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indian river stone 'shiva lingam stone' with clear round mountain crystal
stone. combination was open own crown energy center easy today.

this was combination what was buy to kids based what self was feel with
combination. when was ask from kid "do stone work good?" was kid answer
"yes stone works good" so looks works fine as before kids was angry and
apathetic and tired but after was get stone combination was look not have
lack moods at all.


crystal stone to release old memory from water to make healing water. effect
is simply not sick easy.


if not find double terminated mountain crystals stone as single terminated
work when put 2 to both ends to give both direction flows. this was feel as
good was feel with double terminated.

this setup was second best to outflow hand what own right hand as man.
woman may have energy flow other way.

similar to
985552001.1073741845.100003244086645&type=3&theater but may as
'very raw' in hand. both versions work but with mountain crystal stone to
center copper rod feels better.


(Enlace de arriba)
Descricin de esta foto: this i call as 'power rod' or 'energy rod' as this rod mainly
expands own energy. components are 2 double terminated mountain crystal stone
and 2 single terminated mountain crystal stone and crystal sand mix what dust size
and what mix with mountain crystal stone and selenite stone and citrine stone as
selenite stone help mountain crystal stone to not burn out and citrine stone give
positive effect to mountain crystal stone.

this 15cm version what feels minimal size. copper pipe is 28mm diameter as most
plastic bottle tops work to pipe ends after cut inner screw part out from plastic
bottle tops.

center stone can clear round mountain crystal stone. to both ends work only double
terminated mountain crystal stone or single terminated what directed to both ways.

self was figure out this rod work to both hands to keep same moment as work to 4
way same moment as to center from both ends and from center to both ends. dust
size crystal sand work to fill empty space inside copper rods as well sand size as
self was make both versions to look how feels and what effects and how to work
with 'power rods'.


copper band what was originally use with neodymium magnets to remove
own migraine. neodymium magnets what with was remove own migraine
was very small as photo have all ready bigger size neodymium magnets.

double terminated mountain crystals was feel good with copper headband.
copper headband not needed anymore with all new tools what self have.

magnets was work good when magnetic south was point to self as magnetic
north was point out from self. other way magnets was not feel good.

before was find out with neodymium magnets single terminated mountain
crystals was not feel good as to keep same moment but was feel better to
keep separately. later was find out neodymium magnets was not problem to
keep with double terminated mountain crystals.
(Foto6 )

best orgonite so far have been from dust size crystal sand as nano size with
some 'selenite sticks' and with 'tensor ring' inside but as ca 95% dust size
crystal sand. i do own orgonite without coils but what may work is mini acu
vac coils inside orgonite what self have not look better.

this type orgonite without coils work best to for self. when was make first
orgonite was give orgonite to others what very after as some minute later
was start to feel lack what still happen if not keep own orgonite 24h day.

round shape or oval as double terminated shape and stone work best to for
pendant but stick or tube shape work to keep temporary as short time as
pendant or as to hold near heart.

self was have 3 stone mix to pendant what was selenite stone and mountain
crystal stone and citrine stone stone as self avoid magnetic stuff in orgonite
pendant as magnetic stuff not feel good to keep in neck but magnetic was
feel better in head area to remove migraine before.


self was write yesterday:

"today was forest play with quartz stone. was do different grids to feel what
feels good. after all was do similar grid from quartz stone what was feel
good. after was come back from forest was make similar grid with crystal
stone to make sure was feel correct in forest with quartz stone. what was
feel with this 'nazi grid' was 'cool wind' on face.

nazi was call similar shape as 'leicht verndern' by nazi people what as 'easy
change' or as 'volunteer person' or as 'wiking soldier' what very near as 'wild
type' or similar with translator. 'cool wind' was result with grid so very similar
to translate.

other direction to grid was not feel good so works only one way. to feel effect
physically was use medium size mountain crystal stone.

very similar 'cool wind' effect was feel with 3 acu vac coils connected
together to pyramid shape to flow to clockwise direction but this to do grid
was easier. feels is only clockwise direction what works to have positive

here final setup as to add selenite stone to wing ends was make feel 'cool
wind' in other rooms too. is keeped under bed under center physical
body. Plejadians Seulaset was need to put north south east west
directions. nazi was use shape what was not north south east west directions.
3ts/T5RxnosignI/AAAAAAAAAoM/idXWhZy0yhs/s1600/nhindu.jpgVer traduccin
3ts/T5RxnosignI/AAAAAAAAAoM/idXWhZy0yhs/s1600/nhindu.jpg 4 de agosto a la(s) 9:13 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset



photo show what called as 'protection grid'. was cut selenite stone to half
length and put under pillow under mattress as what similar shape but
bended and piece mountain crystals to corners as well to center grid as
stretched result is bigger what head is what work


before when was huge back pain was put under legs (under feets) flat
copper coils what was remove back pain in ca 60 second as was speed up
own energy flow. setup was clockwise copper coil to under outflow leg and
anticlockwise to inflow leg as if put other way own energy flow slow down
what with may feel still pain or get other pains with pains all ready as they
who bored to pains all ready may look better how to by self as feels man and
woman have different energy flow direction as can tell only own flow
direction what is from right to left as right side is outflow side as hand and
leg and left side is inflow side as hand and leg as both side from center hand
and feet where energy centers.

(Foto 11)

Plejadians Seulaset
BEST COPPER TOOLS SO FAR..... to inside own copper rods.

* green is anticlockwise copper coil with clockwise copper wire. inside have
clockwise turns to join both ends.

* red is clockwise copper coil with anticlockwise copper wire. inside have
anticlockwise turns to join both ends.

feels RED version work best in INFLOW HAND what self have left hand as self
have energy flow from right to left. so GREEN version work best in OUTFLOW
HAND what self have right hand.

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Plejadians Seulaset originally idea was from link under but
looks photo was show wrong way so better to trust how feels as what
feels good:
logy%20Article.pdfVer traduccin Hace 23 horas Me gusta

MIguel Angel I`ll try to explain as best as possible.
I must clarify why the manufacturer of the coil of the photo
( says that his coil absorbs energy from
the near end and energy expelled by the far end.
And would correspond to the green coil (inflow) but should
correspond to the red because the energy of the coil of the photo flows
out. If so, in the green coil the energy would flow out (not in). And the red,
the energy would flow in (not out).
Or not? What do you think about it?

Hace 14 horas Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset was look better red coil (but was make
only from one copper wire what diameter was 2.5mm as twist was only
inside coil to anticlockwise) result was works good with INFLOW HAND
as what self have left hand with green coil in other hands same moment
and similar effect to third eye have red coil from one copper wire too. feels
separately made coils work to both hands with identical coils in both
hands was still problem as was not feel good after was keep over night so
feels coils need to make separately to both hands to have best result to
what not need to use double wire but one thick wire do best both or to
right hand only as self not have thick wire to make other so self need to
make from what i have right now.Ver traduccin Hace 2 horas Me

MIguel Angel Excellent ! The compilation of this material, of
this tools are very valuable. And lets anyone make their own
investigations of self operation following these parameters complementing
each other. Fantastic, I `m very very happy.
Thank you very much. Hace 24 minutos Editado Me gusta

MIguel Angel Hi man.
Observation: your acu vac coil is anti -clockwise direction, right? the energy
flows toward the viewer. I`m confused, may be because i`m in south hemisphere?
Also, the coil which use in the right shoe (remember?) the energy flows
toward the viewer however the natural energy flows out the body. El martes a la(s)
12:26 Me gusta

MIguel Angel I share a acu vac coil that i made yesterday which the
energy flows away from the viewer

El martes a la(s) 12:29 Me gusta

MIguel Angel thanks, and sorry my english. El martes a la(s) 12:29
Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset copper wire runs clockwise both as wire as well
coiling. picture under show clock wise visually.
ow.svg/220px-Clockwise_arrow.svg.pngVer traduccin
se_arrow.svg/220px-Clockwise_arrow. El
martes a la(s) 12:29 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset
'all ready shared information' (internet stuff) Recent research
documents the heart as the most powerful electrical and magnet...Ver msDe:
Plejadians Seulaset Fotos: 13 El martes a la(s) 12:31 Me

MIguel Angel so, your acu vac coil is anti clockwise twist, right? El
martes a la(s) 12:34 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset stuck with what feel better. south hemisphere is
matter what hand use to energizing water as is other hand what with need to
generate vortex if compare to north hemisphere as what was told before but i self
am in north hemisphere so i not know south hemisphere at all.Ver traduccin El
martes a la(s) 12:35 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset clockwise twist need to make as with
anticlockwise turn but wire need to be with clockwise run. is coil what matter as not
how own hand turns when make coil.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 12:36 Me

Plejadians Seulaset ready made coils are clockwise run but how to
make is with anticlockwise turns from what result is clockwise coil. pull copper wire
to straight with tools to make clockwise turn to feel if feels better.Ver
traduccin El martes a la(s) 12:41 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset you have good size copper wire. result should
be good with wire what you have.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 12:42 Me

MIguel Angel Im writing please wait a minute. El martes a la(s)
12:45 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset if look photos from internet can seen both ways
as some photo show clockwise and other photo show anticlockwise. before was
make anticlockwise what with was feel strong effect but need to look how is what i
can look fast from what i can reply what is correct in north hemisphere.Ver
traduccin El martes a la(s) 12:49 Ya no me gusta 1

MIguel Angel when I travel to the capital I brought this tool (photo)
and at night I got home (out of Santiago near the sea) almost dead, with headache
and very tired. Every time I go to santiago protect me much because I am very
sensitive to electromagnetic waves and pollution. I had already realized that my coil
may be upside down, and apparently it was.

El martes a la(s) 12:50 Me gusta 1

MIguel Angel Now that we talked, I see that is the same in both
hemispheres, the important thing is that the reference point is the observer
(viewer). So it does not matter the northern hemisphere or the southern
hemisphere. El martes a la(s) 13:06 Me gusta

MIguel Angel you agree with me? El martes a la(s) 13:07 Me

Plejadians Seulaset anticlockwise copper acu vac coil feels good
only in own inflow hand what self have left hand but anticlockwise copper acu vac
coil not feel good in own outflow hand as start to hurt in head area. was keep both
copper acu vac coils same moment as anticlockwise other hand and clockwise in
other hand.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 13:08 Me gusta

MIguel Angel yes, that make me sense. El martes a la(s) 13:11
Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset if compare how feels with bigger and with
smalled clockwise copper acu vac coils in both hands same moment feel bigger
make hurt leg in inflow hand and bigger make hurt head in outflow hand. similar
result not to as how anticlockwise copper acu vac coil was work as clockwise start
hurt too when coils are not same size in both hands.Ver traduccin El martes a
la(s) 13:13 Me gusta

MIguel Angel mmmm very interesting. I`ll try that. El martes a la(s)
13:16 Editado Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset looks to right hand and to left hand can make
both separately both direction what is good to know as result may even better need
to look how feels.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 13:22 Me gusta

MIguel Angel these rods I'm using. Those that you did before. right
hand copper and zinc to the left. Alternating organic and metal (orgone
accumulator) in addition to the left hand citrine.
El martes a la(s) 13:23 Editado Me gusta

MIguel Angel with this rods I keep and grew my good level of
energy. And when i lost energy, a few minutes with the rods in my hands I quickly
regained my energy. El martes a la(s) 13:26 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset thick brass was feel work partially in own left
hand as 'charger rod' hand too but i was stuck with copper only as brass pipe and
zinc pipe not find easy. i was feel how zinc orgonite was feel as was find 95% zinc
paint but was not feel good in room temperature as zinc was feel good in left hand
only when was freeze with copper same moment in right hand.Ver traduccin El
martes a la(s) 13:27 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset aluminium pipe inside copper pipe was make
very strong effect but was not find similar to other hand as was feel so strong
effect. aluminium inside copper was work only to right side body but was hurt in left
side body.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 13:33 Me gusta

MIguel Angel let me see if I understand you. You felt freezing when
you used the right hand zinc and copper in the left? El martes a la(s) 13:34 Me

Plejadians Seulaset i was feel very strong energy effect when was
get 'zinc orgonite type rod' to left hand from car as was winter outside was freeze
weather but effect was stop after 'zinc orgonite type rod' was have room
temperature in hand. in right hand was keep copper rod.Ver traduccin El
martes a la(s) 13:38 Me gusta

MIguel Angel I was work a lot with aluminum, the aluminum it work
very well to me, but I don`t put my attention on what you tell me. I`ll do. El martes
a la(s) 13:39 Me gusta

MIguel Angel you said when you were in the automobile? El martes
a la(s) 13:41 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset after was get zinc stuff to inside room to keep
in hand. effect was feel some minute but when zinc was warm up in hand was stop
feel effect.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 13:42 Me gusta

MIguel Angel Ah, understand. Yes! That happens to me too with the
rod of zinc in the left hand. El martes a la(s) 13:44 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset magnetic feeling was feel in arm when was put
aluminium pipe to inside copper pipe and to inside aluminium pipe long copper wire
coil what was half out from aluminium pipe and half inside aluminium pipe. was
look plenty different metal combinations but was happy only to copper.Ver
traduccin El martes a la(s) 13:45 Me gusta

MIguel Angel In the right hand, I feel very little, almost nothing
special. El martes a la(s) 13:45 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset may good to put zinc to freeze before keep in
left hand with copper rod in right hand. need to look as was look only once how
freeze zinc feels.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 13:47 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset left hand 'taste' easier as is inflow hand. if put
food to center left hand start to hurt if food needs energizing as if food have lack
energy.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 13:49 Me gusta

MIguel Angel really? I`ll try with food. El martes a la(s) 13:50 Me

MIguel Angel If i Undesrstand you are using only copper to both
hands? El martes a la(s) 13:50 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset i have only 28mm diameter copper pipe after
all. i not get sick at all with acu vac coils inside copper rods. 'power rod' with double
terminated mountain crystals in both end copper rod what filled with crystal sand
(feels even better if add to center mountain crystal too) have rod what work 4
directions as to center from both ends and out from both ends. feels powerfull as
combination too as if other hand have copper acu vac coil rod and other hand have
'power rod' but 'power rods' is good to have as longer as only copepr acu vac coil
rods feels good as short.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 14:06 Me

MIguel Angel Great! El martes a la(s) 14:08 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset if add citrine stone to copper rod or if add
copper acu vac coil to copper rod or both feels copper rod good in left hand too. as
copper have hollow crystal structure can copper charge to work in both hands as if
not perfect still work in both hands Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 14:08 Me

Plejadians Seulaset selenite stone keep mountain crystal stone to
not burn out. citrine stone give positive charge to mountain crystal stone what
combination make as 'idiot proof stone sand' Ver traduccin El martes a la(s)
14:09 Me gusta

MIguel Angel so the selenite stone function as a balancer, right? El
martes a la(s) 14:13 Editado Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset selenite is one strongest stone as feeds light as
nature own 'optical fiber cable' or as nature own 'laser'. citrine is like balancer to
mountain crystal as with citrine stone can have only positive effect.Ver
traduccin El martes a la(s) 14:21 Ya no me gusta 1

Plejadians Seulaset i still feel there is plus and minus ends in
copper acu vac coils not matter is clockwise or anticlockwise so flow is still to one
direction only not matter turns direction. i stay with clockwise as clockwise feels
better.Ver traduccin El martes a la(s) 14:42 Ya no me gusta 1

MIguel Angel see how it fares in nature energy:
OUT, for example, the snails, clockwise direction.
IN, for example, the tornados, anti clockwise direction. El martes a la(s)
20:50 Me gusta

MIguel Angel Expansive direction. The snail grows.

El martes a la(s) 21:36 Editado Me gusta

MIguel Angel absorption direction

El martes a la(s) 20:52 Editado Me gusta

MIguel Angel in this case (next photo), trying to understand how,
and I discovered the following:
El martes a la(s) 21:05 Me gusta

MIguel Angel extending both ends in the space, resulting the
following picture
El martes a la(s) 21:12 Me gusta

MIguel Angel and other reference for the same coil

El martes a la(s) 21:16 Me gusta

MIguel Angel so now, looking by addresses at both ends in the next
photo (this surprised me) ... the end closest in the photograph, the coil is like the
tornado (sucks) and the far end is like a snail (expansive, outward)
El martes a la(s) 21:25
Me gusta

MIguel Angel in summary
El martes a la(s) 21:34 Me gusta

MIguel Angel all this is in theory, this should be verified in practice.
What do you think? El martes a la(s) 21:35 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset just feel how is as what work what not as think
after or later i self was use flat copper coils when was have huge back pain (what
in second photo) under legs as to under right leg clockwise and to under left leg
anticlockwise what was speed up own energy flow to not have pain at all in 60
second as in one minute was walk without pain all ready (i upload photo today as is
old stuff was forget to take photo to upload as plenty stuff to remember).Ver
traduccin Ayer a las 5:17 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset to first photo like to share link under (what is
sea shell):

when you look use copper flat coil in neck looks copper flat coil clockwise
from person own perspective but to other person copper flat coil looks
anticlockwise as from outside. clockwise shape is pointing OUT from source self as
anticlockwise is pointing IN to source self as good to think as flow as not as expand
as flow is directional what all ready generate torus effect around people self with
energy soul own flow as far own energy centers are open.Ver traduccin

The Nuclear Receptor | PYRADYNE www.pyradyne.comAn anti-stress
device which transforms disharmonious energies into positive
energies. Ayer a las 5:28 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset originally idea was from link under as self was
need to something to start:

now if look there is anticlockwise wire from what was made clockwise coil
what i think is correct to make 'tornado effect' so self was make wrong what need to
correct but first i look how 'correct version' feels in both hands as if other hand still
needs different setup. thanks alot your comments as other way may was miss point
Ver traduccin Ayer a las 5:49 Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset was make clockwise coil from anticlockwise
wire and anticlockwise coil from clockwise wire and what can tell all ready is
anticlockwise coil from clockwise wire send 'cool wind' to feel physically around. still
need to look better as right now self busy to look better how is as how feels in both
hands.Ver traduccin Ayer a las 8:36 Me gusta

MIguel Angel Really good points you have raised. For my part I will
experience the things we've talked and I'll comment when appropriate. Thank you
for your publications as have been very useful for me Hace 17 horas Me

Plejadians Seulaset
'own stuff' here setup what was 'fix' own leg in seconds so keep this
setup to for both rods...Ver msi look what best and how to and with what
Plejadians Seulaset Hace aproximadamente una hora Me

MIguel Angel Excellent ! The compilation of this material, of this
tools are very valuable. And lets anyone make their own investigations of self
operation following these parameters complementing each other. Fantastic, I `m
very very happy.
Thank you very much.

(Foto 12)

when put finger inside acu vac coil what not ready made feels very clear
'electrical effect' in own finger tip.....


'correct' copper wire acu vac coils inside copper tube feels stronger in hands
as well easier to keep in hands. final setup is rod to outflow hand is filled with
mountain crystal sand and rod to inflow hand is filled with citrine stone as still
copper wire acu vac coils what are identical in both rods not make copper to
work well in both hands but citrine stone load copper hollow crystal structure
to for in inflow hand and acu vac coil make sure rod have energy movement
so is not static what feels good in both hands after 'correct' setup.

here setup what was 'fix' own leg in seconds so keep this setup to for both
rods as only different is other rod is made with anticlockwise copper wire acu
vac coil as coil in photo is made clockwise as only inside copper coil copper
wire run anticlockwise what runs in other coil clockwise. photo before this
coil was with RED rope what tells (-) end what feels as negative effect to
energy centers to know what is (+) and what (-) ends as what end feels good
and what not feel as good.

copper coil go to inside copper rod. selenite go to inside copper coil and
citrine stone go to (+) or as to positive end and mountain crystal go to (-) or
as to negative end and empty space is filled with sand size mountain crystal

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Afiya Mahatmas Muhammad what was wrong with your legVer
traduccin Hace 2 horas Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset was feel numb after was keep over top other
leg as after blood was not flow easy. setup was make leg way much more faster
normal as what before was not happen fast as before was not have this tool what
all was figure out 'by accidentally' when own attention was to find tool what work so
was not 'by accidentally' as was what self was look for.Ver traduccin Hace
aproximadamente una hora Me gusta 1

Plejadians Seulaset only problem with setup was only dust size
crystal sand was fill empty space as plenty selenite center what may even better.
with sand size feels stronger effect if inside rod have space to put sand size but
with this setup 28mm diameter copper rods was all ready full to what only dust size
was to fill empty space.Ver traduccin Hace aproximadamente una hora Me
gusta 1

Plejadians Seulaset there still is some unbalance problem as coils
are not same length but is what is. need to look to make final comment to this
combination.Ver traduccin Hace aproximadamente una hora Me gusta

Plejadians Seulaset as was feel coils need to equal size. best way
is to make from copper wire what equal length to both rods as other way need to keep
separately in hands as what difficult as can not carry in pocket as are way too strong effect
if are not made to be in balance.

still was break down own lemurian type mini power rods. here 2 way to make
to have very similar effect with both ways as well works if mix both ways.

top have with double terminated mountain crystals. under have with single
terminated mountain crystal stone as to point to both direction side by side
what with have similar effect to compare to double terminated mountain
crystal stone. between mountain crystal stone have piece selenite stone to
point from mountain crystal stone to mountain crystal stone. self use centers
stone what as round shape or double terminated shape or 2 single
terminated shape side by side to point to both directions as with center stone
power rods feel better in own hands. empty space is filled with dust side
crystal sand as there is plenty stuff all ready inside copper rod. copper pipe
is 28mm diameter to for what size all most all plastic bottle tops slide
perfectly after remove screw shape from inside tops to make slick from
inside. copper pipe self cover with plastic tape to avoid green rust color to
get to own hands what copper pipe easy do with moisturing from own hands.

copper work well only to own outflow hand so BRASS pipe what inside
SELENITE stone is good to for other hand as to inflow hand. brass selenite
stone rod works alone in inflow hand as well combination with copper rod.

best so far was feel brass rods to both hand as to for inflow hand was filled
with selenite stone and to for outflow hand was double terminated mountain
crystal inside. to for copper rods is good to know there is + and - ends so
copper rods need to feel in hand to find out what is correct direction to keep
copper rods in own hand.

self have only very short brass pipe to look so perfect setup can not simply
tell with materials what self have. copper feels compromise metal in own
hands as gold feels very good in outflow hand and silver feel very good in
inflow hand as well brass feels good in both hands.

if copper not feel good in hand then BRASS WHAT FILLED WITH
HAND. other best combination have been with raw selenite stone stick in
other hand but have forget what was in other hand but this morning best
combo was brass what was filled with selenite stone with raw selenite stone
stick in other hand what self not wonder but COPPER POWER RODS
HEAD AREA AND IN BACK AREA as not feel best to hold in own hands not
matter have look copper rods months all ready.

Plejadians Pleiades Seulaset Seulaslaiset trust to what you self feel not
matter what others tells. there is only right way to look what is to trust what self feel
with own heart field as how stuff feels.

to stretch own heart field with self by self without exercise others not kill as
well to stretch own mind not kill. remember you good to have self control with full
responsibility as you self soul what over material as only law what exist is to for
material only. Ayer a las 5:35 Me gusta

Plejadians Pleiades Seulaset Seulaslaiset 'cool wind' or 'cool
effect' with tools tell your tools generate vortex what energy movement. cool effects
feels easy with center hands and with face and with bottom legs what tells there is
strong effect as vortex to feel physically.

everything is build from up to down as not from down to up. there is all
ready nature own law to for material what not need to keep up but to for what can have
some respect to understand self better how nature own law work to for material as state
matter is under nature law.

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