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CFC Youth for Christ

Campus Fresh Party 2014

I. Title: The Ultimate Fresh Party
Feel the New Vibe
Flashing lights. Dancing mob. Loud music. Freeflowing drinks and other
unnecessary behavior. This is Party for the present generation. The outh!
especially in the campuses! are e"posed to this kind of having fun and making
This year! F# #ampus $ased %&D&F'(&) this culture of partying
providing a new vibe and an atmosphere filled with clean and wholesome party
activities. The outh will e"perience F*(! F%'&(D)+'P! F%&&D,-! and F.'T+
in one night of ultimate party e"perience with the Lord.
II. Objectives
To capture the interest of the young by providing an ambiance similar to the
party as the present generation defines it.
To introduce a new perspective of partying by applying the / guiding principles
of F# 0 Fun! Friendship! Freedom! and Faith.
To encourage the non1F#2s to 3oin the outh #amp and for freshmen to be
active in #ampus $ased
III. Venue Look
#lub with D4 $ooth on site
(o stage 1 worship leaders5speakers5performers5emcee will be at
the center of the crowd
Dance floor at the center
CFC Youth for Christ
Party 5 Laser 5 (eon lights and party music
IV. Attire
6holesome party attire
V. Program Flow
1 )oft opening 78
1 ,pening prayer 9.:
1 (ational .nthem 9.:
1 Dance mob ;8
1 %oll call :
1 &mcee )piels :
1 Dance $attle 78
1 Praise and Fashion ;8
1 Fliptop 78
1 &"hortation and praise fest /:
1 Party Dance
VI. Mechanics
Soft oening 0 the D4 will play party songs <wholesome= while the registration is ongoing.
)how F# promotional videos. The >, will encourage the crowd to roam around and make
new friends every :mins.
Oening ra!er 0 the team head will lead the short opening prayer at the techbooth.
"ational Anthem 0 to be played by the D4
CFC Youth for Christ
#ance mob 0 the >,5&mcee will set the mood to start the flash mob. The music min will play
the (ew F# #ampus $ased chant while the dance ministry teaches the steps to the crowd.
&verybody should dance with the dance ministry.
$oll call 0 the >,5&mcee calls out the different #ampuses! freshmen! and non1yfc2s while the
chant is still played in background.
%mcee Siels 0 the emcee will go to the center stage of the crowd to facilitate the dance
&#ance battle 0 the groups will be given ;?88 minute to dance in freestyle. Please refer to the
notes for the mechanics
&Praise n' Fashion 0 after the dance battle! the dance ministry will occupy the center stage to
maintain the space for the rampage of models. Please refer to the notes for the mechanics
@$a(Flito )attle 0 after the praise n2 fashion! the emcee will enter the center stage to
facilitate the rap5fliptop battle. Please refer to the footnotes for the mechanics
%*hortation 0 the speaker will share his personal e"periences on how he thought he lived a
full college life doing vices and e"periencing temporary happiness. The speaker will redefine
happiness and convert it to pure 3oy which he found in #hrist.
+mortant "otes an, -ui,elines:
1 . dance club type of setup with D4 booth and Party 5 Laser 5 (eon lights
and dance floor.
1 )earch dance club setups that fits your area.
#ance )attle
1 The dance battle is open to all vocational5college5university students.
1 -a"imum of A groups are allowed to participate.
1 &ach group should have : to B members.
1 .n audition and orientation should be conducted prior the event.
1 The Cualified groups should be asked to prepare dance routines of any
CFC Youth for Christ
1 &ach group should be reminded of the appropriate attire and dance
1 The dance battle could be any kind of dance battle.
1 ,ptional? there could also be an individual dance battle.
1 The winner is determined by the crowd
Praise n' Fashion
1 The Praise n2 fashion can be used to showcase F# -erchandise.
<#ontact .$L.D& #ommunications=
1 The theme of the Praise n2 Fashion depends on the need of the area.
1 The Cuality of the Praise n2 Fashion should be at least higher than
amateur fashion show or modeling. 't is encouraged that it should be
facilitated by an e"perienced model or organiEer of fashion shows.
$a ( Flito )attle
1 The %ap 5 Fliptop battle is open to all vocational5college5university
1 -a"imum of A rappers are allowed to participate.
1 .n audition and orientation should be conducted prior the event.
1 &ach rapper should be reminded of the appropriate attire and appropriate
choice of words.
1 There should not be any foul words and words against each other.
1 The battle should focus on how great Fod is in their lives! campuses! and
1 The winner is determined by the crowd.
"ew .amus )ase, .hant an, Stes
1 Please wait for the soft copy of the audio file and video of the steps.
CFC Youth for Christ
1 Please do (,T make any versions of the (ew #hant and its steps.
1 't is encourage that there is a uniform poster! teaser! videos! and other
publicity materials for the all fresh parties in different areas. #oordinate
with -etro -anila team for the said materials.
1 Please do (,T emphasiEe the #lub Party when promoting to avoid

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