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Unit 5
States of matter
Revision of Tenses Passive
States of Matter
1. Read the following article. What is the meaning of the e!ressions in "old#
There are four main states of matter: solids$ li%&ids$ gases and !lasmas. Each of these states is
also known as a !hase. Elements and compounds can move from one phase to another phase when
special !h'sical forces are present. One example of those forces is tem!erat&re. The phase or state
of matter can change when the temperature changes. Generally, as the temperature rises, matter
moves to a more active state.
hase descri!es a physical state of matter. The key word to notice is physical. Things only move
from one phase to another !y physical means. "f energ' is added #like increasing the temperature
or increasing !ress&re$ or if energy is ta(en awa' #like free)ing something or decreasing
!ress&re$ you have created a physical change.
One compound or element can move from phase to phase, !ut still !e the same su!stance. %ou can
see water va!or over a !oiling !ot of water. That vapor #or gas$ can condense and !ecome a dro!
of water. "f you put that drop in the free&er, it would !ecome a solid. 'o matter what phase it was
in, it was always water. "t always had the same chemical properties. On the other hand, a chemical
change would change the way the water acted, eventually making it not water, !ut something
completely new.
T h e m e a n i n g of t h e e ! re ss i o n s i n " o ld
states of matter: solids$ li%&ids$ gases$ !lasmas * (u)ud &at : padat, cair, gas dan plasma
!hase * +ase
!h'sical forces * ,e(&atan fisi(
tem!erat&re * S&h&
energ' is added * Energi di tam"ah(an
increasing * Pening(atan
increasing !ress&re * Tekanan meningkat
is ta(en awa' * d i ! a w a p e r g i
free)ing * p e m! e k u a n
decreasing !ress&re * Tekanan menurun
water va!or * +ap ,ir
!ot * pot
condense : -engem!un
dro! of water : .etetes ,ir
chemical change * eru!ahan kimia
,dapted from: h tt p :// www. c h e m 0k i ds. c o m/ f il e s /m a tt er 1s t a t e s.h tm l
-. What is a .!hase transition/# 0nsert the following terms into the !hase transition scheme.
melting condensation de!osition va!ori)ation
ioni)ation deioni)ation free)ing s&"limation
,dapted from: h tt p :// e n.w i k i p e d i a .o r g / w i k i / " m a g e : h a s e 1 c h a n g e 1 2 pn.p n g
de!osition s&"limation
-. 1hoose the corrects answer
1. (hat is the term used to descri!e the phase change as a li4uid !ecomes a solid5
evaporation condensation free&ing
*. (hat term is used to descri!e the phase change of a solid to a li4uid5
free&ing melting !oiling
3. (hat is the term used to descri!e the phase change of a li4uid to a gas5
!oiling condensation melting
0. Of gases, li4uids, and solids, what is the densest state of matter5
solids li4uids gases plasmas
,dapted from: h tt p :// www. c h e m 0k i ds. c o m/ e x t ra s / 4u i & 1 m a tt er so li d /i nd e x .h tm l
2. +ind the s'non'ms of the following e!ressions in the article.
phase of matter rise of temperature drop of temperature
3. What is the meaning of the following words# Which changes of state do the' corres!ond
melting point !oiling point free&ing point
5. What is the difference "etween*
melting point 6 melting pot !oiling point 6 !oiling pot
4. What is the difference "etween chemical and !h'sical forces#
Revision of Tenses
Which tense are &sed in the article a"ove#
are going
are !eing
1. Pr esen t S i m!l e 5d o6 or the Pr esen t 1on tin& o& s 5i s d oin g6 tense.
1. (hat7s that noise5 .ome!ody #play$ is playing
*. ,t work he usually #sit$ sit all
the piano.
3. They #go$
0. The days #!e$
8. .he often #talk$
9. .he #have$
on holiday every winter.
longer in summer.
to herself.
a shower at the moment.
What are the r &l e s for &sing the Present Sim!le and 1ontin&o&s tenses#
was dancing
-. P ast S i m !l e 5 did 6 or P ast 1o n t in& o & s 5 w a s d o in g6 tense.
1. (hen we #wake up$ wake up she was already having !reakfast.
*. (e #dance$
3. .omeone #!ring$
0. " #turn off$ turned off
8. -y mother #cook$ is cooking
and :ohn was drinking wine.
was !ringing me my towel when " was swimming.
the T; and #go$ went to !ed.
a very nice dinner yesterday.
What are the r &l e s for &sing the Past Sim!le and 1ontin&o&s tenses#
2. Past S i m!l e 5did 6 or Pr esen t Perf ect 5h ave d on e6 tense.
1. Tom #)ust come$ )ust came
<o you want to talk to him5
*. .he #)ust finish$ have finished her homework. .he can go out with friends.
3. -y father #translate$ translated two pages yesterday.
0. =e #live$ have lived
8. #you watch$ did you watched
9. #you send$ have you sent
here since 1>?>. " !elieve he will live here forever.
the game last night5
the letter yet5
,dapted from:
-+@=%, @aymond. *AA*. Grammar in Use. Intermediate. *
edition. Bam!ridge: Bam!ridge
+niversity ress, *AA*, pp. 8218.
What are the r &l e s for &sing the Present Perfect tense#
Passive voice
1. What is !assive voice# +ind eam!les of !assive voice in the a"ove tet.
-. What are the r&les for transforming active sentences into !assive#

+orming !assive sentences*
Present sim!le eople study chemistry at this
Bhemistry studied !y people at this
(e are studying English now. English was !eing studied !y us now
Past sim!le They studied English at the primary
English were studied !y them at the
rimary .chool
Past contin&o&s This time last week we were studying
English were !eing studied !y us
this time last week
Present !erfect They have studied this phenomenon
for 3 years.
This phenomenon have !een studied
!y them for 3 years
2. When do we &se !assive voice#

3. 1om!are the following - sentences. Wh' is the agent7doer not mentioned in the first one#
This element is called hydrogen. eriodic Ta!le was devised ! y - e nd e l e e v .
When is it not necessar' to mention the doer#
Eercise 1 Transform these sentences into !assive or active voice.
1. They make @olls @oyce cars in England./ @olls @oyce cars is made !y them in England
*. @ice is grown in Bhina.
3. The telephone was invented !y Cell in 1?D9./ Cell invented the telephone in 1?D9
0. Thieves have stolen * pictures from the museum last night./ * pictures have stoled !y theres
from the museum last night
8. The factory will produce 1A,AAA cars next year./ 1A.AAA cars next year will !e produced
!y the factory
9. .he was given this watch !y her aunt. / her aunt gave this watch to her
D. Critish policemen donEt carry guns./ guns is didnEt carried !y the !ritish policeman
?. eriodic Ta!le was devised !y -endeleev./ -endeleev devised the periodic ta!le
>. They will pu!lish the news tomorrow. / The news will !e pu!lished !y them tomorrow
1A. They were doing this experiment yesterday at >am. / This experiment were !eing did !y them
%esterday at > am
Eercise - +ind !assive sentences in the tet and transform them into active.
The +o&rth State of Matter
There are three classic states of matter: solid, li4uid, and gasF however, ! l a s m a i s c ons i d ere d
" ' so m e s c i e n ti s t s t o "e t he f o& r t h s t a t e o f m a tt er . The plasma state is not related to !lood
plasma, the most common usage of the wordF rather, the term has !een used in physics since the
1>*As to represent an ioni&ed gas. Gightning is commonly seen as a form of plasma.
lasma is found in !oth ordinary and exotic places. (hen an electric current is passed through neon
gas, it produces !oth plasma and light. Gightning is a massive electrical discharge in the atmosphere
that creates a )agged column of plasma. art of a comet7s streaming tail is plasma from gas ioni&ed
!y sunlight and other unknown processes. The .un is a 1.82millionkilometer !all of plasma. 0 t i s
h ea t e d " ' n& c l ea r f &s i on .
.cientists study plasma for practical purposes. "n an effort to harness fusion energy on Earth,
physicists are studying devices that create and confine very hot plasmas in magnetic fields. "n
space, plasma processes are largely responsi!le for shielding Earth from cosmic radiation, and
much of the .un7s influence on Earth occurs !y energy transfer through the ioni&ed layers of the
upper atmosphere.
!assive sentences
p l a s m a i s c ons i d ere d ! y so m e s c i e n ti s t s t o !e t he f ou r t h s t a t e o f m a tt er
" t i s h ea t e d ! y nu c l ea r f us i on .
active sentences
.ome scientist considere plasma to !e the fourth state of matter
'uclear fusion heat it
,dapted from: h tt p :// s c it ec h a n ti 4u e s. c o m/ --s1 p r o ) ec t/ --s1! ac k g r oun d 1 m a t er i a l/i nd e x *.h t m
Unit 4
089R:A801 1;EM0STR<
T'!es of 0norganic 1hemical Reactions
0organic 8omenclat&re
o =inar' com!o&nds
o Ternar' com!o&nds
o Acids
Phrasal Ver"s
1. ;ow wo&ld 'o& define inorganic chemistr'#
"norganic chemistr' is the study of the synthesis and !ehavior of inorganic and organometallic
-. What is the difference "etween inorganic and organic chemistr'#
Organic Bhemistry is the chemistry or car!on compounds. "t includes !iochemistry !ut there is
much organic that is not alive.
"norganic chemistry is the chemistry of all the rest of the elements on the periodic ta!le.
T'!es of 0norganic 1hemical Reactions
1. Read the following article. What is the meaning of the words in "old#
Elements and compounds re a c t w i t h each other in numerous ways. ,lmost every inorganic
chemical reaction falls into one or more of four !road categories. H# "erea(si dengan6
0. 1om"ination Reactions
Two or more reactants form 5 "ahan !erea(si 6 one !rod&ct 5 !rod&( 6 in a
com!ination reaction. ,n example of a com!ination reaction is the formation of s&lf&r
dioide 5 s&lf&r dio(sida 6 when sulfur is !urned in air:
S 5s6 > 9
5g6 ??@ S9
00. Aecom!osition Reactions
"n a decomposition reaction, a compound "rea(s down 5 r&sa( 6 into two or more su!stances.
<ecomposition usually results from electrol'sis 5 ele(trolisis 6or heating 5 !emanasan 6. ,n
example of a decomposition reaction is the "rea(down 5 (er&sa(an 6 of merc&r' 5006 oide
5 mer(&ri 5006 o(sida into its component elements.
-;g9 5s6 > heat ??@ -;g 5l6 > 9
000. Single Ais!lacement Reactions
, single displacement reaction is characteri&ed !y an atom or ion of a single compound
re!lacing 5 diganti(an 6 an atom of another element. ,n example of a single displacement
reaction is the displacement of copper ions in a co!!er s&lfate sol&tion 5 lar&tan Tem"aga
s&lfat 6!y &inc metal, forming )inc s&lfate 5 Seng S&lfat 6:
Bn 5s6 > 1&S9
5a%6 ??@ 1& 5s6 > BnS9
.ingle displacement reactions are often su!divided into more specific categories, e.g.,
redo reactions 5 Rea(si Redo(s 62chemical reactions which involve oxidation and reduction.
0V. Ao&"le Ais!lacement Reactions
<ou!le displacement reactions also may !e called metathesis reactions 5rea(si
metatesis6. "n this type of reaction, elements from two compounds displace each other to
form new compounds. ,n example of a dou!le displacement reaction occurs when
solutions of calci&m chloride 5 ,alsi&m (lorida6 and silver nitrate 5!era( nitrat6react to
form insol&"le silver chloride 5 lar&tan !era( (lorida6 in a solution of calci&m nitrate
5 (alsi&m 8itrat 6.
5a%6 > - Ag89
5a%6 ??@ 1a589
5a%6 > - Ag1l 5s6
, ne&trali)ation reaction 5 rea(si netralisasi 6 is a specific type of dou!le displacement
reaction that occurs when an acid 5asam 6reacts with a "ase 5 "asa 6, producing a sol&tion of
salt and water 5 lar&tan garam dan air 6. ,n example of a neutrali&ation reaction is the
reaction of h'drochloric acid5 asam (lorida 6 and sodi&m h'droide 5 natri&m hidro(sida 6
to form sodi&m chloride 5 natri&m (lorida 6and water:
;1l 5a%6 > 8a9; 5a%6 ??@ 8a1l 5a%6 > ;
9 5l6
@emem!er that reactions can !elong to more than one category. ,lso, it would !e
possi!le to present more specific categories, such as com"&stion reactions 5 rea(si
!em"a(aran 6or !reci!itation reactions 5 rea(si !resi!itasi 6.
,dopted from: h tt p :// c h e mi s t r y .a !ou t .c o m/ c s / g e n era l c h e mi s t r y / a / aa AD*1 A 3 a .h t m
-. What are the main t'!es of inorganic chemical reactions#
Bom!ination @eactions
<ecomposition @eactions
.ingle <isplacement @eactions
<ou!le <isplacement @eactions
2. What is the difference "etween single and do&"le dis!lacement reactions#
"n a single displacement reaction, one element in a compound is displaced #or replaced$ !y
another element. One type involves a metal replacing a metal cation in a compound: , I
CB 222J ,B I C
The other involves a non2metal #usually a halogen$ replacing an anion in a compound: <E
I K 222J <K I E
, dou!le displacement reaction involves the exchange of cations !etween two ionic
compounds, usually in a4ueous #water$ solution.,C I B< 222J BC I ,<
3. What other t'!es of inorganic reactions C a!art from the 3 main ones C are mentioned
in the article#
com!ustion reactions
precipitation reactions
5. What is the difference "etween*
chemical reaction chemical e%&ation
4. What is the difference "etween*
to "rea( down "rea(down
D. What is the meaning of the following a""reviations &sed in chemical e%&ations in the
tet# 5s6 solid 5g6 gase
5l6 li%&id 5a%6 a%&atic
0norganic nomenclat&re
1. Read the article again and find the names of inorganic com!o&nds. ;ow are the' called in
-. What seems to "e the maEor difference "etween
Slova( and English inorganic
2. What is the meaning of the following e!ressions#
oide nitrate iodide
chloride h'droide fl&oride
s&lfate7s&l!hate acid "romide
3. ;ow do we call fl&orides$ chlorides$ "romides and iodides#
+l&oride$ (lorida$ "romide dan iodida
5. Aivide the com!o&nd mentioned in the article into the following gro&!s*
=in a r ' c o m ! o &nd s
T ern ar' co m! o&nd s
Acid s
=i nar' co m!o &nds
0. c o n t a inin g a m et a lli c e l e m e n t
metal with a fied charge
Which of the com!o&nds mentioned in the article falls into this gro&!#
LBl 2 potassium chloride
O 2 potassium oxide
2 Minc chloride
MnO 2 Minc Oxide
What does the fact that the metallic element has a fied charge mean#
metal with a non?fied charge
2 ferric oxide KeO 2 ferro&s oxide
Bu. 2 Cupric sulfide Bu
. 2 Cuprous sulfide
Which s&ffi means higher valence and which lower valence#
? ic ? is &sed to name the com!o&nd in which the metal has the higher valenc
? o&s ? is &sed to indicate the lower valence
These are called .trivial names/. What does it mean#
"t is important to remem!er that the a!ove mentioned suffixes , i.e. 2ic/2ous are added to
the Gatin names of the elements. They have no a!solute meaning. They )ust indicate
the lower and the higher valence. Thus e.g. 2ic means a valence of * in the case of
copper and 3 in the case of iron
Which of the com!o&nds mentioned in the article falls into this gro&!# Wh' does its
name loo( different#
2 =g
O 2 mercury #"$ oxide
So$ according to this s'stem*
2 KeO 2
Bu. 2 Bu
. 2
Which names wo&ld 'o& !refer to &se# Trivial or s'stematic ones# Wh'#
Wh' is there no s&ch !ro"lem with the 1
gro&! C com!o&nd containing a metal with a
fied charge#
00. c o n t a inin g a n o n ? m e t a lli c e l e m e n t
BO 2 car!on monoxide
2 dinitrogen trioxide
Terna r' com!o &nds
if there is onl' 1 s&ch com!o&nd
2 sodium car!onate
if there are - s&ch com!o&nds
2 sodium nitrite 'a'O
2 sodium nitrate
2 'a
Which s&ffi means higher oidation n&m"er and which lower oidation n&m"er#
? ite ?
? ate ?
Which of the com!o&nds mentioned in the article are ternar' com!o&nds# Which of the -
gro&!s do the' fall into#
Aci ds
0. ; ' d r og e n a c id s
=Bl 2 hydrochloric acid
=K 2
00. 9 oa c id s 79 'a c id s
2 sulfuric acid =
2 sulfuro&s acid
2 ='O
Which s&ffi means higher oidation n&m"er and which lower oidation n&m"er#
? ic ?
? o&s ?
,dapted from: h tt p :// www. fc t ! r .c & / a n g l * /m a k er .php 5printHonNlessonHlessons/AD/lesson.txt
Phrasal ver"s
1. What are !hrasal ver"s# Wh' are the' different from other ver"s#
-. 1an 'o& find an' !hrasal ver"s in the article T'!es of 0norganic 1hemical Reactions#
2. Match the following !hrasal ver"s with s&ita"le e!ressions*
!ring up look out look forward to
take after !reak down show up
take place turn off get rid of
take part in turn on make up
you father
a competition in LoOice next week
the light
a story
the computer
the end of the semester
the ru!!ish your mind
Eercise 1 :ive the names of the following com!o&nds*

'aO= 2
Eercise - Write the form&las for the following com!o&nds.
'itrogen monoxide 2
<initrogen monoxide 2
"ron #""$ suplhide 2
"ron #"""$ sulphide 2

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