Wireless Ins

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Questions related to wireless IN and internet architcture

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Question No. Question Body
Question 1. (14!"in#le "election$
Standards bodies, operators, and RAN
equipment vendors have embraced
_________ as the networkin
architecture o! choice"
1. A#$
. I%
%. !rame rela&
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,-
Question . (14%!"in#le "election$
No media adoption curve has been
!aster than the______________"
1. Internet
. .S$
%. /0$A
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,1
Question %. (144!"in#le "election$
#he role o! the circuit2based $S/ will
continue to reress in !avor o! the
ains delivered b& the packet voice
and I%3
1. authentication
. securit&
%. mobilit& manaement
4. All o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,4
Question 4. (14&!"in#le "election$
'hich o! these are the services
residin outside the alliance
architecture5s core network o!!erin
that are supplied b& the network
operator and content provider6
1. %acket services
. #eleservices
%. 7alue2added services
4. Supplementar& services
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,-
Question &. (14'!"in#le "election$
#he _____________ contains speci!ic
!unctions that will enable subscribers
to e8perience the !eel o! a wireline
network without the restrictions"
1. core network plane
. end2user services plane
%. radio access plane
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question '. (14(!"in#le "election$
#he _____________ provides the
inter!ace into network manaement"
1. core network plane
. end2user services plane
%. radio access plane
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,1
Question (. (14)!"in#le "election$
#he ____________ provides mobile
subscriber network access over an air
1. core network plane
. end2user services plane
%. radio access plane
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,-
Question ). (14*!"in#le "election$
Accordin to the wireless I%
conceptual model, the __________
pla&s a central role in connectin a
m&riad o! host services to subscriber
access networks"
1. core network plane
. end2user services plane
%. radio access plane
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,1
Question *. (14%+!"in#le "election$
'ireless Internet Network
/ommunications Architecture
consists o! which o! the !ollowin6
1. radio access network
. core network
%. end2user services network
4. All o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,4
Question 1+. (14%1!"in#le "election$
__________ is the network protocol
that ensures that elements on the
hardware plat!orm talk to each other
in the same wa& !or seamless service"
1. IS341
. IS3:-A
%. #R4:"9
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,1
Question 11. (14%!"in#le "election$
Implementin __________ is the !irst
step in implementin a 'IN strate&"
1. stand2alone S#%
. stand2alone ;)R
%. $S/
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question 1. (14%%!"in#le "election$
$ovin hih2level services awa& !rom
the $S/ is bene!icial because
1. $S/ becomes more e!!icient
. it simpli!ies service deplo&ment
%. it !rees processin power in the $S/
4. All o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,4
Question 1%. (14%4!"in#le "election$
An intellient peripheral ets
in!ormation, translates it to data, and
hands it o!! to another element in the
network !or _________________"
1. testin
. anal&sis and control
%. error checkin
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question 14. (14%&!"in#le "election$
S$S will allow subscribers to use the
phone !or pain or voice but not both
at the same time"
1. #rue
. <alse
%. It depends on technolo& bein used
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question 1&. (14%'!"in#le "election$
__________ are two main t&pes o!
automatic speech reconition"
1. 7oice2controlled dialin and voice2controlled
!eature control
. Speaker2dependent and speaker2
%. S$S and speech2to2te8t conversion
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question 1'. (14%(!"in#le "election$
0ata service capabilities require an
increase in __________"
1. SS= sinalin
. IN routin
%. IN authentication
4. All o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,1
Question 1(. (14%)!"in#le "election$
#he components that make up a
wireless network can be divided into
which o! the !ollowin roups o!
1. analo and diital
. subscriber equipment, cell sites, and
network equipment
%. %/S, .S$, and cellular
4. All o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question 1). (14%*!"in#le "election$
second2eneration *9.+ s&stems are
desined to support circuit2switched
voice and rates up to _________"
1. >"? kps
. 14"4 kps
%. :?"? kps
4. 144 kps
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question 1*. (144+!"in#le "election$
IS341 is a standard currentl& bein
embraced b& wireless providers
because it encouraes __________"
1. increased network capabilities
. pain
%. roamin
4. All o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,-
Question +. (1441!"in#le "election$
0ata rates !or -. s&stems will reach
_______!or pedestrian usae and up
to ____________!or !i8ed
applications, openin opportunities !or
e8tensive wireless multimedia services
1. 144 kbps , 1 $bps
. -@4 kbps , 1 $bps
%. 9:? kbps , 9 $bps
4. -@4 kbps , 9 $bps
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,4
Question 1. (144!"in#le "election$
%acket mode _________________
the dependenc& on the mobile
switchin center *$S/+ !or deliverin
data servicesA i"e", the data network
connection is directl& connected to the
RAN, instead o! bein routed throuh
the $S/"
1. reduces
. increases
%. moderates
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,1
Question . (144%!"in#le "election$
'hat is the !ull !orm o! S/%6
1. service centre point
. service control point
%. service centre protocol
4. service control protocol
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question %. (1444!"in#le "election$
In the IN, the SS% is the switchin
!unction portion o! the network" #he
_____________ provides this !unction
in the 'IN"
1. $S/
. BS/
%. 7)R
4. S.SN
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,1
Question 4. (144&!"in#le "election$
'hich o! this device provides a
centraliCed element in the network
that controls service deliver& to
1. SS%
. S/%
%. S#%
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,9
Question &. (144'!"in#le "election$
'hich o! this is a packet switch in the
sinalin network that handles
distribution o! control sinals between
di!!erent elements in the network such
as $S/s and ;)Rs or $S/s and S/%s6
1. SS%
. S/%
%. S#%
4. None o! the above
'ron( )ookin !or answers*s+,-

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