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26 June 2014
Mel Ve


In June 2013, I was invited to become a delegate of an organization known as
Swissindo, which is headed up by a Cirebon based man, known as the King of
Kings, Mr. Sugihartononotonegoro, or Papa Sugih, as he has become known to
us. My decision to join this project, which operates under the name of GOD
SKY EARTH, and which is fully detailed on the official website, was based on the common vision that we at FREEDOM
CENTRAL shared with Papa Sugih, which if successful, would eradicate
poverty, and ultimately, free humanity.

Being part of the delegation selected to oversee this project, was in and of itself,
an extremely challenging task, due to constant drama, agendas, and hidden
hands, working to disrupt the project, both from within the delegations, and of
course, by those who wish to keep humanity enslaved. Needless to say, over the
course of the last year, there had been much infighting, destructive attention
seeking and ego driven power play, causing separation between key people on
the project, and many disruptions in the delegations. There has been so much
noise, confusion and disinformation bandied about, that it has become near
enough impossible to discern the truth about Swissindo, Papa Sugih and what
the project is really all about. In recent months, many people have been coming
to us to ask what is really going on, and what the facts are pertaining to the
legitimacy of Papa Sugih, and the likelihood of success of such an ambitious
project, working against such incredible odds. It got to a point where we
ourselves were no longer sure of what to believe, or if in fact, the project could
succeed, despite having been intimately involved in the project for a year, and
thus we decided to go on a fact finding mission, which took us all the way to
Cirebon to meet with the great man himself.

Papa Sugih, also known as Mr. Sino AS, is the six hundred and eighty first King
of Kings, from a long line of servant kings, who have owned and protected a
massive amount of wealth, including millions of kilos of gold, which is
ultimately humanitys inheritance.
Papa Sugih holds the title of M1, and is the single owner of several global
collateral accounts and global assets, some of which were handed over to him by
Queen Elizabeth II and Joseph Ratzinger (A.K.A Pope Benedict) in the NKRI
treaty of 2010.

All of these operations are run and protected through Swissindo, (the
organization headed by Mr. Sugih) which operates and protects humanitys
inheritance through a dedicated network of warehouse managers and security
staff known as Special Operations Executives. Having verified the validity of
Swissindo through independent Intelligence sources and contacts, I can
categorically confirm that Swissindo has been in existence since at least the
beginning of the twentieth century. My own investigation traces it to be at least
100 years old.

Swissindo Exhibits AB detailing Payments 1-11 in the form of Human Obligations
(Example of payment breakdown per country blow, averaging 6 million dollars per person)

Having bequeathed this massive wealth back to humanity in the form of Human
Obligation Payments 1 to 11, as detailed in Swissindo Exhibits AB, the Divine
plan as envisioned by Papa Sugih, which is to free humanity, end poverty and
clean up the planet, has been met with much opposition from those who are
desperately trying to cling to power. Of course there are many who have tried to
stake their claim on this funding. Several people including the current Pope
George Bergoglio, have come forward claiming the title of M1, which is the
Single Owner and signatory to the Spiritual White Boy Global Collateral
Account, which has enough money in it to permanently lift humanity out of
poverty, if the resources are managed wisely. This of course is a false claim by
the current Jesuit Pope, but has been made despite the fact that the previous
Pope signed over his proportional influence of the global assets to Mr.
Sugihartononotonegoro in 2010, as detailed in the NKRI treaty.

An original oil painting in Mr. Sugihartononotonegoros home in Cirebon.
This painting details the NKRI Treaty of 2010 in which Global Heads handed over the global
assets to Swissindo.

There is so much conflicting information flying around, and the behavior of
some delegates, particularly those who have been given titles, has been a poor
reflection on the project, and indeed alienated and frightened some delegates
such as Pieta Morgan and Sean OConnor into leaving the project, with very
jaded views, which has resulted in much of the negative and misrepresentative
press that has been put out with regards to this project. In all honesty, I can only
empathize with Sean and Pieta. At certain points, I felt very much the same
way. It had become near enough impossible to discern what is real and what is
not, as nobody seems to know what is going on from a distance, and everybody
seems intent on weighing in on the situation with their opinions passed off as

Much confusion lay in Papa Sugihs use of the term New World Order which
has negative connotations in the Western World, as well as the insistence of
using old paradigm hierarchical titles such as Emperor and Prime Minister. It is
true that we cannot hope to solve the problems of the world with the same
consciousness, thoughts and practices that created the problems in the first
place, but as I discovered for myself, there is a method to some of perceivably
strange decisions that Papa Sugih has made, in an attempt to realize his vision a
the New World we all so desperately seek.
The only way to effectively ascertain the true intention and energy behind this
project was to collect the evidence and spend some time with the folks in
Indonesia, in order to understand the true spirit of the intent with which this
project is destined.

Following on from a generous donation to Freedom Central, by a foundation
that deals with Cult Ritual Abuse, an area in which we have been very active in
raising awareness and collecting evidence, we were able to make the pilgrimage
to Cirebon, to meet with the King of Kings himself, and ascertain once and for
all, the validity of his claim as M1, and to ascertain if there is indeed any hope
of the common vision we share, of a free, fair, sustainable world, being able to
become a reality via the release of the proposed Human Obligation Payments as
detailed in Swissindo Exhibits AB.

It took 3 days of travelling to get from Holland to our final destination in
Cirebon, including a night stay in down town Jakarta, which set the tone for the
rest of the trip. Having never been to Indonesia before, the factor that grabbed
me right from the moment we landed in Jakarta is just how impoverished the
majority of Indonesia is. Much like the wall of moist heat that hits you like a
ton of bricks the moment you step out Soekarno Hatta Airport, the desperation
and squalor of these beautiful people is even harder hitting, to the extent where I
was reduced to tears at many points during our journey, as I observed and
absorbed a different world.

Being born and raised in South Africa, I am no stranger to this extreme level of
poverty and squalor, the difference here being, the nature of the people, being so
very kind and gentle, always smiling and friendly, in the face of such struggle
and adversity. At no point did we ever feel threatened, like one might do when
travelling through the shantytowns and squatter camps of South Africa.
Although violent crime is most often a symptom of poverty, there is a quiet
dignity in the honor of these people, most of whom are just barely able to eek
out a living, and many just barely on the cusp of survival. No matter where we
went, be in the station or the park, or the dirty dilapidated streets, to the Royal
home of the King of Kings, I was so inspired by the gentle nature and kindness
of the Indonesian people, that it has only motivated me, and strengthened my
resolve to lessen their suffering and give them a better quality of life. They have
been the greatest indication that the human spirit cannot be crushed. We are
amazing beings that have triumphed in the face of much adversity, and now is
the time when we reach our finest hour, when we shall see the freedom of
humanity, and the creation of a better world.

Swissindo Delegate and You Tuber Ron van Dyke, has released several videos
as part of his daily You Tube offering, detailing his discourse with a alleged
Ambassador of the Dragon family, who is claiming that Papa Sugih is not M1,
and has no authority over these accounts. Having personally investigated the
bank payment transfer records, it is evident that several payments have already
been made from these accounts, by Mr. Sugihartononotonegoro, including a sum
of ten trillion dollars, which was stolen by Angela Merkel via the Commerce
Bank in Germany. If Papa Sugih had no authority over these accounts as is
claimed by Ron van Dyke, how has he been able to make these payments?

Furthermore, if the Dragon Family are actually able to do something about the
suffering of humanity, by releasing any funding from accounts they claim to
have possession or control over, I challenge them to stop just making a noise via
You Tubers, and actually do something that might affect some change.
Swissindo Exhibits AB are very detailed plans of the intention of Papa Sugih,
and his outlook for the distribution of funds. I challenge the Dragon Family
or whom ever it is that Ron van Dyke has become a mouthpiece for, to produce
anything tangible, in the form of a document or proposal, to help free the people
of this planet. Maybe then, you may actually be deserving of being taken
seriously. Until then, no attention should be paid to Ron van Dyke /
Ambassador / Dragon Family / Intelligencia / Disinformation agents, or who
ever they are.
Ron, I challenge you to please provide some proof of your claims otherwise,
please exercise some integrity by doing some fact checking before making such
destructive videos. You are not providing anything useful, rather you are only
adding to the confusion.

Having spent many hours talking with Papa Sugih, it is very obvious to me that
he is in possession of information, including banking codes, and high-level
security passwords that are only available to those with legal authority and
access to such information, or at the highest level of the Internal Revenue
Service and Central Intelligence Agencies. It just seems very unlikely, that in a
country as impoverished as Indonesia, where the majority are stupefied by
poverty, that Papa Sugih would just by happenstance, come across these sorts of
high level banking codes and highly sensitive security information with regards
to the global assets and accounts, if he was not M1. Why and how would Mr.
Sugih have access to high level banking codes for such large accounts, which
have been verified by many sources to exist, if he did not have access to them as
the mandated authority and holding signatory of these accounts?
Even the most high-level bankers are not privy to this sort of information, and
most do not even know these accounts exist. Papa Sugih could only be in
possession of this information if he is who he says he is, which has been proven
by the vast volume of highly detailed information and documentation pertaining
to some highly sensitive matters, that we were privy to examining.

We also got the opportunity to interview Papa in person, as well as film many
meetings and discussions. But of course, it was not all hard work, and we got to
share and film some fun and memorable moments with our Indonesian family,
who also shared Biggis birthday with us. We took the time to look through
documents, ask questions, and examine the currency and bonds, worth more
than ever thought possible to exist. We got a multi-layered understanding of the
process, from those who have worked closely with Papa Sugih on this project.
It was very reassuring getting to know Mr. Apriyanto, Mr. Hananto, and Mr.
Madi, each of whom gave me tremendous insight into the legitimacy of this
project, from their own recollections and experience of working on it, and by the
very caliber of their character and integrity.

The interview Many different currencies and values Examining the evidence

What struck a very strong cord with me is, Papa Sugihs spiritual outlook, and
his innate understanding of the Sacred Imperative, that is all-inclusive, even of
those we perceive as evil. Everything serves a purpose, even if it is just to hold
the contrast so that others may learn though observation of said contrast. With
this in mind, everyone will benefit from the world Papa wants to create. In
order to do that, we need to learn to forgive those we perceive may have hurt us.
It has never been more crucial that we all mature emotionally, not feed our own
personal dramas and egos by allowing a space for a mindset of victimology to
sap energy from us. This lesson for me was a hard won treasure, and most
valuable personal lesson from my time with Papa. It is time to stand tall in the
face of adversity whilst understanding that all serve a purpose, and to
conscientize the reality that fate of 7,3 billion people is in our hands.
Externalizing our own personal dramas and bruised egos onto others, comes
from a solipsistic mindset of self-importance, whilst neglecting and
disrespecting those we selfishly externalize this inner conflict onto. We as
human beings are all evolving on many levels, and we all need to be patient with
each others personal and spiritual growth, and not cast judgment, doubt and
fear upon others.
I have come to know for myself that Papa Sugihs intention for the ultimate fate
of humanity comes from the highest level of spiritual integrity. My observation
is that his intent is pure, and Papa is driven by our common desire to create a
fair, peaceful, sustainable world, where all human need is taken care of.

There are many factions standing in the way of this project being a success.
What is needed now is a strong team of delegates who are loyal to the project, to
hold the space by knowing the validity of Mr. Sugih, and the authority he has to
do what he is trying to do. There is a strong, dynamic core team working to
rectify the dysfunctional elements of the project, in a positive and practical
manner, in order that we may make the ultimate vision of a better world, a
practical reality. But there are others who seem intent of tearing the project
apart from the inside.
Perhaps it is time to remember why it is we got involved in this project in the
first place It is because ultimately, we all want the same thing. We all want to
be free.
It is time to unite on our common ground!

For more pictures and commentary on our trip to Indonesia. Please take some
time to look through our photo album on Facebook entitled INDONESIA JUNE
2014 (link below)

A documentary film detailing our trip to Cirebon, and all we uncovered and
clarified, will be forthcoming shortly.

One last note to all delegates, Biggi and I love you all, and hope to see us all
working together in the future. We have no hidden agendas, and we hold no
grudges against anybody, and we hope you can all find it within to do the same.
We are sincerely doing what we can to make this project a reality, and we would
like to thank the foundation that has sponsored us, for helping us to help

Peace Love Unity Respect

Mel Ve

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