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A topical plan only focuses on the mechanical symptoms of trash while ignoring the underlying politics of
disposability, where the symbolic act of the plan will only mask the monumental violence that were
implicated in through trash
Ingolfur Bluhdorn, April 0, Department of European Studies University of Bath UK
(Sustaining the Unsustainable Symboli! "oliti!s and the "oliti!s of Simulation,# Environmental "oliti!s, $ol% &', (o% ), )*& + ),*, -aylor and
.or Edelman the epitome of alienation had been the !ondition 0here !iti1ens no longer2
the paradigm of simulative politi!s are summarised in .igure 3 and !ontrasted 0ith the paradigm of symboli! politi!s%
Thats why theres no topical version of the aff, and the call for a plan te!t reproduces statist waste
management" This is an apparatus that entrenches nation#state cleaning mechanisms and produces the
management and disposal of life" The aff solves better"
$unn, %00&(4oshua, Assistant professor of the Department of 5ommuni!ation Studies at the University of -e6as, -e6t and "erforman!e
7uarterly $ol% )' (o &, 8Shit-e6t -o0ard a (e0 5oprophili! Style
Although it is !ertainly the !ase that one !an identify a number of dis!iplinary te!hni9ues2
e6isten!e and erasure of the private surplus made in the (0ater/ !loset%)
We approach politics with active e!perimentation, where it is the micropolitical interrogation of trash that
better addresses large#scale political and economic institutions and grants inroads to public empowerment
within energy policy"
'awkins 0&
-he Ethi!s of :aste ;o0 :e <elate to <ubbish
=ay ;a0>ins )??' <o0man and @ittlefield "ublisher "g 'A,
I !an set do0n this vitrioli! response 0ith ease be!ause IBve heard it plenty of times2
thereby, the possibility of ne0 thin>ing and alterations of sensibility%
Fairness and predictability is a Faustian Bargain
(es)aros *+
(Istvan, 5hair of philosophy C U% of Susse6, -he "o0er of Ideology, p% )D)A)D, Sydnor/
&",", (o0here is the myth of ideologi!al neutrality + the selfApro!laimed2
e6er!ise their apologeti! fun!tion in the guise of neutral methodology are doubly mystifying%
This creates a machine#minded activity, where we become cold and calculative debaters that will eradicate
other modes of thought in the name of efficiency and convenience" When allowed to dominate, machine#
mindedness becomes the mechanism by which systematically organi)ed and bureaucratic technological
destruction is possible"
-ennedy 0
=reg Kennedy ";D in "hilosophy from the University of Etta0a
An Entology of -rash -he Disposable and its "roblemati! (ature &F?A&F&
Ga!hineAmindedness or !al!ulative thin>ing forms part of our fa!ulty of reason2
a despairing forfeiture of our re!eptive servi!e to Being%
AT. /'01234
There are no presumed rules in discourse" Their attempt to impose predetermined definitions for
predictability, ground, fairness, and limits, forcloses any political potential and disposes those considered
marginal in society"
"ortis, =underson, /hively %k ("oliti!al -heory and "artisan "olit!s% Ed0ard Bryan "ortis, Adolf =% =underson, <uth @essl Shively State
University of (e0 Hor> "ress (4une )???/
-hat is to say, purely te!hni!al !on!epts 0ould be irrelevant unless2
some can be singled out as politically marginal or deviant"
AT 5A6
Addressing waste as one of the productive contradictions of capitalism is an inroad to hollowing out
its logic and move towards an egalitarian mode of production
4ates %0,,
-he ;umanAAsA:aste, the @abor -heory of $alue and Disposability in 5ontemporary 5apitalism
Gi!helle Hates University of 5alifornia, Davis, 5A, )?&& "g &'I&A&'I) &FA&I
.ollo0ing Gar6, "ostone argues for an immanent criti7ue of capitalism8
capital drives toward its own natural and historical limits"
/ince (ar! addressed the bodys alienation from the means of production and how the body is disposable to
surplus value, addressing historical corporealism reveals the phenomenon of trash as the e!cretion, and the
internali)ed destruction, of capitalisms ontological alienation
-ennedy 0
=reg Kennedy ";D in "hilosophy from the University of Etta0a
An Entology of -rash -he Disposable and its "roblemati! (ature I3AI*
/ince the advent of globali)ed corporate economy this cycle of alienation8
phenomenon of trash is the e!cretion of the technologically alienated body"
Their alternative of focusing on the working class will become the new monolithic identity
that forces others to internally dispose and self#negate themselves in order to fit within
their movement, recreating the civili)ing process of global capitalism
Aronowit) *, (Stanley Arono0it1 -he 5risis in ;istori!al Gaterialism 5lass, "oliti!s and 5ulture in Gar6ist -heory 4. Bergins
"ublishers In! &IF& "g &?3A&?*/
-hat is 0hy only a ne0 pra6is by the !oloni1ed as 0ell as the erst0hile !oloni1ers2
dialectics are historically specific and have lost their universality"
Their alternative still reproduces the growth economy that leads to the destruction of the
environment" We must reorient our relationship to technological production if we want to challenge
Fotopoulos ++ 9:3(;5<A54 = >AT?<3, 1ol" @, >o" , 90ssue ,0A 9(arch ,+++A Towards a :emocratic 5onception of /cience
and Technology
TA-0/ F;T;6;?2;/A
-he so!ialist statist vie0, impli!itly or e6pli!itly, adopted the thesis of the neutrality2
disregarding the signifi!an!e of the gro0th ideology on the theory and pra!ti!e of so!ialist statism%
AT 6/45';A>A24/0/
The affirmation of trash into the resolution traverses the fantasy and ideology of nature as a harmonious whole and humanity as a
rational enterpriseB rather human, nature, and trash are all in a incomrephensible flu!"
'uang 0+
;uang, ;anAyu% 8-rauma, "aranoia, and E!ologi!al .antasy in Don De@illoJs Under0orld -o0ard a "sy!hoanalyti! Ethi!s of
:aste%8 5on!entri! @iterary and 5ultural Studies D*%& (Gar% )??I/
As the recognition of the non#e!istence of the ;ther8
and the C parameters of what is possibleL
1iew from nowhere is able to put particularity into the background"
Farr 0@
:hat :hite @oo>s @i>e% Edited by =eorge Han!y% 5h% ' :hiteness $isible Enlightenment <a!ism and the Stru!ture of <a!iali1ed
5ons!iousness <outledge )??3 Arnold .arr &3'
6hilosophys goal of universality forces it to dismiss8
a basis for evaluating what lies outside of our community"
AT. D0D3- 95A6 andEor 6/45';>A24/0/A
Di)ek loves trash, he eats it for breakfast"
Di)ek 0*
-rans!ript for /lavoF GiHek on 3!amined 2ife astra taylor )eirgeist films I@.%I# ,.0@.@,
Medited for !onte6t/
J This KTrashL is where we should start feeling at home8
And thatMs how we should learn to love the world" C True ecologist loves all this"
AT. A>T'<; and :336 35;
We read a poem by (a!ine -umin.
how sparrows come to pick
the redelivered grain, how inky#cap
coprinus mushrooms spring up in a downpour"
0 think of what drops from us and must then
be moved to make way for the ne!t and ne!t"
'owever much we stain the world, spatter
it with our leavings, make stenches, defile
the great formal oceans with what leaks down,
trundling off todays last barrowful,
0 honor shit for saying. We go on" (=round -ime ,)/
;ur technological chauvinism makes us indistinct from the waste weve created, and the destruction of
Anderson ,0
5;<IS-E";E< -EDD A(DE<SE( Sa!red :aste E!ology, Spirit, and the Ameri!an =arbage "oem
Interdis!iplinary Studies @iterary Environment ()?&?/ 3,
Kumin, e6!rement represents the ability of diverse organisms to flourish amid 0aste% She sees
To honor ones shit is to validate ones participation in natural cycles8
and to !orre!t the various 0ays in 0hi!hN 0e stain the natural 0orld%#
To try to escape anthropocentrism is anthropocentric and egotistical humanism
(orton ,0
-imothy Gorton -he E!ologi!al -hought "ublished by the "resident and .ello0s of ;arvard 5ollege )?&?
"g ,*A,'
-he deep green obOe!tion is that the parrots arenBt really animals2
-he bind is a sign of an emergy demo!ra!y of life forms%
The attempt to create a holistic ethic with nonhumans reinscribes the privileged egocentrism of
1erharen >; :AT3
Afto!entri!ity, E!o!entrism, and E!ofeminism (e0 Allian!es for So!ialism 5harles $erharen
So!ialism and Demo!ra!y Enline D3, $olume &,, (o% )
.eminist philosophers $al "lum0ood and Karen :arren ta>e issue2
Differen!es !annot be negated for the sa>e of an abstra!t prin!iple%
AT. B?::'0/(
The poem in the ,ac is inspired by Thic >hat 'anh, in which this trash reveals the material
relationality between us and the world" Where this pile of trash is not possible without the topic
elements, and the topic elements are not possible without the e!ploitation of labor such as the debt
enslaved camp worker in /audi Arabia who drives the oil truck to refine the oil into plastic which
made this plastic bag to hold the debate communitys trash" Trashs absence from our reality
actually reveals its presence"
-ennedy 0
An Entology of -rash, =reg Kennedy State Univ of (e0 Hor> "r (4anuary &&, )??,/ pg &D*
For Buddhists, reali1ing the truth of interpenetration, or interbeing#2
>othing#ness gives rise to Being"
2ink turn# ;ur ontological orientation towards trash fits within the Buddhist philosophy of
compassion for all beings
-ennedy 0
An Entology of -rash, =reg Kennedy State Univ of (e0 Hor> "r (4anuary &&, )??,/ "g% )?
By no means does ;eidegger have a monopoly on ontology2
seems very close to the Buddhist doctrine of compassion for all beings"
2ink turn# An ontological investigation of trash allows us to rethink our ethical orientation towards
-ennedy 0
An Entology of -rash, =reg Kennedy State Univ of (e0 Hor> "r (4anuary &&, )??,/ "g% )?
Thich >hat 'anh, the $ietnamese mon> and populari1er ofN Buddhist pra!ti!e2
how we understand ourselves and our place in the natural world"
A2T FA02/, :3/0<3 0/ 0>310TAB23, T; T<4 T; 3/5A63 0T 5<3AT3/ A >3W :3/0<3
T'AT FA22/ 0>T; A 2;$05 ;F 6A//010T4
@% 'erman + A Solution to the "arado6 of Desire in Buddhism Philosophy East and West, $ol% )I, (o% & (4an%, &I,I/, pp% I&AI3 "ublished
by University of ;a0aiJi "ress
-hus the parado! of desire 0hi!h says that it is impossible to eliminate desire8
KthemselvesL into a corner from which there is no pra!ti!al way out"
T'0/ 6A//010T4 T<010A20D3/ /?FF3<0>$
By $e6en 5rabtree %00@ (ov &3 5riti!ism of Buddhism
But, 5hristianity and Buddhism KhasL have both dehumani)ed suffering8
are both harmful !on!epts 0ith negative affe!ts on so!iety, espe!ially on the 0ea> and unfortunate%
AT $<A((A< ;F 3>5;?>T3< 9damn you Te!asNNA
Trash is materially there but ontologically absent
We dispose of things, and we end up disposing ourselves
We build technology to become immortal, yet were leading to our own e!tinction
The ,ac is an immanent criti7ue, we criti7ue the status 7uo with the status 7uos own logic"
;ur methodology is an immanent criti7ue that avoids subsuming affect under a monolithic e!planation of the
world, instead we merely reveal the parado!ical logic within the system"
5aygill +*
:alter BenOamin -he 5olour of E6perien!e ;o0ard 5aygill &IIF <outledge ')A'D
In an immanent critique of immanent critique itself, BenOamin noted that QImmanent critique
situating the 0or> in the !onte6t of e6perien!e, and being its turn situated by it%
The neg recreates an ahistorical approach that comes from a position of privilege and historical
erasure" 5riti7ues in the world of the neg will only e!ist in a vacuum, unable to note the violent
systemic conditions that need to be addressed"
Farr 0@
:hat :hite @oo>s @i>e% Edited by =eorge Han!y% 5h% ' :hiteness $isible Enlightenment <a!ism and the Stru!ture of <a!iali1ed
5ons!iousness <outledge )??3 Arnold .arr &3'
6hilosophys goal of universality forces it to dismiss the particulars of ones e!istence8
with a basis for evaluating what lies outside of our community"
AT 6;20T05/ :A
(E @I(K R"

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