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SBI PO 2014 Study Materials
SBI PO Online Exam Reviews :
Exam Held On 14th June 2014
Morning Session Review Of Objective Test
Review Of Descriptive Test ...
Review Of SBI PO Online Exam
Held On 21st June 2014
(Morning Session)
F Riends, I Am Richa Grover . I Am An
Engineering Graduate Of 2013 And
Currently Working In A College As A Lab
Technician In Uttar Pradesh...
SBI PO Online Exam 2014 :
Expected Cutoff Marks
D Ear SBI PO Aspirants, Usually
SBI Cl erks Exam
2014 Syl l abus
SBI PO Study
Mater ials And
Preparati on Pl an
Postal / Sorti ng
Assistants Exam
2014 Study
Materi al s
Marketing Study
Materi al For SBI
PO And Cl erks
Mater ials And
Previ ous Papers
IBPSPO, Cl erks, SO
Exams Syl l abus
And Study Pl an
AP Forest Offi cers
Exam Syl labus
And Preparati on
SBI Speci al i st
Offi cers Syal labus
And Study
Materi al s
Noti fi cati ons For
The Year 2014
Andhra Pradesh
Secretary Exam
IBPSIT Officers
Study Materi als
IBPSSpeci al ist
Offi cers Study
Materi al s
9:51 AM General Knowledge 3 comments
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List of Women Empower ment Pr ogr ammes of
Indi a
riends, in our previous
posts we have
discussed about the list
of Employment
Generation Programmes and the
List of Rural Development
Programmes of India. Today we
shall discuss about the List of
Women Empowerment
Programmes of India.
Development of
Women and Chil dr en i n Rur al Ar eas (DWCRA)
Set up in : 1982
To improve the socio-economic status of the poor women in the rural
areas through creation of groups of women for income-generating
activities on a self-sustaining basis.
Suppor t t o Tr aini ng and Empl oyment
Pr ogr amme for Women (STEP)
Set up in : 1986
To mobilize women in small viable groups and make facilities available
through training and access to credit, to provide training for skill up-
gradation etc.
Rasht r i ya Mahi la Kosh (Nat i onal Cr edi t Fund
for Women)
Set up in : 1993
It extends micro-finance services through a client friendly and hassle-free
loaning mechanism for livelihood activities, housing, micro-enterprises,
family needs, etc to bring about the socio-economic upliftment of poor
We Hate Posting Expected Cutoffs. But
Over A Week A Number Of
Misunderstandings Have Been Raising
About Th...
Review Of SBI PO Online Exam
Held On 22nd June 2014 -
Morning Session
Review Shared By Kaivalya Kashyap
Friends, Today (22-06-2014) I Had My Exam
In The Morning Session... And The Exam
Was Difficult As ...
SBI PO Exam 2014 - 21st June
2014 - 2nd Session Review And
Questions Asked
H Ii, My Name Is Deepak And I Attended
SBI PO Exam Today Here In Thane,
Mumbai. My Center Was About 90 Minutes
Far From My Home So Le...
Evening Session's Review Of SBI
PO Online Exam Dated : 21-06-
D Ear Friends, I Am Rakesh Kumar - An
Aspirant For Job In Banking Industry From
Baroda,Gujarat. Today (21st June 2014) I've
Attended T...
Detailed Reviews Of SBI Po 22-
06-14 (Evening Shift)
Review Shared By Dharmesh
Neelratna English : Comprehension Was
Tough And Confusing,, No Direct Question,,
Understand The Whole Then A...
General Awareness Online
Practice Tests For SBI Clerks
And PO Exams - Set 12
Name The Person, Who Has Became The
First Indian President Of Administrative
Tribunal Of The Asian Development Bank
(ADB) In February 2014...
SBI PO Online Exam Held On 22-
06-2014 Reviews - Evening
H Ello Friends, I Am Ajin Soman . I Have
Given My SBI PO Exam Today And Want To
Share My Reviews. Reasoning Section Was
Moderate. ...
General Awareness Practice
Tests For SBI PO And Clerks
Exams - Set 16
On 9th March 2014 An Indian Player Stood
Top On ICC Rankings Of ODI Batsmen. Who
Is He ? Name The 18th Member Of The Euro
Zone? ...
Thi s Bl og i s Copyr i ght
Pr ot ect ed
Study Materi al s,
Bi ts
Syl l abus And
Preparati on Pl an
LICAAO Previous
Papers And Study
Materi al s
IBPSCl erks II
Intervi ew
Experi ences
Math Speed
Impr ovement
IBPSSpeci al ist
Offi cers Interview
Experi ences
SBI PO Study
Materi al s
RBI Assi stants
Study Materi als
Intervi ew Ti ps For
IBPSSpeci al ist
Moti vati onal
Arti cl es
Set up in : 1995
To support women to
become independent in
spirit, in thought, in action
and have full control over their lives rather than be the victim of others
Swayam Siddha
Set up in : 2001
Organizing women into self help groups to form a strong institutional
Suppor t t o Tr aini ng and Empl oyment
Pr ogr amme for Women (STEPW)
Set up in : 2003-04
To increase the self-reliance and autonomy of women by enhancing their
productivity and enabling them to take up income generation activities.
Gender Budget ing Schemes (GBS)
Set up in : 2004
With a view to empower women.
Ujj wala
Set up in : 2007
A comprehensive scheme for prevention of trafficking with five specific
components prevention, rescue, rehabilitation reintegration and
repatriation of victims.
Dhan Laxmi
Set up in : 2008
Conditional cash transfer scheme for the girl child to encourage families
to educate girl children and to prevent child marriage.
Raji v Gandhi Scheme for Empower ment of
Reviews of 27th
IBPS PO Online
Exam - Morning
Round Allotment
Notification out
Current Affairs Quiz
for SBI Clerks and
PO Exams - Set 15
Adolescent Gir l s (RGSEAG) - 'Sabla'
Set up in : 2010
It aims at empowering adolescent girls of 11 to 18 years by improving
their nutritional and health status, upgradation of home skills, life skills
and vocational skills.
Nat i onal Mi ssi on for Empower ment of Women
Set up in : 2010
To achieve empowerment of women socially, economically and
educationally by securing convergence of schemes.
Indi r a Gandhi Mat r it va Sahyog Yojana
Set up in : 2010
To improve the health and nutritional status of pregnant, lactating
women and infants.
It involves conditional cash transfer and wage loses are also
That's all for now friends. In our next post we shall discuss about Educational
Oriented Programmes of India. Happy Reading :)
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June 25, 2014 at 10:14 AM
thank u
June 25, 2014 at 10:32 AM
Gud Work Buddy
June 25, 2014 at 10:49 AM
thanks a lot for your valuable exams materials
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