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Prepared by Garland Liu in 2008

SOCIA 123F: Family, social change and womens roles

1. Introduction
Why study the family?
Assumptions about the family
Different level of analysis
Parameters in understanding family: form si!e fun"tion internal relationship and
e#ternal "onne"tion
2. e!ining !amily and the "ro#lem with di$ersities
Problem $ith defining family and diversities in family
%o$ards a more in"lusive definition
&ther related terms: relative ' (inship
%$o basi" family prototypes
3. %heoretical "ers"ecti$es
%he stru"tural fun"tionalist perspe"tive and its "riti"s
)ar#ist perspe"tive and its "riti*ues
+eminist perspe"tive
&. 'ong (ong !amily and womens roles
,ome basi" statisti"s about:
family form and si!e
age of first marriage
,tatisti"s "on"erning $omen-s roles:
live birth rates and fertility rates
Labour parti"ipation by se#
Labour parti"ipation rates by se# and age
Women-s role in the family
.ne*uality $ithin the family?
/ong 0ong family in de"line?
Divor"e and marriage
+amily 1iolen"e
Dis"uss the prevalen"e of family3
4#amine the problem $ith its "onventional definition and the diversities in
family in modern so"iety3
&utline t$o family prototype3
,tudy three ma2or so"iologi"al perspe"tives and the $ay they understand family
Dis"uss the strengths and $ea(nesses of the perspe"tives
Appre"iate the of impa"t of so"ial "hange su"h as industriali!ation on family
espe"ially in terms of "hanges in the stru"ture and relationship bet$een the t$o
)a*or +eadings:
%e#tboo( 5hapter 8 pp3 678 9 2083
/aralambos and /olborn Sociology: Themes and Perspectives :seventh edition;
Prepared by Garland Liu in 2008
%he family < a fun"tionalist perspe"tive :pp3 =>2<=>=; )ar#ist perspe"tives on the
family :pp3 =>=<=>8;
0en ?ro$ne :2002; Introducing Sociology: For AS level Polity
5hapter 2: +amilies and /ouseholds 2><883
,teve %aylor :ed3; Sociology: Issues and Debates )a")illan 67773
5hapter 8: ,tevi @a"(son +amilies /ouseholds and Domesti" Life 688<6A7
Allan G3 @ohnson under the general editorship of Bobert 03 )erton The Forest for
the Trees: An Introduction to Sociological Thinking /ar"ourt ?ra"e @ovanovi"h
5ollege Publishers 67763
+amily and 4"onomy: /o$ ,ystems Affe"t 4a"h &ther >><>73
Arlene ,3 ,(olni"( and @erome /3 ,(olni"( Family in Transition 6=th edition
Pearson 200A
.ntrodu"tion: +amilies Past and Present 6=<883
Beading 2A: Arlie /o"hs"hild $ith Anne )a"hung %he ,e"ond ,hift: Wor(ing
Parents and the Bevolution at /ome C=C<C803
Giddens- boo( 5hapter A is largely relevant and you $ill "ome a"ross some
information $ith regard to ?ritish family $hi"h . did not mention in the le"ture3
Any$ay it $ould be useful for you to (no$ something about family in another
As far as the /0 data is "on"erned . only identify a 5hapter on family in a 5hinese
boo(3 .f you $ant to read more please turn to your tutor for this 5hinese arti"le3
Dg 53 /3 200C3 E+amily- in /ong 0ong Women-s +ile 200C edition /ong
0ong: Asso"iation for the Advan"ement of +eminism3 :in 5hinese;
: ,2--3 .
200C pp3>7<78
?a(er / D B :67A7; Chinese Family and inship! De$ For(: 5olumbia Gniversity
+ei H % :6772; From the Soil: The Foundation of Chinese Society! ?er(eley:
Gniversity of 5alifornia Press
5hoi P3 03 and Lee 5hing<($an3 677A3 E%he /idden Abode of Domesti" Labour: %he
"ase of /ong 0ong- in "ngendering #ong ong society: A gender Perspective of
$omen%s status by 5heung +anny )3 :ed3; /ong 0ong: %he 5hinese Gniversity Press
5hoi3 P3 03 :ed3; 67783 "very &ight at #alf'Past Si( ) $orking Daughters Attending
"vening Schools in *+,-s3 /ong 0ong: ,tep +or$ard3 :.n 5hinese;
5hu Wai<"hi :677A; EWho is doing $hat? %he impli"ation behind house$or( sharing-
in Lau ,0 Lee )0 :et al3; :eds3; Indicators of Social Development: #ong ong
Prepared by Garland Liu in 2008
*++.! /ong 0ong .nstitute of Asia<Pa"ifi" ,tudies: %he 5hinese Gniversity Press 20C
< 2C23
5hu Wai<"hi and 5han W ,3 20023 E+amily: a lo"al perspe"tive- in /ur Place! /ur
Time: a ne0 introduction to #ong ong society by %se %homas :ed3; pp3 >7<60=
/ong 0ong: &#ford Gniversity Press :in 5hinese;3
Giddens A3 :$ith the assistan"e of 0aren ?irdsall; :2006;3 Sociology1 =
5ambridge: Polity Press3
Giddens A3 :editor; :2006;3 Sociology: Introductory 2eadings3 Bevised edition
5ambridge: Polity Press3 +rom readings 2C to 2>
Gubbay @3 ' )iddleton 53 :?ritish editors; ?allard 53 :Ameri"an editor; :677A;3
The Student%s Companion to Sociology! London: ?la"($ell Publishing3
/aralambos )3 ' /olborn )3 :200=;3 Sociology: themes and perspectives :>
London: /arper5ollins3
0uah 0hun 4ng3 677>3 EDegotiating 4migration and the +amily: .ndividual ,olutions
to the 677A An#iety3- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
8=A: 8=<>A3
La$son %3 and Garrod @3 :200C;3 Complete A'3 Sociology #andbook :C
London: /odder ' ,toughton3
Lau 5hong<"hor :677C; I%he 5hinese +amily and Gender Boles in %ransitionI
China 2evie0
Lau ,iu<(ai3 67863 EGtilitarianisti" familism: %he ?asis of Politi"al ,tability- in
Ambrose F3 53 0ing and B3 Lee :eds3; Social 4ife and Development in #ong ong
pp3 678<26>3 /ong 0ong: %he 5hinese Gniversity Press3
Leung 0P ?en2amin :677>; Perspective on #ong ong Society /ong 0ong: &#ford
Gniversity Press 5hapter =
)".ntyre L3 :2002;3 The Practical Skeptic: Core Concepts in Sociology1 2
?oston: )"Gra$ /ill3
Lee ) 0 :6776; E+amily and so"ial life- in Lau ,0 Lee )0 :et al3; :eds3; Indicators
of Social Development: #ong ong *+55! /ong 0ong .nstitute of Asia<Pa"ifi"
,tudies: %he 5hinese Gniversity Press =6<>>3
Lee )03 :678Aa;3 E%he /ong 0ong +amily: &rgani!ation and 5hange- in )3 03 Lee
#ong ong: Politics and Society in Transition pp3 68C<A83 /ong 0ong: %he
5ommer"ial Press3 :.n 5hinese;
Lee )03 :678Ab;3 EGovernment Poli"y and the ,tru"ture of the +amily- in )3 03 Lee
:eds3; #ong ong: Politics and Society in Transition pp3 6A7<703 /ong 0ong: %he
5ommer"ial Press3 :.n 5hinese;
Prepared by Garland Liu in 2008
Lee ) 0 :6772; E+amily and gender issues- in Lau ,0 Lee )0 :et al3; :eds3;
Indicators of Social Development: #ong ong *++-! /ong 0ong .nstitute of Asia<
Pa"ifi" ,tudies: %he 5hinese Gniversity Press 6<C63
Lee ) 0 :677A; E%he marriage institution in de"line?- in Lau ,0 Lee )0 :et al3;
:eds3; Indicators of Social Development: #ong ong *++.! /ong 0ong .nstitute of
Asia<Pa"ifi" ,tudies: %he 5hinese Gniversity Press 68C<2063
Lee ) 0 :200C; EWomen matters- in Lau ,0 Lee )0 :et al3; :eds3; Indicators of
Social Development: #ong ong 6--*! /ong 0ong .nstitute of Asia<Pa"ifi" ,tudies:
%he 5hinese Gniversity Press 277 9 C203
Dg 53 /3 67873 E+amily 5risis: Whose 5risis?- 7ingpao 7onthly 6787 :@anuary;: C<
603 :.n 5hinese;
Dg 53 /3 677=3 EPo$er identity and 4"onomi" 5hange: 28 years of +amily ,tudies
in /ong 0ong- in ?3 P3 03 Leung and %3 F3 53 Wong :eds3; 6. 8ears of Social and
"conomic Development in #ong ong pp37=<6603 /ong 0ong: 5entre of Asian
,tudies Gniversity of /ong 0ong3
Dg 53 /3 67783 E?ringing Women ba"( in: +amily 5hange in /ong 0ong- in 13
Pearson and ?3 03 P3 Leung :eds3; $omen in #ong ong pp3 A=<6003 /ong 0ong:
&#ford Gniversity Press3
Dg 53 /3 200C3 E+amily- in /ong 0ong Women-s +ile 200C edition /ong 0ong:
Asso"iation for the Advan"ement of +eminism3 :in 5hinese;
Pearson 1eroni"a3 677>3 E%he Past is Another 5ountry: /ong 0ong Women in
%ransition- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 8=A: 76<
Wong +ai<ming3 67A83 E.ndustriali!ation and +amily ,tru"ture in /ong 0ong-
9ournal of 7arriage and the Family :,:788<60003

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