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Sanjay Dixit

282 HSR Layout, Koramangala, Bangalore 560012, India

Email: sanay!di"#user$ome%&om
'$one: (1)80)12*+)56,8
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Intitute o!
Techno"ogy, Chennai #$%%&'$%%()
Thesis Title: E--i&ient .lgorit$m -or /errain Sim0li-i&ation -or 1ast
Advisor: 2ana3i Raago0alan
Summary: Im0ro4es t$e state o- t$e art in o&&lusion 0lane dete&tion gi4en
terrain data% 5y im0lementation s$o6ed a user &ontrolled dri4e)t$roug$ o-
a &om0le" s&ene 6it$ real)time rendering o- * million 0olygons using a 16
node Beo6ul- &luster% . 0a0er 6as 0u7lis$ed in 8ra0$i&s Inter-a&e 90+%
St. *a+ier, Schoo", Ne- De"hi #.raduated $%%%)
Ran3ed 1st in s&$ool in 12t$ :%B%S%E% Board E"amination%
/0O1ECT 2O03 #B. Tech)
Built an o0timi;ing &om0iler -or m:<<, a :<< su7set 6it$ su00ort
-or dynami& o7e&t migration o4er t$e net6or3 7et6een &om0ati7le
Built a user)le4el distri7uted -ile system 7ased on =1S 6it$ 6rite)
t$roug$ &a&$ing, -ault toleran&e and &onsisten&y guarantees%
0eearch Aitant, TI40, 5um6ai #Aug ' Dec $%%7)8
Im0lemented a li7rary o- image 0ro&essing -un&tions -or edge
dete&tion and de)s3e6ing on s&anned images% .da0ted an o--)t$e)
s$el- >:R 0a&3age to o0erate on s&anned mail images 6it$ ((?
address re&ognition a&&ura&y at t$e &ity@0in)&ode le4el and 85? at
t$e street le4el%
/roject Trainee, 3reati+ Net-or9, Banga"ore8 #1an $%%('
preent)8 2oined a , 0erson startu0 im0lementing &am0us)6ide
4ideo)on)demand system -or &or0orate training% Im0lemented t$e
streaming 4ideo &om0onent 6it$ 7u--ering -or itter redu&tion%
.lso, 7it)rate redu&tion in t$e e4ent o- &ongestion to meet -rame)
rate guarantees% E"tensi4e 0er-orman&e testing 6as &ondu&ted%
So!t-are8 SAL Ser4er, .0a&$e, :BS, 5at$emati&a, Late"% .lso,
audio@4ideo -ormats and &ode&s% :anguage8 :@:<<, S/L, 'yt$on,
/"at!orm8 Linu", 1reeBSD, Eindo6s (8, =/ +%0, 2000%
Occlusion Culling using Hyperplane Projection and Frequency Domain
Splicing 'a4an 'leasant, .mit 8anguly, and 2ana3i Raago0alan%
8ra0$i&s Inter-a&e 901F200+G 00% *2*)***%
Best B%/e&$ t$esis ) 200+% De0t o- :om0uter S&ien&e% II/ :$ennai
Sil4er 5edalist at t$e International 5at$emati&al >lym0iad
FI5>G, 200*% Seoul, S% Korea%
Ran3ed 18t$ in II/ 2oint Entran&e E"amination ) 2001%
'ro-% R% K% Ra4indranat$, De0t% o- :om0uter S&ien&e, II/ :$ennai
'ro-% 2ana3i Raago0alan, De0t% o- :om0uter S&ien&e, II/ :$ennai
Dr% B% Sang$al, /I1R, 5um7ai

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