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NFL, incorporated in 1974 is India's largest Central Public Sector Enterprise in Fertilizers Sector

it! a turno"er o# o"er $s% 7&'' crores and an o"erall annual installed capacit( o# &)%&1 la*!
tonnes o# +rea% NFL !as #i"e +rea plants located at Nangal , -at!inda in Pun.ab, Panipat in
/ar(ana and 0i.aipur I , II plants in 1ad!(a Prades!% 2part #ro3 producing +rea, NFL is also
engaged in 3anu#acturing , 3ar*eting o# Industrial products, trading o# co3ple4 #ertilizers and
ot!er 2gro Products%5!e annual installed capacit( o# t!e co3pan( !as been aug3ented to
&6%78 L15 a#ter co33issioning o# re"a3p pro.ects at 0i.aipur9I , II during 2pril : ;ul( )'1)% 1s
Neeru 2brol is C,1< o# NFL%
Industrial products = 1et!anol, nitric acid, Li>uid ?), Li>uid N), C?), Sulp!ur etc%
NFL uses e4tension ser"ice , !as a #ar3er 3agazine%
2ll 3anu#acturing +nits o# t!e Co3pan( continue to be IS? 9''19)''8,IS?14''19)''4 and
?/S2S=18''1 certi#ied, !ic! indicates Co3pan(@s co33it3ent to Aualit( 1anage3ent
S(ste3, En"iron3ent 1anage3ent S(ste3 and ?ccupational /ealt! and Sa#et( S(ste3s%
?ne o# t!e 3a.or 3ilestones ac!ie"ed b( NFL in t!is direction is sitc!o"er o# all its #uel oil #eed
stoc* based plants at Nangal, Panipat and -at!inda, to natural gas, t!e cleaner and e##icient
energ(% Bit! t!is initiati"e, Co3pan(@s 1''C urea production is no based on gas as #eedstoc*%
In addition to abo"e, speci#ic energ( consu3ption !as also co3e don b( 3ore t!an )' C%
NFL !as also sitc!ed o"er t!e support #uel in t!e coal #ired boilers at Panipat, -at!inda ,
Nangal to natural gas #ro3 #uel oil% 5!is !as eli3inated use o# costl( #uel oil besides i3pro"ing
reliabilit( and reducing carbon #ootprint%
About City: Panipat, a district head-quarter is situated on National Highway No.1 at a distance of 90 km
from elhi. !t is one of the oldest and ancient cities of !ndia. "he History of Panipat dates #ack to the $ra of
%"he &aha#harata%. !ts old name was 'Paniprastha'. Panipat has witnessed three historic #attles in the Past
which changed face of !ndia. "he first #attle ()1st *pril 1+),- was #etween the &ughal chief .a#ar, then
ruler of /a#ul, and 0ultan !#rahim 1odi of elhi. !#rahim was killed, and his army was defeated. "his
marked the #eginning of the &ughal $mpire in !ndia. "he second #attle ()0th 2anuary 1++,- ended in a
3ictory for .ayram /han, the guardian of the young &ughal emperor *k#ar, o3er Hemu. "he third #attle
(14th 2anuary 15,1- ended the &aratha attempt to succeed the &ughals as rulers of !ndia. "he &aratha
army, under the .hao 0ahi# was trapped and defeated #y deceit #y the *fghan chief *hmad 0hah.
Panipat istrict of Haryana is spread o3er an area of 1),6 0q /m. !t is famous for handloom, woollen
carpets, #lankets, khes and darris. "he district comprises two 0u#-i3ision, 7 "ehsils and + #locks ha3ing a
population of 1),0),611 (as per )011 census- with 7)8 of ur#an population. Panipat esta#lished its name
on the industrial map of country with the setting up of National 9ertili:ers 1imited Plant, 0tate owned
"hermal Power Plant, ;o-operati3e 0ugar &ill, and <s.4000 crores =il <efinery of !ndian =il ;orporation.
>ith o3er 1)000 small-scale units and 49 medium ? large scale !ndustrial @nits, the city occupies a
distincti3e position among the !ndustrial "owns of the ;ountry.
About NFL Plant: Panipat unit of N91 was commissioned on 1st 0ept 1959 #ased on gasification
technology of 9eed 0tock on 10H0 A9uel =il with the annual installed capacity of +11+00 &" of @rea.
0u#sequently as per guidelines of B=!, in order to reduce su#sidy #urden ? ;ar#on footprint, N91 re3amped
the Panipat @nit on 10"/ #asis for changeo3er of 9eedstock from 10H0A9= to Natural Bas and commercial
production on Bas was commenced during 2an )017.
!nstalled ;apacityC +11+00 &"P*
776.)5 ;rores
!nitial 0eptem#er 1, 1959
;ommencement of
;ommencement of
Production on Bas
after <e3ampC
&arch )6th, )017
*mmoniaC H"*0 0team &ethane <eforming (0&<- "echnology
@reaC &itsu "oastsu total <ecycle ; !mpro3ed
<aw materialC ;oal , 1NBA <1NB, Power, >ater
;apti3e Power
Plant C
) D 1+ &>
0igilance <i"ision o# NFL is deter3ined to establis! and 3aintain an et!ical cli3ate and an
at3osp!ere o# probit( in t!e ?rganization !ere people or* it! integrit(, i3partialit( and in a
transparent 3anner up!olding t!e !ig!est et!ical standards #or t!e ?rganization%
1issionD NFL@s 3ission is to be a 3ar*et leader in #ertilizers and a signi#icant pla(er in all its
ot!er business, reputed #or custo3er satis#action, reasonable reard to s!are!olders, et!ics,
pro#essionalis3 and concern #or ecolog( , t!e co33unit(%
5urn o"erD 7747 crore

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