1.1 Management Information Systems: 1.1.1 CONCEPT

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1.1 Management Information Systems
The initial concept of MIS was to process data from the organization and presents it in reports
at reglar inter!als. The s"stem was largel" capa#le of handling the data from collection to
processing. It was more impersonal$ re%iring each indi!idal to pic& and choose the
processed data and se it for his re%irements. This concept was frther modified when a
distinction was made #etween data and information. The information is a prodct of an
anal"sis of data. This concept is similar to a raw material and the finished prodct. 'hat are
needed are information and not a mass of data. Howe!er$ the data can #e anal"zed in a
nm#er of wa"s$ prodcing different shades and specifications of the information as a
prodct. It was$ therefore$ demanded that the s"stem concept #e an indi!idal( oriented$ as
each indi!idal ma" ha!e a different orientation. Towards the information$ this concept was
frther modified$ that the s"stem shold present information in sch a form and format that it
creates an impact on its ser$ pro!o&ing a decision or an in!estigation. It was later realized
then e!en thogh sch an impact was a welcome modification$ some sort of selecti!e
approach was necessar" in the anal"sis and reporting. Hence$ the concept of e)ception
reporting was im#i#ed in MIS.
The concept remained !alid till and to the e)tent that the norm for an e)ception remained tre
and effecti!e. Since the en!ironment trns competiti!e and is e!er changing$ fi)ation of the
norm for an e)ception #ecomes &a ftile e)ercise at least for the people in the higher echelons
of the organization. The concept was then e!ol!ed that the s"stem shold #e capa#le of
handling a need #ased e)ception reporting. This need ma"#e either of an indi!idal or a
grop of people. This called for &eeping all data together in sch a form that it can #e
accessed #" an"#od" and can #e processed to sit his needs. The concept is that the data is
one #t it can #e !iewed #" different indi!idals in different wa"s. This ga!e rise to the
concept of *ATA+ASE$ and the MIS #ased on the *ATA+ASE pro!ed mch more
The concept of MIS gi!es high regard to the indi!idal and his a#ilit" to se information. An
MIS gi!es information throgh data anal"sis. 'hile anal"zing the data$ it relies on man"
academic disciplines. These inclde the theories$ principles and concepts from the
Management Science$ Ps"cholog" and Hman +eha!ior$ ma&ing the MI* more effecti!e and
sefl. These academic disciplines are sed in designing the MIS$ e!ol!ing the decision
spport tools for modeling and decision ( ma&ing.
The fondation of MIS is the principles of management and if its practices. MIS ses the
concept of management Information S"stem can #e e!ol!ed for a specific o#,ecti!e if it is
e!ol!ed after s"stematic planning and design. It calls for an anal"sis of a #siness$
management !iews and policies$ organization cltre and the cltre and the management
st"le. The information shold #e generated in this setting and mst #e sefl in managing the
#siness. This is possi#le onl" when it in conceptalized as s"stem with an appropriate
design. The MIS$ therefore$ relies hea!il" on the s"stems theor" offers soltions to handle the
comple) sitations of the inpt and otpt flows. It ses theories of commnication which
helps to e!ol!e a s"stem design capa#le of handling data inpts$ process$ and otpts with the
least possi#le noise or distortion in transmitting the information form a sorce to a
destination. It ses the principles of s"stem *esign$ -iz.$ an a#ilit" of continos ad,stment
or correction in the s"stem in line with the en!ironmental change in which the MIS operates.
Sch a design help to &eep the MIS tned with the #siness managements needs of the
I refer to management information systems (MIS) as identifiable sets of policies,
models, procedures and files of information which operate to record, manipulate,
store, retrieve, process and display information useful in managing some aspect of
an organized enterprise. Such systems may depend only on rather simple
mechanical devices operated directly by human hands, such as pencils, pens,
ledgers, charts, and so on; or they may also depend on more comple devices and
machines, such as slide rules, calculators and electronic data processing systems.
!hey all seem to depend on paper to a great etent"
1.1.. Management Information Systems Definition

The Management Information S"stem /MIS0 is a concept of the last decade or two. It
has #een nderstood and descri#ed in a nm#er wa"s. It is also &nown as the Information
S"stem$ the Information and *ecision S"stem$ the Compter( #ased information

The MIS has more than one definition$ some of which are gi!e #elow.

The MIS is defined as a s"stem which pro!ides information spport for decision ma&ing
in the organization.
The MIS is defined as an integrated s"stem of man and machine for pro!iding the
information to spport the operations$ the management and the decision ma&ing fnction
in the organization.
The MIS is defined as a s"stem #ased on the data#ase of the organization e!ol!ed for the
Prpose of pro!iding information to the people in the organization. The MIS is defined
as a Compter 1 #ased Information S"stem.
Thoght there are a nm#er of definitions$ all of them con!erge on one single point$
i.e.$ the MIS is a s"stem to spport the decision ma&ing fnction in the organization.
The difference lies in defining the elements of the MIS. Howe!er$ in toda"2s world MIS
a compterized #siness processing s"stem generating information for the people in the
organization to meet the information needs decision ma&ing to achie!e the corporate
o#,ecti!e of the organization.
In an" organization$ small or #ig$ a ma,or portion of the time goes in data
collection$ processing$ docmenting it to the people. Hence$ a ma,or portion of the
o!erheads goes into this &ind of nprodcti!e wor& in the organization. E!er"
indi!idal in an organization is continosl" loo&ing for some information which is needed
to perform his3her tas&. Hence$ the information is people(oriented and it !aries with the
natre of the people in the organization.
1.1.3 Role of Management Information system
The role of the MIS in an organization can #e compared to the role of heart in the #od". The
information is the #lood and MIS is the heart. In the #od" the heart pla"s the role of
sppl"ing pre #lood to all the elements of the #od" inclding the #rain. The heart wor&s
faster and spplies more #lood when needed. It reglates and controls the incoming impre
#lood$ processes it and sends it to the destination in the %antit" needed. It flfils the needs of
#lood sppl" to hman #od" in normal corse and also in crisis.

The MIS pla"s e)actl" the same role in the organization. The s"stem ensres that an
appropriate data is collected from the !arios sorces$ processed$ and sent frther to all the
need" destinations. The s"stem is e)pected to flfil the information needs of an indi!idal$ a
grop of indi!idals$ the management fnctionaries4 the managers and the top management.
The MIS satisfies the di!erse needs throgh a !ariet" of s"stems sch as 5er"
S"stems$ Anal"sis S"stems$ Modelling S"stems and *ecision Spport S"stems the MIS
helps in Strategic Planning$ Management Control$ 6perational Control and Transaction
The MIS helps the clerical personnel in the transaction processing and answers their %eries
on the data pertaining to the transaction$ the stats of a particlar record and references on a
!ariet" of docments. The MIS helps the ,nior management personnel #" pro!iding the
operational data for planning$ schedling and control$ and helps them frther in decision
ma&ing at the operations le!el to correct an ot of control sitation. The MIS helps the
middle management in short them planning$ target setting and controlling the #siness
fnctions. It is spported #" the se of the management tools of planning and control. The
MIS helps the top management in goal setting$ strategic planning and e!ol!ing the
#siness plans and their implementation.
The MIS pla"s the role of information generation commnication$ pro#lem identification and
helps in the process of decision ma&ing. The MIS$ therefore$ pla"s a !ital role in the
management$ administration and operations of an organization.
1.1.4 Impact of Management Information System
Since the MIS pla"s a !er" important role in the organization$ it creates an impact on the
organizations fnctions$ performance and prodcti!it". The impact of MIS on the fnctions
is in its management. 'ith a good spport$ the management of mar&ing$ finance$ prodction
and personnel #ecome more efficient. The trac&ing and monitoring of the fnctional targets
#ecomes eas". The fnctional$ managers are informed a#ot the progress$ achie!ements and
shortfalls in the pro#a#le trends in the !arios aspects of #siness. This helps in forecasting
and long( term perspecti!e planning. The managers attention is #roght to a sitation
which is e)ceptional in natre$ indcing him to ta&e an action or a decision in the
matter. A disciplined information reporting s"stem creates a strctred data and a
&nowledge #ase for all the people in the organization. The information is a!aila#le in sch a
form that it can #e sed straight awa" or #" #lending anal"sis$ sa!ing the Manager2s
!ala#le time.
The MIS creates another impact in the organization which relates to the nderstanding
of the #siness itself. The MIS #egins with the definition of a data entit" and its attri#tes.
It ses a dictionar" if data$ entit" and attri#tes$ respecti!el"$ designed for information
generation in the organization. Since all the information s"stem se the dictionar"$ there is
common nderstanding of terms and terminolog" in the organization #rining clarit" in the
commnication and a similar nderstanding an e!en of the organization.
The MIS calls for a s"stemization of the #siness operation for an affecti!e s"stem
design. A well designed s"stem with a focs on the manger ma&es an impact on the
managerial efficienc". The fnd of information moti!ates an enlightened manger to se a
!ariet" of tools of the management. It helps him to resort to sch e)ercises as
e)perimentation and modelling. The se of compters ena#les him to se the tools
techni%es which are impossi#le to se manall". The read"(made pac&ages ma&e this tas&
simpler. The impact is on the managerial a#ilit" to perform. It impro!es the decision ma&ing
a#ilit" considera#l".
Since the MIS wor&s on the #asic s"stems sch as transaction processing and
data#ases$ the drdger" of the clerical wor& is transferred to the compterized s"stem$
relie!ing the hman mind for #etter wor&. It will #e o#ser!ed that a lot of manpower is
engaged in this acti!it" in the organization. It "o std" the indi!idal2s time tilization and
its application7 "o will find that se!ent" per cent of the time is spent in recording$ searching$
processing and commnication. This is a large o!erhead in the organization. The MIS has a
direct impact on this o!erhead. It creates an information( #ased wor& cltre in the
1. !"rans #ife Ins"rance Co. #t$
8rans 9ife Insrance Co .9td. has #een esta#lished and registered nder Compan" Act .:;<
+.s./Regd. =o. 1::>3:;<(;?0 and Insrance Act .:?@ as a p#lic 9imited Co. and was issed
a license operate 9ife Insrance +siness on .:;?31.31A. 8rans 9ife Insrance Co .9td. is
promoted #" a Commercial +an&$ T.M *gar 8rop along with grop of di!erse and
renowned +sinessmen$ Indstrialist and 9egal professionals
8rans 9ife Insrance Co .9td. ha!e total athorized capital of >: Crore. 6t of which issed
and paid p capital is Rs <; Crores. <:B of the issed capital has #een allotted to the p#lic
throgh IP6 and C:B has #een s#scri#ed #" the promoters. Total shareholders of the
compan" are more than .;:::.
The Compan" has made reinsrance arrangement with SC6R 896+A9 9IDE SE$
To de!elop the compan" as an important entit" in contri#ting to social as well as financial
sector towards ma&ing =ew =epal $ To in!est and e)pand #siness in international mar&et for
pro!iding ma)imm #enefit to polic"holders
Create resorces and generate emplo"ment opportnities and promote sa!ing ha#its of
indi!idals for their financial sta#ilit" and impro!ement of their li!ing standard. 9ife
insrance is not ,st a #siness7 it is a social ser!ice as well.
1.2.2 Management Hierarchic of Gurans Life
Insurance Co. Ltd
1.2. Information !"stem !tructure of Gurans Life Insurance
Co. Ltd
1.2.# Management !tructure of Gurans Life Insurance
Co. Ltd
1.3 O%&ecti'e of t(e St"$y
The pro,ect wor& mst ha!e some o#,ecti!e the o#,ecti!e of the particlar stead" was related
to 8rans 9ife Insrance Co. 9td. The main o#,ecti!e of this pro,ect is4
To impartial flfilment of M+S .
"ear corse
To &now the ses and #enefits of MIS in Insrance companies in =epal.
To nderstand the isse of Information S"stem as practiced in these &ind of
To de!elop the pro,ect wor& practices
To &now the Management information s"stem condition of 8rans 9ife Insrance
Collect the data find ot pro#lems and isse of MIS and gi!e recommendations
1.4 #imitation of t(e st"$y
Almost all wor&s ha!e some limitations we &now that e!er" research wor& is to #e appro!ed
with necessar" facts and proofs #t it #ecomes difficlt to do so #ecase all the data and
information that we get from the organization ma" not #e real similarl" this case std" also
carries some limitation the" can #e as follows4
The respondents whose opinions are anal"zed are not willing to disclose the %antm
of information the" ha!e
The manager of this organization ma" hide some real information #ecase he doesn2t
li&e to redce the prestige of organization
*ata were collected with the help of few emplo"ee so it ma" not represent the whole
A time limits is ma,or factor de to the limits all the process to #e followed #" the
researcher ma" lac& so the accrate information can2t get
Information and *ata$ in ma,orit" are a secondar" natre. A list amont of primar"
data has #een sed other sorce are no inclded in this std".
*e to shorter span of time and resorces less information has #een considered to
anal"sis. So the std" of financial statement cannot #e generalized
The information that is collected in pro,ect report is not ade%ate.
Chapter 1 two
.1 Researc( Design
Research *esign is the plan$ strctre and strateg" of in!estigation concei!ed so as to o#tain
answers to research %estion.It is a set of ad!ance decisions that ma&e p the master plan
specif"ing the methods and procedres for collecting and anal"zing the needed information.
Dor information of 8rans life Insrance Co. 9td three T"pes of Research *esigns are made
E E)plorator"
E *escripti!e
E Casal
.1.1 Exploratory research: Exploratory research nderta&en to gain #ac&grond
information a#ot the general natre of the research pro#lem.
Uses of exploratory research in this project4
1. 8ain #ac&grond information.
.. *efine terms.
<. Clarif" pro#lems and h"potheses.
?. Esta#lish research priorities
.1. Descriptive research: *escripti!e research sed for getting answers to the %estions
of who$ what$ when$ where$ and how.
.1.3 Causal research: Casalit" ma" #e thoght of as nderstanding a phenomenon in
terms of conditional statements of the form$ FIf G$ and then H.I Conditions for Casalit"
Research designs are concerned with trning the research %estion into a MIS pro,ect. The
#est design depends on 8rans 9ife Insrance research %estions. E!er" design has its
positi!e and negati!e sides. The research design has #een considered as a J#leprintJ for
research$ dealing with at least for pro#lems4 what %estions to std"$ what data are rele!ant$
what data to collect$ and how to anal"ze the reslts related to Management Information
s"stem /MIS0
. So"rces of Data
*ata is a fondation of all research pro,ects. *ata mst #e o#tained from !er" relia#le and
effecti!e sorce. There is two wa" of getting data4
..1 Primary $ata
The data which is collected #" the researcher directl" from his own o#ser!ations and
e)periences is called Primar" data. Dor e)ample$ if the researcher condcts a sr!e" for the
collected of data then it is &nown as primar" data. Primar" data are those data which are
collected for the first time$ ta&ing a sample$ representing a poplation. It is not a p#lished
data$ it is pro#lem specific data collected #" the researcher$ first time. 'hen primar" data is
p#lished #" researcher$ it #ecomes the secondar" data for e!er"#od"$ other than the
researcher. Dollowing methods are sed in 8rans Insrance for getting primar" data4
Registrations4( find ot Compter3ser!ers3 =etwor& and data#ase performances
5estionnaires4( emplo"ee personal feelings
Inter!iew4( emplo"ee personal e)periences
*irect o#ser!ations4 *ata flow 3 *ata management IT e%ipments
Reporting 4( *ata collect from reports send to top le!el management
.. Secon$ary Data
Secondar" data is data collected #" someone other than the ser those data are alread"
p#lished. It ma" #e sefl for man" other people than the researcher who has p#lished it.
There are !arios sorces of secondar" data collection for this pro,ect is4
Internal Sorces4 Acconting records$ Prodct wise ser!ice Record$ Internal e)perts
E)ternal Sorces4 Articles of +imaa Samiti$ Annal Report$ Articles and Internet
.3 Researc( soft)are tools *se$
*ifferent software is sed for preparing this research report$ withot help of these software
tools7 it wold #e difficlt to present the research report.
Anal"sis Tools4( Microsoft e)cel .::C
Case Tools4( Microsoft -isio .::C
Report writing tools4( Microsoft word .::C
Chapter 1 Three
3.1 Data +nalysis Tools an$ tec(ni,"es
The data collected from secondar" as well as primar" sorces are sorted and onl" the related
data are considered. The" are frther e)amined in relation to the o#,ecti!es according to their
pattern. A!aila#le data is presented in the *ata Dlow *iagram /*D*0 and Entit" Relationship
*iagram /ER*0

3.1.1 Data flo) Diagram -D.D/
A data flow diagram /*D*0 is a graphical representation of the JflowJ of data throgh an
information s"stem$ 6ften the" are a preliminar" step sed to create an o!er!iew of the
s"stem which can later #e ela#orated.

*D*s can also #e sed for the !isalization of data
processing /strctred design0.
A *D* shows what &inds of data will #e inpt to and otpt from the s"stem$ where the data
will come from and go to$ and where the data will #e stored. It does not show information
a#ot the timing of processes$ or information a#ot whether processes will operate in
se%ence or in parallel. *ata flow diagrams /*D*s0 are one of the three essential perspecti!es
of the strctred(s"stems anal"sis and design method.
'ith a data flow diagram$ sers are a#le to !isalize how the s"stem will operate$ what the
s"stem will accomplish$ and how the s"stem will #e implemented. The old s"stemKs dataflow
diagrams can #e drawn p and compared with the new s"stemKs data flow diagrams to draw
comparisons to implement a more efficient s"stem. *ata flow diagrams can #e sed to
pro!ide the end ser with a ph"sical idea of where the data the" inpt ltimatel" has an effect
pon the strctre of the whole s"stem from order to dispatch to report. How an" s"stem is
de!eloped can #e determined throgh a data flow diagram.
There are different notations to draw data flow diagrams /Hordon L Coad and 8ane L
Sarson0$ defining different !isal representations for processes$ data stores$ data flow$ and
e)ternal entities for e)ample4
3.1. E0R Diagram1
An entit"(relationship model /ERM0 is an a#stract and conceptal representation of data.
Entit"(relationship modelling is a data#ase modelling method$ sed to prodce a t"pe of
conceptal schema or semantic data model of a s"stem$ often a relational data#ase$ and its
re%irements in a top(down fashion. *iagrams created #" this process are called entit"(
relationship diagrams$ ER diagrams$ or ER*s.
An entit" ma" #e defined as a thing which is recognized as #eing capa#le of an independent
e)istence and which can #e ni%el" identified. An entit" is an a#straction from the
comple)ities of some domain. 'hen we spea& of an entit" we normall" spea& of some aspect
of the real world which can #e distingished from other aspects of the real world
Entit"(relationship diagrams donKt show single entities or single instances of relations. Rather$
the" show entit" sets and relationship sets. E)ample4 a particlar song is an entit". The
collection of all songs in a data#ase is an entit" set. The eaten relationship #etween a child
and her lnch is a single relationship. The set of all sch child(lnch relationships in a
data#ase is a relationship set. In other words$ a relationship set corresponds to a relation in
mathematics$ while a relationship corresponds to a mem#er of the relation.
3.1.3 R"n2!ro)t( C(art1
Rn Chart is a graph that displa"s o#ser!ed data in a time se%ence. 6ften$ the data displa"ed
represent some aspect of the otpt or performance of a manfactring or other #siness
process. Rn se%ence plots are an eas" wa" to graphicall" smmarize a ni!ariate data set.
Rn charts are anal"zed to find anomalies in data that sggest shifts in a process o!er time or
special factors that ma" #e inflencing the !aria#ilit" of a process. T"pical factors considered
inclde nsall" long JrnsJ of data points a#o!e or #elow the a!erage line$ the total
nm#er of sch rns in the data set$ and nsall" long series of consecti!e increases or
E)amples cold inclde measrements of the fill le!el of #ottles filled at a #ottling plant or
the water temperatre of a dishwashing machine each time it is rn. Time is generall"
represented on the horizontal /)0 a)is and the propert" nder o#ser!ation on the !ertical /"0
a)is. 6ften$ some measre of central tendenc" /mean or median0 of the data is indicated #" a
horizontal reference line.
Rn chart of 8rans Insrance is presented #elow in different Catagories
.2 $na%"sis of &'isting MI! s"stem of Gurans Life Insurance Co. Ltd
8rans 9ife Insrance crrentl" lnching we#(#ased registration process$ Insrance premim
calclation s"stem$ Prodct wise Premim calclation s"stem$ Agent #alance in%ires
s"stem. An"#od" can get we# #ased facilities throgh Internet according to 8rans life
Insrance terms and condition. 8rans Insrance sing S59 .::A enterprise ser!er for *ata
+ase. E)isting s"stem of 8rans 9ife Insrance are as follows4
3..1 3ar$)are an$ Soft)are Reso"rces
RAM 4 A8+ 3 1;8+
PR6CESS6R 4 Intel M GeonM E>;?: ..;; 8Hz
HAR**ISN 4 . ) .>: 8+ 1.& RPM$ SAS
=etwor& Card 4 . ) 1:31:::m recommended
6perating s"stem 4 'indows ser!er .::A standard3Enterprise O 1: Terminal 9icense
Software 4 HItech ERP software O Insrance software
Data Base Server
RAM 4 A8+
PR6CESS6R 4 Intel M GeonM E>::: ..;; 8Hz
HAR**ISN 4 . ) ?;: 8+ 1.& RPM$ SAS
=etwor& Card 4 . ) 1:31:::m recommended
=etwor& *ri!e 4 . T+ =etwor& Storage de!ices /data warehose0
6perating S"stem 4 windows ser!er .::< Enterprise R. or higher
*ata#ase 4 S59 Ser!er .::A enterprise edition
Client computers
RAM 4 18+3.8+
PR6CESS6R 4 I=TE9 PE=TIPM <8Hz3*PA9 C6RE 3 C6RE . *E6
HAR**ISN 4 A: 8+ M6RE
=etwor& Card 4 1:31:::m recommended
6perating s"stem 4 'indows GP3'indows
Software 4 Microsoft office .::C$ Ado#e Reader$ Photoshop
.2.2 Net(or) Infrastructure of Gurans Life Insurance Co. Ltd
3.2.3 Network security, Database security and Disaster Recoery
.iles 4 Data%ase Sec"rity4 *ata#ase compter has RAI* > hard dis& dri!es. In case
of accidental failre of either of hard dis& another one will operate the s"stem withot
disrpting operation. =etwor& *ri!e atomaticall" s"nchronizes Swasti& +ac&p and
other important data which pro!ides Secrit" for accidental loss of data.
+nti03ac5ing4 Cisco ASA firewall wor&s as anti(hac&ing s"stem. 6nl" athenticated
Psers and networ& S"stem can access terminal applications.
+nti'ir"s Sec"rity1 for !irs secrit" for Application ser!er$ *ata#ase ser!er and
Clients compter corporate le!el Anti!irs will #e sed.
Electricity fl"ct"ation an$ Po)er 6ac5"p4 To pre!ent loss of data$ *amage of
hardware s"stem and malfnctioning of operating s"stem and software we
recommend for all time power #ac&p.
Disaster Reco'ery4 8rans life insrance se MS S59 data#ase for all t"pe
transaction and acconting entries. Dor disaster reco!er" the insrance compan" sed
this t"pe of *ata centres networ&.
Chapter 1 Dor
4.1 S"mmary1
Management information s"stem has #een emerged as a new concept in the field of
management to sol!e the pro#lems generated #" comple) organizational strctre and
increased comple)ities of management de to indstrial and technological re!oltion.
MIS is defined as a compter #ased information s"stem which pro!ides information
spports of decision ma&ing in the organization. MIS gi!es information throgh data
Management Information s"stem is the #ac& #one on which logical #siness decisions
are made in all t"pes of #siness organizations. Appl"ing this logic to an insrance
compan"$ we can safel" sa" that a financial compan" mst ha!e good management
Information s"stem as a minimm to sr!i!e a prosper in this e)ceedingl" competiti!e
4. Concl"sion:
Subsequent to the details study Gurans Insurance, e co!e to "no that the
Insurance #o!$any has laid its %oundation as an u$co!in& and deter!ined
to$ le'el insurance co!$any o% the country( )oe'er it still has a lon& ay to
&o* this could be considered as a sy!bol o% success( +recisely s$ea"in& the
Gurans Insurance should %or!ulate a$$osite strate&ies and i!$le!ent the! in
a $ro$er ay so as to &ain !ore and !ore standin& trust %ro! its custo!ers(
,he annual re$ort o% the Gurans Insurance undoubtedly con'eys that its
$re!iu! collection is increasin& e'ery year( It ob'iously says that the $resent
insurance sector o% -e$al has $ro&ressi'e si&n and it tells us that this !ay
e'en better in co!in& days( .ith the establish!ent o% ne Insurance
co!$any it is understandable that the -e$alese %inancial en'iron!ent is
s!oothin& and co!%ortable %or the entre$reneurs either they are %ro!
do!estic land or %ro! %orei&n land(
/ue to the establish!ent o% 'arious Insurance co!$anies in such short s$an
o% ti!e, a 'ery tou&h co!$etition a!on& the! is sure to ha$$en and it is
ha$$enin& yet $resent too( It is noteorthy that Gurans insurance has beco!e
able to &rab %inancial success in such a co!$etiti'e and dyna!ic
en'iron!ent( /es$ite o% year lon& ci'il ar, $olitical instability, econo!ic
crises, and co!$etition* Gurans Insurance has laid don &round or" in the
sector o% insurance and can assu!e that it !ay do a onder in the %orth
co!in& %uture( .e can ho$e it ould be !ost $ro!isin& and success%ul
insurance co!$any in -e$al(
!.3 Reco""endation
0%ter %inali1in& the $ro2ect, it should be tested in real or" $lace( So!e o% the
sectors can be ta"en as sa!$le( ,hen so!e o% the sta%% should be trained to
o$erate the syste!( 0 se$arate tea! should be there %or !aintainin&,
!odi%yin&, and ad!inistratin& the syste!( ,hen the %irst $hase o% or" can be
started ith ne candidates( In second $hase old records also are
incor$orated i% data is a'ailable( ,he !ana&e!ent su$$ort is encoura&in& and
should continue( 0%ter %irst $hase %eedbac" should be ta"en %ro! sta%% as ell
as s"ill candidates and necessary !odi%ications should be done( 0 %urther
research can be done on i!$act o% e3a!ination !ana&e!ent in%or!ation
syste! in Gurans 4i%e Insurance(
Chapter 1 Di!e
0dhi"ari, Shan"ar 520076( Introduction to Mana#e"ent In$or"ation
7ath!andu8 9uddha 0cade!ic +ublishers and /istributors(
0charya, Ishar 520026( I!$le!entation o% :IS in ;-0#( <n$ublished :aster
/e&ree ,hesis( Shan"ar /e' #a!$us( ,<(
0deoti=0de"eye, .(9( 519976( I!$ortance o% :IS( &ibrary Reiew(
0dhi"ari, 9i!al +( 520036( In%or!ation ,echnolo&y in security :ana&e!ent
<n$ublished :aster /e&ree ,hesis( Shan"ar /e' #a!$us( ,<(
9hattrai, 02it +(520036( +er%or!ance o% :ana&e!ent In%or!ation Syste! in
7u!ari 9an"( <n$ublished :aster /e&ree ,hesis( Shan"ar /e' #a!$us( ,<(
?aade"ar, .(S( 520036( Mana#e"ent In$or"ation %yste"s( -e /elhi8
,ata :c Gra=)ill
?oshi, +(;( 520036( Researc' Met'odolo#y( 7ath!andu8 9uddha 0cade!ic
+ublishers and /istributors(
@A9rien, ?a!es 0( 520046( Mana#e"ent In$or"ation %yste"s( -e /elhi 8
:c Gra=)ill
Shrestha, 0ni'a 520036( Bssence o% :IS In 9an"in& Sector( <n$ublished
:aster /e&ree ,hesis( Shan"ar /e' #a!$us( ,<(
Stoner, ?a!es 0(C(, Cree!an, Bdard ;(, D Gilbert, /anial ;( 520006(
Mana#e"ent 2(((( -e /elhi8 +rentice )all o% India(

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