The Stony Brook Press - Volume 7, Issue 12

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Vol. 7, No. 12 @ University Community's Feature Paper * July 14, 1986

"We must take what is

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-- The Fourth Estate: Editorial - --------
No No No! Back Back Back!
Mine Mine Mine!
Fred is at it again! This time he wants to take over when Fred was asked if he knew of the E.D.'s habits istration is penalizing Polity for using their better
control of the Student Activity Fee by appointing an that created unhappiness among the Polity leaders judgement by firing a detriment to the operations of
administration employee to act as Polity's Custodial (Le. showing up to work late, leaving early, long lunch Polity. Of course, according to Uncle Fred, these
and Disbursing (C&D) Agent. breaks, etc.) he said he wasn't aware of them. All he "minor changes" of his were long overdue in
Currently, the Polity Executive Director, a Polity knew was that Rabii's was fulfilling his job concerning coming.
employee, acts as the official custodial and disburs- administration. He did not know what the E.D. was, It will be a dyspeptic day when administration
ing agent to insure that Polity's financial transactions doing concerning the students. If Fred had the acquires control If admin takes over and finds that
are within Chancellor's guidelines. That is the E.D.'s student's interest at heart (as he has claimed many they don't like a particular club or function because of
most important, but certainly not only function. Last times) then he would have known exactly what was its content, such as activist clubs, or the particular
week, Polity's E.D., Robin Rabii, was dismissed from going on. (The C&D agent works for the students. use of monies such a field trips, films, or lecturers
Polity because the Polity Council decided that he had Administration should not be pulling at and causing they feel are a waste of money, then all they have to do
not been fulfilling his job description. pressure on the E.D.) is freeze a budget and that's that.
In Preston's memo to Polity President Marc How can we, the students, allow administration to If there were no heat in H-Quad for a month in the
Gunning, Preston states, "... while the campus suddenly take over Polity when they admit they don't winter, and Polity wanted to sue administration to get
administration has in the past allowed the Polity even know what is happening in Polity? If the C&D some heat (as they have done in the past), they won't
C&D agent to carry out (administration's) oversight agent is instead on the payroll of administration he or be able to because administration certainly wouldn't
function, I am no longer comfortable with this she would feel incredibly pressured to support just sign the checks for a lawyer.
arrangement This is as a result of my having an those things acceptable to administration. By taking But forget all that - what ever happened to
updated understanding of the intent of this area of control of the C&D agent, administration destroys Marburger's promise to us that no major policy
the SUNY Guidelines, as well as my own assessment the balance of power. The C&D agent goes from changes will occur over the summer? Wanna know
of the effectiveness of this arrangement" guardian to a policing agent where they must enforce what happened? Marburger doesn't think this is a
The arrangement he means is Polity hiring its own and be concerned with University policy. major policy change, this is just another small change
C&D agent. Of course, final approval comes from Another complaint of Fred's was that Polity was in the large world of bureaucracy. Isn't that amazing,
administration itself, but they have not found the not following Chancellor's guidelines. Admin, for how everything looks small and inconsequential when
need to interfere in the past So why, all of a sudden, instance, is supposed to see a copy of the audits of compared with bureaucracy? Wow!
does Preston feel, "uncomfortable with this arran- Polity's books. Okay, hey, no problem. It is the job of When Marburger was confronted with all this he
gement?" the E.D. to make sure the report is shown to said he had no opinion on it himself. He said he was
Polity has had its own C&D agent for more than the administration. What happened? Who knows? The acting on the judgement of Fred Preston. Well, does
past 10 years with no problems- and there are still no report was never shown due to supposed communi- Marburger need to hide behind the advice of his Vice
problems. cation problems between the Treasurer and the E.D. President so he doesn't have to answer any questions
The problems seen by Preston with Polity control- They are right down the hall from one another. How or face any of the consequences? No. He has final say
ling the C&D agent stem from pressure and guide- hard is it for the E.D,to walk down the hall and say, over all of this. He should be made accountable for
lines. Pressure results from the stress felt by serving "Hey, where's the books we have to show admin?" breaking his promise. He owes the students a direct
both Polity and administration's needs. But why is Huh? But it wasn't done. answer and explanation - not just, "Tm taking the
there pressure from admin? The C&D agents job is to It is up to Polity to fire the E.D. if he is believed advice of Preston because he has sound judgement
make sure that Polity follows the guidelines in its to not be doing his required work. That is just what and he is consistent with the guidelines."
monetary actions and shouldn't let any illegal has happened. The Council acquired enough Marburger, what's your opinion... we'd like to
monetary actions through. This is to "protect the evidence to fire the E.D., as it was their responsibility know.
interest of the students," according to Fred. Now, to do. And what dismal result befell Polity? Admin-
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page 2 The Stony Brook Press

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Preston's Pernicious Palaver

V.P. To Take Control of Activity Fee
By Eliz Hampton Preston, he also wants more accountability sue admin for something, there's no students, "is certainly a major policy
Polity and students have always opposed for Polity "There is not a university guarantee they'll pass it." change and should not occur over the
administrative policies that have had a department that doesn't have accountab- "Understand that I have no problem with summer."
hegative effect on student rights. But never ility. When dealing with public monies there administration having full access to our On the other hand, Marburger can't
before has there been such an uproar as that has to be some kind of accountability. This records and full knowledge of where our understand the big fuss. "Students have a
caused by Vice President for Student is our way of accounting for Polity and its money goes- we have nothing to hide- but tendency to read too much into changes like
Affairs Fred Preston's latest edict money." his plan is totally uncalled for." this, and distort the intentions of admin-
On the fourth of July, Polity's executive Marburger totally agrees with Preston. While administration will 'have final istration. The university has always had
director, Robin Rabii, finished his last day As a matter of fact, Marburger acted on the approval for all expenditures, Preston power over Polity that it hasn't used."
of work: He was dismissed by the Polity advice of Preston. He took "the advice of doesn't feel that the changes will cause aPreston also doesn't see this as a major
Council because it was established that he Preston because he has sound judgement... policy change. For him, "small changes
change in the workings of Polity. "The only
had not been fulfilling his job description. he is consistent with the guidelines. Any changes that will come about when dealing have been made each year to follow guide-
His dismissal prompted Preston into way the change would've been made the with the budget are that any expenditures lines, this is just the natural course of
action. On July 21 st, according to Preston, next time a new Executive Director (or that shouldn't be taking place won't." action. Acutally it was put off as long as
administration will choose for students who C&D agent) was hired." possible. This is a good juncture to do
Gunning's feelings of confusion over the
Polity's new Custodial and Disbursing suddenness of the change are shared by this."
(C&D) Agent will be. He will be taking an This action, according to Preston. "will many. "Polity's been this way for its entire Although the policy would have changed
important power of choice away from improve the internal operations of Polity ... history - its always worked - I don't anyway Marburger felt that "the current
students. expenditures will be consistent. The change understand why this change has to be done C&D agent should have been retained over
Summer Benedict Legislature Chair is to protect the interest of the students." so quickly." Marburger commented that, the summer... there should have been some
Dave "Spicolli" Marlon said, "This is the Marc Gunning, Polity President, on the "Well, sometimes circumstances occur that kind of transition." Instead of the smooth
most outrageous act Preston has ever taken other hand, is strongly opposed to the necessitate immediate action." transition that Marburger is speaking of,
. in his whole history of outrageous policy change. "First off, it's going to really But back in 1980, Marburger promised The Polity Council has already appointed
acts." slow our ability to pay for prepayments and that no major policy changes would occur Virginia Boone, ex-Polity bookkeeper, as an
The job of the C&D agent is to make sure contracts we're involved in because we'll over summers. This promise was made acting Executive Director, without, to the
that Polity is following Chancellor's guide- need approval from a third party. But worst when he closed Benedict Saloon and saw dismay of administration, administration
lines to assure proper use of the Student is that it leaves administration with final how upset the students were when a policy approval Marburger wasn't pleased with
Activity Fee, and to sign checks that go out approval over each and every one of our had been changed without their knowledge. "the proposal by the council for Virginia
of Polity. Polity's E.D., Rabii, was Polity's expenditures. If, for instance, we have to This present action to Gunning and other Boone as acting E.D. without a search... her
C&D agent Rabii's dismissal "opened up a credentials should have been approved by
question that that we preferred to open up administration before she was hired."
at another time. . . the whole thing pre- The person administration has in mind to
cipitated prematurely," disputed Univer- take over the job of C&D agent is Bill
sity President Marburger, but anyway it "... worst is that it leaves administration with Fornadel, the Director of Student Union
and Activities, because, "he is highly
was time, "to re-examine a policy that
needed to be redone."
One of the problems that Preston had
final approval over each and every one of our qualified forit(the position of C&D agent)."
It was necessary to find someone who knew
something about student activities. "We
with Polity hiring the C&D agent was that
"the C&D agent on the payroll for Polity
expenditures.. if we have to sue admin. for could have chosen somebody from finances
but they wouldn't have known about the
subjected him to undue pressure. He is
pulled in two directions between admin- something there's no guarantee theyll pass student activities and would have taken too
istration and Polity. Administration wants long to train someone.
certain responsibilities from the C&D agent it" Meanwhile, Gunning is busily trying to
find a solution to the problem. "We're
and he can't accomplish the work if he has
the threat of being fired by Polity if he Polity President Marc Gunning working on an alternate proposal that would
allow administration to retain its oversight
questions certain fiscal policies. Therefore
responsibilities and would allow us to
Polity operates less efficiently. The finan- -· I .
continue in the format we've been using all
cial policy of Polity would be less."
Pressure is not the only problem with along."

Bungles to Blueprints
FSA Hires Architect for Rathskellar
Still to be decided is the exact decor of close the James Pub permanently, $48,000 cafe on the first floor, and a bar
By Joe Caponi
the facility, and the uses for the upstairs was put aside to begin planning a central downstairs.
The Faculty Student Association has
area Persky explained that there is a rathskellar, which at that time was antici- In contrast, the Union Advisory Board,
taken a major step in its three-year quest to
concern in FSA that a traditional cafe, as pated to be in the first floor space of the an arm of university administration, recom-
construct a rathskellar facility at Stony
planned last year, serving such items as Roth Quad cafeteria. mended changing the first floor into a study
Brook. The corporation recently hired
coissant sandwiches, quiche, and interna- In 1984, however, an FSA Rathskellar lounge.
architect Jerry Kronouet to begin drawing
tional coffees may not be generate committee recommended instead that the A third proposal, put forward by FSA
up final plans for the facility, which may be
enough revenue to make it worthwhile. "For End of the Bridge Restaurant be comple- Board member and then-SCOOP Presi-
open to students by January. dent Pamela Leventer, reintroduced the
According to FSA Executive Director Ira FSA to pump $450,000 into renovating a tely remodeled and expanded into the
place, it has to operate on at least a break- rathskellar, and in June of 1984, the FSA End of the Bridge renovation as a sug-
Persky, "Mike Tartini (FSA President) and gestion, along with other renovations
I will hopefully be meeting with the even basis." Board voted to do just that
Event intervened, though, that summer. throughout the Union. *
architect next week," to work out final The Rathskellar has been a continuing
controversy for FSA for most of this University President John Marburger None of them were approved.
details on the design for the rathskellar, to In the intervening time, the Whitman Pub
decade. With the closing of the Benedict decided that he was unhappy with the FSA
be put in the bi-level area in the Union and the Graduate Student Lounge have
Saloon (a bar that sold mixed drinks as well Bylaws, and demanded changes in them. He
formerly occupied by Barnes and Noble. closed, and the drinking age has been raised
as beer and wine) by John Marburger in the went so far as to direct the state to dissolve
Current plans call for an alcohol serving to 21. FSA officers have been considering
summer of 1980, FSA members and others the corporation entirely. The situation did
area, with burger-type food to be served in options since then.
began discussing the need to create a not become fully resolved until January of
the basement, with a cafe or lounge According to Persky, specific plans
central bar facility for the campus as a 1985, by which time the prior plans had
upstairs, according to Persky. "I think it will should be formulated within the next six to
whole, along the lines of the rathskellars become outdated.
be two independent areas." eight weeks, and construction will then be
that operate at hundreds of American In the spring of 1985, with its corporate
Tartini explained that an easing of the dependent on approval of the plans. He and
colleges and universities. existence assured, no less than three
liquor liability insurance problems state- Tartini, however are looking for construc-
Action began in 1983. Baby Joey's Pub separate plans emerged for the rathskellar.
wide has led him to be much more confident tion to occur over the fall semester, with a
was closed due to the high state-imposed FSA, acting with space use planners
that FSA will be able to insure a beer and belated, but much-welcomed opening, in
utility fee, and the Henry James Pub was William Laurence Associates, recommen-
wine operation. "The situation statewide the spring.
closed due to financial losses. At the same ded the rathskellar be placed in the bi-level
looks a lot better than it did two or three
FSA Board meeting where it was decided to area vacated by Barnes and Noble, with a
months ago." July 14, 1986 page 3
Attention Students

FROM: Fred Preston, V.P. Student Affairs

TO: Marc Gunning Polity President
SUBJECT: All Activity fee expenditures must be approved by an admin-
istration officer effective July 21, 1986.
RESULT: If this edict is allowed, your activity fee will be disbursed by
administration rather than your elected peers.


Every activity on campus funded by Polity will be affected. Concerts, clubs, athletics,
PSC functions, Tokyo Joe's, Colleges, protests, rallies, WUSB, The Press, etc., etc.,


In 1980 Dr. Marburger promised not to make any major policy change affecting
students during summer session. He is breaking his promise.

Make a phone call of protest to John Marburger NOW...

Phone: 246-5940

SSAB Presents
Atlantic City
July 25Sth is coming.
Come join a tradition and be
a part of the 1986 FallFest
$4 Deposit Due Planning Committee.
For more information call
$10 to be collected Chris at 6-3673
on bus.
Receive $10 in Funded by the

quarters FREE! Student Activity Fee

<L.___ ' ,_______

page 4 The Stony Brook Press
I I I i I i li

What is the FSA?

The New Faculty Student Association
by Neal Drobenare elected on an anti-Polity platform and was What the new set of directors, officers and Directors meeting. "Things are different
Only a year and a half ago FSA erupted in eager to remove as many of the old FSA managers, the members of the FSA were now," noted Fred Preston. "It is critical for
a heated controversy over the corporation' s board members as he could. Only two faced with the task of redefining the role of this executive board to do most of the
bylaws. Centered around Polity's control of students from the previous year were re- president, executive board, board of dir- preliminary work before the board gets
the Board ofDirectors and officerships, this appointed and only one now serves on the ectors, and professional management involved."
student - administration conflict came to a board. "Things as simple as who should sign With the Board of Directors meeting only
head when University President Marburger Both this year's and last year's FSA things, the President or the E.D. were three or four times a year instead of monthly
announced that unless the FSA reformed presidents were elected without previous unclear," said Solo. "In the past," he con- as in the past, the center of power has
its bylaws, he would cancel its contract to board experience as was Aaron Rosenblatt tinued,"the President was very involved in shifted from the Board of Directors to the
provide services to the campus. Realizing who became treasurer two years ago, im- the day to day operations of the corpor- executive committee. "We (board mem-
the seriousness of this threat, FSA amend- mediately after the bylaws crisis. ation. Now that has been defined as the role bers) try to keep on top of things," said
ed its bylaws so that no constituency group The changes in the FSA affected em- of the E.D.", while the president is respon- Gerard Karcher, "but we don't have as
controlled the organization. ployees as well as directors. The uncert- sible for project direction and evaluation. much involvement as the others (e.c. mem-
The new collegial atmosphere which has ainty and stress of working in an organi- "The grey matters" between policy and bers)."
lead to hopes for increased accomplish- zation under seige led to the resignation of implementation is now what is left to be While the president works out a relation-
ment from FSA is seen as the result of the FSA's three top staffers last year, the worked out between the president and the ship with his management team and the
changing times. "Now our discussions have executive director was one of them. After E.D. e.c.'s relationship with the full board of
to do with what we can do to improve the protracted searchers, Ira Persky was select- In the past the executive committee met directors, FSA is beginninv g o move for-
campus and the FSA, whereas in the past ed as the new FSA Executive Director. once a month to prenare for the Board o.f
.... .K-
ward for the first
the discussins were a result of political
conflict," said Fred Preston, an FSA Board
member. "We are operating very collegiate-
ly now," pointed out FSA Secretary Pam
Leventer. This friendliness between the
different factions in FSA is far different
from the politicized atmosphere that has
prevaded the corporation for most of its
"Students are different now," says
Preston,"they are less conflict oriented." A
new generation of non-activist student
leaders have emerged and replaced those
such as Dave Gamberg who saw the ad-
ministration as an adversary. These stud-
ents, unlike their predessesors don't use
FSA as a political battleground to fight for
student rights but are more concerned with
the proper "business" functioning of the
While many agree with Preston's asser-
tion that FSA has left politics behind, FSA
Vice-President Dick Solo disagrees. "I
haven't seen the FSA cleansed of its pol-
itical activities." FSA, he says,"employs a
rational problem solving approach to im- Michael Tartini
portant decisions but sometimes this in-
volves representation of interests and
constituencies. When the balance between
the two shift heavily in favor of political
representation of interests and constituen-
cies the organization is stymied." Solo sees
the corporation as having achieved a "more
fruitful balance between the political and
FSA's Structure
rational problem solving approaches."
The Faculty Student Association, Inc. is bylaws and cover such areas as constitu- students, the twelve member board is res-
Though the changing times account, in
a not for profit corporation that provides ency representation, accounting methods ponsible for steering the association in
part, for the more conservative, authority
auxiliary services to the students, faculty, and use of funds. between meetings of the Class A. There are
respecting, and cooperative student leaders,
nd staff of the University. These services The bylaws state that every student, separate elections among the students and
the bylaw crisis is regarded as the moti-
are run either by FSA directly or by one of faculty, alumni, and staff member of the non-students so that each may choose their
vating force in changing the attitudes of
ts sub-contractors. FSA operates check University Center is a Class B member of six directors independently. Even though
students who were involved and forming
cashing, the Union Amusement Center, the the corporation. This designation is the the students don't have to give a Board
those of the students who were to enter the
Main Desk, The Loop, and brings in busin- equivalent of shareholder status in a for- position to any graduate students, the non-
FSA after the storm was over. It is these
esses to run the food service (DAKA), the profit company excluding voting or divid- students must give the alumni a seat if it is
changed attitudes that account for the new
haircutters, and laundry machines. end rights. requested and the faculty are always
balance between the rational problem
SCOOP, which runs the Rainy Night The ultimate power in the corporation entitled to three seats.
solving approach and the representation of
House, The Hard Rock Cafe, Harpo's Ice rests with the Class A members who may set Once elected, the board chooses the
interests. corporate officers from among their ranks.
"I think the change came when last year's Cream Parlor, All Good Things, and the policy or take any action they deem
Audio-Visual service, is also an FSA sub- appropriate at their meetings. By tradition, the President and Secretary
board and this year's board, especially are students while the Vice President and
students, realized that Jack Marburger was contractor. Of the 22 voting class A members, 12 are
Incorporated under New York State Law, students, 5 are administrators, and 5 are Treasurer are faculty members or admin-
not fooling around," said FSA President istrators. Together these four compose the
Mike Tartini. The threat to the life of the FSA is technically independent of the faculty. On the student side, the Polity
University while holding a five year contract President and Treasurer are automatically executive committee. This committee
corporation caused those in it to close ranks handles the business of the association
and work together to make FSA operate to provide auxiliary service. This agree- Class A members with the remaining eight
ment may be broken by either party by undergraduate and two graduate seats between meetings of the full Board of
more acceptably to the University's leader- Directors.
giving forty-five days notice. Two years ago appointed by Polity and GSO Presidents
ship and with the least amount of contro- Running the day-to-day operations of the
Dr. Marburger threatened to do just that to respectively. The five faculty members are
versy. The bylaw crisis affected more than corporation is a paid professional staff who
force changes in the FSA bylaws. While not elected by the University Senate. The Vice
people's attitudes, it affected who the report to the president and the Board. The
legally dissolving the corporation, this Presidents for University and Student
people in FSA would be. chief operational officer is the Executive
move would have thrown the association off Affairs and HSC are automatically Class A
campus and ended all its revenue producing members and the University President may Director, who is aided by an assistant, a
operations. designate a university business officer and Comptroller, a Food Contract specialist
Even though it is legally separate from one other person to be Class A members. and direct operations managers. In addition
"We have gone through a very difficult to this management team is both student
SUNY, FSA's bylaws and business pract- Although they may meet more often, the
political time," said Carl Hanes, Vice-Pres- and non-student employees working in the
ices must meet certain criteria as set by Class A usually limits itself to one annual
ident for Administration. "It seems it was FSA offices and in the individual
SUNY Central to be eligible to serve as a meeting a year, where they elect the Board
important to have new players in as many of businesses.
campus auxiliary service corporation. of Directors. Jhq. i,
the seats as possible to take the old sen- 1N. .I
These criteria are incorporated into FSA's Composed equally of students and non-
sitivity and politics out" Rory Aylward,
Polity President at the time, had just been July 14, 1986 page 5
-- Stray of the Week Wall Poster I I

Stop Them Before

They Stop You!

Save the
Student Activity Fee
page 6 The Stony Brook Pre!s
The Third Estate: Viewpoint

by Faye Wattleton
To Be Or Not To Be
pro-choice majority of the American people in sup- Your help is very importantright now. In the last two
President,Planned ParenthoodFederationof America port of personal choice. years, terroristacts of fire bombings and the destruction of
I believe the American people must be reminded how 'family planning clinics have more than tripled. Radical anti-
President Reagan compared abortion rights to the evil much is at stake, and quickly. They must be shown that choice groups like the "Army of God" have vowed to attack
institution of slavery. He even went so far as to say that we tragedy will follow for millions of innocent women, men and dozens of family-planning clinics.
cannot survive as a free nation if the constitutional right to children, and that our Consititution was not intended to be While the overwhelming majority of Americans favors
abortion is overturned. used by the Moral Majority - and especially not by a personal choice, most of them have not taken an active
Reagan did not point out that the views he expressed president - to foist personal religious beliefs on the rest of stand to defend the right of choice.
were his own personal opinions - not the shared beliefs of us.
the majority of Americans. But most politicians will not stick their necks out unless But now that the lives of doctors, nurses, other clinic staff
Poll after poll has shown consistently that the majority of they sense grassroots support. And so far, the loudest and patients are on the line, citizens like you face the urgent
Americans support a woman's right to choose abortion,free voices have been those of the militant anti-choice leaders need to get involved quickly.
from governmental interference. screaming such hostile slogans as "Stop the Baby Killers." Believe me, the battle to preserve reproductive freedom,
Of course, President Reagan's comments were made for I know some people hold deep religious beliefs that like the waging of a political campaign, will be won by the
a political purpose - to help arouse the anti-choice forbid abortion. But they conduct their own lives according side that does the best job of presenting the issues.
movement to further attacks on a woman's most precious to their own beliefs and don't attempt to impose their The use of television and other media is the only way to
right - the right to reproductive freedom. beliefs on you and me. They pose no darger to individual quickly educate the public. The Right Wing taught us this
Fm convinced the President and his allies in Congress rights. lesson.
fully intend to outlaw abortion. He made that point clear in What deeply troubles me is that a minority, with the help Today I am calling upon you - and all Americans who
his pre-election campaign speeches and in public state- of our President, are using whatever political power they cherish our rights and freedoms - to join with me and
me'nts after being reelected. can muster to force their point of view on the rest of us. Planned Parenthood in seeing that this right is not de-
President Reagan promised the National Right-To-Life That's why it's so important that you and other citizens stroyed. And that total untruths about abortion are not
Committee that he would put the full weight of his join with Planned Parenthood in our Public Impact circulated as fact from the highest office in the land.
presidency behind a constitutional amendment or legisla- Program. This massive public education campaign is Together we can work to achieve the most important goal
tion to outlaw abortion. designed to preserve the most basic of human rights: the of Planned Parenthood - to give all people the right and
And his replacement of entitlement programs with right to decide when or whether to bear children. the ability to decide for themselves whether and wh"en to
federal block grants to the states means that now far less With your help, Planned Parenthood's Public Impact bear children.
money is available for family-planning services and sex- Program will reach millions of Americans through radio I believe that no woman, black or white, rich or poor, can
uality education programs in many states. Forced spending and television messages, newsprint ads, legislative alerts, ever truly be free without the right to control her own
reductions under the Gramm-Rudman legislation will and special publications. reproductive life.
further curtail services to those most in need. Through this campaign, millions of citizens will learn that I hope that you and every person who values the in-
In 1983, by a vote of 50 to 49, the Senate failed to pass a passage of a constitutional amendment to ban abortion alienable right to reproductive freedom will join with us to
proposed constitutional amendment banning abortion. could: show the President how united we are. We must say "no" to
President Reagan used the full influence of his office to * * Deny an abortion to a 14-year-old girl impregnated by :those right-wing extremists who would replace the rule of
work for that amendment, and is continuing to do so her father, law and the constitutional right to abortion with terrorist
now! * * Cause medically safe abortions to be replaced by back- acts that threaten hundreds of innocent lives and destroy
Mr. Reagan's Justice Department has asked the alley butchery and by the self-induced procedures of millions of dollars of property.
Supreme Court to overturn its landmark 1973 de- desperate women - many on the verge of nervous break-
cision on reproductive freedom. down or suicide; By writing a letter to the White House, you can let the
In a brief filed before the Supreme Court, the Reagan **Give crime other lucrative markets - in illegal President know your feelings andalso help us let him know
Administration is arguing that the court should "abandon" abortions and black market adoptions. that the vast majority of citizens continues to strongly favor
the position it has taken in support of a woman's right to Most reasonable people would agree that abortions individual choice.
reproductive choice. Even though the court reaffirmed its certainly should be available to women in circumstances In addition ... you can help protect reproductive rights
stand on this issue in 1983, the Reagan Administration is like these. and expand family-planning services by joining me today in
boldly proclaiming its anti-choice, anti-Supreme Court Anti-abortion groups cannot counter these uncontested Planned Parenthood - the nation's oldest, most respected
position. facts except to preach that "abortion is a sin" and any family-planning organization. You now have a unique
The only way we can counter Mr. Reagan's attempts suffering is the "price a woman must pay" for getting opportunity to become part of this historic struggle. No one
to destroy reproductive freedom is to mobilize the pregnant.
else can do your part. Your help is desperately needed.

Looney Tunes
One year shy of its 30th birthday and Raise a grateful cheer for Stony
having just celebrated the 25th anniversary Brook! Youthful joys
of its first graduating class, the State Youthful folly, too
University of New York at Stony Brook is Ancient wisdom seen through
moving away from its youthful image to a youthful eyes
more traditional one. And one sure sign of Lifelong friends
tradition that has arrived is the alma Bound by youthful ties
mater. The morning of a lifetime lies in
The Alumni Association Board of Direc- Stony Brook.
tors decided a year ago that the time had Raise a grateful cheer for Stony
come for Stony Brook to have its own school Brookl
song. Twelve entries were submitted in
competition and the winner made its official The Stony Brook Song was written by
debut at commencement May 18. A second Anne and Jay Singer. She is a radiology
entry received so many votes that it has resident at University Hospital and he a
been designated "The Stony Brook Song" music teacher in the Hauppague schools.
and will be played by a marching band for The lyrics:
the first time at the football team's THE STONY BROOK SONG
Homecoming game September 27. O Alma Mater, Stony Brook
Music for the alma mater was written by We sing our praise to you
Peter Winkler, associate professor of music From Oyster Bay to present
at Stony Brook, and the lyrics by Winston day
Clark, who was for years a writer/director Our spirits you renew
for Theater Three in Port Jefferson and is O Alma Mater, Stony Brook
now free-lancing in New York City. The With colors scarlet, gray About the Cover
lyrics: Inspire us to greater heights Lord Garthwas a psychiatricpatientonplanetElba II,
THE ALMA MATER O Patriots lead the way. an asylum for the lastfew incorrigiblyinsanecriminals
Sandy Shore To excellence you are avowed of the known universe. His attempts to take over the
Meeting the Northern sea On rocky shores you stand so Enterprise to conquer the galaxy are similar to Lord
Ancient ground where Patriots proud Fred Preston's attempts to take over the Student
yet arise O Stony Brook our minds do
Activity Fee to conquer Polity. See story on page 3 and
Scarlet, gray soar
We thank you now and editorial
Under azure skies
The morning of a lifetime lies in evermore.
July 14, 1986 page 7

° •

u$ummer U.CC
).. [Z 1 ·

0 00

Wednesday, July 16:

Bridge on the
River Kwai

Apocalypse Now
a*** e'sa..
w.oo 0-0-o000
o.o.te ogoo 00000
Ot a**....

Thursday, July 17:

7eird Science

7:00 g:ion30m
wer"nawbJCi HUGHES
Dan •ofn,MATTHEW
rc e t SLVIER


All shows are free in the Union

Funded For By the
Student Activity Fee
page 8 The Stony Brook Press
--- The Third Estate: Viewpoint

Don't Fred on Me
By Paul Rizzo going through so many E.D.'s, my head was spinning." Besides- you would expect Dr. Marburger to sympathize
(The conversationsin this viewpoint arehypothetical, though What do you know about ancient history. You research with the difficult decision the Council had to make. He'd
some areaccurateparaphrasesof administrator'scomments. the facts. Yes, Polity did go through 3 E.D.'s one year in the been in similar situations with the "resignations" of a VPSA
The statements at the end are fact.) mid-70's. But overall, Polity's record wasn't too bad - 8 and VP of University Affairs.
people in 17 years. One had een done it twice. An English Ah - now you understand! It's really just a return of In
Between the summer of 1980 and the summer of 1986, graduate - he left to write the Great American Novel - Loco Parentis, do as I say, not as I do.
couldn't survive as a taxi driver- came back- then left again You stop daydreaming. Now it's time to write a serious
Polity has gone through two Executive Directors/C&D
Agents. Each lasted three years. The first left for more to write for a local newspaper. viewpoint
lucrative pastures. The second "resigned." You thought about it more. Polity, you knew, had evolved
"Shame on you," says Fred. "'m taking over the Student into believing the position should be a starting one - for
Activity Fee (with Jack's blessings of course)." someone with, say, an MBA but little work experience. The Polity asked its Executive Director to resign for
"Have we done anything wrong?" you ask. Dr Preston salary wasn't great. It was a dead end job. It was a jumping legitimate reasons, many of the same reasons past Polity
answers: "We don't like the fact that we approve the C&D off point. No one expected an E.D. to stay more than a few Councils had discussed removing this Executive Director.
agent for Polity, but we have no say in when that person is years. However, due to Dr. Preston's misperception of what a
removed." Besides, look at the University. A student who had great job the Polity E.D. was doing, past Councils were
"But," you respond, "The E.D. violated Chancellor's graduated in the summer of 1980 had just seen a new concerned with what the ramifications could be for the
President come in. Returning for a visit in the summer of undergraduate population if Dr. Preston was not willing to
guidelines. He didn't get along with the staff or the Council
His work habits were atrocious (etc., etc., etc.,). And 1986, that allumnus would never have heard of Homer listen to Polity's grievences with an open mind.
Neal, Fred Preston, Paul Chase, Gary Barnes, Dallas As the problems with the Polity E.D. became greater in
besides, you still would have the same oversight power you
Bauman, Jack Joyce, (etc., etc., etc.,). And Homer is already severity and in number, as well as increasingly detrimental
always had. You still have to approve our future choice for
on his way out. If high level people were changing all of the to the organization, the current Council, acting responsibly,
E.D. The State Auditors and the Internal Auditors can
time - what was going on at lower levels? had to make the decision of asking the E.D. for his
review our books at any time. (And would give us a cleaner
The faculty was the same. In 1986 only 7 of the Political resignation. The Council expected disagreement from the
bill of health than University Hospital got.) Your office can
Science Professors were still around from 1980. University Administration, not retribution.
review vouchers at any time. You still have to certify our
Growth and change - isn't that what universities are all As a result of acting responsibly, the Polity Council has
budgets. Just because the state auditors haven't been in
about? been brought to trial prior to the charge being made known.
since 1975, the internal auditors have never been in, and
You come across an old Statesman article by Jason The sentence, that will affect the entire undergraduate
the last VPSA to look at vouchers was Wadsworth in 1980 -
Manne. Written in 1975, and you realize nothing's changed. population, as per Dr. Preston's memo of July 7th, 1986
doesn't mean we should be blamed for your ineptitude.
Although written to students about their transiency - it " institute an administrative process for daily approval
There has to be another reason. Dr. Preston, what is it?"
applies to today's situation. of Student Activity Fee expenditures... while the campus
"Power," he replies. "Im using this as an excuse to take
"The average tenure of a University President in the administration has in the past allowed the Polity C&D to
control I tried to take over the activity fee when I worked at
State University System is less than your tenure as a carry this oversight function, I am no longer comfortable
Amherst and I lost Now rm taking over at Stony Brook.
student A graduating senior at Stony Brook has survived with this arrangement.. the new expenditure approval
(Actually, Im trying to sleaze more money for student process will be formally effective July 21, 1986."
activities, but I can't admit that publicly)." three University Presidents at Buffalo, Binghamton, and
Albany, survived one Vice President for Student Affairs at THAT IS, IT WILL BE, UNLESS STUDENTS AND
You walk away, shaking your head in amazement. When
Stony Brook, and may yet survive one Vice President for FACULTY DO NOT ALLOW THE UNIVERSITY
the next round of budget cuts comes down, you'll remind ADMINISTRATION TO WASTE ALREADY SCARCE
the faculty that someone's salary is now being dedicated to Finance and Management at Stony Brook. When John Toll
says you are transient, and he is permanent, remind him RESOURCES RATHER THAN MAINTAINING AN
Polity, instead of Polity picking up the tab for their own EXISTING SYSTEM WHICH HAS WORKED WELL
E.D. that he is the exception, you are the rule. The President of
the United States has the same term that you have as a FOR OVER 15 YEARS.
"Let's try Paul Chase" you tell other students, "He's
more rationaL" student. Remember that when anyone calls you a
"transient." (Th' writer is co-chair of SSAR and Treasurerof Kelly A.)
Paul talks ancient history: "There was a time Polity was
-- 4w,
An Open Letter to Stony Brook Alumni ask only that you send a respectful letter to
Dear Fellow Alumnus: Dr. Marburger, politely but firmly stating

Out With the Old I am writing to share my concern about

recent events at the Stony Brook and to ask
for your immediate help.
your opposition to his plans. Send a short,
polite note, or call Dr. Marburger at 246-
The University Administration, led by But please, do it now. Dr. Marburger has
Representatives from almost two dozen people were passed by acclamation. To Dr. John Marburger, is seeking to establish indicated that a final decision will be made
SUNY campuses statewide met during the become part of the bylaws, the amend- total control over the undergraduate on the student activity fee no later than July
first weekend in June to elect officers and ments must be approved twice by the Student Activity Fee, the money assessed 21st If your concerns are to make a dif-
set policy for the Student Association of the general membership. They are scheduled from students, and - until now - democrat- ference, he must hear about them
State University (SASU). for a final vote at next year's annual ically distributed among campus organiza- immedAately.
The conference, held at the Star Lake conference. tions and activities by the independent Almost all of us have moved on and away
campus of the State University College at Katzowitz sees smooth sailing ahead for student government, Polity. from Stony Brook. We all have careers,
Potsdam, was highlighted by the election of the proposals. "No one spoke out against 1. Wh/y should we, as alumni, care' lives, and families away from the Univer-
Everett Joseph as SASU president for the the concept," she noted. Because when we were at Stony Brook, sity. We don't ordinarily involve ourselves
upcoming year. Joseph, a SUNY Albany A motion adopting affirmative action we benefitted from the existence of an in what might be considered "the internal
student and the first graduate student to within the association was passed easily. independent student voice on campus... politics" of our former campus. But we
head SASU, defeated Martin Cornish. The act applies to both the hiring of staff ...Many of us developed our organiza- believe this issue goes to the heart of what
In the other elections, Deborah Katzo- and the recruitment of interns. Proposed as tional and political skills working at Polity, has made Stony Brook, for all its faults, a
witz, a former SASU intern, delegate and an internal rule, it did not require the trying to represent an undergraduate special place. A vibrant, diverse place,
Women's Caucus delegate from the double vote that amendments do. constituency at an institution that often had where many different voices can be hear
University Center at Buffalo was elected Stony Brook was represented by SASU other priorities (and often still does). because they can afford to rent the micro-
Executive Vice President, former Univer- delegates Bill Fox, Rita Solorzano, and ...Many of us got our first business phone.
sity Center at Binghamton Student Ass- Chris Cushmerick. Fox and Solazano were experience working for SCOOP, which was Act now, the future students of Stony
ociation President Fred Azcarante was elected in the spring elections while Cush- created with seed money from Polity- and Brook need your help!
elected Vice President for Campus Affairs, merick is Polity President Marc Gunnings would never have existed if it were up to the Sincerely.
appointee. Belina Anderson
and SASU Board of Directors Chair university administration...
SASU Board members: Richard Bentley
Deanne Grimaldi was elected Vice Pres- ...In working for independent student
Francisco Duarte; Albany SA President Bill Carmada
ident for Community Colleges. organizations, many of us discovered
Paul Verdolino; Buffalo SA President Lorrie Krebs
The delegates adopted a platform interestests and aptitudes we would never
Chris Kascubski; Buffalo SASU delegate Pam Leventer
heavily critical of the Reagan education and have expected to find in ourselves. We
Adam Dader, Buffalo SASU delegate Jed Schneider
social services budgets and of its military made mistakes, all of us. But we learned a
Oscar Bartchouski; SUNY Buffalo Ellen Winters
and arms control policies. SASU asked lot that we would never have learned in the
Graduate SA Vice-President JoAnne Young
each student government to declare its kinds of safe, paternalistic student organ-
Brett Dean; New Paltz SA President Bill Harts
campus a nuclear free zone. izations that most university administra-
Donna Bellamy; Oswego State SASU Barry Siskin
While many planks were adopted by the tions seek to foster.
Joel Peskoff
delegates, their importance relative to one delegate Students at Stony Brook deserve the
Carmella Viscounte; Utica Rome SA Babak Movahedi
another within the association will be same opportunities now and in the future.
President Fung Lam
decided by the Board of Directors. At its And as active concerned alumni - people
Willy Ivory; Oneonta: Third World Caucus Lori Reckson
July meeting, the Board will adopt six who support Stony Brook needs - we
Chairperson Jody Schwartz
resoloutions as organizational priorities. should speak our minds on this issue, loud
Lisa Johnson; Buffalo: Third World Caucus Jim Fuccia
SASU's Third World Caucus and its and clear.
Boris Foelsch
Women's Caucus each have the right to set Delegate 2. What you can do- and why you should do
Shari Shibler, Erie Community College John Jessimar
one of those six priorities for the Board. it now.
Larry Rohel
Proposed amendments to the SASU SASU delegate This is the only appeal you'll recieve this
Linda Lippin; Purchase Women's Caucus
bylaws that create caucuses for both the
Gay/Lesbian community and disabled Delegate
month which does not ask for money. We
I page 9
July 14, 1986 page9
Concerts *

Politicians Throwing Stones

Dead Hot on Day One
By Anthony Tesoriero The concert began at 2:30 with Dylan and The rest of the first set consisted of "Me thw only relief came from fans spraying us
It was 11:30 last Saturday night when the the Heartbreakers producing a very tight and My Uncle" into "Big River", with from behind with their water bottles.
phone rang. The television weatherman had sound. Unfortunately, the ninty-six degree Brent, who was playing unusually inaudibly, The music was continuous after that
given his forecast, hot and humid with temperatures prevented us from enjoying letting out a hot keyboard lead on the latter. "He's Gone" (and nothing's gonna bring
temperatures in the high 90's. Not a great Dylan's talent, our group's time being spent "Row Jimmy," "Cassidy," "Althea," and him back) into Drums/Space into "Stella
day to see an all day outdoor concert, I seeking relief from the heat under streams "Let it Grow" wrapped up the set. Blue." The mellow pace of "Stella" was
thought Picking up the phone, I heard the of cold water being sprayed on the The temperature had dipped to a cool immediately reversed by a fiery version of
familiar voice of'Stagger' Lee. "Be ready at audience. ninty-two degrees when the second set "Throwing Stones." Not too hot to fall down
six tomorrow," he said, making me forget Coming out from under the water, I started. The sun had set just enough for the yet they continued with Buddy Holly's"Not
about the next day's heat. noticed that my fellow travellers had gone stage lights to be turned on, and the music Fade Away."
Although Bob Dylan and Tom Petty and their seperate ways so I tried to listen to the was getting more intense along with the After an encore of "Brokedown Palace"
the Heartbreakers were given top billing in music again. My luck wasn't holding out lights. "Saint of Circumstance" into "Aiko we went to our seats and collapsed. All of us
the promotion for these shows, our party of though- Tom Petty started singing some of Aiko" opened it up. Knowing that we still exha-usted, we drove ack to New York
travellers to RFK Stadium were going the his own material Seeing Petty perform neede ' aved the .- ,":,' '!' ,:
:'•: - range trip w : . . .!I
, ....
see the 'opening' act, The Grateful Dead. allowed me to prove a theory that I had
The last time this group went to a concert hypothesised for some time. Theorem:
was in April to see the Dead at Hartford Petty does not have to perform live. He can
Civic Center. On the road again were play his records over the audio system and
Stagger Lee, Flash, Gagger, and myself, walk off stage, the corwd being none the
along with a little lady named Karen, the wiser. While listening to "Even the Losers
person who procured our tickets to this sold Get Lucky Sometimes" or some other pop
out show. hit, I walked onto the grass and passed out
Arriving in the capital, Gagger turned the from the heat in the Redskins end zone.
car radio to the local rock station while we I woke up to hear Dylan playing his last
navigated the car to the foamy amber encore. Determined to get a view for the
beverage distributor to buy a pre-concert Dead I walked through the crowd to within
Coor's case. As I was drinking my first brew 60 feet of the front. Finally I could see the
I heard the DJ announce, "...and later this stage. By this time Gagger and Flash had
afternoon at RFK Stadium Bob Dylan will joined me so we planted ourselves there and
play two sets to open up for The Grateful waited.
Dead..." Great News! We heard the Dead At a quarter after seven Phil Lesh walked
were playing short opening sets for Dylan, on stage in a T-shirt, blue cord shorts and
and this told us that we weren't going to get army green sox. After picking a few notes on
the Reader's Digest version of a Dead his six string bass Bob Weir and company
show. took their places. They opened with"Hell in
At the Stadium it was easy to pick out the a Bucket" setting a good pace to make one
Tom Petty fans spread out amongst the feel as though it was going to last for a long
much larger Dead crowd. These were the time. Jerry then slowed it down a bit with
people wearing preppy shirts in spite of the "Sugaree." By now the people in my area
heat, Rayban shaded and with jappy were noticing Bob Dylan lounging out on
women in their company. These were the the second level of speakers on the left,
same people who left the show at 5:30. catching the show.

page 10 The Stony Brook Press Photo by Mike Ciunga

-- Concerts I E - _ _ _ I _ _ I _ _ I - --

Night of Living Dead

A Head's View of Day Two
everyone. I found Paradise. RFK rocked, then came my first "Must
It was about 4:00pm when a whine came Have Been the Roses," which met my
from the stage. It was Dylan's whine and I highest expectations. Next was the "Baby
,beganto groove. He looked great; white Blue" of "Baby Blues". Bob Dylan, the
.atin shirt, black leather pants, long curly composer of the song, came on and accom-
hiair. He was rockin. Petty and the Heart- panied Jerry and the band. It was a dream
breakers were backing him up musically, come true: Dylan on stage with the Dead.
which three black women were backing him Jerry rose to the occasion, and you could tell
up vocally. Lots of style, Bob. that Dylan was proud of what had been
The tempo from the same vein as done to his tune. Now it was Bobby's turn to
Empire Burlesque" was quick. "Clean Cut shine. He and Dylan did a duet to "Desola-
Kid" and "Respectfully Yours" stand out tion Row" to close the first set Long song,
from the first set After 45 minutes Bob lots of verses, lots of notes, in fact, I got so
relinquished the stage and Petty and the lost in this baby that I forgot where I was.
Heartbreakers were left to do it up. Dylan extra psychdelic and the Dead were
Apparently Petty had been playing, sing- obviously having a lot of fun. Twenty
ing, and saying the same material through- minutes later when the song came to an end
out the tour, but since this was the first time the place went crazy.
I caught the act, I didn't care. Bob then I sat down, didn't speak for a while,
came back on and played "To Ramona" and poured water on myself and listened to
It Ain't Me, Babe" with just his wood and teasing notes leading the audience to
harmonica. Spellbinding to say the least believe Shakedown would open. As I said, it
Petty followed with a few more songs with- was teasing. "Box of Rain" opened the
out Dylan, including "On Called Spike" second set The boys perfected thle numier
which went over well. And Dylan came back after recently playing it in every city on their
on...again! This time he was wearing all '86 spring tour. their harmony lifted the
black leather. He was looking damn good, stadium a few feet off the ground. "Playin"
and playing better. "I and I," "Like a Rolling was short and sweet, not too much space,
Stone," and "Just Like a Woman" were but it was tight, real tight. "Terrapin" was
outstanding. "Rainy Day Woman" drew perfect. A perfect "Terrapin" is religious -
large cries from the crowd. Dylan played to 'nuf said. The drums, they alone were
Big Bob Dylan 7:30)and when he announced that he was to talking to me, until the rest of the band came
about a Dead show that makes you forget later introduce the Grateful Dead I couldn't on and took me someplace far away during a
By Michael DePhillips very special space jam. 'lThey teased a
Dead Heads from arouund the country about all your ills. The city was now awake believe there was still another show to be
heard! "Morning Dew" during "Space" but broke
brought their weird act to Washington, D.C. and the passers-by gazed upon the scene in
I wandered about the stadium until about into "'he Other One." I figure it was to give
this past Sunday (July 6) and Monday bewilderment. "Where do they buy those
8:30 when "the boys" came on. What sets Dylan a little background info on the band.
(July 7). There the Grateful Dead hooked shirts?" they murmured, gawking at the tie-
they played! The first set consisted of: "Warfrat" did exactly what it was supposed
up with their mentor, Bob Dylanto supply dyed covered chests of the Dead Heads. I
Ramble On Rose, Minglewood, Must Have to do, bothl grooved and inspired. Bobby
fans with a double bill lasting over 7 hours. heard one lady comment, "God, look at
Been the Roses, Baby Blue, and Desolation was all over the place during "Round and
Pulling into R.F.K. Stadium parking lot late them! Look at their hair, where do they
Row. They took a short break and played Round." "Good Loving" was the best I've
Sunday night I found the typical Dead show come from?" Yep, Jerry was in town!
When the gates opened at 2:00pm we the second set Box of Rain, PIlayin, heard since listening to Pig Pen do it on the
scene: tents pitched, fires burning and
Terrapin, Drums, Space, The Other One, ()ld )bootlegs.It was extra hot and just what
heads walking around mumbling abou how began to make our migration from the lot to
Warfrat, Round and Round, and Good the doc(tor ordered. As a special treat
the "Saint of Circumstance - Aiko" mix the field. There were some white-collars
Loving. "Satisfaction" was the encore. Bobby introduced the hand towards the
must have been great that night I rambled picking up their Redskins season tickets,
Jerry Garcia had dropped 20 pounds. end of the song. While they were grooving,
about the scene trying to find out about the and they looked petrified, fearing that their
grew his hair and donned the big red t-shlirt. ea'ch member took a little solo as they were
rest of Sunday's show. Information was field would never be useable again. Nothing
His voice flourished and his guitar was right int r(duced. The stadium exploded when
scarce but that didn't matter. I had the great remained for them to do now except stare. I
stared back and muttered something about on target, as always. Bobby Weir's hair was Botbby got to("Good old Jer" and it erupted
time I typically have a Dead shows. Dead
longer, but otherwise it was the same( old when .Jerry added "... and the greatest guy
heads partied all night and bodies started to the Giants in '87 - sorry boys.
Once inside the stadium I realized how Bob Weir. Phil Lesh, in shorts and a in the world...Bob Dylan."
drop around sunrise, and I was no excep-
matching t-shirt played his bass such that it The encore was "Satisfaction." What
tion. I dozed off with the sound of Jerry's hot it was, and man was it hot! Temper- more could anyone want? It was gospel
hit spaces I didn't know existed. I couldn't
tape-recorded voice filling my ears. I woke a atures were reaching close to 100 degrees.
wee Mickey, Bill, or Brent, but I bet they Rock and Roll, pure gospel. The Dead will
few hours later to a '73 Stella Blue tune No wind, no relief. It turned into a real life
and death situation. I had to get wet real were smiling. be back at the Garden for three dates in
being played by a bunch of smiling freaks in
soon. A couple of hoses were lying on the The sun still shone when Jerry laid down October, catch them, and keep an ear out
the car next to us. Yep, Jerry was in town.
the law, with "Ramble On Rose," "Mingle- for these RFK tapes until then . . . Aiko
It was 11:00am and both the sun and my field and I quickly took up a position next to
wood" was hot, and Bobby sounded great Aiko.
head were pounding, but there's something a freak dancing around with one, spraying

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9- NY, 11746 July 14, 1986 page 11
- On Stage rl · I

Her Decadent Self

By Neal Drobenare entertain her. One of us would have to do, anyone from the "royal audience" on the Polivka's humor works by taking the
The Jesterand the Queen, a comedic play and Polivka was chosen. Curling her long stage. It could have been one of us. Trans-illogical to its logical end over and over
written, directed, and starring Bolek nailed finger at the first row she summoned formed into a boot-licking simp, Polivka's again. Playing with a six foot harvesting
Polivka was performed last month as part of him out of our midst to perform that role. scyth for the bored Queen, he accidently
antics as jester had us laughing to the end of
the Fine Arts's Center's International She loosely placed a rope around his neck the show, but it is not empty headed humor.bangs it on the ground as he swings it He
Theatre Festival The Czechoslovakian's and dressed him as her jester as he stood While his "everyman" is repeatedly humil- intentionally continues the blade motion
free-form humor is equal to that of there yielding to her. iated by the Queen, he retains a vestige ofand pulls it clost to him so that it appears he
America's top mass culture comedians. His en.ertainrn t hr into the has accidently cut off his own head, to the
!hi ,Ian.ityby deftly turning·
command of English was perfect and he from hn
AfrosThe queen der
S. antics mi :' . ':- great amusement of the Queen. With cruel
laughter in her voice she demands that he
plays off his eastern European accent in the
manner of Yakoff Smirnoff, the ex-patria- do it again. And he does it again..and again,
ted Russian comedian made famous by his and again. As the comedy of the Klutz wears
Miller Lite commercial, "In America you off, all that is left is the stark decadence and
can always find a party, in Russia party cruelty of the Queen highlighted by a now
always finds you." Polivka's verbal and humorless performence.
physical zaniness bring to mind Robin Upon occasion during the show he
Williams in his "Mork and Mindy" days. straightened up and reverted back to the
Like Williams, he can do the most ridicul- role we first saw him as, the director. In
ous things with such a serious attitude that doing so, he escaped the reaches of his
it makes them funny. Add to this his air of destructive relationship with his Queen and
innocence, similar to, but not as extreme as, transformed her, by his own change, into a
Andy Kaufman's Latka, and you begin to crying actress. His repitition of this device
sense the comedic presence that Polivka lets us know that this option is open to the
exudes on stage. Unlike these comedians, Jester at any time. Yet, he allows himself to
humor is not his aim, but just his method. be drawn further and further into this
His vehicle, The Jesterand the Queen, while destructive relationship with the Queen. He
funny, is meant to be taken seriously. allows himself to be ordered to "play the
After we were seated, a tall man with a King," a role whose outcome he knows can
thick shock of black hair rose from the first Qt only end in his execution.
row and introduced himself as the Polivka's comedy is an allegory for the
DIRECTOR! Bolek Polivka. Before begin- relationships that make up everyday life
ning he insisted that we transform ourselves and the power that people let them have
along with him into the Queen's royal over them. The Jester, like many, chooses
audience. As Polivka rejoined the audience, 0
to stay in a self-destructive relationship,
the queen entered, and hissing her viperous 0 responding to cruelty with cruelty. By not
0 reverting back to the director's role, as he
hiss, announced that she was bored. She 0
repeated, she was bored. cr could have, Polivka highlights people's
Unable to amuse her decadent self, the ability to choose the effect a relationship
queen declared that she wanted a jester to will have on them.
--- _ _____ --

Irish Gloom
Gold in the Streeti, performed at the
International Theatre Festival from June
19 to June 22, is a p>lay of movement and
conflict. The three vignettes placed consec-
utively in 1912, 1950, and 1982 Ireland,
reveal the protagonists moving their homes
in search of something better only to find
disappointment. Whether it is Agnes
Mullen, moving from the Catholic farm-
lands to Protestant Ulster in search of a
livliehood, or Mary Conner coming home
from England after the death of her English
husband, only to abandon her homeland
once again, or Sharon Macallister, who,
leaving her policeman husband in search of L

safety both psychological and physical, t

none find happiness in their original moves. a

The play paints a bleak, fatalistic picture. c0)
The problems of a people divided into
two religions, two countries, and two U)
identities are reflected in the interpersonal Ge
struggles of the protagonists. Agnes 0
Mullen, feigns being Protestant in order to
get a job, Mary Conner is rejected by her old
friends and family for being too "English."
Unfortunately none of the characters ever 0
solve their problems. They only run away 0
from the unbearable to find the barely 0
tolerable. A dark fatalistic streak clearly "s
runs through all the vignettes. The answer Q
to these conflicts is ridiculously clear, it is
nothing more than acceptance of people Ffrom "Gold in the Streets
despite their differences. The stories quick wit of the three heroines, all we see is tic in its presentation, the stage is barren feminist perspective. No radical statement
exhibit no hope that this will ever happen. their strength as they fight for survival and except for the back drop, a table and a few on women in society is made. Women aren't
Gold in the Streets is impecably perfor- dignity. The relief and contrast that comedy wooden chairs. It is the human environ- seen as having the answers to the socio-
med by the four women actors of the provides to the heavier themes of the play is ment, not the physical one, that the policical problems that the play explores.
Charabanc Theatre Company from Ireland. sorely missed. company wants us to focus on. Nor though, are they pictured as helpless
While the drama in the work can be univer- Each of the four women play a variety of Originally formed to provide employ- waifs. We see.them as they are; human
sally understood, the comedy doesn't trans- roles in each of the three vignettes. It is a ment for women actors, the Charabac beings struggling to survive while keeping
late well With a pecularly nationalistic tribute to the actress' versatility and the Company has its members play the male as their dignity intact.
humor based on Irish history, culture, and well thought out blocking that we have no well as the female roles. Understandably,
dialect, Americans will find it difficult to difficulty keeping track of who is who as the their stories are told from the women's The authorwould like to thank Dr.Solo
understand many of the jokes. Missing the performers change characters. Minimalis- perspective. This is not to say, though, a
for his counsel.

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