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About us

Business Consulting Firm in Manila,

Kittelson & Carpo Consulting was founded in 2007 by an American Business
Consultant and Philippine Tax Lawyer in Maati! Metro"Manila to pro#ide
assistance to forei$n companies re$isterin$ and doin$ business in the
Philippines% &ince the company's inception! it has $rown to a talented $roup of in"
house professionals consistin$ of corporate lawyers! certified public accountants!
tax consultants! immi$ration(#isa consultants! and a $roup of recruiters% )*C has
re$istered or assisted o#er +00 forei$n companies settin$ up and and doin$
business in the Philippines%
Business Consulting Services
Corporate &er#ices
,e$ulatory ,e-uirements
&ecretarial &er#ices
Business ,e$istration
Taxation Consultin$
Accountin$ * Payroll
.mmi$ration * /isas
,ecruitment * 0xecuti#e &earch
K&C assists to:
1 1etermine the appropriate business #ehicle for your company
2 1etermine your eli$ibility for tax incenti#es a#ailable under Philippine law
3 .mplement business re$istration and a#ailment of certain tax incentives
with PEZ, B!", CEZ, or #"EZ
2nce the business re$istration and tax incenti#es are addressed! )*C then
assists with wor$ing visas an% permits, contract %ra&ting, recruitment, tax,
pa'roll, an% accounting services% )ittelson * Carpo Consultin$ is essentially a
32ne"&top"&hop3 pro#idin$ e#ery ser#ice a forei$n company needs settin$ up in
the Philippines%
!ur (ea%ership
)ittelson * Carpo Consultin$ is comprised of former corporate! labor and tax
lawyers! CPAs and tax consultants from PricewaterhouseCoopers! 1eloitte! 0rnst
* 4oun$ with de$rees from top uni#ersities in the Philippines such as 5P! Ateneo!
La&alle! 5&T and law de$rees from the 5%&% These professional are
complimented by American! 0uropean! and Philippine consultants%

Managers an% Consultants
)regor' Kittelson
Mana$in$ 1irector * Business Consultant
Fran$ *ol+
Mana$ement Consultant
(eah Min
6ead of 2perations
Kathleen Pere+
Accountin$ 1irector
nn )arri%o,ceve%a
Business ,e$istration * /isa Consultant
nal'n Cauinian /isa * .mmi$ration &pecialist
-oemi #imones
6, Mana$er * Consultant
(ea Soliman,)alera ,ecruitment &uper#isin$ Consultant
'la Sevilla Business 1e#elopment Mana$er
Michael McCullough Call Center * .T Consultant
)erol% Fernan%o
Leased 2ffice &pace &olutions Mana$er
#homas Cragg
&er#iced 2ffices .ncubation Mana$er Philippines
Business Consulting Services in Manila,
)*C pro#ides full business consultin$ ser#ices to address your company's
corporate law! tax! accountin$! payroll! and human resources needs% 2ur
Consultants and Lawyers will spend time and discuss your business and entry
plans in the Philippines durin$ an initial consultation &ree o& charge% 1urin$ this
time we determine what type of business #ehicle should be re$istered with the
Philippines &0C and whether you re-uire re$istration with other secondary
$o#ernment a$encies% 7e can also determine eli$ibility for tax incenti#es and
re$istration with P08A or B2.%
Business .egistration
1etermine the correct business #ertical! possibly 900: forei$n"owned
.dentify corporate structure and .ncorporators
1raft Articles of .ncorporation and By"Laws
Process documents with &0C and other $o#ernment a$encies
Pro%uct .egistration with F/ & (#! (icense
1etermine classification of product for the Philippine maret
2r$ani;e and fill out all re-uired documents
&ecure license with LT2
,e$istration product with <1A
#ax "ncentives with PEZ, B!", CEZ, or #"EZ
1etermine whether your company is eli$ible for P08A! B2.! C08A! or T.08A
2r$ani;e and fill out all re-uired documents
Process all documents with P08A! B2.! C08A or T.08A
#ax Services & Consulting
Tax Compliance * plannin$
Tax 1ue 1ili$ence
Tax Assessment Assistance
Address international * double taxation
ccounting & Pa'roll
=eneral Accountin$ * Booeepin$
,emittance to $o#ernment a$encies
Auditin$ Consultation
.ecruitment & Executive Search
Tar$eted searches
&tron$ expat and local candidates
Bac$round checs
0isas & "mmigration &or the Philippines
1etermine which type of #isas best suits you
2r$ani;e and fill out all re-uired documents
Process all documents with Bureau of .mmi$ration >B.?
0isas & "mmigration Service &or the 1nite% States
5%& /isas
5%&% Citi;enship
5%&% =reen Cards
2or$ing Permits &or Foreign Emplo'ees
2r$ani;e and fill out all re-uired documents
Process all documents with 1epartment of Labor * 0mployment >12L0?
Coordinate between 12L0 and B.
/ue /iligence .eports an% Services
Le$al 1ue 1ili$ence
<inancial Accountin$ 1ue 1ili$ence
Tax 1ue 1ili$ence
*uman .esources Consulting
2r$ani;ational de#elopment
,ecords mana$ement
&alary structure! compensation! benefits
0xecuti#e coachin$
c3uisition o& Call Centers an% BP! Companies
@oint /entures
Service% !&&ices in Ma$ati & Fort Boni&acio
Plu$"n"play solutions
Cubicle * dess options
Meetin$ and conference rooms
<iber optic internet connection
0irtual !&&ices
!utsourcing Consulting
Mar$et Entr'
Business Matching
Feasi4ilit' Stu%ies
.egistration Services
Business .ncorporation
P08A ,e$istration
B2. ,e$istration
C08A ,e$istration
Product ,e$istration
Corporate Services
<inancial Ad#isory
Audit * Assurance
*uman .esources Services
0xecuti#e &earch
/isas * .mmi$ration
&taff Leasin$
6, Consultin$
Kittelson & Carpo Consulting
29B ,ufino Pacific Tower! Ayala A#enue cor ,ufino &t%!Maati City! Philippines%
PhoneA 56789: 99;,<=88 MobileA 5678: >>=,>79,?;8? 7ebsiteA
"Kittelson & Carpo's staff and consultants assisted me from the time
of my inquiry up to the full incorporation of the company Onion Head
Direct. I am very satisfied with their hih level of service and will
definitely recommend them to other forein investors wantin to set
up !usinesses in the "hilippines as well. I hope to wor# with them aain
in the future."
Don $a#er%
Onion Head Direct Inc
"&eadify Inc has utilised a num!er of K&C offerins. K&C have
successfully uided our company throuh start'up phase in the
"hilippines and continues to provide valua!le advice as we row."
&o!ert (cCann%
&eadify Inc
"Kam!i )ports )olutions started operations in (anila throuh a
consultancy set up in mid'*+,+. Durin the first half of *+,*% as we
had rown to a decent si-e% we formed a company and fitted out our
own office. K&C and its sister company K(C (./ /roup helped us
with !oth company formation% licenses% !an#in% etc.% and office
!ro#erae. $oth companies are very professional% with e0cellent staff
and international manaement and culture. 1e appreciated that they
are amon the !ier local actors% while not of international si-e%
which ma#es it easier to !e seen and heard as a client. 2hey proved a
ood choice to us and I'd do !usiness with them aain."
3lri# &estorp%
Kam!i "hilippines Inc
"1hen we esta!lished our 4ilipino corporation in *++5% Kittelson &
Carpo were there to help from start to finish. 2heir team not only
helped with incorporation !ut also with local and national overnment
filins. 1or#in with Kittelson & Carpo was very easy and they were
responsive to our needs."
&oer Co0%
)taff 6irtual
")ince we decided to set up operations in (anila in *+,+% we have
used Kittelson & Carpo Consultin and it's sister companies% K(C (./
/roup and K(C )olutions for the services we needed such as
incorporation% ta0% accountin% payroll% visas and our office space
needs and could not !e happier."

)hivinder )inh $a#shi%
Omnilo!e Information 2echnoloy Inc

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