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JUNE 29, 2014

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite you to
seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me badge.
Through them you will find information about the
ministries of alem !eights "hurch and how to
become involved. #lease fill out a $isitor "ard and dro%
it in one of the offering bo&es as you leave or scan this code to go
directly to our website and fill out a visitor card. We have an e&cellent
nursery and %rograms for children newborn through high school. Any
of the ushers will be ha%%y to direct you to the %ro%er classroom. 'f
you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during the
service( the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for %arents with
small children. There is a %rivate room for nursing mothers across the
hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair( changing table and
%ortable crib. )or your convenience( it also includes a monitor to
enable you to still hear and view the service.
Our Purpose...
To reach %eo%le with the love of *esus "hrist( %rovide a safe and
su%%ortive environment( %roclaim the standards of +ods truth(
du%licate the "hristian life in others( and celebrate the ma,esty
New to Salem Heights?
Sunday Worship
What he World Needs Now

Part 4
Prayer and Revival

Say Tippit Guest Speaer
Say Tippit iistries


WHEN: August 6 - 9, 2014
WHERE: Ollalie Lake Scenic Area

A backpack trip for those young men (and their dads)
who are in Mid-High and High School.
vacation Bible School
July 21-25
! "M # $% Noon
&$% Per 'hild
(&)* +amily Ma,imum-
Register / volunteer online now!
In.o / News
Important Upcoming Events
Monument Mission Tri% -eaves( *uly .
#icnic 'n The #ark( *uly /0( 1233%.m. 4 5233%.m.
$acation 6ible chool( *uly 7/ 4 *uly 7.( 0233a.m. 4 /7 noon
Me&ico Mission Tri% -eaves( *uly 77
"anyonview 8ay "am%( *uly 79 4 August /( :2;3a.m. 4 12;3%.m.

CAUSE Park Nights

Every Tuesday night in July

6:00pm to 8:00pm

For information on park locations
or other questions, contact
Tim affeels through the
church office! "0#$"88$0%0#&
This event is free to the public. Just bring a blanket and/or chairs.
Activities will be held in the park next to the church.
Join us!
Saturday, July 19
Saturday, August 30
For Questions, or to volunteer, stop by our table
in the welcoe center today!
Picnics in the Park
Man Alive 8 Week summer Study

Sundays @ 7:00 AM Wednesdays @ 12:00 PM
Beginning July 13 Beginning July 9
Questions? Contat Matt Maollin t!"oug! t!e !u"! o##ie @ $03%$&&%0'03
'alendar o. E0ents
92/. a.m. #rayer 4 <oom 73.
0233 a.m. The "ross <oad "ollege unday chool
0233 = //233 a.m. Worshi% ervices

521. %.m. ummer eries( ammy Ti%%it
:233 %.m. The Most >&cellent Way
5233 %.m. "A?> #ark @ight
/3233 a.m. ummer Womens 6ible tudy
521. %.m. Worshi% Team <ehearsal
FRIDAY Affice "losed

Happy 4th of July!

1i0ing Update
The ministry of alem !eights "hurch is funded entirely by the
generous giving of +ods %eo%le. Bou will notice that we do not
%ass the offering %lateC however( there are offering bo&es in the
back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out
of com%ulsion. We believe from the Word of +od that the %irit
of +od will lead %eo%le towards giving back to +od of their first
fruits. ...+od loves a cheerful giver D7 "or. 02:E and we know
!e blesses those who take !is Word seriously in every regard.
Thank you for %rayerfully su%%orting alem !eights financially as
we desire to reach the lost and disci%le the aints.

8o you own a mart#honeF can the coded icon below to view
o%%ortunities to serve the body of alem !eights "hurch. Bou
can also visit our website at www.salemheightschurch.org for
more detailed information. 6elow are some areas in which you
can immediately become involved2
TATA- +'$'@+ G/7;(559
*une Weekly @eed Actual +iving <eceived
Week / G7/(133 G79(9.1
Week 7 G7/(133 G7.(.77
Week ; G7/(133 G15(570
Week 1 G7/(133 G77(55;
)iscal Bear to 8ate IJ4 4G/7(5/0
"urrent 6alance G;/(53.
Week . G7/(133 G

Many of you have enjoyed the fellowship time after our
monthly Lord's Supper services. There is currently a need
for someone to step forward and organize the dessert
donations for that monthly event. If you are interested in
helping or being the contact person for the monthly
fellowship time please contact the church office at !"#$
'o you enjoy serving others by preparing a meal( If you are not on the
church prayer list and would li)e to let us )now that you are available for the
Mealtrain Ministry please call the church office. *e will add your name to
our list and chec) your availability as needs arise for meals.
Sa*em Heig+ts !+#rc+
,-. Ma/rona Ave0 S0
Sa*em1 OR 2-,%$

5a67 .%,3.443.,,4

O55ice Ho#rs7
Mon/a8 3 T+#rs/a8
4 a0m0 3 ' p0m0

4 a0m0 3 , p0m0

S#n/a8 Wors+ip Services7
2 9 && a0m0

Message !Ds are avai*a:*e in
t+e Registration Area 5or ;'0
<*ease visit t+e /es= in t+e
so#t+>est corner to or/er
an/ pic=3#p 8o#r !Ds0
Yo# can a*so c+ec= t+e
>e:site 5or o#r po/cast0

"#stin reene
Senior Pastor/Elder
!ar* !+ica
Pastor of Family Life/Elder
Matt Mac!o**in
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

Lay Elders
!+#c= Moore
Te/ Ferr8

"dministration and Sta..
#lease see our Mission 6oards in the foyer for
current active missionaries.
Ron roves

R#ss Li::8
8irector of Ministries

Scott H#nter
)acilities Manager

A" Ac=er
Music Ministry

Tim Sa55ee*s
8irector of tudent
"ason (ro>ne**
!igh chool Ministries

E/ Reister
"ommunity "onnection

Ric= Smit+
"ommunity "are

"a8 D#55#s
Mens 6iblical

La#ra !+ica
Womens 6iblical
"#*ie (ernar/
Womens Ministry

ina Weigan/
Affice taff

!+rista Ka+i*i
Affice taff

!onnie Li::8
Affice taff

"enn E**iott
Affice taff
Part 4

Special Guest Speaker
Sammy Tippit
June 29, 2014


What the World Needs Now
Dr. David Allen
June 15: Introduction - 9 AM & 11 AM
June 15: Isaiah 6 - 6 PM

Pastor Carl Chica
June 22 9 AM & 11 AM

!a""# $i%%it
June 29: &evival - 9 AM & 11 AM
June '(: Pra#er - 6:)5 PM

*ran+ Catan,aro
Jul# 6: *a"il# - 9 AM & 11 AM
Jul# -: Marria.e - 6:)5 PM

David Carroll
Jul# 1': $he /orld - 9 AM & 11 AM
Jul# 1): 0lo1al Pers%ective - 6:)5 PM

Phil 2o3ard
Jul# 2(: $he 4i1le - 9 AM & 11 AM
Jul# 21: 5isi1le $rans6or"ation - 6:)5 PM

Pastor Justin 0reene
Jul# 2- 9 AM & 11 AM
What the World Needs Now
Dr. David Allen
June 15: Introduction - 9 AM & 11 AM
June 15: Isaiah 6 - 6 PM

Pastor Carl Chica
June 22 9 AM & 11 AM

!a""# $i%%it
June 29: &evival - 9 AM & 11 AM
June '(: Pra#er - 6:)5 PM

*ran+ Catan,aro
Jul# 6: *a"il# - 9 AM & 11 AM
Jul# -: Marria.e - 6:)5 PM

David Carroll
Jul# 1': $he /orld - 9 AM & 11 AM
Jul# 1): 0lo1al Pers%ective - 6:)5 PM

Phil 2o3ard
Jul# 2(: $he 4i1le - 9 AM & 11 AM
Jul# 21: 5isi1le $rans6or"ation - 6:)5 PM

Pastor Justin 0reene
Jul# 2- 9 AM & 11 AM
Check out these
Summer Events at SHC
Mens Discipleship: Man Alive Study
Begins July 9
Studies offered on Wednesdays @ Noon
and Sundays @ 7 AM

Wom_ns Summ_r Bi\l_ Stu^y
June 4 - September 3
!"!! AM - "3! AM
No childcare provided

Moms & Tots
#lay dates in Salem-area par$s for moms and s%&ool-age %&ildren
'(ery Wednesday from May ) - September !
9"3! AM - Noon
'mail *ari M%+lain at karimcclain@gmail.com for more info

CAUSE Park Nights

'(ery ,uesday nig&t in July

-"!! #M - ."!! #M

Picnic in the Park
July 9 / August 3!
0ree food and fun family a%ti(ities

vacation Bible School
July )-)1
9 AM - Noon
2egistration begins June .

Canyonview Day Camp
July ). - August
0or %&ildren entering grades - -

+onta%t t&e %&ur%& offi%e 3it& 4uestions about any of t&ese e(ents at 1!3-1..-!4!35
Check out these
Summer Events at SHC
Mens Discipleship: Man Alive Study
Begins July 9
Studies offered on Wednesdays @ Noon
and Sundays @ 7 AM

Wom_ns Summ_r Bi\l_ Stu^y
June 4 - September 3
!"!! AM - "3! AM
No childcare provided

Moms & Tots
#lay dates in Salem-area par$s for moms and s%&ool-age %&ildren
'(ery Wednesday from May ) - September !
9"3! AM - Noon
'mail *ari M%+lain at karimcclain@gmail.com for more info

CAUSE Park Nights

'(ery ,uesday nig&t in July

-"!! #M - ."!! #M

Picnic in the Park
July 9 / August 3!
0ree food and fun family a%ti(ities

vacation Bible School
July )-)1
9 AM - Noon
2egistration begins June .

Canyonview Day Camp
July ). - August
0or %&ildren entering grades - -

+onta%t t&e %&ur%& offi%e 3it& 4uestions about any of t&ese e(ents at 1!3-1..-!4!35

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