Name of The Option Chosen: 1) A Winning Business Name Has To Be Memorable - But Easy To Spell

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name of the option chosen

Creating a winning business name takes some thought but is one of the most
important things youll do during the process of starting a business. Starting out
with a weak business name is like trying to golf with only one club in your bag. You
may sink some shots but it will be a whole lot harder.
So how do you create a winning business name? Get your family, friends and/or
colleagues together for a business name brainstorming session and work through
these fie rules for choosing a business name!
1) A winning business name has to be memorable but easy to spell.
"biously, your potential customers and clients need to be able to remember your
business name. #ut they also need to be able to find it easily if theyre looking for it
in a phone book, directory or online. So choosing a business name such as
$Crychalwellyn% is a bad idea. &ni'ue is good but difficult spellings are a bad idea.
2) A winning business name needs a visual element.
(hat popped into your head when you read $Crychalwellyn%? )nything? *ost
people dont isuali+e anything when they read this business name that , inented.
#ut generally we are hard-wired to $see% images when we read or hear language,
and incorporating a isual element into your business name can be a powerful aid
to customers memory .and a powerful adertising tool/.
So you want your business name to hae a strong isual element to it. 0he catch is
3) A winning business name has to have positive connotation.
*any words hae both denotation .literal meaning/ and connotation .emotional
meaning/. ) words connotation can be positie, neutral or negatie, depending on
the emotional associations that people generally make. 0he classic e1ample is the
difference between $*om% .which has a ery positie connotation/ and $*other%
.which has a neutral connotation/. 2ow you know why they called them $3ads%
cookies, rather than $4athers%5
(hat it means to you is that when you create a business name, you need to choose
words that hae the positie connotations that you want people to associate with
your business 6 and make sure these connotations are suitable for your business.
,f you are starting a trucking business, for instance, you dont want it to hae a
weak sounding or negatie name, such as $(illow 0wig 0rucking% or $7itten
0ransport%. You want a business name that coneys strength and reliability. )
choice such as $Stone Creek 0rucking% would be much better. 2otice how all these
names hae a strong isual element.
4) A winning business name needs to include information about what your
business does.
Chances are good that your new business is not going to become an international
brand. ,t certainly isnt instantly going to become as well known as 2ike. So you
need to be sure that your new business name at least gies your potential
customers or clients some clues about what you actually do. 0hats why you see so
many landscaping businesses that hae the word $landscaping% in their name, and
hair styling businesses that include words such as $salon% or een $hair designs% in
their names.
,ncluding information about what your business does in your business name also
makes it easier for potential customers and/or clients to find your business in phone
books and directories .both off and online/.
5) A winning business name has to be fairly short.
"nce again this is ital because you want customers and clients to be able to
remember your businesss name .and be able to tell other people what it is/5 #ut
its also important for promotional purposes. You want a business name, for
e1ample, that will fit well on a business card, look good displayed on a sign or in an
ad, and perhaps een a business name that will sere well as a domain name and
show up well in search if you hae an online business. So keep it as short as
And a last tip think about colours when youre choosing a business name. Colours
will be an important component of your business logo and other business promotion
materials and your business web site, and colours hae strong emotional
associations, too. 8ed, for instance, is an aggressie colour9 its fiery elements are
associated with speed, e1citement and passion while green is a calming colour
associated with growth, renewal and nature. 4or more information on colours and
their meanings see Color Meanings and Colors That Go Togetherby :acci ;oward #ear.
Youll want to create at least two winning business names, and three is een better,
because once youe chosen a business name, the ne1t step is to register it and
your first choice may already be taken.
a. Name and place of the firms for the sale and purchase of
Company hereby sells to Buyer and Buyer hereby purchases from Company the equipment
described on attached hereto and incorporated herein, and licenses the software contained therein
(hereinafter !quipment". #uch !quipment shall be shipped $%B &nstallation #ite (as
hereinafter defined in 'aragraph (", freight pre)paid and absorbed by Company.
Purchase Price. Buyer shall pay to Company for the !quipment and for all obligations
specified herein, as full and complete consideration therefore, the sum of ******************
(+**********" (hereinafter 'urchase 'rice".
Payment. 'ayment of the 'urchase 'rice shall be made by Buyer to Company in accordance
with the following schedule,
-. Ten 'ercent (1./" of the 'urchase 'rice within thirty (0." days after the
e1ecution of this -greement2
B. !ighty 'ercent (3./" of the 'urchase 'rice within thirty (0." days after 4eli5ery
of the !quipment (as defined in 'aragraph 6 of the -greement"2 and
C. Ten 'ercent (1./" of the 'urchase 'rice within thirty (0." days after Buyer7s
-cceptance of the !quipment.
&n the e5ent that Buyer does not accept the !quipment, Company shall refund all prior
payments within fifteen (18" days of receipt of notification from Buyer that it does not accept the
-ll in5oices submitted to Buyer by Company shall list the items of !quipment purchased
thereunder in the same sequence used in Buyer7s 'urchase %rder for such !quipment. Buyer7s
'urchase %rder 9umber shall appear on all in5oices submitted to Buyer hereunder.
Taxes. Buyer represents that it is a ta1)e1empt corporation under #ection 8.1(c"(0" of the
&nternal :e5enue Code of the ;nited #tates, as amended, and under applicable laws of the #tate
of Maryland. The #tate of Maryland ta1)e1empt number for Buyer is ****************.
Company shall ta<e all action required to cause the purchase of the !quipment hereunder to be
treated as a ta1)e1empt transaction, and in no e5ent shall Buyer be responsible for any sales, use,
property, gross receipts, or similar ta1es le5ied against any party to this -greement.
Site Evaluation. -t no cost or e1pense to Buyer, Company shall furnish Buyer with site
preparation studies, which shall include, but not be limited to, power, air conditioning, and
operational considerations with respect to the !quipment. Company7s personnel shall coordinate
their acti5ities with and a5oid interference with Buyer7s employees and construction contractors
wor<ing to prepare the &nstallation #ite (as hereinafter defined" for receipt of the !quipment. -
pre)installation instruction manual will be pro5ided to Buyer by Company upon request.
Site Preparation. Buyer shall be responsible for preparing a site suitable for the installation and
operation of the !quipment (hereinafter &nstallation #ite".
Delivery. 4eli5ery of the !quipment to Buyer by Company, at Company7s sole cost and
e1pense, shall be made within two (=" wee<s after receipt of a purchase order (hereinafter
4eli5ery 4ate". The !quipment shall be pac<aged appropriately and all cartons shall be
clearly stamped with Buyer7s 'urchase %rder 9umber. Buyer must be able to identify easily all
items of the !quipment contained within each carton. 4eli5ery of the !quipment in an
undamaged condition to Buyer7s &nstallation #ite shall constitute 4eli5ery to Buyer. :is< of
loss during transit shall remain with Company.
- pac<ing slip indicating each item and item quantity shipped shall accompany e5ery
shipment. The pac<ing list shall be attached to the e1terior of one of the containers in each
shipment in a conspicuous manner.
The purchase order number must also appear on all pac<ing slips, in5oices and
-ll items not found shall be noted and the anticipated a5ailability of the items shall be
indicated clearly on the pac<ing list. 9o substitutions shall be made without prior authori>ation
by Buyer7s Corporate 'urchasing.
Installation. Company shall install the !quipment at the &nstallation #ite in accordance with the
installation schedule set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein (the
&nstallation #chedule", and connect the same to the safety switches or electrical outlets to be
pro5ided and installed by Buyer. Company shall be responsible for all costs associated with
deli5ery and installation of the !quipment. Time is of the essence to this -greement.
Company shall comply with all permits and licenses required by $ederal, #tate, or local
authorities in connection with the deli5ery and installation of the !quipment.
Testing and ertification. ;pon completion of installation of the !quipment, Company shall
perform prescribed tests to determine that the !quipment is operating in conformance with
Company7s published performance specifications for the !quipment and any other requirements
agreed to by the parties (hereinafter #pecifications", a copy of which are attached hereto and
incorporated herein as Exhibit . - three conductor (grounded" power cord, no less than 13
-?G, with an appro5ed hospital grade plug cap, is required. $or portable or mobile equipment,
the power cord is to be permanently attached2 if portable equipment is pro5ided without a
permanently attached power cord, Buyer may, in its discretion, attach such permanent cord. #aid
modification to the !quipment will not affect the ?arranty pro5ided hereunder. Grounding
resistance is to be less than ..8 ohms to any e1posed conducti5e surface. @ea<age current is to
be no more than 8. microamperes (1. microamperes if the !quipment is specified as being
patient)isolated" between any patient lead and ground or any other patient lead, with the
!quipment on or off, grounded or ungrounded, and correct or re5ersed polarity. ?hen Company
is satisfied that the !quipment is operating in conformance with the #pecifications, Company
shall produce, document and present to Buyer operational 5erification data (hereinafter
!quipment Turno5er". &n the e5ent the !quipment or any feature or option thereof requires
certification under $ederal law, Company will complete and file all necessary reports regarding
Company7s manufacture, assembly, installation or other acti5ity relating to the !quipment.
!cceptance. A-cceptance of the !quipment shall be deemed to occur on the date when, in the
reasonable opinion of Buyer, the !quipment conforms to the #pecifications, and has
continuously operated in compliance with the #pecifications for thirty (0." days after !quipment
Turno5er. Company shall present Buyer with a $inal Certificate of -cceptance (attached hereto
as Exhibit ", and incorporated herein by reference" immediately prior to the e1piration of the
day. $inal acceptance occurs when Buyer e1ecutes and returns to Company the signed $inal
Certificate of -cceptance.
Two (=" copies of operator and ser5ice instruction manuals are to be pro5ided to
Buyer by Company, the latter to include electrical and mechanical schematics, and parts
and current price lists.
Training. 'rior to -cceptance of the !quipment or at such other time as the parties may
mutually agree, Company shall pro5ide, at no cost or e1pense to Buyer, training in
operation of the !quipment for employees designated by Buyer. #uch training is
described on Exhibit D attached hereto and incorporated herein.
Soft#are. Company hereby grants to Buyer a @&M&T!4, 9%9!BC@;#&C! @&C!9#!
andDor #;B@&C!9#! (hereinafter A@icenseE" to use the software identified in Exhibit !
hereof (hereinafter A#oftwareE" in connection with the sale of !quipment.
-. $icense %ee. -ny charge for the @icense is included in the 'urchase 'rice
set forth in 'aragraph = of this -greement.
B. &pdates. 4uring the ?arranty 'eriod, or for as long as Buyer purchases
any maintenance support ser5ices from Company, Company shall pro5ide to Buyer,
without additional charge, any and all routine #oftware changes and updates intended to
pro5ide general impro5ements to the performance of the !quipment that are announced
by Company or that are required to comply with applicable federal statues and
C. Term. This @icense shall commence upon deli5ery of the !quipment to
the Buyer and shall continue for as long as Buyer retains full legal right and title to
operate the !quipment.
4. Security Patches. Company and Buyer agree on the importance of
installing up to date third party security patches to help maintain networ< and computer
wor<station security. Company and Buyer will wor< cooperati5ely to insure that all
necessary third party operating system security patches are installed and tested as quic<ly
as possible. Buyer may install anyDall third party security patches as they deem
necessary. &n the e5ent that installation of a particular patch causes a subsequent defect
or error in the operation of Company supplied software, Buyer must remo5e the patch
and contact the Company. Company will then apply best efforts to install and test
patch(es" and correct any defects or errors to Company software that results. Company
will then update Buyer software to allow Buyer to reinstall patch. -ny such installation
of security patches shall not 5oid any warranty.
E'uipment (arranty. The warranty pro5ided to Buyer by Company with respect to the
!quipment is set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and incorporated herein. The
warranty period shall commence upon -cceptance of the !quipment.
Patents and opyrights. Company warrants that it owns the !quipment, #oftware, and
4ocumentation and that it has the rights in the !quipment, #oftware and 4ocumentation
granted hereby. Company further warrants that the !quipment, #oftware and
4ocumentation shall be deli5ered free of any rightful claim of any third party for
infringement of any ;nited #tates patent, copyright, trade secret, or other intellectual
property right. Company shall indemnify and hold harmless Buyer and its subsidiaries or
affiliates under its control, and their trustees, officers, employees and agents, against any
and all losses, liabilities, Fudgments, awards and costs (including legal fees and e1penses"
arising out of or related to any claim that BuyerGs use or possession of the !quipment,
#oftware or 4ocumentation pursuant to and for the purposes set forth in this -greement,
or the license granted hereunder, infringes or 5iolates any ;nited #tates patent, copyright,
trade secret, or other proprietary right of any third party. Company shall defend and
settle at its sole e1pense all suits or proceedings arising out of the foregoing, pro5ided
that Buyer gi5es Company notice of any such claim of which it learns. 9o such
settlement which pre5ents Buyer from continuing to use the !quipment and #oftware as
pro5ided herein shall be made without the BuyerGs prior written consent. &n all e5ents,
Buyer shall, at its own cost and e1pense, ha5e the right to participate in the defense of
any such suit or proceeding through counsel of its own choosing. &n case the !quipment,
#oftware or 4ocumentation, or any part thereof, are held to constitute such an
infringement and the use for the purpose intended of said !quipment or #oftware is
enFoined, then Company shall, at BuyerGs option, and at CompanyGs e1pense, either
procure for Buyer the right to continue using same, or replace same with a non)infringing
!quipment, or modify same so it becomes non)infringing, or remo5e the !quipment and
refund the total purchase price for the !quipment.
-. Company shall indemnify and hold Buyer its trustees, officers, employees,
and agents harmless from any loss, lawsuit, liability, damage, cost and e1pense (including
reasonable attorneys7 fees" which may arise out of or result from (i" claims by third
persons against Buyer that the !quipment has caused damage to property or bodily inFury
(including death"2 or (ii" the acts or omissions of the Company, its agents or employees in
connection with this -greement2 or (iii" any defects in any !quipment supplied by the
Company2 or (i5" any breach or default in the performance of the obligations of Company
hereunder including any breach of warranty. Company7s indemnification obligations
hereunder shall not apply to the e1tent that any claim is caused by the negligence or
misconduct of Buyer.
b. Basic of price determination of the products
Determination of the prices depends internal and
e1ternal factors. <ricing goals represents internal policy.
)lso, price policy should be aligned on seeral other factors.

!emand is the key determinant for market oriented
company. 3emand is the starting point for all actiities.
Simply, the aerage customer will be demanding different
product 'uantities, depending on price. =aw of the market
says that demand and price are counter proportional . price
increase leads to demand decrease and ice ersa /.
"ompetition has a significant influence to price
determination of market oriented companies. <rices need to
be ad>usted in order to address the competition. ?ery
company should research market and competition, prior to
launch of the new product. Surey should include direct
competitors but also the substitutes. #ased on market
surey and the strength of the company the prices can be
the same, lower or higher.
"osts 6 (hile demand and competition are e1ternal factor,
the costs are internal. 0he costs must be embedded in eery
stage of price determination process. 0here are seeral
methods of cost embedding into price!
@./ Costs <lus 6 company calculates the costs and increase
price for the specific profit.
A./ *arkup 6 price based on cost increased for amount of
specific markup percentage.
B./ 0arget 8eturn *ethod 6 calculated re'uired markup, in
order to achiee return on inestment.
C./ <rofit *a1imi+ing is the price where the marginal profit
e'uals marginal cost.
D./ #reakeen )nalysis 6 is the number of units sold that
generates profit that can coer cost. 0his point does not
hae profit nor lost.
#ife "ycle pricing approach analysis the current phase of
product life in market.
@./ ?ntering phase usually re'uires higher sales prices in
order to payback initial deelopment costs. )lso customers
are willing to pay more for a new product.
A./ Growth phase is bringing the market stabili+ation. <rices
are more or less stabile.
B./ Saturation phase leads to price decline, due to
competition entrance and loss of consumerEs interest
C./ 3eclining phase is the last part of product life cycle.
<rices are still going down.
$ales "hannels hae the different shopping occasion.
Conse'uently the pricing is ad>usted to sales channel. 4or
e1ample, the same products is cheaper in hypermarket than
on petrol station.
%overnment is usually do not interfere into price
determination. ?1ceptionally it may limit ma1imal prices for
a certain products. Still, goernment is influencing pricing,
since the ta1es F custom duties are the part of the price
mode of registration for commercial tax
Listed below is a detailed summary of the bureaucratic and legal
hurdles an entrepreneur must overcome in order to incorporate and
register a new firm, along with their associated time and set-up
costs. It examines the procedures, time and cost involved in
launching a commercial or industrial firm with up to 50 employees
and start-up capital of 10 times the economys per-capita gross
national income !"#I$.
%he information appearing on this page was collected as part of
the Doing Business pro&ect, which measures and compares
regulations relevant to the life cycle of a small- to medium-si'ed
domestic business in 1() economies. %he most recent round of data
collection for the pro&ect was completed in *une +011.
a. 3efined by the section A .aa/ of CS0 )ct as follows!
GbusinessG includes 6
i. any trade, commerce or manufacture, or any adenture or concern
in the nature of trade, commerce or manufacture, whether or not
such trade, commerce, manufacture, adenture or concern is
carried on with a motie to make gain or profit and whether or not
any gain or profit accrues from such trade, commerce,
manufacture, adenture or concern9 and
ii. any transaction in connection with, or incidental or ancillary to,
such trade, commerce, manufacture, adenture or concern G.
b. 0he States hae followed the aboe definition.
c. )ttributes of the definition and specific inclusions!
o Generally, inclusie definition )rtificial meaning is gien
o )ny adenture in the nature of the trade, etc.
o )ny incidental or ancillary or connected transaction with the trade,
o )ny incidental or connected transaction for commencement or
closure or business
o 0ransaction of sale or purchase of assets relating to trade, etc.
o )ny other transaction included in definition.
,btain the provisional -I# by filing application .orm -I#-1 online. %his form is on the
/inistry of 0orporate 1ffairs +1st 0entury !/01 +1$ portal . %he
provisional -I# is immediately issued !2rovisional -I# is valid for a period of 30 days.
%he application form must then be printed and signed and sent for approval to the
ministry by courier along with proof of identity and address4
1. Identity 2roof !1ny one$
5 21# 0ard
5 -riving License
5 2assport
5 6oter Id 0ard
1 photograph should be attached to the -I# application and the documents in proof of
identity and address must be attested by a 2ublic #otary or "a'ette ,fficer of the
"overnment or by a practicing professional !such as practising 0hartered 1ccountant, a
practising 0ompany 7ecretary or a practising 0ost 1ccountant or 0ompany 7ecretary of
the company in full time employment of the company, whose director the applicant is
proposed to be appointed$.
8. 9esidence 2roof !1ny one$
5 -riving License
5 2assport
5 6oter Id 0ard
5 %elephone 8ill
5 9ation 0ard
5 :lectricity 8ill
5 8an; 7tatement
+$ %he concerned authority verifies all the documents and, upon approval, issues a
permanent -I#. It ta;es about )-5 days to issue the permanent -I#.

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