Saint Francis Borgia Church: Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles June 29, 2014

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8033 W. Addison St.

Chicago, IL 60634 773-625-1118
Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles June 29, 2014
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday: 7:15 & 8:30am in Chapel
Saturday: 8:00am in Chapel, 5:00pm in Church
Sunday: 7:30, 10:30am & Noon in Church
Polish Sunday Mass: 9:00am, 1:30pm, 6:00pm in Church
Signed Sunday Mass: 10:30am in Chapel
Saturdays: 4:00 - 4:45pm in Church
Monday - Friday: after 7:15 & 8:30am Masses
or by appointment - call 773-625-1118

Human Care Services: call rectory
- Anyone in need of sacraments
at home or in the hospital
- Bereavement Ministry
- Respect Life Group
New Parishioners -
Welcome to Our Parish!
Call or visit the rectory to register
Call the rectory to make an appointment with a priest
at least 6 months before the wedding & always before booking
the reception
Baptism of Children
Sunday of each month at 10:30am
Call the rectory for more information
Baptism in Polish - 4
Sunday of each month
at the 1:30pm Mass
Catholic Converts & Baptism of Adults (RCIA)
Phone the Religious Education Office
at 773-625-1705

Saturday, June 28, 2014
The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:00 Dolores Schmugge
Roman Dyrcz
5:00 Pamela Heider
Dorothy Schultz
Dolores Schmugge
Sunday, June 29, 2014 -
Saints Peter and Paul
7:30 Tom Flood
Peter Esposito
Andrew Carsello
Paul Glanski
John & Helen Jaworski
9:00 O Boze Blog. i Opieke Marii synowi Pawlowi z okazji
O opatrznosc Boza i zdrowie dla Marii i Romana Woga
przez wstawiennictwo Matki Bozej Strzeleckiej, prosba
o zdrowie i Boze Blog. dla corki Pauliny z okazji
O milosierdzie Boze dla Moniki i jej rodziny
Jan Witkowski
Michal Pienczykowski w 10 rocz. smierci
Wladyslawa Witkowska
Helena i Stanislaw Moskal
Jan Myrda
Eugeniusz Krzysica
Mieczyslaw Bryja
Ewa Kotarba
Janina Roginski w piata rocznice smierci
Zofia i Jan; Wladyslawa i Kazimierz Kozlak
Janina Niemiec
Zdzislaw Perek w 2 rocz. smierci
10:30 Lillian Millfrieo
12:00 Gaetano Urbanio
Vincent Fagiolo
1:30 O Boze Blog. dla Sylwii i Grzegorza z okazji zawarcia
Sakramentu Malzenstwa
Roman Dyrcz
6:00 Za wszystkich zmarlych
Monday, June 30, 2014
7:15 Alfred Castelvecchi
Dolores Schmugge
8:30 Roman Dyrcz
Victoria & Stefan Skoczynski
Delores Montedore, John Montedore, Mike Mercurio,
Mary Mercurio
Joe Gorham

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
7:15 Most Forgotten Souls in Purgatory
8:30 Vincent Walenga
Roman Dyrcz
Delores Montedore, John Montedore, Mike Mercurio,
Mary Mercurio
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
7:15 Walter Kmiecik
8:30 Roman Dyrcz
Delores Montedore, John Montedore, Mike Mercurio,
Mary Mercurio
Lillian Mihlfried
Thursday, July 3, 2014 - St. Thomas
7:15 Michael Maggio
8:30 Health & Blessings for Mary Coyne
Roman Dyrcz
Delores Montedore, John Montedore, Mike Mercurio,
Mary Mercurio
Friday, July 4, 2014 - Independence Day
9:00 Lucy Chlopek
Roman Dyrcz
Saturday, July 5, 2014
8:00 Roman Dyrcz
5:00 Vincenza Vitale
Helen L. & Louis Trifilio Sr.
6:15 Z okazji urodzin i imienin dla Dominiki z
podziekowaniem za otrzymane laski i z prosba o
dalsza opieke
Sunday, July 6, 2014 -
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 William Pestka
Patricia Guida
Alfred Castelvecchi
Joseph Castelvecchi
9:00 O milosierdzie Boze dla Moniki i jej rodziny
W 4 rocz. smierci - Panie okaz mu milosierdzie wedlug
ufnosci i nadzieji jaka w Tobie polozyl
Edward, Jozef i Jozefa Dobija
Ewa Kotarba
Krzysztof i Jozef Motyka
10:30 Giuseppe & Onelia Settefrati
George Paris
Francesca Ventimiglia
Lillian Millfried
12:00 Birthday Blessigns for Anna & Rafal
Rosso Maria Rosaria
1:30 Roman Dyrcz
6:00 Za wszystkich zmarlych
Mass Int ent i ons
New Parishioners Are Invited to Register Forma Rejestracyjna

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Last name of registrants / Nazwisko First name/ Imi Date of Birth

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Name of spouse / Imi maonka Date of Birth Names of children/ Dzieci Dates of Birth

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Address/ Adres City, State, Zip/ Miasto, Stan, Zip

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Home phone number/ Numer telefonu Alternate phone number/ Numer telefonu
I am: Married Single Widowed Divorced Separated

School News
This Week At St. Francis Borgia School
Week of June 30, 2014
School Office closed the week of June 30 - July 4;
will reopen Tuesday, July 8.
Italian Catholic Confederation
For any questions regarding the ICF at St. Francis
Borgia, contact Teresa Helfand at 773-763-0507.
Attention Parishioners
The Parish Pastoral
Council is seeking new Coun-
cil members for the 2014/2017
term. After prayerful consider-
ation, please recommend your-
self or someone you feel
would be good representative
to serve the Parish well as a
Council member. 773-625-
Respect Life
Imagine a person who receives Communion, accepts the Host when the priest says, "The Body of Christ," says
"Amen," and then breaks off a piece, hands it back, and says, "Except this piece, Father!" This is what the person who
rejects other people may as well do. In receiving Christ, we are to receive the whole Christ, in all his members, our
brothers and sisters, whether convenient or inconvenient, wanted or unwanted, born or unborn. As St. John remarks,
Christ was to die "to gather into one all the scattered children of God." Sin scatters. Christ unites. The word "diabolical"
means "to split asunder." Christ came "to destroy the works of the devil" (1Jn.3:8). The Eucharist builds up the human
family in Christ who says, "Come to me, feed on My Body, become My Body." Abortion, in a reverse dynamic, says,
"Go away! We have no room for you, no time for you, no desire for you, no responsibility for you. Get out of our way!"
Abortion attacks the unity of the human family by splitting asunder the most fundamental relationship between any two
persons: mother and child. The Eucharist, as a Sacrament of Unity, reverses the dynamic of abortion.
From the Pastors Desk
I want to thank all those who participated at our Corpus Christi Mass and Procession last Sunday. A special thank
you to those who helped us to organize this celebration and built 4 outside altars for a procession. It was a great
manifestation of unity, and our belief in the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Congratulations to Cecilia Brieske, Robert L. Brieske, Antonia DeCaro, Esther M. delaTorre, Lisa J. Sparacio,
and Ruthanne Swiatkowski who are newly trained Ministers of Consolation at St. Francis Borgia Parish. Through their
ministry, the parish makes it known to the grieving that they do not walk alone in their loss and grief journey. We will
recognize them at the 12:00pm Mass on Sunday, June 29. During the Mass, they will receive their certificates of
completion, their Ministry of Consolation lapel pins, and a special blessing.
On behalf of the Italian Catholic Federation, we invite you to the Padre Pio celebration on Sunday, June 29 at
3:30pm. There will be a procession following the Mass and the reception in the Stokes Center.
The roof renovation project is officially approved by the Archdiocese and scheduled to begin as the weather will
allow. If the weather conditions are favorable, the project should be completed within a month. We remind you about
fulfilling your commitments for the To Teach Who Christ is Campaign because the funds from the Campaign are being
used to cover the roof renovation expenses.

Fr. Rich
Religious Education
The St. Francis Borgia Religious Education Progam is accepting registration for the 2014-2015
school year on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the RE Office,
Schoolroom 101, or by appointment. The tuition is $250 for 1 child and $300 for 2 or more children
per family plus a $50 registration fee per child which covers books and supplies. Classes meet weekly
during the school year; Grades 1-5 meet on Saturday mornings from 9:00-10:30 a.m. and Grades 6-8 on
Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The registration fee after August 1, 2014, will increase to $75
per child. Registration forms are available in the RE Office, Rectory and in the church. The registration form/payment
may be mailed, brought to the Religious Education or Rectory Office, or put in the Sunday Mass collection. First day of
class and Parents Open House for Grades 6-8 will be Tuesday, September 2, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. and for Grades 1-5 on
Saturday, September 6, from 9:00-10:30 a.m. New registrants must provide a Baptismal certificate at the time of
registration. Please invite your neighbors and friends to enroll their children in our Religious Education Program. For
more information, please contact Ruthanne Swiatkowski, Director of Religious Education, at (773) 625-1705.

St. Francis Borgia Mission Statement
St. Francis Borgia nurtures the Roman Catholic Faith
and fosters the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all by: Welcoming
everyone into our faith community; Celebrating the sacraments
together; Providing faith education; Providing an environment
for prayerful meditation; Utilizing our time, talents and
treasures. We resolve to develop, support, empower, and
encourage individuals to reach their spiritual potential for the
greater glory of God and the good of His people.

SUNDAY, June 29
9:00 Deaf Ministry ....................................SC1/SC2
3:30 Padre Pio Mass ..................................... Church
MONDAY, June 30
9:00 Crafters ..................................................... SC3
9:00 Marian Movement ................................ Chapel
6:45 Peace Prayer Service ............................ Chapel
7:00 Sacred Heart Prayer Service ................. Chapel
FRIDAY, July 4 Office Closed
8:00 Polish Musical Group ........................... Church
SUNDAY, July 6
9:00 Deaf Ministry ....................................SC1/SC2
Members of our church community are
serving our country in the various
branches of the military. Please pray for
all of them and their families and
especially for those listed below.
Matthew J. Albanese
James Allision
Paul Raymond Barthel
Christopher R. Burdulinski
Joseph Vito Burdulinski
Anthony L. Cammuca
James D. Campis
Jasper Catalano
Robert Curtis
Tamara DeCaro
Shawn Gaffney
Gerald Giovannelli
Slawomir Glownia
Michael Granadon
Daniel Jarosz
Joseph Patrick Kinney
Frank Joseph Klimas
James Labbe
Tom Lewandowski
Michael Labek
Matt Manzano
Tim McManus
Darrell Mills
Michael A. Morelli
Artur Niedbelka
Roman Ortega
Nicholas Ranch
James H. Schreiner
Robert Schreiner
Richard A. Wagner
Steven A. Walker
Please pray for all the sick,
homebound, and the convalescents of the parish,
our relatives and friends, and especially:

Felicia Accolti
Carmella Aguilar
June Billingham
Mary Burke
Marcella Buttkus
Dominick Cantori
Dolores Cantori
Rita Caruk
Greg Caruso
Christy Costa
Steve Chorba
Elisabeth Corkran
Elaine Czarnowski
Margaret Duda
Margaret Ebler & Family
Patricia Fleming
Anne Fritz
David Gardner
Walter Garland
Immacolata Geronazzo
Jared Godla
James Gorski
Timothy Heider
Lottie Jankowski
Genowefa Karwowska
Dagmar Tony Kilian
Anne Kuhter
Edwin Kowalski
Bronislawa Lakomski
Deacon William Lehman
Jozef Lenart
Dons Ludmann
John Martinelli
Aria McCarthy
Bernice Mae McKay
Joanne Melone
Stella Mendelowska
Grace Miceli
Michael ONeill, Jr.
Michael ONeill, Sr.
Michael Palumbo
Rosemary Palumbo
Samantha Parry
Yolanda Passi
Bernadette Petty
Victoria Pietroczynski
John Pini
Antonio Pontarelli
Hector Quintanilla
Catherine Richko
Kathryn Richko
Lacie Richko
Megan Richko
Michelle Richko
Sara Richko
Virginia Rylko
John Smigla
Jeff Stachula
Christopher Staunton
Frances Swiatek
Christine M. Szeszol
Jason Townsend
Nicholas Vitellaro
Helena Walaszek
James White
Michele White
Terry White
Elizabeth Wlodarski
Tomasz Skowyra and Anna Pasek
Thomas McInerney and Kelly Drzalowski

Bernice Dombrowski
Carol J. McGinnis
William R. Moss
Bernardo Trevino
Please pray for those who
have died and their families:

The office will be closed
on Friday, July 4th



The Parish of St. Francis Borgia with the St. Padre Pio
Prayer Group is celebrating the 12th Anniversary of the
Canonization of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina

SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2014

A buffet will be served in the Stokes Center immediately after procession.

Donation for the buffet:

Adults: $25.00 per person
Children under 10 years: $15.00
(Children 3 years and under free)

For more information and/or to reserve for buffet, contact:
Teresa Helfand: 773 763-0507,
Maria Perna: 708 867-7868,
Aurora Pensa: 773 589-9734,
or the Rectory: 773 625-1118

Thank you for celebrating Corpus Christi with us!

Msze wite
Poniedziaek - Pitek: 7:15 i 8:30 rano
w kaplicy (wejcie od ulicy Addison)
Sobota: 8:00 rano w kaplicy (Addison)
i 17:00 w kociele (Forest Preserve)
Niedziela: 7:30, 10:30, 12:00
Po Polsku:
Niedziela: 9:00, 13:30, 18:00 w kociele
Pierwszy Pitek: 19:00pm w kociele
Pierwsza Sobota: 18:30pm Msza do
M.B. Czstochowskiej z Nowenn

Kancelaria Parafialna: 773-625-1118
Poniedziaek - Pitek: 8:30 - 20:00
Przerwa: 12:00 - 13:00
Sobota: 9:00 - 13:00

Sobota: 16:00-16:45 w kaplicy
Poniedziaek - Pitek: po porannych
Mszach w.: 7:15 i 8:30 w kosciele;
lub w wyjtkowej sytuacji, mona
skontaktowa si z kapanem

Sakrament Maestwa
Prosimy dzwoni do Kancelarii aby
wyznaczy spotkanie z kapanem
przynajmniej 6 miesicy przed lubem i
zawsze przed rezerwacj sali.

Sakrament Chrztu witego
W 2-g niedziel miesica po angielsku
o godz. 10:30 am.
W 4-t niedziel miesica po polsku
podczas Mszy w. o godz. 1:30 pm.
Prosimy dzwoni do kancelarii nie
pniej ni miesic od daty Chrztu
odnonie zapisu i nauk
przygotowawczych do Chrztu.

Nowi Parafianie -
Witamy w naszej parafii!
Chtnych do zapisania si do parafii,
prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny, osobiste
przyjcie do Kancelarii w godzinach
otwarcia, lub po Mszy w., do Zakrystii.
(Rejestracja jest bezpatna).

Duszpasterstwo Socjalne
Prosimy dzwoni do Kancelarii:
- Sakramenty w. w domu lub w
- Grupa Ochrony ycia
- Grupa M.B. Czstochowskiej

Sakrament Namaszczenia Chorych
Sakrament Chorych udzielany jest w
kady poniedziaek podczas porannej
Mszy w. o godz. 8:30. Ta Msza w. jest
sprawowana szczeglnie za wszystkich
chorych i cierpicych.

Pogrzeby lub Msze aobne
Aby ustali dat i godzin pogrzebu lub
Mszy aobnej, prosimy o
skontaktowanie si z kancelari.
Katolicka Szkoa w. Franciszka Borgia
w Chicago przyjmuje zapisy na nowy rok szkolny 2014/ 2015. W celu uzyskania
dokadniejszych informacji prosimy o kontakt ze szko lub kancelari
parafialn. Kancelaria szkolna bdzie:
Zamknita od 30 czerwca do 4 lipca
Otwarta od 7 do 24 lipca we wtorki, rody, i czwartki od 8am do 12pm
Zamknita od 28 lipca do 1 sierpnia
Otwarta w sierpniu od poniedziaku do czwartku, od 8am do 12pm
Pierwsza Sobota Miesica
Zapraszamy na Msz w. i Nowenn do Matki Boej Czstochowskiej
w Sobot, 5 lipca o 6:30pm w kociele.
Nauka religii w jzyku polskim
w Parafii w. Franciszka Borgia
Rozpoczynamy zapisy na lekcje religii w jzyku polskim. W programie
przygotowanie do I Komunii w. oraz do Bierzmowania. Po wicej informacji
prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym.
12 Rocznica Kanonizacji Ojca Pio

Uroczysta Msza w. i procesja z okazji 12 rocznicy Kanonizacji Ojca
Pio odbdzie si
w niedziel, 29 czerwca o godz. 3:30pm
w Kociele w. Franciszka Borgia.
Po Mszy w. zapraszamy na przyjcie do Sali Parafialnej
Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza
Dzikujemy wszystkim ktrzy uczestniczyli we Mszy w. i procesji w
Uroczysto Boego Ciaa w niedziele. W sposb szczeglny dzikujemy tym
ktrzy przygotowali otarze, dzieciom pierwszokomunijnym i sypicym kwiatki,
organizacjom parafialnym i polonijnym oraz kosynierom z fundacji parafii
Strzelce Wielkie.
Przypominamy, e nasza Parafia uczestniczy w Kampanii
Archidiecezjalnej Uczy Kim Jest Chrystus aby zdoby potrzebne fundusze na
remont naszego Kocioa. Dzikujemy tym, ktrzy zoyli ju i wypenili swoje
zobowizania i prosimy pozostaych o zoenie deklaracji lub wypenienie
zoonych ju zobowiza w jak najszybszym czasie bo ju rozpoczynamy prace
nad nowym dachem Kocioa. Prace nad nowym dachem zostay oficjalnie
zatwierdzone przez Archidiecezje i potrwaj okoo miesica, zalenie od pogody.
Prosimy o modlitw w intencji naszej Kampanii i renowacji naszego Kocioa.
Ks. Ryszard Miek
Totus Tuus Maryjo
Grupa Matki Boskiej Czstochowskiej oraz Czonkowie ywego
Raca zapraszaj na wspln modlitw racow 13 lipca po Mszy witej o
godzinie 1:30pm. Po modlitiwie bdzie zmiana tajemnic i konferencja.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do zapisania si aby wsplnie na paciorkach
raca wyprasza potrzebne aski u Matki Najwitszej.
Kontakt: Maria Bycul Grazyna Bajan
773-625-1578 773-727-9949

Ushers Sacred Heart Side Blessed Virgin Side
Ken Grenier (head usher), Anthony Aguilar, George Hickey, Pat
Hickey, Marsha Ptasnik, Michael Schmaus, James Thompson,
Carol Zator, Ken Zator, Lisa Schmaus
Frank Cannataro (co-lead usher), Dr. John Przywara, Terry
Renk, Stanley Szarmach, John Przywara Sr.
Ernesto Cabias, Robert Lugo,
J. Blair Raftree (co-lead usher), Stanley Starzec
Robert Dabe (co-lead usher), Edward Cernak,
Timothy Costa, Thomas Melkovitz
Mary McGeean(co-lead usher), Stella Mendelowska, Bob Fitzpatrick
Teresa Pina-Rodriguez, Bernie Schmidt, Fernando Lego
Giacomo Santoro (co-lead usher), Tyler Testa, Ken Johnson,
Amadeo Gallo
Philip Kulka (co-lead usher),
Bryant Marure, Mark J. Dobzyn, Casey Kucmierz
Michael Wilczynski, Anthony Siciliano, Jerry Piwinski,
Miroslaw Wodzynski, Toni DeCaro
Sun. (Polish)
Waldemar Farbisz (lead usher), Cezary Kozikowski,
Jan Majka, Zygmunt Papciak, Julian Pyjor,
Frank Wierzbicki, Marek Zabawa.
Stanislaw Kochanek, Ireneusz Kura, Karol Latko,
Kazimierz Mucha, Piotr Mysha, Bogdan Wszelaki,
Jerry Kopczewski
Our Sacrificial Gifts of
Time, Talent, & Treasure

June 21 and June 22, 2014 Collection
Weekly Collection: $ 9, 933 Mail: $ 260
Total: $ 10, 193
Weekly Goal: 10, 644
Under Goal: $ 451

Thank You!






Monday: Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-23;
Mt 8:18-22
Tuesday: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27
Wednesday: Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Ps 50:8-13, 16bc-17;
Mt 8:28-34
Thursday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 20:24-29
Friday: Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119: 10, 20, 30, 40,
131;Mt 9:9-13 or, for Independence Day,
any readings from the Mass For the
Country, nos. 882-886, or For Peace
and Justice, nos. 887-891
Saturday: Am9:11-15;Ps 85:9ab,10-14;Mt 9:14-17
Sunday: Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14;
Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30
Date/Time Celebrant Lector Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers
Sat. July 5
Fr. Joe Mulcrone J. Thompson
M. D'Alessandro, *T. Fulton, R. Ginnelly,
T. Helfand, C. Mocarski, P. Stlaske, O. Tainer
G. Accardi, M. Accardi,
K. Pera, J. Sabatino
Sun. July 6
Fr. Joe Mulcrone D. Prochaska L. Evangelista, *J. Guida, P. Lupo A. Aguilar, P. Aguilar,
J. Gagnon, M. Kurian
Sun. July 6
9:00am, Polish
Fr. Marek Smolka M. Latko
E. Puchalski
E. Krason, M. Latko D. and J. Kaszczewski,
Sun. July 6
Fr. Mike Class C. Kenar *A. Jagiello, C. Klostermann, R. Kostencki,
B. Pacia, F. Pacia, N. Testa, S. Testa
G. Kukulka, J. Kukulka,
O. Mucha
Sun. July 6
Fr. Mike Class T. DeCaro S. D'souza, *J. Fanning, M. Wislek
F. Borders, M. Borders, M. Borders,
A. Goris, M. Goris
Sun. July 6
6:00pm, Polish
Fr. Marcin Bulinski J. Znosko,
D. Farbisz
D. Farbisz M. Symkow,
R. Wilk
Sun. July 6
1:30pm, Polish
Fr. Marcin Bulinski M. Bycul,
J. Sajdak
I. Mocarski, J. Sajdak To be announced

St. Francis Borgia Church
8033 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634
Rectory School Religious Education
773-625-1118 773-589-1000 773-625-1705
773-625-1110 (FAX) 773-589-0781 (FAX) 773-625-1774 (FAX)
Mass Intentions Rectory Office Hours
Telephone the rectory or stop by in person, Weekdays: 8:30am -12:00noon; 1:00 - 8:00pm
Monday through Friday between the hours of Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
8:30am and 4:00pm. Sunday: CLOSED
Fr. Richard Milek, Pastor
Fr. Marcin Bulinski, Associate Pastor
Mr. William Lehman, Deacon
Miss Ruthanne Swiatkowski, Religious Ed. Director
Miss Monika Wawrzyniak, Office Manager
Fr. Joseph Mulcrone, Director, Office of the Deaf
Fr. Michael Class, SJ, Weekend Celebrant
Mrs. Susan Betzolt, Principal
Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz, Business Manager
Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Music Director

Saint Francis Borgia

8033 W. Addison Street
Chicago, IL 60634



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Tuesday 4:30 PM




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