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Lesson 10 Level A2

Lesson 10 Level A2

I Think I Will!
(30 min.)

Make predictions using will and I think.

Lesson 10 Level A2

Lesson 10 Level A2

I will / I think

You can use will + infinitive to express predictions or beliefs about
the future.
This year the economy will grow by 5%.
I'm sure we will finish the order on time.
The negative of will is won't.
I'm sorry but things won't get any better.
No, I won't be quitting.
You often introduce the predictions with I think...
I think the meeting will end on time.
I think the DVD will replace the CD.


Part 1: Join the sentence beginnings with the endings using will + the
verb in the box.

1) Prices
2) There
3) The managing
4) The government
5) Young Billy
6) The company
7) Life here
8) The plane
9) The political
a) public next year.
b) . with a massive golden handshake
c) ... better.
d) ... a boom in the economy.
e) ... late as usual.
f) . measures against inflation.
g) ... a very successful career, I'm sure.
h) to rise.
I) the economy.

have continue take get arrive
affect be go retire
Lesson 10 Level A2

Lesson 10 Level A2
Part 2: Arrange the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1) Dave / think / take / the 9:45 plane / to Glasgow. / will
I think Dave will take the 9:45 plane to Glasgow.
2) catch / earlier / flight./ He / the / won't
3) 8:45./ check / won't / He / in / until
4) He / a / be / hopes / there / won't / delay
5) Judith / a book / him / on / will / later flight.
6) She / book / him / early morning / on / the / won't / flight.
7) arrives / at 10:50, / Dave / for the meeting. / he / so / late /
won't be

Predicting the Future

Match these predictions with the expert comments given in 1-8 below.


a) In the middle of the 21
century, it
will be possible to forecast the
weather 10 years in advance.
b) Very soon, we will be able to replace
any part of the human body.
c) In 30 years, there will be no banks,
and only one world currency.
d) In the next century, temperatures will
rise by 3C. Sea levels will rise by 95
e) In the future, we will grow vegetables
and cereals in space.
f) 40 years from now, passengers will fly in planes without pilots.
g) We will soon find a clean and easy way to dispose of toxic waste.
h) 20 years from now, 80%of office workers will spend all day in
front of a computer.

Lesson 10 Level A2

Lesson 10 Level A2

Expert comments

1) Pilotless planes are already used in different countries for
military purposes. There are also experiments with unmanned
planes running on solar energy. None of these carry passengers,
however, and it's difficult to imagine that this situation will
2) This is the most pessimistic estimate. The lowest figures given
are 1.6C and 15cm.
3) The USA is already experimenting with this. With the support of
NASA, scientists are developing equipment to enable plants to
grow on the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station.
4) It is very possible that this will come true. At the moment, for
example, the figure is already 48%for the UK, and 67%for the
5) Yes, it is possible. Scientists have discovered a bacterium called
Deinococcus radioducans, which can be modified to 'eat' toxic
waste; it can also absorb nuclear radiation.
6) This is almost certainly come true. Doctors can already
transplant many internal organs from one person to another.
There is also great potential for 'growing' parts of the body by
genetic engineering.
7) More and more people are buying things by credit card in shops
or on the internet. We are using less and less cash. If we don't
need cash, we won't need currencies. And if we don't need
currencies, we won't need banks!
8) Yes and no. Research by scientists at Oxford University shows
that it is possible to predict the weather by looking at the
activity of the sea. However, this will only be useful for general
weather trends. We might be able to predict that the summer of
2020 will be hot, but it's impossible to know if 6 June 2020 will
be a good day for barbecue!

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