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JUNE 26, 2014


PROGRAM: Polio Eradication Report from U.S.
Centers for Disease Control
Beginning the Year of Debbie Roessler

Greeter & Invocation: Barbara Bruner

July 1 -- OMPA Planning Meeting 5:30 Dochtermans
**July 8 -- Past R.I President Rick King (Special evening
Meeting. Bring spouses and guests.)
July 12 District Awards Luau at Community Center in
July 25 TGIF Social at Dochtermans home

* Regular Tuesday noon meeting
** Second Tuesday Evening Meeting at 6:00p
We were pleased to welcome the following guests:
Mary Caburi; Joyce Ellenberg; Dan Martin; Marilyn
Simonsen; Leslie Lynch; Suzann Costanza; Ron Schopke;
Jan Gregory: Marcela Avelar
And Honorary Members:
Mary Sue Erickson; Lou Roessler; Linda Campbell
Assistant Governor Jose Avelar, Orinda Rotary Club

This was the evening of the second historic demotion of
Nora Avelar-Martin. The program began with an invocation
and flag pledge led by Louise Schopke. Debbie Rosseler
followed with a rousing toast to President Nora for her
second highly successful year of Club leadership.
A five-sapphire Paul Harris Award pin was presented by
John Erickson to the multiple Rotary Foundation donor,
Debbie Roessler.
The Moraga Rotary Theatrical Troupe
A slightly off-Broadway original production by Cliff
Dochterman, was presented by a star-studded cast of
performers, including Frank May, Barbara Bruner, Kevin
Reneau, Dianne Wilson, John Erickson, Colin Barnard
and Angelo Costanza. The presentation, The Moraga
Wedding Planners, told the inside story of the beautiful
wedding planned by thoughtful members of Rotary. Since
President Nora gave so much time to the Rotary leadership,
she and Dan had little opportunity to plan their wedding.
Regretfully, the epic ended when it was learned that the
happy couple were already married!

President Nora Receives Past Presidents Plaque from Rich and Debbie
President Noras Swan Song
Nora Avelar-Martin took the opportunity to express her
appreciation for the great support the Club has given her this
past year. She reviewed many of the successful events,
including OMPA Swim Meet Fund-raiser; E-Waste collection;
Magazines for local school children; Christmas Stocking
project; very successful Field Day; the new and better Nite at
the Races fund raiser; Polio Plus donation of $8,000; mixer
with Chamber of Commerce; TGIF Social Gatherings; Rotary
at Work Day with Rotaract; Successful Employee of the
Month program; and she and Dan got married! She then
presented perfect attendance pins to many members who
ranged from one year to 47 years to John Erickson and 56
years to Cliff Dochterman.
Selected bottles of wine and very kind words were given as
appreciation to each member of the Board of Directors.
Nora also gave special recognition to Herb Wehmeyer for
his dedicated work in lining up greeters and special thinkers;
Ron Mucovich for arranging Trinity Hall for many club
meetings; Doug Damaschino for his excellent service as
Sergeant at Arms; Angelo Costanza for leading the Camp
Royal program and Bocce Ball tournament; and Colin
Barnard or serving as program chairman for the year!
At the conclusion of the meeting, Nora rang the Rotary bell
for the concluding meeting of the year.
Debbies Peek into the Future
President-elect Debbie Roessler expressed appreciation for
Nora Avelar-Martins willingness to serve as Club Pres. for
the second year. She then introduced Roger Gregory, as
the next Club President for 2015-16. Debbie revealed that
she will emphasize Team Work as a major theme during
the coming year. One of the primary efforts of the Rotary
year will be the conclusion of the Polio Plus program. She
then introduced the Board of Directors for 2014-15 and gave
each an official pin! We are in for another GREAT YEAR!

First Huband, Dan, observes the Demotion program and
wonders Whats Happening?

The annual Rotarian of theYear Award is selected by a vote
of all Club members. This year it was presented to Kevin
Reneau for his willing service as Club secretary, coordinator
of the Employee of the Month program and his willingness to
take on any project for the good of Moraga Rotary.
Congratulations, Kevin!

OMPA Swim Meet Planning Meeting will be held for all
members at Dochtermans home next Tuesday, July 1 at
5:30. Come and join in firming up the details for one of the
Clubs largest fund raisers! You are needed.


The Fab Five Rotary Clubs of our area are sponsoring the
Picnic in the Park at the Lafayette Reservoir on Saturday,
J uly 19
. Bring a picnic, your family, and a blanket or chairs
as the Big Band of Rossmoor and the Swinging Blue Stars
entertain active duty troops and our veterans. All veterans
are especially urged to attend. Troops from Travis AFB and
Camp Parks will be meeting and greeting veterans in a
private welcome between 4 and 5 pm. A traditional USO
show will be featured. There is no charge for the event.
Mark it on your calendar, now

Night at the Races Comment
Some will recall that Herb Wehmeyer secured a nice gift
from his friend for a two night stay at the beautiful
Stanford Court Hotel in San Francisco. It was the grand
prize for the playing card raffle, which was won by Joe &
Linda FitzGerald. A recent note was received from the
FitzGeralds who spent their 50th Anniversary at the
Stanford Court and said: Thanks Rotary! My Bride was
very impressed and happy with the top floor suite. Yes,
our Nite at the Races raises money and makes good
friends, too!

June 26 (Thurs.) Demotion Party & Dinner
July 12 -- District Awards Luau --- Woodland
Community Center
July 19 Fab 5 Event Picnic in the Park,
Lafayette Reservoir
July 25 -- TGIF Social at Dochterman Home
Aug. 8-10 OMPA Swim Meet
Sept 23 Official Visit of District Governor


President Nora Avelar-Martin
President-elect .. ......Debbie Roessler
Past PresidentFrank May
Secretary.........Kevin Reneau
Treasurer....Lad Lynch
Community Service Chair.. .Barbara Bruner
New Generations...Rich Render
International Service ChairTony Schoemehl
Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch
Public Relations Gary Irwin
Membership...Debbie & Frank
Director at Large.John Erickson
Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman
President, Rotary InternationalRon Burton
District Governor..Steve Lack
Assistant District Governor.Jose Avelar

Newsletter Editor for June Cliff Dochterman
Newsletter Editor for July Frank May

To Nora, and everyone who took on a special job to
make this a very successful Rotary year, we say a
very sincere..

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