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June 21, 2014
2:00 4:00
Archbishops Palace

Meeting officially started at 2:30pm by Ernesto B. Neri.


Ernesto Neri
Joed Llauderes
Karol Loquias
Jesus Rangcasajo
Harold Laborte
Adzhar Madjid
Dimple Venic*
Phil Ray Neri
Rommel Marquez
Kin Libago
John Samuel Yap
Sheena Claire Bayeta
Danilo Velez (4H)


1. Accreditation Process
- Integrating youth organizations to the Oro Youth Development Council
- 7 requirements:
a. Letter of intent
b. Resolution 3 reps (OYC)
c. Certification of existence
d. Constitution/ policies
e. List of activities
f. Sec Registration
g. List of officers and members
- Accreditation can be revoked by 2/3 of the votes of the
accreditation committee
- 7 reps from OYDC to undergo interview
- In-school sector: which are duly registered to schools (proposed
solution: channel to the existing federations tertiary and high
school student government bodies, rather than individual submission)
- Rotary club involvement
- Existence of Youth movements certificate of existence can be
issued by the Barangay Captain
- Process is redundant considering the existence of YORP will not
merge or partner with YORP to avoid confusion considering the
council as an independent body, therefore, organizations membership
to YORP may be optional
- IP/Moro is not yet established
- Organizations who are once approved will be posted online
- Target date: 6 months

2. Youth Committee Creation
- According to by laws, can be easily created and abolished by will
but due consultation
- Should be the fastest action committee
- Accessible to individuals who does not belong to any organization
- Letters to partner government offices to duly recognize the existing
youth committees

3. Youth Advocacy Series: Environment
- USEP committee update
a. Monthly Symposiums
b. Solid waste management portal
c. Sustainable Cagayan de Oro promotional page
d. Paper Bag Ordinance
e. Urban Greening Day
f. On the process partnerships
- Due to the closure of dumpsite, there is a need for a fast
establishment of youth federation in Carmen

4. Political Education Program
- Youth Community Leaders to undergo a course of good governance under
supervision of Governance and Leadership Institute (XU-GLI) and KKP-
- A 4-month to 6-month course
- Plan under construction but it will be smooth sailing initiative
when implemented since the PolEd catering the LGUs are ongoing

5. Health Program Development
- Kagay-anon Health Youth Conference: open to all/ per barangay
Follow up:
- Letter to City Health Board for the existing Youth Committee on
- Proposal letter

6. Sectoral/ Organization Updates
- Local School Board
a. Buildings are being constructed at the East side
b. 15 + 30 classrooms are duly constructed
c. 200 out of 300 classrooms should be constructed by the end of the
year (simultaneous construction)
- In-School Sector
a. Adapt a school program based on NAT results, handled by the
School of Education and Teachers Guild of XU
b. Profiling of distractive establishments near school perimeter
(i.e., internet cafes) with assistance of Government officials
primarily RMB
c. Meeting with DepEd last May 22 regarding the new partnership from
Japan almost same as adopt a school program. OYC to provide
volunteers and them, for resources
d. CARP/CARPER Program
o End on June 30
o AFARM Task Force spearheaded by Ateneo Schools
o June 25: (morning) CARP Forum, (afternoon) Ignatian Prayer
Rally at 5pm
OYC statement (next week)
a. Annual budgeting
b. Barangay organizing
c. Planned July Activities
d. Fiesta Activities
i. Higalaay Parade
ii. Encouraging OYDC to propose youth activities for the
city fiesta
e. 40
Regional Anniversary for PYAP on July 29 at Gingoog
City (3-day event)
f. Sulong Dunong Program

- Youth Inc.
a. Program for PWD through literary works
b. Flash mobs: XU (June 6) and MUST (June 10)
c. PWD Youth Festival
- Peace and Order Sector
a. There are unrealistic projects but possible
b. Integration of Mindanao Festival to the Mindanao Week of Peace
c. Symposiums
d. Collaboration with Interfaiths
- Muslim Youth
a. Establishment of Muslim Youth Council
b. Integration of MYC to Faith-based sector
Future Plan:
o Convergence (OYDC representation) on June 25
o Sustainability
o Release of primer to advertise convergence/MYC to the media
- 4H
a. Ongoing activities (e.g Training Seminar attended by Dandee)
b. (Tuesday) Entrepreneurial training
c. Under Department of Agriculture
- Youth for Special Needs
a. Partnership with MOGCHS for Barkadahan Kontra Droga
b. DRRM meeting (next week)
c. Barangay Lumbia Youth Organizing Contact Persons identified
- Faith-Based Sector
a. Youth-XCEL program
o Pilot students: city scholars
o 30 life coaches
o (June 22) coaching of coaches at Blessed Hope Church
Concern: City Scholarship Office
Plan B: catering orphans instead of Scholars

7. Regular monthly meeting schedule
- For venue: sponsorship per area
- Every 3
or 4
Saturday of the month

8. Other matters
- Oro Youth Convergence Page hit 1000 likes by the end of July
- Mindanao Cyber Expo
o July 5 and 6 at SM City
o Cosplay and Gaming Event
- Partnership of City Hall with Street Tutorials program of Jett
Torres regarding education on th road for street kids
o Concern:
Street Tutorials held on Magsaysay Park
City Hall rendered a place in Cogon as the venue

-----------------Meeting ended at 5:00 pm------------------------

Prepared By:
Sheena Claire Bayeta

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