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Last week I went to a book store with my brother. We wanted to buy some books and omis.
We went there by a motory!e. "irst we !e#t home at $ %.&. The tra##i to the book store was
not rowded. The book store was not so #ar #rom our house. A#ter '( minutes) we arri*ed at the
book store.
There were many +eo+!e at the book store. I saw there were some +eo+!e hoosin, kinds o#
books) ma,a-ines) omis) et. There were many kinds o# books at the book store. They were
arran,ed on book she!*es. Some +eo+!e read in #ront o# the she!*es. We hose some books and
omis we needed and went to ashier. A#ter that we went to a restaurant #or ha*in, mea!. I
ordered!!s and a so#t drink. &y brother ordered #ried nood!e and a so#t drink too.
"ina!!y we went home in the e*enin,. We arri*ed home at /.0( %.&. We !e#t *ery tired but we
were ha++y.
1hoose the orret answer a, b, c, or d 22
0. "irst we ... home at
a. are !i*in,
b. !ea*es
. !e#t
d. ha*e !e#t
'. I went to the book store ...
a. tomorrow
b. e*ery day
. ne3t Sunday
d. !ast week
4. We #ee! *ery ... but we were ...
a. ha++y 5 worry
b. tired 5 ha++y
. ha++y 5 tired
d. tired 5 sad
$. The tra##i to the book store was not rowded
The under!ine word mean ...
a. busy
b. +atient
. noisy
d. si!ent

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