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ESL Health Unit ESL Health Unit

Unit One Unit One

The Doctors Office The Doctors Office
Lesson Two Lesson Two
Describing Pain/Symptoms Describing Pain/Symptoms
Listening and Speaking Practice Listening and Speaking Practice
Intermediate Intermediate

Goals for this Lesson
Below are some of the goals of this lesson. Which ones are your goals
too? Check () them.
list common health problems and symptoms
use different words to describe pain
describe your symptoms to a doctor
prepare for your visit to the doctor
Lesson Two Describing Pain/Symptoms
Listening and Speaking Practice
"efore #o$ Listen%
Read through a doctors description of conversations he had with two of his patients and
discuss the uestions with your classmates and instructor.
Sasha was quite anxious about his visit. He doesnt seem to like health care professionals.
He came in because he sometimes feels throbbing pain in his head. He has taken medication
in the past for high blood pressure but doesnt remember the dose. He says that he doesnt
smoke, drink caffeine or take any over-the-counter drugs. He thought his pain might be
related to stress or mild depression but wanted to see someone to calm his nerves. We had
some problems communicating effectively because we didnt have an interpreter. It was
very difficult for me to give Sasha helpful instructions or to diagnose his problem.
Hyuncheol had concerns about symptoms related to his diabetes. He said his blood sugar
readings have been high after breakfast. He was wellorgani!ed and had a list of all of his
drugs, vitamins, herbal and other supplements. He told me that he usually takes the drug
!icronase after he eats breakfast. I e"plained that he should take it #$ minutes before
breakfast. He agreed with this plan but would also like to see a diabetes specialist for a
second opinion. He wanted to take responsibility for his own healthcare.
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
%. Which patient is do you think is communicating better with his doctor0 Why do you
think so0
/. What are some things the poorly prepared patient can do to more effectively
communicate with the doctor the ne"t time he visits0
#. 1ead the following pairs of sentences. Which sentence would be more helpful to a
doctor0 .ut a check ne"t to that sentence.
2222I have a pain in my head.
2222I have a stabbing pain on the left side of my head.
2222I have a burning and sharp pain in my stomach.
2222Im having some problems in my stomach.
22223y eye feels bad.
22223y vision is blurry and I have a sharp pain in my right eye.
22223y back is not feeling well.
2222I have a throbbing ache in my lower back.
2222,here is an intense, shooting pain going down my left arm.
22223y left arm hurts.
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
Listening Two & 'mpro(e #o$r )omm$nication with #o$r Doctor
"magine you are attending a health workshop at a local senior center. #r. $am %uentes is
giving a talk a&out how to improve your communication with your doctor. 'isten to #r.
%uentes talk and answer the uestions with your classmates and instructor.
%. What is important to do 5&6*1& you go to the doctor0
/. What is important to remember when you are describing your symptoms to your
#. What other kinds of information does your doctor need to help you0
7. In the country where you were born, did you feel comfortable talking with your
doctor and asking questions0
8. In the country where you were born, did you feel comfortable disagreeing with your
doctor or asking for a second opinion0
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
Improve Communication with our !octor
If you feel an"ious or uncomfortable at your healthcare appointment, you may not be able to
describe your symptoms clearly or to ask questions. ,his can result in problems because your
doctor will not be able to diagnose your illness and help you.
,o make yourself feel more comfortable, take the time to organi!e yourself before your doctor
visits. ,his can help reduce at least some of your an"iety. 9ever be afraid to ask questions.
&ffective communication with your doctor is an important part of your health care.
#rite down a list of your health concerns and give it to your doctor at the beginning of each
appointment. 'ist your most important concerns first.
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
$e Clear and specific when talking about your symptoms.
: Clearly state the purpose of your visit. Be specific.
S;<+ =Im here to see you today because, for the past two weeks, Ive had a throbbing
pain in the middle of my chest. It comes and goes. I >ust dont feel right. ?ould it be my
-*9@, S;<+ =I am not feeling very well. Ive been under a lot of stress lately.@
S;<+ =I get very tired going up the stairs. Ive never had a problem climbing stairs
-*9, S;<+ =I have no energy. I must be depressed.@
:#escri&e your symptoms until you are understood.
S;<+ =Im not comfortable simply taking a medication to calm my nerves. .lease refer
me to a specialist who understands my needs. I must have further testing to ease my
-*9, S,*.+ ?ontinue to seek care if you have a problem that needs a diagnosis,
even if your doctor fails to find anything wrong or says itAs >ust your nerves. If you feel
you are not getting the care you deserve, you can obtain a second opinion or you can
change doctors.
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
'eep a record of all the medicines and supplements you take and bring it with you to
doctor appointments. 'et all of your doctors and your pharmacist know about every medicine
you are taking, including overthecounter drugs, vitamins, herbals and other supplements.
$e honest about your health habits and be willing to make changes. ,ell your health care
professional if you donCt e"ercise regularly, eat all the wrong foods, drink too much caffeine
or smoke cigarettes.
(et written instructions from your healthcare professional. <ou can ask for instructions in
writing or you can take notes or use a tape recorder. It may help to bring along a friend who
can write down the doctorAs instructions for you. ;sk for an interpreter if &nglish is not your
primary language. 3ake sure you understand your diagnosis and the plan of care so that you
can participate in regaining your health.
<ou are responsible for your own healthcare. ,aking steps to improve communication with
your doctor will result in better healthcare for youD
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
Tal+ ,bo$t it%
)ctivity *ne+
When you go to the doctor( it is very important that you can descri&e your pain or symptoms
clearly. Work with your classmates and instructor to think a&out the &o) &elow. *e)t to each
&ody part( descri&e symptoms or pain that you (or someone you know) have e)perienced.
Body Part Description of Symptom or Pain
Feyes, ears,
+)ample, -hro&&ing pain &ehind the eyes and near the temples. $evere
pain when looking up or down.
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
)ctivity ,wo+
"n the space &elow( write a&out a time when you were sick. #escri&e what kind of pain or
symptoms you had. (headache( toothache( chest pain). .s you are writing( think a&out *inas
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
story a&out her migraine headache. 'ike *ina( try to descri&e your symptoms as clearly as
possi&le. .lso( remem&er that you are descri&ing something that happened in the past( so as
you are writing( try to use the past tense of each ver&.
)ctivity ,hree+
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
/nce you have completed the description of a time when you were sick. Work with a partner
to role0play a visit to the doctors office. 1our partner will play the role of doctor and ask
you the following uestions.
What are your symptoms0
Where is your pain on this scale0
no pain mild moderate severe
What does your pain feel like0
-oes your pain make it harder for you to do anything0 If yes, what0
.s your partner asks you uestions( you will descri&e your pain2symptoms to the doctor &ased
on what you have written a&ove. 3ractice &eing the doctor and the patient.
When you and your partner have each had a turn &eing doctor and patient( present a 4Role0
3lay5 to the class. Who is the &est doctor? Who is the &est patient?
&S' Health (nit)Intermediate, (nit *ne+ ,he -octors *ffice, 'esson ,wo+ -escribing .ain) Symptoms, 'istening and Speaking
A Thematic Unit for Intermediate Level ESL Teachers
Intermediate, Unit One: The Doctors Office
Lesson Two: Describing Pain/Symptoms
?hecklist for 'earning
.ocab$lary Log
"n the space &elow( write down all of the new words you learned during this lesson that
you want to remem&er. -ry to separate your list of words into nouns (person( place or
thing)( ad7ectives (descri&ing words) and ver&s (action words). %or e)tra practice use
them in sentences of your own.
New words I learned during this lesson:
/hat can yo$ 0o1
Below are some of the language goals you worked on during this lesson. Check () what
you learned from this lesson. .dd more ideas if you wish.
" learned to9
describe your feelings
understand a voicemail message
learn new vocabulary
describe why you call the doctor
make an appointment

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