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A Production of Deeper Life Bible Church

c/o DLBC
Box 278, West Bridgewater MA 02379
Pastor (Dr.) William Folorunso Kumuyi, previously a professor of
mathematics at the University of Lagos, is the founding pastor of the
Deeper Life Bible Church and General Superintendent of Deeper
Christian Life Ministry, Worldwide. Te Church with its headquarters in
Lagos ocially began on November 7, 1982 with a simple message: Jesus
transforms lives - bringing not only healing but a complete and fully
formed Christian character. By 1988, the Conference of Pentecostal and
Evangelical Churches worldwide recognized Deeper Life Bible Church as
the single largest church in Africa, and the third largest single congregation
in the world.
Te phenomenal growth of the church tends to overshadow its small
beginning. With 15 adult members in 1973, Kumuyi began an
interdenominational weekly Bible study in Lagos. By 1975, this edgling
group quickly grew to 1500 people who assembled faithfully every Monday
to hear the systematic, expository and rich teaching of the scriptures with
practical application that is immediately helpful and relevant to listeners.
Less than a decade later, the Bible Study group became what is now the
Deeper Life Bible Church and grew to 350,000 members at the Lagos
headquarters church with mission work in 42 countries of the world. Te
church has since sustained an unprecedented growth trajectory leading
to worldwide membership strength in the millions. Pastor Kumuyi,
from the beginning of his ministry, has been blessed with divine success
because of his commitment to teaching sound doctrine, a stellar and
pristine character, unparalleled commitment to leadership development
and divine giftedness.
A humble and outstanding teacher and preacher, Pastor Kumuyi
exemplies servant leadership. He commits himself tirelessly and
selessly to achieve divinely ordained goals. He has a colossal grasp of
the scriptures coupled with uncanny ability to dissect scriptural truths.
Preaching between two worlds, bridging the context and the content of
the biblical text to meet the realities and the needs of present day led
many listeners to conclude that he teaches the Bible as if he was there
when it was written. Te Bible serves as the proof text for his teaching
and preaching. With a thematic approach, he gives a wide range of Bible
passages supporting, clarifying and expanding his main point. A typical
Kumuyi teaching is a beauty to behold. He brightens and deepens delivery
with laborious scholarship and stylistic deployment of a vast range of
gurative, alliterative devices. Kumuyis message is music to the ears and
balm to the spirit. It comes across with crystal clarity free from the din
and distractions of eeting hysterics and unnecessary drama. It is not
uncommon to see on a typical Sunday service, princes, paupers, professors
and priests sit side by side reaching for the cross and surrendering to
the Lord in response to a heart-rending sermon. Tis emphasis on the
primacy of preaching and the exaltation of the Word is one of Kumuyis
great legacies to the body of Christ.
Much of the churchs cohesion and shared sense of community have
been driven by the inspiring and exemplary leadership of Pastor Kumuyi.
His infectious passion for evangelism is undiminished. He is passionate
about leadership training and equipping pastors, teachers, evangelists and
Christian workers. . As his congregation blossomed throughout Africa, the
Deeper Christian Life Ministry has also extended its missionary exploits to
Western Europe, Russia, Asia, India and North America. Kumuyi credits
God for the success recorded so far by the church: Te bottom line is that
God in His own wisdom and power raised up the church and has given
us divine support. Te only reason Deeper Life has grown is because God
Himself has given the growth.

Life is like a labyrinth, the complexity of which the nite mind of man
can hardly comprehend. It is for this purpose that God in His innite
mercies gave His Word to man to guide him. Trough it the fallen
man can essentially retrace His steps to God and the believer also, can
maintain a closer, holier relationship with Him. Te word was also given
to provide man with the necessary wherewithal to navigate this complex
life successfully.
Tis book of daily devotional reading, Daily Manna, is committed to
servicing the ardent, hungry and thirsty individual with appropriate
and relevant spiritual diet, such that his mind, spirit and body are daily
inspired to get hooked unto God for the supply of all needs. Clearly, every
carnal supply will one day be exhausted. But Gods inalienable riches and
grace, owing from His word, are simply inexhaustible. Tey have been
from of old. And forever they shall be.
Yet, the fact needs to be stressed that the manifold blessings accruing
from Gods word are sometimes concealed, requiring an openness of
mind combined with an obedient and determined disposition to fully
appropriate. Tis is the process that Daily Manna seeks to simplify so
that the earnest and consistent enquirer will understand Gods will and
purpose for his or her life and come to terms with same.
To aid your understanding and comprehension, rst, acquaint yourself
with the few verses chosen each day. Carefully, go through the KEY VERSE
and as much as you can, commit it to memory to expand your knowledge
of Gods word. Now meditatively run through the daily commentary,
observing the introduction and the body which oer a combination
of pertinent scriptural and conventional illustrations. Furthermore,
undertake the journey from the known to the unknown as the text is
applied to real life situations, ensuring that you make it applicable to your
Finally, do not overlook the THOUGHT FOR THE DAY, a profound
statement which is served to etch the dominant lesson on your heart. As
we present this complete one-year and second volume production of the
Daily Manna, we prayerfully invite you to join the exalted table of the
Almighty God and be served with manna from heaven.
God bless you richly (Amen)
W.F. Kumuyi
1st January
KEY VERSE: And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from
God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (Revelation
Today marks the rst day of the rst month in the twelfth year after the
second millennium of our Saviors death. Amongst men generally, its a day
of merriment and resolutions. Amongst the redeemed however, its a new day
which draws us nearer our salvation than we rst believed.
In our text, John gives us a magnicent description of heaven, the nal abode
of all believers. Te truth is; there is no city like it. It is the abode of God. It is
a place where weeping, crying, pain, sorrow and death which were described
as the former things shall pass away and all things will become new. Te
presence of God and the opportunity to live with Him in eternity is the
center of attraction in the New Jerusalem which is the longing of all saints
Heaven is an important subject for Christians, not only because it is a pleasant
topic to investigate, but because it is so vital to our faith. Te fear of hell and
eternal torment may be a strong incentive for salvation, but it is not the
basis for our hope and faith. In the Bible, heaven is the ground of our faith
and hope. It is heaven that believers celebrate and not just the dawn of each
eeting day.
As we stand on the threshold of this New Year, therefore, let us also seek to be
faithful in all things, serving in society as salt and light, and striving to lead
others to Him Who is Life and Peace and Blessing. And let us persevere in our
trials, knowing that our faithfulness will be rewarded in that new dawn. And
what better way to prepare for heaven today than to occupy ourselves, even
now, with those activities which we will do for all eternity. Happy New Year!
Each unfolding day draws us nearer to Christ.
2nd January
NUMBERS 14:40-45
KEY VERSE: But they presumed to go up unto the hill top: nevertheless the ark
of the covenant of the LORD, and Moses, departed not out of the camp. Then the
Amalekites came down, and the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill, and smote
them, and discomfted them, even unto Hormah (Numbers 14:44, 45).
Animal Farm is a famous novel by George Orwell. In this novel, the animals in
the farm all begin to follow the precepts of Animalism, rebel against the humans,
take over the farm, and rename the place, Animal Farm. Here are a few quotes
from this famous work that most captured the reasons for their rebellion! Man
is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk,
he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, and he cannot run fast
enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he
gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and
the rest he keeps for himself -George Orwell, Animal Farm, Ch. 1
Just like George Orwells story of rebellion, the Israelites staged a rebellion of
their own in our text. After spying the Promised Land for 40 days, they got
a 40-year punishment for unbelief and rebellion against the Lord and against
Moses; only Joshua and Caleb of that generation entered the land because of their
faith. To add to their existing problems, they again presumed to enter the land
in deance of Gods order to pull back. Gods presence was not with then and
the Ark of the Covenant which symbolized His presence departed not from the
camp. Consequently, the Amalekites and Canaanites easily defeated them.
Tats exactly what happens with all unbelieving people: they end up consumed
with their own welfare. Tey have no vision and no sense of Gods presence. Te
entire focus of their lives is on their problems, troubles, illnesses. Tey go from
one crisis to another, shut up in their own pain and suering. And their days are
lled with confusion, strife and envy.
For thirty-eight years, Moses watched as, one by one, every Israelite in the
unbelieving generation died. As he looked back on those who wasted their
lives away in the wilderness, he saw that everything God had warned about
had happened. Te hand of the Lord was against them, to destroy them until
they were consumed (see Deuteronomy 2).Te lesson for us today is very clear:
unbelief and rebellion bring setbacks and punishment from God.
Rebellion is the precursor of divine judgment.
3rd January
MARK 10:13-16
KEY VERSE: But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto
them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such
is the kingdom of God (Mark 10:14).
A preacher wanted to show o his garden to a man who wouldnt let his
children attend church - he wanted them to wait until they were old enough
to decide for themselves. When they walked into the garden, it was full of
weeds, which were choking out his squash, beans and okra. Te man said:
Tis is a pitiful excuse for a garden! To which the preacher replied: I just
wanted to wait until the vegetables had a chance to decide for themselves
what they wanted to do!
Tere was a ow of people bringing their little children to Jesus in our passage.
And while that ow was on, the disciples were watching. Tey felt it to be
an intrusion, a violation of the important things to have these parents ling
up to Jesus while He was supposed to be teaching and speaking to those who
could understand and who are more important. But Jesus gave the priority
back to the children and stated that we must not for whatever reason hinder
little children from coming to Him.
Te world is full of hindrances for our children - drugs, immorality, violence,
evil cartoons on TV, movies, bad inuences, peer pressure, etc. Some churches
equally discriminate against children; they might ignore the children in their
ock because they cant contribute to the church - they are a liability and
not an asset, an expense and not a source of revenue. Terefore, the children
churches in some ministries are neglected. Where they exist at all they are
packed with incompetent teachers and the children are made to worship
under a tree or in a dilapidated building while the adult worshippers occupy
the better buildings. But Christ says that is a misconception of what ranks
high in Gods kingdom. We must give priority to our children and create a
good atmosphere for them to hear and receive the gospel message.
Wickedness is evil; wickedness to children is doubly evil.
4th January
ISAIAH 27:1-13
KEY VERSE: And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall
be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria,
and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD in the holy
mount at Jerusalem (Isaiah 27:12).
Penal transportation is the deporting of convicted criminals to a penal colony.
Examples include transportation by France to Devils island and by the
UK to its colonies in the Americas, from the 1610s through the American
Revolution in the 1770s, and then to Australia between 1788 and 1868. Te
penal system which saw more than 40,000 convicted criminals sent to the
Americas and about 200,000 to Australia, required the convicts to work on
government projects such as road construction, building works and mining,
or assigned to free individuals as unpaid labor. Women were expected to work
as domestic servants and farm laborers. A convict who had served part of his
time might apply for a ticket of leave permitting some prescribed freedoms.
Tis enabled some convicts to resume a more normal life, to marry and raise
a family.
From the passage, God having tried a variety of methods with Israel for their
reformation, which have mainly proved ineectual, He, for a time, laid their
country waste when he sent them away on captivity to Babylon. Tough He
promised to aict them, yet He will make their aictions to work for the
good of their souls and correct them as a father does the child, to drive out
foolishness in their hearts. For Israel, the particular sin which the aiction
was intended to cure was the sin of idolatry which did most easily beset them
and to which they were strangely and foolishly addicted. Tough Jerusalem
shall be desolate and forsaken for a time, yet there will come a day when its
scattered occupants shall resort to it again out of all the countries whither
they were dispersed.
At present, you may be going through conditions you can clearly liken to
either imprisonment or exile in a strange land. Rather than run from pillar
to post, take a cursory look at your life and repent, if need be. Tat may end
your captivity faster and ease your pains quicker.
Simple obedience may end a long captivity faster.
5th January
EXODUS 21:12-25
KEY VERSE: Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for
burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe (Exodus 21:24,25).
An Iranian woman who was blinded and badly disgured by an acid attack
by a spurned suitor recently pardoned her attacker. Te woman was severely
disgured in the 2004 incident, when a bucket of acid was poured on her
face and body and ultimately went through at least 17 operations. In a court-
ordered retribution, as a doctor was about to put several drops of acid in one
of his eyes in a hospital operating room, the man who attacked her waited
on his knees and wept. What do you want to do now? the doctor asked the
34-year-old woman, who suered the attack. I forgave him, I forgave him,
she responded, asking the doctor to spare him at the last minute in a dramatic
scene broadcast on Irans state television. It is best to pardon when you are
in a position of power, she said, explaining that she did not want revenge.
What the Lord commanded in our text is the need to respect the sanctity
of life and punish those who deprive others of their lives. Where the loss is
due to murder, then the law of retaliation applies: life for life. Moreover, if
the killing is intentional, the perpetrator will nd no refuge in the temple.
Where, however, the killing was in the heat of passion and not premeditated,
what we today call voluntary manslaughter, the killer could escape to a city
of refuge and live out his days in exile, apart from his family until the death
of the high priest.
Te phrase an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, expresses a principle of
retributive justice also known as law of retaliation. Te basis of this form of
law is the principle of proportionate punishment.
Te Lord calls on Christians to forgive when oended. But I say unto you,
love your enemies, bless them that curse you do good to them that hate
you (Matthew 5:44).
It is more blessed to forgive than to revenge.
6th January
JOHN 14:21-31
KEY VERSE: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world
giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid
(John 14:27).
Queen Elizabeth II of England does not hug anyone; she only shakes hand
with people. But in 2009, she broke every protocol and hugged president
Obamas wife. Michelle Obama. She is not renowned for public displays
of aection. Tis made the Queens decision to put a friendly arm around
Michelle Obamas waist at a Buckingham Palace G20 reception surprising.
Te sight of the Queen publicly hugging another woman astonished other
guests. An onlooker said: It was a pretty simultaneous gesture. We couldnt
believe what we were seeing.
From our text, Christ gave the great privilege of His peace and the abiding
presence of the Comforter to his disciples made up mostly of shermen and
commoners. A Bible commentator captured it this way: When Christ was
about to leave the world He made his will. His soul he committed to his
Father; his body he bequeathed to Joseph to be decently interred; his clothes
fell to the soldiers; his mother he left to the care of John: but what should
he leave to his poor disciples that had left all for him? Silver and gold he had
none; but he left them that which was innitely better, his peace. I leave
you, but I leave my peace with you. I not only give you a title to it, but put
you in possession of it. He did not part in anger, but in love; for this was his
farewell, as a dying father leaves portions to his children; and this is a worthy
To properly understand peace, we need to understand where true peace comes
from; its source is God. Tis peace was described by Jesus as my peace- the
peace that saw him through all moments of crisis.
Te Holy Spirit working in our lives means that we can experience peace on
a level that dees human understanding. If you dont have peace inside, you
will not experience peace on the outside either. Peace on the inside comes
from peace with God and from knowing that Hes in control. If God has
established peace by reconciling us both to God and to one another in Christ,
then we must do all we can to live out this life of peace.
Christs peace is the privilege of His saints.
7th January
I SAMUEL 20:24-34
KEY VERSE: So David hid himself in the feld: and when the new moon was
come, the king sat him down to eat meat (1 Samuel 20:24).
Do we walk up to face an obvious danger instead of running away from it? Is
it a mark of courage and faith when we are aware of a threat to our lives and
fail to do something about it when we can? Te answers to these questions are
obvious. It will be foolish and presumptuous for us to face danger headlong
when we can do something either to avert it or escape it.
Davids action in our text today was a very wise one. It had become very clear
to him that his life was no longer safe with King Saul. He had seen clear signs
to conrm his fear. His friend and condant, Jonathan had doubted his fear.
To conrm, both had agreed that David stayed away from the feast to see the
reaction of Saul. Sauls angry reaction at Davids absence and his attempt on
Jonathans life were all he needed. David did not bank on the promise he had
to be king after Saul through the anointing of Prophet Samuel to dare the
murderous attempts of Saul. It would have been foolish to think that since
God had chosen him to be king, then God would have certainly prevented
Saul from killing him. He did what was wise and right for him to do at that
time which was to run away and hide.
We need to learn from David. Gods promises of protection, guidance and
deliverance are not to make us become foolish and presumptuous. Tey are
not to make us neglect our responsibility of safety and security consciousness.
Tere are certain things God would not do for us. When we are supposed to
avoid danger, run away from crisis or protect ourselves from harm and we fail
to do so, we will have ourselves to blame. Dont miss the point. Gods word
is sure. He will protect us from danger and deliver us from evil. But then, we
dont have to cast ourselves down from a high building and feel that since He
has given His angels charge to bear us in their hands we will not dash our foot
against a stone!
We must take personal responsibility for our safety and security. God will
protect, secure and deliver us from evil, but we must play our part.
Your safety is your personal responsibility. Dont be negligent!
8th January
NUMBERS 16:36-40
KEY VERSE: :To be a memorial unto the children of Israel, that no stranger,
which is not of the seed of Aaron, come near to offer incense before the LORD;
that he be not as Korah, and as his company: as the LORD said to him by the
hand of Moses (Numbers 16:40).
Punishment for crimes is not only that the oender may suer for his wrong
doing but it also serves to warn and deter others from doing the same thing.
Tis is why in most cases the meting out of punishment on oenders is not
made a private aair but a public one. Te purpose is to deter others from
going into crime.
Our passage today echoes the same principle. God had publicly judged
Korah, Dathan and Abiram for their challenge and open rebellion against
Moses. Tis was followed by the divine judgment of re on the two hundred
and fty men who oered incense contrary to the order and commandment
of God. Te men had challenged the priesthood of Aaron and had gone ahead
in deance to oer incense. God was wrath and devoured the men with re.
After their death, God commanded Moses to instruct the sons of Aaron to
gather up the censers of the slain men and make a sheet of covering from
them. Te coverings were to be for the covering of the altars but more than
that, to serve as a memorial of the divine judgment. It was to be an eternal
reminder that God would punish sin and rebellion.
Laws are given to ensure orderliness within a community of people. Where
such laws are not obeyed and enforced, there are bound to be disorderliness
and chaos. In a family, church or society where sins are not frowned at and
punished, others will denitely not see reason to desist from sin. To prevent
the encouragement and spread of sin and rebellion, necessary actions must
be carried out on oenders once the sins are found out and established. In
meting out punishment however, care must be taken that there is no partiality.
Nobody should be treated specially for any reason. We should be quick to
rebuke wrong doings and save our homes and churches from being taken up
by the little leaven that leaveneth the whole lump.
Open rebuke for sin will keep others away from it.
9th January
PSALM 101:1-8
KEY VERSE: I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come
unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart (Psalm 101:2).
Sometimes, people wonder what constitute holy living. If I say I am holy,
what does this mean? Tey ask. To some, holiness is a kind of abstract
experience which is kind of dicult to grasp or explain. Tey think it only
exists in the heart and in dogma but cannot be translated into practical
everyday living. Tere are those who completely rule out the possibility of
holy living in this present world.
Our passage, however gives us a practical denition and demonstration of
holiness. It shows that it is a practical reality possible in the life of every
Christian. King David, in our text made a clear decision backed up by a
strong determination to be holy. His holiness aected his associations and
relationships. He will have nothing to do in the way of intimate relationship
or close association with the ungodly who is wicked, deceitful, slanderous,
proud and boastful. He will only keep company and do business with the
faithful who walk in a perfect way. In this, he shows that holiness is right
We can never be holy except we decide to be. Tough the Lord has graciously
provided for us means by which we can be holy, this cannot come to us unless
we are willing and decisive about it. Holy living is the practical responsibility
of every believer. We must make a daily determination to be holy both in the
secret of our homes and in the glare of our public life. Like David, we must
be determined not to set any unclean thing before our eyes. We cannot expect
to be holy in our minds and thoughts if we continually gaze on unclean
things on the TV, Internet, handsets or literature that we read. Holiness will
not only aect our attitude, character and conduct, but will also touch our
associations. We cannot successfully maintain holy life on a daily basis if all
our very close and intimate associates are ungodly. Teir sinful lifestyle will
certainly rub on us. When we seek close friendship only with the Christ-like,
it helps us safeguard our experience.
Personal resolve and Gods grace promote holy living.
10th January
I KING 17:8-16
KEY VERSE: And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and
he, and her house, did eat many days. (1 Kings 17:15)
Te Christian life has a number of paradoxes. Tese run contrary to the ways
and understanding of the principles of the people of the world. For example,
to be great as a Christian, you must become the servant of all. To go up, you
must be willing to come down; and to have your life, you must be willing to
lose it! But these are the ways of the Lord that the Christian must follow. It
is the path of faith.
We nd this principle clearly in the story we have before us today. To sustain
Elijah during the time of this famine, God sent him to a poor widow. Not
even to a rich man or a widow who had a large estate left to her by her late
husband, but a poor widow who had just her last provision and was expecting
nothing but death! But through her, God sustained Elijah, the widow and her
son all through the period of the famine. Gods ways are dierent from mans.
In accepting to obey the prophet in giving him all that she has, the widow
accepted death but she got life. She died to live!
Unless we are ready to follow this divine principle, we may never really get the
best we ought to get in life or be who we should be. To become a Christian,
we must die at the cross to have the life of Christ. To live the Christian life, we
must be willing to die daily if we are to enjoy the abundant life the Lord has
promised. Tose who tightly clasp their hands, holding tenaciously to what
they have will never be able to receive what God has for them. You need an
open hand to receive and in opening your hand, you must be willing to let go
that which you are holding in order for God to give you that which is the best
that you need. To be lled with the life of God you must be empty of self and
the world. You must die to live!
Gods ways are not mans ways!
11th January
MATTHEW 17:22-27
KEY VERSE: Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea,
and cast an hook, and take up the fsh that frst cometh up; and when thou hast
opened his mouth, thou shalt fnd a piece of money: that take, and give unto
them for me and thee (Matthew 17:27).
Tere are some Christian sects who misunderstand the doctrine of Christian
separation from the world. Tey think this has to do with having nothing to
do with their nations and the laws that govern their nation. Tey consider it
idolatrous and worldly to sing the National Anthem, or take part in any civic
duty expected of the citizens of the country. Since Christians are not of the
world, then they must not have anything to do with the world, they think.
Yet, the example of Christ in our text today shows us that as Christians, we
must be responsible citizens of our country. Tough He had the right not to
pay the temple tax, still He went ahead to pay, demonstrating to us that we
must be law-abiding and peace-loving. As Christians, we have the duty to
positively inuence our land and community with the gospel as salts and
lights. We must be careful that we do not make our gospel unsavory and
detestable to the people through our unfriendly and repulsive lifestyle. If we
are to win the world, then we must be good citizens.
Te life and examples of the Lord Jesus demonstrate to us how we ought to
live as Christians. Tose who look away from Christ always fall into the error
of extremism, fanaticism and hypocrisy.
Christians should take the lead in performing their necessary civic
responsibilities. Tey should not dodge tax or duties or present false
information concerning their earnings in order to pay less tax on their
income. It will be unchristian to present false documents so as to pay less duty
on importations. It is our duty to protect public properties and not vandalize
them and ensure we conduct ourselves peacefully always. Nothing must be
done to reproach the gospel or the name of Christ.
An oensive life repels. Be winsome!
12th January
ISAIAH 30:1-17
KEY VERSE: Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel,
but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may
add sin to sin (Isaiah 30:1).
It is amusing at times to watch an insect caught up in a spiders web. In
attempt to free itself, the poor insect only succeeds in further trapping itself
in the web until it becomes helpless and unable to escape. Tis illustrates the
foolishness of many who, in an attempt to get free from the grip of sin only
succeed in getting themselves deeper into it. Tey add sin to sin.
In our passage today, the Lord proclaimed woe on the children of Israel for
their sinfulness and foolishness. Instead of turning to God, repenting of their
sins and seeking Him for protection and deliverance, they decided to look to
Egypt for help. In their rebellion, they failed to seek counsel from God. By
this act, they added to their sins.
Tere is no point trying to run away from our sin or trying to seek a cover for
same. Tat will only be foolish as we will rather fall deeper into sin. Tere is
one way to get free from sin and its consequences. We must admit whatever
wrong we have done and be truly sorry for it. If we keep making up excuses
for our sins or think we can work out our own righteousness by ourselves, we
only deceive ourselves. Tere is only one way out of sin and if we ignore it, we
despise God and only add to our sins.
Be careful that you do not allow yourself to be deceived by those who may
be giving you false hope and assurances. Tey may want to make you believe
that you are okay as long as you do good and are faithful with your religious
services. If you hang up to this falsehood, you will discover that you will not
be able to hide the shame of your sins. It is either you humble yourself before
God, accept your guilt and utter helplessness and receive His oer of pardon
through Christ, or be prepared to face the punishment for your sins. Do the
right thing; humble yourself; repent and receive pardon from God.
Christs blood is the only cover for sin
13th January
MARK 11:27-33
KEY VERSE: There come to him the chief priests, and the scribes, And the
elders, And say unto him, By what authority doest thou these things? and who
gave thee this authority to do these things? (Mark 11:27, 28).
Tere are not many maladies that can so badly impair ones sense of judgment
as prejudice (irrational dislike of somebody). Someone once dened prejudice
thus, A vagrant (homeless, wandering) opinion without visible means of
support. It blindfolds, injures and even kills. Its worst victim is often the
person who exercises it.
During Christs earthly ministry, the priests, scribes and elders (Sanhedrim)
had an obsessive, unfounded hatred for Him. Tey showed it openly and
subtly. Todays text presents one of such occasions of their antagonism against
Christ. Tey had watched Him walking and teaching in the temple. Teir
query to Christ was laden with a mixture of envy and malice. Te question
was intended to ensnare or, at best, ridicule Christ by making Him seem a
usurper or blasphemer.
But wisdom prevailed. Christ responded with another question that exposed
their hypocrisy. Tey knew the truth that both John the Baptist and Jesus
Christ derived their authority from God. Even one of their rank, Nicodemus,
had earlier acknowledged Christ as a teacher come from God. But here,
they would neither openly admit it lest they should acknowledge Jesus as the
Messiah; nor could they discredit Johns ministry as a human design lest they
be mobbed by the commoners that knew better. In their face-saving attempt,
they refused to answer Christs question. Christs question therefore took care
of theirs.
Te gospel has never been so vehemently attacked by people more than
men of inuence, especially religious men whose interest are threatened by
gospel light. But how vain it is to antagonize the truth! Often the same rod
of attack eventually proves to be the instrument of its promotion while its
peddlers get confounded. As you step out this day, pray not to be blinded or
shackled by prejudice against the truth. Rather, let the boldness and wisdom
of righteousness be your strength.
None can ght the truth successfully
14th January
EXODUS 24:1-11
KEY VERSE: And Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD,
and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All
the words which the LORD hath said will we do (Exodus 24:3).
One major undoing of king Saul of Israel was his partial obedience to Gods
word. He received divine commission through prophet Samuel to utterly
destroy the Amalekites sparing no man or animal. He complied, but not
completely. He spared Agag their king and the best of their animals. By this
act, he earned Gods judgment.
Te resolve of the Israelites, in todays text, contrasts sharply with the action of
Saul. Here, Moses who had been away on Mount Sinai got back to the people
and acquainted them with all the commandments, laws and ordinances from
God. What was their response? and all the people answered with one
voice, and said, All the words which the LORD hath said will we do. Moses
thereupon put the laws in writing, read it out to the people and ratied the
covenant by sacrices. Te congregation of Israel reiterated their commitment
to obey God. Although it has been shown that pledge and performance do
not always match, these peoples attitude is quite instructive.
Te implication of their resolve is that every one of them without exemption
was prepared to comply with every word of God without exception.
Moses had set Gods terms so clearly before them so that their decision would
be by choice.
As we are privileged to have the whole counsel of God and to be inheritors of
the covenant of grace, we should be more committed to obey every word that
proceeds out of the mouth of God.
When you pick and choose what to obey in Gods truth, you end up acting
like Saul and earn Gods disfavor. ..To obey is better than sacrice, and to
hearken than the fat of rams.
Partial obedience to Gods word is too paltry to earn His approval.
15th January
GENESIS 25:1-11
KEY VERSE: And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac (Genesis 25:5).
Wildlife conservationists are, more than ever, ghting to save hundreds
of animals regarded as endangered species. Teir prospect of going into
extinction stems from the disruptive activities of humans as well as climate
change. So much money and eort are now being spent just to keep them on
the face of the earth.
Abraham had a more vital reason to secure a bright future for Isaac, his son.
It is true that he made a fatal mistake in his earlier years when he got a child
through his housemaid. It is also true that, at old age, he got remarried to
Keturah through whom he had many other children. But when it got to
taking out a will before his death, he made a signicant dierence. To his
other sons, including Ishmael, he simply but fairly gave gifts (settled them).
But he gave all that he had unto Isaac. He also ensured that all the other
sons were sent away from Isaac.
Abraham did not only bequeath his vast earthly estate to Isaac, he transferred
to him the privileges of the covenant. He did not lose sight of the fact that Isaac
was his proper heir and child of promise (Genesis 21:12). It was needful that
Abrahams other sons were put far away from Isaac and that this distinction
be made while Abraham was still alive lest there be any rivalry after his death.
Isaac symbolizes the Christian believers who are now the heirs of promise and
unto who are reserved the blessings of a better covenant (Galatians 4:28). In
Christ Jesus, we are a chosen generation a peculiar people. As such God
has a special portion for us. To others He gives common blessings but to His
Isaacs He reserves peculiar temporal and eternal blessings.
Be rest assured today that your heavenly Father knows better and has your
interest at heart. Just cling to His promises and at length you will nd that
all things are yours.
In the gamble of faith in Christ, youre destined to win head or tail!
16th January
NUMBERS 15:1-16
KEY VERSE: One ordinance shall be both for you of the congregation, and
also for the stranger that sojourneth with you, an ordinance forever in your
generations: as ye are, so shall the stranger be before the LORD (Numbers
Te tribe of human right advocates has greatly expanded in the last couple of
decades. At the heart of these movements and campaigns is the vexed issue
of equality. Tese movements seek to address specic situations they consider
biased and unfair in societies. Tey seek equal rights in certain social and
economic contexts and the removal of legally enforced discriminations that
are based on such conditions as gender, religion, race, age, health etc. Much
good has come of these eorts. When abused, however, it has the potential of
dragging societies along terribly permissive lanes.
In todays text, God recommended the principle of equality in the instructions
He gave to Israel concerning oerings and sacrices. Israel had just recovered
from an episode of rebellion and had been forgiven on account of Moses
intercession. As they stood at the verge of the Promised Land, Moses had
to reiterate these instructions and guidelines which they were expected to
observe when they settle in the land.
One thing that engages interest here is the instruction concerning equal
treatment for the Israelites and strangers (Gentiles) among them. Tis law
applied to both responsibility and benets. It implies that in sacricing to
God and in receiving blessings, no dierence would be made between the
Jews and the Gentile who have joined them in worship of God. Tis law
served to forestall adulteration of worship and helped to foster unity and love
among the people. It was also a pointer to the era of grace where there is
neither Jew nor Greek bond nor free male nor female: for ye are all one
in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).
In the same token, God expects the same standard from His worshippers.
He expects all His worshippers to be holy irrespective of their gender, social
status, cultural background and denominational aliation. If you are a
beneciary of Gods saving grace, to you also applies this requirement and its
attendant blessings.
If the law levels all worshippers, grace does much more.
17th January
MARK 10:17-27
KEY VERSE: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for
a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Mark 10:25).
A rich man was so impressed by the product quality of his shoemaker a very
skillful but poor elderly man and decided to help him expand his business.
He gave him a soft loan of 5 pound sterling (a huge amount of money then).
Te shoemaker thankfully accepted the oer. A few days later, the disturbed
shoemaker returned the entire fund to his astonished benefactor, explaining
that since he received the money he lost his peace and freedom. Te shoemaker
could not stand the stress often associated with much possession!
Te rich young rulers encounter with Christ, in todays text, aptly illustrates
one of those things that mark the ip side of auence. By all standards, this
man had everything desirable. At a young age he was wealthy and apparently
inuential. As demonstrated here, he was quite respectful, humble, of good
character, intelligent and ready to learn. Besides, his question was sincere and
pertinent. Christ also appreciated his simplicity and sincerity.
Just when he thought he had it all Christ pointed out to him the one thing
he lacked. He was required to give away his wealth to the poor, take up his
cross and follow Him. He failed the basic test of consecration. He could not
bring himself to part with his vast wealth. Riches have a way of engrossing
the heart and time of man that he has little left for God. Even its acquisition
and maintenance are so fraught with vices that take special grace from God
to overcome.
In the light of the foregoing, it will be nice to appraise your commitment to
the Lord and His kingdom. Do you not love and pursue the things of this
world more supremely than your devotion to God? Should Christ assess you
today, would He not point out one thing thou lackest that may debar you
from entering the kingdom of God?
To be earthbound is to be heaven barred.
18th January
ISAIAH 28:1-8
KEY VERSE: The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trodden
under feetIn that day shall the LORD of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a
diadem of beauty, unto the residue of his people (Isaiah 28:3, 5).
Te Olympics is one of the worlds most glamorous sporting events. Every
four years, most nations of the world vie to participate in the games and strive
for medals. Te games which originated from and were held in Greece as a
means of building diplomacy across the Greek world and to honor the Greek
god Zeus, has changed in many aspects. In those earlier years victors were
not honored with medals but with crowns made of leaves of the wild olive.
Apostle Paul contrasted this perishable crown with the crown of life and of
glory that the believer vies for that fadeth not away (1 Corinthians 9:25; 1
Peter 5:4).
Todays text, similarly, mentions two contrasting crowns. First is the
crown of pride, an allusion to the object of pride of Israel. At that time
Israel had its capital in ancient Samaria which was beautifully situated on the
top of a round hill, and surrounded with a rich valley and a circle of other
hills. Tis suggested the idea of a wreath of owers. With such advantages
Samaria was regarded as the glory of Canaan. But alas, Israel became pued
up and indulged in drunkenness and carefree living. For these sins, the Lord
threatened them with sweeping desolations which were eventually executed
by the Assyrians who destroyed their country and carried them into exile.
But to Judah the Lord promised to be a crown of glory, and a diadem of
beauty. Happy are the people who have the Great Jehovah as their crown and
diadem. Being in this privileged state, Judah needed to be warned about the
sinful tendencies of its people lest they suer same fate.
Tis same God is our crown of glory and diadem of beauty. He is also our
refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. How much this should
comfort believers in Christ. How we also need to beware lest we forfeit a far
more exceeding and eternal weight of glory that awaits us beyond this life!
Christs crown of thorns earned us a crown of glory.
19th January
EXODUS 21:26-36
KEY VERSE: But if the Ox were wont to push with his horn in time past and if
hath been testifed to his owner, and he hath not kept him in, but that it hath
killed a man or a woman, the Ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put
to death (Exodus 21:29).
Te principle of responsibility for wrongs done to others explained in the
Bible plainly states that one is liable for the actions of ones agents as long as
he owes that agent a duty of care and control. In the case of animals, it makes
little dierence that the owner is not aware of its destructive tendencies.
Te Lord had given Moses the laws guiding mans relationship to God and to
his fellow man in the preceding chapter known as the Ten Commandments.
Underlying the commandments governing mans relationship with one
another is the principle of divine equity: do unto others as you would have
them do unto you. And to underscore Gods view of the sanctity of life an
animal which killed a human being was to be killed; the owner himself was to
suer similar fate if he was aware of the animals destructive traits.
Today, God still highly upholds the sanctity of life. Sins of omission are
as serious in the eyes of the Lord as sins of commission. Carelessness or
negligence must be avoided by true followers of Christ. Te major dierence
between man and animal is in mans possession of the reasoning faculty. If we
have faculties to guide us in our daily life and fail to use them, we are culpable
before the Lord.
Te Scriptures enjoin us to walk carefully, cautiously through life to be able
to reap the blessings. God has graciously provided for His children. We must
watch over our domestic animals to keep them from harming people or
destroying their property
Negligence or careless action is sin.
20th January
JOHN 15:1-8
KEY VERSE: I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I
in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me, ye can do nothing
(John 15:5).
Paul was a prisoner in the ship taking him to Rome. Faced with imminent
danger of a shipwreck, God assured him of his safety and that of his co-
travelers; an assurance he shared with them to instill their condence in God.
As the storm became more ferocious, the shipmen attempted to ee out of
the ship. Paul told them: Except these abide in the ship ye cannot be saved.
True, the ship was wrecked but no life was lost according to Gods word by
Jesus Christ as the true Vine is the source of life. Tose who believe in Him
are the branches. No branch has life outside the Vine. Te Greek word meno
means to abide, continue, remain or dwell. C.H. Spurgeon put it this way:
Moreover what is heard must remain, must live in us and must abide in
our character as a force and a power. We must receive the truth which Jesus
taught, the precept which He issued, and the movement of His Spirit within
us, or we shall have no power at the mercy seat.
To abide is to bring forth the fruit of righteousness, soul- winning, and
exemplary conduct. We should be ready to be pruned for more bountiful
yield or we would lose our reward. Te truth must be rmly anchored in our
soul that we can do nothing without Christ.
Do you want to lead a successful Christian life in facing the daily daunting
challenges? Ten forsake not the source of your strength and power. Abide in
Him so that He abides in you. Without Him, denitely, we can do nothing
Outside Christ, all other ground is sinking sand.
21st January
I SAMUEL 20:35-42
KEY VERSE: And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place
toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three
times, and they kissed one another, and wept, one with another, until David was
exceeded(1 Samuel 20:41).
During the Nigerian Civil War, many young men died particularly on the
Biafran side. Te soldiers had little training as the war progressed, their
weapons were insucient and inferior, and food supply was inadequate.
Young men were no longer coming forward to be enlisted in the army and
consequently government resorted to conscription. A young man, an only
son who had been in hiding came out to collect food items from his mother
and was caught by the conscripting soldiers. Te mother cried, the boy wept.
And as he was being pushed into the waiting van, the mother said in tears,
this is the saddest moment of my life. Will I ever see you again? And they
never saw again as the son died in the war.
Parting with loved ones especially when the chances of meeting again are
slim could be traumatic. David and Jonathan were two friends who had
cemented their friendship by going into covenant of loyalty. Even at the risk
of his own life, Jonathan had defended David against the vicious plans of his
father, King Saul. Our text records the parting that turned out to be the last
between the two friends as sad and sorrowful. Tey never met again. While
David remained a fugitive, living in exile till Sauls death, Jonathan died in
the ensuing wars with enemy nations.
Here was friendship devoid of envy and rivalry, built upon godly love and
fear. Jonathan knew David was to become king after his father Saul, yet he
never planned to kill him neither did he support his fathers evil plan. Tis is
the kind of friendship believers must emulate.
Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than any earthly brother or friend. True
friendship can only be found in Christ. Neither Jonathan nor David died for
the other but Christ died for the sins of the whole world. Make Him your
friend today.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
22nd January
NUMBERS 16:41-50
KEY VERSE: Now they that died in the plague where fourteen thousand and
seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah (Numbers
What would make a thrice holy and merciful God to aict His people with
plagues? Te scriptures arm that He has no pleasure in the death of sinners.
A plague is divine aiction sent as punishment for sin, rebellion, continual
disobedience, presumption and total disregard for the supremacy of God.
A rebellion had taken place against the spiritual authority of Moses and Aaron
by Korah, Dothan and Abiram. Teir position displeased the Lord and the
result was swift as God killed all the men that appertained unto Korah and
consumed the two hundred and fty men that oered incense.
It was tragic that Israel could not interpret the supernatural visitation but
rather attributed it to Moses (verse 14). And Gods anger was kindled
resulting in the death of 14700 people until Moses prayers caused Gods
wrath to abate.
Today, God has set leaders over the people of God in our local churches
even where such appointments have been made by other leaders. We must
recognize the nger of God in the appointment of leaders in our churches
or we will run the risk of the unwholesome conduct of Korah, Dathan and
Abiram with its tragic consequences.
Rebellion is as a sin of witchcraft
23rd January
PSALM 102:1-11
KEY VERSE: For my days are consumed like smoke and my bones are burned
as a hearth. My heart is smitten, and withered like grass, so that I forget to eat
my bread (Psalm 102:3, 4).
Pain and aiction are a universal phenomenon. Tey come upon people for
various reasons. Tey also come upon believers through the purifying process
of daily identifying with the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan as the god of this world
exercises his evil power, causing pain and aiction.
Suering pain and aiction have been part of mans experience after his fall
(Genesis 3). In our text, this anonymous psalmist speaks about aiction as
an experience of all ages. He reects not so much on the intensity of his bitter
experiences as in the unchanging nature of God in His dealings with men of
all ages. He also reects on the eeting nature of life itself my days are like
a shadow that declineth and I am withered like grass (verse 11).
Lifes challenges sometimes seem insurmountable, and nearly everything
seems to be going wrong. We appear helpless in our attempt to change the
situation. In such trying circumstances, we need to place our life in the hands
of Him who is the Master of circumstances.
Are you passing through lifes troubled waters? Is your ship sailing aimlessly?
We have an Anchor that keeps the soul; steadfast and sure while the billows
roll; fastened to the Rock which cannot move; Grounded rm and deep in
the Saviors love. From today, learn and practice the art of anchoring fast and
deeply in Him.
Tough times dont last, only tough people do.
24th January
I KINGS 17:17-24
KEY VERSE: And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child
came into him again, and he revived (1 Kings 17:22).
Te messenger of God is at once a seer, receiving Gods message for His
people; a prophet, warning of danger and consequences of sin; and a man
of God carrying out actions and activities for the establishment of proper
relationship between God and His people. Such a messenger carries the power
and authority of the Lord. He does nothing to earn self-praise or glory in the
exercise of this authority and power.
Our text deals with an ironic and perplexing situation. God in His majesty
and power provided oil and our for the widow who had demonstrated
tremendous faith in Him by obeying his prophet. She went from nothing
to something, believing by faith that God who was able to provide for her
family in famine was also able to bring the dead back to life. Just then a
calamity occurred, bringing death, grief and sorrow. But the God of miracles
was available as always. Te dead boy was restored back to life.
Miracles are a clear manifestation of Gods power, love and compassion. Tey
are to point beneciaries to Him, the unchanging God and to His Son Jesus
Christ. Today believers perform miracles, healing the sick and delivering the
oppressed. Such miracle workers should claim no personal glory but point
miracle receivers to Christ.
Have you received healing or deliverance? We must stay on His word, walking
in His steps. Tat way, greater miracles and blessings will always be our lot
Miracles unfold the glory of God in man
25th January
MATTHEW 18:1-14
KEY VERSE: Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the
same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:4).
Most men are victims of exaggerated sense of self-worth and carnal dignity
which amounts to a agrant repudiation of the supremacy of God overall
creatures. It is a feeling which promotes pride, arrogance and vainglory, a
tripartite vice that ies-in-face of Gods command to all men to abase
Our Lord Jesus Christ in our text today dwelt much on the virtue of humility.
According to Him, humility commands respect in heaven. Te distinguishing
mark of honor and growth in the presence of God is humility. God commends
and enforces all through scripture. Failure to abide incurs His wrath.
When a child of God is growing, he grows in grace to elevate his Master;
he becomes smaller and smaller in his own esteem, until like the morning
star, he fades away before the rising sun. It is in the light of this that John
the Baptist armed, He (Christ) must increase, but I must decrease. Little
wonder therefore that such little ones, the humble and the lowly, could not
be despised without oending God. God is so pleased with the humble that
He daily seeks to bring them into His presence.
Humility is the path to the higher life. Do not seek or ask for exaltation. Let
us take no place before God or men but that of a humble and gentle servant.
Every man at his best is altogether a man.
26th January
ISAIAH 30:18-26
KEY VERSE: And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the
way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left
(Isaiah 30:21).
Admiral Sir Tomas Williams, a straightforward man, was in command of a
ship crossing the Atlantic. His course brought him in sight of the Island of
Ascension at that time uninhabited and never visited except for the purpose
of collecting turtles. Te island was barely visible on the horizon, but as Sir
Tomas looked at it, he was seized by an uncountable desire to steer towards
it. His desire became more and more urgent and distressing, and foreseeing
that it would soon be more dicult to satisfy it, he told his lieutenant to
prepare to put about ship and steer in that direction. Te ocer respectfully
remonstrated that changing course would greatly delay them. Tis only
increased the Admirals anxiety, and the ship was steered towards the island.
All eyes were xed upon it, and soon something was perceived on the shore.
It is white - it is a rag - it must be a signal! When they neared the shore,
they discovered that sixteen men wrecked on the coast many days before,
and suering hunger, had set up a signal although without the hope of relief.
What made the Admiral steer the ship in the very opposite direction to what
he and his crew wanted was nothing but the Spirit of God.
Our text today reveals the graciousness of God towards reconciled Israel.
Before this time, there was a serious devastation upon them. Tey departed
from God and His judgment fell on them. However, God in His mercy
extended His hands to Israel with the promise of abundance if they turn to
Him in repentance. He promised to comfort, hear their prayers, teach and
guide them and defeat their enemies.
God is still guiding and leading the obedient and the submissive today.
However, the upright God can only guide us when we turn to Him completely
with our whole heart.
Traversing this earth without divine guide is a recipe for disaster.
27th January
MARK 12:1-12
KEY VERSE: And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant that he
might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard. And they caught
him, and beat him, and sent him away empty (Mark 12:2,3).
Dr. George W. Truett was entertained on one occasion in the home of a
wealthy oil man in Texas. After the dinner, the man took him up the roof of
his house and indicated huge elds of oil derricks, and said; Dr. Truett, thats
all mine. I came to this country twenty-ve years ago penniless, and now I
own everything as far as you can see in that direction. Ten he turned to the
opposite direction and indicated waving elds of grain and said again, its
all mine, I own everything, as far as you can see in that direction is mine.
One nal time he turned toward the west and pointed to a great virgin forest,
and said again, Its all mine. Twenty-ve years ago I was penniless, but I
worked hard and saved, and today I own everything as far as you can see in
this direction, that direction, that direction and this direction. He paused
for the expected praise, but to his astonishment, it didnt come. Dr. Truett
laid hand lovingly on his shoulder, pointed upward and said; my friend, how
much do you own in that direction? Te man dropped his head in shame
and said I never thought of that.
In this parable, the religious leaders not only frustrated their nations purpose,
but also killed those who were trying to fulll it. By telling this story, Jesus
exposed the religious leaders plot to kill Him and warned that their sins
would be punished.
It is interesting to note that the vineyard was the making of God, just like
our lives belong to God. God nourished this vineyard with the expectation of
fruits but the husbandmen denied Him the prots of His Labor. All that we
become or have in life do not belong to us. We are just mere caretakers. It is
therefore important that we ensure proper accountability of the resources at
our disposal to the glory and furtherance of Gods kingdom. To do otherwise
is to live in delusion and depravity.
We are all accountable to God.
28th January
EXODUS 24:12-18
KEY VERSE: And the LORD said unto Moses, come up to me into the mount and
be there and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments
which I have written, that thou mayest teach them (Exodus 24:12).
A few years ago, it was announced that General Booth, of the Salvation Army,
was losing his sight and that his days of usefulness were over. After many
weeks of seclusion, this Christian hero of four score years appeared, having
had one eye removed and possessing only imperfect vision with the other. To
an audience of 4000 in London, he spoke for an hour and half. I want to
do more for humanity he said and I want to do a great deal more for Jesus.
Tere are thousands of poor, wretched, suering and sinning people crying
out to us for help and I want to do something more for them.
Like the example above, Moses was highly respected by the children of Israel
because of his gracious and seless service to humanity. Moses was called to
the mount for forty days and forty nights. He went through this experience
without food and water for such a long time to be able to get the tables of
stone that contain the law of God for his people. What a great sacrice! It is
the same vein that our Lord Jesus suered for our salvation.
Te sacricial death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary to
redeem mankind from sin is deeply rooted in his sacricial love. Having
been beneciaries of that love, believers must be willing to serve God and
humanity in the ministry of reconciliation at any cost.
It is acutely contradicting to state that we are outcrops of Gods grace and
benevolence, yet our lives are bereft of such. Te believer must be salt and
light to society through unbroken rays of good works.
Let us not be weary in well doing.
29th January
GENESIS 25:12-26
KEY VERSE: And Isaac entreated the LORD for his wife, because she was
barren: and the LORD was entreated of him, and Rebecca his wife conceived
(Genesis 25:21).
Te story of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett is well-known to lovers
of literature. Te love story of these two great English poets is one of the
sweetest stories on record. Elizabeth was born in 1806 but her health began
to decline in 1835 after her family moved to London. Soon she became a
permanent invalid and it seemed she was doomed to spend the remainder
of her days conned to her house. Nonetheless she and her anc Robert
continued to exchange correspondence until they nally married in 1846.
Te two were so much happy and so much in love. Te couple moved to
Italy where the warm climate and Brownings strong love for Elizabeth helped
to restore her health. Tey live together until 1861 when Elizabeth died.
To what do you owe your success she was once asked I had a friend she
replied. Tat friend was her lover, husband, mentor and companion - Robert
Te above summarized the type of commitment Isaac had to the success of
his family. He identied with Rebecca who was barren for about twenty years
after marriage. Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebecca; they had
their rst issue when Isaac was sixty years old. It is interesting to note that this
family stayed together in aection and unity.
Strong and cohesive Christ-based families stay together irrespective of their
challenges. Tey are enjoined to stay together in prayer and in commitment
to the success of the union. Challenges in the home should not lead to crises
but instead make couples courageous and consecrated to the Lord.
Aictions have a short shelf-life; endure to overcome
30th January
NUMBERS 15:17-29
KEY VERSE: Then it shall be, if ought be committed by ignorance without the
knowledge of the congregation, that all the congregation shall offer one young
bullock for a burnt offering, and his drink offering, according to the manner, and
one kid of the goats for a sin offering (Numbers 15:24).
A railway brakeman spent for months in a Sedalia hospital some years ago
because a tarantula (wolf spider) had bitten him on the tip of the middle
nger of the right hand. At the time, he felt sharp tinges of pain, but paid
no further attention to it until the bitten nger began to swell. Soon, the
whole hand and arm were swollen to three times their natural size. Bit by
bit, doctors amputated the aected nger, but the wound refused to heal.
Finally, his entire hand had to go. It was only after twenty-nine amputations
that the surgeons were able to stop the spread of the poison. Even then they
considered it nearly miraculous that he recovered at all, because the poison
had gone through to contaminate the whole system. Tis is the great price
this man paid for neglect due to ignorance of the presence of poisonous
injection into his system.
Our text today reveals how God looks at disobedience to his commandments
even when it is ignorantly committed. God does not expect us to be ignorant
of his commandments. It is therefore mandatory for everyone to seek to know
the law of God and do them. Sin will be judged whether it is committed
deliberately or ignorantly (Romans 2:12).
Our obligations toward God must not in any way be ignored. Every child
of God must daily present himself as a living sacrice, holy, acceptable unto
God, as a sign of appreciation of the manifold blessings of God upon his life.
A contrite spirit will God not forsake.
31st January
MARK 10:28-34
KEY VERSE: Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have
followed thee (Mark 10:28).
Hearing the Saviors command to sell all and give to the poor, Peter, on behalf
of the rest, tells Christ, that they had left all to follow Him. It was well done
and wisely done of the Apostles, to leave all and follow Christ; it was the best
bargain they could ever make in life. We have left all - probably nothing but
their shing-nets, small boats and cottages. And, forsaking them, they had as
really shown their sincerity, as though they had possessed the gold of Ophir,
and dwelt in the palaces of kings. Te workmens little is as much his all
as the princes much. By leaving all immediately, and following Him, they
showed that they were willing to follow Him wherever He led them.
A man wedded to the world will renounce Christ rather than the world,
when both stand in competition. Little did Peter and others know what
awaited them when they left their unmended nets to follow the unknown
and unhonored Jesus of Nazareth. So we know not what awaits us, when
we become his followers but we should cheerfully go, when our Savior calls,
willing to commit our all into His hand.
Observe our Lords kind and gracious answer: that those that leave all to
follow Him shall be no losers by Him. We may be losers for Christ; we shall
never be losers by Him. Te rewards of Christian self-denial are divided into
two partsthe temporal and the eternal. Te earthly joysthe rewards in
this timeshall outweigh the sacrices made for the kingdom. It means,
evidently, that the loss shall be a hundred times compensated for the value of
all that we forsake. Tis consists in the pardon of sin, favor of God, peace of
mind, support in trials and in death.
No one makes sacrices or performs labors in obedience to Christ, and for
the purpose of honoring Him, without receiving great benets in this present
world, and greater in that to come
Sacrices for Christ are not easy, but they are worth it!
1st February
ISAIAH 28:9-21
KEY VERSE: To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the
weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear (Isaiah 28:12).
Many people are so stubbornly set in their ways that they refuse to acknowledge that
they are on the wrong path. Tey would not seek for help, nor change their ways.
Tey thrive on the false assumption that no harm can come their way. Many continue
on this path until it is too late, and the consequences is upon them.
Tis was the lot of the children of Israel. Te prophet here complains of the wretched
stubbornness of this people. Tey were incorrigible and rejected the means of grace
available to them. Tey continued to live to satisfy their selsh aspirations. Teir
mistakes were not rectied, their hearts not renewed, nor their lives reformed. Teir
prophets taught them the knowledge of God and His will, and sought to make them
understand the mind of God. Tis was Gods way of dealing with men, to enlighten
their minds rst with the knowledge of His truth, and thus, gain their aection, and
bring their will in compliance with His laws.
But, the people were unwilling to learn, just as it was impossible for them to deeply
imbibe any knowledge passed to them. Tey had no capacity to receive what is taught
them, having made up their minds about how they wanted to live. Terefore, all the
noble eorts of their prophet fell on deaf ears. Tey routinely ridiculed the prophets
and made fun of their messages. But God was greatly displeased with them, and
decided to deal with them severely. He allowed a scourge from the north to sweep
through their land. Tey faced destruction, death and terrifying fate. Te tribe of
Ephraim was invaded and carried away into captivity.
Tose who would not hear the comfortable voice of Gods word shall be made to
hear and experience the dreadful voice of His rod when He brings utter ruin upon
them. It is indeed a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, for He is
a consuming re! In such a situation, it is foolhardy to expect that help can come
from anywhere. No power in the universe can deliver out of the hands of the Lord.
Te only way to escape is through total repentance and continual unquestionable
obedience to all of His will as revealed by His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, and
taught by His ministers.
You cant do wrong and get by.
2nd February
EXODUS 22:1-15
KEY VERSE: For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep,
for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, which another challengeth to be his,
the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; and whom the judges
shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbor (Exodus 22:9).
You can never err on the side of caution, says a popular dictum. A corollary to this
is the need for circumspection and discretion in all interpersonal undertaking.
Tis is because a breach in laws governing interpersonal relationship runs the risk
of being examined and judged.
Tis chapter consists chiey of judicial laws, as the preceding chapter does of
political. It is meant to help the pilgrim know how he/she ought to conduct his
daily life and inter-personal relationship with his fellow men.
God has just principles on how men should coexist with each other. Anyone
who breaches these principles must pay a price for it. For instance, among the
Israelites, when a thief makes prot from his theft, he must pay four-fold the cost
of what he had stolen. When he is apprehended with the stolen object, he would
pay double for the object. Tis underscores the need for restitution among New
Testament believers.
Te people of God should ever be ready to show mildness and mercy, according
to the spirit of these laws. We must answer to God, not only for what we do
maliciously, but for what we do heedlessly. Terefore, when we have done harm
to our neighbor, we should make restitution. Let these scriptures lead our souls to
remember that if the grace of God has indeed appeared to us, then it has taught
us and enabled us to conduct ourselves by its holy power.
It will make us very careful of ourselves, if we consider that we are accountable
for the hurt we do against others. We should be more careful therefore not to
do wrong than not to suer wrong. Tis is because to suer wrong is only an
aiction, but to do wrong is a sin.
Hold the banner of caution aloft always
3rd February
JOHN 15:9-17
KEY VERSE: Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you (John
It was Joseph M. Scriven who penned that precious hymn, What a Friend
we have in Jesus, All our sins and grief to bearCan we nd a Friend so
faithful, Who will all our sorrows share?.. In His arms Hell take and shield
thee, Tou wilt nd a solace there. By friendship, (we) mean the greatest
love, the greatest usefulness, the most open communication, the noblest
suerings, the severest truth, the heartiest counsel, and the greatest union of
minds Taylor.
Obedience to Christs commands is a prerequisite to discipleship and
fellowship. Tose that do the duty of His servants are admitted and advanced
to the dignity of His friends. Here, Christ invites us to obedience, by the
honorable title of friends. How condescending is the love of Christ in calling
His servants friends. How glorious is the believers relation to Christ in being
one of His friends. He is that Friend that loveth more than a brother. He is
the tried, tested and trustworthy Friend. He visits in troublous times and
converses with us as friends, bears with and makes the best of our situations;
He takes pleasure in our prosperity, pleads for us in heaven and takes care of
our interests here. Nothing short of constant obedience to the commands
of the Lord will evidence the truth of our relationship and sincerity of our
friendship with Him.
What a great privilege to have the King of kings, Lord of lords, Alpha and
Omega as Friend! Are you one of His friends? Are you obeying His commands?
You can be His friend today if you come to Him
His friends need fear no storm.
4th February
I SAMUEL 21:1-9
KEY VERSE: And David said unto Ahimelech the priest, The king hath
commanded me a business, and hath said unto me, Let no man know anything
of the business where about I send thee, and what I have commanded thee: and
I have appointed my servants to such and such a place (I Samuel 21:2).
Aman once wrote: Keep one thing forever in view: the truth; and if you do this,
though it may seem to lead you away from the opinion of men, it will assuredly
conduct you to the throne of God.
In distress at this time, David ed to the tabernacle of God. It is great comfort
in a day of trouble to know that we have a God to whom we may run for divine
intervention. But there is something here to note! David told Ahimelech a gross
untruth. Tis was nothing but falsehood, extorted through fear. David probably
supposed, like many other persons, that a lie was quite excusable which is told for
the sole purpose of saving the speakers life (Romans 3:8). But what is essentially
sinful, can never, under any circumstance change its immoral character. Te
Scripture does not conceal it; and we dare not justify it. It was ill done, and
eventually led to the death of the priests of the Lord!
David was known to be a man of great faith and courage, yet both failed him at
this time because he gave place to the crippling eect of fear and cowardice. Had
he trusted God aright, he would not have used such a sorry, sinful strategy for his
own preservation. David reected upon it afterward with regret and repented of
this vice of lying (1 Samuel 22:22).
It is not written for our imitation, not even in the greatest straits, but for our
admonition. Let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall; and let us
all pray daily, Lord, lead us not into temptation If we would but trust God
aright, we would not have to resort to miserable and dishonoring devices for our
preservation in times of tests.
Let us therefore learn from this and watch our attitudes and defense strategies
when the lions den appears visible before us!
If you tell the truth, you have innite power supporting you.
5th February
NUMBERS 17:1-13
KEY VERSE: And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the
tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was
budded, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds
(Numbers 17:8).
Te Lord had previously given a practical proof to the people that Aaron was
the high priest appointed by Him by allowing the high-priestly incense he
oered to expiate His wrath. He also gave further conrmation by a miracle
which was meant to put to silence all the murmuring of the congregation.
Te miracle which God wrought here as the Creator of nature was at the same
time a signicant symbol of the nature and meaning of the priesthood. Te
choice of the rods had also a bearing upon the object in question. A mans rod
was the sign of his position as ruler. Te authority of Aaron was established by
signs shown by the power of God in his rod and on whom God had conferred
the honor of the priesthood.
Te priesthood was founded not upon natural qualications and gifts, but
upon the power of the Spirit which God communicates according to the
choice of His wisdom, and which He had imparted to Aaron through his
consecration with holy anointing oil. It was this which the Lord intended to
show to the people by causing Aarons rod to put forth branches and blossom
through a miracle of His omnipotence; whereas the rods of the other heads of
the tribes remained as barren as before.
What then is the signicance of all these for the believer? First, a saintly life
must be rooted in Christ, the Vine. Secondly, as a branch on the vine, the life
must bear fruits. Tirdly, the fruit so borne must receive divine approval and
served to glorify Him.
A divinely-appointed ministry will beget divine approval
6th February
PSALM 102:12-28
KEY VERSE: Thou shall arise, and have mercy upon Zion; for the time to favor
her, yea, the set time is come (Psalm 102:13).
An English song writer, George Asaf, once wrote, whats the use of worrying?
It never was worthwhile, so pack up your troubles in your old kitbag and
smile, smile, smile. Tis song stresses the need to be undaunted during
distress and trouble and demonstrate positive attitude of courage and hope.
Our text has relevant interpretation for those who are passing through
problems and troubles today, that reliance on God will bring restoration
of whatever has been lost or damaged. Tough the Psalmist realized the
undesirable state of Jerusalem and even foresaw its future devastation, he was
hopeful that one day there would be restoration of Zion city into its former
glory and of even its attainment of a more perfect and desirable state. Rather
than succumb to melancholy, he resorted to prayer and positive confession.
To nd oneself in an undesirable situation is not new in life. Yet, our attitude
at such times is what matters most. Te Psalmist confessed that there would
be restoration for Zion as God would favor her. He knew that Jerusalem
wall would be broken down, the city would be devastated by the enemy and
people of the land taken into captivity. In spite of all these, he was hopeful
that the time of restoration shall come.
God understands what you are passing through this time. Never allow worry
a place in your heart. It may appear there is no job today, yet job will come
tomorrow. You may have married and no children yet. Remember it is God
who gives children, and to Him you must trust. Whatever the challenges
you are facing, why not cast your burden upon Jesus so that there will be
restoration? Nothing pertaining to us is hidden from God. Terefore, cheer
up and expect a restoration, for it will certainly come for those who trust in
It is always darkest before dawn
7th February
I KINGS 18:1-16
KEY VERSE: Was it not told my Lord what I did when Jezebel slew the prophets
of the Lord, how I hid a hundreds of the Lords prophets by ffty in a cave, and fed
them with bread and water? (1 Kings 18:13).
Somebody, in the course of a conversation observed that Te preservative
power of salt on edible materials is enormous, yet it is only when men apply
it. Tis being so, then, men may also apply self to preserve the lives of others.
And those who do so earn Gods favor always.
Te preservation of life is central to our text today. Tere was famine in Israel
because of three and a half years draught through the prophecy of Prophet
Elijah. Te situation, which angered Jezebel made her to kill many prophets
of God. However, Obadiah, due to his fear of God discretely hid a hundred
prophets in two caves and secretly took care of them.
While Jezebels action and attitude were meant to stamp out the worship
of the Most High God from the land of Israel, conversely, Obadiahs was
to preserve it. It is important to note that the two types of personality still
exist today. Tere are many today who not only live as if there is no God;
they exhibit attitudes that curtail the spread of the gospel. Tey crucify Jesus
Christ again and again through their compromising attitudes.
Obadiah was a governor (administrative head) in the house of Ahab. Yet,
he did not allow his privileged royal position to inuence him to do evil.
How many people today have used their position to trample upon others and
deliberately curtailed or even abused the rights of their fellow human beings?
We should, therefore, be preservatives and builders in the house of God.
Savored salt preserves lives.
8th February
MATTHEW 18:15-22
KEY VERSE: Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother
sin against me and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say
not unto thee, until seven times: but until seventy times seven (Matthew
18:21, 22).
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American poet, in Te Song of Hiawatha
wrote, Buried was the bloody hatchet; buried was the dreadful war-club;
buried were all war like weapons, and the war-cry was forgotten, then was
peace among the nations.
Te centrality of peace in human and national development cannot be over-
stressed. For peace to reign there must be reconciliation and forgiveness;
enemies must be prepared to bury their hatchet and move on. Tis is
the import of our text today. Jesus Christ emphasized the imperative of
reconciliation among oending parties. He also spelt out the process of
eecting true reconciliation. According to Him, we are not to go about
backbiting; rather, we are to call the attention of the oender to his oence
with the intention of achieving reconciliation. We must be ready to go the
extra mile to eect reconciliation.
Today, the world does not know peace because of unwillingness to forgive one
another. Te disadvantages and danger of unforgiving spirit are numerous: it
creates tension in the heart of those involved; it can hinder prayers from being
answered (Mark 11:25, 26); it may deny one of getting into the kingdom of
God. As noted by a sage, forgive your oender today, for he may turn out to
be your benefactor tomorrow.
Once the devil has discovered that he cannot cause a man to commit
fornication, worship idols, steal or ght, he aicts him with the little leaven
of unforgiving spirit. It is better to bury the hatchet and give peace a chance.
Christ-centered peace transcends the barrier of bitterness and hatred
9th February
ISAIAH 30:27-33
KEY VERSE: And the LORD shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall
show the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with
the fame of a devouring fre, with scattering, and tempest, and hailstones. For
through the voice of the LORD shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which smote
with a rod (Isaiah 30:30, 31).
Te story was told of a young boy who was being threatened by a vicious-
looking adult. Because he was scared, he shouted and ran towards home.
Hearing his voice, his father emerged from the house. Once he sighted his
father, he became emboldened and dared the man to move nearer, certain of
his fathers readiness to defend him.
Our text today, similarly, reveals the readiness of God to defend His own
people. Te text has double application, in the sense that it can be applied to
the present and the end-time period when Jehovah would descend from heaven
to destroy the Antichrist, and the kings of the earth for their persecution of
the Jews and the saints. Te passage speaks of ve-fold methods of judgment:
burning with erce anger, heavy burden, lips full of indignation, tongue as a
devouring re, and breadth like an overowing ood.
Believers in Christ Jesus, however, have nothing to fear. Even today, as people
persecute us, the Bible enjoins us not to fear. God Himself assures us in Isaiah
43, fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou
art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and
through the rivers, they shall not overow thee: when thou walkest through
the re thou shall not be burned; neither shall the ames kindle upon thee..
God is the Great Defender of all who trust in Him. Te foremost thing He
requires from everyone is a total life of holiness and absolute dependence
on Him, for we cannot continue in sin and hope that the grace of God will
abound in our lives. Once our lives are right with Him, He will put our dread
and fear in our enemies.
Te Lord shall ght for you and ye shall hold your peace.
10th February
MARK 12:13-17
KEY VERSE: And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things
that are Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods. And they marveled at
him (Mark 12:17).
Te people of this world are very cunning. Tey are full of hypocrisy, deception
and dishonesty. Tey hate everything that has the semblance of truth. In their
aversion to truth, they devise cunning methods to entrap innocent souls.
Te question that the Herodias and Pharisees asked Jesus was merely
a smokescreen that shielded their real intention. It was actually meant to
trap our Lord in His word as part of their evil machinations against Him.
But because Jesus knew them suciently, He dealt with them with divine
wisdom. Asking Jesus opinion on the issue of paying tax to Caesar was not
only hypocritical but mischievous.
Christs response has some salient lessons for believers today. First, we must
pay all lawful dues to the relevant authorities. Believers must not default in
the payment of taxes and other lawful levies. Second, ministers of God, in
particular, should be careful not to fall into the trap of the devil and his
agents. Tey sometimes come subtly with attery but the intention is to make
believers compromise. It is therefore necessary to be alert spiritually so as not
to fall into their snare. In dealing with the unregenerate, believers must pray
for wisdom and help of the Holy Spirit so that they can always come out
To out the laws that does not contradict Gods
Word under the disguise of religion is a sin.
11th February
EXODUS 25:1-22
KEY VERSE: And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, speak unto the children
of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with
his heart ye shall take my offering. And let them make me a sanctuary; that I
may dwell among them (Exodus 25:1, 2, 8).
Man, by nature, is full of absurdities. He likes, always, to receive good and
pleasurable things. In spite of Gods benevolence toward him, he is most
unwilling to give, unless it is extracted from him. But for a person that will
walk with God acceptably, he will not only accept to give, he should be ready
to give willingly, for only such is the oering acceptable to God.
In our text, God instructed Moses to tell the people of Israel to bring their
oering unto him, but made it clear that only oerings that were oered
willingly were to be taken on His behalf. Te oering to be brought by the
people were to be deployed in the worship and service of God, and in building
a sanctuary unto Him.
Gods work, however, suers a lot today because many worshippers do not
give to God and where they do; they do so reluctantly and give sparingly.
Such worshippers always harbor the erroneous belief that whatever they give
goes only to church leaders and founders. But God made it clear here that
whatever is brought to his house is meant for Him. He commanded them
to bring both money (gold, silver and brass) and materials (blue, purple,
scarlet, ne linen, etc.). Gods commandment in Malachi is a further proof of
the divine ownership of tithes and oerings: Bring ye all the tithes into the
storehouse that there may be meat in my house (Malachi 3:10a).
It then implies that those who give to God are promoting or sponsoring the
work of God. Not only that, those who pay their tithes and oerings are also
honoring God (Proverbs 3:8). Do you want to be prosperous in a manner
that glories God? Become a cheerful and bountiful giver from today.
Giving to God is the highest-yielding portfolio
12th February
GENESIS 25:27-34
KEY VERSE: And Jacob said, sell me this day thy birthright (Genesis 25:31)
Life is deeper and more precious than dainties. Vain are they who subscribe
to baser elements of life. Jacob, the son of Isaac, must have been envying his
elder brothers position and had wished he were the rst born. His unbridled
ambition came to a head when Esau desperately needed his help. Fully
capitalizing on that moment of desperation, Jacob quickly gave a condition,
the consequences of which Esau could not resist and never cared about. Jacob
could have as well given his elder brother the pottage with no strings attached,
but his ambition would not allow him to act rationally. Esau walked himself
into Jacobs trap. With the eye of hunger, he sold his birthright for a mere
morsel of bread.
Tere are many Jacobs today who wait in the wings to take advantage of
others. Tose who behave this way pretend to be friends, even when their
motives are wrong. As a believer, what is your motivation when you are
doing a deed of kindness to a fellow Christian? Some believers have seen
their enlistment in the service of God as a license to extort unsuspecting
members of the church. Tose who are motivated by what they can get from
the brethren are not genuine members of the body of Christ.
Te passage today also reveals that Isaacs family was a divided one. A divided
family must always produce hatred and children who are not bonded in love.
We are told that Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison, but
Rebekah loved Jacob (verse 28).
As parents, we must beware of partiality and preference among our children.
Our prayer should be: God, give us Christian homes where our children
will not see themselves as competitors but as partners in progress.
A carnal mind is enmity against God.
13th February
NUMBERS 15:30-41
KEY VERSE: But the soul that doeth aught presumptuously, whether he be
born in the land or a stranger, the same reproaches the LORD; and that soul
shall be cut off from among his people (Numbers 15:30).
Unknown to many, sin has grave consequences. And it gradually leads to
spiritual and eternal death.
Although the children of Israel had been warned against sin and told of
the severe consequences, a man in their midst broke the commandment
of God on a Sabbath day. He went out to gather rewood contrary to the
commandment of God to keep the Sabbath day holy and hallow it. He was
apprehended and put in custody until Moses heard from God about him.
He was later stoned to death in line with Gods recommendation. Te man
committed the sin presumptuously; he knew the consequences of his actions,
yet decided to do it.
Te text today shows that willful sin attracts Gods severe punishment because
that servant, which knew his Lords will and prepared not himself, neither did
according to his will shall be beaten with many stripes (Luke 12:47). Some
believers unfortunately go into sin with their eyes wide open. Tey damn the
consequence. Tere are those who complain that they do evil under pressure.
Saul, king of Israel, carried out a sacrice that was unlawful for him to do. As
believers, no matter the pressure, we must remember that yielding to sin will
attract Gods punishment. It is folly to go into sin when the consequences of
it are well known.
Remember, God is no respecter of persons; whoever is involved -rich or poor,
man or woman - that soul shall be cut o from among Gods people. As we
go about our business today, let us strive to avoid activities that could attract
Gods displeasure.
Te soul that sins shall die.
14th February
MARK 10:35-45
KEY VERSE: They said unto him, grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right
hand and the other on thy left hand in thy glory (Mark 10:37).
Te story of the prodigal son has a lesson in fatal ambition. Although he was
the second son of his father, the young man wanted an easy life even when
his elder brother was toiling in the eld. Having got his father to give him
his portion of inheritance, he took o on a long journey that nearly proved
disastrous. He squandered the wealth in reckless living.
In our text today, Jesus was able to read in between the lines in the request
made by James and John (two brothers). He knew it oozed out from selsh
hearts and He sharply rebuked them. Even then, they insisted that they were
able to drink the cup Jesus was about to drink. But, Jesus, knowing them,
pointed out that their request could only be granted by God.
Tere are people who are always ready to cash in on every opportunity to take
undue advantage of others. Tey want all manner of favors above others; they
want to be recognized, elevated above others and it does not matter to them
how others feel about their scheming. Teir ultimate aim is to rule over others
by all means. While other disciples were busy doing the work of God, the two
brothers were preoccupied with how to occupy the privileged positions.
Tere is nothing wrong with ambition, but how genuine is that ambition?
Is taking advantage of others your motivation in the service of the Lord?
Some ambitions can prove fatal when they are carnally inspired. Every true
believer is therefore urged to search his/her heart whether what springs from
there is purely the things that give God glory or those that crave for material
gratications and cheap adulation.
Evil shall eventually slay the wicked and the vain.
15th February
ISAIAH 28:22-29
KEY VERSE: This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful
in counsel and excellent in working (Isaiah 28:29).
A man recently lost his life because of his inability to heed simple health
advice from his physician. He had the problem of alcoholism and was severally
warned, in his own interest, to desist from the habit. Even when he had been
diagnosed with liver problem (cirrhosis), he continued in his drunkenness
until he was eventually slain by the evil habit. Whatever sin a man cherishes,
if he does not repent, such is likely to lead him into some terrible and more
complicated problems.
Tis was the point prophet Isaiah wanted to make to sinning Israel. He
had called to remembrance, the goodness of God to Israel and the folly of
hypocrisy by the people. He had reminded them that if they continued to
harden their hearts, God would consume them in his wrath. Isaiah warned
them of the unfruitfulness of continuing in their mockery of the word of God
(verse 22).
Prophet Isaiah reminded them that being in captivity was not even the worst
form of punishment, but that the Almighty was capable of making their
bands stronger and could wipe them away from the face of the earth if they
repented not.
Tis captures the situation of some believers today who though are passing
through some challenges purely brought about by their disobedience to
God; still remain obstinate in their folly. Rather than repent and pray for
forgiveness, they begin to heap iniquity upon iniquity thereby attracting
more punishment unto themselves.
If you are in this category, you have the opportunity today to repent and
seek Gods mercy. And he will abundantly pardon. For everyone graciously
emancipated from sin, how we need to thread carefully the paths of this life
which has the capacity to make the unwary miss the mark.
He is wise who avoids sin like the proverbial plague.
16th February
EXODUS 22:18-31
KEY VERSE: He that sacrifceth unto any god save unto the Lord only, he shall
be utterly destroyed (Exodus 22:20).
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, a former American poet, after a cursory look at the
world, wondered why it must be so that there are so many gods, so many
creeds, so many paths that wind and wind, hence just the art of being kind is
all that this sad world needs.
It is indeed needless to seek other gods when there is only but a true God. Te
Almighty has always made it plain that whoever serves any other god besides
Him will be cut o from among His people. Israel had been warned severally
on the consequences of serving other gods (Exodus 20). Our text today re-
emphasize the need for Israel to serve only the living God who had been
gracious enough to remember their aiction in Egypt. He reminded them
of the law of human relationship which they must observe in order to enjoy
Gods continued presence. To be able to obey, Israel was told they needed to
be holy because a man in the esh cannot please God.
Like Israel, believers are expected to be humane in their dealings with other
people. Regardless of the status of individuals, people of God are told to relate
with everyone in the fear of the Lord. Just as Moses was Gods mouth-piece to
Israel, His servant-ministers today are His mouth-piece and we must be ready
to hear from them and obey.
Believers are warned against secret deals. Are you in any secret cult? Do you
oppress your servants or deprive people of their legitimate rights? Tese are
some of the sins Israel was warned to steer clear of. It will be in our own
interest to shun them and be holy unto the Lord
Divided loyalty is forbidden; God demands our all.
17th February
JOHN 15:18-27
KEY VERSE: But this cometh to pass that the word might be fulflled that is
written in their law, they hated me without a cause (John 15:25).
Te service of God Almighty demands a cross-bearing. And in this solemn
address to His disciples, Jesus made it clear that temptation, trials and
persecution would attend our sojourn on earth. Jesus pointed out to them
that they needed not the applause of men, stressing that since he was hated
of the world, they would also be hated. He made it clear that if they could so
treat Him despitefully, the disciples must be prepared for more humiliation.
Although He came to the world and rendered seless service to mankind, the
world still hated Him without a cause.
From our text today, it could be deduced that being a Christian exposes
one to attacks from haters of the gospel. Believers who are not aware of the
manipulations of the devil often misinterpret the source of their problems.
God may allow a believer to pass through some trials in the hands of evil men.
It is not a sign of weakness or as though God cannot deliver His own. Te
believer ought to know that we shall through tribulation enter the kingdom
of God.
Believers are to count the cost of their determination to serve the Lord.
Following Christ is fraught with challenges, but with courage and
determination, we shall make it to the end. Whatever trials we may be
passing through; whatever aictions and persecutions, we must realize that
our Redeemer and Captain also suered.
Moreover, in times of adversity, we must not give in to self-pity and regret.
We must commit all things to God who judges righteously. All we need do is
to keep praying, trusting and believing that He who keeps Israel never sleeps
or slumbers.
Be of good courage!
18th February
I SAMUEL 21:10-15
KEY VERSE: And he changed his behavior before them, and feigned himself
mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle
fall down upon his beard (1 Samuel 21:13).
Professor Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry at the early age of
41, wrote a pamphlet entitled, Im a Frightened Man. As a member of
the Uranium Committee on the key operation of U-235, he said: I write
to frighten you. I am a frightened man myself. All the scientists I know are
frightenedfrightened for their livesand frightened for your life.
Fear is a very strong emotional response to what threatens our existence and
wellbeing. Somebody says that the man who knows no fear is not only a
gross exaggeration; he is a biological impossibility. Te Bible however warns
us against allowing fear to so overwhelm us to the point of taking a wrong
step. In fact, the Bible puts it in a strong language that the fear of man brings
snares (Proverbs 29:25). We are encouraged to fear God only.
In our passage today, we are confronted with the account of David, one of
the best kings and greatest warriors in Israel. God Himself described him
as a man after His own heart. But today, we see the other side of this giant-
killer. Although anointed as the next king of Israel and envied by backslidden
Saul, David ed from one part of the country to another seeking refuge
and protection. As we watch the fear-motivated display by David before
Achish, king of Gath, we must wonder where the courage of a man who
singlehandedly killed Goliath ed to.
Te faltering of this man of God before a mortal man drives home a lesson
for all of us that we must not allow circumstances to overwhelm our faith and
condence in God. Remembering Gods past dealings with us, His previous
protection and deliverance from great dangers will reassure our hearts that He
that delivered in the past is still able to save us from every harm.
Fear imprisons, faith liberates.
19th February
NUMBERS 18:1-7
KEY VERSE: Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your priests
offce for everything of the altar, and within the veil; and ye shall serve: I have
given your priests offce unto you as a service of gift: and the stranger that
cometh nigh shall be put to death (Numbers 18:7).
Recently, a Christian brother was watching some undergraduates as they lled
their registration forms to formally process their studentship and enrolment
into various courses of study at a metropolitan university. He was amazed at
the level of their excitement and compliance with the instructions being read
out to them by the ocers in charge. He then thought within himself, how
many Christians are so often excited to enroll in Gods service and comply
with the requirements of their eternally-rewarding assignments? He became
saddened particularly when he remembered how slow and sluggish our
responses are to the call to enroll in the school of Christs ministries.
In the study today, we see the privilege of divine service being handed over
to the Levites. It is very instructive to observe that while all the Levites are
to serve in the tabernacle, only Aaron and his sons are permitted by God
to minister before the tabernacle of witness. As leaders having oversight of
the tabernacle, this family is to be held responsible for the iniquity of the
priesthood. What a grave responsibility on Gods ministers!
God expects all believers to be involved in the work of the ministry and to
recognize the fact that He has appointed leaders over us who, as stewards, will
give account to God.
We should be challenged by the testimony of Dr. Howard A. Kelly, world-
famed surgeon and gynecologist, who on the night of his graduation
from medical college, wrote in his diary: I dedicate myself, my time, my
capabilities, my ambition, everything to Him. Blessed Lord, sanctify me to
Ty uses. Give me no worldly success which may not lead me nearer to my
Here then is a model for every Christian to emulate.
Our availability is a reection of our responsibility.
20th February
PSALM 103:1-22
KEY VERSE: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefts (Psalm
Te popular saying that a person who knows how to show appreciation for a
previous favor will receive another instructively guides us into our discussion
today. It is doubtful if there is any culture the world over where good
gestures are not appreciated. And there is no individual anywhere who does
not understand what it means to express gratitude for favors and kindness
received from a benefactor.
David, the great psalmist, here calls our attention to who and what God is
His attributes and actions; who and what we are in the light of Gods great
omnipotence and lavish blessings upon us. It is not unlikely that we often do
take all that we are enjoying for granted and never meditate on the source of
all the blessings and favor we are receiving. How often do we praise God in
appreciation of His goodness?
Te passage outlines the attributes of God as they touch on human frailty
and our need of divine power to survive the challenges of our world. God
is righteous and just, merciful and gracious, loving and faithful. He forgives
our sins, heals our diseases, protects us from death, surrounds us with tender
mercies and satises us with the good things of life. What a good God we
We are challenged never to forget all His benets. In our daily activities,
the hustling and bustling of our cities and engagements in Christian service,
we must always remember to praise God for all the wonderful blessings and
mercies we receive from Him.
We are debtors to God for His bountiful benevolence.
21st February
I KINGS 18:17-29
KEY VERSE: And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of
the Lord: and the God that answereth by fre let him be God. And all the people
answered and said, It is well spoken (1 Kings 18:24).
In our world today, competitions are familiar experiences in the elds of sports
and entertainment. Wrestlers and boxers particularly give us a clear picture of
a erce contest between two individuals seeking to prove their superiority over
each other.
Our passage today invites us to come over and witness the defeat and
disappointment of the idolatrous. Following the apostasy of the people of Israel
under Ahab, Elijah the prophet of God was provoked to challenge the worshippers
of Baal to present their gods at Mount Carmel for a contest with the true God of
Israel. He confronted king Ahab with the truth of his negative inuence and his
idolatrous practices in Israel. Both Ahab and the 850 prophets of Baal as well as
the people of Israel were then invited to appear on Mount Carmel to prove which
is the true God between Jehovah and Baal. Te condence that Elijah had in the
true God motivated him to challenge the other gods that the people were then
Te narrative conrms that the prophets of Baal, in their foolishness tried all their
best to prove that their idols could be compared with the true God. Of course,
they failed as their god refused to answer them even after calling upon it from
morning till evening and cutting themselves with knives and lancets. At the end
of their futile attempts, the Baal prophets became tired, frustrated, and woefully
disappointed. How true the scripture is that they that make them are like
unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them (Psalm 115:4-8).
Who is your God? Te challenge for us today is to ee idolatry and ght against
anything that will separate us from the true God.
Idolatrous practices attract divine displeasure
22nd February
ISAIAH 31:1-9
KEY VERSE: Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses,
and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they
are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the
Lord! (Isaiah 31:1).
If there is anything that the Lord cherishes, it is absolute condence and trust
in Him. He often lavishes his blessings upon those that put their hope in Him
in time of danger and desperate needs. On the contrary, He is unhappy when
his children put their trust in men or gods.
In the passage, God had harsh words for the children of Israel at this time
for going down to Egypt to seek help against the king of Assyria. He was
disappointed that the children of Israel had forgotten his great works and
deliverances in the past. Te foolishness in relying on ordinary mortals is
further portrayed in verse three: Now the Egyptians are men, and not God;
and their horses esh, and not spirit. When the LORD shall stretch out his
hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is helped shall fall down, and
they all shall fail together.
He warns them that both the children of Israel seeking help and the Egyptians
oering to help shall both be judged to show the utter powerlessness of men.
He then promised that He would protect the city and overthrow the king of
Assyria if they turn unto Him.
As Sovereign, God owns us by creation and by redemption. He is not happy
when we do not have faith in His ability to solve our problems. He wants us to
have complete and absolute condence in Him and His promises. Whenever
we are faced with a dicult situation, the Lord wants us not to look towards
men for help but to look up towards heaven from whence comes our help. He
is the very present help in trouble. Trust Him!
Vain is the help of man.
23rd February
JOHN 16:16-24
KEY VERSE: And ye now therefore have sorrow: but l will see you again, and
your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you (John 16:22).
Born on October 28, 1662, at Brod oak Flint shire England, Matthew Henry,
a distinguished non-conformist and biblical commentator, died June 22, 1714,
at Nantwich, England. On his sick bed, he spoke of the excellence of spiritual
comforts during aictions and blessed God that he enjoyed them. While dying,
he said: a life spent in the service of God, and communion with Him is the most
comfortable and pleasant life that anyone can live in this present world. He lay
speechless with his eyes xed, till about eight oclock, June 22, 1714 when he
bid farewell to the world of sin. Mathew Henry is gone but his life is a light and
comfort to every generation of believers.
Our text vividly captures the farewell message of Christ to His disciples. Jesus was
referring to His death at this time when He had only few hours to live. It was a
valedictory message to His disciples which thereafter granted them opportunity
to ask any question quickly before His departure. Te disciples could not imagine
how Jesus would leave them so soon; but he had promised earlier to send the
Holy Spirit to them. Jesus emphasized that they would weep and lament because
of His departure but the world would rejoice.
Te perplexity of the disciples was apparent. Tey were at a loss to what to make
of it (Verse 17, 18). Tey were in the dark because their notion of Christs secular
Kingdom was deeply rooted in them. Teir condition and dispersion were both
mournful, yet the world at the same time, move on with all their mirth and
Opportunity comes and goes in life. Tose who stubbornly reject the promise
of God for their salvation will mourn eternally. Spiritual mourning will shortly
be turned into eternal rejoicing. Te promise of Christs return is imminent and
those who wait for Him with spiritual preparation will rejoice with Him eternally.
When Christ arrives triumphantly, todays mockers shall mourn.
24th February
MARK 12:18-27
KEY VERSE: And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err,
because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? (Mark 12:24).
Te Italian adventurous sailor, Christopher Columbus discovered the American
continent in 1492. But he never knew the magnitude of his discovery. He died
believing erroneously that he had opened up the route to India in the east!
Centuries earlier, the Bible recorded the preoccupation of another group of people
who lived and died in delusion: the Sadducees. In todays study, they approached
our Lord Jesus Christ, not genuinely seeking the truth but rather tempting to use
earthly tradition to restate their wrong position on the doctrine of resurrection.
Over the ages, mans penchant for creation of false teachings to resist divinely
revealed truth has not waned. Teres a group in Christendom which denies the
divinity of Jesus. Tey argue that He is only a mighty prophet and no more.
Another has refuted the biblical claim of hell as a nal ery home of the sinner.
Tey console themselves with the theory of purgatory where the dead souls
transgressions are purged preparatory to admission into heaven! Some other
Christian groups advocate eternal security saying that once a person is saved, no
matter what else he does he cannot lose his salvation.
Although each generation has come up with its own error and heresy, yet there
is only one time-honored, never failing antidote to these poisonous doctrines:
the Bible. Our Lord attributed the ignorance and error of these people to lack
of biblical truth: Do not ye therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures,
neither the power of God? . Ye therefore greatly err (Mark 12:24, 27b).
To both challenge and avoid falling into the deadly traps of error mongers
therefore, the committed Christian who wants to make heaven must be grounded
in the infallible Word of God. If the Sadducees and the world knew the scriptures
and the power of God, they wouldnt err. Tat is the object lesson.
Jesus is the truth . Who sets free from all error.
25th February
GENESIS 26:1-5
KEY VERSE: Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for
unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform
the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father (Genesis 26:3).
On November 19, 1863 during the United States Civil War, President Abraham
Lincoln delivered a graveyard oration that lasted only a few minutes. Known as
the Gettysburg Address, the speech has been hailed throughout the ages for its
nobility, brevity and capacity to hold out hope in dreary situations. Tis God-
fearing American leader earns more accolades for his speech when it is considered
that as he spoke, he was surrounded by famine, death and sorrow. Many still
wonder if blessing, life and prosperity can emerge from famine and hopelessness?
Its the Giver of blessing, life and prosperity Who answers the poser Himself in
todays reading. He says that despite the desolation and famine around Isaac in
the land of Gerar, he should remain there to receive the blessing He promised
Abraham and his seed. Isaac probably contemplated migrating to Egypt to escape
the famine. But God whose power to bless is not circumscribed by mans limited
abilities or earthly circumstances told Isaac to stay right in the midst of the
economic depression to enjoy uncommon boom. Isaac promptly obeyed and the
Bible records later that he sowed in that land and received in the same year an
hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him. And the man waxed great (Genesis
26:12, 13).
We must learn from Isaac who got a golden gift from God in the land of famine
when everyone was running helter-skelter. First, he listened to Gods prompting
to stay where he was and wait for what the Almighty had for him. Next, Isaac
literally swam in the deluge of Gods promises which He reeled out to him. He
watered the arid land with the promises and the ground could not but yield its
hidden treasures.
Are you overwhelmed by depression and famine - spiritual or physical? You can
convert them into a golden season of abundance by drawing on the Isaac Formula.
Famine can be golden if you have Jesus!
26th February
NUMBERS 16:1-11
KEY VERSE: And they gathered themselves together against Moses and
against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the
congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them: wherefore
then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord? (Numbers 16:3)
In her autobiography, My Life, Mrs. Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister during the
Yom Kippur War in 1993 relates moving stories of the patience, bravery and sacrices
of men and women of Jewish state in the face of the aggressions of its neighbors.
She says Israel gathered from authoritative intelligence source that Egypt and Syria
would launch an attack on her country from two fronts. Israeli Defense Forces were
at their peak and primed to deliver a deadly pre-emptive strike. But Golda Meir
wisely rejected the idea and went to war only after being attacked. Her restraint
when provoked paid o. Israel wasnt seen as the aggressor and this earned the nation
priceless global sympathy and enormous military support from the United States
which enabled her gain overwhelming victory. Israel didnt apply her bravery and
strength negatively.
Korah, the leader of the rebellion in our text today isnt so wise. His name means
boldness or bravery. So he gathers co-conspirators: Dathan and Abiram along with
several others to attack Moses and Aaron, the servants of God. Believing leadership
to be a carnal aair, he challenges what he sees as the domineering style of Moses. To
speak out boldly in keeping with his name, he reasons, would clip Moses wings and
force him to give the rebels some personal attention and leadership roles. Little did
Korah and his men realize that such heady missions put people in direct confrontation
with God. If it is God who positioned Moses and Aaron there as leaders, it follows
logically that it is He who will also remove them when he so desires.
Te point is that when the Lord gives us boldness, wisdom, wealth, good health,
energy, authority, power, etc. He expects us to tame these attributes for Kingdom
work. Tey are not for personal pursuits.
When we pray for success and prosperity in family, work, career, academics and
church business, we must also ask the Lord to give us the grace to manage these good
attributes according to His will.
Only the wise in God handles the Yea and Amen of Gods promises
27th February
MARK 10:46-52
KEY VERSE: And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried
the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood
still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto
him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee (Mark 10: 48, 49).
Are you overwhelmed and confused by the tumult of new religious teachings,
technological developments and scientic discoveries which the second decade of
the 21st century is throwing up every day? Is the noise pollution breaking decibel
limits? Are hostile forces turning you to a direction opposite where you discern a
solution to the crises crowding in on you?
More than 2000 years ago in Israel, blind Bartimaeus also found himself drowning
in this sea of challenges that threatened to deny him the healing of a lifetime. Te
Healer Jesus was in town in Jericho where Bartimaeus sat begging by the street.
Te sightless man heard a throng push through the streets and learnt that Jesus
was passing by. He cried out to Jesus, not asking for alms, but to have mercy on
me Tat I may receive my sight (Mark 10:48b, 51b). Te Bible says many
charged him that he should hold his peace; but he cried the more a great deal.
Te Lord honored the blind mans perseverance and faith and overruled the crowd
that sought to keep Bartimaeus away. Picture the King of kings and Lord of lords
breaking His trip and standing still for a beggar! It is instructive to note that
when the Lord stood still, heaven also stood still to hear and honor the request
of blind Bartimaeus. Tat Bartimaeus did not allow any form of distraction from
the pressing crowd is a lesson for present day believers. He focused uninchingly
on Jesus. He purposed in his heart that the multitude would not stop him from
calling for mercy from the Savior. Te solicitation of the crowd symbolizes
doubt and discouragement that arise from elevating so-called opinion of medical
experts, prophesies, traditions, scholarship above what the Bible teaches.
Our age isnt dierent from the time of blind Bartimaeus. Tere is a lot of disco
noise of false teaching in the garb of religion threatening to draw the Christian
away from the Heavenly vision. As you go out today, shut out the voices of the
multitude and focus on the Lord. He will single you out and show mercy to you
in Jesus Name!
Take heed what ye Hea
28th February
ISAIAH 26:12-21
KEY VERSE: For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the
inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood,
and shall no more cover her slain (Isaiah 26:21).
A troubled Hebrew prophet asked God this perplexing question: Tou art
of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore
lookest Tou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest Ty tongue when
the wicked devourest the man that is more righteous than he? (Habakkuk
1:13). Years later, another fretting prophet approaches God with the same
poser: wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore are all
they happy that deal very treacherously? How long shall the land mourn,
and the herbs of every eld wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell
therein? Te beasts are consumed, and the birds: because they said, He shall
not see our last end (Jeremiah 12:1a, 4).
Long before these prophets, however, God had settled the matter through
inspired Scripture: He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed
the eye shall He not see? He that chastiseth the heathen, shall He not correct?
they gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous and
condemn the souls of the innocent blood but he (God) shall bring upon
them their own iniquity, and shall cut them o in their own wickedness, yea
the Lord shall cut them o (Psalm 94:9,10,21,23).
And nearer our wicked age, Jesus Himself establishes the certainty of this end-
time judgment: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in Heaven
and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with
power and glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet
and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of
the Heaven to the other (Matthew 24:30, 31).
As a sinner or backslider, the only escape route to imminent indignation is
genuine salvation through Jesus Christ and consistent pursuit of a life of self-
denial and holiness.
Everlasting life is the inheritance of the unagging believer.
29th February
EXODUS 23:1-9
KEY VERSE If thou meet thine enemys ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt
surely bring it back to him again (Exodus 23:4).
Its three months after operation Supernatural Deliverance from Pharaoh at the
Red Sea! Gods people have left Egypt and camped in the wilderness of Sinai.
An epic 40-year journey is lying ahead! Solemnly, God did hand out a manual
of laws that would rid the children of Israel of the past and turn them into new
creatures deserving of fellowship with the Almighty, their Owner. It ts perfectly
into Gods plan of salvation (deliverance) from sin. When you are set free from
the servitude of Satan, the Lord gives you laws to guide you not to go back into
the devils fold.
Tese are laws meant to foster peace and brotherhood among the Israelites. Tey
are designed to annul a regime of implacable animosity, false witness, and the
reign of the wicked, oppression of the poor and the stranger, corruption and
bribery for the perversion of justice. Tese laws have a two-fold mission: rst they
usher in peace among the people, both while they are on the way to the Promised
Land and when they get there; and secondly, to make for cordial interpersonal
All these clearly outline the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ Who
stormed the scene thousands of years later saying He came to do His Fathers will.
Te Lords Sermon on the mountain in Matthew 5 is a succinct replica of the Old
Testament laws in Exodus 23:1-9. He buttresses the incontrovertible claim about
unity and indivisibility of the Bible as proclaimed by the prophet: Seek ye out
of the Book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her
mate (Isaiah 34:16).
Te solution to the crises that have plagued man relentlessly over the generations
notably in our age is to go back to the good old laws rolled out by God to the
Israelites as seen in todays reading. Peace has taken a ight from man because
man has taken a ight from the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Peace is elusive to he who lacks the Prince of Peace
1st March
JOHN 16:1-15
KEY VERSE: Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into
all truth (John 16:13a).
Modern agro-scientists discovered that some parasites were immune to
external chemical spraying and whitewashing of certain economic trees. So,
they invented a process of drilling into the heart of the tree, and introducing
the chemical into the sap of the tree. Te sap then transmits the chemical
to the branches and the leaves on the tree. Te tree then is comprehensively
protected from all forms of parasitic attacks.
In the valedictory exhortations of the Lord Jesus Christ to his grieving
disciples, He needed to explain to them the functions of the promised Holy
Spirit. Te disciples were about to confront the worldly parasitic powers,
without the real presence of their Master. Te religious power of the Sanhedrin
of the Jews was waiting for them. Te secular power of Rome like an octopus
was present in every part of the civilized world then. Te occultic power in
Samaria and in the rest of the dark world was waiting to hinder the spread
of the gospel. Te Holy Spirit had been dwelling with the disciples, but at
that particular time, he needed to be inside them in a baptismal measure, to
introduce the counter-active power against all the worldly and satanic powers.
Te Holy Spirit is an Omnibus, who protects, preserves, provides, guides,
comforts, and leads a believer in Christ in every area of his life. Furthermore,
the Holy Spirit empowers and emboldens the believer to witness the gospel
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Te promised Seed bruised the head of the serpent on Calvary, and thereby
appropriated all powers in the universe. It is the same power that the Holy
Spirit then introduces into the heart of the believer to live and witness for the
Truth. And this blessed Holy Spirit is available to every earnest, thirsty and
hungry believer who desires the fullness of the Spirit to witness and to live
for the Savior.
Enabled by the Spirit, the believer is more than a conqueror.
2nd March
I SAMUEL 22:1-5
KEY VERSE: And everyone that was in distress, and every one that was in debt,
and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves unto him, and he
became a captain over them.. (1 Samuel 22:2).
God does not often use over-fresh materials for His work. Instead, He looks
for raw and foolish materials, whom He then molds into mighty instruments
suitable for His divine purpose.
In many areas, the life and the activities of David resembled that of Jesus
Christ. Our Lord also referred to David in some speeches. He referred to
Himself as the one that has the key of David. He told the Jews that He
was both the Son and the Lord of David. Many times, people who desired
miracles from Him called Him the Son of David. David, at this time,
representing the Hope of Israel, was running away from king Saul, who was
bent on destroying his life. David was a type of Jesus Christ who was to be
an instrument of expansion of earthly kingdom of Israel, while Saul was a
type of the power establishment as represented by the Sanhedrin, Satan to
hinder the purpose and perfect will of God. All the people that were in debt,
discontented, or in distress trooped out of the cities to David in the jungle,
and surrendered themselves to his captainship. In the process of time, he
turned this mixed multitudes into what the Bible called the Pelletizes and
Cherethites, the royal elite force!
Te Lord Jesus Christ turned a bunch of shermen, tax collectors, farmers,
and ordinary men into Apostles that confounded the scholarship of the
scribes and the Pharisees, the knowledge of the Greek philosophers, and the
occultic powers of the gentiles.
Today, this same Jesus Christ, the Captain of our profession is still turning
men and women into royal priests and special forces for His Kingdom. You
will be amazed about the transguration He can bring into your life subject
to your earnest desire, thirst and hunger.
With Jesus Christ as Captain, the believer is bold.
3rd March
NUMBERS 18:8-9
KEY VERSE: All the best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the
wheat, the frst fruits of them which they shall offer unto the LORD, them have I
given thee (Numbers 18:12).
Salt adds taste to the menu on the dining table. Before freezers and fridges, salt
was used to preserve food items from decay and putrefaction. Salt therefore is an
emblem or a symbol of permanence. Te covenant of salt which God ordained
for Israel was meant to be a perpetual covenant.
God informed Aaron, the rst High Priest in Israel of His transfer to the priests
of all the sacrices and oerings made by the children of Israel. Actually, all the
oerings belonged to God, but God is all-sucient. He did not need the gold,
silver, meat, oil, or wheat to survive. He passed all these materials of sacrice to
the priests as their inheritance.
God was primarily concerned about the service and the worship in His sanctuary,
which He had earlier outlined to Moses and Aaron. But then, in the absolute
wisdom of God, He knew that the priests needed maintenance to consistently
sustain all He had outlined as the Tabernacle Worship. It was meant to be a full
time job.
Te responsibility of the children of Israel then, was to oer consistently and
conscientiously their tithes and oerings. But then, latter history in the scriptures
revealed that Israel abandoned their responsibility, and consequently, the priests
and the Levites also abandoned their temple posts, resulting in the mass apostasy
of Israel, and subsequently their exile to Assyria and Babylon. Ministers of the
gospel are expected to be taken good care of by their congregations. As the New
Testament priests, they are expected to be on full time work, and not be engaged
in the rat-race of the business-world. Terefore, it is the perfect will of God that
they should be supported by those for whose spiritual good they minister, not
just through physical or material support but indeed by prayers and intercessions.
Te liberal soul shall be made fat
4th March
PSALM 104:1-23
KEY VERSE: :Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art
very great; thou art clothed with honor and majesty (Psalm 104:1).
Even though I clutch my blankets and groan when the alarm rings each
morning. Tank you Lord that I can hear. Tere are those who are deaf. Even
though I have to force my eyes open to read the bible and have my quiet time.
Tank you Lord that I can see. Tere are those who are blind. Even though
I have to drag myself to the showers, ready for the days work. Tank you
Lord that I can move. Tere are those who are bedridden in the hospitals.
Even though our breakfast dining table do not resemble those pictures in the
magazines. Tank you Lord for something to eat. Tere are those who have to
skip breakfast most times due to poverty. Even though my job could be more
exciting and nancially rewarding. Tank you Lord for the privilege of going
to work every day. Tere are those who have no work waiting for them. Tank
you Lord, for the gift of life. Te Evangel.
Te quotation above captures the very heart of the Psalmist who perfectly
comprehended the greatness of God and spared no eort in oering a deserved
appreciation to Him. If there is any components in our prayers which pleases
God most, it is praises and thanksgiving.
A real child of God will praise and adore God with a grateful heart like David.
David never saw the favors of God as a right, but a privilege. Ungrateful people
always count their unmet needs, they never count the various interventions
of God in their lives. Tey are always moaning about one problem, challenge
or trial, which invariably are very light aictions in comparison to other
peoples challenges.
In every situation, endeavor to always see the bright side of life. When you do,
you will always have every cause to praise God for His goodness. Our praises
to God are like an odor of sweet smell, a blessed fragrance which assails the
nostrils of the Most High triggering abundant blessings for those who delight
in praising God.
Praise is comely, an odor of sweet sm
5th March
I KINGS 18:30-40
KEY VERSE: Then the fre of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt
sacrifce, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up
the water that was in the trench (1 Kings 18:38).
A quarter of a century ago, there was this magician who used to perform
incredulous miracles on Lagos streets to the surprise of his captive audience.
Te snag though, was that after each performance, provision shops around
the vicinity of the miracle centers would have lost some of their wares which
were conjured to the delight of the audience during such performances.
Also, some victims would have lost valuable cash or properties like wrist
watches, under the spell of the ace-magician.
It is so strange today to see the reincarnation of such fake miracle workers in
some Christian assembles. Te real purpose of miracles is lost on the gullible
audience. Any divinely-ordained miracle is to prove the power and presence
of God. And having done that, to draw back the people to the pathway of
holiness and godliness.
After three and a half years of draught, commanded by prophet Elijah as a
mark of punishment for the backsliding of the nation of Israel, Elijah was
to signify the end of the famine by praying to God to send down rain. But
then, he needed to deal with the imposter-prophets by challenging them to
a contest to bring re upon the altar of sacrice without the aid of matches
or lighters. Te false prophets tried all the tricks they could without success.
Lying wonders do not endure. When the re fell upon the altar arranged by
Elijah, the people were fully persuaded and convinced that Jehovah is the true
God, and Baal was a false god. Te LORD, he is the God. Te purpose of
divine miracles today has not changed.
Many so-called believers have become willing tools in the hands of illicit so-
called miracle-workers. Tere are those who are ready to sell their heart for
miracles without the slightest consideration of their souls. Miracles are good
when we experience them and they help x our gaze on God. Any miracle,
however stunning, which renders us hostages to the miracle worker is evil and
must be avoided by heaven-bound saints.
By their fruit, ye shall know them.
6th March
MATTHEW 19:1-12
KEY VERSE: And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he
which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For
this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and
they twain shall be one fesh? (Matthew 19:4,5).
Te Pharisees were desirous of drawing something from Jesus which they might
hold as contrary to the law of Moses. Cases about marriage have been numerous,
and sometimes perplexed; it was made so, not by the law of God, but by the lusts
and follies of men. Often, people x what they will do before they ask for advice.
Jesus replied by asking whether they had not read the account of the creation,
and the rst example of marriage; thus condemning every departure therefrom.
Te words joined together mean yoked together, a common verb for marriage
in ancient Greek. Among the ancients, they put a yoke upon the necks of a new
married couple, or chains on their arms, to show that they were to be one, closely
united, and pulling equally together in all the concerns of life. Te word cleave
denotes a union of the rmest kind. It is in the original taken from gluing, and
means so rmly to adhere together that nothing can separate them. If God hath
so joined them that the twain are one, no human ordinance has the right to
separate them. Tey shall no longer have separate interests, but shall act in all
things as if they were one - animated by one soul and one wish.
God Himself instituted the relationship between husband and wife in the state of
innocence. Husband and wife, being joined together by the ordinance of God, are
not to be put asunder by any ordinance of man. Let not man put them asunder;
not the husband himself, nor any one for him; not even the magistrate. Te God
of Israel hath said, that he hateth putting away (Malachi 2:16).
When the gospel is really embraced, it makes men faithful and committed
partners; it teaches them to bear each others burdens, and to bear with the
inrmities of those with whom they are conjugally connected, to consider their
peace and happiness more than their own. Such transformed hearts easily forgive
one another and forge ahead with one common cause.
A breach of marital vows attracts eternal woes.
7th March
ISAIAH 32:1-8
KEY VERSE: Behold a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule
in judgment (Isaiah 32:1).
World peace has proved a mirage, an illusory atmosphere nations wished
they had but cannot. Nations came out of World War II with a resolve to
work together for a lasting global peace. Te emphasis was on disarmament
and the creation of a new world body to promote peace and cooperation
among all nations. However, fresh arms build-up today and several regional
and international conicts we have witnessed since the end of World War II
have more than indicated that the present peace order is nothing but fragile.
Intolerance, greed, racial pride and territorial ambitions are some of the
reasons world peace has remained elusive.
Our passage today provides us an insight about the global peace that shall be
experienced during the impending 1000 years reign of the Messiah. At that
time, the Messiah shall rule in righteousness. His reign shall be characterized
by equity and justice. He will not be deceived by anyone; He shall be endued
with the gift of discernment to perceive things in their true nature. He shall
see the truth in every matter clearly and shall not be blind in judgment.
His ministers and ambassadors shall have the love of the people at heart. Tey
shall be like hiding places from the winds. Tey will be men the people can
look up to for they will be men of high spiritual and moral qualities. His reign
shall be a taste of heaven here on earth. Individually, we can have a foretaste
of this glorious experience of Christs peace before the day comes. We need
a change of mind. We must turn away from selshness, tribal prejudices and
racial pride to love all men. As saints, we must eschew evil, allow the bitter
cry of the oppressed to touch our hearts and allow for equity and justice in
every place.
Gods peace transcends nite minds understanding.
8th March
MARK 12:28-37
KEY VERSE: And when Jesus saw that he answered discretely, He said unto
him, thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask
him any question (Mark 12:34).
Religion as an outward deed is natural to every man, but true Christianity
is supernatural. It is beyond intellectual knowledge or external observance
of the law. Christianity is the life of Christ enabled from within by the Holy
Spirit. In this circumstance, the knowledge of the word of God leads us into
deeper, spiritually fruitful relationship with God.
Te Pharisee in our text who represents the religious body of those days had
asked a candid question as to which commandment is greatest. Te Lord, as
He was wont, resorted to the Scriptures in response. Te Pharisees answer
in verses 32 and 33 shows that he too was conversant with scriptures but,
of course, not suciently to discover Christ as to repose faith in Him as the
only Lord and Savior. For his prudent answer and knowledge of the truth, the
Lord declared him Not far from the kingdom of God. He was near because
he knew what was required of him, but he was all the same still outside the
Kingdom because he had not the experience of doing it.
Entrance into Gods kingdom is not merely the possession of intellectual
knowledge of the Bible or being a member of a good church. It is faith in the
atoning blood of Jesus, obedience and love from the heart towards God and
fellowmen. To be satised with religion without genuine salvation from sin is
to cut oneself o from the kingdom of God.
Te only pathway to the kingdom of God is repentance from sin and faith in
Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. Self-pity, heedless gyration or intense
religious activities will avail nothing. It is only faith in Christ which delivers
from sin and continuing faith in Him which saves to the uttermost.
Te Christless worshippers that die in their sins cannot be saved
9th March
NUMBERS 16:12-22
KEY VERSE: And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, Saying,
Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them
in a moment.(Numbers 16:20,21).
Te Iroko tree is the king of timber woods in the rain forest of southwest
Nigeria. A lot of myths has been given by local inhabitants of the enclave about
the power of the Iroko tree and some of their proverbs nd basis in such beliefs.
For instance, it is the peoples common saying that a child who speaks evil or
revile the iroko tree is sure to have the tree on his trail. A deant young man
therefore walked past an Iroko tree and reviled it. He thereafter ran and looked
back, but saw the Iroko tree still standing in the same place where it had always
been and laughed the saying of the elders to scorn. He failed to recognize that the
saying was not particularly about a tree. It was a necessary warning to subjects
not to revile an elder or a dignitary in the land. Anyone who dared never go
In our text, Dathan and Abiram who were members and ocers in the congregation
stood to stir up sedition against the leadership of Moses. Tey leveled unjust and
baseless accusation against Moses. When Moses summoned them to hear the
basis of their unholy behavior, they were insolent and reproachful. God viewed
their act of rebellion as indeed done to Him and therefore determined that He
might consume them in a moment (verse 21).
Man, inevitably pays dearly for his rebellion against God. If we refuse to remain
under the inuence of Gods Word and choose to go on our own way, we soon
miss the way and lose more spiritually, than whatever we may ever have gained.
Besides the authority of the church of God, believers are also to respect civil
authorities who work for peace in the land for us to live by our religious
convictions and carry on in our ministry of reconciling men to God. Rebellion
against divinely constituted authorities is far from being a demonstration of
boldness and strong-mindedness. It is a serious sin that has caused the untimely
deaths of many from ages gone.
Determine today to be subject to secular authorities for as long as their policies
do not go against the counsel of God.
Te Christian light illuminates the darkest world.
10th March
JOHN 11:1-11
KEY VERSE: ..and after that He saith unto them, our friend Lazarus
sleepeth: but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep (John 11:11b).
Jesus is the true Friend. Both in good and in bad times, He never leaves nor
forsakes His own. Be it in wet, dry or scotching weather, all we have to do is
ask Him, and He is willing to help and aid His own.
Our text gives a terse account of the sickness and consequent death of Lazarus;
how his sisters, Martha and Mary sent for Jesus, and Christs comments to
His disciples regarding the situation. Te passage is an enriching glimpse
into the private life of our Savior. Tere was a family which he loved so
dearly. It was the family of Martha, Mary and their brother Lazarus. When
Lazarus fell sick, Mary and Martha were content just to describe the state of
Lazarus to Jesus; they were condent He would help them because He is a
compassionate Friend of their family and a lover of their souls. Tis is the
faith and condence of the friends of Jesus. It will be helpful to us therefore
to ask, what manner of people are those who can be called the friends of Jesus?
Tey are those who trust in Him and do His will in season and out of season.
Christ also has great aection for homes and families where brothers, sisters
and parents are all His friends. Such homes are a place of His regular visits
and His abiding presence. Such are happy homes of harmonious believers
whose lives are made so radiant by the intimate communion they constantly
have with Jesus. If we love, trust and commit our lives to Him, He also will
love and save us, and like Lazarus, will raise us up in the last day (John 6:39).
Jesus, the indispensable Friend for life and eternit
11th March
EXODUS 23:10-19
KEY VERSE: Tree times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year
(Exodus 23:14).
Feasting is common with men. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Belshazzar his
son and great kings of ancient and modern ages are noted for regular feastings
that promote self- image, ego and sensuality. Civilization and technology
have not changed the trend because almost everything these days is turned
into feasting and ceremonies. However, appointed feasts of God have spiritual
connotations and symbols because they are spiritually discerned to guide
Gods people to an expected end.
Our text is a call by God unto His people to attend regular annual events.
Clearly stated in the text are the institutions of sabbatical year which means
every seventh year, the land was to rest. Te Feast of unleavened bread which
was taken with bitter herbs reminded the Israelites of their bitter experience
in Egypt and how God delivered them. Tree times in a year, they were to
appear before God without being empty-handed.
Tese laws are primarily peculiar to the Jews, but they have secondary
spiritual application to modern-day Christians. When we come for worship,
we must not come to God empty-handed. Our souls must be lled with
grace, devoted aections, holy desire and dedication to please God. Empty,
shallow and frivolous worship that lacks solemnity and soberness, peace and
purity negate the way of God. Tose who worship God merely for fear will
worship the devil should he appear.
Weekly fellowship meetings in your local church are appointed to meet your
spiritual needs. Regular fellowship with people of like precious faith is the will
of God for you. Believers are called to feast on the words of God and worship
Him to ensure steady growth, maturity and stability in the Christian race.
Tey that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
12th March
MARK 11:11-27
KEY VERSE: Therefore, I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye
pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them (Mark 11:24).
Many times we complain that our prayers are not answered. We are discouraged
because we do not know what else to do. Or sometimes, we turn to self-help
eorts and pity parties which bring more despair. What we fail to recognize is that
most times too, our prayers are motivated solely by our own interests and desires.
We want our personal problems attended to, and quickly too. But we miss the
main point in prayer, that is, praying with the interests of God in mind. Jesus
underscored this point when He prayed that although all things are possible
unto thee, ..nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt (Mark 14:36).
Te Lord Jesus Christ had just entered Jerusalem, and as usual, headed to the
temple. By the time He left the city, He was hungry and thought that a g tree
on the way, with luscious green leaves, would provide Him with fruits to eat as it
was the season for fruits. But the tree had none, contrary to natural expectation.
Jesus then cursed the tree, and again headed to the temple in Jerusalem where
He had to chase out all those transacting business there, and rebuked them for
misusing the house of God. Tereafter, He left the city. Te next morning as He
and His disciples were returning to Jerusalem, they noticed that the cursed g
tree had dried up. Te disciples were amazed, and Jesus urged them to have faith
in God. He admonished them that if they did not doubt, literally, they can ask
for anything in prayer from God, and He will give it to them. But they must be
willing to forgive all oenses if their prayers are to be answered. Otherwise, God
Himself will not forgive their sins.
Jesus is in essence telling us that the prayer that God answers is not based on any
particular attitude or disposition, eort or sacrice we may exhibit, but on total
trust in God. As we pray, we bear no grudge against anyone, we do not pursue
a selsh agenda, and we seek only those things that are according to the will of
God, and are therefore, good for the kingdom of God. Such prayers will not focus
on the things we are asking for, but on the living God, who giveth us richly all
things to enjoy.
All things are possible to him that believeth..
13th March
JOHN 16:16-24
KEY VERSE: And ye now therefore have sorrow: but l will see you again, and
your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you (John 16:22).
Born on October 28, 1662, at Brod oak Flint shire England, Matthew Henry,
a distinguished non- conformist and biblical commentator, died June 22, 1714,
at Nantwich, England. On his sick bed, he spoke of the excellence of spiritual
comforts during aictions and blessed God that he enjoyed them. While dying,
he said: a life spent in the service of God, and communion with Him is the most
comfortable and pleasant life that anyone can live in this present world. He lay
speechless with his eyes xed, till about eight oclock, June 22, 1714 when he
bid farewell to the world of sin. Mathew Henry is gone but his life is a light and
comfort to every generation of believers.
Our text vividly captures the farewell message of Christ to His disciples. Jesus was
referring to His death at this time when He had only few hours to live. It was a
valedictory message to His disciples which thereafter granted them opportunity
to ask any question quickly before His departure. Te disciples could not imagine
how Jesus would leave them so soon; but he had promised earlier to send the
Holy Spirit to them. Jesus emphasized that they would weep and lament because
of His departure but the world would rejoice.
Te perplexity of the disciples was apparent. Tey were at a loss to what to make
of it (Verse 17,18). Tey were in the dark because their notion of Christs secular
Kingdom was deeply rooted in them. Teir condition and dispersion were both
mournful, yet the world at the same time, move on with all their mirth and
Opportunity comes and goes in life. Tose who stubbornly reject the promise
of God for their salvation will mourn eternally. Spiritual mourning will shortly
be turned into eternal rejoicing. Te promise of Christs return is imminent and
those who wait for Him with spiritual preparation will rejoice with Him eternally.
When Christ arrives triumphantly, todays mockers shall mourn.
14th March
1 SAMUEL 21:6-10
KEY VERSE: Now a certain man of the servants of Saul was there that day,
detained before the LORD; and his name was Doeg, an Edomite, the chiefest of
the herdmen that belonged to Saul (1 Samuel 21:7).
An accident occurred recently which was fatal. Te driver of the car, a middle aged
man who was the cause of the accident almost lost his life in the accident. He
was in a state of comma for many days in a specialist hospital. When he managed
to regain consciousness, he attributed the cause of the accident to everybody else
except himself, although eye witnesses conrmed that he was at fault. Solomon
was very right to have said, the backslider in heart shall be lled with his own
ways, and a good man shall be satised from himself (Proverbs 14:14).
Saul, the rst king of Israel at his backsliding state shifted his attention from his
Godgiven role and responsibility to become obsessed with the plan of killing
David and other innocent subjects of his kingdom. He hypocritically resorted
into tribal sentiments to divert attention of the people from his sin and error to
gain support from the tribe of Benjamin. Ten Saul said unto his servants that
stood against him, hear now, ye Benjamin; will the son of Jesse give every one of
you elds and vineyards, and make you all captains of thousands, and captains
of hundreds?
Bitterness, fault nding, jealousy, prejudice and hatred are generally associated
with backsliding. Saul was a prophetic vessel before he degenerated into killing
the people of Israel indiscriminately to retain his position. Many people commit
greater sin today just to cover their initial sin. Saul chose his key ocers from the
tribe of Benjamin, appealing to tribal loyalty to maintain his hold on the throne.
He had forgotten how he started in a very little way until God lifted him. Tose
in position of authority must be careful not to allow what they started in the spirit
to be maintained and nurtured in the esh.
Backsliding, whether total or partial, is a very dangerous spiritual condition.
Sauls problem started when he disobeyed the words of God through Samuel. To
keep your relationship with God, you must obey Him implicitly. Seek the Lord
when He may be found.
He who forsakes and forgets his Maker does so to his peril
15th March
PSALM 104:24-35
KEY VERSE: O LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom have
thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches (Psalm 104:24).
Someone once declared, In the bowels of the earth are hidden mines of
wealth, and on her surface are teeming harvest of plenty, all the riches are the
Lords; we ought to call them not the wealth of nations but THY RICHES
All of creation is a display of the wisdom of God. And God saw everything
that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.. (Genesis 1:31). Te
Psalmist, like we note today, meditates on the beauty, splendor and majesty of
Gods creation. Te sea and creatures therein continues to fascinate mankind.
A scientist said that over 80% of all living creatures have their abode in the
sea! Great wonder!
Of all the creatures of God, only man lives beyond death. When the Lord
takes away his breath, he enters into either a life of glory or misery. Of all
the creatures of God, only man is so blind as to live in rebellion against his
Benefactor! Of all the creatures of God, only man will give account of his life,
his response to the oer of salvation freely given by God and his account of
stewardship here on earth.
As we meditate on the wonders of Gods creation, only man will answer ..
when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my
gospel (Romans 2:16).
Have you really understood the reason God created you? Are you living to the
glory of His name? Do you know that He created you for signs and wonders?
As you spend some time today to appreciate the beauty of Gods creation,
it is wise that you make peace with Him by accepting Jesus into your life as
Lord and Savior. Te choice to accept Jesus and make Him your everlasting
companion or reject Him and be damn forever is wholly yours.
He who gives bountifully never lacks
16th March
NUMBERS 18:20-32
KEY VERSE: And ye shall bear no sin by reason of it, when ye have heaved
from it the best of it: neither shall ye pollute the holy things of the children of
Israel, lest ye die (Numbers 18:32).
Biblical records reveal that Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah, was the
ancestor of the priest of the tabernacle. Jacob was not happy with Levi and
Simeon and he pronounced them dispersed among the people of Israel for
their violence and cruelty to the men of Shechem. Te situation changed later
when the tribe of Levi submitted their lives entirely to the service of God.
Moses in his farewell speech, praised the tribe of Levi for being faithful to
the covenant with God and for teaching the people to obey God. God always
rewards faithfulness and responsible stewardship in every generation.
Our text today outlines the principle, pattern and portion of the Levites in
discharging the duties assigned to them by God. Te priests and the Levites
were to have no earthly inheritance, for God Himself was their portion and
inheritance. Tey were to be focused and dedicate their ambition, strength
and resources for the service of the tabernacle. Levites were to live on the tithes
of the children of Israel, while they in turn should pay their heave oerings
unto the Lord. It was to be used to support the work of the tabernacle. Te
Levites must then be very careful and ensure that they handle the things
of God with reverence. Neither should they pollute the holy things of the
children of Israel, otherwise they die.
Giving something back to God in appreciation of what He freely gave us
is the responsibility of every heaven-bound pilgrims especially because the
principle of tithing is still very much relevant today. Believers must see their
time, talent and resources as gifts to be dedicated to God who is the Supreme
Giver. Gifts dedicated to God must be treated with respect and reverence. As
responsible stewards of Gods resources, Christians must channel their lives
and resources as holy and acceptable service unto God.
Dedicated life unto God is a duty and debt we all owe Him
17th March
1 KINGS 18:41-46
KEY VERSE: And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, behold,
these ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a mans hand. And he said, go up,
say unto Ahab, prepare thy chariot, and get thee down that the rain stops thee
not (1 Kings 18:44).
Why is sin so prevalent in the world? It is simply as a result of the fallen
nature and consequently the depravity which has totally undertaken the lots
of mankind. Sin is committed at will because of the erroneous view that it will
not be punished. What many do not know is that sin produces temporal and
eternal spiral consequences.
Draught, Death, Destruction, Darkness, Distress, Discouragement and
Discipline came to Israel as a result of their disobedience and divided
loyalty to God. Blessings are withheld when God is ignored. Again, when a
righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I
lay a stumbling block before him (Ezekiel 3:20a).
Elijah was a witness of Jehovah against the sinners in Israel; under kingdom
principles he laid a drought on the land for three and a half years. What
brought the abundance of rain? Repentance, confession and turning back
of Israel to God. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their
land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Are you going through a heavenly appointed draught today? In humility, turn
to God at His reproof, confess and forsake a life of rebellion and sin. Ten
pray in faith and once again the abundance of rain will come.
Gods abundance is the inheritance of His favored.
18th March
MATTHEW 19:13-22
KEY VERSE: But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come
unto Me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven (Mathew 19:14).
Has it struck anyones imagination that when disasters occur on a minor or
major scale, children are not spared? Te more painful thing is the unfortunate
termination of the lives of those children who couldnt make their peace with
God, having reached the age of accountability. A double jeopardy we might
say. Te heart cry of Jesus to all ministers therefore, is for them to bring such
children into a saving knowledge.
In our passage, parents desperately wanted the children to come to Jesus that
He might touch them and bless them. Te disciples on the other hand chose
to send them away because they thought Jesus had much more important
things to do and that children were insignicant in the scheme of Christs
kingdom. Jesus rebuked the disciples and used this as an opportunity to
teach them and the church that to receive the Kingdom, we must be as little
children: with trusting simplicity, unassuming humility and meekness. Te
lesson of how to receive and be a partaker of the kingdom of God was brought
home succinctly by the rich young ruler that came to Jesus. He asked the right
question: what can I do to have eternal life?
After enumerating the good things he claimed to be doing, he knew there was
still a lack as Jesus quickly explained to him that the matter of the heart was
the heart of the matter. He was not willing to sell all that he had to buy the
pearl of great treasure.
As you read this passage, why not spend a few minutes to ask Jesus this same
question what lack I yet? Are you humble enough to make Jesus the pillar of
your life in child-like simplicity? Are you willing to subordinate everything to
Him and let Him be your Lord in all things? Have the faith of a child to enter
Gods kingdom and avoid the grandstanding foolishness of the rich man.
Open my eyes O Lord
19th March
ISAIAH 32:9-20
KEY VERSE: Because the palace shall be forsaken; the multitude of the city shall
be left; the forts and towers shall be dens forever, a joy of wild assess, a posture
of fock; until the spirit be poured upon us from on high and the wilderness be
a fruitful feld, and the fruitful feld be counted for a forest (Isaiah 32:14,15).
Someone once said: Men ought not to be like cattle, which seek nothing but
plenty of food and abundance of outward things. We should not.. judge the
happiness of life by abundance of bread and wine. Righteousness alone exalts,
righteousness alone can uplift a falling man. Tis is a point that is lost on
many people today who are consumed by the single-minded pursuit of the
good things of life, to the exclusion of God, their Creator.
In todays text, the Lord focused on the corruption and unrighteousness that
marked the lifestyle of the people of Israel. Tis message addressed primarily
to the women, but applicable to all, is similar to an earlier one in Isaiah
3:16-26. Te women of Judah had become complacent about the warning of
impending punishment for a life of ease, carelessness, pride, vanity and luxury
at the expense of the worship of Jehovah and doing good to their fellow
human beings. Te prophet pointed at the signs of the coming judgment:
the failing of the harvest, the ravaging of the land and an end to joy and
celebration. But if the people returned to their God, they will enjoy a time
of great blessings. Te Lord will pour the Holy Spirit upon them, with all
His benets, namely, fertility, justice, righteousness, peace and quietness, and
security for all. Te Lord was promising them a future like no other, provided
they turned away from their wicked ways and returned to Him in obedience.
Te only things that should matter to us are things that God approves. Te
things that give joy, pleasure and satisfaction to many people today, are in
fact, not just empty and bereft of lasting eect, but oend God. What is
important is what counts with God: that our lives are righteous, that we
cherish obedience to Him more than anything else, and that we want to
please Him always. Anything else will only drive us farther away from God,
and eventually, incur His punishment.
What gives pleasure do not always satisfy God.
20th March
MARK 12:38-44
KEY VERSE: For all they did cast in their abundance, but she of her want did
cast in all that she had, even all her living (Mark 12:44).
God loveth a cheerful giver, remarks Paul the apostle (2 Corinthians 9:7b).
Giving all we can is the acceptable way to give to God. Our oerings must be
with all sincerity of purpose, purity of heart with a mind to please God only.
Te Lord Jesus observed in our text how true worshippers cast their oerings
into the box provided in the temple for that purpose. He saw the rich give
much out of the abundance they had, but He also knew intuitively that what
they gave was well below their capability. Tey certainly had held back part of
what they should give in order to plough it back to satisfy their covetousness
and love of luxury. Except for the exemplary giving of a widow woman, the
Lord did not inform us how the poor in that place fared in the giving of
oering, but it is a well-known fact that most poor people pretending to have
nothing to give, actually fail to give back to God. Tis they do, not because
of their poverty but because of their distrust in Gods ability and faithfulness
to give to them (Luke 6:36).
Our possession are blessed when we give a just portion to God, for there will
be a blessing in what remains after an appropriate part has been given to God.
We cannot and should not dare to give to God as if we are giving to a beggar.
It is our duty to give. God does not consider the duty of giving according to
the outward value, but always in comparison to that which He supplies.
How we give reects our devotion to God. Our liberality in assisting the
poor and giving to God is an important physical evidence of our love for
Him. Unless we cultivate a habit of faithfully giving when we have not much
to give, we will give little when we become rich. Above all things, the Lord
demands rst from us, the giving of our hearts, time and talent in voluntary
and sincere devotion and service unto Him. Tis is the condition upon which
the acceptance of our pecuniary oerings is based.
Giving reects our true love for God and mankind
21st March
1 SAMUEL 22:11-23
KEY VERSE: And the king said, thou shalt surely die, Ahimelech, thou, and all
thy fathers house (1 Samuel 22:16).
Saul had been chosen by God to be the rst King of Israel. It was a great privilege
which he soon abused and so was rejected by God. Faced with this predicament,
he had two basic options available to him: rst, to earnestly repent and settle
with God, or second, to protest, complain and settle to self-management and
frustration. He chose the second option, and so, madness took over him. He then
settled to a life of fault-nding, ghting imaginary enemies, and in the process,
ghting against God. He even degenerated to the point of relapsing into self-pity
and stoking tribalism.
Our text shows Saul, the king of Israel, ordering the execution of the priests of
the LORD, in his mindless pursuit of David. God had, after rejecting Saul as
king, chosen David. Saul wanted to stop Gods plan by killing David. In his
determination to get David, he was ready to destroy anyone and anything on his
way. He ordered his soldiers: Turn and slay the priests of the LORD; because
their hand also is with David. When his footmen would not obey his order, he
turned to Doeg, a foreigner, who knew not God, and commanded him to carry
out his order. Doeg slavishly obeyed, and slaughtered the 85 priests and everyone
else in Nob, the city of priests.
Tough rejected by God, King Saul still retained his authority and power, which
he exercised recklessly. Having lost favor with the God of Israel, frustration
pushed him into insanity and eventually, mass destruction.
Today, many people are like King Saul. Madness is on the throne of their hearts.
Tey slander and betray others willfully. Tey spread ill reports about other
people, and present them as monsters. Tey plot a clever scheme to supplant
others from their positions of prominence. And for a while, they may appear to
have succeeded, only to discover later that they had sown the seed of their own
When you lose a pre-eminent position, do not seek for excuses, instead examine
yourself to know the cause. Ten, deal with it in love, patience and open-
mindedness. Do not allow self- pity, malice or hatred to take root in your heart.
If you discover that you are at fault, ask God for forgiveness and avoid blaming
others for your actions. Tereafter, allow God alone to work out His plans for
your life.
Selshness is a tonic that blinds the eyes to its faults
22nd March
PSALM 76:1-12
KEY VERSE: There brake he the arrows of the bow; the shield, and the sword,
and the battle (Psalm 76:3).
Twelve men packed themselves into a small boat hoping to make a safe
voyage to the other side of the river where they had hoped to carry out a great
assignment. Te captain who gave the instruction for them to cross over then
went into the hinder part of the ship to relax for a moment. Te weariness of
the previous journeys took the toll on the captain and he quickly drifted into
a deep sleep. Suddenly, there was an uproar in the main cabin as the aides
noticed a serious change in the weather. Before long the small ship began to
take in water and was beginning to go under. Ten one of the crew members
quickly went to the captain and woke him up, accusing him of not caring for
their lives. Te captain just smiled and took charge of the ship, said a short
prayer and they were all alarmed at the sudden calmness. Tey proceeded on
the journey and arrived the shore safe and sound.
Storms of life, battles, diculties, persecutions, and suerings are all part of
lifes curriculum, helping man to attain to Gods highest and nest glory. Such
opportunities to witness and experience Gods power are often dressed in the
robes of troubles. Only believers who can discern the signs of the times will
understand that such periods are greatest moments to experience the power
of divine intervention.
Tis passage, often referred to as the ghting psalm, describes Gods
awesome power to defend and protect His own from harm and danger.
Let us rest in this assurance of Gods presence, power and preservation in the
midst of great danger. He has not promised us a life free from troubles, but
He promises deliverance from all our troubles.
In great danger, there is great deliverance
23rd March
ISAIAH 29:9-15
KEY VERSE: Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord,
and their works are in the dark, and they say, who seeth us and who knoweth
us? (Isaiah 29:15).
One of the commonest tricks of the devil is to lull people into complacency, in
the false hope that they are religious. Teir outward expressions loudly proclaim
that they are good men. But in reality, they are far from God. Teir hearts are
consumed by evil plans and desires. Although they have developed a cultured
and civilized approach in dealing with issues in public, their depraved private
activities best sum up their true standing with God.
Tis was the state of the children of Israel at the time God sent Isaiah with a heavy
message for them. As the Lord opened his eyes to peer into Israels future, Prophet
Isaiah saw their pain and anguish. Tey had become unsteady like drunken men,
because the Lord had visited them with judgment. Tey had fallen into deep
spiritual slumber. Teir rulers no longer heard from God, their prophets no longer
saw visions from the Lord. God had closed His mind towards them. Te learned
scribes and rulers were helpless. It was like a book that is sealed which men
deliver to one that is learned, saying read this, I pray thee, and he saith, I cannot,
for it is sealed. God was unhappy that the Israelites had become hypocritical in
their relationship with Him. He made the wisdom of their Wiseman to perish
and hid the understanding of their prudent men. He pronounced woes on all
those who thought He couldnt see their evil activities and didnt know what was
How strange and futile it is for anyone to use religious practices and activities
to conceal his evil plans and actions from God. Te Lord knows everything
about everyone. He can never be fooled. All things are open and naked unto
God. Terefore, people who claim to belong to God, and possess all the modern
religious qualications, but do not exhibit outward righteousness, whose lives
are not transformed and whose character remains hideous, would attract Gods
vengeance on themselves. Te only way to escape Gods judgment is for such
people to own up their errors before God, ask Him for forgiveness and learn to
live only according to His will.
It is self-deceit to conceal evil under the cloak of religion.
24th March
EXODUS 23:20-33
KEY VERSE: Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after
their works; but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their
images (Exodus 23:24).
Te path of a believers life is strewn with traps and entanglements. Often, these
are intended by the devil to turn away our focus from what really counts: to have
a ourishing relationship with God. Left on our own, we would make a mess of
our lives. We therefore, need guidance and direction from the Lord Himself. He
did just that for the Israelites on their way from Egypt to the Promised Land.
Te Lord sent His angel to take them to the place which He had prepared for
them. But He warned them to obey the words of the angel and not to provoke
Him. He told them that if they obeyed His words, He would be an enemy
unto (their) enemies and an adversary unto (their) adversaries. He gave them the
assurance that His angel would lead them into Canaan and that He would cut o
all the inhabitants of the land. Tey must not condone or serve the gods of those
heathen nations, but utterly destroy them. Tey should serve the Lord their God
only, so He can bless them with sound health, protect and preserve them, prosper
and multiply their population. He would frighten o and destroy those heathen
nations. He would not do all this overnight, but would strategically clear the land
for them, one piece at a time, until their population had grown to ll all the land.
He would deliver the inhabitants of the land into their hands, and they must
drive them all away. Tey must not enter into any deal with the heathen or their
gods, nor allow them to dwell in the land, lest they make thee sin against me.
Tere is no shortcut to overcoming your enemies. You must trust the Lord to
guide and clear the way for you. You must heed His commands to separate
yourself from all idols and unbelievers. You must not associate closely with them,
as their actions could turn you away from the Lord. You should show by your
lifestyle, that you are a child of God. Such a distinct lifestyle, would attract very
uncomfortable reaction and unexpected repercussion from unbelievers. You must
not submit to their pressure, but rather obey and depend on God always. Only
then can you condently declare: Te Lord is my light and my salvation, whom
shall I fear? Te Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid.
Te Lord ghts for those who put their trust in Hi
25th March
JOHN 16: 23-33
KEY VERSE: Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name; ask, and ye shall
receive, that your joy may be full (John 16:24).
A father gets ready to go to work in the morning and his little daughter runs
to him to bid him farewell. Daddy asks the child what she wants him to bring
for her when coming home. A teddy bear, she announces enthusiastically.
You will get it, assures the father. However, daddy returned in the evening
without it; he had not enough money to buy it. Men fail to keep commitments
not always because they are unwilling but because, they are unable. God is
dierent. He makes no promise that He cant keep. He is faithful to every of
His word.
As Christ was coming to the end of His earthly ministry, there was the need to
build the condence of His disciples. He had been teaching them on prayers
before now. He said that those that ask receive, and that they have to ask in
faith, and persevere in asking. As His departure drew near, He knew that
they were worried about what would happen to them. He then gave them
the blank check of prayer. A signed blank check was given to the disciples:
whatsoever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Jesus told
the disciples that He had guaranteed every request they will make of the
Father. All they had to do anytime was to ll in whatsoever they wanted, and
it will be honored and granted so that their joy will be full.
Bible days believers lived by this open heavens and it is for every believer
today. Many believers are generally never having their joy full because they
never have their prayers answered. Christ gave a signed blank check book
to every believer and authorized us to ll in whatever we want anytime.
However, many of us are either afraid or unwilling to make requests. We
anguish, famish, groan and lament while everything we need is available in
the bank of our Father. Te authority we have is asking in the name of Jesus.
When we approach the Father in the name of the only Begotten Son, we cant
be denied.
Tere is no lack for he whose heart is stayed on Jesus.
26th March
NUMBERS 16:23-25
KEY VERSE: And the king said, Thou shalt surely die, Ahimelech, Thou, and all
thy fathers house (1 Samuel 22:16).
Tere are certain vices in life that creep-in on people. One of them is rebellion.
It begins innocently with a mere outspokenness about something you nd
unacceptable. Ten it grows into a cause to pursue, and a goal to attain.
You convince yourself that your purpose is noble, and you are defending the
rights of not just yourself, but others also. In this frenzy, you are unable to
distinguish between what is for the common good, and what is driven by
greed and lust for inuence.
Korah, Dathan and Abiram were blinded by the self-righteousness of their
human rights activism. Tey thought Moses had promoted himself and was
exercising too much authority over the people. Tey organized an opposition
of 250 prominent citizens against Moses, and deed all pleas for an amicable
resolution of their complaint. Tey pursued a campaign that seemed popular
among the people, but they failed to realize that in picking a quarrel against
Moses, they were rebelling against God who made Moses the leader. Tey
were so consumed in the rightness of their cause that they couldnt see when
judgment came from God. Tey and all their supporters faced a death sentence
but they did not realize it, until the ground split open and swallowed them
up. Tey died a most agonizing death, and earned an eternity of torment in
Tose who oppose Gods structures, Gods standards and Gods servants, are
rebelling against the Almighty God Himself. Be careful then, so that greed
and popular acclaim of men do not blind you to common sense and good
reason. Ensure you do not desire what others have as that will make you
dissatised with what you have already. And dont seek to raise your self-
esteem by attacking others. Be content with your station in life, or else you
run the risk of straying into rebellion against God. And this will attract His
severe punishment. Remember that, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands
of the living God.. For our God is a consuming re.
Rebels reject Gods goodness and court His judgment.
27th March
NUMBERS 19:1-10
KEY VERSE: And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
this is the ordinance of the law which the Lord hath commanded, saying
(Number 19:1, 2a).
Te story of young Samuel in the house of Eli hearing Gods call for the rst time
is instructive. Samuel had never heard from God before that night and so he did
not recognize the voice of the LORD. He had to go to the more experienced Eli
to get the clue.
In our text, we see Moses and Aaron receiving instructions directly from God.
Te LORD God was speaking as a man speaks to his fellow man. Moses and
Aaron were used to hearing from God. Te Lord spake to them often. Tey were
close to God and always ready to hear from Him. Little wonder then that God
related to them in that manner.
Many believers today hardly hear from God. Tey hardly recognize His voice.
Why? Because they fail to develop an intimate relationship with Him. God is
not able to speak to them, reveal His mind and instruct them on His plans and
programs. He speaks to people that are dependable and faithful. People who love
Him, His word and purpose are beloved of His. He seeks to share His mind with
those who will do His will.
Moses and Aaron loved the company of the Lord and would always do His
command. And so God spake to them often. Tey could recognize Gods voice
always and respond. Tey always spent time with the Lord. Many of us are always
in a hurry to go from the presence of the LORD. We are not ready to cultivate the
habit of waiting on the LORD and hear Him speak. Terefore, when He speaks,
we cant recognize His voice. But the truth is that God is looking for people like
Moses and Aaron to share His mind with; those He will give His ordinance of
the law which the LORD hath commanded.
You can be such a person from today. Tat will mean a change of attitude to the
things of God. Be ready to spend much time alone with God and be committed
to do whatever He says to you. It is not dicult; you can do it if only you are
willing to try. Start today.
A closer walk with the Lord is the antidote to a barren Christian living.
28th March
PSALM 105:1-7
KEY VERSE: O give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name: make known his
deeds among the people. Sing unto Him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of his
wondrous works (Psalm 105:1,2).
Te story is told of a man of God who visited a family and was asked to give
thanks for the supper that was before them. It was reported that the man spent
the whole night praising God with the food not eaten while all others slept o in
the course of the praises.
Praising God is generally regarded as the highest form of prayer yet, it is the most
dicult. It is so because the average individual or believer is more at home with
complaints and petitions. It is easier for us to see things that are wrong and need
correction than to see things that need commendation. In our day to day lives
we want to blame, correct, chastise or advice. We want to protest, complain,
murmur, petition, argue or fault nd. For many of us, our lives are so worked up
that we are always tensed up. Tat is the condition we nd ourselves even when
we go to pray. We come to God with so many complaints that by the time we
nish from the place of prayer, we look more confused. But this was not so with
the Psalmist. He was a man that was given to praising God. On one occasion,
he so praised God that he earned the disdain of his wife. In our text, he exhorts
us to engage in pure, plain worship to the Lord. He charges us to give thanks to
the Lord God Almighty, because He is the Lord our God, whose judgments are
in all the earth (verse 7). Believers are expected to cultivate the habit of praising
God and giving thanks to Him for His wondrous works. We should learn to sing
praises to Him because He savourest the praises of His people. Giving thanks
and praises to God for His past mercies in our lives will lift up our faith, take
our attention from negative things around us, relieve our hearts of sorrow and
pressures and attract the presence and power of the Lord.
If we make a habit of loading our lives with pure worship of the Lord, we will
experience more of His wonders. It was so for David, and it will be so for you.
Come o everything else right now and just begin to sing and praise the LORD
God Almighty.
Te redeemed is congured to show forth His praise
I KINGS 19:1-8
KEY VERSE: But he himself went a days journey into the wilderness, and came
and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might
die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better
than my fathers. And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an
angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat (1 Kings 19:4,5).
Te story was told in a devotional about a man who underwent a heart
surgery. About 24 hours before the operation, a nurse came to his room and
told him that during the surgery he would be completely unconscious and
then remain immobilized for six hours after. But During the six hours after
surgery, I will be at your side and I will hold your hand, exactly as I am doing
now. I will stay with you until you are fully recovered. Although you may feel
absolutely helpless, when you feel my hand, you will know that I will not
leave you, the nurse promised. Te man later recounted the experience and
conrmed that the nurse did exactly as she promised: It happened exactly as
the nurse told me. I awoke and could do nothing. But I could feel the nurses
hand in my hand for hours. And that made all the dierence!
What a lesson for believers today! How often are we quick to forget that we
have a greater Nurse who will always be by our side when we are immobilized
by fear and challenges of life. He assures us in His word: Be strong and of a
good courage, fear not nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is
that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee (Deuteronomy
In the passage, we see the frailty of the strongest of men in the period of
discouragement and depression. Elijah had just destroyed idolaters and
idolatry in Israel which brought about national restoration and revival of true
worship. Because Jezebel threatened to avenge the death of the prophets of
Baal that Elijah killed, the prophet became afraid and ran away. While hiding
in the wilderness, discouraged and depressed, he was praying for death.
Instead of answering his wrong prayer, the Lord sent an angel to come and
feed Elijah. What a faithful God! He is always there! Be hooked unto Him for
in your moments of travail, He will always be with you.
A fear-full mind is a faith-less man.
30th March
MATTHEW 23:23-30
KEY VERSE: And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have
followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne
of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Israel (Matthew 19:28).
A man went to the wood one day and as he walked through the green trees
and bushes, he stumbled on a chameleon. Although he had read stories about
the chameleon, he had never seen one. He was therefore curious to observe its
capacity to take on dierent colors in its environment. Before he could nish
thinking about how the funny little animal will transform itself into dierent
colors, he was astounded that the chameleon that wore an initial green skin could
easily change to the dark brownish color as it attempts to hide on the bark of
a tree with exactly the same color. Tat became a metaphor for the society to
describe people who are not true to their nature as chameleons.
Te Pharisees that Jesus condemns in our passage are rebuked not because they
are unbelievers or godless, but because they use religious robes to cover their
spiritual shallowness and fanaticism based on selsh and proud lifestyle. What
they profess to believe in and what they actually practice do not in any way
correspond. Teir attitude and character is an embodiment of deception and
double standard. Christ says that they are outwardly religious but inwardly
rotten. Teir religious activities are full of misplaced priorities, paying attention
to mere physical religious obligations and duties such as tithing on immaterial
things rather than consecration and self-sacrice; seeking the attention and praise
of men, rather than demonstrating godly character and piety demanded from
every believer.
Te Lord still has harsh words for many church goers or religious people who
cover their sinful and wicked lifestyle with false appearance of religiosity and
church activities. Who are you? A modern-day Pharisee or a true disciple of
Hypocrisy, being religious without being righteous, not only displeases the Lord;
those who remain in it will stand condemned on the last day.
A changed skin without a changed heart is mere folly; it avails nothing
31st March
ISAIAH 33:1-12
KEY VERSE: Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and dealest
treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt
cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal
treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee (Isaiah 33:1).
Gods Word, whether of the Old or New Testament is timeless, indivisible and
consistent. Irrespective of the wicked machinations of man and his devices to
thwart natural laws, Gods decision to save His people will always hold sway. Tis
must be a soothing declaration to the genuine believer whose only hope rests
in his faith in the power of the Lord to deliver from a seemingly all-conquering
enemy or situation.
In our text, there was a erce threat from the Assyrians to overrun Judah. Te
invading army had boasted that even God would not be able to deliver His people
because no deity had succeeded in stopping the Assyrians wherever they had set
their eyes to take. Tragically and erroneously equating Jehovah God, Creator of
Heaven and earth with powerless gods, the encroaching army envisaged a swift
campaign, saying: Beware lest Hezekiah (King of Judah) persuade you saying,
Te Lord will deliver us. Hath any of the gods of the nations delivered at all his
land out of the hand of the king of Assyria? (Isaiah 36:18 and 2 kings 18:33).
Yet Gods Word to His people in the midst of the discouraging circumstances
and bluster is to remain calm and not panic but to trust in His faithful promises:
I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, Te Lord is
my Helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me (Hebrews 13:5,6),
I am with you always even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:20b), God
is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Terefore will we not
fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the
midst of the sea (Psalm 46:1,2).
Could the God who made these solemn promises fulll them when the real test
came in our text? He did it beyond human expectations. He sent only one angel
to wipe out 185,000-strong army in one night! God is still in charge, ghting on
behalf of those who have Jesus Christ, His Son, as their Lord and Savior. He will
spoil those who spoil you.
While others rest on their anxieties, rest on Gods word.
1st April
ISAIAH 38:1-8
KEY VERSE: Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the
LORD, And said, Remember now, O LORD, I beseech thee, how I have walked
before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good
in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore (Isaiah 38:2,3).
Te story goes that one time when Bill Moyers was a special assistant to
President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States, he was asked to say grace
before a meal in the family quarters of the White House. As Moyers began
praying softly, the President interrupted him with Speak up, Bill! Speak
up! Te former Baptist minister from east Texas stopped in mid-sentence;
without looking up replied steadily: I wasnt addressing you, Mr. President.
In our text, Hezekiah, a popular Old Testament king, prayed to God for help.
In the later part of his life he fell ill; indeed close to death. Te prophet Isaiah
pronounced that the illness was unto death. Hezekiah then pleaded to God,
who relented and healed him.
Prayer is communion with God. When Hezekiah was distressed by his
enemies, he prayed. Now that he was ill in bed, and knew that his sickness
was unto death, he turned his face towards the wall, probably towards the
temple. He pleaded with God for help, not to Isaiah the prophet. He pleaded
that by His grace, he had lived a good life, walked closely and humbly with
Him. When he eventually became healthy, he went up to the house of the
Lord to pray.
We must understand that good people also become ill. Being righteous does
not exempt us from the trials of life. Instead of the usual reliance on men to
save us from possibility of death, we should earnestly call on God for help,
like Hezekiah cried to God for healing. Whenever we are ill, we should pray
to God, who answers prayers that are said from sincere hearts.
Appropriate requests begets appropriate answer
2nd April
JOSHUA 4:10-24
KEY VERSE: And he spake unto the children of Israel, saying, When your children
shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones? Then
ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land
(Joshua 4:21,22).
Eighteen-year-old Hudson Taylor wandered into his fathers library and read a
gospel tract. He couldnt shake o its message. Finally, falling to his knees, he
accepted Christ as his Savior.
From our text we are told Joshua and the people set out from Shittim until they
arrived at the edge of the Jordan River. Te people then followed behind the
priests who bore the Ark of the Covenant; and as the priests feet dipped into
the Jordan, the water suddenly stopped to create a passageway of dry ground for
them. After crossing, the Divine voice told Joshua to take twelve stones from
the Jordans water and place them in the new land they had just entered. One
large stone was apportioned for each of the twelve tribes as a memorial for their
children. Additional to this, Joshua directed twelve men to take another twelve
large stones from the new land and place them into the Jordan River.
Te signicance of these stones was that they symbolized a memorial for the
coming generation. Tragically, the generation of Israelites that departed Egypt
with Moses angered the Lord so often by their unbelief and disobedience.
Tis made the Lord to abandon almost all of them to continually roam in the
wilderness for 40 years until they died; they did not inherit the land of promise.
Te new generation under Joshua, made few mistakes, but generally pleased the
Lord: they served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders
that outlived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the Lord, that he had
done for Israel (Joshua 24:31).
Tink over the above-mentioned, to realize level of the disparity between the
two generations. It is like the dierence between day and night; acceptance or
rejection and life or death. Tis is no minor matter, but a sharp, radical dierence
of revolutionary proportions brought about by deliberate and concerted eort of
teaching the children to fear and serve the Lord, which was a precursor of Ezekiel
11:19; 36:26 which speak of Israel receiving a new spirit and new heart, while
rebels are purged from her midst (Ezekiel 20:37).
Sow righteousness today; reap mercy thereafter.
3rd April
HEBREWS 11:32-40
KEY VERSE: Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness,
Obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of
fre, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed
valiant in fght, turned to fight the armies of the aliens (Hebrews 11:33,34).
A turkey and an eagle react very dierently to an approaching storm. Te
turkey reacts by running under the barn to hide, hoping the storm will go
away while the eagle leaves the nest, spreads its wings and rides the air currents
of the storm, apparently knowing that the storm will carry it higher than it
could ever soar on its own.
Te faith of the elders and patriarchs, the focus in our text was now conned
to additional six gures whose lives span from the time of the judges through
the monarchy and ends with the inclusion of the prophets. Tese suggest
a host of men and women who had lived for God in a hostile world. Tey
experienced political victory; success in government, administered justice,
and received various forms of personal deliverance.
Here, the transition is important: not all men and women of faith experience
miraculous deliverance. Some of them were tortured to death. Tey were
not delivered from dicult circumstances, yet God honored their faith.
We think of the contrast between these verses and the health and wealth
philosophy taught by some pastors today. Although Elijah escaped the
vengeance of Jezebel, other prophets of the same period were slain (1 Kings
19:10). Jeremiahs life was delivered from Jehoiahim the king, but his fellow
prophet Urijah was slain by the sword and his body cast into a common grave
(Jeremiah 26:23).
Te common feature of the faith that escapes suering and the faith that
endures is this: both of them involve believing that God himself is better
than what life can give you now; better than what death can take from you
later. Te testimony of these witnesses is that all believers can live by faith and
accomplish great things for God.
It takes more faith to endure than it takes to escape.
4th April
JEREMIAH 9:12-26
KEY VERSE: Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in
his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and
knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise loving-kindness, judgment,
and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD
(Jeremiah 9:23,24).
A British ship, SS Gairsoppa which was sunk by German U-Boat in 1941 during
World War II was recovered in September 2011. Eighty four men died when the
ship went down in 1941 around 300 miles o the coast of Ireland. An American
company recovered the ship, using underwater robots and discovered $210m
worth of silver buried with it. Te people sank with all that money on board.
Today, our text focuses on Jeremiah, as he spoke to the leaders and people of
Judah about a coming judgment from God because of their sinfulness. He
warned Judah not to become too condent in their own accomplishments, riches
and knowledge because God would destroy them together with their riches.
Jeremiahs words were often ignored because the people were self-condent,
that they could not be conquered because they had intellect, knowledge, and
reputation, acquired under Solomon. Tey boasted about their armies and
fortied cities. Additionally, they had political alliances with other nations such
as Egypt. If trouble came, the nations leaders felt they had enough money to buy
themselves out of danger.
Today, many people deliberately attract peoples attention to their achievements.
It could be a graduate that will dance across the stage at a high school graduation
ceremony or a footballer doing a special dance because he scored a goal. If you do
not want to lose your blessings, do not boast about them. Consider the war ship
mentioned in our introduction: it sank with the passengers and their riches. We
should learn lessons from it.
Te eternal is to be preferred to the temporal.
5th April
ESTHER 9:13-19
KEY VERSE: On the thirteenth day of the month Adar; and on the fourteenth day
of the same rested they, and made it a day of feasting and gladness (Esther
Te great Christian writer, Oswald Chambers, once wrote, Laughter and
weeping are the two most intense forms of human emotion, and these
profound wells of human emotion are to be consecrated to God.
Te Book of Esther is a study on how Gods people survived in the midst of
hostility. Haman, the second gure of the kingdom, wanted the destruction
of the Jews. He tried to manipulate the will of the monarch to decree their
execution; but God used Esther to save his people. Haman was hanged;
Mordecai, a Jewish leader in imperial Persia, became the rst minister. While
the original decree could not be made invalid, Mordecai was able to send
out a second decree calling upon the Jews to defend themselves and kill
their enemies. Tis they did, routing all opposition on the 13th of Adar,
and celebrating on the 14th. Tis celebration on the 14th is now observed
annually, on Purim - the Lord turned their weeping to laughter.
Te Book of Esther is unique because Gods name isnt mentioned. However,
Gods presence is evident throughout the text, especially in the lives of Esther
and Mordecai. Human intrigue, manipulation, and simple coincidence are
the explanations for the changes in the storys conclusion while God is at
See the plans of a man who wanted to destroy the people of Israel. In the
process, he destroyed himself and his family. Lets apply this lesson to our
lives: God protects His children; even in terrible situations, God is there! Dear
saints, remember - our God is with us even when disaster seems unavoidable.
Dont give up.
Be assured that God is working out the details
6th April
JONAH 4:1-11
KEY VERSE: :And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more
than six score thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand
and their left hand; and also much cattle? (Jonah 4:11).
Ten years after he was convicted of murdering o-duty police ocer Mark
MacPhail, and to the chagrin of the almost one million in support of his
innocence, Troy Davis was executed without mercy by lethal injection in
Savannah, Georgia, USA, on Wednesday September 21, 2011. Davis case
led to intense debates around the world regarding the United States judicial
system and the practice of the death penalty. From the original trial, Davis
remained steadfast on the claim that he was innocent until he was executed.
A petition requesting clemency for Davis reached over 660,000 signatures
that included prominent names such as former President Jimmy Carter and
Pope Benedict XVI.
Jonah, a reluctant prophet, had predicted overthrow of Nineveh in forty days.
However, everyone in the immoral city had repented. As a result, impending
disaster on them was averted, because they believed in God and were forgiven.
Jonah was therefore angry so much he wished he could die.
In His wisdom, God dealt with Jonah with patience, never in anger. Tere
are many Jonahs today, not deserving any clemency or pardon for repentant
sinners. Tey hold that mercy for the guilty is cruelty to the innocent,
forgetting that they also must rely on Gods mercy if their own sins are to be
forgiven. Our God delights in mercy for people who truly repents, like the
Gods mercy is as unmerited as it is unsearchable.
7th April
KEY VERSE: And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest
bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me,
and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God
granted him that which he requested (1 Chronicles 4:10).
It is remarkable how a little attention to details can go a long way in altering
the course of history for an individual. People who have had the good
fortune of enjoying this privilege would admit that it involves acting against
conventional thoughts and wisdom. It is to be single-minded in the pursuit
of this goal, even when it is seemingly unpopular to do so.
It was so with Jabez. He had reason to complain and blame other people for
his misfortune. He could have been ranked as probably the worst among
Judahs children. Tere was a certain foreboding about him. His mother
named him Jabez, saying, because I bare him with sorrow. Despite the fact
that the mans life was shrouded in sorrow, he did not allow himself to be
limited by his circumstances. Jabez took a conscious step to become more
honorable than his brethren. He achieved this because he turned to God
with denite requests - for Gods blessings, prosperity, guidance, protection
from evil, and preservation from grief. Seeing his faith, God granted all his
desires: God changed the course of his life.
Do not settle for mediocrity in any area of your life. You should not struggle
for basic necessities of life. Reject the negative stereotypes that people have
associated with you. Do not allow your life to be limited by the negative
destiny prescribed by your peculiar history. Once you observe any adverse
situation in your life, do not accept that you are destined to live with it. Take
the wise step - seek Gods help. Pray to God to change the circumstances, to
fulll His promises in your life and rewrite your history. God will promptly
do so.
Tere is nothing too great for the Lord to do.
8th April
PROVERBS 11:22-31
KEY VERSE: The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be
watered also himself (Proverbs 11:25).
Often times, people seek the shortcut to prosperity. Tey argue that life is a
matter of the survival of the ttest; that all attempt to pursue worldly treasure
is fair. In the process, they lose all sense of decency and discretion. Tey may
succeed, but the cost is often so high they never fully enjoy the wealth they
had amassed.
Te wise preacher advise that in order for us to be to be rich, there is need
for righteousness in all our dealings. We should help our fellow human
beings whenever we are able to do so. He says that a generous person will
certainly increase in wealth; the greedy and stingy will be poor. People who
give liberally and nourish the lives of others will be prospered by God. People
who refuse to help the needy will be cursed; while there is blessings for those
who give without seeking reward. Similarly, people who trust in their riches
shall be miserable; the righteous will ourish in the goodness of God and
good things of life.
We must rst seek God and His righteousness, then He will give us all the
good things of this life. Christians must not be seen as stingy to the point of
allowing Gods work to suer for lack of resources; neither should His people
wallow in want and abject poverty. Material resources we have are in trust
for the Lord. As His children, we should use those resources to make other
people happy. Gods blessings will come to you in exact proportion you give
to Him and to other people.
Giving is an investment in Gods bank; it pays handsome dividends.
9th April
KEY VERSE: For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh
as a thief in the night.. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch
and be sober (1 Thessalonians 5:2,6).
It is absurd for men to conclude that this present world would continue
without end. Te fact that the predicted end of the world has not materialized
makes cynics argue against an impending apocalypse. Tis seems to make
sense to the numerous people that would rather convince themselves that no
time of accountability awaits them.
But nothing can be further from the truth. Te scripture says that this world
would sooner or later run out of time. Tis will occur when Christ returns
to reclaim His power and authority over all of His creation. His coming
will catch many people unawares. No one knows the day or time. But this
great event would occur when people would have been deceived into a false
sense of peace and security. Nobody would escape this event. Christians are
warned not to be caught unawares by the Lords coming. God does not want
Christians to suer the judgment that would come upon all sinners. Instead,
He desires that they receive salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. Believers
must strengthen and encourage one another and not live as if the world
would not end.
Live daily as if the Lord would come the next minute. Watch over your
actions and conducts; ensure that they conform to Gods standard. We must
not only believe that the Lord would come soon: we must prepare for it. We
must not allow a moment to pass without ensuring that our lives are devoid
of things that can displease the Lord. Where any sin or evil has crept in, we
must promptly go to the Lord and plead with Him to forgive and cleanse us.
We must not only be prepared, but spread this message of readiness to all who
know and love the Lord.
Failure to prepare, is itself, a preparation to fail.
10th April
PROVERBS 3:13-26
KEY VERSE: My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom
and discretion: So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck. Then
shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble (Proverbs 3:21-
Many people go through life with lots of hurt and pain. Tey usually get
into this situation through numerous misadventures. Tese could have
been avoided if they were careful and cautious. Unfortunately, many seem
incapable of such wisdom and discretion; therefore, they suer greatly in life.
Wisdom and understanding are central to a happy life. Te Lord wants us to
possess both virtues. He says that they are more desirable than silver and gold;
indeed, incomparable to anything we may desire in life. Tose who walk in
wisdom do not only acquire wealth and honor, they also live long to enjoy
their labor. Wisdom is pleasant and engenders peace; people who live by it
are happy. Wisdom is so important. God therefore, counsels us to imbibe
wisdom and discretion so as to preserve our souls and lives. People who walk
in wisdom should not fear because they trust that God will keep them from
stumbling and falling.
Wisdom is vital in life. Ensure you acquire it and live with it. Genuine
wisdom is to seek God wholeheartedly and allow Him to teach you to exercise
discretion in your dealings with fellow men. You should abstain from every
appearance of evil; live in peace with all men. Tis is the key to be happy in
this life, and be assured of an even happier time in the life to come.
Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore, get wisdom and understanding.
11th April
1 CHRONICLES 9:14-34
KEY VERSE: And they lodged round about the house of God, because the charge
was upon them, and the opening thereof every morning pertained to them (1
Chronicles 9:27).
One of the least recognized honors a man can receive is to be entrusted with
the business of minding other peoples aairs. When this relates to the things
of God, the role of a gatekeeper ceases to be just a duty, but a sacred calling
with awesome responsibility.
It was so with the Levites, a tribe in Israel. Tey were assigned the task of
serving as Gods and their nations gatekeepers. Tey were stationed at the
gate of the King of Israel to ensure that no unwanted person reached the
monarch, and that his safety was paramount at all times. Te recruited were
from the grassroots, among the children of Israel with clearly identiable
background, and appointed to their duty by King David and Prophet Samuel.
Tey ensured the safe keeping of all items used for the service of the Lord.
Tey were on duty all year round, operating a shift system that ensured that
at no time was the king or the house of God without the protective custody
provided by the gatekeepers.
Today, Christians are Gods gatekeepers. We are assigned the responsibility
of maintaining Gods expectation for righteousness of life and a character
unblemished by the evil in the world. It is our duty to proclaim Gods
goodness to all, show them Jesus Christ as the way to genuine happiness
and fulllment in life. We have become the repository of Gods plans and
purposes for our generation. We are to defend this sacred assignment with all
the gifts and talents the Lord has given us. To miss this mark is to fall short of
Gods standard for living; but success is to expand the kingdom of God. Are
you living everyday as Gods gatekeepers?
Te gate keepers motto: Watch and pray!
12th April
LEVITICUS 21:16-23
KEY VERSE: Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their
generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of
his God (Leviticus 21:17).
Tere are things God will never overlook. His standard is high enough for
all who are willing to attain it. But where He observes a breach, He will
not condone it. He requires compliance and continual obedience to His
He told Moses that as much as He cherished the services and oerings of
the children of Israel, there were those He would not countenance in His
presence. Moses warned the children of Israel that anyone suering disability
was barred from rendering any service to God. Tose disqualied from His
service included the blind, the lame, or he that has a at nose, or anything
superuous; a man who is broken-footed, or broken-handed; Or crookback,
or a dwarf, or that has a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or has
his stones broken. Such a person was permitted only to eat the bread of God,
but must not approach the altar to oer service to God, because he hath
a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify
Sin deles any man and makes him unsuitable to oer service to a holy God.
Sinners cannot serve as workers or ministers in the house of God. Any sinner
who goes ahead by subterfuge or trickery to force himself on the church
as a worker or leader is merely deceiving himself because, the sacrice of
the wicked is an abomination to the Lord. Te only option open to such a
person is to expose his sins to the Lord, turn away from his evil practices and
plead with the Lord to wash him clean in the blood of Jesus Christ; only then
can he oer a living sacrice, holy and acceptable unto the Lord.
God is of purer eyes than to behold evil.
13th April
KEY VERSE: Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return,
thou backsliding Israel, saith the LORD; and I will not cause mine anger to fall
upon you: for I am merciful, saith the LORD, and I will not keep anger forever
(Jeremiah 3:12)
Today, the electric light bulb is a useful commodity. Story has it that one
day the great inventor, Tomas Edison, with his team had labored for 24
straight hours to produce just one bulb. At the end, he handed it to a young
helper who cautiously carried it upstairs. Te young man was so nervous, he
dropped and broke the precious bulb. Te team worked another 24 hours to
make a replacement. When completed, Edison handed it to the same young
helper to carry upstairs a show of true mercy and forgiveness.
It takes a good heart to forgive and forget oenses. Interacting with the
Jews, God repeatedly demonstrated this attribute. Te people of Judah were
involved in multitude of sinful practices, mainly idolatry. As reected in our
text, the sin of idolatry is similar to harlotry. Judah was opportune to learn
from the experience of the twelve tribes, whose comparatively milder sins
landed them in exile. Yet, they were obstinate enough to spurn divine threats
and entreaties. Going by laws demand, God should have done away with
them (Deuteronomy 24:1-4). But mercy compelled Him to still reach them
with a promise of receiving and blessing them if they returned to Him.
Gods mercy is available for every sinner who returns to Him, however terrible.
It was His love and mercy that caused Christ to die and thereby blotting out
the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us,
and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross (Colossians 2:14).
God gives second chance to every sinner and backslider to return to Him and
escape condemnation. People who reject Gods oer of mercy or take it for
granted are foolish and will face eternal damnation.
Gods compassion should compel our contrition
14th April
1 TIMOTHY 4:1-11
KEY VERSE: Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some
shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of
devils (1 Timothy 4:1).
Gerontologists (scientists who study the ageing process) agree that ageing
is an irreversible process. Notable signs of old age include loss of memory,
failing vision, reduced hearing capacity and general body weakness. As with
humans, this present world is already showing signs of old age. With the
absurdities that have become the order of the day, the world seems to have
gone senile.
Tese are the days that the Bible aptly describes as latter time. One of the
things that Christ revealed as signs of the last days is that there will be such a
high level of evil and negative pressure that the love of many people (toward
God and others) will become cold. Te result of this is a massive defection
from sound Christianity to profanity and Satan-inspired modes of worship.
It is such a subtle trend that many who have fallen into this trap are unaware
of its jeopardy. Tey have continued to wallow in deception and delusion.
Today, churches may be lled with membership; there may be increase in
Christian activities and more acknowledgment of the faith, but these have
not translated to better commitment to the truth. Instead, there is a high level
of hypocrisy, hardness of heart and rejection of the cardinal doctrines of the
scripture. In the midst of these, true believers are expected to strengthen their
grip on godliness and resolve to earnestly contend for the faith that was once
delivered to the saints.
As you step out this day, it will be needful to reect on your position in Christ
and ensure that you are safe from the sweeping latter day departure from
the faith. Many have gone. More than ever, we need prayer, watchfulness,
discernment and a courageous commitment to Bible doctrines in order to
survive the pressures and apostasy of these latter times.
Make sure you are not swept o your feet.
15th April
JOEL 3:1-20
KEY VERSE: Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the
LORD is near in the valley of decision (Joel 3:14).
Te First World War began on 28th July, 1914, ended on 11th November
1918. Te war resulted from a seemingly small conict between two countries
Austria-Hungary and Serbia and spread rapidly to engulf Germany, Russia,
Great Britain, France and their allied countries. With a casualty of about 35
million (15 million dead and 20 million wounded), the war ranked among
the ercest conicts ever recorded in human history.
Te various scenes of massacre that marked the World War will be a childs
play when the day of the Lord comes. Tat will be a day of vengeance,
judgment and destruction for people who hate God and His people. Here,
the Lord dares His enemies to form such a confederacy, mobilizing all the
men of war, including the peasants and the weak with their implements
turned into weapons. Multitudes of them will gather in the valley of decision
(also referred to as the valley of Jehoshaphat) where they will be crushed by
heavenly forces.
Te day of the Lord will be a day of gloom and agony to the opposer of God
and His kingdom. But it will be a day of joy and gladness to the saints who
are the Israel of God. It will be such a decisive day when it will be clear to
everybody that the Great Jehovah reigns. Te Antichrist, who is going to be
at the head of the massive nal rebellion against Christ at the advent of His
millennial reign will be humiliated by divine strength and wrath. It is futile
to ght God.
As the clouds gradually gather for the day of the Lord, every wise Christian
knows it is time to be serious with the Lord, by living in holiness of life. Te
fact that the rapture of the saints will take place before the great showdown
makes it even more compelling to get ready to meet the Lord. Tis calls for
sober reection, self-examination and re-dedication to the Lord.
God is a compassionate Father and a consuming re.
16th April
PSALM 74:1-23
KEY VERSE: We see not our signs: there is no more any prophet: neither is
there among us any that knoweth how long (Psalm 74:9).
Today, in every country and city, we nd monuments of failed projects. Tere
are dilapidated structures that were once centers of great manufacturing and
commercial activities. Tere are great buildings that once housed great public
events now reduced to mere historic monuments. Tose who saw such great
structures in the days of their glory are hunted by nostalgia as they behold
their present desolate state.
Todays text is an instructive psalm, set against the backdrop of Israels sad
experience. It captures the pains associated with pathetic transitions. Israel
is one nation that has had a most remarkable heritage arising from their
relationship with God. In their backslidden state, they lost Gods presence
and favor; as such, their enemies overpowered them.
Te narration here refers to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, by
Nebuchadnezzar. Te psalmist vividly describes the calamities wrought by
the invading army which ruined Jerusalem, plundered the great temple and
carried the people away as captives. Teir deplorable state is summed up in the
psalmists sigh: We see not our signs: there is no more any prophet: neither is
there among us any that knoweth how long. Te tokens of Gods power and
presence with them were gone, leaving only despair and misery. And there
was no prophet to show them Gods counselor to tell them how long the
misery would last. Tis elicited an ardent cry for Gods mercy, intervention
and deliverance.
What a miserable state we are in when we see not our signs of vibrant
relationship with God; of true worship and revival and there is a famine of
pure word of God. At a personal level, lets watch and see if our backsliding
has brought us spiritual desolation; empowered our enemies against us and
there is no more trace of Gods presence. In such a case, only sincere and
penitent turning to God will lead to recovery and revival.
Backsliding is complete when a Christians conscience stops pricking.
17th April
1 SAMUEL 3:11-21
KEY VERSE: For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the
iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he
restrained them not (1 Samuel 3:13).
Te philosophy of parenting has since drifted from the time-honored biblical
standard of Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right (Ephesians
6:1). Extreme permissiveness has taken over. Children who need every guide they
can possibly get, especially during their formative years, are left to go with the
ow of their infantile excesses and that to their own ruin. Raising a child is more
than feeding, bathing, clothing and educating him. Parents are failing in the most
critical aspect; families and societies are paying dearly for it.
One of the greatest failures in parenting recorded in the Bible was that of Eli, as
recorded in todays text. Eli was a revered high priest and judge in Israel. With
this position, he was a guide to a whole nation. But he was also a father: in this
role, he failed. Why? His children were perverse, wicked, corrupt and devilish. Eli
was aware of this, but did not do more than basic rebuke. Teir actions made the
people to despise the service of God. By his sin of omission, Eli incurred Gods
judgment upon himself and his posterity. Te young Samuel who was under the
tutelage of Eli was chosen to deliver the ear-tingling message of judgment to Eli
who showed little care about it.
We must endeavor to nurture our children in the fear and admonition of the
Lord. Trough practical demonstration of love and godliness as well as deliberate
instructions, teaching, corrections and guidance, parents must stir their children
from the path of Elis children. Failure here spells bleak future and multiple
Observe young Samuel: he remained saintly in the midst of such morally-
bankrupt children. No wonder God found him a useful vessel and established
him as prophet in Israel. We should be blameless and harmless, the sons of God,
without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation (Philippians
Failure in the home is the mother of all failures.
18th April
LUKE 17:12-19
KEY VERSE: And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where
are the nine? (Luke 17:17).
In his book, How to stop worrying and start living, Dale Carnegie narrated the
story of a Texas businessman who was burned up with indignation for close
to one year. He was so bitter and resentful that he complained to everyone
that cared to listen about his injury. What was it? He had given $10,000
to his thirty-four employees as Christmas bonus the previous year and got
no appreciation from any of them. Now he was full of regrets, bitterness and
Te Texas businessman fussed over being denied gratitude for his $10,000
gesture. How would he have reacted were he in the shoes of Christ who cured
ten lepers, but got thank you from only one of them? Te grateful leper was
even a stranger a Samaritan. Te leper raised his voice to ask for mercy and
the same way he gloried God with a loud voice. Most people are loud in
prayer but silent in praise when God grants their petition.
Te rest of the cured lepers were Jews who ought to have known and done
better. Apart from the physical suerings associated with leprosy, it was a
stigma-carrying condition. It was infectious; therefore suerers were required
by law to live in isolation. Among the Jews, it was also regarded as punishment
for sin. Cure was rare. It was therefore the height of ingratitude for the nine
lepers not to return to Christ with thanks despite the good example of the
Do you worry so much about others ingratitude to you? Continue to do
good expecting no gratitude. Christ went about doing good, and healing all
that were oppressed despite mens ingratitude. But learn to show gratitude
to God and men for every favor received. Christ cared enough to ask where
are the nine?
Tose who expect more gratitude than Jesus got should expect heartache.
19th April
GENESIS 34:13-31
KEY VERSE: And the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor his father
deceitfully, and said, because he had defled Dinah their sister (Genesis 34:13).
How many times have people fallen into the traps set by deceivers, either in
business, marriage or even in spiritual issues! Often, those who get trapped
have been people whose personal interest, ambitions and greed have been
discovered and well exploited by the very crafty master-schemers. Most
victims of the advanced-fee-fraud (419) and other nancial scams have been
in the majority of cases, people who were desirous of quick and easy gains,
people who themselves were covetous and greedy. Tese are the weaknesses
that the deceivers who are opportunists take advantage of to swoop on their
Te case in our text today was not motivated by a desire to exploit, cheat
and steal, but a strong desire to revenge. Dinah, Jacobs only daughter had
been sexually assaulted by Shechem. Her brothers felt seriously slighted by
the act and planned revenge. Teir plot was to deceive the Shechemites to
accept circumcision of all their males as the only condition on which they
will consent to Shechems proposal to marry Dinah. Shechem and Hamor
his father fell for the carrot. Tey were not only delighted by the marriage
proposal but also by the prospect of taking over all the possessions of Jacob
(verse 23). Tey too had a secret plot which was more than marrying Dinah.
Unfortunately for them, Jacobs sons were smarter. On the third day of their
circumcision, Simeon and Levi slew the helpless and defenseless men of
As can be seen from the narrative, those who are greedy of gains and are
covetous become easy prey to deceivers. Te suggestion of Jacobs sons
became easily sellable to Hamor and Shechem because of their personal greed
and selsh desire. How true is the admonition of the Scripture that they
that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and
hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition (1 Timothy
6:9). Te counsel? Flee these things!
He who will not be deceived must not have an evil eye
20th April
KEY VERSE: But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel
unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed
(Galatians 1:8).
It appears there is no better and appropriate time to warn believers of the
danger of deviating from the simplicity of the gospel into what may be termed
as another gospel than now. Especially with the ever increasing number of
churches and religious assemblies everywhere with emphasis and practices
that are alien to simple truths of the gospel. Others adulterate the gospel truth
with strange teachings and observations.
Tis was the situation in the Galatian Church when Paul wrote to them.
Tey had allowed other preachers coming to them turn them away from the
simple truths of the gospel which they once believed. Tese new preachers
were mixing up the gospel with Judaism. Tey were compelling the believers
to observe the Mosaic Law as a condition for salvation. Writing to them, Paul
called this new teaching a perversion and a turning away from the gospel of
Today, believers need to be warned of the danger of perverting the gospel
and mixing it up with other practices. Any other preaching that is devoid of
the grace of God that produces total transformation of life must be rejected.
Whether as preachers or laymen, we must not believe, preach or encourage
in any way, the preaching of any other gospel. Tis is because no other gospel
has the power to save other than the gospel of Christ. Preaching another
gospel will mean keeping the truth of salvation from people and this is a very
serious and heinous crime before the Lord. Tis was why Paul invoked a great
curse on any one who will preach or encourage a perverted gospel.
We gain nothing by believing or preaching another gospel. Hold on to the
simple gospel of the grace of God. Tis is the only gospel that saves.
We gain nothing by believing a perverted gospel.
21st April
LUKE 4:33-44
KEY VERSE: And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other
cities also: for therefore am I sent (Luke 4:43).
Can one be selsh with spiritual things? Tis may appear unthinkable.
Selshness is not Christ-like. A person is selsh when concerned only with
oneself and unwilling to share what he has and knows with other people.
Christians are at times carried away by the excitement, euphoria of spiritual
blessings and great revivals through the ministry of an anointed man of God
that they wish will not stop. Caught up in the mountain-top experience,
they wish three tabernacles be built and they remain there continually.
Whatever happens to others who do not have the privilege they have at that
moment do not seem to bother them.
Jesus refused to be kept in this cage. Great miracles had been performed by
Him and there had been great healings and deliverances. He had ministered
to the people all day and night. Te next day, He departed to a desert for a
personal retreat. Te people however trailed Him there. Finding Him, they
pleaded that He remained with them. But Jesus knew others need Him too.
He must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also.
We need to learn from Christ, our Master. Whatever success we have must
not make us become complacent. We must be willing to sacrice whatever
it is so that others can have the opportunity of beneting from the ministry
of Christ. We should be willing to release our preachers and support them
with all that they need so that they can reach other people with the gospel.
We should also be ready to shift from our comfort zones in our churches and
fellowships to new un-churched areas to plant new churches and fellowship
groups so that others can enjoy the benets of the gospel. Be like Jesus.
Preach the kingdom of God in other cities also Tey need Him too!
No one has the right to hear the gospel twice when many are yet
to hear it once!
22nd April
LEVITICUS 10:12-20
KEY VERSE: :And Aaron said unto Moses, Behold, this day have they offered
their sin offering and their burnt offering before the Lord; and such things
have befallen me; and if I had eaten the sin offering today, should it have been
accepted in the sight of the LORD? (Leviticus 10:19).
Many people do things without thinking of how the Lord feels about them. In
Christian service, the motivation of many people is not pleasing the Lord. In fact,
they do not seem to be bothered about how God views their actions and services.
What matters to them is if they feel satised with their actions and if they have
the approval of others. Tere are people who have totally forgotten that God
watches and weighs theirs deeds and services. But if we are conscious of the fact
that God takes interest in all that we do and we make it a point of duty to please
Him, we will render more acceptable and rewarding service before the Lord.
In our text, Moses was surprised that Aaron the high priest did not eat the sin
oering as it was his duty to do so. Te response of Aaron is very instructive. He
didnt just want to carry on with duty for the sake of it. He was concerned with
rendering acceptable service to the Lord. At this point, he grieved over the death
of his two sons whom God had brought instant judgment upon because of the
strange re they tried to oer. Not that he was trying to grudge God or protest
the death of his sons by withholding his service, but he just felt that with what
had happened that day, will carrying on with religious duty be acceptable in the
sight of the Lord?
Pleasing the Lord should be our primary focus in Christian living and service.
Tere is no point trying to carry on a spiritual duty when we sense that such
service at such time will not be acceptable before the Lord. If we realize that the
state of our heart disqualies us from giving unto the Lord holy and acceptable
service, it is better to suspend such a service and get our hearts right before the
Lord. Dont just carry on with duty because you want to satisfy yourself or those
who have appointed you. Focus on pleasing the Lord alone. Tis is the only way
your service can be acceptable and rewarding.
Make pleasing the Lord your daily pursuit.
23rd April
KEY VERSE: :Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith the LORD;
I remember thee, the kindness of the youth, the love of thine espousals, when
thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land that was not sown (Jeremiah
It is usually easy to recover a loss when you realize you have lost something and
can remember where you probably lost it. But when you go on in life without
a regular stocktaking, you may not be quick to recognize when you have lost
a valuable thing. To recover such a loss may be dicult. Tis is equally true
of Christian experiences. Many people have lost so much spiritual grace and
gift without realizing it. Te force behind their spiritual life has long stopped
working. Tey are only been propelled by a momentum which will soon
grind to a halt. Had they been careful enough to carry out a daily spiritual
stock- taking, they would have realized where the disconnection had taken
In our text today, this was the cry Jeremiah had for Jerusalem. Tey had
long been disconnected from God and have lost their grace and beauty. Teir
distinctiveness which was holiness that made them the favorite of God and
gave them victory over their enemies was no longer there. Tey had become
totally backslidden and forgotten their early experiences with God. Teir
priests, pastors and prophets had all been bitten by the same bug so that
corruption had become so incurably rampant. Te whole nation had fallen
into a deep spiritual stupor that the Lord had to send Jeremiah to awaken
How is it with you? Do you still retain the grace and freshness you had in
your early days with the Lord? Have you long strayed without knowing it?
Has your life become so empty and noisy? Please check up! Where did you
lose it? It will help if you can retrace to recover before it becomes irrevocably
lost. Where did you lose it? Search!
If you are quick to recognize your loss, you will be quick to recover it.
24th April
KEY VERSE: For God had not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness, he
therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God who hath also given unto
us his Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 4:7,8).
When people do not know the worth or value of a thing, they tend to
handle it cheap. Sometimes, the thing people pay less attention to, either
because it appears to be unfashionable and unpopular, turns out to be the
most important factor they may need for survival or breakthrough. At other
times, people pay undue attention to less important aspects of a thing while
neglecting the very important part of it. Tink about a person who pay so
much attention to the skin, whereas the heart is being eaten up by a disease!
Incidentally, this is what most Christians do. Tey give much attention to
external show of religion but neglect the very essence of true religion which
is holiness. God is not pleased with a profession of religion, the show of zeal
and the mere external practice of piety. He wants true holiness.
Writing to the church in Tessalonica, Paul in our text points out to them
the way they ought to walk and to please God. He makes it clear that the will
of God is sanctication. God demands holiness from all and expects to see it
manifest in every aspect of our lives. He has not called us unto uncleanness
but to holiness. Despising holiness will mean that you do not know its value.
It also amounts to despising God, he warned. Tose who deride and despised
holiness do so because they think it is unfashionable and unpopular.
Whatever the case, we must not allow the way people feel make us devalue the
experience of holiness. God is holy and we cannot relate with Him without
the experience of holiness. Tis is why He has called us to this high and
sublime experience. If it were not possible to be holy, He would not have
required it. Accept this experience and live the life that God has called you to
live. Without it, you cant see the Lord.
Holiness is the essence of Christian life. Live it.
25th April
KEY VERSE: My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my
commandments (Proverbs 3:1).
A godly father was dying. He sent for his only son and handed him a copy of
a sealed Bible. Unknown to the boy, his father had inserted the documents
of an expensive car as well as that of other properties in a hidden part of
the Bible. As he sat at his dads bedside, he reminded him about Christ and
godly living. As he was concluding his story, he paused and looked straight
into his eyes and told him: I have shown you the path to true joy; make that
Bible your companion daily; read it, meditate on its messages and practice
the precepts. If you do, you will see the result, but then his fainting voice
gradually faded away and his eyes closed up gently and he became still. He
was gone.
Unfortunately, the boy forgot the instructions. A few years later, the young
man ran into trouble and remembered the counsel of his dad. He picked up
the sealed Bible, opened it and behold, hidden in the Bible are a small at car
key and other documents instructing the lawyer to hand over some properties
to him. He cried and wept for his willful disobedience. He thereafter took the
decision that changed his life for the best.
Godly counsels from godly parents are given because of the love and aection
they have for their children and their desire to see them live happily. Tey
become the roadmap for the journey through life to the desired destination.
Te writer of these Proverbs inspired by the Holy Spirit, counsels Gods
children to hold fast the instructions and commandments they have received.
Te only way to enjoy divine blessings, nd favor before God and man, and
enjoy abundant prosperity is to faithfully obey the Lord as well as honor the
Lord with our wealth and riches.
Godly counsels: the secret of lifes true prosperity.
26th April
KEY VERSE: :Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is cloven footed, and cheweth
the cub, among the beasts that shall ye eat (Leviticus 11:3).
God in His wisdom, watches over the aairs of this world and over His
creatures. His love to man makes him put all other creatures under man.
One noticeable feature in creatures is the dierences and varieties that mark
them out. Although they all have the features of living beings, their peculiar
features distinguished one from the other.
Te Lord chose the children of Israel from among the nations of mankind
to make them the source of salvation for the whole world. Because special
privileges conferred on people also demand special duties, they are expected
to be dierent from other nations.
In the passage, the Lord specically commanded the children of Israel on the
kind of animals and seafood they can eat and those they must avoid because
they are unclean animals. Tey were not expected to be like the idolatrous
nations around them that did not discriminate between clean and unclean
animals. Some commentators identify three main reasons. One, to safeguard
the health of the nation, the forbidden foods were usually animals that fed on
dead animals and diseases can easily be transmitted through them to humans.
Two, to visibly distinguish Israel from other nations; and three, to avoid
objectionable associations. Te creatures that move about on the ground were
reminiscent of serpents which often symbolize sin.
It is instructive to note that the Lord still requires a similar attitude from His
children. He cares about what we do, what we eat, and how we live. Equally,
God expects his children to be distinct in their lifestyle, behavior, ambitions
and pursuits in life. We are to avoid anything that has an appearance of evil
or sin. We must pay attention to eat things that will promote healthy living.
Be what God has called you to be. Stand out!
27th April
KEY VERSE: But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel,
even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts (1
Thessalonians 2:4).
Te believer is commissioned to preach the gospel. Yet, it is not everyone who
calls himself a believer who is t for the work. Many go about with the title of
preachers of the word of God, but not all are qualied. You might have heard
of the preachers who say, Do what I say and not what I do. Such preachers
are not t for the work.
If you are a true believer, it means the commission to preach the gospel is
yours. It means that you are entrusted with the gospel. But to be entrusted
with the gospel is a very sacred responsibility. Many who claim to preach do
not recognize that a great responsibility is laid on them. Many think it is a
light thing. For you to be entrusted with the gospel of God and not of men
means you have to meet Gods standard. And Gods standard is always high.
Many preach because of their belly or for mundane matters. Tey invariably
prepare people for hell by their selsh appreciation of the gospel. Tese are
not commissioned by Christ.
Tose assigned must possess certain qualities like Paul. Tey must be
committed to preach the gospel with boldness despite opposition; they must
be free from deceit, uncleanness and hypocrisy. Tey must not preach to
please men but God only. Tey must not be covetous.
Tat you are reading this outline today means that you have more than a
passing interest in the things of God. If you are a believer, then you ought
to preach. As a preacher, are you faithful to the Lord Who has entrusted you
with the gospel? Do you treat the gospel as Gods message for the salvation
of mankind? Do you realize that the way you handle it will determine your
hearers attitude to it? Does your life contradict it? Remember, your life is a
book before the eyes of your hearers; let them always see Jesus in you.
Te life of the believer is an open Bible for all to see.
28th April
LUKE 5:1-12
KEY VERSE: And so was also James and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were
partners with Simon and Jesus said unto Simon; fear not; from henceforth thou
shalt catch men (Luke 5:10).
Sometimes in 1985, Te Times reporter of New Philadelphia, Ohio, reported
in September of that year a celebration of a New Orleans municipal pool.
Te party around the pool was held to celebrate the rst summer in memory
without a drowning at the New Orleans city pool. In honor of the occasion,
200 people gathered, including 100 certied lifeguards. As the party was
breaking up and the four lifeguards on duty began to clear the pool, they
found a fully dressed body in the deep end. Tey tried to revive Jerome
Moody, 31, but it was too late. He had drowned, surrounded by lifeguards
celebrating their successful season.
Te sense of responsibility conveyed in our Lords encounter with the
shermen speaks to our calling to be shers of men and life savers. Te
commitment and toiling that Peter and the other shermen put into their
business of shing was to be carried over into seeking the lost soul. Without
coming in contact with Christ, they would have died missing the purpose of
God for their lives. Tey would have been celebrating their exploits as shers
while souls perish around them. It is noteworthy that they yielded to the call
and became instrumental to spreading the gospel around the world.
Te life we live will only count in eternity when we discover who we are, our
purpose for living, and we respond obediently to fulll that purpose. Jesus
discovered the good things in the shermen and decided to utilize that for
Gods kingdom and for saving humanity. Te Lord still needs more people to
respond to the call to be shers of men. Soul-winning, seeking to save the
lost sinners is our most compelling assignment.
Have you discovered what you have been called to do? Dont be too
overwhelmed to the point you overlook the most important thing.
Discover your purpose, and discover lifes greatest fulllment.
29th April
JONAH 3:1-10
KEY VERSE: Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the
preaching that I bid thee (Jonah 3:2).
As human beings, we are often made to render services, perform obligations
and discharge some responsibilities that sometimes require our attention,
energy, commitment and sacrice. We may also be so tasked that we feel
overwhelmed and intimated by the enormity of the assignments.
We are quick to give reasons and excuses why we cannot do it, how dicult
they are, and why prospective recipients of the message may not respond.
God sent Jonah to go and preach to the people of Nineveh. Te objective
was to prevent 120,000 inhabitants of the city from being wiped out through
the coming judgment because of their sins and wickedness, like Sodom and
Te message was clear but the messenger was reluctant. He rst attempted to
run away from the assignment by going to Tarshish. He was however arrested
by God and conned into 3-day imprisonment in the belly of a whale. After
crying for mercy, by divine arrangement, he was dumped at the very shore of
Nineveh, the place of his primary assignment.
Te passage narrates how Jonah decided to obey the Lord and the Lord made
it clear that there is no excuse, the mission is urgent, the assignment is divine,
only repentance and obedience will save both Jonah and the Ninevites.
Te instruction is repeated to him to preach unto it the preaching that I
bid thee (verse 2).
As Gods children and servants, do we often give excuses why we cannot
do what God has called us to do? Preaching the gospel to lost sinners is our
Obedience brings blessings
30th April
JOHN 2:9-19
KEY VERSE: He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness
even until now (1 John 2:9).
Today, people hide under the umbrella of religion to do a lot of things in
the name of God. It is common to nd in our neighborhoods and oces,
men and women, boys and girls, boasting of how good their religion is and
how faithful they are in observing all their religious obligations. Sometimes,
people demonstrate passion and commitment to religion through outward
and physical things such as mode of dressing, outward piety without inward
humility, what we eat or what we abstain from, and the like. Unfortunately,
many Christians also dene Christianity from the way they feel or are taught
by their pastors or leaders. For many of us, it does not matter how we live.
John the beloved, inspired by the Holy Spirit attempts to remove the veil
from the face of many so-called Christians who profess to love God, reverence
Him and serve Him, yet living contrary to the principles of godly lifestyle. He
gives us the precepts and guide to test our profession of Christianity. If we call
ourselves children of God but do not walk in the light, not having victory, or
we are still behaving like unbelievers around us, then we need to re-examine
what we claim to have. Our Christianity must make us live a life of love for
God and our fellow men, have victory over sin and the world.
Nowadays, people use religious centers to strike business deals, but the Bible
says believers have been called unto holiness.
We need to ask ourselves whether people around us know that we are real
Christians? Or are they questioning your claim of being a child of God?.
Prove your profession by the life you live.
1st May
PROVERBS 12:17-28
KEY VERSE: Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the
counselors of peace is joy. Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that
deal truly are his delight (Proverbs 12:20,22).
A store manager heard his clerk tell a customer, No, maam, we havent had
any for a while, and it doesnt look as if well be getting any soon. Horried,
the manager came running over to the customer and said, Of course, well
have some soon. We placed an order last week. Ten the manager drew the
clerk aside. Never, he snarled, Never, never, never say were out of anything
- say weve got it on order and its coming. Now, what was it she wanted
anyway? Te clerk said, Rain!
Truth, according to the scriptures, establishes and entrenches righteousness
while lying will bring the displeasure and judgment of God. Te Proverbs
also paint a beautiful picture and wonder of carefully chosen words that are
devoid of deceit. When truth is maintained, there will be joy and peace in our
relationships and life will become less burdensome.
Our society use dierent methods and equipment to nd out whether an
alleged criminal is lying or not. But the most sophisticated technology cannot
really detect lies or truth. Spouses lie to one another in the name of keeping
the peace; parents lie to their own children and vice versa; employers and
employees do the same. Advertisers lie to sell products. Politicians lie in order
to spin things their way. Te lying spiral is endless.
Believers must believe, tell and live out the truth. Christ is truth personied
and truth is the character of God. No one can possess this nature of God
without the new birth experience. So, making eorts to stop lying will be
futile; surrender your life to Christ today.
Any adjustment to truth is falsehood.
2nd May
JEREMIAH 10:17-25
KEY VERSE: For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the
LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their focks shall be scattered
(Jeremiah 10:21).
Hollywood has increasing interest in Christianity these days. Te reason is, many
churches are lled with Hollywood Christians. As professed Christians assimilate
norms of the world, it is now dicult to tell the dierence between the two.
Jesus stated in John 15:19 that the world loves its own. Most believers today are
worldly; therefore, the world accepts them. It is no wonder then that there has
been so much talk of Christianity in the entertainment industry nowadays.
Jeremiah in our text delivered his rst major sermon at the temple gates in
Jerusalem. Te people and their leaders believed that the temple and its sacrices
guaranteed Gods protection. A frightening curse had fallen upon the land; there
was adultery on every side; Gods people had set themselves on a wicked course
and they were spiritually dry and depressed. But their own shepherds had no
pity on them. Teir shepherds were blind to the judgment of Almighty God that
loomed just ahead. While enemy armies were approaching their very gates, the
blind shepherds were preaching a soothing message of peace and prosperity. Tey
convinced the people that the good times would never end.
Dearly beloved, in these perilous days, many more damnable doctrines will be
taught from the pulpit in professing Christian churches. Te implication is that
many true believers will turn away from the truth to embrace falsehood. Already,
ministers peddling the doctrine of prosperity without emphasis on repentance
and salvation through Christ have deceived millions of people to worship the
golden calf of money and idolize the esh. Christ warns us in love that we should
not be deceived by the prevailing apostasy in the land.
Beware! Warnings are meant to prevent misadventure and disaster. So, abide in
the truth and His revealed will in scriptures.
Te gospel of prosperity without the Cross is hollow.
3rd May
JOSHUA 10:12-27
KEY VERSE: And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD
hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel (Joshua
Tere are many special days in the lives of individuals: the day of wedding,
birth of rst child, admission and graduation, victory in international
competition or war all call for celebrations.
For Joshua and the nation of Israel, there was a day that was to remain unique
and unmatched by no other in their lives. Five kings of the Amorites had
gathered to ght Joshua and Israel. Te war was strong against the Amorites
but the sun was going down and more time was needed for the battle so
that Joshua with his army could make a full end of the enemy. Ten Joshua
commanded the sun and the moon to stand still and they obeyed. Creation
stood still for the whole day till Gods people avenged themselves of their
God is always ready to do anything for the good of His people. Over the
ages, we see Him doing great and marvelous things for His own. He fought
Pharaoh and Egypt till they were forced to release the children of Israel. With
plague after plague, He devastated them. He divided the Red sea to make way
for His people. He fed them with manna from heaven daily and gave them
water from the rock.
What did God not do for Israel and what can He not do for those who
unwaveringly repose their trust in Him? Joshua was a man of faith and
courage. We need faith to be able to ght and win the battles of life. God is
ready to ght for you but are you ready to trust God for your deliverance?
God can never lose a battle. He will make today a special one for you if only
you will dare trust Him and believe His word.
Faith and courage move the invisible Hands for exploits
4th May
1 CHRONICLES 11:10-28
KEY VERSE: These also are the chiefs of the mighty men whom David had, who
strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom, and with all Israel; to make
him king, according to the word of the LORD concerning Israel (1 Chronicles
Many people go through life without anything to remember them for. It is not
because God created them to be so; they simply chose the ignoble path of docility.
As we look at the verses before us however, we come across men who decided to make
their lives meaningful and be on the roll of honor. Te roll call of Davids mighty
men included Jashobeam and Abishai who slew 300 men each at dierent times
with their spears. Eleazar the son of Dodo was with David when the people ed
from before the Philistines; he stood his ground, slew the Philistines and delivered
the land. Tere were three others who risked their lives and broke through the host
of the Philistines occupying Bethlehem to get water from the well at the gate of the
city. Tey could have been caught by the Philistines and killed but they faced the
risk and did the kings bidding. Also, on the list was Benaiah who slew two lions-
like Moabites, slew a lion in the pit and an Egyptian giant. All these were counted
among the honorable men of the kingdom. Tey made the king proud and secure.
Tey stood by him and fought against the enemies to make his kingdom sure.
Dishonorable people are never celebrated. Tey are just disregarded. Gods kingdom
and even the world gives recognition to people of honor - people who can be relied
upon in times of need and adversity. Cowards are drawbacks to society any day.
Tink of parents who abandon their family because of diculties or a spouse who
abandons the marriage because of challenges. What of the youths who will rather
ee from school to follow criminals?
God has not created anyone for disgrace and dishonor. He wants all who are willing
to be on the roll of honor. It is not the greatness of what we do that makes us
honorable, however; it is integrity and devotion we bring to bear on the task.
By a deliberate act of the will to draw from the innite reservoir of grace, you can
become all that God wants you to be and ultimately have your name embossed in
gold amongst Gods heroes of faith.
Laggards cower before challenges; the valiant take them in his stride.
5th May
EXODUS 24:12-18
KEY VERSE: And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount,
and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments
which I have written; that thou mayest teach them, and the glory of the LORD
abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days.. (Exodus 24:12,16).
Mans perception of a cloud, both at the cultural and literary levels, is always
associated with the ominous. We speak of a grey, cloudy day as a dull day
presaging dread or death. Mans mind cant easily tune in to the divine
perspective of the cloud!
In the Bible, the cloud signies divine presence, perfection and supernatural
intervention in times of need. It masks blessings and favors, and urges us to
embrace all the challenges that come with clouds.
Tat is the deep meditation of the study today. God invited His servant Moses
to meet Him in the cloud on the mountain where He would present him with
the tables of stone, and a law and commandments which I have written that
thou mayest teach them (verse 12). Typical of all such cloud experiences in
the scriptures, this encounter enabled the children of Israel to witness the
glory of the Lord on Mount Sinai. From the midst of the cloud also emerged
the precepts that have since guided mans relationship with the Lord of the
universe. Te cloud was the harbinger of a great law.
A little cloud out of the sea, like a mans hand (1 Kings 18:44,45) served
as the means that delivered a great rain and ended a three-and-a-half year
famine in Israel. A pillar of cloud protected Israel and troubled the Egyptians
in the great deliverance through the Red Sea (Exodus 14:19, 24-31). God
Himself made the cloud His chariot (Psalm 104:3). Our Lord Jesus Christ
will come in the cloud of heaven (Matthew 24:30; 26:64; Mark 13:26; 14:62;
Revelation 1:7) to take saved and righteous people to heaven (1 Tessalonians
4 verse 17). Dread not the cloud.
God is present in the cloud over you.
6th May
ESTHER 8:7-17
KEY VERSE: And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal
apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garment
of fne linen and purple: and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad (Esther
A few years ago, a Christian brother, who was working under a wicked boss,
was severely persecuted without a justiable cause. Te boss was in the habit
of painting him in lurid colors before the management. After about two years
of intense persecution, the management discovered the true position of things
in the department where he worked and the lies that had been told against
him. To reward his hard work and sense of duty, he was posted to another
department in a major reorganization. His new posting placed him above his
former boss, who was now to report to the Christian brother. Unable to cope
with the shame and humiliation, the persecutor resigned.
Mordecai had been a target of evil and cruel plot by Haman and others in
Shushan. While the enemies were busy plotting against him, he went about
his duties without nursing any hatred.
God intervened; his arch enemy was hanged on the very gallows he had made
for Mordecai. Besides, he was promoted. King Ahasuerus commanded Esther
and Mordecai to take possession of Hamans house and the properties of those
who had plotted with him to exterminate the Jews. A new lease of life had
begun for the people of God in the land of captivity.
Te enemies that have been plotting your downfall will not only be humiliated,
they will be defeated. Te secret of having victory over our foes is a consistent
walk with God. If you have been deprived of the things that rightly belonged
to you or denied good rewards for your hard work, God will lift you up in His
own time. Vengeance belongs to God.
Aiction will not endure forever.
7th May
PSALM 72:1-20
KEY VERSE: In his days shall the righteous fourish; and abundance of peace
so long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and
from the river unto the ends of the earth (Psalm 72:7,8).
Te comfort and allurement of good and great events are always better
experienced than imagined. Te hope and benevolence oered by the Second
Coming of Christ as chronicled in our text today should elicit great longing
in the heart of anyone who aspires for a blissful and fullling eternity.
Unlike His rst coming to the earth where He was persecuted, bueted
and killed by the political authorities of His day, Christs Second Coming
will be to rule and reign. At His Second Coming, all known and imagined
authorities will have no iota of power over Him. Rather, they will all come
under subjection to Him (Philippians 2:9-12); all kings shall fall down before
him: all nations shall serve him (Psalm 72:11). Te period of the millennial
reign will be characterized by freedom for the oppressed, deliverance for the
needy and help for the helpless. It will be a period of total peace and harmony.
Tere will be no deceit and violence as we have it today; mans inhumanity to
man will also be a thing of the past; the name of God will be honored and,
as Isaiah puts it, the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the
waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9).
Since it is apparent that the millennial reign of Christ will be universal, full of
justice and judgment and peace and reward for the righteous who acknowledge
the messiahship of Jesus Christ, it will be good wisdom therefore, to be on
the Lords side and by so doing become a beneciary of the great things the
period has to oer.
Make hay while the sun shines.
8th May
KEY VERSE: The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the
wicked shall fall by his own wickedness (Proverbs 11:5).
Nature has been so perfectly organized and ordered by God that it pays back,
even more often in greater measures, what is given to it. Tis can be applied
both in the physical and spiritual. Acceding to this line of thought, Mark
Anthony, in Julius Caesar, retorts, the evils that men do live after them.
It is this point of sowing and reaping that God, in our text today, wants
to emphasize to us. Te text reveals that shame is the natural consequence
of pride but wisdom is given to the lowly (humble); righteousness shall
bring deliverance from death to the upright but the wicked shall die by his
wickedness; the integrity of the upright shall guide him but the perverseness
of the transgressor shall destroy him. It, in fact, reveals that when the wicked
dies, his expectation perishes with him. While the righteous is delivered from
trouble because of his righteousness, the wicked is made to fall into his own
Living as if they are free from this law of sowing and reaping, many people
go on perpetrating all forms of evil: fraud, immorality, occultism, cheating,
spiritism, murder, prostitution, abortion, backbiting, animosity and pride.
Yet, the word of God says, be not deceived, God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his
esh shall of the esh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall
of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
God is just; He will not owe anyone. He will pay everyone according to the
work of his hand.
He who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
9th May
JOEL 2:28-32
KEY VERSE: And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit
upon all fesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men
shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions (Joel 2:28).
Before the advent of agricultural technology, when farming was still at the
subsistence level, a lot of labor was exerted in the course of production with
little harvest. But with the invention of machinery, came transformation:
local implements became irrelevant and production multiplied exponentially,
equipping nations, not only to produce for local consumption but also for
God has a similar spiritual impact of the believers ministry in mind when He
promised the outpouring of the Holy Spirit through Prophet Joel. According
to divine purpose, the people shall prophesy, dream dreams and see visions.
Te Holy Spirit will empower believers to do exploits for the glory of God and
salvation of sinners. When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples of Christ
in Acts chapter two, multitudes of souls were harvested into the kingdom. On
that day, the hitherto timid Peter preached boldly and over 3000 souls were
converted to Christ.
Tere are conditions for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Te prospective
recipient must turn to the Lord, rend his/her heart and weep between the
porch and the altar (verses 12,13, 17). If you sincerely desire Gods power in
your life and ministry, seek His face. But God does not grant His Holy Spirit
to people who have unholy motives of merchandizing the gospel. Such are
not likely to be patient to fulll the conditions but seek power by all means.
Interestingly, God is waiting to ll everyone who will fulll the conditions
and live for His glory with His power.
God is waiting to ll you with His power.
10th May
KEY VERSE: :Now Benjamin begat Bela his frstborn, Ashbel the second, and
Aharah the third, Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the ffth. And the sons of Bela
were, Addar, and Gera, and Abihud, And Abishua, and Naaman, and Ahoah, And
Gera, and Shephuphan, and Huram (I Chronicles 8:1-5).
Sometimes, things that are considered insignicant actually have their
relevance. Lots of things that are assumed to be non-essentials possess the
potential to enhance development. So it is with our passage today.
Our text looks like a mere listing of the descendants of Benjamin, the last
born of Jacob, son of Isaac. From the listing, we can see that Benjamin had ve
sons, of which Bela was the rst. Bela, in turn, gave birth to nine. Te listing
continues until the turn of Saul, the rst king of Israel. Tere is, however,
the need to look at it as a valid record of historical events that has great
relevance to human race and development. If anything, the record constitutes
undoubtful historicity that authenticates subsequent biblical records and
serves as the string that holds important ages of the scriptures together.
Historiography, therefore, should be seen and held as a signicant task that
provides valid foundation for impartation and acceptance of biblical precepts.
As a matter of fact, it was the commitment to historiography on the part
of the sixty-six authors of the Bible, though divinely inspired, that brought
about the Holy Bible which provides us with the knowledge of why, when
and how to build a lasting relationship with God today.
Terefore, record-keeping is important to believers, the church and the state
as the basis and guide for taking decisions that can determine our destiny.
Believers are however forbidden from keeping records of oences that nurse
malice and unforgiving spirit. Tat is sinful and damnable.
Te faintest pen is better than the sharpest brain.
11th May
LUKE 7:11-18
KEY VERSE: : Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there
was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow:
and much people of the city was with her. And when the Lord saw her, he had
compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not (Luke 7:12,13).
He who wears the shoes, the saying goes, knows where it pinches most. It is
in the nature of man to fail to recognize quickly the deprivations being suered
by others; hence, he does not lend the necessary help. But the moment he
becomes a victim himself, he realizes the importance of compassion toward
Our text presents us with the encounter of Jesus with the widow of Nain.
Her only son had just died and the corpse was being carried out of the city,
probably for burial. As Jesus approached the gate of the city and saw the
sorrow of the woman, He was moved with compassion and comforted the
widow not to weep anymore.
Many believers are guilty of lack of compassion for the needy. Te need for
compassion can be both physical and spiritual. In the context of our text,
it is physical. Tere are many believers who are destitute of good (material)
things but are sadly, ignored by fellow believers. Tey seem to have forgotten
that God gave that material wealth to them, not only for themselves but
also to minister to others. Te Bible says, he that hath pity upon the poor
lendeth unto the LORD (Proverbs 19:17). Some have also failed in the
area of praying for fellow believers who are sick or in some kind of dicult
Jesus, without any prompting from the woman, restored her joy by raising
her son from death. Believers too should have compassion on the sinners
and rescue them from death by preaching the gospel to them. It is godly to
empathize with people who are in precarious situation in life and help them
the best way we can.
Feel the pinch and you will save the pinched.
12th May
KEY VERSE: And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the altar, and offer thy sin
offering, and thy burnt offering, and make an atonement for thyself, and for the
people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them;
as the LORD commanded (Leviticus 9:7).
He was to be sentenced to death by the judge for the crime of murder.
However, just at the brink of the eclipse that hovered around his life, someone
from nowhere wadded through the thick court spectators like a hot knife
does through the butter and volunteered to die in place of the accused. Te
judge, though surprised and considered it incredible, decided to accede to the
request of the intercessor. Te accused went home a free man.
Aaron, being the high priest in Israel, was commanded to oer a number of
sacrices for himself and the people of Israel. Tey included a sin oering,
burnt oering, peace oering and meat oering. All these were to involve the
killing of animals: a calf, ram and bullock. Teir blood was to be shed for the
purpose of cleansing from sin for the priest (himself ) and the people. Te
animals to be sacriced were required to be without blemish.
Te truth, however, is that God cancelled the practice because it turned out to
be supercial: the people abused and made nonsense of it by repeating their
sins soon after they were cleansed with the blood of the calf (Hebrews 8:6-8).
Jesus is the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world (John
1:29). He did this free of charge. Tough man lost the divine nature through
sin and has the judgment of God hanging upon him, Christs sacrice for man
has been accepted by God. His blood is the only thing recognized by Him for
the remission of sin. So, begin to enjoy the fullness of Christs substitutionary
atonement through repentance and faith in His cleansing blood
Be wise; dont turn down this eternal oer.
13th May
1 CHRONICLES 9:20-34
KEY VERSE: So they and their children had the oversight of the gates of the
house of the LORD, namely, the house of the tabernacle, by wards (I Chronicles
One rainy night, an elderly couple entered the lobby of a small hotel and
asked for a room. Te hotel clerk said: Tey are all lled as are all the hotels
in the town. But I cant stand an old couple like you out in the rain. Would
you be willing to sleep in my room? Te couple hesitated but the clerk
insisted. Te next morning when the man paid his bill he said: You are the
kind of man who should be managing the best hotel in the United States of
America. Someday, I will build you one. Te clerk smiled politely. A few
years later the clerk received a letter from the elderly man recalling the rainy
night and asking him to come to New York. A round trip ticket was also
enclosed. When the clerk arrived, his host took him to the corner of the Fifth
Avenue and 34th Street where stood a magnicent new building. Tat is the
hotel I have built for you to manage, the old man told the clerk. Te old man
was William Waldorf Astor and the hotel was the original Waldorf Astoria.
Te young clerk became its rst manager.
In our text, some men and their children selected from various villages in
Israel were appointed as porters. Tey were to have the oversight of the
gates of the house of God. Te duties were subdivided into overseeing the
chambers, ministering vessels, all the instruments of sanctuary, the our, the
wine, the oil, the frankincense and the spices.
Nowadays, many believers denigrate positions that do not bring them to the
pulpit. Tey dont want to be at the background. Unknown to them, no task
is unimportant in the kingdom of God. Given the seriousness of our service
to God and the level of holiness it demands, those who are to keep watch
over the house of God and all instruments of worship must be people of good
report. Do your best in whatever area you are given opportunity to serve God.
Good deeds bring rewards.
14th May
PSALM 61:1-8
KEY VERSE: Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the
earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock
that is higher than I (Psalm 61:1,2).
Recently, a young man, Peter was invited for a job interview with a blue chip rm
and was told through the letter of invitation to be at the venue at exactly 10 a.m.
Not wanting to take chances, he left home at 7 a.m. although the journey from
his residence to the venue of the interview, usually takes about one hour. Close to
the venue, the commercial bus he boarded was involved in a ghastly accident in
which some commuters died. But he sustained minor injuries and was rushed to
a nearby hospital where he was treated.
Before he could get to the company, he was about 45 minutes late. Te security
personnel at the gate could not allow him in despite his explanations. But he raised
his voice so high that the chairman of the company sighted the commotion from
the boardroom and asked the general manager to nd out what was going on.
When the GM saw the young man he recognized him as the person he rushed to
the hospital from the accident scene on his way to the oce. Te young man was
quickly attended to despite his physical appearance occasioned by the accident.
He came rst and was eventually given a job with a fantastic pay package.
In our text today, the Psalmist realized he was helpless and desperately needed
help. He had several encounters with God and had learnt that the Almighty is a
Shelter indeed and a strong Tower that shields from enemies onslaught. He also
realized the condition for continued enjoyment of Gods protection; hence, he
said: I will abide in thy tabernacle forever, I will trust in the covert of thy wings.
God is ever ready to hear our cry. Rather than seek other means of getting material
things, healing, protection and deliverance from enemies, we should repose our
condence in God who never fails. Every gift from the devil is a loan that yields
interest above the principal. God still answers prayers even if it seems your cries
are not heard. Its not your feeling but faith that brings the answers. Do not
despair; your miracle is near.
God attends to the cries of His people with great blessings
15th May
JEREMIAH 8:13-22
KEY VERSE: Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is
not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? (Jeremiah 8:22).
At a recent seminar, a professor from John Hopkins University, United States
of America observed that crude oil has unfortunately become a curse rather
than a blessing to some nations. According to him, the wealth that accrues
from oil in some countries is hardly distributed judiciously in such a way that
the poor masses could benet. He also noted that the injustice of faulty wealth
allocation has impacted negatively on oil producing communities. Despite
the fact that some nations are endowed with abundant deposits, they have
continued to revel in poverty because of the prevalence of corrupt practices.
Te Israelites were also in the habit of wasting the abundant mercies of God
at their disposal through sin. Although there was an abundant balm in Gilead
and many physicians, many people were dying of treatable ailments. Tey
looked for peace and good health, but there were calamities and troubles
on every side. Tere was abundant harvest of farm produce and national
resources, yet poverty stalked the land.
God had determined to consume Israel for the sin of idolatry. He had cursed
the wine, the g tree; and had sworn that there shall be no more grapes on the
vines, nor gs on the g tree. He also vowed to send serpents and cockatrices
among them which would not be charmed and they shall bite you.
Believers must pray for the peace of their country so they can also enjoy
peace. Tey must also appropriate the bountiful provisions of God for them
by faith. It is ignorance of Gods provision that makes many believers to live
below the divine expectation of the abundant life in Christ.
Ignorance of Gods provisions begets poverty
16th May
MATTHEW 15:21-31
KEY VERSE: Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy
faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from
that very hour (Matthew 15:28).
Te encounter of this Gentile woman with Christ and the ensuing conversation
provide those seeking the face of the Lord for divine intervention in their
situations with a lot of lessons. A problem that deed human solution had
occurred in this womans family. She was probably at her wits end because no
one came to her rescue. Knowing that Christ was within reach, she cried unto
him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter
is grievously vexed with a devil. Tis Canaanite woman gained divine
attention and comfort in her miserable situation because she manifested the
right attitude when her faith was put to test. She knew where to go to in
crisis time. We should not hesitate to approach Christ any day, any time
and everywhere. He is the merciful One willing to listen and show us mercy.
Tough this woman did not have her request granted at rst mention, she
persisted till she was answered. She showed great faith in the Lord, believing
that He will surely have mercy on her. She knew that she deserved nothing
but mercy. Despite the seeming obstacles, she pushed her way through by
refusing to be discouraged.
Sometimes the Lord tests the strength of our condence in Him by delaying
to answer. But those that trust in His mercy and manifest unwavering faith
will not be ignored, no matter how long.
Whatever you are asking from the Lord today, persist; your cry will soon
reach the throne of grace. Keep trusting; very soon you will have testimonies.
Testimony awaits those who trust in the Lord
17th May
1 CHRONICLES 8:33-40
KEY VERSE: And Ner begat Kish, and Kish begat Saul, and Saul begat Jonathan,
and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal. And the son of Jonathan was
Meribbaal; and Meribbaal begat Micah (1 Chronicles 8:33,34).
A recent award of national honors in one African country drew criticisms. In
the opinion of critics, government gave out the awards to individuals who did
not deserve them. Tey insisted that some of those who were bestowed with
the honors were not distinguished after all. According to them, underhand
criteria other than hard work, integrity and patriotism were curiously
employed to arrive at the choice of some of the awardees. Defending the
governments action, however, the countrys leader explained that he was not
part of the selection process but that the awards were given out based on the
recommendations of members of society.
Unlike man, God does not make any mistake in His selection of those He
rewards. He knows who merits what, and whenever He makes a choice of an
instrument, it is faultless. Although there were many descendants of Saul,
Jonathans lineage was given prominence. While our text is silent on what
became of Malchishua, Abinadab and Eshbaal, it picked out Jonathan and
decided to name his sons.
From our passage, Jonathan must have found favor in the sight of God. His
noble role of preserving the life of David when his father desperately wanted
to kill him (David) must have counted for him.
As you go about your business today, you need to reect on things that
please God and act honorably. Te questions then is, what would you be
remembered for?
God never forgets a mans faithful service no matter the passage of time. He
rewarded the faithfulness of Jonathan; he will do same for you if you are truly
Gods choice of reward is without controversy
18th May
ESTHER 8:1-6
KEY VERSE: For how can I endure to see the evil that shall come unto my
people? or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred? (Esther 8:6).
A story is told of wise and urgent intervention of Abigail, the wife of Nabal to
save her husband from the wrath of king David. Nabal had provoked David
to anger by his actions and would have paid with his life; but when Abigail
got wind of the evil determined against her husband, she quickly ran to meet
David and his host, and profusely pleaded on behalf of Nabal. Had she wasted
time, her husband would have been killed.
After the death of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, Esther did not go to sleep;
she knew there were other cronies of Haman waiting in the wings to carry
out the unaccomplished evil work of their principal, if they were not checked
with immediacy. She ceased the opportunity of the kings readiness to listen
to her last request which was, let it be written to reverse the letters devised
by Haman, the son of Hamedatha, the Agagite, which he wrote to destroy
the Jews which are in all the Kings provinces. Esther knew that government
is a continuum and that if the written documents against the Jews were not
reversed, somebody, someday might implement the recommendations after
King Ahasuerus.
As a believer, you must emulate Esther by striking when the iron is hot. No
wasting of time. Almost all the people who received miracles in the days of
Jesus Christ did so because they specically said what they wanted. Te blind,
the lame, the sick, the needy - all confessed to Jesus that they needed to be
helped and blessed; and they got their needed miracles. You can receive your
miracle now, if you can present your request to Jesus without further delay.
Delay is dangerous.
19th May
1 TIMOTHY 2:8-15
KEY VERSE: Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they
continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety (1 Timothy 2:15).
Figures on maternal mortality worldwide reveal that about 1000 women
die daily at childbirth or during complications in pregnancy. According to
the World Health Organization, United Nations International Childrens
Fund, UN Population Fund and the World Bank, 358,000 women suered
maternal deaths in 2008, with fears that the statistics might be more alarming
in years to come.
But this is needless, self-inicted tragedy! In todays reading, the Word of
God declares that the woman shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue
in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety (1 Timothy 2:15). In other
words, the lack of faith in the saving power of the Lord, mans disdain for
charity, humanitys licentious lifestyle that is antithetical to the principle of
holiness and wild living, characteristic of the age, are hugely responsible for
these calamities.
Te corollary: If we heed Gods solemn warnings in the Scriptures we shall
not experience the scourge of untimely deaths and other disasters aicting
mankind. God Himself says this over and over again. He says in Deuteronomy
5:29: O that there were such an heart in them that they would fear me, and
keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with
their children forever! And in Psalms 81:13,14 He declares: Oh that my
people had harkened unto Me, and Israel had walked in My ways. I should
have subdued their enemies and turned my hand against their adversaries.
To avoid suering eects of rebellion against God and His laws, you must
repent, forsake sin and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and trust Him to preserve
you from evil.
Man needs Christ to overcome the crisis of lif!
20th May
JOSHUA 4:11-24
KEY VERSE: And it came to pass, when the priests that bare the ark of the
covenant of the LORD were come up out of the midst of Jordan, and the soles
of the priests feet were lifted up unto the dry land, that the waters of Jordan
returned unto their place, and fowed over all his banks, as they did before
(Joshua 4:18).
God always has something new to oer His people in every dispensation.
Under Moses, He granted supply of heavenly food for millions of wanderers
for 40 years apart from the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea and a host of
other signs and wonders in the course of their journey through the wilderness.
Te great Finger of God behind these miracles is still at work even with fresh
set of more supernatural wonders.
Joshua took over the mantle of leadership following the death of Moses just
on the threshold of a new life in the Promised Land. But theres an obstacle:
River Jordan! It must be crossed or there would be no Promised Land! Will
Jehovah God manifest Himself again the way He did when the Israelites
under Moses were confronted with the Red Sea hurdle? He did it, not using
a rod, but with the feet of the ark-bearing priests touching the river bed. Te
contact between their soles and Jordan paved the way for dry land which
served as the bridge to Canaan land.
Te river Jordan has since come up repeatedly as a powerful Christian
symbolism for the believers point of contact with victory. Elijah and Elisha
crossed it to experience divine presence while Naaman, was cleansed of his
leprosy in it. And our Lord Jesus Christ was baptized in river Jordan and it
was an opportunity for God the Father to rearm His Sonship.
Every genuine heaven-minded follower of Jesus Christ will always come face-
to-face with a Jordan to cross. We must view it as the bridge that links us to
the experience of signs and wonders of Bible times. Do not despair; pray with
faith in God and your miracle will surely come.
God reveals His miracles during challenges.
21st May
PROVERBS 11:10-20
KEY VERSE: Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of
counselors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14).
In their pursuit of wisdom and its application to mans day-to-day activities,
the ancient Greeks erected a world of gods and romantic mythologies. Te
all-knowing deities, staying aloof on Mount Olympus, controlled the aairs
of the Greeks, distilling wisdom and meting out punishment mostly based on
their own jaundiced assessment.
One Greek philosopher rejected the Olympian prescription and declared,
know thyself , meaning true wisdom comes from within man. Is this
according to Gods Word? No!
Te Bible is unambiguous about where to nd wisdom. Pure wisdom cant
be found in fallen man. Terefore, the Bible doesnt promote introspection.
It insists that true wisdom is the Wisdom of God. And the Wisdom of God
is Jesus Christ, according to 1 Corinthians 1:24. Te upshot of it all is that
so-called wisdom outside the Bible is not real.
Te book of Proverbs contains nuggets of information that probe the depths
of man where science and technology and worldly philosophy with all of
their inventions and discoveries over the ages cant access. Mankind will only
succeed in trapping itself in more maze and mire if it seeks satisfaction in
worldly pleasures and wealth rather than in godly wisdom, because In Christ
are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). And
Proverbs 8:11 says: ..wisdom is better than rubies and all things (power,
inuence, position, wealth, etc.) that may be desired are not to be compared
to it.
Mankind has come to a pretty pass in history because it has desired only the
rubies and not Jesus the Wisdom of God. To change our fortunes we must
heed the counsel of the Savior, because where no counsel is, the people fall
(Proverbs 11:14).
You will nd pure wisdom in Jesus.
22nd May
Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know
me, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 9:6)
More than 2600 years ago in Israel, there arose a righteous King, Josiah, whose
tender heart drove far-reaching reforms never witnessed before his time.
He reclaimed true worship the way God wanted it for His people. Several
passages in 2 Kings 23 say Josiah put down the idolatrous priests, whom the
kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places and broke
in pieces the images (of idols) and drove the workers with familiar spirits,
and the wizards away that he might perform the words of the law.. of God.
Unfortunately, only the motions of worship appeared to have been reformed.
Te peoples hearts were not reformed. For after King Josiah died, the people
returned to their old ways.
In our passage today prophet Jeremiah provides a seemingly inexhaustible list
of the abominations that characterized the age. Te people were all idolaters,
an assembly of treacherous men (verse 2). Tey proceed from evil to evil..;
their habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse me, saith
the Lord (verse 6). An exasperated Jeremiah lamented he wished he had a
well for a head and fountain for his eyes so he could weep for his people who
had been slain by sin and alienated from God, the Giver of life (verse 1).
Our society is as corrupt, sinful and bereft of godly values as the days of
Jeremiah that made the prophet of God to weep. We who have been redeemed
by faith in Jesus ought to be saddened by prevalent evil; we must preach
Christ and warn of imminent judgment of God as did Jeremiah (verse 9).
Its good to weep for sinners; but its better to preach Jesus to them.
23rd May
ESTHER 9:1-11
KEY VERSE: Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth
day of the same, when the kings commandment and his decree drew near to be
put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power
over them.. (Esther 9:1).
On May 10, 1940, during the Second World War, Nazi Germany launched
its blitzkrieg against the low countries of Europe. In quick succession, Hitlers
forces overran France and Belgium and got set to take Britain. By late May,
it looked as if Britain would fall because the only port left to the British was
Dunkirk. Indeed, the German High Command was said to have declared:
Te British Army is encircled, our troops are proceeding to its annihilation.
Britains God-believing monarch called for a day of prayers in the face of
what looked like the countrys most awful defeat in her history. God heard
their prayer, by controlling the weather. He caused a storm to descend in
the Dunkirk region which saved the weary British armies from Nazi planes.
Next, He calmed the sea to enable the yachts to transport troops from the
beaches. Tese two strange weather conditions the storm and the great calm
- allowed the UK to stage a comeback and eventually win the war.
Te Book of Esther records a similar miraculous recovery by the Jews and
Mordecai. Te Kings right-hand man in Medo-Persia, Haman, had concluded
a plan to hang Mordecai and destroy all the Jews. He got the king to decree
the scheme into law which no man .. may reverse (Esther 8:8b). But God
changed the decree to favor His people because none can stay His hand or
say unto Him, what doest thou? (Daniel 4:35). And who is he that saith
and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? (Lamentations
God didnt command the death of Mordecai. Nor did He decree the
elimination of the Jews. So the sweet end of the story was that Haman and his
people who were the hunters ended up becoming the prey. Tat is usually the
condition and fate of the enemies of Gods people. But God is watching over
His own to convert negative circumstances around him into a positive one!
Te genuine Christian is hid in Christ; no power can uproot him.
24th May
1 CHRONICLES 2:34-55
KEY VERSE: And the families of the scribes which dwelt at Jabez; the Tirathites,
the Shimeathites, and Suchathites. These are the Kenites that came of Hemath,
the father of the house of Rechab (1 Chronicles 2:55).
Te passage we are considering today is an excerpt from an ambitious and
sweeping overview of the early history of the Old Testament stretching back
to Adam, the rst created man on earth. It takes us to the point when Cyrus,
some 538 years before the time of our Lord Jesus, signed a decree allowing
the exiled Jews to return to Palestine from Babylon and Persia. Consisting of
terse one-liners, the passage allows no narrative so that only strict historical
statements can be presented.
Te wider picture later takes on Israels post-exilic community and the reign of
King David, much earlier. Te twelve sons of Jacob and their descendants are
treated according to their respective genealogies because they are the forebears
of Israel. From the well-known twelve sons, we are given those not known but
who nonetheless perpetuated the race during the dark eras that threatened
the extermination of the Jews by aggressive neighbors and the times when
idolatry and other forms of sin had brought divine wrath upon them.
In all this genealogy, we see God at work. He has continued to redeem Israel,
choosing and preserving a remnant for Himself from the beginning of history
to the post-exilic present. He was also in action between 1930s-1940s when
six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust in Germany during the Second
World War. Reminiscent of the burning bush that was not consumed, Israel
has survived ery persecutions.
God will always protect His own people from destruction. His promises are
that He will be with us always whether we are in water or re (Isaiah 43:2 and
Matthew 28:20). Te only condition to enjoy this mercy of God is to be born
again and maintain righteous lifestyle.
You wont die in the re if God is in it.
25th May
ROMANS 3:9-24
KEY VERSE: Being justifed freely by his grace through the redemption that is
in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24).
A young man who once presented himself for water baptism was asked by
one of the deacons whether he had found Christ as his Savior. He replied, I
didnt nd Him; He found me. What a quintessence of our justication and
redemption through our Lord Jesus Christ!
We did not seek Christ; He was the One who searched us out of our lost
condition. As lost sheep, we wandered away from Jesus Christ, the true and
great Shepherd but He patiently, perseveringly and lovingly sought and found
us. Even after reaching us in love, many of us were still very reluctant to
return home. What great love, patience and perseverance the LORD has
bestowed on us.
We were the criminals brought before the Judge, the Almighty God. Satan,
the accuser of the brethren, our prosecutor will have us condemned for all
eternity, although we have pleaded guilty as charged.
But the Judge being so merciful, used His royal prerogative to discharge and
acquit us. In discharging us, he wiped our record of oences from the books
as if we never committed a crime. Tat is the justication provided for us
through the atonement of the blood of Jesus Christ.
We were the victims kidnapped by Satan and his principalities. No amount of
dollars or naira could assuage or persuade Satan to release us from his den. It
took the precious and priceless worth of the blood of the Son of God to pay
for our ransom and freedom. Tat is redemption through Jesus Christ.
It is obvious that without justication and redemption in Christ, man is
consigned to an eternity with Satan and his ultimate destiny is in the lake of
re. A child of God then should be eternally grateful by living his life only for
Christ; a life free from the dominion of sin, self and Satan.
Gods amazing grace can save the vilest oender
26th May
JEREMIAH 2:31-37
KEY VERSE: Yet thou sayest, Because I am innocent, surely his anger shall turn
from me. Behold, I will plead with thee, because thou sayest, I have not sinned
(Jeremiah 2:35).
Backsliding is a state of spiritually suspended animation. Backsliding is a
state of spiritual wilderness. But Satan makes it pleasurable and interesting
by providing oasis of pleasures of the mind and the esh for the wayfarers.
Israel at this time had backslidden from following the commandments and
the worship of God. Tey even went as far as Assyria and Egypt to import
objects of idol worship.
Tey were so condent in their self-conceit that they declared, We are lords;
we will come no more unto thee. Why would the beloved of God arrive at
this conclusion? Of course, fullness of bread has drugged them to spiritual
numbness. When people think that they have arrived at their destination,
they can always aord to tell God o.
Te Laodicean church, though backslidden, was still going through all the
motions of religious worship. But, the Great Shepherd of the church knew
their hearts: He knew they were lukewarm because they said, I am rich and
increased with goods, and have need of nothing. Tey thought they had
arrived and need not be as committed as in their earlier times with Christ.
Christians today fast, pray and get committed to the service of God. But as
soon as their requests of a wife, husband, children, good jobs, certicates,
prosperity and enlargement are granted, they switch o into the neutral gear.
Backsliding is a dangerous state. If not repented of, it leads to apostasy and
consequent captivity, like the children of Israel, who were carried away into
Babylon for seventy years. David prayed, Keep back thy servant also from
presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be
upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Tis should be
our own prayers too.
Diligent pursuit of God will never be disappointed.
27th May
LUKE 4:15-22
KEY VERSE: And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulflled
in your ears (Luke 4:21).
A pastor always exhorted his congregation about the payday. He analyzed
that most people do not receive their salaries on the same day. Some rich
companies, corporations, ministries and organizations pay their employees on
the 24th, 25th or 26th of the month while others pay either on the last day of
the month or rst few days of the following month. Te most important thing
is that, everybody gets paid. He inferred from his analysis that all children
of God will have their divine turnaround, but not on the same day. Te
exhortation then to his listeners was to be strategically positioned to know
and appropriate their day of visitation.
Jesus Christ came to the synagogue in Nazareth, and as His custom was, He
stood to read a portion of the scriptures. At this particular occasion, it was a
portion from the book of Isaiah which said, Te Spirit of the Lord is upon
me. He concluded the reading by saying, Tis day is this scripture fullled
in your ears. For everyone in the Synagogue, it should have been a day like
no other one in their lives. A day the age-long promises and prophecies of
God concerning salvation, deliverance, healing and breakthrough should
have been fullled in their lives. Unfortunately, instead of exercising faith in
Him, they were lled with unbelief and contempt saying, Is not this Josephs
Zacchaeus knew the day of his visitation. He exhibited a great faith in the
Savior and he was saved. Te paralytic of 38 years at the pool of Bethsaida did
not know the day of his own visitation. Hopeless and helpless, he resigned
to fate to endure his inrmity till death. But thank God for Jesus Christ, He
healed him all the same. Learn from all these and pray never to miss your own
day of visitation.
Te price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
28th May
KEY VERSE: And there came a fre out from before the LORD, and consumed
upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which when all the people saw,
they shouted, and fell on their faces (Leviticus 9:24).
In this humanist age, men, women, boys and girls are searching for the missing
spark that will ignite the dynamite in them. Many of them are looking in the
wrong direction, however.
At the dedication of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, Aaron, the High Priest
dressed the animal sacriced on the altar as prescribed by Moses. Ten, re
came down from heaven in the sight of the worshippers and burnt up the
sacrice upon the Altar. Te immediate eect of the scene was that the people
shouted and fell on their faces to worship God.
Anytime God had to send re from heaven, it was to show His divine
presence and approval. At the dedication of the Temple of Solomon, and on
Mount Carmel through Elijah, the re of the LORD came from heaven and
consumed the sacrices.
Tough John the Baptist had announced the reality of these Old Testament
abstracts that, Jesus Christ will baptize the people with the Holy Ghost and
re, it was on the day of Pentecost that the Holy Ghost descended in cloven
tongues of re on sanctied living sacrices in the Upper-room. Tey never
remained the same again. Tey subsequently turned their own world upside
down; these bunch of virtual illiterates turned the professors of the day into
God is still turning ordinary men today into geniuses, by baptizing them with
the Holy Ghost and re. You can reach out in faith to Him to be lled with
the Holy re of God.
Gods re falls on those who wait upon Him.
29th May
PSALM 73:1-28
KEY VERSE: For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the
wicked ( Psalm 73:3).
A London newspaper oered a prize for the best denition of money. It was
awarded to a young man whose denition was, Money is an article which
may be used as a universal passport to everywhere except heaven, and as a
universal provider of everything except happiness.
Money, the kernel of prosperity, is good but cannot procure happiness
and heaven. Te consumer culture and fad is driving people crazy. Tere is
universal rat-race to get money at all costs and by all means.
A well-known apprentice who took a business trip to China the other day has
just completed a multi-million naira mansion in the neighborhood. On the
day of the dedication, the Senior Pastor of his church came to deliver a stirring
homily on the correlation between sowing seeds and prosperity but did not
mention salvation as a condition to prosperity. Friends of the celebrant came
from all walks of life. Tere was display of opulence such as spraying of local
and foreign currencies on the celebrant and musicians.
Our dear Christian friend was hiding behind the curtain of his window,
peeping at every detail of the occasion and wishing to heavens to be in
the shoes of the celebrant. Of course, he changed his mind and prayed for
forgiveness the other day, when ocials of the countrys anti-corruption
agency came calling on the celebrant with a detachment of armed policemen.
Many Christians are guilty of envying the prosperity of the wicked. Te truth
remains however that their prosperity cannot purchase an earthly happiness
and heavenly bliss for them. Tese blessings come through salvation
Te blessings of God are devoid of sorrow.
30th May
1 TIMOTHY 1:1-11
KEY VERSE: Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart,
and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned (1 Timothy 1:5).
Te workman is often known by his workmanship. In the words of a famous
British philosopher, John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), Te only proof capable
of being given that an object is visible is that people actually see it. All these
go to lend credence to the Bibles stand on the need to show forth our faith
by the fruits of our lives.
Paul the apostle in our text today writes to Timothy, the young pastor in
the church at Ephesus to encourage him in his responsibilities of overseeing
the work of the ministry in that city. He admonished and counseled him to
keep and contend for sound doctrines. He posited that the purpose of sound
doctrines (or commandment) is to help produce in true believers, love from
a pure heart, clear conscience and holy faith (verse 5). Tese three constitute
the proof of genuine conversion and obedience to God.
True repentance will reveal itself in manifest conduct. Te truly repentant
person has a duty to cultivate and show forth fruits consistent with
righteousness. It is easy to have remorse for the wrongdoing one has done
without the corresponding determination to abstain from sin and forsake
every unrighteousness.
Neighbors do not see the change that has taken place in our hearts; it is the
fruits they see. If truly as believers, we have yielded our lives to Jesus, we
ought to prove it by the life we live.
Te life of the believer ought to reveal his faith through good works and
exceptional conduct, such that the attention of other unbelieving people
around him are invariably drawn by the godly qualities they have observed in
his life. If your life does not portray Christ, you can be spiritually empowered
to live the righteous lifestyle through faith in Christ today.
Prove your faith by your conduct.
31st May
JOEL 2:12-17
KEY VERSE: :Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all
your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning (Joel 2:12).
An old-time preacher often reminded his congregation that there is no such
thing as corporate repentance. Repentance must be a personal decision.
However, when an overwhelming number of people from dierent walks of
life turn away from their sins unto God simultaneously, then we have what
we call family, national or corporate repentance or revival, as the case may be.
Tis is the kind of repentance the prophet Joel appears to be advocating for
the people of Judah in our text. Te sin of Judah as a nation appeared to have
lled the cup of Gods wrath and severe retribution was looming over the
land. Only genuine turning away from sin unto righteousness by all those
who would have come under the pangs and pains of divine judgment was the
needed remedy (verses 16-18). Te fasting, weeping and mourning recorded
in our text were the expected outcome of a deep inward sorrow that leads
to repentance from sinning against the law of God, who is so loving and
In many climes today, we hear of erroneous teachings advocating for
community or family deliverance sessions with fasting and prayer for whole
villages and clans so that divine judgment against idol worship, murders, and
adultery among others can be averted. Tis is ridiculous. Genuine repentance
from the heart remains the only force to turn the wrath of God from any
sinning man, family or nation.
Te Bible is replete with repentance as the only means through which an
individual, family or nation can receive Gods mercy and forgiveness.
Repentance from every sin and faith in the substitutionary atonement
accomplished by Christ at Calvary is the pathway to reconciliation with God
and forgiveness of all sin. Tose who think they can short-circuit this process
by a so-called deliverance session will blame themselves in the end.
Genuine repentance turns away divine judgment.
1st June
2 SAMUEL 13:21-39
KEY VERSE: So Absalom ed, and went to Geshur, and was there three
years (2 Samuel 13:38).
Tere are two forces which torment the bloodletting sinner. One is his troubled
conscience. Te other is the fear of the violent death which he must suer as
wages of his sin. Tese perhaps, are the reasons every murderer ees after he
has carried out his heinous crime. Te fact is that every sinner, however bold
he may appear, is full of apprehension regarding present punishment and
external judgment for the sins committed.
Absalom had contrived a bloody revenge against Amnon for his sister Tamar
whom he had raped. For two years he refused to be assuaged or relieved of
his grief and anger until he had shed the blood of his errant brother. Having
nished his dastardly act, realization came upon Absalom, and he ed from
the presence of his father and king, supposedly from judgment. If the wicked
cannot behold the face of earthly judge but rather ees away from him, where
shall the sinner appear in the day of Gods wrath?
A troubled conscience causes disorder in the human heart and soul. Our sins
should not be too heavy to such an extent that we cannot sincerely confess and
determine to forsake them and seek forgiveness from the LORD. Temporal
physical punishment should never deter anyone from owning up to his sin
that he may obtain a clear conscience and Gods forgiveness. Remember, there
is no peace for the wicked.
Repent before it is late.
2nd June
JEREMIAH 30:1-14
KEY VERSE: For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that
I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers
shall no more serve themselves of him (Jeremiah 30:8).
Te Lord has always proved to man that He is a God of justice and mercy. He
will not allow the sinner to go unpunished. But in His mercy, He remembers
the plight of His people and come to their rescue.
In the passage for our meditation today, Jeremiah told the children of Israel that
after completing their prescribed 70 years of captivity in the land of Babylon
they shall be restored to their homeland. Te Lord eventually delivered them
after years of captivity in a strange land. Indeed, God is merciful.
When God punishes us for our sins, it is to make us realize our wrong-
doing and return to Him in repentance. Tereafter, we grow deeper in our
relationship with Him. Gods discipline is rewarding at the end. As children
of God, we are expected to yield in obedience to our Father, the Almighty
Are you going through persecution? Are you going through hard times? Are
you currently under the Lords chastisement as a result of your sin? You can
be free today. All you need do is to go to Him in humble prayer and repent of
your sins. He will surely set you free.
Te purpose of Gods chastisement is to reform.
3rd June
LUKE 4:23-32
KEY VERSE: And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb,
Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also
here in thy country (Luke 4:23).
See it often, it looks smaller, smell it often, it loses its scent, so went an old Asiatic
proverb in allusion to the contempt that usually results from familiarity. Te
more we get familiar with anything, the more lightly we esteem the value of it.
In our text, the Lord apparently was unable to do great works in His native place
of Nazareth not because the power of God was not with Him to do exploits but
because the people were unbelieving and prejudiced, being well acquainted with
his family antecedents, and probably because of his long residence among them
as a townsman.
When the Savior entered into the ministry, He did not let Himself down because
he knew what their attitude would be. In His usual meekness, He would not force
or compel the people but rather went to another place where His glory did shine
exceeding brightly.
Our blessings could be aected if we get familiar with those men of God whom
the Lord has sent as shepherds over us. Ministers must hold themselves in high
esteem and shine as light by living a life that is beyond reproach.
Familiarity would breed unbelief and contempt of the ministers and the Word
of God. When we allow this to happen, we drive Christ away from our hearts.
Faith is the condition of salvation of the soul; therefore, we must not allow ours
to be aected by undue familiarity with Gods Word or His ministers. One of the
greatest honors we can give to ministers is to carefully listen to the word of God
they preach and obey.
Sin that is not repented of, forecloses the possibility of divine mercy; the sinner is
separated from God. Te road map to happiness and joy is refusing every negative
passion and returning to the presence of the LORD.
True repentance evokes unconditional pardon.
4th June
ISAIAH 37:8-20
KEY VERSE: Now therefore, O LORD our God, save us from his hand, that all
the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD, even thou only
(Isaiah 37:20).
In trying moments, it is common among men to seek help from other sources,
but God. When they are confronted with lifes challenges, they hardly depend
on God for solution. Only a few ever remember to turn to God.
King Hezekiah was not ignorant of the power and greatness of the Lord when
he was threatened by Sennacherib, a powerful king. In the face of annihilation,
he displayed a high level of condence and dependence on God.
Rabshakeh, the agent of the king of Assyria had boasted about the conquests
of the king of Assyria over many great nations whose gods were unable to
deliver them. News of these great victories had spread far and wide, driving
fear into the hearts of men. He wrote these threats in a letter which he
delivered to Hezekiah. Frightening as the content of the letter was, Hezekiah
calmly read it, and then went straight to the house of the Lord and spread the
letter before God. In his prayer, he extolled Gods greatness, recognizing Him
as the Creator of the heaven and earth. He pleaded with the Lord to listen to
the words of the king of Assyria, which he noted, were in fact spoken against
God. He passionately pleaded with the Lord to save Israel, so that all the
kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the Lord, even thou only.
What a lesson to contemporary believers! Are you suering from an illness
that has deed medical solution? Are your enemies boasting that you would
never make progress in life? Tere is nothing to worry about. As a child of
God, the glory of your Father is at stake. Terefore, take your burden to the
Lord, and leave it there.
Tose who depend on God never experience shame.
5th June
1 JOHN 3:11-24
KEY VERSE: Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life
for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren (1 John 3:16).
Life is likened to a coin: you can spend it anyway you wish but you can spend
it only once. Terefore, the greatest use of life is to spend it on something that
will outlast it, something that has Christ-like love at its very root.
Te Gospel message is anchored upon love. Our text states clearly that
regeneration is expressed in righteousness and this is manifested in love. Cains
killing of his brother illustrates what love is not. Christ-like love is practiced
in self-sacrice, genuine concern for others and the humility to downplay self
and lay down our lives for others.
Te standard of our love is Gods love in Christ. Christ, who died for us
dwells in believers and His love compels them to appreciate others needs and
minister to them. We need not despair if our conscience indicts us for the
shallowness of our love. Te Lord understands our internal weakness. Our
ultimate aim must be to have a conscience free of oence toward others as we
aspire to love as Christ.
Our profession as believers will be an empty one if our actions are bereft of
any atom of seless love. Our Christian life will be fruitful if we conduct it
in absolute faith in Christ, love for the brethren and moral uprightness and
Seless love is the key to a fruitful Christian life.
6th June
PSALM 62:1-12
KEY VERSE: He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not
be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my
refuge, is in God (Psalm 62:6,7).
A Christian believer, recommended for promotion to a position of higher
responsibility made this prayer: O God, give me a task too big, too hard for
human hands so that I shall come at length to humbly lean on thee, the Rock,
and by leaning nd my strength.
Our text recognizes the unchanging nature of God, His dependability and
His love. Te Psalmist acknowledges the power of prayer and its usefulness in
releasing our tensions in times of emotional stress and unrealized expectations.
And at such a time when we are held captive, perhaps as a result of hurtful
treatments by misguided persons, we need to remember our Rock who never
fails. My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him
(verse 5).
Money is a good servant, but a bad master; many people worship it as their
god. Te world measures peoples status and standing through the lenses of
wealth and power; yet on Gods scales these people are a mere cha. It is true
money answereth all things, yet wealth gotten by vanity shall diminish.
Te Psalmist is admonishing us all to Trust not in oppression and become
not vain in robbery: if riches increase set not your heart upon them, because,
also unto thee belongeth mercy for thou renderest to every man according
to his work (verses 10,12). Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and lean not on
your own understanding.
Aside Christ, all other ground is sinking sand.

7th June
ROMANS 4:1-15
KEY VERSE: For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was
counted unto him for righteousness. For the promise, that he should be the heir
of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through
the righteousness of faith (Romans 4:3,13).
Despair is often the lot of many a person who fails to get over lifes numerous
road blocks. But it is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that
his keeper and helper is the Omnipotent one who holds the pillars of heaven
and earth.
At a critical time in his life, Abraham had a choice to make. He was to decide
between the security of what he already had and the uncertainty of moving
out to an unknown place under Gods instruction and direction. He chose the
latter. His obedience aected the history of the world positively. It was said of
him, Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
We miss the point when we begin to wonder whether our faith is strong
enough to save us. Jesus our Lord saves not by our feelings or actions, or how
weak or strong our faith is. Salvation is free, it is the gift of God but our part
is to believe in Him and His nished work at Calvary. Circumcision has had
its merits but no longer matters today in Gods plan of salvation.
No matter the enormity of your sin, remember Jesus has paid the tremendous
price and is willing and able to forgive every sin. All you need do is to
acknowledge it, confess it and believe; then have faith to live every day both
in your spiritual and secular endeavors.
Salvation comes by faith, not by feeling.
8th June
LEVITICUS 11:13-28
KEY VERSE: And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among
the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the
ossifrage, and the ospray. And the vulture, and the kite after his kind (Leviticus
Te true test of our fear of God does not lie in our refraining from known,
external sins but in our inward reverence, fear and dread of all that is ungodly
and against the standard of Gods spoken word.
Te Lord had strictly forbidden the eating of certain animals, and to make
assurance doubly sure, He forbade even touching them. Some of the unclean
creatures were unt to eat because they were disease carriers. Besides, some
were used in pagan worship, while some were associated with particular non-
Israelite food. Shunning them therefore was in their overall health interest.
Gods desire for His people is that they should be holy. His people must be
unique, set apart from the rebellious crowd. Tat was why the Israelites were
called out of idolatrous Egypt and that was why also God designed laws and
restrictions to assist them remain separate. To be called Gods people is a
noble thing and to worship Him is a sacred business. True worshippers must
therefore be free from any form of delements.
Christians are called to be holy (1 Peter 1:15). We, like the children of Israel,
are to be separate from this wicked and perverse world both spiritually and
socially. We may interact with the world on a daily basis, yet we are to live a
life that is above reproach and without blemish. Tis way, they will see Jesus
in us and desire to come to Him.
Every word of God is given by inspiration.
9th June
PSALM 77:1-9
KEY VERSE: In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night,
and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted. I cried unto God with my
voice, even unto God with my voice; and he gave ear unto me (Psalm 77:2,1).
Tere is perhaps no hopeless occupation than to lie awake and worry over
seemingly insurmountable circumstances. Yet, it is said that perseverance is a
great element of success. Tis is because if we keep knocking long and loud
enough at the gate, we are sure to wake up somebody.
Te Psalmist had found himself in an apparently hopeless situation as a result
of the general decay of the time. Te challenge was great; there seemed to
be no answer immediately in sight. His distress was overwhelming. Ten he
cried out to God for courage and ability to wade through the severely trying
moment. In the day of my trouble, I sought the Lord He wondered if
God had forgotten him. Is his mercy clean gone forever? He thought aloud.
Te experience of this Psalmist is a common phenomenon. Nations and
individuals are passing through very bitter and hopeless times; many are
wondering if the end has not come at last. It is dicult to believe that there
will be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Hunger and hardship force
children and even adults to sleep with empty stomachs. Yet, God is still on
the throne.
Tis is the time to seek the Lord. Whatever challenge you may be facing,
take it to the Lord in prayer. Delay is not denial. Let your strength lie and
be rooted in your moral purity and faith in the unfailing God. He will not
disappoint you. He that keepeth thee shall not slumber..
Tough gloomy and cloudy, the sun will rise up sooner.

10th June
JOEL 2:20-29
KEY VERSE: And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the
cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which
I sent among you. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my
spirit upon all fesh.. (Joel 2:25,28).
God is a perfect Communicator. He has several methods of communicating
the truth of His Word to His people. As He chooses, He uses either the
destructive invasion of locusts, earthquakes, or other forms of natural disasters.
When these occur, the lesson for mankind should be discerned appropriately.
Tere is the need for a painstaking spiritual stocktaking, if Gods promised
blessings should be reaped.
Joel, as a book, is rooted in the series of disasters that befell Judah. Divine
caterpillar, cankerworm and the palmerworm had wreaked havoc on the
nation. Te Lord pleaded with the people to return to Him: turn ye even
to me with all your heart and rend your heart, and not your garments
(verses 12,13). Upon repentance, the Lord promised a restoration to the
nations former glory, and my people shall never be ashamed. Te shame of
the Babylonian captivity, the persecution and slavery under the Greeks and
Romans were not to be experienced any more.
Yet, restoration to former glory is not without any condition. Te people
were to show evidence of genuine repentance. Gods promised blessings are
for those who sincerely and consistently follow Him, those who show godly
sorrow for sins committed and evidence of repentance from them.
Te Lords Day is coming a day of judgment. Just as the prophecy of Joel
concerning the outpouring of the Spirit was fullled at Pentecost, so will this
prophecy be fullled. How ready are you for the Lords Day?.
Rebellion begets judgment; repentance evokes forgiveness
11th June
JOSHUA 3:1-13
KEY VERSE: And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: For tomorrow
the LORD will do wonders among you. And Joshua spake unto the priests,
saying, Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass over before the people
(Joshua 3:5,6 ).
A woman in Tallahassee, Florida, was in the grips of severe depression. For
weeks, she wept and felt helpless. She was barely able to get through each day.
She was afraid to be left alone for fear that she would kill herself. When she
went to bed, she often hoped that she would never wake up. Ten her Sunday
school class entered into what they called Te brave Christian Experiment.
In desperation the woman decided to try this simple plan which basically
provides some simple steps for letting God be at the center of ones life.
Te plan proposed ve steps: spend a half hour each morning in prayer and
meditation, give God one tenth of your earnings, give God two hours of your
time each week, meet once a week to pray with others who are trying to do
the same thing and witness to others about your experiences. Surprisingly, the
woman overcame her depression within a short time because the experiment
Te children of Israel were almost at the climax of their forty years of
wandering in the wilderness and about to enter the Promised Land. Before
entering Canaan, they were to perform a purication ceremony. Tis was
often done before making a sacrice or, as in this case, before seeing a great
act of God. Even so, they were to follow the ark to successfully cross the
Jordan. Tey must also depend upon the Priests and the Levites who were
appointed to carry the ark before them. Specic guidelines were given to
Joshua for the children of Israel to follow if they must experience Gods power
and intervention.
In the same vein, wonders of God manifest spontaneously when we obey
simple guidelines as given in the Holy Scriptures. Mountains and obstacles
will give way for our needed breakthrough if we trust and obey.
Obedience brings blessings
12th June
PSALM 75:1-10
KEY VERSE: Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck. For
promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south
(Psalm 75:5,6).
Pride, stubbornness and outright rejection of the will and government of God
seem to be the order of the day. A common factor among all and sundry in
society is the agrant disobedience to divine and social orders. Human race
in general, particularly the elite and privileged few in society are mostly found
to be sti-necked and rebellious. Te fact remains that those who are found
in this category are mere victims of exaggerated sense of self-worth and carnal
dignity which amount to a carefree repudiation of the supremacy of God over
all creatures. Tis feeling promotes pride, arrogance and vainglory.
Te Psalmist condemned the attitude of vainglory, calling those that indulge
in it as fools. Instead, he gave his counsel as led by the Spirit to those who are
privileged to be in one position of authority or the other. Acknowledging that
position is only from God, sense of responsibility demands that those who
are so honored must learn to return praise and honor to God. Te Psalmist
gives to God the praise of his advancement to honor and power, and other
great things He had done for his people Israel. He also put himself under
obligation to make judicious use of his power, pursuant to the great trust
reposed in him.
To those who usurp positions of authority and fail to acknowledge the control
of God over them, he counsels, lift not up your horn, meaning boast not
of your own power, persist not in your contempt of the government set over
you, as though you could do what you will.
Every believer, whatever betides, either in place of authority or under
authority, should learn to praise God and acknowledge His supremacy. Every
opportunity a believer receives must be exploited to show forth Gods praise
and glory.
Tose who will not bend shall be broken.
13th June
PROVERBS 12:1-16
KEY VERSE: A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh
ashamed is as rottenness in his bones (Proverbs 12:4).
A man once set to sail from Venice to Ancona, with his wife, both being
minded to oer devotions at the shrine of Santa Maria di Loreto. But during
the voyage, there arose such a great storm that everyone thought the ship
was in extreme peril of sinking. Te owner of the ship commanded that each
traveler should forthwith throw his most burdensome possessions into sea so
that the vessel might be made lighter. Some rolled casks of wine overboard
and others bales of clothes. Te man from Venice, who did not want to be
found tarrying behind the rest, seized his wife, exclaiming, forgive me Ursala
mine, but this day you must drink to my health in salt water! and would
throw her into the sea. Te frightened wife made a commotion with her
screams and others quickly came and scolded the husband, asking him the
cause of his action. Te owner of the ship urgently commanded that we
all should throw overboard our heaviest burdens; throughout my whole life,
nothing has been ever so burdensome to me as this woman; hence, I was
gladly willing to give her over to father Neptune, he said.
Our text made several comparisons between the ways of the wicked and the
righteous and concluded that it is better to be on the side of the righteous. It
made a far-reaching pronouncement to conrm this: A good man obtains
the favor of the Lord.
Te virtuous woman is presented as that good and righteous wife, who is a
crown to her husband. He that is blessed with such a wife will always be as
happy as a king on the throne. On the other hand, a bad wife is not better
than an incurable disease that daily makes her husband ashamed.
We must daily live to please God while we run away from the wicked life-style
that could attract Gods displeasure.
Wickedness is abomination to God.
14th June
JEREMIAH 10:1-16
KEY VERSE: He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the
world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion
(Jeremiah 10:12).
In one of Dr. J. Wilbur Chapmans meetings, a man came up to give the
following remarkable testimony. I got o at the Pennsylvania depot as a
tramp, and for a year I begged on the streets for a living. One day, I touched
a man on the shoulder and said, mister, please give me a dime. As soon as
I saw his face, I recognized my father. Father dont you know me? I asked.
Trowing his arms around me, he cried, I have found you, all I have is yours.
Men, think of it that I, a tramp stood begging my father for ten cents when
for eighteen years he had been looking for me to give me all he was worth.
Te above discourse explains the greatness of our God and the type of honor
which we should accord Him as the King and Governor of the whole universe.
God would not have His people to be dismayed at the signs of heaven, to
reverence the stars as deities. He doesnt want His people to get frightened
or attach any form of superstition to these signs. After all, the stars in their
courses ght not against any that is at peace with God.
Te God of Israel is the one and only living, true God. Idols in any shape
and components are the works of mens hands and cannot be compared with
God. Te godsshall perish, hence, the idolaters that worship these idols
are altogether brutish and foolish.
Our God is the God of nature, the fountain of all being; and all the power of
nature are at His command. God made us and all things. Tere are valuable
treasures in everything He created. God has made all these in His wisdom for
the benet of man.
If we have condence in God as our portion, and we serve him in spirit and in
truth, He will have a gracious delight in us as His people. He will truly satisfy
all our desires and ll us with His goodness.
Idol worship is nothing but foolishness.
15th June
ESTHER 9:20-28
KEY VERSE: To establish this among them, that they should keep the fourteenth
day of the month Adar, and the ffteenth day of the same, yearly, As the days
wherein the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month which was turned
unto them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day (Esther 9:21-
Te Memorial Day or a decoration day, as it used to be called, is the day a nation
honors her war heroes as well as her ancestral dead. Since 1966, Waterloo, New
York, has been the ocial birth place mainly because of a proclamation signed
by their Governor, Nelson Rockefeller and a resolution appraisal by congress and
signed by President Lyndon Johnson. On May 5, 1966, village ags in waterloo
were own at half-mast and interspersed with evergreen boughs and black hunting
as residents decorated the graves of civil war victims with owers.
In 1938, 150,000 persons watched President Franklin Roosevelt dedicate the
eternal light monument at Oak Hill, on Memorial Day; twenty years later, the
nation received the cons of two identied war victims from World War II
and Korean war into the tomb of the unknown soldier in Arlington National
Cemetery. Since then, the tombs has been renamed the Tomb of the Unknown.
Celebrating memorable dates is part of life. Days of memorials are days of feasting
and celebration; they are days of joy on one hand and on the other, a period
for sober reections. Notable in many countries are the Independence Day and
the Armed Forces Remembrance Day when fallen heroes are remembered and
celebrated. It is in the same spirit that Modecai commanded both the Jews in the
country and in the royal city to set aside the fourteenth day of the month of Ader.
Te day would be for the honor of God as the Protector of His people.
Marking sacred dates should not be a period of frivolity or hilarity, but an
opportunity that allows Gods own people to remember His past dealings with
them and cheerfully depend on His wisdom, power and goodness in the greatest
straits. When God has given us cause to rejoice, why should we not express our
joy? Nothing puries the heart more than holy joy.
Rejoice with sobriety.
16th June
1 CHRONICLES 9:35-44
KEY VERSE: :And Ner begat Kish; and Kish begat Saul; and Saul begat Jonathan,
and Malchishua, and Abinadad, and Eshbaal (1 Chronicles 9:39).
Under the heading, Te uncommon men, Time discusses the thrill seekers,
a wild and often winning lot who delight in doing what has never been done.
Included among the wild men are:
Brace Tullish, the former British Olympic distance runner, who undertook to
run from Los Angeles to New York in a record of 66 days.
Eight men from East Africa who, during the summer, are going to try
climbing Mount Everest and all eight are blind.
Evel Knievel, who planned to race a jet powered motorcycle down a ramp at
280 mph and jump across the Grand Canyon.
Te image created by Sauls appearance contradicted his qualities and abilities.
Saul presented the ideal visual image of a king, but the tenderness of his character
often went contrary to Gods commands for a king. Saul was Gods chosen leader,
but this did not mean he was capable of being king on his own.
During his reign, Saul had the greatest successes when he obeyed God and
greatest failures resulted from acting on his own. Saul had all it takes to be a good
leader appearance (he was taller in stature than any other in Israel); he was very
courageous and full of action. Even his weaknesses could have been used by God
if Saul had recognized them and left them in Gods hands. His own choices cut
him o from God and eventually alienated him from his own people.
From Saul, we learnt that while our strengths and abilities might make us useful,
it is our weaknesses that make us usable. Our skills and talents make us tools; but
our failures and short comings remind us that we need a Craftsman in control of
our lives. Whatever we accomplish on our own is only a hint of what God could
do through us. Hence, it is needful to completely depend on Him.
Success comes only from God.
17th June
PSALM 60:1-12
KEY VERSE: Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man (Psalm
Tink of a man who embarked on a project with the expectation that his
friend will help him through. At the critical point, when the help will be most
needed, Mr. Friend backed out. Tis happens quite often. As a result of many
forces at play in the life of mortal man, he will not be able to provide the help
his fellowman needs. His best of intentions may not even work it out. Man
cannot have the ability to perform always. He will fail somehow, sometimes.
Between verse one and three of our text, the Psalmist reveals seven ways in
which Gods negative reaction came upon them. He cast them o, scattered
them, was displeased with them, made the earth to tremble, broke it, showed
them hard things, and, made them to drink the wine of astonishment. Te
Psalmist knows that Gods people have their hope in Him and if He begins to
be displeased with them, where then will their help come from? Rhetorically,
he queried, Who will bring me into the strong city? Is it not the Lord who
has cast them o?
Everyone who tries to live his life depending on himself or any other individual
will be disappointed. Why do we turn to men for help? We think they ought
to reciprocate; delay in answers to prayers; we think the issue is too small to
trouble God about it; the matter is physical and not spiritual so God will not
be interested, we feel that God does not truly understand the situation; we
feel that Gods ways or method will not suit our expectation; and, the one
from whom we expect the help is the natural solution to the matter. Tese
and many other reasons make us turn to men for help in time of need. We
only suer disappointments, shame and pains when we do so. When we seem
abandoned even by God, we need Him more. When everyone seems to care
and love, we need to look on to God for real and enduring help. It is the help
from God that is steadfast and dependable. Make God your helper, for vain
is the help of man.
Man, like a ower fades, so is the help that comes from him.
18th June
ROMANS 14:1-9
KEY VERSE: Who art thou that judgest another mans servant? to his own
master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be held up: for God is able to make
him stand (Romans 14:4).
Te story is told of the wayfarer who always complained bitterly that the
indiscretion of father Adam in the Garden of Eden was the reason for his
suering in the world. His position was that if Adam had been obedient to Gods
command, he (wayfarer) would not be suering in the world. His complaints
soon got to the ear of the Goodman of a city who decided to give him a chance
to prove himself. He took in the traveler and gave him the liberty in his estate but
commanded him to keep o from only one particular room.
Of course, our friend soon broke the rule, invaded the room and was subsequently
thrown out to continue his suering. He blamed Adam for his woes without
checking himself. Tat is the problem with those who judge others. Tey see
faults in others but never see the fault in their lives. Tey see specks in others eyes
but not the logs in theirs. Tey are speck pickers.
We engage very much in the blame game. We judge, condemn and nd fault
in others. We accuse others of one wrong or the other and in many cases very
wrongly. Tis problem is rampant with people in the house of God. A number
of us think that we are more godly than God and will want to teach Him how to
do His work and even set the standards for Him. Some of us even appear to want
to say that He is weak and not strict enough in defending the standard. Tat is
the problem.
A rickety wagon plying the rough roads in our country has an inscription which
captures the attitude of many towards our neighbors: If men were God. God
did not call us to judge others; rather, we are called to support one another.
Judging others leads to disputation, schisms, discouragement of the weak, among
You can be free from this deadly spirit by allowing the blood of Jesus to wash your
heart. Acknowledge your fault today and ask God for forgiveness.
Dont judge, be a doer of the word.
19th June
1 CHRONICLES 11:26-47
KEY VERSE: Also the valiant men of the armies were, Asahel the brother of
Joab, Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem (1 Chronicles 11:26).
Every society in all ages celebrates the valiant. Te valiant play important roles
in shaping history. Over the ages, we heard and read of the exploits of people
like Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Generals Charles de Gaulle,
Eisenhower and Powel, among others. Tese men were regarded to have
hazarded their lives to defend their countries, conquered other nations and
thereby extended the frontiers of their own countries and fought to defend
humanity generally.
Tose who enter the hall of fame of valiant men and women are usually marked
out by their courage and strength. Tey are always people of valor. Tey are
bold and fearless. In the roll of honor in our verses for reection, consider
the cases of Asahel in verse 26 and Adina the son of Shiza the Reubenite in
verse 42. Asahel was one of three brothers. His two elder brothers were Joab
and Abishai. All were valiant men and members of Davids army. On the
other hand Adina was a descendent of Reuben, a people not expected to excel
because of the initial curse of Jacob on the lineage. Adina, however, chose the
path of honor and was so recognized. He separated himself from the pack of
the seemingly cursed in Reubens house and made a dierence.
Today, the world is in dire need of men and women of courage: those who will
be bold for Christ and hazard their lives for the gospel. God and the world
are looking for those who will follow the footsteps of Meshach, Shadrach,
Abednego, Daniel and Esther. Our generation is in need of men and women
who are ready to surrender all they have to rescue the perishing soul.
You can make a dierence today by aligning yourself with the small band
of bold and courageous men and women, who live their lives entirely at the
command of the Almighty.
Tose who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.
20th June
PSALM 78:10-20
KEY VERSE: Behold, he smote the rock, that the waters gushed out, and
the streams overfowed; can he give bread also? can he provide fesh for his
people? (Psalm 78:20).
Te story of the children of Israel is replete with varied cases of unbelief. Tey
forgot God so easily and so often. Tis situation created great diculties
in their walk with God. No matter how many times God intervened in
their aairs, any challenge that confronted them provoked murmuring and
complaints from them.
As we consider the text under reference, we see the failure of Israel to keep the
covenant with God. What a privilege to behold the dividing of the Red Sea,
day and night leading by a pillar of cloud and re, giving of water to drink
out of rocks as out of great depths among many other miracles! None of these
impressed the children of Israel; none of these helped in sustaining their faith
in God. Tey forgot so easily and provoked God incessantly. Tey questioned
the power and ability of God. Can God furnish table in the wilderness also?
they asked.
Tis is the situation with many today who claim to be believers. Tey always
question God; they receive from God but never get to trust Him for their
needs; they keep complaining no matter the explanations given to them.
Such believers never truly believe in God. Te problem with those plagued
by unbelief is that they cant truly walk with God. Unbelief breeds instability
in the faith, hinders intimate fellowship with God, delays answer to prayers,
stunt spiritual growth and makes the Christian life dreary.
To overcome unbelief, you need to consciously return to God and come into
abiding relationship with Him. Remember and consider always Gods mercies
and wonders in your life and those of others, feed on His word voraciously,
pray fervently and continuously walk closely with others of like precious faith,
talk often of your faith in God, testify of Him and avoid negative confessions.
God is faithful; if you do not forget Him, He will not forget you.
Unbelief dishonors God but faith pleases Him.
21st June
1 JOHN 2:12-19
KEY VERSE: Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that
antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know
that it is the last time (1 John 2:18).
Everywhere, you come across people masquerading as Christs ministers,
servants and disciples. Tey come in various garbs carrying all sorts of titles,
but their business is to oppose the Lord. Tey are false teachers. Tey are
enemies of the Lord, they are antichrists. Tese people are multiplying every
day, seeking disciples and followers who are ready to believe everything.
Antichrists have been in the world for a very longtime - from the days of the
early church. But who is an antichrist? He is a false prophet or disciple of
Christ, a fake miracle worker who makes merchandise of the people under
every pretext, preach the gospel that is void of self-denial and cross-bearing,
leads silly women captives, and dupes widows and orphans of their inheritance
under any guise. He distracts the congregation, manipulates people, his belly
is his god; he is a backslider who is pretending to still be in the faith. Usually,
an antichrist would have been in the true church with other believers but
under one excuse or the other, he leaves and begins to preach falsehood, and
promotes perversion. He is worldly, combines witchcraft, occultism, and
idolatry with church activities. He denies the Divinity of Christ and says that
Christ has come already or will not return.
In these last days, as the coming of the Lord draws nearer, there are many
that are being drawn to the ways of the antichrists. To keep yourself from
antichrists, you must examine yourself and be sure you are in the faith, test
the spirits and be sure that those who lead you and others with whom you
keep close company are not antichrists, keep away from strange teachings,
practices and doctrines of devils; have a sound knowledge of the word, be
strong in the Lord, and let the word of God dwell in you richly.
Antichrists seek money, not souls
22nd June
KEY VERSE: But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel,
even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts (1
Thessalonians 2:4).
Te believer is commissioned to preach the gospel. Yet, it is not everyone who
calls himself a believer who is t for the work. Many go about with the title of
preachers of the word of God, but not all are qualied. You might have heard
of the preachers who say, Do what I say and not what I do. Such preachers
are not t for the work.
If you are a true believer, it means the commission to preach the gospel is
yours. It means that you are entrusted with the gospel. But to be entrusted
with the gospel is a very sacred responsibility. Many who claim to preach do
not recognize that a great responsibility is laid on them. Many think it is a
light thing. For you to be entrusted with the gospel of God and not of men
means you have to meet Gods standard. And Gods standard is always high.
Many preach because of their belly or for mundane matters. Tey invariably
prepare people for hell by their selsh appreciation of the gospel. Tese are
not commissioned by Christ.
Tose assigned must possess certain qualities like Paul. Tey must be
committed to preach the gospel with boldness despite opposition; they must
be free from deceit, uncleanness and hypocrisy. Tey must not preach to
please men but God only. Tey must not be covetous.
Tat you are reading this outline today means that you have more than a
passing interest in the things of God. If you are a believer, then you ought
to preach. As a preacher, are you faithful to the Lord Who has entrusted you
with the gospel? Do you treat the gospel as Gods message for the salvation
of mankind? Do you realize that the way you handle it will determine your
hearers attitude to it? Does your life contradict it? Remember, your life is a
book before the eyes of your hearers; let them always see Jesus in you.
Te life of the believer is an open Bible for all to see.
23rd June
ROMANS 11:1-12
KEY VERSE: And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no
more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no
more work (Romans 11:6).
John Newton, an English poet and clergyman, wrote the hymn Amazing Grace.
Te song, which has a message of Gods forgiveness and redemption, was a
testimony of his salvation after being enmeshed in sin. Newtons life, at a time,
for those who knew him, was characterized by arrogance and recalcitrance. As a
sailor, he engaged himself in slave trade to eke out a living. On several instances,
he made a nuisance out of a ship captain, creating obscene poems and songs
about him. Sequel to these abnormal behaviors, he was imprisoned, chained like
the slaves and forced to work on a plantation in Sierra Leone near the Sherbro
River, aside from being nearly stabbed to death. Out of Gods mercy and love, he
got converted. On a memory lane, Newton sang the song, which expressed Gods
amazing grace to save him. He said: How sweet the sound that saved a wretch
like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.
Our text aptly explains this amazing grace of God. It depicts Gods unqualied
love for Israel. Te Jews missed the Messiah because they thought they had gured
things out perfectly about His coming. Paul noted that in spite of this, God did
not abandon them. He brought out the case of Elijah, who thought he was the
only one standing for God. God made Elijah understand that He still had seven
thousand men, who had not worshipped the image of Baal.
Salvation is by the grace of God, not by works. Today, many people, like the
Jews, are living in self-delusion. Some are employing carnal methods to justify
righteousness, while others are seeking for another messiah. Others condemn
people instead of perfecting holiness with the fear of God.
Te grace of God abounds and God does not abandon those whom He loves and
has chosen. As His commitment to the Jews was, so also is His commitment to
those who have placed their trust and condence in Christ. God will not forsake
Gods grace never comes too late; seek for it.
24th June
LUKE 5:12-16
KEY VERSE: And he put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will: be thou
clean. And immediately the leprosy departed from him (Luke 5:13).
John Paton and his family, missionaries in the New Hebrides Islands, did not know
other helper except Jesus Christ. One night, as some hostile natives surrounded
their mission station, with intent to kill them, they cried to God. Immediately,
God intervened, stopping the hands of the enemies. In the morning, Paton could
only see the attackers leaving without carrying out their evil plot. Te chief of
the tribe eventually gave his life to Christ. One day, as Paton remembered the
incident, out of curiosity, he asked the chief why the natives could not kill him
with his family as they had planned. Te chief said he was afraid when he saw
hundreds of men in shining garments with drawn swords, circling the mission
station, to defend Paton and his family. Tat was God in action, ever ready to
help those who diligently put their trust in Him.
Te man, in our text, was said to be full of leprosy. Leprosy is a dreadful disease,
just as sin is to the soul. Lepers, ordinarily, were not allowed to come into the city,
but this man was where he should not have been, perhaps searching for Jesus. He
had a strong conviction and condence in Christ as his only helper.
When the man saw Him, he quickly seized the opportunity, saying: Lord, if
thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. Even though the man had a dreadful
disease, Jesus put forth His hand and touched him, saying, I will: be thou clean.
Christs response shows His compassion and willingness not only to heal, but also
to meet all our needs.
Christs instruction that the man should show himself to the priest was for him to
be pronounced clean, as demanded by the law. Te man obeyed as he publicized
Jesus all along the way.
Many, today, hardly seek Christ with a pure heart, but trust in their wealth and
lying prophets. Step out of the multitude of mere followers and boldly proclaim
your faith in the Lord.
Anything under Gods control is never out of control.
25th June
KEY VERSE: And he shall do with the bullock as he did with the bullock for a
sin offering, so shall he do with this: and the priest shall make an atonement for
them, and it shall be forgiven them (Leviticus 4:20).
Tere is this story of a woman with her child who, on her way home on foot
across the hills of South Wales, encountered a blinding blizzard. As a guard, she
laid down in the hollow of a rock, but only concerned herself with her childs
safety. She wrapped him with every ounce of clothing she could nd and put
him beneath her body to keep him warm and alive. As she could not reach her
destination, people became agitated, looking for her. When the rescuers came,
she was already dead, but her tiny son was still alive. She had given up everything
she had to save her son. Te rescuers, however, expressed joy for seeing the boy
alive. Tat baby, who later grew up, was David Lloyd George, former British
Prime Minister and one of Englands greatest statesmen.
Te womans depth of love for her son aptly explains what Christ did for us. He
sacriced His life as a ransom for our sins. Christs vicarious death at Calvary
showed His unquantiable love for our redemption. Our text teaches us the truth
of the atonement. It is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. In the time
past, it was the blood of animals, but today, it is the precious blood of Jesus
From our passage, God instructed that if a congregation or ruler erred, there
should be blood atonement for the sin to avoid His wrath. Te load of that sin
would be borne by a guiltless animal. Today, Christ has become the propitiation
for our sin.
A leaders sin, as it is often said, is a leading sin. Trough a leaders sin, the
whole family or entire congregation, as our text revealed, could go into error.
Irrespective of ones position in the family, church or secular world, every sin
must be repented of. Patiently meditate on Christs substitutionary atonement
on the Cross and prayerfully accept this truth for eventual victory in every sphere
of your life.
His blood cleanses and atones for all sin.
26th June
1 TIMOTHY 3:1-13
KEY VERSE: Tis is a true saying, If a man desire the oce of a bishop, he
desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one
wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach (1
Timothy 3:1,2).
Professor Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (Dean Stanley), Dean of Westminster in
the 19th Century, speaking on the steadfastness of character said, Give us a
character on which we can thoroughly depend, which we are sure will not fail
us in the time of need, which we know to be based on principle and on the
fear of God, and it is wonderful how many brilliant and popular and splendid
qualities we can safely and gladly dispense with.
Leadership in Gods house is good work, an oce of divine appointment,
requiring diligence and application. Te Lord has spelt out in our reading the
qualications of those t to take up leadership roles in His Church.
In the world today, there are counterfeits everywhere, whereas genuine
disposition in character and attitude is almost taken as a sign of weakness. It
is sad to see that denominations replicate the world with people out of tune
with the divine blueprint occupying leadership roles. How will a blind man
lead the blind into safety? How will a sinner prepare saints for the rapture?
Ephesians 5:25-27 tells us the type of prepared believers Christ is coming for:
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave
himself for it; Tat he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water
by the word, Tat he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having
spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without
blemish. It will take a holy minister to prepare holy saints for the rapture!
Ultimately, every man must give an account of his stewardship to Christ.
Tose who are in the ministry with fake credentials and make merchandise
of others will give account; others with blessed credentials appointed to serve
others will also give account.
Many are called but only few will be chosen
27th June
PROVERBS 13:1-17
KEY VERSE: He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that
openeth wide his lips shall have destruction (Proverbs 13:3).
Te Bible is replete with passages that talk about the danger of unruly tongues.
A few example will suce.
In the book of Proverbs, believers are warned against dierent kinds of
tongues: a lying tongue (6:17), a mischievous tongue (17:4), a attering
tongue (26:28), a backbiting tongue (25:23), a tongue that sows discord
among brethren by tale bearing and whispering.
On the other hand, the tongue has the power to give life through proper
instruction (1:8,9) , teaching the truth (4:5-7), turning away wrath (15:1,2),
reproving evil that men do (9:8), and converting the lost sinner. No wonder
Proverbs 18:21 declares: Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and
they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
A preacher aptly said, Te tongue has great potential for good or for evil; with
it we may inspire condence or create doubt; we may win friends or alienate
the best of friends; we may win souls or drive people from the LORD; we
may improve marriages or destroy families. It is no wonder Jesus said, By
thy words thou shalt be justied, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned
(Matthew 12:37).
How can a bad, death-inducing tongue be made wholesome to utter only
things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of virtue, and
praise? It is only when the heart is cleansed, for Jesus said, Evil things come
from within, and dele the man. Why not humbly present your heart to
Jesus so that your tongue may be tamed?
Consider the plight of the hapless Amalekite who caused his own untimely
death simply because he wanted to curry king Davids favor (2 Samuel 1:6-
16). He paid dearly for the misuse of his tongue.
Te heart of the matter is the matter of the heart.
28th June
JOSHUA 10:28-37
KEY VERSE: And Joshua passed from Libnah, and all Israel with him, unto
Lachish, and encamped against it, and fought against it: And the Lord delivered
Lachish into the hand of Israel, which took it on the second day, and smote it
with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were therein, according to all
that he had done to Libnah (Joshua 10:31,32).
J. M. Buckley said, Do not wait for an opportunity, but work for it. Te
passage under consideration today summarizes Israels conquest of the
southern cities of Makkedah, Libnah, Gezer, Eglon, Hebron and Debir. Tis
comes immediately after the victory over the ve kings of the Amorites in
which the Lord hearkened to the prayer of Joshua and extended the daylight
until the battle was nished. For Joshua and Israel, there was no let up until
the victory was won. We can see the strategy that was employed; rst, they
divided the land for conquest: the southern cities then the northern cities. We
then see the strategy of persistence, consistency, intensity and commitment
until all the land was won leaving no enemy unchallenged and unconquered.
Sometimes, the strategy of surprise was used but they always depended on the
direction and promises of the Lord.
As the Church marches forward with a renewed passion for DAWN
(Discipling A Whole Nation), there are lessons to learn from the conquest of
Joshua and Israel. Our Lord, the Captain of the Host, has given the land for
us to possess and disciple. He has also given us the victory over the enemies
that would want to stand in our way (the world, the esh and the devil that
holds the souls of men in bondage). We must march forward with constant
faith and obedience to His command to go and teach all nations. To achieve
the needed result, there must be no compromise with the enemy.
Te beauty of it all is the reward, in time and eternity awaiting the faithful.
As Joshua conquered many of the territories and allotted them to the dierent
tribes, so will the Lord provide incredible rewards to the faithful who dared
to take Christ at His word.
Te path of honor for believers is in marching forward despite the odds.
29th June
HOSEA 1:1-11
KEY VERSE: And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of
whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great
whoredom, departing from the Lord (Hosea 1:2).
Te ways of God are confounding. God, who at sundry times and in divers
manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophet, speaks to us
today by His son, Jesus Christ. God used the family life of Hosea to speak
volumes to Israel. Yet, they could not understand this message of love and
compassion, just as it is with many today.
Our text captures the family life of Hosea the son of Beeri, who began his
ministry toward the part of the prosperous and morally declining reign of
Jeroboam II of Israel and spanned beyond the fall of Samaria. Hosea took
Gomer as a wife and they had three children: Jezreel, Loruhamal and Loammi
which were historically and prophetically symbolic. Gomer was unfaithful
to Hosea, just as the nation of Israel had been to God through willful
disobedience, perversions, idol worship and indelity.
Gomer was unfaithful to Hosea her husband, despite his sincere and genuine
love for her. She broke the heart of her husband, deled conjugal relationship
and sacred vows. Te case of Hosea and Gomer was to illustrate the
relationship between God and Israel. God is grieved and disappointed when
a believer goes back into sin. It is a betrayal of trust and a willful crucixion of
Christ the second time. Like Hosea, God is not willing that any sinner should
die in his or her sins. Tose who run after gods of power, pleasure, money and
worldly recognition commit spiritual adultery.
Hardness of heart against God and His love leads to erce judgment. When
we fall into sin, our relationship with God is broken. Tose who repent
and receive forgiveness from God are pardoned and spared from present
and eternal judgment. If your relationship with God is broken, now is the
accepted time to have it repaired.
Unfaithfulness destroys divine connection between God and man.
30th June
ROMANS 1:8-17
KEY VERSE: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of
God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew frst, and also to the
Greek (Romans 1:16).
Salvation from sin is the greatest inheritance anyone can possess here on earth.
Voluntary disobedience and transgression brought man into untold hardship,
depravity and sinfulness in nature and lifestyle. Te power of the gospel of
Christ that saves from sin is the only antidote to the problem of man.
Our text today explains Pauls desire and passion to visit the church in Rome,
so that he could impact unto them spiritual gifts to strengthen their faith.
Before now, the Roman church had demonstrated strong faith in God which
was recognized all over the world, because Rome was very strategic, being
the political center of the Roman Empire. Paul had not visited them before
but he was ready to preach to the civilized and uncivilized, educated and
uneducated so that they could be saved through the power of the gospel. He
said, I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise,
and to the unwise. Paul relied strongly on the power of the gospel of Christ
to give total freedom for man.
Sin is refusing to do Gods will and failing to do what God wants. Salvation
is provided for us by Gods grace, which He gives freely in Christ Jesus. It is
the power that saves us from spiritual bondage, power and dominance of sin,
and brings us into personal relationship with God by His spirit. Tis power
rescues us from the penalty of sin and delivers us from Gods coming wrath
through the gospel of Christ.
Te gospel has the life-changing power; and it is for everyone who identies
with the oer of salvation by faith. If you are not saved from sin, it is simply
because you rejected this simple oer that is made available to all men. Te
power of the gospel that saves from sin is available to you now, because the
scripture says, For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and
with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10).
Mans desperate need of Salvation is anchored in the gospel of Christ.
1st July
LUKE 24:1-13
KEY VERSE And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus
(Luke 24:3).
A four-year old boy whose father was a funeral director was puzzled one Easter
morning when he was told about the resurrection of Christ. He asked, Do
you mean that Jesus really rose from the dead? Oh, yes the teacher said.
Te boy shook his head and replied, I know my daddy didnt take care of
him because if he had, hed never get up again! From our text, the women
who went to the tomb early in the morning were greatly puzzled when they
discovered that the stone had been rolled away and the tomb was empty.
Tey didnt know what happenedhow to explain an empty tomb. Two
angels however conrmed the resurrection and reminded them that it was in
fulllment of Christs earlier prediction.
Mary Magdalene with other women ran to the disciples to tell them what
had happened. Pronto, Apostle Peter, rushed to the tomb and saw that it was
empty. It didnt dawn on the disciples that Jesus had predicted this. When
they left the tomb, they were perplexed by this incontestable tribute to the
truth of Christs resurrection.
In the early church, the resurrection of Jesus Christ was a central belief upon
which the gospel message was anchored. If anything, Christs resurrection
reminds us that this physical life is not all that there is. We do not need to eat,
drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die. Life is more than auence,
wealth and comfort. Tough death is certain, Christs resurrection and the
empty tomb make us to celebrate death rather than be grieved by it. Te
reason is, everyone who dies as a saved and pure Christian will rise again like
Christ, to live with God eternally.
God can create the greatest good out of the greatest evil.
2nd July
EZEKIEL 39:1-16
KEY VERSE: And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog
a place there of graves in Israel,..and there shall they bury Gog and all his
multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog. And seven months
shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land
(Ezekiel 39:11,12).
Holocaust survivor, Yehuda Bacon, who spent his early teens in concentration
camps, recounted that he burst out
laughing during the rst funeral procession he saw after liberation. People
are crazy, he said. For one person they make a casket and play solemn
music? A few weeks ago I saw thousands of bodies piled up to be burnt like
so much junk. Te Holocaust began in January 1933 when Hitler came to
power and technically ended on May 8, 1945. Between 1933 and 1945, more
than 11 million men, women, and children were murdered in the Holocaust.
Approximately six million of these
were Jews. Ezekiel described in our text that people from all over the world
would attack Gods people, who are pictured dwelling at peace in the land.
In a battle which is gruesome in devastation but also amazing in its detail,
Gog, the prince of Magog and his confederates will be completely defeated.
Verse 12 says that for seven months, the burial of these armies that will be
supernaturally destroyed will continue. Records show that there has been
less than 225 years of peace in this present world. After World War II and
the Holocaust, the world said, Never Again! Yet, the earth is now more or
less a graveyard due to the continuous, outrageous scale of bloodshed it is
Todays passage shows how fruitless it is to attempt to ght against God and
His people. People who put themselves in opposition to the Almighty will
face the full impact of His wrath. Te obstinate and rebellious should know
that time is running out. Today is the day of salvation.
Tose who undertake a rebellious mission
against God should take their caskets along
3rd July
2 CHRONICLES 31:11-21
KEY VERSE : And brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated
things faithfully: over which Cononiah the Levite was ruler, and Shimei his
brother was the next (2 Chronicles 31:12).
One of Hezekiahs rst important acts carried out in the rst year of his reign
was the reopening of the temple at Jerusalem. It had been closed about 16
years previously because Ahaz had turned to idolatry and had stripped the
temple of its valuables to pay the king of Assyria for help against Judahs
Hezekiah, in our text, set about re-establishing a more permanent order of
matters at the temple, including the specic ranks, courses and duties of
the priests and Levites. Also, he encouraged the people to pay their tithes
regularly to sustain the priests and maintain the temple. Te response was
more than enough. During the months that followed, there was such a
surplus of animals, grain, wine, oil, honey and valuables that places had to
be prepared to store or keep them, with priests appointed to oversee them to
avoid mismanagement of Gods resources.
Stewardship is a necessary sermon topic. But we should be more diligent in
practicing good stewardship after the congregation has done its part. Pastors
and leaders have a responsibility to properly manage funds given to the
Careful money management establishes credibility with the church as well
as with those examining the nances of the church. Sloppiness in this area
leads to mistakes and invites possible criminal activity. Proper fund-handling
procedures protect church funds and the reputations of those involved. God
requires faithfulness in management of all the resources He has made available
to all His servants in ministry. So, be faithful.
Jesus says, Feed my Lambs not Feed on My Lambs!
4th July
PSALM 129:1-8
KEY VERSE: Many a time have they afficted me from my youth: yet they have
not prevailed against me (Psalm 129:2
Sir Edmund Hillary was attempting to scale Mt. Everest and lost one of his
team members in a failed eort. He returned with a heros welcome in London
where a banquet was held in his honor and attended by all the powerful
people of Great Britain. Behind the speakers platform, they had hung a huge
blown-up photo of Mt. Everest.
When Sir Edmund Hillary rose to receive the acclaim of this distinguished
audience, he turned around, faced the picture and said, Mt. Everest, you
have defeated me but I will return! And I will defeat you! Because you cant
get any bigger and I can! Eventually, he did scale it and was the rst to
ever do so.
Te passage before us talks about the many troubles of Zion, the people
of God, which started from the earliest part of their history. It is a song of
how perseverance triumphs over persecution. Te metaphors in the passage
about plowers making their furrows on their backs were used to signify
how enemies aicted them. When God permits such plowing in our lives,
it produces a harvest of good fruit unintended by the enemies, so that our
troubles make room for our triumph.
When you are experiencing tough times, resolve to never nd fault with the
ways of the Lord even when you dont understand where He is taking you.
But the lesson is this: God is sticking with you no matter the challenge or
failure you have to endure. He is using them to help you grow BIGGER!
When you decide to live like a Christian, the world, the devil and negative
circumstances will stand in your way. But because God is faithful, your
troubles will lead to many triumphs.
God is faithful to turn our scars into stars!
5th July
KEY VERSE: Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe,
whose heart turneth away this day from the LORD our God, to go and serve the
gods of these nations; lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall
and wormwood (Deuteronomy 29:18).
A recent statistical analysis by David Barton graphically illustrates how
America has plummeted from righteous living, prosperity and success in the
last quarter century. Americas moral decline rapidly accelerated following
one event the U.S. Supreme Courts removal of prayer from the nations
schools. On June 25, 1962, 39 million students were forbidden to do what
they and their predecessors had been doing since the founding of the nation
publicly calling upon the name of the Lord at the beginning of each school
day: Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence on Tee and beg
Ty blessing over us, our parents, our teachers and our nation. America
has experienced radical decline in each of the four areas which the childrens
prayer touched upon: youth, family, education, national life. Te country has
lost her moral compass and respect for God; and has become a place where
everything goes, homosexuality, abortion and immorality.
Moses, in our text, warned the Israelites against turning away from God to
live like other people of the world. He told them that breaking their covenant
with God will be visited with divine wrath. Evil, famine, destruction, sickness
and premature death would be the attendant consequences. Teir destruction
will be so profound to be noticed by other people. Te path of sin is always
that of destruction.
Some of the disasters we witness today are simply Gods nger writing on
our wall. Records show that 50 million babies have been aborted in the
United States alone since the Supreme Court approved abortion in 1973.
Have we not invited earthquakes, Hurricane Katrina, economic disaster, etc.?
Gods speaking to us. We can ignore Him or listen to Him. But His mercy is
available to those who repent and turn away from sin.
You cant leave God behind to make progress.
6th July
JEREMIAH 48:35-47
KEY VERSE And Moab shall be destroyed from being a people, because he hath
magnifed himself against the LORD (Jeremiah 48:42).
At the National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, United States is written
on a grave, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He was believed to have died in
France during World War I (1914-1918). An inscription on the walls of the
tomb reads: Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to
From our text, Moab was destroyed from being a people because of her pride.
Pride made her magnify herself above Jehovah. She was equally punished for
her abundant idolatry and immorality. Chemosh was the national deity of
the Moabites. Its cult was imported to Jerusalem by king Solomon (1 Kings
11:7) along with the lewdness that go with it. God had to pronounce a curse
on Moab.
Pride is easier to recognize in others than in oneself. It is the opposite of
humility. Pride is rebellion against God because it attributes to self the honor
and glory due to God alone. Proud persons do not think it necessary to ask
God for forgiveness; they do not want to be seen as being wrong in anything
they do.
One writer, Ravi Zacharias commented on this ugly state of the depraved man
by saying that, In an attempt to be reasonable, man has become irrational. In
an attempt to deify himself, he has defaced himself. In an attempt to be free,
he has made himself a slave. And like Alexander the Great, he has conquered
the world around him but has not yet conquered himself.
An ugly worm goes through transformation to become a buttery. It is
only Christ that can work out spiritual transformation in any life that is
surrendered to Him. If you humble yourself and submit to Christ today, He
will transform your life for good and exalt you in due time. To remain proud
is to court Gods judgment.
God humbles the proud.
7th July
PSALM 30:1-8
KEY VERSE Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the
remembrance of his holiness. For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor
is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning (Psalm
To most people, singing praises in times of aiction and trouble is hard.
Tey are amazed when they see people in similar circumstances of life sing, as
captured by a song writer: Some people wonder why I sing when I am going
through storm. How can I even have a song when all things are going wrong?
Explaining his reason for singing, he says, I dont worry, I dont fret. My God
has never failed me yet, troubles come from time to time, but thats alright, I
am not the worry type because, Ive got the condence, God is gonna see me
through, no matter what the case may be, I know hes gonna x it for me.
Te Psalmist, in our text, urges Gods people to always sing unto the Lord
whatever the situation may be. He encourages us to remember Gods
holiness which is an assurance of His faithfulness. Drawing from his personal
experiences, he assures us that troubles are temporal, and will soon pass away
as the night gives way to a dawning day. His reasons for praising God in spite
of present unpleasant situation are drawn from Gods past dealings with him.
God had given him victory over his numerous enemies, exalted, healed and
prospered him.
Are you in the dark night of troubles? Dont despair. Trials in your life do not
necessarily mean you have fallen out of favor with God. Te troubles of life
cannot swallow the righteous. Recall Gods holiness and faithfulness to you in
times past and sing because weeping may endure for a season but joy cometh
in the morning. You have reasons to sing. Dont allow the pain of aiction
seize your voice. Open your mouth wide and sing. Begin now and go through
the day with a song. God will see you through.
Sing because troubles dont last all day.
8th July
LUKE 24:14-35
KEY VERSE: And when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had
also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive. And certain of them
which were with us went to the sepulcher, and found it even so as the women
had said: but him they saw not (Luke 24:23).
Tere have been many attempts to disprove the resurrection of Jesus from
the dead so as discredit His claims to be the Messiah and Gods approved
Savior of the world. But the proofs of His resurrection are too numerous to
be discarded.
His many post resurrection appearances to His disciples proved He rose from
the dead. In the passage for our meditation this morning, we nd Him join
two of the disciples as they travelled from Jerusalem to Emmaus in discussion
of His arrest, brutal crucixion and cruel death. But they were so grief-
stricken that they could not recognize the Savior. Tey reported the news of
the women who went to the graveyard and had found it empty and Peters
conrmation of the empty tomb. As Jesus listened to them, He rebuked their
unbelief, showing to them from the Scriptures that all that happened were in
line with Gods plan for the Messiah.
As they approached their destination, they persuaded the Stranger to lodge
with them because they felt it was getting late and too dangerous for Him
to keep travelling alone. As they sat over meal, Jesus blessed the meal and
suddenly, they recognized Him and He was gone! Teir hope came alive, their
faith resurrected and fear vanished! Tey rose and rushed back to Jerusalem to
announce what they had just witnessed.
Jesus is alive. Te countless millions of souls who have come to experience the
power of resurrection working in their lives - transforming them from dead,
hopeless sinners to living, triumphant saints prove that Jesus is alive. Te
truth of Christs resurrection establishes our faith in the power of the living
Savior. Since Hes alive, we can live.
Te empty grave is there to prove our Savior lives!
9th July
EZEKIEL 39:17-29
KEY VERSE: And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into
captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I
my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they
all by the sword (Ezekiel 39:23).
Tere is no smoke without a re, so says a popular adage. When the
body organs fail to function in the way it has been designed to function,
the conclusion is that something is wrong. Te right thing to do in such
circumstance is to nd out what went wrong in order to remedy it.
Christians, by divine design, are expected to live victorious lives. Tey are
supposed to reign in life over every power of darkness. Te church is to be
strong, dynamic and constantly victorious over all gates of hell. If there is a
reversal, then something is wrong.
Prophet Ezekiel proclaims the devastating judgment of God upon confederate
nations that were to attack Israel from Magog in our text today. He made
them realize that Israel was defeated and led into captivity in the rst place
because of their iniquity. God hid His face from them and did not rise up
to deliver them from their enemies because of their transgressions. God
had originally designed the nation of Israel to be unconquerable. No nation
was supposed to stand before them, let alone defeat them. But they lost this
privilege by deliberately sinning against God.
God will not defend sin. Tis may be the same reason Christians are defeated
and lose their position of authority and dominion today. Sin makes the
Christian become vulnerable and defenseless before his enemies. If the
Christian life is void of sin and the church is holy, no gate of hell shall prevail
against them.
Here is food for thought: why do we not see the signs of divine authority in
our lives and church as it used to be? For sure, there is no divine immunity for
the sinner in the church and outside it. So, depart from sin!
Sin strips its victim naked before the enemy.
10th July
PSALM 131:1-3
KEY VERSE: Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned
of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child (Psalm 131:2).
It is very common to see people who seek to assert and promote self today.
Tey are busy acquiring titles. Should you address them in the public without
attaching any of their titles, they take oence and demand an instant apology
from you.
Tis sharply contrasts with the testimony of king David in our text today
where he addresses God. It was easy, of course, for God to tell if he was
proud in heart or not. He was so condent about his humble disposition
that he could call Him to witness it. His position as a king and all his heroic
achievements, especially the killing of Goliath were nothing to make him
proud. He chose to behave as a child who had nothing in himself to be
condent or boastful about. He appeared to have fully understood what the
Lord Jesus was to teach His disciples many years later, that to get to heaven
requires taking the nature of a child; and that he, who must be great, must
become the servant of all. Is it surprising then that God was so fond of him
and called him a man after my own heart?
Proud looks, boastful talks and self-projections are alien to the Christian faith.
As believers, we must be humble as little children. Tere is no need to boast of
who we are, what we have and where we have been. Te true Christian is like
Christ in all things. Tough He is equal with God, yet He made himself
of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant.
How is it with you? What informs your taste, outlook, associations, ambition,
etc.? Is it pride, self-glory and the desire to be known? If this is so, then you
must repent and become just like a child. It is then that the Lord Himself will
lift you up.
Its the child-like Christian that is t for heaven
11th July
KEY VERSE: And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice
according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all
thine heart, and with all thy soul; That then the LORD thy God will turn thy
captivity, and have compassion upon thee.. (Deuteronomy 30:2,3).
It is very frustrating when you try to get through a particular door and you
nd you dont have the right key to unlock it. It is possible you have several
other keys with you; none of them will turn the lock if it is not the appropriate
key. You know how relieved you will feel when you eventually get the right
key. Now, you can unlock the door and gain access to whatever you need.
As Moses prophetically declares to the children of Israel all that would befall
them as a result of their backsliding and turning away from the Lord, he tells
them the singular key that will unlock their door of captivity and bring them
back to God and His favor.
Te requisite key is returning to the Lord with their whole heart in full
repentance and total readiness to keep His commandments. If they would
recall all the dealings of God with them and return, the Lord will return to
them and bring them out of captivity and establish them as a nation once
again. It does not matter what they have lost and where they have been
scattered all across the earth. Tey will certainly recover all and be gathered
together again. Te Lord even promised going beyond gathering them back
to their land to circumcising their hearts. Tis will enable them to love the
Lord with the whole heart.
You may fast, pray, visit prayer houses, give alms and do a lot other good
works, if you do not use the key of repentance and complete obedience to
Gods word, your situation will not change. God is willing to turn your
captivity around and help you recover whatever you have lost if you will
return to Him.
To win back Gods favor, you need the key of repentance and obedience.
12th July
JEREMIAH 49:1-22
KEY VERSE: Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart,
O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock.. though thou shouldest make thy
nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD
(Jeremiah 49:16).
Many power-drunk and sit-tight political leaders who were deposed thought
an end would never come. Many of them misused power and position,
oppressed the less-privileged, looted, maimed, killed and destroyed thousands
of innocent lives. But the way some of them were ousted and killed shows
that the time of the wicked oppressor is just for a while. Whether he likes it
or not, the table will certainly turn against him.
For centuries, Ammon and Edom had been sworn enemies of the children of
Israel. On several occasions, they had ercely opposed the Israelites, seeking
to hinder their progress and wipe them out of existence. In our text today,
God pronounces judgment against them and assures of their certain downfall
and defeat. Just as they had oppressed and harassed the children of Israel, the
table will turn against them and they will be judged and their lands would
be deserted. God told them not to be deceived by their perceived strength
and secured position as He, Himself, would judge them and bring them to
naught. Ten, the children of Israel whom they had ridiculed and oppressed
would have the last laugh over them.
Te Lord is using this to encourage believers that whatever form of oppression
and harassment they may be going through in the hands of wicked people,
He will surely turn the table against them. He is the avenger of the righteous
and will surely defend His people and cause.
As a believer, you dont need to take up physical arms against them, leave
them in Gods hands. He has promised to ght against all those who ght
against you and will surely prevail over them. Take consolation in the fact
that the wicked does not have the last laugh. Te table will turn and God will
make them to bow before you.
Te triumph of the wicked is for a while
13th July
KEY VERSE: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of
this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the
holy city and from the things which are written in this book (Revelation 22:19).
Distortion of ocial documents to achieve fraudulent purposes has become
the order of the day. But such behavior oend God, let alone when it involves
His own book. In this concluding chapter of the new Testament and the
entire Bible. God, through his messenger decided to sound a note of warning
to all.
Te angel of God who was speaking with John was about to end the message
when he emphasized the importance of all that had been revealed in the book
of the prophecy and warned that nobody should tamper with the message
either by adding or subtracting from it. He disclosed that people who fall
short of Gods expectations in this wise will face the wrath of God.
Te practice of Christianity today is characterized by lots of distractions.
In attempt to silence their conscience, many people have decided to either
expunge some portions of the Bible or distort the meanings of some passages.
Many have been deceived to believe that such distorted version of the word
of God is the whole truth. But no excuse is tenable before the infallible God.
Ministers of the gospel should make it a duty to teach their congregations the
entire word of God, irrespective of their personal views on any subject matter
in the scripture. Any attempt to do otherwise, the minister will bring Gods
judgment upon himself and members of his church.
As believers, the word of God has been given to us; we should respect
everything written in it without doubting. As believers, we believe that all
scripture is given by inspiration of God and it is protable for doctrine, for
reproof, for corrections, for instruction in righteousness, (2 Timothy 3:16).
For this reason, no part of the scripture should be discarded or distorted.
Te wisdom of man is foolishness to God.
14th July
PSALM 135:1-12
KEY VERSE: Praise the LORD; for the LORD is good: sing praises unto his name;
for it is pleasant (Psalm 135:3).
You did a great job is about the greatest ve-word expression anybody will like
to hear. Yes, we all love sincere praise and they are healthful. Tey contain not
only the vitamin of sense of fulllment but also the tonic of encouragement.
Monarchs are known to be more disposed to grant favor to those who praise
their personality and performance.
God Himself inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). Te Psalmist
was mindful of this truth when in todays text, he calls on the servants of
the Lord that stand in the house of the LORD, to constantly praise Him.
Everything that hath breath ought to praise Him. But this obligation rests
more on Gods priests and Levites that stand in the house of the LORD. For
the sheer privilege of being Gods associates, His praises should ceaselessly
ow from our lips, life and acts. Tis is not only pleasant to God but also
soul-lifting and faith-strengthening to us.
Reasons are also here advanced for the call to praise God. First, the Lord is
good. God is good by nature and all goodness ow from Him. He is, in every
way, pleasant; and praising Him is pleasant. Tis is particularly so for His
chosen ones whom He has adopted as He did Jacob of old.
Again, God deserves our praise for His greatness. He is the very fountain of
our existence and is innitely powerful. He is greater than all things man has
ever venerated. Te Creator and Manager of all nature and the Deliverer of
the helpless is most worthy to receive glory, honor and praise as best as we
possibly can muster.
Wouldnt you rather make it a habit to constantly praise Him? Te Lord
delights in it and is more disposed to bless those who are thankful.
Praise God for who He is and what He has done.
15th July
LUKE 24:36-53
KEY VERSE: Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand
the scriptures (Luke 24:45).
J. Oswald Sanders was perfectly right when he observed that Eyes that look
are common. Eyes that see are rare. Equally true is the fact that minds that feel
are common and minds that understand are rare. In no other area is this more
real than in spiritual matters.
It will be wrong to assume that after a little more than three years with Christ, the
disciples were still in darkness. Tey had been called out of darkness into Gods
marvelous light and even commissioned for service. Yet, Christ here had to open
their minds that they might understand the scriptures especially concerning his
death and resurrection. Te disciples were certainly devastated by the death of
their Master and were overwhelmed with a feeling of uncertainty. Te resurrected
Christ visited them at a venue where they huddled themselves listening to the
account of two of them to whom Christ had earlier appeared.
Apart from His reassuring words and demonstrations, He granted them the
necessary illumination of the mind so that they could fully comprehend the
meaning of the prophecies which foretold His death and resurrection. Upon this
atonement of His rests the hope of salvation of mankind. Having a proper insight
into this event eventually enabled the disciples to condently proclaim, in the
energy of the promised power, the universal gospel.
Gods word reveals His mind and truths which remain a mystery to the world.
Except the veil is lifted from the heart by the working of the Holy Spirit, we may
continue to grope even in areas we think we are most knowledgeable. Again, mere
knowledge is insucient to furnish us with the impetus we need to fulll Gods
will and work.
If we must be true witnesses of Christs redemption, we must seek the transformation
that results from the Spirits illumination. We also need the empowerment of the
Holy Spirit much as the disciples needed it in their day. Sincere desire, prayer and
consecration will make us obtain this and other blessings.
A blind heart is worse than blind eyes.
16th July
EZEKIEL 40:1-19
KEY VERSE And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and
hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to
the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all
that thou seest to the house of Israel (Ezekiel 40:4).
Tennessee Williams, an American playwright very aptly observed that Caged
birds accept each other but ight is what they long for. In the same way, believers
in Christ, like the blessed Abraham, are earnestly longing for a better country
a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God (Hebrews
10:10,16). How gladly such heaven-bound pilgrims receive information regarding
the Promised Land.
Te vision of Prophet Ezekiel which stretches from todays text to the end of
the book must have had a similar cheering eect on the Israelites who were in
captivity with the prophet. It was now twenty-ve years since they were displaced
from their land and fourteen years since Jerusalem and the great temple were
destroyed. In their discontent and nostalgic state, Ezekiel, on the twentieth day
of the rst Jewish month, saw an encouraging vision of a new and more glorious
Jerusalem, complete with its temple, priests and altar rising out of the ruins of
the former.
Tis passage of the Scripture is termed one of the most dicult. Te Jews, it
was said, will not allow any one less than thirty years of age to read it. And those
who read it are told that though they cannot understand everything in it, when
Elias comes he will explain it. None should be carried away by the details of
the measurements and forms of the envisioned edice which are not to be taken
literally, nor is it needful to labor to unravel the signicance of every nuance of
it. It is sucient to know that to Israel of old, it was a revelation of a coming
glory their restoration and the coming of the Messiah. For us, it points to the
revelation of the New Jerusalem, the eternal home of true believers, where Christ
will be King.
As long as we are in this world, we feel like the caged birds and captive Israel.
Tough earthly joys spring up here and there for us, they are mixed with light
aictions. Our eyes are on the weight of glory awaiting us in the better country.
Te best views are not in this world but up in heaven
17th July
2 CHRONICLES 32:1-23
KEY VERSE With him is an arm of fesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help
us, and to fght our battles. And the people rested themselves upon the words
of Hezekiah king of Judah (2 Chronicles 32:8).
And let us not trust to human eort alone, but humbly acknowledge the power
and goodness of Almighty God, who presides over the destiny of nations, and who
at all times has been revealed in our countrys history, let us invoke His aid and
His blessings upon our leaders. Tis was the submission of Grover Cleveland,
U.S. president (1837-1908) during his inaugural address. Great minds know that
when God is all you have, then He is all you need.
Perhaps no incidence demonstrates this truth more than the experience of Judah
under the leadership of King Hezekiah as found in todays text. Sennacherib,
king of Assyria, relying on his past military exploits, condently invaded Judah.
As is typical of tyrants, he resorted to intimidation when he couldnt overrun the
country as he thought. Trough a frightening letter and arrogant ranting of his
servants, he sought to discourage the subjects of Hezekiah and weaken their faith
in God.
Although Hezekiah made eort to physically safeguard his country and raised
an army, his trust did not rest on that arrangement. Be strong and courageous,
be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that
is with him: for there be more with us than with him: With him is an arm of
esh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to ght our battles,
he enjoined his people. And they believed him. Hezekiah and Isaiah turned to
the Lord in ardent prayer. And the Lord intervened. God sent a single angel
that discomted the Syrian army. Te disgraced Sennacherib returned to his base
where he was killed by his own sons.
Even if your life is right now besieged and the adversary is taunting you, if the
same God that fought for Judah is with you, you can be rest assured that victory
is yours. Heed the counsel of Hezekiah; place your faith in the Lord and seek His
face. Te arm of esh will fail you. Te Almighty God will ght your battles for
you if you wholeheartedly trust Him.
Te most terrible risk is to live without God.
18th July
PSALM 132:1-10
KEY VERSE A Song of degrees. LORD, remember David, and all his affictions
(Psalm 132:1).
Fading away like the stars of the morning, Losing their light in the glorious
sun; Tus would we pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered
by what we have done.
Dr. Horatius Bonar, a Scotland minister and writer compose this song that
another famous singer and composer, Ira D. Sankey sang at the funeral of C.
H. Spurgeon, the great London preacher. Yes, nothing can be truer: we will
all pass away some day, soon. But we will only be remembered by the good
deeds we have done on earth.
Attributed to King Solomon, this psalm was composed for dedication of the
temple he built for God. But notice the rst and predominant appeal here,
Lord, remember David
It was David who initiated the idea of building a betting temple for Gods
worship. He had vowed that he would not enjoy sleep in his own house until
he had found a habitation for the Ark of God. Although he was not allowed
to build, he made all the necessary preparations and provisions for it. For
Davids consummate zeal and love for God, Solomon here pleads with God
to remember the covenant He made with him. All Israel acknowledged the
pious deeds of David.
Solomon also prayed that God should help the ministers of the temple to be
clothed with righteousness a prayer relevant to all the servants of God in
all ages.
Today, believers pray to God to grant blessings on the merit of Christs sacrice.
We must however live a righteous lifestyle and serve God wholeheartedly to
leave a worthy legacy for future generation.
Leave a worthy legacy for future generations.
19th July
KEY VERSE I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have
set before you, life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that
both thou and thy seed may live (Deuteronomy 30:19).
Some folks have a knack for indecision. But an American Author, James Allen
Hightower, once said, Teres nothing in the middle of the road but yellow
stripes and dead armadillos. Indecision is dangerous. But in many cases, a
wrong decision is far more dangerous. And there are situations in which the
middle of the road does not exist.
Such is the case that Moses presented before the Israelites in todays text. He
had been used of God to guide them for many years. As he was winding up his
ministry, he had to rehearse Gods commandment before them, enumerating
the blessings the Lord had promised them if they obeyed Him.
Moses confronted them with an inevitable choice. See, I have set before thee
this day life and good, and death and evil, he declared. He did not only state
the only two options good and evil he indicated the consequences of each.
Good, righteousness, obedience, faithfulness would lead to life whereas evil,
ungodliness and disobedience would lead to death. Much as Moses further
recommended obedience so that they and their posterity would live happily,
the choice was theirs to make.
With Christs atoning death and resurrection, Gods redemptive power is at
work. But the choice to repent and be saved (Romans 10:8,9) or not is that
of every individual.
Your choice determines your destiny. Eternal life and heaven is the lot of those
who choose salvation and godliness. But eternal damnation (in hell) awaits
those who choose the way of unrighteousness in addition to their earthly
Nobody gets to heaven or hell by chance but by choice.
20th July
JEREMIAH 49:23-39
KEY VERSE: And their camels shall be a booty, and the multitude of their cattle
a spoil: and I will scatter into all winds them that are in the utmost corners;
and I will bring their calamity from all sides thereof, saith the LORD (Jeremiah
Te scriptures make it abundantly clear that God takes no pleasure in the
death of the sinner. Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no
pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way
and live; turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways (Ezekiel 33:11). Why does
a thrice-holy God visit calamity and death upon the people He has created?
From the fall of Adam till date, sin and disobedience have remained mans
bane. From petty thefts and little lying, man has advanced to big-time
robberies, adulteries and uninhibited idolatrous practices. Te nation of
Israel, borrowing from other heathen nations, had set aside Gods laws and
commandments to commit sin with impunity. Warning from prophets such
as Jeremiah never moved them.
Damascus was the capital of Syria, North of Israel. For failing to heed Gods
warning, it became ripe for judgment. In judging sin, God has no favorite.
Damascus was defeated by Nebuchadnezzar in 605 BC as declared by the
Lord that, I will kindle a re in the wall of Damascus and it shall consume
the palaces of Benhadad. Te same fate befell Kedar, Hazor, and Elam. Kedar
and Hazor were nomadic tribes east of Israel and were overrun in 599 BC.
Tese nations were cruel, wicked, proud and idolatrous, and were all judged
by God.
God is unchanging. For as much then as we are the ospring of God we
ought not to think that the God head is like unto Gold, or silver, or stone,
graven by art and mans device. And the times of this ignorance God winked
at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent (Act 17:29,30).
Repent and return to God now. Te wicked shall be turned into hell and all
the nations that forget God (Psalm 9:17).
Te door of salvation is still open.
21st July
PSALM 135:13-21
KEY VERSE The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the work of mens
hands. They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not;
They that make them are like unto them(Psalm 135:15,16,18).
A heated fancy or imagination, May be mistaken for an inspiration; True
but is this conclusion fair to make; Tat inspiration must be all a mistake; A
pebble stone is not a diamond true; But must a diamond be a pebble too? To
own a God who does not speak to men; Is rst to own and then to disown
again, Of all idolatry the total sum; Is having gods that are both deaf and
dumb. (John Byron).
Te psalmist, while extolling the nature and name of God, berated the idols
of the heathen as mere silver and gold. John Trapp puts it more succinctly
this way: Herodotus telleth us that Amasis had a large laver of gold wherein
both he and his guests used to wash their feet. Tis vessel he brake and made
a god of it, which the Egyptian devoutly worshipped. What a tragedy that
man worships what he has created.
Gold and silver are the most precious materials of which the idols were
framed. By singling them out, the Psalmist is directing our attention to the
senselessness of idol worship. Te Scripture conrms that covetousness is
idolatry. He is an idol worshipper who must get money at all cost and at the
expense of his soul (1 Timothy 6:10).
Our hands should not be deployed to mold idols for sinful worship. We
should rather honor and worship the true God through activities that would
enhance and further His work here on earth. Remember, idols cannot speak.
Tough their mouths, hands, eyes, etc. are patterned after Gods marvelous
work in man, they are mere fancy. Te question now is, should a living being
bow before a lifeless image?
Te idolater is as dead as his idol
22nd July
MATTHEW 7:24-29
KEY VERSE: Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth
them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock
(Matthew 7:24).
A building is as strong and enduring as its foundation. Fine architectural
design and colorful painting may add beauty and esthetic value to its external
look, but the durability of the structure is determined by the strength of
its foundation. Te capacity of any building to withstand certain climatic
pressures - the wind, the rain and other storms lies on the quality of its
Practical obedience to Gods word, not just hearing it, is comparable to
building a house upon a rock. Supercial Christianity is like a pack of cards
that crumbles. So also is a building that has no solid foundation. Christianity
is not an assembly of mere professors of religion but of regenerated people
empowered to obey the word of God. Jesus said unequivocally that whosoever
heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them.. (verse 24) will survive the
storms of life that is the lot of all men the world over.
Te Christian journey is not a bread and butter aair. It is obvious the rain,
the ood and the winds of everyday life shall descend upon our Christian
life by way of trials and temptations. When it does, will you stand or fall?
(Matthew 24:12,13).
Obey the word of God and help others to do the same. Our responsibility
as believers include assisting others to watch over their lives to ensure
conformity to the standard of the word of God. We must do so as we heed
the noble words of Apostle Paul: But I keep under my body, and bring it into
subjection, lest that by any means when I have preached to others, I myself
should a cast away (1 Corinthians 9:27).
Te sinking sand sustains no weight.
23rd July
EZEKIEL 40:20-31
KEY VERSE: And he brought me to the inner court by the south gate: and
he measured the south gate according to these measures; And the arches
roundabout were fve and twenty cubits long, and fve cubits broad (Ezekiel
God is supremely organized. His kingdom is divinely structured. In His
creative wisdom, He provides the sketch plan as well as the details. In the
construction of the human body, He has spared no eort and time to articulate
every joint and part into a working system. So it is with the building of His
spiritual kingdom.
Our text deals with the vision of the temple located in the city of the New
Jerusalem and its environs. Commentators have armed that Ezekiel saw this
vision 14 years after the Babylonians destroyed the old temple in 586 BC;
yet, his measurements were exactly the same. It is probably certain the vision
referred to the temple of the millennium (Revelations 20:3) with the sacrices
being only memorial in nature and pointing to the cross.
Te temple in Ezekiels vision is uniquely outstanding both in architectural
design and nishing. It is unsurpassed in beauty and elegance. Many places of
worship today do not resemble this, nor are they t as dwelling places for the
worshippers. Our places of worship should be a beauty to behold.
Israel is assured of restoration in the vision when the blessings of Christ shall
ow ceaselessly. Te church today is the Israel of God. Are you a member of
the invisible church? Ten, rest assured that soon, Gods glory would be made
abundantly manifest upon you.
Te glory of the latter day shall surpass the former.
24th July
PSALM 132:11-18
KEY VERSE: The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it;
Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. will I clothe with shame: but
upon himself shall his crown fourish (Psalm 132:11,18).
Gods ability to keep His word is never in doubt. He is omnipotent,
omnipresent and omniscient. Irrespective of persons involved - kings, leaders,
followers and sinners, God is able to fulll all His promises and no word of
His shall return to Him void.
Mans wisdom to place absolute condence in Gods promises is based on His
faithfulness, dependability and trustworthiness. He keeps covenant. He is not
a man that He should lie. He does not change; He places greater value on His
word than on His name. So, there is nothing He says that He will not do.
God had entered into covenant with the Psalmist, David, a man after His
own heart. He promised by an oath to set His children upon the throne in
an endless succession (2 Samuel 7:8-19). He had chosen Zion and desired it
for His habitation. God never turns from His purpose much less from His
promise solemnly ratied by oath. Did the promise become a reality?
Te expectations of this prayer were never fullled through Davids
descendants who were Kings of Israel and Judah. Tis was because of Israels
sin of forsaking the Lord, leading to the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC.
Te desires expressed in this prayer would be fullled only through Jesus
Christ, when He comes to reign forever in the Millennium.
Like every promise of God, the promise of perpetual succession was
predicated on continued implicit obedience of successive generations of
Davids descendants to His words. Applicably, we reap Gods blessings by
sowing actions of continued obedience to His commandments.
God is ever faithful to His covenants.
25th July
KEY VERSE: And Moses went and spake these words unto all Israel. Be strong
and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he
it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee (Deuteronomy
Parting words, spoken or written, are like bullets red from the barrel of a
gun; they cannot easily be called back. Over time, they act as a catalyst, urging
the people on towards their desired destination or avoidable disaster. Tat is
why leaders on the brink of parting with his people choose their words with
care and wisdom.
Moses, in our text, was in the process of relinquishing the leadership of the
people to Joshua. Joshua had been tested, being Moses Commander-in-chief.
But military expertise might not avail when leading people of diverse attitudes
in a civilian dispensation. Moses therefore had to reassure the people of Gods
leading role in their aairs, His choice of Joshua and promise never to leave
them nor forsake them.
Over the years, the children of Israel had developed implicit condence in
the leadership of Moses. Tough there had been ups and downs in their
relationship with God with regards to their obedience to Gods word and
faith in Him, they knew that Moses was faithful in writing the Law for them
to follow. It was a divine-human arrangement whereby they were to obey
Gods commandments while He, in turn, would bless, protect and keep them.
Moses encouraged the people to cleave to God through their obedience. Te
reason for this is, Gods promise has not changed: it is obey and be blessed.
Te Bible is the book of the law to be read as the absolutely inspired word of
Moses knew the end was near for him. Yet, he diligently prepared an
acceptable and God-chosen successor. Do you have any succession plan? You
are not indispensable and no one is.
A true leader must lead, not rule.
26th July
PSALM 136:1-26
KEY VERSE: O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth
forever (Psalm 136:1).
When we bless God for His mercies, we prolong them; when we bless God
for miseries, we usually end them. Praise is the honey of life which a devout
heart extracts from providence and grace.
A Christian servant, George Herbert, while recounting the numerous blessings
of God, once said, Tou hast given so much to me, give one thing more - a
grateful heart, not to be thankful when it pleaseth me, as if thy blessings had
spare days. But such a heart, whose purse may be thy praise.
One of the greatest obligation we owe God is to daily celebrate His marvelous,
unceasing and unfailing goodness in our lives as creatures made by Him.
Te psalmist made this clear in our text today. And as the book of Hebrew
emphasized, we are called to oer the fruits of our lips; that is, giving thanks
to His name (Hebrews 13:15) for His mercies endureth forever. Mercy is a
translation of a Hebrew word that includes aspects of love, kindness, mercy
and faithfulness.
We are called to give thanks to the King of kings and Lord of lords whom
angels adore. He does great wonders on earth. He made great lights, that is,
the sun, the moon and the stars for the benet of mankind.
Te greatest celebration should center on how He remembered us in our low
state. In our lost state, He sent His Son to redeem us from sin, death, hell
and all our spiritual enemies.
Te provision for our daily necessities is a clear demonstration of His mercies
that endureth forever. Tis calls for an unceasing reverence from all those who
daily appreciate Him.
To be an ingrate is a great sin.
27th July
PSALM 143:7-12
KEY VERSE: Hear me speedily, O Lord, my spirit faileth; hide not thy face from
me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit (Psalm 143:7).
Divine attention to the plea of the saint is so important to his sanctied
soul that the seeming withholding of answer makes him feel like he is in
darkness, cut o from the light. An answer to prayers illumines our heart and
countenance. Tough the specic thing we ask may not indeed be granted
immediately, the prayer of faith will not be disregarded. Tere is the promise
of an answer to the prayer of faith.
Te passage we are reading today outlines the contents of the prayer which
the Psalmist had made previously in verse 1. It is an earnest petition unto
God. It is the prayer of a saint overwhelmed by sorrow because of the enemy.
He seems to say if you do not answer my prayer now, it may come too late
It is therefore an expression of a dire need for divine help or intervention.
When answers are delayed, the one that prays often think God does not
hear him, but God surely can hear and He does actually hear and would do it
at the time it is best for our soul and providence. And this is the condence
that we have in him, that if we ask anything according to His will he heareth
us. And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask we know that we have
the petition that we desire of Him (1 John 5:14,15).
Tough some may seem troubled if answer is delayed, the assurance of
answered prayer brings peace to the saints. Moreover, Gods mercy comes
speedily when aiction and trials are getting near to the point we are not
able to bear them again (1 Cor. 10:13) Nothing is more certain than the fact
that God delights to answer our cry for help; but when answer is not only
delayed but refused, this is the peak of trouble. Te one that prayed ought to
search his heart to see whether he so regards iniquity in there, or, whether he
is morally unt to receive a blessing from God.
Te saints night of travail will end in a morning of praise.
28th July
2 PETER 1:19-21
KEY VERSE Knowing this frst, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private
interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy
men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:20,21).
A minister visited a poor woman in a hospital in Surrey, England. It was
during world war II. She was badly injured as a result of bomb explosion
at her home. She said, Ive lost everything husband, home and earthly
possession. After a moments pause she said, Ive lied! I have the Lord and
His word to begin my new home with. Tese are treasures beyond compare!
Te Bible is a glorious treasure from the heart of a loving God. It does not
just contain the word of God, it is the word of God. Other books are written
to meet our need for information; the Bible was given for our transformation.
Mr. Harold Hill, a consultant in space program in the United States told a
story that gave credence to the credibility of the Bible as Gods word. Te
positions of the sun, moon and the planets out in space were being checked
to know where to send a satellite that will not damage other earth bodies later.
Tey ran the computerized instrument of measurement back and front over
the centuries and it came to a halt to indicate that something was wrong.
Tey discovered later that a day was missing. Tis remained a mystery to
them until a religious fellow among them revealed during a Sunday school
lesson how Joshua commanded the sun to stand still in battle against their
enemy (Joshua 10:8-15) accounting for 23 hours and twenty minutes and
how God showed Hezekiah sign by turning the shadows backward (I king
20:9-11) accounting for the balance of 40 minutes.
Tere is a big dierence between the books that men make and the book that
makes men. Te Bible is sent by God to transform and prepare lives for a
blissful eternity.
Read the Bible to be wise.
29th July
KEY VERSE And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall
be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more
pain: for the former things are passed away (Revelation 21:4)
Michael Faraday, was a Chemist, electrician and philosopher. A distinguished
scientist put this question to him: Have you conceived to yourself what will
be your occupation in the next world?. Hesitating a while, Faraday answered,
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man,
the things that God hath prepared for them that love Him (1 Corinthians
2:9). And then he added, in his own words I shall be with Christ and that
is enough.
Te present earth will not last forever. After Gods great judgment re
consumes the earth, He will create a new heaven and a new earth that will
be eternal (Isaiah 65:17; 66:22). Te new heaven and new earth will be a
permanent home of Gods faithful servants who have labored on earth for
His glory. Its a place of everlasting comfort. And God shall wipe away all
tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed
away (Revelation 21:4). In fact, the streets are glassy and the glory of God
electries them. Christ the Prince of peace will be there. Te devil and all his
demons are forever banished from there to the lake of re. And how about
the reunion of the Christian faithful, friends and families in the bosom of
the Lord forever? Te beauty of the new heaven and new earth is beyond full
Te hope of a blissful, eternal fellowship with God in heaven should
strengthen our resolve to go through all negative and painful experiences of
life. Whatever is the experience you are going through now, the Bible assures
that God will make all things new. Remain holy, faithful and committed to
the Lord and His word to the end.
Thoughts for the Day
No city on earth is like the new Jerusalem
30th July
2 CHRONICLES 32:24-33
KEY VERSE: Howbeit in the business of the ambassadors of the princes of
Babylon, who sent unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the
land, God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart (2
Chronicles 32:31).
William Carey said on his death bed to a fellow missionary who had spoken
highly of Careys accomplishments, when I am gone, speak less of Dr. Carey
and more of Dr. Careys Savior.
Living only for the fading glory of this world, Napoleon Bonaparte wrote
in his memoirs: I die before my time and my body shall be given back
to the earth to be devoured of worm. What an abysmal guilt between my
deep miseries and the eternal kingdom of Christ. I marvel that whereas the
ambitious dreams of myself and of Alexander and the Ceaser should have
vanished into thin air, a Judean peasant Jesus, should be able to stretch his
hands across the centuries and control the destinies of men and nations.
Our text today exposes the tendency for vain glory in the heart of men. King
Hezekiah, no doubt, had a very successful reign in Judah. He accomplished
much by the mercy of God. At the point when he should have died he was
restored back to life and given additional fteen years to live. It was during
this period of grace that Manasseh, who took over from him was born. And
Hezekiah prospered in all his work.
He however became proud afterwards. Rather than ascribe all glory to God
when some envoys came to inquire about his miraculous healing and exploits,
he pointed to his own accomplishments. Pride elevates personal abilities
above Gods or treats with disdain His work in us.
Tough healthy self-esteem, self-condence or good feelings about our
accomplishments are not sinful, God objects to foolish attitude of taking full
credit for what He has done or setting ourselves up as superior to others.
No one falls from the ground but from the top
31st July
PSALM 133:1-3
KEY VERSE: Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell
together in unity! (Psalm 133:1).
In 1765, John Fawcett was called to pastor a very small congregation at
Wainsgate, England. He labored there diligently for 7 years. His salary was
however so meager that he and his wife could scarcely obtain the necessities
of life. Tough the people were poor, they compensated for this lack by their
faithfulness and warm fellowship.
Ten Dr. Fawcett received a call from a much larger church in London. And
after lengthy consideration, he decided to accept the invitation. As his few
possessions were being placed in a wagon to go, many of his parishioners
came to say good-bye. Once again, they pleaded with him to reconsider his
decision to leave them.
Touched by this great outpouring of love, he and his wife began to weep.
Finally Mrs. Fawcett exclaimed, O John, I cant bear this. Tey need us so
badly here. God has spoken to my heart too, was his reply He then said,
tell them to unload this wagon! we cannot break this wonderful ties and
fellowship. Tis experience inspired Fawcett to write a hymn Blest be the
tie that binds our heart in Christian love! Te fellowship of kindred mind is
like to that above.
Harmony makes the church a positive example to the world and helps draw
others to the Lord; it helps us to cooperate as a body of believers as God wants
us to; it gives us a foretaste of heaven; and it renews our ministry.
Living in harmony does not mean we will agree on everything or live together
in a secluded environment. Tere are bound to be divergent opinions just as
there are many notes in a musical chord. But we must agree on a common
purpose of working together for Gods glory. Tis requires a great deal of self-
eacement and humility.
Unity promotes greater usefulness.
1st August
KEY VERSE: And he gave Joshua the son of Nun a charge, and said, Be strong
and of a good courage: for thou shalt bring the children of Israel into the land
which I sware unto them: and I will be with thee (Deuteronomy 31:23).
Tere are people who take God for granted. Tey despise the riches of His
goodness, forbearance and longsuering, not allowing Gods goodness to lead
them to repentance.
Sti-necked, the children of Israel had consistently disobeyed God and Moses,
His servant. He was denied entry to the land of promise when they provoked
him to anger. Prior to his departure, God chose Joshua as his successor to
take the people to Canaan.
God told Moses that the people would grow worse as soon as they settle in the
land that owed with milk and honey. Moses warned them against the dare
consequences of relapsing into sin. It would not have taken God anything to
wipe o the entire nation of Israel, especially as He knew they were bound
to continue in their rebellion. Yet, He decided to choose another leader for
them. As a faithful God, He still remembered the covenant He made with
their fathers.
Our lesson today focuses on Gods charge to us as believers and His loving-
kindness to us. Although we have failed Him in the past, He exercises
patience with us in the hope that we would become steadfast and serve Him
wholeheartedly. His mercy and patience with those who are inconsistent in
their walk with Him will not continue forever.
Believers who have left their rst love on account of earthly riches and wealth;
who have eaten and lled themselves and waxen fat, and turned unto other
gods and served them, need to amend their ways before it is too late. God will
not plead forever. Tose who have taken His mercy and patience for granted
will nd Him a Judge.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
2nd August
JEREMIAH 50:17-34
KEY VERSE: And I will bring Israel again to his habitation, and he shall feed on
Carmel and Bashan, and his soul shall be satisfed upon mount Ephraim and
Gilead (Jeremiah 50:19).
A story is told of a father who was so embarrassed by the report of his sons
involvement in capital oences that had earned him frequent arrests by the
police. He had gone to bail him out and tried to talk the young man out of
his evil way, but to no avail.
A day came when his son was arrested again in connection with bank robbery.
He was subsequently charged to court, and risked jail term. But his father,
though he had determined not to rescue him any longer, was moved to tears
when he saw the frail-looking young man in the court room and feared he
might die if he was allowed to go to jail. His intervention saved his son who
was eventually discharged and acquitted.
In our text today, we see the anger and mercy of the Lord. In His anger, He
had scattered Israel and allowed enemy nations to aict them. But when
they cried unto God, He decided to take vengeance on Babylon. Te enemies
laughed at Israel and punished them in the hour of their weakness when they
disobeyed God. But the enemy nations did not know that theres no way a
father could watch his son tortured to death for disobeying him, let alone the
heavenly Father who forgives and forgets. By allowing them to be punished,
God had already made His point that He does not condone sin. But He
cannot also leave the repentant prodigal to perish in the hands of the enemy.
Believers who are under the torture of Satan for their sins can borrow a leaf
from our lesson today. Tey can tell the enemy it is enough by repenting of
their sins and seeking pardon from God. He will make good His promise to
forgive sin and restore the prodigal who repents.
For the repentant, aictions shall not endure forever.
3rd August
PSALM 137:1-9
KEY VERSE: How shall we sing the Lords song in a strange land?
(Psalm 137: 4).
A godly but an invalid woman who was bed-ridden in the city of Elmira, New
York, was asked if she sometimes got discouraged. She answered: How can
I be discouraged when my heavenly Father watches over each little sparrow
and I know He loves and cares for me. Tis response gave rise to one of the
favorite songs we sing today - His eye is on the sparrow.
Satan and his agents appreciate good things and seek ways to destroy
such precious souls. Israel had been in captivity in Babylon because God had
allowed it to teach them a lesson for their rebellious acts. Te Babylonians
knew the aura associated with songs of Zion. Even the enemies knew the
melody of such songs and how soothing they were to the ears. Te captors
took their captives to the River of Babylon to poke some jokes and make
caricature of them. One of such was a demand for them to sing us one of
the songs of Zion.
Today, many believers whose voices once encouraged fainting souls, extolled
the supremacy of God above every other name and sang melodiously in the
assembly of children of God, are now using same talents to serve the devil in
club houses and other unholy places.
How do you react when you nd yourself in a strange place and you are
called to lead prayer or song before an unholy event because the people at
the gathering recognized you as a believer? But how shall we sing the Lords
song in a strange land? We must remember that those who use us as objects
of caricature today, who seek our hurt for no just cause shall be like Babylon
who was eventually overthrown by God. Do not smear your testimony; hold
fast that which you have.
If thou faint in the day of thy adversity, thy faith is small.
4th August
EZEKIEL 40:44-49
KEY VERSE: The length of the porch was twenty cubits and the breadth eleven
cubits; and he brought me by the steps whereby they went up to it, and there
were pillars by the posts one on this side and another on that side (Ezekiel
At the age of fty-ve, Edward Mote realized a life-long dream. Largely
through his personal eorts, a building for a Baptist congregation was erected
in the village of Horsham, Sussex, England. Te church members, out of
gratitude to Mote, oered him the deed to the property. He refused their
oer, saying: I do not want the chapel; I only want the pulpit, and when
I cease to preach Christ, then turn me out of that. Here, Mote ministered
faithfully for the next twenty-one years. He was later the writer of the song,
On Christ the Solid Rock.
From our text, the temple in Jerusalem had been pulled down by the enemies
who invaded the land. For several years the land laid waste; but in line with
the plan of the Almighty God, He decided to remember Israel and rebuild
the temple. In a vision, Ezekiel had seen himself upon a high mountain in
Israel and a man with a measuring reed (tape). He was told to take record
of what he was being shown. Ten his guide began to measure according
to specications. In that vision, he saw a temple and every item of worship.
Inside the temple were places specially carved out for the priests and other
Te essence of the house of God is to make an altar of worship to the intent
that the pure word of God issues out from the holy place to save the soul of
man. If it were for the sake of erecting edice to stand as a monument, God
would most probably have not taken interest in the rebuilding of the temple.
Like Edward Mote in our illustration, what mattered to him was that the
gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ be preached from the chapel in Horsham.
God is not really interested in a temple made by hand, but in us, the human
temple. Perhaps, the temple of God in your life had been broken by the
enemy. Yet, the Almighty can reconstruct it. Why not oblige Him?
He brings an edice out of the ruins.
5th August
2 CHRONICLES 34:1-13
KEY VERSE: And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord and walked
in the ways of David his father and declined neither to the right hand nor to the
left (2 Chronicles 34:2).
Tell them to stand up for Jesus, the nal words of a twenty-nine-year-old
Episcopalian minister, Dudley Tyng, as he spoke from his deathbed to a group
of sorrowing friends and fellow ministers. Te result was a great city-wide revival
that swept across Philadelphia in 1858.
Josiah came to the throne at a time when idolatry was at its peak in Jerusalem.
Te eighth year into his reign, he decided to stand up for God by carrying out a
great reform in the land. He began to seek after the God of David his father, and
in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places
and the grooves and the carved images and the molten images.
And when he had broken down the altars and the grooves and had beaten the
graven images into powder, and cut down all the idols throughout all the land of
Israel, he returned to Jerusalem, (verse 7). It was after he did this that he now
commissioned the rehabilitated house of God.
In our contemporary time, we hear people talk about carrying out reforms. Yet a
cursory look at most of the so-called reforms in some countries do not meet the
standards of what good reforms should be. Te major problem is that those who
claim to carry out reforms hardly know what reforms mean. Many people have
failed to realize that without God, it is impossible to achieve a worthwhile reform.
Whether in social, religious or economic aspects of life, reforms are needed to
achieve a better result. Te Bible says, If any of you lack wisdom, let them ask of
God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, (James 1: 5, 6). Believers who refuse
to use their inuence to positively aect lives are not representing Christ and are
therefore not living in accordance with divinely-ordained standards.
Only the best is good enough for God.
6th August
PSALM 134:1-3
KEY VERSE: Behold, bless ye the LORD, all ye servants of the LORD, which by
night stand in the house of the LORD (Psalm 134:1).
A group of destitute came to a rich man, pleading for help. Tey were not only
hungry, needing food but also naked needing clothes. Above all, they were
frail and sickly, needing medical attention. Te rich man had compassion
and met all their needs. Te following day, one of them came back to express
gratitude. Te rich man then said, because you are the only one that came
back to express gratitude you will be adequately rehabilitated, and he did
exactly that.
Te Psalmist specically admonished the servants of God, who stand in the
house of God to bless him. Why? It is simply because the ministers of God are
known to always pray to God on behalf of others to cause things to happen.
Terefore, the tendency is there for them to continually bring petitions to
God, forgetting to bless him for the ones he has done. Tis, however, does not
apply only to the servants of God, but to many believers today.
One of the things many believers have taken for granted is the benevolence
of God. It is taken for granted and abused. Some people ignorantly believe
that since God is good by nature, He must always be good to them. For that
reason, they enjoy the goodness of God as of right without really considering
its value so as to appreciate God by way of thanksgiving.
Te psalmist, in our text, however knew better. He knew that all good gifts
come from the Lord. He knew that knowing the Lord itself is by grace, a gift,
not of works, lest any man should boast (Eph. 2:8). It is therefore important
to note that praising God attracts a lot of blessing on its own. For this reason,
every living being should praise the Lord. When we appreciate Him for what
he has done for us, as the psalmist admonishes us, He will be prepared to do
He who fails to show appreciation for favor received is an ingrate.
7th August
KEY VERSE: Because I will publish the name of the Lord: ascribe ye greatness
unto our God. He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment.
A God of truth without iniquity, just and right is he(Deuteronomy 32:3,4).
One fact about God is that He is good. But for mans disobedience in the
Garden of Eden, He would have kept man in everlasting fellowship with
Him, away from any form of hurt, suering and lack. Yet, He still does not
fail to show His love. But how many people acknowledge this?
Tat is the purpose of Moses song to the people of Israel which constitutes
our text today. Trough the medium of songs, he recounted before them the
greatness and goodness of God unto them, though Israel corrupted itself. He
did this to the intent that they might be restrained from turning aside from
the way of the Lord after his departure. He reminded them that God is the
Rock whose work is perfect, a God of truth, without iniquity and a just and
upright God.
Today, many people are not considerate enough to count the blessings of God
in their lives. Tat is why they still wander aimlessly as if every good thing
in their lives is the result of self-eort. Tey, therefore, do not deem it t to
yield their lives unto God. Yet, if they think deeply, they will recognize the
goodness of God in their lives and surrender wholeheartedly to God.
You may want to say, like Jacob before Pharaoh in Egypt, few and evil
have the days of the years of my life been, yet he gave himself to God in
spite of that. We may not be fair enough with God, if what we do is always
look at the dark side of life; what about his numerous acts benevolence? Have
we forgotten that many are not even alive today to count their losses?
Rather than look at the dark patches of life, we better count our blessings.
Doing so will reveal how good God is; it will spur us to appreciate and submit
to him, which in turn will encourage God, to load us with greater blessings.
Always think of what God has done for you, not what He has not.
8th August
PSALM 138:1-8
KEY VERSE: I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy
loving-kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnifed thy word above thy
name(Psalm 138:2).
Tough our text today speaks about the readiness of David to praise God for his
goodness unto the faithful, yet, there is one striking thing we should focus our
attention upon. It is the mystery behind the fact that God magnies his word
above his name.
Te Psalmist, in uttering the above statement knew the depth and signicance
of Gods name, such as, the Almighty God; Jehovah; I Am that I Am; Eternal
Rock of Ages, and his attributes: Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi; Jehovah Shalom;
the Eloim; Jehovah Sabaoth and so on. Te enthralling tithes nothwistanding the
psalmist, still reached the conclusion that God magnies his word more than his
What the Psalmist simply mean is that God honors His word always. His word
is His bond. He will cease to be the Almighty God if He says something and is
not found to be so. Tat being so, He will not be taken more seriously than the
idols of the earth. More so, He will consequently not be deserving of our praises
and worship.
Te implication for us today is that standing by our word is what confers on us
our integrity. Surprisingly, many people, even believers, make promises without
any sense of commitment to fullling them. Yet do not see that as unfaithfulness.
Since God magnies His word above His name; then, He must therefore fulll
all His promises. Tat is exactly what our Lord and Savior Jesus meant when He
said heaven and earth shall pass away but one jot or tittle shall in no wise
pass from the law, till all be fullled, (Math. 5:18). God is asking us to hold him
accountable for His word when he warned that no one should add to his word or
subtract from it (Rev. 22:18,19).
Children of God must, therefore, be highly sensitive to the things we say and be
committed to doing them for that is the measure of our integrity.
Te barometer of our integrity is strict adherence to our word.
9th August
EZEKIEL 41:1-26
KEY VERSE: So he measured the length thereof, twenty cubits; and the breadth,
twenty cubits, before the temple: and he said unto me, this is the most holy
place (Ezekiel 41:4).
God is reputed to know the end from the beginning. Indeed, all secret
things belong to him. However, He often comes to mans aid by revealing
certain important things that pertain to life, so as to facilitate divine-human
Tat is the situation with our text today as the revelation shown to Jeremiah
in captivity had to do with the future (millennial) Jerusalem, this time the
design of the temple of the Lord. In the 25th year of Israels captivity of
the Babylonians had shown Ezekiel the details of the millennial temple: the
measurement of the post, the wall, the side chambers, the galleries, the inner
temple, porches of the court, the narrow windows and the altar of wood.
Te believers body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. As He declared the temple
as the most holy place so Our body must be presented a living sacrice, holy
and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service (Rom. 12:1).
Many people often ignorantly claim ownership of their bodies, a reason they
give for using their bodies according to their whims. Teir claim negates
Gods position and his time-tested word: For ye are bought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods (1
Corinthians 6:20). Te fact is that God is interested in what we drink and
eat with our mouth, what we watch with our eyes, where we go with our
legs, what we listen to with our ears, the things we say with our tongue, the
thought we entertain with our heart, the friends we keep and our reaction to
issues, among others.
It is therefore important for us to examine ourselves very well. If we have been
using any part of our body in any way that does not glorify God, there is need
for repentance, re-adjustment and correction.
Nothing prots better than living to glorify God
10th August
PSALM 139:1-13
KEY VERSE: Thou knowest my down sitting and mine uprising, thou
understandeth my thought afar off. Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? Or whither
shall I fee from thy presence? (Psalm 139:2,7).
Te ostrich is reputed as the biggest ightless bird on earth, but has
peculiar characteristics of hypocrisy, pretence and deception. Tis, he does in
a ludicrous manner. At the approach of trouble, ostriches lie so low, pressing
their long necks to the ground, creating an impression that they bury their
heads in the ground and so oblivious of what is happening around them.
Te futility of hiding from someone who can see through us seemed to
inform the Psalmists submission in our text. He acknowledged that God
knew everything about him: his down sitting and uprising, all his ways and
even his thought. Te sky, belly of the earth and inside the sea are all alike
open and accessible to God, he said. It means therefore that no one can do
evil and hide himself from God. How disgusting is it today that many people
still live under the illusion that they can do evil without being found. In fact,
some carry on as if there is no God, while some, though have the knowledge
of God, but deny the power thereof. Tere are people who commit heinous
crimes like murder, arson, terrorism, rape, kidnapping, ritual killing and other
heinous crimes and then go underground, with the erroneous assumption
that they cannot be caught. Tey seem to be ignorant of the fact that sin
against humanity is also sin against God and they can never hide from the
omnipresent God.
All other sins, no matter how small, will also not go unnoticed and unpunished
by God. Be it idol worship, immorality, covetousness, lie, theft, ungodly
disobedience to constituted authorities, malice, backbiting, drunkenness,
treachery and many others, whenever and wherever committed, they are all
open to the eternal God, and will be appropriately judged.
From God, you can only run, but cant hide.
11th August
JEREMIAH 50:35-46
KEY VERSE: Thus saith the LORD of host, the children of Israel and the children
of Judah were oppressed together: and all that took them captives held them
fast; they refused to let them go. Their Redeemer is strong; the LORD of host
is his name: he shall thoroughly plead their cause that he may give rest to the
land, and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon (Jeremiah 50:33,34).
Not long ago, a nation (name withheld) laid siege against a smaller and less
powerful neighbor. Te stronger nation eventually occupied the land and
even annexed it to his own. However, that act of impunity would not be
accepted by a foremost nation which, therefore, warned the invader and
gave it ultimatum to halt the oppression and pull out. Te refusal to heed
the warning attracted a severe retribution from the powerful nation which
mobilized some other allies to fane the aggressor nation. At the end, the
occupied nation was delivered and the aggressor severely battered.
Te above is close to the scenario of our text today. God decided to destroy
Babylon for its continued oppression of Israel and Judah. Te Lord looked at
Babylon itself and saw that it was a sinful nation and a proud worshipper of
idol. He, therefore, decided to mobilize the Medes and the Persians against
it. Te sword of the Lord would, through the Medo-Persians, come upon
Babylon and utterly destroy it. Worse, all, the land shall no more be inhabited
forever as it was to be subjected to perpetual desolation as Sodom, Gomorrah
and their neighbors were. Te most interesting thing was that the king of
Babylon who was dreaded by all until then would have information about
the imminent invasion of the Medo-Persian army but would be incapable of
doing much about it for he would become feeble, fearful and cowardly.
If you are in the category of the oppressed, dont be discouraged. Dont give up
the faith because the Lord God, our Redeemer is watching with full interest,
the impunity and wickedness of the oppressor and persecutors. He will never
leave his own for the devil. As you relax yourself in the comforting arms of
the Most High, watch Him as He turns your aggressor into a defeated for.
Te Lord shall ght for you and ye shall hold your peace.
12th August
EZEKIEL 42:1-20
KEY VERSE: When the priests enter therein, then shall they not go out of the
holy place into the utter court, but there they shall lay their garments wherein
they minister; for they are holy(Ezekiel 42:14)
Te world in which we live has become a busy, fast-moving and noisy place.
Te secret of daily victory lies in the time spent before God in our chamber
when we allow the Spirit of God to point our attention into the details of our
life and the expectations of God concerning what we are expected to do for
Prophet Ezekiels encounter with the Spirit of God here and the detailed
attention he is pointed to in the chambers illustrate the demands that God is
putting on all of us. Beyond individual lessons, ministers and workers have a
lot to learn from the passage.
Both our private and public lives must be seen to be above reproach and
we are to conduct our activities with orderliness and in holiness. Just like
the priests that minister before the Lord in the holy chambers are expected
to spend much time before the Lord so also servants of God whose work
must be found to impact and transform lives positively must develop a life of
deeper devotion and meditation.
Explaining the main thrust of the message of the passage, a commentator
says Tose that have public work to do for God and the souls of men have
need to be much in private, to t themselves for it. Ministers should spend
much time in their chambers, in reading, meditation, and prayer, that their
proting may appear
If we learn to kneel before God, we will stand before men.
13th August
2 CHRONICLES 34:14-33
KEY VERSE: And the king stood in his place, and made a covenant before
the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep his commandments, and his
testimonies, and his statutes, with all his heart, and with all his soul, to perform
the words of the covenant which are written in this book. And he caused all that
were present in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it. And the inhabitants of
Jerusalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers (2
Chronicles 34:31,32).
Just as the popular saying goes that a leaders sin is a leading sin, likewise a
leaders godly example is a leading example. Josiah, though tender in age when
he ascended the throne, he made up his mind to seek the Lord and restore true
worship in Judah. It is not surprising therefore, that his reaction to the word
of the Lord demonstrates true penitence and proven determination to obey the
One signicant dimension to his godly leadership as narrated in the passage is
his commitment to inuence others positively towards returning to the Lord and
true worship. It is also instructive to note that Josiah demonstrated true evidence
of repentance by taking away all the abominations and idolatrous practices that
have polluted the land and provoked the anger of the Lord against the people of
God. He also instructed the priests to begin the process of teaching the people
the law of God again so that they would not continue to live in disobedience. It is
noteworthy as well that the people were not only willing to be taught, they were
also ready to make right their ways as they were confronted with the truth of the
word of God and what God expected of them.
As we search our lives and conduct an insightful look at God and the church, we
need to nd out whether we have deviated from the standard requirements of
the scripture and Gods expectation. As Josiah and the people of Judah repented
and began to take the word of God seriously, we must demonstrate the right
attitude to the teaching of the word of God. People in leadership position must
show good examples of absolute respect for the word of God and willingness to
obey and inuence others positively. Te led must also exalt Gods word and the
standard of holiness higher than the trappings of life.
Being a godly example is not an option, it is commanded in Scripture.
14th August
PSALM 140:1-13
KEY VERSE: O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my
head in the day of battle (Psalm 140:7).
It is a fact that the world in which we live does not oer the best of life for
anyone to enjoy uninterrupted peace and comfort continually. Jesus himself
alerts us that in the world we shall have tribulation but in Him we shall have
peace. Te fact of the matter is that there are troubles, trials and tribulations
in the present world.
To make the case more serious, many times we are faced with some
overwhelming challenges that tend to stretch our faith and courage beyond
normal limit. Human wisdom and natural strategies do not appear to oer
much comfort, relief and assurances in the midst of such battles of life.
If at any moment we are confronted with such a situation, what should we
do? When it appears that the world seems to be against us, when we seem to
be hedged in right, front, and center; when we have done the best we know to
come out of the situation and there is no result, what are we to do?
Te Psalmist here gives us the secret of victory and preservation whenever
it appears the enemies are waging relentless wars against us or things that
concern us. Te passage shows us the experience of an individual in some
desperate situation and how he handles the challenges.
As the scripture admonishes us, the eectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man will always avail much (James 5:16b). What are you going through right
now or what is going through you? God is waiting for you to oer eectual
and believing prayer to Him. He will surely meet you at the point of your
crying needs.
He listens to the cries of the sincere seeker
15th August
JEREMIAH 51:33-64
KEY VERSE: The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son
of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah
into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince
(Jeremiah 51:59).
Te times of wars and conicts are periods when lives are lost, and some soldiers
are captured by the opposing army. It is however a fact that International
laws frown at war crimes that include unfair treatments towards prisoners of
war(POW), cruel treatment against civilians, the use of chemical weapons among
other war-related crimes. International Criminal Court in Hague, Netherlands
has been handling several cases related to inhuman treatment in times of recent
wars in dierent parts of the world.
Many times, there is a perplexing question in the minds of most Christians as they
watch with utter amazement the activities of the wicked in their communities.
Sometimes when we ourselves become victims of these oppressions and aictions
we wonder when God will arise and bring judgment upon the wicked and
oppressors in the world. But God does not overlook the wickedness coming from
anyone against his fellow human beings especially the vulnerable people.
Te narrative pointedly and clearly demonstrates that there is a limit to the
elasticity of Gods mercy towards the wicked. While on the one hand, he is a
loving God. Yet on the other, He is a just God who will not acquit unrepentant
and obstinate wicked people. His word declares that vengeance belongs to Him;
He will punish the wicked.
In this passage, we see Gods readiness to avenge the people of Israel. Although
they are victims of their own idolatrous lifestyle that courted the anger of the
Lord, yet their cruel punishment in the hands of the Babylonians elicited Gods
condemnation and vengeance. Te passage expresses Gods anger and judgment
that will be poured upon the oppressors of the people of Israel. Te weak and the
vulnerable must therefore take solace in the comfort of the scriptures that God
will arise and bring judgment upon the wicked.
Better to leave every act of vengeance with God.
16th August
EZEKIEL 43:1-12
KEY VERSE: Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcasses of their
kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them forever (Ezekiel 43:9)
Divine-human relationship has always been the touchstone of Gods sovereignty
over our lives, rst as his creature and second as His children. Although the
original fellowship was disrupted by sin at the Garden of Eden, it was restored
through Christs sacrice at Calvary. While God has always been ready to bring
man closer to Himself, the responsibility is solely ours to take advantage of Gods
love and mercy and then enter into a blissful relationship and fellowship with
Prophet Ezekiels encounter with God as illustrated in the passage is an example
of how we can experience Gods visitation and his requirements for unbroken
fellowship with him. Sin and delement will always repel God and create a barrier
between God and man. He strongly condemns the children of Israel for deling
His temple with their lthy lifestyles and idolatry.
In the New Testament, Paul the Apostle elevated this spiritual experience to a
deeper and personal level by telling every believer that when we come to give
our lives to the Lord we become the temple of the Holy Ghost and the sanctuary
where God lives. If we desire to maintain an intimate and life-enriching fellowship
with Him at all times, then, the temple must be kept pure and holy. Little wonder
a songwriter translates that instruction into a lyrical worship verse when he prays:
God prepares me (as) a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true, With
thanksgiving, Ill be a living, sanctuary for thee.
As we travel with Ezekiel through his encounter with the Spirit of God, we must
be challenged to ensure that we deepen and refresh our fellowship with God by
maintaining a life of holiness and deep devotion. We must not miss the sweet
communion with our God daily.
Getting deeper in Him is the secret of growing taller in Him.
17th August
2 CHRONICLES 35:1-19
KEY VERSE: So kill the Passover, and sanctify yourselves, and prepare your
brethren, that they may do according to the word of the Lord by the hand of
Moses. In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josiah was this Passover kept(2
Chronicles 35:6,19).
Long before Josiah ascended the throne in Judah, the whole nation had gone into
idolatry and had abandoned the worship of the true God. Regular observance of
statutory religious ceremonies such as the Passover had long been forgotten. Both
the priest and the people as well as the privileged leaders in the city no longer
showed any interest and commitment to seek and worship the true God.
Although his father Ammon did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord,
Josiah who became king at the tender age of 8 yrs., decided to follow the good
and godly example of David, his forebear.
Apart from demonstrating true repentance when he heard the words of the book
of the law that was found in the temple in the previous chapter, Josiah began a
total reformation of the priesthood and restoration of the system of true worship.
It is very instructive to note that several years after the regular observance of
the Passover was abandoned and neglected by the previous kings, this passage
conrms that Josiah reintroduced the celebration of this signicant milestone
ceremony in the history of the children of Israel. As a true reformer, his campaigns
for the return to the God of Israel were total, uncompromising and infectious. He
mobilized the whole land to return to God and true worship.
For us, this action speaks to our spiritual coldness and lukewarmness and
challenges us to rise up and ignite the re of revival in our personal lives, families,
churches and the society at large. And if we have the privilege to be in leadership
position especially in the Church, we have the responsibility to ensure that those
under our leadership inuence and authority follow scriptural pattern in serving
the Lord. Te word of God must always guide our conduct and practices and we
must give our best to the Lord just as Josiahs celebration of that Passover became
a reference point.
You shall only be remembered by what you have done
18th August
PSALM 141:1-10
KEY VERSE: Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth, keep the door of my lips
(Psalm 141:3).
One of the biggest challenges to humanity today is talking. Studies reveal that an
average person speaks about 146 words in a minute. Given a twelve hour day, that
will give you over one hundred thousand words. Much of the talking lead to wars,
enmity, hatred, and the like.
In words, people promote self, exaggerate issues, peddle lies, boast, run down
other and do many other evils. Individuals, families, communities, churches
and nations have seen much trouble because of bad talking. It is dicult even
impossible to do much talking and not have a bad thing in it. Some people are
not even given to too much talking, yet their one word will send a person over
the cli.
Te psalmist being a man with varied experiences in life prayed that God should
set a watch before his mouth. David recognized that he could not control his
mouth himself. He saw that his mouth could cause trouble for him and others.
He prayed that God should keep the door of his lips. It is when the lips are parted
and expression is given to the thoughts of the heart that words are spoken. As
long as the lips are shut, those horrible thoughts will not amount to words. Te
Lord Jesus said that the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart: the heart
is the storehouse of evil and good. Tis David discovered and so asked for Gods
help to keep his lips shut.
As you pray that God should keep a watch over your lips, you will need to (1)
think before you speak, be quick to listen, slow to speak (2) ensure there is grace
in your heart before you speak. And (3) ensure that there is salt in your word.
What you will not want someone else to say to you or about you, dont say it. And
every day, like King David, pray that God will set a watch over your lips.
It is a God-given privilege for you to be in heaven. But before you can get there,
you must live righteously till the end.
An uncontrolled mouth is like a mad man let loose with a loaded gun.
19th August
KEY VERSE: And this is the blessing, wherewith Moses the man of God blessed
the children of Israel before his death(Deuteronomy 33:1).
Te practice of blessing people is common to many cultures. Generally when
people are parting, they say goodbye with blessings. When services are being
concluded in churches, they do so with the ministers blessing. In a number of
situations when the dying man has the opportunity of having his loved ones
around him, blessings are summarily pronounced.
Moses has been with the children of Israel in the wilderness for forty years.
Tough the Israelites were stubborn and gave him a lot of trouble and even
made him loose the chance of entering the promised land, yet they did forge
a roving relationship. Jacob did not truly bless his children before dying, he
only told them what was going to befall them in the future (Gen 49:1). In
Jacobs encounter with his children, he cursed three, lavished blessings on
some and barely said a good word about others.
Moses on the other hand blessed all. Te heart of Moses is a challenge to us.
Tink about the people who made you to lose your most cherished reward,
expected promotion, recognition, etc., can you bless them? Moses had looked
up to the day he would enter Canaan, the land of promise with nostalgia, but
behold because of this stubborn, rebellious children of Israel, he was barred.
Te expected crowning glory of his forty years struggle through the wilderness
ended in disappointment. Te Israelites caused it. Put yourself in the position
of Moses, what will you do?
We all need the heart of Moses: a heart that cares and forgives easily. A heart
that is ready to lose self for the good of others, even for oenders. Many of
us nd it dicult to bless people who do us good let alone those who oend
us. Tat was not Moses. As you go through this day, think of various people
like the children of Israel in your way of life, that you need to bless, then bless
them. Tat may change the cause of your history. Stay blessed.
Pronouncing blessings on friends and foes alike
evokes greater blessings from on High.
20th August
EZEKIEL 43:13-27
KEY VERSE: And he said unto me, son of man, thus saith the LORD GOD; these
are the ordinances of the altar in the day when they shall make it, to offer burnt
offering thereon, and to sprinkle blood thereon. And I will accept you, saith the
LORD GOD (Ezekiel 43:18,27).
When you look at creation, you see the revelation of Gods commitment to
order. Tere is nothing that is out of place. In the Genesis account of the six days
that the Almighty worked to create the heavens, earth and all that are in them,
orderliness reigned supreme. Tis orderliness characterizes everything God does.
He does not leave anything to chance. He does not leave His children or servants
to give what He wants because he is not the Author of confusions and disorder.
In our text for today God gave Ezekiel the prophet the law of the house, and the
altar. And these are the measures of the altar the cubits (vs. 13). In giving the
measures, He spoke of the bottom, border, edge, (vs. 13) and height, breadth, the
settle (vs. 14) and even dened the cubit as a cubit and a hand breadth (vs. 13).
He told Ezekiel about the settle, the border about it and the bottom thereof and
stated the direction the stairs should face (vs. 17). We see that God gave detailed
and specic instructions concerning the construction of the altar. When he has so
instructed, He expects total compliance.
When you think of Gods standard, do you think you can meet it? Tank God for
Jesus Christ. Tose constructions and sacrices would have been something else
for many of us these days, but Christ came to make things easier for us all. Gods
standard of holiness is not lower today but it is simpler. Jesus said His yoke is easy.
Tat is true. All we need do is to appropriate all this by faith.
God still has rules or ordinances today but they are not as cumbersome before
we become accepted of Him. God demands that instead of altars of cubit and
all that, we should repent of all sin in order to be accepted by Him. Once we
consciously remove the sin barrier between Him and us through His grace, we are
thereafter assured of a blessed life that ows from time to eternity.
Te ordinances of God are to be obeyed, not lightly esteemed.

21st August
PSALM 142:1-7
KEY VERSE: When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou know my
path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me (Psalms
Aiction, adversity, trouble or dicult times are common to man. Tere is no
one without aictions. Tey may dier in intensity and degree but everyone
born into this world must have a good portion of them. Te unrighteous and the
righteous, the good and the bad, the man and the woman, all face aictions. Te
educated and illiterates are not free from troubles? From the rst man created in
Eden until the end of the world, everyone will have trouble.
Troubles always bring a lot of unpleasant things. Tey could be hard times
when one suers loss of means of livelihood. It can lead to loss of friends, loss
of accommodation and other comforts. It can lead to a family breaking-up,
disruption of children education and many other troubles. One trouble can lead
to others which could complicate matters for the troubled. But how people react
to troubles is what makes the dierence. What do you think of a person who
becomes an alcoholic because he lost his job or develops hypertension because of
worries or the one who commits suicide?
David was in trouble not because of doing evil but because of doing good to his
nation and being successful. He killed the greatest enemy of his nation, Goliath
and delivered the land from disgrace. Te people praised him and this made King
Saul uncomfortable. Word again came to Saul that David has been anointed
King in his stead. Saul decided that David must die. King Saul went all out to kill
David. Tink of the president of the country who also is the commander in chief
of the nations armed forces gunning for your life. Funny, isnt it?
In time of trouble, do not give up. Avoid cutting corners and plotting paths of
least resistance. Ensure that your relationship with God is good, then pray as
David did. Your deliverance is nearer than you ever think.
Dont let trouble overwhelm you but overwhelm trouble with prayer.
22nd August
KEY VERSE: Who said unto his father and to his mother, I have not seen him,
neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor knew his children: for they have
observed thy word, and kept thy covenant(Deuteronomy 33:9)
It is common to see believers troop to places where prayers for blessings
are being said. In such gatherings, many people will not be following what is
going on but once they hear that re is being rained on perceived enemies and
blessings are being commanded, then they roar an instinctive and thunderous
Amen. Tis is common with many assemblies. Many want blessings without
paying the price.
Levi was one of those cursed by Jacob his father because of his anger and the
resultant murder. But while the Israelites were on the journey from Egypt
to Canaan, his tribe became the only one that stood up for God at a time
of national backsliding (Exodus 32:25-29). Te tribe of Levi consecrated
themselves to the LORD as they responded to Moses call for people who
were on the Lords side. Tey gathered them unto Moses and purged the
camp of Israel of sin.
Teir decision demanded courage as they had to go from gate to gate to
slay everyman his brother, that the LORD may bestow a blessing. Te other
eleven tribes could have overcome them but they did not think about that. It
was for this decision that God blessed them. Tey became Gods choice tribe
to carry the Tummim and Urim.
Unlike Levi, many people want blessings without any cost. Tey want to
oer routine services to God and expect to be blessed. Many go from one
prayer meeting to another, seeking deliverance, prosperity and other types of
blessings, whereas all they need to do is a Levitical consecration.
Te consecration that brings blessing is costly. It will be putting God above
every other pursuit and interest. It will take loving God above self, family
members, career, etc. it means putting God rst in all things. Yet this is what
will bring uncommon blessings now and for all eternity.
Uncommon consecration brings uncommon blessings.
23rd August
EZEKIEL 44:1-14
KEY VERSE: And they shall not come near unto me, to do the offce of a priest
unto me, nor to come near to any of my holy things, in the most holy place: but
they shall bear their shame, and their abominations which they have committed
(Ezekiel 44:13).
Tere is the story of a man whose wife was involved in adultery. After much
entreaty, the man accepted the woman to return to his house to look after their
children, but not to have anything to do with her as his wife anymore. Tey
stayed in separate rooms; he never allowed her to render any service to him and
never allowed her to associate with him. She was a wife in name only; indeed she
had lost her conjugal right.
In the days of their captivity, the children of Israel had joined themselves to
strangers to play the harlot before God. Tey did abominable things and polluted
the altar of God. Tey brought strangers, uncircumcised in heart and esh to
Gods house to pollute it and broke the covenant because of their abomination.
Tey did not keep the charge of His holy things and left undone the things they
should have done. God said all such people among the people and the Levites
should bear their iniquity.
Te Lord allowed the Levites that went astray after idols to have limited
opportunity for ministering; but they derived access to the real things. Tey
were not to come near God, neither were they to do the oce of a priest unto
God, nor come near any of the holy things. Tey were to bear their shame and
abominations. Te Levites who went astray were rejected by God. He did not
allow them to minister unto Him anymore.
God demands total devotion to Him. We cannot serve God and other gods. He
will not accept a divided devotion. We cannot minister on the altar of the holy
God and go to the altar of Satan or mammon. God rejects any person who is
serving Satan or the world.
Tere is the clear possibility of being rejected by God at the end of time or death
of people who do not repent. Yet there is room for amendment now through
Christ and you will be accepted by God.
Partial rejection is total rejection
24th August
KEY VERSE: But they mocked the messenger of God and despised his word and
misused His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, till
there was no remedy(2 Chronicles 36:16).
Te hunters dog is marked for ruin which turns deaf ears to the warning
sound of its master when he dissuades it from going on the trail of a
dangerous game. Tis is an African adage meaning: obstinate resistance to
wise or divine counsel is an indication of impending ruin for anyone. Tis
proverb has pertinent application to the story of Judah at this point in time
of the nations history.
God for a long time sent to Judah many prophets and divine messages to
turn them from their sin; yet they did not listen to the prophets nor apply
their hearts to reasoning. Tey chose rather to continue in their iniquities.
Te priests, the nations leaders, and the rest of the people thought Gods
messengers and preachers that brought the timely warnings against the land
were beside themselves. Judah refused Gods oer of grace and were carried
away captives by their enemies. Brutal persecution (carnage and captivity in
Babylon) was the price Judah had to pay for their rebellion and disobedience
to God.
A continual ignorance to the warnings of Gods word can lead one to a point
where God has no option than to give up the erring believer to oppression
and chastisement by the enemy.
Te gospel message is Gods oer of mercy made to all men. Treating the
preaching of Gods word with contempt is rejecting divine love and mercy.
We should rather acknowledge our need of Gods mercy and joyfully accept
his message humbling ourselves before him.
Tose who ride in the chariot of obstinacy end up in the womb of hell.
25th August
PSALM 143:1-6
KEY VERSE: For the enemy hath persecuted my soul: he hath smitten my life
down to the ground, he hath made me dwell in darkness as those that have
been long dead; therefore is my spirit overwhelm within me; my heart within me
is desolate(Psalm 143:3,4).
Persecution is the suering people go through for doing right; living right or
having right beliefs. Of course, no one ever gets persecuted for doing wrong or
walking in the way of the world. Religious persecution has been since the times
of old.
Persecution is generally employed to attempt to cow the believer and discourage
him from continuing in the truth. Apart from the physical and mental suering
some persecution may bring, they are also capable of crushing the human spirit
and emotion to the extent that the one going through persecution becomes
despondent and discouraged.
Te Psalmist in our text appeared to be having some intense inner agony because
of some attendant persecutions. He felt lonely and exceedingly heavy in his heart
and spirit, and seemed at a loss to understand the reason for the suering of a right
living man he reckoned himself to be. He, therefore, turned with outstretched
hands to the Lord in passionate supplication.
When sometimes you feel downcast, sore tempted, and your heart is lled with
doubts so that your faith seems to be under assault and you are sure there is no
sin on your conscience and no disobedience to the Spirit of God, remember you
may be experiencing persecution by the hands of the terrible enemy.
Today, if your prayer life is ebbing and witness for Christ is becoming irregular,
know these are terrible times. When times are hard therefore, faith needs to be
high. Like the Psalmist, remember the days of old and hunger to recover your rst
love, desiring to regain lost passion and spiritual fervency.
Go to the Lord with stretched-out hands and claim his unfailing promises When
the enemy shall come in like a ood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard
against him, (Isaiah 59:19).
Gods hand reaches the deepest pit to deliver His own.
26th August
KEY VERSE: And for the precious things of the earth and fullness therefore
the good will of him that dwelt in the bush let the blessing come upon
the head of Joseph and upon the head of him that was separated from his
brethren(Deuteronomy 33:16)
All things come to those who wait, so writes the famous British poet Violet
Fane (1843- 1905)
Joseph had waded through many diculties in life. His brothers envied him
and sold him o into slavery. His masters wife grieved him with her immoral
and shameless demand. Potiphar, his master, sent him unjustly to jail acting
upon a lie, but Joseph was a great personality. He was so gracious and generous
in forgiveness towards them all.
In our text today, God took steps to reward and bless Josephs lineage. He
conrmed those blessings through the prophetic prayers of Moses.
Firstly, the blessing of Joseph was comparatively larger and fuller than any
of his brethrens. Te one God chooses to bless has all things come together
to benet and enrich him. Moses prayed for Joseph for increased wealth and
inuence in the sharing of the Canaan Land. He had double portion allotment
and that portion was extremely fertile and full of mineral resources, just as
Moses prayed for the precious things of heaven and of the deep that is under
the earth to be his. Te lineage of Joseph had favor with God and power to
push successfully their way against all opposing forces (Deuteronomy 33:17).
Te godly man under oppression or aiction should neither despair nor be
despondent. Let him know that it shall turn out to be his good and blessing,
for God has promised to reward the faithfulness of persevering saints and He
is not unrighteous to lie (Jeremiah 31:16-17).
Saints burden and distress are not unknown to a caring father who has the
capacity to save to the uttermost
27th August
EZEKIEL 44:15-31
KEY VERSE: And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of
the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall
come upon them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court, and
within. Neither shall they shave their heads, nor suffer their locks to grow long;
they shall only poll their heads. (Ezekiel 44:17,20).
Te clothes we wear do matter. Tere seems to be no error in holding the
view that God is interested in what we put on. Te reason government nds
it necessary to prescribe distinctive uniforms for some groups of state ocers
is to stimulate public respect and recognition for their oces. Tese special
clothes mark out those wearing them as servants of the state. Teir uniforms
are emblematic. It confers upon them authority and power to perform their
given functions and also put a demand on them to be grave and of impeccable
Te LORD specied, in our text today, the nature of garment divinely
approved for the Priests and Levites that came to do service in the court
of His house. Teir garments must be linen and never of wool. Linens are
made from bers (water plants) and therefore are free from pollutants and
impurities. Wool on the other, hand is made from dead animal skins and
is therefore considered unclean and impure. Tis underscores an important
Bible message namely; Holiness bets thy house oh Lord forever (Ps 93:5).
Today, every Christian that is genuinely converted and saved from sin is a
priest and Servant of God. It behooves those who call upon the name of the
LORD to put on as garment, righteousness and true holiness, which come by
grace through faith in Christs atoning sacrice on Calvary.
Our garment is the new nature in Christ Jesus. Sinful behavior, strange
apparels and haircuts, immoral jokes and communication are unbecoming
of anyone professing Godliness. Te New Testament /Priest of God should
rather put on Christ, imbibe his teachings, and imitate His examples, receives
of His Holy Spirit and be like Him in all thing.
Holiness of life is a beauty to behold in Gods sight!
28th August
PSALM 143:7-12
KEY VERSE: Hear me speedily, O Lord, my spirit faileth; hide not thy face from
me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit (Psalm 143:7).
Divine attention to the plea of the saint is so important to his sanctied
soul that the seeming withholding of answer makes him feel like he is in
darkness, cut o from the light. An answer to prayers illumines our heart and
countenance. Tough the specic thing we ask may not indeed be granted
immediately, the prayer of faith will not be disregarded. Tere is the promise
of an answer to the prayer of faith.
Te passage we are reading today outlines the contents of the prayer which
the Psalmist had made previously in verse 1. It is an earnest petition unto
God. It is the prayer of a saint overwhelmed by sorrow because of the enemy.
He seems to say if you do not answer my prayer now, it may come too late
It is therefore an expression of a dire need for divine help or intervention.
When answers are delayed, the one that prays often think God does not hear
him, but God surely can hear and He does actually hear and would do it at
the time it is best for our soul and providence. And this is the condence that
we have in him, that if we ask anything according to His will he heareth us.
And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask we know that we have
the petition that we desire of Him (1 John 5:14,15).
Tough some may seem troubled if answer is delayed, the assurance of
answered prayer brings peace to the saints. Moreover, Gods mercy comes
speedily when aiction and trials are getting near to the point we are not
able to bear them again (1 Cor. 10:13) Nothing is more certain than the fact
that God delights to answer our cry for help; but when answer is not only
delayed but refused, this is the peak of trouble. Te one that prayed ought to
search his heart to see whether he so regards iniquity in there, or, whether he
is morally unt to receive a blessing from God.
Te saints night of travail will end in a morning of praise.
29th August
KEY VERSE: The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting
arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, destroy
them (Deuteronomy 33:27).
Tey that trust in God shall be like Mount Zion that cannot be moved. Te
scripture says blessed is the man that puts his trust in God, because the
angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth
them. Tose who put their trust in God will experience God as their ultimate
refuge and help in times of need.
Our text today deals with the prophetic blessing of Moses to the children of
Israel before his death. Tis was before Moses climbed Mount Nebo, to see the
promised land which he never entered. He pronounced ecclesiastical blessings
upon the tribes of Israel. Our text particularly reveals various blessings
pronounced on the tribes of Dan, Naphtal; and Asher. Tese blessings are
both physical and spiritual; because God is their refuge, underneath are
the everlasting arms, who ghts for His people. Moses, the man of God,
magnied God with his last breath because of Israels covenant relationship
with God which conveys both physical and spiritual blessings upon them.
Te Christian church is the Israel of God today, and every believer must be at
home with God. Tose who dwell in God, and make His name their strong
tower shall dwell in safety as long as they continue in purity, holiness and
unmixed with the heathen. God is still a refuge and shelter to all who trust in
Him, no matter how intense our fears, consigning ourselves to His protection
and pledging our daily loyalty and devotion to Him, we will be blessed and
kept secured.
How often we look away from God our refuge to rely on other things like
money, career, position, a noble cause or even a lifelong dream? You can trust
God and rely on His promises for blessing, safety and security. Living for self
and sin in times like these is dangerous and deadly. Tose who anchor their
souls in God through Christ are safe and secured.
Tose who surrender their lives to Christ are sustained
by the everlasting arms of God.
30th August
EZEKIEL 45:1-8
KEY VERSE: In the land shall be his possession in Israel: and my princes shall
no more oppress my people; and the rest of the land shall they give to the house
of Israel according to their tribes (Ezekiel 45:8).
Te world is characterized by the survival of the ttest. Tose who are strong
are scheming to push down the weak and the less-privileged in society. Te
weak are always subservient to the strong, who take advantage of others to
enrich themselves.
Te passage of today is a clear instruction by God on the arrangement for
the division of land to the children of Israel. Certainly, the children of Israel
had been in Babylonian captivity during the time of Ezekiel, who was also a
prophet in exile. God directed him in a vision as to how the land should be
divided for the people without violence or oppression at their return. Ezekiel,
who was passionate and very vivid in his prophetic ministry apportioned the
land as he was directed. Te priest, Levites and the whole house of Israel
and the princess are specied in the inheritance. Tere are portions meant as
sacred place where the sanctuary of the Lord must be. Te holy portion of the
Lord shall be for the priests, the ministers of the sanctuary.
Te division of the land and its apportionments should have signicant
meaning to the simple-hearted believers of today. Primarily, the parcel of land
allotted to the place of sanctuary was in the center of the nation. Tis means
God is central to life, and those who want to be guided, led and controlled by
Him must allow Him to be their rst priority in all things.
Tose in positions of authority, whether in the secular world or in the church,
should be careful not to take advantage of others; those who abuse their power
on the job, at school or in our neighborhood may gain temporary advantage,
but vengeance of the Lord awaits them. Of course greed, extortion and
oppression are social sins in every nation today. Christians must be honest,
fair and just in their dealings with others
No one is justied in doing evil on the ground of cleverness.
31st August
PSALM 144:1-8
KEY VERSE: Man is like to vanity: his days are a shadow that passeth away
(Psalm 144:4).
Te scripture says: and all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and
sixty nine years, and he died. Abraham lived and he died, so did Moses,
Joshua, Samuel, Saul and other New Testament saints and sinners. Obituary
reports are coming daily through the media conrming that life is short. No
matter how long a person lives here on earth, eternity is certainly much longer.
Todays passage reminds us of the greatness of God; the mortality and the
insignicance of man. David here acknowledges his dependence upon God
and his obligations to Him. David came from an unknown and obscure
background as a shepherd boy, anointed as a king, prospered by God, yet he
died. David always admire God especially when he looks at the supremacy
of God, His condescension compared to the frailty and meanness of man.
Mans continuity on earth is so short. David strongly depends on God, and
he asks for divine help against human enemies. He envisions a time of peace
and personal prosperity that can only come from God.
David reminds us that time is short and that it is like vanity. Our days are as
a shadow that passes away. Moses also instructs that teach us to number our
days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. Wasting life on non-essentials
by selecting inferior purpose of non-eternal value is a misplaced priority. You
are alive today as a sinner because God is patiently waiting for you. Your time
may be running out. A life given to sin and pleasure is a wasted life.
Hand over your life to Christ today through genuine repentance and let the
rest of your life be a protable venture that counts in eternity. Realizing that
life is short helps us to use our time to number our days by asking what do l
want God to do in my life before l die?.
Life is short; no matter how long we live.
1st September
2 CHRONICLES 33:1-13
KEY VERSE: And prayed unto him: and he was entreated of him, and heard
his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then
Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God (2 Chronicles 33:13).
Te story was told of a notorious armed robber who lived in Nigeria many years
ago. He was brutally used by the devil to destroy lives and properties. He killed
the only son of a widow in her late sixties and many other worse things he did.
With all the stealing and wanton killing to take other peoples property, his life
was miserable. Eventually, he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.
At the maximum prison, he got converted through the gospel of grace and his life
was changed and transformed. He later got a presidential pardon and he became
a great evangelist who declared the message of salvation to others including the
widow he killed her only son.
Te text of today is a disturbing story of Manasseh the son of the godly king
Hezekiah who led the crusade of seduction, sacrilege and idolatry in Judah.
Manasseh followed the bad examples of his fore fathers Ahaz more than his father
Hezekiah. Manasseh was an evil king who championed in heathen sin and occult
practices like fortune telling, enchantments and the use of mediums and wizards.
History has it that prophet Isaiah was killed during Manassehs massive slaughter
of godly people. Yet in his time of aiction and exile, he repented and God
forgave him.
God is merciful and always willing to forgive those who sincerely repent. And
when he (Manasseh) was in aiction, he besought the Lord his God, and humbled
himself greatly before the God of his fathers (verse 12). Of course, God forgave
him and brought him back to Jerusalem. Manasseh was captured and taken to
Babylon despite his fame and military prowess. Nobody is above discipline and
judgment. Our privileged position in the world and in the church will not shield
us from Gods wrath if we willfully go astray. God is always patient with us, giving
us time to repent and return to Him. Today He may be silent about your sins and
disobedience, dont take God for granted because He will not be silent forever.
God may have been waiting for you, using dierent means and methods to get
your attention to repent and reconcile with Him. If you still live in sin come to
God in repentance and prayer today for a new beginning, and He will abundantly
pardon and forgive.
Gods grace, greater than all our sins.
2nd September
KEY VERSE: And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of
Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho. And the LORD shewed
him all the land of Gilead unto Dan (Deuteronomy 34:1).
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in the mid twentieth century, became
the President of the United States of America, in the throes of the worst
economic depression the nation ever went through. Te dollar lost value.
Tere was shortage of money and food. And in the middle of all these was a
drought and famine in parts of the nation. F.D. Roosevelt went for elections
with a manifesto captioned A new deal. After winning the elections, he
pursued a welfarist program in America that has never been replicated ever
since. Trough his program, Americas economy bounced back. Te World
War II broke out during his term of oce. He led the USA, and the Allied
forces to win the war against Hitler and became the rst Superpower. But just
about the time his pet-project, the United Nations, was to be commissioned,
he died. But, he died a fullled man, he gave the USA A New Deal.
Moses was commissioned by God, to bring out Israel from slavery in Egypt,
into the land of Canaan. Moses understood his commission. He was focused
on the commission. He refused to bargain the details of the commission with
Pharaoh. Despite the obstacles and hindrances of the opposing armies and
the mischief of Israel, Moses accomplished his commission. Although he was
not permitted to enter Canaan, God honored him by showing him a satellite
view from the top of the mountain.
Everyman, especially a born-again believer, is divinely cut out for one mission
or the other. Some people never realized or understood their mission in life.
Some others understood their mission, but they never accomplished it like
king Saul and Samson. Some others like Moses, David, Paul, the prophets
and the apostles, understood their missions, and accomplished them in style.
In the race of life, it is never how long, but how well.
Discover your mission and fulll it.
3rd September
EZEKIEL 46:16-24
KEY VERSE: Thus saith the Lord GOD; If the prince give a gift unto any of his
sons, the inheritance thereof shall be his sons; it shall be their possession by
inheritance (Ezekiel 46:16).
Inheritances are gifts passed on from a benefactor to a beneciary. Gifts are
not products of works or merit: they are receipts of somebodys large heart and
magnanimity. Nobles and Aristocrats in medieval Europe were wont to distribute
their estates after their death as they deem t, by making a Will. In the Will, they
may decide to ooad their entire estates to some charity organizations or persons
not related to them by blood. But, in the case of the kings and the emperors,
it was dierent. Te estate of a departed king automatically passed on to his
ospring, with the eldest most likely to succeed him.
Ezekiel was given a vision of a revived Israel after the Babylonian captivity. He was
shown the new Temple and its ordinances. He was also told of the Prince, the de
facto ruler of the revived nation. Te key to the instructions to the Prince about
his gifts, was that, those gifts given will be deemed to be permanent inheritances
of the sons so given.
But in case he decided to give a gift to any of his servants, those gifts will remain
with them until the year of liberty, and thenceforth returned to the estate of the
sons of the Prince.
In the New Testament, every blood-washed believer is called a son of God. By
inheritance, he has been given the gift of eternal life. He is no more a servant
to Satan or sin; he is now a saint of God, and a joint-heir with the Lord Jesus
Christ. Gods temporal and eternal inheritances are theirs permanently now and
in the world to come. We, by virtue of new birth have received the right to
inheritance in Christ. We are not bastards. What a glorious privilege! Every time,
a child cherishes his inheritance from his father because that is a proof of his
claim to originally belonging to that family. In many societies, bastards have no
inheritance because they are not true sons of the soil. But you are, if indeed you
possess a sibling relationship with the Savior.
Te gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.
4th September
PSALM 144:9-15
KEY VERSE: Rid me and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose
mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood (Psalm
Child Psychologists say a child is won or lost by the age of six. Te worldview
of the child is already molded by the time he or she is six years of age. Te
absence or presence of moral and spiritual training before the age of six will
largely determine the future of such a child. A lot of Christian parents abandon
the training and the molding of their children to third parties, such as nannies,
housemaids, houseboys, crche and nursery teachers, with the resultant eect of
such a child developing a hardening of heart at a tender age.
King David was a righteous man, a man after Gods own heart. But like other
righteous men in the Bible, he was grossly ineective in the training of his
children. David left the prayers he ought to have prayed for his children before
their minds were already made up, too late in the day. Most of his children were
not good examples of what children of a righteous man should be.
Ammon, Absalom, and Adonijah, were replicas of Hophni and Phinehas, the
sons of Eli. Tey were corrupt and bad inuences to their own societies. Tat was
the crux of Davids prayers. His children had turned out to be strange children,
whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.
Christian parents have to rededicate their lives to more prayers, fellowship, and
the monitoring of their children. Although some of them have passed the age of
six, prayers, fellowship and monitoring can still turn them around for the better.
In the midst of peer-pressure from mates, parents must pray earnestly for their
children. Cultism (which has penetrated even primary schools), the occult, armed
robberies, assassinations, kidnappings, political thuggery, drug abuse, prostitution
(male and female) are the order of the day in society today.
Our children can only be immune to them, if we pray now for them and spend
more time to fellowship and to mentor them.
Prayer is the supreme key to prevailing with God and man
5th September
JEREMIAH 52:1-11
KEY VERSE: For through the anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem
and Judah, till he had cast them out from his presence, that Zedekiah rebelled
against the king of Babylon (Jeremiah 52:3).
Te Bible says rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity
and idolatry. Double rebellion then must be a heinous sin indeed!
Zedekiah was a fortunate man, who could have used his good fortune to turn
around the fortunes of Judah and her citizens for the better, but he did otherwise.
Zedekiahs father Jehoiakim was defeated by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.
Nebuchadnezzar did not utterly destroy Jerusalem and Judah: he just took the
king captive and made his rst son Jehoiahim king instead.
Jehoiahim also was as bad as the father in idol-worship. Before long,
Nebuchadnezzar came along and carried him also into captivity in Babylon.
Nebuchadnezzar then installed Zedekiah his brother as the surrogate king of
Zedekiah had a golden opportunity of turning to Jehovah, God of Israel and
bringing Judah back into rectitude and true worship of God. But alas he wasted
his opportunity. He rebelled against his Creator and Strong Tower, and continued
with idol worship. He thought it wise to also rebel against Nebuchadnezzar, his
benefactor. In essence, he declared Judah independent of Babylonian rule. In his
own time, all the warnings of the former prophets came to pass. Nebuchadnezzar
came in fury to pull down all edices erected since David began to rule in Israel.
Zedekiah and his strong men went into captivity.
In our text today, believers are warned against any act of rebellion. Tose who
trod that path in the Bible days received the awful consequences of their actions.
God has not changed; He still punishes sin wherever it is found. Followers must
respect and obey their leaders in the church of God; and be ready to accept,
without questioning, instructions from such leaders. Anything to the contrary
amounts to rebellion, and attracts Gods displeasure
Rebels dont last, they expire easily.
6th September
2 CHRONICLES 33:14-25
KEY VERSE: And humbled not himself before the LORD, as Manasseh his father
had humbled himself; but Amon trespassed more and more (2 Chronicles
At the time of Prophet Ezekiel, the children of Israel conceived a cynical proverb,
Te fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the childrens teeth are set on edge.
Meaning that, God was an unjust God, who punished innocent children due to
the misdemeanors of their parents. Tey refused to take responsibility for their
sin. God told them that the soul that sinneth, it shall die. God is a righteous
God. Everyone receives his rewards according to his works.
Manasseh was the son of Hezekiah, king of Israel. Hezekiah was a righteous man.
He was a man of faith. By faith, he reversed the prophecy of death by sheer power
of sublime faith in the just and faithful God. God extended his life by fteen
years. During this period, Manasseh was born.
Manasseh became the king after his fathers death. But because man is a free
moral agent, he decided on his own not to be righteous. He set his heart to serve
idols with all the attendant idolatrous practices. God then yielded him into the
hands of the king of Assyria. In captivity, he remembered the God of his father.
He humbled himself. He prayed for forgiveness and God had mercy upon him,
and returned him (back) to the throne in Israel.
He showed the fruits of repentance by restoring the true worship of God
(back) to Israel. He destroyed all the emblems of idol worship in the land. On
assumption of the throne by the son, Ammon, he made a U-turn by going back
into idolatry, not remembering or caring about the consequences. God permitted
some conspirators to terminate his life prematurely.
Backslidden Christians today are wont to heap all their woes on imaginary
ancestral spirits. Instead of taking responsibility for their sins, repent, and
forsake them to procure the mercy of God, they multiply deliverance-merchants
to deliver them from ancestral spirits. Pray for the mercy of God like Manasseh
did and God will forgive.
Te righteous oozes out a sweet-smelling savor.
7th September
KEY VERSE: So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab,
according to the word of the LORD. And he buried him in a valley in the land of
Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this
day (Deuteronomy 34:5,6).
Such was the presence of providence throughout the life of Moses that even at
death God stood by him, shielding his earthly remains from the prying eyes of
man. Te Creator took a personal charge of the funeral, burying His servant
where no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this day. (Deuteronomy 34:6).
And as Jude 9 reveals, God also thwarted the devils claim on Moses body.
Tis demonstrates Gods two-fold assertion on man. He created us and
therefore can challenge us to a life of total submission to Him as the work of
His Hand. As we do so, He in turn promises to see us through to our old age
and deliver us (Isaiah 46:4).
We see God honoring His word in Deuteronomy 34:7 where Moses was
an hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eye was not dim, nor
his natural force abated. Caleb is another example. In Joshua 14:10-11, the
Bible records this moving testimony: the LORD hath kept me alive, as he
said .. I am this day fourscore and ve years old. As yet I am as strong this day
as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my
strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in.
Gods second-level claim, a greater and permanent one, is on the born-again
person who has forsaken his sin and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
At death, God takes care of the unseen funeral ceremonies and wafts us to
Heaven. He did it with Moses and Lazarus and still does with the departed
souls of believers. He Jehovah God, and not the devil, has full claim on the
souls of those who die in the Lord.
In spirit, soul and body, we belong to God.
8th September
PSALM 119:33-40
KEY VERSE: Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto
the end (Psalm 119:33).
We live in a world where the minds of majority of people are preoccupied with
thoughts on how to get rich. Consequently, they enmesh themselves in the
rat-race for money. Besides, the quest for knowledge and scientic discovery
have made many to attach little or no value to spiritual matters. Tose who
belong to this category care little about their relationship with God.
In contrast, the Psalmist in our text expressed a burning desire for spiritual
things. Being a righteous man, he was always thinking of his relationship with
God, how to please Him at all times and dwell with Him in eternity. He had
previously expressed his heartfelt desires by saying, As the hart panteth after
the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for
God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? (Psalm
Trough his petitions, the Psalmist expressed his hearts desire: he wanted to
know more of Gods statutes in order to keep them. He never got too familiar
with Gods word. Despite his position as a king, he desired to know more of
Gods truth and to keep it to the end. We should never be satised with the
level of our spiritual state. Tere is need for us to constantly long after God
and His word.
Every heaven-bound pilgrim should always pray for grace to be preserved from
the pollution of this present evil world. Te coming of the Lord is imminent.
Daily self-examination is indispensable for every believer who desires to be
part of His Kingdom. Te Lord is not interested in partial obedience, rather,
He delights in total obedience to His commandments
Never get too familiar with Gods word.
9th September
PSALM 145:1-9
KEY VERSE: The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and
of great mercy. The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his
works (Psalm 145:8,9).
Te story is told of a man who had been an alcoholic for thirty years. His
condition deed every physical step to cure him. His wife and, later, son and
daughter-in-law all joined in fervent prayers for healing. Finally, the family
came in contact with a preacher who spoke about the unfathomable power
that God releases through praising the Almighty. Ten it struck them that
they never tried praising God for the old mans condition.
For the rest of the day according to the preacher, they (the family) gave
thanks and praised God for every aspect of the situation.. Within weeks,
(the man) came to admit his drinking problem and turned for help to Jesus
Christ, and was completely healed. He now joins the rest of the family in
telling others what praising God can do. Tis is what his son said: For thirty
years we prayed for God to change dad. We spent only one day praising Him
for the situation and see what happened.
Our passage today is drawn from the collections of inspired Hallelujah or
Praise Songs in the Holy Bible. It is a psalm from the depth of a grateful heart
who acknowledges Gods greatness and goodness, and goes on to declare that
to tap from that greatness and goodness and overcome challenges, you must
praise Him forever and ever, no matter what you are passing through.
Such deep-seated outpouring of praises must be bereft of hard-luck stories,
alluding to our sorry condition or misfortune. Te psalms of praise teach that
praising God is an armation that no mountain is immovable before Him!
Praising God moves heaven to oer the key to Victory Hall.
10th September
KEY VERSE: Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou
forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy
heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons sons
(Deuteronomy 4:9).
Although largely a recapitulation of Gods laws to the children of Israel in the
past 40 years of their wandering in the wilderness, Moses fth book has also
aptly been described by Bible scholars as a covenant renewal document. Te
people of God were about to encounter a new experience in the Promised
Land. However, the man God used to bring them out of Egyptian captivity
and to win several life-threatening battles wont be part of that new beginning.
Would his absence be devastating?
No! Not if they followed the law. So Moses had to review Israels history of
failure when they outed Gods law. He had to recall all the commandments
and plead with them to obey them and fear God. He had to present them
as covenant renewal document whose statutes ye should do in the land
whither ye go to possess it (verse 5).
But its beyond a law for only a generation. And so in verse 9, God inspires
Moses to command His people to teach them their sons and sons sons. Tat
Gods people embraced this teaching is captured in Psalm 44:1,2: O God,
our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in the times of
old. How thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand .. Jephthah had the
same dramatic testimony in Judges 11:14-27.
Tere are two abiding lessons in todays reading: prayerfully reading and
living by Gods Word day and night will make it impossible to lose fellowship
with Him. Next, we must perpetuate Kingdom Life benets by teaching our
household and neighbors Gods salvation plan through the proxy death of
Jesus Christ.
Te kingdom-seeking soul is he whom God regards.
11th September
2 CHRONICLES 36:1-13
KEY VERSE: And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God,
and humbled not himself before Jeremiah the prophet speaking from the mouth
of the LORD (2 Chronicles 36:12).
Te fall of the great Roman Empire 476 years after the advent of our Lord Jesus
Christ was preceded by the rise and deposition of several emperors who reigned
for very short times. Historian H.A. Davies says in An Outline History of the
World: Between the years 180 and 476 there were more than sixty emperors.. and
there were frequent civil wars between rival candidates and armies that supported
them. Tis feverish rise and fall of the emperors led to the steady disintegration
of the moral ber of the people which made it easy for Rome to collapse in the
face of external attacks. Te conquerors capitalized on the decay within.
Our study today reveals the same pattern of destruction triggered by spiritual
decay within and a rapid succession of godless kings. Tis nal chapter of the
second book of Chronicles records the brief reign of the kings of Judah before
its conquest by the Chaldeans and subsequent exile of the Jews into servitude in
It was a judgment God said would be fullled on the nation if it forsook His
laws. In Deuteronomy 28:49-56, God warned He would bring a nation of erce
countenance to destroy the land. Again in Jeremiah 25:7-13, God reminds
Judah that because the land has not turned from its evil way, He will send after
them Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon to utterly destroy the land.
Te object lesson is that the route to destruction is spiritual decline. Believers
must guard their souls through diligently following the leading of the Holy Spirit,
shunning sin, and constantly seeking those things which are above, where Christ
sitteth on the right hand of God. Another lesson is that unlike earthly kings,
Jesus the King of kings will come and reign forever. For the sinner and backslider,
the way of escape is to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Forsaking God leads to internal and external destruction.
12th September
EZEKIEL 47:1-12
KEY VERSE: And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that
side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the
fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months,
because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof
shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine (Ezekiel 47:12).
Tere are hardly more expressive and dramatic visions and symbolisms in the
whole of the Old Testament than what God oers us in the book of Ezekiel.
After the unforgettable revival vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in chapter
37, God moves Ezekiel to futuristic experiences about the coming restoration
of the exiles to Israel. Te vision in our passage took place in the twenty-fth
year of the captivity of Judah in Babylon. By the prophecy of Jeremiah, some
forty-ve years of life away from home still lay ahead as Gods punishment
for His peoples apostasy.
At each stage of living in captivity however, God never ceased to let His people
know that he hadnt abandoned them. He used the vision of heavy symbolism
to reassure them that at the end of the day, a glorious era would dawn, not
only for the immediate future but also for ages to come.
Biologists and archaeologists teach us that wherever you nd water, youd
inevitably nd abundant life. And so it is with the dominant presence of water
in Ezekiels vision in the passage today. Tere is a progressive measure of ood
water: rst at the ankle level: then at the knees: later at the loins: and nally
it was a river..waters to swim in a river that could not be passed over (verse
5). Verse 12 predicts a cornucopia of unprecedented physical and spiritual
prosperity not only in post-exile Israel but also universally when Jesus will
establish unblemished society for His saints, according to Revelation 22:1-6.
Tere is uniformity of infallible prophecy in the Bible with regards to the
glorious future and eternity awaiting the believer. We must patiently wait in
high expectation as we consecrate ourselves for more service in the Kingdom
and in holy living.
He who seeks and nds Gods will abide in the surest place of safety.
13th September
PSALM 145:10-21
KEY VERSE: My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all fesh
bless his holy name for ever and ever (Psalm 145:21).
A song writer once admonished: Count your blessings, name them one by one,
and it will surprise you what the Lord has done. Tis ought to come naturally to
all men, as everywhere around us are the clear evidence of Gods goodness. Yet,
what many people have formed the habit of doing is not to praise God for His
blessings, but to complain about what they lack.
David, the Psalmist, was dierent. He surveyed his circumstances, reviewed
his situations, appraised the challenges ahead, and concluded that he had more
reasons to praise God than to complain. He poured praises on the Lord, because
He is able to bear all our burdens. He noted that God is great and continues to do
mighty works in all generations. In Him resides all glory, honor and majesty. He
is King over all the earth. He delights in doing wondrous works. He is gracious,
compassionate, patient and merciful to all men, but especially to His children.
His aection and tenderness know no bounds. He is King over an everlasting
Kingdom. Te Lord is the source of all our daily needs and supplies same without
prompting. He is righteous and holy in all His dealings with men. And for those
who put their trust and condence in Him, He is ever so close, and hearkens
as they call on Him. He listens lovingly to our cries and takes steps to deliver
us from our distresses. No wonder the Psalmist exclaimed that his mouth shall
speak the praise of God, and admonished all men to bless His holy name for
ever and ever.
We must never allow the challenges of life to make us treat God as if He were a
feeble man. God is great and powerful and deserves much more consideration
than many of us are willing to give Him. Tere is no problem we face that He
cannot handle. Without Him, we would have been crushed by all the diculties
of life. We are alive today only because of His benecence. We must never allow
a day go by without appreciating all that the Lord has done for us. We should see
it as our duty to praise God, because praises from His children give Him joy, and
spur Him to do greater works for them.
Habitual praise is a tonic for greater miracles.
14th September
KEY VERSE: But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art
grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made
him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation (Deuteronomy 32:15).
Te natural reaction of people to success is usually to ascribe to themselves
qualities that they conclude, many others do not possess. Tey see themselves as
super stars, acutely intelligent, and much better than others. Tey develop a very
fat ego which they massage daily in boastful display, and disdain for other people.
Worse still, they neglect to acknowledge that ultimately, success comes from God.
As Moses prepared to depart from the Israelites he had brought out of Egypt and
led in a 40-year journey through the wilderness, God granted him an uncommon
privilege of learning about the fate that will befall his people at a future time. He
was instructed by God to rehearse this in advance to the Israelites, and compose it
into a song, so it will be easier for the people to remember. But it was also intended
as a warning to ensure they changed course. He announced to the Israelites that
at a future date they would amass great wealth, become strong and see no need
for God in their lives. Tey would forsake God who saved them from slavery and
suering, and erect new idols for themselves. Rather than oer sacrices to God,
they would bring their oerings to devils. Tey would become so renegade as to
attract Gods severe anger and punishment. Tey would suer untold hardship,
face untimely death, and experience terrible destruction. Eventually, they would
be sent into exile from the Promised Land. God would have permanently cut o
relationship with them but for His mercy, and the fact He did not want their
enemies to think they were behind the fate of the Israelites. He wished they were
wise enough to consider these latter day events, and take steps to correct their
Here too, is a warning to all those who today have no place for God once they
begin to prosper in life. Such people run a great risk of also being abandoned by
God. When that happens, misfortune strikes their business or career, sickness
takes hold of their lives, disaster occurs in their family. To avoid such a situation,
never forget that whatever success you record in life is a gift from God.
Remember God when its well with you.
15th September
EZEKIEL 47:13-22
KEY VERSE: And it shall come to pass, that ye shall divide it by lot for an
inheritance unto you, and to the strangers that sojourn among you, which shall
beget children among you: and they shall be unto you as born in the country
among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the
tribes of Israel (Ezekiel 47:22).
We all have the natural tendency to choose our own friends and who to co-habit
with. We develop certain cognitive qualities that help us to sift through dierent
peoples, to develop likes and dislikes, in short, to build our own little communities
after our image. Tis is why it is so easy for people to be discriminated against on
the strength of their social status, cultural dierences, and even the color of their
skins. When this thrives, it becomes a subversion of the original plan of God to
make one big family of all men.
Here in our text, the Lord outlined the boundaries of the nation of Israel. And
the land was to be inherited by all the 12 tribes of Israel, although each within
its own clearly identied borders. Some portions were small, and some large. Te
tribe of Joseph for instance, was to get two portions, while others were to have
one each. Of course, because this was Gods decision, no one was permitted to
question or reject it. No tribe was to stray into the territory of others, or nd
accommodation with the nations outside the connes of their territory. Tere
were clearly identied landmarks to help each tribe settle into its own territory.
No tribe was also permitted to signify its preference for one territory as against
another. Every tribe was to get its inheritance by lot. But in dividing the land and
inhabiting it, no tribe was allowed to embark on ethnic cleansing of its territory.
Te land would belong to the Israelites as well as to all the foreigners that live
among them. Tey and their children were to be treated as equal citizens with the
Israelites in the distribution of the inheritance among the tribes of Israel.
Tere is, therefore, no room in either our communities or congregations to
practice any form of discrimination, as this will be a clear disobedience to Gods
plan. When people are born again and join a church, their social standing, race,
level of education and wealth no longer matters. What is important is that they
have become children of God, and should be loved and treated as brothers and
sisters in the family of God.
Before God, all men are born equal.
16th September
PSALM 146:1-10
KEY VERSE: The LORD shall reign forever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all
generations. Praise ye the Lord (Psalm 146:10).
Men often have many reasons for complaining to God. Some even bear
grudges against the Almighty. When they look at others in the society, they
only see areas where they are inferior. Tey wish they have all they see in
others, but they never look inwards and appreciate what God has done for
Te Psalmist, unlike other men, praised the Lord from his innermost soul.
He recognized that man, irrespective of how powerful and richly endowed
he maybe, is still inadequate as a helper. For man is grossly limited in his
power; he is subject to the vagaries of nature. Te day he dies, all his fame
and acclaim go with him. But God who created the heaven and the earth and
everything in them has power to give hope and happiness. He is the hope of
the needy, and is concerned about the conditions of the aicted. He makes
no dierence between the social and spiritual needs of the people; He attends
to them both. He defends the oppressed, feeds the hungry and frees those in
captivity. He grants sight to those who are spiritually blind, lifts up those who
are almost beaten to submission by the circumstances of life, and greatly loves
the righteous. He would never forsake strangers, widows and the fatherless,
but will turn upside down, all the plans of the wicked against them. No
wonder the Lord deserves to be praised throughout all generations.
We must praise God for He daily lls us with His blessings, even those we do
not know we need. We are alive by His grace; we face all of lifes challenges
because He would not leave or forsake us. When in trouble, He rescues us;
sick and aicted, He heals us. He to whom belongs the earth and its fullness
supplies and satises our needs. As we praise God for all these blessings, our
minds are taken o whatever challenges still lingers before us. Praising God
helps us to focus on heavenly things and helps us to appreciate the character
of the Almighty God who is our Father.
One fact about praise: we can do nothing without God.
17th September
JEREMIAH 50:1-16
KEY VERSE: For lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an
assembly of great nations from the north country: and they shall set themselves
in array against her; from thence she shall be taken; their arrows shall be as of
a mighty expert man; none shall return in vain (Jeremiah 50:9).
Tere is a beautiful verse in the Bible that summarizes the foolishness of those
who thrive in wicked acts, and would not trade them for anything. Of such
people, the Lord says: Because sentence against an evil work is not executed
speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
For a long time, Babylon was the nation God used as an instrument to chastise
His people, Israel. God chose them for the ignoble role because they were reputed
to be merciless and unconscionable. In their enthusiasm for acts of wickedness,
they exceeded all expectations. But once their job was done, and Israel suciently
punished, they in turn faced Gods anger. He raised a coalition of nations stronger
than Babylon to attack, overthrow and literally wipe that nation out of the face
of the earth in a spectacular manner. While their oppressors were now being
destroyed, the Israelites who had been held in captivity in Babylon, suddenly
came to their senses, and began returning to the Lord in repentance, and also
headed home to the Promised Land which they had forsaken. Meanwhile,
Babylon was devastated as an empire; her economy and agriculture decimated
and her people at war with themselves, and under attack from outside. Te land
did not survive the onslaught.
Truly, it may take time, but sooner or later, Gods hand of judgment will catch up
with all evil doers. While they ourish in their wickedness, it looks like it will last
forever. Tey may, by their action, show that they lack the basic milk of human
kindness, as they aict others, and show no mercy nor listen to pleas. But God
will not leave such people without punishment, and when it comes, it would be
far worse than anything they had done to other people. If you are suering in the
hands of such wicked people, use it as a plank to draw closer to God, and entrust
your life into His hands. And if you are living in wickedness, stop immediately,
turn to the Lord and ask for His forgiveness and pardon, and He will willingly
accept you.
Be warned: the wicked shall not go unpunished
18th September
LUKE 9:52-62
KEY VERSE: And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the
plough, and looking back, is ft for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).
Te path of least resistance easily appeals to most people. Very few will dare
plod the rigorous avenue laden with thorns and thistles. Besides, prostituted
commitments are common place with many opting to enjoy the best of two
Te above statements capture the experience of the Lord Jesus Christ as He
charted the daunting course to Jerusalem, where He paid the supreme price
for mans sin. He had set His face as a int on this journey and nothing,
not even the agony of death, could alter this course. As He proceeded, there
emerged dierent responses from His disciples and other allies. James and
John for instance wanted the destruction of a Samaritan village for daring to
refuse the Lord a passage. An acquaintance wanted to follow the Lord, without
a thorough knowledge of its implications. Another wanted to bury the dead
before becoming a real disciple, while yet another requested a ceremonial
goodbye before accepting the call to follow the Lord. Evidently, these men did
not comprehend the demands of discipleship. To them, following Jesus was
conditional. Yet, the believers call to discipleship is strictly on terms stated by
the Lord Himself.
Gods call to all is lofty and holy. Tose with the discernment accept the call
with sobriety, without the usual recourse to a pleasurable and a compromising
existence. Tey understand that the call is laden with suering, persecution
and tribulations, although the aftermath is always glorious and rewarding.
Christs call to all to follow Him requires unswerving convictions and focused
commitment. Te call, once accepted, is on His terms only. Tose who try to
fulll the call through compromise or a permissive will, miss the mark. It is
only those who gratefully accept the call and submit to the majesty of Gods
will despite the odds, who will eventually receive His crown and enjoy His
eternal fellowship.
Following Christ entails a complete emptiness of self.
19th September
PSALM 147:1-20
KEY VERSE: PRAISE ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God;
for it is pleasant; and praise is comely(Psalm 147:1).
Is there a direct correlation between enthralling praise and a supernatural
intervention? Yes! Te Bible is replete with such proven case studies.
Jehoshaphat praised the Lord, and the confederacy of enemies against Judah
scattered. Te Lord Jesus Christ thanked God at the grave of Lazarus and
the dead man came back to life. Paul and Silas praised God at midnight and
an earthquake liberated them from prison shackles. Real praise provokes the
power of God.
David, the author of the psalm under consideration, understood what it
meant to praise the Lord. He didnt praise God just because it caught his fancy
or because he wanted to curry the favor of the Most High. His praise arose
out of an intimate relationship with God, a keen awareness of His majesty
and a tacit acknowledgement of His great deeds. He acknowledged God as
great in power. He gave glory to God for providing food to beasts and to the
young ravens who cry. His praises were not limited to what God has done
or for whom He is. He blessed the Lord for sending forth His commandment
upon the earth. Praises ignite Gods power.
Clearly, the praise that God accepts must ow from the deepest part of
the soul. It cannot be acted out. It is a voluntary acknowledgement of the
wholesome nature of the Almighty that is worthy of innite adulation. Te
Psalmist aptly teaches us how to praise God and what to praise Him for.
Acceptable praise needs be sincere, relational and enthralling.
Do you nd it dicult sustaining your praises and thanks-oering before the
Lord? Ten ask for a closer walk, a walk strictly denominated in the spirit that
easily provokes an instinctive praise and thanksgiving even in the face of sti
challenges. From today, praise God more for whom He is, what He does and
for the radiance of His glory. Let your praise outstrip narrow supplications
and self-serving prayer schedule and discover the awesome power that moves
Praise is comely, an odor of sweet smell.
20th September
KEY VERSE: Yet thou shalt see the land before thee; but thou shalt not go
thither unto the land which I give the children of Israel (Deuteronomy 32:52).
A robbers dying testimony was most telling. He had been involved in an armed
robbery incident consequent upon which he was condemned to face the ring
squad. It took a long while however, before the execution was carried out. During
the intervening period, he surrendered his life to Jesus and publicly repudiated
his criminal past. Indications were that the death sentence would be commuted
to life imprisonment but alas this was not to be. But before his execution, he had
accepted his fate with dignied calmness, convinced that he was on his way to
Te story above captures the theme of our text. Moses was an exemplary disciple
and leader whose persona towered above the credentials of many. His obedience
to God was legendary. His knack for details was unequalled. He recorded and
repeated Gods instructions to the continuous hearing of the people and for the
edication of generations yet unborn. He spoke mouth to mouth with God
and received rare glimpses of His glory. He loved the Israelites, despite their
Our text opens with Moses setting the glorious attributes of Jehovah to music
and urging his people to admonish their children to take the song to heart and
to observe all the words of this law. Yet, he was denied the ultimate glory
of entering Canaan simply because of what we might call a minor irritant,
an unintended refusal to sanctify the Lord before the people at the waters of
Meribah-Kadesh. Not even his repeated entreaties and heart-rending repentance
could make Jehovah to alter His judgment. Te dice was cast.
To whom much is given, so much is required by the Lord. As the believer
progresses on the spiritual ladder, so is there the awesome need for watchfulness
and absolute holiness of heart and life. It is one thing to commence the Christian
race on an excellent and peerless note of righteousness. It is quite another to
nish on the same note. From Biblical and contemporary examples, it is evident
that only those with the erce comportment to obey the Lord all the way, will
eventually enter into His glorious rest.
Te consequences of sin often subsist even when the real sin has been forgiven.
21st September
ISAIAH 6:1-13
KEY VERSE: In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon
a throne, high and lifted up, and his train flled the temple. Also I heard the voice
of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here
am I; send me (Isaiah 6:1,8).
Sometimes, it takes the loss of a precious gift for the better one to emerge. It
takes the loss of a routine ruler for a more progressive one to unfold.
Te above aptly captures the thrust of our text today. Uzziahs life was symbolic
of Israels state: from being a godly king, blessed with victory and prospered
by God (2 Chronicles 26:5), to his pride and turning away from God that
brought leprosy and eventual death. Judah, like her king, was chosen and
prospered by God. Disobedience to God had brought disease within and
without and like the dreaded leprosy, destruction continued within while the
outward seemed alright. God needed a man who would bear the message of
judgment and hope to His people.
Our passage has presented to us the graphic preparation of a man with a
message for the world. A great king has died but the King of kings is alive
and speaking. When the curtain of heaven was open, Isaiah saw the King in
His majesty. Te sight of the Holy God brought conviction to Isaiah and he
cried for inward cleansing. His confession was accepted by God. Before we
can minister to others, we must rst be ministered to by God in humility
and confession. After being cleansed, Isaiah saw the need of a nation that
had departed from the Lord. He therefore willingly oered himself to be the
messenger for the Lord.
As we renew our vision and commitment to Discipling A Whole Nation
(DAWN), God is looking for more laborers today. Never underestimate
what God can do with just one cleansed, willing and surrendered life. God is
waiting for your reply today; will your reply be like that of Isaiah? Here am
I, send me.
Gods glory is the preserve of the diligent and the consecrated.
22nd September
PSALM 148:1-14
KEY VERSE: Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is
excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven. He also exalteth the horn of
his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people
near unto him. Praise ye the LORD (Psalm 148:13,14).
What is praise? A preacher once said that praise is not a form of words or an
outward exercise but a living condition, a joyful, thankful state of the mind.
It is the air, the inuence we radiate as expression of gratefulness and love to
GOD, our Father, who is the center of wisdom, power and righteousness.
Te Psalm we have read today is part of the Praise Psalms (146-150). It focuses
on Gods control of the created order and the salvation of His people as reasons
for praise. Te heavenly creation such as the angels, sun and moon, stars of
light, heaven of heavens and waters that are above the heavens similarly called
to praise the Lord; dragons, all creatures in the deep ocean, re, hail, snow,
vapor, stormy wind, mountains and hills, trees, beasts, creeping things and
fowls, kings of the earth and all peoples are reasons for His praise? His name
alone is excellent. His glory is above the earth and heaven. He has shown His
might and glory in the salvation of His people.
A preacher once posted that most people are too wrapped up in themselves to
praise God. Like a caged bird, they can only envision their small environment
and condition. It is only the spirit of praise that can open the doors of the
cage and lift such to the heavenly expanse where their petty problem shrinks
into insignicance and the heart wells up into praise to the Almighty.
Praise to the Almighty is the only preoccupation in heaven, and it is time we
all better start to enjoy what will be the only event in eternity!
Nothing entails greater than praise.
23 September
2 CHRONICLES 35:20-27
KEY VERSE: Nevertheless Josiah would not turn his face from him, but disguised
himself, that he might fght with him, and hearkened not unto the words of
Necho from the mouth of God, and came to fght in the valley of Megiddo. And
the archers shot at king Josiah; and the king said to his servants, Have me away;
for I am sore wounded (2 Chronicles 35:22,23).
All men without grace are prone to disobeying the laws of nature and of God.
Many a man will refuse to heed the admonition to watch what they eat and
drink. Even so, it is the creed of man to wantonly disobey Gods laws and
commandments. Tis they do to their own peril.
Josiah became king at the age of eight. He started very well and at age 15, he
began to seek after the God of David. At 19, he started the reform that destroyed
idols in the land. At 25, he began to rebuild the Temple that was left desolate in
the previous decades of idol worship. While the Temple was being cleaned, the
Book of the Law was found. On reading it, he saw the anger of the Lord against
Judah for forsaking the Lord and going after strange gods. He repented and called
the people to repentance. Tere was a restoration of true worship and the start of
the last revival in Judah before the captivity.
Our reading today shows the danger of disobedience to the word of God even in
time of revival and seeming prosperity. In the 31st year of Josiahs reign, the king
of Egypt was going to war against the king of Assyria by Euphrates River and sent
emissary to Josiah for permission to pass through the land of Judah; Josiah refused
even when he was told that it was at the command of the Lord. To be able to ght
this unnecessary battle, he disguised himself and was wounded in the encounter.
He died in the hand of an enemy.
Te sad end of king Josiah should serve as a lesson to present-day believers. If a
righteous man engages in an unrighteous cause, he should not expect to prosper.
God is no respecter of persons. Whenever you are confused of what decision to
take, consult God, And David enquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue
after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou
shall surely overtake them, and without fail recover all (1 Samuel 30:8). In
minor, medium and major events, never fail to seek Gods counsel.
Disobedience begets Gods indignation. Beware!
24th September
EZEKIEL 46:1-3
KEY VERSE: Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh
toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall
be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened (Ezekiel 46:1).
Hannah Whitall Smith, a Christian revivalist, who was greatly inuenced by John
Wesleys doctrine of Christian perfection and William E. Boardmans Te Higher
Christian Life, said: If the Lord sets you to guard a lonely post in perfect stillness
from all active work, you ought to be just as content as to be in the midst of the
active warfare. It is no virtue to love the Masters work better than the Masters
From creation, God instituted the ordinance of six days for work and the
seventh day for rest, known as Sabbath, which was equally a day of worship and
consecration unto Him. In our text, God reiterated this observation, instructing
that they should shut the gate to the inner court, which was towards the east, for
six days, while on Sabbath and new moon days, they should open it.
Te prince, on these special days, would enter through the gate and stand in its
vestibule to present his burnt and peace oerings, which symbolized his personal
dedication and gratitude for Gods fellowship. Other worshippers would also
worship at the same gate and not to enter the inner court, which was only meant
for the priest.
Gods directive, which was for proper fellowship with Him and orderliness in
His service, was never questioned, teaching us never to question His command.
As our text revealed that the prince and other worshippers oered unblemished
materials unto God, we are also required not to oer things stolen and ill-gotten
as tithes and oerings unto God.
As the princes responsibility was dierent from the priests, so also today, pastors,
ushers, choristers and house leaders, among others, have dierent responsibilities.
All we need to do is to conne ourselves to the word of God, since everything is
for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of
the body of Christ.
Render unto God that which belongs to Him.
25th September
ACTS 2:41-47
KEY VERSE: And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and
fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42).
Watchman Nee once said, Only an unconditional and unrestricted
acceptance of the reproach of conscience with a corresponding willingness to
do what is revealed can show how perfect our consecration is, how truly we
hate sin and how sincerely we desire to do Gods will.
Peters sermon on the day of Pentecost, as our text revealed, had dramatic
impact on the three thousand converts, as disciples devoted themselves to
the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. Tey were
lled with awe, when the apostles did many wonders and miraculous signs
which gave further impetus to the Lordship of Christ over all principalities
and powers.
All the believers, together, had everything in common. Tey sold all their
possessions and goods, and they gave to anyone according to his need. Daily
too, they met in the temple and equally went from house to house, eating
together with gladness and singleness of heart.
We also learn that all those who believed had fellowship together. Even
though we are not asked to sell all our things for everyone to have, the
passage was recorded to enable Christians have true fellowship. Tey equally
devoted themselves to worshipping of God, praising Him in all that they did.
Everything they did was for the cause of the Lord and in the name of Jesus
All these things teaches us that when we are genuinely saved, we must continue
in the ways of Jesus by devoting ourselves to the word of God, loving our
brethren, worshipping God, teaching the lost and growing in the character of
Christ. Tis was the model of the apostles and it must be our pattern.
True conversion, not religion, is the only pathway to
eternal habitation with God.
26th September
JEREMIAH 51:1-32
KEY VERSE: Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be
not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORDs vengeance; he will
render unto her a recompense (Jeremiah 51:6).
R.G. Lee, a famous Baptist evangelist, was noted to have often preached a
message entitled, Pay-day some-day, which he would surmise that one might
live a life of sin and appear to be getting away with it, but one day the person
would face the severe judgment of his or her sin, whether in this life or in
Tis clearly explained Gods controversy against Babylon, which had subdued
nations and kings through its military prowess. But a time came when the
once acclaimed great nation had to face total destruction without remedy.
Jeremiah, who revealed Babylons fall, according to our text, gave the
particulars of its doom, which were intermixed with the grounds of Gods
judgment against the heathen nation. God, who has the innite power to use
anything people, wind and blast, among others to ght His battle, was
pointblank in His approach against Babylon, stating He would stir up the
spirit of a destroyer and send foreigners against it. Everything which Babylon
had trusted and relied upon, God said, would be completely overthrown. As
fanner is used to separate the wheat from the cha, so also God said He would
sweep away guilty Babylon as cha.
Te calamity which befell Babylon is still the same judgment that will come
upon sinners. Babylon would not have been brought under the severe wrath
of God if it had not enmeshed itself in iniquities. Yet, many people, today,
delight in sins. But the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some
men count slackness; but is longsuering to us-ward, not willing that any
should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
Te wages sin pays is death.
27th September
1 TIMOTHY 4:6-16
KEY VERSE: Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them:
for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee(1 Timothy
Simon Melendres, a Christian leader, shared his personal experience, which
remained ever green in his memory as a bitter reminder of pride. One
afternoon, he recalled, the principal of his school came to his class and asked
the students, whose parent might not be able to take them to a circus show,
to raise their hands. Out of pride and in an attempt to show that he belonged
to the privileged class, Melendres did not raise his hand. To his astonishment,
the school principal invited all the kids, who raised their hands, to go with
her. She took them all to the circus. Melendres felt disappointed because he
had lost the only opportunity he had to go to the circus, simply because of
his pride and false pretence. While expressing his regret, he said: It taught
me a great lesson. Any of us can be left behind when Christ returns by failing
to trust Christ as Savior and for allowing pride or other sins to remain in our
Tis was what Paul the Apostle captured when he warned Timothy to watch
over his life and the doctrine, as it would help him to save both himself and
others who might hear him. To be able to do that, Timothy must not only
nourish himself in the words of faith and of good doctrine, but he must also
shun every worldly fable and pay attention to things that would help him
become a godly person.
Tat same teaching given to Timothy is also given to us today; we should be
an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in
faith, in purity. Some people devote themselves to negative words; they are
no longer watchful of what comes out of their mouth. Flatteries and lying
have become their trade. Some maintain both nancial and physical tness.
Yet, they cannot sweat out themselves for spiritual things. Be watchful, and
strengthen the things which remain.
Let not thy ego be your ruin.
28th September
PSALM 150:1-6
KEY VERSE: Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the
LORD (Psalm 150:6).
Are there grounds for the praise the psalmist is calling for? Should the believer
who is surrounded by so much sin, wickedness and tokens of all that is
unrighteous praise his Savior? What do we see, that the unbeliever does not
perceive, that ought to compel us to praise the Creator of Heaven and earth?
Te writer of Psalm 150 says we should praise God in His sanctuary and
rmament of power. He alludes to His mighty acts and exhorts us to praise
God according to His excellent greatness. Ten between verse 3 and verse 5,
the psalmist calls for support from the trumpet, the psaltery, harp, timbrel,
stringed instruments, organs and high sounding cymbals to praise.
Because God is Lord of all (Acts 10:36), both living and non-living things are
indebted to Him. Praising Him doesnt oset that debt. It doesnt (and cant
) cancel what it cost Him to deliver us from sin and the grip of the devil. But
it shows how grateful we are for His show of love, faithfulness, and above all
the hope of eternal life after our stay here on earth.
Even as we rejoice before Him for all these, the Word of God sounds us a
cautionary note on the need for sobriety. In Psalm 2:11, it says, Serve the
LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. And Psalm 22:3 adds: but
thou (God) art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.
If then God is present in praises, we who serve Him in joy and with instruments
of music must honor that presence by refraining from wanton abandon.
Tat God is present in praises is also underscored by the fact that the word
praise appears twice in every verse of Psalm 150. Its unique! Praise the Lord.
Prayer and service need praise to be acceptable in heaven.
29th September
KEY VERSE: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together
with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with
the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words (1 Thessalonians
A preacher recounted his experience with a woman who had a visible deformity
as follows: I was preaching in Alexandria, V.A, and a woman sat in front with
her mother. Tis woman had a visible hole in front of her fore head and the top
of her head was somewhat covered in ward. Tey told me that she was a graduate
student, when she was accidentally shot by her husband. Te bullet went through
the front of her head and went out through the back. Te doctors predicted she
would become a vegetarian. But through much prayers and loving care, she could
go to Church and speak a little; she was smiling and seemed so happy in the Lord.
Finally, she was asked to recite 1 Corinthians chapter 13. After a heart rendition
of the beautiful Bible passage, she raised her hands and asked me a question;
someday, when Jesus comes, can I be whole again? I assured her that she will
have a new resurrected body, perfect in every way (1 Corinthians 15:5). And she
sat down looking greatly comforted.
Te world we are living in is enmeshed in crisis and becoming more complicated by
the day. Sorrow and agony are much such that a believer should daily long for his
heavenly home. Pains and hardship are all over that the hearts of many are failing
them. Some so called Christians are beginning to walk disorderly with lukewarm
disposition to the things of God. It is in the spirit of giving encouragement and
comfort that Paul the apostle wrote to the Tessalonian Christians, and by extent
to every believer, to encourage them to continue to abound more and more in
their walk with God.
Te hope of reigning eternally with Christ after this world of miseries and
disappointments was emphasized in this epistle. Tis is the greatest comfort a
believer should have. In just a eeting moment our days of misery and despair
here on earth will give way to an endless regime of joy and happiness in heaven.
Te diligent and the determined are sure candidates of
eternal bliss in heaven.
30th September
PSALM 19:7-11
KEY VERSE: Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret
faults (Psalm 19:12).
Joe sat at his dying wifes bedside. Her voice was little more than a whisper.
Joe, darling, she breathed, Ive got a confession to make before I go. Im
the one who took the ten thousand dollars from your safe and spent it on a
ing with your best friend, Charles. And it was I who forced your mistress to
leave the city. And I am the one who reported your income tax evasion to the
government. Tats all right, dont give it a second thought, answered Joe,
Im the one who poisoned you.
From the preceding part of this psalm, it appears that when David uttered
this exclamation, he had been meditating on the purity and perfection of the
divine law. From this subject, he passed by a very natural transition to his
own transgressions of that law. Te more he reected upon them, the more
numerous and aggravated did they appear; and the more he felt convinced
that he was still very far from discovering them all. He highlighted the
power of Gods word to cleanse and to purify the heart completely from the
dominant power of sin and to present it faultless before the almighty God.
Charles Spurgeon concurred with David when he said: What we know is
as nothing when compared with what we know not. Te sea of wisdom has
cast up a shell or two upon our shore, but its vast depths have never known
the footstep of the searcher. Even in natural things we know but the surface
of matters
Natural man at his best can neither qualify nor pass the test of Gods scrutiny
by his own means. Some people count it sin only when they commit some
terrible things. Tey think, Im not a sinner, for Ive never murdered
anybody. How foolish. God says a hateful attitude is murder. Christ has
paid the supreme price for your sinful state; trust Him fully for your eternal
salvation and for your deliverance from all sin.
Every profession of human perfection arises from perfect ignorance.
1st October
JOHN 16:5-15
KEY VERSE: And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of
righteousness, and of judgment (John 16:8).
Te manager of the Sears store in downtown Seattle in the United States says
an elderly man has repaid with interest cash the man says he stole in
the late 1940s. KING-TV reports that the man hand-delivered an envelope
Monday, 28/11/11 addressed to Sears manager. Inside were a note and a
$100 bill. Te note said the man stole $20 to $30 from a cash register decades
ago and wanted to pay back $100. Manager Gary Lorentson says he thinks
the mans conscience has been bothering him for the past 60 years.
A major part of our preaching should be in line with what the Holy Ghost
is reproving the world of. Hence, we should not shrink back from speaking
about sin, righteousness and judgment accompanied by faith, repentance and
the Cross. Tis makes a great change from hearing the so-called love gospel.
Its called a love gospel, but those who preach it cant truly love the people
theyre preaching to. If they did, they would give them the true gospel that
leads to salvation. Our calling is to preach the gospel with everything we
have, every moment of the day. If it is for real, the sinners will notice, and will
indeed be cut to the heart. Of course, the sinner needs the law as a pointer
to grace. But it is the Holy Spirit that will dig deep into the inner recess of the
heart and bring conviction upon the sinner.
Finally, we must not forget that the Holy Spirit is said to convict the world
of sin. Te world in this sense stands for ideologies, lawlessness and satanic
lifestyles which are diametrically opposed to those of the kingdom of heaven.
Like a High Court judge in the domain of human behavior, conscience passes
sentence on every man, woman and child in the court room of his or her own
mind. No one can dethrone conscience without paying a frightening price.
One may choose to ignore conscience or momentarily stie its voice. But
those who do this invariably suer the consequences.
Te world is a rebel outpost that only the Holy Spirit can conquer.
2nd October
PSALM 4:1-11
KEY VERSE: But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself:
the Lord will hear when I call unto him. Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with
your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah. (Psalm 4:3,4).
A clergyman once asked some children before him, What is holiness?
A poor little boy in tattered dress jumped up and said, Please, your
reverence, it is to be clean inside. Could anything be truer? Holiness means
separated or set-apart for a special use. In this specic case in our text,
God was talking about His glory which the sons of men had turned into
shame through their love for vanity.
He turns our attention to the beautiful life of those set apart for His exclusive
use: they do not live willfully in sin any longer as the nature and power of sin
has been destroyed through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. Te passage
concludes with the gladness of heart and the prevailing peace which Gods
holy people enjoy in spite of the turbulence and evil in the world. Te worlds
system has a way of controlling and corrupting people, be it through the
lust of the esh, lust of the eyes or pride of life. And as Christians, we know
that some of those things in the world system are wrong. We must therefore
avoid them. We must not behave like people who dont want to give up the
world entirely; people who try to hold onto the world and at the same time
remain in Christs kingdom. Anyone who clings to the world will surely be
entrapped by it. Te way of holiness is not to import worldly principles into
Christianity. Te way of holiness is come out from among them and be ye
separate. Tat means we exist for the special purpose of being a pure dwelling
for God. When we are set apart, we show forth the praises of God and sinners
are drawn to His love through our lives and conduct. Remember, without
holiness no man shall see the Lord.
Holiness is to be clean inside
3rd October
NUMBERS 8:5-19
KEY VERSE: Take the Levites from among the children of Israel, and cleanse
them (Numbers 8:6)
Serving the Lord is a very unique and privileged opportunity. It is not a service
into which every Tom, Dick and Harry can enter. Tose who are selected to
serve here are specially qualied though not by their own merit and making
but by the gracious provision of God to which they have appropriated. Tere
are however many who wish to enter into this service. Tey do many things to
make themselves qualied. Tey get actively involved in religious attendance
and activities; some even get enrolled in seminaries and theological schools to
receive formal trainings not realizing that these in themselves do not qualify
them to enter into this great service. To get qualied to serve in the courts of
Gods kingdom, you need to be cleansed.
Tis is the main thrust of the text for our meditation today. Te Levites have
been specially selected out of the whole tribes of the children of Israel to carry
out divine service for God. But before they can be truly t for that service,
God instructed Moses to cleanse them. Tis is a form of purication which
they must observe. It is to make them realize that the service to which they
are about to enter is a sacred and holy one. Hence, they were to be holy. Tey
cannot give room to any form of delement if they hope to render acceptable
service to God that will bring the expected blessings on the people they serve
and on themselves as well.
Te service of God today requires no less condition. Many people are
desecrating the service of God and making it of no eect. Many have
completely lost sight of what the service of God is all about and have turned
it into a venture through which they can pursue their personal desires and
ambitions. Of course, God does not recognize such people as serving Him.
If you wish to truly render your service to the Lord, understand that this is
a good desire. However, you must rst get cleansed. Gods service is a holy
service and requires nothing but holy servants.
Gods service requires nothing but holy servants.
4th October
MARK 6:53-56
KEY VERSE: And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew
him (Mark 6:54).
Ignorance costs a lot. We miss so many things that would have been of great
benets to us in life either because we are ignorant of what those things are or we
fail to recognize those opportunities when we come across them.
Many people are suering so much today because they have failed to recognize
the only One who holds the key to the problems of the world. Consequently,
there are so much pain, sickness, oppression, poverty, death, etc. everywhere.
Peace has continually eluded the world and families go through so much heart
breaks and pains all because they failed to truly recognize who Jesus is.
As soon as Jesus stepped out of the ship in our text, the people in Gennesaret knew
Him! Immediately, they ran to Him, bringing all their suerings. Obviously, they
must have heard of who Jesus is. Someone must have told them of the great
things He could do. Tose who had received one miracle or the other from Jesus
must have shared their testimonies with their friends and neighbors in the city
and villages, describing His great love and power. And so, when Jesus nally
appeared in their city, they had no diculty recognizing Him because they had
heard of Him.
As believers, we have a duty to make the world know who Jesus is. Te world at
large is still very ignorant of who He is. Many mistake Him for just a religious
founder, a great teacher, a good man but do not know Him as the only Savior,
approved of God to bring salvation to the world. Tey are further being confused
by many false teachers who are presenting a false impression of who Jesus is. We
need to urgently correct this and make them know who He really is. Our simple
testimonies of the great things He has done for us; our witnessing of who He
is and our demonstration of His love for the world can help the world come to
know Him and this will be the greatest good we can do for our world.
Te world would be a better place if they knew who Jesus is.
5th October
DANIEL 8:13-27
KEY VERSE: And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the
last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be (Daniel
Te new health bill that has just been signed into law in the United States
to take eect in 2013 has generated a lot of controversies and concerns. Te
concern is not so much about what the scheme is expected to cost in terms
of monetary budget but the way citizens are expected to benet from it.
According to the bill, citizens are expected to be given a form of personal
identication which is to be a kind of a microchip to be inserted on the
forehead or on the right hand. Without this identication, no one can have
access to health provision. Does this sound familiar? Yes! Te concern of most
people is, Isnt this the mark of the beast? Many commentators appear to
be drawing this conclusion and there are a lot of fears, worries and concerns
everywhere. Te true Christian who studies his Bible well need not to be
troubled. Te Bible provides clear answers to this concern.
In our passage for meditation today, Daniel had a vision that got him visibly
shaken and concerned. It concerns visions of kingdoms that were to succeed
the Babylonian empire. From one of such kingdoms will arise the Antichrist
whose reign and rule is to be erce and devastating. He will oppose Christ
and all who identify with Christ. Te angel made Daniel to understand that
there is an appointed time for this event.
Te New Testament gives us a clearer detail of the events of the end time as
well as the order of these events. Te Antichrist will not manifest until after
the rapture of the saints. He will decree that none can buy or sell except with
the mark of the beast which will be given either on the forehead or on the
hand. Anyone who receives this mark and worships the image of the beast will
be forever doomed to hell.
While the American new health law and personal identication number
cannot be said to be the mark of the beast, it however shows us how true
Bible prophesies are.
How prepared are you for the Lords coming?
6th October
EZEKIEL 9:5-11
KEY VERSE: Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and
women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my
sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house
(Ezekiel 9:6).
Tat those who truly believe in Christ and have been saved from sin will not
be part of the judgment and wrath that God will bring upon the entire world
is a comforting and reassuring fact of the Scripture. We have several examples
and illustrations in the Bible that attest to this truth. We can easily recall the
experience of the children of Israel in Egypt. As God determined to bring the
judgment of death on all the rst born in Egypt, He instructed the children of
Israel to mark their door post with the blood of a lamb which they were to slay so
that they would be protected from the angel of destruction (Exodus 12:13). Also,
Rehab was saved from the destruction of Jericho because she believed in the Lord
and had a scarlet mark on her window. Tese are pointers to the fact that believers
are not appointed unto wrath.
Our passage today re-echoes this fact. God had determined to bring judgment
upon the faithless people in the land but decided rst to put a mark upon all the
faithful of the land so that they will not be part of the destruction. Te mark on
the faithful was to show that they belonged to God and so must not be touched
by the agents of destruction that were to go through the land. Note that the
destruction was to begin from the sanctuary. Tis shows that it is possible to be in
the church and not belong to God. It is sad to know that there are so many people
in the church today that truly do not belong to God. Tey are in the church but
are still involved in all forms of atrocities, abominations and wickedness. Tis is
why judgment will begin in the house of God, and all such people will not be
spared because they do not have the saving mark.
If you are truly born again and are living right, walking in obedience to the Word
of God, the Lord has promised to spare you when He comes to judge the wicked.
Terefore, do not panic or fear. For God hath not appointed [you] to wrath, but
to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Tessalonians 5:9).
We are saved as long as we abide under the blood of Christ
7th October
ACTS 7:17-35
KEY VERSE: This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and
a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the
angel which appeared to him in the bush. (Acts 7:35).
Te pain of rejection is usually very deep and hard to forget especially when the
rejection comes from the people one loves and have genuine interest in helping.
Tere is nothing as humiliating and hurting as this. Te usual response to this is
to withdraw, suck away and determine never to oer any help any more.
Te experience of Moses from our text is similar to this. Tough he lived in the
privileged royal courts of the king of Egypt, he knew where his heart belonged
among the poor and oppressed Hebrews who at that time were slaves in Egypt.
He was not ashamed to identify with them. But unfortunately for him, when he
oered to help, he was shamefully turned down and rejected. Te pain was so
much that Moses ran away. To him, the thought of ever helping the children of
Israel was dead and forgotten. However, forty years after, God came looking for
him and sent him back to the mission from which he was once rejected. Te once
rejected Moses turned to become their deliverer and greatest leader they ever had.
It is possible that you too have suered one form of rejection or the other. Maybe
you were told you were not qualied to do a particular thing when you thought
you could do it; or you were dropped from a team because your performance was
thought to fall below expectation. It is possible that at this moment you have
given up the thought of ever trying your hand on any other thing. Te Lord
wants you to understand today that though you may have been rejected by man
either as a result of their own standard or by your failure, yet He has not rejected
you. As He went looking for Moses at the backside of the desert, the Lord is
looking and calling for you today. He still has a place of usefulness for you. If you
are overwhelmed by your perceived weaknesses, the Lord Himself is oering to
qualify you and exchange His strength for your weakness. All He wants you to do
is to forget your past rejection. A greater ministry awaits you. Rise to it.
Tere is still a place of usefulness for you in Gods kingdom
8th October
KEY VERSE: He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an
hedge, a serpent shall bite him (Ecclesiastes 10:8).
Tere is a consequence for every action taken by anyone. But this fact seems to
be lost on many people. Terefore, they live as if they have the unfettered liberty
to say anything, do anything, and go scot free. In this careless state, many people
carry on in life, only to discover when it is too late that they must account for the
way they lived.
Te wise preacher in Ecclesiastes sought to draw attention to the inevitability of
a pay-back time for all of mans actions. He warned that those who seek to entrap
other people or strip them of all forms of protection, shall sooner or later, fall
victim to their own activities. He spoke about those who think they can achieve
anything without preparation, without sweating for success. Such people want to
cut a tree with a blunt iron, and therefore, discover to their dismay that they had
been spending more time than necessary on an otherwise straightforward task.
Tey waste their lives on trivialities, because they are not wise enough to develop
necessary skills for living or sharpen their spiritual sensitivities.
Te worst condition a man can get into is to be absorbed in himself. How many
people today go about life thinking they know everything, they can do anything,
and they fear nothing/anyone. Whether in the family, oce, church or the society
at large, such people routinely trample on the rights of others, and frighten their
victims into silence for fear of their reaction. Anyone in this condition is in
reality, blinded by self-condence, pride and arrogance. He is an accident waiting
to happen. He must sooner or later, face a payback time for his actions.
For such people, the only way to avoid future regrets or present pain is to retrace
their steps; pause and ponder for a moment about the consequences of their
actions, seek forgiveness from God, rectify the damage their activities have caused
others, and ask God to guide and direct their lives henceforth.
Be warned: Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
9th October
HEBREWS 9:1-10
KEY VERSE: The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of
all was not yet made manifest, while as the frst tabernacle was yet standing
(Hebrews 9:8).
Many people grumble today that there are too many things they are not
allowed to do in the house of God. Tey would rather be given the liberty to
indulge in gratifying the esh. Tey argue that the rules should be relaxed to
allow them more freedom in the house of God.
But even in the Old Testament, God did not indulge the Israelites. He imposed
a set of rules and regulations on how they should approach Him, and their
conduct in the house of worship. He directed them to build a tabernacle or
holy place, divided into two compartments by curtains. Te priests and the
people went into the rst section of the holy place to make sacrice to God.
But only the high priest entered the most holy place, once a year, to oer
sacrice for his sins and those of the people. Tis innermost room of the
tabernacle had a golden box containing the original stones on which the Ten
Commandments were written, a pot of manna and Aarons rod. Te mercy
seat or altar was on top of the box. Tis room was the most sacred spot on
earth for the Jews, entered into only by the high priest, one day in a year. Te
other priests and the common people thus had access to God only through
the high priest. By this, the Holy Ghost hinted that there was yet to come, a
more perfect way to worship God. Te way to come is better as it would entail
the sacrice of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
Today, we are not bound by those rules of ceremonial cleansing nor limited on
our diets, as these do not have the power to keep anyone clean permanently.
It is only the blood of Jesus, shed on the Cross at Calvary that can wash away
our sins. It is Jesus Christ, who is now our High Priest, that can give us the
grace to go and sin no more. To be a true worshipper, admit all your sins,
ask Him to forgive and cleanse you, and serve Him all the days of your life
True worship of God is through Christ.
10th October
1 KINGS 11:1-13
KEY VERSE: For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned
away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his
God, as was the heart of David his father (1 Kings 11:4).
Knowing when to say no, especially to loved ones, is an art which great
leaders all through the ages have cultivated. Sometimes, they may keep silent
or look for ways to avoid the question. Or like Nelson Mandela, they may
say: Let me think about it. But as Mandelas biographer noted, in the end,
he will not tell you what you want to hear just because you want to hear it.
King Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, was not that smart. His descent
into evil began in a casual way: he loved many women who were strangers
to his God. Soon he married them, but at rst resisted their idol worship.
Ten he began tolerating it, until it became so overwhelming around him
that he got involved in it himself. He no longer saw anything bad in it nor
remembered the clear command of God against idol worship. From then on,
his heart became imperfect before God, as he engaged in more evil activities
in the sight of the Lord. Quite naturally, God became angry with Solomon
whom He had appeared to twice, and blessed greatly. Solomon obtained
promises from God, received answers to his prayers, and was guided by God
for the most part. But his idolatrous practices spelt doom for his throne.
His kingdom could have continued and he could have been greatly blessed.
Instead, his kingdom came to an ignominious end. He had become so
corrupted that he had no interest in God any more.
We must understand that God knows our strengths and weaknesses. It is
usually through our weaknesses that temptation comes. Gods commands,
therefore, are meant to protect us from yielding to base instincts. We must
protect ourselves too, not just by knowing the word of God, but by following
and applying it in our lives always. We must never forget that it is good to
start well with God, but it is best to allow Him lead us from start to nish.
Te path that leads away from God begins with a little compromise.
11th October
KEY VERSE: Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou only
art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments
are made manifest (Revelation 15:4).
Among the most delusionary aspects of life is when people assume that things
will continue as they are, and no one would be held to account for his conducts
here on earth. Some people even assume that life begins and ends in the world.
But these are tricks of the devil to lull people into carelessness, and eventual
Te truth is that judgment day is nearer than many people realize. Te Lord
Jesus Christ here in our text, has given us a preview of what is to come. God has
prepared, in the not-too-distant future, to pour His plagues on all those whose
lifestyle and action are oensive to Him, all those who refuse to change their
evil ways. Te plagues would be universal, and no sinner can escape them. Gods
purpose then will be to abolish evil once and for all times. And this will occur
when God decides to bring the world to an end. Te time is drawing closer, the
angels are ready and are only waiting for command from the Almighty God to
unleash divine terror. But not all of humanity will suer from the plagues. Tose
who lived to please God on earth are pictured as standing above the evil that
would befall the rest of sinful humanity. While they would be singing songs to
Gods glory and rejoicing in heaven for their deliverance from the power of Satan,
the inhabitants of the earth would face an indescribable and horric judgment.
Te angels that would bring that punishment are free from all forms of human
frailty, corruption and injustice as symbolized by their white attire. Tey would
do exactly as God tells them, and no sinner would escape from that judgment.
Te time to seek an escape route is now. And there is no other way to be saved
from the punishment that God would unleash on all evil doers, than to quickly
retrace your steps from all your evil activities, plead with the Lord to forgive and
pardon you, obtain grace from the Lord Jesus Christ to shun all forms of evil, and
make up your mind to live henceforth only as God prescribes.
Judgment day will still catch up with many people unawares.
12th October
PSALM 48:1-14
KEY VERSE: For this God is our God forever and ever: he will be our guide even
unto death (Psalm 48:14).
Te paths of life are a tangled web of attractions. Tey seek the attention of
people, and suck them in, especially when such people are not careful enough
to search for, and move in the right direction. Many therefore, live in the
vain belief that they are doing the right things, only to be hit at the end with
disappointment that all their eorts, strivings, accomplishments have been
utterly meaningless. Tey had gone on the wrong path and lived a worthless
Te Israelites were never oblivious of the need for guidance and a Guide. Te
Almighty God was their benefactor. But from time to time in their checkered
history, they willfully went astray. Yet, each time they sought a change of
course, the Lord was always there to show them the way.
Tis Psalm was written to extol the goodness of God in their lives. Te Lord
was ever present with them, guiding them on the way to go, and this was a
cause of great joy for them. His presence provided them the security they
needed, and brought salvation from their enemies. Tey saw God as their
defender, indeed the defender of Jerusalem, their city. Many times, that city
was besieged by enemies. But after every battle, the Israelites formed a habit
of undertaking an inspection tour of the city and its defenses, and they never
failed to praise God for the protection He provided them. Tey never ceased
too to marvel about the greatness of God.
We need to appreciate God for all His past dealings in our lives - for salvation,
victory and provisions, and also realize that we stand no chance of making
meaningful progress in life unless we allow Him to guide us. Without Him,
we would take wrong decisions that have serious consequences for the rest of
our lives. Whether in the area of marriage, career or in day-to-day activities of
life, we must make God our Guide.
God does not lead astray.
13th October
NUMBERS 8:20-26
KEY VERSE: And the Levites were purifed, and they washed their clothes;
and Aaron offered them as an offering before the LORD; and Aaron made an
atonement for them to cleanse them. And after that went the Levites in to do
their service in the tabernacle.. (Numbers 8:21,22).
As a people, the tribe of Levi was chosen to render special services unto God.
Tis choice was made after the unpleasant event of Mount Sinai when the
peoples impatience over Moses delay led them to request for the molding of
a god of gold. Moses came down, expressed disgust over their action and gave
them a chance to repent. He made the call: Who is on the Lords side, and
only the Levites voluntarily separated themselves unto Moses side to serve
the true God.
Te dedication of the Levites was to take the place of the rst born. Teir
separation symbolized the godly separation that should characterize the
nation of Israel. All Israelites rst born belonged to the Lord (Exodus 13:11-
16). However, God allowed the Levites to become substitutes for all the rst
born. Tey were to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation and
were wholly given unto the Lord. Tey were to retire at age fty probably to
enable the younger men take over the hard task of lifting the heavy objects.
Even so, they did not stop working entirely. Tey were allowed to carry out
some light duties and assist the younger men to assume more responsibilities.
Tey had no inheritance: their inheritance was God Himself.
Te life of the Levites provide us a great lesson in consecration and commitment
to Gods work. Many have gone astray pursuing gold and silver to be lavished
on earthly pleasures of the esh. We must spare a thought today: how much
of your time do you give to God? You may not be a Levite but you are to be
what God desires you to be in purity and holiness of life
Everyone must give account of himself to God someday
14th October
MARK 7:1-13
KEY VERSE: ..Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep
your own tradition Making the word of God of none effect through your
tradition.. (Mark 7:9,13).
Te traditions of the Jews as well as those of most nations of the world
evolved through custom and practices handed down from generation to
generation. Over time, these practices have progressively become regarded as
standards for good conducts and behavior. Years of unquestioned customary
practice have therefore brought it into conict with the far older and divinely
revealed commandment of the Holy Scriptures.
Te Pharisees added a good number of their petty rules and regulations
to Gods laws and tried to compel people to obey them. Yet they claimed
to know God. And because the Pharisees worshipped God for the wrong
reasons, pretending to be what they were not, Jesus labeled them hypocrites.
Hypocrisy is pretending to be something one is not. Tey were bothered
more by their reputation than by their character.
It is sinful to use God as an excuse for not helping our families; neither is it
more important to put money into the church oering bag than to help our
needy parents. We are to honor our fathers and mothers (Exodus 20:12).
Tradition obviously blinded the Pharisees to this commandment.
We must, at all times, be sensitive to our duty and obligations to God
while ensuring that we do not neglect our responsibilities to the family.
None should be a replacement for the other. Emphasizing our virtues and
highlighting the sins of others was the hypocritical character of the Pharisees.
We must avoid it.
Any practice in conict with Gods word is sin.
15th October
DANIEL 9:1-3
KEY VERSE: In the frst year of his reign, I Daniel understood by books the
number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the
prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of
Jerusalem (Daniel 9:2).
AN African Country President recently launched a program tagged: Bring
Back Te Book. No doubt, he had been irked by the present generations
lethargy towards reading as a rewarding and desirable culture. Bring Back
Te Book was therefore a wake-up call to return to book-reading culture and
explore its abundant treasure.
In our text, a change of power had taken place and Darius the Medes had
become the king over Babylon. Tis signicant change prompted Daniel to
search the scriptures to nd out the prophetic signicance of the capture
of Babylon by the Persians. Trough searching, he found out that Jeremiah
had prophesied that the Jewish captivity would last seventy years (Jeremiah
25:11,12), and that period had almost come to an end. What a discovery!
Daniel was thus left with no other option than to go into a prayer of confession
of the nations sin and to petition God to fulll His word. Obviously, the fact
of the captivity and its period were concealed in the scriptures and it took the
probing mind of the prophet to discover these hidden facts.
Te reward of searching the scriptures cannot be over stressed. It is in the
scriptures that the mysteries of life and godliness are concealed. Reading
opens our heart and mind to the wisdom of God and the great provision He
has made for our return to Him and steadfast walk with Him. If the world
is bothering about the dying culture of reading, the church ought to bother
more about reading and meditating on the scriptures. Do you read your Bible
every day? You can start today.
Te Bible is an endless maze of eternal verities read and explore
16th October
EZRA 10:1-5
KEY VERSE And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel, one of the sons of Elam,
answered and said unto Ezra; We have trespassed against our God, and have
taken strange wives of the people of the land Now therefore let us make a
covenant with our God to put away all the wives and let it be done according
to the law (Ezra 10:2,3).
Gods commandments are not grievous. Obedience to them frees us from
the snares of the devil and ensures our freedom from present and future
heartaches and pains, the heat of hell and the fury of its re. Tose who obey
become light and have no agreement and evil association with those who hate
God and His commandments.
Our text deals with a situation of brazen disobedience to Gods commands
concerning unequal yoke. Marrying heathen wives had constituted an act of
unfaithfulness to God and His word. Ezra had arrived Jerusalem to discover
that contrary to Gods command, the people had married women of heathen
nations. He then, on a cold and rainy day, addressed the people telling them
pointedly they had sinned and come under condemnation. Of the 29,000
families, 113 were aected and they were told to put away their heathen wives.
Tis they did as a necessary action to preserve Israel as a nation committed
to God. True repentance does not start and end in confession of the sinful
act. Tere must be a follow-up action to correct the behavior and change the
Today, Christians are being reminded that unequal yoke in marriage, in
business and other areas of human endeavor is a contravention of Gods law.
We need to examine ourselves, repent and make necessary restitution. Time
obviously is running out. Te end is near.
Make hay while the sun shines
17th October
ACTS 7:36-53
KEY VERSE Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always
resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the prophets have
not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before
of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and
murderers (Acts 7:51,52).
One of the major attributes of the Almighty God is that His wrath is preceded
by His warning. He keeps no one in the dark as to the consequence of ones
action. He warns through His messengers, pastors and prophets of the eternal
doom awaiting the unrepentant sinner and the rebellious backslider. Despite
this, many still live a life of wickedness, sin and evil.
Stephen had graduated from being a food distributor to becoming a great
miracle worker, preacher and consummate evangelist. He was bold and
courageous, wise and full of faith, grace and power. He confronted the people
with the gospel of Christ. And they were not able to resist the wisdom and
the Spirit by which he spake (Acts 6:10). He took them down memory lane
and pointed out how they had always resisted the Holy Ghost in their walk
with God.
Te Church of Christ is passing through a rocky terrain today. Tere is need
for bold and courageous preachers to warn the people of the dire consequences
of rejecting Christ. We must be ready to suer all forms of indignities like
those who have gone before us.
Te pleasure at the end is greater than the pain of the present hour. Tere is
eternal salvation for those who endure to the end. And like Stephen, let us
labor now in spite of persecutions and false accusations to the glory of God.
Spend and be spent for Christ.
18th October
KEY VERSE: Blessed art thou O land, when thy king is the son of nobles, and thy
princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness (Ecclesiastes
Te promise of the Holy Spirit baptism was fullled in the book of Acts
chapter two. As the disciples spoke in dierent but understandable languages,
being Galileans, the people were amazed. While some wondered at the great
miracle, others charged them with drunkenness. Tis charge was punctured
by Peter who reminded them that it was but the third hour of the day and
it would be unwise and irresponsible to be drunk at that time of the day.
Obviously, apostles and ardent believers are made of more sober stu.
Our text paints the picture of a tragic state of aairs when rulers and leaders
are childish and their princes begin the day by satisfying their appetites.
Apparently looking back to the book of 1st and 2nd Kings, the writer
remembered the decline of the kingdoms when the leaders were concerned
about themselves and concluded that laziness was at the root of it. By much
slothfulness the building decayeth
Godly leaders set good examples for the rest to follow. Ungovernable appetite
and drunkenness are never part of this example. It is said that a leaders sin is
a leading sin. Terefore, leadership in the church, family or nation, requires a
high level of personal discipline, maturity and sound skills for the attainment
of set objectives.
Te Scripture recognizes that money is necessary for survival and for the
furtherance of the gospel. Money answereth all things, but the love of it is
the root of all evil. Te land will be blessed when the king is the son of nobles
and princes eat in due season for strength and not for drunkenness. Why not
pray today that God will raise up true leaders in the land who will lead the
country to full emancipation and fear of God.
Hard-work does not kill but laziness does
19th October
2 CHRONICLES 24:1-14
KEY VERSE : And all the princes and all the people rejoiced, and brought in,
and cast into the chest, until they had made an end (2 Chronicles 24:10).
No one really wants to be left out of a worthy project. Everyone wants to
have the joy of knowing that he had part in a cause that is worthwhile. Tis
was why when Dr. Yongi Chos church the largest single congregation in
the world, was carrying out the church building project in South Korea, a
lot of poor women folks and widows had to sell their petty possessions in
order to be able to give. We were even told that those that had long hair had
to cut their hair, sell and give for the building of the church. It was a joyful
experience for everyone, though there was the initial pain of self-denial.
Te same experience is what we have in our text today. King Joash saw the
need to repair the house of God that had been vandalized by the previous
idolatrous kings. He, therefore, instructed the priest and Levites to collect
oerings from the people for this purpose. At rst, the priests were hesitant.
Probably, they were considering the nancial condition of the people. Tis
is the same mistake most ministers make when it comes to encouraging the
people to give for the work of God. But when they eventually told the people,
they not only gave abundantly, but they gladly gave. Tey rejoiced in their
No one really wants to be at the receiving end all the time. Tere is joy when
you are able to touch other people in their needs. So, whether it is in giving
to meet the personal needs of the needy, or to support a particular project in
the church-building, missions or a particular program, lets not hold back or
hinder others from giving just because we think they are poor. By so doing,
we will be robbing them of their joy and much more, of the key that will
liberate them from poverty. Giving may sometimes be accompanied by the
initial pain of self-denial and sacrice; it however results in abounding and
boundless joy.
Giving unlocks the oodgate of joy and abundance.
20 October
2 CHRONICLES 24:15-22
KEY VERSE Thus Joash the king remembered not the kindness which Jehoiada
his father had done to him, but slew his son. And when he died, he said, The Lord
look upon it, and require it (2 Chronicles 24:22).
It is sometimes an evidence of the depravity of man to forget the good deed done
to us in our hour of need and to repay with evil. Saul the rst King of Israel
stood before Goliath of Gath in utter helplessness and God raised up David, a
seventeen year old boy to terminate the national reproach and collective shame.
Tis feat was appreciated by Saul for a while, but he soon forgot history and
sought to kill the innocent youth.
In all of Israel, Joash was the youngest king to reign. He reigned for forty years.
Jehoida the high priest was his godly benefactor, guiding him in the way of
godliness and righteousness. He was like a father to the young King and under
his fatherly guidance, Joash repaired the temple and Judah began to prosper
again. But after the death of Jehoida and was buried among the kings for his
goodness towards God and the people, the princes of Judah led the king into sin
and apostasy. Joash lacked sucient moral courage to resist ungodly pressures.
Soon, his ears were turned away from the warnings of the prophets. Jehoidas son,
Zechariah confronted the king on the consequences of his sin and abandoning
God. Rather than listen, he got him killed.
Tere are many who act like King Joash today. Such people benet from the
goodness and kindness of other people but turn around to repay good with evil.
Some people tend to lose their head when they come to fame and riches. In
the case of Joash, it was worse than merely repaying evil for good, yes Jehoida,
Zechariahs father was like a father to him. Zechariahs admonition was for the
king to turn away from sin and save his soul and the people, he was not asking
for any favor.
Is there anyone somewhere who has pointed out the evil in our way such as
should make us grateful and appreciative. Or are we thinking how to mete out
acts of wickedness to such a one? Let us take heed lest the curse which came upon
those who do such wickedly come upon us. Tose who warn us against sin should
be our best friends, not enemies.
Reaping the fruit of evil is an endless exercise.
21st October
2 CHRONICLES 24:23-27
KEY VERSE : For the army of the Syrians came with a small company of men,
and the Lord delivered a very great host into their hand, because they had
forsaken the Lord God of their fathers. So they executed judgment against
Joash (2 Chronicles 24:24).
Tomas Kempis once wrote God walks with the humble, He reveals Himself
to the lowly, He gives understanding to the little ones, He discloses His
meaning to pure minds, but hides His grace from the curious and the proud.
John Flavel added Tey that know God will be humble; they that know
themselves cannot be proud. Tat person is the greatest in Gods sight who
is least aware of his spiritual stature and who is least in his own sight. When
the Spirit exalts a person, he hides him in such a beautiful naturalness that
the person is unconscious of his own spiritual greatness and is unconscious
of his own humility.
Our text today centered on the judgment of God which came upon Joash
for his aggravated wickedness. He had a good beginning but ended up as an
arrogant and an ungrateful king. A small army of Syrians made themselves
masters of Jerusalem, destroyed the princes, plundered the city and sent the
spoil of it to Damascus. God smote Joash with a great disease; his own servants
conspired against him. Tey slew him in his bed for the blood of the sons of
Jehoiada. Finally, his people denied him the privilege of being buried in the
sepulchers of the kings, because he had stained his honor in his wicked reign.
Te purpose of our living here on earth is to do the will of God. Our emphasis
in life must be on the most essential things which include being saved, living
a life of holiness and preparing for the coming of the LORD. We are not to
be preoccupied with the momentary and transient things such as our position
in life or the inuence we have on others. As we wait for the coming of the
LORD, we need to daily examine our lives whether or not we remain humble
before God. We must ensure that we do not use our privileges or exalted
positions to aict those who are less privileged.
Pride comes before a fall.
22nd October
2 CHRONICLES 25:1-10
KEY VERSE: And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not
with a perfect heart (2 Chronicles 25:2).
Presumptuous people take things for granted. In particular, they take Gods
silence and patience to mean tacit approval of all that they do, right or wrong.
Te case of Amaziah is the major focus for today. Amaziah was no enemy to
religion, but a cool and indierent friend. Like him, many do what is good,
but not with a perfect heart. He was vindictive, although he thought that
sparing the children of those servants that killed his father was a deed of
mercy, even when he killed their fathers.
It is dangerous to depend on the arm of esh for success. Although appearing
to himself to be a strategist, Amaziah was embarking on a project that was
doomed. His life was going to be lost if he went ahead to war. He was clearly
told this, but he still trusted in his strategy. He had paid some people for
hundred talents of silver. Tis, to him, should secure him some degree of
Sinners, who have not the faith, however, always object to self-denying
obedience. Tey give excuses. Tey, like Amaziah, say: But what shall we do
for the hundred talents? As business men and women, they ask: what shall
we do if by keeping the Sabbath holy we lose many good customers? What
shall we do without this gain? What shall we do if we lose the friendship of
this world? Many endeavor to quieten their consciences by the pretence that
forbidden practices are necessary.
Te answer is, Te Lord is able to give you much more than this. He makes
up, even in this world, for all that is given up for His sake. Will you therefore
submit to Gods perfect will and serve Him without questioning or disputing
His authority? Obedience brings a blessing. Cease from disobedience today.
Yield your will, your time, your intellect, your love, your possession and
above all your heart. God needs them. Giving now will benet you in time
and eternity.
Give God willingly now
23rd October
LUKE 17:1-10
KEY VERSE: And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. And the
Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this
sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea;
and it should obey you (Luke 17:5,6).
Let the discoveries of faith be more clear, the desires of faith more strong, the
dependencies of faith more rm and xed, the dedications of faith more entire
and resolute, and the delights of faith more pleasing. Tis, indeed, should be
the desire and heart cry of every child of God today because as the grace of faith
grows, all other graces will grow with it, leading us to believe the word of Christ
more and lead a life pleasing in His sight.
In our passage today centers on the teaching of Jesus on the guilt and punishment
for those causing oence in the Church and faith in Gods pardoning mercy that
enables the believer to forgive the greatest oences. Jesus can increase our faith
to deal with oences but also give the deep humility needed for faithful and
continual service unto the Lord our Master, Owner, Redeemer and Sustainer of
our soul.
Causing oences to the heavenly pilgrim is a great sin that all believers must avoid
and watch against as this brings severe judgment from God. Oences come from
within and without the Church. Tey manifest in various forms. Persecution
causes injury to Christs little ones, thereby bringing discouragement. Corruption
of the truth of Gods word hinders growth, commitment and love for God in the
heart and life of new converts. Te worst form of oences are from those that
profess Christ but live unholy lives within the church. Another is double standard
and it weakens the spiritual state of the little ones.
Our daily prayer should be that we would not be a source of oence in the
Church of the Living God. In like manner, all our service to God must be carried
out in love and deep humility for Him who rst loved us with an everlasting love.
We ought to make the end of one service the beginning of another as appointed
us by our Master and Lord. Evangelizing the sinner, restoring backsliders, and
edifying the saints will enable us to build up the Body of Christ.
Increased faith leads to increased service and forgiving spirit.
24th October
LUKE 17:11-19
KEY VERSE - And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but
where are the nine? (Luke 17:17).
Te stigma of leprosy in Bible days was so strong that the victims were isolated
from all forms of social associations and interpersonal relationships to avoid
any possible contact, because it was a deadly contagious disease. Tose who
received the divine intervention of being cleansed owed it as a duty to give
thanks to God. Giving thanks to God for his kindness, mercy and goodness
is a function of individual hearts condition and capacity to reect correctly.
Our text today is an eye opener to the danger of forgetting to oer praises to
God after miracles of healing, deliverance, salvation and breakthrough in life.
Ten lepers cried to Jesus for healing and cleansing. In answer to their plea,
Jesus sent them to the priest for a conrmation of a gracious healing received.
Teir miracle was based on the simple principle of asking and receiving;
unfortunately, only one of them; a stranger came back to give thanks. Te rest
nine went their ways. Jesus then asked with concern, where are the nine?
It is common in modern days to receive great miracles of healing, deliverance,
provision and escape from danger with an ungrateful disposition. Tose who
do not sit back to count their blessings will not see sucient reasons to thank
Of course, refusal to thank God for all the benets received does not diminish
His divine attributes of showing mercy and compassion on His creatures; yet
giving thanks to God opens more doors of greater miracles and benets from
Him. He that oers praises glories God. Grateful Christians grow in grace
and understanding. How often do you remember to say thank you Lord?
Tose who have received Gods love, mercy and salvation with other physical
and spiritual blessings must endeavor to come back to Him with grateful
hearts of praises.
Praises glorify God.
25th October
LUKE 17:20-37
KEY VERSE - And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of
the Son of man (Luke 17:26).
Tere was a father who was often away from home for weeks and months for
business. One day, as he was leaving, his little boy asked him, when are you
coming back, Daddy? He replied, when you see the green leaves on the trees
turning yellow and red and brown, you may know that I am coming soon! Te
little boy couldnt understand dates, but he could see the changes in color of the
leaves. When he saw the leaves put on their dresses of yellow, red and brown, he
was very happy, for he knew his daddys return was near!
Te sign-seeking Pharisees were asking the Lord about when the Kingdom of
God should come. In their ignorance, they knew little or nothing about the
various stages of the Kingdom that is, the present spiritual aspect of the kingdom
in which Christ reigns in the heart of every born again Christian; the future
kingdom at the time of His millennial reign when the Lord shall reign physically
on earth for a period of one thousand years of uninterrupted joy, peace and
prosperity and the eternal kingdom of Christ when the kingdoms of this world
become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; when He shall reign for
ever and ever (Revelation 11:15b).
Te Lord told these religious leaders what the condition of the world shall be
at the time of His coming. Wickedness, worldliness and wantonness shall be
prevalent just as it was in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot. Te lust of
the esh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life brought destruction upon the
people through the ood and re in the days of old. Lots wife was lost through
lust. Te angels of mercy held her by the hand and brought her out of Sodom but
she looked back, contrary to the divine instruction and she became a pillar of salt.
In spite of all the special privileges she enjoyed, she was lost.
Te coming of the Lord is imminent. Everything happening in the world today
points to the fact that the time is short. Te necessity of salvation from sin and
holiness of life cannot be over emphasized
Remember Lots wife.
26th October
LUKE 18:1-8
KEY VERSE And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought
always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1).
Luthers great friend and assistant, Fredrick Mycinbius, became sick and was
at the point of death. On his bed, he wrote a farewell note to Luther with a
trembling hand. Luther received the letter and prayed and instantly sent back
a reply I command thee in the name of God to live, I still have need of thee
in the work of reforming the church. Te Lord will never let me hear that
thou art dead. But will permit thee to survive me. For this I am praying and it
will be done because I seek only to glorify the name of God. One week later
Mycinbius recovered. What is more, he continue to live until Luther died.
In His earthly ministry, Jesus saw the need to talk about the possibilities
of prayer. Not only that He taught others how to pray, He made prayer a
major part of His ministry. He healed diseases and performed other miracles
through the instrumentality of prayer. Even when He is at present at the right
hand side of God, our Father He still prays, making daily intercessions for us.
Christs message to every member of His church is unmistakable. He desires
that each of us pray with persistence. Prayer and faith are powerful weapons
in the lives of believers. Tose who lack prayer and are weak in faith cannot
fulll the whole will of God on earth; neither can they possess all that God
has provided through Christ. Believers prayers are not limited to receiving
healing, material blessings or claiming deliverance alone, they should dwell so
much on spiritual blessings.
Our personal prayer life shows the depth of our spirituality. Tose who
constantly ask for temporal things of life are shallow and carnal. Tose who
are always praying for self are selsh. In these last days we cannot wholly
overcome sin, sickness and Satan except we are prayerful. As we continue,
we must ensure that we are not living in disobedience to the word of God
and secret sin. Neglecting to show mercy can hinder our prayer. We must
continue in supplication without getting discouraged until the answer comes.
Knocking once may not give all that we need.
27th October
PSALM 119:81-88
KEY VERSE - They had almost consumed me upon earth; but I forsook not thy
precepts. Quicken me after thy loving-kindness; so shall I keep the testimony of
thy mouth (Psalm 119:87, 88).
Te son of a poor man was travelling to a distant city for greener pastures and
the father had no money to give him, except his transport fare. However, he
had a Bible which he handed over to the boy, who before then had not been
that familiar with it. As he did so, he said, I have no money that I can give you
but there are so much treasure hidden in this book. Consult it every day and
you will never lack any good thing, neither will you be defeated. Te boy did
not think much about this until he ran into a dicult situation which made
him extremely dejected. Just at the nick of time, he remembered the words of
his father. Reaching out to where his Bible was, he opened. Lo and behold, he
was faced with Matthew 11:28-30. As he read through, the Holy Ghost took
over, his burden was lifted, and his life was no longer the same again after a
fervent prayer session.
Te Psalmist, in our text, puts his hope in the word of God for his salvation
and comfort. He exuded great faith as he enthused that though he was
extremely troubled by the enemy, he had made up his mind to trust in Gods
statutes. Persecuted on all sides to the point of almost being destroyed, he was
resolved to hold on tenaciously to Gods precepts. He noted that the action of
the proud who sought to destroy him was contrary to the word of God, yet
for him he would never toe the line of wickedness. Rather, he looked unto
God for deliverance, insisting he would keep to the word of God.
Te word of God is the priceless treasure that can enrich our life without
measure. It is the bastion of hope for the hopeless; it is the lamp to believers
feet and light to their path; it is the source of believers authority and dominion
over the enemy. Te hope of salvation for sinners lies in the word of God and
it is the source of the believers strength. Terefore, the wise thing to do by all
who desire victory in all areas of life and hope to be with the Lord at the end
is to hold tightly to the word of God.
Te word of God is the bulwark of the believers faith.
28th October
PSALM 119:89-96
KEY VERSE Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89).
In many places, especially the developing nations, the problem of fake products
has become a serious concern to authorities. Sadly also, in a desperate eort to
imitate original products, some manufacturers churn out their own products
on which they paste insignia of durable products. Unsuspecting members of
society daily fall victim to this fake products peddlers.
Durability is an important feature of originality of any product, the Psalmist
here acknowledges the presence of this all important feature in the word of
God and of all his counsels. He also acknowledges the unchangeableness of
the Almighty God with whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning. Ty
word by which the heavens were made, is settled, producing as evidence, the
constancy of the course of nature. Te abiding faithfulness of the Creator
from generations past till eternity, lends more credence to the durability and
reliability of His word. He said I am God, I change not (Malachi 3:6), so also
are His words. Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Tis eternal
quality is not subject in any way to the elements of nature. Te Psalmist ever
found solace in the powerful inuence of the word in his aiction, as it gave
him delightful entertainment in solitude end sorrow. Te word of the Lord is
a pleasant companion at all times.
Te best evidence of our love for the word of God is never to forget it. David
said: I have sought thy precepts, even in the midst of enemies, conspiracy
against him, he yet confessed, I will consider thy testimonies. Te more
of His word you have in you, the more His abiding presence is assured. We
should, therefore, consciously endeavor to store more of His word in our
Gods word is His bond.
29th October
LUKE 19:21-28
KEY VERSE - Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at
my coming I might have required mine own with usury? (Luke 19:23).
Many people rob themselves of Gods blessings because they do not know how
to put to use the talent God has given them. For some it is sheer selshness.
Tey seek only how to promote their own interests. Tey would not bring
themselves to do anything that may benet others.
Tis was the point our Lord Jesus Christ drove home in the parable in our
text. He had told his disciples of a certain nobleman who prior to embarking
on a long journey, called his ten servants and delivered one pound to each of
them. On his return, all the servants, but one, gave glowing account of how
protable they had been. Tey had wisely invested the pound and gained
many times over. But this one exception came back to his master with his one
pound. If he stopped at handing back the pound to the master and walking
away, that would have been bad enough. But then, he verbally attacked his
master. He accused his master of always wanting to prot from the eorts of
others. His master was furious. You knew I reap where I did not sow, he
told the servant. If you would not make use of the pound, why not deposit it
where it would have yielded some returns? Now, added the master, he would
judge the servant according to his words, describing the servant as wicked. He
then took the pound from the servant and gave it to the man that had gained
ten, again stressing a vital point that the more you use your talent, the more
protable you will become.
It is an act of foolishness to refuse to use the talents God has deposited in you.
In fact such foolishness is sinful. It denies God His due pre-eminence in your
life. It means you have refused to be useful to your fellow human beings, and
above all, you have neglected to obey God. Terefore, whatever talent God
has deposited in you must be put to use immediately so as not to incur His
Only the liberal soul shall be made fat.
30th October
PSALM 119:105-112
KEY VERSE: I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway, even unto
the end (Psalm 119:112).
Tere is a fable of a community where lived a blind old man who went about
at night carrying a lantern. Many scoed and jested at him for his seeming
contradictory behavior. What does a blind old man need a lantern for, they
wondered. He was always amused at their curious and sometimes insolent
One day one of them summed up courage, walked up to him and asked why
he, with blind eyes, was always carrying a lantern about at night. Te old man
chuckled and responded that the lantern was not for his benet, but for them
so that they would not stumble on him.
From the passage before us today, we discover that to walk safely in the thick
forest at night, we need a light to avoid stumbling over the roots or falling
into holes. In this life, we walk through a dark forest of evil. But the Bible
can be our light to show us the way ahead so we wont stumble as we walk. It
reveals the entangling roots of false values and philosophies.
Tree simple habits reading the scriptures, spending time in prayers and
sharing with others are basic to the Christian life. Trough the scriptures, Life
speaks to life. And because God has inspired the writing of His word, when
we read it, God speaks to us through the words.
But reading the word of God is not enough, it is more important to obey the
word of God because in doing that is the path to our spiritual growth. Te
prayer is that may God give us the mind to understand his word, the heart to
believe and the willingness to obey.
Total obedience is sure path to spiritual growth.
31st October
JOB 31:33-40
KEY VERSE: If I have eaten the fruits thereof without money, or have caused
the owners thereof to lose their life: Let thistles grow instead of wheat, and
cockle instead of barley. The words of Job are ended (Job 31:39,40).
Te aphorism, clear conscience fears no accusation aptly captures the essence of
our text today. In his reections over the deluge of calamities that had befallen
him, Job had continued to search himself, asking questions where he must have
gone wrong to attract the aictions.
Since his persecution began, he has continued to receive miserable visitors,
who claimed to be his friends. Tey also claimed to have come to commiserate
with him. But their uncharitable and unguarded utterances, rather than soothe
Jobs aching nerves, they pierced him more like deadly arrows. Tey had serially
accused Job of unrighteousness, the consequence of which, according to them,
had been the avalanche of the aictions.
Remember, Job had, in a single swoop, lost all his cattle, children and other
material wealth and was bodily aicted with an unknown skin disease. But, in all
these, he maintained his integrity. He was sure that the righteous God does not
dispense unrighteous judgment. His condence in God did not wane even at the
darkest hour of his life. Jobs reection of his dealings with God encouraged him.
And it is a challenge to every believer. He said: If I covered my transgressions as
Adam, by hiding mine iniquity in my bosom
Believers must realize that there are many aictions that come when we hide our
iniquities or cover our transgressions as Adam did.
Job also talked about: If my land cry against me, or that the furrows likewise
thereof complain . . . Or (if I) have caused the owners thereof to lose their life.
Are you enmeshed in dirty land deals, contract or other messy and questionable
business deals? You are therefore called upon to maintain clean hands and
conscience to enable you stand boldly in the days of trouble. Believers must also
borrow a leaf from Jobs consistent life of righteousness even when circumstances
dictated otherwise, knowing that cross-bearing and light aictions are the
hallmarks of true discipleship.
He who goes to equity must go with clean hands.
1st November
HEBREWS 9:11-23
KEY VERSE How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal
Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead
works to serve the living God? (Hebrews 9:14).
David Livingstone, that great missionary to Africa, made an attempt to
compare the eort he put into the preaching of the gospel in Africa with
the sacrice Jesus made to redeem mankind from eternal damnation and
concluded that there was no ground for comparison. In his words people
thought of the sacrice I have made in spending so much of my life in Africa.
Can that be called a sacrice which simply paid back a small part of the great
debt owed to our God, which we can never fully repay? Is that sacrice which
brings its own reward of the consciences of doing good, peace of mind and
a bright hope of a glorious destiny hereafter? Away with such a thought! It is
emphatically no sacrice. Its rather a privilege: I never made a sacrice. Of
this we ought not to talk when we remember the great sacrice which He
made who left His Fathers Trone on High to give Himself for us.
Te sacrice of Jesus Christ cannot be better explained. Christ paid the nal
and ever ecacious price for the redemption of mankind without spot or
any sinful stain either in His nature or life. First, Christs blood is sucient
to purge the conscience from dead works. It reaches to the very soul and
Secondly, the blood is sucient to enable us to serve the living God, not only
by purging that guilt which separates God and the sinner, but in sanctifying
and renewing the soul through the gracious inuences of the Holy Spirit.
Conclusively, Christ became the mediator of the New Testament which is
anchored in His shed blood and the universal atonement to redeem mankind
from their transgressions and to qualify all those that are eectually called to
receive the promise of eternal inheritance. Why wait without any longer.
Christ is the qualier of the unqualied.
2nd November
1 KINGS 11:14-25
KEY VERSE: And the LORD stirred up an adversary unto Solomon, Hadad the
Edomite: he was of the kings seed in Edom. . . And he was an adversary to Israel
all the days of Solomon, beside the mischief that Hadad did: and he abhorred
Israel, and reigned over Syria (I kings 11:14, 25)
A prominent businessman attended several meetings organized by a minister and
at the end gave the following account: I have enjoyed all the meetings this week,
but I am sorry I attended them! Why? asked the astonished minister. Heres
why. Tese meetings have reminded me afresh that I have missed Gods best for
my life. I was called to Africa; I intended to answer Gods call. I began to earn
money for my passage and outt. I earned more and more money. I stayed and
entered a business concern. Today, I am the owner of a large business concern.
I have everything money can buy, a beautiful home, lovely wife, and children.
Down in my heart, however there is a great void. My life had been a failure, not
from the worlds stand point, but from Gods point of view!
It is interesting to note that our text today gives a picture of the last days of King
Solomon. No doubt he was well favored by God. At the beginning of his reign,
God removed every adversary that could hinder his peaceful and prosperous
reign. Ten sat Solomon, upon the throne of David his father and his kingdom
was established greatly (1 Kings 2:12).
Sadly he lost the favor, presence and the peace of God. Instead of the usual
support he had always received from God, he got the opposite. And the Lord
stirred up an adversary unto Solomon. Having lost the peace and pleasure of
God; he had wars. Te reason is clear, Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord,
and went not fully after the Lord, as did David his father. And the Lord was
angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned from the Lord God of Israel,
which appeared to him twice (1 kings 11:6, 9).
Solomon lost out because he refused to heed the warnings of his father David.
And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him
with a perfect heart and a willing mind:. if thou seek him, he will be found of thee,
but of thou forsake him, he will cast thee o forever (1 Chronicles 28:9). Here is
a great lesson for all heaven-bound pilgrims whose promotion and upliftment in
life depends on continued obedience to God.
Tere is a daily lifting-up for the obedient
3rd November
KEY VERSE: And I heard the angels of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O
Lord, which art and wast and shalt be, because thou hast, judged thus. For they
have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou given them blood to drink;
for they are worthy (Revelation 16:5,6).
Stanley Crissman was convicted for a minor hit-and-run infraction in 1965
after he drove over a mail box and kept on going. Te judge sentenced him to
one month in a minimum security prison. An overworked staer mistakenly
wrote - thirty years instead of thirty days in the ocial report and Mr.
Crissman was shipped o to serve his extraordinarily harsh punishment. It is
mind-boggling but Mr. Crissman never bothered to question anyone about
the length of time he was to serve. Compounding the problem was the fact
that Crissman had no relatives to go and make enquiries for him!
Tis scenario could happen here on earth because of human imperfection.
Judgment could be misplaced here or a mistake in record keeping could
occur. Tis however is not the case with our all-knowing God. Tere will
be commensurate judgment based on accurate facts before God. None will
be sentenced wrongly. Our text today conrms that. In Rev 16:6, the angel
said they were worthy of severe punishment, for they have shed the blood
of saints and prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are
Te implication of this is that there will be no struggle in the hereafter. Te
wicked will go to hell on account of their evil works eortlessly. Tose who
took time to ask God for forgiveness of their sins will enter heaven by the
merit of Christ.
Te choice is simply yours. Eternal life and heaven is the portion of those who
choose salvation and godliness, while eternal damnation awaits those who
reject Christ and His salvation.
Decision Determines Destiny
4th November
PSALM 49:1-14
KEY VERSE: For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish
person perish, and leave their wealth to others. Their inward thought is, that
their houses shall continue forever, and their dwelling places to all generations;
they call their lands after their own names (Psalms 49:10,11).
Ozymandias told the story of a traveler from an ancient land. According to him,
he saw in a desert country, the remains of a huge status, two vast stone legs
standing, and in the sand, half sank, with a shattered head whose ugly, sneering
face accurately portrayed its original on the pedestal. He read the proud lines:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: look on my work ye mighty, and
despair. Many centuries had worn down the statute; the residue was all that
remained. No matter how carefully a proud despot may try to be remembered
forever, he will nally be conquered by time. Nothing in this world is immutable.
Pride will go down before time.
Tis preamble captures the psalmists address to all and sundry in our text. Hear
this all ye people, all ye inhabitant of the world: low and high, rich and poor
altogether. Te psalmist emphasized the vanity of the things that are seen, and of
the weight of the invisible. In these days of high mortality rate, the worldly people
should be afraid. Nothing is more dreadful to those that have set their hearts
upon the world than to think of leaving it: death to them is the king of terrors
because after death comes the judgment for their sin. Tere is no way a person
can buy eternal life with his riches; it is only God can redeem a soul. Hence no
man should count on wealth and physical comfort to make him happy.
Te rich and the poor have one similarity when they die: they leave all they
own on earth. At death, both the rich and poor are naked before God. Te only
riches we have is resources we have already invested in our eternal heritage. It is
therefore more protable to invest in heavenly treasures and less on earthly honor
and possessions.
To have treasure in heaven, we must place our faith in God, pledge to obey him
and utilize our resources for the good of Gods kingdom. Tis is the time to check
on your investments and see where you have invested the most. Ten do whatever
it takes to place your investments where they really count.
Earthly treasures will perish with the world.
5th November
NUMBERS 9:1-14
KEY VERSE: Let the children of Israel also keep the Passover at his appointed
season. In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his
appointed season (Numbers 9:2, 3a).
A very busy lady disciple waited for D.L Moody after he had told a group
of church workers some very plain truths from Gods word. Mr. Moody,
said the angry woman, do you mean to tell me, that I an educated woman,
taught from childhood in good ways and all my life interested in the church
and doing good, must enter heaven the same way as the worst criminals of
our day? No, woman said Mr. Moody, I dont tell you of all God does.
He says everyone who would enter Heaven, no matter how good they think
they are, or how well educated or zealous in good works, must be born again.
Our text today emphasizes the imperative God gave the children of Israel
concerning the observance of the Passover. Tere was an appointed season.
Te fourteenth day of a particular month was specically mentioned. Te
way and manner the ceremony was to be conducted was equally outlined in
God did not allow the children of Israel or their elders to use their discretion
or ingenuity to decide how the ceremony could be conducted. As it was then,
so it is today. No one can serve God on his or her own terms. All who come
to God must worship Him on His terms alone.
We must depend upon Gods Spirit for strength and assistance, laying our
souls under His inuences and dealings. We must devote our spirit to, and
employ them in the service of God. We must worship Him with a xed
purpose in sincerity.
In conclusion, the children of Israel were commanded to keep one ordinance
both for the stranger and for him that is born in the land. Tis is quite
instructive; we must avoid every form of hypocrisy in our worship. We must
be ready to inuence our guests whether at home, in the oce or places of
business positively for Christ.
Acceptable worship? On Gods terms only.
6th November
MARK 7:14-23
KEY VERSE: For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts,
adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit,
lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness (Mark 7:21,22).
A man once dreamed of passing into the world beyond. An angel met him
and showed him a great golden book. What is that?, he inquired. It is the
book of your life, was the reply. Looking closely he saw that there were some
writings on the rst page. What is there? he asked. Tose are your evil acts
said the angel, and you see that they are many. Te angel turned the page,
and the dreamer saw that the next sheet was more closely written. Tese said
the angel are your evil works, and you see that these are more of them than
there are acts, for a man speaks more than he acts, the angel declared. Te
next page was still more closely written. what are these? asked the dreamer.
these are your evil thoughts and you see that they are very many, for a man
thinks more than he speaks or acts. With trembling voice, the dreamer asked
what the fourth page contained. Te Angel turned it over, and lo! It was black
as midnight. Tis represents your evil heart, said the angel, for it is out of
the blackness of the heart that all thoughts and words and acts come.
Te heart is the coordinating organ of the body, the center from which every
aection, emotion, passions and actions ow. No wonder then, the heart is
the major source of delement, if not put under check. Scientists conrmed
that in every thirty seconds, all the blood in the body passes through the
heart. Hence the heart has a greater grip than that of ones st.
Our Lord Jesus Christ armed that, it is not what a man eats or comes
from outside that deles a man, but that which comes from within. Little
wonder then the book of proverbs admonishes us to keep [our] heart with
all diligence; [because] out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Te
greatest call to mankind from God therefore is, my son give me thine heart
(Proverbs 23:26). When the Lord takes control of the heart, He puries and
puts it into protable use for His own glory.
An unclean heart is the tabernacle of evil.
7th November
DANIEL 9:4-19
KEY VERSE: And I prayed unto the LORD my God, and made my confession,
and said, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy
to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments (Daniel 9:4).
Prayer is the central agency and activity whereby men align themselves with Gods
purpose. It does not consist in battering the walls of heaven for personal benets
or the success of our plans. Rather, it is committing ourselves to carrying out
His purposes. It is not bending Gods will to ours, but in bowing down our will
to Gods. If Christians spend as much time praying as they do grumbling, they
would soon have nothing to grumble about.
God had promised the children of Israel (Leviticus 26:39-42) that if in exile they
return unto Him repent and confess their sins, He would remember them because
of His covenant with Abraham. Daniel, on this account, takes his countrymens
place of confession of sin, and as their representative and intercessory priest,
accepts the punishment of their iniquity. Tus, he typies the Messiah, the Sin-
bearer and great Intercessor. If we fulll our part of the bargain, God will not fail
to fulll His. He will be to his people as good as His word, for He keeps covenant
with them, and not one iota of His promise shall fall to the ground.
Daniel pleaded for Gods mercy and sued for the performance of His promise,
knowing that their captivity was occasioned by sin. He took it upon himself to
seek the face of God on the behalf of his people so God could forgive their sins
and end their calamities and captivity. To this sincere heart-felt prayer, God gave
a divine re-assuring response to Daniel an assurance that all was not lost.
We should, in prayer, look both at Gods greatness, goodness, majesty and mercy.
Te present world is sin-saddened and Satan-troubled, there seems to be no hope
for peace, prot and progress as uproars boil here and there. Tis present world of
ours is under the strong captivity of the devil. Te church also is not spared this
turmoil as she is daily haunted and bedeviled on every side. Tis is the right time
for true believers in Christ to arise like Daniel and intercede in prayer for Gods
mercy upon our world.
Prayer is the voice of faith.
8th November
EZRA 10:6-8
KEY VERSE: Then Ezra rose up from before the house of God, and went into the
chamber of Johanan the son of Eliashib: and when he came thither, he did eat
no bread, nor drink water: for he mourned because of the transgression of them
that had been carried away (Ezra 10:6).
Conversion is separating oneself from the course and custom of this world,
and devoting a life to the conduct of the word of God. It is a complete turn-
around and return to the very center of His will and original convictions from
which mankind have deviated.
Te children of Israel in captivity had, before this time, mixed with the people
of the land in their customs and inter-marital relationships in contradiction
of divine directives. To this, Ezra showed a deep concern and was able to
inuence the people back to their original convictions.
Our weeping for other peoples sins has the capacity to break down those
who otherwise would have continued unashamedly in their backsliding
state. What an inuence the good examples of great ones may have upon
their inferiors. When Ezra, a scribe, scholar, and man in authority under the
king, so deeply lamented public corruption, the people concluded that they
were indeed very grievous. Tis drew sincere tears and heart-felt repentance
from everyone. Te case is plain; what has been done amiss must be undone;
nothing less than this is true conversion. Refusing to comply exposes the
errant to severe consequences.
Realization with heart-felt remorse and godly sorrow for sin is the powerful
key to repentance and full restoration. No matter how far you may have gone
from the center-point of the perfect will of God, He is willing to have you
reconciled to Him. Refusal to amend your ways may lead to eternal exclusion
from Gods favor.
Reveling in sin is a disaster in-waiting.
9th November
ACTS 7:54-60
KEY VERSE: But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into
heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God
(Acts 7:55).
It is better to incur the worlds hatred by testifying against its wickedness
than gain its goodwill by going down the stream with it. We can see here the
strength of corruption in the persecutors of Stephen malice in perfection,
hell itself broken loose; men became incarnate devils, ready to kill.
Stephen testied boldly of Christ before the Sanhedrin, condemning their
crucixion of Him whom God approves. Tis led to his becoming the rst
martyr of the Christian church. Here was an instance of the outrage and fury
of the persecutors and of the courage and comfort of the persecuted. Here is
hell in its re and darkness, and heaven in its light and brightness.
Foreseeing the danger of his speech, he knew there was no safety in the great
council of the nation, and no prospect of justice at their hands; he xed his
eyes intently on heaven and sought justication there. When they were cut to
the heart, and gnashed upon him with their teeth, ready to eat him up, then
he had a view of the glory of Christ sucient to ll him with joy unspeakable.
Te heavens were opened, to give him a view of the happiness ahead.
When dangers threaten us, our hope of safety lies in heaven. When men
threaten our persons, reputation or lives, we should learn to x our eyes on
heaven; and we shall not look in vain. Tey had their eyes xed upon him,
full of malice and cruelty; but he looked up to heaven for joy and divine
assurance. Instead of looking about him, to see the danger or way of escape,
he looked up to heaven for help. We may also see the glory of God during lifes
challenges if we manifest such a right attitude. Such revelation as Stephen had
will carry us through suerings and death.
He who xes his gaze on Christ, xes his vision on heaven.
10th November
KEY VERSE: Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt fnd it after many
days (Ecclesiastes 11:1).
God is rich in mercy to all. Tough unworthy, He gives us liberally, and
upbraids not. As children of God, we also should be merciful as our heavenly
Father is.
Here is a pressing exhortation to works of charity towards the poor, as the best
cure of the vanity which our worldly riches are subject to and the only way of
making them turn to a substantial good account. Solomon impresses it upon
us to do good to others and abound in liberality to the poor, with assurance
that such would abound to our account someday.
Tough it is cast upon the waters, and it seems lost, and likely never to be
found, yet thou shalt nd it after many days, as the husbandman nds his
seed again in a plentiful harvest and the merchant his venture in a rich return.
It is not lost, but well laid out, and well laid up. It brings in full interest in
Gods providence, and graces and comforts of His Spirit; and the principal is
sure, laid up in heaven, for it is lent to the Lord.
Tou shalt nd it, (perhaps not quickly, but) after many days; the return
may be slow, but it is sure and will be so much the more plentiful when it
comes because the liberal soul shall be made fat (Proverbs 11:25).
So, take time to look around. Certainly, there are people around you in dire
need of your love and touch of liberality. Discover them and cast your bread
upon the waters of their lives. From today, make it a lifestyle to always show
a little bit of love and sow some seeds of kindness.

Givers never lack, only misers do.
11th November
HEBREWS 9:24-28
KEY VERSE: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them
that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation
(Hebrews 9:28).
Just as men, of whom He is the representative Head are appointed by God
once to die, He died once and for all and did not need to die again for each
successive generation of men. He therefore paid the penalty of death incurred
by all.
Te entrance of sin through the rst Adam sold the whole human race into
slavery under the control of the devil. Man lost the freedom he once enjoyed.
Eternal damnation and separation was sure and no way of escape. A ransom
was needed before man could be redeemed from the grip of Satan. He then
appeared to be oered up once for sin that we might receive the adoption
of sons. When, therefore, He was lifted up on the cross, He bare up our
sins along with Him. He died once as a sin oering and was justied and
vindicated by His resurrection.
Te sin-barrier has been broken down, a new and living way is now opened
for all to come in and enjoy of all His fullness. Tis glorious experience gives
us the hope of being with Him forever in the heavenly Jerusalem when He
eventually appears to nally take home all those who look for him.
All the saints who desire His appearing, to them He shall appear at His second
advent. He becomes our sin oering at His rst advent. He is coming again
soon. He hath done the work once and forever. Are you one of those looking
for His second appearance? Keep hope alive because He shall soon appear for
our eternal salvation.
Hope anchored in Christ makes not ashamed.
12th November
I KINGS 11:26-43
KEY VERSE: And it shall be, if thou wilt hearken unto all that I command thee,
and wilt walk in my ways, and do that is right in my sight, to keep my statutes
and my commandments, as David my servant did; that I will be with thee, and
build thee a sure house, as I built for David, and will give Israel unto thee (1
Kings 11:38).
God is both an epitome of love and justice. He blesses and disciplines. He
lifts up and brings down. He smiles and frowns. He promotes and demotes.
What He is to you simply depends on what you do with His demands and
Our text today reveals Gods feelings and decision on Solomon who was once
a beloved of His before and shortly after ascending the throne of his father
David (1 Kings 11:31-33). By this time, Solomon had forsaken the God of
his father, surrounded himself with outlandish women and slide deeply into
idolatry. Tis attitude of his attracted the other side of God who pays every
man according to his works. He lost the divine favor he once enjoyed and got
a divine pronouncement against himself even while still on the throne.
Jeroboam, (one of his ocers), was promised ten segments of his masters
kingdom. Te reason for this decision and conditions he must also meet if
he must continue to enjoy this unmerited divine favor were laid bare before
him right from the beginning as seen in the KEY VERSE today just as it
was also made clear to Solomon when he ascended the throne (I Chronicles
28:9). Unfortunately, Jeroboam also disregarded these warnings, did worse
than Solomon and got severely punished by God.
Tis reality should pose a serious warning to everyone today who appears to be
presently enjoying the divine favor and blessings of God in life and ministry.
Te conditions given to these two when ascending the throne remains Gods
unchanging criteria to be met if we must keep enjoying His favors.

He who rejects Gods law attracts Gods frown.
13th November
KEY VERSE: Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth
his garments, lest he walked naked, and they see his shame (Revelation 16:15).
Events across the world no doubt have continued to conrm that the present
world is running its full course and ready to drop its worn-out garment of sin
and disobedience.
John the beloved had the privilege of being shown the events of the last days
as documented in the book of Revelation for our learning, and instructions
and necessary actions. Nobody can claim ignorance of some of the recent
happenings across the globe, all conrming earlier predictions and prophecies
from prophets.
In our passage, the Bible lifts the curtain and gives us a picture of some of
the fearful events that will happen after the saints had been raptured home.
Although many religious organizations and some so-called assemblies may
give dierent interpretations to some of these events, the fact remains that no
true believer must go through any of them. It is better imagined than going
through the suerings and judgment. Te reign of the anti-Christ, will be
reaching its very height at this time and he will be mobilizing the world to
ght against our Lord Jesus Christ and the saints.
Te ery judgment of God will be poured upon the people that will be on the
face of the earth during the period. Tere will be no hiding place for anyone.
Te suerings and anguish will be so severe that rather than repent, men will
still blaspheme God. Tis is because it is rather too late to repent as the Holy
Spirit that could bring conviction upon men would have been withdrawn.
If there is any time we must repent and align ourselves with the will and word
of God, it is now! Dont get caught up in the coming battle and outpouring of
Gods wrath upon the world. Tis is the time to be watchful and be prepared
for the coming of the Lord through a consistent righteous life and watchful
waiting for His coming.
Christ will come very soon.
14th November
PSALM 49:15-20
KEY VERSE: But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he
shall receive me (Psalm 49:15).
Admonitions, encouragement, exhortations are some of the ways preachers
help believers to cope with some of the challenges that confront them here
in the world. No doubt, the world in which we live is full of such unpleasant
occurrences and each of us has his own fair share of such experiences. What
separates a winner from a looser in this bumpy road of life is attitude.
As we face the reality of oppressions, diculties and the huge gaps between the
rich and the poor, there is often the tendency for some Christians to become
depressed and discouraged. In the earlier verses, the psalmist addresses the
rich and reveals their follies especially when they neglect the knowledge and
fear of God.
Te consolation for believers is the realization that the calamities that befall
people without God and knowledge of salvation will not be the experience.
No matter the various fearful events happening around us, as long as we
belong to God and maintain good standing with Him, there is nothing to
fear. Tis is the crux of the Psalmists submission.
Te Psalmist goes further to encourage believers never to allow the prosperity
of the rich to cause any fear or distraction since their end is hopeless. A
true believer has a glorious end when his days on earth are over. But until
that happens, no untimely death can tamper with the precious souls of true
No matter the distractions, the allurements or the intimidations from the
enemies of our souls, we have a God Who watches over us daily. He is a very
present help in trouble, the One who never sleeps nor slumber. Our own duty
is to be faithful to Him, love and serve Him and put our condence in Him.
He never disappoints for as long as we remain faithful to Him. Keep looking
unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith and you will always sail
through the storms of life.
If you keep your eyes on the ball, you will never miss the goal.
15th November
NUMBERS 9:15-23
KEY VERSE: At the commandment of the Lord the children of Israel journeyed,
and at the commandment of the LORD they pitched: as long as the cloud abode
upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents (Numbers 9:18).
Life has been described as a journey. Te journey itself is a process and a
discovery. But only travelers on lifes railroad who understand the reading of
the compass will enjoy safe trips and get to their intended destination. Lifes
experiences become more enjoyable and more fullling when we allow divine
backing and illumination to continually lighten our ways and decisions.
Te children of Israel were delivered from the Egyptian bondage and set out
on a supposedly short trip to Canaan, the land of promise. Unfortunately,
because of their continual moral failure, the journey was unduly prolonged.
Yet, as a loving and caring God, Jehovah continues to lead them through the
wilderness journey for the whole of forty years.
Te passage today provides some very instructive lessons to present-day
pilgrims on the way to eternal home, the city of gold in heaven. While we
remain on this earth, vulnerable to challenges, temptations and trials, we can
still enjoy divine presence and guidance when we allow the God of Heaven
to lead us.
Every Christian must closely watch the attitude of the Children of Israel at
this stage in their journey. Te scripture tells us that they wholeheartedly
relied on the guidance of the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of re by
night, symbolizing Gods presence. Tey moved and stopped at the direction
of the two pillars.
How wonderful will it be for us, Christians, today to seek Gods guidance and
instruction in all the decisions we have to take. Let us learn from the children
of Israel at this stage in their journey to the land of promise and endeavor to
be led by God in minor, medium and major matters of life.
Let your step and your stop be directed by the Lord.
16th November
MARK 7:24-30
KEY VERSE: All these evil things come from within, and defle the man (Mark
As humans, we always have the tendency to make our assessment and
conclusions about events, human actions and personalities from what we can
see from outside. Little wonder many people always put up the best in their
outward actions.
But the passage today challenges us to probe further inside, to look beyond
the outward show and demonstration of outward actions. Te actions of men
have their origins in their thoughts and minds.
Jesus Christ, the only Perfect God-man that ever lived on earth, the One who
knows the heart of all men, asks us to go beyond the mere religious traditions
of outward shows. He responds to the queries of the disciples arising from
the criticism of the Pharisees that they dont observe the Jewish tradition of
washing of cups before using them. He argues that it is not the washing of
cups that deles a man. Rather the heart of men is the fountain from which
good or evil proceeds.
Sinful actions, corrupt behavior and irreverent conducts that we see outwardly
are a manifestation of what is inside of a man. An unregenerate, unconverted
individual will naturally produce sinful actions. It is not what is outside of
a man that deles the man but what comes out of the man, from the heart.
Te question is, what is in your heart? Te heart can only produce righteous
actions and bear fruit of the Spirit after it has been cleansed with the precious
blood of Jesus Christ. No amount of reformation or resolutions can make a
man to produce good fruits when the tree itself is corrupt. Only Christ can
make the dierence in any life.
Te unregenerate heart is the citadel of all evils.
17th November
DANIEL 9:20-27
KEY VERSE: At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came
forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore
understand the matter, and consider the vision (Daniel 9:23).
Tese are days when in many Christian assemblies, there is an over-emphasis on
the place of prayer in true worship experience. Good as that trend may appear, the
worrisome aspect of this modern practice of praying is the focus and the content
of such prayers. Te church of today seems to have lost the power of purposeful
supplication that will bring national revival, restoration and righteousness. We
spend much time on praying against our enemies, seeking personal wealth and
Daniel is shown in our passage today as an inspiring example that many believers
must emulate. We need to remember that Daniel lived in auence and comfort in
the palace in Babylon. He did not, however, allow the comfort of his circumstance
nor his busy schedule administrative responsibilities to hinder him from praying
and seeking the face of God.
Beyond that challenging lifestyle of regular prayers, for which he was even
thrown into and rescued divinely from the lions den, the content and focus of
his supplications will shame modern day Christians. Daniel was more concerned
about the fulllment of Gods promise to the Israelites before receiving the
revelation of events that will happen in the latter times. We also see that he
identied with the sins and disobedience of the people; he confessed on their
behalf and sought Gods mercy and fulllment of the promise of restoration to
the people of God.
It is noteworthy as well as instructive to discover that while Daniel seeks the face
of God through purposeful supplications, he enjoyed divine revelations that went
far beyond his generations.
If only we will learn to modify the pattern and programs of prayers, we will also
enjoy divine approval and intervention in our personal, corporate and national
Purposeful supplications secure Gods special attention
and moves Him into action.
18th November
EZRA 10:9-11
KEY VERSE: Now therefore make confession unto the Lord God of your fathers,
and do his pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and
from the strange wives (Ezra 10:11).
Sometimes because we do not realize the far reaching eects of our actions, we tend
to lightly handle some of our wrong choices and actions that are unscriptural. Te
children of Israel started disobeying God gradually which eventually until they
were carried away into bondage by heathen nations. Tis happened in spite of
Gods warning of the consequences of their sin. Because of their failure to hold on
to the truth and defend the totality of the word of God, they started to lose their
grip on the heritage that God gave them through their forefathers. Unfortunately,
they lost that heritage through idolatry and disobedient.
In the passage under consideration, the people of Israel went through a re-
gathering process, following the restoration and return to their land. But as a
result of their close anities with the heathen nations, they had imbibed their
ungodly and idolatrous practices. Tey also inter-married with them. As the
process of cleansing and restoration was on-going, it was discovered that some of
them had married strange wives, considered abominable to the people of Israel.
It is however instructive to nd a fearless leader and a courageous pastor like Ezra
who confronted the sin and compromise of the people, and challenged the people
to repent and make necessary restitution.
Tese are days of liberal Christianity and convenient gospel. Compromise, loss
of sound biblical convictions and worldly practices are increasingly inuencing
many Christians today. Te timely message today is for each of us to examine
himself and repent of every form of compromise or pollution or worldly practices
that will hinder anyone from receiving the favor of God now and in eternity.
God is displeased when we go into compromise. He is more displeased when
we remain in such depravity. Let us avoid His displeasure by coming out of
permissiveness and wrong choices and opt to obey Him wholesomely instead.
Te pleasure of the Lord is for His own to do that which pleases Him.
19th November
ACTS 8:1-8
KEY VERSE: Therefore, they that were scattered abroad went everywhere
preaching the word. Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached
Christ to them (Acts 8:4,5).
Satans aversion for the kingdom of God and all that pertains to it is a long
established fact. Terefore, he thrives in devising dierent methods (subtle
and violent) targeted towards destabilizing, disrupting or even stopping the
work of the Kingdom. However, discerning believers need to know that his
crafty and evil antics, no matter how vicious, cannot stop God from fullling
his program.
Te work of God had been going on successfully in Jerusalem since the
disciples of Jesus Christ were baptized in the Holy Ghost. Tis record of
achievement was intimidating to the devil, hence his determination to stop
the work.
Having failed in his earlier eorts, he intensied his eorts by ensuring that
Stephen, a disciple who was full of faith and power was arrested, accused
falsely before the Jewish council of blasphemy against Moses and God, and
nally killing.
Contrary to the command by Jesus that the disciples should extend the
gospel beyond Jerusalem (Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8), they conned themselves
to Jerusalem, hence the persecution. It was this intense persecution that
scattered them to other cities outside. Once he escaped to the city of Samaria,
however, Philip did not allow the persecution to stop him from preaching the
gospel. It then means the scattering actually led to the spreading of the gospel
beyond Jerusalem.
As believers, we should not panic when faced with persecution, either on
account of our faith in the work of the ministry or even in our secular work,
realizing that even hereunto were [we] called because Christ also suered for
us, leaving us an example, that [we] should follow his steps (1 Peter 2:21).
God primes the diligent for an eventual breakthrough
20th November
KEY VERSE: Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy
fesh: for childhood and youth are vanity (Ecclesiastes 11:10).
Charles Swindoll, once said, Te longer I live, the more I realize the impact
of attitude on life. Attitude to me, is more important than facts, education,
money, circumstances, failures, success, what other people think or say or do.
It is more important than appearance, gifted ability, or skill. It will make or
break a company, a church, a home Te remarkable thing is that we have
a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace from that day. I
am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent
how I respond to it. And so it is for you. We are in charge of our attitudes.
Swindolls assertion is as signicant as it is educative. In our text, the preacher
warns all and sundry to beware of the kind of life they lead. Being an
experienced man who had amassed wealth, knowledge, power and women,
he had come to realize that all of them are vanity because they will all fade
into nothingness in the inevitable realm of eternity.
A lot of people still do not appreciate what Solomon realized over three
thousand years ago. Tey still rush for the things of this world in agrant
disregard for Gods standards. Teir actions are dictated often by worldly
expediencies. Te preacher enjoins the youth to eschew the habit of walking
by sight and conforming to the dictates of the world because God will subject
all their actions to scrutiny and eventual judgment. He further warns that
youthful exuberance is evil and should be put away because childhood and
youth are vanity.
Te text applies to everyone though, for everyone shall be held accountable
for his or her attitude. Te truth is that peoples attitude to issues of life will
determine what they get. It is disastrous to be in bondage to an evil attitude.
A break from it will help greatly; Jesus will set you free.
A stitch in time saves nine.
21st November
HEBREWS 10:1-18
KEY VERSE: For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should
take away sins we are sanctifed through the offering of the body of Jesus
Christ once for all this man, after he had offered one sacrifce for sins for ever
sat down on the right hand of God; Now where remission of these is, there is no
more offering for sin (Hebrews 10:4,10,12,18).
A young boy was ill some years back. Te illness was so serious that the
entire household was jittery and feared for his life. Dierent medicines, both
orthodox and conventional, were applied in confusion but all to no avail.
Te illness tormented the boy greatly, hitting him severally to the ground,
rolling him over and over and making him to cry in agony for hours. After
examining him, the doctor merely gave him a tiny pill and told him to seat
under an oscillating fan. In no time at all, the boy slept o, calm as if he had
never been ill. Te parents were quite surprised at the positive turn of events
and became very inquisitive. But very casually, the doctor simply said, I
merely gave him the antidote for his ailment, thats all.
Te above picture is similar to what happens in the world today. Our text
shows that there are numerous problems in the world, the greatest being that
of sin which does not only hold man in bondage, but has also separated him
from his Maker and put him in danger of judgment and eternal banishment
to hell. Regrettably, out of ignorance and confusion, man runs haphazardly,
looking for solution where none exists. While some people go to herbalists,
and to idols; others go to religious houses which fare no better than satanic
groves. Yet, others simply apply worldly wisdom and wishful thinking toward
the guilt of sin away. Te fact is that all these are eorts in futility.
Te only antidote for mans predicaments in life, particularly when all human
eorts have failed, is Jesus Christ. He is the only acceptable sacrice before
God for our sin. It is only by faith in His atoning sacrice that the sinner
can be justied before God. Candle/incense burning, use of holy water or
anointing oil, religious bathing, religious cleansing and similar acts cannot
atone for sin; only the blood of Jesus can. You too can apply the antidote
today by giving him a place in your heart.
Christs sacrice is the antidote!
22nd November
1 KINGS 12:1-15
KEY VERSE: And the King answered the people roughly, and forsook the old
mens counsel that they gave him; and spake to them after the counsel of the
young men, saying, my father made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke:
my father also chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions
(I Kings 12:13, 14).
A story was told of a hunter who went out on a game one day. His co-hunter,
Exploit by name, was a clever, bold and resourceful dog which, as its name
suggests, was very eective at hunting. He had a shortcoming. It sometimes
disobeys its boss, especially when deeply involved in its work, he felt he was
doing the right thing. On an expedition one day. Exploit was busy exploring
the bush for a prey and was going far from its owner. Te owner blew his
whistle to warn it not to go too far but it did not heed the warning. It was
rather too obsessed with its exploit that it continued to advance farther and
farther into the thick forest, until nally the sound of the whistle could not
reach him. After several hours of rigorous search, Exploit was found dead,
torn into pieces by a wild animal.
Te above is similar to the case of Rehoboam in our text. God gave him the
privilege of becoming the king of Israel after Solomon, his father. Tat alone
was the favor of God, because He had threatened to divide the kingdom
into two, due to his fathers backsliding, moral recklessness and degeneracy,
leaving him with just one tribe, the rest going to Jeroboam, his fathers enemy.
But Rehoboam blew the chance.
Tere are people today who misuse the chance God gives them to make
necessary corrections in their relationship with God, employers or with
friends. Tough such people may seek counsel as Rehoboam rightly did, they
may however, not be sensitive enough to know that they should be guided by
the Spirit of reconciliation, justice and peace in their relationship with their
fellow human beings. Tose who fail to heed Gods warning may have their
kingdom divided and larger portion given to another.
Te dog that will go astray will not heed the hunters whistle.
23rd November
KEY VERSE: And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and
decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her
hand full of abominations and flthiness of her fornication. And I saw the woman
drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus:
and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration (Revelation 17:4,6).
Our text depicts the negative inuence of the world upon its inhabitants. Te
whore being spoken of here is not a human whore as it may literally seem to
many, but the religious system of the world. Te Lord opened the eyes of John
the beloved to see in the Spirit, the kind of inuence the religious system of
the world has been having on people. Te whore in religious parlance refers
to spiritual fornication. For instance, the beast that carried the woman was
full of blasphemy, the woman herself has a golden cup in her hand full
of abominations and lthiness of her fornication. She was drunk with the
blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, which points to
the persecution of the saints who refused to compromise with her.
Today, the systems of the world which have crept into the church have not
only cleverly taken possession of so-called saints, they have indeed captured
the pulpit in many Christian assemblies. Te list is long: the musical system
in the church is no longer dierent from that of the world; the dancing
pattern, dressing, slangs, eshly accessories, sensuality, and carnal peculiarities
of the world that are indisputably condemned by God and targeted for His
judgment are everywhere in the church today. Te devils strategy is to paint
them in bright colors, thus making them attractive to believers.
Tose who yearn to get to heaven are therefore advised to be watchful and
prayerful so as not to fall along with the majority. Te deception of the devil
is always that, it is practiced by everyone. But the truth is that God will not
judge everyone. He will treat us on our individual merit when we appear
to give account to Him. Dont ever try to stand on the side of the majority;
let your motto be: others may, I cannot. Terefore, work out your own
salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:15).
Te wise do not follow the sinful lifestyle of the majority.
24th November
PSALM 50:1-15
KEY VERSE: Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fre shall devour
before him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about him. He shall call to
the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people (Psalm
Emile Jane Bronte, English novelist, once said in Te Prisoner, O dreadful is the
check - intense the agony when the ear begins to hear and the eye begins to see;
when the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again; the soul to feel the esh
and the esh to feel the chain.
Brontes words above have a lot of relevance to our text in that they point our
attention to the consequences of crime (sin) which is incarceration, a form
of punishment or judgment. Te Psalmist makes us realize that God will not
overlook sin. Te fact that God will judge His people is a conrmed by Peter who
warning that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it rst begin at
us what shall the end of them that obey not the gospel of God (1 Peter 4:17).
He further makes us realize that God has no delight in burnt oerings or sacrices
but in obedience to His word. Tere is no material thing we can give to Him that
can replace His demand for faithfulness, obedience to His word and commitment
to His service. It is therefore foolish to try to cajole Him with an oer of material
things. Tose who think that their supposed righteous or pious deeds like
almsgiving, paying tithe and oering, religious ordinances like water baptism,
conrmation, partaking of the Lords supper can be used to replace repentance
and holiness unto God, make very serious mistakes.
Te truth is that, God will never compromise His holy standard, no matter who
is involved. Yet He will not fail to judge the wicked. As a righteous God, He
will not destroy the righteous with the wicked. What the Psalmist wrote reveals
the mind of God when he penned, Gather my saints together unto me; those
that have made a covenant with me by sacrice. People who are in covenant
relationship with Him; people who have repented from their sins and their lives
are now totally hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3) wilt not be judged.
It is sheer folly to quarrel with ones Maker.
25th November
NUMBERS 10:1-10
KEY VERSE: And in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in
the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt
offerings, and over the sacrifces of your peace offerings; that they may be to
you for a memorial before your God: I am the Lord your God (Numbers 10:10).
Clear instruction deserves prompt obedience. Gods messages to the children
of Israel have always been in clear and without ambiguities. Every of His
instruction was intended to enhance the well-being of the people though they
perceived some of the directives as cumbersome.
God had instructed Moses to make two trumpets. Dierent occasions determined
the manner of the sound of the trumpets. When only one trumpet was blown,
it was to gather the princes and leaders for a meeting; when both trumpets were
sounded, it was to gather the entire assembly. An alarm was to indicate that there
was a serious matter in the land that needed urgent attention so that the people
would be at alert. Te instruction was given to enhance communication between
the leaders and the congregation of Israel. However, such instruments were not
to be abused by employing them for other purposes. Tey were not supposed to
be misused with uncertain sounds emanating from them.
Tose whose duty it was to blow the trumpets ensured that alarms were sounded
at the appropriate time and occasion. One important use of the trumpet was
to appeal to God for help whenever the land was invaded by enemies. At that
time, they were to blow an alarm because it was a desperate moment. Blowing
the trumpet also signied crying aloud to God in the event of an invasion by
enemies. God instructed that Israel must cry aloud when in a tight corner.
Tis is also a challenge to believers today that we must make supplications to God
whenever we are faced with a terrible challenge. Some people are inclined to say
since God is Omniscient, He sees and knows when we are in trouble. Yet He says
we must ask. Israel was to call His attention in times of trouble. We need to do
so even today!
Obedience begets divine approval.
26th November
MARK 7:31-37
KEY VERSE: And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more
he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it (Mark 7:36).
Someone said: It is not enough to hide Gods word in your heart, you must
speak for God in your place of inuence.
A great miracle has taken place. A deaf and dumb man has been healed of
his condition and this elicited celebration and great joy, not only from the
recipient of the miracle, but indeed from those who witnessed the supernatural
manifestation. But Jesus said nobody must hear of it beyond that vicinity. Yet,
the joy was so much that the people continued to publicize it.
Here, Jesus showed the example of not doing good deeds to be praised by
men. He just wanted the people to understand that what transpired was of
God and that they should rather give God the glory rather than publicize it.
On the other hand, the people demonstrated that we must rather tell others
what God has done in our lives. Te receiver of the miracle considered it a
mark of ingratitude if he kept quiet and behaved as if nothing great happened.
Our text today has a clear message of the importance of showing gratitude
to God. We are to draw a line between what oends God and those things
that actually please Him. Te deaf and dumb, who decided to publicize the
miracle He received, did not commit any sin of disobedience by telling others.
Today, some believers hide under some instructions to deny God of the glory
due Him. We must not allow ourselves to be gagged. Every gift from God
must be testied of to encourage other people who are looking up to Him for
a divine touch in their lives. We will not be doing well by hiding the blessings
of God in our lives.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.

27th November
DANIEL 10:1-9
KEY VERSE: In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I ate no
pleasant bread, neither came fesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint
myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulflled (Daniel 10:2,3).
Someone said: No matter what part of the world you live in, a prayer for
your country is a sign of nationalism and care for where you live. Tere is
prayer for leaders to show wisdom in decisions, prosperity of economy, and
safety within the borders.
Daniel was in an idolatrous nation under the regime of King Cyrus. He had
undertaken to fast for the country and the people. It was in the midst of this
spiritual retreat that God decided to show him a vision of what lay ahead. In
all ages, God has always revealed himself to those who wait upon Him; He
uses willing and committed individuals to save nations. Tings were not going
the way they ought to in the land and it bothered Daniel even when others
did not think much about it. Daniel did not give himself up to murmuring
and complaining; neither did he join other people to deride an evil regime.
But he knew that whatever the problem was, it could be xed by the power
that surpassed all powers.
Many countries are currently suering under the burden of bad political
leadership which has impacted negatively on their socio-economic, religious
and political lives. Te tendency is for people to open their mouth wide in
condemnation of their leaders; yet Christians are not supposed to tow that
path, however.
Daniels attitude is a challenge to believers today. Many believers commit sin
with their mouth over the state of aairs in their countries. Rather than see
the handiwork of Satan in the aairs of governance, they revel in name-calling
and use of uncharitable words against those they perceive are responsible for
their plight. We must understand that no matter how we complain, things
cannot change unless we do the needful, taking the battle to the appropriate
place by prayer and fasting.
It is more protable to talk less and pray more.
28th November
EZRA 10:12-17
KEY VERSE: Then all the congregation answered and said with a loud voice, as
thou has said, so must we do. And they made an end with all the men that had
taken strange wives by the frst day of the frst month (Ezra 10:12,17).
Unequal yoke is a terrible sin and God abhors it. Such a relationship is a snare
to the children of God. It creates an avenue for the enemy to weaken the
spiritual ber of the children of God.
King Solomon, for instance, was drawn away from the God of his fathers
by outlandish women to worship the gods of other nations. Ezra contended
with the Jews who had gone into this terrible sin, and in line with the divine
instruction, ordered them to give up their wives and the children from
such a union. Tere were no dissenting voices, as the people agreed to do
according to the command of God. Te separation were not arbitrarily done;
judges were appointed and elders of the cities was also invited to witness the
separation in line with divine directive. It was a seamless separation where the
people parted ways without acrimony.
Te text today has a lot to teach us. Believers, by virtue of their calling, must
be willing to please God no matter what it may cost them. Tere are those
who are still not ready to imbibe the teaching that wrong marriages must
be restituted. Despite the fact that they have read Gods express command
on multiple marriages from the Bible, these so-called believers are still not
willing to sever such relationships.
In our passage today, we saw that there were no sentiments in doing the
right thing. After the people were convicted by what they read from the word
of God and the consequences of their actions, they willingly gave up such
wrong marriages. We must learn to allow the word of God to penetrate our
inner recesses. Tings must always be done decently and in order, especially
decisions that are capable of aecting peoples lives.
Let go and let God have His way.
29th November
ACTS 8:9-25
KEY VERSE: And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles hands
the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money (Acts 8:18).
Countries across the globe spend a huge amount of money trying to ght
the spread of counterfeited products. Regulatory agencies deploy men and
materials to rid the society of unwholesome products. But in most cases,
fake products appear genuine on the face value. Most times, innocent and
unsuspecting members of society are deceived by the fantastic presentation
of such injurious products, whereas they are valueless. Many people have had
to lose huge sums of money to fake products thinking they were paying for
the real thing.
Tis was the case in the city of Samaria when Simon, the sorcerer held sway.
He enjoyed great fame while the shenanigan lasted; but the truth was to be
revealed with the coming into the city from Jerusalem of Peter and John.
Although Simon the sorcerer knew he was fake, he still went ahead to demand
the transfer of the apostles power on him to enable him continue to make
merchandise of the people.
Today, many people parade fake testimonies and powers. Tey, like Simon,
are very bold even in their wickedness. Such fake pastors in our contemporary
times lay claim to what they do not possess. Tose who deal in counterfeits
are enemies of both God and the society. Tey kill innocent souls through
their nefarious activities. Simon was before now respected by everyone in
Samaria; he had made so much money for himself that he commanded so
much respect. But he could not withstand the genuine power in Peter and
John. In order to deceive the ckle-minded, some of these counterfeit miracle
workers claim to possess the power to heal and to work all manner of miracles.
Just as it does not make any economic sense to patronize those who deal in
counterfeit products, trusting in fake Christian experiences will only lead to
eternal death. We must always endeavor to go for the real thing.
No matter how enticing a counterfeit product appears, it remains worthless.
30th November
KEY VERSE: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep
his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
Evangelist Bud Chambers, a gospel song writer, scripted some lyrics, Born
to serve the Lord, showing the totality of mans business on earth. He wrote,
From the dust of the earth, my God created man, His breath made man
a living soul; and God so loved the world He gave His only son, and that
is why I love him with my soul. According to him, it would amount to a
waste of precious life to abandon the very essence of our living here on earth.
It is his belief that living contrary to the will of God would attract eternal
In this concluding part of the Book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon tried to
remind everyone that the purpose of our creation was to enable us fear God
by doing His will. He also reminded us that every work of man would be
judged. Although man may invent other purposes for his existence here on
earth, one thing is incontrovertible, and that is the fact that any invention of
man cannot distort the purpose of God.
Right in the Garden of Eden, God made man a living being for the purpose
of praising Him, day in day out. But when man sinned, that whole essence
of creating man was distorted. Trough the rst Adam, sin reigned in us; but
we are made alive by the second Adam, who is Jesus Christ. It was Christs
rst coming of Christ brought man back to that initial purpose. Te frontiers
of Gods grace are fully available to those who are desirous of knowing Gods
divine purpose for their lives.
Many people live as though they have no purpose in life; it is only lower
animals that death terminates their existence eternally. As for man, at death,
he/she begins another journey either in heaven or in hell. Tats why it
matters much how we live our lives today. Te Lord will bring all our works
to judgment as our text truly reveals. It is instructive today that you abide in
sobriety and discover Gods purpose for your life.
We live our lives as a tale that is told.
1st December
NUMBERS 20:1-13
KEY VERSE: And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed
me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall
not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them (Numbers
On October 2005, a squirrel caused serious power outage that left the state
house and other down town Topeka (capital of Kansas State) without power.
Te squirrel got into a power station and touched dierent parts of an electric
power circuit thereby overloading it and causing serious damage.
Israel under Moses leadership advanced towards Canaan again after about
thirty-eight years of a long and tedious journey through the wilderness. At
this juncture, there was no water for the congregation to drink for which they
murmured against Moses and Aaron. Tey fell into the same unbelief like
their fathers. Complaining out of unbelief became an incurable setback for
the nation of Israel which made their pains grew worse, not less. But Moses
and Aaron acted wrongly. For once, Moses, the meekest man on the earth,
succumbed to intimidation and acted unadvisedly calling them rebels and
striking the rock twice under provocation instead of simply speaking to the
rock as commanded by the Lord. He paid dearly for it; both he and Aaron
were denied the privilege of leading Israel into the Promised Land.
Moses especially had had an unbroken record of unquestioning obedience to
Gods Word and unprecedented meekness in his dealings with the Israelites.
But a little deviation from Gods command brought great consequences like
the little squirrel above. Moses and Aaron took much of the glory of this work
of wonder to themselves thereby incurring Gods displeasure.
Like the Israelites, we often forget the goodness of the Lord so quickly. Our
ckle memories soon forget His past benets due to the pains of the present
need. But we must remain faithful to God in both big and small matters to be
able to enjoy our walk with Him and appropriate His promises.
Te divine message is unalterable; fools alter it to their peril.
2nd December
NUMBERS 20:14-21
KEY VERSE: And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass by me, lest I come
out against thee with the sword (Numbers 20:18
International trips to almost all nations of the world always require the
issuance of entrance visa permits. Tere is no automatic entry for anyone
except for those who carry valid visas. Unfortunately, there are genuine and
sincere applicants whose applications are rejected on the basis of lack of clarity
of intention, insucient information or prejudice.
Todays passage is a true story of an appeal by Moses for Israel to pass through
the border of the Edomites. Edomites were the descendants of Esau who share
the same ancestry with Israel yet, the king of Edom refused and threatened
them, saying if they attempted it, it would be to their peril. Tis inherited
animosity could be traced to an age-long enmity which Esau bore against
Israel, his brother.
Te refusal of the Edomites to Israels request could be seen as the demonstration
of cruelty, unforgiving spirit and lack of hospitality. At the same time mistrust,
craftiness and insincerity of Israel were their common traits which could have
provoked the Edomites to deny Israel entry into their domain. Christians
should learn to forgive and forget past oences and injuries. At the same time,
there is the need to watch and pray before accepting an oer.
Moses tried to negotiate with the king of Edom to allow them passage but
the Edomites bluntly refused. Israel had the option of turning it into an open
warfare and conict to force their way through, but the way of peace was their
choice. Tis is a good way of resolving conicts which must be emulated by
heaven-bound saints. Also, denial of Israels entry to the country indicates
that it is not enough to aspire to go to heaven; there must be a valid visa
permit: the new birth.
Godly peace, not conict is the recipe for enduring harmony.
3rd December
NUMBERS 20:22-29
KEY VERSE: And when all the congregation saw that Aaron was dead, they
mourned for Aaron thirty days, even all the house of Israel (Numbers 20:29).
When a child is born, it weeps while others smile, and when it dies, it smiles
while others weep, say the Arabs. Spurgeon described death as the waiting-room
where we robe ourselves for immortality; it comes to the ungodly man as a penal
iniction, but to the righteous as a summon to his Fathers palace: to the sinner
it is an execution, to the saint an undressing. Death to the wicked is the King of
terrors: death to the saint is the end of terrors, the commencement of glory. To
die in the Lord is a covenant blessing.
Tere is something of displeasure in the orders given by God in our text that
Aaron must not enter Canaan, because he had failed in his duty at the waters of
strife. However, Moses and Eleazer, Aarons son, were to accompany him on that
nal journey into Mount Hor where a quiet and solemn hand-over ceremony
took place before he nally died. Tere is much of mercy in this seemingly sad
event. Aaron, though he dies for his transgression, dies with ease, and in honor
in the presence of his loving brother and son. He is gathered to his people, as one
who dies in Gods grace. His death occurred like someone going to bed. It was
a great satisfaction also to Aaron to see his son succeed him. When eventually
Moses and Eleazer came down from the mountain without Aaron, the people
immediately understood that their compassionate and amiable high priest had
gone to glory and they wept profusely for thirty days as was customary in those
days for leaders of Aarons caliber.
Learn a lesson from Aarons death: his clothes were laid aside before his nal
departure. Naked we came into this world and naked we shall depart, and take
nothing out; not even a farthing can we take with us to the grave.
Terefore, do not be sorrowful like those without hope. Death cannot kill a
believer, it only ushers him into a freer form of life. Because Jesus lives, His people
shall live also. Tose who have departed have not perished.
It is sheer folly to assume that life on earth will last forever.
4th December
NUMBERS 21:1-9
KEY VERSE: And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fery serpent, and set
it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he
looketh upon it, shall live. (Numbers 21:8).
Often, the solution to lifes problems are not found in some esoteric mountain
top, or hidden in the depth of the oceans. It demands no great adventure or
sacrice, but a simple expression of condence and trust in God, as the children
of Israel discovered in the wilderness.
In their journey to the Promised Land, the Israelites met with a erce opponent
in King Arad, the Canaanite, who fought and captured some of them. Te people
then vowed to God that if He granted them victory against Arad, they would
destroy all his cities. Te Lord granted their petition, and they continued in their
journey. Not long after, they were forced by the hostility of the Edomites to take a
long and treacherous route to avoid trouble. But the people were discouraged and
began complaining and murmuring against Moses. Tey accused him of bringing
them to the wilderness to die, of not giving them food and water. Tey disparaged
the heavenly manna with which God fed them. God heard their complaint and
as a result, sent poisonous serpents which bit and killed many of them. But they
quickly came to their senses and pleaded with Moses for help. And as he prayed
for them, the Lord gave him the antidote to their problem: set up a serpent of
brass on a pole, so that anyone who looked at it lived. It was a clear pointer to
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who would die on the cross to take away the
sins of the world.
We must be careful, for with every victory in life, a temptation lurks in the corner.
And we must never yield to the lure of complaining against God, as it only serves
to show that we are spiritually weak, disobedient and ungrateful to God for His
past miracles in our lives. And where in a moment of mindlessness we stray from
God, we must quickly retrace our steps, and look up to Jesus Christ for pardon
and cleansing. Where there is sickness, Jesus can heal us. Whatever our situation
in life, we must keep looking unto Jesus the author and nisher of our faith.
When we look at the invisible Christ, we see the incredible work of God.
5th December
NUMBERS 21:10-20
KEY VERSE: And the children of Israel set forward, and pitched in Oboth
(Numbers 21:10).
Boxing is one game many decent minds disagree should be rightly called
sport. Te deliberate inicting of injuries on one another in the quest for
praise or payment can only appeal to the beastly instinct in man. But there is
one lesson professional boxers are taught which is valuable for us all. Tey are
taught not to retreat but to move forward when in the ring.
In our text, it was said of the children of Israel that they set forward. Te
signicance of the statement becomes clearer when it is recalled that they had
just suered a serious setback in their progress towards the Promised Land. In
their weariness as they matched from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea,
they murmured against God and Moses, discrediting the gracious provision
of manna the Lord made for them. Te righteous judgment of God came
upon them for this. Fiery serpents got in their midst and bit many to death.
Upon their repentance and Moses intercession, the Lord pardoned them and
initiated the remedy of the brazen serpent on which if any victim of the snake
bite looked, he was cured.
At this juncture in their journey, they probably would have felt reluctant to
move on, at least for the time being. But they set forward! Forward is upward
and is the secret of success in every sphere of life. Apostle Paul was conscious
of this when he wrote: I count not myself to have apprehended: but this
one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth
unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13,14). Teir recall of
Gods past goodness at this instance and their songs of victory indicate they
made the most of the divine discipline.
Have you suered a setback lately? Are you tempted to give up due to what
you regard as high-handedness meted out to you? Are you weighed down by
past experiences? Are you losing steam for the race? Take a cue from Israel,
look up and set forward
Press forward, greater trophies lay ahead
6th December
NUMBERS 21:21-33
KEY VERSE: And Sihon would not suffer Israel to pass through his border: but
Sihon gathered all his people together, and went out against Israel into the
wilderness: and he came to Jahaz, and fought against Israel (Numbers 21:23).
Te aphorism, gentility is not cowardice nds relevance in the dealings of
Israel with the Amorites in our text. Sihon, king of the Amorites bluntly
refused Israel passage through his land. He was afraid that Israel would attack
him and his people and take possession of their land by force. Not only that
he refused to heed their request, he marshaled soldiers against them. But
God, who ghts for the innocent strengthened Israel and made them overrun
the Amorites.
Te passage has a great lesson for every believer. Israel had the physical might
and the awesome power of God behind them, yet, they did not aunt it. Tey
shunned the temptation of invading the Amorites by force without a prior
request to king Sihon. Tey were aware that the God of justice would not
support any illegality.
Te lesson here is that believers should learn to always exhaust every means
of peaceful resolution of crisis to arrive at a peaceful outcome. We must avoid
the temptation of using our God-given wealth and positions to oppress other
people. It is sinful to employ unchristian means to achieve success. But,
how about those who use their privileged positions to take over properties
that belong to other people? In an era when the world believes that the end
justies the means, many people no longer care about the feelings of others
for as long as they (the oppressors) satisfy their selsh ambitions.
Moreover, when we have any reason to turn down peoples requests, it should
be out of pure conscience rather than by envy. Part of king Sihons problems
was envy. We must avoid it. And this is only possible after a second birth,
for without it a natural man cannot please God, for he is a slave to Satan and
to sin.
By strength shall no man prevail
7th December
MARK 13:14-23
KEY VERSE: But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken
of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth
understand,) then let them that be in Judaea fee to the mountains (Mark
Tese are the last days and perilous times spoken of by our Lord to herald
His second coming. Several prophecies concerning His second coming have
already been fullled.
Among the prophecies of the second coming of Christ is the awe-inspiring
corruption of pure religion by an emerging power in the person of the
Antichrist. Te Antichrist, being energized by an evil spirit, would evolve
terribly abominable practices that would make God to withdraw His presence
from the holy place and provoke His wrath upon the earth. Tis future
antichrist like his ancient prototype, Antiochus Epiphanes (Daniel 8:9-25)
who lived about 215 164 B.C will persecute Gods people and cause many
to go into apostasy in such great numbers as never witnessed before. He will
bring all forms of unholy and detestable practices to the temple of God,
including the imposition of self as the object of worship. Tose who refuse to
worship him will be tortured to death.
Te unholy acts that keep the presence and the glory of God away from the
temple are referred to as the abomination that makes desolate. Our time for
preparation to escape the terror of the future antichrist is now. A life lived in
consistent holiness will prepare you for the Lords coming. Gods Spirit dwells
securely in those that persevere in righteousness. Sin opens the door for Satan
to come to steal, to kill and to destroy and make ones life desolate regarding
hope of eternal life.
Give your life to Jesus now and make up your mind to stand rm until the
coming of the Lord.
Sin brings reproach
8th December
MARK 13:24-37
KEY VERSE: But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels
which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father (Mark 13:32).
Political gures and men of inuence are known to announce their major outings,
and in many cases, they do this through elaborate media outreach and sometimes
with ostentatious ceremonies. Sometimes, program of events are drawn up, lasting
for days, sometimes weeks, depending on who is being expected, and people are
kept busy planning and coordinating events leading up to such appearances.
Our Lord Jesus Christ has explained the manner of His coming. He did this
for the following reasons: to get people to prepare and to warn the careless and
the presumptuous. Now learn a parable of the g tree; When her branch is
yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So ye in like
manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at
the doors (verse 28,29).
In warning the people, Jesus said, Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not
when the time is (verse 33), and He cautioned that everyone should watch, for
ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at
the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he nd you sleeping
(verse 35).
Jesus stressed the certainty of His prediction, adding that only the heavenly Father
knows the day of His coming: a major reason for believers to be on their watch
daily. He expressed the solemnity and gravity of events that would immediately
follow His coming in such a way as to emphasize the need for preparation, adding
in Luke 21:34 that we should not at any time allow our hearts to be overcharged
with surfeiting and drunkenness, and cares of this life, so that day come upon
[us] unawares.
Are we getting gradually sucked into the sports, entertainment, luxuries,
ceremonies and retellings of this world? To what extent do we keep ourselves
from all these? Are we fraternizing with those who are deep in ungodly acts, or
we nd easy ways of defending our involvement? We have the opportunity to re-
examine our actions, associations, engagements and relationships with the world
today. And we can make our ways right while Jesus is yet to come, lest He nds
us unprepared when He comes.
Wise is he who maintains a dignied distance from the world.
9th December
MARK 14:1-11
KEY VERSE: And there were some that had indignation within themselves, and
said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? (Mark 14:4).
Are you giving all that money to the church? Mr. Benson had asked his wife.
You paid your tithe last week, you are serving God in other various ways;
must our following Christ cost us so much? Calmly and humbly, his wife
answered: Is anything too much to give to God? Tere is nothing we have
that we have not received from Him.
Why was this waste of ointment made? was the negative sentiment expressed
by some that had indignation within themselves when they saw the pouring
of the alabaster ointment by the woman (the owner) on the head of Jesus
Christ and termed it a waste. Te estimated worth was three hundred
pence. Jesus had healed them of sicknesses that were beyond human cure;
they had received miraculous deliverances from madness, epilepsy, lameness,
leprosy, blindness, name it. Tree hundred pence on Christ a waste?
Many today receive from God manifold blessings but consider it a waste
of time to serve Him in His vineyard. Even among believers, there are some
who consider the consecration of others as a needless waste of time, energy
and resources.
As Mary never counted it too much to give to Christ ointment worth about
the equivalent of one years income for a rural worker, we ought to count
nothing too much to give to our Lord today. Our talent, treasure and time
should be freely given to serve Him. Knowing that He has given us all things
that pertain to life and godliness, we are to lay all on the altar for His use. It
is a privilege to give to the Lord and for our gift and service to be acceptable
unto Him.
Nothing we render can compensate for what He has rendered.
10th December
MARK 14:12-25
KEY VERSE: And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it,
and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is my body. And he took the cup, and
when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it (Mark
Te Lords Supper or the Holy Communion (as many Bible scholars will
prefer to call it) is one of the two major ordinances instituted by Christ
himself. It is a perpetual observance commanded for all born again believers.
It was the practice of Christ as seen in our text today to observe the yearly
Jewish Passover, which was a commemoration of the great deliverance of the
children of Israel. Te ceremony was a pointer to the anticipated vicarious
sacrice of the Messiah. Te Lords Supper was instituted at the Lords last
Passover with the disciples. Tis is because there is a correlation between the
two. Te Passover was kept as a remembrance of Gods great deliverance that
brought the nation of Israel out of Egypt. Te high point of the Passover was
the slaying of the Pascal lamb without blemish which symbolizes or typied a
substitutionary sacrice. Te Lords supper is now to be celebrated perpetually
by the redeemed in remembrance of the Lords death.
Two emblems are to be used for the Lords supper, namely, unleavened bread
and the fruit of the vine. Leaven means yeast. Yeast from the Old Testament
has always been symbolic of sin. Te unleavened bread is symbolic of the
sinless body of Christ which was broken for us.
Jesus sent His disciples ahead to get the place of His last Passover celebration
ready and this underscores the relevance of heart preparation before the
emblems of the Lords Supper are administered. It cannot be approached
carelessly, listlessly or presumptuously. It should always be preceded by self-
examination, purity of heart and a daily life of following peace with all men.
If we are to avoid the tragedy which befell the Corinthian church over the
Lords Supper, then the attitude of all believers towards it must be right.
Holiness of life is the visa to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
11th December
MARK 14:25-52
KEY VERSE: Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is
ready, but the fesh is weak (Mark 14:38).
Ever seen a hen or a chick having its legs entangled with a twine? Its movements
will certainly be impeded by the entanglement. Tough it may have the desire
and longing to be smart and swift in its legs, this will not be possible for as long
as the twine or thread remains wrapped around its legs. Tis describes the struggle
many people have with their spiritual life. Within them is the desire to soar high
spiritually, to be victorious over sin, but unfortunately, this is not often the case.
Tough they sometimes are sincere about the desire to live above sin, they often
nd themselves weakened and defeated by their esh. Te spirit within them
indeed is willing, but unfortunately, their esh is weak. Teir esh is a clog on
their soul, slowing down and hampering their spiritual progress.
Tis reality is clearly brought out in the passage under consideration. Peter and the
rest of the disciples openly and that sincerely, expressed their desire to follow Jesus
all the way, even unto death. However, they failed to take note of the warning
of Jesus that they would soon abandon Him. Peter, basking in self-condence,
boasted that he would never deny the Lord. He trusted his resolution but failed to
seek the strength, support and grace of God to be able to watch and pray.
Jesus knew that however genuine and sincere our desire and resolve to follow the
Lord may be, we will fail if we do not watch and pray. Our spirits may indeed be
willing to please the Lord, but our esh, which unfortunately we sometimes yield
to, overpowers and weakens us.
To overcome, Jesus gives the simple panacea watch and pray. Tere is the
need to subdue the esh, conquer its desires and be free from its grips through
watchfulness and prayerfulness. Watchfulness will help keep us on our guard
while prayerfulness will give strength to our spirit and help it reach a height
sublime. If you truly mean your vows and commitment to the Lord, then back
it up with prayers.
Prayers will strengthen your souls willingness
and bring your body to submission
12th December
MARK 14:53-65
KEY VERSE: And the chief priests and all the council sought for witness against
Jesus to put him to death; and found none (Mark 14:55).
A sage once told a memorable story during his sojourn in journalism.
One morning, according to legend, he was sitting idle with his fellow cub-
reporters in the news room when the editor walked in, noted their idleness
and demanded to know the reason for their sitting idle that early morning
instead of going out to town to gather news. In unison, they replied that
there was nothing newsworthy in town to report on, to which the boss asked
them to go to town and manufacture some news items or one of them should
oblige the others by jumping into the lagoon to create news while the others
write the story.
Such was the eorts of the religious leaders in their bid to eliminate Christ.
His trial by the Jewish council had two phases. A small group had met the
night before (John 18:2-24) after which the full council met at daybreak
(Luke 22:66-71). Later, he was taken to Pilate, the Roman governor; then to
Herod and back to Pilate all in a space of twenty four hours. Tey had to
resort to such travesty of justice in order to hastily convict and condemn Him
before the Jewish Passover. Such was the mindless conspiracy of the religious
leaders all in a bid to fulll their grand design get rid of Jesus.
In spite of the stage managed drama of trials however, they found no evidence
of wrongdoing in Him. Even the wife of Pilate warned her husband to have
nothing to do with that just man (Matthew 27:19). Tese are eloquent
testimonies to His sinless and blameless life. So they had to fabricate lies and
quote Him out of context to achieve their end, that is, to kill Him.
Tis example of holiness of our High Priest should characterize the lives of
all professing believers. He, Jesus Christ, is coming back to take to Himself a
glorious church made up of gloriously redeemed and prepared people.
Raiment unsullied nor tarnished with sin is the mark of holiness.
13th December
MARK 14:66-72
KEY VERSE: And the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to mind the
word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me
thrice. And when he thought thereon, he wept (Mark 14:72
Te warning, written in red, was bold and unmistakable: slow down, death trap,
narrow bridge 500 meters ahead. Te man was not passing that road for the
rst time; he had done that a number of times in the past. But here he was, too
engrossed in his thoughts to notice the warning. He survived the accident but had
a disgured face that often reminded him of that unfortunate incident.
Jesus never hid anything from His disciples that was protable to them. He told
them about His mission on earth: to seek and to save that which was lost.
He warned them of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. He spoke to them about
His betrayal, His suering, of their desertion of Him, and of His consequent
crucixion on the cross. But Peter, in his characteristic boldness said: Although
all shall be oended, yet will not I. And Jesus saith unto him, Verily I say unto
thee, Tat this day, even in this night, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny
me thrice (Mark 14:29,30). But when the chips were down, he denied his Savior
and Lord, even supporting it with a very strong curse.
We have in the Bible many warnings of the danger on the pilgrims way. Tere
are many take heeds dotting the many chapters of the Scriptures. Te believer
cannot aord to be careless or negligent about them. Te devil is not a friend. He
needs company, a large one for that matter, in the lake of re. You must not keep
his company in that terrible place after many years of following the Lord. Peter
got over his misdeed and was recovered by the Lord. What if things dont work
out for you that way?
Today is the day to take stock of your spiritual life. Is there any area of your walk
with the Lord where you have denied Him already? We may not have committed
outright sin but whatever form the denial takes, it poses a potent danger as it
could deny us a place in heaven. We may not voice out our denial like Peter, but
there are other subtle ways of saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak.
Christ warns today: But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also
deny before my Father which is in heaven (Matthew 10:33).
To be forewarned is to be forearmed; take heed
14th December
EXODUS 26:31-37
KEY VERSE: And thou shalt make an hanging for the door of the tent, of blue,
and purple, and scarlet, and fne twined linen, wrought with needlework
(Exodus 26:36).
A remarkable story was told of a soldier who having been left behind by his
retreating colleagues and nding no way of escape dashed into a little cave for
protection. He soon heard voices and footsteps of enemy forces approaching.
Fearing for his life, he closed his eyes in the open cave and prayed for Gods
protection. Presently, a little spider soon set to work its cunning cobwebs
across the entrance of the cave. He was still wondering how some few cobwebs
could protect him when the rst enemy soldier approached the entrance of
the cave, broke the cobwebs and graciously turned back. Men, lets go! He
said, He cant be here. Tere are cobwebs all over the entrance. Tus, the
Lord delivered the poor soldier with the aid of little insignicant cobwebs.
From our text, a vail or curtain, separated the holy place from the most holy
place. It was hung upon four pillars. Tis vail prevented the priests from
looking into the holy of holies. Another vail was for the outer door of the
With the abundant wealth in the tabernacle, and leaving it thus exposed, one
would think it might be a temptation for thieves; but God is mighty enough
to defend His house.
Tere is no king saved by the multitude of a host: a mighty man is not
delivered by much strength(Psalm 33:16). God led the Israelites through
that great and terrible wilderness; there were neither physical walls nor iron
and concrete bars to protect them. God was their security. As believers, we
should not put our trust in the security arrangements put in place in our
neighborhoods; we should not trust in the arm of esh but wholly lean on
Christs blood.
Trust in Gods security is surer than any military might.
15th December
EXODUS 27:1-8
KEY VERSEHollow with boards shalt thou make it: as it was shewed thee in the
mount, so shall they make it (Exodus 27:8).
John Newton once said, that there were some books which he could not
read they were good and sound enough; but, said he, they are books
of halfpence. Tese books do not portray the gospel in the old way Jesus
preached it during His earthly ministry. We will either have the complete
Bible preached with the original emphasis or no Bible at all.
From our text, the brazen alter was to be built in strict adherence to the
pattern or model revealed to Moses on the mount. Moses had a model of
this altar showed him, and he was to be careful to instruct the workmen,
and see to it, that they built it exactly according to the model. It was to
be made of shittim wood with the size clearly dened. Te four horns of it
were to be overlaid with brass and were to all look alike. Even the minutest
components of the altar were well specied so there would be no excuse for
presumptuous deviation from the pattern. Te purpose of the alter was to
oer burnt oerings on, and was to be placed at the door of the tabernacle,
in the court of the people, where they brought their sacrices to the priests
to oer for them: it stood in the open air, as it was proper it should, that the
smoke or the sacrices might ascend up to heaven.
Before the transition to the brazen altar, Gods altar was to be built of
unhewned stones, that no trace of human skill or labour might be seen upon
it. Human wisdom delights to trim and arrange the doctrines of the cross into
a system more articial and more congenial with the depraved tastes of the
fallen nature; instead of proving the gospel, carnal wisdom pollutes it until it
becomes another gospel, and not the whole counsel of God.
Ah! tell us not of systems of divinity; tell us not of schemes of theology; tell
us not of infallible commentators, but tell us of the Great Teacher, who shall
instruct us, the sons of God, and shall make us wise to understand His way.
Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.
16th December
EXODUS 27:9-21
KEY VERSE: And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring
thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always.
(Exodus 27:20).
One of the most dicult things for believers is not to profess faith in God,
but to live a shining and sparkling life. And yet, this is what makes all the
dierence between those who love Jesus Christ and those who do not. It
is the test of the character, the trial of the conviction and the thrust of the
consecration of every true child of God.
Moses had been receiving instructions from God on how to construct the
tabernacle in the wilderness. Here, God explained to him how to make the
courtyard of the tabernacle. He was told of the curtains with which to adorn
various sides of the tabernacle, their lengths and quality. He was to make
pillars, sockets, hooks and llets for the tabernacle, some of brass work and
others of silver. Te gate of the courtyard was to be draped in blue, purple
and scarlet curtains, made of ne needlework. Te curtains were to be made
to measure an hundred cubits in length, fty cubits in breadth and ve cubits
in height. All the vessels of the tabernacle, including the pins, are to be made
of brass. It was to be an imposing edice that should command the awe and
reverence of God. Te work done, Moses was to instruct the Israelites to
oer pure olive oil to serve as fuel for the tabernacle lamp which must burn
Christians are today the tabernacle of God. He has re-created us in
righteousness and holiness. Te beauty of the Christian life is not just found
in the profession of faith in God, or the moderate and modest apparel we
adorn ourselves with, but in the quality of the grace of God that we possess.
Grace is the oil that makes our lives to shine. It produces in us works of mercy,
love, compassion and patience. When we possess the grace of God, our lives
would positively impact on others. Our lives will lead people to Christ and
not repel them from the faith. Jesus said: Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is heaven.
A life full of grace is a continual praise to God
17th December
EXODUS 28:1-12
KEY VERSE And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory
and for beauty (Exodus 28:2).
A preacher was excitedly dishing out the word of God to what he thought was
a captive audience. All eyes were xed on him as he blasted on with his sermon
- oblivious of the fact that his shirt was not properly buttoned. He missed out
a button hole causing his appearance to be funny. It was this that engaged the
attention of his audience and distracted them from his message. No doubt, both
the character and the grooming of Gods ministers count and therefore deserve
special attention.
In readiness for unied worship in the tabernacle, it was necessary to maintain
a family of priests for Israel. Aaron and his children were divinely appointed to
serve in the priests oce. In doing this, the Lord was careful enough to spell out
the details of their ocial dressing. Te recommended garment for Aaron was a
multiple piece comprising a breastplate (in which were set twelve precious stones),
and an ephod (a short cloak without sleeves), and a robe (an upper garment), and
a broidered coat, a mitre (a turban), and a girdle (a linen band tied around the
waist). Te garments were to be made by no mean persons but only those that
were wise-hearted, whom God had lled with the Spirit of wisdom.
Underlying these specications was the consideration for glory and beauty.
Observe the special materials (ne linen) and the choice of colors used - gold,
blue, purple, scarlet all standing for nobility and majesty. It was intended that
the priests appearance should reect the character of God to the people. Utmost
care was therefore taken to clothe them as such.
Contrary to the perceptions of many Christians, the Lord does not delight in
beggarliness. He deserves and demands the best of our talents, material resources
and time. Te house of God should reect the character of God sacred and
dignied. A shabby church setting is for neither beauty nor glory. Gods own
children, especially the ministers, must be so exemplary in character and dressing
as to point men to God rather than distract mens attention from God.
We must present ourselves well if we must represent God well.
18th December
EXODUS 28:13-25
KEY VERSE: And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel,
twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet; every one with
his name shall they be according to the twelve tribes (Exodus 28:21).
Te stars, moon, sun, undulating hills, gently owing and cascading rivers and
rolling ocean waves amongst other elements of nature, speak volumes about the
orderliness, majesty, glory and beauty of the God we serve.
Te chapter under consideration is a continuation of the array of instructions
on the pattern for the tabernacle to be built in the wilderness. Te building was
to be of beauty in a barren land. Despite the circumstances in which they found
themselves in the wilderness, God still demanded of them the best of items for
an acceptable worship.
Te passage is instructive. Te worship of God at every point in time demands
sacrice. In fact, God cherishes service rendered out of extreme inconvenience
more than that which springs forth in time of ease and out of abundance. Te
question we may ask ourselves is: Where were the children of Israel supposed
to get all the materials to meet the specications? Te answer is simple: Te
Omniscient and loving God is not a taskmaster; all He needs is a willing heart
and He provides the means. He did it when Abraham was about to sacrice Isaac,
his only son. In place of Isaac, He provided a ram miraculously. Te lesson is that
whenever God demands anything of us, our response should always be: God, give
me the grace to obey.
If the children of Israel could accomplish Gods demands in their own time, we,
who have received double of Gods matchless grace through the death of His dear
Son, Jesus Christ, can do greater exploits. And nothing shall be impossible to us.
It is gratifying to note that God rewards our obedience. While lifting up His
name, He also remembers His servants, hence, His instruction to immortalize the
twelve tribes of Israel with twelve stones. Likewise, we are living stones with God
as we do His blessed will.
Te good or evil that men do shall live after them.
19th December
EXODUS 28:26-35
KEY VERSE: And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the
breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place,
for a memorial before the Lord continually (Exodus 28:29).
Our membership of a church here will amount to nothing if not
correspondingly matched with the writing of our names in the Lambs Book of
Life. Te writing and the blotting of names from this book is the prerogative
of the Son as given to Him of the Father (Revelation 3:5, John 5:22). Te Son
is He who recommends us to the Father.
In our text, we see the high priest in the nation of Israel as occupying a very
important oce in the religious as well as judicial life of the nation. Te
high priest, as an intercessor between the people and their God, bears their
names (engraved on precious stones and hung over his chest) before the Lord
continually. He is ordained to oer gifts and sacrices unto God on behalf of
the people. As the human administrator of justice, he relies upon Gods word
and His Spirit at all times.
Teir Jewish high priest was a type of Christ. He (Christ) is the great high
priest over the Church of true believers of every nation and generation.
He was the one set apart by God, clothed with glory and honor and great
anointing to minister life to as many as come to God by Him.
He also is the righteous Judge, for God has committed all judgment unto
Him. His priesthood is eternal and not limited by death as that of Aaron. He
is passed into the heavens where He ever makes intercession for us. Terefore,
we need no more a human high priest. Like the Jewish high priest, Jesus has
our names both on His shoulders and on His breast intimating us with both
the power and the passion with which He makes intercession for us.
Whatever problems, needs and challenges we may face, God will never forget
us, for we are graven upon the palms of His hand. Reciprocate His love today
by giving Him your life, your absolute devotion and retaining His word in
your heart, and also make a commitment today to preach the gospel to others.
Making room for Christ in your life endears you to Him.
20th December
EXODUS 28:36-43
KEY VERSE: And thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother and his sons with
him; and shalt anoint them, and consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they
may minister unto me in the priests offce (Exodus 28:41).
God, in His characteristic wisdom made coats of skin for Adam and Eve
for them to cover their nakedness. But ever since, man has assigned dierent
meanings to dressing. Yet, our dressing makes a statement about our character,
conduct and occupation.
Te oce of the priest in the nation of Israel was a privileged but delicate and
sensitive one. Te Lord had chosen Aaron and his sons to be priests in His service.
Teir garments were to be signicantly dierent from those of the ordinary
people. Tey were not to dress to attract or please others but to depict Gods
glory and beauty. As the highest representative of God, Aarons garment was
dierent. It consisted of eight pieces, with the colors and materials of the garment
corresponding with those of the tabernacle. But of greatest signicance was the
MITRE with the engraving: Holiness unto the Lord and worn by the high
priest. Tis was to teach the people that God demanded a life of internal and
external holiness.
Te Church today, the body of called out people, is unto Christ a kingdom of
priests. Every true believer is a priest unto God, with Jesus Christ our great High
Priest. Our garments, our dressing both in and outside church assemblies must
depict the nature of holiness God requires in us. And thou shalt make them linen
breaches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall
reach (verse 42). Our churches today are bustling with the latest mode of dress in
town, with the pew and the pulpit in an open, unholy fashion competition. And
the devil is happy as some half-naked worshippers lead others astray.
We are to examine ourselves and begin to dress so as to promote holiness in
the midst of Gods people. It is Holiness unto the Lord; whatever we do and
however we dress that detract from this expected standard is not of the Lord and
must be discarded.
He who seeks Gods glory in all things pursues his own good ultimately.
21st December
ISAIAH 37:8-20
KEY VERSE: And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers,
and read it: and Hezekiah went up unto the house of the Lord, and spread it
before the Lord (Isaiah 37:14).
In times of trouble and trial, men always seek refuge in the most predictable
places. Many turn to other men for help. Others begin to construct a plausible
self-help eort. Some become so despondent they relapse into self-pity, and give
up trying to nd a viable solution to their problem. Only a few ever remember
to turn to God.
For King Hezekiah, there was no equivocation on what to do when he faced
trouble. Rabshakeh, the agent of the king of Assyria had returned to Jerusalem to
continue threatening Hezekiah and his people. He boasted about the conquests
of the king of Assyria over many great nations, whose gods were unable to deliver
them. News of these great victories had spread far and wide driving fear into the
hearts of men. He wrote these threats in a letter which he delivered to Hezekiah.
Frightening as the content of the letter was, Hezekiah calmly read it, and then did
the most remarkable thing: he headed straight to the house of the Lord and spread
the letter before God. In his prayer, he extolled Gods greatness, recognizing Him
as the Creator of the heaven and earth. He pleaded with the Lord to listen to the
words of the king of Assyria, which he noted, were in fact spoken against God.
He said that although the Assyrians had conquered many great nations and burnt
their gods, he was in no doubt that those idols were useless works of mens hands.
Passionately, he pleaded with the Lord to save Israel, so that all the kingdoms of
the earth may know that thou art the Lord, even thou only.
Perhaps, you are suering from an illness that is widely known to have killed
many people already, or it is a particular problem that has deed palliatives, and
had ravaged many lives. Enemies may be boasting that you would never make
progress in life nor enjoy a settled family. Tey may even be boasting openly to
your face that so long as they live, you face a bleak prospect. Tere is nothing to
worry about. For a child of God, the glory of your Father is at stake. Terefore,
take your troubles to the Lord, talk to Jesus about them, and trust Him to take
care of them. For He has said: I will not fail thee nor forsake thee.
A burden left to the Lord is a miracle waiting to happen.
22nd December
ISAIAH 37:21-38
KEY VERSE: Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the king of Assyria, He
shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with
shields, nor cast a bank against it (Isaiah 37:33).
Te feat of Alexander the Great was so great and seemed not to have been
surpassed by any of his equal. At a tender age of 20, he succeeded his father as
king of Macedonia after he was murdered. Within a short period of time, he
was able to conquer the then known world and established himself as a world
Emperor. However, Great Alexander was said to have died at the tender age
of 33 of malaria from mosquito bite. How weak are the mighty!
Many times, man is oblivious of his weakness. Deceived by his accomplishments
and achievements, he thinks himself great and at times tries to place himself
above all. Sennacherib, king of Assyria was one of such deceived men. Like
Alexander the Great, he had become a powerful emperor but forgot to
acknowledge the fact that whatever a man has has been given him by God.
In his pride and arrogance, he set himself against the people of God. He did
not stop there but further blasphemed the Almighty God, comparing Him
with the gods of the other nations he had conquered. God rose to defend His
name and sent the Prophet Isaiah to inform Hezekiah the king of Judah that
Sennacheribs threat was an empty one and that he will not be able to raise
a nger against the city of Judah. Tat same night, just one of Gods angels
smote 185,000 of Sennacheribs soldiers. Humiliated, he went back home
and while he was worshipping in the temple of his dead, helpless god, he was
murdered by his own sons. How weak are the mighty!
Te lessons we have here for us today as believers is that there is no need
to fear man. Te mightiest of men are weakest before God. When God is
our defense, we remain unconquerable by the strongest army. Whatever our
achievement, accomplishment, attainment and possession, we must always
acknowledge God as the Giver and humble ourselves before Him, giving Him
all the glory. God is the only Potentate who alone is Great and above and
must be worshipped!
Te mightiest of men are the weakest before God
23rd December
ISAIAH 38:1-8
KEY VERSE: Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto
the Lord (Isaiah 38:2).
Challenges come in life at various times, from various sources and for various
reasons. Tese challenges could sometimes shake a man to the very foundation
of his life. At such times, only faith would avail.
Hezekiah had been very sick, and God, through the prophet Isaiah, announced
his death as the inevitable result of the sickness. Hezekiahs response in earnest
prayer and condence in Gods ability to heal his physical illness attracted
divine mercy and immediate answer to his petition. He did not only get
healed, he also had fteen extra years added unto his life span. How the
prayer of faith calms the storm!
Two things are notable in this dramatic episode. (1) Te exemplary response
of Hezekiah to the seemingly unchangeable prophecy from a nationally
recognized and respected man of God. (2) Te speed by which heaven
responded to his request: And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone our
into the middle court, that the word of the LORD came to him saying, turn
again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, I have heard thy prayer,
behold, I will heal the.. (2 Kings 20:4, 5).
Oh, how praying rest the weary, Prayer will change the night to day, so when
life seems dark and dreary, dont forget to pray. If Hezekiah could through
faith reverse his negative situation, change the mind of God and get extra
fteen years, then, you too can change that negative medical record against
your life, unlock every door the enemy has locked against you, attract the
mercy of God and calm all storms presently raging in your life, home, career,
secular work and ministry. If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him
that believeth (Mark 9:23).
Faith will change your night to day.
24th December
ISAIAH 38:9-21
KEY VERSE: Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter: I did mourn as a dove:
mine eyes fail with looking upward: O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me
(Isaiah 38:14).
Aictions do not always portend negative tendencies after all. Tey often possess the
capacity to temper and master proud and impenitent hearts; unseating them from
their lofty heights and bringing them down to reality. Tose who were once victims of
exaggerated sense of self-worth because of physical and material perquisites always meet
their waterloo in the face of mysterious inrmities.
Tis was the message Hezekiah passed across to mankind in the passage under consideration.
He had just been miraculously healed from a strange malady, a damning pronouncement
by Prophet Isaiah that He should set his house in order for he must shortly die.
Hezekiah oered a heart-rending prayer to God, citing his unalloyed service and a single-
minded pursuit of God as reasons for a respite. Mercifully, God heard his prayer, healed
him and added fteen more years to his life.
Overwhelmed, Hezekiah reacted to Gods kindness by writing a poem, underscoring Gods
innite and supreme nature as against mans transient and nite frame. I shall not see
the Lord, even the Lord, in the land of the living; I shall behold man no more with the
inhabitants of the world. Here was nothing but the subdued outpourings of a totally
broken man. What shall I say? He hath spoken unto me, and himself hath done it: I
shall go softly all my years in the bitterness of my soul. It was evident for King Hezekiah
that having passed through the valley of the shadow of death, as it were, he had become a
changed man forever.
Most men assume the toga of invincibility; they erroneously believe they will live forever.
Surrounded by eeting material resources, they delude themselves with a mindset of carnal
control of mans destiny. It often takes a shock therapy such as King Hezekiah experienced,
to puncture their inated and eeting ego.
Mans life is short. Without God, it holds no meaning and bursts like a bubble when
assailed by intimidating challenges of life. Te pity of it is that those who carry on with life
as if they possess the supreme control over their lives invariably nd out to their chagrin
that they had made a fatal mistake. Please come down from your Olympian height today
and make peace with Jesus now. Delay is dangerous.
He who forgets his Maker does so to his peril.
25th December
ISAIAH 39:1-8
KEY VERSE: At that time Merodach-baladan, the son of Baladan, king of
Babylon, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah: for he had heard that he had
been sick, and was recovered (Isaiah 39:1).
Tere is this famous fable of a Wolf coming out of a eld of oats and upon
meeting a Horse thus addressed him: I would advise you to go into that eld. It
is full of ne oats, which I have left untouched for you, as you are a friend whom
I would love to hear enjoying good eating. And the Horse replied, If oats had
been the food of wolves, you would never have indulged your ears at the cost of
your belly. Like the Horse, we should be wary of such pretended comforters.
From our text, the king of Babylon sent letters by his ambassadors to Hezekiah
the king of Israel. Tis courtesy was always usual in embassies, even today. Te
purported object of the visit was to congratulate him upon his recovery, and
to enter into a possible alliance with him against the king of Assyria who had
recently attacked the land. Hezekiah was Deceived by the generosity of this
heathen nation and without inquiring from the Lord went ahead to show them
all the treasures in the treasury and the kings house. Hezekiahs simplicity proved
to be his greatest undoing. He was guilty of vain condence or trusting in an
arm of esh by being lifted up with pride that his name had become so famous
abroad, and that he had got so good an ally. Isaiah predicted the eventual captivity
of the Jews which was fullled about one hundred and twenty years after.
As believers, we must be weary of comforters from the Merodach-baladans of this
world. Te poisonous snake that ended the life of Cleopatra, an Egyptian queen,
was brought in a basket of owers; and mens ruin often lurks in fair and sweet
speeches. But the Holy Ghosts comfort is safe, and you can rest on it.
As a heaven-bound saint, you will not sleep on the road. If you know that hell
is behind you, and the devil pursuing you, you will not loiter on the way, you
will not listen to the counsel of the ungodly. Would the manslayer sleep with the
avenger of blood behind him, and the city of refuge before him?
Dont give Satan an inch so he wont be your ruler.
26th December
ISAIAH 40:1-11
KEY VERSE: He shall feed his fock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs
with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are
with young (Isaiah 40:11).
Te story was told of a saint who died and eventually got to heaven in spite
of the turbulent Christian life. On arrival in heaven, the story continues,
he engaged the Lord Jesus Christ in a conversation. He showed him in a
panoramic ashback, his Christian pilgrimage on earth immediately he
became born again. His Christian life was illustrated by footprints of two
pairs of feet (his and Jesus Christs) on a sandy shore. Tey both traced the
marks of the pairs of feet and got to a place where there was only a pair of
feet, instead of two, the other pair had disappeared. Te man became curious.
Tracing the history of his life, he realized that that time coincided with the
period he faced the greatest challenges to his Christian faith. He was dejected
and wondered aloud, My Savior, it appears you abandoned me during the
period of my greatest travail, I could see only one pair of feet, to which Jesus
Christ replied, No, that pair of feet were not yours but mine Ten where
was I, he wondered. I was carrying you in my arms.
Te passage today is the armation of comfort and promise of assistance
to Gods people. When Jesus Christ left the glory of the Father in heaven
to come to the earth, He was armed with a job description (Luke 4:18). He
was anointed to preach the gospel to the poor (in spirit), to heal the broken
hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, the recovering of sight to the
blind and to set at liberty those that are bruised. Even though He has gone to
be with the Father, He still performs such functions to the redeemed today.
And you can always be a partaker of glorious blessings if only you will dare
submit to the majesty of His will.
Gods faithfulness and kindness are matchless and unsearchable.
27th December
ISAIAH 40:12-20
KEY VERSE: To whom then will ye liken God? Or what likeness will ye compare
unto him? (Isaiah 40:18).
Gods inuence is overwhelming and can be perceived everywhere. A
songwriter, after a cursory look at the ramifying works of creation, was left
with no choice than to chant, How great thou art.
Te prophet tries to put in perspective and in a language that can be easily
understood, how powerful God is. Te ability of God to forgive sin can also
be discerned from here. Te prophet says that the nations were as nothing
before Him, not merely because of His immensity, but because of their
insuciency to make any atonement by their oblations, for the iniquities
which they had committed.
He moves on to describe the foolishness of idolatry, and how that practice
makes a lot of demands on the practitioners over and above their abilities and
capacity. He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree
that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven
image, that shall not be moved (verse 20).
Yet, God does not make such a demand on His worshippers. In looking at
Gods plan for our salvation and the eventual coming of Christ to atone for
our sins, we have every reason to be grateful to God, serve Him and entrust
our whole being to Him.
Te suering of those who follow other gods will be great. In view of the great
powers of God and the incomprehensibility of His might, those who refuse to
follow and worship Him are reveling in sheer fatalism, and will regret when
God comes in His fury upon all children of disobedience.
Gods mercy is great towards all who serve Him.
28th December
PSALM 107-17-30
KEY VERSE: Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his
wonderful works to the children of men! (Psalm 107:21).
An appreciative spirit is a sign of good conduct and attitude. Such attitude
always attracts additional benets.
At whatever point in life, there is always something for which to be grateful
unto God. Te deliverance from the foolishness and negative eects of the
sinful life, freedom from the aictions of the wicked one, answer to prayers
made to God in our times of sickness, trouble, distress and fear when the
enemies came close to swallowing us up and the gracious salvation from
eternal destruction in the lake of re should elicit spontaneous gratitude from
the depths of our hearts unto the great God of heaven and earth. What shall
we say of the wonders of His creation and the works of His hands which are
daily manifest in the air, on land and in the deep waters. Te whole realm of
nature as beautifully made, are all under His rm control. Te sea waves and
stormy ocean move at His command and all creatures therein.
Here then is the challenge the psalmist poses to the wise in the text. Fools
may not appreciate God, but the discerning ought to. Let them, he enjoins,
sacrice the sacrices of thanksgiving and Declare his works with rejoicing.
We should this day have a detailed retrospect of all the dealing and doings of
this wonderful God in our lives and raise up an altar of praise unto Him who
is worthy of all praises and adoration.
Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord.
29th December
PSALM 107:31-43
KEY VERSE: The righteous shall see it, and rejoice: and all iniquity shall
stop her mouth. Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall
understand the loving-kindness of the Lord (Psalm 107:42,43).
It was Richard Baxter that said, God locks up clouds, because we have shut up
our mouths. Te earth is grown hard as iron to us, because we have hardened our
hearts against our neighbors. Te cries of the poor for bread are loud, because our
cries against sin have been so low. Sickness run apace from house to house, and
sweeps away the poor unprepared inhabitants, because we sweep not out the sin
that breeds them.
Earlier in this chapter, the Psalmist exalted God for His mercies in delivering
men from four miseries and calamities, the travelers through the wilderness,
captivity, sickness and shipwreck. In our passage today, we see God manifesting
his power, providence and wisdom in the happenings here on earth and changes
observable in them. But like the stone cut out without hand that smashed the
image in Nebuchadnezzars dream, we must look above to understand the power
at work in the universe. First, we see the earth changes brought about by rebellion
against Gods word; He turneth rivers into a wilderness, and the water springs
into dry ground. A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them
that dwell therein. Ten, when sins are confessed and favor received from God,
He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into water
springs. And there he maketh the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city
for habitation; and sow the elds, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of
increase, He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly; and suereth
not their cattle to decrease. Te wise will observe these things and rejoice.
Yes, true wisdom comes as we observe in ourselves the deep sense of misery
occasioned by sin and the wrath of God it brings and recognize that the severity
of GOD is to bring us to salvation through our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Like
the prodigal son, rise and return to the Father, repent of sins committed, reconcile
with God through Christ, receive pardon for sins, rejoice with and remain in the
fellowship of true believers.
Repent, return and be restored.
30th December
PSALM 108:1-13
KEY VERSE: Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man (Psalm
He had got everything ready: passport, visa and all other necessary documents.
He had no need to seek Gods face in prayer; his uncles promises were enough.
Someone was to bring him money in the United States that would take care
of his ticket and a few other necessities. His entire life was about to change for
the better. Or so he thought. Ten the telephone message, no money was to
be sent; he was no more to travel; his uncles business in the U.S. had suered
extensive reverses. Te plan for his journey had to be shelved for now.
Gods promises are yea and amen, signed, sealed, and delivered as He
desires. Tis Psalm, a combination of chapters 57 and 60 is to inspire
condence in true children of God when the enemy tries to assail from every
side. Wholesome trust and condence in God, obedience to His word and
righteousness of life must form the sure foundation of our victory in Christ.
Israels song of victory resonated each time their enemies were defeated.
Dependence on man had brought many a person avoidable heartache. Tis
is because man does not have the capacity to do all he says he will do; only
the Almighty God has such capacity, because He only has control over
all circumstances and all forces of nature. Man is limited in every respect
regardless of his advances in science and technology.
As we live a life of daily victory over the activities of the enemy, we must
depend on Christ, our Mighty Man in battle and the Source of true victory.
We are easily defeated when we do not depend on Him who never fails. If
our lives are pleasing unto Him and we commit all aspects of it to Him, He
will surely bring us out of all our troubles. Vain is the help of man. God never
fails. Let us praise Him and sing unto Him always even when our trials are
greatest. And when the trials are over and the victory is won, let our voices rise
in praises and adoration to the Lord our banner.
Dependence upon God ensures our victory over the enemy.
31st December
1 SAMUEL 7:1-12
KEY VERSE: Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen,
and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us
(1 Samuel 7:12).
Life is short. However long a journey is, it must surely to come to an end.
Most men wrongly hold that life will last forever only to discover in the long
run that it is like vapor seen one moment, yet evaporates the next minute.
Te children of Israel had suered much from the hands of the Philistines
because of their sin. Tey were in bondage of fear. Te ark of the Lord captured
by the Philistines had been released because of the wrath of God poured upon
the idolaters. At Bethshemesh, the Lord had smitten the people and fty-
seven thousand died as a result of looking into the ark of the Lord. Te men
of Kirjath-jearim came and fetched up the ark and brought it into the house
of Abinadab, consecrating Eleazer, his son to keep the ark. Looking back, the
children of Israel were compassed about with so many occurrences of disaster,
destruction and death. It was as if their future was bleak and hopeless. Ten
Samuel came and preached repentance unto them. Tey hearkened unto him
and returned unto the Lord with all their hearts. Although the enemies that
defeated them over the years came again, yet the Lord gave them a resounding
Looking at your own life too, you might have passed through the valley of the
shadow of death this passing year. It may also be that the devil and his agents
have been making life dicult for you in your family, academics and business
this year. Dont give up. Prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him
only and He will deliver you.
God loves you. Jesus cares for you. Tink of what the Lord has done for you
hitherto. He will surely perfect everything pertaining to your life as you cross
over to the New Year. If the Lord has not abandoned you thus far despite your
many failings, indications are that He will perfect what He has started in you,
once you make your calling an election sure.
Trials provoke triumphs which in turn mid-wife testimonies.

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