Chem 230 - Exp 21

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Last Name: ___________________________; First Name: ____________________

Date: ________________________________; Time:__________________________

Experiment # 21 Reactivities of Alkl !ali"es
E#$ation: R%%&l ' Na ' (%%%%%%) R( ' Na&l *s+, R%%-r ' Na %%%%%%%%) R( ' Na-r *s+
Introduction :
Reaction con"itions an" s$.strate str$ct$re are t/o important factors in reactivities of alkl
0ali"es in n$cleop0ilic reactions1 T0e con"itions of reactivities s$.strate are examine" $n"er
2N1 an" 2N21 &lassifin3 alkl 0ali"es accor"in3 to t0eir reactivit in 2N2 reaction can .e $se"
/it0 a rea3ent compose" of so"i$m io"i"e or potassi$m io"i"e "issolve" in acetone1 T0is forms
a precipitate to increase t0e completeness of t0e reaction .eca$se io"i"e ion is a n$cleop0ilile
/0ile acteton is a nonpolar solvent1 As a res$lt, so"i$m an" potassi$m io"i"e are sol$.le in in
acetone /0ile .romi"es an" c0lori"es are not1 Le &0atelier4s principle s0o/s t0at t0e
precipitation of a pro"$ct from reaction sol$tion "rives t0e e#$ili.ri$m to/ar" t0e si"e t0e is
less1 To classif alkl 0ali"es accor"in3 to t0eir reactivities in 2N1, a rea3ent /it0 silver nitrate
/ill .e "issolve" in et0anol1 (n t0is case, nitrate ion is a poor n$cleop0ile /0ile et0anol is
mo"eratel po/erf$l in ioni5in3 solvent1 T0e silver ion leaves t0e 0ali"e ion to form silver 0ali"e
Procedure A :
11 La.el from 1%16 test t$.es of 16 x 78 mm1
21 9lace 2mL of 18: Na(%inacetone sol$tion to eac0 t$.e1
;1 A"" < "rops of t0e follo/in3 into t0e appropriate t$.e =*1+ 2%c0loro.$tane, *2+ 2%
.romo.$tane, *;+ 1%c0loro.$tane, *<+ 1%.romo.$tane, *7+ .en5l c0lori"e, *>+
.romo.en5ene, *?+ .romocclo0exane, an" *16+ .romocclopentane1
<1 20ake t0e test t$.e after a""in3 0ali"e to make s$re alkl mixes /it0 solvent1
81 Recor" time /0en precipitation or soli" appears1
@1 After 8 mins, place an $nprecipitate" test t$.es in a 86 & /ater .at0 *"o not excee" 86
71 After a min$te, cool it to room temperat$re an" o.serve for an reaction t0en recor"
Procedure B :
11 La.el ten test t$.es as s0o/n in proce"$re A1
21 Transfer 2mL of 1: et0anolic silver nitrate sol$tion to eac0 test t$.es1
;1 A"" < "rops of appropriate 0ali"e to eac0 test t$.es $sin3 t0e same n$ for so"i$m
io"i"e test1
<1 20ake t0e t$.es to ens$re proper mixin3 of sol$tion
81 Recor" an precipitations an" t0e time nee"e" *"ense, clo$"iness, or no ppt1+
@1 After 8 mins, place an t$.es t0at "i" not precipitate into a /ater .at0 of 166 &1
71 After 1 min, cool it to room temperat$re an" recor" if an reaction occ$re"1
Observations, Data & Results:

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