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Vol.7 No.3 * University Communit's FeaturePaper Oct. 1, 1985



M- The Fourth Estate: Editorial

Fiduciary Responsibility their university's immoral investment policies. The
themselves reversing that stand. As recently, in
S.U.N.Y. and Columbia University, most trustees SUNY Trustees finally succumbed to reason three
now voting for full divestment stand in contradiction weeks ago, or rather circumstance as South African
Corporate morality dictates that the plight of the
to their prior perceptions. Suddenly South Africa has unrest grows and investments there are no longer
oppressed black majority working class of South
become a bad investment, and as S.U.N.Y. Trustee prudent, and three students including the student
Africa can best be solved, through their company's
Judith Moyers concluded "...the escalating violence Trustee served one week jail sentences just prior to
own good-will; The imperialist capitalism which
and the deteriorating economy are good reasons to the SUNY Trustees investment meeting. SUNY's
destroyed traditional black South African societies
withdraw." Columbia University Trustees, in voting divestment was seen by students as a victory in their
and black freedom, has ironically transformed into
last week to fully divest most all holdings in compan- struggle, while most trustees claimed that it was
the oppressed's savior. Outside of the corporate
ies dealing in South Africa, claimed that they were merely good investment practice.
board rooms the daily haunting realities indicate no
"responding to recent developments..." in that In light of the actions of many university boards of
progress towards black rights, no change from the
country. Coming six months after students staged a trustees in response to students' calls for disinvest-
national systematic oppression of 21 million blacks
three week sit-in at Columbia after years of fighting ment from corporations involved in South Africa,
by a white minority ruling regime. Outside of the
for divestment, which with massive media attention their perspectives seem essentially very protective of
corporate board rooms revolution and socialism not
sparked protests and civil disobedience actions at capitalism or merely the status quo In many instances
only become viable alternatives, but the only reason-
universities throughout the nation, Board Chair Sam they embrace the Sullivan Principles as a medium for
able and realistic route to successfully effect a free
black majority rule. Higginbottom stated that the trustees' decision to positive social change for black South Africans, and
With a national rash of student protest actions in divest served in "...expressing our abhorrence of agree with American multinational corporations'
the past year, calling for divestment of university apartheid and the South African Government's claims that in order to most effectively work towards
holdings in corporations dealing in South Africa, an obdurate adherence to it." positive social change, as LB.M. International President
ideological clash grew between those students and Student protests calling for university divestment and Chief Executive Officer John Akers argued
many of the boards of trustees of their various seemed to have a strong impact on trustees for reversing "Pressure will be increased by more corporate
schools. Many of those boards stood firm in keeping their earlier stand, and clearly the S.U.N.Y. Board involvement, not less."
their portfolios invested, in order not to "...wash our reacted directly to a series of student protests lead in The Trustees of SUNY, after years of standing by
hands of the problem" as S.U.N.Y. Trustees Chair a large part by the Student Association of State the Sullivan Principles and constructive engagement
Donald Blinken had argued, while usually remaining University (SASU). With the arrest last April of 28 by corporations in South Africa, contradicted their
invested only in "well intentioned" corporations S.U.N.Y. students at a Divest-SUNY sit-in at the supposed good intentions three weeks ago by selling
which have signed the infamous American corporate State University Central Administration in Albany, off all SUNY investments which they had previously
"code of ethics" for operating in South Africa, the an effective last ditch effort began with S.A.S.U. and argued were helping the plight of the black South
Sullivan Principles. Students on the other hand have S.U.N.Y. students. Solid media attention was direct- Africans, just as Columbia's Trustees did last week.
been calling for a complete severing of all corporate ed in the national flurry of student activism to SUNY's In the name of financial responsibility for protection
and other ties to the South African regime, beginning protests and arrests, trials, and one week jail terms of SUNY's portfolio, the trustees in light also of
with their own schools. for five students including SASU President and student student protests and extremely bad publicity for the
In voting to retain corporate investments in South Trustee Jane McAlevy. It became clear then, not only University, voted with capitalist logic to seperate
Africa, under the guise of those multinationals' good to students but to many others awared through mass SUNY finances from any participation in South
intentions to work to gain positive changes for blacks media that S.U.N.Y. Central Administration was Africa, thus aiding in whatever insignificant way
under apartheid, some university trustees found sending its students to jail for standing up against towards a free, socialist South Africa.

-Press Pix I , _ I - --
. . - - Stony Brook
= '"'''

I Executive Editor ................. Ron Ostertag
1 Arts Editor .... ................... Paul Condzal
Assistant Editor ................ Haluk Soykan
Photo Editor .... .................. Scott Richter
Assistant Photo Editor............ Albert Fraser
Business Manager.........Frances Westbrook

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Arts: Michael Barrett, Kathy Esseks,

- I John Madonia, Hubert Moore, Paul Yeats.

I Photo: Mike Ciunga, Mike Shavel, John Tym-


Graphics: Enoch Chan, Phyllis Evans, Philip

Garfield, Mike Krasowitz, Charles Lane,W.Sale,
Peninah Scheer, Frank Vaccaro., Skippy

The Stony Brook Press is published every Thursday

during the academic year and summer session by The
Stony Brook Press, Inc., a student run and student
funded not-for-profit corporation. Advertising policy
does not necessarily reflect editorial policy.
Staff meetings are held weekly in the Press offices on
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Phone: 246-6832
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page 2 The Stony Brook Press iI - --- ~__ _
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Chris Maryanopolis
A Press Interview
Both because of the unusualtiming of its
I Ia v s . . l 2
everybody's checks, but it has a lot more
elections (fall instead of the spring) and the benefits.
volatility of the job, Polity Treasurers typic- Press: As Treasurer, what's the situation
ally have brief, stormy terms in office. Re- with Statesman, what's actually going to be
cently re-elected Treasurer Chris Maryan- happening with them?
opolis is an exception to that rule, beginning Maryanopolis: At the last Polity Council
his second full term as overseer of Polity's meeting,, we told Ray (Rhodes, Statesman
$1.2 million budget. With strong personal business manager) and George (Biderman,
popularity and a reputation for efficiency Statesman's editor-in-chief) to try and set-
and competence in his work, Maryanopolis tle with Eastern Web printers out of court
won a majority in every residence hall, (Eastern Web is suing for past due pay-
getting over 70% of the vote. The Press spoke ments), to try and give them enough money
with him Tuesday in his office in the Polity so that they drop the lawsuit We told them
suite, decorated with his distinctive campaign that if they came up with something good,
posters, which were created by former SAB and Eastern Web agrees to it, then Polity
Activities chair Frank Januszewski will support them financially and give them
money so that they can pay the Three
Village Herald (another printer) and East-
ern Web. That's the last I heard. States-
Press: You've been treasurer longer than
man's not printing at all this week, there's
anyone in the past eight years, and you've
rumors going around, Chapter 11, this and
just been re-elected to what is the most
demanding job in Polity. Why did you do
Press: There's alot of concern that States-
man may not be printing for much longer
Maryanopolis: Why did I do that? I enjoy
than a week. Is that possible?
being here, I like to help the students. I like
Maryanopolis: Yeah. I think they're in alot
to be a part of it, helping out, instead of just
of trouble. I don't know what they're going
hanging out, doing nothing. rd rather be
to do. We only have somethinglike $15,000
doing this.
left (in Polity's advertising budget). So
Press: What kind of policies is Polity going
that's all we can really dish out for this
to use after the drinking age is raised on
Dec. 1st?
Press: How much has Polity given States-
Maryanopolis: Well, come December first
man for ads already this year?
there's going to be no more building parties,
Maryanopolis: We've just been paying for
because of what Preston said (Fred Pres-
our current advertising so far. (Consults
ton, University Vice President for Student
figures) $10,520 we gave them.
I want to save Statesman, but I don't
See, personally I don't think it's fair that really see what Polity can do for them. We
even something like Tokyo Joe's would have $15,000 left in the advertising account
spend student activity fee money on beer - how can we afford that? O.K,, it can be
because only seniors are going to be able to overdrafted, but it can't be overdrafted by
drink, while freshmen, sophmores and that much, because I don't think we have
juniors will pay their $100 a year and won't anything in the Reserve Fund.
be able to drink. College legislatures won't Press: To change the topic, what's the
be buying beer at all, I guess. Now I don't biggest check you've signed yet?
know what's going to happen to things like Maryanopolis: The Kinks. The Kinks
Tokyo Joe's. There's going to have to be were about $32,000 - $33,000. That's pro-
drastic changes, or at least keep a limit bably the biggest check I signed this year.
down on the number of kegs, so not as much
Toney goes to them.
Press: What if the beer's generating
enough revenues to pay for itself?
Maryanopolis: So there's not money going
into it? Yeah, I think that's fair. With the
Direct Action
drinking age going up though, you probably
won't have to buy that many kegs of beer,
because not that many people are going to
FBI Arrests Apartheid Protestors
be able to drink it, and SAB will have to
strictly enforce that or else they'll be in Nine anti-apartheid protestors were ar- daily papers carried the story of this anti- in presenting their defense. "Actually," said
trouble. rested on Wednesday, September 25 by the apartheid action" said Connie Norgen, a Mike Morgan, "South Africa Airways is
Press: Will other clubs be able to have F.B.I. after they entered the offices of South first-grade public school teacher in Brooklyn owned by the South African government.
alcohol at their parties? African Airways in New York, escorted two who was one of a dozen support people on They can't pretend to be a private business
Maryanopolis: No. Maybe a wine and employees and one customer out of the the street in front of the Airways offices. and still prosecute us for disrupting a foreign
cheese type of get together would be ac- office through the back door, chained shut' Mike Morgan, a white South African government The immoral racist apartheid
ceptable, but as far as a party with, say, five the main doors and barricaded the others army deserter, added: "One of the important regime stands exposed, and so do its corporate
kegs, where you just go to get drunk, that with wedges and office furniture. aspects of this action was that many fronts."
wouldn't be fair to the freshmen, sopho- The nine activists, who call themselves newspapers inside South Africa ran the During the course of what most saw as a
mores, and juniors. "Free Azania/ South Africa - Direct story of out occupation on the front page. peaceful, non-violent occupation, police
Press: Are buildings spending more of Action," were to appear at a pre-trial hearing For them it was major news, and it keeps officials were apparently claiming that the
their money now than usual on parties, yesterday, October 9th. Amoung those people, who are under the whip in South demonstrators were armed and had taken
before the drinking age goes up? arrested was former Stony Brook student Africa from being isolated." hostages. Consequently, they sealed off3rd
Maryanopolis: I wouldn't say more so than Mitch Cohen, who is also a member of the Mitch Cohen continued along this same, Avenue, called in the Federal Joint Task
usual They're buying as much beer, wine, Red Balloon Collective. theme: "It's very important for all people, Force, and stormed the office wearing bullet
whatever, as before. There haven't been too According to a press statement the de- but especially white folks, to do more than proof vests, helmets and face shields with
many big building parties, I think Benedict monstrators "shut down business as usual verbally condemn apartheid and occasionally guns at the ready.
had one last week, O'Neill had one last at South African Airways for over three write articles in newspapers. We have to Cohen observed: "Actually, there was no
Thursday, and there's supposed to be a few hours before the Federal Joint Anti-Ter- encourage direct actions that in some way call for such display of force except for
this weekend, like Oktoberfest. rorist Task Force managed to pull open the materially aid the liberation movements "anti-terrorist" propoganda purposes, and
chained doors" The protestors were frisked inside South Africa." to get in some overtime and practice. There
Press How is the Polity computer working and handcuffed, and delivered to F.B.L While South African Airways issued a were no reported injuries, and the nine
out? Headquarters at 26 Federal Plaza for pro- press release stating that it was only a protestors, according to Cohen plan to do
Maryanopolis: You want to know my honest cessing. The "SAA Nine" (as they have' business, and that it was not involved in simriar actions in the near future.
opinion? (laughs) It works. It makes my life been dubbed by the media) were released in politics, the fact that the demonstrators For futher information on future actions,
easier. If someone wants to know how much their own recognizance pending a trial at were arrested by the F.B.L on the federal contact Brooklynites Against Apartheid at
of their budget is left, I don't have to run and which they face up to six months in jail and/ charges of "Obstructing the offices and 718-638-0417.
look it up, I can find it out right here. It does or a $10,000 fine each if found guilty. functioning of a foreign government" is one
go down once in a while, which holds up "All the networks and New York City of the contradictions the Nine hope to expose i 7.I o
A I7 98 C ae A
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I WHERE: Fire Side Lounge
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PROBLEMS? Union Ballroom
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production of a Polity funded film.
or call POLITY HOTLINE Please call Gerry Schaps
246-4000 at 6-3673 for more info...
--- __ --
Spage 4 The Stony Brook Press
-- Viewpoints
D.C.from New York by participating in the 3tations will remain on the air, buton regular need more information, then call
campaign. Letters can and should be sent frequencies carrying emergency information. 1246-2273.
immediately to: The government has designated WCBS(880 -Matt Malinowski
Sen. Bob Packwood kHz AM) as the primary Emergency Broad-
Save SALT-D Chair, Senate Finance Committee casting System station for the Nassau-Suffolk LILCO Legislature
259 Russell Senate Office Building area, a fact the Stony Brook students con-
Washington, D.C. 20515 cerned about this matter will want to know.
To the Editor: (202) 224-5244 'Other Metro area 50 kilowatt stations are
To the editor.
President Reagan's proposal to eliminate Rep. Dan Rostenkowski designated for the five boroughs, or New
The last obstacle standing in the way of the
the State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT-D) Chair, House Ways and Means Committee Jersey disaster news under the EBS system).
Long island Lighting Company's zealous plan
would have drastic effects on New York 2111 Rayburn House Office Building All non-participatory radio stations would
to force Shoreham down our throats is the
State. Thisis possibly the single largest threat Washington, D.C. 20515 then go off the air under an EBSalert, which
Suffolk County Legislature's refusal to partic-
ever made to the financing of public ed- (202) 225-4061 is signalled by the 23-second tone that is
ipate in an emergency evacuation plan Forthis
ucation. This is one battle students literally cannot occasioally heard, as a test, on radio stations
reason the coming county election, in which all
Salt-D, a tax deduction taken by taxpayers , afford to lose. The EBS system can be activated for natural
the seats in the legislature are up for grabs,
Who itemize their federal returns, was de- Jane McAlevey disasters, as well as nuclear attack.
may be the most critical election to face Long
signed to prevent double taxation. An in- President, SASU Robert Foxworth
Islanders Realizing this, Lilco has poured over
dividual may presently deduct the amount $400,000.00 into a public relations campaign
they will pay in state and local taxes from CONELRAD called the Citizens to Open Shoreham to help
their taxable income reported to the federal
To the Editor.
Health Care secure the seats they need to transform the
President Reagan's proposal to eliminate A correction should be made to the material Free health care is available to all SB Suffolk County Legislature into the Lilco
this 120-year-old system would expose New presented in the "Survive Nuclear Attack" students. You don't need insurance to be Legislature. With all this at stake, it's time for
the citizens to strike backd
Yorker's to substantially higher tax liability. featureof ThePres(September 12). While the taken care of at the Infirmary (located This weekend and every weekend from now
State and local governmentswould be forced physical aspects of radiation, blast effect and directly behind the Union, next to the tennis
until election day, citizens will be joining the
to cuttaxesand reduce servicesto counteract survival techniques remain valid, the "Con- courts). Free peer and professional coun- campaign for Ratepayers Rights '85 in
this increase. EDLUATION- funed mosty by elrad" information is obsolete. seling centers including a special group,
state and lowl tax rmaues - WULD BE CONtrol of ELectromagnetic RADiation EROS, concerned with birth control, and distributing the results of a survey circulated to
HARDESTHIT was conceived in the 50's to silence radio the advisement of pregnant women is located all candidates running for county legislature.
The survey contained five questions that will
Senator PatrickMoynihan' s office predicts stations so that manned Soviet bombers on the same level as the Medical clinics and
help voters determine which candidates are
that public schools, colleges, and univer- coming in over Canada could not use radio walk-in services.
for direction finding fixes by Actually, all that you need to know about their allies in the fight against Shoreham and
sities nationwide would lose 20 percent of station signals for lower rates, and which candidates repre-
their state and local funding under the tuning in known frequencies Instead, stations the Infirmary is that the staff is qualified, sent LILCO.
Presidents proposal Education revenue in would shift to 640 or 1240 and rotate professional, and courteous, and everything
With only three weekends left before the
New York State would drop by $2.3 billion, transmitting in sequence with a common is kept confidential Whether you have a cut election, each individuars participation is
the second highest loss in the country. Civil Defense program. The rotation would finger or a cold, or gonorrhea, you should
extremely important LILCO's arrogance can
SUNY students of all political affiliations make DFing difficult for the Soviets. The get yourself to the Infirmary and find re- not go unchecked. With electric rates already
must unite to defeatthisthreatto quality and advent of reliable inertial guidance systems lief.
nearly the highest in the nation, imagine what
affordable education. Both Republican and for ballistic missiles made it possible, in the O Step one: You don't feel well
the LILCO legislature has in mind for the future.
Democratic leadership in this state are 60's to fire a missile 8000 km away, from * Step two: You go to the Infirmary.
If you can give three hours of your time between
adamantly opposed to this "reform". If Russia, and have it land inside a one-mile O Step three: You fill out a-small white
10 and 1 on either Saturday or Sunday, then
President Reagan prevailson thisissue, SUNY circle, without any external guidance or info. sheet
d call 360-3987. It's time we pulled LILCO's
steering; thusthe need for CONELRAD was * Step four: You hand it in at the deskan
students wig face across-the-board cost hikes plug.
You can show your opposition to this made superfluous. Radios still exist toda3 wait until they call your name:
They take care of you. JimLeotta
with the two CD triangles on the dial, butn< S 0 Step five:
proposal by participating in a natinnwide is to it. So what are yc)U
shoulhd That's all there
campaign to save SALT-D. Please help in one concerned about nuclear attack
sending a united message to Washington look for signals there. Instead, a few ke y waiting for?

-- --------
~- -----

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0 and
0 The last stronghold in the inevitable
decline of western civilization.
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-- ~P
-- Viewpoint I - --- - -------

Back To The Future

No Alcohol
By Dan Sarluca "I've got it!" Zeke announced triumphantly, as he jumped "And Bob Dylan is making the news again. Remember
Willie and Zeke, sitting cross-legged on the floor of their to his feet Pacing back and forth with quick, nervous steps Live Aid?"
suite were drinking some beers and discussing the prospects of he announced: "Now listen to this...They're outlawing "Yeah, but that doesn't really count though - he posed
living on a dry campus. Zeke picked up a beer from the alcohol for us, right? Now, we could still have beer parties with Madonna for a People magazine cover."
refugee coffee table that was salvaged from a garage sale illegally, but that wouldn't work on a large scale - we'd get "Oh yeah, right. I guess I got a little carried away."
and as the music of Neil Young's latest album drifted caught for sure. So we might as well use something else "Okay! Okay! We have to sit down and figure out a plan,"
through the air Willie lamented: "Campus parties just that's drastic and illegal, but it's got to be hard to detect.." Willie said. "We have to stage something really wild to get
aren't going to be the same once the drinking age goes up. I "Spill your guts, like what?" Willie asked. things started."
mean, what arepeople gonna do?!...stand around getting fat "L.S..D." "Right. And rve got the perfect idea - we'll call it'Son of
on ice cream sodas and shakes? Shi-yit, I can see the posters "What are you out of your fuckin' mind?!? No one, I mean Electric Kool Aid Acid Test.' We'll invite the whole
now..."Party Til You Puke" will be replaced with "Drink no one does acid anymore!" campus.
Pepsi Til Your Teeth Rot!" What's this place coming to?" "Great! And the Greatful Dead are still around - we can
"Yeah, man - it really sucks," exclaimed Zeke. "Yeah, but that's the beauty of it Public Safety'll never invite them - " Willie ran into his room and returned with a
"You know, we should have seen it coming. First, they know what hit'em. I mean it makes sense - we're a science sheet of paper and a pen.
wanted us to have fifty pounds of potatoe chips for every school, right? Where else could you find a better group of "Okay, we have to make a list of things to do."
keg, and now they're just gonna get rid of the kegs all bathtub chemists?" The door to Randy's room opened and Randy walked
together." "Oh, that's sixties!" Randy said, carefully peering into the suite room. He had done some unnatural things that
"I know. It's really gonna suck..I knew this would happen out from behind his door. made his hair stand up and defy gravity, the fluorescent
once Reagan was re-elected - It's a facist conspiracy," "Fm warning you Randy," Zeke said, cocking his arm, colouring he laced his hair with nicely matched his genuine
Zeke said. "First they take away our beer, now they're "this one's fulL" Randy slammed his door shut. Macy's outfit.
trying to censor our music, who knows what's next? They'll "You know, I hate to admit it, Zeke, but Randy's right, it "You know Zeke, that was really rude throwing that beer
probably try and draft us..." is kind of outdated." at me," Randy said. "It could have splashed all over me and
"Well, I don't think it's such a bad thing," Randy said "But that's what's so right about it Look around - the I was just getting ready to go out"
from the doorway of his room. "You don't need alcohol to sixties are making a comeback. Printed jeans and plain old "Where are you going?" Willie asked.
have a good time...Besides, I'm sick of people getting drunk levis are 'in' again. I mean Bruce wore Levis on his Born in "'rm not sure yet, We'll probably wind up going to
all the time, and getting rowdy. I think it'll be nice to have ice the U.S.A. album so they must be cooL.." Spanky's. My friends said Spanky'sjust got some great new
cream socials and - " Randy slammed his door just in time "Hey, you know, you may have something there...It's videos - including highlights of MTV's video awards. A lot
to deflect the half full beer can Zeke threw at him. Zeke got even fashionable to stage protest marches and demons- of people are supposed to be there. Well, I'll see you later."
up and returned from his room with a fresh can of beer. trations again. And hell - if 'Rambo Ronnie' gets his way, He closed the suite door behind hm as he left
"It's just not going to work," Willie said. "We're gonna we may even have a real war to protest again!" Willie and Zeke stared first at each other, and then at the
have to come up with something to replace alcohol at "Yeah! Yeah!" Zeke was grinning uncontrollably now. paper in front of Willie. "Nah!" they said in unison, as Willie
parties." "And even music - Prince did a rip off of Sgt Pepper..." crumpled the sheet and tossed it in the garbage.
"Yeah, I know," drawled Zeke. "And CaliforniaGirls and I Got You Babe are hits again -
"But what - that's the problem," Willie said. John Fogarty is hot.."
_ I_ __~___ _ __~~_ I _

SLOfntE, RuCtAJ&- YES, M.C. SLo4N-ji
OF ProPLE , . A I
10o-. Ns.- -- _

p fTWOu6H- -T E T \
a; OuT To G( T

By W. Sale

page 6 The Stony Brook Press

_ Viewpoint .. I I ~ __I
* Consumer Action Center - Students will
continue to run a Samll Claims Court Information
Hotline to help consumers process their iomplaints

NYPIRG Inciting Activism The Center will also conduct several surveys to test
merchant compliance with New York State con-
sumer protection laws
* Divesment - South Africa's apartheid system
denies citizenship and human rights to toe majority
by Kirsten K n z In 1970, students in Oregon and Minnesota did just that of South Africans because of their race. New York
Apathy. It's an accusation one hears quite a bit these by establishing the first two PIRGS - the Oregon Student State public pension funds are used to suport
days, and that accusation is at its most scathing when it is Public Interest Group (OSPIRG) and the Minnesota Public companies which participate actively in the South
used to describe the younger generation. In recent history Interest Research Group (MPIRG). Both were set up as African economy. NYPIRG students, in coalition
the youth of our country, especially the student population, multi-school organizations governed by a Board of Directors with other student groups, will seek divestment of
has ben expected to take a leading role in protesting the made up of students from each of the member schools public funds from South Africa through legislation.
problems of the day and searching for solutions. But many Schools joined the organization by electing through a vote of * Waste Disposal Hazards- Overcrowding of
people feel that the college students of the eighties are the student body to devote a small amount of money from New Yorklandfills has led to an increase in garbage
failing in this department Oh, sure, there are a handful of each student activity fee to support the PIRG. The students incineration. NYPIRG students will educate the
student activists, holding rallies and sit-ins on divestment, then pooled their money to hire lawyers, researchers scientists, community about the dangers connected with
says the common wisdom, but the average student, Joe or and lobbyists The student-hired staff was responsible for incinerators, particularly the toxins and carcino-
Jane College, doesn't care. Give him or her some friends, a teaching students how to lobby, do research, and com- gens incinerators add to the air and ground water
few parties to attend, and passing grades leading to a municate with the public and the media to acheive their supplies Students will also research and publicize
diploma leading to a job, and what more is there to life? goals on a wide range of student, environmental, and cheaper, cleaner waste management options, such
Right? consumer issues. as recycling
* *~i.:~ .*~ . * Voter Registration - Students will make a
"But if you talk to students about cuts in financial aid, about concentrated effort to register large numbers of
voters at various campus locations; and voter
cancer-causing chemicals in their drinking water, about taxpayers' registration forms will be available to students,
money supporting the government of South Africa, how many faculty, staff and community members at all times
in NYPIRG's office in room 079 in the Union.
students will have no opinion?"
It is true that the majority of college students may go
-W Since 1970, PIRG's have been formed in over twenty
- -

The presence of all these projects on this campus alone

through their college years without attending a rally, without states New York's PRG, NYPIRG, was founded bystudents 1hardly shows student apathy. But don't the students who do
writing to their Representative in Congress, maybe even in 1973, and has grown to become one of the strongest these things devote more time than mostpeople could to this
without voting. A good number of students would openly PIRG's in the country, with eighteen member schools in type of work? Aren't the students who work with NYPIRG
say thay they don't care aboutpolitics. Yet it is misleading eleven citiesaround the state. The NYPRG chapter atSUNY somehow different from other students? Not really. Students
to look at these facts and brand today's students an Stony Brook was founded in 1979. Snce that time Stony who work with NYPRG include commuters and campus
apathetic generation. In many people what appears to be Brook students working with NYPIRG have fought financial residents, liberal arts and science and engineering majors,
'apathy" is in fact something else: cynicism, and the belief aid cutsand tuition increases, protested the transportationof people with broad political concerns and people who are
that individual people can't affect the way things are run. radioactive nuclear wastes down the Long Island Express- simply worried about one issue, like financial aid. What is
Most students now attending college were children way, registered hundreds of students to vote, exposed differentisthatthese students, as cynical asanyone else, have
during the 1970's. Their early ideas about politics were consumer rip-offs, and worked on a number of other local 1begun to see that organized efforts by students ca make a
shaped by watching a President of the United States get and statewide projects The techniques they use include difference: in the way people think, in the way legislators
caught lying and cheating, and resigning before he could be circulating petitions, organizing letter-writing campaigns to vote, and ultimately, in the way things are run. Even the
Ithrown out of office. It's no surprise that many of these key polititians, visiting local Representatives to the State student who spends just a couple of hours gathering 100
Schildren grew up thinking of politics as a dirty game Assembly and U.S Congress, sponsoring speakers and signatures on a petition to stop financial aid cuts knows that
controlled by politicians who don't care about the average debates, and conducting surveys and advice hotlinesto make he has made a contribution to influencing the member of
citizen. If people really have no say in government, then the consumers aware of their rights and of potential rip-offa A Congress who will get those petitions The student who
near the campus
best anyone can do is vote for the pary whose policies they NYPIRG internship program allows students to work in- organizes a debate on toxic waste dumps
like the best (or hate the least) and hope for the best. dividually with a professor and receive academic credits for. knows that she helped educate the community on the possible
It ta Okesalott make politicians respond
There's a big difference beween, cynicism and apathy. working on.a NYPIRG projectA semeter-long lobbyi i ddangers dentd coner andittakealotto conv•nce students..
the _po
Cynicism being the feeling that politicians can't be made to -ternship in Albany gives Saudentsir make a difference. Butwhen a studentbegins to
implying that process a semester's credits while-they learn how to lobby thatthey can
listen to the things people care about, apathy by writing a letter -
state government works apply a bit of that pressure - perhaps
students are so feeble-minded that they can't manage to and get an insider's view of how and legislators get letters from Syracuse, and from Bing-
care about anything. But if you talk to students about cuts Students participate on a variety of levels Some work an
hamton, and from Brooklyn, and, from Stony Brook, things
in financial aid, about cancer-causing chemicals in their hour or two per week, helping to advance on of NYPIRG's
the projects Others organize and lead the projects, and serve as happen. Suddenly New York has a Truth-in-Testing Law,
drinking water, about taxpayer's money supporting
Board of and students can check their SATanswer sheets to see if ETS
government of South Africa, how many students will have SUNYStony Brook's representatives on NYPHRG's
Directors The current Chair of the Board of Directors, made any mistakes Only the students who wrote the letters,
no opinion? What many students don't realize is that their
and circulated the petitions, and lobbied in Albany realize
opinions on these issues are political views. Even when Karen McMahon; isa studentenrolled at Sony Brook. In the
students have gone on after graduation to that this advance was not so "sudden" - that change is the
they do recognize their political views, most students feel past, Stony Brook
powerless to have any effect on the issues they care about become full-time NYPIRG staff researchers, lobbyists, and result of deliberate, organized efforts; the little bit that one
individual can do magnified by the association of many
Yet students do have political influence. In the past five organizers
The range ofisuesNYPIRG students address isalso varied. students to achieve the same goal.
years, college students in New York State have conviced
concentrate on a I don't believe that today's students are apathetic. If they
Governor Cuomo notto raise SUNYtuition, played a major This semester, Stony Brook students ill
number of projects, including: are cynical, they have a right to be; we've all seen how self-
role in getting the Bottle Return Law passed, and forced
passage ofthe nation'sfirstTruth-in-testing Law, givingNew ~1~4kZC~dP~
York students taking SATs, GRE's and other standardized

••If , PIRGs have been formed in over twenty states. New
tests more rights than any other studentsin the country. This
hardly sounds like powerless.
York's PIRG, NYPIRG, was founded by students in 1973, and has
Students have found the power to affect these important grown to become one of the strongest PIRGs in the country, with
changesand many others byjoining together and organizing
themselves, notjuston one campusbuton campusesall over
eighteen member schools in eleven cities around the state."
the state. Cooperation between students to reach these goals
serving those in power can be. But even the mostuncaring of
has been achieved through a statewide, student founded;
New York Public In- * Financial Aid - This year, all currentfederal politicians want to be re-elected. When students make noise
student-run organization called the
terest Research Group, or NYPIRG. aid and loan programs will expire. If Congress about an issue, it puts pressure on elected officials When
NYPIRG is an organization designed to bring students does not renew these programs by December, students educate the community about a problem, this adds
together to achieve for students as a group the political students receiving Pell Grants Guaranteed Student to the pressure. An individual's small efforts, when com-
power that students as individuals lack The concept of Loans, National Direct Student Loans, Work Study, bined with the organized efforts of others, can swing a
statewide student Public InterestResearch Groups, orPIRG's, and other federal funds could lose this aid per- Senator's vote, can pass a law. This is not speculation or
dates back to an era associated with student power: the- manently. Stony Brook and all eighteen NYPIRG wishful thinking. In NYPIRG's 12-year history, students
1960's. Throughoutthatdecade'swave of protests over Civil campuses will conduct petition and letter cam- have organized campaigns that influenced over seventy
Rights, the Vietnam War, and Student Rights, students paigns as well visits to Congressional Represent- pieces of legislation.
could be most effective in atives to ensure passage of a bill reauthorizing That history proves that students can make a difference.
continued to wonder how they
educating the public and influencing government decisions federal financial aid. The fact that so many students have worked to make a
difference makes accusations of student apathy difficult to
on the issues that concerned them. In the late sixties, Ralph
noted consumer activist, was a popular speaker accept When students realize that they can affect the things
Nader, the
he won * Toxic Victims Access to Justice -- In New they care about, they do work to have an effect Itwas students
on college campuses. When students asked him how
consumers' rights, he answered thathe York State, victims of exposure to toxic substances who formed NYFRG to achieve goals by combining the
so many victories for
in the environment and workplace are legally efforts of individuals into a powerful student voice. Of
used the tools of research, legislation, and litigation to work
added that students could barred from suing the manufacturers of these course, some will be cynical about how much of a difference
for change within the system. He
same thing by founding their own public interest deadly substances. NYPIRG students will build a college students can make. Cynicism is a reasonable res-
do the
community coalition to lobby for a bill which ponse to feelings of powerlessness But students who have
organizations, in the same way that students organize
a campus newspaper or run a student would allow toxic victims their day in court DES worked with NYPRG have learned that by combining efforts,
themselves to publish
sons and daughters, asbestos victims, and chiordane students can create and strengthen their own power.
and PVC victims are among those who will be
Coordinator. helped by this legislation.
The writer is Stony Brook's NYPIRG Campus
October 17, 1985 page 7
idar for Fall
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
What three actors have played the
title role in The Hunchback of
I 3 4
-I 5 61 7
Notre Dame?
uuonO(uoqjuv pus Jonah Who Will A Streetcar Rambo: First Blood Part II
Is Birthday
Birfhdav Groucho Marx's Birthday uojq6ne- sepeWo 'Aeuaoj uoi Buster Keaton's Birthday Donald Pteasence's Birthday
's .. ...- -- 1 6 . ..--- _ be 25 In the Year Named Desire page 13
8 91 1U 11 12 2000 and
page 24 On the
Who was Fftzcsrmfdo's favorite How many Academy Awards did Waterfront What town serves as the setting
Woody Aten's Birthday
opera singer? On the Waterfront receive? page 32 for The Cr-plng Terror?

Who portrays the wisecracking

I irihard Prvor's
....... U;..
.. . . ..... .

8 9
osruen oouuO


Watt Disrney's Birthday

Agnes Moorehead's Birthday

oel ex"1 ...

Who played Peter Lorre's son in occult shopowner Walter Paisley Who is Skull Island's most famous What movie haunts ArnaTorrent in What ishidden in the antique doff
The Raven? in The Howling? inhabitant? The Spirit of the Beehive? I in Waft Until Dark?
Koyaanisqatsi Sallah You Can't Take it Gremlins
uOSOMjIN )Per IJeawn )3o Suo)l 6u)ii uflaisuaoluwj uOueOH With You page 15
page 26 page 27
II and
13 14 15 10:) 1a
It's a Wonderful
Next Stop Green- Willy Wonka and What sporting event was Ufe Who composed sound track
wich Village the Chocolate Desperately Seeking threatened by terrorists in Black
page 33
music for Chinatown, Alien and
Sunday? Last Day of Pattn?
page 27 Factory Susan
page 35 Hanukkah Kirk Douglas" Birthday jedns etU Classes 2 ql0 po
Wa osp
What is the American title of Akira
page 8
15 18 19
,,,.....20 21
What was Roman Polanski's first Kurosawa's film relating the story What former TV cowboy played 16 17
feature? of Macbeth? the title role in 1951's The Thing?
w»»M 4ut RtuX pooM 1oauojqiL Montgomery Clift's Birthday ssaeuv seaumr

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 What current TV detective

The Jungle Man of Marble Superman The Falcon and the costarred in The Long Good
What film features the debuts of
Book page 19 Snowman Warren Beatty, Sandy Dennis and Frkiday?.
page 35 Phyllis Dillter?
9eweeS uOJ6U!Wedl
page 9 i Finals Begin Dennis Hopper's Birthday Steven Spietberg's Birthday S.AL 'uiusOi9 sOAd_ Finals End Jane Fonda's Birthday
a=SW sq4 uijopuaedS
Who composed soundtrack music
for Escape from New York and Who wrote the screenplay for 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Halloween? Superfly T.N.T.?

Beta Lugosi's Birthday Ijeuadaeo uqor jopejia Catherine Deneuve's Birthday Ae81Hxeiv United Nations Day Jackie
AND&ANN,_l AM-ft
_f AtdI
27 28 29 3U 31
Bedknobs and War Game The Innocents What famous film critic co- What bit player in The Last Detail
authored Beyond the Vlley of went on to Saturday Night Live
page 36
The title for A Raisin in the Sun
Fhe Atomic Cafe
page 20 Crypt
Tales from the

page 30
November Who played the title role in Klute? the Dol0?
puepetns PISUOQ
|yq3 Je oStj
Jeupeul epl! _
Sissy Spacek's Birthday
Christmas Day
Elisha Cook, Jr.'s Birthday
Richard Widmark's Birthday Marlene Dietrich's Birthday
talents to Wizards?

was taken from a poem composed In what Antonioni film does

Sunday Monday lesday S Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturd
by whom?
Richard Harris appear?
saquBnH uois6ue' i

Nighftmare on Elm S

Burt Lan ay
Last Day to P/NC Douglas
I 4 5
6 7 8

Beauty and the Colossus the Stalag 17 A Soldier's Story

Chitty Chitty
Beast Forbin Project and
Bang Bang
page 20 The Great
page 37
page 31
How does Alfred Hitchcock make
his appearance in Lifeboat? Tatum O'Neal's Birthday
pe auize6ew e Ul Election Day Sally Field's Birthday Katharine Hepbumrn's

10 11 12 13 14 15
The Many Adven- A Joke of Falasha: Exile of
tures of Winnie Destiny the Black Jews
the Pooh page 22 page 27
page 37
What song does Henry Fonda
did William Holden win his only sing to his mother in The Grapes In Death Race 2000, who plays
Oscar? of Wrath? Machine Gun Joe Viterbo?


Veterans Day A.iIeAJ eAIHHPe.. euolles jelseXAs

17 18 19 20
Oliver! The Fourth Man Baby
page 37 page 23

What was James Stewart's

guardian angel's name in It's a
Wonderful Life?
Mickey Mouse's Birthday eouaJeei

24 25 26 27
Dumbo Paris, Texas
page 38 page 24 AL PACING
What tune does Jerry Lewis' In what film did the late Michael What actor lost his head in
pocket watch play in the Nutty
What area is "home turf" for
The Warriors?
(TV's Hill Street Blues) Conrad
make his debut?
Hush... Hush, Sweet
sted to after each
..JeAeJoJ saditS pus sJesS,, PUelS(Aeuoo q6ia!MAAaeH
JOluetnbe U ujeo aonjg page of the Campus
whihi tfha mrnvia in
%101ll1Ill0 WiIl W WI VII
N IIIwIiIIiIw I qwI flwlly V IW I947

described in detail. Campus Cinema

guides can be picked upforfree at any
page 8 The Stony Brook Press COCA movie. .. . Alk
ucuoer i , 1Y9S page 9
_ _ C _ II. I _ L I I _
___ I
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Drink 'Till You're Green

Henry James College
presents its annual
St.Patrick's Day Party
-Thursday, October 17 at 10:00 p.m.-
-Unlimited Bud, Wine, and Soda-
-$2.00 Admission w/SBID-
-Proof of 19 yrs. for alcohol- The Press welcomes
SDrink 'till you drop you crazy nuts!
your opinions. Please
Science Fiction Forum mail or drop off all
Presents letters and viewpoints
SUPERMAN to the Press office,
"You'll believe a man can fly" room 020 Old Bio
starring Chris Reeve
Wed Oct 23 (Central Hall).
In The Union Auditorium
7, 9, &11 p.m.
.50¢ w/ID $1.00 w/o
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Attention All
Graduate Students

A Health Insurance survey is being

conducted by the Graduate Student
Organization and the Graduate Senate Meeting
Any graduate student who has not
recieved this survey in his/her campus Thursday, October 17
mailbox should contate the G.S.O. at
246-7756. Old Chemistry 132
We need a good response in order to All Grad
negotiate a better health insurance
policy for graduate students. students welcome.

_ -- -- p- ---- --I--- I -- -- ----- ,=

, •-, 3
Spage 0E The Stonv Rrtnak Prems
i - wv
-Viewpoint lwý

And Justice Is Done

by Ingrid Tarjan
Terrorism: "a term usuallyappliedto organizedacts As a law-abiding U.S. citizen, that is what rm supposed terrorism, but as freedom fighting. What is unique now is
or threatsof violence designedto intimidateopponents to believe (and with all the standard publicity given to the that we have the Soviet government relating with the
or to publicize grievences. It frequently involves bomb- issue, it's hard not to believe they're "freedom fighters".) It President's actions, to the point where Tass news agency
ing, kidnapping, airplane hijacking, the taking of seems to me however, that terrorism is also a demonstra- called the act "understandable and just.... The crimes of
hostages, and assasination.The term dates from the tion of power. It is considered potent when the act is terrorists no matter where they are committed must be
Reign of Terror(1793-1794) in the French Revolution successful and the terrorists' demands are met, and still punished most severly, and such severity must be shown
but has taken on additional meaning in the 20th potent, but to a lesser degree, when the act is unsuccessful unfailingly to all perpetrators of such crimes." Somewhere
century. Political terrorismmay be a partof a govern- in achieving its aim but is able to receive a lot of publicity. in the back of my mind I vaguely recall the Soviet Union
ment campaign-to eliminate the opposition, as under There are varying degrees of the effectiveness of terrorist being referred to as a government that uses terrorism to
Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, or it may be part of a acts, but the fact is that they continue to go on and there are achieve its ends (e.g. the invasion of Afghanistan.)
revolutionaryeffort to overthrow a regime, a common different ways of interpreting the implications of terrorist When people in such important governmental positions
tactic in guerilla warfare. Terrorism by radicals (of acts.
both the left and the right)and by nationalistsbecame
widespreadafter WWIH Groups that engage in terrorist
activity include a "provisional" wing of the Irish "What is unique now is that we have the Soviet Government
Republican Army; the Palestine LiberationOrganiza-
tion; and the Red Brigades of Italy."
relating with the President's actions, to the point where Tass news
agency called the act 'understandable and just...The crimes of
Last week our president"let actions do his talking" (NY'I terrorists no matter where they are committed must be punished
10/13/1985) in the Achille Lauro Affair. This was con-
sidered a victory for the Reagan administration. Reagan's most severely, and such severity must be shown unfailingly to all
message to terrorists everywhere was "you can run but you Sperpetrators of such crimes.' "
can't hide", (another big line for Reagan).
So what does this mean? The terrorists were captured
and they are to be tried in Italy, or maybe even this country The question that always comes up next is, whose side make such statements about justice, it is hard to believe
(if the extradition request is granted.) What Reagan wants are you on? I prefer to think Fm on the observing side, (is that they are blind to the contradiction. One only needs to
"is justice done". If he really means this, why not bring the that because it's the easiest, or the safest?- although now it look at the history of both the U.S. and the Soviet Union to
case to the International World Court? Oh yes, the U.S. is looks like nobody is safe anymore.) What hurts is observing see the numerous acts of terrorism committed by both
no longer a member of the World Court. As I see it there is a contradictions. Granted contradictions exist everywhere, countries, which in each perspective were justified. What
discrepancy in his interpretation of justice. Right now the but the fact that they existdoesn't mean they are right, and about the biggest of all? Isn't the arms race the most
U.S. looks strong again, as it did when it moved into therefore a good thing. Terrorism is a perfect example of pernicious form of terrorism? No one doubts the power
Greneda. The Reagan administration wants "justice done,' this. Whoever is the victim of a terrorist knows that it is a behind those who have the arms. As we go on day in and day
and believes that these heinous acts of terrorism cannol terrible thing, nevertheless it is understood that we live in a out, however, we hardly ever think that we too are victims of
and will not be tolerated. But I ask myself, wasn't the mining world where criminal acts are committed every day, they terrorism. In an "Age of Fanatics" (to quote James Reston,
of the Nicaraguan harbor a heinous act? What about the are lived with but never accepted as a good thing. But NYT 10/13/1985) "no individual or state is secure." I just
Contras, haven'ttheycommitted heinous acts of terrorism? consider the violence of a terrorist act which is justified wonder who are the fanatics and the freedom fighters...
Oh I forgot, the Contras are the "moral equivalent of oui when a certain perspective is taken. There are ways to woops, I mean terrorists.
founding fathers", they're "freedom fighters". circumscribe the contradiction if terrorism is not seen as

^I / f
- Viewpoint

Unfit To Print
By Mitchel Cohen
"Trees cause most of our pollution." And so international Our air and water are filled not only with plutonium and
On August 6th, the 40th anniversary of the U.S. those chemical
government's explosion of a nuclear bomb over Hiroshima, lumber and development companies, operating in Brazil, other nuclear-related carcinogens, but also
away at the world's wastes generated by privately-owned factories. It is not
the Soviet Union announced that it was unilaterally are, at this very moment, chopping
and most important rain-forest which produceE only apparent in the "accidents" (that seem to occur more
suspending all nuclear tests and urged the U.S. to do largest
much of the world's, Oxygen. ýand more frequently), the "spills", the "train wrecks" and
likewise. This announcement was reported in most of the
Not to fear! The recent high levels of plutonium dis- 'truck crashes" carrying hazardous chemicals in the Union
nation's press and was, in general, well-received as an
important step towards limiting the nuclear arms race.
What has gone completely unreported in the U.S. press
- indeed, one might say it was completely censored out -
was that on Saturday, August 17th, the United States we stomp our wa)
y towards the voting booths like
exploded a 20 kiloton nuclear bomb 330 meters under- " uu w y,su
ground, inNevada, thusdeclaring, byexample, itsrefusalto little piggies to the slaughtelr, encouraged on all fronts to
join with the Soviet Union in curtailing the testing and involve OU elves m
ourselves Spect acle of maintaining our oppres-
in the spect
development of nuclear weapons.
The U.S. press, as ve already stated, blanked it out. I sion through the illusion of democracy, by choosing which
learned of this test from friends who listen, on short wave
strategy we wish to be opresed by."
radios, to news broadcasts from around the world. Theruling-class
explosion was reported by Japanese scientists, and by
those in the Soviet Union and Europe. The Mayor of covered in New York City's once-crystal clean drinkingg Carbide communities of our nation. No, for us Bhopal is
water are sure to kill us off in cancer epidemics long beforee every day, in small incremental ways, so steady, so small
Hiroshima, in an anguish-filled letter toPresident Reagan, that we attribute such capitalist-made deaths to Nature.
denounced the U.S.'s breaking of what might have become we suffocate from lack of Oxygen.
"There's nothing we can do about it, it's just the price we
an important step towards world peace. We've called the We are always told that"national issues" have no place ina
have to pay for civilization"
Center for Defense Information in Washington D.C., which "local" campaigns, as if plutonium in our drinking water iss
unrelated to nuclear power plants and nuclear weaponss It's time we began to see all of this differently. Sub-
confirmed their"awareness" ofsuchatest Andyet,nothingin
testing. You'd think that Carol Bellamy, or Ed Koch, oir jugation takes a very overt racial form in South Africa. It is
the U.S. press.
Denny Farrell, running for Mayor of New York City, mighlt kept in place by governments and corporations that
We called CBS TV and radio news. The reporters we
bring up the question: "How did plutonium get in our economically profit from such racial slavery. But that
spoke to were enthusiastic about following up on the story.
drinking water?" (You also might wonder why these threee doesn't mean that because racial slavery is no longer a legal
One of us even met with Charles Osgood, of the Sunday
receive all the publicity, when there are actually six can - circumstance in the U.S, we are not subjugated as well. In
night TV news. Every reporter we spoke with about this
unreported event was interested in pursuing this story. Yet
they were apparently vetoed at higher levels of media-dom.
I would guess, based on past experience, that the U.S.
- government has "asked" the domestic media to censor "There can be no real secur ity until there is real democracy;
and there can be no real dem.
world canknow what's going on; but for such information to and there can be no real dem4ocracy until all the institutions of
-beput in the hands of the American people might prove too our society, everything that tc ouches on our daily lives, all the
-dangerous for those inpower. As has been often stated: The factories, labor, schools, med ia, amd government are owned,
free press is free for whoever can afford to own one.
This Friday, the U.S. military will shoot down its first controlled, and decided upon Iby the people - workers, farmers,
satellite as a "test" of some of its Star Wars equipment I, students, unemployed - and not Iby those who own them today."
for one, can hardly wait for the development of the X-ray
lasers the U.S. plans to deploy on "killer satellites." X-ray
llasers - still on the drawing boards - are an integral part didates competing in the same primary). But NO! "National fact, the very same multi-national banks and corporaltions
of the Star Wars technology. X-ray lasers are produced only Issues": nuclear missiles in our harbours; nuclear reactors profitting from the form of subjugation that exists in S outh
nuclear explosions and, as Tom Wicker reports in The surrounding our cities; muclear testing and the violation of Africa, profit from the other forms that exist here.
1New York Times, (Sept 9,1985) their development refutes testing moratoriums; chopping down rain forests; corporate Don't expect to read about any of this in the news. The
the claim that Star Wars will be "non-nuclear." investments in South Africa; U.S. intervention in Central New York Times' slogan "All the news that's fit to p:rint"
may seem well and good, but how is it decided which "n ews"
is "fit to print" and which news to leave out? And who
the deciding? In the past few weeks alone there are so nany
examples of distorted stories, as well as crucial news t]hat's
"But No! 'National Issues': nuclear missiles in our harbors; left out altogerher, that even the most gullible amounig us
must feel a bit uneasy about the censorship taking pla
ce in
nuclearreactors surrounding our cities; nuclear testing and the thenameof"nationasecurity".
violations of testing moratoriums; chopping down rain forests; world
Do youfeelmoresecurenotknowing, whilemoratoriu
knows that the U.S. broke the test the restofthe
mn of
corporate investments in South Africa; U.S. intervention in nuclearweapons? Do you feel that it's somehat dist ored
Central America, all are assiduously avoided like the plague in (to use the least loaded word I can think of) when, with
'local' elections; those candidates who do bring them up are Af edsandwith thousands of others being whipped outh
shut out by the media." brutalized, that for some time the main headlines and
concerns of the major papers were: "Black South Afi rican
mob kills Black collaborator", or "Blacks invade wvhite
Why do I look forward to their development? Remember America, all are assiduously avoided like the plague in neighborhoods for first time"? m noteven going to get into
a few months ago when a whole group of schoolkids were "local" elections. Those candidates who do bring them up the outright lies about Central America here, and abou tthe
arrested in the New York area? The FBI found that the kids are shutout by the media. And yet, it is we who will be blown U.S. war against Nicaragua, which I've written abouit on
had been "moving around" U.S. satellites with their personal up should a nuclear missile explode in our harbour. It is we many occasions.
computers and various readily-accessible micro-wave who are exposed toradiation from nuclear power plants and Again, do your feel more secure not knowing, while
antennas! These kids were doing it "just for the fun of it". I nuclear missile tests in our air and in our water; it is we who .rest of the world knows- and is acting upon their knowle
can hardly wait for one of the "killer satellites" - which in will suffer from the shortage of Oxygen and the destruction How come all these things are happening, and the we
some ways will be more accessible than in-ground missiles of the ozone layer (which will lead to a heating up of the the ones payingthe price? Whenwas the lasttime you v
- to be re-aimed by some high-schoolers at the White
planet, the melting of the polar ice-caps and floods, higher for the cancer-rate to skyrocket, for plutonium in
House and the Pentagon. ZAP! X-ray lasers coming home levelsofcancer-causingultra-violetradiationnowscreened drinking water, for Ford Pintos to explode upon im
to roost. "Gee, how'd that hole in the Pentagon get there. out by the ozone layer, and busting up of the chain-of-life) from the rear, for companies in r community to pact
Damn Kids! What's the matter with youth today?!" that tearing down the rain forests will cause; it is we who millions in profits from racial slavery? The last po reap
1 on
Interesting that after one day of relatively intense press allow corporations to function in our communities, while at nuclear weapons that I saw declared that 80% of the
coverage, that story, too, suddenly disappeared from the
the same time profitting from the racial slavery in South population supported a nuclear freeze. so why, when
papers. "But 1984 was supposed to be last year!" Africa; and, it is we who pay - with our money, and was declared by the Soviet Union 4 weeks ago, did the
Ronald Reagan has said: "An anti-satellite treaty isnotin
eventually our lives - for the U.S. government's butchery government violate it 1% weeks later? And how com
e we
the interest of the United States." Then again, Reagan has in Central America and its propping up of dictators and never were told about it by our "free" press, by our "f
said a lot of stupid things. I remember only too well his:, thugs around the world. .government, by our "democratic" legislators?

page 12 The Stony Brook Press

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Student: $13 Res. $11 Gen. Ad.
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-- Sports Pixt contact" There is a higher level of skill that becomes engrained in its players
in their sport.
which is needed, and more raw athleticism. they progress up the ranks

"Ultimate Kizilbash charecterized tournament play as Some even convey an

"sprinting for a weekend."
Competetion is tough, he continued:"
more laid

it's a
attitude of seek and
reiterated "Ultimate is
gentleman's game."
mouth the praises of fair
but it's not macho or jock,... it's more laid Though
by Neal Drobenare puts them into
to do as soon as he does," admitted back." Though the sport does attract some play in public, Ultimate
Since August of 1984, when the first going "deadheads," most of the people that come practice on the playing field. "'Thereare no
World Frisbee championship was held in Kizilbash. make the call
The teams greatest weakness, Kizilbash out to play the disc sport are real com- officials," Yip said, "You
the Rose Bowl Ameuteur and Collegiate petetors that take it seriously. "It's just as your-self." Pointing out how peer preasure
confided was the lack of extra players to sub of any reg-
competition in "Ultimate", the major disc competitive as any other sport, he main- is the most stringern enforcer
into the game, " we don't have a second ulation, he continued "if you don't follow
sport has expanded tremendously. The tained
string. Lack of interest is not the reason
Stony Brook squad, now entering into its
why we don't have a large team, its that you Ultimate differs from many of thje other the rules you're not respected by your
fourth year, has always been competitive.
have to sacrifice a lot to play."- Both cap- sports practiced in colleges today in the peers... if you don't follow the rules it's not
Founded in 1981 by then freshpersons type of competetion it teaches its players. Ultimate."
tains noted that they and many of their
Mike Kizilbash and Ivan Yip, the team Many sports have a "win at any cost" ethos
vetran players had to have planned their
.managed to finish third in its section in its
scheduals around practices, and they com- I
first year. They also established a winning
pete in ultimate tournaments "nearly every
tradition early and went on to place second
in the North-East region last year. "We lost
out to U. Mass at Amherst," lamented team
weekend" during the two seasons.
As in all other club sports, Ultimate
players have to foot most of the bill for
SB Ruggers On A Roll
co-captain Yip, "but they went on to first by Sam Clemens
competing. It costs $25 to attend a tour- Stony Brook re-grouped and retaliated
place nationally." The Sony Brook Rugby team continued
nament, which is usually composed of six
Stony Brook's number two berth in the their winning streak this week by defeating with a penalty kick of their own to end the
on to games played over two days. The cost
region allowed the Frisbee Team to go Fairfield University 9-3 in a division II game's scoring at 9-3.
covers transportation and meals; expenses
compete in the National Championships match. The win lifted Sony Brook's record "It was a very tough game," said inside
which are fully covered on an N.C.AA.
where they gained a number five ranking. to 5-0, keeping them in first place in their center, Mike Mckay. "'If not for the strong
the team has to face team. In noting that Polity pays for both
The competition that division. - play of our forwards we might not have
those expenses for N.C.A.A. teams, Yip
on its climb to the top included many of the The match was Stony Brook's toughest pulled this one off. Sean Mulroy and Al
Yip claimed. He added that Polity had denied the Ultimate
toughest squads around, yet, and if not for their incredibly strong Hirschman had outstanding games."
teams budget requests routinely. "Polity's
added, "The North-East is the hardest defensive play they may have been handed Hirschman, when asked what he thought
is well estab- Programs and Services Council gave us
section (to win in). Ultimate their first defeat since last Easter. Both of his team's performance, commented,
once, and that only covered the cost
lished in New York and Boston, especially money teams were held scoreless until late in the "Today's game proved to be a fantastic
co-captain of a few frisbees," Yip explained. It was not
at the Ivy League schools." His first half, when Stony Brook's Mike Mackay team effort."
Polity that was inconsiderate, "Mike
Mike Kizilbash agreed,. "The top five just (Kizililbash) asked for a permanent mail took a John Creen pass in for a 30-yard The B- side team lost a close match to the
nationally ranked teams are all from the
Regions." box and the athletic department flat out scoring run. Mike Cash, playing with a Fairfield Bs, but especially good perform-
North East and Mid-Atlantic
refused." Its not so much that we want to be pulled hamstring in his kicking leg, added ances were given by John Reinhart, Al
This year's top three teams, U. Mass at the conversion kick to make it 6-0 ending Troiano, and Kevin "Bam-Bam" Mackay.
and M.I.T., are all from given these things, but that we want some
Amherst, Cornell, Stony Brook will be home this Saturday
actual recognition." the first halfs scoring.
the North-East.
sports in that Recognition on campus or no, Ultimate In the second half, Fairfield, taking ad- against Manhattanville, another division
Ultimate is unlike many
is a game with some "snob" vantage of the wind at their backs, put opponent. The field is located at the corner
there are two official seasons of play. "In the like Rugby
appeal Yip maintains that "few people continuous pressure on the Stony Brook of Stony Brook Rd. and Oxhead Rd. (near
fall college teams and (independent adult)
Kizilbash explained, play this (sport)," so those that do are "part backs. They quickly cut Stony Brook's lead South P-lot). Spectators and new players
clubs play together,"
of an elite." Agreeing with his analysis, by three points with a penalty kick early in are always welcome. For information call
"in the spring they are separated. The fall 751-3565: Ask for Mike. Or come to prac-
practice season for the col- Kizilbash noted that most of the serious the half.
season is our Stice Tues/Thurs I I L samerI field).
at 5:00 (at the
legiate competition." players are from the ivy league schools IIII I II I

The team has 10 -12 solid members tx3 where the sport has taken a firm hold.
Bowling T earnm Wins

Yip. Most of the tean a league play has been the impetus for many
start the season, said
is composed of veteran players whos(e sports goingnational, footballbeing a prime by Julie Lieberman
personalstyles "flowed together". This wa s example. St. Johns University in. a tight match. Joe
Stony Brook Bowling is back! Although
due to practice more than anything else. Ultimate is a different type of game, that
s attracts a "different type of person," Yip Risley kept up the scoring pace by shooting
they started out the year slowly by trying to
After playing together for three years, it':
said. "It's not as physical as other games, 625 while Tony Dellicano anchored the
bowl the same weekend that Gloria stormed
possible "to know what your teammate its team well with a 234-626 series. Stony
.through Long Island, the Stony Brook
even basketball which is suposed to be non-
Team has been blowing up a storm since.
Brook took 12 points from St. Johns, thus
-- m
showing that they are viable contenders for
The second weekend of bowling saw Stony
this season.
Brook beat Bergen Community by winning
Next week the conference will be at
20 out of 26, thus putting them in sixth
*~oenin a nat inany ranKea 1ookLms
piace1_- bowler City in Hackensack, where Stony
place oenhia a natio
* ~University. Brook will be trying to move up into the
Att ntion This past week sa
Iw Stony Brook versus higher ranks. Wish them luck and Happy
· m
I a I r

All P lltrl7 rfl.iih.

I '

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page 14 The Stony Brook Press

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Equestrian Competition
responsible for running the region for the "The competition on the college level s.:a Having more members doesn't mean you
By Neal Droenare
On any other campus it would be a scandaL International Horse Show Association. lot less cut-throat than professional com- have people to get points with. Before each
Coach George Lukmire has guided the Johnston takes on almost all of the res- petition," Umphred added. "You see the .show the coaches from each team are re-
ponsibilites that fall on the President Club same people at every meet, you really get to quired to designate eight riders whose scores
Stony Brook Equestrian team to two
of the region. know them." will count toward the team's total standing.
National Championships over the past
Unlike many other sports, horse riding Riding has a long traditionas a"gentleman's Lukmire doesn't have a book of training
several years, yet despite this performance,
doesn't pit one team against another in a sport". "The most that ever happens," rules that absolutely must be followed, and
he has never been named "Coach of the
head to head contest but rather places all Umphred said, "is for someone to cut you practices are not mandatory. "Good riders
Year". His lack of recognition seems to
the teams in a region in contention at the off or to block the judge's view of you, but will practice a few times during the week,"
parallel the team's lack of recognition, but
same time. In one of the longest inter- that's very rare". The traditionsof the sport said Umphred and those riders who take
doesn't deter Lukmire from consistently
collegiate seasons, each team competes in make it very east to get to know the op- competition seriously will show up to the
putting out his best efforts. In addition to its
10 horse shows from September until May, postion, and the host team is required to team practices on Saturdays. "You don't
national titles, the team has captured the
when the Nationals are held. These shows throw a party after the show. have to come. There is no penalty or training
Regional Championship seven years under
Sare hosted in turn by each school in the Collegiate competition is inherently more rules like football," she said, adding "but
the leadership of Lukmire.
I region. fair than professional riding. In standard then again you don't have to a point rider
Team captain Beth Umphred credits the
Stony Brook is opening this season by shows each entrant brings her own mount, either."
coaching staff above all else for the team's
holding the first show on Sept 29th at the best mount has a decided advantage Though many riders like Umphred have
success. "Lukmire," she said,is "the sort of
Smoke Run Farms in Stony Brook village. over its rivals. College competition also ridden years before they came to Stony
guy you just want to go out and win for". "
Brook, and have even owned horses, ex-
iUmphred has been working "since the differs by including an equalizer", no entrant
Lukmire, who is Chief of thelocal Volunteer
summer" to insure the success of the show. is permitted to bring her own horse. The perience is not a requirement for joining the
Fire Department and an assistant professor
The credit given to student officers in a hosting school provides all the mounts Equestrian team. "Beginners are welcomed"
in the Physical Education department, in
team's success is one of the major differences which are distributed to the riders by lottery. is displayed prominently on the club's recent
addition to his coaching duties, is not known
between club and NCAA sports. "Next to our coaches, our size is our recruitment flyer. No one is "cut" on this
for running a team on U.S. Marine Corps
"We don't race our horses," maintained )iggest advantage," said Umphred. At the National ranking team, only the best riders
principles. "He's a good natured guy,"
Umphred, "the competition is on horse- Riding Club's first meeting of the year 50 are given the "point positions". Everyone is
explains Umphred, "he always has some-
thing good to say". ananship style and control". The compet- students signed up as members. Though invited to ride at the shows, and even those
ition is categorized by different divisions. his was the team's largest meeting in a that don't want to compete are welcomed.
Joan Johnston, the team's other coach is to learn to ride,"
The Novice division is for beginners and for iumber of years, Umphred maintained that "The club is a good place
saddled with most of the administrative
advanced walk-trot riders, with the Advanced he Stony Brook club has been consistently said Umphred.
duties of the team that the club officer's
division serving for the walk-trot canter arger than most of its competitors in the In a school not known for its sports
don't handle. Team members contend that programs, membership in the Riding Club
riders. Jumping, the division that profes- .-egion.
she is "invaluable". This is Stony Brook's
sional equestrian competition is known for, A team wins a show by accumulating the lets you "be part of a winning team".
last year in its term as President Club for its
is also included on the collegiate level. Imost points in each individual division.
region. With that designation, the team is

Neil Young
continued from page 16

But the kind the working cowboy

really needs.
Read Misfits is a curious song, probably the
most interesting on the album. In it, Young
GET YOUR The juxtaposes images of space shuttle astro-

PROFESSIONAL START nauts, an aging prostitute and a lone cowboy

rider. Young portrays the astronauts as

AT CHEMICAL BANK Press "...relaxing before the video screen." And

about the rider Young sings:

What better way to get world class There's a lone red rider
experience while you are still in school On the road today
than by working for one of the Nation's And though his war is over
He' fghin- onanwa..
leading banks? He's fighting on anyway...
He rides with no companion
Chemical Bank offers you the opportunity But saloon and rodeo.
to gain solid banking experience in a Are you denying
variety of part time positions with yourself Leave it to Neil Young to write not about
schedules that may fit yours. These cowboys and Indians, but a cowboy who is
positions are located at our Jericho, L.I.
Operations Center or at one of Chemical's
a bettershot an Indian. In this song Young seems to
lament the plight of the native American
many neighborhood branches. at grad school? living in a foreign society on his own soil.
In addition to an excellent salary ano Okay, it may be too late to This is a theme Young has touched on
professional work environment, a work get a 4.0. But its not too late to before in the poignant song Pocahontas.
schedule of 20 or more hours per week will try to do better on your LSAT, 'erhaps the song is a criticism of America's
make you eligible for: GMAT, GRE, or MCAT. For that, -'pendingmillions of dollars for people to
there's Stanley H. Kaplan. watch television in space while we neglect
* Medical/Dental/Life Insurance and No one has prepped more the social problems here on earth.
Other Coverages students than Stanley H. One of the best songs is Bound for Glory.
* Paid Vacation Kaplan. Our test-taking tech- Waylon Jennings shares the vocals with
* Free checking and discounts on niques and educational
Young on this track. The song tells a story
banking services programs have prepared
about a disillusioned truck driver who is
* A wide variety of discounted over 1 million students.
So whatever grad school searching for something to free him from
employee activities. exam youre taking, call us. the empty life he is living. Jennings sings,
Remember, the person next to "He had everything he wanted/ Til it all
Find out more about how you can get your you during your exam might turned out to be a job." The truck driver
professional start and gain impressive have taken a Kaplan cheats on his wife with a hitchhiker he picks
credentials for your resume by calling course. g up in his truck one night But Young ex-
(516) 937-4391, or by applying in person poses his futile attempt to rejuvenate his
Monday - Wednesday, from 9am to 11am. life when he writes, "when that (sun) hit the
Human Resources, 200 Jericho Quad (exit blanket/ They were looking for love at second
40 LIE, Jericho Tnpk), Jericho, N.Y. An H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD.
STANLEY sight"
equal opportunity employer M/F. With Old Ways, Neil Young once again
The worids leading
demonstrates his willingness to take chances
test prep organization.
and try something new and different It's

I-, I For information, visit or call our
refreshing to see a talented artist who doesn't
have to rely on various gimmicks and visual
"images" to be successful Young has always
centers in Huntington (421-2690) tried to be innovative, instead of sitting .
and Garden City (248-1134). back on past glories. Many of today's artists
--------------------------------. - ii L ,,'** * 1-','-
4,,ould lea lro lO
!,3 "- f -.
^- .. t •r 1 ao^ ,,.ow , 1
- _-- I I I · I I · I milili
A Step Above
R.E.M. - Live And On Disc
by Paul Yeats Cascading over Stipes lazy or innovative
Dreams like music, music like dreams, vocals (your choice), tight as night yet still
permeate their way into unconsciousness near collapsing any second like so many
- fold melt drip and bend separate ele- houses of cards, solid rock redeems all and
ments into one cohesive piece all the while places R.E.M. at the top.
solidifying their individual aspects. Two Stepping forward from the Velvet Under-
seemingly contradictory factors can be ground, the Byrds, and even CCR, the
placed together and, astonishingly assume music rips lightening with nostalgic punk
a pure whole. Rapid eye movement, the edges and aloof modernity. Peter Bucks
deep dream state which results in rest, spinning in the corner of the vast stage
evidences this when the mind's unconscious dropping opening four notes of "Feeling
abilities reveal and suggest impressions Gravity's Pull" like hell while Bill Berry's
leaving individual pictures plus entire vis- pounding celebrated rhythms from substan-
ions. tial drum kit. Segueing from one song into
In concert at grand old Radio City Music another covering Reckoning and Murmur,
Hall, R.E.M., Georgia's favorite sons, did they delivered good songs precisely and
the same thing even though the claim they embellished the few weaker songs with
don't mean to. Churning out hypnotizing volume and zeal.
music staying well-hidden under a dark One notable difference between RE.M.'s
inscrutable shawl particulars slid and came first two albums and the latest is a harder
together in the midst of their uniqueness to sound. The re-mixed acustic-electrics have
leave only a blur. Like on their latest album, been dropped in favor of the sharper metal
Fables of the Reconstruction, everything sounds and low-down harmonizing. Trans-
is indistinguishable but nonetheless man- itions in subject are difficult to detect
ages to maintain certain indentifiable but Fables is a bleaker stance than before.
features. Michael Stipe intones/mumbles/ Screams from a far-off place declaring...
hums words in front of and mixed with a can't say for sure, but something on the
deeply rich melodic bass drums and guitar. obtuse side. That's why it would be nice to
Only an occasional phrase is decipherable. know. The a capella "Blue Moon" was a
The band doesn't want to divorce the words highlight not so much for vocal dexterity but
from the music. The thing together is the refreshingly clear pronunciation.
main point. Separation would only demin- So this young band knocks out another
ishthe strength of the combinations impact. worthwhile album and an impressive per-
This is emphasized on stage where there are formance strictly playing their own rules.
only browns, yellows and blues that shooot Alternatively brilliant and frustrating, RE.M.
up from the floor, or some ancient earth thing for certain about what they're singing. It's disappointing because there is the pos- looms on the horizon verging on some kind
power, to dimly present the musicians. No Facts and indentities remain hidden. The sibility that there could really be some of breakthrough insisting that people take
focus on any member, they are unified like inkling arises that maybe this is just a very interesting culture happening here. I mean, them as a whole, something perceived in a
their music and words. conceived design employed to capture they did go to college. But the music by its haunted dream-state beyond mere com-
Suggestion is the medium. The pervasive those gullible for images. The hook, or passionate self destroys this inclination. promising; comprehensible mostly in the
shadows make it impossible to know any- catch, like fire-breathing and spitting blood. Too real, mean, rooted to be a gimmick. gut and sometimes great there too.
_______ · . r

Cowboy Boots
Neil Young's Old Ways
By Dan Sarluca facet of Young's talent, that of a guitar
Some people may be surprised to hear that strumming country cowboy. Even though
Neil Young is a real cowboy. His latest there are two or three mediocre songs on it,
album, Old Ways is an honest to goodness the album has several excellent tracks.
country music album with lots of fiddles, Get Back to the Country is an upbeat song
pedal steel guitars and even true country featuring Rufus Thibodeaux's fiddling. The
singers like Willie Nelson and Waylon song is a celebration of country music. In it
Jennings. Young has been pleasantly (usually) Young affirms the strong influence country
surprising me since I first saw him perform music has had on him. He sings:
six or seven years ago. At the time, I didn't
know his work very well and expected a When I was a younger man
mellow, folksy type of performer who sings Got lucky with a rock n roll band
songs like Old Man and Heart of Gold. The Struck gold in Hollywood
first set was excellent as Young performed All that time I knew I would
the type of music I expected. The he came Get back to the country
back out with his band, Crazy Horse, and
these humongous amplifiers and played Are There Any More Real Cowboys? feat-
piercing rock and roll. From that day on I ures Willie Nelson singing and playing
learned not to try to anticipate what his next guitar along with Young. This is a song
move would be. about hard working ranchers and farmers
Accordingly, Old Ways is not the album who Young calls "working cowboys." He
you would expect after the computerized makes it clear he is not referring to the slick,
music of Trans and the fifties rock of flashy cowboys, but common people with
Everybody's Rockin'. Although many of' families to support. Young and Nelson
Young's past softer mellow songs are sing:
heavily influenced by country music, I just
don't associate him with Nashville even Well I hope that working cowboys
though this isn't the first time he has worked never dies.
with country musicians. Not one that's snortin' cocaine
On the Comes a Time and Hawks and When the honky tonks all close.
Doves albums Young played with Thibo- But the one that prays for more
deaux and other country performers, yet rain...
Old Ways is definitely something new for (He knows) the money the
Young. Even though I don't consider myself clothes
a country music fan, the more I listen to this Not the diamond sequins shining
albi m the more I like it. It reveals a new on TV
continued on page 15

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