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MAE 124/ESYS 103 (Spring 2013) - Some Sample Questions for Final Exam


Organic farmers are not allowed to use any type of fertilizer. True/False ?

In terms of end use, the industrial sector accounts for the largest amount of energy use in the U.S. True/False ?

The UN millennium development goals (MDGs) are a set of human development goals meant to be achieved by the
year 2015. True/False ?

Most of the gains in U.S. crop yields over the last 30 years have been achieved without increased fertilizer use.
True/False ?

The worlds population grows by around 240 million people each year. True/False ?

All our present sources of energy ultimately come from solar radiation (whether directly or indirectly).
True/False ?

The U.S. produces more food than it consumes. True/False

The biggest improvements in global agricultural yields in the 20th century came during the 1930s. True/False .

The cost of electricity from wind energy is expected to fall roughly ten-fold over the next 23 decades. True/False?

On the global basis, energy production from nuclear sources is roughly comparable to energy production from
renewable sources. True/False ?

Multiple Choice (Select only one answer for each question):

Which of the following is one of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations?
Increase world food production, reduce global energy usage, implement the Kyoto protocol,
reduce child mortality .

The Cost of power generation from coal-fired power plants using carbon capture, when compared to solar
power, is currently (neglecting any externalities): Cheaper, costlier, roughly the same, unpredictable .

Sea levels are expected to rise during this century by about: 3-6 feet, 3-6 meters, 15-18 feet, 15-18 meters .

According to surveys, roughly what percent of climate scientists are believed to be proponents of the theory of
anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming? 28%, 52%, 75%, 97%

The biofuel usually used as an alternative to gasoline in internal combustion engines is:
Benzene, ethanol, methane, kerosene

The true cost of gasoline quoted in your textbook, including costs to society, is estimated to be around:
4 $/gallon, 8 $/gallon, 15 $/gallon, 25 $/gallon

Which of the following was not a technology used to improve global crop yields during the post-WWII green
revolution? Fertilizers, No-till farming, Pesticides, Hybrid seed varieties

Fill in the blanks:

The plot of atmospheric CO2 levels that demonstrated that CO2 levels are rising over time is known as the Keeling

LEED Certification helps classify the environmental sustainability and energy efficiency of new buildings for Global
energy consumption in TWs

Global population is expected to peak at around 9 to 10 billion people.

Concern over reproductive rights is one reason that legislation on controlling population is often a taboo subject

China is a country known for its one child policy

Transmission losses is the term used for the losses in power from bringing electric power from the facility it is
generated to the end user via the power grid

Cross pollination with other plants is a major scientific concern regarding GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

Reducing consumption of paper would help efforts to reduce deforestation

Lower crop yield per acre is a disadvantage of organic farming.

List questions:

List 3 ways that reducing poverty can help solve environmental issues:
More economic resources for renewable tech, less subsistence farming, fewer slums and shanty towns, reduced
population growth, easier to implement sustainable practices etc

List 3 greenhouse gases:
CO2, H2O, SO2, CH4 etc

List 3 ways future global food production might be increased:
Improve irrigation, GMOs, multi-cropping, increased aquaculture etc

List 3 drawbacks of wind energy:
Intermittency, Not in my backyard, lower than expected lifespan, need for expanded power grid, Noisy etc

List 3 ways to make cities more sustainable:
More public transport, more pedestrian friendly and bike friendly planning, more trees, reducing water usage by
composting etc
List 3 reasons failing states are a concern in terms of potential ecological impact:
Unable to act to deal with poverty and illiteracy, poor regulatory regimes, lack of international cooperation on
ecological issues, unable to implement new technologies etc
List 3 ways reforestation is environmentally beneficial:
Less erosion, makes microclimate more hospitable, improves water table, CO2 removal etc

List 3 ways to make the economy more energy-efficient:
More recycling, bigger rail network for transportation of goods, more fuel efficient vehicles, LEED certified
buildings, smarter grids etc

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