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by Richard Sharp
Copyright 1980 Richard M. Sharp
DRACULA: a Transylanian nobl!"an.
Dr. #$%& S'(ARD: a "!dical doctor and sci!ntist) h!ad o* a priat! asyl+". Ag!: ,9.
LUC- ('ST'&RA: Dr. S!.ard/s *ianc0. Ag!: 19.
M1&A MURRA- 2%AR3'R4: L+cy/s clos!st *ri!nd) *ianc0 2lat!r .i*!4 o* #onathan %ar5!r.
Ag!: !arly t.!nti!s.
#$&AT%A& %AR3'R: Solicitor !"ploy!d thro+gh his *ir" to s!c+r! a ho"! in London *or Drac+la.
Ag!: !arly thirti!s.
R'&61'LD: a pati!nt in Dr. S!.ard/s asyl+". Ag!: ind!t!r"inat!.
Dr. A7RA%AM %'1&R1C% 8A& %'LS1&9: M.D.) D.:h.) D.Lit.) !tc.) !tc.) o* A"st!rda": a "an o*
gr!at 5no.l!dg! and Dr. S!.ard/s *or"!r t!ach!r. Ag!: lat! *i*ti!s.
&$S6'RATU: a sil!nt chor+s o* thr!! or "or! "!"b!rs) at ti"!s) part o* th! s!t) at oth!r ti"!s) part o*
th! action. Th!y also "a5! n!c!ssary s!t chang!s b!t.!!n sc!n!s.
The Time: 1887
Th! action o* th! play ta5!s plac! at s!!ral locations in Transylania) (hitby) and London. Th! s!t
can b! call!d ;abstract gothic.< 1ts "ain !l!"!nts ar! gothic arch!s) col+"ns) and drap!ry) so"!
diaphano+s) so"! opa=+!. 1t sho+ld ha! di**!r!nt l!!ls and b! s+ch that di**!r!nt ar!as can b!
isolat!d in light to play sc!n!s o* di**!r!nt s!ttings. Th! s!t pi!c!s can b! abstract) "+lti>p+rpos!
p!d!stals) *!. in n+"b!r) and th!y "+st b! d!sign!d to *acilitat! rapid sc!n! chang!s.
2The smell of myrrh. Darkness. A church bell tolls, slowly, mournfully. Then) seeming to
come from everywhere [via speakers surrounding the audience], Draculas voice is heard.
DRACULA/S 8$1C': 6l!sh o* "y *l!sh. 7lood o* "y blood. D!ath o* "y d!ath. This li*! is no
long!r than th! spac! b!t.!!n t.o h!artb!ats. Co"! into th! night) th! dar5n!ss. Co"! to "!
"y lo!.
2A !"#T$%&'T from above comes up on $()*! +#D*, dressed in flowing white, lying on
a bier, up center. The #T',- )'A-A)T,-! are
posed in tableau on the periphery in dim light.
,ach one, in turn, is illuminated dimly as they
come to life and mime their action as their voices
are heard over the speakers. ?&ot!: Th! *
oic!>o!r sp!!ch!s "ay b! play!d li! by th!
actors) b+t th! oic!>o!r t!chni=+! is gr!atly
pr!*!rr!d b!ca+s! it h!lps to l!nd an air o* "yst!ry
to th! :rolog+!) and it h!lps ti! th! sc!n!s in Act 1
to th!ir r!sp!cti! @o+rnals. 6+rth!r it gr!atly
*acilitat!s sc!n! chang!s and actor positioning.A
The .#!/,-AT( are unnoticeably posed as
statues around the set. $%&'T! up on
R'&61'LD/S 8$1C': Th! blood is th! li*!) doctor. 2'e laughs maniacally as he moves toward the
body.4 Th! blood is th! li*!. 1 5no. th! s!cr!t) doctor. Th! blood is th! li*!.
0-,./%,$D hears a noise [!eward approaching]. 'e looks for a place to hide, then runs
off. $%&'T! up on !,1A-D. 'e carries a bou2uet of lilies.
S'(ARD/S 8$1C': (hat do!s it all "!anB 1 a" b!ginning to .ond!r i* "y long habit o* li*!
a"ong th! insan! has b!g+n to t!ll +pon "y o.n brain. So"!ti"!s 1 thin5 .! ar! all "ad and
that .! shall .a5! to sanity in strait>@ac5!ts.
2!,1A-D has placed the lilies on $ucys breast. $%&'T! up on 3A. ',$!%.&.
8A& %'LS1&9/S 8$1C': 1 .ill b! th! *irst to t!ll yo+ that th!r! is no s+ch thing as a p+r! h!art. &o
on! is i""+n! to all !il. Li*!) in its in*init! "!ta"orphos!s) is "+ch too co"plicat!d and .!
ar! too "+ch th! icti"s o* o+r o.n b!ginnings.
23A. ',$!%.& crosses to !,1A-D at center. They shake hands warmly. $%&'T! up on
#$&AT%A&/S 8$1C': My 9odC %o. has it co"! to thisB %as %!a!n d!cr!!d itB A"
1 th! g+ilty on!B -o+ can/t i"agin! .hat agony it is to do+bt !!rything !!n
04#.AT'A. 5oins 3A. ',$!%.& and !,1A-D, shaking hands with each of
them. $%&'T! up on 6%.A.
M1&A/S 8$1C': (hy "+st 1 s+**!r not along .ith this *!ar and .!a5n!ssB
(hy do yo+ s!parat! yo+rs!l!s *ro" "! .h!n 1 a" so alon!B
06%.A 5oins the others and is silently introduced to 3A. ',$!%.&. !tanding
in a circle, and led by 3A. ',$!%.&, they all 5oin hands. Then, they e7tend
their hands to the center for a moment, forming a cross when seen from
above. They then drop their hands, still 5oined, to their sides and bow their
heads in a moment of silent prayer. There is a simultaneous flash of
$%&'T.%.& and crash of T'(.D,-. The .#!/,-AT( come life and form
a moving ring around the praying people.
DRACULA/S 8$1C': 6l!sh o* "y *l!sh. 7lood o* "y blood. 3in o* "y 5in. Most
b!lo!d o* all) .h!n 1 say ;co"!)< yo+ shall cross land and s!a to do "y bidding.
0!imultaneous $%&'T.%.& and T'(.D,-. The .#!/,-AT(, throwing
their hands up, break their circle and float to the periphery where they watch
the action that follows.
ACT I) Scene 1
0The $%&'T! come up to a brighter level. 4#.AT'A. stiffens, breaking the
circle and staggering two or three steps away, as if in a da8e.
#$&AT%A&: 0!uddenly, as if awakening from a nightmare. MinaC
06%.A rushes to him9 he clings to her. 'e appears to be confused, but then,
an awareness of 3an 'elsing seems to restore him.
6orgi! "!) Dr. 8an %!lsing. Th! strain o* tra!l. 1 ha! not b!!n .!ll.
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 a" sorry to h!ar that) Mr. %ar5!r. 1 shall not 5!!p yo+ long. My
*ri!nds) it is di**ic+lt to b!ar .h!n on! so yo+ng is ta5!n *ro" +s so +n5indly. 7+t
sorro. has a .ay o* * sorro.) and it is o*t!n gri!*/s n!glig!nc! that
p!rp!t+at!s it. This is b!ca+s!) at ti"!s li5! th!s!) .! *!!l "or! than .! thin5.
-!t o+r thin5ing is th! only tool .! ha! *or d!aling .ith th! !"otional raag!s
o* ti"!>>d!ath) loss o* lo!. So 1 hop! yo+ .ill *orgi! "y hast!) b+t th! "any
strang! circ+"stanc!s s+rro+nding o+r d!ar "iss L+cy/s d!ath co"p!l "! to act
=+ic5ly. %!r !t!rnal p!ac! "ay y!t d!p!nd on .hat 1 l!arn.
M1&A: Th!s! ar! strang! .ords) Doctor.
8A& %'LS1&9: My apologi!s) Mada"! Mina. 1 cannot !Eplain. '!n Dr. S!.ard) .ho
5no.s "! so .!ll) .o+ld thin5 "! raing "ad.. 1 "+st b! c!rtain i* 1 a" to t!ll
yo+ that .hich .o+ld sha5! th! !ry *o+ndations o* yo+r b!li!*. &o.) ha! yo+
bro+ght !!rythingB
M1&A: Th!r! is !ry littl!) only a s"all b+ndl! o* L+cy/s l!tt!rs to "!. . .and h!r! is "y
@o+rnal. Th! l!tt!rs ar! "ostly abo+t nothing) 1/" a*raid) and "y @o+rnal. . . .
8A& %'LS1&9: Th! s"all!st thing co+ld b! i"portant. 1 5no. it is a gr!at *aor to as5
to loo5 into a .o"an/s h!art) b+t l!t "! ass+r! yo+) 1 a" a !ry discr!!t old "an.
M1&A: 1 thin5 yo+ .ill *ind nothing to "a5! yo+ bl+sh) :ro*!ssor. . .b+t th!r! is on!
oth!r thing.
8A& %'LS1&9: -!sB
M1&A: My h+sband 5!pt a diary o* his trip to Transylania b!*or! o+r "arriag!.
04#.AT'A. has been drawn to $ucys body. 'e seems to be transfi7ed by it.
#$&AT%A&: So"!ho. 1 5no. th!r! is a conn!ction.
8A& %'LS1&9: 1n .hat .ayB
#$&AT%A&: 1 . . . 1 . . .don/t 5no.. 1 can r!"!"b!r nothing o* it.
M1&A: -o+ s!!) pro*!ssor) his !Ep!ri!nc!s bro+ght on a s!!r brain *!!r. Sinc! his
r!co!ry) h! has not r!r!ad th! diary *or *!ar o* a r!c+rr!nc!. Th!n last !!ning) as
.! dro! along :icadilly) #onathan s+dd!nly b!ca"! !ry pal! and b!gan to
tr!"bl!. ;Can yo+ not s!! .ho it isB< h! cri!d. ;1t is h!.<
8A& %'LS1&9: (ho .as itB
#$&AT%A&: 0'e rushes to 3an 'elsing, almost in a panic. Th! co+nt. 1 s.!ar it
.as th! co+nt.<
8A& %'LS1&9: (ho>>
M1&A: 0%nterrupting him and calming 4onathan %! b!ca"! so distr!ss!d that 1 *!ar!d to
5!!p his "ind on th! s+b@!ct by as5ing hi" =+!stions. 1 d!cid!d that 1 "+st loo5 at th!
diary. And no. 1/" s+r! that yo+ "+st s!! it as .!ll) pro*!ssor. 0!he gives it to him.
8A& %'LS1&9: 8!ry .!ll. 1 shall attac5 yo+r not!boo5 *irst) Mr. %ar5!r.
04#.AT'A. nods and is again drawn to $ucys corpse.
S'(ARD: %!r! is !!ry d!tail 1 ha! r!cord!d *or th! last thr!! "onths) %!inrich.
And L+cy/s last not!.
8A& %'LS1&9: 8!ry good. 0'e begins to dismiss them. Mada"! Mina) yo+
ar! "or! b!a+ti*+l !!n than th!y told "!.
M1&A: -o+ ar! !ry 5ind) pro*!ssor.
#$&AT%A&: 0"erple7ed. ['e senses the vampire in $ucy.] Can yo+ not s!! ho.
b!a+ti*+l sh! isB
M1&A: -!s d!ar. 0!he goes to 4onathan, puts her arm around him, and begins to lead
him off. Co"!. 04#.AT'A. A.D 6%.A e7it.
8A& %'LS1&9: -o+ "ay +s! "y st+dy) %!inrich. Ring i* yo+ n!!d anything .
0!,1A-D e7its.
03A. ',$!%.& moves to a desk situated away from the main playing area.
T', .#!/,-AT( follow and group around him, watching him intently. As
he sits, he is isolated in light as the rest of the set fades to scene change light.
?&ot!: Sc!n! chang! light is di") "ottl!d) "yst!rio+s and +nnat+ral so that
th! &os*!rat+ s!!" to *loat ghost>li5! aro+nd th! stag! "a5ing th! sc!n!
chang! a part o* th! play as th!y r!arrang! th! s!t pi!c!s *or th! n!Et sc!n!.
Th! light sho+ld b! bright !no+gh *or th! &os*!rat+ to do th!ir .or5 b+t di"
and strang! !no+gh to pr!!nt th! a+di!nc! *ro" s!!ing !Eactly .hat chang!s
ha! b!!n "ad! +ntil th! light is r!stor!d.A 3A. ',$!%.& sits for a moment
in thought, then picks up 4onathans 5ournal and begins to read. The
audience hears 4onathans voice
ACT I Scene !
"#nathan$s "#urnal

04onathans voice, as he speaks the word of his 5ournal, is accompanied by a
soundtrack with sounds of railway station, trains, voices, etc. where appropriate.
3an 'elsings light stays on for a time, then slowly fades as we focus on
4onathans 4ournal
#$&AT%A&/S 8$1C': 1 l!*t M+nich abo+t 8:DF p.". on May *irst) 188G and arri!d in
8i!nna !arly th! n!Et "orning. 6ro" th!r!) 1 tra!l!d on to 7+da :!sth) across
th! Dan+b!) and *inally) to 7istritH. My cli!nt had "ad! arrang!"!nts *or "y
lodging at th! 9old!n 3ron!. %!r! a l!tt!r a.ait!d "!. 1t !Eplain!d that) on th!
"orro.) th! r!g+lar coach .o+ld carry "! to th! 7orgo :ass .h!r! his carriag!
.o+ld "!!t "!. 1 din!d on .hat th!y call ;robb!r st!a5)< bits o* bacon) onion)
and b!!*) s!ason!d .ith r!d p!pp!r and str+ng on stic5s and roast!d o!r th! *ir!.
Th! .in! .as 9old!n M!diash .hich prod+c!s a =+!!r sting on th! tong+!. 1
had only a co+pl! o* glass!s o* this and nothing !ls!) b+t 1 did not sl!!p .!ll as
th!r! .!r! dogs ho.ling o+tsid! "y .indo. all night long.
Th! * day) 1 obs!r!d "any strang! c+sto"s .hich ar! appar!ntly
co""onplac! in this part o* th! .orld. 6or !Ea"pl!) p!opl! o*t!n pr!ss!d
r!ligio+s gi*ts on "! .h!n th!y l!arn!d o* "y d!stination. $n! old .o"an
b!gg!d "! not to go) saying it .as th! !! o* St 9!org!/s Day) a day .h!n)
according to h!r) all !il things had *+ll s.ay.
A*t!r a hair>raising rid!) 1 *o+nd "ys!l*) at !Eactly "idnight) d!posit!d in
*ront o* an anci!nt) cr+"bling castl! .ith no sign o* li*! any.h!r! !Ec!pt *or th!
.ol!s that ho.l!d inc!ssantly in th! dar5 *or!st all abo+t "!.
0$%&'T! up on )astle Dracula under a full moon. The .#!/,-AT( are
posed as statues. !ome seem to be indicating direction, others are warriors,
hunters, lions, etc. in intimidating poses. 1olf:howls permeate the
surrounding darkness. 4#.AT'A. enters, lugging a very heavy trunk.
$%&'T! fade on 3an 'elsing. 4#.AT'A. stands frightened and bewildered.
After a time, D-A)($A appears from inside, silhouetted in very dim light and
carrying a weak lantern. 'e is very old, stooped and grey. 'is movements
are very much those of an old man, but sense a great physical strength
underlying his stiffness. 'e is elegantly dressed in late evening lounging
attire. +ecause of the dim light, he will not be seen clearly until the ne7t
DRACULA: (!lco"! to "y ho+s!. 'nt!r *r!!ly and o* yo+r o.n .ill.
#$&AT%A&: %o. do yo+ do. 1 a" #onathan %ar5!r) in th! s!ric! o* Mr. :!t!r
DRACULA: Co"! *r!!ly. 9o sa*!ly. And l!a! so"!thing o* th! happin!ss yo+ bring.
#$&AT%A&: 1 a" to s!! Co+nt Drac+la.
DRACULA: 1 a" Drac+la. And 1 bid yo+ .!lco"!) Mr %ar5!r to "y ho+s!. Co"! in.
Th! night air is chill and yo+ "+st n!!d to !at and r!st.
0D-A)($A seems to e7tend his hand for a hand shake, but as 4#.AT'A.
steps forward to take it, D-A)($A merely passes him and continues on with
his hand outstretched toward 4onathans trunk.
#$&AT%A&: $h h!r!) l!t "!>>
DRACULA: 0"icking up the heavy trunk with uncanny ease &ay sir. -o+ ar! "y g+!st.
1t is lat! and "y p!opl! ar! not aailabl!. -o+ "+st l!t "! s!! to yo+r co"*ort
0The wolf howls crescendo.
DRACULA: List!n to th!". Th! childr!n o* th! night. (hat "+sic th!y "a5!.
0D-A)($A leads 4#.AT'A. into the castle. The $%&'T! fade to scene
change light, and the .#!/,-AT( change the setting to the interior of
Draculas castle.
ACT I Scene %
"#nathan$s "#urnal &C#ntinue'(
01hen the scene change is complete, a .#!/,-AT( passes a hand over a
candelabrum, causing it to light by itself, and the lights restore to a warmly lit
interior 5ust as D-A)($A and 4#.AT'A. enter. The candelabrum is on a
table covered with a white tablecloth. There is also a decanter of deep red
wine with two glasses, a place setting and covered serving dishes made of
gold. D-A)($A now carries only the lantern, which he hangs on the hand of
a .#!/,-AT( posed as a statue. 4#.AT'A. carries his briefcase.
#$&AT%A&: 0"leasantly surprised $h) "yC
DRACULA: Ma5! yo+rs!l* co"*ortabl!) Mr. %ar5!r. -o+r dinn!r a.aits yo+.
#$&AT%A&: Than5 yo+. Than5 yo+ !ry "+ch ind!!d.
0D-A)($A begins pouring two glasses of wine. 4#.AT'A. takes a letter
from his pocket.
#$&AT%A&: %!r! is a co""+ni=+! *ro" "y !"ploy!r. Mr. %a.5ins .o+ld
ha! co"! hi"s!l*) b+t h! s+**!rs *ro" go+t and adanc!d ag!.
DRACULA: 1 5no.. Than5 yo+) Mr. %ar5!r.
0D-A)($A takes a glass of wine and raises it in a toast to 4#.AT'A. who
does likewise.
%!r! is to 'ngland.
#$&AT%A&: To 'ngland. 0Tastes the wine $h "y) that is !Ec!ll!nt.
DRACULA: Than5 yo+) Mr %ar5!r. 1t is a !ry old to5ay. 1 5!!p it *or sp!cial g+!sts.
0'e holds the glass up to the light. 1t has th! color o* li*! and th! *laor o*
!t!rnity. 0'e takes another sip of the wine, then begins to uncover the serving
dishes. And no.) Mr %ar5!r) pl!as! !n@oy yo+r "!al.
04#.AT'A. begins to eat. D-A)($A open the letter and moves to where he hung the lantern.
1ith a small gesture of his hand he causes the .#!/,-AT( to raise the lantern
slightly so that it will be in a better position for him to read. 'e passes his free
hand 2uickly over the letter, suggesting that he has read it in one 2uick glance.
'e folds the letter and puts it away.
Mr. %a.5ins app!ars to ha! a "+ch con*id!nc! in yo+) Mr. %ar5!r. 1/" s+r!
that yo+ d!s!r! it.
#$&AT%A&: Than5 yo+) sir. 1 hop! so.
DRACULA: T!ll "!) ho. .as yo+r @o+rn!y) Mr. %ar5!rB
#$&AT%A&: $n th! .hol!) =+it! !n@oyabl!. 1 "+st ad"it) ho.!!r) that th! +rg!ncy
.hich s!!"s to poss!ss !!ryon! in this part o* th! .orld has disconc!rt!d "! a bit .
DRACULA: Urg!ncy) Mr. %ar5!rB
#$&AT%A&: -!s. :!rhaps it is b!ca+s! o* .hat app!ars to b! ra"pant s+p!rstition) b+t
.h!n 1 l!*t th! inn at 7istritH) a siH!abl! cro.d had gath!r) and th!y s!!"!d to b!
a*raid o* "!. Th!y o*t!n point!d t.o *ing!rs in "y dir!ction.
DRACULA: Th! char" against th! !il !y!.
#$&AT%A&: -!s) so 1 a" told. &or .!r! "y tra!ling co"panions any "or! r!ass+ring.
1 co+ld ha! s.orn) *ro" th! .ay th! dri!r p+sh!d his hors!s) *ar "or! than
s!!"!d pr+d!nt or n!c!ssary) that !!ryon! .as anEio+s to b! rid o* "!. 7+t
.h!n .! r!ach!d th! 7orgo :ass) th!y s!!"!d to b! +rging "! to contin+! on
.ith th!") as i* th!y .!r! trying to pr!!nt o+r "!!ting. -o+r cal!ch) ho.!!r)
app!ar!d only s!conds a*t!r .! arri!d) !!n tho+gh .! .!r! o!r an ho+r !arly.
DRACULA: 01ith amused contempt Th! *ools. Th!y tho+ght to d!c!i! "!) b+t 1 5no.
too "+ch and "y hors!s ar! s.i*t.
#$&AT%A&: 7+t .hy sho+ld th!y .ant>>
DRACULA: As yo+ ha! not!d) Mr %ar5!r) o+r co+ntry abo+nds .ith s+p!rstition) and
its p!opl! ar! si"pl!.
#$&AT%A&: (!ll) 1 can c!rtainly +nd!rstand th! o* s+ch s+p!rstitions. Th!
co+ntry s!!"s !ry .ild h!r!abo+ts. As .! ca"! thro+gh th! dar5 *or!st tonight)
1 co+ld s!! that gr!at pac5s o* .ol!s *ollo.!d th! cal!ch along on !ith!r sid!.
And as i* that .!r! not *right!ning !no+gh) th!r! occ+rr!d so"!thing so strang!
that 1 sho+ld tho+ght "ys!l* to b! dr!a"ing had 1 not b!!n *ar too agitat!d *or
sl!!p. $n thr!! s!parat! occasions 1 sa. .hat app!ar!d to b! a s"all bl+! *la"!
b+rning o** in th! .oods. And !ach ti"! yo+r dri!r stopp!d and .!nt in th!
dir!ction o* th! *la"!) l!aing "!) 1 don/t "ind saying) in a n!ar stat! o* panic.
DRACULA: 1 a" sorry *or yo+r disco"*ort) Mr. %ar5!r. -o+ s!!) it is th! !! o* St.
9!org!/s day. 1t is co""only b!li!!d that on this night a bl+! *la"! is s!!n o!r
any plac! .h!r! tr!as+r! has b!!n hidd!n. -o+ s!!) this blood !nrich!d gro+nd
.as *o+ght o!r *or c!nt+ri!s by th! SaEon) th! (allachian) and th! T+r5) and
"+ch o* al+! has b!!n sh!lt!r!d in th! *ri!ndly soil.
#$&AT%A&: 7+t i* that .!r! tr+!) ho. co+ld it r!"ain hidd!n *or long .h!n its location
is so cl!arly "ar5!dB
DRACULA: 7!ca+s! yo+r p!asant is) at h!art) a *ool and a co.ard. Thos! *la"!s app!ar
on only on! night !ach y!ar) and on that night) no "an o* this land .ill) i* h! can
h!lp it) stir .itho+t his doors. -o+ s!!) it is b!li!!d that on this night all !il
things ar! at th!ir high!st po.!r and "o! abo+t +nch!c5!d.
0D-A)($A e7tends his hand toward the wine decanter9 it moves, under its
own power into his hand.
Mor! .in!) Mr %ar5!rB
#$&AT%A&: Than5 yo+. (!ll) yo+r coach"an c!rtainly is no co.ard. %! sho.!d not
th! slight!st tr!pidation at !nt+ring into th! *or!st) in spit! o* th! .ol!s.
Appar!ntly h! is no *ool !ith!r) *or h! s!!"!d to b! !r!cting so"!thing o* a ston!
"ar5!r +nd!r !ach *la"!.
DRACULA: 6or *+t+r! +s!) no do+bt.
#$&AT%A&: 1 hop! 1 ha!n/t spo5!n o+t o* t+rn) b+t h! .as a !ry strang! *!llo.. 1
notic!d .h!n h! h!lp!d "! into th! cal!ch that h! s!!"!d to ha! i""!ns!
str!ngth. 0Almost to himself $nc! 1 tho+ght 1 sa. hi" pass b!t.!!n "ys!l* and
on! o* th! bl+! *la"!s and it s!!"!d to sho. right thro+gh hi") as i* h! .!r!
DRACULA: %o. is yo+r "!al) Mr. %ar5!rB
#$&AT%A&: 'Ec!ll!nt. (hat is it call!dB
DRACULA: 1t is call!d papri5a h!ndl. Th! s!cr!t is an ab+ndanc! o* th! r!d p!pp!r *ro"
.hich it g!ts it na"!. 7+t co"!) yo+ "+st t!ll "! o* London and th! ho+s! yo+
ha! proc+r!d *or "! th!r!.
#$&AT%A&: $* co+rs!) o* co+rs!. L!t "! g!t th! not!s 1 "ad! *or Mr. %a.5ins at th!
ti"! 1 disco!r!d th! plac!. 0'e rummages through his briefcase. (hy do yo+
.ish to go to London) Co+nt Drac+laB
DRACULA: 1 *ancy it .ill "a5! "! yo+ng again.
#$&AT%A&: 0he chuckles -!s) o* co+rs!. Ah) h!r! .! ar!.
04#.AT'A. places some drawings on the table. D-A)($A hungrily
peruses the drawings as 4#.AT'A. reads from his notebook.
At :+r*l!!t) on a by>road) 1 ca"! +pon s+ch a plac! as s!!"!d to b! r!=+ir!d. 1t
contains so"! t.!nty acr!s) all s+rro+nd!d by a high ston! .all o* anci!nt
str+ct+r!. 1t is call!d Car*aE. Th! ho+s! its!l* is !ry larg! and dat!s bac5) 1
sho+ld say) to "!di!al ti"!s. 1t is o* ston! .ith only a *!. .indo. high +p) and
th!s! ar! h!aily barr!d. Th!r! ar! b+t *!. ho+s!s clos! at hand) on! b!ing a !ry
larg! ho+s! only r!c!ntly *or"!d into a priat! l+natic asyl+". 1t is) ho.!!r) not
isibl! *ro" th! gro+nds.
DRACULA: 1 a" glad that it is old and big. 1) "ys!l*) a" o* an old *a"ily and to li! in
a n!. ho+s! .o+ld 5ill "!. A ho+s! cannot b! "ad! habitabl! in a day) and a*t!r
all) ho. *!. days go to "a5! +p a c!nt+ry. 1 s!!5 not gai!ty and "irth) nor th!
bright ol+pt+o+sn!ss o* "+ch s+nshin! and spar5ling .at!rs. 1 a" no long!r
yo+ng and "y h!art is not att+n!d to "!rri"!nt. Mor!o!r) th! .alls o* castl! ar!
bro5!n) th! shado.s ar! "any) and .ind br!ath!s cold thro+gh th! bro5!n
battl!"!nts and cas!"!nts. 1 lo! th! shad! and shado. and .o+ld b! alon! .ith
"y tho+ghts .h!n 1 "ay.
#$&AT%A&: Th!n 1 thin5 yo+ shall not b! disappoint!d.
DRACULA: -o+ ha! don! .!ll) Mr. %ar5!r. &o. yo+ "+st stay .ith "! *or a *!.
days so that 1 "ay l!arn *ro" yo+ "or! o* "y n!. co+ntry. 1 ha!) thro+gh
boo5s) co"! to 5no. yo+r gr!at 'ngland) and to 5no. h!r is to lo! h!r. 1 long to
go thro+gh th! cro.d!d str!!ts o* yo+r "ighty London) to b! in th! "idst o* th!
.hirl and th! r+sh o* h+"anity) to shar! its li*!) its chang!) its d!ath) and all that
"a5!s it .hat it is. 7+t alas) it is only thro+gh boo5s that 1 5no. yo+r tong+!. To
yo+) "y *ri!nd) 1 loo5 that 1 5no. it to sp!a5.
#$&AT%A&: 7+t Co+nt) yo+ s!!" to 5no. and sp!a5 'nglish thoro+ghly.
DRACULA: &ot so. (!ll 1 5no. that did 1 "o! and sp!a5 in yo+r London) non! th!r!
ar! .ho .o+ld not 5no. "! *or a strang!r. That is not !no+gh *or "!. %!r! 1 a"
nobl!. 1 a" boyar. Th! co""on p!opl! 5no. "!) and 1 a" "ast!r. 7+t a
strang!r in a strang! land) h! is no on!I "!n 5no. hi" not) and to 5no. not is to
car! not *or. 1n 'ngland 1 .ish no "an to stop i* h! s!! "!) or pa+s! in his
sp!a5ing i* h! h!ar "y .ords. 1 ha! b!!n "ast!r so long that 1 .o+ld b! "ast!r
still. 0"ause $r at l!ast that non! sho+ld b! "ast!r o* "!. 0"ause 7+t th! ho+r
gro.s lat! and 1 "+st l!t yo+ to yo+r r!st. To"orro. 1 shall b! a.ay +ntil th! lat!
a*t!rnoon) b+t 1 shall @oin yo+ th!n. 1 hop! yo+ .ill b! co"*ortabl!.
#$&AT%A&: Than5 yo+. (ith yo+r p!r"ission) 1 shall !Eplor! th! castl! and gro+nds in
yo+r abs!nc!.
DRACULA: $* co+rs!. -o+ "ay go .h!r! yo+ .ish) !Ec!pt .h!r! th! doors ar! loc5!d)
.h!r!) o* co+rs!) yo+ .ill not .ish to go. Th!r! is r!ason that all things ar! as
th!y ar!) and did yo+ s!! .ith "y !y!s and 5no. .ith "y 5no.l!dg!) yo+ .o+ld
p!rhaps b!tt!r +nd!rstand. (! ar! in Transylania) and Transylania is not
'ngland. $+r .ays ar! not yo+r .ays and th!r! shall b! to yo+ "any strang!
things. 1nd!!d) *ro" .hat yo+ ha! told "!) yo+ alr!ady 5no. so"!thing o*
.hat strang! things th!r! "ay b!.
#$&AT%A&: 1nd!!d.
DRACULA: 1 l!a! yo+ th!n and bid yo+ pl!asant r!st. 0'e starts to leave, then pauses
at the e7it and turns back to 4onathan. $h) Mr. %ar5!r) yo+ "+st not l!a! yo+r
roo" d+ring th! night. Sl!!p .!ll. 0,7it
04#.AT'A. returns to his meal. After a moment, he hears girlish laughter in
another part of the castle. 'e is intrigued. 'e hesitates, then takes the lantern
from where Dracula left it hanging and begins cautiously to e7plore in the
direction of the sound. The $%&'T! go to black as 4onathan proceeds. After
a short time, a .#!/,-AT( blows out the lantern. !uddenly two pools of
colored light appear with moon:dust dancing in them. As 4onathan
approaches, the moon:dust turns into two [or three] +,A(T%/($ 1#6,..
[!ee technical appendi7] They circle around 4onathan, coming closer and
closer, trying to involve him. They pull at his clothing. At first he resists, but
soon he is captivated and becomes involved, even eager. They loosen his tie9
they unbutton his shirt. They kiss him playfully on the eyes, the cheeks the
mouth. 1ith a groan he drops to his knees as they hover over him, about to
go for his throat. !uddenly, with a great roar, D-A)($A appears. The
frightened women scurry away.
DRACULA: 0angrily 1t is not sa*! to !nt+r! *ro" yo+r roo") Mr. %ar5!r.
0The $%&'T! on Dracula fade 2uickly.
#$&AT%A&: My 9odC 1n .hat 5ind o* plac! a" 1B
0The $%&'T! fade 2uicky. .ear the end of the speech, 3an 'elsings $%&'T
come up to a low level.
#$&AT%A&/S 8$1C': Th!s! "ay b! th! last .ords 1 shall !!r .rit! in this @o+rnal. 1t
is no. n!arly t.o "onths sinc! 1 b!ca"! a prison!r h!r!. Drac+la calls on "!
nightly) and .! con!rs! til da.n) ranging in topic all th! disciplin!s 5no.n to
"an. So in!rt!d ha! "y sl!!ping habits gro.n that 1 *!ar 1 a" b!co"ing o* th!
sa"! "ind as h!I and 1 a" incr!asingly +nabl! to disting+ish b!t.!!n "y
*antasi!s and r!ality. Tho+gh h! ass+r!s "! that 1 a" *r!! to go) !!ry door 1
!nco+nt!r by day is loc5!d. At night gr!at pac5s o* .ol!s ar! @+st o+tsid!.
Lat!ly 1 ha! s!ns!d that h! is "a5ing pr!parations to l!a!) and 1 ha! b!g+n to
*!ar *or "y li*!. 1n d!sp!ration 1 ha! d!is!d a plan. D+ring th! day) .hil!
Drac+la sl!!ps) 1 ha! b!!n practicing th! scaling o* a to.!r .all) by .ay o*
.hich) 1 hop! to !scap!. 1 a" no. coninc!d that 1 can do it) and today) 1 shall
"a5! "y try.
03A. ',$!%.& closes 4onathans 5ournal, pauses a moment in thought, then
lays it aside. 'e picks up 6inas 5ournal.
ACT I Scene )
*ina$s "#urnal
0The set is changed to represent the churchyard and the sounds of the sea, surf,
seagulls, etc., underscore the last part of 6inas speech.
M1&A/S 8$1C': #+ly ,J. (h!n L+cy h!ard o* "y .orri!d abo+t #onathan) sh! .rot!
and insist!d that 1 @oin h!r in (hitby at th!ir s+""!r ho+s! *or a *!. days o*
r!st. 7!sid!s) sh! said) sh! had so"!thing !ry i"portant to t!ll "!) so"!thing
that co+ld not b! .ritt!n o*.
(h!n 1 arri!d) sh! "!t "! at th! station) loo5ing s.!!t!r and lo!li!r than
!!r. This is a b!a+ti*+l plac!. Right abo! th! to.n is th! r+in o* (hitby Abb!y)
.hich is th! sc!n! o* th! part o* Mar"ion .h!r! th! girl .as b+ilt +p in th! .all.
Th!r! is a l!g!nd that so"!ti"!s a .hit! lady is s!!n in on! o* th! .indo.s.
7!t.!!n th! Abb!y and th! to.n is th! parish ch+rch. This is) to "y "ind) th!
nic!st spot in all (hitby *or it has a *+ll i!. o* th! harbor and all +p th! bay
.h!r! a h!adland call!d 3!ttl!n!ss str!tch!s o+t to th! s!a. Th! hillsid! d!sc!nds
so st!!ply that part o* th! land has *all!n a.ay and so"! o* th! gra!s ha! b!!n
d!stroy!d. Th!r! ar! .al5s thro+gh th! ch+rchyard .ith s!ats b!sid! th!") and
p!opl! go and sit all day long) loo5ing at th! b!a+ti*+l i!. and !n@oying th!
0$%&'T! up on the churchyard. $()* runs on, playfully eluding 6%.A who
is trying to catch her and eventually does. There is monument:tombstone that
can be sat upon like a bench. Two .#!/,-AT( are posed as statues of a
priest and a supplicant.
M1&A: &o. 1 .on/t .ait a "o"!nt long!r. -o+ "+st t!ll "! !!rything.
LUC-: $h Mina) ho. can 1 t!ll yo+. 1/" al"ost too !Ecit!d to sp!a5. %!r! 1 a" to b!
t.!nty in S!pt!"b!r and n!!r b!*or! propos!d to) not a r!al proposal at any rat!.
Th!n last S+nday 1 had t.o in on! day.
M1&A: T.oBC
LUC-: -!s. 1sn/t it too "+ch to b! b!li!!dB
M1&A: (!llB (hoB Did yo+ acc!ptB T!ll "!C
LUC-: &ot both o* th!") o* co+rs!.
M1&A: (!ll) 1 sho+ldn/t p+t it b!yond yo+.
LUC-: MinaC (hat an !il thing to say. -o+ 5no. that 1 ha! a tr+! h!art) altho+gh 1 .ill ad"it
to a slightly *lirtatio+s charact!r.
M1&A: A" 1 n!!r to 5no.B
LUC-: -o+ .ill) yo+ .ill. 7+t 1 "+st go bac5 a bit. 1n th! lat! Spring) 1 "!t and *!ll in
lo! .ith a .ond!r*+l "an>>and h! .ith "!. %is na"! is Dr. #ohn S!.ard. %! is
handso"!) .!ll o**) and o* good birth. %! is only nin! and t.!nty) and @+st *ancy)
h! has an i""!ns! l+natic asyl+" +nd!r his o.n car!.
Any.ay) 1 *+lly !Ep!ct!d hi" to propos! to "! on "y t.!nti!th birthday. 7+t
a *!. days b!*or!) .hil! #ac5 .as a.ay in London .or5ing) 1 "!t anoth!r "an)
an A"!rican *ro" T!Eas) and !!r so handso"!. %! loo5s so yo+ng and *r!sh
that it s!!"s al"ost i"possibl! that h! has b!!n so "any plac!s and had s+ch
ad!nt+r!s as h! sp!a5s o*. 1 .ond!r i* .! .o"!n thin5 that a "an .ho has b!!n
!!ry.h!r! and still has no *!ar can sa! +s *ro" o+r o.n *!ars) and so . . . .!
"arry th!".
M1&A: 1 sho+ld hop! th!r! is "or! to it than that.
LUC-: (!ll) 1 can c!rtainly sy"pathiH! .ith poor D!sd!"ona .h!n sh! had s+ch a
dang!ro+s str!a" po+r!d into h!r !ar) and by a b!a+ti*+l blac5 "an too.
Any.ay) Mr. Morris b!gan to laish "! .ith att!ntion) and th! S+nday b!*or!
"y birthday) 1 *o+nd "ys!l* =+it! alon! .ith hi". And tho+gh h! do!sn/t +s+ally
sp!a5 in slang) *or h! is r!ally .!ll !d+cat!d .ith !E=+isit! "ann!rs) h! has
disco!r!d that it a"+s!s "! to h!ar hi" sp!a5 in his T!Eas !rnac+lar .h!n
th!r! is no on! abo+t to o**!nd. So) h! too5 "y hand in his and said) !!r so
s.!!tly): ;Miss L+cy) 1 5no. 1 ain/t good !no+gh to carry o+t yo+r bath .at!r) b+t
1 r!c5on i* yo+ .ait til yo+ *ind a "an that is) yo+/ll di! an old "aid. So .hy
don/t yo+ @+st hitch +p alongsid! o* "! and l!t +s go do.n th! road tog!th!r)
driin/ in th! do+bl! harn!ss.<
(!ll) o* co+rs!) 1 .as *latt!r!d) and *or a "o"!nt 1 al"ost la+gh!d. %!
loo5!d so good h+"or!d and @olly) and 1 co+ldn/t =+it! b! s+r! h! .asn/t @o5ing)
so 1 said that 1 did not 5no. anything o* hitching and that 1 .as not y!t bro5!n to
harn!ss. (h!r!+pon) an !arn!st light ca"! into his !y!s) and h! said that h!
hop!d h! hadn/t "ad! a "ista5! in sp!a5ing in so light a "ann!r on so gra! and
"o"!nto+s an occasion. Th!n 1 sa. ho. s!rio+s h! .as) and 1 5no. yo+/ll thin5
1/" a horribl! *lirt) b+t 1 co+ldn/t h!lp *!!ling a bit s!rio+s too) and *or @+st th!
bri!*!st instant) 1 *orgot th! pr!io+s co""it"!nt o* "y h!art. 1 s+ppos! "y !y!s
sho.!d it) *or h! b!gan po+ring o+t a p!r*!ct torr!nt o* lo!"a5ing) laying his
!ry h!art and so+l at "y *!!t. S+dd!nly) 1 *!lt !ry .ic5!d) and so"!thing in "y
*ac! "+st ha! gi!n "! a.ay) *or h! abr+ptly stopp!d and said: ;T!ll "!) is th!r!
so"!on! !ls! yo+ car! *orB 1* th!r! is) 1/ll n!!r tro+bl! yo+ again) b+t .ill b!) i*
yo+ .ill l!t "!) yo+r !!r *aith*+l *ri!nd.<
$h) D!ar Mina) .hy ar! "!n so nobl!. So"!ti"!s it s!!"s .! .o"!n ar! so
littl! .orthy o* th!". %!r! .as 1) al"ost "a5ing *+n o* this gr!at>h!art!d tr+!
g!ntl!"an) !!n as h! .as con*!ssing to "! th! "ost nobl! and co"pli"!ntary o*
d!sir!s. 1 i""!diat!ly b+rst into t!ars. 7+t his loo5 ga! "! str!ngth) and !!n
tho+gh 1 .as crying) 1 loo5!d dir!ctly into his bra! !y!s and said: ;-!s) th!r! is
so"!on! 1 lo!) tho+gh h! has not y!t said that h! lo!s "!.<
$* co+rs! 1 .as right to sp!a5 *ran5ly *or a =+i!t light ca"! onto his *ac!) and
h! too5 both "y hands in his and said: ;1t/s b!tt!r .orth b!ing lat! *or a chanc! o*
.inning yo+ than b!ing in ti"! *or any oth!r girl in th! .orld.< Th!n h! dri!d "y
t!ars) and .h!n 1 had =+it! *inish!d crying) h! s"il!d at "! and said: ;and no.)
"y d!ar) 1/" going to ha! a pr!tty lon!ly .al5 b!t.!!n h!r! and 5ingdo" co"!.
(on/t yo+ gi! "! on! 5issB< 1 5n!. not .hat to say or do. %! s!arch!d "y
*ac! a.hil!) th!n said: ;6or "!) it .ill b! so"!thing to 5!!p a.ay th! dar5n!ss
no. and th!n.<
(ith that) "y h!art "!lt!d) and 1 rais!d "y lips to hi". %! too5 "!) g!ntly)
b+t .ith gr!at str!ngth) into his ar"s and 5iss!d "! so long and d!!ply that 1 *!lt 1
.o+ld s.oon.
M1&A: $h "y. 0"ause AndB
LUC-: And th!n h! t+rn!d and .al5!d =+ic5ly *ro" th! roo" .itho+t a bac5.ard
glanc!. 0"ause %ad 1 b!!n abl! to *ind "y oic!) 1 *!ar 1 sho+ld ha! call!d hi"
bac5. $h Mina) .hy can/t .! "arry t.o "!nB
M1&A: L+cyC
LUC-: Mina) yo+ ar! "y d!ar!st and "ost tr+st!d *ri!nd. 1 .old not dar! to sp!a5 to
anyon! !ls! abo+t s+ch "att!rs) b+t 1 .as so s+rpris!d by "y . . . "y sy"path!tic
attraction) that 1 .ond!r!d i* 1 had "is+nd!rstood lo!. $h Mina) is it not
possibl! to lo! t.o "!n !=+ally.
M1&A: 6or a short ti"!) p!rhaps. 7+t it is in o+r nat+r! to ha! pr!*!r!nc!s) and
+lti"at!ly) th!y .ill aris!.
LUC-: %a! yo+ n!!r b!!n +ns+r! o* yo+r lo! *or #onathanB
M1&A: &ot sinc! 1 co""itt!d it.
LUC-: (!ll) 1 had not y!t co""itt!d "in! to #ac5 at that point.
M1&A: 7+t yo+ didB
LUC-: -!s. %! ca"! that !ry a*t!rnoon) and so gr!at .as "y !"otion *ro" .hat had
gon! on b!*or! and th! @oy o* s!!ing hi" that 1 *l+ng "ys!l* into his ar"s and h!
.as 5issing "! b!*or! scarc!ly a .ord .as !Echang!d b!t.!!n +s. At that point)
1 .as =+it! s+r! that it .as h! that 1 lo! and non! oth!r.
M1&A: And ar! yo+ still s+r!B
LUC-: $h y!s 1 a") Mina.
M1&A: 01ith a catch in her voice 1/" !ry happy *or yo+ L+cy.
LUC-: $h) yo+ poor d!ar. %!r! 1 a" thin5ing only o* "ys!l*. -o+ "+stn/t .orry.
Co""+nications ar! !ry slo. *ro" that part o* th! .orld. -o+/ll h!ar *ro"
#onathan soon.
M1&A: $h) 1 do hop! so. 1t is co"pl!t!ly +nli5! hi" to *ail to .rit!.
LUC-: %! .ill b! bac5 b!*or! yo+ 5no. it) and in th! t.in5ling o* an !y!) .! both shall
ha! h+sbands. -o+/ll s!!.
0$()* has taken a bou2uet of flowers from a tombstone which she thrusts into
6inas hands like a bridal bou2uet.
M1&A: $h) L+cy. -o+ ar! a d!ar
06%.A hugs $()*, then puts the flowers back as the lights fade.
ACT I Scene +
*ina$s "#urnal C#ntinue'
M1&A/S 8$1C': Days ha! pass!d) and .ith !ach on!) 1 gro. "or! +nhappy. 1 had not
h!ard *ro" #onathan *or .!ll o!r t.o "onthsI th!n today) Mr. %a.5ins s!nt "! a
l!tt!r that only I@+st arri!d. 1t .as cl!arly #onathan/s hand.riting) b+t it did not
so+nd at all li5! hi". 1t .as only a lin!) dat!d o!r a "onth !arli!r *ro" Castl!
Drac+la and saying that h! .as starting *or ho"! soon. 1t .as !ry strang! and it
only s!r!d to incr!as! "y anEi!ty. Th!n too) L+cy has r!c!ntly ta5!n to sl!!p
.al5ing. %!r "oth!r has spo5!n to "! abo+t it) and sh! has as5!d "! to loc5 th!
door o* o+r roo" !!ry night. Mrs (!st!nra has got th! id!a that sl!!p.al5!rs go
o+t on th! roo*s o* ho+s!s and cli**s and *all o!r .ith d!spairing cri!s that !cho
all o!r th! plac!. 7+t in spit! o* "y !**orts) L+cy has t.ic! aris!n d+ring th!
night and tri!d to l!a!. 6ort+nat!ly) on both occasions 1 a.o5! in ti"! and
"anag!d to g!t h!r bac5 to b!d. Th! strain o* .atching h!r is b!ginning to t!ll on
0$%&'T! up on $+cy/s moonlit bedroom. The .#!/,-AT( are posed as the
headboard of the bed. $ucy is in bed asleep. 6ina enters carrying a candle.
Tonight) ho.!!r) as 1 .atch!d h!r sl!!ping) 1 .as d!!ply "o!d by h!r b!a+ty
and innoc!ns! as sh! lay so s.!!tly p!ac!*+l) br!athing so*tly. 1 .as s+dd!nly !ry
happy that 1 co+ld b! h!r! at s+ch a ti"!. 1* Dr. S!.ard *!ll in lo! .ith h!r s!!ing h!r
only in th! roo") 1 .ond!r .hat h! .o+ld say i* h! sa. h!r no..
06%.A blows out the candle then gets in bed with $ucy. The $%&'T! fade
and then come back up immediately to indicate a passage of time. As the
$ights restore to moonlight a 1#$/ '#1$ is heard. A .#!/,-AT(
approaches $ucy. Another 1#$/ '#1$. $ucy awakes. !he sees the
.osferatu beckoning to her. !he follows, wearing only a thin nightgown. The
.#!/,-AT( leads her via a circuitous route to the churchyard where 6ina
and $ucy were in scene ;. The scene is now moonlit and the statues have
changed in slight, but ominous ways. The bou2uet of flowers of the afternoon
has turned black. $ucy notices this and picks it to look at it. !omething in the
center fascinates her and she pulls at it. As she continues to pull, she draws a
black silk scarf from the bou2uet in much the same way as a magician
produces a scarf from a wand. %t fascinates her, and she begins to dance
about, playing with it. !uddenly it becomes dangerous. !he reacts as if it had
bitten her and tries to throw it away. A .#!/,-AT( catches it a throws it
back at her. !he tries to escape. #ther .#!/,-AT( block her path. !he
becomes attracted to the scarf again and starts to play with it once more.
Again it offends her and she throws it away. Again the .#!/,-AT( catches
it, and this time, using it like a whip the .#!/,-AT( lashes her, once, twice,
and a third time. The last time it lands on her throat. The utters a cry, but is
helpless as the scarf, now completely controlling her, bears her back onto the
tomb:bench. The $%&'T! turn red, the 6(!%) turns romantic, and $()*
arches her body in a strange, painful ecstacy. The $%&'T! fade. $%&'T! up
on the bedroom scene. 6%.A awakes with a start and discovers that $ucy is
missing. !he 2uickly dons her robe and begins to search. !he follows the
same path that $ucy and the .osferatu used to the churchyard. As she
approaches the 6##.$%&'T restores on the churchyard. D-A)($A is
kneeling over $ucy. 'e looks up briefly, sees 6ina, and 2uickly flees. %t
happens so 2uickly that 6ina will think she saw something, but have no idea
what it was. 6%.A runs to $()* who is breathing very laboriously. $()*
starts. !he seems totally disoriented. !he utters a little cry. 6%.A gets her
up, puts her arm around her, attempting to share her robe with her.$()*
trembles and clings to 6%.A. They start back toward home as the $%&'T!
M1&A/S 8$1C': Th! n!Et "orning) L+cy .as !ry pal! and li*!l!ss and s!!"!d to
r!"!"b!r nothing o* th! night/s ad!nt+r!s. 1 .as !ry .orri!d abo+t h!r so 1
t!l!graph!d Dr. S!.ard. %! i""!diat!ly ca"! +p *ro" London and too5 charg!
o* h!r car!. %! is ind!!d a *in! "an. That a*t!rnoon) 1 r!c!i!d a l!tt!r *ro" a
hospital in 7+da :!sth. 1t said that #onathan had b!!n +nd!r car! th!r! *or n!arly
siE .!!5s) s+**!ring *ro" a iol!nt brain *!!r. %! had) only that day) r!co!r!d
!no+gh to id!nti*y hi"s!l*. 1 shall l!a! *or 7+da :!sth to"orro. to n+rs! hi"
bac5 to h!alth and bring hi" ho"!. (! shall b! "arri!d th!r! th! "o"!nt that h!
is strong !no+gh. %!a!n b! prais!d.
ACT I Scene ,
Se-ar'$s Diar.
0$%&'T! up on 3an 'elsing. 'e lays 6inas 5ournal aside, reflects a
moment, then, picks up !ewards Diary. As the set is changed to -enfields
cell, we hear !ewards voice.
S'(ARD/S 8$1C': A+g+st D1. 1t is no. n!arly a "onth sinc! th! ons!t o* L+cy/s
illn!ss. Tho+gh 1 a" .!ll !rs!d in all "od!rn dis!as!s) 1 a" +nabl! to diagnos!
h!r a**liction. Sh! gro.s contin+ally .!a5!r) and *or no appar!nt r!ason. 1 ha!
.ritt!n to "y old *ri!nd and "ast!r) :ro*!ssor Abraha" %!inrich 8an %!lsing in
A"st!rda". %! 5no.s "or! abo+t obsc+r! dis!as!s than anyon! in th! .orld.
M!an.hil!) 1 had h!r trans*!rr!d h!r! to London .h!r! 1 shall b! b!tt!r abl! to
tr!at h!r .ith all th! *aciliti!s o* "od!rn sci!nc! at hand .hil! going on .ith "y
.or5) .hich is at pr!s!nt !ry d!"anding. Tho+gh "y d+ti!s ar! "any) it is "y
r!s!arch) "y =+!st *or 5no.l!dg! in this in*ant sci!nc! o* th! brain) that occ+pi!s
"y "ind. 1 a" partic+larly int!r!st!d in th! cas! o* a pati!nt na"!d R!n*i!ld.
0$%&'T! begin to fade up slowly on -,./%,$D sitting in his cell, writing
figures in a small black notebook. (nseen by -enfield, !,1A-D enters and
stands studying -enfield.
1n his "adn!ss) th!r! s!!"s to b! so"! int!llig!nc! that rials !!n "y o.n. 1
*!!l that i* 1 co+ld +nd!rstand it) 1 .o+ld b! b!tt!r abl! to disc!rn th! tr+! nat+r!
o* insanity) and th!r!by) bring h!lp to all th! tort+r!d so+ls that ar! loc5!d in
plac!s li5! this.
S'(ARD: May 1 s!! yo+r boo5) R!n*i!ldB :l!as!B 1/ll gi! it bac5.
0-,./%,$D reluctantly surrenders the book. !,1A-D studies it.
(!r! yo+ an acco+ntant b!*or! yo+ ca"! h!r!) R!n*i!ldB
R'&61'LD: 1* an acco+ntant is on! .ho ta5!s things into acco+nt) th!n y!s) 1 .as. 1
ha! tri!d *ro" "y !arli!st "!"ory to acco+nt *or things) to s!! ca+s! and !**!ct.
1 ha! concl+d!d) ho.!!r) that s+ch !**orts int!r*!r! .ith on!/s ability to b! tr+ly
S'(ARD: %o. do yo+ "!anB
R'&61'LD: (!ll) .h!n .! acc!pt on! !Eplanation *or a s!t o* circ+"stanc!s) .!
obsc+r! *+rth!r tr+ths that "ay b! hidd!n th!r!. $n th! oth!r hand) i* .! r!@!ct all
!Eplanations) .! ar! *r!! to contin+! o+r =+!st.
S'(ARD: 6or !Ea"pl!B
R'&61'LD: 6or !Ea"pl! th! R!s+rr!ction. Scholars and th!ologians ha! posit!d that
Christ .as r!s+rr!ct!d as proo* o* th! po.!r o* 9od) or to gi! "an5ind hop!.
7+t i* .! acc!pt s+ch si"pl!>"ind!d !Eplanations) .! ha! clos!d th! boo5 on
th! =+!stion .ith no r!al 5no.l!dg! that th!s! !Eplanations ar! corr!ct.
S'(ARD: 7+t is any oth!r !Eplanation possibl! in this cas!B
R'&61'LD: Th!r! ar! "or! things in h!a!n and !arth) %oratio) than ar! dr!a"t o* in
yo+r philosophy. (hat i* it had nothing to do .ith 9od at allB (hat i* Christ)
li5! cats) si"ply had "or! than on! li*!B
S'(ARD: 7+t s+r!ly yo+ don/t b!li!! that cats li! "or! than onc!. 1n "y
+nd!rstanding) that !Epr!ssion r!lat!s "or! to th! str!ngth o* a cat/s li*!) its
p!rsist!nc!) its ability to s+ri! .h!n oth!r things cannot.
R'&61'LD: 'Eactly) DoctorC %o. "+ch li*! is th!r! in on! li*!B %o. is it contain!dB
Can on! g!t "or!B (h!n do!s it !ndB 1s d!ath r!ally d!ath or only a chang! in
li*!B (hy do!s a cat ha! "or! li*! than) say) a *lyB (ho has "or! li*!) Doctor)
yo+ or 1B
S'(ARD: 1s th!r! a di**!r!nc! b!t.!!n "!nB
0-,./%,$D suddenly produces a dagger:like letter opener, and with a 2uick
deft movement, presses the point to !ewards throat in such a way as to
completely immobili8e him.
R'&61'LD: At this "o"!nt th!r! is) Doctor. -o+r li*! !Ep!ctancy at this point co+ld
!ry .!ll b! H!ro.
01ith a loud laugh, -,./%,$D releases !eward, then casually hands him the
knife, handle first.
S'(ARD: My l!tt!r op!n!rC (h!r! did yo+ g!t itB
R'&61'LD: 1 *o+nd it in th! d+st bin. -o+ sho+ld b! "or! car!*+l) Doctor. So"! o* th!
in"at!s h!r! ar! dang!ro+s yo+ 5no.. 0'e laughs.
S'(ARD: (!ll) than5 yo+ *or r!t+rning it) R!n*i!ld. &o. bac5 to th! R!s+rr!ction) 1
don/t =+it! +nd!rstand ho. yo+r id!as !Eplain it.
R'&61'LD: 1 try to aoid !Eplanations) Doctor. As 1 ha! said) 1 try to b!
S'(ARD: 7+t i* on! do!s not loo5 *or ca+s! and !**!ct) *or th! l!ssons it t!ach!s) ho.
do!s on! d!cid! ho. to act) .hat do in any gi!n sit+ationB
R'&61'LD: Do yo+ pr!t!nd that it is yo+ .ho d!cid!s .hat yo+ do) DoctorB
S'(ARD: -!s.
R'&61'LD: #+st no.) .h!n 1 had th! 5ni*! against yo+r throat) it .as 1 .ho d!cid!d *or
S'(ARD: &o) R!n*i!ld. -o+ .!r! th! !Et!rnal circ+"stanc!s o* "y li*! at that "o"!nt)
b+t it .as "y r!ason that told "! to b! still.
R'&61'LD: Th!n yo+ r!ally thin5 yo+r li*! to b! th! prod+ct o* yo+r o.n r!asonB
S'(ARD: 1n a !ry larg! part) y!s.
R'&61'LD: Th!n "y li*! "+st b! th! prod+ct o* "y lac5 o* r!ason. 0'e laughs And
that is .hy yo+ ha! "! in this +nr!asoning plac!. $r p!rhaps 1 sho+ld say)
S'(ARD: 7+t .hat o* th! R!s+rr!ction) R!n*i!ldB %o. did it happ!n i* not as .! ar!
R'&61'LD: 0!uddenly angered %! si"ply had "or! li*!) that/s all. %! had !no+gh li*!
not to di! th! *irst ti"!.
S'(ARD: Th!n .hy didn/t h! stay a*t!r h! ca"! bac5B (hy didn/t h! go on liingB
R'&61'LD: 7!ca+s! h! had gi!n too "+ch o* it a.ay.
S'(ARD: 9i!n it a.ayB
R'&61'LD: -!s. This is "y body) !at. This is "y blood) drin5. Thos! ar! his .ords)
ar! th!y not) DoctorB 0"ause May 1 ha! "y boo5 bac5) Doctor.
S'(ARD: A*t!r yo+ !Eplain it to "!.
R'&61'LD: M+st 1B
S'(ARD: %!r!) on th!s! pag!s) ar! long col+"ns o* n+"b!rs. (hat do th!y "!anB
R'&61'LD: Th!y ar! *ly li*! al+!s.
S'(ARD: 6ly li*! al+!sB
R'&61'LD: -!s. -o+ s!!) 1 rat! th! li*! o* a *ly on a scal! o* *ro" on! to t!n. 1 @+dg!
th!" by ho. larg! th!y ar!) ho. *ast th!y *ly) ho. s"art th!y ar!) and ho. hard
th!y ar! to catch.
S'(ARD: And that/s .hat yo+ +s! th! s+gar *or) to catch *li!sB
R'&61'LD: -!s. 0!uddenly fearful (ill yo+ not l!t "! ha! "y s+gar any"or!) no.
that yo+ 5no. .hat 1 +s! it *orB
S'(ARD: As long as yo+ ar! coop!rati!) yo+ shall contin+! to ha! yo+r daily ration o*
s+gar) R!n*i!ld.
R'&61'LD: $h than5 yo+) Doctor S!.ard. -o+ ar! ind!!d a 5ind "an. And *or "y part)
1 shall b! a "od!l prison!r.
S'(ARD: -o+ ar! not a prison!r) R!n*i!ld. -o+ ar! a pati!nt.
R'&61'LD: 1/" a*raid it/s all th! sa"! to "!) Doctor.
S'(ARD: -!s) 1 s+ppos! so. &o.) 1 notic! that yo+ ha! total!d all o* th! *ig+r!s on
!ach o* th!s! pag!s) and on this pag!) yo+ ha! add!d all thos! totals tog!th!r.
(hat do!s that "!anB
R'&61'LD: 'ach pag! is a day. Th! totals r!pr!s!nt th! total li*! al+!s o* all th! *li!s 1
ca+ght that day. Th! totals o* th! totals) =+it! logically) r!pr!s!nt th! li*! al+!s
o* th! spid!r that 1 *!d th! *li!s to.
S'(ARD: Ah y!s. 7+t so"! o* th!s! totals o* totals ar! add!d tog!th!r to "a5! !!n
larg!r totals .hil! so"! ar! o"itt!d. (hat o* thatB
R'&61'LD: Th! larg!r totals ar! th! li*! al+!s o* th! birds that 1 *!d th! spid!rs to.
S'(ARD: 1 s!!. 7+t .hy ar! so"! o"itt!dB Ar! thos! spid!rs still ali!B
R'&61'LD: &o) thos! ar! th! on!s 1 at! "ys!l*. 1 "+st too) yo+ 5no..
S'(ARD: 7+t .! *!!d yo+) R!n*i!ld.
R'&61'LD: -o+ *!!d "!) b+t on! can/t g!t li*! *ro" d!ad things. Th!y "+st b! ali! i*
yo+ ar! to acc+"+lat! "or! li*!.
S'(ARD: %o. "+ch li*! do yo+ ha! no.) R!n*i!ldB
R'&61'LD: A lot) Doctor) a lot. 7+t 1 .ant "or!) a lot "or!. 0"ause May 1 ha! "y
boo5 bac5 no.) Doctor.
S'(ARD: -!s) o* co+rs!. 0'e gives -enfield the book. 1 "+st go no.) R!n*i!ld. Than5
yo+ *or yo+r coop!ration. 1 shall s!! yo+ again soon. 0'e starts to leave.
R'&61'LD: $h) Dr. S!.ardB
S'(ARD: -!s.
R'&61'LD: 1 .as .ond!ring i* 1 "ight ha! a 5itt!n.
S'(ARD: A 5itt!n) R!n*i!ldB
R'&61'LD: -!s) to 5!!p "! co"pany and to play .ith. A nic! shiny 5itt!n to train) and
to p!t) and . . . to *!!d.
S'(ARD: 1/ll thin5 on it) R!n*i!ld.
R'&61'LD: 0+ecoming very intense $h pl!as!) Doctor. 1t .o+ld "!an so "+ch to "!.
1/d n!!r b! any tro+bl!. 1/d coop!rat! and h!lp. 1/d ans.!r all yo+r =+!stions)
S'(ARD: 1 said 1 .o+ld thin5 on it) R!n*i!ld.
R'&61'LD: 0.early hysterical (hat har" .o+ld a littl! 5itt!n b!B 1/d ta5! car! o* it
"ys!l*. 1t .o+ldn/t b! any tro+bl!. 1/d *!!d it and !!rything. -o+ .o+ldn/t>>
S'(ARD: (!/ll s!!) R!n*i!ldC &o.) i* yo+ ar! to ha! any priil!g!s at all) yo+ "+st
control yo+rs!l*.
R'&61'LD: 0&aining control, but still an7ious All right) Dr. S!.ard. 1/ll b! good.
%on!stly) 1 .ill.
S'(ARD: That/s b!tt!r) R!n*i!ld. 1/ll s!! yo+ again to"orro.. 0'e e7its.
R'&61'LD: 1/ll b! good. 1/ll b! good. %on!stly) 1/ll b! good.
0The +(<<%.& #/ A /$* is heard. -,./%,$D follow it with his eyes, then
snatches it out of the air as the $%&'T! blackout.
ACT I Scene 7
Se-ar'$s "#urnal C#ntinue'
0The set is changed to $ucys room at the Asylum
S'(ARD/S 8$1C'= S!pt!"b!r D. 9ood n!.sC :ro*!ssor 8an %!lsing arri!d today. 1
a" r!li!!d to ha! his co+ns!l. %! is a s!!"ingly arbitrary "an) b+t this
b!ca+s! h! 5no.s .hat h! is tal5ing abo+t. %! is a philosoph!r and a
"!taphysician and on! o* th! "ost adanc!d sci!ntists o* th! dayI and h! has) 1
b!li!!) an absol+t!ly op!n "ind) co+pl!d .ith an iron n!r!) th! t!"p!r o* an
ic!>broo5) an indo"itabl! r!sol+tion) s!l*>co""and and tol!ration) and th!
5indli!st and tr+!st h!art that b!ats. (h!n h! arri!d) 1 too5 hi" i""!diat!ly to
s!! L+cy .ho had ta5!n a d!cid!d t+rn *or th! .ors! d+ring th! night.
0$%&'T! up on 3A. ',$!%.& e7amining $ucy. !,1A-D stands an7iously
by. .#!/,-AT( are again part of the bed.
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 s!! .hat yo+ "!an) *ri!nd #ohn. Sh! is bad) !ry bad. Th!r! is no
ti"! to b! lost. Sh! .ill di! soon. (! "+st act at onc!. (! "+st "a5! th!
trans*+sion o* blood.
[.#T,= transfusion was not practiced in the >?@ABs. %t had been tried and
abandoned years before because blood type and blood pressure were not
understood and the results were disastrous.]
S'(ARD: 7+t %!inrich) that/s too dang!ro+s. 1t co+ld 5ill h!r.
8A& %'LS1&9: Sh! .ill di! any.ay i* .! do nothing. Trans*+sion .or5s in so"!
cas!s. 1t is o+r only hop!.
S'(ARD: 0-eluctantly 8!ry .!ll.
8A& %'LS1&9: -o+ ar! .illingB
S'(ARD: (illingB My 9od) 1/d gi! "y last drop o* blood to sa! h!r.
8A& %'LS1&9: 9ood) b+t that .ill not b! n!c!ssary. 1 ha! th! r!=+ir!d !=+ip"!nt.
Ma5! yo+rs!l* r!ady.
0!,1A-D begins to roll up his sleeve. 3A. ',$!%.& digs in his bag. There is the
sound of wind, a flash of lightning, and the drapes::with the aid of the .#!/,-AT(::
begin to billow.
3A. ',$!%.&= 0'olding up apparatus Th! ghastly paraph!rnalia o* a b!n!*icial trad!.
Th!r!) b!sid! h!r) *ri!nd #ohn. 9ood. Ta5! h!r hand in yo+rs so that yo+r
*or!ar"s ar! tog!th!r. 9ood. &o.) yo+ "ay ha! on! 5iss b!*or! .! b!gin.
0!T#-6 tempo increases. !,1A-D leans over and kisses $ucy lightly on the
Ar! yo+ r!ady) *ri!nd #ohnB
S'(ARD: -!s.
03A. ',$!%.& pushes the needle, which is on one end of a piece of tubing,
into !ewards arm. !,1A-D winces.
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s. Th!r!.
03A. ',$!%.& pushes the needle at the other end of the tubing into $ucys
arm. As he does so, her body arches and the storm tempo rages to a feverish
pitch, blowing the doors open. 3A. ',$!%.& goes 2uickly to the doors,
closes and locks them, shutting out the storm. 'e stands for a moment in
pu88led contemplation, then returns to the bed, takes $ucys free arm and feels
her pulse.
8A& %'LS1&9: Ah) sh! i"pro!s.
S'(ARD: Than5 9od. (! .!r! so happy) %!inrich. (! .!r! to ha! b!!n "arri!d in
l!ss than a "onth) b+t no.) 1 thin5 1 .o+ld gladly gi! +p all "y hop!s *or
happin!ss i* .! co+ld b+t sa! h!r li*!.
8A& %'LS1&9: (hat is .ant!d h!r!) *ri!nd #ohn) is not *or yo+ to *ors.!ar yo+r lo!)
b+t to gi! it) *r!!ly) as yo+ ar!. 7!li!!) no "arriag! c!r!"ony "!ans "or!.
S'(ARD: 0+eginning to show the giddy effect of blood loss -!s. Strang!) b+t 1 *!!l as
tho+gh .! .!r! alr!ady "arri!d. A "an cannot 5no.) +ntil h! !Ep!ri!nc!s it)
.hat it is to *!!l his o.n li*! blood dra.n a.ay into th! !ins o* th! .o"an h!
8A& %'LS1&9: 0After a moment of pu88led thought 1 5no. o* no dis!as! that can
d!stroy blood so =+ic5ly. %as sh! b!!n o+t o* b!dB
S'(ARD: 1 thin5 not. Sh! has b!!n t!rribly .!a5) and th!r! has b!!n so"!on! =+it!
n!ar h!r! sinc! 1 bro+ght h!r h!r! to London *ro" (hitby.
8A& %'LS1&9: &!ar h!r) b+t not al.ays .ith h!r.
S'(ARD: (hat ar! yo+ i"plying) %!inrichB
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 a" not i"plying anything. 1/" si"ply trying to l!arn all th! *acts.
Sh! has lost "+ch blood. (h!r! has it gon!B
S'(ARD: That is th! c!ntral "yst!ry o* h!r illn!ss.
8A& %'LS1&9: (hich .! "+st sol!.
S'(ARD: Th!r! is on! thing .hich is strang!. Sh! has t.o tiny .o+nds on h!r throat)
@+st o!r h!r @+g+lar !in. At *irst) 1 tho+ght th!y "ight so"!thing to do .ith h!r
illn!ss) b+t 1 abandon!d th! id!a b!ca+s! s+ch a "ani*!st blood loss thro+gh any
.o+nd co+ld hardly ha! gon! +nnotic!d.
03A. ',$!%.& is visibly affected by this information. As soon as he fully
reali8ed what !eward has said, he immediately begins to undo the velvet
ribbon about $ucys throat.
Sh! s!!"s to *ind it !Ec!!dingly +nattracti! and insists on 5!!ping it co!r!d
.ith that ribbon. Th! strang! thing is that th! .o+nds app!ar!d coincid!ntally
.ith th! ons!t o* h!r illn!ss) and th!y ha! sinc! r!*+s!d to h!al.
8A& %'LS1&9: My 9odC
S'(ARD: (hat is itB
03A. ',$!%.& abruptly and indelicately pulls out the needles.
8A& %'LS1&9: That is good) *ri!nd #ohn. Sh! has !no+gh blood to s+stain h!r no.)
and .! don/t .ant to .!a5!n yo+ too "+ch. 1 shall g!t yo+ a glass o* .in! to
r!pl!nish yo+r str!ngth.
03A. ',$!%.& 2uickly e7its, taking the apparatus with him. !,1A-D is left
dumbfounded. 'e gets up and ministers to needle wound on his arm. 'is
back is to $ucy. $()* opens her eyes. !he sits up. !omehow, she is not
LUC-: #ac5.
S'(ARD: L+cyC
LUC-: #ac5) gi! "! anoth!r 5iss.
0!,1A-D is completely surprised, especially that she has the strength to sit
up. 'e goes to her. !', grasps him and kisses him on the mouth with a
strange, gentle passion. 'e pulls away, even more surprised
S'(ARD: L+cyC
LUC-: #ac5) 1 n!!d yo+.
0!', starts to kiss him again. 3A. ',$!%.& enters. 1ith a cry, he runs and
pushes !eward and $ucy apart. !,1A-D, unbalanced, lands on the floor.
$()* with une7plainable strength, struggles for a moment with 3A.
',$!%.& as if locked in mortal combat. Then, with a great release of air
from her lungs, she falls back on the pillow into her previous state of sleep.
S'(ARD: (hat is it) %!inrichB
8A& %'LS1&9: #ohn) as yo+ ha! in th! past) yo+ "+st tr+st "! no.. 1 .ill !Eplain
0$ucy stirs fitfully. !he seems to be awakening from a nightmare.
LUC-: %! !y!s againI th!y ar! @+st th! sa"!.
S'(ARD: L+cyB
LUC-: 0+ecoming more fully awake #ac5BC
S'(ARD: 1t/s all right) darling. 1/" right h!r!. '!rything is going to b! all right no..
LUC-: $h) than5 goodn!ss. 0!he sees 3an 'elsing and is startled by him. $hC
S'(ARD: This is pro*!ssor 8an %!lsing) "y old t!ach!r. %! has co"! to h!lp "! c+r!
LUC-: $h) ho. do yo+ do) :ro*!ssor. #ac5 has spo5!n o*t!n o* yo+.
8A& %'LS1&9: 3indly) 1 hop!. 1 "+st say h! *!ll short in th! d!scribing o* yo+. %!
told "! that yo+ .!r! b!a+ti*+l) b+t h! did not "anag! to say @+st ho. b!a+ti*+l.
&o.) "y d!ar) "ay 1 as5 yo+ a *!. =+!stions.
LUC-: 0!lightly apprehensive -!s) o* co+rs!.
8A& %'LS1&9: Can yo+ t!ll "! ho. yo+ got th! .o+nds on yo+r throatB
LUC-: 01ith a little cry, she discovers that the ribbon is missing. 1 don/t 5no.. 1 . . .1
thin5 p!rhaps an accid!nt .ith a brooch . . . a scar* *ast!n!r.
8A& %'LS1&9: Ar! yo+ c!rtainB
LUC-: 1 . . . 1 don/t 5no.. 1 . . . 1 . . .0!he breaks down crying
8A& %'LS1&9: Th!r!) th!r! no.. (! shall tal5 o* all that lat!r. 1t is not i"portant no..
&o. yo+ "+st sl!!p.
LUC-: &oC
8A& %'LS1&9: (hatB
LUC-: &o) 1 don/t .ant to sl!!p. 1/" a*raid.
8A& %'LS1&9: 0"reparing a hypodermic A*raid to sl!!pB (hy soB
LUC-: $h) 1 don/t 5no.. 1 don/t 5no.. That is .hat is so dr!ad*+l. All this .!a5n!ss
co"!s to "! in sl!!p. 1 ha! dr!a"s that 1 cannot r!"!"b!r) b+t .hich l!a! "!
t!rri*i!d. 1 dr!ad th! !ry tho+ght o* sl!!p.
8A& %'LS1&9: (!ll) yo+ "ay r!st !asily no.. (! .ill a.a5!n yo+ at th! *irst sign o*
bad dr!a"s) and this .ill assist yo+ in yo+r =+!st *or p!ac!*+l sl!!p. 0'e gives
her an in5ection.
S'(ARD: Sl!!p .!ll) "y darling.
LUC-: Than5 yo+. 0!he immediately falls asleep.
S'(ARD: (hat is it) %!inrichB
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 cannot b!li!! it) *ri!nd #ohn. 1 thin5 1 5no.) b+t 1 don/t 5no.. 1
ha! s!!n "+ch h!r! that is strang!. 1 "+st r!t+rn to A"st!rda" i""!diat!ly to
cons+lt .ith boo5s 1 ha! th!r!. 1 "+st ha! "or! 5no.l!dg!. 1 .ill r!t+rn as
=+ic5ly as possibl!) b+t do not as5 "! to !Eplain. Until 1 5no. "or!) an
!Eplanation .o+ld only con*+s!. 1n th! "!anti"!) 1 sho+ld li5! yo+ to gath!r
tog!th!r all yo+r not!s) !!rything haing to do .ith "iss L+cy/s illn!ss. And
.hil! 1 a" a.ay) sh! "+st b! .atch!d at all ti"!s.
0T', $%&'T! fade.
ACT I Scene 8
Se-ar'$s Diar. C#ntinue'
0The scene is the same. !ome time has elapsed. $%&'T! up to simulate
moonlight coming through the windows. $()* is asleep in bed. !,1A-D
has fallen asleep in a chair, the back of which is a .#!/,-AT( that seems to
cradle !eward in its arms. A 1#$/ '#1$ is heard. A .#!/,-AT( at the
foot of the bed rises, goes to $ucy, then bends over and kisses her lightly on
the lips. $()* awakes with a start. 1#$/ '#1$! continue. $()* gets out
of bed wearing only a thin nightgown. !he seems to e7perience
claustrophobia and starts to leave. !he sees !eward, stops, goes to a desk,
finds pencil and paper. 1e hear her voice over the sound system as she writes
the note, goes to !eward and places it in his lap.
LUC-/S 8$1C': My darling #ac5. 1 a" still +nabl! to sl!!p and this na"!l!ss *!ar and
longing poss!ss "!. 1 *!ar 1 a" lost. So"!ho.) .itho+t .hy) 1 *!ll that
th! !nd is n!ar. 1 .rit! this so that yo+ "ay 5no. "y last tho+ghts ar! o* yo+. A
strang! dro.sin!ss) as b!*or!) d!sc!nds o!r "!. 1 a" a*raid o* its obliion and
y!t 1 long *or it. This roo" is so s"all and st+**y. 1 "+st l!a! it) no "att!r .hat
th! cost. :l!as! try to b!li!! that 1 lo!d yo+.
0'aving placed the note in !ewards lap she now stands in the center of the
room and waits as two .#!/,-AT( approach her from behind and drape a
cloth over her head like a bridal veil.
$h) 1 a" lost. 1 a" lost.
0!he turns and flies eagerly from the room. The .#!/,-AT( follow as the
1#$/ '#1$! crescendo and the $%&'T! fade. After a moment, the
$%&'T! restore and we see !,1A-D standing down stage with $ucys note in
his hand. As we hear !ewards voice making the last entry in his diary, the
.#!/,-AT( enter, bearing $ucys body on their shoulders. They place her
on the bed and form a tableau around her. At the end of the voice:over,
!,1A-D is kneeling by the body.
S'(ARD/S 8$1C': $nly habit and r!sol+tion can l!t "! "a5! an !ntry in this diary
tonight. 1 a" so "is!rabl! at thIis "o"!nt that 1 .o+ld not car! i* 1 h!ard th!
*lapping o* th! .ings o* th! ang!l o* d!ath co"ing *or "!. My darling L+cy is no
"or!. As sh! lay on h!r b!d) at last r!l!as!d *ro" h!r s+**!ring sh! had a b!ati*ic
loo5 on h!r *ac!. D!ath had gi!n bac5 part o* h!r b!a+ty. '!n h!r lips had lost
th!ir d!adly pallor. 1t .as as i* th! blood) no long!r n!!d!d *or th! .or5ing o* th!
h!art) had gon! to "a5! th! harshn!ss o* d!ath l!ss r+d!. Th! "yst!ry o* h!r
illn!ss is co"po+nd!d) ho.!!r. &ot only had th! t.o tiny .o+nds on h!r throat
totally disapp!ar!d) b+t h!r t!!th) partic+larly th! canin!s) s!!"!d to ha! gro.n
so"!.hat long!r and sharp!r. 6+rth!r) h!r *!!t .!r! co!r!d .ith !arth) as i* sh!
had b!!n .al5ing in th! gard!n) tho+gh 1 5no. that sh! did not ha! th! str!ngth
to do so. Sh! l!*t a not! .hich spo5! o* *!ar) longing) and obliion. 1t also said
that h!r last tho+ghts .!r! o* "!.
0The $%&'T! fade
ACT I Scene /
The Present
0The scene is now the same as at the beginning of the play, e7cept that $ucys
body has been removed during 3an 'elsings reading of the 5ournals. The
$%&'T! come up on 3an 'elsing. 'e sets !ewards diary aside. 'e gets up
and rings a bell and stands in thought, waiting for !eward. !,1A-D enters
S'(ARD: -!s) %!inrichB
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 ha! *inish!d) #ohn. 1t is as 1 *!ar!d.
S'(ARD: My 9od) ho. can it b!.B
8A& %'LS1&9: Anoth!r "yst!ry o* nat+r! .hich sci!nc! "+st sol!) *ri!nd #ohn. 1t
"ay b! that .! can sa! so"!on! !ls! th! ang+ish yo+ no. s+**!r. So"!.h!r!
th!r! is
06%.A enters, carrying a decanter of wine and glasses on a tray.
anoth!r) s+ch as L+cy) *+ll o* li*! and hop!) c!rtain to b! icti"iH!d. 0'e sees
6ina. Ah) Mada" Mina. (o+ld yo+ b! so 5ind as to as5 yo+r h+sband to co"!
M1&A: $* co+rs! 0!he sets the tray down and e7its.
S'(ARD: 7+t .hat can .! doB
8A& %'LS1&9: S!!ral things. 6irst) 1 thin5 Mr. %ar5!r/s !Ep!ri!nc!s ar! !ry
06%.A and 4#.AT'A. enter.
Ah) "y *ri!nds) co"! in. All o* this has b!!n !ry h!lp*+l. Tho+gh 1 had hop!d
oth!!) yo+r @o+rnals ha! only con*ir"!d "y *!ars. (hat 1 a" abo+t to t!ll
yo+ .ill s!!" contrary to !!rything "od!rn sci!nc! has ta+ght +s. -!t) 1 a"
coninc!d that it is tr+! and .! "+st con*ront it .ith o+r sci!nti*ic 5no.l!dg!.
As yo+ 5no.) th! *ol5lor! o* "any c+lt+r!s contains stori!s o* +nnat+ral
cr!at+r!s. Many y!ars ago) 1 b!gan to .ond!r i* s+ch stori!s did not ha! so"!
*act+al bas!) and 1 ha! long p+rs+!d th! st+dy as a "att!r o* int!r!st. &!!r
b!*or!) ho.!!r) ha! 1 *o+nd act+al !id!nc!.
M1&A: (hat ar! yo+ saying) Dr. 8an %!lsingB
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 a" saying that o+r d!ar "iss L+cy .as th! icti" o* a . . . o* a
01ith a loud, maniacal laugh, -,./%,$D springs from hiding.
R'&61'LD: Th! blood is th! li*!C
S'(ARD: R!n*i!ld) ho. did yo+ g!t o+t o* yo+r =+art!rsB
R'&61'LD: 1t .as !asy) Doctor. 1 !scap!d. Do yo+ thin5 that is hard to do .ith thos!
*ools yo+ !"ploy to .atch o!r +s.B
0!,1A-D makes a mover toward -enfield, but -,./%,$D nimbly eludes
him, cavorting around the room, laughing, teasing.
R'&61'LD: -o+ ar! not in charg! any"or!. 1 can co"! and go as 1 li5!. 1 s!! all yo+r
"oti!s and plans. Th! "ast!r is at hand) and yo+ ar! at o+r "!rcy.
04#.AT'A. and 3A. ',$!%.& begin to position themselves to help !eward
capture this lunatic. !uddenly, -,./%,$D, recogni8ing 3an 'elsing,
abandons his elusive behavior, becoming a perfect gentleman and walking
right up to 3an 'elsing.
Ah) th! *a"o+s Dr. 8an %!lsing. 1/! h!ard so "+ch abo+t yo+. %o. nic! that
yo+ co+ld b! .ith +s) and so *+ll o* li*! too.
0-,./%,$D offers his hand to 3A. ',$!%.&, who cautiously takes it after a
2uick e7change of looks with !,1A-D. -,./%,$D sees this e7change and
regards them both with a cynical smile. .ow -,./%,$D sees 6ina. 'is
demeanor abruptly changes again, this time to a pu88led seriousness. 'e
starts toward her. The men become alert, preparing to protect her, but 6%.A,
wishing to avoid possible violence, takes command of the situation by
stepping forward and offering her hand to -enfield.
M1&A: 9ood !!ning) Mr. R!n*i!ld. Dr. S!.ard has spo5!n o* yo+.
R'&61'LD: 01ith an amused glance at !eward 3indly) 1 hop!. My) b+t yo+ ar!
b!a+ti*+l. 0'e kisses her hand, then looks at her in confusion.. 7+t yo+/r! not
th! girl th! Doctor .ant!d to "arry. -o+ can/t b!. Sh!/s d!ad.
M1&A: &o) 1 a" h!r *ri!nd) Mina %ar5!r. And this is "y h+sband) Mr. %ar5!r.
0-,./%,$D barely acknowledges 4onathan.
S'(ARD: %o. did yo+ 5no. 1 .ant!d to "arry anyon!) R!n*i!ldB
R'&61'LD: R!ally) Doctor. (hat an asinin! =+!stion. 0To 6ina -o+ .ill) o* co+rs!)
+nd!rstand) Mrs. %ar5!r) that .h!n a "an is so lo!d and honor!d as is o+r host
!!rything abo+t hi" is o* int!r!st) !sp!cially in o+r littl! co""+nity .h!r! th!
clos!n!ss and rigidity o* th! li"its *orc! th! att!ntion to t+rn in.ard. -o+ s!!) Dr.
S!.ard is lo!d) not only by his ho+s!hold and *ri!nds) b+t !!n by his pati!nts)
so"! o* .ho" can hardly b! said to b! in "!ntal !=+ilibri+". And so"!) .ho
bas5 in th! s+nshin! o* his car!) act+ally *ind th!"s!l!s r!stor!d to th! path o*
r!ason. 1 hop! 1/" not !"barrassing yo+) Doctor. (hy) 1 "ys!l* a" a p!r*!ct
!Ea"pl!. 1 +s!d to *ancy that by cons+"ing a "+ltit+d! o* li! things) no "att!r
ho. lo. on th! scal! o* cr!ation) on! "ight ind!*init!ly prolong li*!.
S'(ARD: Ar! yo+ saying that yo+ no long!r hold that b!li!*) R!n*i!ldB
R'&61'LD: 1 ha! n!. 5no.l!dg!) Doctor. 1 ha! b!co"! ac=+aint!d .ith th!
script+ral phras!) ;th! blood is th! li*!.< -o+ ar! no do+bt *a"iliar .ith it.
0-,./%,$D suddenly produces a knife. 'e again cavorts around the room,,
holding the men at bay with the knife and laughing at them. 'e stops near
6ina and again focuses on her. A strange look comes over his face, and
before anyone can stop him, he e7tends his free hand and draws the knife
blade across the palm, leaving an ugly cut. 'e then offers his hand, dripping
with blood, to 6ina.
(o+ld yo+ car! to drin5 o* "y li*!B
#$&AT%A&: 9ood 9od) "anC .atch yo+rs!l*C
0The 6,. start to advance. -,./%,$D again threatens with the knife,
continuing to hold them at bay. 6%.A produces a handkerchief and begins to
bandage -enfields wounded hand.
M1&A: :+t do.n th! 5ni*!) Mr R!n*i!ld. 6or "y sa5!. :l!as!B
0-,./%,$D drops the knife. !,1A-D and 4#.AT'A. sei8e him. 3A. ',$!%.&
picks up the knife.
S'(ARD: L!t/s go) R!n*i!ld.
R'&61'LD: 9ood>by!) "y d!ar. 1 pray that 1 n!!r s!! yo+r s.!!t *ac! again.
0!,1A-D and 4#.AT'A. begin to drag him off. 'e shouts frantically.
9o a.ay *ro" h!r!C :l!as!C 0As they e7it Doctor) 1/" going to b! sic5.
0#ff stage retching. After a moment, !,1A-D and 4#.AT'A. reenter.
#$&AT%A&: 9ood 9od) *!ath!rs. %o. did h! g!t *!ath!rs in his sto"achB
S'(ARD: 1/" a*raid h! has !at!n his birds. My apologi!s to yo+ all. %!/s an incr!dibly
di**ic+lt "an to contain) no "att!r .hat r!straints .! p+t on hi". 1 ha! n!!r
s!!n anything li5! it. 0"ause 7+t bac5 to .hat yo+ .!r! saying) %!inrich.
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s. (!ll) as 1 .as saying) all th! co"bin!d !id!nc! points to th!
!Eist!nc! o* a a"pir!) p!rhaps) !!n y!t) right h!r! in London. 1 5no. this is
di**ic+lt to b!li!!) b+t it is pr!cis!ly o+r lac5 o* b!li!* that !nabl!s hi" to do his
.ill. Mr. %ar5!r) 1 ha! no .ish to r!call +npl!asant things *or yo+) b+t 1 sho+ld
li5! to as5 yo+ a =+!stion o t.o conc!rning yo+r @o+rnal.
#$&AT%A&: -!s) o* co+rs!. 1 thin5 1 can .ithstand it no..
8A& %'LS1&9: 1n Transylania) yo+ .!nt to s!! a "an. Can yo+ t!ll "! .hyB
#$&AT%A&: 1 . . . 1 .as to co"pl!t! arrang!"!nts *or his p+rchas! o* an !stat! in . . . in
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s) and do yo+ r!call its !Eact locationB
#$&AT%A&: 1 . . . 1 . . . .
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 b!li!! it .as call!d Car*aE.
S'(ARD: My 9odC
#$&AT%A&: -!s) 1 r!"!"b!r no.. 1t .as in this !ry district.
8A& %'LS1&9: That is .hat 1 .as a*raid o*.
S'(ARD: Th!n that "!ans>>
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s) *ri!nd #ohn. Th! "an .ho i"prison!d Mr. %ar5!r is yo+r
n!ighbor. And i* h! is .hat 1 thin5 h! is) th!n his pr!s!nc! co+ld !Eplain Miss
L+cy/s strang! dis!as!.
S'(ARD: 7+t L+cy .as ta5!n ill in (hitby.
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s) b+t sh! contin+!d to d!clin! and di!d h!r! in London. 1 thin5 th!
(hitby ons!t can b! !Eplain!d by and !ntry in Mada" Mina/s diary. At th! sa"!
ti"! that L+cy b!gan h!r sl!!p.al5ing) Mada" Mina r!cords th! arrial in
(hitby o* a strang! ship d+ring "yst!rio+sly +nco""on stor".
M1&A: -!s) 1 r!"!"b!r it .!ll. Th!r! .as "+ch *!ar in th! to.n and tal5 o*
s+p!rnat+ral *orc!s.
8A& %'LS1&9: Th! s+p!rstitions o* th! s!a ar! not ta5!n lightly in s!a*aring to.ns.
M1&A: Th! ships log told o* th! cr!. going "ad and disapp!aring) on! by on!. Th!r!
.as only on! "an on board) th! captain) and h! .as d!ad) lash!d to th! .h!!l
.ith so"! b!ads and a cr+ci*iE abo+t his n!c5.
8A& %'LS1&9: $+r "yst!rio+s co+nt "ay !ry .!ll ha! arri!d in 'ngland at (hitby
aboard this ship. -o+ s!!) th! D!"!t!r) as sh! .as call!d) sail!d *ro" 8arna.
S'(ARD: 1s it possibl!B
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s) 1 thin5 it is.
S'(ARD: Th!n 1 ha! don! a t!rribl! thing.
8A& %'LS1&9: (hat do yo+ "!anB
S'(ARD: 1 init!d hi" h!r!.
8A& %'LS1&9: (hatBC
S'(ARD: A *!. days ago) 1 r!c!i!d a "!ssag! r!=+!sting an a+di!nc! to disc+ss a
contrib+tion to "y hospital. 1 .as *!!ling n!ighborly at th! ti"!) 1 s+ppos!) and 1
.as no littl! a"o+nt int!r!st!d in th! contrib+tion. 1n any !!nt) 1 init!d hi" to
. . . tonightC
8A& %'LS1&9: 0%ncredulous -o+ init!d hi" to dinn!rB This !!ningB
S'(ARD: -!s.
8A& %'LS1&9: Co+nt Drac+laBC
DRACULA: 0!uddenly at the doorway 9ood !!ning. 1 hop! 1 a" not lat!.
0D-A)($A is now much younger and e7tremely handsome. /or a moment,
everyone is spellbound. D-A)($A approaches 6ina, taking and kissing her
Ah) Miss M+rray) yo+ ar! !nchanting.
#$&AT%A&: Sh!/s Mrs. %ar5!r no..
DRACULA: $* co+rs!. %o. car!l!ss o* "!. 1 tr+st yo+ had a sa*! r!t+rn *ro" "y
ho"!land) Mr. %ar5!r.
#$&AT%A&: 1 . . . 1 can/t . . . 1 don/t r!"!"b!r . . . 1>>
DRACULA: -o+ sho+ld ha! d!part!d as yo+ ca"!) .ith "y h!lp. 1t is n!!r .is! to
tra!l +nassist!d in a *or!ign local!. 7+t th!n) -o+ s!!"!d) ho. do yo+ say) ;all
at s!a.< Dr. S!.ard. %o. nic! o* yo+ to shar! yo+r *ri!nds .ith "!. 1 ha! r!ad
yo+r r!c!nt pap!r on Hoophag+s insanity. 1 b!li!! that is a .ord yo+ coin!d) is it
S'(ARD: 1t "!ans li*!>!ating.
DRACULA: -!s) 1 5no.. And this is th! r!no.n!d Dr. Abraha" 8an %!lsing.
8A& %'LS1&9: %o. do yo+ do. 1 a" s+rpris!d that yo+ 5no. "!.
DRACULA: R!ading is a *aorit! aocation .ith "!. 1 ha! "+ch ti"! *or it) and as a
r!s+lt) 1 l!arn "any things. 1 5no. yo+ thro+gh yo+r boo5 on anci!nt
8A& %'LS1&9: 7+t 1 also 5no. yo+.
8A& %'LS1&9: $r p!rhaps 1 sho+ld say yo+r anc!stor. 0D-A)($A smiles. Th!r! .as)
in th! *i*t!!nth c!nt+ry) a "an call!d 8lad T!p!s) a na"! .hich) translat!d) "!ans
8lad th! i"pal!r and no do+bt d!ri!d *ro" his *aorit! *or" o* !E!c+tion: h! is
said to ha! s5!.!r!d on sharp!n!d pol!s) li5! "!at on toothpic5s) b!t.!!n GF
and 100 tho+sand p!opl!.
DRACULA: 'n!"i!s) .rongdo!rs) and thi!!s.
8A& %'LS1&9: %! .as so *!ar!d that a pric!l!ss gold drin5ing c+p .hich h! plac!d on
a p+blic .!ll r!"ain!d th!r! *or siE y!ars) no thi!* daring to ta5! it.
DRACULA: %! had a high r!sp!ct *or hon!sty and o*t!n r!.ard!d it.
8A& %'LS1&9: This 8lad .as also s+rna"!d Drac+la.
DRACULA: A na"! .hich) translat!d) "!ans son o* th! dragon.
8A& %'LS1&9: $r son o* th! d!il. And yo+ ar! d!sc!nd!d *ro" hi"B
DRACULA: So it is said.
8A& %'LS1&9: Don/t yo+ 5no.B
DRACULA: (hat 1 5no.) Dr. 8an %!lsing) .o+ld asto+nd !!n yo+.
0There is a tense pause. During the foregoing e7change, !,1A-D has
poured himself a short glass of wine and gulped in down in one draught, as if
to fortify himself. Then as if to cover the compulsiveness of this act by
proceeding in a normal fashion, he pours two more glasses. Then, unable to
be anything but perfect host, in an attempt to defuse the tension he carries the
two glasses of wine toward 3an 'elsing and Dracula.
S'(ARD: May 1 o**!r yo+ a glass o* .in!) Co+nt Drac+laB
DRACULA: Than5 yo+.
0!,1A-D offers the other glass to 3A. ',$!%.& who refuses it with a small
gesture. !,1A-D keeps it himself and will drink of it when the opportunity
arises. D-A)($A lifts the wine to the light to see its color9 he breathes it
bou2uet9 then finally, with the skepticism of a great connoisseur, he tastes it.
'e is clearly surprised and casts a glance of reappraisal toward !eward.
(hy) 1 b!li!! this is th! *in!st clar!t 1 ha! !!r tast!d.
S'(ARD: 0"leased by the compliment and still unable to completely accept 3an
'elsings theory Than5 yo+. 1t .as a l!gacy *ro" "y *ath!r. (in!s .!r! his
passion) and h! sp!nt his li*!ti"! st+dying and coll!cting th!". (h!n h! di!d) 1
.as o**!r!d larg! s+"s o* "on!y *or his c!llar. 1 chos!) inst!ad) to !n@oy it) as a
.ay o* prolonging his pr!s!nc!. 1 n!!r op!n a bottl! .itho+t *!!ling that)
so"!ho.) h! li!s on thro+gh th! .in!.
DRACULA: %o. int!r!sting.
S'(ARD: -!s) and 1 ha! appar!ntly inh!rit!d th! aocation as .!ll) *or no.) 1 *ind
"ys!l* adding to th! c!llar al"ost as *ast as 1 d!pl!t! it. Strang!) .hil! .as ali!)
1 didn/t car! t+pp!nc! abo+t it. 1 .ish 1 had l!arn!d !arli!r. 1 thin5 o* th! pl!as+r!
.! "ight ha! shar!d b!*or! his d!ath i* 1 had.
8A& %'LS1&9: 1t is a pity li*! is so short. 1 so"!ti"!s thin5 .! ha! only b!g+n to
"ast!r its l!ssons .h!n .! ar! snatch!d o+t o* school) so to sp!a5.
S'(ARD: 0+ack from his reverie -!s) and @+st as it +s!d to b! in school) th!r! ar!
"o"!nts .h!n it all s!!"s +nb!arably long. So"!ti"!s 1 @+st .ish it .!r! o!r.
8A& %'LS1&9: 7+t #ohn) yo+ "+st r!"!"b!r) th!r! is yo+r .or5 and thos! .ho
d!p!nd on yo+. 6or th!s! yo+ "+st *ind th! co+rag! to go on. 0To Dracula Dr.
S!.ard has r!c!ntly s+**!r!d th! loss o* his *ianc0 *ro" an obsc+r! "alady.
DRACULA: -!s) 1 5no.. My d!!p!st sy"pathi!s) Dr S!.ard.
M1&A: %o. do yo+ 5no.) Co+nt Drac+laB
DRACULA: 0After a moment 1 r!ad it in th! pap!rs. 7+t it can also b! s!!n in his *ac!)
d!ar lady.
M1&A: -!s) it can.
S'(ARD: 1 ha! consid!r!d !nding it all.
8A& %'LS1&9: 0&oing to !eward and clasping him on the shoulder 1t is said that in
!ach "an/s li*! th!r! co"!s a "o"!nt .h!n h! "+st choos! b!t.!!n liing and
dying. 7+t yo+ "+st choos! to li!) *ri!nd #ohn.. -o+ 5no. that r!ason) .hich
o**!rs +s th! choic! in th! *irst plac!) also !nabl!s +s to *ind "!aning.
S'(ARD: :!rhaps. 7+t 1 do+bt that r!ason has anything to do .ith o+r r!al
appr!h!nsion o* th! "!aning. Tho+gh 1 +nd!rstand it b!tt!r no.) 1 *!lt it "or!
.h!n 1 .as *i*t!!n. (h!n 1 co"par! "y !nth+sias" *or li*! .o. .ith .hat 1 *!lt
th!n) 1 a" coninc!d that by th! ti"! 1 r!ach siEty) 1 shall b! =+it! r!ady to di!.
8A& %'LS1&9: (hat do yo+ thin5) Co+nt Drac+laB Do!s th! .ill to li! r!"ain strong
!no+gh to b!ar +p th! .!ight o* !Eist!nc!) no "att!r ho. long a "an "ay li!B
DRACULA: 1t is yo+r insist!nc! on s!arching *or "!aning .hich ca+s!s .hat yo+ call
th! ;.!ight o* !Eist!nc!.< Th!r! is no "!aning. Th!r! is only th! s!arch. (h!n
yo+ gi! +p th! s!arch) th!r! is no .!ight. Li*!) d!ath) ti"!>>all ar! +ni"portant.
8A& %'LS1&9: And .hat is i"portantB
DRACULA: 3no.l!dg!. :o.!r. 0$ooking at 6ina 7!a+ty.
M1&A: Lo!B
DRACULA: A *or" o* po.!r. A po.!r that r!ciprocat!s. Li5! all po.!rs) i* it is ab+s!d
it is lost.
M1&A: %a! yo+ !!r b!!n in lo!) Co+nt Drac+laB
DRACULA: Can yo+ not s!! a .o"an/s "ar5 on "!) d!ar ladyB 1 a" in lo!.
03A. ',$!%.& has picked up a +ible. 'e thrusts it at Dracula.
8A& %'LS1&9: %!r! is a tr!atis! on lo! yo+ sho+ld r!ad so"!ti"!.
01ith a howl of anger, D-A)($A makes a violent gesture toward the +ible,
making the cross on the front of it burst into flame. 3A. ',$!%.&, his hand
burned, drops the +ible which falls smoking to the floor.
D-A)($A= 01ith great energy 8an %!lsing) yo+ 5no. a gr!at d!al *or a "an .ho has
li!d only on! li*!ti"!. Dr. S!.ard) 1 "+st ta5! "y l!a! no.. Again) l!t "!
!Epr!ss "y sy"pathy *or yo+r loss and "y than5s *or initing "! h!r! this
!!ning. 7!a+ti*+l Mina) it .as .ond!r*+l to s!! yo+ again.
04#.AT'A. has grabbed a cane and raises it as if to strike Dracula.
D-A)($A simply free8es him as he passes.
DRACULA: &o than5 yo+) Mr. %ar5!r. 1/ll sho. "ys!l* o+t.
0The $%&'T! black out. A split:second later, a /$A!' #/ $%&'T.%.&
free8es an image of D-A)($A, cape spread, as he appears to leap into flight.
A clap of thunder follows.
ACT II Scene 1
0%mmediately following. A /$A!' #/ $%&'T.%.& reveals 6%.A where
Dracula last stood. T'(.D,-. $%&'T! up.
8A& %'LS1&9= Can th!r! b! any do+bt no.B
S'(ARD: 1ncr!dibl!C
M1&A: S+ch .isdo" in his !y!s.
#$&AT%A&: 1 s.!ar it/s th! sa"! "an) b+t h!/s at l!ast *i*ty y!ars yo+ng!r. %! said it
.as .ond!r*+l to s!! yo+ again. (h!r! did h! s!! yo+ b!*or!B
M1&A: 1/" s+r! h! .as n!arby th! night 1 *o+nd poor L+cy in th! ch+rchyard. :!rhaps
that .as th! *irst ti"! . . . .
S'(ARD: 1* only 1 had 5no.n.
8A& %'LS1&9: My *ri!nds) 1 do not .ish to alar" yo+ *+rth!r) b+t h! 5no.s +s no.)
and h! 5no.s that .! 5no. hi") so .! "+ch "a5! a !ry i"portant d!cision.
(! can *org!t .hat .! 5no. and go on .ith o+r li!s. (! can hop! that h! .ill
r!t+rn to his ho"!land) no. that h! has acco"plish!d his !nds .ith o+r d!ar
L+cy. $r) *or th! sa5! o* his *+t+r! icti"s) .! can try to d!stroy hi". 6or "!)
th! *irst co+rs! is +nthin5abl!) b+t in th! s!cond co+rs! th!r! is "+ch dang!r and
th! circ+"stanc!s o* o+r li!s ar! di**!r!nt. L!t "! t!ll yo+ so"!thing o* th!
!n!"y .! *ac!.
%! is !ry old and !ry po.!r*+l. %! has cons+"!d "any li*!ti"!s and
acc+"+lat!d th! str!ngth and 5no.l!dg! o* !ach o* th!". %! is c+rs!d to li!
*or!!r i* no on! stops hi". 7+t li5! th! r!st o* +s) h! contin+!s to gro. old!r
+nl!ss h! r!n!.s his yo+th by st!aling th! li*! blood o* anoth!r p!rson. %! pr!ys
on b!a+ti*+l yo+ng .o"!n b!ca+s! th!y ar! th! !pito"! o* li*!. 1t is) no do+bt) th!
blood o* o+r d!ar Miss L+cy) ta5!n in +nholy co""+nion) that acco+nts *or th!
chang! in Drac+la that Mr. %ar5!r has obs!r!d. 7+t that is not th! .orst. -o+
s!!) th! bit! o* th! a"pir! is contagio+s. %is icti" b!co"!s his brid!) c+rs!d to
@oin hi" *or!!r in his t!rribl! +nd!ad stat!.
S'(ARD: Th!n L+cy . . . B
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s) #ohn.
S'(ARD: (hat can .! doB
8A& %'LS1&9: 1* .! oppos! hi") .! can r!ly on o+r *aith) o+r 5no.l!dg! o* sci!nc!)
and o+r s+p!rior ability to *+nction d+ring th! daylight ho+rs. D+ring th! day) his
po.!rs ar! li"it!d) b+t at night) h! is all po.!r*+l. %! has gr!at str!ngth and
c+nning. At night) h! can app!ar in any ani"al *or" that h! choos!s) dir!ct th!
!l!"!nts) app!ar and anish *ro" no.h!r!. %! is tr+ly a cr!at+r! o* th! dar5n!ss.
And 1 "+st .arn yo+ that onc! h! has b!!n init!d into a li*! th!r! can b! no
sa*!ty .hil! h! li!s. Th!r! is only on! .ay to 5ill hi". -o+ "+st dri! a .ood!n
sta5! thro+gh his h!art. Th!n h! t+rns to d+st) as h! sho+ld b! at his ag!.
9!ntl!"!n) .! ar! *ac! to *ac! .ith th! b!ast. 6ro" s+ch a chall!ng! can .!
shrin5B 6or "!) 1 say) ;no.< 7+t 1 a" old) and li*! .ith its "+sic and lo! is *ar
b!hind. 7+t yo+ ar! yo+ng "!n) .ith "any *air days y!t ah!ad. So) .hat say
S'(ARD: Th!r! is no =+!stion) %!inrich. 1 a" .ith yo+.
06%.A and 4#.AT'A. e7change looks.
#$&AT%A&: 1 ans.!r *or "y .i*! and "ys!l*.
8A& %'LS1&9: 9ood. Th!n .! "+st plan. Ah) b+t *irst) Mada" Mina) "+ch o* .hat 1
a" going to say .ill b! abhorr!nt to !ars so s!nsiti! as yo+rs. :!rhaps it .o+ld
b! b!st i* yo+ l!*t +s *or a "o"!nt.
M1&A: Than5 yo+) :ro*!ssor) b+t 1 a" strong!r than yo+ thin5. 1 ha! alr!ady h!ard and
s!!n things o* +ns+rpassabl! horror. (! n!!d ha! no s!cr!ts a"ong +s. (or5ing
tog!th!r .! can s+r!ly b! strong!r than i* so"! o* +s .!r! 5!pt in th! dar5.
8A& %'LS1&9: 8!ry .!ll. 9od *orgi! "! i* 1 do .rong *or th!r! ar! t!rribl! things y!t
to l!arn o*. 1 a" told that yo+ ar! acco"plish!d in shorthand and that yo+ ar! also
s5ill!d .ith this n!. in!ntion) th! typ!.rit!r.
M1&A: At th! ris5 o* app!aring i""od!st) :ro*!ssor) that is tr+!.
8A& %'LS1&9: 'Ec!ll!nt. 1t .ill b! o* gr!at al+! i* .hat .! do and say h!r!a*t!r is
M1&A: $* co+rs!) :ro*!ssor. 1 shall b! glad to h!lp in any .ay that 1 can. 'Ec+s! on!
"o"!nt .hil! 1 g!t "y not! boo5. 0!he e7its.
8A& %'LS1&9: Ah) .ond!r*+l Mada" Mina. Sh! has a "an/s brain and a .o"an/s
h!art. Th! good 9od "ad! h!r *or a p+rpos! .h!n h! *ashion!d s+ch a good
co"bination. 7+t h!ar "!) g!ntl!"!n. Sh! "+st ha! no "or! to do .ith this
than 1 ha! alr!ady spo5!n o*. 1t is not a tas5 *or a .o"an. '!n i* sh! .!r! not
har"!d) h!r h!art "ight *ail h!r) or sh! "ight s+**!r *or a long ti"! h!r!a*t!r) both
in .a5ing) *ro" h!r n!r!s) and in sl!!ping) *ro" h!r dr!a"s. And b!sid!s) sh! is
yo+ng and not so long "arri!d. 0'e chuckles knowingly and winks at 4onathan.
Th!r! "ay b! oth!r things to thin5 o* so"!ti"!) i* not no..
#$&AT%A&: 1 a" grat!*+l to yo+ *or prot!cting h!r.
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s) .!ll sh! is a *ort+nat! yo+ng .o"an to ha!>>
06%.A enters.
M1&A: Shall .! b!ginB
8A& %'LS1&9: 6irst) d!ar *ri!nds) l!t +s @oin hand in a "o"!nt o* sil!nt pray!r and
co""it"!nt to !ach oth!r and o+r t!rribl! tas5. $+r *aith .ill s+r!ly b! t!st!d
and .! .ill n!!d 9od/s h!lp. 0They 5oin hands and bow their heads in silent
prayer. .ote= this is the .moment we saw mimed in the "rologue. Thunder and
lightning answer the prayer. A"!n.
$T%'R: A"!n.
8A& %'LS1&9: &o. h!r! is o+r plan. Lat!r tonight) b!*or! da.n) .! shall go to th!
(!st!nra to"b and op!n Miss L+cy/s cas5!t. 1* sh! is th!r! and tr+ly d!ad) it .ill
b! obio+s *ro" th! d!co"position o* th! body. $n th! oth!r hand) i* "y th!ory
is corr!ct) sh! .ill b! r!sting th!r!) as b!a+ti*+l as !!r) or sh! .ill b! o+t in th!
night) .hich is) 1 thin5) "ost li5!ly th! cas!.
8A& %'LS1&9: 7+t sh! .ill r!t+rn b!*or! daylight. And .h!n sh! is again at r!st) .!
shall p+t a .ood!n sta5! thro+gh h!r h!art.
S'(ARD: -o+ can/t "!an it) %!inrich.
8A& %'LS1&9: 1t is th! only .ay h!r body can tr+ly di! and h!r so+l *ind *r!!do".
S'(ARD: My 9odC
8A& %'LS1&9: Th!n to"orro.) d+ring th! day) .! shall go to Car*aE) *ind Drac+la/s
r!sting plac! and do th! sa"! *or hi". &o. h!r! is a cr+ci*iE *or !ach o* yo+.
6ro" his !arly conn!ctions) h! so r!sp!cts sy"bols o* tr+! p+rity that h! is
po.!rl!ss to do har" to p!rsons .ho .!ar th!". -o+ "+st 5!!p th!" abo+t at all
ti"!s .hil! .! do this .or5. $* co+rs!) Mada" Mina) yo+ "+st stay h!r! .h!r!
yo+ ar! prot!ct!d.
M1&A: $h noC
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s. -o+ ar! too pr!cio+s to +s to s+**!r s+ch ris5. -o+ "+st b! o+r star
and o+r hop!. (! shall b! abl! to act all th! "or! *r!!ly) that yo+ ar! not
in dang!r.
M1&A: $h) !ry .!ll.
8A& %'LS1&9: &o.) g!ntl!"!n) th!r! ar! things .! "+st gath!r tog!th!r b!*or! .!
0The $%&'T! fade.
ACT II Scene !
0The guest room at the asylum. Two .#!/,-AT( form the headboard of the
bed. 6%.A sits working in her notebook. A C.#)C is heard
M1&A: Co"! in.
0!,1A-D enters.
S'(ARD: MinaB 1 hop! 1/" not dist+rbing yo+. -o+ "+st b! !Eha+st!d.
M1&A: $* co+rs! not. And it is yo+ .ho "+st g!t so"! r!st.
S'(ARD: -!s) soon) 1 hop!. 7+t b!*or! .! go) 1 @+st .ant!d to t!ll yo+ ho. "+ch 1
appr!ciat! . . . .!ll) yo+ and #onathan . . . 1 5no. that yo+ lo!d "y d!ar L+cy . . .
. 0emotion prevents him from continuing.
M1&A: $h) "y poor Dr. S!.ard. 1 did lo! h!r. 1 5no. .hat sh! .as to yo+ and .hat
yo+ .!r! to h!r. Sh! and 1 .!r! li5! sist!rs. And no. that sh! is gon!) l!t "! b!
li5! a sist!r to yo+ in yo+r gri!*. 1* sy"pathy can h!lp) l!t "! co"*ort yo+. 6or
L+cy/s sa5!.
S'(ARD: 1 can hardly thin5 o* "y li*! .itho+t L+cy) and no.) 1 "+st go and d!*il! h!r
01ith this, !,1A-D completely breaks down, weeping on 6inas shoulder.
!he comforts him. After a time, he regains control.
S'(ARD: My apologi!s) Mina. 1 didn/t "!an to>>
M1&A: &ons!ns!) Dr. S!.ard.
S'(ARD: All th!s! .!ary days and sl!!pl!ss nights 1 ha! b!!n +nabl! to sp!a5 .ith
anyon!. 1 shall n!!r *org!t yo+r 5indn!ss at this "o"!nt.
06%.A has her arm around !eward, comforting him. 'e kisses her hand.
4#.AT'A. enters.
#$&AT%A&: $hC
S'(ARD: 1 . . . yo+ .ill l!t "! b! li5! a broth!r) .ill yo+ notB 6or all o+r li!s) *or d!ar
L+cy/s sa5!B
M1&A: 6or d!ar L+cy/s sa5!. And *or yo+rs.
#$&AT%A&: Ay!. And *or yo+rs. Mr. %ar5!r) yo+ ha! a .ond!r*+l .i*!.
04#.AT'A. nods and smiles, a little uncomfortably.
'Ec+s! "! no.. 1 shall .ait do.nstairs. 0'e e7its.
#$&AT%A&: Ah) 1 s!! yo+ ha! b!!n co"*orting hi". :oor old *!llo.) h! n!!ds it. &o
on! b+t a .o"an can h!lp a "an .h!n h! is in tro+bl! o* th! h!art.
M1&A: 1 .ish 1 co+ld co"*ort all .ho s+**!r *ro" th! h!art. $h) #onathan) it "a5!s "!
thin5 o* .h!n yo+ .!r! a.ay) and so"!ho.) 1 5n!. that things .!r! not right.
My h!art ach!d so. $h) ho. *ort+nat! .! ar! to ha! !ach oth!r. And y!t) ho.
a*raid 1 a".
#$&AT%A&: -o+ n!!dn/t b!) "y darling. (! shall b! "ost ca+tio+s. As *or yo+) yo+
"+st go right to b!d and go to sl!!p no..
M1&A: $h) #onathan) ho. can a .o"an go to sl!!p .h!n thos! sh! lo!s ar! in dang!r.
&on!th!l!ss) 1 shall try) i* only to !as! yo+r "ind.
#$&AT%A&: That/s "y girl.
0A &(!T #/ 1%.D blows the doors open. A D#& '#1$! in the distance.
4#.AT'A. goes to the doors and closes them.
M1&A: #onathanK
)#$&AT%A&: -!s.
M1&A: M+st yo+ goB Co+ldn/t Dr. S!.ard and :ro*!ssor 8an %!lsing go alon!B
#$&AT%A&: My d+ty calls "!) Mina.
M1&A: 7+t ha! yo+ no d+ty to "!B
#$&AT%A&: MinaC
M1&A: 1/" sorry) #onathan. 1 didn/t "!an to b! s!l*ish. 1/ll b! all right. L!a! "! no..
#$&AT%A&: $* co+rs!) darling. Sl!!p .!ll no.. 1 shall r!t+rn in no ti"!) yo+/ll s!!.
04#.AT'A. e7its as the $%&'T! fade.
ACT II Scene %
(A graveyard near 'ampstead 'eath. The scene begins in darkness. 3A.
',$!%.&, 4#.AT'A., and !,1A-D enter carrying lanterns and
implements. 3A. ',$!%.& carries a large satchel which contains the mallet
and stake. The .#!/,-AT( are posed as a colonnade of statues.
8A& %'LS1&9: Ah) th!r!C &o.) *ri!nd #ohn) yo+ "ay stay h!r! .hil! Mr. %ar5!r and 1
go do.n into th! to"b and op!n th! co**in. 1* .! ar! .rong) yo+ n!!d not loo5.
7+t i* .hat .! *!ar is tr+!) .! shall "a5! th! pr!parations) th!n yo+ "+st h!lp +s.
03A. ',$!%.& and 4#.AT'A. e7it into the tomb. !,1A-D paces. The
1%.D whistles softly about. %n the near darkness, the .#!/,-AT( use their
voice softly to blend with and imitate the wind so that it seems to whisper,
D4ack. . . . 4ack . . .E !uddenly $()* appears, all dressed in diaphanous
things and very beautiful.
LUC-: #ac5.
S'(ARD: My 9odC L+cyC
0Throughout the following e7change, $()* entices, seduces, offering herself
with great sensuality. !,1A-D is torn between his desire, on the one hand,
and his fear, disgust, and 5ealousy on the other.
LUC-: My o.n s.!!t #ac5.
S'(ARD: L+cy. %o. can it b!B
LUC-: 1t is 1) #ac5.
S'(ARD: %o. b!a+ti*+l yo+ loo5.
LUC-: 1 a" lon!ly *or yo+) #ac5.
S'(ARD: 7+t yo+ ar! .ith hi") ar! yo+ notB
LUC-: A" 1 not b!a+ti*+l) #ac5B
S'(ARD: L+cy) t!ll "!) .hat is it li5!B Do yo+ lo! hi" no.B
LUC-: #ac5) loo5 at "!. 1 long *or yo+. Co"! b! .ith "!. 1t/s so lon!ly .itho+t yo+.
S'(ARD: $h) L+cy) "y lo!. 1 .o+ld gi! anything.
LUC-: Co"! to "!) #ac5. Co"! to "!. Co"!. Co"!.
0!,1A-D is nearly mesmeri8ed and slowly being drawn to her. 3A.
',$!%.& enters from the tomb 5ust as !eward is about to give in completely.
8A& %'LS1&9: #ohnC
LUC-: #ac5C
S'(ARD: &oC
0!,1A-D violently pushes 3A. ',$!%.& away, knocking him to the ground,
then turns back to $ucy.
8A& %'LS1&9: #ohn S!.ardC Thin5 "an)
thin5C -o+ ar! a sci!ntist. RationalC
Loo5 at h!r. 1t is not L+cy. 1t is a
il! +nnat+ral d!"on. S!! .ith yo+r
!y!s) #ohn
LUC-: #ac5C Co"! .ith "!C #ac5. 1 n!!d
yo+) #ac5.. Co"! . . . Co"! . . . #ac5C
Co"! . . . Co"! . . .Co"! to "!) #ac5C
0A )#)C )-#1!.
8A& %'LS1&9: AhaC Loo5) L+cy) th! da.n. 1t is too lat!.C
0$()* shrieks like an animal, knocks !,1A-D to the ground, and flies into the
tomb. !,1A-D starts to follow, but 3A. ',$!%.&, who has risen, stands in his
way, thrusting the stake at him.
S'(ARD: &oC
8A& %'LS1&9: -!sC
S'(ARD: 1 can/tC
8A& %'LS1&9: -o+ "+stC -o+ "+st s!t h!r *r!! or yo+ .ill n!!r *orgi! yo+rs!l*. 1t is
yo+r right and yo+r d+tyC
0/inally, with great agony, !,1A-D takes the stake, and with tears streaming
down his face, he stumbles into the tomb. The !#(.D of the mallet striking the
stake is heard three times. The .#!/,-AT( react to each blow and $ucys last
bloodcurdling !)-,A6 is heard on the third. $%&'T! fade.
ACT II Scene )
0The guest room at the asylum. 6%.A sits preparing for bed. !uddenly, a cape:
shrouded figure darts into the room and hides, concealing itself behind the cape.
After a moment, a face peers out. %t is -,./%,$D. 'e has pressed a black
drapery into service as a cape. !lowly, her creeps up behind 6ina. !', sees
him over her shoulder in a hand mirror she holds. !he is briefly startled, but does
not turn around. %nstead, she speaks, showing no fear or alarm.
M1&A: 9ood !!ning) Mr. R!n*i!ld. Sho+ldn/t yo+ b! in yo+r =+art!rsB
R'&61'LD: &o) 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 .ant!d to s!! yo+.
M1&A: %o. nic!) .on/t yo+ sit do.nB
R'&61'LD: 0', starts to sit on the bed, but reali8es the implications, and 5umps back. &o.
&o. &o. &o. &o than5 yo+. 1 . . . 1 only . . . 1 only . . . 1 .ant!d to as5 yo+: .hy ar!
yo+ h!r!B
M1&A: Dr. S!.ard/s *ianc0 .as "y !ry d!ar *ri!nd. %!r d!ath .as a gr!at shoc5. My
h+sband and 1 ar! h!r! to co"*ort Dr. S!.ard and>>
R'&61'LD: &oC &oC 1 "!an ) .hy ar! yo+ in l!ag+! .ith thos! *oolsB Th!y don/t r!sp!ct
yo+. Th!y don/t al+! yo+ n!arly !no+gh. Th!y>>
M1&A: Mr. R!n*i!ld) 1 .ill not p!r"it yo+ to say s+ch things.
R'&61'LD: -o+ "+st l!a! h!r!C &o.C
M1&A: Mr. R!n*i!ld) .hat is itB
R'&61'LD: -o+ ar! so b!a+ti*+l.
M1&A: Than5 yo+) Mr. R!n*i!ld) b+t sho+ldn/t yo+>>B
R'&61'LD: 0', falls to his knees at her feet and fondles the hem of her skirt. $h) i*
only . . . 1* only yo+ . . . 1* only 1 . . .
0!uddenly, -,./%,$D seems to hear something. 'e frantically takes 6inas
hand, kisses it, then presses it to his cheek.
9od bl!ss yo+. 9od bl!ss yo+.
0-,./%,$D goes to the doors and opens them. 'e turns, looks at 6ina one last
time, then both crying and laughing, he runs into the night. 6%.A starts toward
the doors as if to close them. A ',A3* /#& begins to roll in. !he seems
mesmeri8ed by it. !he sits, takes down her hair, and begins to brush it.
D-A)($A materiali8es out of the fog. 'e steps up behind 6ina and takes over
the function of the brush with his fingers, running them through her hair for a
time. 6%.A lets the brush fall to the floor. Then he gathers her long hair up into
his hands, lifting it up away from the back of her neck and up to his face where he
smells it and kisses it. 6%.A reaches up and undoes the clasp on the chain that
holds the crucifi7 and removes it. !he holds the crucifi7 away at arms length,
then drops it to the end of its chain, where it dangles as D-A)($A bends over
her and the $%&'T! fade to black.
ACT II Scene +
0A room at the asylum. !,1A-D sits, devastated. 4#.AT'A. is pacing. 3A.
',$!%.& is 2uestioning -,./%,$D, who sits in a chair, wearing a strait:5acket.
#$&AT%A&: 1 sho+ld ha! stay!d h!r!.
8A& %'LS1&9: Do not tort+r! yo+rs!l*) Mr. %ar5!r.
#$&AT%A&: 1 tho+ght yo+ 5n!. .hat yo+ .!r! doing.
8A& %'LS1&9: Th!r! is "+ch that is not 5no.n by anyon!) Mr. %ar5!r. 1 tho+ght his
blood>l+st .as satis*i!d. 1 "ad! a "ista5!.
#$&AT%A&: A Mista5!C My 9odC %o. has it co"! to thisB %as %!a!n d!cr!!d itB A" 1
th! g+ilty on!B -o+ cannot i"agin! .hat agony it is to do+bt !!rything) !!n
yo+rs!l*. 1 "+st 5no. .hat h! did to h!r. 0To -enfield -o+ "+st t!ll "!C
8A& %'LS1&9: Mr. R!n*i!ld) can yo+ t!ll +s anything at allB
R'&61'LD: 1 can t!ll yo+ that .hil! th! cat/s a.ay th! "ic! .ill play.
8A& %'LS1&9: And .h!r! .!r! yo+B
R'&61'LD: 1 .atch!d it all thro+gh th! .indo..
#$&AT%A&: (hat did yo+ s!!B T!ll "!) yo+ *i!nd.
R'&61'LD: 1 sa. that sh! didn/t s!!" to "ind.
01ith an agoni8ed cry, 4#.AT'A. starts to strike -enfield. 3A. ',$!%.&
prevents it.
8A& %'LS1&9: %! cannot @+dg! s+ch things) Mr. %ar5!r.
R'&61'LD: 1t .as yo+ .ho l!*t h!r alon!. 1 .o+ldn/t ha! l!*t h!r alon!.
8A& %'LS1&9: Mr. R!n*i!ld) pl!as! try to t!ll +s .hat happ!n!d.
R'&61'LD: 1 ran o+t. 1 didn/t .ant to) b+t 1 did. 1 .as trying to . . . . %! "ad! "! do it..
%! pro"is!d "! things) not in .ords) b+t by doing th!". 1n th! b!ginning) h! s!nt
*li!s) gr!at ig *at on!s) .ith st!!l and sapphir! on th!ir .ingsI and big "oths .ith
s5+ll and crossbon!s on th!ir bac5s. Th!n last night) a "iracl!>>rats. RatsC RatsC
%+ndr!ds) tho+sands) "illions o* th!". 1 loo5!d o+t and a dar5 "ass spr!ad o!r th!
la.n) co"ing on li5! th! shap! o* a *la"! o* *ir!. Th!n) h! .a!d his hand) th! I"ist
"o!d a.ay) and 1 co+ld s!! th!ir !y!s) blaHing li5! his) only s"all!r. A*t!r that) a
larg! bat *l!. thro+gh th! op!n doors. (h!n 1 dar!d to loo5) 1 sa. hi" o!r h!r.
A*t!r that) 1 r!"!"b!r nothing. 1/" sorry) Doctor. 1/" sorry. 1 didn/t "!an to l!t
hi" in) hon!stly 1 didn/t.
#$&AT%A&: $h) l!t/s b! don! .ith hi" b!*or! 1 los! "y t!"p!r and "+rd!r th! br+t!.
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s) 1 thin5 h! can h!lp +s no *+rth!r. Than5 yo+) Mr. R!n*i!ld. 1/ll s!!
yo+ bac5 to yo+r roo". Co"!.
03A. ',$!%.& starts to 9usher -enfield out. -,./%,$D breaks away from him
and runs to !eward, falling on his knees.
R'&61'LD: L!t "! !ntr!at yo+) Dr. S!.ard. $h) l!t "! i"plor! yo+: l!t "! o+t o* this
ho+s! at onc!. S!nd "! a.ay *ro" yo+ "anacl!d and l!g>iron!d) !!n to @ail) b+t l!t
"! o+t o* this and sa! "y so+l *ro" g+ilt.
S'(ARD: :l!as!) R!n*i!ld.
R'&61'LD: Can/t yo+ h!ar "!) "anB Can/t yo+ +nd!rstandB Don/t yo+ 5no. that 1 a"
san! and !arn!st no.B Don/t yo+ 5no. that 1 a" no l+natic in a "ad *it b+t a san!
"an *ighting *or his so+lB $h) h!ar "!C %!ar "!C L!t "! goC L!t "! goC
S'(ARD: 0!uddenly he stands and shouts. Co"! no "or! o* thisC 9o to yo+r =+art!rs.
And try to b!ha! "or! discr!!tly i* yo+ ha! any hop! o* conincing "! o* yo+r
8A& %'LS1&9: Co"!.
0-,./%,$Ds face takes on a hard wounded e7pression. !,1A-D collapses
back into his misery. -,./%,$D slowly rises and allows 3A. ',$!%.& to
escort him toward the door. 4ust before he e7ists, he turns suddenly, and with
great strength, breaks the ties on the strait:5acket. 'e then e7tends his arm
toward !eward accusingly, the long sleeve dangling.
R'&61'LD: -o+ .ill) 1 tr+st) Dr. S!.ard) do "! th! @+stic! to b!ar in "ind) lat!r on) that 1
did .hat 1 co+ld to coninc! yo+ today.
0-,./%,$D and 3A. ',$!%.& e7it. 4#.AT'A. paces agrily.
#$&AT%A&: My 9od) ho. co+ld 1 ha! b!!n so st+pidB %! tri!d to s!d+c! h!r right h!r! in
*ront o* +s. Th! attraction .as all too cl!ar. And 1 l!t that old *ool l+r! "! a.ay on
an +nsp!a5ably grot!s=+! ad!nt+r!>>$h) "y 9od) #ac5. 1/" sorry. 1 didn/t "!an to
bring it +p.
S'(ARD: -!s) it .as +nsp!a5ably grot!s=+!. 7+t *or yo+ th!r! is still ti"!) still hop!.
L+cy is d!ad. 6or!!r. 7+t yo+ can prot!ct Mina. Than5s to that old *ool) yo+ ha!
#$&AT%A&: #ac5) 1/" sorry. 1 apologiH!. 1t/s @+st that 1/" so !Eha+st!d and +ps!t. 1t/s as
i* so"!thing is gon! no.) so"!thing Mina and 1 had b+t can n!!r ha! again.
S'(ARD: 1 5no.. And 1/" sorry too. 1t .as 1 .ho init!d hi" h!r!.
03A. ',$!%.& enters, overhearing !ewards last sentence.
8A& %'LS1&9: -!s) b+t yo+ co+ldn/t 5no. th! cons!=+!nc!s) #ohn.
#$&AT%A&: 1 "+st go s!! ho. sh! is.
04#.AT'A. brus2uely pushes by 3an 'elsing and e7its.
8A& %'LS1&9: Co"!) *ri!nd #ohn. -o+ "+st not brood any"or!.
S'(ARD: Sh! r!ach!d o+t to "!. 1 lo!d h!r %!inrich.
8A& %'LS1&9: Lo! is li5! a narcotic) #ohn. (h!n .! ha! it) it ta5!s a.ay "any o* th!
pains o* li*!. 7+t .h!n .! los! it) th! pain r!t+rns) "any ti"!s strong!r. And i* .!
ar! to !nd+r!) .! "+st r!"!"b!r that li*! has oth!r "!anings and p+rpos!s.
S'(ARD: $h) .hat do!s it all "!anB 1 a" b!ginning to .ond!r i* "y long habit o* li*!
a"ong th! insan! has b!g+n to t!ll +pon "y o.n brain. So"!ti"!s 1 thin5 .! ar! all
"ad and that .! shall .a5! to sanity in strait>@ac5!ts. R!n*i!ld .ill b! "inist!ring to
+s. 0"ause Th! thing 1 cannot b!ar is "y o.n s!l*>right!o+s *!!lings. 1 *!lt hatr!d
*or h!r. As sh! lay th!r!) so b!a+ti*+l) "y lo! t+rn!d to hatr!d) b!ca+s! 1 i"agin!d
that) so"!ho.) sh! .ant!d to b! .h!r! sh! .as) that it .as h!r *a+lt. 1 as5 "ys!l*: i*
sh! had b!!n p+r! o* h!art) .o+ld sh! ha! b!!n s+sc!ptibl! to his !ilB
8A& %'LS1&9: 6ri!nd #ohn) th!r! is no s+ch thing as a p+r! h!art. &o on! is i""+n! to all
!il. Li*!) in its in*init! "!ta"orphos!s) is "+ch too co"plicat!d) and .! ar! too
"+ch th! icti"s o* o+r o.n b!ginnings to !!r r!"ain co"pl!t!ly p+r!.
S'(ARD: Sh! "ight ha! r!sist!d.
8A& %'LS1&9: &o) *ri!nd #ohn) sh! co+ld not. Sh! .as too yo+ng and in!Ep!ri!nc!d. Sh!
.as h!lpl!ss. 7+t yo+ "+st not thin5 o* this *+rth!r) or yo+ .ill) ind!!d) go "ad.
-o+r tho+ghts "+st l!a! h!r no. and t+rn to th! salation o* oth!rs. Th!r! li!s yo+r
d!li!ranc! as .!ll.
S'(ARD: 7+t .hat can 1 doB (hat can yo+ doB (hat can anyon! doB
8A& %'LS1&9: (! can do o+r b!st) *ri!nd #ohn. 1* o+r b!st is good !no+gh) .! s+cc!!dI i*
not) .! *ail. 7+t .! "+st not *ail to act.
S'(ARD: (hat shall .! doB
8A& %'LS1&9: -o+ go +pstairs and t!ll Mr. %ar5!r that h! "+st r!"ain .ith his .i*! at all
ti"!s. Sh! "+st b! prot!ct!d. Drac+la has alr!ady attac5!d h!r onc!) and h! .o+ld)
no do+bt) lo! to "a5! h!r his !t!rnal conc+bin!. Th!n) co"! bac5 h!r!) and yo+ and
1) *ri!nd #ohn) .! shall go to Car*aE to *ind and d!stroy hi".
0The $%&'T! fade.
ACT II Scene ,

0The guest room at the Asylum. 6%.A is in bed, resting. 4#.AT'A. paces.
#$&AT%A&: 1 .ish th!y .o+ld g!t bac5. Th!y/! b!!n gon! all day. 1t/s "or! than an ho+r
past s+ns!t. :!rhaps) 1 sho+ld go loo5ing *or th!".
M1&A: 0.ear panic &o) #onathan. Don/t l!a! "!.
#$&AT%A&: $* co+rs! 1 .on/t) d!ar. 1t .as @+st a car!l!ss tho+ght.
M1&A: 0.ear tears 1/" sorry to b! s+ch a both!r) #onathan. 1 @+st *!!l so . . . so *right!n!d)
so g+ilty) so +ncl!an.
#$&AT%A&: &o. stop that) My darling. -o+ ar! not to bla"!.
0There is a D##- !$A6 off. 4#.AT'A. starts to move toward it.
M1&A: #onathanC
03#%),! are heard off.
#$&AT%A&: At lastC
03A. ',$!%.& and !,1A-D enter. 3A. ',$!%.& goes directly to 6ina.
4#.AT'A. intercepts !eward near the door.
8A& %'LS1&9: And ho. is o+r b!a+ti*+l pati!ntB 0', e7amines her.
M1&A: 1 *!!l !ry .!a5) Doctor) b+t oth!!) 1/" =+it! all right.
#$&AT%A&: Any l+c5B
S'(ARD: &ot y!t. 1t .as !ry di**ic+lt. Th! gro+nds ar! !ry .ild and all o!rgro.n .ith
thorns and bra"bl!s. (!/r! both !Eha+st!d. (! thin5 h! li!s in a a+lt b!n!ath th!
chap!l) b+t .! ha! b!!n +nabl! to *ind a .ay in. :!rhaps to"orro..
8A& %'LS1&9: 0/inishing his e7amination Ah y!s) !ry good. -o+ .ill b! yo+r old s!l* in
no ti"!. 0'e prepares to leave. Mr. %ar5!r) yo+ "+st r!"ain .ith yo+r .i*! at all
ti"!s. -o+ "+st not l!a! h!r) !!n *or a "in+t!. Dr. S!.ard and 1 .ill contin+! .ith
o+r plans.
M1&A: (hat has happ!n!d) #onathanB (hat ar! yo+r plansB
04#.AT'A. casts a 2uick glace at 3A. ',$!%.& who shakes his head.
#$&AT%A&: 1/" sorry) Mina. 1 can/t t!ll yo+.
M1&A: $h) .hy "+st 1 s+**!r not along .ith this *!ar and .!a5n!ssB (hy do yo+
s!parat! yo+rs!l!s *ro" "! .h!n 1 a" so alon!B
8A& %'LS1&9: Ah Mada"! Mina) it is !ry sad. Last night) .! "ad! a bad "ista5!) so
no.) .! "+st isolat! yo+) not only to prot!ct yo+) b+t to prot!ct o+r chanc!s o*
s+cc!ss. 1 *!ar that h! no. has acc!ss to yo+r "ind and can 5no. all that yo+ 5no..
1* .! ar! .in) yo+ "+st not 5no. o+r plans.
M1&A: $h) it/s all so dr!ad*+l.
8A& %'LS1&9: To"orro. .! shall rid yo+ o* yo+r *!ars) and th!n .! shall t!ll yo+ all. 9!t
so"! sl!!p no..
M1&A: Than5 yo+) Dr. 8an %!lsing. 1/" sorry to b! so di**ic+lt.
8A& %'LS1&9: &ons!ns!) "y d!ar. 1t is not yo+r *a+lt. -o+ ha! b!!n cr+!lly icti"iH!d.
7+t 1 pro"is! yo+) .! shall ha! yo+r r!!ng!.
M1&A: :ro*!ssor) pl!as!C Thin5 not o* r!!ng!) b+t o* charity *or his so+l. So"!day) 1 too
"ay n!!d yo+r pity.
8A& %'LS1&9: D!ar) 5ind "ada" Mina. $* co+rs!. $* co+rs!. 7+t yo+ "+st not .orry.
-o+ ar! sa*! no.. -o+r h+sband .ill b! at yo+r sid!) and Dr. S!.ard and 1 .ill b!
right do.n th! hall in o+r roo"s. $n! o* +s .ill b! a.a5! at all ti"!s. Sl!!p .!ll
03A. ',$!%.& and !,1A-D e7it.
M1&A: #onathan) r!ad to "! a .hil!. 1 don/t *!!l li5! sl!!ping. 1t *right!ns "! so.
#$&AT%A&: $* co+rs!) "y darling.
04#.AT'A. picks up a copy of Alice in 1onderland, goes and sits near 6ina,
opens it to the first few pages, and reads.
Do.n) do.n do.n. (o+ld th! *all n!!r co"! to an !ndB ;1 .ond!r ho. "any
"il!s 1/! *all!n by this ti"!)< Alic! said alo+d.
0A .#!/,-AT( passes a hand in front of 4onathans face and he falls asleep.
$%&'T! fade to black, then come right back to indicate a passage of time. A
1#$/ '#1$!. 6%.A awakes with a start.
M1&A: #onathanC
#$&AT%A&: 0!tartled awake (hatBC
M1&A: Ch!c5 th! doorsC
#$&AT%A&: 7+t 1 did) @+st b!*or!>>
M1&A: :l!as!C Ch!c5 th!" again) pl!as!C
#$&AT%A&: 8!ry .!ll.
04#.AT'A. get up and sleepily trudges toward the doors, from under which fog
has begun to seep.
DRACULA/S 8$1C': #onathan %ar5!r) +nloc5 th! doors. Th! po.!r o* !t!rnity bids yo+ do
"y .ill. Unloc5 th! doors.
04#.AT'A. is mesmeri8ed. As 6%.A watches in absolute horror, 4#.AT'A.
goes to the doors and opens them. D-A)($A emerges out of the fog. 'e waves
his hand. 4#.AT'A. is thrown to the side by the invisible force, and is left
standing on his knees, transfi7ed, to watch everything that follows. A 1#$/
'#1$ is heard.
DRACULA: 1 lo!d yo+ *ro" th! *irst "o"!nt 1 sa. yo+ in th! ch+rchyard.
0!uddenly, -,./%,$D appears, interposing himself between 6ina and Dracula4
R'&61'LD: &oC -o+ shall not ha! h!r. Th!r! ar! oth!rs. -o+ "+st ta5! on! o* th! oth!rs.
0D-A)($A kills -,./%,$D, demonstrating great strength. 'e howls a great
triumphant cry. 1#$/ '#1$! answer him. 'e turns back to 6ina. The 1#$/
'#1$! turn to music. D-A)($A pursues 6%.A in a slow mating dance. 'er
resistance slowly erodes, until he envelopes her, kissing her, and ultimately biting
her neck in a long rhythmic embrace. 1hen he has finished, 6%.A unbuttons his
shirt. (sing his fingernail, he makes a cut across his chest. Then, taking 6ina by
the back of the head, he slowly forces her face to his chest. !he drinks his blood
as he speaks.
DRACULA: 6l!sh o* "iy *l!sh. 7lood o* "y blood. 3in o* "y 5in. Most b!lo!d o* all.
My bo+nti*+l .in! pr!ss. My brid!. This li*! is no long!r than th! spac! b!t.!!n t.o
h!art b!ats) 1 gi! yo+ !t!rnity.
03A. ',$!%.& and !,1A-D run into the room, crucifi7es at the ready.
(h!n 1 say co"!) yo+ shall cross land and s!a to do "y bidding.
8A& %'LS1&9: My 9odC &o. is o+r chanc!. 1t is al"ost s+nris!. 1* .! can 5!!p hi"
h!r!) in th! daylight .! can o!rpo.!r and d!stroy hi".
0D-A)($A passes his hand over 6%.A! face, putting her to sleep. 'e lays her
gently back on the pillow then turns back to the men.
DRACULA: So. -o+ thin5 to play yo+r brains against "!. Against "!) .ho co""and!d
nations h+ndr!ds o* y!ars b!*or! yo+ .!r! born. -o+) .ith yo+r pal! *ac!s all in a
ro. li5! sh!!p at a b+tch!r/s. Th! .o"!n yo+ lo! ar! all "in!. -o+ d!!lop id!as
and syst!"s to prot!ct th!" *ro" "!) b!ca+s! yo+ thin5 th!y ar! .!a5) and yo+ *!ar
th!ir d!sir!) d!sir! that yo+ .or5 to a.a5!n) b+t .hich l!a!s yo+ tr!"bling .ith a
s!ns! o* inad!=+acy. 1t is yo+r *!ar that "a5!s yo+ .!a5) g!ntl!"!n. At th! botto")
yo+ .o+ld li5! to b! in "y plac!) b+t yo+ lac5 th! co+rag!. %o. l+dicro+s yo+ ar! in
yo+r *+tility. 1* yo+ r!ally +nd!rstood .ho yo+ .!r!) yo+ .o+ld ha! no n!!d to *!ar
8A& %'LS1&9: Than5 yo+ *or th! l!sson in "anhood. &o. .! shall .atch th! s+nris!
tog!th!r and 1 shall gi! yo+ a l!sson in !t!rnity.
0At a nod from 3A. ',$!%.&, !,1A-D runs to block Draculas escape route.
D-A)($A whirls and stuns !eward with a blow of his cape. 'e again faces 3A.
DRACULA: Loo5 at yo+ 8an %!lsing. -o+ cling to yo+r "ortality. -o+ 5no. that 1 can
!asily 5ill yo+ and yo+ ar! a*raid. -o+ ha! acco"plish!d "+ch 8an %!lsing) b+t
yo+ ha! *ail!d to con=+!r li*!/s gr!at!st li"itation>>*!ar. -o+ ar! still a*raid to di!)
and so yo+ shall not 5ill "!.
0D-A)($A grabs 3A. ',$!%.& by the wrist of the hand in which he holds the
cross. 1ith two deft moves that are nearly simultaneous, D-A)($A breaks 3A.
',$!%.&! arm and throws him to the ground..
And 1 shall l!a! yo+ to li! in *!ar.
01ith a swirl of his cape, D-A)($A is gone. The .#!/,-AT( fly after him.
4#.AT'A., at last released, crumples to the floor. !,1A-D stirs. 3A.
',$!%.& tries to sit up. 6%.A is unconscious on the bed. !,1A-D struggles to
his feet.
S'(ARD: %!inrich) .hat has happ!n!dB
8A& %'LS1&9: My ar" is bro5!n. S!! to th! oth!rs.
0!,1A-D helps 4#.AT'A., who is struggling to rise.
S'(ARD: My 9od. (hat do .! do no.B
0The $%&'T! fade.
ACT II Scene 7
0A room at the asylum. 6%.A sits in a chair. 3A. ',$!%.& is hypnoti8ing her.
!,1A-D and 4#.AT'A. watch, the latter with great an7iety.
8A& %'LS1&9: -o+ ar! sl!!py) !ry sl!!py. Clos! yo+r !y!s. Sl!!p. R!st*+l sl!!p. Do
yo+ h!ar "!) Mada" MinaB
M1&A: -!s.
8A& %'LS1&9: 9ood. &o.) Mr. %ar5!r) 1 b!li!! that sinc! h! has p!n!trat!d h!r "ind)
sh! .ill ha! acc!ss to his. And by =+!stioning h!r +nd!r hypnosis .! "ay disco!r
his .h!r!abo+ts. Mada" Mina.
M1&A: -!s.
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 .ant yo+ to go thro+gh spac!) in yo+r "ind) to .h!r! Co+nt Drac+la is.
Do yo+ +nd!rstandB
M1&A: -!s.
8A& %'LS1&9: 9o th!r! no..
06%.A e7hibits great agony as her body begins to stiffen. This continues until her
body is perfectly straight, as if lying down, though she is still in the chair, which
has rocked back, perfectly balanced, on its rear legs [with the aid of a
.#!/,-AT(] to accommodate her posture. !he seems to float on the chair. 'er
face assumes a faint smile. The .#!/,-AT(, who have been in the periphery,
creep and crawl toward 6ina as her connection with Dracula grows.
8A& %'LS1&9: Do yo+ h!ar "!) Mada" MinaB
M1&A: -!s.
8A& %'LS1&9: T!ll "!) .hat do yo+ s!!B
M1&A: Dar5n!ss. '!rything is dar5n!ss.
8A& %'LS1&9: And th! s"!lls. Ar! th!r! any s"!lls.
M1&A: 'arth. Da"p) "oldy !arth.
8A& %'LS1&9: (hat do yo+ h!arB
M1&A: 1t is !ry still. 1t is li5! d!ath.
8A& %'LS1&9: (h!r! ar! yo+B
M1&A: 1 a" .ith hi".
8A& %'LS1&9: (h!r! is h!B
M1&A: 7lood o* "y blood. 6l!sh o* "y *l!sh.
8A& %'LS1&9: Mada" Mina) .h!r! ar! yo+B
M1&A: 3in o* "y 5in.
8A& %'LS1&9: 1t is no +s!. %! has bloc5!d h!r "ind.
M1&A: Most b!lo!d o* all.
8A& %'LS1&9: Mada" Mina) co"! bac5 to this roo".
M1&A: My bo+nti*+l .in! pr!ss.
8A& %'LS1&9: Mada" MinaC
M1&A: (h!n 1 say co"! . . .
8A& %'LS1&9: Co"! bac5 to this roo") no.) Mada" Mina.
M1&A: . . . yo+ .ill cross land and s!a to do "y bidding.
8A& %'LS1&9: Mada" Mina) it .as 1 .ho s!nt yo+ th!r!. -o+ "+st ob!y "y co""and to
0!lowly, with great agony and struggle, 6%.A returns to a sitting position. 3A.
',$!%.& snaps his fingers.
(a5! +p) Mada" MinaC
#$&AT%A&: 'no+ghC 'no+ghC &o "or! o* thisC
M1&A: 0)oming out of the trance #onathanBC
#$&AT%A&: 1t/s all right) darling. 1/" right h!r!.
M1&A: $h #onathan) s+ch dr!a"s. 1 co+ld s!! thro+gh "y !y!lids.
#$&AT%A&: #ac5) .! ar! l!aing h!r!. &o.C
8A& %'LS1&9: 7+t). Mr. %ar5!r>>
#$&AT%A&: &oC 'no+ghC (! .ill no long!r b! yo+r bait. Mina has s+**!r!d !no+gh. 1
ha! s+**!r!d !no+ghC
8A& %'LS1&9: 7+t) Mr. %ar5!r) .h!r! .ill yo+ goB
#$&AT%A&: Any.h!r!C (! ar! obio+sly not sa*! h!r!. At l!ast at ho"! .! shall not b!
b+lli!d by yo+.
8A& %'LS1&9: %o. .ill yo+ prot!ct yo+rs!l!sB
#$&AT%A&: As b!st .! can. %!r!) darling) p+t this on.
04#.AT'A. has moved behind 6ina and he now starts to hang a crucifi7 about
her neck. 1hen it touches her, it smokes. 6%.A screams and tears it away. %t
leaves an ugly, cross:shaped burn on her breast:bone.
8A& %'LS1&9: My 9odC 1t/s .ors! than 1 tho+ght.
M1&A: Uncl!anC Uncl!anC '!n th! Al"ighty sh+ns "y poll+t!d *l!sh.
8A& %'LS1&9: %+sh) Mada" Mina) h+sh. That is not so. Don/t !!n say it. Don/t !!n
thin5 it.
06%.A continues to sob. 3A. ',$!%.& takes out a salve, kneels before her, and
spreads some on 6inas burn.
%!r!) this .ill at l!ast "a5! th! pain go a.ay.
03A. ',$!%.&, almost in tears, slowly gets to his feet. 'e surveys his sad,
beaten, little contingent. 4#.AT'A., once again, stands in stunned silence9
!,1A-D is near the end of his strength and his sanity9 6%.A sobs piteously.
My *ri!nds) 1 "+st t!ll yo+ th! tr+th. 1 do not 5no. i* .! can do it. Th! n!Et ti"!) h!
"ay 5ill +s all. %! has *ar gr!at!r po.!r !!n than 1 tho+ght. 7+t 1 "+st also t!ll yo+
that i* .! don/t d!stroy this Drac+la) Mada" Mina is lost.
M1&A: -!a) tho+gh 1 .al5 thro+gh th! all!y o* th! shado. o* d!ath) 1 .ill *!ar no !il.
8A& %'LS1&9: (hatB (hat did yo+ saiyB
M1&A: 0"u88led 1 said nothing.
8A& %'LS1&9: Did yo+ h!ar) g!ntl!"!nB
#$&AT%A&: Sh! =+ot!d a portion o* th! T.!nty>third :sal".
M1&A: Did 1B
8A& %'LS1&9: A "o"!ntary r!!rsion to th! hypnotiH!d stat!.
M1&A: $h y!s) 1 .as hypnotiH!d) .asn/t 1B Did yo+ l!arn anything) :ro*!ssorB
8A& %'LS1&9: 1 l!arn!d ho. pr!cio+s yo+ ar!) Mada" Mina. -o+ "+st *orgi! "! *or th!
s+**!ring 1 ha! ca+s!d yo+. 9!ntl!"!n) .! cannot gi! +p. 9i! "! on! "or! day
o* yo+r *aith) and 1 s.!ar to yo+) 1 .ill *ind a .ay.
S'(ARD: 7+t .! can/t l!a! Mina.
8A& %'LS1&9: &o) sh! "+st go .ith +s.
#$&AT%A&: (hatB
M1&A: :l!as!) #onathan) it/s th! only .ay. (! b!gan tog!th!r) l!t +s stay tog!th!r.
#$&AT%A&: $h) !ry .!ll.
8A& %'LS1&9: (! shall ha! to "o! =+ic5ly. $+r t!rribl! .or5 "+st b! don! by s+ns!t)
or .! los! all adantag! and) p!rhaps) o+r li!s. So) go to yo+r roo"s and "a5!
yo+rs!l!s r!ady. (! shall r!ass!"bl! in th! *ront hall in *i*t!!n "in+t!s.
06%.A and 4#.AT'A. e7it. 3A. ',$!%.& detains !,1A-D.
6ri!nd #ohn) 1 ha! it. 1 co+ld not sp!a5 in *ront o* Mada" Mina) b+t 1 5no. th! .ay
into his lair.
S'(ARD: (hatB
8A& %'LS1&9: Thin5. Sh! r!cit!d th! T.!nty>third :sal". (h!r! ha! yo+ s!!n that
S'(ARD: My 9odC 1t/s inscrib!d o!r th! !ntranc! to that to"b n!ar th! chap!l at Castl!
8A& %'LS1&9: 'EactlyC That "+st b! th! .ay in. Th!r! "+st b! an +nd!rgro+nd passag!
*ro" th! to"b to th! a+lt +nd!rn!ath th! chap!l. (! ha! hi" no.C
0The $%&'T! fade.
ACT II Scene 8
0The crypt. Darkness. 3A. ',$!%.&, !,1A-D, 6%.A, and 4#.AT'A. are seen approaching.
They carry carbide lanterns which are the only apparent source of light. The
bier:like bo7 of earth on which Dracula rests is such that they dont see it
immediately. Two .#!/,-AT( hold a cloth canopy over it. T', -,!T try to
impede the searchers. A smell of myrrh again fills the air.
S'(ARD: %!inrich) th!s! t+nn!ls ar! !ndl!ss. (! sho+ld go bac5. (! "ay b! lost. (!
"+st not b! do.n h!r! .ith hi" a*t!r s+ns!t. Th!r! is al.ays to"orro..
8A& %'LS1&9: &ot *or "!. 1 cannot hold yo+) b+t 1 go on. 1 "+st. 1 "+stC
06%.A has continued on and now stands with her light directed at the bier.
03A. ',$!%.& and !,1A-D move 2uickly, but cautiously to the bier and begin
removing, first the canopy, then a black cloth that covers Draculas body. 6%.A
becomes very an7ious and begins a cat:like pacing.
#$&AT%A&: MinaB
M1&A: 1t/s all right) #onathan. 1t/s all rightC
8A& %'LS1&9: (! "+st h+rryI it n!arly s+ndo.n.
06%.A! an7iety grows.
#$&AT%A&: :ro*!ssor) 1/" ta5ing h!r o+t o* h!r!.
M1&A: &o) #onathanC 1/ll stay. 1 "+stC
8A& %'LS1&9: Sh! stays. 1t is h!r right. (! do this tog!th!r.
S'(ARD: My 9odC Loo5 at hi". 1 still can/t b!li!! it/s possibl!.
8A& %'LS1&9: L!t +s proc!!d =+ic5ly. Mr. %ar5!r) th! "all!t. Dr. S!.ard) th! sta5!.
03A. ',$!%.& has removed the mallet and stake from the satchel and hands
them to the other men. 6%.A is still an7ious, though she seems to be under
control. 3A. ',$!%.& stands dear Draculas head and begins to read from a
prayer book.
Lib!ra "!) do"in!) d! "ort! a!t!rna. 1n di! illa tr!"!nda: =+ando ca!li "o!ndi
s+nt !t t!rra: d+" !n!ris @+dicar! sa!c+l+" p!r ign!">>
DRACULA/S 8$1C': 6l!sh o* "y *l!sh. 7lood o* "y blood. 9+ilt o* "y g+ilt. Sp!a5 and
b! "ani*!stC
0At the sound of Draculas voice, !,1A-D and 4#.AT'A., who have taken up
positions on either side of Draculas body and are about to strike, are fro8en.
!uddenly, there is a flash of crimson subterranean $%&'T.%.& and a simultaneous
clap of T'(.D,-.. S'(ARD and 4#.AT'A. are both knocked to the ground,
causing them to lose the mallet and the stake. 6%.A has fallen to the ground and is
writhing in agony. Though shaken, 3A. ',$!%.& remains the only thing standing.
'e surveys the situation. 'e sees the mallet, picks it up, and turns to find the stake,
only to discover that 6%.A has picked it up and is now behaving very much like one
of Draculas brides. 'e puts the mallet in the hand of his broken arm::which is in a
sling::and with his free hand, moves to take the stake from 6ina. 1ith a cat:like
growl, she draws back, then threatens to stab 3an 'elsing with the stake.
8A& %'LS1&9: MinaC
06%.A turns and starts to run from the room, taking the stake.
8A& %'LS1&9: MinaC
06%.A stops at the periphery, turns and screeches at 3an 'elsing.
8A& %'LS1&9: MinaC Th! choic! is yo+rs.
03A. ',$!%.& returns to his original position over Dracula and continues his
Tr!"!ns *acto s+" !go) !t ti"!o) d+" disc+ssio !n!rit) at=+! !nt+ra ira) =+ando
ca!li "o!ndi s+nt !t t!rra. Di!s illa) di!s ira!) cla"itatis !t "is!ria!I di!s "agna !t
a"ara ald!.
DRACULA/S 8$1C': 2$!r 8an %!lsing/s r!citation4 Mina) "y darling) yo+ ha! s!r!d
"! .!ll. 6l!sh o* "y *l!sh) d!ath o* "y d!ath) this li*! is no long!r than th! spac!
b!t.!!n t.o h!artb!ats. 1 gi! yo+ !t!rnity. Co"! into th! night) th! dar5n!ss.
Co"! to "! "y lo!.
0#ne of Draculas hands begins to move slightly as his body begins to waken.
6%.A goes through a great struggle, being torn one way, then the other. "art of
her wants to carry the stake away to save Dracula, the other part of her wants to
give it to 3an 'elsing. /inally, as the music swells, and with a great final effort)
6%.A runs to the bier, places the stake over Draculas heart, and with three
mighty blows of his good arm, 3A. ',$!%.& drives it in. A great 1'%-$1%.D
escapes from Draculas chest and all the .#!/,-AT( disappear. 6%.A turns to
3A. ',$!%.&. They embrace and are bathed in a warm rosy $%&'T as the
music raises to its final clima7 and draws to a close. The $%&'T! fade to black.

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