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Reality Based E-Magazine

D.G.C.F.S. Presents

R.A.T. Rapid Assault Tactics Seminar

Issue 20 December 03, 2009

Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition Facility.
Your monthly E-Magazine guide to
Combative Techniques, Tactical Airsoft, MilSim and Combative Fitness & Nutrition.

Rapid Assaults Tactics (R.A.T.) Seminar

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor Held a R.A.T. Seminar, The turn out was better than expected.
A BLAST was had by all. The seminar was the first of its kind in Houston, Tx. For
well over 8 years or so I think. We had folks
coming from Spring, Galveston to this great
event. The day started out with drills to
Facilitate Destructions to the attackers. The
event last 2 days with 4 hours of drills each
day. On day 1 Mrs.Traylor along with Sami
and Aaron Shbeeb & of course Mr.Traylor
helped and Instructed seminar participants on
The R.A.T. Program was a huge success. Mr. & Mrs. Traylor will have one every
Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner & year. This Year Mr. & Mrs. Traylor focused on Apprentice Instructors.
Founders of D.G.C.F. System.

Inside D.G.C.F.S.
R.A.T. Seminar 1
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2
Coming events 3
Airsoft Products 4
Cont. R.A.T. Seminar 5
What were they thinking 11
Documentary on D.G.C.F.S. 15
Creation of P.F.S. 16
Due bullets move people? 17
Shots fired Jersey Village 19
Welcom, Happy b-day Congrats 21
Do you Study R.B.S.D? 22
They are 3 Levels in D.G.C.F.S. R.A.T.
Links to GREAT Places 23
Program, Apprentice Instructors, Phase 1
Instructor & Full Instructor.

Next Year Phase 1 Instructors, will

be our focus, Apprentice levels are
still welcomed but we will go in to
Control technique which is part of
Mr. & Mrs. Traylor D.D.R.A.T.S.
Defend, Detain, Restrain, Arrest,
Tactical Solutions.

Continue on page 6
The Danger of Pesticides
Are they Finding their Way into Your Diet?

Organic! Organic! Organic! Does it seem like everywhere you look you see the word
organic? Whether it’s in a health food store, a restaurant, or even your local grocery
store organic foods are all the rage. They are being sold practically everywhere and
you can find everything from organic fruits and vegetables to organic flour, and even
organic meats! Many claim that eating organic products means avoiding overly
processed foods, thereby cutting hydrogenated oils, trans-fats, preservatives and
other negative ingredients out of your diet. But lately the debate over fruits and
Mr. Honore is vegetables seems to be taking center stage. The pesticides used on foods are
NASM –CPT, CES , PES, currently a big concern for the health community, due to their many acute and
Certified Personal Trainer & chronic effects. The basis of this debate lies in the method by which foods are
Apprentice Instructor in Hand to grown. To put it simply, organic foods are grown without the use of pesticides, and
Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. only with naturally occurring organic fertilizers. There are many reasons that foods
are grown in this method. Some feel organic farming encourages better soil for
Inside D.G.C.F.S. future growing seasons, and other cite that pesticides can have a harmful effect on
R.A.T. Progra 1
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 water supplies and farm animals. But from a health standpoint the debate takes a
Coming events 3 different turn. While many people are proud of buying organic food to support more
Airsoft Products 4 environmentally sustainable growing methods, other want to know: Does eating
Cont. R.A.T. Program 5 organic fruits and vegetables mean you are making a better health decision for
The Interview postion 6
The Deep End 9 yourself and your body? It seems that more and more evidence is being uncovered
JKD Emotional Dimension 11 that suggests the answer to that question is a resounding ‘Yes’. The problem with
Epiphany to Doctrine 12 many fruits and vegetables grown using synthetic pesticides these days is that very
Shoots fired Jersey Village 13 little is done to rid the foods of the chemicals in the pesticides. Washing fruit and
Martial Arts & Gun 14 vegetables thoroughly before consuming them has always been advocated by
Good places to go 15 authorities on the subject, but the Environmental Working Group reminds
consumers that even a thorough cleaning does not effectively remove all of the
chemicals left behind. "While washing fresh produce may help reduce pesticide
residues, it clearly does not eliminate them," says EVG. "Nonetheless, produce
should be washed before it is eaten because washing does reduce levels of some
pesticides. However, other pesticides are taken up internally in the plant, are in the
fruit, and cannot be washed off…” Synthetic pesticides, in essence, are toxins and
consuming foods that have been subject to pesticide spraying means that you’re
consuming those toxins. Nowadays, pesticides are suspected to have negative
effects on development and neurological systems. In fact, the EPA recently undertook to begin a study on the effects of
73 of the most common pesticides on the endocrine system, which includes the pancreas, adrenal gland and the pituitary
gland. While eating one apple grown in pesticides may not cause your health to go suddenly downhill, the prolonged
exposure and consumption over an extended period of time is of great concern to scientists. So, the potential positive
impact on your endocrine system that eating organic foods can have on your health is quite significant. There are natural
remedies that can also help improve the functioning of the endocrine system, which helps counteract the effects of
pesticides.Insulate Plus - Helps maintain healthy circulation, blood sugar levels, insulin production and bio-availability.
AdrenoBoost - Protects adrenal glands from the damaging effects of stress to maintain healthy functioning. Changing
your consumption habits by switching to organic foods is definitely effective, but it is also important to help alleviate some
of the stress that pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and other toxins put on our body’s own natural detoxification system.
Often times, the liver and kidneys have to do a lot of work to help constantly cleanse our bodies of toxins, and often times
they can become overworked. There are a variety of herbal and homeopathic remedies that can aid your body’s natural
removal of the toxin build-up and help to keep your kidneys and liver functioning properly.
Detox Drops - Promotes natural cleansing function and ability to eliminate toxins.
Kidney Dr. - Promotes kidney and urinary system health and functioning.
Liver Dr. - Promotes healthy liver functioning, resistance to toxin/disease damage and systemic health.

Mr. Honore is
PES,Certified Personal Trainer
Apprentice Instructor in Hand to Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S.
Page 2
Coming Events
February 27, 28 2010 - Houston, TX - Hock Hochheim- Location D.G.C. Main Event in Gun & Rifle Ranking

March 28,30 - 2010 - Mr.Vargas Lone Star Conference- Location D.G.C.

April 17 – 2010 - Defender and karambit Seminar – location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor Ranking

May 15,16 – 2010 – Urban survival methods how to prepare bug out bag ect.. – Location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor

July - 2010 - Paul Green - Stone wall Tactical - Location D.G.C.

September 18, 19 – 2010 - Military Knife Fighting Seminar – Location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor

November 14,15 – 2010 - R.A.T Seminar – Location D.G.C. Mr.Traylor Ranking

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor are gearing up for the 2010 seminar tour, IF you wish Mr. & Mrs.Traylor to come to your
school for a seminar please contact them. The seminar can cover what ever you want Just pick the module, All
modules have Instructor certification available.

Page 3

Socom Gear WE Full Metal 1911 MEU Heavy Weight Airsoft Gas Blowback w/ Lanyard.

This is the newest WE release from the 1911 family. The MEU is truly a pistol that is build to impress. The finish,
performance, look and feel is top of the line in the Airsoft industry today. The WE MEU is heavy weight and constructed
with great reliability. It is able to take green gas, red gas, propane and other high pressured airsoft gas. The front and rear
sights are done professionally and finished with the quality you would expect on a real steel. Lots of upgrade / spare parts
available so it will virtually never go out of service on you.
Features / Specifications:
Gun, Orange Tip, Magazine and Manual.
Package Includes:
Dimension: 220mm x 135mm
Gas: Green gas, red gas, propane adapter
BB: 0.20g or 0.25g
Muzzle Velocity: 300~330 FPS
Magzine: 15+1
Power: Gas Blowback
- US Marine Metal Seal located on the grip.
- Pro-Grip with rubberized thumb rest pre-installed.
- On frame magazine release and ambidextrous thumb safety with beaver tail.
- Built in Professional shooter's rear and front sight.
- Full Metal frame and slide with forward cocking serration.
- Light pull 3-hole trigger.
- Built in lanyard hook.
- Metal reinforced outer barrel, chamber, recoil spring guide rod, on frame safety, slide stop, hammer and trigger.
- Free Socom Lanyard.

* It is a good idea to let your magazine return to regular temperature before using it again for optimized performance.

page 4
Continue from page 1

Here are some participants

working on the BLAST.
Cordova, Linda Nini.
Looking for the blast was a
BLAST!!! Everyone worked hard
and was able to be effective on
the force on force application.
A lot drills where worked on so
that they could apply their

Ronald working his blast

Page 5
We worked on entries from kicks into the blast. Also kick checks and destructions R.A.T. Style

We Covered Ground combatives as well a fight can go any where we must be ready!!

………Cordova and Patrick Ronald Mrs.Traylor and Linda

Page 6
Here is our Banner for P.F.S. Here is
some more Ground

Here is Ruben & Ronald working ground

below Wun doing an eye Jab.

Sami Shbeeb showing the RAT

Page 7

On day 2 we worked force on force scenarios, 1 on 1 , 2 on 1 & 3 on 1. Talk about working it under duress!!


IT!! GREAT group of participants & Students.
How to apply so that it could save your life. Everyone walked away know
that it would work.

Page 8
Everyone That attended gave 100% Mrs. Traylor & I are honored to have trained these men and women. 3 on 1 is no joke
and it was very difficult not to be over whelmed by number and size but they face it head on!!!
below Linda Bolton one of the participants

Here is some of the action with 3 on 1 against chaskey he took a shot to the gut in this exchange but was an outstanding
go getter. We had a LOT of HEART in this Seminar. These participants & Students showed us that they came to learn
how to FIGHT and PROTECT their LOVED ones. THE R.A.T. & D.G.C.F.S. did that for them. What a GREAT GROUP of
folks, we can not wait till next years R.A.T. Seminar.
Mrs.Traylor and I want to Thank everyone that came.
Day 1 participants & Students

Day 2 Certifications Mrs.Traylor Presenting

Mr.Shbeeb Full Instructor in the R.A.T.

Page 10
What Were They Thinking?
How many times have you gone to watch a self defense demonstration and seen a
technique that was very inefficient or just flat out wouldn't work and though to yourself,
"What were they thinking?" This month I have one such technique for your amusement.
Now the fact is any of this stuff can work if given the right scenario. So in fact this
technique can work. Here's the problem. There are just many techniques that will
work much better for these situations. The biggest problem I see out there isn't that the
techniques don't work for the attack shown. It's that the attack is unrealistic or at the
very least will only happen an extremely low percentage of the time. I even
see intructors unconciously taking some cool move they like and inventing an attack to
make the move work which is pretty nuts. I'm sure many of you out there can think of
Paul Green alot of other techniques you can see problems with and offer solutions to them. I do
STONEWAL TACTICAL want to mention for those easily offended that this article though it does offer valid
solutions and makes some good points in the end the intent is for this article to be
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
R.A.T. Progra 1
funny and make some people laugh while maybe educating them. So if anyone is
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 offended please remember that I don't care screw anyone that can't take a joke.
Coming events 3 Tecnique 1
Airsoft Products 4
Cont. R.A.T. Program 5
The Fantasy Frontal Choke
The Interview postion 6
The Deep End 9
JKD Emotional Dimension 11
Epiphany to Doctrine 12
D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn 13
Martial Arts & Gun 14
Good places to go 15

The attacker dives for your neck then just stands there holding it for no apparent
reason. Notice how the attacker holds his arms straight with the elbows locked to
insure the choke is less secure and that he lacks the strength to choke
anyone out without a base.

To counter this totally awesome attack I yank his hands from around my neck
I reach and grab his thumbs and wrestle by his thumbs while he looks at me funny
with his hands while he stands there
and lets me do it.

Page 11
Since he's not choking me anymore I win so I
celebrate victoriously

Now since I won and stuff pretty girls like me If this looks dumb to you it's because it is very dumb. I've worked hard my
entire career to offer real help to people that need it. To offer something to someone that is going to make them feel better
and make them safer. Yes I made fun of a technique and here is why. Whenever I work with someone on any project I
make one thing clear right off the bat. I will not work with anyone on any project that is not willing to do the
work to make the project the best it can be. Anyone with any common sense knows that attack is unrealistic yet it is taught
in training halls all over the world as the latest and greatest thing. If you don't do the work to find out what the real
problem is so you can find a real solution for it then you don't need to be training anyone because you either don't give a
damn or your just too lazy. Now enough of my soapbox lets look at how it might really happen and have some fun with it.

Notice how the elbows are bent. Unless it's more of a strong-arm choke against the wall attackers are more likely to
do it this way. A good percentage of the time they will be bent even more than in the photo. This is done because it is
simply more ergonomic and the attacker has more strength this way. Most of the time with this the attacker will be trying to
throw you to the ground immediately or push you back as you are being choked. The fact is your being slung around
violently and your balance will probably be compromised. His hands may very well be the only thing holding you up
depending on how your being moved. Also fine motor skills will be decreased more and more as you lose oxygen and
your heart rate increases so the counter will have to be something quick and decisive you don't really have time to wrestle
with anything. It's going to be pretty hard to find the thumbs and keep your balance while you may be getting slung around
like a rag doll. Even if you can get his thumbs and yanks his hands from your neck ,which is definitely possible, all you've
really done is struggle just to get to a neutral position he isn't going to stop attacking just because he lost a grip. Trust me
he will be able to pull his hands back. Doing a joint lock on a single finger lacks control this is why in arts like small circle
jujitsu they do the finger locks using two fingers instead of one. Why in the world would you want to do all that just to get
to a neutral position and gain nothing when you could end it all possibly in one gross motor movement?

Page 12
The fact is if your hands are down and his hands are down then it’s a matter of who can punch faster. The above
picture could very well be you getting knocked the hell out. Why would you even put yourself in that situation with a lame
technique when you don’t have to? It’s just a really inefficient bad technique

Solutions to the problem

When your being choked and pulled in tight a good old fashioned eye gouge is a good move. It backs them up and they
usually let go and their hands go to their eyes leaving them wide open for your follow‐up or for you to run or whatever
you need to do. It’s one quick gross motor movement not alot of thinking involved there.

Another option is the ear slap. It knocks them back and also brings their hands back this time to the ears and gives you
a chance to follow‐up and end the conflict quickly. It’s also a fast gross motor movement.

Page 13
A fist to the jaw is only one possible follow‐up that will be wide open once he's stunned with an ear slap or an eye attack.
Be careful when going after the eyes make it more of a poke instead of a gouge. Depending on the situation you may not
want to blind the person and end up getting sued. Though I'm told an eye gouge would be legal against a frontal choke as
the one shown I will leave that decision up to you. As always thank you for taking the time to read this article. If your
teaching a bad attack I hope this article has made you think about what your doing. If I'mk preaching to the choir then I
hope everyone got a good laugh out of it.

Paul Green
Is a Professor of Combative Arts with the American Budo Society as well as the International Technical Director, Alabama State Heavyweight
Champion in Sport Jiu-Jitsu in 1999 I hold a 5th dan in Jujutsu
a 5th dan in Ninjutsu
a 4th dan in Karate and a 3rd dan in Judo/Yudo respectively
also a certified instructor in The Defender Personal Defense Weapon System A certified instructor in the SABER(Strategic Anit-Blade Engagement
Response) Method An Advanced Instructor in Knife/Counter Knife Combatives under W Hock Hocheim

Page 14
The Documentary Interview

Inside D.G.C.F.S. Mr.& Mrs. Traylor were interview by

R.A.T. Progra 1
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2
Kishnana of H.C.C. he was doing an
Coming events 3 Documentary on reality Based
Airsoft Products 4 Combatives. 1Hr of film was shot for
Cont. R.A.T. Program 5 this Documentary. They hope to
The Interview postion 6
The Deep End 9
receive the trailer in a week or two.
JKD Emotional Dimension 11 They plan to have it on their website
Epiphany to Doctrine 12 and on their forum as well. Mr.& Mrs.
D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn 13 Had a GREAT time in the filming and
Martial Arts & Gun 14 learned a lot about film making. The
Good places to go 15
Digital Camera was not working
correctly so pics are few but the
Documentary should make up for it.
Date of airing is not know at this time or IF it
will air. Once we know we will let everyone
know. We had a lot of Positive response from
the film crew and the staff as well as the
editor. Mrs.Traylor had the crew amazed at
her ability and her knowledge of combatives.
Mr. & Mrs. Traylor are always perfecting their
abilities both as practitioners and Instructors.
They want to give their clients and students
the best possibly training in Self Defense,
Combatives, H2H, CQC, Reality Based
Martial Arts ect.. The filming last about 5 hrs
or so afterwards Mr. & Mrs. Traylor Shot back
to the school to teach class Talk about a
FULL DAY with kids in tow.!!! Whew … ;)

Page 15
The Creation of PFS...Part 1
Progressive Fighting Systems… “During the wee hours of the morning PFS was
Back in the early eighties, Sifu Paul Vunak was teaching at the old Kali academy.
There was a tremendous influx of students. I vividly remember a certain ‘group’ of
individuals that sort of gravitated towards Paul. These were the people who were
primarily interested in the street fighting side of the “curriculum”.
Guru Dan taught in two basic ways, (in which later he blends). One we call self-
preservation. The other is called self-perfection.
Self-preservation has more to do with taking an adversary out of commission, (in a
Sifu Paul Vunak World renowned very primitive and barbaric fashion). Self-perfection has more to do with the ‘art form’.
Navy Seal Training & Reality Based
Combatives Instructor and also my Grace, beauty, body mechanics and the continued growth and refinement of one’s
instructor attributes. For now, let’s just say that Sifu had a proclivity for the self-preservation
side of the arts back then. This formed the nucleus from which the embryonic stage of
Inside D.G.C.F.S. PFS began.
R.A.T. Progra 1
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 I recall driving from Fresno to Long Beach on a weekly basis to watch and train with
Coming events 3 this cadre of about 20 of the Kali academy’s best fighters. I still and will always
Airsoft Products 4 remember Sifu's stories relating to Guro Dan. I have never in my life seen such a love
Cont. R.A.T. Program 5 and loyalty listening to Sifu Paul speak about his Guru. This was the main reason, the
The Interview postion 6
The Deep End 9 best reason, and the most motivating reason for starting my training…
JKD Emotional Dimension 11 As the years went by, the group grew larger and larger. We all kept getting better and
Epiphany to Doctrine 12 better under our Sifu's vigilance. People came from all parts of the country to train in
D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn 13 this group. Unfortunately, a sad event occurred. The Kali academy closed down. This,
Martial Arts & Gun 14 (sort of), created a split up.
Good places to go 15 Guru Dan eventually opened a new school. Simultaneously, the IMB was created.
Mean while the ongoing political ‘rhetoric’ was at the opposite end of the spectrum from
where Sifu Paul’s interests seemed to be heading. He was not only disgusted but found
it to be incredulous as to how certain of Guru Dan’s top people could be caught up in
these petty politics.
I had listened intently on many, many occasions during group classes, seminars, and
private lessons while Sifu Paul promoted camaraderie and loyalty while teaching.
These two things meant so very much to him in his striving to perpetuate the principles
and concepts that had been so freely given to him by Guru Dan and so lightly taken by
Sifu Paul and I had, at that time, become good friends in addition to his being my
teacher. During the wee hours of one morning, he said to me, “Tom, we are going to
form our own group, with our own name, and have a very simple agenda”.
1. Perpetuate Bruce Lee’s concepts of Jeet Kune Do.

2. Have a team of people with undying loyalty to the man without whom none of this would be possible; Guru
Dan Inosanto!
Progressive Fighting Systems was now officially formed. For roughly the next ten years, Paul flew all over the world
with this agenda. The first revelation was getting the martial artists/ people out of their stances. Secondly, getting their
hands up and implementing footwork so that they were up on their toes and moving like a fighter. This was the first
phase.This edification, over the years, continued. Teaching instructors how to box and kick the legs along with the training
methods to teach their students. This may sound ridiculous, but back then these points were brand new.
The next phase that Sifu Paul introduced was close quarter, trapping and how to deal with the clinch. This allowed for
people to deal with opponents who also kick-boxed but were much larger and/ or were better at the kick-boxing game.
In yet another phase destructions, disabling your opponents tools, were introduced along with the straight blast which
gave our students the ability to enter with impunity…After many long hard years, people started to believe.
During the course of this process of building complete fighters, I can still hear Sifu’s perpetual, famous words ringing in my
ears… “This is not my stuff, this is Dan’s, and I am just the conduit!"
Paul was following Dan’s directions. Educate, grow and always be a student. As Dan required of Paul, continuing to
investigate new arts, researching and developing, Paul found Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. This was an element that was absolutely
critical to complete our game. Starting in 1987, I witnessed Paul, for the next 6 years, introducing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to
basically the whole Martial Art world. (Most of whom were not particularly enthused) Paul, in his tenacious way, got people
to experience the ground game. 1993 UFC # 1……Denver Colorado…..Paul had been chosen to be Elio Gracie’s
bodyguard, not that he needed one, for the entrance into the very first UFC. ..Paul’s prediction was “You watch Tom, this
will change…everyone will learn the ground game and that will force everyone to learn the standup game and that will
require everyone to learn the clinch and trapping game.” ….at that time, the UFC was predicated upon comparing arts and
styles and pitting these arts against each other; Kickboxing vs. Karate, Ninjitsu vs ….sumo vs Savate. Gracie Ju-jitsu vs
etc. And then lo and behold, the whole fighting world wanted to learn how to grapple. To be continued...

Paul Vunak Page 16

Newtons Law – Do Bullets Move People?
Gunfighter Gene Hackman is shot. Right in the head. The beautiful Sharon Stone beat
him to the draw in the grand finale scene of the Quick and the Dead western. To
accentuate the drama, Hackman flips completely over in the slow motion macabre of a
spaghetti western. How many viewers thought that such a flip could actually happen? Or
just think bullets can move people around? Do bullets move people? If so, how much?
What do we tell our officers, our practitioners and students about this in training? In
2007, a police officer published a disgusted tirade in police journals trashing Hollywood
By: Hock Hochheim
A pioneer in Reality Based combatives and these acrobatic misrepresentations of gunfire. He stated that cinema action
field and Military and L.E.O. trainer misrepresents the truth, confuses the public, the media, lawyers, juries and well…even
also my Instructor. some police administrators about shootings and what does and doesn’t happen in a
gunfight. But this irate officer is not alone in voicing his opinion on the subject. There is
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
always a healthy argument running somewhere about it. On one extreme, experts say that
R.A.T. Progra 1 bullets hit and move people. On the other end, some argue that bullets do not and cannot
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 move people. Semantics and science are involved here, as well as – some people just like
Coming events 3
Airsoft Products 4
to argue. So we have two groups, the Movers and Non-Movers. Many of my
Cont. R.A.T. Program 5 complainants and my friends who have been shot, and research I have looked up, have
The Interview postion 6 repeatedly used interesting phrases and symbols to describe their wounding. Baseball
The Deep End 9 came up a lot. “It was like getting hit by a baseball.” Or your hear, “…like getting hit
JKD Emotional Dimension 11
Epiphany to Doctrine 12 with a baseball bat.” Two SAS officers on a CNN special described being shot as
“being hit with a sledge hammer.” And the responses do run the whole gamut from
D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn 13
being “knocked back,” or “knocked down” to “a slapping feeling.” Knocked back or
Martial Arts & Gun 14
down? What say the Non-Movers about all this? The Non-Movers quote Newton’s
Good places to go 15
Laws of Motions and what I nickname the Newton Impact, on this. Ol’ Sir Isaac
Newton has some lasting impact on the world with his three laws. His second law
states in summary, that for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite
reaction. In other words, if object A exerts a force on object B, then object B also
exerts an equal and opposite force on object A. When this comes to shooting
people, many will tell you that the force – the recoil of a weapon in your hand, or on
your shoulder is equal to the force striking your target. In short, if you don’t flip over
when you shoot the bad guy? The bad guy will not flip over when he is hit. This
would mean that if you fired a perfect kill shot, such as one by a successful sniper,
100 times, 100 bodies would drop straight down dead. They would not be the
slightest tumble or turn to one side from the impact. President Kennedy’s head did
not move when shot. Nothing. Cold. Ballistic block science. Algebra. The Newton
Impact: Equal in the hand/equal on the body.
The Movers: Conversely, the Movers cite other variables than cold science, like the situation, flesh, blood, and
psychology – that cause people to move in the split seconds before, during and after actually being shot. Before: People
may well be already moving in a gunfight. Also, people about to be shot at often see the gun up and aiming at them. They
physically react to this presented gun by ducking, dodging, diving, spinning to run, etc. During: The human body contains
bone mass, mobile joints and a central nervous system. We yank our hand back from the hot stove. We move our arm
from a bee sting. We flinch from an insect on or near our eye. Our nervous system reacts from simple touches, to bug
stings or higher levels of pain and impact. When bullets strike this anatomy, live body parts react differently than ballistic
clay. Take for example a surprise touch on someone’s forearm. Just a light touch. The surprised person may well yank his
arm back and spin around. The surprise may cause his whole body to jump an inch off the ground! Are these energized
reactions the exact same the force as the light finger touch? Of course not. The human body is involved. Explosive sound
alone may make the body move. Since the 1930s there are piles of research on the startle reflex and audible responses
from shocking explosions. Dr. Robert Simmons has documented as many as 25 different body responses from audible
shock in what he calls his Startle Museum (24 of them are not fighting stances by the way). In these cases the bullet’s
sound at least, may cause movement. After: After being hit one or more times, shooting victims often do not die right away
and therefore act like wounded humans, continuing to move. Once downed, there may be something like “after-death”
throes. There is quite a bit of motion involved with the before, during and after of being shot. The threat of the bullet, the
impact from the bullet, even the sound of the bullet causes it.

Page 17
The Hackman Flip -But, since we started out with the Gene Hackman western movie sample, has anyone ever really done a
“Hackman flip?” In the 1990s I discovered another Hackman-style Flip. I did a considerable amount of research for my book
called, Military Knife Combatives and hunted through recent history and biography books for actual knife fights in this modern
age of repeating firearms. While doing so, I incidentally came upon hundreds of personal recollections of people being shot. I
was reading a Vietnam War memoir and a soldier talked about a fellow troop of his being shot in the helmet. The troop told him
" it knocked the life out of me, " and that he "saw his toes flip up in front of his face" then he blacked out. The author saw his
friend flip almost upside down and the helmet was destroyed, virtually split in half. The guy immediately recovered and
appeared unhurt. (but, the writer mentions the man died back in the states years later from a brain aneurysm?) I Read this from
the non-fiction book. Code Name: Copperhead. My True-Life Exploits As a Special Forces Soldier , by Sergeant Major Joe R.
Garner, U.S. Army (RET.) "In Ban Me Thuot, a friend who had been wounded told me, 'Joe, you just cannot believe the impact
that the AK-47 has. I got shot in the leg and it knocked me head over heels. My rifle went ten feet from me. The NVA came up,
and if it hadn't been for one of the other men killing him, I was unarmed and the NVA would have killed me.'” Not a flip, but a
pick-up? In the biography, Unrepentant Sinner by Colonel Charles Askins, he tells us of the adventures of lifetime. Once in
the late 1950's in Vietnam, Askins wanted to try out the brand new Smith and wesson .44 Magnum revolver. On patrol, they
observed some communist infiltrators and set up an ambush. In the ambush, Askins fired his new pistol first as the enemy
passed them by. Askins shot the last man in the line (in the back?) Askins was "delighted by the huge revolver's performance,
lifting the body off his feet." (In Newton equal/equal law, both Askins and the soldier would have to be knocked down?) These
are just three Newtonian, equal-force, flipping and lifting, head-scratchers! Did both these shooters flip too when they shot these
flippers? More interesting is that these three shots are complete surprise shots without warning and without other body
responses involved - the bodies were not is an alerted dodge or dive mode. What say ye, Mr Newton? Mister Newton, aside
from the dramatic and unusual Hackman flips, is there more science and math than this the simplistic equal-equal force, Newton
Impact equation that explains these bodily reactions to bullets? Dr. Sean Ross of New Mexico is a government scientist who
works on various weapons projects for the U.S. Military. He reports:
“Newton's laws of motion do apply here, but Newton's 2nd law applies to forces - force isn't what knocks a
person down unless the force is crushing. Momentum transfer is what knocks something down. The correct way
to analyze this is using the time integral of Newton's 3rd law F=mA, namely I=delta P, the "impulse momentum"
theorem. The Impulse is the integral of the force over time, F=-delta T. That impulse is equal to the change in
momentum imparted to the body.”
Okay! Got that? The 3rd law explains and allows more than the 2nd law. Even if you don't get this now, before you use
“Newton Impact” line again to defend your non-moving, equal/equal argument, you should school yourself on the 3rd law,
else the experts will cluck-cluck and chastise you as uneducated and ill-informed. Don't just regurgitate what some old
gun magazine article or some range instructor...had regurgitated to him...and so on. There is no questions for me. As an
investigator in the US Army and a detective and patrolman in Texas stomping through hundreds of shooting crime scenes
and investigations for three decades, I have been in some and around a lot of shootings. I have seen a few people
actually get shot. For me it is painfully simple, a no-brainer. Bullets can move people. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes
they do. Which leads me to Sir Hochheim's Law of Violent Impact, the 7th Rule:
“No one can guarantee what a punch, a kick, a stab or a gunshot will do to you.”

Page 18
Shots Fired: Jersey Village, Texas 01-31-2006
Two men made a big mistake when they tried to carjack and kidnap Officer Holly Mong.

Distracted. That’s what Holly Mong felt at 6:30 on the morning of January 31, 2006. Distracted. And in a rush.Only one
day after getting off probation, the Jersey Village, Texas, police officer was scheduled for in-service training for a new
computer system and was already late getting out the door when she realized that she’d forgotten money for the toll road.
Doubling back inside her residence, Mong grabbed some change from a jar she kept in her home office, then made a
beeline for her Jeep Liberty parked a mere 20 yards from the door of her apartment. She’d just gotten into the vehicle and
no sooner closed the driver’s side door than it flew back open. A large man wearing black gloves and a stocking cap mask
stuck a gun in her face.”Move over.”In that split second, Mong was no longer distracted, Held at Gunpoint A second man,
also decked out in all black, opened the back door of the Jeep and jumped into the right rear seat. The only words that
Mong could muster were, “Oh, my God.” “Shut the f__k up!” the man in the driver’s seat barked. Mong’s mind raced.
Where did these men come from? Surely, her state of distraction couldn’t have been so all consuming that she missed
them. She suspected that the early morning darkness and the lack of lighting around the apartment complex—something
that her fiancé had lobbied hard to have corrected—conspired to prevent her from seeing her attackers. She also figured
they had hedged their bets further by lying in wait beyond a grass knoll, a drop-off that would have concealed anyone
below her visual plane. For a second she considered the possibility that they might have targeted her because of her job,
but quickly brushed the idea aside. She was thankful that her attire—navy blue zip-up sweatshirt with a hood, tank top,
and jeans—didn’t scream “cop.” But Mong’s choice of garments was only a small comfort. In the overall scheme of things,
she knew there were several things working decidedly against her. If the first man was armed, it was a safe bet the
second was, as well. And the sight of duct tape in the first man’s non-gun hand only strengthened within her a growing
certainty of their intentions. They were going to kill her. A Slim Hope The thought was horrifying. Even more so because
Mong knew she might be murdered with her own sidearm, a 9mm Springfield XD that was in a leather purse beside her
on the passenger seat. Also inside the purse was her police ID, a virtual death warrant. Mong knew that the gun in her
purse was her only hope for salvation. She moved to the front passenger bucket seat, and slid her hand into her purse
grabbing the pistol. With the gun in her hand and concealed from view, Mong figured that if fortune truly favored the
prepared, she had a fighting chance, for she was conscientious about carrying her double-action sidearm with a full
magazine and one in the chamber. All the same, she knew she couldn’t hesitate and fixated on a singular thought. I’m
going to shoot fast or I’m going to be dead. Two Seconds of Hell She did just that, catching her kidnappers by surprise.
With her first shot, a bubble descended over Mong, enveloping her, muting her hearing so that each subsequent round
she squeezed off became a muffled report despite the closed confines of the Jeep. Her first Golden Saber round grazed
the driver’s right arm and chest. A second entered his right arm near the shoulder as a third bore into the shoulder itself. A
fourth tore into the man’s head just below his right ear. With her left hand on the seat for balance, Mong twisted her torso
and rotated the muzzle from the driver to the rear seat passenger. She was firing fast. The next two rounds missed. She
kept shooting. And her bullets began to find their mark. One grazed the back seat passenger in his left shoulder and neck.
Another pulverized the left side of his nose. A final round took out his left eye socket. A stillness settled over the scene.
The only thing that moved was Holly’s skin, shivering with the adrenaline that coursed through her. For a stunned moment
she sat, evaluating whether or not she could get out of the vehicle without either of the men still being a threat. Once she
made sure that the two were either unconscious or dead, Mong jerked the keys from the ignition then fled for her
apartment. She met her fiancé, Shawn Horton, at the door. Shawn, also an officer with the Jersey Village Police
Department, had his own sidearm in hand in response to what he thought was a home break-in. Mong quickly related
what had happened and Horton ran outside to cover the suspects, pending the arrival of backup.Dead at the Scene As
officers descended upon the scene, they found Mong unharmed. The same couldn’t be said of the men who attacked her.
Already wanted in connection with a sexual assault at the time of the attempted carjacking, the suspect in the rear seat,
Cordale Stubblefield, was pronounced dead at the scene. Stubblefield was also responsible for the gun wielded by the
driver-side suspect; he’d stolen it from a customer’s car at the tire store where he worked. Formidably strong, Stubblefield
had been conscientious about working out and taking creatine supplements. Unfortunately for him, no amount of body
building could make him bullet proof. The driver, Christopher Wayne Yell, survived the shooting. But he was left with no
bone on the lower left side of his head. If he were to be struck even by a fist in that area, he would mostly likely die. He
lives with perennial nightmares and cannot stand for more than 15 minutes at a time.

Page 19
Like Stubblefield, Yell was no stranger to criminal activity. At the time of the attack on Officer Mong, Yell was on probation
for a home invasion robbery. He ultimately received an 18-year sentence for violating probation plus a consecutive 18-
year sentence for aggravated robbery against Mong. Some 45 minutes after the shooting, a sergeant on the scene took
note of a car parked across the parking lot, approached on foot, and peered inside. There he found a 20-year-old man
scrunched down in the back seat. The would-be drive-away man explained that he'd hunkered down and hidden to avoid
getting shot. He was then taken into custody without incident. A New Mind-set
Mong admits that she was not aware of a threat in the seconds preceding the incident because her mind was on other
things. "I wasn't paying attention," she reflects. "I was worried about running late. When you're in your comfort zone at
your house, you don't think anything like that is going to happen to you. I didn't even notice them coming up, even when
they were coming up behind my vehicle because they walked across the parking lot and I was parked face in. They
walked to either side of my car. I didn't even notice them until they were up to the driver's side of my door. I was
completely not paying attention." When asked if she experienced any post-shooting anxieties, Mong says, "I never really
had any concerns about if what I did was wrong because I knew they were going to kill me. I was in fear for my life, so I
never had any fears about, 'What if I'm going to jail for this?' or anything like that. They came to me. They sought me out.
So shame on them. They were the ones that did it." Mong doesn't necessarily believe in precognition, but she says a
nightmare she experienced before the shooting could have been a warning that something bad was about to happen.
"The night before this happened, I had a dream that I was on duty and went into a convenience store that was being
robbed and I ended up shooting the robber," she explains. "I don't know if that's just coincidence or what that is. I've had
dreams like that a couple of times before, but that one was the most vivid ones that I ever had. I didn't honestly think
anything of it when I got up and started getting ready for work. I didn't think that anything like that would ever happen to
me." That nightmare would not be the only cause for Mong losing sleep. A few weeks after the incident, she battled
insomnia. She also became anxious whenever she had to leave the house at night. "It was hard for me to go anywhere by
myself," she says. "My fiancé went with me everywhere I went. I did not want to go anywhere by myself. We ended up
having to move into a different apartment inside the same complex, so I was never again at that apartment by myself."
Since the shooting, Mong has become vigilant on multiple fronts, both in terms of mind-set and daily rituals. "I don't think
that I would have done anything differently," she says. "I think that I had a pretty good outcome from all this. I was not hurt
in any way. I'm 10 times more aware of my surroundings now, whether I'm getting into my car at my house or in a parking
lot somewhere going grocery shopping or whatever. I'm always looking to see if there's anyone sitting in a car or what
they're doing. Even when I'm driving down the road, I'm looking at people next to me because you hear about all the times
that people are sitting at a red light and people coming up and pushing them out of their car and stealing their car. I'm just
more aware of my surroundings now." Finally, Mong says that she is more diligent about carrying her sidearm off duty. "I
carry a gun with me everywhere I go. I carried the gun a lot before. I think it was probably just because I was new and
could carry it around," she reflects. "But now I don't leave my house without carrying one."

by Dean Scoville
Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to welcome

Mallory Mayeux, Jay Roth, Martin Pepper, Sal Johnson.

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to wish a HAPPY BIRTH DAY

Chaskey Barry.

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor would like to Congratulate

Mr. Aaron Shbeeb - Full R.A.T. Instructor

Mr. Ronald Honore - Apprentice R.A.T. Instructor & Level L3 H2H
Mr. Sami Shbeeb - Apprentice R.A.T. Instructor & Level L3 H2H
Mr. Wun Wong - Apprentice R.A.T. Instructor & Level L3 H2H
Mr. Cruse Crodova - Apprentice R.A.T. Instructor & Level L2 H2H
Ms. Mariko sharpe - Apprentice R.A.T. Instructor & Level L2 H2H
Mr. Ruben Pernia - Apprentice R.A.T. Instructor & Level L2 H2H
Mr. Chaskey Barry - Apprentice R.A.T. Instructor & Level L1 H2H
Mr. Patrick Siva - R.A.T. Practitioner & Level L1 H2H
Mr. Dylan Johnson - R.A.T. Practitioner & Level L1 H2H
Mr. Mike Hurley - R.A.T. Practitioner
Ms. Linda Bolton - R.A.T. Practitioner
Ms.Naniz Perez - R.A.T. Practitioner Level L1 H2H
Mr. Jerry Espinor - Level L3 H2H
Mrs.Briel Speer - Level L1 H2H

Page 21
Do you study "reality based self defense?"
Don't bet your life on a lie or misconception..
As students, we all bet our lives on our instruction for reality based self defense.
Think about it. Self defense is not martial arts. It is used to detect, deter or defend
against a violent, potentially life ending attack. It is meant for the 3% of society who
want to kill us and do harm to our families. Murderers, rapists, home invaders, gang
members, stalkers, mean people, workplace violence, kidnapping, car jacking or just
a plain street fighters are the ones who will bring this kind of fight to us. As always, I
have to give credit to the master instructors that I train under, especially Tony
Blauer, Tony Torres and Tom Arcuri as many of these concepts are taken directly
/ from my own training.No offense or disrespect to any instructor but who are they?
Robb Hamic
What do they teach? Have they or their students used the tactics taught to defend
is an IAFEFI member since 2003,
former Sheriff’s Deputy, Detective themselves or their families violent attacks? Do they train for real life scenarios? Do
and Desert Storm U.S. Army Veteran. they train under stress and with full contact? Are the tactics taught just theory or
He is a Certified Law Enforcement does everyone test them against full contact fights that come by surprise by bad
Trainer (CLET) and is a state and guys that really fight? Many martial arts have nothing to do with self defense in a
nationally accredited firearms real life context. Consider these definitions: Martial arts are systems of codified
instructor for handgun, shotgun, rifle, practices and traditions of training. While they may be studied for various reasons.
patrol rifle and tactics. In addition, some martial arts are linked to beliefs. Many arts are also practiced
Also my Instructor competitively, but may also take the form of dance. Self-defense is the act of
Inside D.G.C.F.S.
R.A.T. Progra 1
defending oneself, one's property or the well-being of another from
Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 physical harm. The use of the right of self-defense as a legal justification for
Coming events 3 the use of force is available in many jurisdictions, but the interpretation varies
Airsoft Products 4 widely. To be aquitted of any kind of physical harm-related crime (such as assault
Cont. R.A.T. Program 5
The Interview postion 6
and battery and homicide) using the self-defense justification, one must prove legal
The Deep End 9 provocation, meaning that one must prove that they were in a position where not
JKD Emotional Dimension 11 using self-defense would most likely lead to significant injury to life, limb, or
Epiphany to Doctrine 12 property.No offense to martial arts instructors. I love martial arts and practice
D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn 13 several myself but everything has its place. Some things work in the dojo but you
Martial Arts & Gun 14 would or could never use them in the street. As a self defense coach and instructor I
Good places to go 15 have to switch hats and teach my students gross motor skill movements that are
fast, effective and accessible in a real fight, attack or ambush. I make it easy and
simple and teach the same stuff to women, men, mature kids, military and law
enforcement. We employ the latest psychological research, fear management,
conflict management, recognition, non violent postures, choice speech and if
necessary effective self defense tactics that work in real life. I lecture on use of
force, imminent jeopardy and the legal ramifications of using self defense. In a real
fight you have thee fights to consider: -The fight with yourself before the actual fight begins (emotional)
-The fight with the bad guy
-The fight in court (civilly) or with law enforcement (criminally)I have been involved in reality self defense 'systems'
that purport to be reality based. It sounded good to me and I thought I was getting the real deal but upon reflection; I may
have wasted some time and money. It all comes down to this: if you have a system that sets up a predetermined attack
and it is rehearsed by students under controlled situations, it is not realistic. If it is called reality then set up as
a cognitive drill it may not be 'real' reality. Real fights are ugly, mean, fast and often by surprise.

Page 22
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Page 23

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