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The Worl d Fact book

Sout h Ameri ca :: Peru

Introduction :: Peru
Anci ent Peru was t he seat of several promi nent Andean ci vi l i zat i ons, most not abl y t hat of t he Incas whose
empi re was capt ured by Spani sh conqui st adors i n 1533. Peruvi an i ndependence was decl ared i n 1821, and
remai ni ng Spani sh forces were defeat ed i n 1824. Aft er a dozen years of mi l i t ary rul e, Peru ret urned t o
democrat i c l eadershi p i n 1980, but experi enced economi c probl ems and t he growt h of a vi ol ent i nsurgency.
Presi dent Al bert o FUJIMORI' s el ect i on i n 1990 ushered i n a decade t hat saw a dramat i c t urnaround i n t he
economy and si gni fi cant progress i n curt ai l i ng guerri l l a act i vi t y. Nevert hel ess, t he presi dent ' s i ncreasi ng
rel i ance on aut hori t ari an measures and an economi c sl ump i n t he l at e 1990s generat ed mount i ng
di ssat i sfact i on wi t h hi s regi me, whi ch l ed t o hi s oust er i n 2000. A caret aker government oversaw new
elections in the spring of 2001, which installed Alejandro TOLEDO Manrique as the new head of
government - Peru' s fi rst democrat i cal l y el ect ed presi dent of i ndi genous Quechuan et hni ci t y. The
presi dent i al el ect i on of 2006 saw t he ret urn of Al an GARCIA Perez who, aft er a di sappoi nt i ng presi dent i al
t erm from 1985 t o 1990, oversaw a robust economi c rebound. In June 2011, former army offi cer Ol l ant a
HUMALA Tasso was elected president, defeating Keiko FUJIMORI Higuchi, the daughter of Alberto
FUJIMORI. Since his election, HUMALA has carried on the sound, market-oriented economic policies of the
t hree precedi ng admi ni st rat i ons.
Geography :: Peru
Western South America, bordering the South Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Ecuador
Geographic coordinates:
10 00 S, 76 00 W
Map references:
Sout h Ameri ca
total: 1, 285, 216 sq km
country compari son to the worl d: 20
land: 1, 279, 996 sq km
water: 5, 220 sq km
Area - comparati ve:
sl i ght l y smal l er t han Al aska
Land boundaries:
total: 7, 461 km
border countries: Bolivia 1, 075 km, Brazil 2, 995 km, Chile 171 km, Colombia 1, 800 km, Ecuador 1, 420 km
2, 414 km
Maritime claims:
territorial sea: 200 nm
continental shelf: 200 nm
vari es from t ropi cal i n east t o dry desert i n west ; t emperat e t o fri gi d i n Andes
west ern coast al pl ai n (cost a), hi gh and rugged Andes i n cent er (si erra), east ern l owl and j ungl e of Amazon
Basin (selva)
Elevation extremes:
l owest poi nt: Pacific Ocean 0 m
highest point: Nevado Huascaran 6, 768 m
Natural resources:
copper, si l ver, gol d, pet rol eum, t i mber, fi sh, i ron ore, coal , phosphat e, pot ash, hydropower, nat ural gas
Land use:
arable land: 2.84%
permanent crops: 0.66%
other: 96.5% (2011)
Irrigated land:
11, 960 sq km (2003)
Total renewable water resources:
1, 913 cu km (2011)
Freshwater withdrawal (domestic/industrial/agricultural):
total: 19. 34 cu km/yr (8%/10%/82%)
per capita: 727. 6 cu m/ yr (2005)
Natural hazards:
eart hquakes, t sunami s, fl oodi ng, l andsl i des, mi l d vol cani c act i vi t y
vol cani sm: volcanic activity in the Andes Mountains; Ubinas (elev. 5, 672 m), which last erupted in 2009, is
the country' s most active volcano; other historically active volcanoes include El Misti, Huaynaputina,
Sabancaya, and Yucamane
Envi ronment - current i ssues:
deforest at i on (some t he resul t of i l l egal l oggi ng); overgrazi ng of t he sl opes of t he cost a and si erra l eadi ng
t o soi l erosi on; desert i fi cat i on; ai r pol l ut i on i n Li ma; pol l ut i on of ri vers and coast al wat ers from muni ci pal
and mi ni ng wast es
Environment - international agreements:
party to: Antarctic-Environmental Protocol, Antarctic-Marine Living Resources, Antarctic Treaty,
Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species,
Hazardous Wastes, Marine Dumping, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical
Timber 94, Wetlands, Whaling
signed, but not ratified: none of t he sel ect ed agreement s
Geography - note:
shares control of Lago Titicaca, world' s highest navigable lake, with Bolivia; a remote slope of Nevado
Mi smi , a 5, 316 m peak, i s t he ul t i mat e source of t he Amazon Ri ver
Peopl e and Soci ety :: Peru
noun: Peruvian(s)
adjective: Peruvi an
Ethnic groups:
Amerindian 45%, mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white) 37%, white 15%, black, Japanese, Chinese, and
other 3%
Spanish (official) 84.1%, Quechua (official) 13%, Aymara (official) 1.7%, Ashaninka 0.3%, other native
languages (includes a large number of minor Amazonian languages) 0. 7%, other 0. 2% (2007 Census)
Roman Catholic 81.3%, Evangelical 12.5%, other 3.3%, unspecified or none 2.9% (2007 Census)
Demographic profile:
Peru' s urban and coast al communi t i es have benefi t ed much more from recent economi c growt h t han rural ,
Afro-Peruvi an, i ndi genous, and poor popul at i ons of t he Amazon and mount ai n regi ons. The povert y rat e
has dropped subst ant i al l y duri ng t he l ast decade but remai ns st ubbornl y hi gh at about 30% (more t han 55%
i n rural areas). Aft er remai ni ng al most st at i c for about a decade, Peru' s mal nut ri t i on rat e began fal l i ng i n
2005, when t he government i nt roduced a coordi nat ed st rat egy focusi ng on hygi ene, sani t at i on, and cl ean
wat er. School enrol l ment has i mproved, but achi evement scores refl ect ongoi ng probl ems wi t h educat i onal
qual i t y. Many poor chi l dren t emporari l y or permanent l y drop out of school t o hel p support t hei r fami l i es.
About a quart er t o a t hi rd of Peruvi an chi l dren aged 6 t o 14 work, oft en put t i ng i n l ong hours at hazardous
mi ni ng or const ruct i on si t es.
Peru was a count ry of i mmi grat i on i n t he 19t h and earl y 20t h cent uri es, but has become a count ry of
emi grat i on i n t he l ast few decades. Begi nni ng i n t he 19t h cent ury, Peru brought i n Asi an cont ract l aborers
mai nl y t o work on coast al pl ant at i ons. Popul at i ons of Chi nese and Japanese descent - among t he l argest i n
Latin America - are economically and culturally influential in Peru today. Peruvian emigration began rising
i n t he 1980s due t o an economi c cri si s and a vi ol ent i nt ernal confl i ct , but out fl ows have st abi l i zed i n t he
l ast few years as economi c condi t i ons have i mproved. Nonet hel ess, more t han 2 mi l l i on Peruvi ans have
emigrated in the last decade, principally to the US, Spain, and Argentina.
29, 849, 303 (July 2013 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 43
Age structure:
0- 14 years: 27. 6% (male 4, 197, 698/female 4, 053, 852)
15- 24 years: 19. 4% (male 2, 894, 420/female 2, 891, 714)
25- 54 years: 39. 2% (male 5, 633, 249/female 6, 056, 017)
55- 64 years: 7. 1% (male 1, 039, 975/female 1, 086, 428)
65 years and over: 6. 7% (male 947, 349/female 1, 048, 601) (2013 est. )
Dependency rati os:
total dependency ratio: 54.2 %
youth dependency rati o: 44.4 %
el derl y dependency rati o: 9.9 %
potential support ratio: 10. 1 (2013)
Median age:
total: 26. 7 years
male: 26 years
female: 27. 4 years (2013 est. )
Population growth rate:
1% (2013 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 115
Birth rate:
18. 85 bi rt hs/ 1, 000 popul at i on (2013 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 98
Death rate:
5. 97 deat hs/ 1, 000 popul at i on (2013 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 165
Net migration rate:
-2. 86 mi grant (s)/ 1, 000 popul at i on (2013 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 174
urban population: 77% of total population (2010)
rate of urbanization: 1. 6% annual rat e of change (2010-15 est . )
Major urban areas - population:
LIMA (capital) 8.769 million; Arequipa 778,000 (2009)
Sex ratio:
at birth: 1. 05 mal e(s)/ femal e
0- 14 years: 1. 04 mal e(s)/ femal e
15- 24 years: 1 mal e(s)/ femal e
25- 54 years: 0. 93 mal e(s)/ femal e
55- 64 years: 0. 96 mal e(s)/ femal e
65 years and over: 0. 9 mal e(s)/ femal e
total population: 0. 97 male(s)/female (2013 est. )
Mother's mean age at first birth:
22. 3
note: Medi an age at fi rst bi rt h among women 25-29 (2011 est . )
Maternal mortality rate:
67 deat hs/ 100, 000 l i ve bi rt hs (2010)
country compari son to the worl d: 91
Infant mortality rate:
total: 20. 85 deat hs/ 1, 000 l i ve bi rt hs
country compari son to the worl d: 89
male: 23. 1 deat hs/ 1, 000 l i ve bi rt hs
female: 18. 49 deat hs/ 1, 000 l i ve bi rt hs (2013 est . )
Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 72. 98 years
country compari son to the worl d: 128
male: 71. 01 years
female: 75. 05 years (2013 est. )
Total fertility rate:
2. 25 chi l dren born/ woman (2013 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 98
Contraceptive prevalence rate:
68.9% (2011)
Health expenditures:
5.1% of GDP (2010)
country compari son to the worl d: 137
Physi ci ans densi ty:
0. 92 physi ci ans/ 1, 000 popul at i on (2009)
Hospital bed density:
1. 5 beds/ 1, 000 popul at i on (2010)
Drinking water source:
i mproved:
urban: 91% of popul at i on
rural: 65% of population
total: 85% of population
uni mproved:
urban: 9% of popul at i on
rural: 35% of population
total: 15% of population (2010 est. )
Sanitation facility access:
i mproved:
urban: 81% of popul at i on
rural: 37% of population
total: 71% of population
uni mproved:
urban: 19% of popul at i on
rural: 63% of population
total: 29% of population (2010 est. )
HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:
0.4% (2009 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 73
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:
75, 000 (2009 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 48
HIV/AIDS - deaths:
5, 000 (2009 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 38
Major infectious diseases:
degree of risk: very hi gh
food or waterborne di seases: bact eri al di arrhea, hepat i t i s A, and t yphoi d fever
vectorborne di sease: dengue fever, malaria, and Bartonellosis (Oroya fever) (2013)
Obesity - adult prevalence rate:
15.7% (2008)
country compari son to the worl d: 117
Children under the age of 5 years underweight:
4.5% (2008)
country compari son to the worl d: 93
Education expenditures:
2.6% of GDP (2011)
country compari son to the worl d: 155
definition: age 15 and over can read and wri t e
total population: 89.6%
male: 94.9%
female: 84.6% (2007 est.)
School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education):
total: 13 year s
male: 13 years
female: 13 years (2010)
Chi l d l abor - chi l dren ages 5-14:
total number: 2, 545, 855
percentage: 34 %
note: dat a represent s chi l dren ages 5-17 (2007 est . )
Unempl oyment, youth ages 15-24:
total: 16.2% (2011)
country compari son to the worl d: 81
Government :: Peru
Country name:
conventi onal l ong form: Republic of Peru
conventional short form: Peru
local long form: Republica del Peru
local short form: Peru
Government type:
const i t ut i onal republ i c
name: Lima
geographic coordinates: 12 03 S, 77 03 W
time difference: UTC-5 (same t i me as Washi ngt on, DC duri ng St andard Ti me)
Admi ni strati ve di vi si ons:
25 regions (regiones, singular - region) and 1 province* (provincia); Amazonas, Ancash, Apurimac,
Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Callao, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huanuco, Ica, Junin, La Libertad, Lambayeque,
Lima, Lima*, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Pasco, Piura, Puno, San Martin, Tacna, Tumbes, Ucayali
note: Cal l ao, t he l argest port i n Peru, i s al so referred t o as a const i t ut i onal provi nce, t he onl y provi nce of
t he t he Cal l ao regi on
28 July 1821 (from Spain)
National holiday:
Independence Day, 28 July (1821)
29 December 1993
Legal system:
civil law system
International law organization participation:
accept s compul sory ICJ j uri sdi ct i on wi t h reservat i ons; accept s ICCt j uri sdi ct i on
18 years of age; uni versal and compul sory unt i l t he age of 70
Executive branch:
chief of state: President Ollanta HUMALA Tasso (since 28 July 2011); First Vice President Marisol ESPINOZA
Cruz (si nce 28 Jul y 2011); Second Vi ce Presi dent (vacant ); not e - t he presi dent i s bot h t he chi ef of st at e and
head of gover nment
head of government: President Ollanta HUMALA Tasso (since 28 July 2011); First Vice President Marisol
ESPINOZA Cruz (since 28 July 2011); Second Vice President (vacant)
note: Prime Minister Juan Federico JIMENEZ Mayor (since 23 July 2012) does not exercise executive power;
t hi s power rest s wi t h t he presi dent
cabinet: Counci l of Mi ni st ers appoi nt ed by t he presi dent
(For more i nformat i on vi si t t he World Leaders website )
elections: presi dent el ect ed by popul ar vot e for a fi ve-year t erm (el i gi bl e for nonconsecut i ve reel ect i on);
presi dent i al and congressi onal el ect i ons l ast hel d on 10 Apri l 2011 wi t h runoff el ect i on hel d on 6 June 2011
(next to be held in April 2016)
election results: Ollanta HUMALA Tasso elected president in runoff election; percent of vote - Ollanta
HUMALA Tasso 51.5%, Keiko FUJIMORI Higuchi 48.5%
Legislative branch:
uni cameral Congress of t he Republ i c of Peru or Congreso de l a Republ i ca del Peru (130 seat s; members are
el ect ed by popul ar vot e t o serve fi ve-year t erms)
elections: last held on 10 April 2011 (next to be held in April 2016)
election results: percent of vote by party - Gana Peru 25.3%, Fuerza 2011 23%, PP 14.8%, Alliance for Great
Change 14.4%, National Solidarity 10.2%, Peruvian Aprista Party 6.4%, other 5.9%; seats by party - Gana Peru
47, Fuerza 2011 37, PP 21, Alliance for Great Change 12, National Solidarity 9, Peruvian Aprista Party 4; note
- defect i ons by members of Nat i onal Assembl y are commonpl ace, resul t i ng i n frequent changes i n t he
numbers of seat s hel d by t he vari ous part i es
Judicial branch:
highest court(s): Supreme Court (consi st s of 16 j udges and di vi ded i nt o ci vi l , cri mi nal , and
const i t ut i onal -soci al sect ors)
judge selection and term of office: j ust i ces proposed by t he Nat i onal Counci l of t he Judi ci ary or Nat i onal
Judi ci al Counci l (a 7-member i ndependent body), nomi nat ed by t he presi dent , and confi rmed by t he
Congress (al l appoi nt ment s revi ewed by t he Counci l every 7 years; j ust i ces appoi nt ed for l i fe or unt i l age 70
subordinate courts: Court of Const i t ut i onal Guarant ees; Superi or Court s or Cort es Superi ores; speci al i zed
ci vi l , cri mi nal , and mi xed court s; t wo t ypes of peace court s i n whi ch professi onal j udges and sel ect ed
members of t he l ocal communi t i es presi de
Political parties and leaders:
Alliance for Great Change (Alianza por el Gran Cambio) (a coalition of the Alliance for Progress, Humanist
Party, National Restoration Party, and Popular Christian Party) [Pedro Pablo KUCZYNSKI]
Fuerza 2011 [Keiko FUJIMORI Higuchi]
Gana Peru (a coalition of Lima Para Todos, Peruvian Communist Party, Peruvian Nationalist Party, and
Peruvian Socialist Party) [Ollanta HUMALA Tasso]
National Solidarity (Solidaridad Nacional) or SN (a coalition of Cambio 90, Siempre Unidos, Todos por el
Peru, and Union for Peru or UPP) [Luis CASTANEDA Lossio]
Peru Posible or PP (a coalition of Accion Popular and Somos Peru) [Alejandro TOLEDO Manrique]
Peruvian Aprista Party (Partido Aprista Peruano) or PAP [Alan GARCIA Perez] (also referred to by its
original name Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana or APRA)
Political pressure groups and leaders:
General Workers Confederation of Peru (Confederacion General de Trabajadores del Peru) or CGTP [Mario
Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso) or SL [Abimael GUZMAN Reynoso (imprisoned), Victor QUISPE Palomino
(top leader at-large)] (leftist guerrilla group)
International organization participation:
APEC, BIS, CAN, CD, CELAC, EITI (compliant country), FAO, G-24, G-77, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC (NGOs),
Diplomatic representation in the US:
chi ef of mi ssi on: Ambassador Harold Winston FORSYTH Mejia
chancery: 1700 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036
tel ephone: [1] (202) 833-9860 t hrough 9869
FAX: [1] (202) 659-8124
consulate(s) general: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Hartford (CT), Houston, Los Angeles, Miami,
New York, Paterson (NJ), San Francisco
Diplomatic representation from the US:
chi ef of mi ssi on: Ambassador Rose M. LIKINS
embassy: Avenida La Encalada, Cuadra 17 s/n, Surco, Lima 33
mailing address: P. O. Box 1995, Lima 1; American Embassy (Lima), APO AA 34031-5000
tel ephone: [51] (1) 618-2000
FAX: [51] (1) 618-2397
Flag description:
t hree equal , vert i cal bands of red (hoi st si de), whi t e, and red wi t h t he coat of arms cent ered i n t he whi t e
band; t he coat of arms feat ures a shi el d beari ng a vi cuna (represent i ng fauna), a ci nchona t ree (t he source
of quinine, signifying flora), and a yellow cornucopia spilling out coins (denoting mineral wealth); red
recal l s bl ood shed for i ndependence, whi t e symbol i zes peace
National symbol(s):
vi cuna (a camel i d rel at ed t o t he l l ama)
National anthem:
name: "Himno Nacional del Peru" (National Anthem of Peru)
l yri cs/ musi c: Jose DE LA TORRE Ugarte/Jose Bernardo ALZEDO
note: adopt ed 1822; t he song won a nat i onal cont est for an ant hem
Economy :: Peru
Economy - overvi ew:
Peru' s economy refl ect s i t s vari ed geography - an ari d l owl and coast al regi on, t he cent ral hi gh si erra of t he
Andes, t he dense forest of t he Amazon, wi t h t ropi cal l ands borderi ng Col ombi a and Brazi l . A wi de range of
i mport ant mi neral resources are found i n t he mount ai nous and coast al areas, and Peru' s coast al wat ers
provide excellent fishing grounds. The Peruvian economy has been growing by an average of 6. 4% per year
si nce 2002 wi t h a st abl e/ sl i ght l y appreci at i ng exchange rat e and l ow i nfl at i on, whi ch i n 2013 i s expect ed t o
be bel ow t he upper l i mi t of t he Cent ral Bank t arget range of 1 t o 3%. Growt h has been i n t he 6-9% range for
t he l ast t hree years, due part l y t o a l eap i n pri vat e i nvest ment , especi al l y i n t he ext ract i ve sect or, whi ch
account s for more t han 60% of Peru' s t ot al export s. Despi t e Peru' s st rong macroeconomi c performance,
dependence on mi neral s and met al s export s and i mport ed foodst uffs subj ect s t he economy t o fl uct uat i ons
i n worl d pri ces. Poor i nfrast ruct ure hi nders t he spread of growt h t o Peru' s non-coast al areas. Peru' s rapi d
expansi on coupl ed wi t h cash t ransfers and ot her programs have hel ped t o reduce t he nat i onal povert y rat e
by 23 percent age poi nt s si nce 2002, but i nequal i t y persi st s and cont i nues t o pose a chal l enge for t he new
Ollanta HUMALA administration, which has championed a policy of social inclusion and a more equitable
di st ri but i on of i ncome. Peru' s free t rade pol i cy has cont i nued under t he HUMALA admi ni st rat i on; si nce
2006, Peru has signed trade deals with the US, Canada, Singapore, China, Korea, Mexico, Japan, the
European Free Trade Associ at i on, Chi l e, and four ot her count ri es; concl uded negot i at i ons wi t h Venezuel a,
Cost a Ri ca, and Guat emal a; and begun t rade t al ks wi t h t wo ot her Cent ral Ameri can count ri es and t he
Trans-Pacific Partnership. Peru also has signed a trade pact with Chile, Colombia, and Mexico called the
Pacific Alliance that rivals Mercosur in combined population, GDP, and trade. The US-Peru Trade Promotion
Agreement ent ered i nt o force 1 February 2009, openi ng t he way t o great er t rade and i nvest ment bet ween
t he t wo economi es. Al t hough Peru has cont i nued t o at t ract forei gn i nvest ment , pol i t i cal act i vi sm and
prot est s are hamperi ng devel opment of some proj ect s rel at ed t o nat ural resource ext ract i on.
GDP (purchasing power parity):
$332 billion (2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 40
$312. 4 billion (2011 est. )
$292. 2 billion (2010 est. )
note: dat a are i n 2012 US dol l ars
GDP (official exchange rate):
$199 billion (2012 est. )
GDP - real growth rate:
6.3% (2012 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 40
6.9% (2011 est.)
8.8% (2010 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP):
$10, 900 (2012 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 111
$10, 400 (2011 est. )
$9, 900 (2010 est. )
note: dat a are i n 2012 US dol l ars
Gross national saving:
23.2% of GDP (2012 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 57
23.4% of GDP (2011 est.)
22.8% of GDP (2010 est.)
GDP - composi ti on, by end use:
househol d consumpti on: 61.7%
government consumpti on: 10.5%
investment in fixed capital: 26.6%
i nvestment i n i nventori es: 0.2%
exports of goods and servi ces: 25.5%
i mports of goods and servi ces: -24. 5%
(2012 est. )
GDP - composition, by sector of origin:
agriculture: 6.4%
industry: 36.3%
servi ces: 57.3% (2012 est.)
Agriculture - products:
asparagus, coffee, cocoa, cot t on, sugarcane, ri ce, pot at oes, corn, pl ant ai ns, grapes, oranges, pi neappl es,
guavas, bananas, appl es, l emons, pears, coca, t omat oes, mangoes, barl ey, medi ci nal pl ant s, pal m oi l ,
mari gol d, oni on, wheat , dry beans; poul t ry, beef, pork, dai ry product s; gui nea pi gs; fi sh
mi ni ng and refi ni ng of mi neral s; st eel , met al fabri cat i on; pet rol eum ext ract i on and refi ni ng, nat ural gas and
natural gas liquefaction; fishing and fish processing, cement, glass, textiles, clothing, food processing, beer,
soft dri nks, rubber, machi nery, el ect ri cal machi nery, chemi cal s, furni t ure
Industrial production growth rate:
6% (2012 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 42
Labor force:
16. 2 mi l l i on
country compari son to the worl d: 39
note: i ndi vi dual s ol der t han 14 years of age (2012 est . )
Labor force - by occupation:
agriculture: 0.7%
industry: 23.8%
servi ces: 75.5% (2005)
Unempl oyment rate:
6.8% (2012 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 71
7.7% (2011 est.)
note: dat a are for met ropol i t an Li ma; wi despread underempl oyment
Population below poverty line:
27.8% (2011 est.)
Househol d i ncome or consumpti on by percentage share:
lowest 10%: 1.4%
highest 10%: 36.1% (2010 est.)
Distribution of family income - Gini index:
46 (2010)
country compari son to the worl d: 34
51 (2005)
revenues: $62. 19 bi l l i on
expendi tures: $57.9 billion (2012 est.)
Taxes and other revenues:
31.2% of GDP (2012 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 86
Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-):
2.2% of GDP (2012 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 22
Public debt:
16.6% of GDP (2012 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 133
19.9% of GDP (2011 est.)
note: dat a cover general government debt , and i ncl udes debt i nst rument s i ssued by government ent i t i es
ot her t han t he t reasury; t he dat a excl ude t reasury debt hel d by forei gn ent i t i es; t he dat a i ncl ude debt i ssued
by subnat i onal ent i t i es
Fiscal year:
cal endar year
Inflation rate (consumer prices):
3.7% (2012 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 114
3.4% (2011 est.)
note: dat a are for met ropol i t an Li ma, annual average
Central bank discount rate:
5.05% (31 December 2012)
country compari son to the worl d: 68
5.05% (31 December 2011)
Commercial bank prime lending rate:
19. 23% (31 December 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 22
18. 69% (31 December 2011 est. )
note: domest i c currency l endi ng rat e, 90 day mat uri t y
Stock of narrow money:
$32. 66 billion (31 December 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 58
$25. 35 billion (31 December 2011 est. )
Stock of broad money:
$73. 97 billion (31 December 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 60
$64. 6 billion (31 December 2011 est. )
Stock of domestic credit:
$37. 15 billion (31 December 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 67
$33. 37 billion (31 December 2011 est. )
Market value of publicly traded shares:
$153. 4 billion (31 December 2012)
country compari son to the worl d: 38
$121. 6 billion (31 December 2011)
$160. 9 billion (31 December 2010)
Current account balance:
-$7. 136 bi l l i on (2012 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 169
-$3. 341 billion (2011 est. )
$45. 64 billion (2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 61
$46. 27 billion (2011 est. )
Exports - commodi ti es:
copper, gol d, l ead, zi nc, t i n, i ron ore, mol ybdenum, si l ver; crude pet rol eum and pet rol eum product s, nat ural
gas; coffee, asparagus and ot her veget abl es, frui t , apparel and t ext i l es, fi shmeal , fi sh, chemi cal s, fabri cat ed
met al product s and machi nery, al l oys
Exports - partners:
China 19.7%, US 15.5%, Canada 9.4%, Japan 6.5%, Spain 5.2%, Chile 4.8% (2012)
$41. 11 billion (2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 60
$36. 97 billion (2011 est. )
Imports - commodi ti es:
pet rol eum and pet rol eum product s, chemi cal s, pl ast i cs, machi nery, vehi cl es, col or TV set s, power shovel s,
front -end l oaders, t el ephones and t el ecommuni cat i on equi pment , i ron and st eel , wheat , corn, soybean
product s, paper, cot t on, vacci nes and medi ci nes
Imports - partners:
US 24.4%, China 13.9%, Brazil 6.3%, Argentina 5.4%, Chile 4.7%, Ecuador 4.5%, Colombia 4.2% (2012)
Reserves of forei gn exchange and gol d:
$64. 17 billion (31 December 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 32
$48. 93 billion (31 December 2011 est. )
Debt - external:
$52. 59 billion (31 December 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 61
$43. 52 billion (31 December 2011 est. )
note: publ i c debt component of t ot al : $20. 6 bi l l i on (31 December 2009)
Stock of di rect forei gn i nvestment - at home:
$63. 51 billion (31 December 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 49
$51. 21 billion (31 December 2011 est. )
Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad:
$3. 041 billion (31 December 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 67
$3. 099 billion (31 December 2011 est. )
Exchange rates:
nuevo sol (PEN) per US dollar -
2. 6376 (2012 est. )
2. 7541 (2011 est. )
2. 8251 (2010 est. )
3. 0115 (2009)
2. 91 (2008)
Energy :: Peru
Electricity - production:
38.7 billion kWh (2011 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 5 9
Electricity - consumption:
34.25 billion kWh (2011 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 58
Electricity - exports:
0 kWh (2011 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 116
Electricity - imports:
6 million kWh (2011 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 105
Electricity - installed generating
7.982 million kW (2009 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 63
Electricity - from fossil fuels:
59% of total installed capacity (2009 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 138
Electricity - from nuclear fuels:
0% of total installed capacity (2009 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 158
Electricity - from hydroelectric plants:
41% of total installed capacity (2009 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 55
Electricity - from other renewable
0% of total installed capacity (2009 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 172
Crude oil - production:
152, 600 bbl / day (2011 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 44
Crude oil - exports:
18, 880 bbl / day (2009 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 53
Crude oil - imports:
99, 590 bbl / day (2009 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 48
Crude oi l - proved reserves:
586. 1 million bbl (1 January 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 48
Refi ned petrol eum products -
173, 700 bbl / day (2008 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 58
Refi ned petrol eum products -
consumpti on:
172, 600 bbl / day (2011 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 61
Refi ned petrol eum products - exports:
60, 720 bbl / day (2008 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 54
Refi ned petrol eum products - i mports:
38, 390 bbl / day (2008 est . )
country compari son to the worl d: 77
Natural gas - production:
31. 12 billion cu m (2011)
country compari son to the worl d: 28
Natural gas - consumpti on:
5. 41 billion cu m (2010 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 56
Natural gas - exports:
3. 59 billion cu m (2010 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 32
Natural gas - imports:
0 cu m (2011)
country compari son to the worl d: 114
Natural gas - proved reserves:
352. 8 billion cu m (1 January 2012 est. )
country compari son to the worl d: 37
Carbon di oxi de emi ssi ons from
consumpti on of energy:
41.88 million Mt (2010 est.)
country compari son to the worl d: 66
Communi cati ons :: Peru
Tel ephones - mai n l i nes i n use:
3. 688 million (2011)
country compari son to the worl d: 4 3
Tel ephones - mobi l e cel l ul ar:
32. 461 million (2011)
country compari son to the worl d: 33
Tel ephone system:
general assessment: adequat e for most requi rement s; nat i onwi de mi crowave radi o rel ay syst em and a
domest i c sat el l i t e syst em wi t h 12 eart h st at i ons
domesti c: fi xed-l i ne t el edensi t y i s onl y about 12 per 100 persons; mobi l e-cel l ul ar t el edensi t y, spurred by
compet i t i on among mul t i pl e provi ders, exceeds 100 t el ephones per 100 persons
international: count ry code - 51; t he Sout h Ameri ca-1 (SAM-1) and Pan Ameri can (PAN-AM) submari ne
cabl e syst ems provi de l i nks t o part s of Cent ral and Sout h Ameri ca, t he Cari bbean, and US; sat el l i t e eart h
stations - 2 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean) (2010)
Broadcast media:
10 maj or TV net works of whi ch onl y one, Tel evi si on Naci onal de Peru, i s st at e-owned; mul t i -channel cabl e
TV servi ces are avai l abl e; i n excess of 2, 000 radi o st at i ons i ncl udi ng a subst ant i al number of i ndi genous
l anguage st at i ons (2010)
Internet country code:
. pe
Internet hosts:
234, 102 (2012)
country compari son to the worl d: 70
Internet users:
9. 158 million (2009)
country compari son to the worl d: 31
Transportation :: Peru
191 (2013)
country compari son to the worl d: 3 0
Ai rports - wi th paved runways:
total: 5 9
over 3, 047 m: 5
2, 438 to 3, 047 m: 21
1, 524 to 2, 437 m: 16
914 to 1, 523 m: 12
under 914 m: 5 (2013)
Ai rports - wi th unpaved runways:
total: 1 3 2
2, 438 to 3, 047 m: 1
1, 524 to 2, 437 m: 19
914 to 1, 523 m: 30
under 914 m:
82 (2013)
5 (2013)
ext ra heavy crude 786 km; gas 1, 526 km; l i qui d pet rol eum gas 679 km; oi l 1, 033 km; refi ned product s 15
km (2013)
total: 1, 907 km
country compari son to the worl d: 74
standard gauge: 1, 772 km 1. 435- m gauge
narrow gauge: 135 km 0. 914-m gauge (2012)
total: 140, 672 km (of whi ch 18, 698 km are paved)
country compari son to the worl d: 34
note: i ncl udes 24, 593 km of nat i onal roads (of whi ch 14, 748 km are paved), 24, 235 km of depart ment al
roads (2, 340 km paved), and 91, 844 km of l ocal roads (1, 611 km paved) (2012)
8, 808 km (t here are 8, 600 km of navi gabl e t ri but ari es on t he Amazon syst em and 208 km on Lago Ti t i caca)
country compari son to the worl d: 14
Merchant marine:
total: 2 2
country compari son to the worl d: 92
by type: cargo 2, chemi cal t anker 5, l i quefi ed gas 2, pet rol eum t anker 13
f orei gn- owned: 8 (Chile 6, Ecuador 1, Spain 1)
registered in other countries: 9 (Panama 9) (2010)
Ports and terminals:
Callao, Iquitos, Matarani, Paita, Pucallpa, Yurimaguas; note - Iquitos, Pucallpa, and Yurimaguas are on the
upper reaches of t he Amazon and i t s t ri but ari es
oil terminals: Conchan oil terminal, La Pampilla oil terminal
Military :: Peru
Military branches:
Peruvian Army (Ejercito Peruano), Peruvian Navy (Marina de Guerra del Peru, MGP; includes naval air, naval
infantry, and Coast Guard), Air Force of Peru (Fuerza Aerea del Peru, FAP) (2013)
Military service age and obligation:
18-50 years of age for mal e and 18-45 years of age for femal e vol unt ary mi l i t ary servi ce; no conscri pt i on
Manpower available for military service:
mal es age 16- 49: 7, 385, 588
f emal es age 16- 49: 7, 727, 623 (2010 est. )
Manpower fit for military service:
mal es age 16- 49: 5, 788, 629
f emal es age 16- 49: 6, 565, 097 (2010 est. )
Manpower reaching militarily significant age annually:
male: 304, 094
female: 298, 447 (2010 est. )
Military expenditures:
1% of GDP (2012)
country compari son to the worl d: 126
Transnational Issues :: Peru
Di sputes - i nternati onal:
Chi l e and Ecuador rej ect ed Peru' s November 2005 uni l at eral l egi sl at i on t o shi ft t he axi s of t hei r j oi nt
t reat y-defi ned mari t i me boundari es al ong t he paral l el s of l at i t ude t o equi di st ance l i nes whi ch favor Peru;
organi zed i l l egal narcot i cs operat i ons i n Col ombi a have penet rat ed Peru' s shared border; Peru rej ect s
Bol i vi a' s cl ai m t o rest ore mari t i me access t hrough a soverei gn corri dor t hrough Chi l e al ong t he Peruvi an
bor der
Refugees and i nternal l y di spl aced persons:
IDPs: 150, 000 (ci vi l war from 1980-2000; most IDPs are i ndi genous peasant s i n Andean and Amazoni an
regi ons; as of 2011, no new i nformat i on on t he si t uat i on of t hese IDPs) (2011)
Illicit drugs:
unt i l 1996 t he worl d' s l argest coca l eaf producer, Peru i s now t he worl d' s second l argest producer of coca
l eaf, t hough i t l ags far behi nd Col ombi a; cul t i vat i on of coca i n Peru was est i mat ed at 40, 000 hect ares i n
2009, a sl i ght decrease over 2008; second l argest producer of cocai ne, est i mat ed at 225 met ri c t ons of
pot ent i al pure cocai ne i n 2009; fi ni shed cocai ne i s shi pped out from Paci fi c port s t o t he i nt ernat i onal drug
market ; i ncreasi ng amount s of base and fi ni shed cocai ne, however, are bei ng moved t o Brazi l , Chi l e,
Argent i na, and Bol i vi a for use i n t he Sout hern Cone or t ransshi pment t o Europe and Afri ca; i ncreasi ng
domest i c dr ug consumpt i on

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