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Date : 2 April 2014 (Wednesday)

Class : Year 1
Number of Pupils : 12 pupils
Time : 1230 - 1300
Theme : World of Stories
Topic : Unit 5 My Classroom
Focus : 4 Language Arts
Integrated Skills : Listening and speaking
Content Standard : 4.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to express
personal response to literary texts.
Learning Standard : 4.2.2 Able to respond to: a) book covers with guidance
Objectives : By the end of the lesson, the pupils are able to elicit oral responses about
the book cover.
Time : 30 minutes
Teaching aids : English Year 1 Textbook (page 20), storybook, blackboard, chalk,
worksheets (Appendix A), colour pencils
Stage / Time Learning and Teaching Strategies Teaching Aids
Set Induction
(3 minutes)
1. Teacher asks the pupils to gather in front.
2. Teacher introduces riddles for the pupils.
a) I have four legs. People sit on me. (chair)
b) I am green. Teacher likes to write on me. (board)
3. Pupils guess the riddles.
4. Teacher asks pupils to take out their English Textbook
and turn to page 20.
5. Pupils take out their English Textbook and open page 20.
6. Teacher introduces the learning contents, Language Arts:
The Book Cover.
1. Riddles
2. Year 1 English
Textbook, page 20.
Presentation 7. Teacher asks questions about the book cover. 3. Questions stripes
(10 minutes) Eg.
a) What is this?
b) Is this a chair?
c) Is the title of the book Pip and Nin?
d) Who is Pip/Nin?
e) Are they friends?
f) Why do you think they are friends?
8. Pupils give response to the questions by describing and
predicting the story.

(5 minutes)
9. Teacher shows a storybook.
10. Teacher asks questions about the book cover.
a) What is this?
b) Is this a flower?
c) Is the title of the book Pip and Nin?
d) What happen in the story?
e) Do you like the story?
11. Pupils give responses about the book.
4. Questions stripes
5. Storybook

(10 minutes)
12. Teacher shows and explains about a worksheet.
13. Pupils complete the exercises on their own seat.
6. Worksheet
(Appendix A)
(2 minutes)
14. Teacher asks the pupils to gather in front.
15. Teacher gives another riddles.
a) I am red. Rabbits like to eat me. (carrot)
b) I like to sleep on your head when it is a hot day! (hat)
16. Pupils guess the riddles.
17. Teacher distributes today homework.
7. Riddles
8. Worksheet
(Appendix B)

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