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Course Title

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Course Description
Provide fun, introductory fencing lessons to Nanyang Girls High School students to foster appreciation for the sport.
Course Objectives
The objective of this prograe is to provide students !ith a basic "no!ledge, s"ills, and understanding of Handball.
#asic s"ills !ill be done through fun and repetitive drills. $epetition !ill be !idely use so that the students can develop
strong fundaental s"ills. %&uscle eory' !ill help !ith prooting students to develop subconscious copetence. The
"ey is to focus on effective learning through a i(ture of friendly fun and intensity at a oderate level. Tea!or", basic
offence and defences !ill be taught to help students develop lifelong s"ills and a!areness.
Course Outline
Session 1
) basic passing
) $eceiving, and passing techni*ues
) students learn to anticipate
This session !ill begin !ith a siple gae of passing the ball. The class !ill be in
groups of + foring a circle. The ball !ill be passed !ithin the o!n group as fast as they can.
The focus !ill be on fun, "eeping control of the ball.
,-./ Sabbatical Proposal Teplate
Prepared by &rs Susan Che!
0resource: N1GH total curriculu 2utcoes3 Page .
4fter the siple gae, students !ill get a partner each to practice passing to each other.
&ain learning points are passing and receiving of the ball.
5nd the session !ith a , v . forat. 5phasi6e that different receiving s"ills are needed
!hen catching above the !aist, belo! the !aist and !hile running.
Session 2
) foot!or", positioning and different techni*ues of foot!or"
) cobination of passing !ith foot!or" ephasis
) learn to naturally ove theselves
) natural flair
) agility
The session !ill start !ith a / v / ini gae.
7rills: a8 9oot!or" to be introduced.
b8 Piston oveent, side)steps and agility drills.
The gae :Pass ; bac")up< !here piston oveent, passing and catching is incorporated. The
ephasis !ill be on foot!or" and controlling of the passes.
Session 3
) foot!or", speed and acceleration
) shooting techni*ues and progression
) counication and tea!or"
Gae of :7ribble 9ree6e Tag< is played. The / steps and / seconds rule to be
introduced. 5(plain that appropriate dribbling can be an asset to create scoring opportunities.
,-./ Sabbatical Proposal Teplate
Prepared by &rs Susan Che!
0resource: N1GH total curriculu 2utcoes3 Page ,
7rill: a8 Set shot
b8 =upt shot
Continue !ith the gae but include the / steps and / seconds rule.
Session 4
) defensive play
) different defending techni*ues )shoc" bloc"
) positioning and understanding
) self confidence and believe
) progression of gae play
) counication and tea!or"
) sportsanship
The session begins !ith a . v . gae. Points !ill be a!arded for every successful
bloc". Concept of individual bloc"ing is iportant in contributing to tea<s defensive effort.
Students to ta"e turns to play in alternative positions to e(perience and understand both
attac"ing and defending roles.
Progression: , v .
/ v ,
Session !
)cobination of drills learnt
) high ephasis on passing accuracy and speed
) self ade*uacy
) coposure and confidence
This session begin !ith a > v / forat. 4ctual rules of the gae apply. 5(tra points !ill
be given if the students can a"e / continual passes.
,-./ Sabbatical Proposal Teplate
Prepared by &rs Susan Che!
0resource: N1GH total curriculu 2utcoes3 Page /
This is to introduce the concept of *uic" passing as a !ay to eliinate the defender and hold
possession. To increase the level of difficulty, add a defender and play > v >.
Session "
Siilar objectives to session +
This session !ill be focusing on actual gae play. $ules of the gaes !ill be re)
Mo#e o$ %nstruction
?erbal ; deonstration, peer practice
Mo#e o$ Assess&ent
&an)po!er needed @ie nuber of teachers or other non)teaching staff8
&s Toh Ain Sin
,-./ Sabbatical Proposal Teplate
Prepared by &rs Susan Che!
0resource: N1GH total curriculu 2utcoes3 Page >

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