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Callin The Shots

Karen Rose
Are you kidding me? Lanier Lange stood in her editors office, hands on hips. Hes an athlete, for
Gods sake! he said !athlete the "ay #aris Hilton "ould say !$al%&art. 'aking another step into the
room, she ru((ed at her temples, hoping to tamp do"n the migraine that she could feel (uilding. &ay(e
shed pulled her hair (ack into its trademark (un too tightly that morning. )r may(e her editor "as a full%
(lo"n idiot. * "ont do it.
+ut he ,ust ga-e her a (emused smile and shook his head the "ay a condescending parent might. .ome
on, Lanier. /ou kno" you arent in any position to make ultimatums. 0o" get your s"eet ass out there and
go do your damn ,o(.
Lanier clenched her fists, her heart pounding "ith fury. 'he (astard "as right, she didnt ha-e a choice.
)nce a rising star in the "orld of ,ournalism, shed nearly tanked her career (y gi-ing in to her then fianc1s
re2uest that she !stay at home and learn to (e a real "ife. i3 months later, her engagement ring "as fish
(ait and she "as trying to reclaim her spot in the ne"sroom, not an easy thing to accomplish, especially for a
"oman. 4eporting the ne"s "as still -ery much a mans game, and, "hile she had the talent and the dri-e,
shed ne-er really (een a(le to play "ith the (ig (oys.
'ake Hyde, her editor, for instance. )h, "hat she "ouldnt gi-e to tell him off for all the times hed
humiliated her "ith his (enign style of se3ual harassment. +ut no, years of (eing raised as a lady forced her
to suffer in silence, a permanent smile pasted firmly on her lips. !5ont make a fuss, Lanier. *ts unseemly
for a lady to raise her -oice. Her mothers firm tone still echoed in her ears, e-en after all this time. o,
instead of telling Hyde to take a flying leap, she simply nodded. *ll get right on it.
Good. His eyes ro-ed o-er her (ody, clad in an e3pensi-ely tailored pale (lue suit from 0ordstrom.
His (eady%eyed ga6e stopped at her middle. Looks like you-e put on a fe", any"ay. 5o you some good to
get out in the field again, after all those days at home "ith nothing (ut )prah for company, huh?
Her cheeks flamed red, (ut the smile remained in place. Lanier lifted her chin and "alked out of the
office, feeling his eyes on her (ehind the entire "ay. 5ou(tless he noticed the e3tra padding (ack there, too.
hed al"ays (een thin as a rail, (ut e-er since her engagement had gone south, shed used comfort food as
anesthesia. As soon as this assignment "as in the can, shed rene" her gym mem(ership and commence "ith
her usual "orkout regime.
&aking her "ay (ack to her tiny desk in the (ullpen, she took a fe" deep (reaths until her (ody
temperature "ent (ack to normal. )nce in her seat, she mo-ed the mouse to "ake up her computer. Hydes
secretary had emailed her the contact information for her ne3t assignment, and she ,otted do"n the num(er
of 7incent #aytons agent on a piece of paper. Lanier didnt kno" s2uat a(out (asket(all, (ut a person "ould
ha-e to (e li-ing under a rock not to ha-e heard a(out the 0+As ne"est (ad (oy. )n the court, they called
him !'he Hypnoti6er and off the court, "ell, his scrapes "ith (oth the la" and the ladies "ere legendary.
Although she "asnt sure that the kind of "omen he associated "ith could technically (e called ladies.
he found more than t"o thousand hits associated "ith his name on Google. he clicked on the first
link, "hich took her to a site called 8umpman9:, "here she disco-ered that #ayton "as a prot1g1 of &ichael
8ordans. Apparently, hed (een a mem(er in good standing of something called !'he +reakfast .lu(;a
group of rising stars that 8ordan had taken under his "ing. $ell. Anyone associated "ith His Airness
couldnt (e all (ad. he clicked on the photos section and her face immediately reddened, although this time
it "asnt from anger. he sa" 7in #ayton, in his famous ad for mens under"ear, his long, lean (ody corded
"ith ropy muscles. He "ore a pair of (o3er (riefs, and they fit him like a second skin, allo"ing her to see the
massi-e (ulge underneath. No way is that all him. Theres got to be a sock or two stuffed in there. His skin
"as the color of rich milk chocolate and a -ariety of tattoos fought for dominance on his arms, chest, and
e-en the side of his neck. )h my, she (reathed, leaning closer to the screen to take in his cleanly%sha-en
head, penetrating dark eyes and full lips t"isted into his trademark sco"l.
A strand of (londe hair fell from her (un and she impatiently (rushed it a"ay. he "as a "as a reporter,
not a groupie, for Gods sake! $hy, it (ordered on unprofessional, leering at the man like this! Lanier
straightened up to her usual ramrod position and clicked the (utton that took her (ack to the Google
homepage. 'his "as ,ust another assignment, and a fluff piece at that. 7ins management team "as
attempting to spin his image into something a (it more family friendly. Lanier had (een all (ut ordered to
"rite a piece that sho"ed his softer side. he snorted softly, thinking that if those muscles "ere any
indication, the man didnt ha-e one. Gi-ing herself an admonishing shake, she picked up the phone to call
his agent. Against her (etter ,udgment, she "ould take the assignment and do her (est. *n her heart, she kne"
she didnt ha-e a choice.
7incent. $ould you mind turning do"n that incessant noise and listening a moment? * "ould think
that matters concerning your career "ould (e of interest to you.
7incent !7in #ayton hea-ed a sigh= people "ere in his ear 9>?@, all "antin a piece of him. $ithout
taking his eyes from the A+o3 :BC game, he said, $hy you so pressed, G? * already told you, *ll do the
damn thing. His agent meant "ell, (ut damn! .ouldnt a (rother get a hot minute to himself? He turned the
-olume do"n a couple of notches on the 5irty outh tracks that played as a (ackdrop to And 1 Streetball, a
game so fresh it hadnt e-en come out in the stores yet. D-en so, he could still feel the impatience rolling off
G in "a-es. $hat? he gro"led out, his fingers furiously "orking the controls.
Graham Hudson, or !G, as 7in al"ays called him, mo-ed his (ulk (et"een his client and the plasma
screen tele-ision. A man of e3treme proportions, he all (ut o(literated the games high%tech graphics. 'he
inter-ie" is all set. * spoke "ith the editor myself, and hes assured me that the reporter is "illing to play
(all, so to speak. He allo"ed himself a small smile at the play on "ords, (ut 7in ,ust sucked his teeth in
annoyance. 'ypical. Eor someone "ho commanded a salary in the high se-en digits, he could (e as stu((orn
as a four%year%old. 'he real 7incent #ayton lay carefully hidden (eneath layers of attitude and posturing.
$hate-er. &o-e yo (ig ass on out the "ay, upersi6e. *m tryna get my game on, here.
#lease assure me that you "ill (e on your (est (eha-ior, 7incent. /ou dont "ant to lose your
endorsements. 'he pu(lic needs to see the softer side of the Hypnoti6er. Graham folded his arms across his
chest, hoping that this "ould (e the one time "hen 7incent "ould listen. &c5onalds has e3pressed
concern o-er using you in their ne" campaign.
7in looked up. ay "hat? All o-er my ass for months, and no" they "ant to pull the rug out from
under a (rother. Euck! He thre" do"n the game controller and rose, crossing the large room in t"o long
strides. A full array of e3ercise e2uipment stood in the corner and he picked up t"o hea-y dum((ells, curling
them up and do"n effortlessly. /ou (etter handle that, G. Aint that "hat * pay you for?
*ndeed it is. Ho"e-er, "hat you dont seem to understand is that * need to (e a(le to sell you to these
companies. *n light of your continuous negati-e pu(licity, this is not an easy task. 'he agent picked up a
glossy maga6ine from the desk. 'he latest issue of Vibe has you 2uoted as saying, !* get more pussy than
any other athlete, including $ilt the tilt. His dick aint got shit on mine. 'hen it says that you pulled do"n
your pants and sho"ed yourFe2uipment to e-eryone in the room.
Hey, that reporter "as on her knees !fore * e-en got my pants all the "ay do"n. +itch could suck the
chrome straight off the rims, for real. Had her some (ig ass titties too, he grinned, using his hands to
demonstrate the si6e of the (reasts in 2uestion. ides, * didnt say nothin that aint the truth, so "hy you
Graham thre" up his hands in despair. /ou simply refuse to understand. 'hese corporations are run (y
rich "hite men. 'hey do not like to hear that the face of their product likes toF he fro"ned do"n at the
maga6ine, Fget his freak on "ith as many different (itches as possi(le. His pudgy face t"isted "ith
disappro-al, and he dropped the maga6ine hastily, as though touching it "ould infect him. *f you could ,ust
drop the faGade for a moment, and (e yourself, "e "ouldnt ha-e these pro(lems.
+unch a old%school Gumps, "hat they are, 7in replied, s"itching to hammer curls. All married to
(lue%haired (iddies "ho dont ne-er gi-e it up. He (arked out a laugh, shaking his head. &ay(e once a
year, on they (irthdays, (ut thats it. * like to fuck, "hats "rong "it that? Hed (e damned if hed let the
press see past all the hype. )nce you let those -ultures get a peek into your pri-ate life, you "ere scre"ed.
Graham did not argue "ith that logic. He had tried too many times (efore. All * ask is that you (eha-e
yourself around this reporter. Heep your pants on, and try to use some of that de-astating charm all your fans
seem to see. God kno"s * ne-er ha-e.
'hats !cause * aint tryna fuck you, G, laughed 7in, thro"ing the "eights do"n. 'hey fell "ith a
solid thud on the hea-ily carpeted floor. He pulled off the (lack 0ike tank he "as "earing and dropped to the
floor for push%ups. .an * help it if the females thro" themsel-es at me? *m a charismatic motherfucker,
dog. As he spoke, he counted off push%ups under his (reath, stopping "hen he reached fifty. Look, * got
company comin in a minute. &ake yourself scarce. *ll holla at you in a fe". 8umping to his feet, he
gra((ed another set of "eights.
8ust make sure your !company is gone (efore the reporter gets here. Graham picked up his (riefcase
and "alked to the door. And try not to trash the suite too (adly. *ts getting more and more difficult to (ook
you into hotels. He ga-e his client a final, pleading look. 5ont fuck this up, 7incent. #lease. He "anted
to say more, (ut he kne" 7incent "ouldnt listen. *t "as a shame, (ecause the man that li-ed underneath the
hype "as far different from the trash%talking ghetto (oy "hose face his client "ore for the masses.
'he "eights clacked together o-er his head. /ou "orry too much, G. *ts all gra-y. Go on, get yourself
something to eat. * kno" you hungry. 7in laughed as his agent hea-ed a long%suffering sigh (efore "alking
out of the suite, slamming the door "ith a shade more force than necessary.
Alone in the spacious room, he stripped off the rest of his clothes and gra((ed a protein shake out of the
mini%fridge. o the &c5onalds people "ere trying to pull out of the deal, huh? 'hat "orried him more than
he let on to G. #ro(a(ly (e smart to play (all "ith this reporter, tone do"n the attitude and all that, ,ust for
the sake of protecting his money. +ut that shit rankled him= hed (een raised to stay true to himself, keep it
real, as they said. #utting on a minstrel sho" for the pu(lic e2ualed selling out in his (ook. +esides, it "as
no(odys damn (usiness ho" he really li-ed his life. #ast e3perience had taught him the hard "ay. ho"ing
any sort of -ulnera(ility to the pu(lic "as a sure "ay to (ury a (urgeoning career.
A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. #ro(a(ly that girl from the (ar in the hotel lo((y. $hen
hed come (ack from the game last night, shed (een "aiting in the ele-ator, "earing nothing (ut a (ottle of
Hpnoti2 and a smile. Hed fucked her standing up against the glass "all of the ele-ator, made her come t"ice
(efore they even reached the penthouse floor. #eering out the peephole, all he sa" "as a (londe head. Had
she (een a (londe? Hell, he couldnt remem(er if shed had hair, let alone "hat color it "as. till naked, he
pulled open the door. /o, * got another (itch coming in a hot second, (ut you can suck me off "hile * "ait.
*t "as ama6ing, e-en after all this time, "hat "omen "ould put up "ith for a chance to (e "ith a star (aller.
'he nastier he acted, the more they seemed to like it. ometimes he "ondered "hether there "ere any
"omen out there "ho -alued themsel-es enough to tell him to go fuck himself. *n the meantime, he figured
he ought to ha-e as much fun as possi(le. He gra((ed his dick and started stroking, stepping to the side so
she could come in.
Her fancy (lue suit must (e some kind of costume, he decided. $ith her hair all pulled (ack like that,
she looked like a li(rarian or one of those ladies "ho ga-e tours in museums. $hate-er the reason for her
straight%laced gear, it made his dick hard. Go on, get on your knees, he prompted, pressing do"n gently on
her shoulders.
till standing in the door"ay, the "omans face turned (right red. Her mouth "orked like a fish on a
line, and her "ide%set gray eyes nearly popped out of her head. /ouFyouFyou! she sputtered, little
flecks of sali-a spraying the air. 'ake your filthy hands off me! Ho" dare you treat me like *m some kind
ofFprostitute! 'he last "ord came out in a high%pitched s2ueak. he (acked out of the room into the
hall"ay, glaring at him as though he "ere a serial killer.
lo" your roll, (a(y, he laughed. $hat kind of game "as this ho playing? &ust (e some kind of
freaky role%play shit like they did on H+) late%night. He could get "ith that. 5amn, you a nasty little freak,
huh? *ma (ang your phat ass out (ut good, you hear?
)h my God! 5id you ,ust call me fat?! /ouFyou bastard! 'urning on her heel, she ran do"n the hall
to"ard the (ank of ele-ators.
What the hell? $ithout thinking, he stepped out into the hall"ay, causing the hea-y door of the suite to
immediately slam shut (ehind him. hit! He ,iggled the door handle, (ut it "as locked tight. hit! he
s"ore again. 'he hall"ay "as cold, especially for a (lack man, and a (are%assed one at that. 5idnt a couple
of his teammates ha-e rooms on this floor? He fro"ned, trying to recall the room num(er. Einally, he ,ust
strode do"n the hall and chose a door at random. After a flurry of muffled giggles, the door s"ung open.
)h. &y. God! A redhead "ith e3tremely generous cur-es stood gaping at him. .lad in a pair of tiny
terrycloth shorts and an infant si6ed tank top that read, !8uicy on it, she all (ut 2ui-ered in shock. /oure
7in #ayton! she gasped, her eyes gla6ing slightly at his muscular, naked form, roaming o-er him until
stopping at his cock, "hich "as semi%hard from the frigid air.
.an * (orro" your phone for a hot second? he checked out her tits in the tiny shirt. 'hey "ere (ig and
round, ,ust like the rest of her. he "as "hat the (rothers (ack home "ould call a red(one. He "atched in
fascination as her nipples hardened, poking firmly out of the thin material of her shirt.
he giggled, her eyes still on his dick, "hich no" felt hard as a rock. 'hat depends. 5o * get to (orro"
that? she asked, pointing south. A little pink tongue circled full, glossy lips.
7in grinned. The things do for my fans. He follo"ed the redhead inside. 0e-er in his life had he met a
redhead that "asnt a full%on superfreak. !ust be somethin in their "NA. He concentrated on her tits, trying
to distract himself from the nagging feeling in the (ack of his head, the one that told him hed fucked up
)nce inside the room, he (ent her o-er the (ed and fucked her from (ehind. he "as "et as a ri-er,
,uices leaking out of her pussy do"n her thick thighs. 'he (ig girls "ere al"ays like that, hed found. #ussies
like tsunamis. He pumped hard, gripping her hips tightly as she s2uealed and panted. hit, it "as a lucky
thing that she had condoms. He had a hard and fast rule a(out protection. 'here "ere too many "omen out
there, looking for the golden ticket. After she came once, he pulled out. 'urn o-er, he commanded, gi-ing
her a sharp smack on the ass. he complied immediately, spreading her legs "ide for him.
'aking a leg in each hand, he held them up in the air (efore sho-ing himself (ack inside her and
thrusting so hard he nearly lifted her (ig ass off the (ed. *t only took a(out ten strokes (efore he pulled out,
took off the condom, and ,erked off onto her (elly. His seed sprayed o-er her like a fire hose. 'hats some
good shit. Gra((ing a shirt from the pile on the floor, he "iped himself off and picked up the phone.
omeone do"n at the front desk said theyd (e up in less than fi-e minutes to unlock his door. 'hanks,
(a(y. $rite do"n your name for me, *ll lea-e you a pair of tickets for tonights game.
'he redhead s2uealed delightedly and used a tu(e of pink lipstick to scra"l her name do"n on the hotel
stationary. Here! she thrust it at him.
Later. He folded the paper in half and ga-e her a "ink 'hanks for the phone.
he giggled and let her legs fall open, her (ody still glistening "ith his come. Anytime.
7in smiled and "ent to the door. He stuck his head out in the hall"ay and sa" that a uniformed dude
stood outside his suite. Appreciate it, man, he strode out into the hall"ay.

'he man didnt (link so much as an eye at 7ins nakedness. 0o pro(lem at all, sir. He slid a magnetic
card into the slot and the light (eeped green. )pening the door, he stepped aside officiously. $ill that (e
*t "as ama6ing ho" money could make a "hite man (o" and scrape. 0a", *m straight. He "ent
inside, gra((ed a fifty from his (illfold and handed it to the guy. 'hanks.
He pocketed the money and held out a folded slip of paper. A message for you, sir. $ith a tip of his
cap, he nodded and left.
.losing the door (ehind him, 7in read the message, "hich came from G. Apparently, the cra6y (londe
hadnt (een the chick hed fucked in the ele-ator the night (efore. Her outfit hadnt (een a costume, either.
hit! he said, for the third time in thirty minutes. 'he (londe had (een the reporter, the one he "as
supposed to charm into helping him clean up his image. $ell, aint that a (itch! He shook his head,
kno"ing this "as gonna come (ack and (ite him right on the ass.
Ina(le to face the ne"sroom after her utter humiliation, Lanier called her friend 'ara and (egged her to
meet for coffee. 'ara "as one of her oldest friends, as different from Lanier as night from day. he "orked
as a sales manager for a near(y hotel, so only a(out ten minutes passed (efore she arri-ed at tar(ucks.
he (urst out laughing "hen Lanier related the e-ents of the (otched inter-ie". Laney! He didnt call
you fat. 5ont you "atch +.D.'? 'ara sipped from her -enti caramel latte, amusement all o-er her perfect
0o, * do not, and he did too call me fat. * heard him! $ith an indignant sco"l, Lanier emptied another
packet of plenda into her (lack coffee. he dearly "anted a caf1 mocha, (ut "ith all the attention her
e3panding "aistline had (een getting lately, she decided against it. 0ot only fat, (ut a, she leaned in closer,
lo"ering her -oice, a "hore, too! *t "as a"ful!
trands of 'aras professionally straightened e(ony hair dipped for"ard onto the ta(le as she (ent
dou(le in laughter. Honey, he said !phat not !fat, she e3plained. His kind of phat means he liked your
He "as naked, she hissed angrily. And hisFthingF"as hard.
Ho" (ig "as it? 'hey say hes huge. 'ara grinned "ickedly. 'hat man is hot as hell. * dont kno"
"hat youre all in a t"ist a(out. * "ould lo-e to go a round or three "ith him. he licked her lips and made
a gro"ling noise. 'hat (ody of his? And you got to see him in the (uff? /ou should (e one happy "oman,
not looking like someone stepped on your (irthday cake.
'he theme song from ce #astles sounded, cutting off 'aras machine%gun style 2uestioning. Lanier
reached for her cell phone, cutting the song short "hen she flipped it open. Lanier Lange? she said in her
most professional -oice. )h, its you.
*s that him? 7in #ayton? 'ara stage%"hispered, practically knocking o-er her coffee. Lanier "a-ed at
her to hush, her hand co-ering her other ear to dro"n out her friend.
$ell, *m sure you are sorry, (ut that doesnt make up for the fact that you treated me disgracefully.
And that you "ere, "ell, naked. he listened, her cheeks gro"ing pink. * see. he put a hand o-er the
mouthpiece of her phone. He thought * "as a groupie, she murmured to 'ara. The ner$e of that man. "id
women of ill re%ute go around in fi$e hundred dollar suits? &eally. he listened some more, en,oying the
sound of his rough -oice in spite of herself. *m afraid that is 2uite impossi(le.
$hat? $hat? 'ara scooted her chair o-er to Laniers side of the ta(le, trying to hear the con-ersation.
.o-ering the phone again, she hissed, He "ants me to meet him at a clu(. Eor the inter-ie". 'onight.
&aking a disgusted face, she rolled her eyes at his arrogance.
'ara gra((ed the phone out of her hand. hell (e there, she yelled into the phone. $hen and
"here? he yanked the tiny phone a"ay from Laniers grasping hand. )h, *d lo-e to! Ho" s"eet of you!
he did a little dance in her seat and "hispered, *m coming "ith you!
+ut * hate clu(s! 'heyre noisy and cro"ded and filled "ith smoke! she "ailed, kno"ing her
complaints fell on deaf ears. 'aras mind "as made up. Gi-e me the phone!
$ith a smirk, 'ara handed it o-er. All Lanier heard "as a dial tone. 5id he hang up already? Gee, *m
* despise you. Ha-e * e-er told you that? Lanier shook her head. Ho" "ould she possi(ly (e a(le to
inter-ie" 7in #ayton in a clu(? 'his "as a terri(le idea. *m going home to soak in a hot (ath. * feel a
migraine coming on.
5ont you dare try to (ack out of this, Lanier Lange, 'ara "arned. 'his is one of the hottest clu(s in
to"n and *-e (een dying to get in there. /ou are going to do this for me.
* dont ha-e anything to "ear, she grum(led, gi-ing in to 'ara like she al"ays did. And * cant stay
out too late. * ha-e to "ork tomorro".
'his is "ork, 'ara reminded her, getting up and dumping her empty cup in the trash. +esides, "e
arent e-en meeting him there until after the game. Dle-en%thirty or so.
Eollo"ing her friend out the door, she groaned, At night? Lanier couldnt remem(er the last time
shed stayed up past midnight. 'his is a terri(le idea. 'ara ,ust grinned.
'hey "alked into 'aras cramped, one%room apartment= she had con-inced Lanier to forego her (ath in
fa-or of finding !something hot to "ear. Lanier "asnt at all sure a(out that, (ut she kne" her o"n closet
"as "oefully inade2uate "hen it came to "hat 'ara referred to as !clu("ear. /ou kno", if you didnt
spend so much money on designer clothes, you could ha-e a much (igger apartment. A single%family home,
e-en, she mused, looking around the tiny space. 'ara "asnt much of a housekeeper on her (est day, and it
appeared as though a (om( had e3ploded in "hat passed for her (edroom. Lanier assumed it "as "here she
slept, although she didnt see e-idence of a (ed any"here. #ro(a(ly (uried under the mountains of clothes
stre"n all o-er the room.
'ara didnt hear her constructi-e criticism, as she stood deep "ithin the (o"els of her closet. *ts all
a(out candy colors this season, she pronounced, (ringing forth a hot pink shirtdress "ith a hemline so high
that Lanier (lushed ,ust looking at it.
'hat looks like something a street"alker "ould "ear. he eyed the garment "ith distaste, shaking her
head firmly "hen 'ara held it out to her. 0o "ay.
$ith a roll of her eyes, 'ara tossed the dress on top of the pile. *ts Louis 7uitton, for Gods sake, and
(esides, * "as thinking of "earing it myself. /oud pro(a(ly put a cardigan o-er it and hide in the corner all
night, "orrying that someone might notice you ha-e legs. 'hat dress is meant to (e seen. he ga-e her hair
a toss and returned to the closet.
Lanier ru((ed her temples for "hat had to (e the fifth time in as many minutes. Gingerly, she cleared a
space on the (ed and sat do"n, perching primly on the corner. $hy cant * ,ust "ear "hat * ha-e on? she
raised her -oice so her friend could hear her.
A (urst of laughter came from the recesses of the closet. After a moment, 'ara popped out, fistfuls of
clothing in her hands. 'hat? Are you kidding me? )H, let me put this in terms that you can understand.
he sighed, and thought for a moment. $earing that suit to this clu( "ould (e the same as not "earing
stockings to a (usiness meeting "ith your pu(lisher. 'he horrified look on Laniers face made her laugh
again. o you get it.
* get it. * ,ust dont like it. Ho" am * supposed to get an inter-ie" in this type of setting? *m not like
you, 'ara. *ts not easy for me to go "ith the flo". he (it her lip, recalling Hydes comment earlier that
morning. +esides, * pro(a(ly "ont fit into any of your clothes any"ay. Look at me, *m a "hale, she
cried, rising to sho" 'ara ho" her skirt "as pulling at the top.
'hat is your mother talking, Lanier Lange, and you kno" it. .hrist, "hat are you, a si3? 'hats
positi-ely skeletal (y most mens standards, "ell, e3cept for "hite men. 'heyre the only ones "ho "ant
"omen "ho look like prepu(escent (oys "ith (reasts. /ou-e got a great figure, (ut those se-erely tailored
suits you "ear are meant for "omen "ho dont ha-e cur-es. /ou kno", si3 o clock type "omen.
$hat is a si3 oclock "oman? she asked, kno"ing her confusion sho"ed on her face. ometimes 'ara
spoke a completely different language, one that (elied her strict Dpiscopalian up(ringing.
traight up and do"n, like the hands on a clock. he demonstrated "ith a giggle. 0o" hush up and
go try this on "hile * make us something to drink.
he kne" it "as useless to argue "ith 'ara. 'aking the clothing from her outstretched hand, she "ent
into the (athroom to do as she "as told.
'he roar of the cro"d made it difficult to hear the reporters 2uestion. 7in leaned do"n and co-ered one
ear, s"eat still streaming do"n his face. He ,ust "anted to get his ass (ack to the locker room and sho"er,
(ut e-ery(ody needed their pound of flesh. ay again, man? he asked the D#0 guy.
Ho" does it feel to (e one of the highest%scoring players in the 0+A?
He turned on the full "attage grin. *t feels great. *m ,ust proud to (e a part of this team. 'onight "as a
tough one (ut "e came out on top. *ts a great feeling. *t "as a stock reply, one that he spoke nearly e-ery
game night, (ut it "as "hat the fans "anted to hear.
'hanks, 7in. +ack to you, Henny. 'he reporter shook 7ins hand and disappeared into the throng.
Another one took his place, and 7in repeated the process three times (efore he "as finished. $iping off his
face "ith a to"el, he "ent (ack to the (ench to put on his "arm%ups. 'en girls a"aited him. !ust be a slow
night. Isually there "ere at least t"enty.
Great game, 7in, purred a (ro"n%skinned sister in a dress so tight he "ondered ho" she "as
A second "oman sco"led at the first and pushed for"ard. * ,ust had my (reasts done, she s2uee6ed
them together "ith her hands. $ill you sign them for me? As nonchalantly as remo-ing a shoe, she pulled
up her tank top, e3posing a pair of -ery upright dou(le 5s. 'he other ladies muttered angrily (ehind her as
they ,ockeyed for position.
Get those fake ass titties out of here, this aint "r. '()1(, said a girl "ith pink (raids, her thin lips
t"isted in a sco"l. &y shit is all real, 7in, you can see for yourself. he un6ipped her rhinestone co-ered
hoodie to pro-e it. :> 5s and all me, she added, (ouncing up and do"n to make them ,iggle. All ,elly, no
ome(ody tell this ho to put her tired saggy dugs a"ay. 'he first girl el(o"ed &s. :>5 out of the
"ay. Aint no(ody tryin to see them. he turned to 7in, pressing her (ody up against his. *ll do
anything you "ant, (a(y, anything. 'ake me (ack to the locker room, *ll sho" you "hat *m "orking "ith.
Her tongue darted out, allo"ing him to see the sil-er (all in the center. *ll suck you off so good, you "ont
kno" "hat hit you.
orry, ladies, (ut 7incent has a pre-ious engagement. Graham cut in smoothly.
Huh? He getting married? .onfusion sho"ed on all the girls faces.
.an he ,ust sign me first? 'he girl "ith the ne" (reasts sho-ed a permanent marker at 7in. #lease?
Graham e3haled loudly, (ut 7in took the pen and scra"led his name on her right (reast. .ome (y the
hotel later on, "ell party. 'he girls all s2uealed "ith delight. Later, he called o-er his shoulder,
follo"ing Graham off the court. * aint spendin all night "ith this uptight reporter (road, ,ust so you
God for(id you do something thats good for your career, Graham muttered. /ou ha-e e3actly thirty
minutes (efore youre due to meet &s. Lange at +utter. * put her and her friend, a &s. 'ara edg"ick, on the
list. * hope it goes "ithout saying that youll treat her (etter than you "ould your o"n mother.
Aint no(ody * treat (etter than my mother, 7in retorted. 5ont "orry, G, its all;
Gra-y. /es, *-e heard you say that a time or t"o (efore. Graham shook his head and left his client at
the entrance to the locker room. 'he place "as outfitted (etter than +ill Gates summer home. Athletes
reigned as the ne" superstars of todays society and team o"ners (ent o-er (ack"ard to make certain that
they had a comforta(le place in "hich to recharge (efore and after games. Last time hed (een inside, there
had (een a (e-y of "illing (eauties to !massage the players in se-eral pri-ate rooms stocked "ith Erette
linens and other adult entertainment items. 'his "as in addition to the leather clu( chairs that surrounded
four plasma screen tele-isions, each "ith three different game systems and its o"n surround sound stereo.
+ut that "as really ,ust for sho", as e-ery player had his o"n personal tele-ision and game system of his
choice in his locker, as "ell as a personali6ed chair. A small army of chefs manned a state%of the%art kitchen,
(ringing the players anything they asked for, and they asked for e-erything. 'he teams po"er for"ard "as
on a ra"%food diet, and Graham had heard that he had his o"n personal chef to attend to his specially
prepared meals.
)ne of the hard%and%fast rules of the locker room "as that nothing said or done "ithin its confines
"ould lea-e the room. *t "as the sacred domain of these highly paid men, and as such, there "as an
un"ritten code of honor. )"ners paid massi-e amounts of money to make the facility a place "here the
athletes "anted to (e, a sort of personal clu( "here mem(ership "as limited to the team mem(ers. 7in spent
a great deal of time there= it "as the only place "here he truly felt comforta(le. Graham "atched him
disappear (ehind the doors and hoped that he kne" ho" much "as at stake.
7in entered the clu( through a pri-ate entrance that led directly up to the 7*# room. e-eral of his
teammates "ere already there, flanked (y "omen and sycophants. He scanned the room, looking for the
reporter (road and her friend. As he "as looking, a "aitress appeared at his right, dressed in an outfit
literally painted on her skin. $asnt e-eryday you sa" shit like that. he handed him a crystal glass. Grey
Goose and tonic. '"o limes. .an * do anything else for you tonight? Her smile told him that there "asnt
much she "ouldnt do.
*m straight for no". He took the glass and smiled at her. All his fa-orite things "ere kept on file so
he "asn!t surprised that she kne" e3actly "hat to (ring him. 0ice can-as, he nodded do"n at her (reasts,
"hich "ere painted sil-er, (lue, and (lack, his teams colors.
*ts really hard to "ash it all off (y myself. ometimes * need an e3tra hand. he ga-e him a (old
"ink, raising her eye(ro"s in 2uestion.
'aking a sip of his drink, he shrugged. Holla at me later on, then. &ay(e * can help you out "ith that.
A (londe head caught his attention= she "as there, huddled in the corner "ith her friend, an e3otic%looking
(runette. 7in "aded through the cro"d, pausing se-eral times to talk to his teammates (efore taking a seat
opposite her on the plush -el-et sofa. orry *m late. He ga-e her and the friend the mega%"att smile.
* almost didnt recogni6e you "ith your clothes on, she replied dryly.
And * almost didnt recogni6e you, period. *t "as true, she looked completely different than the
(uttoned%up "oman "hod run from him in the hotel hall"ay. Eor one thing, her hair "as do"n, falling in
soft "a-es to ,ust past her shoulders. *t "as the color of the honey (utter his mom used to make for him
"hen he "as little. *nstead of the prissy (lue suit, she "ore a co(alt (lue dress "ith some kind of print all
o-er it= it dipped slightly in front and hugged her cur-es nicely. And she did ha-e some cur-es on her, he
noticed "ith a grin. /ou looking fierce for real, Lois Lane.
Her cheeks turned pink at the compliment. 'his is my friend 'ara, she "a-ed a flustered hand in her
direction. He shook her hand, checking her out as he did. he looked like the 5isney -ersion of #ocahontas=
some"here in her family history, one of her peoples had gotten do"n "ith an *ndian, that "as for damn sure.
0ice to meet you, 'ara. /ou like (asket(all?
* like (asket(all %layers, she clarified "ith a flirtatious grin. $hy dont you introduce me to one so
you and Lanier can do your inter-ie" uninterrupted?
'ara! Lanier protested, "idening her eyes at the other girl. he muttered something under her (reath
that 7in couldnt hear. He s"ung around and, after a moment, caught the attention of Ant"uan Holmes, "ho
played point guard. $hile the girls "hispered in a heated de(ate, he cut his eyes at the friend, 'ara, then
raised his eye(ro"s at his teammate. Ant"uan ga-e her a 2uick once%o-er, said something to the three ladies
on his arm, and then "alked o-er. He sat do"n ne3t to 7in, knocking (ack the rest of his drink in one 2uick
s"allo". Another one appeared at his side immediately, (rought (y another painted "aitress.
7in (roke in on the girls con-ersation. Ant, this is 'ara. 'ara, meet Ant"uan Holmes. He plays point
guard for us. +adly, he added "ith a grin.
/ou al"ays comin out your mouth "ith some (ullshit, man. D-ery (ucket you scored "as !cause *
passed you the rock. $asnt for me, youd (e on the (ench, crying like a girl. He "a-ed a giant hand at 7in
(efore turning to 'ara. $hy dont you and * go get to kno" each other so * dont knock this fool out?
$ithout hesitating, 'ara took his hand and they "ere gone.
Lanier "atched her friend go "ith an an3ious e3pression that reminded 7in of a kid "ho couldnt find
his mother in the grocery store. /ou need another drink? He rattled the ice in his glass, an action "hich
(rought his painted lady o-er dou(le time.
* dont really drink, she replied, turning a pair of slate gray eyes on him. 'hey "ere "ide set and lined
in a dark color that made them look slightly slanted. He stared for a moment too long, finding it difficult to
look a"ay. &ay(e something "ith caffeine. *m not really used to staying out this late. A ner-ous giggle
punctuated her remark, making her cheeks turn pink again. He liked to see her (lush, he reali6ed. *t had (een
a long time since hed (een around any females innocent enough to (lush.
+ring her a 4ed +ull, he said to the "aitress. And * need some gru(;ha-e the chef make me up an
appeti6er plate. 0othing "ith s"ine in it, ,ust cra( cakes, "ings, and that grilled shrimp "ith the pink sauce.
'he remoulade. /es, sir, coming right up. he s"ung her painted (reasts around so that they (ounced
directly in his eye le-el, gi-ing Lanier her (ack at the same time. $omen "ere some catty (itches. He "as
interested to see ho" Lois Lane "ould handle herself, and sure enough, she didnt let him do"n.
he cleared her throat. D3cuse me, (ut "ould you mind mo-ing your rear end out of my face? * do
appreciate art, (ut in this case the can-as lea-es something to (e desired. 7in coughed into his hand to
muffle his laughter. omething a(out her precise, pristine "ay of speaking made her "ords sound nastier
than if shed said, +itch, mo-e your fat ass out my "ay. He dug it.
'he "aitress ga-e her a disdainful look, (ut said nothing. $ith a s"ish of her painted hips, she headed
(ack out into the throng. /ou (urned her pretty good, Lois.
A fro"n creased her (ro". *m sorry? +efore he could e3plain the comment, a "ell%dressed foursome
"alked o-er and thrust out papers for him to sign. 'hen the "aitress came (ack "ith their drinks and food,
follo"ed (y some girls "ho "anted him to sign other things, and a fe" of his teammates talking the usual
trash. *t "as a good thirty minutes (efore they "ere alone again.
orry a(out that. He scooped up a handful of the shrimp and popped them in his mouth. After
che"ing and s"allo"ing, he said, /ou a(out ready to do this or "hat?
)h! /es, of course. he pulled a small recorder from her purse and placed it on the glass ta(le that
separated them. +efore turning it on, she looked up at him "ith those fathomless gray eyes. Ho" do you do
#ausing "ith his glass half"ay to his lips, he cocked his head to the side. Huh? $hat you mean?
Her hands fluttered in the air. * mean, ho" do you do it? Ho" do you li-e this "ay, all the time?
#eople approaching you constantly, al"ays "anting something from you. * dont kno" ho" you stand it.
0o(odys real! Her -oice rose slightly on the last "ords and she flushed instantly. *m sorry. $hy dont
"e ,ust get on "ith the inter-ie"? +londe hair fell in a curtain around her face as she (ent for"ard to fiddle
"ith the recorder. 7in co-ered her small hands "ith one of his, stopping her mo-ements. $hen she looked
up, he traced the line of her face gently, in"ardly mar-eling at the smoothness of her skin. D-er since * first
put my hands on a (asket(all, people (een "antin somethin from me. *t is "hat it is. &atter of fact, the
thing that keeps me up at night is that one day they might stop "antin. 'hen "hat? He could scarcely
(elie-e hed said those "ords aloud, the ones that hed ne-er shared "ith anyone, not e-en his o"n mother.
$hat "as it a(out this "oman that made him confide his deepest fears? 7in took his hands off her and sat
(ack, feeling rattled. *t "asnt an emotion that he "as used to feeling and he didnt much care for it. #icking
up his glass, he drained it 2uickly, the li2uor (urning do"n his throat to settle in a "arm glo" in his (elly.
Grey Goose "as the shit.
'hen "hat? 'hen youd get to li-e your life for you. he spoke so softly that for a moment he thought
he "as dreaming.
+a(y, *m already li-ing the life. He gestured around them at the opulent 7*# room. $hat could (e
(etter than this?
'he look she ga-e him seemed to go right through him. He didnt like it. *t "as as though she could see
straight into his soul. Her lips mo-ed as though she "anted to speak, (ut she shook her head, o(-iously
thinking (etter of it. Einally, she pressed a (utton on the recorder. Lets get do"n to (usiness, shall "e?
*t "as as though a mask dropped o-er her, instantly turning her (ack into &s. #riss 4eporter. 7in s"ore
he could see icicles forming o-er the "arm gray color of her eyes. *robably got frost on her %ussy+ too.
louching do"n in his seat, he "ondered for a moment "hat she "as "earing under that cute little dress. he
didnt look like a thong girl, may(e those things that looked like shorts. 'hey "ere pretty fly, and on that ass
of hers, he (et they "ould look (angin.
&r. #ayton? 5o you need a moment? 'he cool, cultured tones of her -oice (rought him (ack. he sat
slightly for"ard, a position that made her (reasts push against the thin material of her dress.
His eyes on the round s"ells of her (reasts, he dra"led, 0a", its all good.
Go on, Lois Lane, ask me your 2uestions. <<<<
$hat she "anted to ask him "as "ould he mind taking his eyes off her chest. *t made her
uncomforta(le, and she already felt ner-ous as a cat in his presence. hed ne-er had a man look at her the
"ay 7in #ayton did, as though she "ere already naked and he "as a(out to ra-ish her. .om(ine that "ith his
lo", rough "ay of speaking and it "as a "onder she hadnt fled the clu( already. +ut something kept her
rooted in her seat, and it "asnt his (ad (oy good looks or his
incredi(le physi2ue. 0o, it "as the rare moment of -ulnera(ility hed sho"n her= she could tell he "as the
type of man "ho played things close to the -est. Lanier reali6ed he had inad-ertently allo"ed her to see a
piece of him that not many people sa". 'he s"aggering superstar image he sho"ed to the pu(lic "as -ery
different than the introspecti-e man she had a caught a fleeting glimpse of.
5uring the inter-ie", she asked him the type of open%ended 2uestions that she hated;reporters called
them !soft(alls (ecause they "ere so easy to hit out of the park. Isually, she a-oided them like the plague=
if you "anted to get an in%depth -ie" of a su(,ect, you had to hit hard and dig deep. +ut Hyde had (een
clear. he "as not to ask 7incent #ayton anything that "ouldnt make him look as though he had a set of
angel "ings on (ack order. $ith a sigh, she paused for another sip of 4ed +ull. *t had a tart fla-or that she
"asnt certain she liked, (ut it "as definitely keeping her a"ake. D-ery time she finished her glass, that nasty
painted "oman (rought her another. 4eally, that had to (e a health code -iolation, "alking around naked and
ser-ing food. At the $ery least+ it was unsanitary. he "rinkled her nose. 'he photographer that the
ne"spaper sent spent half his roll of film shooting the "ait staff. Lanier "as sure that Hyde and the rest of
the (oys "ouldnt mind in the least. he shifted in her seat, turning her attention (ack to 7in. He "as talking
to yet another autographseeker, so she scanned the cro"d, hoping to catch sight of 'ara. *n her hot%pink
dress, she "ould (e hard to miss, e-en in this gathering of the scantily dressed +eautiful #eople. Lanier
craned her neck to see o-er the red"ood%like stature of the (asket(all players that dotted the group. 0othing.
*f you "anna meet Ho(e, ,ust say the "ord, 7in noticed her eyes "andering around the room.
)h, no, * "as ,ust looking for 'ara. * ,ust ha-e one or t"o more 2uestions to ask you and then "ere
His eyes captured hers, their e(ony color pinning her in place. Are "e finished, Lanier? he asked in a
rough "hisper, using her name for the first time. he s"allo"ed hard= his nearness "as disconcerting, like
(eing surprised in the ,ungle (y a panther. A (eautiful, graceful animal that "as capa(le of (oth great speed
and sa-age -iolence. *t "asnt that she thought he "as going to hurt her, in fact, he had (een almost
gentlemanly the entire e-ening. 0o, it "as ,ust that his si6e and strength intimidated her, their heady
com(ination making her feel slightly into3icated ,ust from sitting across from him.
*m not sure "hat you mean, she responded, una(le to look a"ay from the intensity of his ga6e. 'he
man "as like a snake charmer= she felt po"erless under the force of his stare. A "arm glo" (egan to spread
from lo" in her stomach, making her feel tingly and uncomforta(ly a"are of her (ody in the form%fitting
dress. A slo" smile spread o-er his face and he leaned for"ard, closing the distance (et"een them. 8ust as he
opened his mouth to speak, t"o "omen (ounded o-er, their ga6elle%like lim(s e3posed nearly to their
crotches in the tiny skirts they "ore.
)h my God, hannon, * told you it "as him! 'he first one (ounced up and do"n, nearly landing right
on 7ins lap in her e3citement.
$e come to all your games, e-en the a"ay ones, the second one confided, (ending do"n to sho-e her
full (reasts in his face. "id she think they were micro%hones? Lanier "as disgusted. +oth "omen ignored her
completely= it "as as though she "erent e-en sitting right there.
7in smiled, (ut Lanier noticed it seemed a (it strained. Eor a(out the 6illionth time that e-ening, she
"ondered ho" he dealt "ith the pressure of (eing !on e-ery day, all the time. D-ery(ody "anted a piece of
the superstar, (ut ho" much did he ha-e left to gi-e? *t "as too (ad she couldnt "rite her article depicting
him the "ay he really "as, stripped free of the layers of (ad (oy charm he co-ered himself in. Al"ays nice
to meet some fans, he nodded. +ut if you dont mind, ladies, *m in the middle of somethin right no".
He gestured to Lanier.
+oth girls e3pressions immediately soured. $e thought she "as like your manager or something, the
first one said. orry. he tossed the "ord at Lanier "ith supreme disinterest, her eyes flicking o-er her
$hate-er. $e dont mind sharing, as long as "e all get a turn. 'he second one shrugged. * get to
fuck you first, though. $e flipped for it, she reminded her friend, "ho nodded o(ligingly.
Horrified, Laniers ,a" nearly hit the floor at their aggressi-eness. +efore she could refute their
assumption, 7in spoke up. Ladies, *m handlin some (usiness right no". $hynt you all go "ait in the
hotel lo((y and may(e "e can hook up later on, aight?
)h, "e get it, the first one said, smirking at Lanier. .ome on, hannon, lets go. Hes staying at the
$. * sa" it on '7 this morning. Later, 7in, she purred, pulling her friend (y the arm.
hannon flicked her (londe curls o-er her shoulder and called out, 4emem(er, * get to go first!
Laniers face felt (urning hot= she "as certain her cheeks "ere the color of (ricks. 5oes that happen
often? she finally stammered out, una(le to look him in the face. he (usied herself "ith putting a"ay the
recorder and her notes.
'heres pro(a(ly a(out forty of !em "aitin in the lo((y, he replied e-enly. * get so much pussy
thro"n at me, * don e-en notice it no more.
he (linked at his crudeness. * see. .learing her throat to regain her professional composure, she rose,
her legs shaky from the 4ed +ull and the lateness of the hour. $ell, thank you for your time, &r. #ayton.
*ll (e in touch for the follo"%up. he held out her hand, (ut he didnt take it.
Ho" you plan on getting home, Lois Lane? uperman gonna s"ing (y and pick you up? An amused
smile played on his lips= he "as en,oying her o(-ious consternation, she reali6ed.
* came "ith 'ara, she offered "eakly.
#ocahontas lit outta here !(out an hour ago "ith my (oy. * dont think shell (e comin (ack to scoop
you up.
"amn Tara. Lanier sco"led. *t "as so like her to think of herself first. * see. $ell, its no trou(le, *ll
,ust phone for a ta3i. he had a(out fi-e dollars in her purse, (ut he didnt need to kno" that.
He laughed. *n this neigh(orhood? * don think so. no" (unny like you "ouldnt last ten minutes out
here. $here you stay at?
Was he s%eaking ,nglish? Laniers mind raced as she tried to decipher his strange "ay of speaking.
Elustered, she fro"ned up at him, (iting her lip ner-ously. *, umF
$here do you li-e? he asked slo"ly, as though she "ere a child. *ll run you home. )-er her
protestations, he took her (y the arm and led her from the room, stopping se-eral times to e3change a series
of complicated handshakes "ith other men "ho "ere o(-iously athletes of some sort.
he trailed (ehind him like a lost lam(, feeling e3tremely out of her element. -ike Alice down the rabbit
hole. 5ont you ha-e to get (ack to your hotel? 'hey "ere in an ele-ator no", an opulent one that he
unlocked "ith a special key. *t opened onto a parking garage and they stepped out, the door sliding
soundlessly shut (ehind them. All those "omen, theyll (e "aiting for you. 0early out of (reath
from keeping pace "ith his long strides, she stum(led "hen he stopped a(ruptly and turned to her.
'hose hoMs aint goin no"here, he told her "ith a snort. +esides, * cant lea-e upermans (est girl
out here in the !hood to fend for herself. 0ot e-en Le3 Luthors that much of an asshole.
Her throat gre" dry as he looped his long arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer. /ou got a
man, sno" (unny?
*F*, "ell, * used to, (ut he, um, it didnt "ork out, she said (reathlessly. &y goodness, she "as a
professional reporter, used to inter-ie"ing political pundits and important people on a daily (asis. $hy "as
this o-ergro"n mammoth of a man making her so tonguetied? He said that my career "as silly, that *
should stay home and take care of the house. 'hat didnt e3actly thrill me. 'his time, her -oice sounded
clear and firm.
$ord? He musta (een a "hite dude, !cause aint a (rotha ali-e gonna discourage his girl from
"orkin, he shook his head "ith a short laugh. His hands trailed do"n her (ack, causing heated sparks all
through her. he shi-ered in-oluntarily "hen her (reasts (rushed his chest. .old? His -oice "as a lo"
rum(le. * can fi3 that. He slouched (ack against the nearest -ehicle, pulling her "ith him so her (ody "as
(et"een his long legs. #ressed up against him like this, she could smell his scent, like toasted almonds and
clean laundry. 'he com(ination "as more masculine than anything shed e-er smelled (efore. 5on!t trip,
sno" (unny, * aint gonna hurt you, he murmured against the top of her head. * ,us "anna taste you a
He put one finger under her chin, tipping her face up. $ithout "arning, his mouth came do"n to co-er
hers, kissing her "ith a gentleness shed ne-er guessed him to (e capa(le of. 'hings speeded up "hen his
tongue plunged inside to tangle "ith hers. $ith a lo" gro"l, he pulled her closer, his hands s"eeping do"n
her (ack to cup her (utt. *nto her mouth, he hissed, 5amn, you got a nice ass on you, sho"ty.
hould she say thank you? Lanier "asnt certain of the eti2uette in a situation such as this. 'hen his
hands mo-ed up to capture her (reasts and she stopped thinking altogether. $rapping her arms around his
neck, she stood on tiptoe to deepen the kiss. $hen his thick fingers ru((ed against her nipples, she moaned
out loud at the sensation. he felt his rough chuckle and heat spread through her. Dasily, he lifted her against
him so that her legs "ere on either side of him, pressed up against the car. Erom this position, she could feel
him, hard and insistent, pressing against her core. *t "as the most erotic thing shed e-er e3perienced. Lanier
felt "ild, uninhi(ited, locked in passion "ith this man right here in a pu(lic place "here anyone could
happen upon them. Erom deep in her conscience, an alarm (ell sounded at that thought. $hat "as she doing?
7incent #ayton had pro(a(ly (edded more "omen than ten normal men put together. And here she "as,
(ucking against him like a common slut, ,ust (egging to (e one of the many.
he felt his hands on her thighs, pushing up the skirt of her dress. urely he didnt mean to make lo-e to
her right here in the parking lot? *n her entire life, Lanier had ne-er made lo-e any"here (ut in a (ed, and
only t"ice "ith the lights on. he gasped as his tongue circled a nipple, la-ing it roughly as his erection
pressed into her (elly. His fingers hooked into her panties and (egan tugging them to the side. $ait! she
cried, pressing her palms flat against his hard chest. he s2uirmed in his arms like a fish on a line, suddenly
desperate to stop him.
$hats the matter, (a(ydoll? /ou don "ant this? His hooded ga6e (ore into her "hile he pressed her
hand against his rock%hard shaft. Heeping a tight grip, he guided her hand up and do"n its length. All you
need to do is say the "ord. * aint tryna force nothin on you.
He let go of her hand and leaned (ack against the car, his "atchful eyes re-ealing nothing. Ising his
chest as le-erage, she put (oth legs (ack do"n on solid ground. Lanier "asnt sure she had (reath enough to
speak. Her lips felt s"ollen and (ruised and she kne" that her (orro"ed outfit "as missing at least one
(utton. Holding the t"o hal-es of the dress together "ith one hand, she took a deep (reath. * ,ust cant do
this, not here. he gestured around the (rightly lit parking comple3.
7in "as torn as he "atched the emotions play across her aristocratic features. )n the one hand, he
didnt recall the last time a "oman had turned him do"n, "hich intrigued him. )n the other, his dick "as
hard and he "anted to get off. *f shed (een any other kind of (road, hed ha-e turned on the charm, sno"ing
her "ith enough honeyed "ords to get her to gi-e it up. 'his "as a hell of a fucking time for him to de-elop
a conscience. $hate-er. * got to get (ack to the cri(, any"ays.
)h? * didnt kno" you had children. Ho" many do you ha-e? he smoothed do"n the front of her
dress and did something to her hair that made it stay in a knot at the (ack of her head. Hed al"ays "ondered
ho" "omen did that shit. 'hatd (e something good for the article, * suppose. Although, if theyre all from
different "omen, that could (ackfire.
ay "hat? His lips t"isted in a sco"l. Look, lady, * aint got no kids, and if * did? +est (elie-e
theyd (e from one "oman, not a "hole grip of !em. * aint no stupid ass nigga, fresh off the (lock, if thats
"hat you thinkin. * kno" ho" to protect myself. He "as on a roll no", and ,udging from the frightened
look on her face, he made his point. 7in kne" he should stop, ,ust take the lady home and forget a(out her,
(ut he couldnt. Let me tell you something a(out (lack men. 0ot all of us are like "hat they sho" on '7
and in mo-ies, runnin around "ithout any education, li-in off females and lea-in a trail of smart%mouthed
youngsters "here-er "e go. ome of us are tryna make a li-in, "orkin our asses off. +ut "e aint get no
respect, na", !cause yall people gotta la(el us, lump us all together in one (ack"ards ass group. 5amn!
he (linked rapidly, and for a moment, he thought she "ould cry. 'hen her chin ,erked up and a
stu((orn look came into her gray eyes. * apologi6e if * misconstrued "hat you said. +ut really, half the time
* cant understand "hat youre saying, 7incent. /ou said you "ere going to the cri(, so * thought, "ell, you
kno" "hat * thought. A strand of honey (londe hair fell from her loose knot and she pushed it (ack
impatiently. ometimes * tend to go into reporter mode, and disconnect myself in order to do "hats (est for
the story. $hen that happens, * dont al"ays think of the emotions in-ol-ed, ,ust "hether or not it "ill sell.
He could tell the admission "asnt easy for her. oftening his tone, he pulled her (ack in her arms. he
stiffened up, (ut didnt mo-e. Aight, its all gra-y, (a(y. 5ont get yourself all in a t"ist. Look, "hynt *
,ust run you home and "ell forget all a(out this.
5amn, she felt good in his arms, all small and soft. he "asnt like the other females he dealt "ith= he
had no illusions as to "hy they pushed up on him so hard. 'he day he stopped (eing 7in #ayton, the
Hypnoti6er, they "ould all disappear. D-eryone "anted something from him, and most of the time he could
tell straight from ,ump "hat that something "as. +ut this little (londe in his arms "as different.
He could feel the "heels in her mind turning as she studied him. $hat you thinkin !(out, sno" (unny?
*m thinking that * dont necessarily "ant to go home. .olor (loomed in her cheeks as she spoke,
making him smile.
* like "hen you (lush, (a(ydoll. * aint used to seeing that in a female. He reached around to the (ack
of her head and freed her hair from its knot. 'hats (etter. .ome on, *ll take you (ack to my spot. /ou
kno" "hat * mean "hen * say that, right? His teasing remark "as re"arded "ith a "ide smile. 'aking her
hand, he led her o-er to his ride, "hich "as parked in a reser-ed spot.
7in couldnt remem(er the last time, or e-en if there "as a last time, that hed opened the door for a
"oman. +ut he did it naturally, almost "ithout thinking a(out it. he hesitated, looking up at him "ith that
"ide%eyed ga6e that told him she "as thinking. /ou got somethin on the (rain?
*f "e go (ack to yourFspot, she stum(led o-er the unfamiliar term, "ill "e ha-e to go through the
Inderstanding da"ned. he didnt "ant to ha-e to "alk the freak gauntlet, and he couldnt say he
(lamed her. 'hose "omen rolled hard, and she "as nothing like them. /ou got some"here (etter in mind?
$e could go to my house, she -entured shyly. *m sure its not as nice as your
suite at the $, (ut no one "ill (other us there. <<<<
/ou got yourself a s"eet place here, he looked around the tidy, nice%si6ed home. A pretty "oman
"ho paid her o"n (ills and kne" ho" to keep house. 0o" there "as a rare animal. /ou gonna sho" me the
'he little flush of color on her cheeks made his dick harden. *ts upstairs, her tone softened, the (lush
deepening at the o(-ious statement.
Lead the "ay.
Her room looked e3actly the "ay he had e3pected. Eeminine colors, a Oueen%si6ed (ed "ith a "hite
du-et co-er, and a (unch of those tiny pillo"s that "omen lo-ed. 7in pro"led around, checking out all the
little touches that told him a(out her. A "orn teddy (ear sat in the center of t"o large pillo"s, a -olume of
hakespeare as (ig as a doorstop on its o"n shelf, an array of ornate perfume (ottles and lotions. he had
o(-iously put a lot of "ork into making this space feel like home. He had his o"n house, se-eral, in fact, (ut
not one of
them seemed like a real home to him. 0ot the "ay this place "as to her.
/ou marking your territory? she asked "ith a small smile. * dont ha-e any pets, (ut *-e seen it
done on the 5isco-ery .hannel.
*n the dim light of the room, her (londe hair shone like an angels halo. #lacing the teddy (ear (ack on
the (ed, he mo-ed to "here she "as standing. Eunny, * "ould ha-e figured you for a cat o"ner. His arms
"ent around her easily, pulling her closer. 4esting his chin on the top of her head, he (reathed in her scent of
sugar and heat. 5amn, you smell good. He felt her smile as he stroked his hands through her silky hair.
* dont like cats, and my mother "ould ne-er let me ha-e a dog. he nu66led against him, tentati-ely
e3ploring his (ody "ith her hands.
#oor little sno" (unny, he murmured as his hands dropped do"n to "ork the (uttons on her dress. *
(et you had a pony, though, huh? he looked like the type of girl "ho rode horses.
'he tiny (uttons on her dress pro-ed too much of a challenge for his fingers. Let me finish, she
stepped (ack "ith a shy smile. 'he dress fell to the floor "hen she finished, lea-ing her in a simple "hite
lace (ra and matching (ikini panties. After a moment, she took those off too, using her foot to mo-e them to
the side. he started to mo-e (ack into his arms, (ut he held up a hand to stop her.
Lemme look at you a minute. His ga6e tra-eled the length of her (ody, from her long, "ell%shaped
legs, to the s"eet cur-e of her hips, and then across the flat e3panse of her stomach. 5amn, she "as
(eautiful, lookin like one of those silent statues hed seen in a museum once. All smooth and mar(le "hite.
Her (reasts "ere fuller than theyd looked under the dress, "ith rosy%tipped peaks that hardened under the
intensity of his stare. 'urn around for me. He t"irled a finger in the air, his ga6e ne-er lea-ing her.
Her lashes fluttered and her lips parted slightly. $hy?
7in stepped closer, tipping her face up to his. +ecause * "anna look at your ass, Lanier. Her eyes
"idened at his rough, almost commanding tone.
* hate myFass, she "hispered, her cheeks coloring at the use of the e3pleti-e.
.ust like a white girl. He tried not to laugh. Ho" you gonna hate on a part of yourself, girl? He slid
his hands do"n to grip the round cheeks of her ass. +e proud of that s"eet ass, (a(ydoll. /ou lucky
you aint got one of them (ony, flat ones like your friend got. He ga-e it another s2uee6e to illustrate his
point. $hat he really "anted to do "as smack it, (ut he had a feeling she "asnt 2uite ready for that.
'ara? +ut her (ody is perfect! he "eighs like JJ9 pounds!
7in (urst out laughing. He could tell she still didnt understand, and the last thing he "anted "as to
em(arrass her. o he took her hand and guided it do"n to his shaft. Eeel that? He mo-ed her hand up and
do"n its length, "atching her face change like it did in the parking lot. He "as under no illusions a(out his
e2uipment= it "as (ig, it "as thick, it "as all that and a (ag of chips. 'hats my dick getting hard like shit
o-er your ass, (a(ydoll. +elie-e that. 'he slight fro"n on her face told him that the "heels "ere turning in
her mind again so he took the opportunity to mo-e his hands (et"een her legs. Ising his knee, he nudged
them farther apart.
He couldnt remem(er the last time hed taken the long route to se3, taking the time to e3plore a
"omans (ody and make her (eg for him. Laniers entire (ody felt flushed "ith heat, her head lolled
(ack"ard as he stroked the soft hairs of her pussy. 7in (ent do"n to kiss her, tasting her s"eet mouth as he
stuck one finger up into her "et heat. he gasped into his mouth and he stroked harder, making her "rithe
against him. 5amn, he couldnt "ait to get inside her, her pussy felt so tight and hot. /ou ready for me,
(a(y? His "hisper resounded as more of a gro"l, (ut he "as getting edgy "ith need no", and the time for
gentleness "as o-er.
$ait! she cried out as he (egan to lift her up onto the (ed.
hit. 0ot again. $hat? He tried to keep the impatience out of his tone, (ut damn. he (etter not (e
playing games "ith him.
#rotection. $e need protection. he scram(led up, reaching into a dra"er on the (edside ta(le.
Here. he thrust the small package at him, her gray eyes gla6ed "ith passion.
4eali6ing that she "anted it ,ust as much as him, he looked do"n at the condom "rapper. 5amn. +a(y,
this aint gonna "ork for me.
+ut * thought you "anted to, she (roke off, (iting her lip in confusion.
0a", na", * "ant to, (elie-e that, he assured her. +ut this mini%me si6e thing aint gonna "ork for
"hat * got. He tossed the condom (ack onto the (ed. Lemme go see if * got somethin in my ride. &y car,
he clarified after seeing the look on her face.
Hastily, he pulled on his pants and dou(le%timed it do"n the stairs. He found a package of condoms in
his glo-e compartment, so he gra((ed a fistful and "ent (ack upstairs. Aight, no" "e ready to get this
party started.
5rinking in the sight of her naked (ody splayed out on the (ed, he stripped off his clothes and ,oined
her. Gently, he rolled her onto her (ack "hile he lay on his side, his hands already mo-ing (et"een her legs.
he "as still "et, (ut not "et enough, so he pushed a finger inside her, pro(ing her tight heat. 5amn, your
pussy feels like silk, girl, he murmured o-er her mouth. *n the dark, he couldnt see her face, (ut he kne"
she "as (lushing. /ou don like it "hen * talk like that?
* like it, she admitted softly, pulling his head do"n to meet hers. He kissed her roughly, taking her
hand and "rapping it around his dick. he stroked him cautiously at first, (ut "hen he added another finger
to the one already inside her, she (egan pumping harder, matching his rhythm.
/ou ready for me, (a(y? he gro"led. 4aising up so he could see directly into her eyes, he sa" the
ans"er there. 7in sat up, pulling his fingers out of her pussy, to rip open the foil package. He rolled the late3
sheath o-er his cock and rolled on top of her in one smooth mo-ement. /ou all right? "amn+ where had
that come from? He shook his head, "ondering "hy, out of all the "omen hed fucked, "hy this one felt
different. he nodded her assent, her arms snaking around his (ack.
he tilted her pel-is up, (ucking against him. He could smell her arousal, that spicy, pungent scent that
"as all female. ome men didnt care for it, (ut it dro-e him "ild, made his cock harder than iron. *t took
supreme effort on his part not to dri-e into her and pound the shit out of her. Gently, he ru((ed the tip of his
dick against her slick entrance. #lease, 7in, she cried, pushing up to meet him.
'ell me you "ant this dick, Lanier. 'ell me you "ant my dick. As he spoke, he (egan thrusting inside
her, slo"ly, one inch at a time. *t "as hard, (ecause he "anted to (ury himself to the hilt;she "as soaking
"et and her pussy felt hot as a furnace. +ut, for once, he checked his passion= he "as a (ig man and he kne"
he "ould hurt her if he didnt take it slo".
7inF Her fingernails pressed into his (ack to con-ey her need. +ut he "asnt letting her off that
'ell me, Lanier. 'ell me you "ant this dick. Another inch, oh, fuck, she "as so damn tight! 7in
"ondered "hat kind of men shed had (efore him, and "hether or not theyd (een a(le to satisfy her. *t
didnt matter, (ecause tonight she "ould find out "hat satisfaction really meant. He ga-e her another inch
and she gasped, her (reath coming in little huffs.
* "ant it, 7in, she cried. * "ant your dick in me, no"! #lease! Her nails scored do"n his (ack.
Ina(le to hold (ack anymore, he complied, sho-ing himself in her as far as he could go. he screamed,
holding on for dear life as his hips mo-ed like pistons, ramming in and out. Her legs came up and hooked
around his (ack, allo"ing him to go deeper. 7in slid his hands underneath her, cupping the cheeks of her ass
to lift her higher. *n this position, it "as easy to hit her spot, and he could tell as soon as he did (ecause she
"ent "ild, thrusting up to meet him, trying to increase the speed of his rhythm.
he "as close no", her head lolling from side to side as she struggled to reach her release. 7in opened
his eyes to "atch her= it "as mad hot to see a "oman in the throes, especially one "ho "asnt used to getting
it on the reg. He kne" "ithout (eing told that she "as that kind of "oman. /ou gonna come no", sno"
(unny? * "ant it all o-er my cock, he gro"led softly, tickling her ear "ith his e3plicit command.
Another couple of thrusts and she reached her peak, her eyes opening "ide as she cried out his name, as
"ell as a fe" others. *m not God, (a(y, (ut go on and call me that if you "ant. Her soft cries (ecame
gasps of laughter "hich he 2uickly muffled "ith his mouth. 5amn, he "anted to turn her o-er and hit it from
the (ack, "atch that nice, round ass "hile he pumped in and out. +ut her pussy "as already starting to
tighten (ack up and he kne" she "ouldnt (e a(le to take all of him that "ay. *nstead, he sat (ack on his
haunches, pulling her "ith him so she rested on his thighs. he felt so light in his arms= he gripped her firmly
(y her hips and (ounced her up and do"n, letting her ride his cock. Her (reasts "ere right up in his face,
their nipples (rushing against his lips. He captured one and sucked it into his mouth, gra6ing it slightly "ith
his teeth. he cried out again, the cheeks of her ass slapping against the hard surface of his thighs. Her pussy
gre" slick against his shaft and he groaned, feeling his (alls tighten up. *m gonna come, (a(y, he hissed,
his head (uried (et"een her (reasts.
he gra((ed onto his shoulders and (ucked hard against him. 'he (edsprings s2uealed in protest=
hopefully she didnt ha-e nosy neigh(ors. A second orgasm took her and she screamed again, sending him
o-er the edge. Eor the first time in his life, he "ished there "as nothing (et"een them, "ished he could shoot
deep inside her, marking her as his. After a moment, she eased off him and curled up in a heap, e3hausted.
'hat "as incredi(le, she said slo"ly, still trying to catch her (reath.
*t "as aight, he teased, sliding the ru((er off. Holding it gingerly, he "ent into the (athroom to take
a piss and flush the thing do"n. $hen he returned, she "as huddled under the co-ers, her eyes closed. /ou
&mmmm, not yet, she mum(led. 7in stood there, "atching her. He didnt spend the night "ith
females= he had the !hit it and 2uit it act do"n to a science. o "hy "as he still there? .ome to (ed, she
"hispered, and (efore he could think (etter of it, he slid in (eside her. *t "as ,ust one night. He could go
(ack to (eing the Hypnoti6er tomorro".
*n the early hours of the morning, he "oke to find his hand cupped around her (reast and her ass
pressed up against him. *nstantly hard, he rolled on another condom and eased on top of her. Her lashes
fluttered and a slo" smile spread across her face. 7in pushed inside her "et, silky heat and fucked her "ith a
gentleness that "ould shock him if he took the time to think a(out it. e-eral hours later, "hen he "as more
a"ake, he "ondered if it hadnt (een a dream. He reached out for her, (ut she "as gone, her side of the (ed
He found her do"nstairs, in the kitchen of all places. hit! /ou cook, too? * musta hit the ,ackpot, for
real, he teased, taking the cup of coffee she handed him. 0o" if theres grits in that pot, *ma (e real
/uck, she shuddered. * dont think so. +ut * ha-e scram(led eggs "ith cheese and
"hole "heat toast. Good enough? He took his head out of her fridge long enough to
agree. $hats this? he asked, (ringing forth a glass pitcher. Hool%Aid. he grinned at
his e3pression, made up t"o plates and (rought them to the ta(le. $hat? * like it.
#ouring himself a glass, he took a sip. Ih! 'his aint Hool%Aid! $hatd you make it
"ith, "eet 0 Lo"? )f course. ugars (ad for you. he added a packet of plenda to
her coffee, giggling at his horrified face. JB@
7in shook his head. +a(y, *ma ha-e to school you on the procedure in-ol-ed
in makin Hool%Aid for a (lack man. <<<<
/ou had se3! 'ara proclaimed loudly, smacking her hand against the kitchen ta(le. he had sho"n
up, unannounced, shortly after 7in departed. +out time, too. he helped herself to a cup of coffee, added
generous amounts of "hole milk and sugar, then sat (ack do"n. 0ot for the first time, Lanier en-ied her
friends meta(olism.
*f * put all that gar(age into my coffee e-ery morning, my (utt "ould (e (ig as a house. he flushed,
thinking of 7ins reaction to her (utt last night. Lanier had al"ays thought it "as too (ig, (ut he hadnt (een
a(le to keep his hands off it. *n fact, she "ouldnt (e surprised if t"o giant%si6ed handprints "ere
em(la6oned on her cheeks. A giggle escaped her, causing 'ara to look at her suspiciously.
peaking around a mouthful of Hrispy Hreme, she said, * "ant details. Ho" (ig "as he, ho" many
times did you do it, and does his cock really ha-e a .eltic tri(al tattoo on it? D-erything, girl, spill it.
Lanier used a knife to methodically slice off a sli-er of the gla6ed pastry (efore ans"ering. *t "as
ama6ing, she finally re-ealed. #opping the donut in her mouth, she che"ed slo"ly to a-oid further
$ell, of course it "as, 'ara rolled her eyes impatiently. D-eryone kno"s that 7in #ayton can fuck
like a champion. $hat * "ant are details. D3plicit, horny details. he folded her arms across her chest and
"aited. $hen her friend remained silent, she rolled her eyes. .ome on, *ll tell you if youll tell me.
Ant"uan "as a freakin stallion! *m surprised * can "alk this morning. he reached for another donut and
took a large (ite.
*t "asnt ,ustFse3. Laniers mouth t"isted "ith distaste. $e ha-e a connection, 'ara. * mean, hes
totally different than * e3pected, you kno"? ure, hes got that s"aggering faGade, (ut in pri-ate, hes gentle
and s"eet. $hat? he (roke off at the look on 'aras face.
Looking do"n at her plate, 'ara (le" out a long (reath. #lease dont tell me that youre falling for 7in
#ayton, Lanier.
$hy not?
$hy not? +ecause hes not the kind of guy you fall for, okay? Eor Gods sakes, Lanier, hes fucked
more girls than $ilt .ham(erlain. $hat do you think, the t"o of you are going to ride off
into the sunset? Her green eyes regarded Lanier "ith a mi3ture of e3asperation and pity. *n a softer tone,
she urged, Ise your head, honey. /ou graduated summa cum laude from .ornell, didnt you? Lanier
nodded. $ell, you may kno" (ooks, (ut * kno" men. 'rust me. /ou arent going to hear from 7incent
#ayton again, unless its to finish up your inter-ie".
'ears leaked out of Laniers eyes, falling into her coffee cup. 'ry as she might, she couldnt stop them
streaming do"n her face. /oure "rong, 'ara. he spoke "ith as much dignity as she could muster.
Her friend got up and came around to hug her. * hope * am, s"eetie. And you kno" that * lo-e you and
* "ant the (est for you. * ,ust "ant to make sure youre going into this "ith your eyes "ide open. he pulled
off a larger piece of the donut on Laniers plate and held it out to her. /ou arent mad at me, are you?
After a moment of hesitation, she accepted the donut and popped it in her mouth. Ih uh, she
mum(led. *t ,ust hurts to think that *m nothing (ut another link in the chain to him. $iping her eyes, she
glanced at her "atch. Igh, * ha-e to get to "ork. +etter late than ne-er, * suppose. Her heart ached at the
thought that she might ne-er hear from 7in again, (ut her pride didnt allo" her to admit that to 'ara. She
has to be wrong. 'heir night together had (een special, not ,ust t"o people casually (umping hips in the
night. Lanier turned off the coffeemaker and put the plates in the sink. 'ime to play reporter.
A "eek passed "ith no "ord from 7in. Lanier did her (est to concentrate on her "ork, a successful
tactic during the daytime hours, (ut at night, her (ody ached for him. he lay a"ake in the darkness, thinking
of the "ay his lips felt on her skin, the "ay hed touched her "ith such uncharacteristic gentleness. 'he fire
in his eyes "hen shed first stood naked (efore him. 'he idea of him touching another "oman that "ay "as
almost un(eara(le.
At least today, she "ould see him. 'hey had a follo"%up inter-ie" scheduled for that afternoon, and
shed spent half her salary preparing for it. Haircut, highlights, manicure, pedicure, e-en a (ikini "a3. A ne"
outfit that 'ara had helped her shop for. till, in spite of all the em(ellishments, "hen she looked in the
mirror, all she sa" "as an e3hausted "oman "ho pinned all her hopes on fools gold.
$hen three oclock came and "ent "ith no sign of him, only a supreme
effort of "ill kept her from dissol-ing into tears. 'his feeling JBN
"as 2uickly replaced (y anger. $ho did he think he "as? he "as a professional ,ournalist "ith an e3cellent
reputation. Ho" dare he stand her up like she "as one of his groupies? #icking up the phone, she dialed his
agent, Graham Hudson. &r. Hudson? 'his is Lanier Lange, from The Star. $ere you a"are that your client
missed an appointment "ith me today?
he listened to the agents smooth (aritone for a moment. 0o, no one told me. *s he okay?
Apparently, 7in had (een in,ured in last nights game. 'he doctors had ,ust released him that morning. *
see. Her heart (roke for 7in "hen she heard that he might (e out for the season. $here is he? * mean, for
the inter-ie", of course.
* dont think hell (e up to it, &s. Lange. His state of mind is not e3actly family%friendly right no".
+esides, "e "ere told that your editor has pulled the story until the reports are (ack from the la(. 0o(ody
cares a(out a player "ho isn!t playing.
*nfuriated, she glared in the direction of Hydes office. 0ice of him to tell her that. *-e ne-er not
finished an assignment, &r. Hudson, and *m certainly not going to start no". #lease tell me "here he is.
*t turned out that 7in "as still in the hotel suite at the $. Lanier gra((ed her notes, tossed the recorder
in her purse and headed out.
'he lo((y "as mostly empty. 'here "as no sign of the Ereak #arade that 7in had spoken of ,ust one
"eek earlier. he rode the ele-ator to the top floor and got out, her confident stride carrying her only as far as
the door. $hat if he didnt "ant to see her? he "asnt sure she could stand an outright re,ection. /oure not
here to see him+ youre here to do a 0ob.
A large man in a super(ly tailored suit ans"ered the door. /ou must (e &s. Lange. He held out a
(eefy hand for her to shake. *m Graham Hudson. $ont you come in? 'he patient is resting, he said "ith
the (arest edge of sarcasm in his polished -oice.
$hos there, G? * fucking told you, * dont "anna see no(ody, damn it.
Lanier (linked at the anger in 7in!s tone, (ut the agent didnt (at an eye. *ll (e do"nstairs. .all the
front desk if you need me. &o-ing silently for such a large man, he slipped out the door and closed it softly
(ehind him.
*ts me, 7incent. he "alked into the (edroom area of the suite to find him lying in the center of the
Hing%si6ed (ed. His knee "as
ele-ated on some sort of computeri6ed contraption, and (ottles of prescription pills stood lined up on a small
He sco"led at her. $hat you doin here? 'hought your (ig%deal paper pulled my story.
* came to see you, she said 2uietly. *t "as clear to her that he felt terrified, as "ell as -ulnera(le for
the first time in his life. Ho" else "ould he feel? omething (eyond his control threatened to take a"ay the
golden ticket, the ele-ated status hed "orked all his life for.
$hy? 'he single "ord (urst from his lips like a gunshot.
*t "as no" or ne-er. +ecause * care a(out you.
His snort sounded almost o(scene. /ou care a(out me? +a(y, "e fucked. '"ice. 'hat "as it.
$e didnt, she grimaced (efore using the "ord, fuck. $e made lo-e. 5ont you dare try to call it
anything else.
* got ne"s for you, sno" (unny. $asnt nothin to do "ith lo-e. 8ust my hard dick "anting to get
someplace hot and "et. He shrugged, a-oiding her eyes. *t is "hat it is.
Anger made her (old. 'he hell you say, 7incent #ayton! * "ill not let you lie up in that (ed and say
hurtful things to me (ecause youre scared!
cared? He sat straight up, his glo"er like a li-ing thing. * aint scared a nothin, you got that? .ome
up in a mans hotel room, trippin o-er some (ullshit like that.
/ou cant admit it, can you? Eor all your talk a(out keeping it real, youre ,ust a phony. Lanier shook
her head sadly, feeling dangerously close to tears. Eor Gods sake, "hen are you going to drop the faGade
and let someone in?
omeone? 5ont you mean you, Lois Lane? And you dont need to school me on keepin it real, lady. *
(een doin that all my life. omething a fancy lady like you dont kno" nothin a(out.
'his is not you talking, 7incent. *ts the fear. )ne day youll see that. /ou kno" "here to find me
"hen you do. he lifted her chin, praying that the tears "ouldnt fall until she "as "ell out of his eyesight.
5ont hold your (reath, he sneered, (ut his eyes "ere do"ncast. he "ondered "hat he "ould do if
she "ent to him, ,ust hopped up on the (ed and held him in her arms. +efore she could decide "hether or not
to act, she heard -oices outside the door. Eemale -oices. +ile rose in her stomach "hen she heard the door
s"ing open. Apparently, one of them had her -ery o"n key. Lanier
stood fro6en in place, una(le to mo-e. Eor the first time since shed arri-ed, he spoke softly. Lanier. Go.
His deep -oice "as like a caress, (ut it couldnt (reak through her paraly6ed state.
'hree girls (urst into the room, all dressed up in slutty -ersions of nurse uniforms. 'hey pulled up short
"hen they sa" Lanier standing there. )h, is this one of your doctors, 7in? $e thought you "ere up here all
(y your lonesome.
'he one redhead in the trio mo-ed to the side of the (ed, laying a proprietary hand on his unin,ured leg.
/ou ready for your checkup, (a(y? Her giggle sounded like nails on a chalk(oard to Lanier.
he "as ,ust lea-in, 7in said firmly. $erent you, Lanier?
/es, she "hispered to the thickly carpeted floor. +efore she could make a fool of herself (y (a"ling
like a (a(y, she turned and fled the room. .oming here had (een a huge mistake. 'ara had (een right. &en
like 7incent #ayton only cared a(out themsel-es.
7in closed his eyes as the door slammed shut (ehind her. *t "as for the (est, he told himself. He "as no
good to anyone right no", and he "ouldnt drag her do"n "ith him. Lying here like a fucking in-alid "as
doing a num(er on him, (ut she didnt ha-e to call him out like that. He "as the Hypnoti6er, damn it, "hat
the fuck did he ha-e to (e scared of? hit, he could (arely go to the corner store "ithout (eing mo((ed (y
e-eryone and their damn uncle. cared? He didnt e-en kno" "hat the "ord meant, and he sure as hell
didnt need her to tell him.
7in? 'he girls spoke in unison, and one of them snapped their fingers to get his attention. He looked
up to see that they had stripped off their nurses costumes and no" stood naked (eside him.
$ell, no", look at yall ,ust sitting there lookin like .harlies Angels, he said. Actually they looked
used up and "orn out, like a trio of o-er%the%hill hos. $hy couldnt they carry themsel-es "ith a little more
class? -ike -anier? 0o! he snapped aloud, startling the girls. orry !(out that, * must (e trippin off this
pain medication they ga-e me.
'he (runette stepped for"ard "ith a sultry smile. Long as your dick can still get hard, its all good.
he cupped her (reasts in her hands and shook them at him. /ou ready to get some of this, superstar?
He could see the ,agged scar from her enhancement surgery cra"ling
along the side of her (reast like a pale pink "orm. he edged J@9
closer, her gum popping loudly "ith each step. 7in "inced at the sound, suddenly ,ust "anting them to get
the fuck out and lea-e him (e. $e gonna ha-e to get a rain check on this party here, ladies. *m seeing si3
of you, must (e the meds makin a (rother lunch the fuck out.
'he girls looked at each other, then (ack at him. ay "hat? the redhead snarled, o(-iously the speaker
for the group. $e (een "aitin all "eek to fuck you and no" you "ant us to go? $hat, you gay or
somethin? )ne of them do"n lo" (rothas that )prah (e talkin !(out?
5ont trip, $anda, the (runette shot 7in a disparaging look. $ell ,ust go do"n the hall to Allen
*-ersons room. 1e aint gay.
* aint gay neither, you nasty ass hos! 7in shouted, making sharp fingers of pain sting his (andaged
knee. Get the fuck outta here "ith that (ullshit!
He lay (ack and closed his eyes, ignoring the sounds of heels clacking and teeth sucking until the door
finally slammed shut. *t took a "hile for his heart(eat to return to normal and the pain to recede from his
knee. $asnt this some shit? &r. uperstar 7in #ayton, the Hypnoti6er, all alone in his high%dollar hotel
suite. *f it didnt hurt so (ad, he "ould laugh his ass off at the irony. 7in hoped to God that this "asnt the
(eginning of the rest of his life. $ithout (asket(all, "ho "as he? 8ust another nigga on the corner, hustlin
and talkin that same trash. *f his knee in,ury kept him out for the season, his endorsements "ould dry up
along "ith his career, making him ,ust another has%(een in the annals of sports history.
8esus, God, please dont let that happen, he prayed aloud, "ondering if that tight feeling in his chest
"as fear. Eor the first time in his life, he faced something he couldnt fight. Lanier "as right, it scared the
hell out of him. 'he 2uestion "as, "hat "ould he do a(out it? 7in fum(led for the (ottle of pills on the
(edside ta(le. haking out a handful, he s"allo"ed them dry and "aited for the relief that only sleep could
Lanier ru((ed her tired eyes and took another sip of luke"arm coffee. *t had the consistency of oily
sludge, (ut she needed it to stay a"ake. D-er since the incident in 7ins hotel room three "eeks ago, sleep
had (een fleeting at (est. At "ork, she pushed herself to the limit, often staying holed up in her cu(icle until
long after the cleaning cre"s finished their duties. +urning the candle at (oth ends
like this "asnt healthy= if she didnt get any rest tonight, she "ould take 'ara up on her offer to procure her
some sleeping pills.
A ,a"%cracking ya"n "as 2uickly follo"ed (y a second (efore her head dropped do"n onto her arms.
.ust for a minute. D-eryone "as at lunch, any"ay. *t "asnt as though they "ould fire her for taking a catnap
instead of eating, something else she "asnt doing enough of lately, either. Her Ann 'aylor suit hung off her
frame and shed had to use a safety pin to take in the "aist of the skirt. cre" Atkins and outh +each, the
(est diet "as a (roken heart.
he must ha-e do6ed for longer than shed planned, for the ne3t sound she heard "as the a(rasi-e -oice
of her (oss in her ear. .hrist, Lange, "hat the hell is the matter "ith you? he yelled, scaring her half to
death. $hat are you, drunk or something?
+linking rapidly to clear the hea-y fog from her eyes, she replied, 0o, * ,ust ha-e a lot on my mind,
thats all. *t "ont happen again.
5amn right, it "ont. 0ot unless you "ant to sleep your s"eet ass right out of a ,o(. His lips curled in
a nasty smirk as he (a"led her out in front of the entire ne"sroom. /oure hanging on (y a slim thread as it
* "ork my ass off for this paper! she cried, returning his angry glare "ith one of her o"n. Lanier rose
to her feet, her knees "atery from too much caffeine.
Erom "here * sit, it could use some more "ork, he retorted, "ith a pointed look at her ass. uddenly,
Hydes smirk -anished and his mouth gaped open. Lanier paid him no mind= she "as still fuming from his
comment and her mind raced "ith possi(le come(acks, most of "hich "ould definitely get her fired.
* "ere you, *d check my tone, came a deep, e-en%toned -oice. 'hats a lady youre talkin to. *t
"as the same -oice she had (een hearing in her dreams for the past three "eeks. A muffled cry escaped her
as she s"ung around to see 7in standing there. His (lack eyes (la6ed fire at her hapless (oss "ho looked as
though he "ished the earth "ould open up and s"allo" him. 7in leaned casually against the "all, (ut
tension thrummed in the air around him. *t "as like "atching a sated predator la6ily regard future prey. He
may not feel like chasing it do"n right no", (ut dinnertime "as imminent.
Hydes laughter "as strained and she could see (eads of s"eat forming on his (ro". 5ude! * "as ,ust
teasing her a little, no harm, no foul. 4eally. Listen, "hile youre here, "hy dont "e discuss ho"
"ere going to spin your piece? 0o" that you-e (een cleared to play, its all good, right?
His attempt at slang made 7ins face t"ist in disgust. 0a", *m ,ust here to take my girl to lunch. /ou
can spare her, cant you? *t "as a statement, not a 2uestion. $ithout "aiting for a reply, he held out his arm
to Lanier. Lets go.
$ordlessly, she took his arm, still some"hat shell%shocked from his sudden appearance. Allo"ing him
to lead her from the office, she "aited until they stood in the ele-ator to gi-e his upper arm a soft pinch.
$hat "as that for? he asked, smiling do"n at her.
he (lushed. * ,ust cant (elie-e youre here. * thoughtFafter "hat happenedFand those girls, she
(roke off "ith a shudder. 5id she e-en "ant to kno" "hat hed done "ith those sluts? *t made her sick to
think a(out it, (ut if anything "as going to happen (et"een them, she had to kno". 7in?
* kicked those (itches out ,ust as soon as you left, he replied, reading her mind. 5idnt "ant nothin
to do "ith them. All * "ant is you, (a(ydoll. 'hat aight "ith you? #ulling her to him, he (ent do"n and
kissed the top of her head.
o "here are "e going? Lanier asked, although she didnt care in the least. *f hed said they "ere
going to li-e in a trailer ne3t to the
8... #enney, shed ha-e packed her (ags in a heart(eat. $ere going to the court. *ma teach you
the pick and roll. He mimed dri((ling around her as they stepped out of the ele-ator. * dont
"ant to learn ho" to play (asket(all, she replied "ith a mock pout.
$ho said anything a(out (asket(all? /ou sure do ask a lot of 2uestions, girl. 5idnt no(ody e-er tell
you that the man is the shot caller in a relationship?
A relationship? *s that "hat this is?
Huh. * dont kno". $hynt you learn ho" to mi3 my Hool%Aid up right and then "ell talk.
he slugged him on the arm, "hich felt some"hat like hitting a cement (lock. $hy dont you stop
posturing and speak actual Dnglish? 'hen "e can really talk.
Hush up, Lois Lane (efore * regret comin o-er here and goin! uperman on that
!(ama you got for a (oss. $hy did you come o-er here? And "hat!s a !(ama, any"ay?
* got to spell it out for you? .ome on, lets go get something to eat. /ou look like you could use a
good meal, fatten you up some. 5ont "ant you losin that ass. He slapped her gently on her (ehind,
laughing "hen she shrieked.
Lanier opened her mouth to reply, (ut "hen she sa" the smile on his face, she decided to stay 2uiet and
let him call the shots. Eor no".
The End

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