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Automation of an Electric Service Vehicle:

Assisted and Autonomous Driving

WOLF, Denis; OSORIO, Fernando; SIMOES, Eduardo

PESSIN, Gustavo; FERNANDES, Leandro

HATA, Alberto; SHINZATO, Patrick; DIAS, Mauricio; COUTO, Leandro

Instituto de Cincias Matemticas e de Computao - ICMC
Mobile Robotics Laboratory - LRM
Universidade de So Paulo USP
So Carlos-SP, Brasil

The LRM Lab activities are focused in the development of research and applications using
intelligent mobile robots and vehicles. One of our main research focus is on assisted and
autonomous grounded vehicle driving, including the project of implementing an autonomous
electric vehicle. In order to develop such project an electric service vehicle was acquired.
This vehicle is being instrumented with sensors and actuators, allowing to control it remotely
and also to control it using an intelligent system for autonomous navigation. The research in
this application is related to acquiring and processing sensorial information (sensor fusion),
map building and vehicle localization, route/terrain segmentation and classification, path
planning, vehicle control, collision avoidance, autonomous navigation of the vehicle, and in a
near future we are also planning to implement a multi-vehicle autonomous convoy.


Ministrio da Cincia e Tecnologia
Science Facilities

Automation of an Electric Service Vehicle: Assisted and Autonomous Driving
LRM: Mobile Robotics Lab. ICMC USP So Carlos
Researchers: Prof. Dr. Denis Wolf, Prof. Dr. Fernando Osrio, Prof. Dr. Eduardo Simes
Graduate Students: Gustavo Pessin, Leandro Fernandes (Ph.D. Students)
Alberto Hata, Patrick Shinzato, Mauricio A. Dias, Leandro Couto (M.Sc. Students)

General Description:

The LRM Lab (Laboratrio de Robtic Mvel / Mobile Robotics Laboratory) is part of the ICMC-USP
(Univesity of So Paulo), located at So Carlos, Brazil. This research laboratory has facilities used to
develop hardware and software for mobile robotic systems, where the LRM activities are aligned and
focused mainly on both three main Task Groups (GT) of the INCT-SEC:
GT1 Indoor Tactical Mobile Robot (Service and Security Robots / Single or Multiple Robots)
Desenvolvimento de robs tticos para ambientes internos Coord. by Prof. F. Osrio
GT2 Autonomous Grounded Vehicles (Assisted and Autonomous Vehicle Driving)
Desenvolvimento de veculos terrestres e autnomos Coord. by Prof. D. Wolf
GT3 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Autonomous Airplanes, Aerial Missions)
Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Areos o Tripulados Coord. by Prof. Onofre Trindade Jr.

The LRM Lab activities are focused in the development of research and applications using intelligent
mobile robots and vehicles. One of our main research focus is on assisted and autonomous grounded
vehicle driving, including the project of implementing an autonomous electric vehicle. In order to
develop such project an electrical service vehicle was acquired. This vehicle is being instrumented with
sensors and actuators, allowing to control it remotely and also to control it using an intelligent system
for autonomous navigation. The research in this application is related to acquiring and processing
sensorial information (sensor fusion), map building and vehicle localization, route/terrain segmentation
and classification, path planning, vehicle control, collision avoidance, autonomous navigation of the
vehicle, and in a near future we are also planning to implement a multi-vehicle autonomous convoy.

Figure 1 Electrical Service Vehicle adopted by the INCT-SEC and LRM Lab

Science Facilities
Additional References:

1) HATA, A. Y. ; Wolf, D. F. ; PESSIN, G. ; OSORIO, F. S. Terrain Mapping and Classification in Outdoor Environments
Using Neural Networks. International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology. ISSN: 2005-4246. Vol. 2,
No. 4, p. 51-61, 2009.
2) SAITO, P. T. M. ; SABATINE, R. J. ; BRANCO, K. R. L. J. C. ; Wolf, D. F. An Analysis of Parallel Approaches for a
Mobile Robotic Self-localization Algorithm. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking
Vol. 2, No. 4, December, 2009. p. 49-64.
3) HATA, A. Y. ; Wolf, D. F. . Outdoor Mapping Using Mobile Robots And Laser Range Finders. In: Electronics, Robotics
and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA 2009), 2009, Cuernavaca. Electronics, Robotics and Automotive
Mechanics Conference (CERMA 2009), 2009. p. 209-214.
4) HATA, A. Y. ; Wolf, D. F. ; PESSIN, G. ; OSORIO, F. S. . Terrain Mapping and Classification Using Neural Networks.
In: International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT 2009), 2009, Daejeon.
International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, 2009. p. 438-442.
5) SAITO, P. T. M. ; SABATINE, R. J. ; BRANCO, K. R. L. J. C. ; Wolf, D. F. . Parallel Implementation of Mobile Robotic
Self-localization. In: International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT 2009), 2009,
Daejeon. International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, 2009. p. 390-396.
6) HATA, A. Y. ; Wolf, D. F. . Mapeamento de Terrenos Utilizando Rob Mveis e Sensor Laser. In: XXXV Conferncia
Latinoamericana de Informtica (CLEI), 2009, Pelotas. Conferncia Latinoamericana de Informtica, 2009. p. 1-5.
7) HATA, A. Y. ; Wolf, D. F. . Terrain Mapping and Classification Using Support Vector Machines. In: IEEE Latin
American Robotics Symposium, 2009, Valparaiso. IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium, 2009. p. 1-5.
8) Shinzato, P. Y. ; Wolf, D. F. . Path Recognition for Outdoor Navigation. In: IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium,
2009, Valparaiso. IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium, 2009. p. 1-5.
9) SAITO, P. T. M. ; SABATINE, R. J. ; Wolf, D. F. ; BRANCO, K. R. L. J. C. . A Parallel Approach for Mobile Robotic
Self-localization. In: International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, 2009,
Seoul. International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, 2009. p. 1-6.
10) Shinzato, P. Y. ; FERNANDES, L. C. ; OSORIO, F. S. ; Wolf, D. F. . Path Recognition for Outdoor Navigantion Using
Artificial Neural Networks: Case Study. In: nternational Conference on Industrial Technology, 2009, Vina del Mar. IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Technology - ICIT 2010, 2009. p. 1-6.

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