Stream: I'm Too Stupid To Answer The Origin of Life Question

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I'm too stupid to answer the origin of life question.

funnzie57 videos
4 3
Uploaded on Jan 1, 2010
The Origin of Life. Did the universe create itself, or was it created for us? We all must ask
ourselves this most important question that determines how we live and die. Since science has
only a story without evidence, we the "stupid" must research the depth of the unanswered
question of life. Logic and wisdom are strong companions, while intelligence is acquisition of
knowledge without purpose. May we be wise in the understanding of irreducible complexity
that encompasses us everyday.

All comments (10)

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1 month ago

I enjoy your bike videos, but stuff like this really disappoints. Oh well, I supposed I'm gonna
take the good and toss the bad.

4 years ago
in reply to funnzie

@funnzie A logical statement founded by a faulty assumption is called BAD LOGIC. Great
you used logic to explain something /clap. That doesnt make you smart, that makes you
human. What makes you smart is how you use it. You used it poorly. So win +fail is still 50%

4 years ago

Nice video!

4 years ago
in reply to funnzie

@funnzie You can not disprove time can not do what we can not do in a lab. That is an
assumption based on ignorance(not stupidity , as we do not know). Last I checked no one said
for sure we came from bacteria etc, but we do in fact believe in the POSSBILITY it COULD
happen. Please show me where any credited scientist in the last 20 years has made this claim
to be fact. Most start by saying "we think" not we KNOW.

4 years ago

The only smart thing you put in the video was that you were too stupid, which I agree with it.
You have the false impression that we have ALL the knowledge to create life and we should
be able to do so. Who said we have it all? Science, unlike religion, is constantly evolving and
trying to explain things we do not or did not understand before. But I find it insulting of you
to claim we have all the information yet we can not reproduce life. BTW we are still working
on it, ask Harvard.

1 year ago

This fallen and dying world we are in is being controlled by darkness. A darkness that is
hungry for infinite power. This darkness will infiltrate any and all areas of our lives to try to
blanket Truth. Charles Darwin was a pawn of this darkness. You are correct my friend. There
is too much out there supporting intelligent design. Even if a person looks past theology, there
is far too much going on to put faith in random chance and billions of years.

1 year ago

Im with you here Martin! Your work here is very refreshing to see and hear. I share your
beliefs. His existence has been proven to me 7 years ago. You have neen blessed with many

1 year ago
in reply to stix4Him

Thank you I don't understand why scientists avoid the limiting factor of the age of the earth.
There are at least 20 hard facts that prove the earth is younger than 10,000 years, but they just
ignore them. Instead they create a story based on faith, they create their own religion and call
it evolution and the big bang. Both creationist and evolutionist must have equal faith in the
creation of the universe.

4 years ago
in reply to Xamaza

You missed the entire point of the video, it is pure logic. I work in my own little corner of
science as we all do because the world is far to complex to possess knowledge to even a small
percent. Xamaza, do you know everything from all sciences? Of course not, we must use the
logic we have learned in our own study to extract sense of the theories in other sciences.
Otherwise we might as well close our minds to every thought and let everyone else claim total

4 years ago
in reply to Xamaza

You're almost there, it is a faulty assumption to claim time (billions of years) can do what you
can't in the lab. Being sarcastic in you comments is insulting, if it is your intention to insult,
then you have succeeded only in confirming the maxim: "Let the one without answers be the
first to raise a fist."

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