Cefc 290614

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Media release

***Media inquiries: Brendan Gullifer 0428 340 755***
Sunday, June 29 2014

Democratic Labour Party Senator for Victoria John Madigan said today he was writing to the Federal Government to
signal his support for the retention of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation as long as its mandate to invest in wind
energy was removed.

Senator Madigan said it was inappropriate for the government to continue financing the wind industry through the
CEFC while at the same time the government correctly supported the need for independent, multi-disciplinary
Australian research into the reported relationship between turbines and adverse health.

I support the concept of a government-owned development bank, Senator Madigan said.

I welcome the CEFCs potential to support innovation and provide opportunities for Australian manufacturers in
the clean technology sector.

I also believe the retention of the CEFC could serve to complement the governments Direct Action plan. There is,
however, an aspect of the CEFCs investment mandate with which I strongly disagree and would like to see changed

My primary concern is with the CEFCs potential and current ability to continue to invest in large-scale industrial
wind energy projects. If the CEFC is retained, it is not appropriate for an agency of the government to use its
resources to finance or refinance industrial wind energy projects not until such time that this industrys many
serious associated problems are resolved.

I have spoken about the systemic, regulatory failure of wind energy facilities across the country and highlighted
the recurring failure of so-called responsible authorities to properly administer and enforce the terms of
conditionally-issued wind farm planning permits. Wind farm planning permits are simply not protecting these

I have found that unregulated industrial wind power stations routinely operate in breach of noise regulations,
exposing nearby communities to excessive, incessant noise. Audible noise from industrial power stations interrupts
sleep, causes nuisance and harms the rural communities that host them. We are yet to fully understand the long-
term health impacts of exposure to low-frequency noise and infrasound that are being constantly emitted from
wind turbine generators of ever-increasing capacity.

Fortunately the Abbott Government has recognised the need for urgent, independent, multi-disciplinary, eminent
Australian epidemiological and laboratory research into the reported relationship between wind farms and adverse
health. I welcome this initiative and await the findings of the research with much interest. In the interim I would
consider it to be inappropriate should the government, through the vehicle of the CEFC, be in any way aligned with
the financing of wind energy projects.

Senator Madigan reiterated his support for the repeal of the Carbon Tax and the Climate Change Authority.

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