Reflective Essay On Intercultural Communication

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Reflective Essay on Intercultural Communication

Jennifer McCombs
June 28, 2014

Intercultural Communication
Ottawa University

Interpersonal communication is important for many reasons. According to
the textbook, there are six reasons for studying intercultural communication,
including the peace imperative, the economic imperative, the technological
imperative, the demographic imperative, the self-awareness imperative, and the
ethical imperative (Martin, J.N. and Nakayama, T.K., 2014, p. 24). . In this
paper, interpersonal communication, including interpersonal discrimination and
conflict, popular culture influence, and effective communication will be explored.
Discrimination can be found almost anywhere. It used to be thought that
discrimination was mainly between males and females or different races, but
discrimination is much more than racial or gender discrimination. Interpersonal
conflict is defined as conflict that occurs between individuals rather than groups
(Martin, J.N. and Nakayama, T.K., 2014, p. G-4). Recent studies have also
suggested that interpersonal discrimination, including race-related perceptions,
may be associated with excess general and abdominal fat (Hunte, 2011, p.
1233). Interpersonal discrimination is often found among kids at school or in
extracurricular activities. Interpersonal discrimination among adults can often
times be found in the workplace. Obese individuals are frequently stigmatized
because of their weight in many domains of daily life, including employment,
health care, schools, the media, and interpersonal relationships (Puhl, R.M., and
King, K.M., 2013, p. 117). There are many careers where obese people often
seem to be excluded, including on the news, and in health care. It isnt very
often that one will find an overweight person as a news anchor.
Popular culture can be one influence in how we see other cultures and
places around the world, but these images also have to be connected to our
experiences as well (Martin, J.N. & Nakayama, T.K., 2014, p. 205). Popular
culture can include popular television shows, popular actors and actresses,
popular music, and popular artists. What a person chooses to listen to on the
radio or watch on the television often plays an influence in which that person
might associate with. This is especially common among teenagers, we often
times find that teenage friends like the same kind of music and such. According
to the text, popular culture often is seen as populist, in that it includes forms of
contemporary culture that are made popular by and for the people through their
mass consumption of these products (Martin & Nakayama, 2014, p. 207). By
this definition, we can see that popular culture also includes the foods we eat, the
stores we shop at, the restaurants we go to, the sports teams that we cheer for,
the beer we drink, and so on. We are, in fact, quite active in our consumption of
or resistance to popular culture (Martin & Nakayama, 2014, p. 209).
Conflict is usually defined as involving a perceived or real incompatibility
of goals, values, expectations, processes, or outcomes between two or more
interdependent individuals or groups (Martin & Nakayama, 2014, p. 231). When
coworkers have different attitudes toward work, it can lead to intercultural
communication conflict. This happens because people are different; some
people really enjoy working while others only work because they have no other
option. Some people work way ahead of schedule while others wait until the very
last second to get their work done. Conflict arises because people have different
work habits and different ethics. This can especially be seen in intercultural work
relationships with other countries. There can then be language barriers to work
around or just different rules and regulations to deal with. In any event,
intercultural conflict is inevitable, but has to be dealt with if we continue to do
business with other countries.
I do not have any personal goals at this point to improve my interpersonal
communication skills. I feel that I am a fairly easy-going person that likes to get
along with everyone. I have a fairly diverse group of friends and strive to teach
my children similar habits. I know there is always room for improvement but at
this point in my life, this is not one of my personal goals. I agree with the quote
by Robert Alan that says cultural differences should not separate us from each
other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all
of humanity.
I believe that it is possible for two people to communicate effectively if they
do not speak the same language, but it will definitely require more work than
other communication. This can be done through a translator or just nonverbal
communication, including body language. Another great quote by Robert Alan is
intercultural dialogue is the best guarantee of a more peaceful, just and
sustainable world.
In conclusion, intercultural communication is a vital part of every aspect of
our lives. The situations in which intercultural communication takes place are
complex and challenging (Martin & Nakayama, 2014, p. 24), but are worth the
time and effort to improve the overall communication of situations. Intercultural
communication can assist with interpersonal conflicts, popular culture influence
formation, our attitudes toward intercultural communication conflicts, and a slew
of other topics. It is important to remember this quote by Sahar Osman a
genuine effort to understand another person goes a long way in the path to


Hunte, H. E. (2011). Association between perceived interpersonal everyday
discrimination and waist circumference over a 9-year period in the midlife
development in the United States Cohort Study. American journal of
epidemiology, 173(11), 1232-1239.

Hansson, L. M., Nslund, E., & Rasmussen, F. (2010). Perceived discrimination
among men and women with normal weight and obesity. A population-
based study from Sweden. Scandinavian journal of public health.

Martin, J.N. & Nakayama, T.K. (2014). Experiencing Intercultural
Communication: An Introduction (5
ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Puhl, R. M., & King, K. M. (2013). Weight discrimination and bullying. Best
Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 27(2), 117-127.

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