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Starting Your Own Small Business Today on the

Of course the conventional wisdom is that when you dont have a ton of cash on hand,
or an existing employment situation from which you might transition to full-time
freelancing, starting a business is tough. Thats true if you choose the wrong sort of
The fact is, it is not nearly as tough if you do it right.
What do mean by that! One way to succeed right now is to start an inexpensive part-
time, home-based business.
Some Self-Employed Opportunities When Just
Starting Out
"o, none of the ideas below are get rich #uic$ plans, but they certainly can help you
get some extra dough now, and maybe even more later. %ere then are some freelance
businesses that can be started right now without a lot of time or money&
1. eli!eries " ri!er&
'specially with the price of gas evening out a bit, this might ma$e sense. (usinesses
of all sorts )in bigger cities especially* need stuff delivered every day. +rint up some
flyers, charge less, and away you go.
#. eBay sales&
We once had a pal who spent every wee$end at garage sales buying old motorcycle
parts which he then sold during the wee$ on e(ay. %e made several thousand dollars
a month. %is motto! Its all in the buying. Thin$ of something you $now well, hunt it
out, and resell it on e(ay. (uy low, sell high.
$elated% &ow to 'a(e a )ortune on eBay
*. $esidential and +ommer+ial +leaning&
%ouse cleaning is a tried and true freelance-based business, and it can lead to more
lucrative commercial contracts. The cost to get into this sort of business is almost
,oo(ing to start a -usiness with no money down.
Then sign up for -The.elf'mployed.coms /uide to (ecoming .elf-'mployed01 ts
our ten-part series that shows you how to start a business with no or low money.
2ree00 .ign up today by emailing&
/. Trans+ription&
4octors and lawyers especially contract out transcription services.
5i$e This! Then 0et our wee(ly newsletter1 )$EE2 /reat tips, articles, 6o$es, info,
deals, and more0
3. Window washing1 spa and pool +leaning1 snow remo!al1 et+&
.imple service businesses li$e these can be started with very little time and money
and re#uire nothing but some elbow grease. 7gain, especially in this economy, the
secret is to undercut the competition in terms of price.
4. 5et-sitting and house-sitting%
"o, you wont ma$e a ton of money, but these sorts of businesses can be a nice source
of extra income. )7lthough the dog sitter up the street seems to have 89 dogs a day,
every day. 5ets see: 89 dogs x;89 a day < ;=99 >day. ? @ days a wee$ < ;8,999 a
wee$. "ot bad, not bad at all0*
6. &auling&
With a truc$ and a Araigslist ad, you can have a business removing 6un$ for people.
$elated% &ow to Start a 'o!ing or &auling Business for ,ittle or 7o 'oney
8. 9ndependent sales representati!e or manufa+turer:s rep%
Thousands of companies hire independent salespeople to get their products into store
and handle their product lines. This 6ob would li$ely ta$e you on the road for long
stretches. Aonsider handling the products of several different companies.
Want even more great low or no cost business ideas! Ahec$ out& 'ven
Bore (usinesses Cou Aan .tart With 5ittle or "o Boney0
;. 0ardener&
f you have a green thumb this might be the right business for you, but of course it
tends to be seasonal wor$ with most of it coming in the spring and summer, along
with some leaf cleanup in the fall.
1<. Child+are&
Of course this is a business that re#uires extra responsibility and due care, but it can
also be very rewarding and can be started with little money.
This list is really 6ust a sample to get you thin$ing. f you have a speciali,ed s$ill,
such as automotive repair or being bilingual, you could parlay those as well into a
shoestring startup. The important thing is that you open your eyes to the possibilities.
'ore 9deas to Consider=

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