Summer, Year 1

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Summer, Year 1 [NSUMMER1]

1st Summer
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
Season's Goals:
* Get 1 Power Berry (it's okay if you miss it, though)
* Upgrade the chicken coop
* Start the honey tree
* Upgrade the house
* Upgrade the axe to Mystrile
* Get the Large Rucksack
* Get the Basket
* Get a cow
Daily Chores:
* Take care of the animals
* Tend to the chickens
* Harvest and sell ripened crops
* Forage (just sell the 2 Red Grass, and chop down all of the tree stumps)
* Water the crops
* Clear up the farm (there shouldn't be much left to do by now)
Predicted Season's Expenses: About 35,000G
Predicted Season's Profits: About 40,000G
NOTE: Sometimes, hurricanes occur during summer! These nasty storms will
rip up crops, and prevent you from taking care of any animals! If you
don't want this to happen (who WOULD want it to happen?), then use the
double save trick (listed in the Bugs and Exploits section) to evade these
nasty weather occurrences. You can also use my own crafted GameShark codes
to evade the storms. Just be sure that you evade a storm on the day
BEFORE the storm hits, not on the day OF the storm.
Summer 1
Today is Opening Day. Get the daily chores done (not much at this point),
then head for Mineral Beach. The swimming contest is one of those
deceptive minigames, in that it sounds easy but is really very difficult.
The trick is to press X about once every .3 seconds; the timing is really
hard to explain. If you have a turbo controller, then feel free to use it.
Just set turbo for X, and hold down X until your character spouts an angry
red bubble. Then let go of X and hold down the triangle button until the
face turns happy again. Hold down X until you hit the finish line (you
might have to do another breather session near the end). The prize is this
season's coveted Power Berry, so if you possibly can, win the festival!
Summer 2
Now you can actually start doing the whole planting gig for the season.
Expand your existing plots out to 9 squares now; you'll be able to water
full 9-square plots now, so there's no need to limit your production
capabilities any longer! Plant your Pineapple and Pink Cat Seeds (put the
Pink Cat Seeds some distance away from the Pineapple Seeds), and then head
into town and buy 3 bags of Tomato and Corn Seeds from the supermarket.
Once 10:00AM rolls around, pay Saibara a visit, and pick up your new and
improved watering can! Fill it up (Saibara emptied it), and water your new
crops and flowers. You should also start the chicken coop expansion today.
Finish all other chores for the day, then head for bed.
Summer 6
The chicken coop should be fully expanded today! Be sure to take full
advantage of both incubators. Other than this, today is a normal day.
Summer 7
Today is the Sumo Chicken Festival. If you bought your chicken by Spring
12, and took care of it daily, then it should have 9 to 10 hearts by now.
Have it participate in the festival, and keep redoing the day until your
chicken wins. Why? Because winning the festival means that the winning
hen produces Golden Eggs! This won't change anything just yet, but once
you get the Mayo Maker, you'll be glad you won! Anyway, daily chores,
yadda yadda yadda. Tomorrow should mark the sprouting of your Pink Cat
Flowers, which will get the beehive going! When that happens, be sure to
take your first harvest of honey to Louis (he lives at Gotz' cabin) and
give it to him; this will make your honey worth 60G each (instead of 50G
Summer 11
The first tomato harvest is today. Ship them out. All of them. Sorry,
I couldn't resist. Other than the harvest, this is a normal day. Do
chores, go to sleep.
Summer 12
Today is the Tomato Festival. And the first batch of tomatoes came in
yesterday. Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, you can participate if you
want. Winning is mostly a matter of picking a solid team, since this
minigame relies more on luck and skill than ability to mash a button really
fast. If your team wins, then everybody at the festival will like you
better. If you lose, there's no penalties. I usually just skip this
festival, since it's probably the hardest one outside of Opening Day to
win, and the reward is far less.
Summer 15
Another tomato harvest is today! Harvest them and sell them, of course.
Otherwise, this is a normal day.
Summer 16
Harvest numero uno of corn should be ready today. Send them all out, and
complete the day's chores. You should spend your gains on the Large
Rucksack come tomorrow.
Summer 19
Another harvest of tomatoes. Save the profits up this time. Normal day
beyond the harvest.
Summer 20
Corn harvest number two is today, and today is the Cow Festival. You can
attend this festival if you wish, but there are no benefits in doing so
just yet, since you don't have any cows.
Summer 22
Today will be your favorite day of the season, I guarantee it. The
pineapples are finally ready! Ship the pineapples out. Come tomorrow, buy
the Basket from the supermarket, and have Saibara upgrade your axe to
Mystrile form. Hire Gotz to expand your house today, too.
Summer 23
There's another batch of tomatoes ready for shipment. Pretty pathetic
profit after the pineapple harvest, but still, every G counts.
Summer 24
Today is a corn harvest, and the Fireworks Display. Once you've gotten
everything done on the farm, go to Mineral Beach to watch the fireworks.
You can ask any of the girls to watch it with you, but I don't think
they'll agree unless they like you at least a bit.
Summer 26
Your house should be expanded now. The expanded house has several new
features: a cupboard (which can hold any non-food item), a refrigerator
(which can hold any food item), and a kitchen (which you can use to cook
in). Since you don't yet have any kitchen utensils, your cooking options
are limited as of now. However, your new fridge could come in handy.
Start putting Red Grass in it instead of shipping the grass.
Now that you have the first house extension, there's a new TV station,
called TV Shopping. You can order kitchen utensils off of it! Today's
offering is the Knife for 3000G. That's actually a good deal, so be sure
to stop by the Inn today and order it via the phone there. Otherwise, this
is (of course) a normal day.
Summer 27
There's a harvest of tomatoes today. Use the basket to gather the crops
in; you'll be surprised at how much time this saves. Sell the tomatoes, of
course, but save the profits up. Since there won't be another harvest of
tomatoes, once you've harvested all of the outer ones, cut one of the
plants away with the sickle so you can reach the inner tomato in each plot,
and ship those out (or save them in your refrigerator). You obviously
don't need to water the tomatoes any longer.
Summer 28
Another harvest of pineapples today! And corn, but that's second priority
now. Gather and sell all of the fruits and vegetables. Now for a bit of a
risqu investment: come tomorrow, you're going to be getting your first
cow! Yep, you're already buying livestock. Makes ya proud, doesn't it?
Be sure to buy some fodder to feed the cow with, as well. You just have to
be sure to talk to your cow and feed it daily, and of course, you should
buy more fodder if you start running low. Use the cut-to-the-center trick
on the crops to get those last fruits and vegetables, and either ship them
or save them in the fridge. Now you have no crops left to tend to for the
rest of the season! Yay?
Summer 30
The last day of the season is today, obviously. It is a normal day, but
it's worth noting that you'll want at least 3,500G for next season. Oh,
and cut down the remaining crops on the field, since they're not going to
do anything but take up space next season.
End of Season Profits: Around 5,000G

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