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Vision 2020 aims to produce a balanced human capital in terms of physical, emotional, spiritual
and intellectual in accordance with the National Education Philosophy. In order to expand the
intellectual aspect, every individual should have the ability to analye data.
!he picture above shows students in a secondary school havin" their final year examination. !he
#chool Examination secretary will collect the mar$s for each sub%ects to determine the avera"e
"rade of the sub%ects, the avera"e "rade school and which will "ive the picture of the
performance of the school.
&ata representation reflects the "eneral characteristics of data that allows us to compare
and thus predict and plan for the future.
P ART 1:
'. (ist the importance of data analysis in daily life.
2. #pecify the types of )easure of *entral !endency and of )easure of &ispersion.
P ART 2 +
'. ,et the )arch -dditional )athematics test scores for your class. -ttach the scores sheet.
2. *onstruct a fre.uency table as in !able ' which contains at least five class intervals.
*hoose a suitable class sie.
)ar$s !ally /re.uency
!able ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 6 7 8 9 : :: 0 ;
a< /rom !able ', find
(i) the mean,
(ii) the mode,
(iii) the median usin" two methods.
b< =ased on your findin"s from >a< above, state the appropriate measure of central tendency
to reflect the performance of your class in -dditional )athematics. Explain why.
P ART 3:
)easure of &ispersion is a measurement to determine how far the values of data in a set of datais
spread out from its avera"e value.
=ased on the data from !able ',
a< usin" two methods, find
(i) the inter.uartile ran"e
(ii) the standard deviation
b< Explain the advanta"es of usin" standard deviation compared to inter.uartile ran"e to
describe the data.
P ART 4:
a. If your teacher wants to ma$e ad%ustments by addin" ? mar$s for each student in your
class for their commitment and discipline shown, find the new value of mean, mode,
median, class interval, inter.uartile ran"e and standard deviation. *hec$ your answers
with other methods.
b. In -pril 20'2, a new student has enrolled in your class. !he student has scored @AB in
the -dditional )athematics )arch !est in hisCher former school. If the student scores
were ta$en into account in the analysis of your school )arch !est , state the effect of the
presence of this student to the mean, mode, median, inter.uartile ran"e and standard
Dhat moral values did you put into practice when conductin" this pro%ectE Prepare a card
accordin" to your creativity statin" your efforts to increase or maintain the excellent result
for -dditional )athematics in #P) 20'2.

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