kong during the summer month is 28
C. A 2
C decrease in mean
radiant temperature was found to be approximately equivalent to 1oC drop in PET.
With considerations for the mean radiant temperature under shading in Hong Kong
during the summer, which is typically at 32 to 34
C, the PET classes can be used to
interpret the degree of mitigation needed to remedy the urban climatically problematic
areas in parts of Hong Kong. The general existing thermal load and dynamic potential
conditions with each of the urban climatic classes of the UC-AnMap are summarised

Class 1 are areas with moderately negative thermal load and good dynamic potentials,
situated on the higher altitudes of mountains and steep vegetated slopes. Adiabatic
cooling and trans-evaporative cooling are prevalent, as a result, the temperature is
usually very cool. These areas are also sources of cool downhill wind. This urban
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climatic class includes the summits of various mountains and peaks, e.g. Victoria Peak,
peaks at Kowloon, Tai Mo Shan, Pat Sin Leng, and Lantau Peak etc.
Class 2 are areas with slightly negative thermal load and good dynamic potentials.
These areas are extensively covered by natural vegetation, greenery and natural
coastal areas. Evapotranspiration cooling is prevalent, and as a result, the temperature
is generally cooler. These areas act as sources of cool and fresh air. They include
many of the country park areas, beaches and outlying islands, e.g. Plover Cove, Clear
Water Bay and Po Toi etc.

Class 3 are areas with low thermal load and good dynamic potentials, which usually
consist of more spaced out developments with smaller ground coverage, and open
spaces near the sea. As a result, the temperature is mild. This urban climatic class
includes some undeveloped coastal areas and many low-density developments in the
urban fringe areas or suburban outskirts, e.g. South West Kowloon headland, Kai Tak,
Mui Wo, Shek O, and Tseung Kwan O South, and Pak Shek Kok Science Park etc.

Class 4 are areas with some thermal load and some dynamic potentials, which usually
consist of areas with low to medium building volumes in a developed yet more open
setting, such as the sloping areas with a number of open spaces between buildings. As
a result, the temperature is slightly mild. This urban climatic class includes the Mid-
levels, Upper Happy Valley, Chinese University of Hong Kong and other hillside
development areas etc.

Class 5 are areas with moderate thermal load and some dynamic potentials, which
usually consist of areas with medium building volumes in low-lying areas further
inland from the sea or in areas fairly sheltered by natural topography. As a result, the
temperature is warm. This urban climatic class includes many medium- density
developed urban areas with greenery, such as Discovery Bay, Fairview Park and Hon
Lok Yuen etc.

Class 6 are areas with moderately high thermal load and low dynamic potentials,
which usually consist of areas with medium to high building volumes located in low-
lying, developed areas with relatively less urban greenery. As a result, the
temperature is very warm. This urban climatic class includes peripheral parts of the
main urban area and many of the development areas in new towns.

Class 7 are areas with high thermal load and low dynamic potentials, which usually
consist of areas with high building volumes located in low-lying, well-developed
areas with little open space. As a result, the temperature is generally hot. This urban
climatic class includes most of the developed parts of the main urban areas in
Kowloon, the north shore of Hong Kong Island and core development areas of new

Class 8 are areas with very high thermal load and low dynamic potentials, which
usually consist of areas with very high and compact building volumes with very
limited open spaces and permeability due to shielding by buildings on many sides.
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Full and large ground coverage is prevalent and air paths are restricted from the
nearby seas or hills. As a result, the temperature is very hot. This urban climatic class
includes some highly developed core areas, such as Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei,
Mong Kok, Lai Chi Kok, Sheung Wan, Central, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and North

Wind Information Layer

To supplement the UC-AnMap, a set of important wind data for the summer months
(June to August) were deduced primarily from long term wind data of 40 Hong Kong
Observatory stations around Hong Kong, and supplemented with the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technologys MM5/CALMET 2004 model for wind
simulations at 60m above ground level, with considerations for topography, greenery
and ground roughness. The information was expertly evaluated and the background
wind, including any channelling effects due to topography, the localised land and sea
breezes, and the downhill air movements are noted. Areas of similar wind
characteristics are also grouped into zones under the Wind Information Layer.

Figure IV-30 Wind Information Layer for Hong Kong

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Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map

For clear and definable planning actions, the eight urban climatic classes of the UC-
AnMap are consolidated into five Urban Climatic Planning Zones (UCPZ) in
accordance with their similar urban climatic characteristics with reference to human
thermal comfort and planning implications.

Figure IV-31 Categorisation of Urban Climatic Classes into Urban Climatic Planning

In line with international practice, the Wind Information Layer is then superimposed
to formulate the Urban Climatic Planning Recommendation Map (UC-ReMap)

Urban Climatic Planning Zones

Based on the five UCPZs of the UC-ReMap, specific recommendations on the
strategic planning actions can be made, which gives planners a reference when
balancing urban climate with other planning considerations.

UCPZ 1 comprises areas extensively covered with natural vegetation, at higher
altitude and with fewer obstructions to wind. They provide a cooler and more
conducive thermal comfort environment, and their cool air production capability can
be beneficial to nearby urban areas. Their urban climatic conditions should be
preserved. The broad strategic planning actions recommended are:
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(a) Natural areas especially sources of cold air production and drainage areas
beneficial to other areas (e.g. vegetated hill slopes adjacent to urban areas)
should be preserved. Sealing (covering of ground surface) or development
should be discouraged.

(b) In view of its urban climatic value, there is a general presumption against
major development in this zone.

(c) Small-scale and essential development may be allowed in areas other than in
natural areas identified in 1 above subject to:

(i) careful planning and design of these developments to minimise any
disruption to the existing urban climatic characteristics;
(ii) maximising greenery and open areas; and
(iii) minimising sealing (covering of ground surface).

UCPZ 2 comprises, at present, urban climatically neutral areas in terms of urban
thermal comfort. They are mostly urban fringe or rural lowland. It is important to
maintain their urban climatic characteristics. The broad strategic planning actions
recommended are:

(a) General urban climatic characteristics such as lower building volume, open
spaces and greenery should be maintained as far as possible.

(b) New low-density individual developments could be allowed subject to:

(i) a low building volume and a satisfactory disposition of buildings to align
with the prevailing wind directions and preserve existing air paths;
(ii) a low ground coverage in order not to impede air flow; and
(iii) maximisation of greenery within development sites.

(c) New comprehensive development is possible subject to thorough urban
climatic consideration. Prudent planning and building design is necessary to
avoid degrading the urban climatic condition. Breezeways and air paths must
be carefully designed. Street grids and building disposition must respect
prevailing wind directions. High building volume and ground coverage should
be discouraged.

UCPZ 3 covers areas currently subject to urban climatically moderate impact in
terms of thermal comfort. Some mitigation actions are encouraged where possible.
They are mostly in the urban fringe or less dense development areas. The broad
strategic planning actions recommended are:

(a) Additional development is permissible subject to:
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(i) urban climatic evaluation in terms of building volume and green coverage;
(ii) dispositioning of new buildings in line with the prevailing wind directions,
to preserve/enhance existing air paths;
(iii) reduction of ground coverage in order not to impede air movement; and
(iv) maximisation of greening, particularly tree planting within development
sites and adjoining streets.

(b) Greening should be promoted in open areas as far as practicable.

UCPZ 4 covers areas already densely built up. Thermal Load is high and Dynamic
Potential is low. Some strong impact on thermal comfort is expected. Mitigation
actions are recommended and necessary. Isolated clusters of UCPZ 4 can be found in
the new towns in Tai Po, Ma On Shan, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai and Tung Chung,
etc. These areas currently benefit from the surrounding extensive green areas (UCPZs
1 and 2), downhill air movements and valley winds. These green areas and natural
ventilation systems should be preserved. Other clusters of UCPZ 4, mixed with
scattered UCPZ 5, can be found in Tseung Kwan O, Tuen Mun, Shatin and Aberdeen,
etc. There are air paths and breezeways dividing the development clusters within
these areas, which provide useful air ventilation reliefs. The broad strategic planning
actions recommended are:

(a) Air paths/breezeways, and low-rise, low-density Government, Institution or
Community (GIC) sites should be preserved as far as possible;

(b) Greenery, particularly tree planting on streets and open areas, should be

(c) Additional development should not be allowed unless with appropriate
mitigation measures, including:

(i) reducing ground coverage to balance against any increase in building
(ii) respecting existing air paths and introducing new ones, if feasible;
(iii) positioning buildings to align with the prevailing wind directions; and
(iv) maximising greening within development sites.

UCPZ 5 comprises very densely built-up areas. Thermal Load is very high and
Dynamic Potential is low. Very strong impact on thermal comfort is expected. A
high frequency of occurrence of thermal stress is anticipated. Mitigation actions are
recommended and essential. UCPZ 5, intermixed with UCPZ 4, are found in the
metro areas of Hong Kong at the northern part of the Hong Kong Island, at the
Kowloon Peninsula and at Tsuen Wan. The broad strategic planning actions
recommended are:

(a) Intensification of GIC sites, which serve as a relief to the existing condition,
should be avoided. Additional and intensified greening within the GIC sites is
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(b) Additional greenery and tree planting on open areas and streets in this zone is
essential and recommended. Intensified greening in Open Space zones is
strongly recommended;

(c) The existing urban environment should be improved by:

(i) identifying, respecting, widening and enhancing existing air paths;
(ii) creating new air paths;
(iii) reducing ground coverage, setting back building line along narrow streets,
aligning the long frontage of building with prevailing wind directions; and
(iv) maximizing on-site greening upon development /redevelopment;

(d) Intensification of use, adding building volume and/or ground coverage are not
recommended unless with strong justifications and appropriate mitigation
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