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13th June 2011
1. Congured Samba conguration les.
cd /etc/opt/samba
vi smb.conf
Change below lines
Enter as per your requirement
workgroup = HPUXSERVER
remove comment and change as per requirement
netbios name = tstmig
go to shared directory settings and congured as per your requirement.
comment = Home Directories
path = /home/%U
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0700
2. Add user into samba user ( this user should be created in operating system before creating here )
# /opt/samba/bin/smbpasswd -a ituser
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user ituser.
Password = ituser123
3. Start / stop samba server
4. Accessing HPUX server and samba directory from windows.
\\\ -> in this case it prompt for username and password, specify username and password which created in
step 2
5. As per my requirement I shared directory with below details.
Reason for 777 is samba user can able to add, modify and remove les.
Reason for force user and group is the les are transfer here is going to be used by SAP application server hence owner
6/27/14, 7:56 AM CIFS CONFIGURATION ON HPUX. | Welcome to Nikunj's Blog
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should be adm.
comment = data upload directories
path = /home/dataupload
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
force user = pipadm
force group = sapsys
valid users = ituser
6. Conguring Automatic Start at System Boot
When the HP CIFS Server is rst installed, it will not automatically start when the system boots.
You can enable the HP CIFS Server and related daemons to do so by editing the
/etc/rc.cong.d/samba le.This conguration le contains two variables:
The RUN_SAMBA variable controls whether HP CIFS Server daemons, smbd and nmbd, will start at system startup.
The RUN_WINBIND variable controls whether the winbind daemon, winbindd, will start at system startup. The two
variables function independently.
To congure HP CIFS Server to start automatically, set RUN_SAMBA to a non-zero value. To congure Winbind to start
automatically, set RUN_WINBIND to a non-zero value. For example,
if you want HP CIFS Server and Winbind to start automatically at system startup, edit the
variables in the /etc/rc.cong.d/samba le as follows:
7. Other Sambha validation parameters
valid users = %S
hosts allow
hosts deny
hosts equiv
preload modules
wins server
vfs objects
idmap backend
netbios aliases
auth methods
6/27/14, 7:56 AM CIFS CONFIGURATION ON HPUX. | Welcome to Nikunj's Blog
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passdb backend
invalid users
valid users
admin users
read list
write list
printer admin
Posted 13th June 2011 by Nikunj Thaker

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