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Little Penguin Jumpers Knitted Version

8 ply Pattern Directions

You will need
8 ply (D.K., Sport/Worsted) yarn (wool or acrylic)
1 pr 3.75mm (no.9, US no.5)

Cast on 36 sts.
K1 P1 to the end of the row.
Repeat for 7 more rows.
Change to K2 P2 and inc. 8 sts. evenly across this row. (44sts.)
Continue until the work measures 12cm.
Dec. 1 st. each end of every row till 28 sts.
Dec. one stitch in the middle of the next row. (27 sts)
Change to K1P1 rib for 10 rows. Cast off.

Front (Knit same as the Back)
Using a flat seam join the neck edges together (about 4cm)
Stitch the sides to the beginning of the upper decreasing (opening for each flipper), Side seam should be 12cm
approximately, Flipper opening about 4cm in length.
Total length of finished jumper should be no more than 20cm, width should be 12cm.

4 Ply Pattern Directions
You will need
4 ply (4ply, Fingering/Sport) wool
1 pair 3.25mm (no.10, US no.3) needles

Cast on 50 stitches.
K10 rows in K1, P1, rib
K2, P2 rib whilst increasing 12 sts evenly across the row (62 sts.)
Then continue to knit in K2P2 until garment measures 12cm.
Decrease one stitch at each end of every row until 36 stitches remain. In the next row
decrease one stitch at each end and also one stitch in the middle of the row to leave 33
Change to K1, P1 rib.
Knit 11 rows and cast off firmly on Row 12.

Knit same as for Back.

Sew the two pieces together joining at the neck (neck seam about 3cm long)leaving the upper decreasing
open for the flippers (this opening should be at least 4cm in length), then join the sides. Side seam is
approximately 12cm long.

If you are a loose knitter, please use smaller needles.

Little Penguin Jumpers

Knitted penguin jumpers play an important role in saving little penguins affected by oil pollution. A patch of oil
the size of a thumb nail can kill a little penguin. Oiled penguins often die from exposure and starvation. Oil
separates and mats feathers, allowing water to get in which makes a penguin very cold, heavy and less able to
successfully hunt for food.

When oiled penguins are admitted to the Wildlife Clinic at Phillip Island Nature Parks, a knitted jumper is
placed on the penguins to prevent them from preening and swallowing the toxic oil before they are washed
and the oil removed by staff.

453 little penguins were affected by the last major oil spill near Phillip Island in 2001. 96% were successfully
saved and rehabilitated at the Wildlife Clinic and released back into the wild.

The Penguin Foundation raises vital funds for little penguin research, conservation and the Wildlife Clinic
through the sale of little penguin jumpers we receive that are the wrong size, shape, type of wool or in excess.
We have a good stockpile of jumpers suitable for rehabilitation purposes which we also distribute to other
wildlife rescue centres where need be. Little penguin jumpers are also used as an educational tool to teach
students and others about the devastating effects marine and coastal pollution has on marine wildlife and the

Please know that we do not urgently require little penguin jumpers for rehabilitation and have a good supply
of these which we use on any rescued oiled penguins and in the event of an oil spill, these jumpers are also
sent to other wildlife rescue centres if required. If you are interested, we do encourage participation in our
Knits for Nature program and we accept all donations (wool and acrylic) at any time, each are put to good use
in a way that supports little penguin conservation on Phillip Island.

Further information can be found at or email

Postal address
Within Australia:
Knits for Nature
Phillip Island Nature Parks
Reply Paid 97
Cowes Victoria 3922

Knits for Nature
Phillip Island Nature Parks
PO Box 97
Cowes Victoria 3922
*Please note that Reply Paid is only available through Australia Post for domestic postage only.

We thank you sincerely for your time and generosity in supporting the little penguins of Phillip Island through
Knits for Nature.

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