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Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 09

The Record on the Fishery Industry of the United States, in 1887, says that the very first attempt at
fishing here (that there is any record) is made in 1821 by three Gloucester vessels. In accordance
with the same expert, began in 1830, although not fully recognized as a long-lasting industry until
1835, the cod and halibut business.
Mackerel are usually rather abundant on Georges within their season, generally being large or
moderate minn kota maxxum. Herring are found there in great deal but are fairly distant from
market as fresh minn kota maxxum.
cod, halibut, hake, Haddock, pollock and cusk will be the principal foods fishes procured from this
banking institution, ranking in volume inside the order referred to as. In worth, however, halibut
takes thirdly place in a list. Cod are plentiful here in winter months, though fewer vessels minn kota
maxxum on this page than on Georges Banking institution, at that season. At other seasons the
codfishery on Browns Bank compares positively with that of other financial institutions in the area.
Cod can be found the year close to, in May possibly and June feeding in depths around 40 fathoms,
going into 80 fathoms in August, and into depths of about 100 fathoms in cold weather.
The Funnel. [14] The Channel marks the american edge of Georges Bank. The existing Eldridge
graph or chart states that for the anglers the 30 fathom bend running southerly from Race Point,
although its boundaries are relatively indefinite. Cape Cod, limits its american edge. This ground is
quite a bit visited from the Boston fleet, both cruise and water vapor, line trawlers and otter
trawlers, the fleet of Gloucester, and the otter-trawl fleet which includes developed in Ny in recent
years. This area is all good fishing ground inside the proper time of year, but maybe the most
important is the fact that part being untruthful 25 a long way E. ? S. from Sankaty Head, Nantucket.
Here is a levels, sandy bottom, where, during May,June and July, and August, the otter trawlers
operate properly in 18 to 30 fathoms water, making a get that is made up principally of haddock, by
using a considerable proportion of cod, especially in June and July, together with a fair amount also
ofpollock and cusk, and hake. Small halibut are pretty abundantalso and in this article, these sea
food simply being of from 5 to R kilos, rarely bigger. Flounders are abundant, with a good number of
"lemon bottoms" and "gray soles," which are very well liked with the buy and sell.
What exactly is apparently a gradually deepening extension of Seal Tropical isle Ground is located
about 65 miles SSE. from Position Desert Rock and 60 miles W. from Close Island. There appears to
be no distinguishing good name for this area.
The percentage of cod taken here by these vessels is very small, even smaller than that from other
reasons fished with the otter-trawl approach. Pollock and hake, too, make a tiny item inside the fares
in the neighborhood from the South Shoal. Usually, this type of items is. managed mostly about the
smooth, sandy bottom which this varieties prefers, in the average otter-trawl fare haddock makes in
the greater part of the catch simply because. The otter-trawl fishery here is at its best from early
May possibly throughJune and July, and the first halt of August. Few journeys are claimed from this
terrain at other seasons. Probably the haddock leaves the shoal grounds right here earlier than
whenever it moves out from the same depths in The Route.
The Sankaty Head ground is about 20 miles lengthy by about 8 mls wide, stretching out from 55
miles SE. from Highland Light to 78 a long way SE. by S ? S. from the very same point (the bottom of
the Funnel), and is bounded on all sides by bits of bottom significantly less favorable to the operation
of your otter trawl because of the presence ofsponges and rocks, or other obstacles, which interfere
with the free passageway of the internet over the bottom part but supply less trouble to the
collection-trawl fishermen. An excellent spring haddock ground is placed ESE. 65 miles from the
Highlands in 70 fathoms. best in March and April. Since the cold weather advancements the minn
kota maxxum transfer away in great aspect from these reasons, going into the deeper water, the
grabs of the drop and winter season a few months being used mainly In depths of from 60 to 100
fathoms. At the season and also in these depths the area of the Corner of the Funnel, Clarks Aspect.
and the region N and W of the Cultivator usually have a great winter school of haddock. This has
been particularly big during the past about three year. (1923 to 1925). Thus, it could be seen how
the Channel is a vital ground in the course of most of the calendar year.
Generally speaking, the species of fish found here and the seasons of their very best abundance are
far as on Browns Banking institution. The principal fish taken are cod, halibut, cusk and haddock
and hake, and a quite small amount of pollock. Except for the haddocking, the very best fishing
season is from March to October. Halibut are said to get been really plenty here in the past however
they are said to have already been comparatively unusual in recent years, although occasional very
good fares are brought readily available grounds, possibly more commonly early in the year and
early summer plus some at other seasons. In April they are found mostly in 80 fathom depths; in
Could in 30 to 40 fathoms, in June the very best halibuting is had in 25-fathom depths or even in
shoaler water. (The halibut catch shown for your year preferred (1927) is unusually little, most years
yielding a fair amount of this species with this ground. Evidently no member of the Us halibut fleet
visited this ground for the year.)
Within fairly recent years this ground has been much utilized by the otter trawlers, what sort of craft
has evolved a fruitful fishery in this article, which is being operated in steadily improving volume
and takes a get that is predominantly of haddock.
There is a little shoal called Pollock Rip, with a depth of 7 fathoms, displaying SW from Seal Island,
distant 9? miles; but otherwise the floor slopes very gradually, the depths getting from 15 to 70
fathoms. The bottom is mainly coarse pebbles and pea gravel with periodic rocky locations of
increased or less extent. The tides sweep over this ground with considerable pressure out in and
from toward the Bay of Fundy. the flood running strongest.
During August and July the halibut are found down the Northern Benefit, over a expand of soil about
65 miles long in 60 to 100 fathoms; and from this time until the hard weather of your winter
commences the angling continues on about the Northeast Peak (about 42? 00' N. and 66? 00' W.) on
the narrow region on the side of the all of a sudden deepening h2o, beginning in from 60 to 70
fathoms, then in the market to 200 and in many cases 300 fathoms. The winter sport fishing on
Georges is incredibly difficult and somewhat dangerous, so that the halibut fishery during these
waters is rarely maintained or, at best, by very few vessels after October or just before March.
The larger area of the sail fleet is found angling in the grounds of your eastern aspect of the Channel
and of the western fringe of Georges Lender, in part to avoid the damage the otter trawlers cause
for them in pulling away their gear. It is usually impossible for these particular steamers to prevent
some harm to this kind: especially is this the situation in the thicker weather so prevalent oil
Georges. During the summer time months of the "mackerel years" a large capture of this species is
obtained from the seas of the Funnel.
Nantucket Shoals; Davis Bank; Crab Bank. It is really an irregular part of bottom being untruthful in
a normally ENE. and WSW course at about 20 miles distance ESE from Sankaty Head. It is actually
perhaps 14 miles long by 5 miles wide at its broadest. Depths upon it are from 4 to 9 fathoms, with
soundings of 12 to 18 regarding this, over a bottom of fine sand and shattered shells.
The early sportfishing for the swordfish normally takes place within this vicinity, and in normal
months mackerel can be found here in plethora from May 15 to August, and, as is the custom with
this uncertain seafood, it might appear right here again inside the late fall.
Crown and Rose Shoal. This is a modest piece of ground 7 kilometers ESE. from Sankaty Mind. The
minn kota maxxum region lies between your Round Shoal and Crown and Rose buoys, making a
expand perhaps 6 miles lengthy by 1? miles large. Sometimes great minn kota maxxum may be had
from 6 to 12 mile, from Great Circular Shoal buoy. The cod is definitely the principal types caught,
pollock being following in significance, and a few haddock, as elsewhere on and about these shoals.
Depths range from 2 to 50 fathoms. About the western part, between the parallels of 41? 10' and 41?
53' to the north latitude as well as the meridians of 87? 68 and 20'? 37' west longitude are a number
of shoals, known as the Eastern side Shoal, North Shoal, Southwest Shoal. Cultivator, etc. The
Southwest Shoal is the biggest, being 15 miles long SSW and NNE., with the average width of 2?
miles. The positioning of the center with this shoal is 41? 39' north latitude and 67? 48' to the west
longitude. You can find from 2 to 15 fathoms water on the shoals and between the two are depths of
from 12 to 30 fathoms. The tide sweeps above these with great power, causing powerful rips, and
throughout rough weather conditions the sea splits heavily upon them, rendering strategy to their
locality extremely unsafe.
Seal off Island Terrain. This is called also on the graphs in its north west part, the German Lender
and is situated off the traditional western part of Nova Scotia. Very few charts display it, because it
is somewhat tough to define its exact limits. It is a direct continuation from the shore soundings,
which slope gradually through the land towards the S. and W. and continue in the northerly path
beyond what might be regarded as the bounds of the grounds. To the S. it extends nearly to Browns
Banking institution, from which it is actually separated by way of a narrow gully 70 to 80 fathoms
deep. To the N. it reaches 38 miles beyond Seal Isle and to the NW. about 35 miles from the very
same island. The southern limit of the soil is in 43? and the north 43? 45' north latitude, while the
american boundary may be placed at 66? 40' west longitude. The entire floor outside the 3 mile limit
covers a place of 1,250 kilometers.
Although it is not considered a halibut terrain, as compared with a number of the other overseas
banks, Georges can show a really considerable get of this species. Because of its nearness to the
markets it is a lot more intensely fished than any other ground of equal location and by a far
increased variety of projects, most of which take a greater or much less amount of halibut. The otter-
trawl fleet, each here and then in The Funnel, takes a great deal of this types when its total get is
considered; and they fish are mainly tiny, of from 4 to 10 pounds in weight, with only hardly ever a
larger one. The sea salt fishers, also, and the rest of the market fleet combine to make an imposing
total of the poundage of halibut from Georges as well as its vicinity. The Georges halibut is esteemed
by the buy and sell above the halibut from other reasons. Perhaps its flesh could be superior, even
though for what explanation it is difficult to say, unless because, since the trips to this floor average
less days in size, the seafood are received from the markets within a fresher issue than are the types
from much more distant banking institutions.
St. Georges Bank, much more generally called Georges Banking institution. [15] This is by far the
most important and most important fishing ground nearby the coast of the usa and is the best in the
american Atlantic apart from the Huge Bank of Newfoundland. It lies eastward of Cape Cod and
Nantucket Shoals and is apparently an extension from the latter, ever since the water is not any
deeper between the southern area of the shoals along with the western part of the bank when
compared to many places on it. Its southern limit, as demonstrated on the graph, is 40? The 50-
fathom collection extends 7 miles even farther south, however 40' to the north latitude. The southern
reduce, therefore, can be considered to be about 40? 30' and the northern as 42? 08' to the north
latitude. The eastern aspect is in about 66? along with the western in approximately 69? western
side longitude. The best length in the northeastern on the southwestern extremity is about 150
miles; the greatest width, N. and S., about 98 miles, in accordance with the charts of your Coast
Nantucket Shoals, Madisons Spot. SSE. 13 miles top Round Shoal buoy, has 9 fathoms over a sleek
hard base of beach sand. It is about 3 kilometers long, from SE. to NW. by 1? kilometers wide. This
can be a flounder terrain for the increased part of the season and a excellent cod terrain in October
and November. As it is the rule elsewhere with this neighborhood, tides are large over this ground.
A considerable portion of the fish listed beneath the heading "Miscellaneous" are swordfish, which
appear upon this bank throughout their summer wanderings.
The statistics of the get from Clarks Bank have been shown combined with those of Georges Bank. in
which, in fact, this area is a aspect.
Over most of the bank the base is yellow sand, although patches of hard ground (pea gravel,
pebbles, and rocks) of greater or less level are found in a few localities. Its position involving the Bay
of Fundy along with the Gulf Source cause the tide to run swifter than on other banking companies
and to swirl around as an alternative to passing specifically over, forth and back. The writer has seen
two men have difficulty in positioning an empty dory against the existing.
[Footnote 14: Capt. John Smith wrote of this location: "Towards the South and Southwest with this
Cape (Cape Cod) is available a lengthy and hazardous shoal of rocks and sands. But so far because i
incircled it, I found thirtie fadom normal water aboard the shore, and a strong recent; which makes
mee thinke you will discover a Channell about the shoales; where is the best and greatest fish to be
Summer, Wintertime and had in all that Countree. But the Savages say there is no Channell; but that
the shoales begin from the main at Pawmet, towards the Ile of Nausit; therefore extends beyond
their expertise into the sea." The captain's reputation for far-visioned intelligence may not be
presented too gently, let these figures communicate, taken since they are from the bureau's records
in the landings with the three plug-ins of Boston, Gloucester. and Portland to the year 1927, when
the fares from his "Channell" numbered 2,036, with a poundage of 121,688,693 and a importance of
The depths listed here are from 70 to 100 fathoms more than a broken bottom ofsoil and pea gravel,
and also in places fine sand. The soil falls off rapidly on all sides besides toward Seal off Island and
also the Nova Scotia coast, leaving an area at its stop of relatively indeterminate duration, perhaps
18 or 20, miles, and achieving a range across of approximately 8 a long way at its widest portion.
[Footnote 15. "The earliest document of this name (Saint Georges Shoal) that the writer found
appears with a map found in the library of Simancas, in Spain, where a chart said to have already
been made by a surveyor sent to Virginia by James I of England, in 1610, was discovered in 1885 or
1888, after having long before disappeared from England. This chart is thought to embody, besides
the work of Champlain and other visitors, the information included in the English maps of Bright
white,Pring and Gosnold, and probably of Waymouth's Excellent Geographical Chart. It is believed to
have been pulled by Robert Tyndall or Captain Powell." Genesis of the United States. Alexander
In its creation Georges Bank itself is somewhat evenly divided between cod and haddock, the cod
displaying a slightly greater proportion. The South Station, on the american edge of Georges, shows
predominantly as a haddock ground, along with the haddock through the Channel is considered a
better minn kota maxxum than that from Georges. Georges Bank itself is also a vital haddock terrain
in the spring and early summertime, when this varieties abounds about the Cultivator Shoal (SE. by
S. 88 miles from Highland Gentle. Cape Cod) in depths from 18 to 30 fathoms; as well as the same
time of year along the Northern Edge (140 to 200 miles E. by S. ? S. from Boston Lightship in about
41? to 42? N. lat. and 66? to 88? W. long.) in 45 to 80 fathoms in summer, the fish moving away into
the much deeper water (90 to 100 fathoms) in the neighborhood of the Corner of the Channel since
the winter will come on. Most are found in March, when they profit from the deep water, when minn
kota maxxum is maintained 65 mls SE. from Highland in 70 fathoms; then they enter into the 40-
fathom depths from the North Shoal westward to the Corner of The Channel over the Northern Side.
In April the Cultivator Cove is good ground even into 20-fathom depths.
DuringMarch and February, and April huge schools of cod make their appearance around the bank.
Around this season these are typically found most abundantly on the "Winter Minn Kota Maxxum
Ground"; a part of Georges lying eastward and southeastward of the North Shoal in between the
parallels of 41? 42 and 30'? 00' north latitude and 66? 67 and 38'? 30' western side longitude. The
area of this Winter season Minn Kota Maxxum Ground is about 1,100 square a long way. This part of
the bank appears entirely given over to the codfish, as it is too damaged, sharp, and rocky to impress
the haddock. Depths listed here are from 30 to 40 fathoms, deepening away from the To the north
Shoal. This region is essentially a spawning soil for the cod, which appear to come on the hank from
the SE., as they almost invariably, after achieving the ground, shift slowly on the N. and W. as spring
techniques. This is toward the shoals. But more or less sea food are caught on different parts of the
ground at all times of year, though rarely are they located so plentiful as once the winter institution
is on the ground, as soon as the spawning season is on the schools of cod breakup. Cod are located
along the North Edge almost the year close to, though most of the winter college move on to the
interior waters of your gulf among others go over to Browns Banking institution, where the earlier
comers often appear in the very first days of Apr.
Cusk are present right here during a lot of the year in 80 fathoms on the hard bottom. Pollock are
handful of on this floor at any time of the year. This species, as well as herring and mackerel, are
abundant on the "shore soundings" of Close off Island Soil, whence, pursuing the abundant meals
furnished from the smaller seafood, they range a brief distance in the Bay of Fundy. Numerous
mackerel are taken in the traps from the vicinity of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, which seems to mark the
limit of their penetration in any considerable schools around the western shoreline of Nova Scotia.
The Southwest Aspect. (120 kilometers SSE. from Highland Gentle, Cape Cod, with 45 to 80 fathom
depths) is a good terrain for haddock from the beginning of the fall as much as about Holiday, after
which the ideal winter minn kota maxxum just for this species is found on the Southeast Part
(achieved by steaming 145 a long way ESE. from Boston Lightship in order to clear the shoals, then
SSE. 40 to 50 mls, depending upon what part of the floor it is wanted to minn kota maxxum). January
is perhaps the very best minn kota maxxum month with this portion of Georges.
Haddock, also, are present all the 12 months, the duration of greatest great quantity being usually
February and January. In Mar and April they are most numerous in 27 to 30 fathoms; at other
conditions they are in 50 fathoms and greater, especially in winter season, when generally they may
be found in 80 to 100 fathoms. Cusk are present in the strong water every one of the year.
Browns Financial institution. This bank lies in a northeastern direction from Georges and is divided
from it by a gully 15 miles wide, in which the depths range from 100 to 450 fathoms. Its area is
approximately 2,275 square miles. The greatest length, from SE to NW, is 63 miles and the greatest
width is 43 miles. It can be situated between 64? 52" and 68? 29" west longitude, and 41? 50" and
43? 02" north latitude. There is a small rocky shoal about the northern part, on which, it is stated,
there is not 9 to 15 fathoms. The bank slopes away from the shoal, S. and E. to depths of 55 to 75
fathoms, but far away of 12 or 15 miles off of, it yet again rises to 30 to 50 fathoms. This area of
shoal drinking water, within the 50 fathom restrict, is 50 miles extended and has a typical width of
15 kilometers. North of the shoal the liquid deepens all of a sudden to 80 and 70 fathoms. The
bottom is basically coarse beach sand, gravel and pebbles and rocks and is rich in wildlife life. The
area of the bank is approximately 1,370 sq . geographical mls.
The principal halibut grounds on Georges for your summer and spring season months (April to July)
lie between your Cultivator Shoal and the North Shoal in depths from 10 to 18 fathoms, and E., S.,
and SW. in the North Shoal in the very same soundings. This area is sometimes referred to as Little
Georges. There are also a number of mussel grounds on the south west part of Georges, having
depths averaging 20 fathoms, which furnish great feeding reasons and a considerable catch of
halibut in the seasons when these minn kota maxxum will be in the shoal water.
The area of the whole bank is approximately 8,050 sq miles, all of which, except for the shoals, can
be found in summer for that taking of cusk, cod, halibut and haddock and hake, with plenty of
mackereling and swordfishing, along with the taking of other varieties.
Cod are present on this page the year all around, perhaps the finest fishing taking place in May and
June, when the minn kota maxxum are found within 40 fathoms They enter into deeper h2o, about 60
fathoms, in August and into 100 fathoms as being the cold weather developments. This Close off
Island floor may be regarded essentially as being a feeding floor for the cod, which often appear in
this article after the spawning season is more than, to fatten upon the crabs and mollusks residing
on the bottom and so on the herring and other modest fish that swim back and forth In the tide rips.
Phelps Banking institution. This financial institution lies 38 miles SE, ? S. from Sankaty Brain Light
and agrees pretty much in dimensions, shape and trend and character in the bottom with Fishing
Rip. Depths are from 10 to 17 fathoms. About the southeast fringe of this is situated Rogers Sport
fishing Soil, with 24 to 40 fathoms more than fine gray sand. It is perhaps mainly a haddock ground.
Nantucket Shoals Minn Kota Maxxum Rip is an elongate bank lying down 29 miles SE. from Sankaty
Head Light. It really is 10 kilometers long inside a NE and SW Southeast and path Rip (Nantucket
Shoals) lies SE. from Sankaty Brain 35 mls. It has depths from 8 to 10 fathoms more than an area
about 10 miles long by 2 miles wide, with from 22 to 30 fathoms within the sandy base around it.
[Table 4--Fishing grounds of the Georges Area, displaying the principal species taken with them.]
Haddock are also current all the calendar year, the colleges being most abundant and also the
number best in January and Feb ., if the minn kota maxxum are in about 50 to 60 fathoms.
Apparently they are available into depths of from 27 to 30 fathoms in April and March for spawning.
Tides listed here are quite as robust as in the eastern side of Georges Bank, the ebb through an
average durability of 1 1/3 a long way an hour and also the flood is sort of stronger. The very best
strength of your flood tide sets W. the ebb in nearly an opposite direction.
Nantucket Shoals (Southern Shoal). This name is used to the minn kota maxxum soil about
Nantucket Lightship, which marks that old South Shoal and the New South Shoal, the two building a
continuous reef of irregular form some 10 to 12 kilometers in length and from 1 to 3 miles wide. The
north end on this lies about 12 mls S. by E. from Sankaty Head (the Old South Shoal), and the
southern extremity of the New South Shoal reaches to around 20 a long way S. ? E. from the exact
same point. The minn kota maxxum ground lies mostly to the S. of such shoals and approximately
the lightship, where otter trawling is carried on in all of the directions in the ship except from N. to
NE., where lie the vessels sunk by the German submarine in the late war. This fishery can also be
carried on WNW. from the cruise ship for a length of 40 miles, even into 7 fathom depths near
Muskeget Inlet.
Nantucket Shoal--Excellent Rip. Is placed 13 miles E. by S. ? S. from Sankaty Head Light-weight.
Nantucket. It is 5 kilometers long from N, to S. and 3 miles broad. Over this area the depths are
from 9 to 18 feet, although the minn kota maxxum is done generally around the edges in 6 to 12
fathoms the location where the bottom is gravel and shells covered with kelp and sponges. Here, as
on all these shoals, the greater part of the minn kota maxxum is done by that method known as "rip
sportfishing." Cod are taken chiefly by hand-lining in May. , and August.June and July
More mature reports say (1880-81): At present the fishery is restricted to an the occasional trip
away from the southern and western benefit., although "Halibut had been formerly located here in
plethora" It will likely be noted a fair amount of halibut was taken on this page during 1923, when
this lender ranked next in number of halibut considered, which appears a good demonstrating when
the relatively small measurements of the ground is regarded as. Fairly great catches have been
made SW from the North west Peak of Browns, about 66? 50' west longitude and 42? 40' north
latitude, along the 100-fathom process and pursuing eastward for the southward of La Have and
past, perhaps to 63? west longitude. The Southeast Peak is perhaps the most productive of the
halibut reasons here, "setting" off through the shoaler parts into the thin deep-water station between
this and Georges perhaps 20 miles far-away.
It will be observed that the quantity of otter-trawl fares from this terrain is little. It is only in recent
years that it method of minn kota maxxum continues to be employed in this article, the bottom
getting been regarded as too hard for the successful operation of gear with this type after it.
The sail fleet works here also, but, generally speaking, more of these vessels are found on the soil
lying some 10 mls farther eastward, on the fringe of Georges in somewhat further water (30 to 50
fathoms) with a rougher and rockier bottom part, where you will find a greater percentage of cod in
the catch than around the western location.
And Portland emanates from Georges Bank, by far the largest percentage of the swordfish find
landed from the ports ofBoston and Gloucester. A considerable portion of the minn kota maxxum
listed out of this ground within the heading "Miscellaneous" is made up of this species.
Elsewhere depths regular from 13 to 18 fathoms around the inner aspects of the grounds, whence
they slope out gradually from your shore soundings into 50, 80, or maybe more on the exterior edge,
where the ground falls away speedily into the deeps. For the most part this region has a base of
yellow sand, but you will find small expands of coarse gravel, damagedpebbles and shells, and a few
muddy spots.
The swordfish show up on Georges on the Southwest Part and also on the The southern area of Edge
about June 5, and the vacationing schools successfully pass over the bank, northward sure, up to
August 10. In fact, all through the year when they are present in northern waters, even up to
November, they could be found on Georges. Probably the very best area of the bank for this types is
about the parallel of 41? N., where the shoal rises steeply out of "blue drinking water."

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