AMC110S Exam#1-2014

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics 114 - Statics (AMC 110S)

Examination #1
Date: 13
March 2014
Duration: 2 hours

Total marks: 60

Examiner: Mr. A. M. Zulu

Moderator: Dr. V. S. Kamara


Write neatly and legibly, as illegible work will not be considered for marks. If
you are of the opinion that insufficient information was provided to solve a specific
problem, make realistic assumptions, motivate these and continue solving the
problem based on your assumptions made.

Use F.B.Ds and illustrative diagrams wherever possible.

Clearly show the reference Cartesian axes system used for each question.

Pay attention to units and show the relevant unit in each calculated answer.

No marks will be awarded for answers only. Calculations must contain a
minimum number of logically sequenced steps followed by an answer.

In cases where two or more different - and undeleted answers are given for the
same item, the right answer will not be considered for marks.

Use, where applicable, gravitational acceleration g = 9.81 m/s

Do not write your name anywhere on the answer scripts student number is

Answer all questions.

- 2 -
Question 1

For the force system of Figure Q1:
(a) Resolve the 360-N force into two components one along AB and the other along AC
using = 45 and = 30 [7]
(b) Determine the x- and y-orthogonal components of the force in (a) [3].

Figure Q1.
Question 2

Two forces can be replaced by an equivalent force R acting at point B on the beam
(Figure Q2). Determine the distance b that locates B (Hint: The combined moment of
the two forces about any point is equal to the moment of R about the same point; you
can set P equal to some value, but this is not necessary!) [10].

Figure Q2.

Question 3

For the force system of Figure Q3, if R is the resultant of the three forces shown,
(a) the magnitude of R [9]
(b) the angle between R and each of the positive coordinate axes [6].

Figure Q3.

- 3 -

Question 4

To cross a crevasse, three mountain climbers position a 3.5-m long ladder as shown in
Figure Q4. If the hiker at A exerts a horizontal force P on the end of the ladder and
neglecting friction at A and B, determine the reactions at A and B and the force P [11].

Figure Q4.
Question 5

The rectangular plate shown in Figure Q5 has a mass of 15 kg and is held in position by
hinges A and B and cable EF. Assuming that the hinge at B does not exert any axial
thrust, determine:
(a) the tension in the cable [8]
(b) the reaction at A [6].

Figure Q5.


M r F ;

M r F n n

- End -

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