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To What Extent Can tennyson be reguarded as a femminist?

Tennyson raised many issues in feminism in his poems. Two of those poems are
Godiva and Mariana.
That Tennyson wrote both poems about women raises a feminist issue as this
means that Tennyson favors women. Thought feminism didn't exist at the time
when these poems were written, Tennysons writing proves that he wanted to
discover feminism. The use of women in most of his poems, including Godiva and
Mariana says that he wanted to give women recognition and by using the
Character of Godiva Tennyson represents women as strong and brave.
Tennyson starts the poem Godiva by clarifying in italics that his poem is fiction.
This is possibly his ways of trying to say that he hasn't written the poem to offend
anyone as might happen due to the contents of the poem. owever, Tennyson
might !ust be ma"ing clear that the poem is !ust a fictitious myth that he 'shaped'.
#s Godiva is set on a myth, Tennyson is saying that the myth which might one
have been true is now manipulated my him to fit his means. $espite Tennyson's
use of a myth as a foundation for the poem he hasn't let the myth ta"e over the
poem. %n the other hand Mariana is not set on a myth but is closely connected to
a &ha"espearean character in imagery and Mariana's helplessness and waiting.
Godiva is about a woman who is living in extravagance and leisure. '$iamond in
her ear', Godiva is wearing diamonds unconsciously showing how rich she is. 'y
saying this Tennyson raises a feminist issue as he is saying that all women need
are !ewelry and to get dressed up and loo" good.this is li"e saying that women
are not good in political issues as Godiva at the time was tal"ing about. #lso, as
Tennyson mentions this in the middle of the poem means that he wants the
reader to ac"nowledge that Godiva is indeed from the (pper class. %n the other
hand, Tennyson does not say anything about Mariana wearing any "ind of !ewelry
at all suggesting that perhaps Mariana is poor or lower class, pointing out the
differences between Godiva and Mariana.
Mariana is isolated and "ept away from the outside world but by her own choice
as she does not want to leave. )n spite of all that, it's as though, through the
words used in the poem, that it's the house that is "eeping her 'loc"ed' inside.
*eeping the world away from her but also "eeping her away from the
world.'rusted nails' and 'bro"en shed' are representations of Mariana as they are
not being ta"en care of !ust li"e she is not being ta"en care of. 'oth are
neglected. #t this point Tennyson is raising a feminist issue as it's his way of
saying that women cannot ta"e care of themselves and that they need someone,
men, to ta"e care of them.
Godiva on the other hand does not need anyone as she can fend for herself. This
is presented by her argument with +ord Godiva, the ,arl, for taxes. -rom '#nd
pray'd him...' .line /01 to when the ,arl as"s her to prove that she's willing to do
anything to help the villagers. Godiva fighting for the villagers, for what's right and
standing up to the ,arl mar" Tennyson's feelings as he is saying that women are
capable of standing up for what they believe and that they should be allowed to
do so. This proves that Tennyson wants to give women rights. This view contrasts
greatly with 'e parted...his dogs' .231 where the ,arl is given power and it seems
li"e Godiva is so insignificant that +ord Godiva does not even spare her a
goodbye or a bac"ward glans. Godiva is once more shown as the wea" one as
her husband leaves her 'e parted' and she's 'left alone'.
'oth Mariana and Godiva have, at one point, been left behind, though in
Mariana's case she's been left alone for the whole poem. Mariana seems to be
eternally waiting for her lover. -rom the 'dews at eve' to the 'dews were dried',
Mariana waited without having any sense of time. Tennyson raises a feminist
issue here as he is mar"ing Mariana's dedication, showing strength and patience
only a woman could show.
Godiva also demonstrates patience and care for others when she decides to help
the villagers. Godiva's decision to ride 'na"ed thro the town', it displays how
courageous she is and shows her inner strength and fearlessness. Tennyson
shows the reader the solidity of women and their dependability.
'ut despite Godiva's show of bravery and spirit she doesn't ride truly na"ed
through town. Godiva rode through town 'clothed on with chastity', as though her
inner shame protected her virtue. Tennyson raises a feminist issue as he is
suggesting that a woman's purity is always protected because they have honor
!ust li"e any man. This point is signified when Godiva lets her hair cover her in
another layer of 'chastity' and hides behind a veil against watching eyes.
%ne man, a 'low curl' decided to peep at her 'the powers' were with her and they
shriveled his eyes in his head. Tennyson is saying that even 'the powers' were on
her side and supporting Godiva and they used it to protect her virtue and "eep
her untainted.
)n conclusion, Tennyson is a feminist to a great extent and he uses his poem to
represent his feelings towards women. Tennyson constantly tal" about women
having abilities that most men might not have and that they have the ability to do
anything and maybe even surpass men on some occasions.

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